The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1873, February 07, 1867, Image 2

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SAVANNAH DAILY REPUBLICAN, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 7, 1867. THE DAILY REPUBLICAN. SAVANKTAHi THURSDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 7 LARGEST PAID CIRCULATION IN CITY AND COUNTY. MR EDU ARD I. BEARD i> our Traveling Agent North, ami is aulhuritrd in receive mlvortisc* uu'uUaul »uK«cri| tioiui for the Daily ami Weekly ttrjiuhlimn AN F. VENT IN TIIK HISTORY OF SA VANNAH. I.nunrh of I lie IMIol llont Emma A. Dlcker- M)H—Stvnt» null Incidents- Tho most pleasing event of the season nml one which bad been uuticii'utcd with considerable inter est among inimical men—tho launch of I bo now Pilot B<<at, Emma A Dickerson, at Mr Willink’* ship yard—occurred yostordaj morning, fonuing nn imjKirlant episode in tho history of our city, inns- uiuch as it was tho first launch since tho close nf tho war. Tho hour announced for tho lnunoh was !• n'cli ck, but long beloro that tiiuo crowds of people bo- gan to wend their way down to tho ship yard, and not withstanding tho vory unfavorable wcatbor, a lurgo number of carriages containing a goodly delegation o* I ic fair sex were present,tho ladies showing most c in- mendablo courage iu braving the storm. About half-past uiuo o’clock tho steniuship Loo passed down tho rivor undjr full stoam, fired her gun and saluted tho new vussol, tho com pliment being returned by tho latter. At twenty minutes of ten o'clock tho clatter of axes and hammers echoed through tho yard, and tho b'oeks were soon knocked from under tbo craft, and in a few seconds she glided stcadi.y off tbo ways in tho most graceful style, amid applause from tho spectators. Tho inoiucul her stern touched tho wa ter Capt. Tenbrocck shattered a bottle of champagne over her bow, and christjned bee tho "Emma A Dickerson," in compliment to tho accom plished and amiable wifo of II. J. Dickerson. R«|, of our city. After reaching her length frjui tho shipyard wlurf her auebor was “let go," and sho was "broughtto" inn handsomo manner amid tho cheers of tho spectators on shore,tho ladies waving their hiulkirchiofs and evincing ns much enthusiasm ns though thoir future happiness depended upon tho successful launching of tho vessel. I’jton the conclusion ol tho launch, in obodience to an invitation of Mr. Willink, tho ladies and gen tlemen, invited guests, adjourned to tho spacious pattern room, where tho enterprising proprietor had prepared a bountiful and elegant morning repast, which was served up uadcr the sup rvision of Mi Frank l’erry—thampaguo and light wines flowing in unstinted measure. Here, after the iutcrehuugu of friendly sentiments and mutual cougratulati the u'mast conviviality prevailed for two hours A dscriptiou of tho repast will give our readers idea of tho generosity of Mr. Willink. Tho centre ta ble contained a largo fcuil cake, richly ornamented, bearing a beautiful miniature model of tho now boat, fully rigged and manned. This rather novel spcctncle of the entertainment attracted grout at tention. and elicited much admiration from the guests. Among those present wo noticed Colonels Sibley, Carlin and Crofton, and many of our most prominent citizens, distinguished in the civil walks of life. Impromptu speeches and appropriate toasts were plentiful, and it was truly refreshing to know that tbero are at least some few occasions where genuino and hearty social fraternization can take place, where tho discord of jiolitlrs cannot enter, nnd this to us was ono of tho most agreeable features of the whole entertainment. It is really duo to Mr. Willink that prniso should bo given him for tho truly rcvhervhe manner iu which everything pertaining to this launch was con ducted, while tho spirit of goyj taste nnd liberality di-pi.vyed, marked the affair as one of tho most agreeablo episodes iu tho history of our city. Tho happy thought of combining a littlo pleasure nnd enjoyment with a strictly business undertaking originated with Mr. Willink, nnd to him hereafter belongs tho credit of introducing in tho South u custom that bus long prevailed in Englnnd and in tho ship-yards of tho North—that of celebrating in a social tnunnar tbo launching of vessels. Thu present dearth of excitement in our eity, outside of tbo i>olitical rings, together with tho general stagnation of all kinds of business, undoubtedly tended to give the event of yesterday, iu spite of the disagreeable weather, renewed zest nnd pleas ure. Wo havo not keen culled u|>on to indite an item of local nows during tho past two years that should givo our readers tuoro unfeigned sati.-fuction and onjoymont than tho launch of yesterday, sig nalizing, os it does most emphatically, tho dawu of hotter days, and tho gradual return to our former prosperity; tbo prosonco of sufficient native me chanical 'kill, indomitable energy and ceaseless on terpriso in tho "Forest City" <>f tho " Empire State,' to inako her vie even with Now York and Boston in shipbuilding, regardless of tho innumerahlo ob stacles that still environ our master mechanics. It is with this fact in mind that wc exult over tho stamina of one citizen, or a party of citizons, which is strong enough to overcome all theso dii-udvan- tages, and wo do not exaggerate when wo assert that tin launch of the Emma A Dickorson more of a triumph, and reflocts more credit upon Savannah an i her enterprising citizens than the launch of a "(1/bat Eastern" or "Great Repub lic" in New York or Boston would to eithor of thoso groat cities. Hero, wo arc scarcely resurrected from tho ruins and debris of a most disastrous war, which not only prostrated tho onergios of our jiooplo, but destroyed in u great measure the material nnd ma chinery nocessary for our self-preservation Foun dries and mills wore swopt away before tho unre lenting march of a victorious army, engulphing, too in its vortex of destruction tbo bono and sinew <»l our land- tho laboring population —until tho cheer ful ring of tho blacksmith’s anvil—tho hum of spindles ceased, and was drowned in tho rear of hos tile cannon un i the llorco roll of nmskutry. Thii was tho picture two yoars ago. To-day where ono year ago tho blackened hulks and ruins of Confederate iron-clads, and scows lined the banks of our rivor, wo seo tho while puff of tbo steam pipe, hear the bum flatter of machinery nnd the clamor of busy voices in mills, foundries and shipyards, while to no one in dividual aro we more indebted for the revival of the ship building interests of our city than to Mr. Henry F. Willink, Jr. After tho launch a handsomo American flag, a long jiennant, and a fine burgee wt-ro hoisted on tho boat, which gavo her qulto a gala day ap[>carance Tho following is a description of the Emma A. Dick erson : ".Slio is built upon a modal combining staunchness with speed, and by nautical connoisseurs is pro nounced a flno specimen of American naval archi tecture..' “Her length is sixty-threo foct. beam seventeen foot, depth eight feet, depth of keel (rocker) Aftjr-flvo feet, dopth of keel midships twenty seven inches and twelve inches in depth on fore and aft ends, Her frame, stern, stern-post and rudd'-r are tnndo «.