The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1873, November 07, 1866, Image 1

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v VOL. LXV.-N". savannahrepubucan. j. irim,-Editor aud Proprietor. ,w;:st MID <T ACTUATION IN CITY AND COUNTY AIIVItKTIIlIfKI. IV of TEN Hue* NnuimrU’l tv|K» or spaccnc- iin' *» nu> number oriluMb$l.m first Insertion ..continuation. •. *r>c. [or first tnsnrlton; 8T ccula r<*r each ; insertion. .. „ pm buiulred; mbscrtptton (by malt , m [ht artnara; single(topic*. ft «j»t*. M iuottW must bo paid Ibr at the Counting v*>.n* to insertion, and If banded In l»y 8 P • v.w iu the morning edition. savannr a.h i v. i:»!\KSMAV .UOUN1NU. NOV. T :l ,uHQ J1AIT£H ON EVERY PAGE. r from the lion, Joliu 91- Horn*. Ainrnx, October Gtli, IStitJ. / Utor of the Culpeper Observer: . I .per of yesterday 1 Dud the following v which L :uu Invited, if not chullcugcd, to ,.’t oitii complaints, if any I havo to make, . i’,justice you may havo dono mo, of which 1 . , "voaskm to avail myself. You any: .. i\ .• received a eouiumuicatioti from A. M. relation to a quotation wo uiatlo in our . front tho Pator-sua, N.J., speech of the ,, yi. Uoti«. If Mr. llotu thinks wo Imvo .ui iiiiustice, he is tho proper ono to cull \is to .iiii. aitd not Mr. Lawson. Wo therefore do- • I utilish it." ; my absence from tho Stato ono or more , v jvared in yuur paper which did Ulo such . wrvitg that tuy lncnds (of whom I havo a , ... u;ii ot the Potomac) prepiretl a letter for esjfosiug this injustice without my . ' a Inch was adopted and signuJ by an in- i.i only, so that there should be a respou- U i lie’communication; and he delivered '.Vuiu informed) to you, tvitliii roquost that you : i ,ni,i:u it. This you promised to do, and ul- . . „. .-ci up in type, as l learn ujion tho advice ... third party, you forgot the obligation of , ;ime, and substituted tor tho cominunica- i.ticie quoted above, intimating privately luyteif the author of the communication, nothing eould have been more untbuud- . ; Hu- last eight or ten mouths tho paper? of this ucu tilled with the foulest misroprcsent- : ...V "i iumiu aud si*ceehcs that havo over . i a licentious press; to all of which I .... uiiiiv i because 1 had no moans of redress : Aii.nniel of communication through whieh 1 . | ,1-iviid myself. You Were kiudcuough onec to • hat the columns of your papei note open ,. 1 desired to set myself right; but as ... only a weekly issue, 1 could not ’ j o! your oiler, because those mis- ■ "■’uioiis ■* L ' ru f0 numerous it woulil have oc- ,.t my 11,1,1 and all of your paper to havo the f iise^"^ 1US tost 113 they were ■JoV l ilior.'luru Jt'cruilue.t tu ..wait tlmt itn.l wndiait.r 0/ llu ' 1 . Tiuio, tu ro- I frwtu all 01*."®*“"! „ .tight Hi tu join tho 1“ Hj* . .... ,u.... un.l I .tu., as it were, *" 1V *l" m . :. eii.illeugcd to state the ground °t “W ... 1 w ill endeavor to make it good; »“'* 11 !.. ;c d:tiicult tusk to nuswer all the c U ‘ ur havo been preferred against mo ,'Y , u is to answer this pretorred by you it . ..i..: . j ivriunity were presented to me. .'cch delivered by moat Paterson, N. J., i • .\iy sympathies were with tho Union ami i . i ,,i. a army. My sympathies woro ul?o with , ,.i /tu. doceivod and cheated men of my own v, i,ut one partiolu of sympathy did I feel i vi'cliiou or those who had brought it on. aued with the I’nlin party and wdth the ‘..i..;v becauso 1 felt that my own liberties and , lic > ut those who surrounded me—the liber- • whole country—dopouded on the success . ‘,.,..11 army; and 1 may say with truth that . nd hear, during the whole rebellion, ot a v;.•!•.» v that 1 diu not rejoice, aud l never .... .J l. uiou defeat that I did not mourn over ,.u -j 1 know that every success ot the rebel . , ... . prolonged the war and increased the suf- oi the people of the South.' 1 This, with some "■.rillut alteration of the verbuge, is precisely :'l .-ai l; ibis is precisely what 1 was reported to ; and tins is precisely what you read ot my v u read it at all; and it yon did not you . , u.n'v .one so beforo you condemnod it. ; lot us see wuat an uufair and uugeuer- '. V. u u a Ic ot this paragraph, which gave u»- .. twitnce ot my kindness, sympathy, and , an ' tor the sintering l*coplc ot the ijoiitii- ^You took four liues from tho middle -' -r.ipu. earelully omitting nil that preoed- "Lived, and gave it to your readers in the .. i. ■ loiin: . . , , .lohu M. Botts said in Ins l atersoii . ,'V" ...eeii last week: • ,y -ay with truth that I never did hear - ' at whole rebellion, of a Union victory . . t rejoice, ami I uever heard of a Union do- • „ l did not mourn over it.’ V, !;iicv.! that Mr. Lotts did rejoice at every i . ; v ; that ho did mourn at every Union , i Vi.’at although he professed neutrality, ■,.. */. • : niijs towards his native t-tato were tier the surrender." whilst in truth, In tho dlMuwton of Urn pardoning power, I have everywhere itoolarod I did pot wish to sco a single pardon revoked, llu; I Imvo doplod, and do deuv, m a groat constitutional question, the patter of thq President to pardnu boforo trial and courdctlon. ■ I oontend that under tho law every umn Is prosumwlto be innooont until tried and eon- violet! of an offence, and m thorods nothing bolero conviotlon to lie punished, so lie fore oonr lotion thoro K nothing to ho pnrdouoii; and this position, I should think, rather p|*mtr* favorably limit unfavorably to thoso who may Imvo Incurred tho penalties of trea son This was my opinion, expressod to hnndruds even whilst f was myself asking for (he pardon of. rebels who (hen professed to'ne penitent; but as others seemed to uoqulosoo,- «o did I, until olrcum- stancos of their own creation forced me into my present position. In llko manner ihe peoulo havo been umdw to bolieve Mint I had ntoortod that every man connected with tho robollion should bo hanged; whilst I luivo nut asked nor desired that any one man should bo bung, or that his property should bo. ennIWntud. On tho contrary, J have labored against both. Such, liowovcf, have licbn tho falsehoods to which l Imvo lieon comi»ollod