Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1840-1853, August 31, 1853, Image 4

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m iii» in»lm bum lif'oninM, nlSmiiltrt f Mrt, . M0 “ ww * for •1oc«ihm or •iSfortJjCWMd A9Q. Aa sxperisnoed Surgeon attach en to eaoo amp. No Derthican basoourod “ ,J **“ •nd r kllcheuFuraUiire, . i to bo oonitnuad ftum with Will annexed. Bpcinafleld. In aalit > relate of Win. Hint, M U*p property of the relate . tjySaj EPWAitu man, k>v. ^ $^jhe^taftniEry of Chatham county, lay in September neat, iavaanah, between iha vault hour* ol sale, one negro wan named Eli, about 3fl VjT PR11HIS*U)N ofih. tlrihury of O JL> olukoaoUnlboInlToHdifln f •( Uw Court Uo» la U>o city ofaonou year* ok). Bold aa thepreperty of thoealato or the late Thomas Green, of Chatham county, deceased, for'he Iwnedtof the hair* aud creditor* of aald eatate. Term* tJulylMawtdaJ JNU. C. FKBRILL, Kx’r. Cttatlon for Letters DUmlwory. amf2 oV I To It »»y concern •. Whereas, William P*Rowon will apply at the Court of Ordinary for'IueUcraDIftnlMory a* Aumtutatrator on the l^Uta of Henry Castellow, aonrd Tlteee are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It nay concern, to be and appear before aald Court lomaku objection (If any they have) on or before the flrat Mon* day in November next,otherwise aald Leitcni will be granted. Onuu Wltnree, John II. MlUen, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham aunty, thi- thirtieth day of March, 1833, mtM JOHN M. MILLKN,O. G. C. Citationi for Lei tent Dismissory. S TA c£md. G n U cS.‘ A ’ I To ill Wborait mnyr concern Whereas, HoaaaT 8TArroap, Executor of the Inst will and tealament of Margaret Bernard}-, late of laid county, deceased, applies for Letters of Dismission j Therelbre, the kindred and creditors of aald deceased, are hereby cited and adnoulahed to lllo their objections (irany they have) In my office in terms oftho law,other* wire leUesa Dlamlieory will be grauted the applicant. WltnSs? James H. Ilelvestou, Ordinary for Camdet County, Uiu 1st day of August, I M3. —* JAMES H. nfiLVBBTON, Ordinary 1C. C. Citation for Loners Disml.sury S T C T ^idon 0 Co! A ' l To *" ,lK ’ ra !> ”W Whereas, George W. Hardee. Adtnlnlalrulor on tlio eatate *f Henry K. Russell, applies for letters of dismis sion from aald estate. Those iare, therefore, to clto nod admonish nil whom It may concern, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, aud show cause \lf any they have) why totters of dlsralsslou should not tie granted sold applicant. Witness. James If. Hel version, Ordinary for Camden County, this first day of August. 1833. oug 8 J AS. II. HELVESTON, O. O. C. Citation) for Letters of Administration. WiiaRKAs, Wm. J. Manor bus applied to mo for totter* of Administration, do bonis uon, on the Estate of Frances U. Solomons, late of South Carolina, deceased. These are, therefore, to clto and hdmonlsli nil, uud #in- guiar the kindred and creditors of said decoa-ted, to tile tlieirobJecUoiia(if any they Imve) In my office, within the time prescribed by law, otherwise said Letters will be granted the applicant. Witness' niy hand and official signature, this ‘.Mth day of August, A. D. 1833. JAMES UAIIN, aug27 Ordinary Effingham county. Citation for Loiters of Admluistrutiou. -lS£°c”' I T o«ll whom lltn.y concern: Efftsighain Co . W hereas. Ann Jiohblus has applied to me for Letters of Administration on the estate of Daniel I. Hob- bins, late of said County, deceased: These are, therefore, to clto and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file their objections (If any they have,) in my office within the lime proscribed by law, otherwise said Letters will be grunted the uppllcant. Witness my hand and official signature this 19th day of August, A. I). 1833 JAMES IIAIIN, aug90 Ordinary Efflnglmtn comity. Citation for Loiters Uismissory. S TATE. OF GEORGIA,) To all whom it may concern: Effintliam Co, J Whorcas,Jaine#R.Rahn, Receiver or the Estatoof Horace Mallory, lute of said county, deceased, baa applied to the Court ofOrdluary of said county, for Letters of Dismission from said Re ceivership. These are,therefore, to cite and admonish nil and sin gular the kindred aud creditors or said deceased, to tile their objections (If any they have) in my offico. within the time prescribed by law. otherwise Letters of Dlsuils- •ion will be granted the said applicant. Wllneu my hand nnd official signature, this fifth day of July, A. D., 1853. JAMES HAHN, Jjfl Ordinary E. C. Citation, for Letters Dismlssory. ) T EOIa(bnm Go.' jT°.""homUmiiyor>ncem: Whereas,T|liLTOK H. Poivsiu, Administrator, with Will annexed, of the estate A James a. Cam, late of •aid county, deceased, has applied to tho Court of Ordi nary of aald county, for Dismission from said Adminis tration: These are. therefore, to cite and admonish nil and sin gular, the kindred and creditors of aald deceased, to tile their objections (If any they Imve) in my office, within the time prescribed hy law, otherwise letters of Dismission will be granted the said applicant. Witness ray band aud ol April, A.-D. 1853. a G Ordinary E. C. mm me warn amnieai... my band aud official signature, this 5th day of 1.1853. JAMES IIAIIN, Citation) for Letter* of Uismismy. SdKUlMhraCO.’ 1 To.MwhomlUna,cn„c Whereas Georg* Pace, Executor of the Last Will nnd Testament of Tryosi Pacts Into of Mid county, deceased, has applied to tho Court of Ordinary or said county for Letters Dismiss.>ry. These are therefore, to cite and admonish nil and sin gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to file their objections (If any they have) In my office within the time prescribed by Inw: otherwise Lettera of Dismis slon will be granted the said applicant. Wltiiess my hand and official signature this seventh day or March, A. D. 1853. JAMES HAHN, mar 10 Ordinary E. O, ttlMI PROPOSED DATES IVmMicM. Saturday....AugH. 0, II Saturday.,.. AukX SO, 11 Saturday....Bopl n, 1833 Saturday....Bent* 17, 1853 Saturday....OcVr. 1,1853 Saturday.... OotV. 15, 1853 Saturday....Oct'r. 9U. 1853 Saturday.... Nov. 18,1853 Saturday....Nov. 95, 1853 Saturday.... Dec. 10,1853 Satnnlay....l>ec. 94, 1833 For Freight or Passage, api UN84t .J. 'BAtlANG. #W« Metre—i> Wednesday,, Aug. 10,1833 WednesdayAug. 94, 1833 Wednesday..Sept. 7,1853 Wednesday..Sept. 91,1853 Wednesday.. Oct, 5,1853 Wednesday.. Oct. 10,1853 Wednesday..Nov. 9,1853 Wednesday.. No v. 15,18.13 Wednewlay..Nov. 30,1853 Wednesday.. Dee. 14,1853 Wednesday..Doc. 93,1853 Ighl or I'oMagb, apply to EDWARD K. COLLINS k Cj)., 5U WaINtrect, N. Y. . and otimr JKWELR1 l such ka Table, Desert a] Platfeand.Wailere.Tei iTnitibleliPlB, • Silver Plated Spoone. Forks and Ladles, Cake I Castors, Wallers, snuffers and Trays. Ivory BalauM llandlo Knives, aud Sliver Plated on laal, Table and Desert Knives. FlueTwenty-ouo Day Marble 3lanileCloeke,and com mon liras* Clocks, of every doserlptlon. Gold and Silver Jaiver and Lvplno Watches, One en- emallod Hunting Watches, Gold and Silver Watch Chains, Seals and Keys, Uold and Hlver Thimbles, Gold and Silver Sjwctader, Hogers' Fine Pockot Cutlery, R* *ora and Kasor Strops, Uenl Cases, Port Monalea, me. Particular allenllon will bo given to Repairing ol Watchw, Clocks and Jewelry. From Ills long experience end extensive fhcllltleo, he confidently believes lie will satisfy all who may Ihvor him with their patronage. Ills prices are aa low. and tertna as fkvorable,as at any other eslabllslifunt In tho State, ml? S. W1LMUT. No. I Market-aqua re. BROWN, SHIPLEY k.IX)., Llverpcv E. G. ROBERTS k Co., 13 Klug'a Arms rard, London. J. MONROE Is CO., 90 Rue Notre Dame des Yictolras, Paris,or GKO. II. DRAPER, Havre, ty The owners nfthesu shljui will not be accountable for gold, silver, bullion,specie, Jewellery, predoiiaatonos ormeuK unless bills of lading ure signed thurufor, and the value thereof expressed therein, end—lv novHI N1»1KIN(J AltltANUEiUENT. THE LIVERPOOL fc.PHILADELPHIA ■8TKA MSI I IP COM P A N YI utond sailing their ivorito steamships, CITY OF MANCHESTER,9105 tons,Capt. Robt. Lollcli, CITY OF GLASGOW, 1010 tons,Cant Wm. Wylie. FROM PHILADELPHIA. City of Manchester,.... Saturday, July 30,1833. City of Glasgow, Saturduy, Aug. 90, 1833. »Ity of Manchester, Salurdny,Sept. 17,1833. City of Glasgow, Saturday, Oct. 8, 1833. FROM LIVERPOOL. City of Manchester,. Wednesday, July fl, 1833. city of Glnsgow,....Wednesday, July 97, 1853, City of Manclieste,.. Wednesday, Aug. 91. 