( live oak, while she is plunked with three-inch yellow pino and white oak; deck of white plno; Is tho roughly copiHjr-fustonod; has not an iron or nail bolt in her; mainmast is sixty-five feet and foremast sixty-threo nnd n half foct each in length, nnd bowsprit twenty-three feet •‘.Sbo will ho forty-two Ions, new register. Her cab'n is neatly furnished with black walnut She will spread eight hundred yards of canvas. The total cost of tho Emma A Dickerson was $1 l,fi(JO Sho is owned by Messrs Joseph Claghorn, II. J. Dickcnou, II F. Willink, Jr, Captain J l> Tenbroock, Captain Joseph .McCoy, and L'optain James Sagunt. It was generally supposed by our ritizms that owing to tho severe Gorin tho launch would ho post- poned until u pleasant day, and in consequence of this impression hundreds of people who have nevor witnessed such a novel sight will bo kesnly ^appointed. THE M I'RI.V OF COTTON. Al a recent sofsion ol tint American Social Selonco Association, held in lb eton, Joseph S Fay, l'Di|, formerly ono ot Savannah's m-vt di*l|pguMu<d ami philanthropic citirens, rend a l-rirf pajaw upon tho supply of cotton, and as a matter of inti rest to our citirens wo republish tho lotto sing riqmrt from the Boston Advertiser of the Hist ultimo: " Observing that he feared that tho current idea that coltmi was no longer king was Into so far as tho Fulled Slates aro concerned, Mr. Fay said that it was not for our commercial advantages that its em pire had been transferred to oilier countries. Ho had always considered that tho great Southern sta ple owed its cheapness to tho former system of sluvo Inlior It was an unanswerable fact that there was no region in tho world where Inbor was so available, so well controlled, so well organized, and so intelli gently managed ns In tho Southern United States previous to tho Rebellion. Thu large planter, with Ills strong credit and capital, his thousand slaves, his hundred mules, uud his steam-driven cotton gin ami prow, had a great advantage in powor nnd cost of production over the small farmer, with only tho In Uw ol himself ravl family, aided perhaps by a lured negro or two It could not. therefore, bo oxpecteil tb»l cotton would become abundant or cheap with tho Introduction of free white or black labor " "Mr. Fay said lie hud gruvo doubts whether us freudmen the colored |ample would work ns well as when they wore slaves, nml ho behoved that their number would diminish rather than iucrunse. Hence there would bo a scarcity of nml a greater demand for labor, resulting in an enhancement of tho price of cotton. Wo should bo unable to compete with tho choap labor of foreign countries, for we could not afford to soil cotton nl loss than HO rents a jsiuml, while India cotton, after paying heavy charges of freight from Bombay. Imd been sold in Liverpool 7 cents, and could be sold as low as that agiin To all these <d oumstiinees there was now added an-Wher buidoa iu the revenue tax of three cents per (Miund, placing our industry at so much disad vantage in vomj<etitum with other cotton producing countries nl a time when it can illy hear it "In comhisiom, Mr. Fay said lie Icared that with slavery the dry of cheap cotton had passed away, never to return, and with it much of ■ ur greatness as a eoinmer ial nation It waste be luqied that time in its changes might bring us a substitute or a compel ration other than the moral one " At the conclusion of Mr Fay’s piper, tho depart ment adjourned until afternoon. PERSONAL. Am»ng the arrival* in out city by tho steamer Eliza H.incox, from Charleston l ist evening were quite a distinguished party of professional gentle men, including Hon. Jno. B ILiskin. formerly member of Congress from Westchester, Now York; Hon George G. Barnard, Judge of the Supremo Court of Now York City; lion. Jas. K Huckctt, Recorder of tho City of Nciv York; Jntncs W. Yoiiugi Esq, Chtof Editor of tho New York Tribune, and Charles McClintock, Cashier of the l’hil idolp Press. Tho ubovo party aro on a pleasure trip en route to 1'alatka, Florida.and will tarry in or few days to see the sights While in Charleston the tourists were tho guests of m»:i o "1 the most influential citizens, and courteous were everywhere extenled them. M'e trust that the impressions of and its citizen s will bo equally as fl ittering during their short stay iu 'ho Forest Ci y. His Honor Judge l>?k nc, of tho United District Court, arrived in town Tuesday c\tiling, and is stopping at the Mar.-hall II u*o Tho many Iri nf the Judge will he glad l» learn that he is in ci Rent heallh. I Ml*.EAt'BB.TSKV«\ Gene ml (iiiilil to lie lliellltletl ClirilHla Sinleinent RegnriUug linUci*. Aslili ) nml event. |Correspondence ot the Cincinnati C« tinner.dal.) Wamii\ot<>n, January "ll —It will he remem bered that about a mmnli ago .Mr Ashley offered a resolution iu tiie House of Representatives direct ing tho Judiciary Committee t*. inquire if any offi cer of the United States had been guilty of high crimes or misdemeanors within the meaning of tho Constitution, or had conspired :o subvert the Con stitution of tho United States. This looked at tho lime, certainly to me, and, I think, to most others, raiher like the evasion of a direct charge against the President, than an attempt to uuku it inure comprehensive, and to include others bt-i-lo that unhappy gentleman I know that most of those who referred to the subject in conversation at the lime, so regarded it. There was one gentleman, however, on tho floor of the House of Representa tives, win*, as if by inspiration, saw through it thu instant it was offered, and construed urigbt tho poisonous malice it concealed under an apparently harmless coating of wo’ds. The presentation of such a resolution, wires* coming had not been heralded by any previous announcement or intention, and was known but to half a do zen members, very naturally threw the House into a temporary confusion, and created quite a stir on tho Republican side What the public already knows on tho subject is only what transpired iu tho way of regular business, hut the by-play, that did not come under that head, is tho important part that shows tho animus of tho movement. As-• on us the resolution was road Mr Bingham jnuqed from his sent, nnd went over to Ashley, to whom ho addressed sotno very harsh language, asking him what he meant by such a proposition as that, and why he did’nt frame it to apply to the UresidoLt only, in*teud ol making it a drag not to include every officer of tho Government A.-hley hesitate I a while, affected u knavish smile, and replied that ‘ho gu-ssed it was nil right" " No, it is’nt all right," said Bingham; "it's a stab at Gun Grant, and no such malicious thing shall go through the Hou o if I can help it." “suppose it does inclu lo Grant," said Ashley, "can't wo investigate his eon* duct, ton ! and can't we impeach him if ho has been guilty under tho resolution J" Bingham looked at Ashley a moment and replied in nuivous wrath, “ Ashley, you're a fool; d m't you know that you can’t impeach any but a civil oilier of the Govern ment under the Constitution I" By ihi- time quite a group had collected where the colloquy ivas being held, and Thud. .'Stevens, scenting »• breeze, ha i oo.uo over to avert a storm. Addressing him, Bing ham asked what was the meaning of this damnable assault upon General Grant "Oh, nothing," said .Stevens in his insidious way—"only wo want to in vestigate some charges recently made against him I don’t see why Grant should lm more ireo from in vestigation any more than Johnson, lie’s ju-t a.- bad as Johnson." Bingham again denounced uliut he termed "a foul eon-piracy against the chief officer of the Army of the Republic," and he gave ihe low friends of tho resolution who were are around him fair warning tbit if they pn-.