t» submit, because I Imvo no ineuus by which to correct them. What I have centoinleil fbr. and wlmt I shall conlimio to In sist u|H>n, Is, that old party lmeks and hucksters In l*ditical trade, who Imvo given such wooful ovidenco of tlioir incapacity and unfitness to control a State, and who havo brought such ruin, desolation, and wretched ness upon tho people, and who have volun tarily takou tho oath of allegiance to any olher gov ernment, whether to Maximilian! or to J elf. Davis, shall bo deprivud of tho political power which they Imvo voluntarily renounced, by their exclusion from oflieo heroaftcr; and in doing this I am serving my Hod, my country, and us|>crlnlly the |>eopl# of tho South: and L shall porsovero in this offort to tho end, let it offend whom , it may. Wo havo all suffered enough from snolf counsels, and for ono, I wunt no more of it. This is “ tho houd and front of my of fending,” and it Is for this that I am so hittorly and relentlessly assailed. Hut whilst I am thus in favor of curtailing tho |Kilitical power of those sellisli fetitlrrs, who would keep this Stuto in a condition of impoverishment and helpless ruin for their own exaltation and l*owor, tlmt they may continue to mnimgo and con trol, 1 doty any umn to show tlmt I havo over uttered or written a lino that was not intended or calculated to advanco tho prosperity, |>cace, happi ness, and ^freedom of tho grent mass of tho pcoplo of my own State and of tho whole South; but tus I would not employ a managor for my own estate who had, cither by his ncgleot or bad management, and worse judgment, destroyed my property, flaoriliced my interests, divided my estato, and overwhelmed me with dobt, whero I should Imvo derived a prince ly income, so I would discharge Uioao 11 charlatans " from the public sorvice, and look out fi r now, tnoro worthy, and wiser nion to mnimgo tho affairs of Stale. I would commit nothing more to tlioir keeping. I would repudinto Ihoir counsels, and dismiss them from the public sendee. This is all at wliich 1 aim, and this I shall contend for to tho end. They must loam to tnko care of their owu interests boforo I can bo willing to entrust them again with mine. 1 um tho friend of every man who is for pcnco, and law, and order, and I mii opiiosed lo ovory man who is for stirring up strife anil keeping alive tho worst passions of our nnturo for bis own selUsh ends. I am the friend of every man, whether North and .South, who is for tho immediate restora tion ol the Southern States to all their original rights and privileges on a secure and loyal basis ; and 1 am opposed to all who aro against it, either North or South. I am a friend to nil those wJio arc friendly Jo their country, nnd opposed to all who are against it. I ain a friend to the lovers of peace, and opposed to all thoso who would get up another rich man’s war and a poor nun’s fight, na i characterized tho last war Iroin the beginning to tho i ml (whether truthfully or not those who did the filling can best determine). I uiu opposed to all thosS who, if tlioir counsels could prevail, would keep (bis old Commonwealth in n por|M)tunl stato of dis cord, impoverishment and wrotchedness. lam op posed to nil thoso who, having nothing to lose by tho war, aro over ready to oncourago others lo go into it, and then shirk nil tho dangers nnd ro?;M»nsU)ili- tiea of a war of their own creation; nnd when tho couscript officers como round nnd tako tho ;>oor man from his wife and helpless children nt the point of the bayonet, skulk behind tho Hill of Right*, ns thoso newsnapor men did in tho late rebellion, by declaring they were privileged gentlemen, inasmuch us the freedom of tho press was guaranteed. Tho?o aro tlio men who aro now misrepresenting and de nouncing me; and for whom I uso mild ianguago when I say I loci such a degroo ot contempt as is inexpressible. Against all such men I will carry on a vigorous wnrfnro to tho ond, and the luoro they abuse mo hero tho more it holjis mo to accomplish my purpose elsewhere, as it “swings around tho circle," as Mr. Johnson would say, "until it gots to the other end of tho lino." Hut 1 attended the Into Philadelphia Convention ot .Southern Union men, which has been magnified into a great crime. Well! what other convention could 1 luivo attended J Rut birds of n feather Hook together, it is said. Certainly. The foul birds assembled iu JMiiliubdpliin iu August, and attempted to iiujHisu a monstrous cheat iijRin tho ;>eoplc, mnl where is it now ! The clean birds met in Philadel phia iu September, nml 1 went to meet them— wl. re I met such men ns Dr. Robert Hreekinridgo, of Kentucky; Mr. Johnson’s luto Attornoy-Oonornl, Mr.Speed; Uovornor Fletcher, of Missouri; Senator G’rcswell, of Maryland, and hundreds of other good and true men, embracing nearly every northern Gov ernor, many senators nnd representative* of the laud :il( loyal men and true friends of their country in tho hour [of trial. Well, why hadn't I as much right to go into ono convention as .Mr. Hnrlxiur, of this county, Eio«vq ol a Clolil Itobtier. JOUit I.AVDKUT, THE AI.I.KIIIili TWKXTV Tllol HAXI* iH)t,un coni non nr. n, cuts ms Vinson ti.vits ash lutriAti'j rou run rum Yesterday morning tho dooimnn of Ilia Polloo llendquarlors nfior opening tho detective coll iu which John Lambert had boon confined mi a charge of stonling in gold coin, discovered that It jvus tenaiitlcM, A careful examination showed that the prisoner had cscn]>od through the window of Uiu building into tho yard, aud from thence through the Mott streot ontraueo. The easement contained two sots of Iron bars, one in trout of tbo other, nnd ono bar In each had boon cut through with some Instrument wliich tho prisoner had obtained. How tho means of cscapo were sup plied b not ut presont known. Lnmbort was nut f ormilted to carry oven a pookot knife about him. t WOS BhpptNiod that ho imulo hi? exodus between four und fivo o'clock in tho morning, ns only a short timo previous to that hour ho was known to havo booh In thu cell. At a lato hour un the previous night tho iron bnrs wore tried, and so well hud Lnm