Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1840-1853, November 07, 1853, Image 1

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VOLUME LI. SAVANNAH, (I TflE REPUBLICAN. is itiii.isiir.ii is rum.isiiRn daily and iiu-weekly ip, \V, ALEXANDER & CO. 1 ' TBIOIS IIBDUCEI): ?' r S^=;*S % L,,.„0.'kll. Ill»nce a »<> I ,, If •••>( I'liltl *•» A«lVtt»U!«*»... I 00 iMvnrlubly In Ailvnucc, * 00 I Vkiklv, (Chill piieo.l 10 copies for 819 00 A resolution wm pnsswl duclttrlns tUftl ItumhwUti- • in, mi ilio purl ol n public oflieor, nlion n«ui tiiomllQiit ... lo ilm head of tho nnifoii, is treason to domoerney, ■mi that tho cotirso of tho Pwldiml in removing Colloctor Uronson, met tho approbation of llio con- volition. run tub miiT'iw.ioAN. For Homo years past decided elibrts hnvo been nindo by tho American Medical Association, to olevato iho standard oi medical profession—that is, to educate moil in medieino upon a trim and proper basis. It is truly unlorlnnato that so litllo has been done to accomplish an object which is con* ' , , I ceded by all to bo a desideratum, • , ,,, and of vital fc nil'’** AHV EHTISINU HATER i ivortiwnicats Inserted at Hie followliiK rules:—* v » nit |I>K SSI'AHK or TUN MMCS, Another I.oltor from .71 r. iiroimon to buurolury (Jtiihrlo* Nrw York, Oct. HI. Sir:— If you had boon content, in your loiter rf the thM itiHiant, with announcing my removal from olltco, it would havo been tho cud of our curies- poudenoo mi that aubjoct. But as you linvo at- templed to inwign reasons for tho prococdiug, 1 have something to say in reply. You deny tho right of the Collector to act whil om instructions from yonrdepartment, in any ease. This doeirmo is entirely new; lor in much (lie larger imrl of tho busmen^ of the Custom House, the Col lector is guided by the roveiiuo laws, and lias always acted without instructions from tlm Secretary of tho Treasury, it is only in special cases, where • i. . i i.. ,.r .*■ ■■ • • ' llio I ruilHiiry. II is only in spcr.iui uiidv-b, w the law is ot doubtful construction, or the duties of the Collector have not been fully prescribed by law Wulmi .uni wilUout, liorio ui."lli.'W have »lw< '!■» K*' lulmy lijw * ,lw|irtwlnK imwi r . . . mi.,) that lie liar been uutliori/.od lo issiio insirtlelioiiH to ami wo opmo tlm contests Iiavo j 1.1 „ " j tjnllcelorrt And none ul these eases Iiavo atiyihmg n>K «»>k s^cark «r tun I.IMCN, I Powerful extraneous inlluonces stand out in bold to do with tlm niipnimmciit of nlliccrs ofthociw* •wInu'rilen....i"* et». one Monili $[J JJJJ .. t | K . 80 ollbrte, and havo hitherto proV- toms. (>n that head, the rights and duties of both •• ••••« « ! *,.....ic..n.-.-i.. r imtim i, - •• i«.H««««■( imvo lien Limn! | il, as you appear to suppose, the Collector can do 1 1 a\VH ••• • • *•! ort one Venr! u« who essayed to cripple the true principles of our I 1 ' r Ail'eiioennMiiK nel exceeding live tines, llireo- ; science, and destroy its standing as the healing nit i the nbovo rates will be charged, t. y..r mu'insertion ! among tho people ; and especially has this been ' tile ease within tho last have century. They como I forward with tho declaration that they have dis tulip I I «• mu* week $1,311, fci'., &C. . ...mla.lverilseiiwiilsInserted ul Hie usual rates, and | r ,, ,,i 1 i-Toare lakeu Unit ilicy