«od it, ho should expose tho cowardly proceeding as it deserved. By this time the resolution had "gone over," as the parlia mentary phrase is, from a refusal of thu House to suspend thu rules Quiet Imd been restored on the floor, and the business of thu day was quietly pro ceeding Bingham addressed Ashley, in presence of several members, in language like this : -Tell the honest truth now, who instigated that resolu tion I" “Why, what makes you think it wasn't my own 7" inquired Ashley. "Because," said Bingham, I know there ia ton much cunning in it for you, ami I'll bet you anything you dare that Thud. .Stevens or Ben. Butler either wrote it or dictated its spirit." Ashley again protested against Bingham's right lo quostion tho authorship; and Bingham again re peated that there was too much craft and design about it for anybody but Stevens or Butler. What from Bingham's earnestness and Ashley's faintly disguisod equivocation, thu dispute had Income quito interesting, and a number o| Radical members had collected around the disputants. After some further bantering and badgering on Bingham's part, Asidev confessed that Stevens had a little to do with it, and Butler a littlo to do with it, and that ono of it* principle objects was to givo Butler an opportu nity of making aud proving certain charges ugainst Gen Grant.” Now this ia no story of iho imagination It is a statement of fuel, given to me by olio who was wit- lies-to it, and sub l.inii.ned by others I heard it s« mo tune ago. hut looked upon it as so impruluitdu on its face thai I dichiicd lo print it until I had ver ified it from such ;»source as would leave no doubt of its accuracy. Mr Binghaiu di selves (lie approbation of all true men lor his timely in ten-ess ion to avert an act, tho slightest inis-hicl done by which would have I icon the disgrace of (In-mm who participated iu it, for in their dis.rae the uh lo American people would hive been!vod in thu eyes of thu civilized worl I But after all, tin ugh there is room for denuncia tion and cause lor wrath in the idea of Butler and Ashley charging Giant with a conspiracy to subvert tho Gotcrriin m. ou t there, on tho whole, more teiiiptutiou lo a g- od laugh 7 .M.i> k. Judicial Election* nnd Executive Appoint ments. As a mutter iu which many of our rea U-r* are Interested, wo givo tint following proclamation of Governor .Jenkins n yra/uitinis insertion : Kviuttivi: 1>ki-uiTitKvr, / Mii.i.kiigkvii.i.r. January 3U, l%7 j Upon scrutinizing the returns of elections held on tho first Wednesday ol the present month for Judges of tho Superior Court and .Solicitors General, in sevoral of the Judicial Circuits of this State, ns here inafter specified, it appears that Iho following tier- sons rocoivod a majority of tho votes east, each in his Circuit and for the oflieo mentioned iu cornice tinu witli lii* name, to-wit -, In the Brunswick Circuit, Win. M. Sessions for Judge, ter four years Imm aud alter the first day of February next Iu tho Coweta Circuit, lliraui Warner lor Judge; and Wm II Hulsey lor .Solici tor Genorul, ea.-li for Hie term aforesaid. In iho Eastern Circuit, Will It. Fleming for Judge, and Albert B Smith for Solicitor General, each for the term aforesaid. In the .Macon Circuit, Carletou B Cole for Judge, for and during tho term aforesaid fn thn Middle Circuit, Wm Gibson for Judge for and during the said term. In tho Oemulgoo Circuit, Augustus Reese for Judge, for the term aforesaid In tho PaUtil* Circuit, John J. Clark for Ju-lgo, for the (ami of l»ur years I'rmu and after tin Hlith day i uf Match next, uud S'. Wwo I'atUta ter Solicit..r G.-u | oral, for the leriu of four your* from and ' tier ilm first tlay of February, I h(»7. In I lie S"inh m in cull, Augustin II Ham-ell lor Julge, and W It. Bennett iur, each for the lei in ot ' tour yoais from and alter Hie I Dli day ul Dor cm tier next In Hie Northern Circuit, Emory I’. Edwards for Solicitor General, nml in the South western Circuit, N. A Smith lor Solicitor Gen eral. ea. Ii lor Hi- term ol turn yams Iremi and lifter I he first day ol Fohruur.V next. Kaeli ol the | enema aloresaid is lliuretoro duly elojie.i to li.o ulhou tor which he received tho ma jority vote iu* huroii.botoro rocllud, utv.l It l* or doled that coinmi'wions ismio aoeeidingly. In the Chciokeo Circuit Janie.* Milner received for Judge a iinjoiily of the lotos legally returned to this oflieo; but lus opponent, Janies A W. Johnson, who, by the nddilion ol llie vote polled In the enmity el CaUiosi, ux-'Uided U-cuusu tho return t» tl.i. office decs not show Hint thre e persons Mipcrinli ndod Hie elect inn, as required by law, would liuvo a in ijonty Vote, has given notice that h» will eoiiti-t Hie elec tion Further order is Hiere-teio suspended ill this case until the parties call be heard. In I he South west urn and l.illap"iwa Circuits, ue pci"' si having re-i-fived a in j-nisy ol lira void* card lor Judge ol either vacaneios exist; and iu obeli once to Hie Const it Ui loll and Ian.-, | liuvo uppii. tiled and do hereby appoint D.ivi I A \ a-.m Judge ol the Superior c. lilt" ol the Southwest, rn (’iremi, and John W. II. Underwood Judge ol Hie .-u|»ii«.r Courts el the Irtlhipo.iJU Circuit, re. hold Sai t ol\j os, severally, until an election bo In-Id by Iho people uecordiug to law, or in easts of vacancy by l.nliiro ol election, mi'll such vacancy be tilled l>yupp'iut- ment iu the MaeoiOCireiilt im per-.n |, .ling received a majority of tlnri*>te.-lor Si.fiei'.T *1 n -rnl. n va cancy exists, nnd rii ivc ap|">u.t« |, mi I do hereby appoint, J ?iuiiU"ii-, Solicitor General ter the lust mimed Circuit, to hold Mil l ofliou until an ehcH"ii shall ho lu-ld as bylaw provided; or, fail ing such election, until the vacancy so occasioned be tilled by Executive appointment. Let couitnisdons issue to thu three persons Inst n..meil, in conformity with said app»iiiiui«nts. In Iho Blue Ridge, Flint and Ojiiiulg'-o Circuits, no person has received a majority <.| iho •c:isi in either, ter the oflieo of Solicitor General, aud Hn-ro is therefore no election. But, as iu each, the term of the present iututiihi-nt will not expire un til the I Ith day of D.i-iuImt next, there will l>.» no vacancy before Hu t t ill", nil Ins within twenty day* thereafter, elections by the people u.ny lm had ac cording to luiv, no appointment is made. Let this paper be entered on Hi- F.v-oiitiio Jour nal and published ns the proclamation required by Given under tny hand and Hie Great Seal of tho State, at tbo Capitol in Millclgevillo, tho date tirst above written, and of the Independence of tho United Stales ol America the ninety-first Cninu.s J. Jknkin*, Governor. By tho Governor: N. C. B.iunktt, Secretary of State. GEORGIA. Gk.nkiiai. E. Joiixmhn —This disti gui.-hed gentleman, with his lady was iu Allan on tho -Ith, ugliest at iho National ll"tel lie is in the enjoyment "f excellent health. Tin was en route for Suliuii. Tho Cherokee Georgian of Friday last says : Last week no published the returns of tho elect ton for Judge in this Circuit, which showed that Co'oncl Johurou was elected by three voter. M*e halo since learned that G. v. .Jenkins has thrown out the vot from Catoosa, lor soiuo informal:tv, which leave Judge Milner twenty-seven votis ahead. Worn: derstand Colonel Johnson will conical tho eleetioi A Sm’KItKIt IIV SlIKIllI IN'S M llli II.— A UK-Ill' rial was presented to the Senate oh Hie .'li t eltim Irom Seller do I’atma, 'll" Consul of I'ortugul ;i Savannah during the robi-Hi<m, claiming r«-iniiii. r:i tion for properly taken by Sheriuau’s army II had removed his family to M'iuiisho'o. S. C , wlnri as In*alleges, they wore rotibed of $•» lliltl in g..|.| jea el", and wearing a| pare), to iho total value of n ; 171 llo complains that his application lor r. In-.- his failed to receivo proper eoliddeniliou at ti. State Department. TilK OxwAltn Mam n - the darkies of Grilli: not to he out done by " p'*»r white I'uIrs," haie >.i g.mized a Lyceum, which i" now in full blast. 7 ho last debate was a public ono. attended by “ tb lades" Tho qu-stion dii-ussed was, "Is love lo woman a pure sentiment "r mixed with passion The iirgumeiit, it is said, waxed hot, tin-l g.-.l deal of indignation ivns < .\pre-.--ed toward the nega tive orators The I’re-sident g..t interested, vacate I the ebair in favor ot the Vico, and argued the ques tion in favor of tho uflirmaliie, i. c., pure sentiment, Diatonic love. Ho altorwards re-Mimed the eh ur. aud the question was decided in ilm utlirmatiio, by nn overwhelming mm' .