1833. RATES OF PASSAGE. IRON FRONT JEWELRY NTOllE) Wholesalound Itolall* THE largest and bust selected stock of goods over olfored fur ante In this city. Gold and Silver Watches, Vest, Fob aud Guard Chulua. Seta of ' Jewelry. Chntelanos, Bracelets, Brooches, lino Dlumund work Finger Kings, silver Castors, Tea Sets, Pltcliors, Goblets, Cups, Cake Uuskots, Spoons, Forks, Fish Knives,Plti Knives,Cheese Scoops, Ladles, Syphons. Also, all kinds of Plated Wure, Military nnd Fancy Goads, and a grout variety of articles, too numerous to mention; the whole of widen will bo sold at reduced prices. AllklndBOfWntclies,Clock8,JowolryR:iJotnorJobbliig attended to competent hands, VROX LlVIiHI’OOI., Saloon norths. .90 Guineas Midship “ ..15 •• Forward “ ..13 “ from rmiaDKU'iiu, Saloon Berths IK) Dol. Midship “ 113 " Forward “ 35 “ . ... Including Steward’s fees. THIRD CLASS PASSENGERS. A limited mitnber of Third Class Pissengere will bo taken from Philadelphia and Liverpool, aud found In previsions. From Philadelphia....99() | From Liverpool....935 Certificates of pnssago will be Issued here to purtios who are desirous of bringing out their friends at corres* l» >ndlug rates. Dralls on tho Agents nnd tho Dnnk of Ireland from jCI mid upwurds. ry FREIGHT ON GOODS (Mis. PEU TON. Bills of lading for goods from Havre signed by the agents there, through to Philadelphia ut $99Jf per ton. An experienced surgeon will bo carried on each ship. All goods sent to the Agents In Philadelphia and Liv erpool, will be forwarded with economy aud dispatch. For freight or passage, t/ioMas RICHARDSON, 9 Walnut st.. Phllud., and 41 Exchange Place, N. Y. RICHARDSON, BROTHERS4t CO.,Liverpool. PADEI.FORD, FAY Sl CO., Bay st., Savannah, all—eodly SAVANNAH AND AURESTA IRON STEAMBOAT COMPANY OF GEORGIA. rpillfi COMPANY will continue to transport Produce aud other Merchandise, on the Savannah river,to and from Augusta, bv their Iron Steamers JOHN RANDOLPH Cnpl. Piiii.i’ot. LAMAR, Cupt.Cia.sivni.L. —AND ALSO BV TIIK 8TKA.MKK— AMORY SIBLEY, Copt. Thu latter Steamer being of less draught Hum any other on the River, Insures unprecedented despatch In all stages of the water. The Company is also provided with llfteen Tow-Bunts and two Lighters. All Freight addressed to tho cure ol'the Company, ol Its Agents, will be received and forwurded, free of coin* missions. A. SI It LEV, President, Augusta. T. R. MILLS, Agent,.Savunnali. oct 10 W.M. ROW LAND, Agent, Augusta. aug93 HORTON k. H!REMAN, No. 110 nroughton-Bl t AMlIOVAIILi: TAIIjOItINta* M. D. MIJRIMIY. 91 llull-ilrett. would respect fully Inform Ills friends nnd the public generally, that ho has received his spring styles for gentle- men,among which will bo found as rich aud fluo Fancy Cassimeres, Vestings, &c., as Imve ever been brought to tills market. All orders executed with despatch, and III the best style ol workmanship. Gentlemen nru respectfully Invited to call and judge for themselves. in 11 1*1 AND FORTH DEPOT I THE UNDERSIGNED respectfully In forms the citizens of Savannah, Georgia, 'nnd Florida, that they have on hand more man iiiiv ri.vNOS, the largest stock ever on sale in tills city, and miidu by the must celebrated iniuiufuclurerairt thu United Hlutcs, Nunns At Clark, T. Gldckcrlng, Board- mnti At Gray, I .eight At Newton, Edwurds At Fisher, all well known to the lovers of Muslr. have pluco in their (urge assortment. These Pianos me of rich tono, and beautifully llni-licd In Roso Wood, Black Walnut, und Mahogany, with Iron frumes made ill the most substan tial and workmanlike muiiner. Also, the Justly cele brated .Eolinu Plano Fortes which for their sweetness of tone have not been equalled. All these Instruments have lilch render them peculiarly suited for this climate, preventing necessity of tuning for years. e, i! , The undersigned are Agents for Henri llerz’s celebrat ed Grand Piunos, made in Paris. For power and beauty of lone, they stand pre-eminent. Gauiiart’s Mkloukonr.—This beautiful toned wind instrument, manufactured by Carliarl At Needham, N. V„ for villuge purposes, Lodges, serenading parties and the private practice of Organists, possessing n sweet and powerful lone, they have ulso for sale. All those instru ments will lie disposed of on the most accoininoilnling terms. The prices of tho Pianos rnnglng from 9175 to 91,UnO. lJuly 90] _ I. VV. MORRELL At^CfL NEW CAR I MAGIC .71A NIJ FACTORY, „ a-'* w O A R It I A C E 8, It U G G IES S !' I. K I E 8. Til KUUUI1 FARE From ClinrltiNton (o Haiti more SI 7 50, To Philmleluhia $1‘J, anil to New-York $90. “ Air- THE GREAT MAIL ROUTE FROM CHARLESTON 80. CA. L EAVING the wharfut thefootofLaurens-streeldally after the arrival of the Southern curs, via Wilming* ton,N. C., from which point two dally trains ore dis patched at H .1. .M.andi I’. A/.; the H o'clock only con necting at Weldon, N. C., with theSenbourd and Roanoke Rail Rood to Norfolk, thence by steumers to Baltimore, and both trains connecting at Weldon with the line* m Petersburg. Richmond, Washington, Baltimore, Phm.uel- phla, and E^w-York The public is resnectfully Informed that the steamers of these lines, are in Urst rate condition, and arena vignted by well known and experienced com manders : the Rail Roads are In fine onler, (tho Wilming ton aud Weldon, as well as the Seaboard and Roanoke having recently been refold with heavy Trail) thereby securing both safety and despntch. By these routes pns- sengers availing themselves of the first train may reach Baltimore In 40 hours, Philadelphia in 45 hours, and New York In 5U)£ hours; and by the second train they arrive In Baltimore in 50 hours, Philadelphia In 50 hours, and Ncw-York In (il# hours. Through tlcketscan alone be had from E. WINSLOW, Agonlofthe Wilining'.on nnd Raleigh Rail Rond Com- B , at the office of the Company, foot of Laurens street I • • Chnrfoston S. C., to whom please apply. Grurral fttoimfonunita. READY-MADE CLOTHING, WILLIAill K. NYiUO.Vs. Draper and Tailor, Citation for Loiters of Administration. gTATB OF GEORGIA, ( Oljitn Co« ' |To all whom It may concern: 'Whereas, Robert Hnzleuurst will apply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters of Administration, ou (ho Estate of James Maugham, late of said county, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and mlmonlsh all whom it may concern, fo be and appear before said Court, to make objection (If any they have) on or before the first Monday in Feptember next, otherwLu said Letters will be grant ed the applicant. Witness, Edgar C. P. Dart, Esq., Ordinary for Glynn County, this twenty-second day of July. l«53. JnlyVst E. O. P. DART, O. G. c. Citation for Letters of Admiulstratinn. S TAT =°c n „' | To all whom It muy concern: Whereas, Robert Hozlehurst will a;.ply at the Court of Ordinary for Letters of Administration, on the Estatoof Sjsigsmbla Maugham, late of said county, deceased: These are, therefore, to clto and admonish all whom it may concern, to bo and appear before said Court, to make objection (If any they have) on or before tho tirst Monday in rfoptember next,otherwise said Letter# will bo graiib*l the applicant. 'Witness.'Edgar O. P. Dar', Esn., Ordinary for Glynn County, this twenty-socorul .lay of July, 1853. JutyW E. c. P. Di‘ — XO. 17 IVUlT.iKER-STR F. F. 7’, R ESPKCrFUI.LYsolicits the attentfon of his friend- and the nubile In general, to bis forgo Mock ol Remly-Mado Clothing, sultablo for tho present and com ing season. It has ull been made u p under his personal su periutendemo, uad for •lyleitiiiworl muoMiip.Uliilu- rlor to none to be found In the market. Tho following comprises u portion of tho ttoit.: FROCK AND SACKS of III in nnd Colnriil Cashmere Cloths; Black Drap tie Etc Fiocks uud Sacks; Linen Duck Drill and Fancy Linen Frocks aud Sack-; India Grass Silk uttl Brown Linen rtacks; Black and Colored Alpnccn Fi ocks s ml Sacks. PANTS of Fancy French l'a««lmcre, Black I)»eSkin Cap; llfock limp DeEto and Spring Tweed I 'up; White Duck; Fancy Linen Drill- -mgetlier with a large lot of Cotton Di ill and Duck Pams for -ervnuts' wear. VESTS of Blick Snlln, llluek Barathea and Fancy Silks; Fancy nnd White Marsi-lllsi, Figured and Stripe Linens Also, a forge slock of F'lpM •■;g (tooils, such us St..;ks, Glores, Siispinders, Cravats, Collars, Silk, Gnuzo, Merino ami Cotton Undershirts, strljie Silk und Colton Sucks, Silk aud Gingham Umbrella#, Arc. tec., the whole of which he offers for sale on accommoding terms, nail at prices nr cheap ns the cheapest. a 19 T AILOli INfa. E. C. P. DART, O. G. C. Citation, for Letter* lilsinissory. S TATE OF GEORGIA, J Ton,, whom It m IVSTflo €'o. > 101,11 ' ,hon '" Whereas, Benjamin IJ. Liles, Executor to tl It may concern: , r , . to the last Will d Testament of Benjamin Liles, lateof snlil county,de- deceased, has applied to the Court of Ordinary for Let ters of Dlsml—loii froio the Adinlnhlmtlmiof -aid Estn'.e. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all nnd sin gular, the kindred and creditors of said decayed, to lllo their objection* (ir any they have) In my office, within the time prescribed by law. otherwise Letters of Dismis sion trill bo grunted the raid applicant. Witness my hand and official signature, this 2ltt day 1833. JAMKf *■" of Jam Junt me, 1027 JAMES IL'GIISMITH, Deputy Ordinary VV. C. Citation for Letter* Disraissory. gTATB OF GEORGIA, | Tn al | w | 10ia | t nmy concern: Whereas. Isaac Hatcher hath applies! to the Court ol Ordinary or Wnyno county, for fitters Dlsinlssory as Guardian of John and Martha Hatcher, minor# or Motet liateber: These aro, therefore, to clto and admonish all whom It may concern, to be amt appear before said Court to make objection (If any they have) on or before the first Mon day In November next, otherwise said Loiters will be granted. Witness, Jas. lUghsmllh, Dep. Ordinary for Wayne hly, ibis twelfth day of August, 183J, JAS. IJIGJISMITII, ~ couuljr^tii , Dep. Ord. W. C. NOTICK* T WO MONTHS alter date application will be made to tbe Ordinary of Liberty County, lor leave to sell tyro Lots, with tbolr Improvement*, In the town of Hines- ville, and also a Negro Man, named Andrew; said property belonging to the estate cm’ James H. Brad well, lata of aald county, deceased; for tbe benefit of the heirs aid creditors of said estate, i ant* ISABELLA HRADWELL, Executrix. '• • y ' ' NOTICE. nPWO MONTHS alter date, application will bo made jJL tolbcCourt of Ordinary of P.fflns to tbe Court or Ordinary of Rfflnaham county, for - W sell a Negro Woman named Mary, I bo property of Hannah Reives, minor, for tbe jbenefU of said minor. Anyoam 