lie published nreordim; le law. covered tho true principle* of iitedniiie, all ol j tiuiilvrtl-cincniu rreiti transient persons or strangers, j which may bo contained in a nut shell ; thus wo have Homeopathy, Hydropathy, Thomsoiiiniiism, A c., in other words--like cures like, tret sheets, and «ffilm. Now, of all these wo need have no fcais, lor they nro as the “dial! which the wind driveth away." Time will consign them us il ha their predecessors to oblivion—as il has, and wil all tic tie it and imposture, while ours will continue tv* live on unscathed, coextensive with all two ilvnoee. pro iloccs ol'yearly advertisers wilt In l*< their reiMilsi'r bndness, nnd all other am poristlntm; lo tlieir regular tniHlaess, ... iu> paid extra. W-arlv ud'erti-ers exceeding In the nver’ave inindier of line confined idvcrtlse- 1 is agreed ud vert Iseinentfl agreed for, will be charged indlmig’willimit instructions from ymirdcpnrlmenl, lie business which is now Iranracled in the (Jus- loin I louse in a single hour, could not be iiccom- iilhdied ma month. You havo evidently set too ! j. lngh an estimate upon the extent of your nuyws. \ _ Tin* icasou which you have assigned for this ! *■ sweeping claim of authority, is as extraordinary I as the claim Itself. Ymir words are, "where the | department is not exprissly empowered to give in- j fuir| si met ions to subordinates, it has the authority to 1 n do so, ns inherent in the power to remove n ruUnv- I _ t ivotlieer.” Now, ns I read the eoiistitoti'»n tho , o .. . ur y oi the Treasury has imjmwcr to reiimvu j j |0) _ INSKKIKO IIHATC s and r ' ul .id'erltseinen's for charitable tnstiiuiii - i- secn'ln* - . «111 •"> eliurwed hall' price. I \lj a.irerusciaeats seal to ilnsoilloe without«ll- 1 science. mas nstoitioiiainlier.'f inscrtieiis. will he pimlished | While wo regard nil these, as rubbish, and only ' require time for removal, wo confess great obstu- a are to he found in our own rauksand «‘d uuff'** • bedisceiuiinied,: ed to this olllee, or title iliein lo alleiui" ! charged ac- I the Editors, 1 I Ordinary, Hint Adininirtraiioii, .■tuition h\ the four i,vii made*for l.ellers •d TillU I V I* XX S ill ItTI-l. cnion* and Adininisiralois for llehlors tender in their accounts, nniM be puli- Ad* , , .<i Heal E-iate and negroes, l>y Executors. ;.. rl[ „ rv U n.i i.uaraians, nn:«l tie pul»tis!ied I'oUI V Vs I'cfo'i 1 Hi" davofa.ile. Tliesesales inu-l tie made „. i .mrt llon-e d’oorofihe eoiintj m "loch iheprop- :• -iltiule, and on Ihe tirsl Tue-ila/ ol the liu'lilh, . .-•a Hie hour* of ten in tne morning and in the N.> «.de front day lo day is valid, unless so 'r*sfed in the adxerHseuienl. nhcaiton- n\ Executors, tdinlnlstralnrsmid «Itmrdi- .|„. Court oft irdiuarj. I«.r l.-af -ell Iteat Estate .• -grocs mu.I lie putdished fit'* MtiNTHR. l.. - of personal properly (except neer- c-i ol te-tale ■ntestii'e estate*, hv E.xe •u , .or« and Aiiiiiinlsfatoi.*. . he advertised l‘«»ISTV l»A VS. •mhcalions nv E\< cut or* mid Xdm.nislrnlors for E.'t- o- '.-r. •'■nisi he publMied >IN MnNTIIS eeloMireol Morigaui-son Heal I’siale xjnvntly m places that should !"• regarded citadel*ol liic profession. Mercenary am motive* are the movingfy'Wcr with some we doubt not, other* go asliay tl.r- .i.Ji t. nee, thereby disparaging Hu* lal.