-ity. — (irijfin Slur. Di ki, at Wksi 1’oi.nt, G a.—Wo learn that an affair o| honor vatuo off nt West Point. G:i, early on Saturday inornittg last, between a Major Biker, of Lowndes county, and a .Mr .Austell, of Mobile, in which the former was soii-'U.-ly it not mortally wounded in tho side. I h" latter iv is unhurt; hut im arc informed that the second <d .Mr Austell was struck in the thigh, by a shot Iram M«j B iker, whoso aim was deranged while in tho act ot Jailing. The weapons used wero small pisli-l* at live paces. We have been iiualile to learn the cause of tho meeting Tho parties were brought to this city by the freight train Saturday night, uud .Muj. Baker is now at tho Exchange Hotel, receiving nil necessary medical nttent on The whole affair was kept a profound secret, and is Mill shr-ti lid in mystery Montyominj Mm I, 'ith. The Columbus Sun says: We heard upon the streets yistenlay, nnd the requit seeiu-d well au thenticated, that negroes in cnnsih-rablc numbers were coining Imck on foot trom .Mississippi lo their former homes. It was mentioned that ono hundreJ nnd -ixty were seen in one lot. and that various par- tiei were wWerved wlowg tho reads Tho West did not prove the '-Promised land ot Canaan." Whilo wo would dislike to see the .M..**issi|ipiuus loso any thing, ive hope the reports are true. The number ot negroes iu this section has been greatly decreased within tho Inst few months. We have n*t heard of a single largo farmer who his tuffuicut laborers Tho current flowing to tho (Vest has been furmi lu bio Minus "Tkkason "—Wo learn that a few days sineo, Capt Del i Mesa ordered Messrs. .M -rellcId A Colcumn lo take down their sign. They keep thu Star 811 loon, and Imd for a sign the representation of 11 lotio star on red ground. We think this ..lii-' olfactories are p -culmo, for he seems lo “smell ti son' not only on ilm -‘minted breeze," but on that laden with the pure iuceiiso of patriotism. Mi Buckley was also ordered to take down Ins sigi "Confederate Saloon " 7 he fact Hint these orders were promptly obeyed, shows that our cili/.e; intensely ioi/ul—Home Courier. Bless our Gridin Bureau, limy li-ivn't pulled down our Star yet, nnd wo want it distinctly undi stood that our star is none of your "Texas Lo •Stars," hut the real Simon-pure, loyal Star, "simi lar ' to the Star of Ueililehem, which tjntulh light "unto nit the nations llri/lhi Stnr TEL EG II A P1IIC. ‘unto nil the nations.”- <irijfin Star. Vessel liiu-ut nt Sen. Tho pilot boat Prido (No. 3), which reached this city yesterday afternoon, reports that on Sunday nigtiV lust, when she was between Capo Konmin and Bull's Island, noticed distance off what ap (leare-d to be a icsrel 011 fire Stood for it, an reached it about (i A ,M , Monday, when a vossc apparently n brig or schooner, was discovered burnt to tho water’s edge. Tho skiff ol the pilot boat was launched, and sent, near to tho burning craft, but sho was so far destroyed that nothing could bo seen to identify her. Tho words "Now York" were 1 isi- bio on her stern, but her namo was burnt out. fciho was apparently Inden with luiubor, and her creiv had no doubt taken to thu boat and mado for the jand, or had been picked up by a passing vessel. Tho wreck was about twciity-flvu miles' cast of Charleston, in fourteen fathoms of water. | (‘/larleshm Mnritri/, Gift, SPECIAL NOTICES. I'lKTY. „ lltlrill UNION > A r> g ilar moirh y n ¥ -raSocloiy will to held ul tln-lr tiall In Hi- 'Nils EVE NING, at h i f-pus'. 7 o'clock, minim 11* requested a* i u tmss ol ini po: lance will be li a sarlc d By order of D. A. O'Bvunx, IV feliT JOHN Vi - Id- nl II CUP KT OFFICE HUM 1C INSURANCE COMPANY, B-ivanxaii, Go., Janiiny |7, D67 -At u meet ug of the Baa'd if Dlrectera held THIS DAY an In-'nli upon the slock of one dollar per Minn- called for, rayubtu »n or befdrj March 1, 1807. ■K'ml of the company is authorized to receipt for thu •uld instalment. M. A C0UKN,Secretary. CUSTOM HOUSE. Savannah, Oa, January 28, lst!7 # NOTICE is hereby given of the following seizures made during the month of December for vio lations of tbo Ui'i-unuo lauvB, al tho port of Savannah, viz- DucemlaT 1st - IMD Havana fiegus, from on lorard tlm brig A. M. Knight C'auMe ot w lzurc, lll.gullm- I*nla Ion. Duvumiwi \7H»-;i800 Havana Began and 87 boxes Jody, (rom on Imard thn schooner James A. Bioivu. Cause ot seizure, smuggling. December 24ih— PCO Havana Sugars, from on board tho schooner Graduate, for Illegal importation. Parties cla'mirg the above mentioned articles are require I to Ilia their claim with tho Collector w ithin twenty day s from this ditto. JAMES JOHNSON, Jungj-laiv.l Colleeiiir Customs. •ST TDK FRAN LIN BRICK MACHINE, Justly c.elel.raU<| f.,r p rfeet slmplleliy, stivnuth, and Immense completing |«»w. r, i* gu ir.mle.d, with eight men and two horses, |o self-leinjair tho day mid nuke II,<109 to3,600 elegent Bricks |.« r Inair. J. II. RKNICK, Proprietor, fob2 3mu No. 71 Broadway, New York, Room CV. Fi-oiii WnsliliiRtmi. Wamii.niitu.v, February (I.—A spoelal dispatch lo the Times says it i* known that the I'reBidont has tdegraphod, ai a privato oiliton to the .Southern Legi-lalures, urging the adoption of the new plan of restoration. Mr. MoHraekun, the author »( tho Motley letters says: A maturity of our foreign missions is held by Mu-s lohus'otts puritans, oonlrolled hy sunh men as Pdlips, Biiller, Z-n-k. (’handler, lie dooms it n fur- tr'otie duly to inform Sueretnry Seward how the country is misrepresented. The tpieeii's speech lias been lelegraphod in full 11 lnq« s the Fiu-sian, An Irian nn-l Delian war will lead to ilm permanent peace nf Europe ; predints nn early removal "f 'he groundr of difllculty with us, favors a closer union among the American provinces regards Feniunism ns suppressed, and thanks Go I for Ilm dlsappenrnnco of tho cholera nnd Iho catHo pla.reo Gov l.iteher hashunn pardonod, and Huv Aiken, T South Carolina, is horn 7'ho iii'.utlily statement shows nu increaso in debt of >.’1 575 11 duerease of coin iu tho Treasury of SI Hi,Util; an increase in thu currency of SI 1,173,lii Tho Naiimial Tobacconist Convention h«§ been mperarily organized R A M *yn, of Richmond, thu t'luilruun, aud Aloxaruler McDonald, of Lynchburg, Secretary A oommitteo on permnnont arganizatinii wa< appointed, and the convention ad journed until to tniirrow Aumng ilm confirmations by tho Senate are Ernost M Raullgny, Collector of tho 2vl District of Louisi ana ; John French, lax Coiuiuisionor of Florida. There were thirty-eight rejections 111 tho Senate four Exocutivo communications wore received nnd laid on tho tablo. Mr. Sumner presented petitions from oitiions of South Carolina nnd Arkansas, asking tho establish ment of loyal government* in 'hose .States, which were referred to tho Coiiynittoo on Reconstruction. The tenure of oflieo bill caino up, and tho Senate disagreed to tbo amendment including Cabinet offi cers Tho .Senate adjourned after oxccutivo session. In tho House tho gonoral business was of a local character. A communication fmm tho Socretnry of State soya tint tho States havo been authentically notified of thu ndoptioti of tho Constitutional Amendment by live States. A bill to instruct tho Clork lo Include in Iho roll only such States ns are now represented— paaaod. Tho Civil Servlco hill, providing for throo conn ini.-.