1853. P. STOTKSBURY, Guardian. atig 24 NOTICE# hh PERSONS having demands against James S. XX Brad wad,, late of Liberty ffounty, deceased, will please render fe their accounts, duly attested, and per- aonetodebtjNl to said James S. Ursdwell will please make taiioedletepayment to B, A. FRASER. Agent 52... *«■ Hinsevllle, Avgust 5,1653. ao«4 r, n.i.j,.r iv . k OTiCBl Saftei * ‘ MONTHS slier data, application will be made Ordinary of Glynn county, for leave to sell all ■personal estate belonging to tbe estate of t of *«ld comity, deceased. LEXANDKR BLUE, Administrator. ,Juty 1,1857. Jy4 fstfl •Her*’ LB ARTICLES<-GBO. S.Nidl()L8has 4 per slMiasr. Gent’s flauie, Merino, and Khlrt* with half Sleeves: Judson’s superior yron and sundlng Collars; Crus Linen Ys#f« Ptanlare’ Lingo and Striped Pantat Trav- ncl) Mnen Over Hocks; Kllk ami Linen Cra- n and'Silk Pocket ItandkcrebUft; Linen, ami . Three-ply Linen Collars; mhrolist; Boya* Shirts, Ladles Ate All for sals at low prices, for wh or ilUtSl (be Clothing Blore, Olbbons' Range. DIBBLi: &€ARKY, Drain- rw sun Tailor*, Cor. IIruutun miil IVhitnkrr-.itt, T HE suhsiTilxT- would call tho ultentlon of the citi zens of Savannah, to their spring styles of all col ors of CLOTHS, CASSIMEKKd tc VESTING8. which they are prepared lo iiiituiifuclurc to order, in the nuutest and niont fashiounlile Myles. Also, their thick ol Ueudy MudeClothlng.ull of which have been g«l up in a superior stylo to any ever offered before for sale in this maikel. Their stock of Furnish ing Goods!# complete and well assorted. These Goods will bo sold on the most reasonable and accommodating errn*. a li) ItOIBINSON iY CAM 1', Drapers and Tailors, A GENERAL AM) COMPLETE ASSORTMENT, JUST Rh'CRIVEI). HPIIF. 8UII8CRIBER8 aro now preimre-i to offer to the L public, t'lirrinsrs. Pha-tnns, llngjics, Currynlls, if., Fresh from some of the moat popular Establishments and Bull ter# at the North. The select Ions were made by one of the firm, with strict reference to the requirements of this market. They are determined to keep only such article# in their line, os they cun eonlltlcnlly • lli'coninioml nml YTnrrnnf, feeling assured that they wBI tie sustained iu offering a better, uud Ilnur clas# of'work than has been usually kept In this market. The public are most respectfully requested tn cull, ex amine, nnd satisfy them.-elves, whether they ure in earn est, by an examination of their slock. All kind* o r repairing done a* heretofore. L. 8. BENNETT Ac CO M nugl Corner of West Broad und Bay streets. SAVANNAH WHOLESALE A*. UFTAIJL Sailillcry Warehouse, Young's Building, Sign of the Golden Saddle OrroSITR W. H. SIMMON* CLOTIIINO STORK. . . W. H. MAY & CO., .Unnufacturersof Siiililles, Bridles & llnrnes, Have on hand a good tm#ortinenlnf8addk'B,Biidlc*nnd icli Harnesses, of which the followingcomprlsea pur, s Hpan- I sit (Juiltod, Overlaid nnd Slitinon Huddles; Flanter'i large nnd extra forge Huddles; Men's plain do.; English do.; lioy*'nt.d Race do.; Ladies’Huddle* of a variety of patterns; Bridle* & Muriengule*:Hnihlle-Biigs,Trunks &c. SADDLER’S MATERIA (^.—Saddle Tree*, Skirting and Hog Skin*; Pud do.; Straining nnd Worsted Web; Thread and Tucks, assorted size*. IIA Id K8SEH.—Conch, Barouche, Buggy and Sulky 'Harnesses, of all kind*, by the single set. CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS.—Barouche, liturgy aud Sulky Spring* nnd Axles; Dash Frame*; Hobbs and Bows, by the single eel; Plated nnd liras# Slump Joint*: plain do.; patent Dash Leather, Top nnd Curtain do.:, broad und narrow Laces, variety of patterns; Silk ami Worsted Fringe*; blnek nnd purple Conch Roun&; Bug- | gy Lamp#; Plated ami liras* Carriage Bands ; Bras* and Plated Knobs. Acc. July 23 UtKITOR YtllRSELF ! the skin gently,and wl this cists of Ulr thstfatsldlsaase. . i It iiomblnct, in a sclentlflo manner, remedies of long esteemtNl value, wttb others of more recent discovery, —. i-.ij_. *■ greet wordlieMee. „ _ Ntablor’s Dtarrho* Cordial _ r ._mni mixture, compounded In agreement with thu rules of Pharmacy, of tliorepeulfo agents, long known and celebrated for their peoullsr efficacy In curing Diar rheas, and similar affections of the system. In Its action It allays nausea and produces a healthy condition of tho Liver, thus removing tho cause at tho same time that It euros tho disease. The valunblo medicines above named havo recently been Introduced, with the approval or a number of the Medical Profession In the city or Baltimore and elso* where, and In practice Uavo succeeded most admirably In curing the diseases for which they am prescribed.— They lire offered to tho country practitioner, as modi- elites wliloli he can In all respects depend iiiiou, ns pre pared In agreement with the experience of some of the most learned and Judicious physicians, uud strictly In accordance with the rules or Pharmacy, and so turned- ally serving his convenience, who cannot so readily as the city physician have hlsownprcicrlptfouseoiDuouiid- oil by a practical Phore-nceutlsl. 8eo tho descriptive pamphlets lo bo had gratis of all who havo the medicines for sale, containing recommend ation* from Doctors Martin, Bsltzell, Addison. Pnyno, Handy, Lovo.fec. Doctor B. B. Martin says: “ I do not hesltato to room- mend your Ulnrrbtnn Cordial nnd AuodyneUlierry Ex pectorant,” Ac. Doctor John Addison says: “It gives mo much ploas- ure to add my tostlmouy to that of other#, In favor «f tho extraordinary efficacy of your Dinrrhum Cordial," Ac.; aud of the Expectorant, “ I have no hesitation In recom mending It, as a most valunblo medicine,” Ac. Doctor H. A Payne says ho used the Dforrhum Cardial In hi* practice "with tho happiest effect, and thinks it one of tho most convenient und efficient combiimtiiHis over offered lo our profession.” M Doctor L. D. Handy writes: “I linvo ndministered your Anodyne Expectorant, In aovernl cases or Bronchial affection, with the most happy results,nnd from u know, ledge or iu admirable effects, I can with the greatest conlhlencc recommend It,” Ac. Dow* W. H. Love write* to us that he has adminis tered the Expectorant to Ids wife, who hns had the llroii- chlii* for fourteen years, and that *ho Is fast recovering from her long standing malndy. It has iu n few weeks done her mom good than ull the remedies slio bus here tofore u-ed under able medical counsel. Hixtei'ti oftho be«i Apothecaries und Plinrmncoiitlsts In the city of Baltimore, writes " Wo are satisfied thu preparation* known a* Stabler’* A nodyne Cherry Expec torant nnd Stabler’* Dlnrrlupa Cordial are medicines ol great value, nml very efficient for the relief Mid cure of thu disease* for which they ure recommended, they bear the evidence of skill and cure iu llieir preparation and style of putting up, and wo tuku pleasure in recommend ing them.” Twkntv-Hkvkn of tho most respectable Mkruiiant*, resident* of Marvi.anp, Viroinu, und North Caro lina, who have sold and also used these medicines themselves,say, “From our own tipcricnce aud that of our customers, wo do confidently recommend them Pm Bono Publico. Wo have never known any remedies used for the diseases for which they are prescribed, to he so efficient nnd to give such entire satisfaction to nil.” The above notices of recommendation from members of the Mruital Facvi-tv, PiiARMACKrris rs of lifoh standing, and Mr.nniA.tTn of the llrsl respectability, should be sufficient to satisfy all, that these medicines ure Kurt hi/ of trial bv the uffilcled, and that they lire of a dif ferent stamp nnd class from the “Quackery" und “Cure Alls” so much imposed upon Hie public. For sale by Druggists, Apothecaries and Country store keeper# generally. E. II. STABLER fc CU. Wiiolkhai.i: Dhuooihts, 120 Pratt Street, Haitimorc, m 18—,a„l5awoly CAKTEU’S Si’AMSil MIXTI RE. THE POCKET iESCULAPIUS: OR, EVERY ONE HIS UIVN PHYSICIAN. Drnleru in Fine Rcnilys.llaifo Clolliing, A UII now receiving and opening ttieir Muck of spring uud Hummer Good*, all of which Ituvu been select ei| within (lie last month Ity our Mr. Camp, consisting In part of Light. Black ami Fancy CoPd Cloth*, Cassimeres, Cnsbmeretl*. Pellenii cloth* und llrup D’Ete*, Vestings of Hilk*, balms, Marseilles uud Embroidered Pattern*. Our ready made Clothing I* from tho well known house of W. T. Jennings fc Co., Broadway, New York, and cannot hi- surpassed. We Imve our iimml large supply of Furnishing Goods on hand, everything requisite for a Gentleman’* Ward robe, together with Trunk*, Vulisc* aud Carpel lings.— AImi, India Rubber Good*, such us Coals,Clonks, Ponchat. Loggias und Ch|h-s, all of which we offer a* low, and on a# good terms avenn bo obtained elsewhere. Guudry’s Building, next to Pulaski House. u4 ~N K WIIOOKN. RECEIVED BY JOHN M. COOPER fc CO., IVcdnctilay, Jlurunt 25th. T he pedestrian in France and .Switzer land ; by George Iforrell, Jr., author of “Bubbles of Fiction.” A Memorial of Horatio Greenougb ; by Henry T Tuck- erman. Personal Hkotches of Ids own Times: by Sir Jonah nsrrlnglou, Judge of (ho High Court of Admiralty, Ro land, etc. Tho Liberties of America { by H. W. Warner. Hecond Volume of Eustace Quentin, a Sequel to Alary Price; by G. W. M. Reynolds. Old Put, or the Days of Serenty-SIx: a Tale of tho Revolution. Illustration oftho Industry or all Nations, published In the Crystal Palace, Now-York—Nos. 111. and IV. Godey's Lady's Book, for 8cplernber. Dare-Devil Dick, or the Road and Its Riders. Clanmore: the Bandit of Saratoga Lake; by Park Clinton. Tho Humorous Speaker: being n cholco Collection of '-ihi Amusing Piece* ;_by Oliver Oldham. uttg25 CARPET AND PLIIIIB CLOTH WAUlilllllM. Curtains, Curtain Good,, &c* Ac. Ac. No. 140 Congren and No, 57 St. Julian-Ntroeta, OIL CLOTHS, Of orery width from one to eight ynrde. for Halls, , ...... t /aiup, mi nan., Dining Rooms, Bleamboals, Saloons, fcc.: Rosa Wood, Mahogany and Small-figured Fnrnlturo Oil Cloths,' * Mahogany _ . 