-is oi il worthy, and aliening downright quackery ! overtly, or knowingly they would md do. Within the past lew week*, several iw notices iiavo appeared, ot IVI ilyrd's "’I. ihe idid ; — • hihitnig tho do*cs, ftincipul tmdieUics Ale f tin ,»t one hundred o| ihe Matcti.i .Miuiea."— e.l through the same iiMUon lor f >: • advertised o ■I ol (>r.I:» I'dl'H ,\|( i.NTl :li ii ri e moii'lis at least. ■r cxocnrtons regular' .Iveri:-d I'lttUI’V ! St X'i'V HAY.- 4 —=ides • granted l»V \ \ >—under SAVANNAH. (!A. 7IOIC M>v. 7. im .liiiin, t o make ■ ill,' or two rcmai! l.s e.'iieeriiiiig this table, which it IS " Iiopod will be i.f such great aid to the student and praelilioiiei We State distinv tly. ,xvu have tv** pvwxvnal f.'-l- lugs 1.1 sul •serve, Ii. lit tile p*-slll".l we «H-eupy aiises Iron, n.b. ■b. Il* f..| til* ■ h gnumiey of its principle, and w liat we bvln- will bo Its pr: .elieal elici ts- So far ns . •nr kiiowli. igl* g'"S <T I I liigiii.-lied rr- rut Wm * >ptn ions. , all faU e- ti'.vixai ices have u**t only been r-izml 1 [uit ) and 1 am sure all pr*•- t.s-ional III. li *d elll. ,ii;:*••! views, and tin run ad i education, , will v 1*11111 at ns |.iinei| 1 *•• What ism .vv Iinive rsa! IV deprecated 1 i tin.- nitty. IS the fact that l«.' die. )l StVVvl* IltA Vx-cv we only an *«* knd&nl n i-.’dieal e. due: *:i "ii; t'm y an* n«t--norc.i!i- li t be, in ih** bricl an id impel ieet *’' •ors- "f st "Iv, | i n Culleelor, however refractory fie may he. Tho ’ power id removal, as well as appoiiilment, i* vented in tho lVsidenl. You will do well tbereforu to look for 80tun better reason than llio one you havo assigned, lor an unlimited authority over collectors in llm selection ol tlieir ngeiils. Yon think it singular thiilii gonlleman of mv le- gal anpnreiiients ami e.xperiem e should bill into t’| r (d i.s.-iiiiiing tli.1t the Collector appoints the various persons employed in the Cu.-toin lions,* Hi tlm approval of the Secretary, and • sole iiutlioiity o| tin* (.‘olleetiir. Sin gular as Hus may appear to you, it is tin* course which has imiloinily been pursued since tlm loiuida- ti -n ol tlm government. Weigher*, measurers, a ill inspectors have been appointed by the Col lect *r, with ill-* approval ol the Secretary ; whiio clerks, porters, bargemen, laborer*, and others, have been appointed by llm ( olleel:*r alone. Il Inis iio> only be* n so under all former Secretaries of tlm 'I roa-u’rv, lad durimi y«>m own time. All mv clerks, p,.rt. rs, I simien, lalioiers, A e.. have I'cen appoint, ed wtihniil consulting you in any lorin ; and y*.ii never inliinated a doubt about the proptietv of this vers* 1 mini Von <ie. im d it expedient to interfere in the local | 'iili*'.' '-I Sew Y* riv. Stiil you lii-isl that the clerks and other agenls of the Collector" derive tlmir appoiidimTit and their auih'iny as pubic o|Vn or* tr.-m the Secretary of the Treasury alone." Tho roas n you ns-ign f.r this in " an I extravagant claim will ehow that it is xvii*.Ily wi'hont any j* gill foiimi.itioii. You plane it upon ilm i‘**iisiitu:i**ii ol llm I'nit* d Slabs, which i i >\ i<i>s that "th'iigies* iiitv, by law, vest the ap- .i* ul ot snob tnlcn»r utiicoT* ns tb-*y think pr*»- n ilie heads**f I>ep:irl;m ids." Y«uilli -n :.*:.!, • ( oicre-s has not al'eiuptod, lior, it it had :l h !'