-ioucr* to eximino candidates for oflieo, was ta bled by a vote of 71 to 67. Mr Stevens, from tho Reconstruction Committee, reported a hill for tho more cfliciont government of •ho insurrectionary States. Thopreamblo reiterates tho old story of tho nullity of tho present govern ments an I 1 he necessity c.f new ones for tho protec tion of the rights of loyalists. Tho bill divides tho ^taiis into niilitnry districts: Virginia, first; North an I .South Carolina, second; Goorgin, Alabama and Florida, third; Mississippi nnd Arkansas, fourth an I Louisiana nnd Toxas, fifth. An oflioor nc% uudur Brigadier Genera), to bo appointed by the General of tho army, shall command each dis trict. Thu District Commander, when in his judg ment it is necessary, shall organize a military com mission. I hi United Stole* courts may i.-suo writs of hah a- corpus on cortnin endorsements of a com- missioned officer. Sentence, affecting life or liberty, to be approved by tho Commander of tho District The indications aro that Stovons will press tho bill t • a \oto to-morrow. Cable Dlspntt-lien. Liveiti'ooi., February 5.—During tbo dolivory of tho Muon's spoeeb, tho pcoplo criod; Reform! Re form ! Ross IVinans has a contract to build cars aud loco motives for Russia., Fobruary 5.—Tho Duko of Flanders, heir to the Bolgian throno, D about to marry tho Frinoosa Ilohcnzollorn. roMMRItCIAt. Loxnos.jVobruary a, l*. M —Consuls, DO 11-16 i Erie.-, 31) 7 B; Illiuoi.-, 61; Fivc-Twontics, 72 Livkui'ooi., February 5, I*. M —Cotton closed ir regular nnd inactive. Middling Uplands 14 1-2; Mid dling Orleans 14 3-4J. Breadstuff* loss firm nnd pricos tending downward. The market is dull nnd lower. Commercial nml Financial. Ni:w Yoiik, February 6, noon —Tho flour market is quiet nnd unchanged. Corn nnd oats dull and drooping. Fork lower; moss (new) $2087@21; old mess $19 15. Lard dull; in bbls. 11 3-4@13 3 8. M Insky dull. Cotton quiot nt 33c for middling up- lamia. Freight* dull. U. S. I'ivo-twontios'62 cou- j "ti.-. 103 1-4; '61 coupons, J06 1-2; '65 coupons, ll'T; new issuo, 1017-8; Ton-forties, coupons, lUO 1-2; Seven-thirties, nil series 1051-2. Monoy 7 per cent. Exchange at sixty days, 108 1-2 5 sight, 109 I-1 Gold, 136 3-4. New Yoiik, Fcbunry 6, I’, M —Tho cotton mar ket was more active and a shade firmer. Tbo aulcs amount to 1600 bales, with middling uplands at 32 l-2@33c., chiefly at tho latter figure. Flour is lew uetivo, and prices without chango. Corn Armor — mixed Western $1 12(&l 15; now yoRovr, South ern, 81 15. Oats more steady. Fork Armor—now mess 820 12. Lard heavy and unchangod Whis ky quiet Groceries quiot nnd dull. Spirits turpen tine 66 l-2('(67. Wool quiet but firm—sales 20,000 pounds, at 45((iG3a; domestic fleece 47 1-2(352 l-2c 1 oxtra pulled 29(331c. for California Freights firm G.fld elosed at 37 3 4 Government securities slight ly higher. Stocks closed 1-801-4 highor. Haitimoiik, Fobruary 6.— Cotton |markot firm; Low to Strict Middling 32033c.; stock light, nnd market generally unchanged. .Momu;, February 6 —Tho sales of Cotton to-day were 2000 bales, with n better feeling towards tho dose; .Middling*, 30c. Un.\lii.KsTo.s, February 6.—Tho market is easier, with sales of 350 hales; Middlings 31031 1-2. shipment or Specie. New Yoiik, Fobruary 6—Tho steamship Cuba, which sails for Europo to-day, takes out $10,000 in Specie, SPECIAL NOTICES. »«y TO PLANTERS AND FARMERS.-THE Dwll Manufnclunn* Company (established since 1830,) having the ezclusivo control of nil the night soil of Now York oily, offer for ralo, oxclustvoly for cat new article of DOUBLE REFINED FOUDRKTTE, Warranted tree from Impurity and nibb’nh, which they will «ell for twenty-five dollar* per ton, delivered on hoard of vessels In Now York city. This arllclo, which I* pulverized as fine as Flour, has no equal for Corn, Cotton and Tobacco, and is equal to No. 1 Peruvian Guano in tho proporl'on of two pounds for one of Uunno, and better than the best brands of Super-Phos phates, pourd for pound. This Is just the thing for thoso who will pay cash for a good article at a low price. Wo have a coarser srtlolo ul twenty dollars per ton. Samples sont by mall, freo, on receipt of three cent stamp. Bend for pamphlet, and bo convinced. Address the " Lodi Manufacturing Comprny," 80 Courtlandt street, New York. Rocet Mocst, Edgocombe county, N. C. M k. J. R. Dzr: Sir— In reply to your Inquiry of the results of our experience In the use of your Improved Fou 'rette, purchased of you for this year's Cotton crop, wo would beg leave lo ssy tha' tho present sea son has In-on ono qulto unfavorable to tho action of all fertilizers. Sev* ml kinds of manures wero usod by ua, with the exception of your Pondrulte, with little or no effect to Iho crop,' Where tho I'oudrctte was applied it gave us near half a bale more per acre, and ciusod tho Cotton to open much earlier, and we would there fore recommend the same an a concentrated mannra for the growth of Cotton, us well as Improvement to the •oh- Youra vory respectfully, IImhv I*. Brows & Bao. Noverabi r 13th, IM* janll-flw w- a card to invalidb.-a clergy- man, while residing tn South America aa a missionary discovered a sufo and simple remedy for Iho euro of Nervous Weakness, Early Decay, Diseases of the Uri nary and Seminal Organs, nnd tbo whole train of dls- ir.lrrs brought on by tmneful and vicious habits. Great numbers havo been already cured by this noble remedy. I'romptod by n desire to boneflt the afflicted and un fortunate, I will send the recipe for preparing and nslng this medicine, In a s.'nlod envelope, to any one who ihmIs It, froo of charge. Flvaso enclose a post paid envelope addressed to yqursutf. Address JOSEPH T. INUAN, doc8-lyr Station V, Bible nous*, N. Y. City. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTE - DISCOUNTED a O LD! SI laVER, BANK BILLS, AND DEPOSITS IN SAV'NGS BANK, PUUCllASED UY DAVID R. DILLON, BANKER, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Savannah Theatre. TIIURKIIAY KVKN1NG, KKH. 7, DAT, BY BIUN & MEYER. 'I'll IS DA Y, 7Hi ln»t.. ni inoV-loek, In front of *1 Kngng-ni 'lit lor s ti lef period o' tho dlstlngu s'x d Ait’et"*. MRS. CHARLES HOWARD WATKINS, (jiiaen Star of tho South, and Mil. 1-IARKY 'VATKINS. Thu Eminent Comedian. •ST" During this nigngrni' nt, will l»o pr- minted the Grand Dramas of Katiilkhn Mxvoi aser’.a, or, l'ml -r thn Spell; Ikhiuvoiivb, or, Ireland's Dark Day; Hkiuk or as; Faith, llortt aku Cuahty; Dikohau, or III" !>• iiion’s Treasure. toh4 224 BAY .STREET. dec 19 ■ar ll'ltmiM, ON Tll’AUGN -HOWTO effect n eer aili 1 ml |« nm’i'it eiuo Fo-ne ceeiqia fon* ol If p» di p-*" toe stive 11 s*, < »|>< daily thoso wl Irh nllow but lltt'o i xoicl-c. Fi rsons who contract thl* ui>f rtireat lit'dt -f Ini}, mi '.ir such ctrcuin- slances, might | nsslhly lx-rehwvnl liy cliunglny tl.eir ri-duntmy ntnploy■■■enU for others of n more mtlvo kind; but th's is ' y no o vm-» rvr'.nin. Itobl'.ont con stipation I* a wry ntiMiunto discnler- All the ordinary S'-cdlid remedies Imn lahly uygra* ate It. Nr.Hiingcnn be ni»re laiiirku* than He eonl.niied u*e of s'rung ajioricnt* They at tlr t liritnie, anj Anally utmost p rn’yzo Iho bowel*—1 enduing Ham *o torpid llut cnormou' doses ofiaUu.tio niidicliun have no ofloct upon thrm. A mild np rlenl, enmblred with a gentle Bllimi'ant, s the true renedy; ard a combination in th - bat pte-a pit'ptrMon >1 tl on- tngmltrnt* 1* found 'n IIUSTKITER'8 STOMACH BITTERS. Tills famnisrtom chic 'iiv'goiu'c* the whole I'.testioal canal, while quietly removing f-om its corvo utions all Impedimenta to a free passage through them. No mero purgative has this double operation. No oidiimry Htlmulant affects the desired object Care a of coast p tlon abandoned a* liopetern hy distinguished me Heal mon havo been cured In n fow weeks hy the Bitters. To those who hnve tried all the mcdlcim s ot the dis pensary tn vain, we say try this irrc*l*t.b!c * in.u'nnt and apmlci t. There 1* no suflieknt reason why Con st* pat'on sli-nld h'* thu conseqii it sed.Tdary bah t*. IlObTKlTEK’8 BITItltJ, ly snj p'ying Ike vigor will h would othi iwise he Uulud fioin v 1 •rolre, will In a'l ci.