The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1873, February 11, 1867, Image 1

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atotmal) MtpnVIUm. VOL. LW.-NO. 298. THE DAILY REPUBLICAN. J.K.IIWIW. Killlor and Prourlrtor. It, t. JlfH0WEU« Assistant t (litor. .H.US1 PAIO CiHCUUTION IN CITY AND COUNTV SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. MONDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 11, 1867. PRICE 5 CENTS. IlIVKlUiSlNU. -vnurv .ff TKN Hunt Non|Mtriol typoor *paceor- ■it ' si tin Mine number uflluiw,$1.N>llrat Insertion ^ ,for ■■itch rontlnnntUm. Hv» *vjn.irv -TV. (or rtr»l Insertion; 3T cents («»r each m'.vvt ciit Insertion. n:ilM> - $.i »o per hundred; aubecripllon (by mull II . trn.Tj #ti» (tor annum; sluglo copies, * cents. V tdverilsement* must >»o paid tor at the Counting pn>v<o’ts to insurtlotn tn<1 If handed lo by H p Mi' appear i« the morning edition. s_^.vovisrTNr^.i-r: MONDAY MOKN1NI). KKBIU'AUY II SKA11LNQ MATTER ON EVERY PAGE. m:\vs and otiieh itkms. Battle of Winchostor. [From Knrty's History iff the Lust Year of lint War.] At light on the mornitt’; «»f tint I Dili September our cavalry picket* nl llto crossing til llio Opequon on the Kerryvillo roml were driven in, ami informa tion having boon sent mo of tlio fuel, I iminodiato- ly ordered all tho troop* at Stephenson'* lo ho In readmes* lo move, direction* bolug given for Gor don, who had arrived front Itunkor llill, to move at once, hut, hy homo ntielitku on tho part ol tuy Hlnff officer, the latter older was not given to (Jen. I track - inridgo or Gordon I r«do at onoo to ltainsour'* po sition, and found his troops in lino across tho Horry- villo road, skirmishing with Iho onetny lloforo ruaehing this point, 1 had ascertained that Gordon was not moving, and sent hack for hitu, ami now din- covering that tho enemy’s udvttneo was a real ono and in heavy fotvo, 1 sent orders for Hrcckinrhlgo and Rode* to inovo up as rapidly as possible. Tho posi tion occupied l»y Rum-cur was about ono milo tutd a half from Winchester, on an elevated plateau bo- tweou Almthatn’s Creek and Red Hud Run Abra ham's Creek crosses tho Valley Pike ono milo south of Winchostor, and then crosses tho Front Royal rovl about the satno distance southeast of tho town, nud running cuslwardly, on tho southern side of tho lferryville road, crosses that road a short distanco before it empties into tlio Opequon. Rod Hud Run crosses the Marlinsburg road about a milo and a half north of Winchester, and runs custwardly, on tho northern sido of tho Hurry villo rond to tho Opequon. Katusottr was thoroforo iu tho obtuso anglo formed by tho Martinsburg and 1'iout Royal roads. In front and to tho right t>f hint, for some distance, tho country was open. Abraham's Crock runs through a deep valley, and beyond it, on tho right, is high o|hmi ground, at tho intersection of tho Front Royal and Millwood roads. To Rumseur's 'oft tho country sloped olT to tho Red Hud, and thcro woro sotuo patches of wood which afforded cover for troops. To tho north of tho Red Hud tho country is vory open, affording facilities for tho movement of any kind of troops' Towards tho Opequon, on tho front, tho llorryvillo road runs through a ravine with hills and woods on each side, which on-tided tho onemy to uiovo his troo|>s under cover, utid mask them out of range of artillery. Nelson's artillory was posted on Rumseur's lino covering tho approaches ns far os practicable, und Lomax with Jackson's cavalry, and part of Johnson's, was on tho right watebiug tho valley of Abraham’s Creek and tho Front lloya road beyond, whilo Fit* Leo was on tho loft, across tho Rod Hud, with his cavalry and a buttery of horao artillery, and a detachment of Johnson's ctvulry watched tho interval between Rumseur's left and tho