■' »licet, d any m.di.ieal i*ii • I I ins |.r**- | theI | tV I I- ' I ' c* .ml In! • Jo appo ;aiy. Ey Magnetic Telegraph* ..pi :.\ e o|{ TIIK KF.ITIU.K LATEST FKOM EITJOI’E p riant g* bat mn#t t u; on lliei i .Mu. hot iinong us, iiiiloelruia!' neial prineiple* which un.i* '.•■pend for a'.o st< * k r industry an I *•! s rvatmn ii this diliir.ilty, we ar«* n .;*!» : i.ivi •d H’ THE Tho ' liltlVA '' BlilTbll STEAMSHIP AFlUfA, At .New-York. HaI.TIV 'RK, Nov Tho .If'nVd Ins arrived at New-York f ■■'•d Cotton at l.iv.rp i.'l l**r llm week were 1 f.ixW hales. There was a lair demand and b"bl- (••< were lirm at an advance during Hu* week of . i. Middling Orleans is quoted at t‘>, ui.d Mid- | o : g 5 (1. I . nr is quoted at 25 shillings. Corn ha* ad- v.iv*'d considerably. Turkish allairs remain as las: reported ; no later | news having been received from the east. Kaglish Consul.-.are quoted at '.Hi r.-al f pi • nit h:s It’lr ot i pari MvI'ONIl Ptsn >.T« II. Ni.u ■ York, N**v. I. Tiie royal mail steamship A/nru has arrived at • * port tr.m l fiverpo *1, wile lie*- slur sailed on llm i.'.-.J uit. J-lie brings three days later intelligence. I.iverpooi .Harkrt, i • ri >v—Tlm sales tor the week am.*imt,d to M‘l bales, of which SpellllalulS I'Miuk HHlHI and : V,. UlelS 5'IOH hales. Tlm nrirket el .nod III 111, w.: i a g *od demand. Tho following are tin* qeo- ns, whieii are ‘aid. higher limn ih-'.-o brought , • . Arnhui, the gr«*alest iinpioVeiiieiit living on ; .r ..;••) g-.od f.,ir (piailties: J'.ur Orleans hid, M.•Idling f. d. I air I (hands I» .|. Middling I lands 5 d. I'Kr.wiisi rv»s have largely advanced. Mu.x'i.v.—Consols arc quoted at HU, though Hue- ' Irving. ITiii.d .Stales Stocks have tiigiuly ad- ' *.i ed. I lit.-rest remains um iiaiig >1. I'r.viii:.—Tiler** had been a slight improvement ia traiio in .Manchester. Jt.oiiilou HurUot, .An AND C"I I'l.F. bail d.-eiimd t*d. !'• : ir.* .vt..—Turki.-h aliairs were tim hanged. ISavro ’ otton market had been more active, with v that I as.- r that I wa bee urn-d :mv tiling * nn'v Him:; to :u t in all i- .si-.s*.vlu re • lo duv.t Y**u dinalio'i or and .-uliuidin.ite Tin- r«*ad l" rs, ii-»r liaV'j i .hi i lint t 1 ••rnmr |.-t- i- ii..hi 1.1- \ • III) le 4 J"dg lid t il, an id lib*' cnitislam .-s and cumbn.' tity, the number ol Him tlm im .Ii.-m. s used, w|, by llio iliscrrluni of tlm Hunk, ih it, we iiavo ju- lalil* • a- guld.-s, and to : pity.- u-ing into Daml •I llio. The :r fair extent. .' nrlcaiix 7I»»rU(*l. , Nov. 1.1*. \|.—The advices from I'pc by tho British mail .-team, r Alrn-a, which ; l. v.-rp ...1 for New York on tlm ‘Jgd ult , vveru wed m New l Ir lea ns at n-»oii *>» Finlay, by tho '• .-li-rn him oi telegraph. The sales oI (Joitou m vv U.leans mi Friday eoiiipnsed !MoH bales.— !::■ better qualities wen* linn, and Stin t .Middling 14 -s q lute 1 at il corns. Tim - -ivc am .anted to til/HM ha! - receipts at nil port.-:, up n ' tupared with bint y all * . Ibis lies during .-s. Tim iK . the latest gHI.Wil ball llm .is declined, and "itO bl.|s. <>l .Me>a have been sold jl I 50 ;i.-r bbl. I’riiim Molasses is worth 22 i ts. ,* r gallon. liMOCI hags ol Rio CulVeo have been t d during llm week at Irom It) to II cents per ll». Ni.te Our.iiAxs, Nov. 5.—Tlm sales of otton U*- i | l*> have barely reached 151)0 bales at unchanged I'U-es. Middling Fair stands 1 ; ‘.. I’rnmi Mol asses, 221 vents. M«ss l‘ unseUb.