bort oxcciitod his Work that they appeared to bo in h perfect condition. Lambert was arrested last April, in ohodionco to a telegram from California, on a charge of hnving stolen 120,5U0 from Mr. Adams, an iutornnl revenue officer. Du being taken beforo the magistrate, at tho Tombs Police Court, ho was discharged from custody, on the ground tlmt the court had no juris diction. lie waa immediately rearrested on a Uni ted States warrant; but us no requisition from tho (lovoruor of California lmd arrived ho was onco more set ut Uborty by Commissioner Oalmrno. lla was scureoly sot freo when tho .Superintendent of Polico had him again nrrestod. A writ ol habeas corpus was subsequently sued out by thu prisoner’s counsel, and ponding his trial tho needed requisition arrived from California. Prior to its arrival,howovor, Lumbort, who hud occupied tbo apartment nuxt to tbo ono from which lie decamped yesterday morning, mtccocdcd in cutting through tho iron bars nour tho top of thu window, and thus gniuud his liberty, llo was recaptured, and on being brought bnck was con fined iu the basement cells; but upon tho recom mendation of tho doctors, who reported him in fecblo health, was removed to thu rooms on tho first lloor .-Lambert was n steward on board tbo steamer As toria, plying between Oregon and California, when tho tliott was committed. When arrested, 81,000 in gold, 810,000 In mining stocks, nnd 8800 in green backs wero found u[ion him. Tho money and stocks aro in possession of tho United Stales au thorities. An invustigution Into tho causo ol his es cape will be made by the Police Commissioners.—A’. V. Herald. Nov. 1, ... unto the other! Trim, tliero were a grent many It aould bo doing too much injustice „,„n j„ „ ur convention with whoso radical opinions I • m:in of sound mind, no matter Imw obtuse ;agree, and that I opposed, but I have found ■ i. to suppose bo could bo insensible lo the J ju-t .«ucb men in every convention that I over nt- ,o the presentation of what l did say and | tended. And did Mr. Harbour incot with no ono in vuH j-uve furnished to your readers of what. j,j^ convention with whoso ovory sentiment ho could ■p„ (,. lV0 crushed thu bitterest and vilest cn- n „t agree ! Hut when, upon ibo assembling of a ,1 upon earth 1 would have suffered death 1 portion of tho original convention, com|K>sod of only • 1 vv .u'. J havo dono |unto him as you linvo ! n part of tho .SoiiMiorn Stales, I found inysolf mixed UMl ,. rn .’r.unti v still muro ngatnst one for whom it in a speech, disclaimed all, f . , ; rom our first acquaintance up to Hint I t<|>m)sibility for tlioir action, nnd withdrew from tho u - rofeised a warm and sincere friendship, | body. And for all this, too, I havo been bitterly nnd ii L ol como from a jairtion of tho Richmond; j senselessly demmne* &, k. Petersburg, or some other presses that 11 I um gratified to know, however, that whilst tho Lilac that havo become habituated toslander, | country has boon greatly demoralized by tbo Into war, iiion and scurrility of my political char-1 yet there is still an innate ienso of juytico amongst i: w. u!d have created neither surpriso nor "the pcoplo that will iiltimatefy bring all things right. ; hut coining from you (and you may • -• com it us a compliment when 1 soy it), it created V. u have dono a wrong und an injustice lo a |, | n V ;.o was honest and sincoro in hi? Iriendship : v.u and would lnivu taken plensuro, as you have • V know, ;n assisting you in any emergency, . ,i a i- tlii.- that bus excited my surprise and morti- . l i my sensiliilities. Ect mo n'l' iso you, if you •. the good tortune bermifter to find another such '••nd ns 1 waste you, not to throw him away to -Lure a fancied and temporary popularity either for S .ureclf or your paper. \ uU also do mu great inju.-tico in y^ur comwonu ., vsliat you have published of uiy speech, brief as Me y are. 1 am sure you have heard mo say ull iuSt i |,, ve ;■ anted from my Paterson speech, from first la.-t. more Ilian a dozen times during tho war; which, at times, you did not differ from mu Mi ii,illy--and there aro hundreds of ofiieors nnd Ui-'L of the Confaderate nruiv wlm Imvo heard mo .•• ihe .-aim: thing. Tho only officer I have seen • \utir jnihlieation at unco suid. “ You certainly . I in me nt your own table." I mado no conceal- n.* i.:.< «,f my opinion anywhere, or to any ono, win-'her in a prison or at largo ; and wheUier to - | From tho Atlanta Intelligencer "f tho -Ith ] Auotlior Firo. A dostructivo fire occurred at Roark's Corner, on .Saturday morning about two o'clock. It originated in a small family grocery storo kept by a Mr. Jack- son, a few doors from tbo corner, nnd soon spread to tho largo corner business houso occupied by Mr. Drotburton, whose largo stock was removed in a groatly damaged condition. The little fruit storo of Mr. Riloy waa also consumed, na woll ns a small un- oeeupied store room immediately adjoining Mr. Urothorton's store. Tho firo extended a few doors up Mitchell streot, taking in tho stores of Traylor & Hulls, dealers iu provisions, and tho storo of R. W. Tidwell. Tho goods of thoso latter gcntlumeu woro romovod, and their loss, it is said, will bo light. Tho up stairs, wo learn, wna occupied by fivo dif ferent families engaged in dress-making, millinery, Ac., tbo occupants nearly all being Tadics. Tho flames spread so rapidly that it was with considera ble difficulty the ladies escaped, und two of them did so at great peril by tho aid of n ladder furnished by tbo Hook nnd Ladder Company. Of course thoy lost ovory thing, even tho clothing they had worn on tho previous evening. Tho Ore is believed to imvo beon tho work of un incendiary, nnd suspicions pointing towards Mr. Jackson, tlmt person was plnced under arrest to an swer tho chargo. His caso was to havo boon exam ined before a Justice's Court yesterday afternoon. Oiib C'noi's.