5-4 and 0 4 wide; Flgnred India Rubber Cloth for Stairs. OI/ItTAINM. Silk snd Worsted Damask DoLalno; Worsted and Linen Damask DoLalna; Plgtired snd Plain Damasks, variety of colors; White and fluff, (or Shades. _ WINDOW SHADES* ..A r ^ u,p,,renl Landscape, Medallion, Garland, and While and Gold, entirely now stylo; Cord; lamps; TasseOf togatlier with alt tho varlnua Trimmings for Curtains and Shadea. UmM , . ILT COUNICES. Ilanda, Loon# and • Pins, of iha greatest variety and P*. l i ef ! 1 *’*•*••( Importation; all ofwhlch will be sold at wholesale or retail, on the most liberal tnrins. , 4n# , WM. II. OUION, Agent, noT n 29? n « ri!> » nr »d 57 8t.jl ullan-sta. The stibscrjbar m'akes'naw and repairs ohl ,,— sim* rr wir. vim w Furniture. The bottoms of Sofas, Chairs, fco.. i 1 * 1 f«1»wl| Urp.1., Muling Hand Oil Cloih cut and put down, llella litimt t Curtains and Wind, put up. Old Furniture bought and N. n.-A lot of NEW FURNITURE, Including * ya- rlety of 0f»lro,just recei red. THOMAS HENDERSON, MOW ,3taw Lyceum Hnlldljig Poil-st• iVopB^-l.iKw colU superior Bate Rope, In store' and Jt for sole hy W,W. GARRARD, •UgS-ilAO 69 Bay stroeU THE Fortieth Edition, with Ouellundred Engravings,show ing Dlst-nsesand Mnirormntlons **f tlie 11 iimitti System iu every shn|i«- and form. To which is added u Treatfoe on tho Pis- east's ut Female*, bring of tho higher im|»>rtutice to married people, or those contemplating marriage; by WILLI AM YOUNG, M. I). Let la. father lie utdiamed to present a copy of the JWCU- LAPIUS to hi* child. Il may rave him Irotn an early grave. Let tin young man or woman enter into the secret ohliunllnns of murried life without rending the POCKET .E8CULAPIUS. no one suf fering from n linckuied Lough, I’nin In the Side, restless nights, nervous feelings, nnd the whole train of Dyspep tic sensations.und given up by their physician, be another moment without consulting the .!>CULAI’IU8. Have the murried, or those about lo be married any impedi ment, rend this truly useful book, a* il has’been tho menus of Having thousands of unfortunate creatures from the very jaws of death. ITT Any‘person sendlngTWENTY-FI V F. CENTS en closed iu a letter, will receive one copy of this work by innll.or live cot.leu will be sent for Onu Dollar. Address, (post paid.. DR. WM. YulJNG, Bug I—lyo No. 152 Spruce-sl., Philadelphia. APOTHECARY'S HALL. hOBTIl-BAST COll.N'Ell Or IImuuliion A Iluriinril-MNMSiminnnli. The subscriber would most respectfully Inform the citizen# of Savannah and the Mirrouuding country, that ho hu* taken the store situated ns above, where hu is now opening n full nnd select slock of Drugs, Medicines,Chemicals, Perfumery, Fnncy Articles, Dye stuff*, Glnsswnre, fcc. fcc., which lie of- ffe.rsto the public nt wholesale und rutnll, on sucli terms as cannot full to give entire snlisfucllon, both ns regards price and quality. Every urticle lie offers for ulo hns been selected by himself within the lust twenty days, from thu most rulln- Die houses iu the northern markets; particular altentiou having been paid to their purity aud freshness. Having hud several years’ experience In the prescrip tion business in northern and southern cities, he feels himself fully prepared to compound all prescriptions and fotnll]' medicines entrusted to him, with care, neat ness and despatch. Proscriptions put up nt all hours of tho day and night, by n skilful ami competent hum). 0 hyslclBns, Country Merchants and Families, and all persons who need or muy need pure and genuine medi cines or any other article that Is generally found In a —.. .-*- J ’uspeclfully well regufotod Drug Store, are respectfully Invited to call nnd oxnmino hi* stock before purchasing elsewhere, at the Apothecary’s Hall. in 29 if J. E. PkFORD, Druggist nnd Chemist. j. u. .TiooiK i: a co.« WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, OllibotiN. Iliiilrilnga* PER FOR HAL It—5.000 lbs. Uulou White Leaf l.eiid, pure and No. 1; 150 boxes Window Glues; 000 gallons Linseed Oil; 500 do. Bleached Winter Sperm Oil; 90 barrels do. Whale Oil; 1 do. Train Oil, best quality; 0 do. Winter straiued Lnru Oil; 5 do. Coburn’s Machinery OH; 1 do. No, 1 Castor Oil; 90 do, Copperas,green tnd dm* 10 do. Epsom Rolls; 10 casks Potash; 5 casks Rslwrat'is: 5 barrel* Refined Saltpetre; 950 ounces Paris’ Sulphate Quinine; 10 barrels LorllUrri’s Bnuff; 90 boxea assorted Candles: 50 boxes Roy’s Lemon Ryrttu, 30 b#gs Pepper, Allspice and Ginger; 1 barrel each Nutmegs, Mace and Clr 100 reams letter and Writing Paper; Together with an extensive assortment of Patent Medt clne*;Prrfomery; llalr, Tooth oim| Shaving Brushes;Toi let Soaps; Tuck, Dressing and Sldo Combs, fcc. fco.; ail nfwhlen arc offered at the lowast prices, either for onsb or approved paper. fell 0 Moves; M URE CHILDREN’S STRAW HATR.-TIio snbscrl- burs havo just received, pur f-tesmor Alabama, a fresh supply of ooys' and Childrens’ straw Halo. Con sisting In part of fnfents' Spilt straw Plcadlllas, very fluet Misses’ Bland Zerllna Flats, extra Ann; Misses’ Split Bin w Magnolias, Youths’ Canton t Straw llats. Also, aftwh supply or Mous' Sannat Hals, and Boy*’ Leghorn, at 50 cent#. For sale (it our nsw Hat and Cap shire, 170 Broughton street. July 16 ■ N,K. PARNUM ItCO. igifmVRYon’H COMPABLB8.—Two end Fife Pole Clialus, MaUiutnutlcal Instillments, fco. For sale by •UK 4 JOUN M. COOI’ER fc 00. THE GREAT PURIFIER OF THE BLOOD! Not n Particle of ITIcrcury In It. A N Infallible remedy for Scrofula, King’s Evil, Rheu matism, obstinate Cutaneous Eruptions, Pimples r Pustules on the Face, Blotches, Boils, Chronic 8ore Eyes, Ring Worm or Tetter, Hcald Head, Enlargement and Pain of the Bones ami Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, 8y- phylltlc Disorders, Lumbago, Spinal Complaints.ami all Diseases arising from an Injudicious use of Mercury, Imprudence In Life, or Impurity ofllie Blood. Tills valuable Medicine, which hns become celebrated for the number of extraordinary cures effected through its agency, has induced the proprietors, nt the urgent re quest of their friends, to offer il to the public, which they do with the utmost confidence In its virtues nml won derful curative properties. The following certificates, selected from a large number, are, however, stronger testimony itian the mere word of tho proprietors; and are all from gentlemen well known iu their localities, and of the highest respectability, many of them now re siding in thu city of Richmond, Ya. F. ROY DEN, Esq., of the Exchange Hotel, Richmond, known every where.says lie linsseen the Medicine call ed CARTER’S SPANISH MIXTURE administered in over a hundred cases, in nearly ull lliodlsease* for which It Is recommended, with the most astonishingly good re sult*. lie says It Is the most extraordinary medicine lie has ever seen. AGUE AND FEVER-r.RKATCUKH.-l liurcby cer tify, Hint for three years I had Ague nml Fever of the most violent description. 1 had several Physicians, took large qmiutille* of Quinine, Mercury, and I believe all the Tonics advertised, but all without iiiiv permanent re lief. At Inst I tried CARTER’S SPANISH MIXTURE, two bottles of which effectually cured me, aud I mil happy lo say I have hud neither Chills nr Fever since.— 1 consider II the bust Tonic In the world, uud the only medicine that ever readied my case. JOHN LONGDKN. Reaver Dam, near Richmond Va. O. II. I.I'CK, E#q., now in the city of Richmond, and for ninny years iu the Poslofficc, lias such confidence ill the astonishing efficacy of CARTER’S SPANISH MIX TURE, Hint he tins bouulit upwards of 511 bottles, which he hns given away to the ufiiictcd. Mr. Luck says he ha* never known il to full when taken according to di rection*. Dr. .MINGE, n practising Physician, nnd formerly of the City Hotel, III the city of Richmond, says he hns wKneescil in n number of instances tho effects of CAR TER’S SPANISH MIXTURE, which were most truly surprising. He says Iu a case of Consumption, depen dent on Hie Liver, the good effects were wonderful in deed. SAMl'ELM. DRINKER,of Hie firm of Drlnkcrfc Morris. Richmond, was cured of Liver Complaint of t» year*standing, by the lire of two bottles of CARTER’S SPANISH MIXTURE. GRKATCUKE OF SCROFULA.—The editors of tho Klrhtnond Kc|iiihhc:tn bud a sen ant employed in their press room, cured of violent Scrofula, combined with Rheumatism, which entirely itlsnbh <1 him from work.— Two hollies or CARTER’S SPANISH MIXTURE innde n perfect cure of him, mid tho editors In a public notice, say they “cheerfully recommend B to all who ure af flicted with miy disease of the Blood.” STILL ANOTHER CURE OF SCROFULA.