Red Bud. Tbcso troops held tho onomy’s main forco In chock until Gordon’s and Kudos' divisions nrrivod from Stephenson's depot. Gordon's division arrived first, a little after tou o'clock A. M , and was placed under cover in rear of a pioco of woods bo- hind tho interval between Rumseur's lino and tho lied Bud, tho detachments of Johnson's cavalry having boon removed to tho right. Knowing that it would not uo for us to awnit tho shock of tho enemy's attack, Gordon was dircctod to into Crook advanced ngtinstour loft, and Gordon throw Keans' brigade into line to moot him, hut tho disorder in tlio front lino hcusino so groat that, lif ter an obstinate resistance, that brigade was com- polled to rotiro also. Tho-wholo front lino had now given way, hut a largo iMtrlion of tho men woro rallied and fonnod behind an imlifforont lino of breastworks, which hud boon made just nutsido of Winchostor during the first year of tho war, and, with tlio aid id tho artil lory, which was brought hack to this position, the progress of tho enemy's infantry was arrested Wharton's division maintained its organisation on belonging to tho Synod to bring tho intorosUof tho Sctninnry Imfora hes aongrogxtion, and to call ufrari tho pooplo to oontrihuto of thuir subsistence, either iu money or provisions, to its support. Contribu tions to bn forwarded to Dr. Ilnwo, of this city — (\ilumbta I'hitnix, Oth instant. Hktiikh or tiih “I.Nnr.PKXiHtTr’H" Trumpet.— Thu silver trumpet prutonloil to tho Independent Firo Company, of this city, hy tho -‘Kaglo," of Charleston, was carried off hy ono of Oon. Sbor- mim's inoii, who offurod it for suln, Inst sttmtnor, to a philanthropia gentleman, Win. Smith. Ksn , aootn- , „ . . , " • - - mission merchant, doing business at No. 602 Ninth t rfl oft’ iin.t Katnsourfoll hack in good on or on the 8lreot| Washington city, hut a tmlivo or Now Ramp- right. Wickhams brigade of cavalry had boon -him This gentleman purchased It, with tho in- hrought from ho right, and was in position on tort le0 , iun „f ro , U rniiig it to tlio company. 1111, Just outside of Winchester on tho west. Just | A former citison\>l Columbia, on passing Mr. nftor tho advanco of tho onomy’s Infantry was Smith's store, saw tho trumpet, and recognising it, checked by our artillory, it was reported to mo that offered to purchnso it, and said ho would rniso tho ho onetny had got on our light flank, and ns I knew r U nds in the city among his friends and actuate- this was perfect y practicable, and was expecting tattoos Mr. Smith declined soiling tt, but stated such a movement from tho cavalry on the Front, hU iutontion of returning it to tho firemen, froo of Royal road, 1 gave tho order to rotiro, hut instantly ,. X pouso ( on tho first favorable opportunity. This discovering that.thesupposed force of tho onetny intolligonoo Indng communt-ntod lo tho l'rosidontof was luuuseur s division which had uioroly moved . lho Company, at his roquet, G.,v. Orr, on hU rocont hack to keep in lino m b the other trooiie, I gave ■ visit Washington, celled on Mr Smith and reoolv- tno order tor tho latter to return to lho works botorc I they had tuovod twenty paces This order was oboyod by Whurtou's division, hut uul so woll by tho others. l'unch’s ready reckoner—money down. Women ti>o proud to spiu aro not unlikely to provo spinsters. Extremes meet when a great calf dines on ox-tail soup — I‘rent iff. You can buy a horse in Texas for a quart of whisky or a •‘pony” glass of alo. /. K 8iiiiinons, of Boston, has bought tho horso •Ethan Allen" for 810,000. Only three millions of |*cople, out of a population of fifteen millions, can read and write in Spain. Forty of tho drosses provided for tho transforma tion scene in a London theatre pantomimo cost 8200 each The very latest atnusetnont in Now