—The heavy frost on last Thursday morning throughout this section, much heavier in souio localities than others, concludes tho interesting subject of tho crops for tho present season. Our pluntors find tlmt tho .September ruins did not injure tho cotton ns seriously as was Icarod thoy would; nor havo the caterpillar and rust dono very great ilamaf’o TJio cotton crop of Decatur am} in coun ties adjoining will be considerable more than half an average ono. .Some tbiuk it will reach two-thirds of tho yield of 1360. A gentleman from Miller esti mates tho cotton crop of tlmt county at a full aver age crop, llu says corn is plentiful thoro, nnd is selling at 81 25 par bushel. Tho corn crop of this county Is sorry, hut wo think it mitficient lo supply tho demands of our pcoplo. Sumo of our planters never inudo a better corn crop (bun tboy Imvo this year, but their number is small. Many havo not mado half as much us they usually do. Wo nro pleased to know that paus, )K)tatoes nnd sugar enno woro never better; nor do wo sup|K>so a greater breadth of land has ever been planted in these important products than has been planted this your. Tho late mins were of great service in pro moting those crops, nnd hence aro not much to bo de plored.— liainbridyc Ary as, ‘iWt. Tub Wbatiikh ani* Cimi*s.—On tbo 25th ult. our section was visited with (he first frost of tho presont season. Tho frost, however, was so light that very Itttlo if any injury has boon done to vegetation of any kind. Tho planters aro now beginning to 1 mg their new crop of cotton to market, nnd tho staple looks beau tiful. From information derived from all sources, wo nro led to believe thoro will not bo half a crop mndo throughout this section. Iu view that this is tho hourt of the cotton region of Georgia, we aro willing to place tho amount of the present crop to bo received nt this point nt 16,000 bales, ami wo think this & fair nnd reasonable calculation. ln!6G0tho receipts to Muroh 7 were 35,903 bales; boforo tho season closed it reached, wo boliovo, to 36,000.—Al bany Patriot, 3«/. PHILADELPHIA ADVERTISEMENTS. Hut L am a "Radical," they say. In ono senso am. I Imvo always onduavored to bo radically rigid, and as by ruA und woeful oxiwrience I havo found these brainless and hoar I less demagogues, tho leaders ol Democracy, radically wrong. I havo al ways boon radically opposed to thorn, as I shall be in tho future; but boyond this I entertain no ono radical sentimont that I am awaro of. I recommend tho adoption of tho congressional amendment be causo it is not radical, and becauso it proposes terms of reconstruction to the South that arc just, liberal nnd magnanimous, nnd very far bettor than will ever bo offered again; nnd I oppose tho action of tho President becauso ns ho has no power to movo without Congress, nnd they have Ibo power nnd tho determination to not without him, his plan is nothing but »n impediment and obstruction to tbo restora tion of tho insurgent Stales, nnd would operata ns an indefinite post polio inont of reconstruction; and pow it is for tlm people to say whether thoy will sacrifice what little is loft to them of worldly welfare to grati fy tho ambitious docrco of thoso who Imvo already brought desolation, min and misery upon them. It may bo tlmt radical propositions havo been sub mitted to Congress, but 1 ntn aware of no radical men-uro tlmt tins been adopted ; but I tako occasion 'private, or "to tho highest in authority, 1 i to say to tho people, whoso friend I havo always ,. r j . rii.iiled any ono to leavo my roof with a j been, nnd for whose interest l havo devoted tho labor ,1.,„t,t, n i.i, mind as to tbo position I occupied. Y'ou of my life, tlmt unless thoy nrouae from their lethar* i,.i 1 in, right, then, to chargo mo with duplicity or gy nnd throw off this nightmare of Democracy that cuii' eabnent of my views. Thoy woro known all I is crushing them info tho earth, by repudiating thoir _r the land. i. it this was nut all that you might huvo quoted ; r " Paterson speech, for tfio next ousulng para- i, r e.i„N: “ Alter the rebellion was crushed, my unputliics, 1 say, were with thoso whom I ro- garded as a oonqiiv’ r «l| subdued, overwhelmed and r**p* i.tant jteuple. 1 dismissed from my bosom-at ,,ii rcsimtmcnt against thoso who had boon laboring for ibo destruction of the country, working against me, and persecuting und punisbiug ine by imprisonment and otherwise; and! sot myself to work at once to co-operate with tho President of tho United Stutea in bringing about peace, unity und g.^xl will. 1 set wjMiir to work zealously and earn estly to support tho Vreildcnt, in wb<«« truth, honor and integrity I placed Ui 0 most implicit ro- 1 °Sucli was tho character of my remarks in tho Pat- erson speech, which has boon so strangely tortured, norvertod and mutilated by you, by touring from its context a slnglo sentence, to bo paraded boforo tho ' iiiimily ii whicU I »*«,» « of every ono against mo. Mr. Stofer, I eould lontoxt cornin' , dice of every ono •Jga.--- - .. . . • . not havo belioved this of you. 1 tldnk now there haw, I,ecu cuius out,Us |iroMure upon vuu. be The pcoplo or tho South havo boon mado to Im- •. that I was in favor of negro suffrage, whilst | have everywhere and on all occasion* W-tai it; v.hil-t I have also denied tho power of Cong es, ,,, iniurier** with tbnt question iu tho b ates, each or* I Ihiuk, dooMe IhslqucUouro, iu. il, as ibo Cuwtltullon DS» 1*> “*Ss. line that apcu|.Io time hsvo been in bonilugs fur lu„ lmndre*! and fifty yours can safely or wUoly bo admitted to a lull partioipatinn in tfin affairs of freo government in a day-bnt that it will cowsi JD time, no man that 1* an ultentivu observer of passing ovbiiu can for a momeut doubt, whether I want it nr not, nnd that it will como at an early day, and that it ./ill be forced U|*on tho South if the pcoplo continue to follow tliuii present reckless and sensolo/s leader*, who Imvo ulroady brought them to tho verge of another fatal prccipico, is ns certain os that the sun .bines iu the heavens. The people of tho South havo also beon made to believe that I have tufccd for the revocation of every pardon that hue been grafted by Mr. Johnson; present leaders and denouncing tlioir action, they will have,mid tlmt in a short time, the mast radical of radical measures forced