-d, •I*-ugh the market ranges at §l-li to Hi. as are likely !<• inli ne ill. they have obtaim-d, upon lull- which I-•nn*-ri> r< quit is :\ c mdi I o umetlon Venus, have ha.l tlm ii-sulis vv*- mi say Hus inticli. Cp <n llm vv Ir seems to iis a very le* ido atn-i ui’itle eusii;’’ and al best—even i aiiording 1,1 the im dmal pra*-lii he but a paltry siibslitn'e p.f tii i and clTmicimy. vvlimh is secured ami all olh.-r s.-i* m .-, I invehiigatjoii—hi oil, hi inline j Ih. I I '• e l alt* . ihe If voiir in-.iiv the' facts lil.-l I- oi iiinix- create the imp* :i letter has ama/.-d on- in->r cling tree s*u wa- said ili<-n w iihont s.'< ing ill .1 y<* *• a;-;i*nnl a larger p"tli »n of Free ns wliojiad b n Hi - I).-moeialn- parly ami I Mr. Van. Hur-uou tl w Slawiy quest mu than I had Indore doii<*. You spoke ot tlm • h* ing iliv nle.I into ri M se.-iioris," ami :nl*' Ii * >iu lii'at | • rf i- n o| Hi-* party to vv hleh I N on were ii"i sneaking ..I the' reeeiit ilivi- Syiaen-e, |..r I had made u • nominations at event I'.ipp* m d Y*.u w.-re speaking of tin y had » vi.-t* «l m the el! that I adl'.'-r. *1 t*. that party win* ii md *1* s. rl* *l tin: ua- I can l.ui to see give a larger si. ire of s.-.-ti-.n and ns aiims. ^ on k. i I - Is ml* .I I s tlm i • l,v 1.1 I all’ll ■ ■luce ' tiii'l it i-oiivi- *• sogers |.. r . .' Ire t );i 'apahie oil- I V. hv < M ■ "dill. The t C v ’ Th«! sluaniship Florida, (.’apt. \Yoon:iri.i., r New York, sailed on .Saturday morning at 10 -■dock. Arrival or tub Alaiiama-— 1 Tlm Steamship | Al'i l 'innit f Capl, S.'lmnek, arrived at her vvharl at early hour on Saturday inoinmg, in fji) hours •m New York, bringing Hil pass' ngers mid a lull ight. W** are indebted to our New York roii- n.pcrarii:*. loi tlmir usual favors; also to tho I’ur- fi, T lor late papers. The " (»i r.MAv Di.m-mkv ing of native C. rm.ins, le b: N-w York Tuesday night last. Scv.-ral *pe w.-re Hindu and letters read, among tin* lain- lr ,, m Mr. Marcy and am>ili*-r from .Mr. Ihx. reader may cat eh tin* 'lull of thu proceedings Irum the following mottos wlm h w.-re p..sii-d , un-picu- * "tisly ah ait • >1*1 Tammany vvh* re llm meeting as sembled :— FUANKUN pikimt, Tho Champion *.1 tlm Progre-MVe Di-umcraev* , UTI.I.IAM I, MAKCY, I lie able l-vp .nuil. r "I tin- ..| all Nati-ins,aiul the Kighis.d Am. re hi Citl/.eii*. Tin: t Aiii.Ni.r, Tlm K*-preBi'iitanve ol ihe I ufit I). uiocraev. T Ilf.Ill ACTIONS 111 • 5 Milt it Ic then to the Nat 11-i ud esteem of the rrr vv*. lueli-rstaml that tin* members of tho ivannah I ir*-Company *>n ilissolving their cor poration, loriued a niercanlilo and meelianieal I.i- . ,r,, ry, Assoeiaiioit lor the purpose <>l providing a J.i- ry, Reading Hoorn, and Lectures, or other in- D’ tioii |.>r young men. The lumls arising lo ui hum tho division of the corporate properly h'vy have coiurdmicd, to carry out tin* proposed oh- joits. Siuli an institution has long been needed in • -vVi'ijiioli, and hi view of the pleasures, ami bciu-lils v H , " li n must sei'iiro to tho city, it is vvuli no com- tn'»« eartK-wncsH that wo wish for it, speedy and Hiriuiiciil success. DOWN WITH THE TltAllollS | > Till .Mow oi i ni. i>i vim hath Tho billowing resolutions we. which it will be seen that the ),* with ill'- New York ir< e-soil.