York is drop- j ing lighted matches in tho postoffice boxes among the letters. The programme for private bulls and concerts In New York high life aro now printed on small fans, exquisitely perfumed. The cost of cleaning tho Boston streets of snow after tho Inst two great snow storms was 850,000. Grer 1,000 men wore employed. Tbo largest anchor in tho world has boon undo at Wolverhampton, England, for tho steamer Groat Eastern. It weighs eight tons Tho toilettes of Modntno Ristori embraces colleo- ti ns of merchandise nnd jewelry to tho extent of SrS.OOO. Tho Fenian leaders in New York ndvertiso for . , -, sale 2.000 arms, principally muskets nnd Enfield oxamteo tho ground* on lira loft, with tho view to nt- ritlo nil ready for instant uso. I Kicking a force of the enemy which had taken posi- . . „ .... i ' tion in a piece of woods in front of him, and whilo I k. Monitor oung Benoit wu treated .< h 1 oJ i t „j OT nrriml with three ef hie : lull, m ti. 5 l..nd »« though be wiu not connected bri „ Jo!i j ircc ,c,| f,„ m „„ (l„ r d„„’ s right with the r cw lork Jlemld in rear of another pioco of wotxis. While this tnovo- John Morrissey, according to a vaguo rumor, has ■ ment was being executed, wo discovered vory hoavy ! st nearly his entire fortano by tho sudden dcclino eoluui'is of tho enemy, which hud been tnussod undor vt t'utnlorhinJ coal stock. 1 cover between tlio Hod Bud an<i tlio Berryvillo road, Humphrey Marshall is completely forgiven. Ho moving to atta k Ratnscur on his flunk, while another weighs 4UU pounds, and it t.Mik some time tor tho forco pressed him in front It was a moment of iin- f. rgiveness to get all over him. . tuinent and thrilling danger, ns it was im|>ossiblo for Tho interiml revenue colleen,.n> in New York ltemeour’i division, which number only nbnut 1,700 •i-v since l-di loot u], e total of »IOO,179,043 S8. muskets, to willuUnd tho immense forco advancing l.'isl veer Ihc amount received wue 335,00(4,000, : anlnn It. the only ehunro for ui veae to hurl . , , , . , i . x » Kudos nnd Gordon uinm tho Hank of tho advancing A young lady fainted in a Now York theatre the ' colutun9| andlhey woro ordered forward nt onco to other ntgfit she war rerirod by throwing water in , bo attack. They advanced In mod gallant vtylo hu lace, and her Bret words were, “Oh, my now ban- ; thr „ ugll , h „ ,ho open groin,1, and at- Ii<3: I tacked with groat vigor, whilo Nolaun's artillory on A Brooklyn skating park advertises a now sensa- tho right, and Braxton's on tho left opened a destruc tion Prises aro to bo suponded in tho centra of the ' tive firo. But Evans’ brigade of Gordon's division, p-uid. and competitors aro to skate for thorn blind- which was on tho extreme loft of our infantry, ro- fjlieJ. j coivod chock from a column of tbo onomy, and was Sorno smart newspaper man says: George N. San- forced back through tho woods from bohind which it derj expresses his willingness to bo pardoned. Tbo had advancod, tho enemy following to tho vory rear g ’Vcrniuent had probably bettor bo in a hurry, or ho of tho woods, and within muskot rango of seven may retract. pieces of Braxton’s artillery, which woro without A company has been organized in Boston for tho au P?’'! rt ' . . . - ■ J - . - ... This enusod a pauso in our advance, and tho posi tion was most critical, for it was apparent that un less this forco was driven back ho day was lost , , Braxton's guns, in which now wns our only hope, At Pernambuco, recently, a torriblo riot occurred roso | uto i y stood their ground, and, under tho per- oetweon tho Brazilians and Portuguese Eighty gonn , superintendence of Lieutenant Colonel Brax- 1'ortugurse were killed, when tho Portuguese, com- ton „ nJ Co | onc | T ]| Carter, my then Chief of Ar- bining with tho English, killed ono hundred of