—I had n very valuable Imy cured by three botth* of Carter’s Spanish Mixture. I consider it a truly valuable medi cine. J AMES M.TAYLOR, Conductor on the II. F.fc P.R. It.Co.. Richmond, Vn. SALT RIIEIJM OF 2,1 YEARS STANDING CURED. Mr. JOHN THOMPSON residing ill Hie city of Rich mond, v.t.s cured by three hollies of Curler’* Spanish Mixture, of Salt Rheum, which lie had nearly 20 years, nml which all thu physician* In the city could not cure. Mr. Thompson i» a well known mcrchnnt in tho city of Richmond, Yu.,undid* enrol* most remarkable. WM. A MATTHEWS, of Richmond. Vn., hail n *erv- ant cured of Syphilis, In the worst form, hy Carter’* Spanl-di Mixture, lie nays he cheerfully recommends it, ami considers it an invaluable medicine. RICHARD E. WEST, of Richmond, was cured of Scrofula, mid wluit physician* called confirmed Coii*iiui|>- Hon, by three Imltte* of Carter'* ■Spanish Mixture. EDWIN RUKTnN, Commissioner ol the Revenue, says he hnssecti the good effect* of Carter’s Spanish Mix ture In u iiumher nfSypliillllccanes,mid says it Is u per fect cure for Hint horrible disease. WM. C. HARWOOD, of Kichinniul, Vii., cured of Old Sores and Ulcer#, which di#nbled hi in from walking. Took a few hollies of Carter’s Spnuislt Mixture, mid was enabled to walk without a crutch; In a short time per mmiently cured. Principal Depots at M. WARD, CLOSE fc CO., 83 Malden Lane. New-York. T. W. DYUTT fc SONS, 132 North 3d street, Phllu dolphin. BENNETT fc BEERS, 125 M u. rtreet. Richmond, Vn. And for salo hy J. 11. CARTER. A. A. SOLOMONS, fc CO, mid THOMAS M, TURNER fc CO* Savnnnah, and by Druggists qml Country Merchants every where. B3sP* Price $1 per Bottle, or 6 Bottles fur $5. may IB— !awl5awotv HOLLOWAY’S OINTMENT. A CIUPPLE BETH ABIDE HIS CRUTCHES AFTER TEN YEARS’ BUFFERING Copy of a LtUrr from Mr, Thompion, Chemist* Liter. foot, dated Jiugaet 9Uth, 1859. To Professor Holloway: Dear Sir—1 am enabled to furnish you with a most ox Inordinary cure effected by your invaluable Ointment and PUIs, which has astonished every person acquainted With the sufferer. About Hi years ago, Mr. W. Cummins, of Baltney-streel, Iu this town, was thrown from his horse, whereby hu received very serious Injuries; ho had tho best tnrdlcnl advice hi the time, and was aflerwurds an Inmate of different lufirmnrlc*, yet Im grow worse, and at length a malignant running ulcer settled in his hip, which so completely crippled him that he could not move without crutches lor tierrlv ten years; recently ho hcguti to uso your Ointment and Pills, which huve now hculod the wound, strengthened his Hint), and enabled him to dispense with his crutches, no Hint he can wulk with tho greatest ease, and with renewed health und vigor. (Signed) J. THOMPSON. A MOST EXTRAORDINARY CURE OF A DREAD- FUL SKIN DISEASE WHEN ALL MEDICAL AID HAD FAILED. Copy f a Letter from Mr. tlird, Draper, of Ktady.nrar Onintbru', dated March lit, 1852. To Professor Holloway: Hin—Home time since, ono of my children was afflict cd with tl remit ill eruptions over llm body aud limbs. I obtained tlm advice of several eminent Hurgeons and Physicians, by nil of whom the chho whs considered hopeless. At length 1 tried your Ointment and Pills, and, without exaggeration, the effect wus miraculous; for, hy persevering in their use. ull the eruptions quickly disappeared, nnd tliechlld was restored to perfect health. I previously lost n child from n similar complaint, and I firmly believe, hud I In her case adopted your medi cines, she would hive been saved, also. I ahull be hap py lo testify the truth of this to uuy liiyulr«-~ (Signed) I. IllRD, Draper. CERTAIN REMDEY FOR SCORBUTIC HUMORS AND AN ASTONISHING CURE OF AN OLD LADY,SEVENTY YEARS OF AGE, OF A BAD LEG. Copy of a Letter from Meters. It'a/kcr S Co., Chemist*. Hath. To Professor Holloway: Deur Sir—Among the numerous cures effected by tho use of your valuable medicines ir (ids neighborhood, we uinyiiK'iitioii that of nn old Indv living In tho villuge of PresTbn, about Uvo miles from tills city. She had ulce rated wounds In ber leg for many your#, and latterly they Increased to such on alarming extent us to defy all the usiiul remedies; her health rapidly giving way under ll.e suffering she endured. In this distressing condition, she had recourse to your Ointment and Pill#, nnd, by tho as sistance of her friends, was enabled to persevere In their use until she recoiled a perfect cure. Vve have ourselves been greatly astonished nt the effect upou so old u per son, she being nbnvu7U years of ago. Wo sliull be hnpiiy to satisfy any Inquiries us to the authenticity of this reullv woiidcrlul case, either personally or by letter. A private in Hio Until police force, Iso, bus been per fectly cured ol ail old scorbutic uffcctioti in the face, after all other mentis had failed. He stales that It Is entirely by the use of your Ointment, and speaks loudly in ills praise. Wo remain, dear sir. Yours, fuilhfiilly, (Signed) VVAI.KEU&CO. April fills, 1852. — The Pills should bo used conjointly with tho Ointment Iu most of Hie following cases: Bud Leg , Bad Breasts, Burns, Bunions, Bite* of Mos- clietoe*und Sand Files, Coco-bay, Chicgo-foot, Chlbluins, Chupptd Hands, Corns (soft,) Cancers, Contracted und Stiff Joints, Elepliantlasie, Fistulas, Gout,Glandular Swell ings, Lumbago, Piles. Rheumatism, Scalds, Horn Nipples, Sore Throats, Skin Diseases, Bcurvy, Bore Heads, Tu mors, Ulcers, Wom.i's, Yuws. Hold ut Hie Establishment of Professor Holloway. 244, Mrund, (near Temple Ihir.) London, and by nil Vendors of Medicine throughout the United States, in boxes lit 37)tc., b7c\, and 8L5<>c. cm b. Wholesale by the principal Drug house# in the Union: nnd by Messrs. A. It. fc I). Hands, New York; uud W. W. Lincoln, Savannah. There Is a considerable saving by taking the lurgcsl sizes. N. It.—Directions for Hie guidance of patients in every disorder are nflixed to each box. »4—lawStoeowly MARRIAGE, Happiness and. Competence. WHY IN IT j That we behold many feinufe s, scarce In the meridian of life broken in health snd spirits with a complication of diseases snd ailments, depriving them of Hie power for the enjoy ment of life at an age when physical health, buoyancy of spirits, and happy sereuityof mind, arising from n condition of health, should be predominant. Many of the cautet of her sufferings st first—perhaps, years before, perhaps during girlhood, or the firaty- ur« of marriage—were In their origin so light us to puss un noticed, and of course neglected. IN A FT Eli YEARN. When too late to lie benefltted by our knnwlodgo, wo look back and inourn, and regret Hie full consequence of our ignorance. What would wo not often give to possess, in early life, the knowledge wo obtain in nflerjenraY And what days aud nights of anguish we might not huve beeu spare ed, if the knowledge wns timely possessed. It is .YIEEANG’IIOEY AND STARTLING To behold Hie sickness and suffering endured by many u wife lor many years, from causes simple and controlla ble, easily remedied—or better still—n»»t lucurred—if every WIFE AND iriOTIIFR Possessed tho information contained in a little volume, (within Hie reach of all) which would spare to herself YEARN OF MISERY. And to her husband the constant toll and anxiety of miod, necessarily devolving upon him from sick ness of the wife, without giving him tho opportunity of acquir ing Hint competence which III* exertions arc entitled, and Hid pnrsession of which would secure the happiness of himself, wife, uud children. NEt’MtE THE MEANS OF IIAPPINESN By becoming In time poesessed of the knowledge, the waul of which has caused the sickness und poverty of thousand*. In view ofsucli consequences, no wife or mother Is ex cusable, if she neglei Ho avail herself of,lint knowledge In respect lo herself, would spare her much siiffeilng, be tho iiU'uimoriinppliiesHnnd prosperity to her husband, and confer upon herchildreu that blessing above all price —healthy bodies with healthy tnlnds. That knowledge Is contained in u little work entitled Tin: M.1KIUF.1) IVOM.IX'S PRIVATE MEDICAL COMPANION. BY I)R. A. M. M AURIt-FAU, Ilroxvii’a Eaaonco of Jamaica Ginger* B ROWN’S Essence or Jnmalca Ginger is elaborately prepnrod from carefully selected articles of the best quality; It possesses In a concentrated form all the valu able properties of tho Jamaica Ginger, nnd Iswnrranted to he free from all irritating or other properties of an In jurious tendency. It Is beneficially uaed In a vnrlety ofclrciimslancea where a warm cordial and agratefu! stimulant I* requir ed, particularly in enrea where there Is a sense of exhaus tion arising from excessive fetigue or heal, a few drop* in half a tumbler ol water with a little stignr, will be found cn effectual and most pleasing restorative, which makes this essence h highly useful add I lion to the trav eller’s portmanteau, as well as to the femlly collection ol ledies. Where there Is an unpleasant sense of weight nr nan- soa atler eating, from Imperfect digestion, or whore nau sea is Induced from riding In a rail road car, or carriage, or from the motion of a vessel at sen, tho Essence of Ginger, If given according to tho directions, will almost Invariably give relief. , . In ordinary DlarrhiBa,Incipient cholera, In short in all eases of prostration of tho digestive functions, whether from Indulgence or disease, It 1* of Inestimable valuo. During the summer month* and In Boulhem climates, It la Invaluable, particularly during the prevalence ofep- Idomlo cholera; no traveller or femlly should bo without It. A large luvofoo received by tho agents, m 98 A. A. SOLOMONS fc GO., Market Square. Iniprovmt Extra Nice Noldlitai Powders, T UB *K Powders are prepared expressly for the retell trade, from superior Imported materials, end are warranted frill weight BeldlllxPowd«ra,(whenaccurately prepared, os these ore warranted to be) are held In the highest estimation for their peculiar virtu©* In giving re lief where there is Indigestion, heart burn, or billons affections prevail; and when used according lo tho di rections, form an uffnrvoaclng aperient draught, more * " — ... I)»)\ft . „ . agreeable, y«t possessing all the tnedlnlnnl properties tho much esteemed Boljllit* Spring* In Germany. By mlhl W, W, LINCOLN, Monument Square. tnedlnlnnl properties of Iquare. OALEB’ ANODYNE OF OPIUM.