«'s eiiah'o the rystuni to]ierform Iti excr*'oty function* n gularly an ! healthfully. feM- Awfl KT ANEW AND GRAND Kl'nCH IN MFD! CINE I—Dr. Maoqiri. I* the found- r of n n- w nie.lh at *y*tcm. The qunnHtariau*, whose vast enfeeble the *toma< h and paralyze th. Is.wvls, must give precedence to Ilia umn who restores hi-ulih and appetite witli fn>m one two o' hi extraordinary Fill*, and cure* the t»w>*t v rutnit son * with a t.ox or ro of hi* wonderful ai d uH-Ik-hI 1 g Hu'te. 7 hi sc two great apcclflra of lie Il'Vloi >u.• | H *i s'lpi-rsedlng all the ■Ureotyped nosirnm* ol iho day. Extru«rd:i::i y rures by Magglcl’* Fills nod S-lve have opened the eye* of the public to the liiefll' l'-'ry of the (so rail,«') remedies of others, nnd upon whleh peop e l.a»«:so long tuindly depended. Maggtrps Fills an- not of the . I..--that are swallowed hy thu dozen, mid of which >\cry Imx ftiil taken creates nu absolute necestity f r m other. One or two of Maggiul'* Fills suffice to placu the bowel* In perfect order, tono the B'omach. crvule an nppt tltc-,uiid render the spirits light uud buoyant* There Is no griping, nud no Irritation in the form of constipation. If tho liver Is affected, Its function* a e restored, and It the nervous system 1* feeble, It I* Invigorated. Tills last quality m *ke* the medicine very d< sin.blo f->r tli wants of delicate femn'e*. Utn-rou- and er-prive dl case* are literally cxHngusInd hy tin- d;s:nfec'ant power of Magglel’* Halve, lu fact, it i* here announced that Maouiki.’* Bilious, DvsI'ri'tk: Fills cure where uh otters fait; wide for Burn*, Scald*, Chi btoins, Cut-, uud all abrasions of thu skin, Maooibl'b Salts Is inlalliblo. Sold hy J. Maoiiibi., 11 Fine street. New York, a«d by ull Druggist*, at 25 cent* pi r box. mnyO-ly KF*I MFORTANT ^UAUTIKS.-Brandrcth Fid* so sllmn'ate nil Hie in'« il-.r powers of the *j *tem that every poison or impurity is furred from tli" bl< od Into tl.o bow.-|s, and thu* passe* off. Ku.cnt slcknr** will often tw rat. d t.y the off ct of s'x or e-gtit Brandr th's Pill*, which wh u the op. ration I* full and complete, h ave tin- IiI'hkI aa free from pji.o.,0 1 unhcuRhy m-ett r ae Hue of a new born tab onlda, Inflammatory dlseiiws, and even in chol *rn, their u*o rcetorr* to Inal Ii sooner thar. all other reuudies because they tale from the I.I.m*! mid IniwoIh tLi matteiB upon wh ch pate*, crump* end aches depend for continuance. Capt tin l*»"c dniith, ol HI .g .- lug, my* ; " Tmrly of Brandrotb’s Fill*, taken according to di.i-ctions, cured him of a very s-jvere broiia' LI affection after other meats hod failed and ho wlshun his Liimurous friends to know the fact. Bmndre!h’> Fills, PH' cipnU'fllc‘% Brand'eih House, New York. B01.I aUo by all Drm-glst*. S. on Govornmut)'. slump, wltlmut which l spurious- *' jan'24 d&wlm iut which t i- pj||* -u B. BRANDRETU. PEOPLE DIFFER On many |K>tnt*, but all agree that "Smolander’s Extract Bucku" Cure* Kidney Diseases, Rhctinm'isrn, Urinary Dls- orders, Gravel, Weakness and l’nins in Uro Back, Fe male Complaints, and Disease* arising from Excesses, more quietly and effectually than ntij fluid Extract Bucku In the market. TRY SMOLANDER’S. TAKE NO OTHER! Bold by all A potheen’ies. J Price |1. D. Barkrs A Co., New York, and liAnxss, Waiip A Co., New Orleans, Southern Agent*. Bcrliiob A Roorrs, Wholo/alo Druggists, Boston, MaseacUusett*, General Agents. felvU-ly B' T. BABBITT'P Lnhor-rovtrK Boup. This Hoapis mado from clean nnd pur mater'a s, cniitaiim no adul terate n of any kind, will n t Injure the most delicate fabric, and I* esprcinlly adapted for woollen*, which will not shrink after I ring washed with thin Boup. It mav boused in hard or soft waters. It will remove paint, grease, tar and stab s of all kl: d*. One pound I* equal to two pound* of family soar). Direction* *< lit wHh each bar, for making threo gallons handsome soft soap from one pound of this soap. Each bar is wrap ped In a circular containing full directions for use, printed In Envllsh and German. Ask jour grocer for " B. T Babbitt's Boap," and take no other. B. T. Babbitt, Nos. 84, 66, 68, 87, 88, 80, 70, 72 nnd 74 Washington street, New York. B. T. BABBITT'B pure Concentrated Potash or Ready Boap Maker. Warranted lnuhle tho alrength of com mon potash, and superior 0 any other suponlflcr or R e In tho market Fut up lu cane of 1 pound, 2 pounds, f P2,un<l\« p-’Unda and U pounds, wltlr full directions, In English and German, for making hard end soft soap. On* pound will m-ko fifteen gallons of soft soap. No Ilm* Is required. Consumers will And this tho cheap est Potaah in the matkft B. T. Babbitt, No*. 64, 66, 60, 67,68, 69, 70, 72 and 74 Washington street, New York. B. T. BABBITT’S brat Medical Baloratus, "made from common salt." Bread mado with this Buloratus con tains, when baked, nothing but common salt, water and flour. NofcM.6V6«.67,«8, 69,70, 72 and 74 Washington street, New York. Cf) PERCENT SAVED' ByUsinc B. T. BABBITS Star Yeaat Powder. Light biscuit or any kind of cake mav be made with this Yeaat Powder in fifteen minutes. No shortening required when sweet milk Is uied. No#. M to 74 Washington street, New York. decl-0 mo*. COLGATE’S 1IONKY SOAP. This celebrated Toilet Soap, In such universal de mand, Is made from the choicest materials, Is mllil end emollient In It# nature, fragrantly scented, aud extrsmemly beneficial In Its action upon tha akin. Tot ule hy ail Drun^t* and Fancy Gooda flMlera. febl-]y SAVANNAH VARIETIES, CORNER ST. JULIRN AND MARKET SQUARE, OI’KN KVKltY NIGHT. B-tT Adnilsson 60 cent*; reserved * B-#* Como nud see u*. '* 76 cent*. Jnn24-lrn own room Addreas, aiming teims and location, “W," ilepuhd<nn office. (eb7-l Lost or Stolen, D El'ttelT ROOK No. 285. bo’.ngir.g to W. T. Wn'ker, and Hank Honk No. 4U8, of Roaufoit Branch, tc ongh'g to Dublin I.ltt'e. The finder* will please return them to the Pre« .Inrun's Having* Bink, Drav ton *tra-t, near Breughton. fel»7-4w I. \V. BttlNCKEHIIOFF, Cashier. Ploughmen Wanted. ^’UUEE ot four exper'etced white Ploogbmen are wanted to J dough rico land- Apply to DA VAN!’ A WAPLE8, foi.7-3 Bay aUeot, corner of I.lncoln. APL0AT AND IN STOdE, FOR BALE BY fel.7-lnio WEST &. DANIELS. SUGAR, MOLASSES, &C. OA 11II 1)8 choice Muscovado Sugar; &\J 60 titd* A, B, G and GrushedBugar! 60 bbls English Island Syrup; 100 b-rrete X and k bole and kU* Nos 1 and Mackerel; 60 tut)* and bx* Butter and Gheeaa: for sa’c by J. A. A J. F. BROWN, lnnlfl 204 nnd 20fl Hay stseel. HUTCHINSON & LAURENCE, No. 8 Dcy Street, Nexv York, I AKA I.BH8 iu every class of Machine,y, Steam En- U gm* and Botfi'is. t'lrcii nr huw M il*, Iron and Wood W' rting Mi»'lil,ioiy.Mm-hlnI*ts’TiK)ts,Blisfring, Ac.; Mi 1 nnd I'ln^tatlon Mnclnnciy, such ns llorse Power*, Got . 11 a <1 Hay Press *,Oott n G ns.l’orlab'e Kniii' i s. Gem 1 ml Wlieat Mil’s, Haw Mills, Improved bu-um l'.vc-ing. Belting, Tools. Ac. Agrii-ulturul implements, with tho latest improve, incuts. All our Machinery Is from makers of reputation and exprrlenc •, aiul will bo fully guaranteed. General Ag'iits for JuJsou’s and other Improve; Governor*. fubVffino Copartnership. r r , IIB undersigned have tilts day formed a rnpartnor- A ship under tho firm namo of MK1NIIAKD BRiIB. A GO., for tho tran«actlon of a Who'esafi Boot, tfhoc, Hat, Gt >tlfing nnd O.mta' Furnlahlng Gixds Busin *", nt the old stands of II. Mclnhard A Pro, 72 S'. Jilt n str, ct, and Well A Meinhard. 