tho ti|| 0 ry, opened with canister on tho enemy This Brazilians. j firo was so rapid ami well-directed that tho onemy ‘ Tho New Y'ork Postoflice letter carriers have is- staggered, halted, and commenced falling back, •tied an address to tho public, in which thoy stato leaving a battlo flagon tho ground, whoso bearer that during lho firs! nine months of Icflfj they do- ; was cut down by a canister shot. Just then, JJat- hvered to tho pooplo of that city 10,0119,729 letters . tie’s brigade of Rodes’ division, which had arrived un 1 1.003,773 nowspapors, nnd gathered from vari- and boon foriueii in lino for lho purp.oso of advano- r . us letter boxes 9,609,646 letters. I ing to tho support of tho rest of tho division, moved The Russian array is now on a pence footing, and forward nnd swept th ough tho wooijs, driving tho ’'unprises seven hundred thousand mou of all a ins. cn oI uy before it, while Evans brigade was mlliod Iii sx weeks, however, another hundred thousand can nn 'l wrought back to tho chargo. Our advanco, a!iv.»vs bo added to tho forco. Throo hundred which had been suspended tor a moment, was re- tb"usand breech loading rillos aro to bo supplied to sumod, and tho onomy s attacking coluinn* woro the army this year, and three hundred rifled can- thrown into great confusion and driven from tho r. i arc also to bo completed field. This attacking lorco of tho enemy proved to ! ,, . , , bo the 6th and 19th corps, and it wns a grand sight At a rcli^iouv meeting among the black*, a colored , , i[|llmn ,„ b« C k in uilor dl>- !a,Khvrr e .,«v.tvaiha, jouve bn.lbor .boulil praj „ rJ „ .livirion,, numboritg a vory i kM, “Mvittod Mora couimenccii a Jtrrag of „ , 5 (lu o tmr.kol, ’ !'T‘ vnurcly without moaning At t it, tbo pa.tor Ktuusitur'a ilivi.ion had roocivo I Ih. .hark ot lira rairad hi. hoad and inquircal, “ Who dat praying? , „,, Mk , „„d boon for,-cl back a Wile, but V* bruddvr Moral You let ,,,mcbody prey ffiM ' K „ ver0 ,Looi.iv on Iho right h„,l held J (t s better acquainted wi 1 do Lord. tho enemy ? cavalry in check, and, with a part ot his A firo m Fairfax, C 11. Ya., last week, consumod force, bad made a gallant charge against a body of a bl t-k of fivo buildings. Its further spread was pro- infan'ry, when Ramsour’s lino wax being forced 'vrAed in the absence of engines, by tho citizens thus aiding tlio latter in recovering from tho throwing mow balls. An old gentleman from tho momentary disorder. Fitz Leo on the left, frou e untry, who happened to come in just afior tho firo, across tho Red Bud. had poured a (railing firo inb asked tho first bo tact: “Aro they gone ?" “ lYho the onomy’s columns with his sharpshooters nnd horse g tic .’ was tlio answer. “Why, tho Y'unkees— I soo artillery, while Nelson uud Braxton's l>itali<>ns ha*l they've boon in again and burnt something." porforiucd wondurs This affair occurred about 11 .'ure." said Patrick, rubbing his head with do- a. in, ond a splendid victory h nl been gainod. Tho ,ght ut tho prus|iccta o f a prosout from his oin- ground in front was s rown with tho onomy s dead I'biver, "I always inano lo do my duty " "I holiovo and wounded, nnd sumo prisoners had been taken, replied his employer, “nnd tbereforo I shall But on our »i-lo. Major General Kodcs had boon 1 . .. II - • - l.!ll ■ , .L I ..r ,rKiln n,IV,. Tho onomy’s cavalry forco, howover, was too largo for us, nnd having tho advantage of opon ground, it again sucocoded in gutting around our loft, producing great confusion, fur which thoro was no remedy. Nothing was now loft for us but to re tire through Winchester, and Riunscur’s division, which maintained its organization, wns moved on tlio oast of tho town to tho south sido of it, and put in position forming tho basis for a now lint, whilo tho othor troops moved hack through