unpon them in spite of nil Mr. Johnson can do, with tho aid of all tho Copper heads in thu Norlli nnd still disaffected rebels in the South to prevent it; and I limy horn ask if I havo over yet offered advice to tho penplo that they would not havo found profit in following 1 Finally. I take this occasion to declare that it is my unalterable purpose to adhere with the tenacity of life itsolf to llmso great fundamental principles of American nationality by and under the influence of which I Imvo boon governed in every not and ,itngo or my past political life; profoundly impressed, m I uiu, with the Unalterable conviction that our safety nml tranquility, our happiness and prosperity as a pcoplo. Ho“ In tlmt direction und no other. Tho Siamese twin* nro not more inseparably conneolod, «md tho heaven* not more ondurirlg, than tliii etafr oM truth. In this fulfil I havo lived, and In this r,,l| h l am obliged to die, lot it como soon or Into j and from this faith I cannot and will not depart; and L;degree of satisfaction that I dorlvo . r !1 Un, ! w, *(go of tho fuel that the true frieodtf ' i [ John M. Hottb. Over fifty of the Polish omlgrnw, ‘■jntly purchased lands iu this county, Ttowlay, and proceeded to their new»K' “"J IICSa.„ iiiiirninic Airrimitliiriit Imnl.m... . GRAND OPENING OF MILLINERY GOOD n ! AT J. C. Maker & Co. CORNER BROUGHTON AND WHITAKER STREETS, October 17, 1866. Ladles', Missus’ and Children’s HATH, in all tho LATEST STYLES, such as tbo GLADIATOR, BOUBMIA, PAPER BAGS! PAPER BAGS! PATENT maobltia mndo l'Al’Ktt 1IAGH AND bi'ahjul^^fn Ui l ,( AI^KH. TWINE and PAPKtl MAKEHT MATKKIAI.H. Hole mamifnctuia's of PATENT CARTE ENVELOPES fi.r PHOTO- (IHAPlUwllB. MORGAN, STOKE A NIXON, M3 Commerce sirei't, Philadelphia. IKsT* Onlcia by mall or cxpiess piomplly attended in. octll codflino j BROTHERS &C0., PROPRIETORS OF THE GRAY’S FERRY AND KENSINGTON WHITE LEAD, COLOR AND CHEMICAL WORKS, 105 SOUTH FRONT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. M anufacture White i/ead. vormiiiions,uiucs, Urcons, Yellows, Alum, Acids, Sco. Sole agent* for "Du Scssenayi* Ulnnc do Zlno" III oil. octM-lyr EDMUND A. SOUDER & Co, SHIP AGENTS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 3 Dook Street Wharf, Philadelphia. K. A. BOOH Kit, KT* A. OHTTY, 8. T. BOUDIR ado on Consianm *nts. wep^a-ly I. E. WALRAYEN, mASOMC HALL, 719 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. ELLOANT CURTAINS For Parkin*, I.lhmrlcs, Dining nnd Bleeping Rooms, In BROOATKLLE, SATIN DAMASKB, TERRY, REPS, SWISS LACE and NO’ITINUIIAM LACE. WINDOW SHADES, OF THE NEWEST DESIGNS. Am now offering the most complete assortment of tho above gooode cf my own importation. All orders by mail or Express promptly atttendud to. ocGfl-tf S5 O-A-DPIS. THE iAHGEST MAyVFACTORY IX T1IE EXITED STATES. PALE, STEARINE, FAMILY, CHEMICAL, OLIVE, ORIENTAL, DETERSIVE, FANCY SOAPS, Manuraoturud by MoKEONE, VAN UAAOKN Sc CO., nov20 6:r.o Philadelphia aud New York. RI3TORI, CASTILL1AN, BOMBRBLLAB, CENTRAL PARK. FEATHERS, RIBBONS, ORNAMENTS, Bonnet Frames, &e. POWER & MULER, GENERAL PRODUCE AND COMMISSION MEBOHANTS, HIV, COBS, OATS, FLOUR, FEED, EC., 200 Bay Strict, Savannah, Oa. KHriRRMO KS| ' Uomih. rtton 4 Gordon. Savannah, (tu. A. Wilbur, Ei*ii., Prest ilun.c Itummi'ce, Havnimah. Messrs, lailtocbu, West A: Jl.mlu'a, Savannah. Memirs. Hull, Wylly * Cliri/Uan. do. tfuMis. Weaver, Richardson A Co.. New York. ^ Mr. B- Basham, firm ol Barnard Sc Basham, New York. sopl6-fim neso. v morning. Agriculturel IraplemsMtf V"/" pruceu-q thorn, and wo hope thoy may realise thulr mat ardent ox|*eetatlnn* havo imrtraycdj - 1 G«iiura.'|', K .|,|, mll) w j l0 Muporiiitoiided tho purchan here, wax liUnwn yestordny. ThoGunorut proposox colonizing w-n two thousand mere Poles in this vicinity, whion T ||| uJA (urgely toimr material pros- jicrlty. ll»o l ot., already hero givo tvidonco of in- tofiigonno, thrift iu lllJtulry . The lands alrea^^ uro |,ased have beta sold (siy. able a! long data?, rau ore d necessary on aewunt 0 f the impoverished cona»; OBO f (beeuignitioa.aude up as Ull, of mao who ajvgenerally exTlss from Vjr land of tkair fathon.—Frn*ricMury paper, KEROSENE In any Quantity at 68 Ht. Julien Street, T. H. B01SHAW & CO, »PM tt SLA3SWARE, WINE BOTTLES, ALL COLORS AND SIZES, PATENT MEDICINE, DRUGGIST, SODA WATER, PORTER AND ALE BOTTLES AND VIALS, ALSO, PATENT FRUIT JARS. , Manufactured by F. J. UOD1NK, 128 South Front street, Philadelphia. Orders by mail or express promptly attended to. -^v21y PHILADELPHIA ADVERTISEMENTS. PHILIP S. JUSTICE, 42 Cliff street, New Yoik, 14 N. 6:h street, Pblladclp’a, MANUFACTURER OF HAD Stroke Power Hummers, giving menter force of blow, with less tmwer, than any other ham- known; Curt Steel Elliptic Spiiligs, for Locomo tives, Freight nml Passenger Cow; Hydrnnltc Lifting Jacks; Ht-ninand Hydnulie Ullages; Low Water Big- nnlsmid Water Qimg *-; Cork Freight Car Springs. Hole Agents for '•(ianimelf" Bessemer Steel Rails ami Homo Steel Fire-box Plate: "LlojdV Steel Loco Tubes: HuUdier's Solid Cast Steal Tyros,Are. novft-Pnio PENNSYLVAls' i A STEAM SUGAR REFINERY Comer Knee and Crown streets, PHILADELPHIA. S TANDARD REFINED BUOAR8- l’utent Cut Loaf Crushed Con.vo Pulvorlzed Pulverized. SOFT SUOAIIB—A, It, Extra C. Pennsylvania Syrup lu hogshead*. PoiHisylvnnla Syrup In Inure s. Out of town orders iiuisi tie accompanied bv a rernh- taec e, aid will bo tilled dcllverd. liov612nio led *n turn nt market price when NKWIIALL, IIORIE As CO. A. 8, JUSTICE & CO., HARDWARE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Northwest corner 6lh and Comme-cu stree's, PHILADELPHIA. J i»S. RODGKllS Sc SONS, George Wostcnholm Sc Hons, Wiltlum Wil l’s, .1. Wald A Cn,. nnd other Pocket Cutlery, Razars, Sdssors, Guns, U'fies Ac. Ag ncy and Dcpol ol Panniylvanlatietiool Suit** As* snclutlou, 101 nov3 H0RSTMANN, BROS. & C0„ N.E.C0R OF I IF TR AND CHERRY STREETS, FIIILADKBLPDU, Manufacturers and hnjmtcrs of Society and Military Goods, UKGALIA, JEWELS, AND OTHER PROPERTIES, FOR Mnsonlo 1} in* l.o lu s, Chapters, Comninndcrles, nnd Hootihh Rite; Odd Fellows l.odg.v nmj Kncampinen s, W. ns ofTcmpoianc *. fC*-*l Af**n, Guiegml, OoollVin- pluis, und othei-M,, Fi t TED *»UT AT SHORT NO TICE. iiuv5-3mo ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., Nik. 201 nnd 203 North Fourth sired, PHILADELPHIA, • WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, Imp-'rters ni.d D.alyrnjn Chemicals Paints and Dye Stuflh. W E oiler tn Ibo bale a splendid assortment of 0<xile, In our dm-, at tin- lowest market prices. Orders pinniptly attended In. ROBERT SHOEMAKER Sc CO., nova Din*);Philadelphia. inunn iimm euss winmiouME, Boiij. II. Shoemaker, AOKNT FOll J'llK French Plate Glass Companies, I MPORTKU of English, Fre nch nnd Ocrmnn Win dow n*,d Pictinu Glass and l.