-Tbl* It • now \7 chemical preparation of t.plimi which eontatnaall It* sedative and Anodyne properties, producing none of the bad offecls which follow the use of the other prepare iWfc F0, “ , ’ l SoUMB.W00R«fc0 0 . piiuricssoii nr diskasks or womkk. One Hundredth Edition. )8mo., pp., 25(1. Price 30 Cents, [on VINK paper, extra biniuno, SI IK).] First published In 1847, uud il is not NFRI’KIXING OR U ONDLICFI L, Considering that EVERY FEMALE, WHETHER MARRIED OR NOT, can lierciicqulrea full knowledge of theniitiiriscliHracler. and causes or her complaints, with thu various symptoms, and that neurly HALF A MILLION CODIES should have been sold. Il I* impracticable to convey fully tho various subjects treated ol. ns they are of u nature strictly Intended fur the married, or those contemplating marriages, but no female desirous of enjoying health, nnd that beauty,con sequent Upon health, which Is .o conducive lo her ow n happiness, and that of her husband, toil either ha* or will otuniu it, as hns or will every husband who bus the love aud uffeclloii of his wife ut lieurt, or that of Ids own pecuniary improvement. 1 I»U AltDS 41F ONE IIENDUED THOU SAND CODIES Have been SENT BY MAIL within the last few months. CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. BE NOT DEFRAUDED: Buy no book unless Dr. A. M. Miiuilcenu, 121) Liberty Street, N. Y., is uu thu title page, und the entry In thu Clerk’* Offico on back of title page; nnd buy only of respectable and honorable dealers, nr scud by mril and ndtlies# to Dr. A. M. Matirlccuu, ns there arc spurious und surreptitious lulritiu'etneiils of ropy right. That none need remain uninformed upon subjects so vital to their peace, their health and their happiness, a I’nmphlel of thirty* ii pagrt, containing extracts, with full title-page, anil ulso index of content*, will hu sent free of charge lo every part ofllie United States, by ad dressing, post paid, ns herein. 13r; >n receipt of Fifty Cents .for One Dollar for tho fine Edition, extra lilt ding.) “Tho Married Woman’s Private Medical Companion” Is sent (mailed fret) to any 'i(, part of the United Hiatus. All letters must be poit-|inl(l aud addressed to Dr. A. M. Mutirlcenu, Box 1224, Nov York City. Publishing Office, No. 12D Liberty Street, New York. For tale by— fc Whitman, Ringgold; R. F. Ren- nett, CnssvBle; Royal fc Hears, McDonough f J- A. Rey nolds, Dali onega; U., Oglethorpe.—Ga. New York City, STRINGER fc TOWNSEND, ADRIANCE,SHERMAN fc CO. Da WITT fc DAVENPORT. BARNES fc CO. Office, 190 Liberty Street. iiawln-3tawtlm1 June 4 IIEISE’S UNRIVALED DECTOll AL COFG11 CANDY. T HIS ARTICLE la a never falling remedy for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, and Tightncssoftho Lungs nr Chest. Persons who are much exposed, and trou bled with Irritable Coughs nnd wenk Lungs, will find ul- most Instant relief by trying tho Pectoral Cnndy. In fuel no one should be without il when thechsngesln the wea ther are so frequent. No article of Cough Cnndy has been so much appreciated for itr safety and certain cure; you will find It noeds but ouo trial, to convince all of Its medicinal virtue*. A fresh lot received by IONS may 20 .A. SOLOMONS fc CO. DII. HDNIl’8 I'nlnn nnd Antl-Derlodlc Dill*. A CERTAIN euro for Chills and Fover, Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, Dizziness, Dimness of Sight when pro- ceedlng from weakness, and all cognate dlmnlers. Warranted to contain neither Calomel, Arsenic, nor Quinine, the usual remedies for Chills and Fever. Fuj sale by (niayti) A. A. SOLOMONS fc CO, llntlnr’s Tnafelcaa floldlltas’a Powder, A LL the solid Ingredlentsof the SsidllU’s spring whton aro usually offered to tho public In tho two separate portions, are here, by a process which prevents any spontaneous aellon upon each, combined In one com pound powder, the effervescing solution ofwhlch Iu water Is rendered nearly lailtleta. Resides being more In ~ “ " “ palatable, it Is made fn much IPs* lime, and with InQ nltcly less trouble than that produced with the two pow dura prepared III the usual way. For safe by mi A. A. SOLOMONS fc CO. W OLFE’S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS.—A snperntlve Tonic, Diuretic, antl-Dyspeptlo, and Invigorating Cordial. This medicinal beverage la manufactured by the proprli lor at Schiedam. In Holland, and l* warranted not only pure from every injurious property and Ingre dient, but or thu boat potslble quality. It* virtue Ir acknowledged by tho whole medical frailly. For sale by - . «J. .At.U K KlnnllU L OlX niLL.i^l p-itI II * DR. MOHSE’M ' INVIGORATING CORDIAL A PH EXUMEM0X P ROFESSOR MORSE’S INVIGORATING HMXIR, OU (X)RDIAU Tho Eighth Wonder of thu Botanic World. The Invigorating Elixir and Cordial Introduced Into medical prao Ice by the great Chemist, Physician aud Traveller, Dr. M. Morse, has for Its basis an Oilental herb, first brought from tho stony deseri* of Arabia Pe* ires, by that eminent philosopher, which ha* been en dorsed by tho medical colleges of all the great oillea of of Europe ai tho best preparation extant for the CUIUS OP NKftVOUS DISEASES. No language con convey an adequate Idea of the Im mediate and almost miraculous change which It occa sion* In the diseased, debilitated and shattered nervous system. Whether brokcu down by excess, weak by na ture, or Impaired by sickness, the unstrung ami relaxed ». a — ~1fled, ““** *—"* organisation la at once re-braced, re-vivified, and built tip. The menial and physical symptoms of nervous tile- enae vanish together tiuder Its Influence. Nor Is the ef fect temporary. On the contrary, tho roller Is |ierma- noiil; for tho cordial properties or the medlclno reach tho constitution Itself, and restore II ,o Its normal condi tion. Well may the preparation be culled the MEDICAL WONDER of tho nineteenth century. It Is, as the first scientific men lu the old world have admitted, that miracle of medicine herulof ,re supposed to have no existence, A HTIMULANTTHAT ENTAILS NO UK-ACTION. Its force Is never expanded, as Is tho case with opium, alcoholic preparations, nnd all other excitant*. The ef fect of these is brief, and It may well bo said of him who take* them, “Hie lust stale of that man I* woreo than the first.” But tho Elixir la mi exhllarant without n aln- f ;lo drawback—safe in Its operation, perpeluul In Its nippy Influence upon the nerves, tho tnlna, and tho en tire organization. Incuses of neuralgia, headache, ver tigo, pain in the nerves ofllie face, und tlie various train of nervous affections, H will produce a cure In an aston ishing short period ul time; und it will also remove de pression, excitement, a tendency to blush, restletsnuM, sleeplessness, dislike of sorlety, Incapacity for study or business, loss of memory, contusion, giddiness, blond to the bend, meluncholy, mentul debility, hysteria, indeci sion, wretchedness, thoughts of self-destriicliuii, four of Insanity, hypocondrlnsls, ' * “ ’ * — Irritability, nervousness, .... .... . tilninl, Hour ulbus, nnd all discuses incident In Tumulus, Iiysterlu, monomania, vugue terrors, palpitation of the lieurt, constipation, fcc. fcc., from whatever cause arts Ing, il Is, if there Is any reliance to be placed ou human testimony, absolutely infallible. An appeal Is mudu to EVERY WOMAN OF SENSE, who suffers from weakness, derangement, nervousness tremors, pnlus in tho buck, or uny other disorder, who Iher peculiar to her sex, or common to both sexes, to give the Invigorating Gordlul a trial. LET FACTS SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES. Hear wlml the celebrated und distinguished Dr. Wood, of Massachusetts, says of it: Dear Hr—I gives me pleasure lo inform you Hint one of my patients, while in Boston, procured some of your Cord ml. which lie has taken two weeks, aud tliut ho is entirely cured. Hu already looks like a new person, who bo short a lime ago looked so pule and thin, and was scarcely nble to crawl around. 1 thought It scarcely possible for him ever to regain his full strength and fr. cullies; his case was an extremely had one. I prescribed the usual medicine used in ' uch cases In the Hospital, but they were of no effect. Iu the meantime, my patient hud procured some of your Cordial, which effecled a cure I am satisfied no other medicine could linve done. 1 ahull over warmly recommend It when an opportunity occurs. Tho inventor iu my younger duys I well remem ber as being considered one of the most skillful physi cians in the United Slates, and had heard hi* Cordial very highly spoken of; but was ouo of the ns tolls merits until 1 was so unexpectedly und saliufnc- torilj convinced to the contrary. I remain, very truly, yours, H. A. WOOD, M. D. Clergymen, ns well us physiclnns, und thousands ol others in ull parts of the United Slates, ure coulinunli} sending certificate*, informing us of the benefits derived from using Dr. Morse’s Cordial. We enn publish only a few. Thu follow lug is n specimen: REV. JOHN HUGER, of Jersey City, an old und highly respectable gentleman oftho llupilst persuasion,handed in the following curti- ficulu ni Dr. Morse’s office. It speak# for itself: l)u. Muiihk—Dear Sir: I am constrained to givo you u statement of the benefit I derived from using your i 'or* dial, believing, by so doing. I shall render u benefit to those who are suffering ns I Imve been. I was ufiiictcd for man} month# with pttlus in the head nnd dimness of sight, together with great nervous debili ty, so much thul il wus with much difficulty for me to walk or keep about. My dige.