tho town. Wickham's brigndo, with sorno picros of horso ar tillory on Fort Hill, covorod this tnovouiont and chockod tho pursuit of tho onomy’s cavalry. When tho now lino wax formed, tho onomy’s adrauca was checked until nightfall, and wo tbon retired to Now- town without serious molestation. Lomax bad held ' It cun bo tlio ouoiuy's cavalry on tho Front Royal road in chock, nnd a feeble attempt at pursuit was repulsed by lLunxour soar Konutoiro. As soon os our ravens began, orders had boon sont for tho removal of tho trains, stores and sick and wounded in tho hospitals, to Fisher's Hill, over tho Cedar Crook l'iko and Back Road This wns The Constitutional Amendment. Tho following aro tho States which havo up to this timo ratified or rejected tbo’constltutioual amend ment : i j, , i ii .t. ... . . i Ralifiod hy Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, linn, with kitiity, anti all tho wounded, oxcupi rack M „, n Mi / bi Mbraiirl, No,.d» "*■’! “ *, ““ J . UU,n S i N.» ll.mi.hlro, No. Jenny, No» York, Ohio, Oro- which hmi not boon hrooght tram iho Hold, ».ro 1 s „ n> u ho .,i Lu.i.i, T lnnc .„ V, Vor „,ont. W e.t Vi,- ginin. Wisconsin—Total, 19 . j r . r i i i r, .. i ci. ".-( I Rejected hy Alabama, Arkansas, Dolownro, floor- llnior.or» rranl, had laotod iroo, daylight noli j , Konluoky, Lnolrinno, Maryland, MU- dork, and,,, lho cl™ of it wo h.d boon forced .iMippi, NorlliCarolioa, South Carolina.loxu, Vir- back two union, after having repulsed the cnemr's gjnlal—Total 13 ' (uontly contcstod ovorv inch of ground with un- .... W< ' manufacture of porcelain out of matorials purely American—the clay being brought from Missouri. Tho waro is said to bo excellent. make you a present of all you havo s (den from during’ tho year." “ l hank ycr honor,” replied Pat} h;. 1 may nil your friends uud acquaintances Irato y.,u as liborully Tbo Treasury Department is now using envelopes which are made out of old greenbacks, und which are vory serviceable and strong Until lately all tho '•fen.-ury notes which were worn out or in any way rv:. k-red unfit for u-o, woro counto i and burned; but n iw thoy are converted into envelopes for tho uso ' f the Department, and tho Secretary expects that the exjieriment will result vory favorably. J he New Urleans corre?|iondont of a Now Y'ork “It killed, iu tho very moment of triumph, whilo con ducting tho attack of his division with great gallant ry nui skill, and this was ,i heavy blow to mo Brig. General Godwin, of Ktmseui's division, had boon killed, nnd Brig. York, of Gordon's divi sion had lost nnjirm. Other bravo men and ofli-ers had fallen, nnd wo could illy hoar tho loss of any of thmn Had I had a body of fresli troops to push our vic tory, tho day would havo boon ours, but in this ac tion, in tlio early part of tho day, I had present on ly about 7.U0U musko's, about 2,900 cavalry und two battalions of artillery with about 39 guns, nnd thoy had all been engaged. Wharton's division nnd —*«•(-—. k».i «... -.-rived, nnd Itnbodcn's on- od Iho trumpet Tho snl-lior who oarriod off tho trophy, wo under stand, said that he got possession of it "after the fiyht in the utieeti of Columbia." As thcro wns no figlu in tho streets this is simply a—mlstnko. Tho trumpot had boon takon chargo of by a faithful old slavo of tho President of tho . Company, and as eho was going down stairs with it, covorod up with smno clothing, a sold lor caught at tho bnskot ond nttemptad to wrest it from hor; tho good old nogro resisted, when ho doliheralaly kiokod bur down tbo steps—she receiving injuries from which sho was confined to her bod several weeks. This is tho truo hittory of tho gallant oapture of tho said trumpot. Wo saw it yostorday, at tbo store of T. W. Radcliffo, Esq, and under tho mani pulations of young Mr. R, it looks as bright and ns now ns when it catno from lho hands of tho manu facturers—Mossrs. Bull, Black A Co., of Now Y’ork. nt Air Radoliffo's store for a fow days.