< nking Uluzs Plates. Manulactiiu r «*l Amerbau Window, Picture* nud Car Glass, Oniiimeiitul und Colored GIiidm. ‘205 and 207 NORTH FOURTH STREET, nov0-3nm _ Philmbipl.l.i. pan Manufacturers,^ WHOLESALE and RETAIL, |V\P&KET s > HIA k NcassVc°' Successors to M*MAGEE & C9 Aii<Malcofi8D.ecaturSl.. oct 20* 1y HOTELS. Meeting Street, Charleston, S. C. THIS Mouse h:i9 been thoroughly re- □■paired uiulro-furulshcd, and cannot c ox- Jcollcd by any In Uic South, janll t. PURCHJ, Proprietor. UNION' PLACE HOTEL, Cor. Broadway and 14th Sts., Opposite Washington Statue, N K AW YORK (I 1 r r V scn'JT tf H. r '•* 'N - .t Propriftore, J. W. SCOTT & CO., SHIRT MANUPACTURERS, AND DEALERS IN' ';•* GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, 814 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. All orders per mail promptly attended. oct20-8roo . , BERTOLET & VANHORN, DKAI.KK** IN PAPER, RAGS, AND PAPER BAGS. ;*• * Highest price paid for KAOS, ROPE, BAGGING, WASTE PAPER, *0* povfl-tf No. 82T Muster street, Thila. SOMETHING NEW UNDER THE SUN. A NEW ERA IN MEDiCIN'*!! |^* Let the suffering an*l Diseased rend tbo following. XCtjT Lot all who luvve been given up by Doctor?, and sjiokon of iu> incurable, read the following. //' Lot all who can heiiovo facto and can have have faiUi in oddcuco, read the following: Kw>w alt mm by these yrrstntt, Tnul, <>»i tlila, Iht Twentieth day ol June, in the y» »r <»I *>ur l*>r*l. One Thousnml Eight Humlred and Sixty-Six, ;*< iwmally came JiMeph llaydrock. to me, known m* »uch, and be ing duly aworn,d^jKwed a*» follow*: That he m Un* no t general ngen* ioi ihe United State?, and de;»*ndeii- cics thereof lor prejiaratlons or mi-dlcinea known iu* Maggiel's PIIIh amt Salve, and that the following core tillcato* are verbatim copies to l*c»t of lint knowledge and bellof. JAMES BMKITKE, t r H l Notaiy Public, j uo. ( Woll Blteet, New York, Jum* ]ht, I860. Dh. Msooikl:—I take my pen to write you ot mv great relief ami that the awlul i.a'm in my *»'*•:•• Ims left mu at bust—thank* I** your m< diciue. Ob, Doctor, liow llinnklul I am tbui I ear* gelkoiiio Bleep. 1 can never write it enough. 1 bank you again and again, nml am sure tbnt von are* really the Iriend ol all autlereis. 1 could not help writing to you, and hope you will not take It amiss. JAMES M VERB, 110 Avenue I). This Is to certify that 1 war* discharged from the army with Chronic Dtarrhrca, and have been cure d by Dr Maggtel'n Pills. WlIkfON IIA It VKY, New York, Aj>ril 7 1863. 27 Pill streot Tho following U un Interesting cuhoof a man yinploy- od In an Iron Foundry, who, lu pouring moiled Iron into a lliibk that wn« damp nnd wel. caused nil ex- plosion The melted Iron Was thrown mound and on film In a perfect show, r, aud h», was burnt dreadfully. The /'olioalng cirtiltculo was given to me, by him, about eight weeks after thu accident: Not Jun ....... 11,1H63. My uann* ts Jacob Hardy; I am rn, lr.*a Founder ; 1 was badly burnt by hoi iron in Novcnber last; my bum* healed, hilt l had aiuuning 9<*re on toy leg ilia' woubl uni h'tal; I tried Maggiel’s Halve, ami It cured mo 111 o few weeks. This is all true, ami anybody au now see mu at 'acksoii’a Iron Works, 2*1 Avenue. J. HARDY, 119 Oocne.k struct. EXTRACTS FROM VARIOUS LETTERS: '•I hod no appetite; Magglel’s I'llls gave mo a hearty ono." "Your Pills are marvellous." "I sand for auotlior box, and keep them In the house. “My nausea of a morning Is now cured." "Your box of Maggie!’.* Salve cured mo of noises iu the head. 1 rubbed some of your salve behind my ears, and the noise left." "Send ino two boxes; 1 want one for a poor family. "Send nre llvn Itoxos of your PI * I Have Ovc 200 Sucli Testimonials As this, but want of space compuls me to conclude. J. MAGG1ELB, M. I). Maggiel's Pills and Salve Are sold In Savnunah by A. A. SOLOMONS & CO., HOLE AGENTS. NST NOTICE.—None genuine without tbo engraved trademark around each pot or box, rlgi ud by Dr. J. MioaiRL, 11 I'lnu street, New Y'ork, lo e<)uutorfelt which is felony. Bold by all nsuoctable Dealers In Medlclnes through- out tiro Drilled Stole* and Cnuadas—»t 2<> cent* per l*ox or pot. mayO-lAwlv HOTEL AND SALOON KEEPERS SAVE 300 PER- 0ENT!! Secrets Worth Knowing I i I IIA VIC e it.«la' *. elmndo li.nltc*lli'u I .*?t BKaNDY, litiSIJ VVliJSKV .:rJ OLDRoL'RRON. These roclttes u e not m*«\ uatiiLyhieii-dst i.j ,|i tin. lel.llng deal* i" mid mnrnila.Ttir* re*: .red you t*uy liom thj-m (Inf samu liquors you can o.isliy umkv yourself. Thor.* <■ no liiiuiiuig nlxiut Oils • altrr -no appiiratuA is re^ ed, as thu Ihtuors mmlu by iiiuI.ik, mid. you can. list ns easily mingle neutral litpior?, oil of Cognac, Spirits of Nitre, Ac., as tho di aler,-and’ piaku your own liquors Just as good, and save rnonoy 'besides. Price ol each recipe DO cents, or il for the (hire. 11. A. COLWKLIi, sep24—d tw Aw8mo __ A lion town. Pi NOTICE. T^llK owner or owners ol a Printing Press stored In X thu warehouse occupied by Friable »V N''nson will call, pay oxponses and take It nwnv. If not called ' "— ,11 lie sold to^aiy WUl Hill. |IU, , for within one month I ho Pre chmves. (octietf) ' FIUHMKANKAHON Coffee. 