100 Bryan street. Thankful to onr frionds and the public generally for past favors, we rcipectfully solicit n con- tinuaQco of the same for the firm. HENRY MEINHARD, ISAAG MEINHARD, BAMUBL MEINHARD, K. A. WEIL. Bava-iT'ali, Febrtiarv 1.188’. fcb2-8 DO YOU WANT CSeod Laborers f I" WILL supply a* many good Scotch Farmers, X Ili-use Servants, or Uardonurs as I recivo order* for oil or before the 1st of March next, deliverable from 1 t of April to 1st of May, who wlfl engige for a term ot Hip c years. For particulars address febfi-Imo U. J. M03E8, Golumbus, Go. DUNCAN db. RAMSEY, COMMISSION ANO FORWARDING MERCHANTS, M'HiKUKAD OITY, NORTH CAROLINA. /~G)AL for *'earner* 011 hand. Steamers putting In'o VV It ■ ufoit liarbor short of coni cun tic supp'ied fohfi-e<vl2mo For Sale. 3 ,|0O FAIR TRACE CHAINS; 25 co ls Patent Packing Yarn; Rtie-lmt WEED A CORNWELL. POTATOES AND ONIONS. J /"k/"k BBLS Fink Eyo PoUtoos; lvv-/ 'zoo bbls Jackso« White Potatoes; loo bbls Peach Blow Potatoes; GO bids On oas; Landing from schr. Tho*. Penneckwon, nnd for sale by J. A. A J. F. BROWN, febfl 204 nnd 200 Pay *lr«-ct. Notice to City and Country MERCHANTS. *)fi A »' 2 KN 1-afl‘cs White Rlblird Hose, nt «2 26 AeiiKj p-rdozen; f rsaluty J. GRUBB, l< l>5 li BUI B»V street, Havnnnah. Butter, Cheese, &c. OA 1 UHB Choice G»*hen Butter: Au 6U bx* M »t« and Factory Cheese; 2J bbls m w M. ** Po:k; 10 Mils Prime L af Lard; I.sndirg and for sale by J. A. A J. F. BROWN, fel>2 204 and 206 Bay street. GUANO, GUANO. Peruvian Guano, In store and for sale by Jsiiol-lBt CRANK A GRAY BILL. Screven House Bar. LUNCH SERVED DAILY FROM 11 to 1 O'CLOCK. nm 8 TO THE VOTERS Of Ike 3d District. U. M. City of Savannah. 1 ANNOUNCE myself a* a candidate for tho office ol A JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, fur tho 3d District, G. M.: ( ity of Savannah, Chatham county. Election to Ik- held at Btalcy’s former office, on the 16th Fobruary next. Tho District lies between Barnard nnd Abcrcorn streets, tho River nud Bouthern extent of City; nnd I respectfully solicit your suprort Jan. 20-to ISAAC M. MAIIBU. NOTICE. 'T'UE undersigned, duly suthorlzsd bv the liquidating A comiulttio of tho Land and Bub-murine Cuban Telegraph Company, which is empowered by the Gov ernment of tho Island of Cubn, will receivo proposi tions from any responsible party for tbo purchase of tho whole or port nf tho property belonging to said company, and which consists of the Telegraphic Lino established from Bnvacneh, Gs. ( to Cedar Bejs, Fla., nnd Its dependencies. In receiving tho forego!rg proposals tho urdcrslgnod W'll also ho prepared tone-Ive an offer for Utu claim which has to be preferred austust whom it may concent for tho damage sustained ny tho lino during the civil wnr. The proposals should be sent during the nezt thirty days to J, A. MORA, 29 Il ondway, New York. jiii.58 20t JOSHUA HILL, (op ORotau,) ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW, WASHINGTON, D. C. P RACTICES In the 8upremo Court of the United Btutes, thu Court of Claims, and tho Courts of tho District of Columbia. Claims and Department Buslncrsrccclvo prompt at tention. Offlcu nnd residence No, 484 I Street, Mwecr 17th ami 18th «tree to. WeaU JuilUan Law NTotloe.1 'J'lIE undersigned has removed his Lew Office to iho second floor of tho old City Hotel Building, on Boy alrcot, (noTO lf) HENRY WILUAMB AUCTION SALES. ■ drv II In- iinuMrr .'•I. in II. k tn tub. W. stern .to Hi tn* It « • I hil l Hmnh-I Hh ill '. ra 20 •>** Murk wt.. nl F our 1(jh'« flnt'.-s I I.* 10 d- z Wn*hlionnl* lo non Hi-gn * *0li<* Fa. it, H<np I ij tJ.S"lr, ('ioHiing Ho"t*. H.lsBiidBhfK* AND An na.<.rtm»'-l of Fiirnlturo. UNDERWRITERS’ BALE. bV LAROCHE, BELL & WILLIAMS. ** IIIH DAY, 7th Instant, at 10 o'clock, In Trent of the store, will In* sold, 1 llnr- light trotting Buggy. Damagnl on InisM Ilia steani*lilp Ban Balvador on r pasrugn from Now Ymk to this port, and rod ad r In pec*ion of the Fort \Va dor* for arconntof the nndei writer* and all rot rented. T*rm* cash. fth7 A FINE BLACK MORGAN STALLION. BY LAROCHE. BELL & WILLIAMS. TUI 4 DA Y, at 11 o'clock, in front of Ilia store, will l>e sold, A fine blank M rrgan Stallion; ALSO, A good Buggy. Term* c:**h. fol STOCK OF GROCERIES. BY GEO. W. WYLLY. in*'., In .tor-No. 161 B'otighloti or cr rf Il l'll* d, wil. lie sold III* :eric.*, e,n*i* lng iu pmt of ON F I DAY, 8th I, n.-x to Hit ’■ Block of Uio Vlnur, Wngar, Colh*.-, Bo'.p, Ft »rc‘, I'lc'i I**, Ten, Candle*. Candy, Ac, At Tel »ll GOVERNMENT SALE AT PORT ROYAL, S. C., February 31st, 1807. T HE following captu-vd and abandoned property will ho sold nt public auction at the abovo time an t place, by orders f>oiu the Treasury Department, namely: 1 Engine, fi horse p-vwet; 1 Engine, S6 hono power; 6 B01 era: 1 Haw Mill and connections; 2 Hand Fire Etrain- s; 8 Car Wheels; 70 tons Railroad Iron; 10 Railroad Freg*. JAMES L. BARNWELL, fet O-tlOth Treasury Agent Charleston Auction Sale. UNDER DECREE IN EQUITY. O'NEAL vs. MAO EE. Will be sold, und *r the direction of the undersigned, at tho Old Cu>tz>in House, In Charleston, on TUES DAY, tho 26th <hy ol February, 1867, at 11 o'clock A. M., A'l th't tract *f Igind, in the State of Florida, being In townsh'p s'x of tw’n'y-seven nnd township six and seven of range twr n 1 y-eigli', Sou'll and East, and Hie t.ounda.y mid d.-seripim tnvri-of, aaar|>ear from the plat nf survey mad.' and retu; tied Into tiie office of the Hutveyor G.-n -ral of the United States for the Ftate of Florid >. wl*h the lie d not* th-jrety, in It. W. Norris, l*n trd State* I'rtnitv Surveyor, and on file In **ld of* flc*. cont* ning eleven thou-nud ntno hundred end n ncty cne nnd twen'y.hiindirdth acre* of land. The si 10VO tract has horn d sections of 160 acre*, and wld bo *n sold. A plat of tho tend may bo seen nt tl.o office of the umb'rrign d. Terms—Gnr-ha f c»*b: I..lance in on* yar, secured by bond ct the pureha* r, at\ t petson'l security and mortgage of the It n>. I’»ei to pav for papers. jamkhtuffbb, febl MwterJnEgutt^. TO RENT, TO RENT. JpURNlBUED sleeping loom*. Apply North oast comer of l’rice and Bt. Julien streets. f-b6-6t TO RENT. ( A FIRST eta** brick hou*e, with all eonv©- nlenees, ga« and water. Fotseseion given Immo- dlately. E- quire at tills office. Jyi31-tf FOR RENT. THE double store southeast corner East Brood sAnml Broughton streets, at present usod as a gro cery and liquor store. For farther particulars apply on the premises, dcc6-tf WANTS. WANTED, GARDENER ninl Karon r. A German with family prole r.d. Enquire of IJ. G TILDEN, Grocer, 165 I hough ton *tr ot. fc!>5-lf Situation Wanted, B Y a Cidou-d G’r‘. cs *esnistro*s and cbombrnnald, in a private family. C. 11 ho found at the corner of Bull and Cor ur- ** streets, over Lincoln’s drug store. Bn.p.i e lor RD HARD BL'KFAYKTT. feb6-2 AGENTS WANTED FOR Tiie I ife, Letter*, Speeches, Ac , of HON. ALEXANDER II. STEPHENS. B Y HENRY CLEVELAND, late Editor of the Augusta (flu ) C<-listitut 1-u.alist. Bend f r Ctreutura and fee our terms, and a full de- *< riplton «.f tho work. Address National Publishing Company, A'liuitn, Oa. ]an3t-d&wlmo Wanted Everywhere, A GENTB, Mn'eor Female—$100 to $‘260 per month— to sell the Genuine Common Sense Family Sewing Machine. Price omy $18. This Machine will stitch, hem, te l, tuck, hind, quilt, braid and cm- hr- filer. The cfii h enn -t be pulled apart sveo after oveiy second s'-iu-h I* cut. Every machine fully war ranted for three year* Address, for Circulars and terms to agents, BLISS A McEATURON, General Boulhern Agents, Louisville, Ky. Jnri6-ood2nio GUNPOWDER O RANGE RIFLE, in kegs of 28,12* nnd fljf H)i: Blasting, in keg* of 23 pounds: Orange Ducking. In can eti-r* of 5 fit* each: Kui’ sporting, in canisters, 1 snd % lbs; Orange Lightning, tn cnnl-te s, 1 and E lbs, manu factured hy the Bmtlh A: Rand Powder Company, New York. This Powder Is warnin' od thu strongest, clearest and best In the mnrkct, either Ann rlean or English, and ia used nnd rocommcnded by our flrst Sportsmen In pre* fcrencc to any other. IIANDELL & CO.. Agents. Jnn22-3m 201 and 207 Bay street*. ESTABLISHED 1780. nn »cuius, sura. J. C. III I/I/N SOI NO. 34 PARK now, NEW YORlC. About one hundred styles of TOILET SOAPS. Manufactories—108, 110,112, 114 