-rs : 1st. That vve hailed lie- union ln-tvv- Icrcnl liiclions o| the Di-nio.-raiie pa; adopted no take: llm ilif- , .....and Hi*-. leetioii ol Franklin . Put*-*-lor Pn-sideiil ol the I lined Slates,a* an important and lortiiiiaie event. 2d. Tliailh'-niiitiiier in win.Ii Pnsidonl Pu-rco has loriued Ins Cabinet, was but a Inilhlul execution ol tile people's Will. 2d. T'bat (lie aeijun of ihe ailniiuiHlration, par ticularly m 'li<! K"*/.ta nliair, commands ilm appro bation ol .-very true d.-moeral. •Ilh. That tlm vnhia'do services of Win. I, Mat ey iiuiHl iiK.-tt tlm hearty approval of every truo , Herniicrui. I mk "War ok ttii: Hhells" has extended to! . •* | h. ‘I hat wo heartily n-joiee in llu* g| ■WeluiHciis. as will ho seen by tho following. ! H"" "'| WM ,ro1 " Uc "W«. ‘I\ i.nesM-'’ A dispatch Iron, Boston says: i 1 L ,!' , l 1Hy , l ,', a ' 1 ' a ' , , , Tl„. i , , r, • 1 " al eongrntnlaunhc riiiimn, thn Sijvto, U.'.. . . ' (e.-m-iernls or Mss.-x co.i„iy met at and llio city ol New York, that its* treasure ,j "“",»**»«. *. SMW*i»l udw. is MM* lu Midi iii.'i. ns .1 (Jml.1,0 J.ilm IU 1 ".7" 11,11 •:'«I" | ""'K ill" C Wri.rlii, :.U.I A...Ii <' I I.. .... ,;;. “ "rtTV’?' i \ ,u '- <*y in** ,.r llm .1.. w . ' ' 1ICI " " n l - il1 ""'' 1 ""MirkM luCuu. < in Mil, :(«'»Sr,i;::;;:;]':,'::,i iii'i’T,':!! 1 :'!"! 1 /i™ 1 "-! /"i:" n.- si,„ u w ,„, Ir.iiy .1 Sp. lie "I appxntiiig none hut ‘'sou »'ia 1 -ini’.-iely :il!.o-h*d llu* priiu-ipl P 'riy, ami s ij.|>-.n.*rs of tin* national nation.” I .-poke of " dilli- r. Ill wet III party, ju-t ..s v«*u h .*l sp *k* n ilu ni you, not tl. il “ir. e m il. rs," lint that “tin sx'/m/i" iiud got its lull .-liar** "I the ollie "amiiiailvei-ioii” derive* all its lore** Inn res. niing tin* language of ymir advetsan might be said ; Inn if in r* vTi- m. ii "I III-sui'i.’et, you «.III mamlaiii v«.nr -h-IS- li'-tlimg that I call say vv*ul*l lie likely lo ..-h you. Ii ivmg, as 1 lrust, slmvvn that ilm I* isons which [ u have a—igii'-'l are iinerly Worthies**, it n ivv re* , ai'is to mqiui.-vvhal wa- the lea! ground of re- 1 oval Ii was not mini after llu* reei-nt break in •• parly at ^vincuse, that you l**uiid any eau-i* ot impiami ag-unsl me Alter the parly had lu-eii -'tveil nib* ns onginil el.Tii.-m-, wiiImuit any t-i'i-y ol niitm, and by nn-ans wIm-li i i-i.ukl not i|'l*.ve—.ill«-r I had been i-oiiip. lleii lo eh.*-*-*** Iie- .*•*•11 III*- Iwo .-eelmns, ami had v.-ry n.itiirfily ad- i* l t" mv old a.—-..elation** vvuli the lialional d*-ui* -rai-— all* r ill*- papers whi-li pr* fe*-a *l, without biilv.- i" sp.-ak llm .M-niimiiiis ofilu- Cabinet lii.l tlie side o| ih*' I fee soil section, anil denounced iil'Us ilio.-c who adhered to llm prim iples broii.'hl ihi• ailinmislratioii ml" power—then that you first discovered that I had not h -hi ally lavi.rahle t*> the lr« c *"il s. eti.m. Can um *d sense and candor « nteiiain a doiilit ■ mm: tlm aioiiv.rol ymir action ! 1 ihmk mu. inli ii'b d to lake* ground against the national democrat*, rind throw llu* weight of dm a.lmmis- tration into the opii..sile s.-ale. The men who had never swerved I nun tin* principles *>| parly, hut liail stoo l last by the Ciiioii wlu-n n was m dang. r, vvero to tm horn* down by the strong aim ot power • and 1 ,l "; M'dlector occupied a pin* I'some im- portmieo, llu- bl'.vv was to In* rendered the Mgtulicuni l*v making it lull un hmj. You then "role me tin insuliuig lelier, and plae. il a copy ■■■ •he bands .