2000 UAUB U0VFi£K> Jltccl impoiution from Rio d* Janulro, for sale t*y ootl-Sm WEED 4 guUN WELL. BANKING AND INSURANCE. H.lNItlK<i HOUBK.OF JAY GOOKE & CO., CORNER WILL & NASSAU STS,, NEW YORK.) lit connection with our li'nisas in n •'..idelphin and Washington, we have opened a M;W YORK HOUSE at iiIkjvo location, and offer om »-«•rvl*-« ** t** Ranks Bankers, and Investors for the transaction of their business In lids city*, Including jmivliuKes and sales ol Govkhnuhht Skciikitibb, St'ivkb, Don ns sxu Gold. Wo are constantly rwprosmitwl at tie Stock Kxebange nnd Gold Bonrel, whore orelers s«nl un aro piomplly filled. We keep oi/hnnd n full supply of GOVERNMENT SECURITIES OF AIL ISSUES. buying and soiling at current prices, ami ullowlng cor respondents tho most liberal rates the market affords. mny12-lyd4w JAY COOK I? & CO* FIRE INSURANCE. THE UNDERSIGNED IIA VINO BEEN AP POINTED AGENTS OF THE m ui OF LIVERPOOL AND LONDON, CAPITAL £2,000,000 Are prepared to take tiro risks on COTTON, GKNKUAL MKIU'HAXDLSK, BUILDINGS, HOUSK1IOLD FURNITURE, Ac, on the most favorable terms. LOSSES ADJUSTED and PROMPTLY PAID without reference lo Engl iud. WILDER A KUI.LAKTON, oct I0 ‘2ina N«». 8 Htodduid’s Upper Range. The Now York LIFE INSURANCE GOM’Y. ASSETS 0VES $5,000,000. Dividends 50 j»or ct., Dcvlnird Annually. MORRIS FRANKLIN, President WM. 11. BEERS, Actuary Savannah Branch OlHco, G Sorrel Building, oor. Bay uud Bull sis. Boaki* of K*.f mi sev—J. W. Ijithrop <Sc Co.. Miller Ac Hro„ *<n.. I 15i*,«t». n, Wilkinson, Wilson Sc Co., DoWilt A. Morgan. Mkuioal Kxa'iixkkd—W. G. Bnlloch, M. 1)., J. G. Thoinns, M. I>. B5T This Compai-y is slrlctlv MU IUA', thu policy holders rec*d\ii g Uu entire, protits. HENRY HARNEY, (into of tho Bank ol Rkhmnnd, V *.,) seplg-i'od’.f Gen.iul Aueat i**r Georgia. I. M. M.tUIlKTTV. J. .N. JK.NSIN' O. ( . \\ IIITXBit ATTENTION STOCK OWNERS. OF Lt. LTSVH.I.F., ICY. INSURES LIVE STOCK AGAINST LOSS GY THEFT AND DEATH. CAPITAL 6250,000 HOME OFFICE, L< »f|:- VILLE, KY. STATE AGENCY, ATLANTA, OA. Hates Ksttddished by Uu> Jirprriviuc of a Century in liny land. Officer*—«J. W. HUOCKENOV DEWEY, Hecrrlnry. Good active bu Iiums men are w at In this State Liberal Indue niientx oll! re *l. Address MABBETT Sc C.o , Geii'i Ag* me, il*»*:i-li**r> Atlmi'a,- Georgia. • idenl; D. B. LATEST MS fiY DRY SADTir/D English Bacon 170R sale clu.*.*;*; a!-n Dry H ill. <! and Hundred X' SHOULDERS. We i.. .... a large . took, ami can lilt any orders centus. AI**o Ol 1.8 ol ail den. 11,11 -ii-. The undersigned ar* ».; i •*!*..- .. Win. 1 * .ib, (X.nuni**- ■Ion Bu**iiiii*«, mid trim:, by •••»!. :i,. ■i.tion tn busi ness, lo otitain their eii.iie ol j . lYom their friends and others wish!eg to pnreli:*.- .. c ■ *1 i.rlicle In Uielr line. They can tie foiii.d at i:*2 Ray sued, Jones’ Upper Block, Savant.ol*. (i». ■e;*7-3m _ <' \ H K A HARRIS. : EXCELSIOR MILL Florida Wharf, foot of Wont Broad dtrool C. K. OSGOOD & Co., P K O P H I Id T O lt S GIUT.S nnd MEAL ol the best quality put up for shipment, always on iiarnl: it'* > w o> o- :o Cnt to any IcngUi to suit customer**, and delivered to any part of the City. J. A. M A Y Kit, Agu, Bull street, next door to S'ldey'** U**ok Store. C, V. HUTCHINS, COMMISSION MERCHANT AND WHOLESALE SEALER HAY, GRAIN & PRODUCE, I'ORIV, OATS, MEAL, FEED, BRAS, OIL CARE, FLOUR, SALT, BaCO\, Rr., ng, and for pale at the Lowest 1.V* RAY riT., SAVANNAH. BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES M’KEE, BENNETT & CO. H A Manufactured by WM. DUNLAP, ref Philadelphia (whoso well known reputation u a sutflo'.eiit guarantee for tho quality of his work), which they offer to sell as low as they are retailed at the Factory In Philadelphia Wo also linvo on hand an assortment nf BUGGIES from other well known hulldsrs lu Philadelphia nnd othor place*. 'aiurto McKoo, Bennott & Co. MASON’S BLACKING! Twelve Gross Mason’s Blacking SMALL SIZE, FOR SA1,R CHEAP BY T.JI. ItHk.SII i\V A: CO., it IU J-. H*. Jalleii street- CHARLES L. COLRV & CO SHIPPING-, COMMISSION, AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS . JONENl ULtXJIt, OORNF.R BA Y AND ABKM'OliN STB., .. .. cj-a. Liberal cash iidvan'u** ratuto ou coitolgnmcnto to tbe firm repreeentod Ia New York by t'hurkw L. Colby, Baa., or to oarlriends In Boston. Rwmjmojw.—Messrs. Dabney. Morgan JS Co., New York; Jarvis made, Rsq.. Now York; Gardner Colby,' Heq./ROrton; Hool *. Wlloy Edmnnds, Boston. 1 fTA 1HJZBN Mason’#*"Blacktng7^ dosen Ink *VW For sale l*y roplO U L GILBERT* SHIPPING. For Liverpool. The A 1 American bark THOM AW FLRTGHKR, Pendleton, Master, only .1800 bsln* ospaclty, having a ponlon of Hior cargo engaged, will- havo quick dis- ‘ patch. For balance of freight, nmO 0 l 4c FULLAltTON. FOR NEW Y O It K.—The schooner AMt)S KDWAUDB Is now loading and will havo tmmedinto dispatch ■for New York. Apply to liUNTRR Sc GAM MEL L, 84 Bay.street. FOR PALATKA, FLA,, VIA FERNAND1NA, JACKSONVILLE AND ALL INTERMEDIATELANDIMUS ON THE ST. JOHNS RIVER. Tho Now Btenraer Dictator, 1000 TONS, OAPT. L. M. COXETl’ER, Having undergone thorough repairs, Jwill resume b* r regular route as above, leaving Savannah EVERY SATURDAY at 3 o’clock P. M. For freight or passage, having splendid accommoda tions, apply on board or to L. J. GUIuMARTIN Sc CO., octaa 148 Bay si reel. FOR PALATKA, FLA. VIA ST. SIMONS ISLAND, BRUNSWICK ST. MA R Y'S, FERN A NDINA, JA OK- SON VI LLE AND PICO LATA. The U. B. Mall Steamer K A.TE, Copt. LOCKWOOD, Will leave ns above from Charleston wharf, foot of West Broad street, on every THURSDAY MORN- IXU, at 0 o'clock. This boat ts in perfect order, nnd has superior state room accommodation for passengers. Freight received at nil Uiues and stored tn warehouse on wharl freo of expense. Transportation charges on goods paid promptly. For freight or iiawoge, apply to F. M. MYRELL, Ag-nt, novU . Office Charleston Wharf. STEAM PACKET LINE, VIA HILTON HEAD AND BEAUFORT. Tho steamer PILOT BOY, Captain W. T. ;McNELTY, Tho steamer ELIZA HANCOX, Cnp'gln .T. IC RICHARDSON, Leave Charleston Wharf, Savannah, and Aeeomin**. Jatiren Whirl, CharFston, MONDAY. WKDNKS- DAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY MORNINGS ut 7 o'clock. In? 1’ilot Boy 'eaves Savannah every Wedm -day and Saturday, mnl Charleston every Monday and Fri day. The Eliza Ilmrox leaves Savannah every Monday and Friday, ai d Charleston every Wednesday and Baturhiv. The I'ilot Bn* will touch at Bluffton on her Monday trip fiom Charleston and her Wednesday trip Iron* S i. vatinnh. Fre-laht received dally amt stored free of chargo. For Freight or Passage apply to F. M 1 . MYRELL, Agent, „ . Olllcc Charleston Wharl. N B.