116. H8 and 120, Cliff street, and 0, 11 and 13 Hague street- FOR SALE BY IIANDELL & CO. nov21-6m 201 and 203 Bay street, Bovannah. NOTICE . on Bryan strcctJato Merchants' and Flantcra' Bank A HEGV1.AU monthly sale or STOCKS, BONDS AND SECURITIES 07 ALL KINDS AT PUBLIC OUTCRY. The want of regu’ar and frequent tales of inch »c- curitlcH, to determine n* noarly a* possible their mar* kot value from tday to day, ho* Iona been felt in thl# community, and the public ia appealed to that encour agement bo given to tho enterprise. The flrst sale will lake place on TUB8DAY, 16th Instant, at la o’clock M., and sales will be held regu larly on the 15'h of each month thereafter, unless tne sumo shall tall on Bunday, In which cam. the sole will be held on the Monday tnureafter. the 10th. JanlO fowlmo WYLLY A CPYLERt LAW SCHOOL, HARVARD GOURDS, 18G7. O Terms of Nlnetorn Weeks each, commencing March 4lh and September 16th, 1867. For Catalogue and Circular address JOEL PARKER, Royafi Professor. Cambridge, Hut, January, mi. PIANOS. ciiidiii; i is Kefabllalicrt In 1822, M A N U V A C T L' It E K f) V Grand, Sq.uare and TJiorisiat PIAUO-FOETES. WAREROO.U* No. 652 Broadway, New York. CHICKKRIHQ & SONS' GRAND, SQUARE ANO UPRIGHT PIAUO-FQETES A10 now, a* they ever have been, considered THE BEST IN AMERICA, having been award : Sixty-five Prize .Tie tin In Of which fourteen were received In the month <J Sep tember and October, 16d6, and First Premiums over a!! competitor* at the different principal Fair* In thl* coun try, and the PRIZE MEDAL at the WORLD’S FAIR, LONDON. TUALBERO’S OPINION. “1 consider dickering A: Bon*’ Ftanot, boyou '. - • m pari son, (he best 1 have seen in Aim-nca. " H. THALBEllO, "Chairman of Jury on Musical Instruineiii*.' Among tho chief poinls of excellence of the Cfi:-k-r- lng Plano*, of which spr-ak the renuwm-d ra-ti.ts In congratulatory tosHinonluIr < thu Mcaer*. Chicker.:.,-, aro the greatest posslclo depth, richness uud volume .1 tone, combined witli a rare brilliancy, clearness and perfect evenness throughout the entire scale; aud, atsjve all, a surprising duration of sound, the pure and sj in. S athotlc quality of which never changes under the rn-jat elicaU) or powerful touch. During the past forty-three years this firm has nur.u- fact mod 30,000 PIANOS, in the construction of which they have Introduced every known and valuable Improvement. They have invar,- ably been selected and used l>y all of Hie wori-!> acknowledged great artlrt* who have vtsitol tths try profcesionaJly, both for private und public u*i. “ I consider Clilckerlng A Sons’ llanos, beyond com* partson, the best I havo ever seen In America." G0TTSCHALK. " I consider Chtckering A Sons’ Pianos superior to any In the world. "They are unrivaled for their singing qualities and for tho harmonious roundness of theft tone. Tin r» ;a a perfect homogeneity tliruughout all the nwistt-rs. Tho upper notes tre reiuarkubie for u clearness r.n-1 purity which l do not Had tn any other instremer.c, whilo the base Is distinguished forp<jwer without harsh- ness, and for a magnificent sonority." FOZNANSKI. "Daring tho pa*t eight years 1 have con*:.., ) played upon tho justly celebrated Erard l'mnos; v .r. ue the only instruments that 1 have found, either hi re or tn Europe, to equal them In all their i-ant* of vzee.- lencc." W Eli LI. " Your Tianos are superior to any 1 have ever secn-.n this country or in Europe. w I have never heard a tone so perfect; it yields • -. *rj expression that is needed in music, und It* uua ■:> ia capable of change to meet every sentiment. Thi* > » rare power, and Is derived from the perfect puritv tone, together with Its sympathetic, elastic and well- balaacod touch." I have the honot to be, gentlemen, yours very truly JAMES M. WK11LI. Lokdox, January 4, Do* James M, ITzWi, Esq.: Mr Dtza Bir—1 huve groat pleasure in asking you to oonvoy to tho Messrs L’hickering tin 1 exj*r«-ss;.'n •>! my highest approval of their instrument. It is, 11 on- slacr, not merely th* t«-*l luslmmtnt <-f Am nac manutseture ttvat I have tried, but one ot the tin**'. Grand Plano-Fortes that has ever come under my o> servatton; and the Messrs. Utiickcring may wei, be proud of having turned out from th- Ir manufactory an Instrument which, for touch, quality, power nnd work manship, it would be vory difficult P- aurpucc in any part of the wide world. Dear sir, over sincerely your*, CRAB. I>. LOLLARD, Firm of Uollard A Oolinrd, Piano-Forte Manufacturer! London. Lokdor, August 22, IS-hJ. JAMES M. WEB LI, Esq.: Mt Drib Bir—As you arc going bark to the ' r.-.'.ed States, 1 must bog you to remember kir-diy to ti.e Messrs. Chtckering. Tell them I was delighted with their Grand Piano Forte—as good an trufrum/ra, ' tAffU, ar toas ever turned out, bulk in touch and tone. Wishing you, Ac., I remain very tiuly, n. F. BROAD WOOD,!* Firm of I. RroadW'iod A 80ns, Piaun-Korte Manufac* turors, London. Loxdd'i, July M. I'Od Messrs. Chtckering it Sons : Girts—I havo just boon Invited by M'*»r* Uetiard to try a Grand Pinno-Fortc mnnnfactun-l ’ y yju. and I have no hoaltatlon tn indorali g the o\»lr.;<-t. ot my old friend, Hi. U. D. Gollord, viz: Thai it it the finest ut- atrument I evor played on. Believe mo, gentlemen, Most faithfully yours. J. 1> HATTON. WaUon'z Art Journal, ot Nv»venvt*-r It, VW6 says “ M’me Abol perform' d on the new L'lucberltiz liraud, which took tho Gold M«-< at tin- Kmr of the Mass*- ohnaetts Charttablit Mcdmnics’ As«niat:oii, held at Boston last month. "IT IS TRR ROB LIST IRBTRl'RIRT * K KVBRU8V*Q:I A 0OI0BRT ROOM.'' tatectory to among the publt* at large to State tha' tesliim have been rec -tred from all the leading artist* who liavs visited or are now resfilltiK in th» United State*, a fiw of whose names, beside# tnnso al«ov e, we append LEO. DE MEYER, R. HOFFMAN, M STKA- K0SC1I, ALFRED JAEL, Gl'STAV SATTEK, JULLIEN. II SANDERSON, J. BENEDICT, ARTHUR NAPOLEON, and many oibors. CARD. It Is with feelings of pride as A nicrt<\vn mauuf*-*- tnrors, that we publish the following testimonial* which have been received by us recently: EUROPEAN TESTIMONIALS. He eiaed during Ike month of August, fW. Lvirdor, Jmy 26, t'W- Massafl. Ubiokrriro A Hors-Gents: 1 haw muct pleasure tn Inclosing a document signed by the fir*- compo*ora, musicians and professor* in Europe. I bed your Pianos In such htgli e*Uinntlon (vide ray c.'Ua- oate) that I felt it my duty to take one ol them with me to Europe to ascertain the opinion of my [ atonal brethren. The inclosed certificate will rrov* how unanimous they havo been on the subject I Nf tc forward, at the same time, a letter I received (res’ my friend, Mr Collard. which I am sure niust he gtatt- Mng to yon. Tutimonials from the mssl distinguish'd Artists in J* reps to Messrs. Chiektnng J Ssns : Lordor, July *6 Having played upon a Piano-Forte made by Mra-J Chlckerinf A Bon*, of Boston and New Yoik. 1 D' muck pleasure In testifying to It* general excelle: l tonch, and magnificent power for concert piirjiesra oonalder it areally Uoahp PuRO-roaTR,u»d Picii'i-"t- T til RliV I IAVR Bill Of AuRRIOiR * Aoamlla GonnzaD, G. A. Omorii, W. Kohr, JOLBI BlIRDtOT, U. w. Balri, Gras. Hallr, Brirlit Hioiardb, Rrru Favarorr, Btdirt Smith, Oiclo Riuoxnt, Alfred J axil, Lihdsav Blofs*. de Leipzig S. Arthtr Cuaffsi. Director of Monday IS* certs, London. Certificate from Herr Carl Heine eke. Successor »’• positions of Mendelssohn, both in (Ar (’onwiet-'V and as Conductor of the celebrated “tier#unJw Oonoerts" in Ltipsic. „ Lsifsic duly. 1** I hsrtby assert and affirm that the Grand to* Fort* of UnJokoring A Bons, of Boston and New if* which have tried and examined, Is one ot the Htn'*' - strumsntMof the class that evor camn to my maw GAEL IlElN kt# ILLDSTRATKD ALBUMU .nd l-rl» IM mall. WAREHOOMS No. 652 Broadway, Now Nork* 9*'+om