*1 anoHi.-.-r of Hie eiislouis, vv|m wins '•red u about, and linally gave u to Um pro m. ans .f aiim.yam c to m**. Wbetber y*.ii intended llm (din er should net is im>n* Ilian I can say ; hut so lur as I have learned ho still enjoys your con- m I"-:-: i |^5 I. v .. " * ■ > Ivr. V j ake sllHi.l. Y. e.l M.'lil Pi II l*>re*l filial All Sweats, ifl script um f 11 "Sp- of llu* I lie propcif venient a sait-iae i.uiselee- * Hiio and I ;*1 omouig v !• I’lty liarnl a-'. s ul all [ Ii*ivv •Ill'<*r.*i| pro!.mini n Ciuieoi-t|ii|(H ex peeled til I- pecullarjl e.t, am) nisi! •) of SugarB niiolo from " lulus v rats Wlm ' T <• i *V ' piusem maio t.oVenmiuiit, Willi |.. ii sales imi h-.s i. .11 , i lli.-v alJ./l 1 1 V 1 1 1 <,c ‘"‘' n, l Fierce. ' llorutio heyinmir at its head, has fully answered' !, i / ' 'T tl “'““! 1 ""’y |, »*« •••■i'll- 1 it- pui.iio „„ ,„ III'7.V, Uex eruiiiiv i "T 00 * " 1H «ppwintnieiii8 m • ability, brumes* and integrity. ,i * , H ' "" l, l '•" ir | ,u !'.ly ,lav,! •‘‘•'•n Ol (Irtect oppiwition t.) his _ . the canaln and other matt,*rs of hv '.i'-f *’'«•" (I, Hired oppi le.vcd •.iwil tP a °r. ,UrUU "f t -'‘ , Beeb»r llroiison is np- and h»« removal , 8 attributed to Hen. Cush- ln,7,r lr “' "T"," r 0i *l“«“" of <1.0 ttnino dale, "''iii ihe enine place, sava • "''livin' MM '.I ,\1',llllc»cx v, llntnsmrk linilmul Stock at u Premium.— Wo learn Irmii u soiuco eniuledto credit, that Mr. Brooks, one of tlm stockholders in llm llruimvvick Bailrond, Canal and Maud City Companies has di'ipoHcd oj hm untiro interest in tlm three (join- panics, to eight other persons, Chan. Day, Hsq., iormorly of Macon, (la . being one of the purcha sers, ni tlm profit of $100,000,—Thumusoiilc Wat ch ut an 5hid. li.lein: And now what was the nature of ihu controver sy lo which you have mad.-ih.- National A.lmmis- trail hi a party l It was not aeonllic! between Dcin- oerats and \V logs, but between Ivv*. seelions n| thu ). moeraiie parly. No can.lidat.-s tor national ,d- !"•< s were in ihe in-l.l ; and il ihe free sod section was holiest in proclaiming im the priiieiples ol 111.! Ibiliiiiiora plall.niu and (lie Imui- gmal Address, I hero were no lialional issm-H at ! hi bitrli Stake It was purely a New Ymk quairel, mv..|v- |,r " val ,r '"" mg questions ol mere fUale policy. In such trquar- I ""‘Trl' rei a niemher ol llu* (-ahniet at Wmdiuigion has ta- I Ea.-h yen , told the D.-iiioerais id , will bear mi t lor lli.-ir local ru- policy in rehiiiou to v , : - - - I merely local iuler- ’ "iir ileuinl on this subject etui mi to nolluugso long ns thu lacia rcnuiiii unchanged. Aside Ir«uii the principle involved tho removal ih a matter ol little moment. I shall lenvo llm ollien nt llm close ol this day with greater pluasuro than I aeccpte.l it six iimiiihs ago. Ihu I have* Imen as- Nided without cause, and ilmro lias been a gross vi- oiatioii o| Um Democraticdocirmc which denies to Urn I’ederal (.ovcrnmuiii ilm right to inturmedillu with tho purely internal aliairs and policy ol tho l or ItroP iinlry M! rpilE HIHtll 1 nIoii, I,oil Ivlutr In ilmnp Ap|ilili|(, ('lie! coni, roiumlsil Value o|' laiulil Hitnot to | IM.-uit amt Hr. I Hruanwlck,