—The stcamei* of this line contu ct ut Charles, ton with H uftli Carolina unit North Eastern Raftioads, and at Ba*annah with Central nnd AILmy an*l Gu|| Railroads nnd Florida riteamers. n**v5 FOR CHARLESTON, S. C, The New Steamer Dictator, 1,000 TUNS, CA IT. L- IS. COXETl’ER, Will resume .he; regular trips n« a1*ov«j, conimenclng W EDNEBDA V, 24*hInst., at 9 o’clock A. M. For freight or pus-age apply on hoard or to L. J. OU1I.MARTIN Ac CO , oct82 148 Boy street. FOR AUGUSTA, AND WAY LANDINGS ON THE "RIVER. Tho steamer Express, Capt. DANIELS, Will lo vo ns at ovo WEDNESDAY EVENING, 7th mutant, nt do'cfock. For freight, npplv to nuvO J. M. KINOHLKY, Agent. ERWIN & HARDEE’S LINE, FOR AUGUSTA AND INTERMEDIATE LANDIN' OS Tlio now, fast Iron steamer TWO BOYS, Capt. J. G. GARNETT, Will leavi as aWo on FRIDAY AFTEROON, the Nov. 9, at o’olock,and will continue to ply regularly between Savannah nud Augusta, leaving Bavannnh as stated, and Augusta ovory TUESDAY MORNING at 6 o'clock. F6r freight engagements, apply to ERWIN A IIARDKE, sepl8 or WM. K BTURTEVANT, Agt. OLD SEMI-WEEKLY LINE. EVERY TIlBSOtY Aftl) SATURDAY. FOR PALATKA, EAST FLA, touomm AT BRUNSWICK, ST. MARYS, KKRNANDINA. JACK- SONVILLi:AND PICOLATA. THE ut'Wr ^ eleifant Bteam-packets Oakur, • ayt. Niqc King, flylvau lilllltl Capt. James Y*i kt*r, L.irint"fecon ipeoioily fitted up for this route, with uns'.crptisood Cabin nccommoda- Uoub, will leavo rcgatarly for the abovo placce. THE SYLVAN SHORE EVERY TUESDAY MORNING THE LIZZIE BAKER EVERY SATURDAY MORNING, At 10 o'clock. Returning will leave Jackaonvtlle every Tuea-tay and Friday morning,arriving at Savannah every Weduoedty and Satttrdav morning*In time to connect with the VYharlforto 01 ****** *Wlf 'tt the offlee, Florida OLAdilOEN ft CUNNINGHAM, A K enL\ N. B.—All freight payable by ahlppens, angl-dm BACON I BACON I STRICTLY PRIME IHMUmtSIDEI, i« BY WHITNEY 4 COh No. 4 Harris’ Rvuge FOR BAXil BY W.HJ SHIPPING. Fox* New York. ATLANTIC COAST MAIL STEAMSHIP LINE. Cabin 1’uHt.nftp 'iif.j Sleerngo (13 t fclPffiJfa The now und very last side-wheel steamship Herman Livingston, Ci.OOOTONH.) J. It. BAKJ1R, Commander, Will p.-v-i.vHv »vi- * on hor regular day, THURSDAY, N-> . K-... a Cm., i A. M. F ' .- ;..--.ig**, having n<rw and splendidly* *i .ttors. npplv to WII I*KR X FUfJ ARTON, N * ■* .-li-’.i'a-d's Upper Range. O si'r tl.ii'I’ <st Olllce N. B I'- i rire • i X*.g *1 1! rtlis secured after Tn. ■ 4 ■ ;n?d ’< *•. .novo BOSTON & SAVANNAH STEAMSHIPLINE. FOR BOSTON. %■- T", : Till »h' Fur fu ll non* FO ; ".i.-rehiji rl’PY OF BATH. O. W. Cu’.iimmuti'r, will sail as nl*ove on , *<> .in’hr Nth, a'. — o’clock — M. ;• apply to AVOf *v BARNARD, Agents, No. *i Btoildar«rs Lower Range. UCU. IN KW YORK. EMl'flLE IjINE. Cabin i’HHhngt! $26 Steerage (13. r- , .t rfSff --’A ’ '• f -"'toW j 1 V : The fine elde-whccl steamship San ffaoiuto, \Vi*i H,:|*p.: *••: M I .AN D, Commands, on SATURDAY, Novcmlier lu, at must se<* that ' nccommoda- ■ilton to the pre; 111** on"** urre ii.tit .. *i pi un'y on tlire < *! For frelvhl * * \ u-Rag.!, haring nip.;: lions, apply t** 11. II. HARDKK, No. 12 Slreildnid’ft Range. O A lclt[Hi‘N. Sc AI.LKN, Agent*, liori* No. b Bowling Gte**n, New Ymb. ill Util Mni] S-j'amship Company FOR ST THOMAS. PARA, I’ERNAMBl'LO ITA H M A S U IttO D K JANE1 RO. * •• ’ ' Under i i. tbf United States and Brazil 1 to'*;" " • mi:.*lv .>r the Mnlis, vij de- ■} v ''•T" ».!*••* elde-wliccl stream- J.:; -, ** - -.1 •i*ihrer*,OU the Wd of every month, :i<mi inre. i ort ci N*<a \ oik, for tho following named 1 rerts, mid at thu folinwlng rates of passage, payable in Gold, or Ito oyuivalcut: $ 80 tough tin* Post OiUco; For further iiityrmaiio... it; lu^sagre, apply to I'. H. HARDER. Ag. nt, .. N *. 12 Floddard’s Block. N*"> • >- ::! • GAKtUSON A ALLEN, aClil - - re*. FOB PALATKA, FLA., ASH ALI. lXTBltMBDlATtS l’UIXtS- 2 . Tho new aud last streamer Hi. Ijivingston, J. V. ROGERS, Will rail..- FRIDAY HN INO, at 10 o’clock a. ni taking t. d,* a d *... .- .re.-rs lor all ;«ouJs b.lwreren ” inner * 1 llt ibo rates of any other Tills steamer has oiToniiiiodnllons un«urpa*sreJ bv any «’tli. r el*' un r on tin* r.*uti.. Freight w hl Isj rcerelv-*! at all hours during du\ light at the UmilcMon wharf, until <l* i*nruircoftho su*»ijTor. HOVfl _ 0 It. HARDKK, Agent. ANTURACITK AND BITUMINOUS, Itcd Ash, Steamer, Baltimore Cumberland, English Orrel. For Bale by to.i or cm go, by CLUBMAN Sc CnAl’IN, ocdtl 6m 208 B iy si reel. w. B. GKIFFIJi, COMMISSION MERCHANT AN R AUCTIONEER, AU&lTgTA, GEO, W JI.I. give i*r.-*ojpt ntienilonto con'i'vnmcnfs of Mt-relmndu-o e -iiually. Also purchase or sell, mg of K*;a! Kelatre, U'ttou, Ac. Charge* moderate- Ulfral u»lv*nci*H .undo. eepjbSm PHOENIX STEAM SAW MILL, EASTERN WHARF, SAVANNAH, GA. T HK nnderslgned, Laving completed thetr DOUBLE • „ ^ II-L, known ns the " I’ll CBN IX Sl'KAM SAW MIT.I," wonJd respectfully Inform their mends nnd the public generally Uint they are now prepared to fill outers for Lumber in any Quantity, and of any size and length. We havo connected with our Mill an improved l’Jain-r..and will glvo purtionlar attention to orders lor l’L.YNKD ami TONG UK and GROOVED LUMBER. Onlcra left at the Mill or at J. F. A M. HAMILTON’S Otficc, corner %7iilll Aborcorn streets, will receive prompt attention. A share ot pubfia patronage is respect (ally sollciuM. KltLKN Sc JIAMILTONS. i ° SE |fug8*3ni* :< r HAiaLTOX *•••••*»- hamiltov. DISSOLUTI0H. 'HK .Inu or t .U«DCim,WKaT*DAKmTji I. .MMKSRWKST, ’ Savannah. Oeto 1 . er ftl, ism. * BLAIR ^BlCKfORO, LUMBER MANUFACTURERS, AND DSAIJSK5 IN 1 TIMBER AND LUMBER, . OF JJVRRY'DKSClilPTlON, At JR)' Doortsi, taa.sli & Blinds, ^MUp^A i^niber Yard un Canjj, uoa otBc^iBQ.»k>y street. Savannah. Boardin^v S 1 with’lfij*^wwuiod.fttod ni Mti? VC ‘ HitunUo -« convenient for business men.