-tive organs, also, were much deranged. I used quite a number of remedies, lint received little or no benefit, until I look your Cor dial, which, through tho kindness of Providence, has re stored me to more than my usiiul lienltb, us 1 now uin enjoying belter health than 1 Imve done for u number of years. I am now W» years of age. 1 believe It to be an Invaluable medicine, which 1 recommend to my nume rous iicqiniiiituncu#, und they are very large, us I have been a in,ulster a great many vears. 1 hope this hasty #Leich inuy be us much benefit to you as the medicine has to me. JOHN SEGER, Jersey City. Jan. 7, 1852. tnlfl JOHN B.MOORK fc CO., Gibbops* PulldlnfT*. Ops’' 1 jM.UB’M.opsipimNn synupopTcpAPAniL A,—This Concentrated Syrup Is fedi)d to he t HI “■ “““* - 1 *—*•- -*■—*- safe and valuable remedial agent, altoraUvaIn It* effect*. and purl tying In lUuature; and may be used with great advantage In the cure of RHEUMATISMS, ULCERS, SCROFULA, TETTER, and other diseases arising from an Impure alato of Mia blood, Just received and for sale by W« W. LINCOLN, Junsl3 MonumentSquare, METHODIST CLERGYMAN. The following was pent to our agent In Rahway, by Rev. J. O.Tuiiison, oftho Methodist Episcopal Church- one ol tho most learned and respected In the connection —and is another proof of tho wonderful effect of Dr. Morse's Invigorating Cordial on the system: Friend Robinson:—Having for some yearspast, ns you ure aware, experienced great general debility of my sys tem, intended w ith constant and alarming Irritation ol tho threat and lungs, I was, at your lustunce, and in con sequence of having read Cupt. McLean’s decided testi mony In Its behalf. Induced to try Dr. Morse’s far- famed Elixir. I tried it, I confess, more in the hopethnn in the confidence of Its proving efficacious; but I a in bound in candor tn acknowledge that I had not tried it long before I begun to experience its salutary effects:— that I nmy now say with Capt.Mcl.euii, “that 1 would not now be without il on any consideration.” It has done me more good than any previous remedy I have tried, and If this statement Is deemed hy you of any importance, you limy Imve my full consent to make II public. Rahway, Aug. 3,185». J. O.TUNISON. THE MEDICAL JOURNALS Have not in u single instance that 1ms been authenti cated, given their suiicllon to any other preparation for the above complaints. It has in ninny desperate nnd vi olent cases effected radical cures atler patients had been abandoned and their condition pronounced hopeless by medical practitioner* of high professional character. It is put up highly concentrated, in pint bottles, with tlie name blown In tbe glass, and sold tor 83 per bottle—0 for $12—824 the dozen. ZjT Important advice accompanies each bottle. Prepnred by M. MORSE, M. D.,and for sale by CH AS. H. RING, General Agent, 102 Itroadwuy, New York, to whom nil orders must be addressed. Aoicnt*—A. A. Solomons fc Co., Savannah; llnvl- land, Risloy fc Co., Auguslu ; llaviland, Harm I fc Co., Charleston. Hold by Druggists generally throughout the United Htntes. a d—<» iocases CHERRY PECTORAL For the rapid Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRONCHITIS,WHOOPING-COUGH, CROUP, ASTHMA, AND CONSUMPTION. u .dnd hy the river, upon a hank thrrrof, shall grow all tree* fur meat, whose leaf shall not fade, and the fruit thrrrof shall be for meat and the leaf thereof for nedi• Of nil tlm maladies we suffer from, none lias carried more victims to an butlinely grave than Consumption of the I.lines. 8uhjoiM-d we give some evidence that tills ton may tie cured, aid llml I’lilumimry Complaints, in all their forms, limy be removed by Ciikhry i'lccro- HAL. Sufferers, rend mid judge for yourselves. FOR INFLUENZA AIND WHOOPING COIR1I. Nasiiviilk, Thnn.,June 2(1,1851. Sir: 1 have repeatedly used yourChkany Pkctohal for Whooping Cough and lutliieuzn, and huve no hesi tation lu pronouncing it n complete remedy. Four of my children have been nfflicled wuh these diseases, and the free use ol thu 1’kctoral has always afforded almost lu- taut relief. JAMES GLOVER. We attest tho truth oftho nboveatatenient. M. McGINTY, Editor of the Nashville WM* J. M. ZIMMERMAN, Druggist. This is one of the numerous cures of Asthma oe which huve been accredited to Cherry Pectoral. ilf Pi Albany, N. Y., April 17,1848. Da. Aykr, Lowell—Dear Sir: I have for year# been afflicted with Asthma lu thu worst form, to tnnt I have boon obliged to sleep in my chair for a larger part of the time, being unable to breathe on iny bed. I had tried a great many medicines to uo purpose, until my physician prescribed, os an experiment, your Cht~ry Pectoral. At first It seemed to tunke me worse; but In less than a week 1 began to experience the nfosl gratify ing relief from it# use; und now, In four weeks, tho disease Is en tirely removed. I can sleep on my bed with comfort, and enjoy a aluleof health which 1 had never expected to epjoy. GEORGE 8. FARANT, Commission und Forwarding Merchant. tub ubkat axuanv rna RHEUMATISM. GOUT, PAIN IN THE 8IDR Bln BACK, LIMBS AND JOINTS, BCHUFULa " KING’S EVIL, WHITE 8WBLI.IN0B. HARD TUMORS, BTIPP JOINT8, ’ and all fixed paint whatever. Where (lilt Plaster It applied, Pain cannot exist There Plasters possess the advantage of being r/m Mri In air-tight boxes; hence they retain their full vlrtu*» ti all climates. * ' a This celebrated Pain P.xlractor hot been so sxletwlr* lv used by physicians snd tho people In general, both i, this country and Europe, that It I* almost needitti £ say nnv thing about It. Yet there may be f*~— - ■ i» thing about it. Yet there may i, t . «ome.eti In need of It* healing power*, who have not m tried It. lor their takes, we will simply state baa done in thousand! of cases, snd what it will du 4- them, when tried. — ** A VOICE PROM GEORGIA. Read Ihe following lesllincy' from a Physician* GtBTLBMaa—Your Hebrew Plaster has cured pains or which I have Buffered for twelve mri During this period I labored under au affliction ofin. loins mid side, nnd tried many remedies that tiled cal experience suggested, but without obtslnfiwri lief. At length I used your Plaster, and am now bt iu good effects entirely cured. I will recommend the )** David or Hebrew Plaster to all who are suffering fo* contraction ofllie muscles, or permanent nslni iu iu sldo or bade. ^ The people of Georgia hove but to become acquaint*, with its virtues, when they will resort to Its use. ^ Yours, truly M. VV. WALKER, M. !). Forsyth, Monroe County fi* To Messrs. Scovil fc Mead, New Orleuns, Lu. ' JEW DAVID’3 OR HEBREW PLASTER IN NORTH CAROLINA. SIxssrs. Scovil fc Mkai»—1 have been troubled with Ihe chronic rheiimat'sm for the last twelve yean, its the 1st or July. 18W, 1 was so had that 1 could not turn In bed, nnd the pain so severe that I had not slept s nick for six days. At this time mv attending plitiirisn i, r . scribed Ihe “Hebrew Plaster,” and It acted lifce a ehsrm’ the pain left me, and I slept more than bailor thetiiebt! uud in three days I was able to ride out. I coifodtr the “Hebrew Plaster” the best remedy for nil of pains now in use. G. VV. .M'.MINN Hendersonville, N. O., Aug. 16,1830. q q q q $ q q q q Beware of counterfeits nnd base Imitations. 1 CiTThu genuine will In future have the Mgnstare Taylor,ou the steel plute engraved label on the ton ol each b«x. r Purchasers are advised that u mean counterfeit of ibli article is In existence. The genuine Is sold only by us, und by our agents ■#. pointed throughout the South—and no pedlur it allowed lo sell It. Dealers and purchasers generally are esudoutd lignins! buying of any but our regular agen!#, otherwise they will be lmpo*ed upon with a worthless article. SCOVIL fc MEAD, 111 Chartres-street, New Orleans, Sole General Ag<nti for the Southern States, to whom all orders must in. variably be addressed. §j00 challenge. From ihe President of Amherst College, Edward Hitchcock, M. D., LL. D. t tic. J. C. Ayer— Sir: I huve used your Cherry Pectoral In my own care of deep-tea'cd Bronchitis, nnd am satisfied, from Its chemical constitution, that it la an admirable compoitud for the relief of larynglnl and bronchial diffi culties. If my opinion, aa to lit superior character, can be of any serf loo, you are at liberty to ure It as you think proper. • EDWARD HITCHCOCK. Amherst, Sept. 19, J84D. Among other distinguished authorities who have lent their names tn recommend this preparation m Ihe best known to them for affeotlonsof the lungs, are: President Perkins, Vermont Medical College: Hon. Chief Justice Slorv, Sup. Bench U. A. A.; Prof. Valentine Mott, New York; Prof. Clenreland, Bowdoln Med. College; Prot Butterfield, Ohio Med. Collego; Csuadlaii Journal of Modlcal Rovlow; Uoilon Med.fc Surg. Journal; Charles ton, 8. C. Medical Review, Now /ersey Medical Re porter; Hou, Henry Clay, 11.8. Senator t Hon. Geo. P. Marsh, Am. AtuhaMndor to Turkey: Gen. Emanuel Bnlnes,President of Chill; Rt. Rev. Ed. Power, Iwmi Bishop of Toronto: Rt, Roy. Bishop Kecre,nfthe Meth- Kplt. Church: Archbishop Purcel (hop Kecse, oftho Mel ti nt*. Church! Archbishop Purcell, of Cincinnati, Ohio; Also many eminent personages In foreign countries. Not only lu the more dangerous and distressing dis eases or Ihe Lungs, but also as a femlly piodlolne for oc casional use, It It the safest, pleasantest and best In the world. Pr epared by j. C, Ayer, Chemist, J,e*sR,Mats. JSold by T. M; TURNER fc^I, X. A^SOLOMONS, W. W. LINCOLN, J. II. MOORB fc CO., Savaunah; and by all tho Druggist throughout tho State. JiineU ■ ■ lawfiiawn—!tm CONGRESS ; VVATKR—Direct from the Spring .ml IKWtlr Wjnoj Undijgjml f» ? if 10 Monument square. ’ nets of alghl, patn In Ihe side, beck, fcc. • ''"V.,"- the only safe und effectual remedy to cure the fell"* 1 "* complaints. Gout, Nervousness, Meluncholy, Sick ache, Giddiness, Rheumatism, digressing Dresrn*, or slghl,orln feci any oftho disease* »*»' i affections of the Liver, Impurity of the Wood) ’ AT A. WJLOMUSS fc CO- I Dr. (tuyaotl’N Yellow Dock and Nnr- n» pnrilln, F’or Ihe Cure of Disease, ora* a Spring Purifier of the Blood, and as a General Tonic for the 8y»iein, is unrivaled. Tlm curative powers or this Extract is truly wonder ful, and all irnulids should make immedinli- trial of tb« “ Ytlluw Hock and Sarsaparilla." 'it cannot Injure ILe most delicate patient. Then fly from mineral nostrums to seek hope, life atul vigorfmin this mtuv vkuktabi.e reml-dv. There fore, however broken in health und spirits, however lout fo. mm to himself and others, let no one despair of recovery; lei tho patient only understand ihni hi- tmpe of physical restoration lie# in “Guvott’s Extract of Yel low Dock und £ur#ULi.riliu.’’ and persuade him. I«r Lit LIFE’S SAKE, to try it, and wc have no iiediulion iu predicting Lii speedy restoration to health. **A thiiitr of Itcaiity in n Joy Forever.” Why will people endure pimples on the “liumsu face divine,” or eruptions of any kind, when It i* a fact sowell known that Hr. Guysutt's l)otk and *arn<ps- rilla cleanses the skin from all impurity, removin-z Pim ples, Sores and Blotches, leaving the affected I |nri»i> iieahh). smooth nnd soft a* ihe tlesli of a babe, it it really priceless to all that wish the rosy beauiy of child hood. It causes all sores and poisonous wounds to di#rhar^« nl infected matter, and eradicates every impurity from the system. It does its work mildly, but effectnalh, giving con scious beauty and blooming health iu the place of ugii- ness and soul-sickening disease. In cnlliiii; iiftcntion to Dr. (Jtiyzott’s IMPROVED EXTRACT OF YELLOW DOv.K AND SARSAPARILLA, wc feel confident that we are doing n service to all who may he affected wlih Scrnfrilnui, and other disorders, originating in hereditary taint, or from impurity of Ihe blood. VV e have known instances, w ith in the sphere of our acquaintance, where the must formi dable distempers have been cured by the use of G*y- soft’s Extract of Yellow Hock and Sarsaparilla alone. It Is one of tlie few advertised medicines that cannot be stigmatized with quackery, lor the “ Ytllor Doth” and the “ Sarsaparilla” lire well known to he the molt efflciclciit (and, ut the *ntne lime, (noxious)agenis in the whole Materia Medics, nnd by far the best and purest preparation of Uietn is Hr. Guyton's Yellow Hech end Sarsaparilla. Sold wholesale und retail, hy Thomas M.TuMierfc Co., A. A.Solomons fc Uo., William VV. Lincoln, John B. Moore fc Co„ Savannah; llavilnnd, Ritley fc Co., Ar gustu.Ga.: llaviland, llnrrnll fc Uo., Charleston,8.C. und hy dealers in medicine throughout the South. at eow 6m—o n Ilobcnsack’s Worm Syrup. A N Article founded upon Scientific Principles, com pounded with purely Vegetable substances, being perfectly safe when taken,nml has nicer been knnwnto fall lu curing tbe mn»t obstiuule cases. Worm* can never exist when this reiuedv is once used, from the feet that it not only destroys them but removes all tbs slime and mucus which muy remain. Tlx: J a lie Morin. This worm Is tlie most difficult one to destroy of all that Inhabit the human body. It grows to an utmost in definite length, aud becoming so coiled nnd tnsiem-d In in the intestines und stomach as to produce Jilt, it. Titus' Honce, fcc., which is (because of mnii) going to the grave, not believing that these complaint* have tl.eii origin from tlie Tupr Worm; consequently they do not use the proper imdicine* for their disease. To Ifort who ure afflicted with lids uw fill foe lo health. I recom mend the U»e of my Ihirtn Syrup and l.ieer Pun; tho Syrup to be taken in doses of two table #|><iohluls iliree times u uny, then take from five to eight of my Liver Pills, to dislodge and puss tlie worm. I.’y strictly follow ing these directions, the most obstinate cates of Tape worm cun be speedly cured. Hound or Stomach M’oriu. This worm is UMially found in ihe small Intestines,snd is tho worm most common to children, yet li is not en tire!) confined to tneui, as udulis have frequently been known to suffer with them. The symptom/ most prow- Incut while affected with this worm, are hardnesssm Inline#* of ihe belly, slimy stools, looseners or the bow els, picking at the nose, a bluelsh streak under the eyes *■ i. If you, or any of your children, huve any o f ,h * nvcsymptoms,liOBENSAUK’S WORM bYltl l of the ubovesy inptoins, lioUENs-AUK’S WORM SYRUP fan safely be depended upou—by using It you have a certain, sure nut] speedy cure; uud If after using it according to thu directions, the patient is not restored to health, and the worms thoroughly eradicated from the system, you can rest assured there is no remedy beyond the grave; us for full, there Is no such word us fail o ilh those who Use til) /Form Syrup. AacuriitcH, or Small Thread Worms* These worm#, to which the human system is liable,are n mn.l all ftlli.p,. rh..\ !l re Cr'IiWullT the most troublesome of all other#. They ure generally to be found In the rectum, and if allow ed fo remain, from the Irritation they produce, lay tlie foundation fer serious disorders, such as inflammation of Ihe bowet»,aud oilier derangements of the stomach The best and safwl medicine that chii be used Is IIOBENSACK’S V\ HUM SYRUP. Such Is the astonishing power or my medi cines over .1 scar ides, that I defy uny one to produces case where my Worm By run und Liver Pill* ure recom mended to be used they will not cure. AII that is neces sary Is to use tho 8yruj» In accordance with dlreeiioiuon each bottle; and III case u gentle purgative ts required in onler to allay the Irritation they produce, the Liver Pill# by tliclrsyinnutldsing action and healthy opt raiion upon t he bow els, Is tlie most pleasuul medicine that ciu be taken. BJolicflisock’s Iiivcr Pills. No purl of the system Is morclinble to discus** Him the Liver, It being supplied with numerous bloodves sels und nerves, nnd il diseased, the blood of course flowing through all purts of the body produce* l.itir Complaints, Jaundice, Hilivus Affections, Dyfpepn*, 4*c.,A'C. LIVER COMPLAINT. I* attended with chills, succeeded by lever, seirre puliis in the region of the Liver, vomiting, hitter taste, yellow furred tongue, pulse full and hounding, the j'»m In the side Is increased hy pressure, should the tell l»os be affected, the pain is generally In the left shoulder, with n short, dry cough, the skin becoming of a arnrurasoqnnd tlie stouts clay colored. ThisdisejM’CM bo cured by the use of HGBKNSAC'K’S LIVER I G.fet as they uct directly upon tlie seat of the disease, ana tneij operating upon the bowels they expel all the corrupt aud vitiated matter from the system. DYSl’El'NIA. £ Tho symptoms or Dyspepitu, nnd IU varfo:i* dlw*»fh ire dizziness In the head, It are dizziness m me nvnu, heartburn, oppression sftr f eating meals, sourness arising from tho stomach, k<-t and sometimes a general languor of the whole from this it will be seen that the disease ow es h» ont'S to u disorganized state ol the Liver and stomach. BENSACK’S LIVER PII.1.8 la the very medicine to «' feel a permanent and lasting cure, ns they act by cn»u«' Ing the certain morbid action of the system Into a ncsimy action, and rendering the blood pure and healthy. To Females. You will find these Pills, an Invaluable medicine many complaint* to which you are subject. I» p ® , L r fr lions eltbet total or partial, they havo been found of '"j estimable benefit In restoring and ptirll)l»g fo* D J“‘ h and other fluids so as to cure all other complaint* muy arise from female Irregularities, as hendath ""J” - ■— — 'Te. beck. Ac. Tb<* PHI'S nesso from a constipation oftho Rowels. MED1CA1. EVIDENCE. , We, the uudorslgtied Physicians, having h»u inc celpt of thslr manufacture submitted to us for in |*£ lion, uy that the Ingredient* of which they ar “J"“P£ ed makes them Hie best Pill In use for all Ulmawi ol Ll,„, Imjiurlllc. of tho IWto g „„„„ „ B . F.CROIVI.EY, M-W- L.HOWKN.M. 0- ry Purch.w non. bnt lb... b«vln« W.SBSS5» N fifilltNSAl'K.''.. nil >>'b,r..T, wor bin. iiniwl Akeul. wlihliil^io- ,up|iUc,.,nd •'•gJJSKJ 1 ™ to Imomo .kfblA miift «ddi«. ibo IJJpnrtw. ^ IIOIIENSAOK,U&jWdly. So. n 1*) h"'" 1 *“• ONI) Slrwl, .boro Rnfo. PHII.ADBl.PHIA. Solti by .11 l)r«jwl»ti,«d, Ul ihe mnylfl-rl.wINiwnly Dll, SWOT’S . iniiui oaJjVb dr nffit., nr P.i.. i« «• »«*. *».«»«;'■». ' A' Soj, I N order lo prln Ihebiiidldirnco of Urn I" 1 ? 1 !'„|li nnd ticnrly III, Ur. ynndnr. of rprtldn. nnd "J™ n long lUlor coriiOcIr. their nrwllolnn. I- bul my Blr.rjflh.nlng »«yn mjj rail on Im ojrn nrnrlll, •5*1, wuimSt Ibr Ibo oompliTnl. fbr which Ik I. StJgojjJvJlound foil of ndbrdiiif teller; nrtd lb. pgb In mM »» IKU 1,0 fiolyn eonulnn no nrtlclo Ibnt cn», lo *51 proyo liddrloui, bul opnroprlnlo lo lire l.'A.Mid"” r moil d.ll«o,dMjMi0lloii, jnd lb„«„r«b '",J?v m