—Columbia I'hmnix, Feb. 9. dorstood that, if tho Lcgisla- ' Kil •„ ftrt ni cr y had not - tore pits.-i.-s the bill f-.r tho now Constitu ion oyer tho ■ Vft | ry un j er Colonel Smith, nnd McCausland’s under • om -«f Gov. Wells, ho win twuo a proclamation do- | Colonel Ferguson, were watching tho onomy’s onval- 'taring the convention of 'Cftogal, and reossombiing r y on tho loft, on the Martinsburg road nnd tbo s’, lho radicals aro organizing tho graud army of q« 0 Xho enemy had a fresh corps which hid the republican over tho .State, und a conflict between . n „ t | l )( , ou engaged, and there remained his heavy e radicals and cx-Confederates is not improoa- not boon engage- , forco of cavalry Our lilies wore now furmod acros from Abraham's Creek to Red Bud, and were very l attenuated. Tho onomy was still . i be soon in for- dhe Augusta correspondent of tho Now York m i du i,| 0 f or co, and, away to our right, across Times It has been ascertained beyond a doubt that n no- i!r-» from .Massnchusetto, named Bradley, has been the cause of all the troubles among tho fruodinou on the Chores plantations, nour Savannah, and to quail in inch it was found necessary to employ a considera- . bio force of United States troops This Bra-lloy is tho same who u little more than a year ago was | trie-1 by u military coiuuii-sion, by order of General Brannan, for inciting insurrection, and was oon- ! detuned to a year’s imprisonment in Fort Pulaski, but was subsequently released. Ho desires to bo nd- I Uiittod to tlo bar of tbid State, but as yet has not ' been nblo to obtiin tho certificate of a Judge of Competent jurisdiction to enable him to write Attorney and Counsellor-at-law after his name. . from all f can learn about him ami his opera- , lions, he seems to be impressed with tho idea that his light will never shine with its full offulgonca until ho cun bc'.'onio tho lea-ling spirit of a nogro insurroo- tf.n ami that to bring ubout this result it is bis duty to per-iu-lo the freodmon who havo squatted upon (:*'.(•(;« al-ng the Georgia and South Carolina const, that tho krt ilo lands which they have urn-lea wilder- ne*s are theirs in feo simple; that any attempt to di»p<i.«c»s them and restore the property to tho own.t- is ho treasonable act of tho President, nnd the if they resist the outrage by forco and arms, Mr .'manor and Mr Stevens will "soo them right ed Happily Br-illcy'd machinations havo been fre-trntoi! I »r the present by tho onergotio action of the (.'(.ramksio .era tor Georgia nnd South Carolina, nnd the -earonahla intorvontion of Unitod States tro- (,. who could not he induced to listen to Brad ley's eloquum-o Tlio bcIHcoso (reedtnen havo yielded, ami aro now, It is rqiorto-J, making con tracts to cultivatu tho lands for hire, to which Brad ley convinced them thoy hml a sort of right of dis- covory. The Seizure of Die It. H. Ctiylcr. There are lew details to add lo the account of tbo seizure of the nteauubip It. It. t’uyler on a charge of being fitted out and armed for Chili or Peru, against tlm neutrality laws of tho United Stales Later on Saturday alturnoon the officers who suited tho Cuy- ler also tr ok possession of a schooner which was in the hnrltor with ono humlrod and seventy five kegs of powder for lho Cuylor. Thissch-smor now lies off tho Jersey shore in chargo of a Unitod Status of ficer. A thorough examination of tho cargo of tho Cuy- ler will be ina-lc, ami then thuenso will go before a I nited .States Coinmusionor.- N. K. Post, 6/A. t’Aini.nsvii.i.K Our nuighborof tlio C'urtonivillu Express says of that enterprising, go-ahead pioco “Cartursvillo is still climbing up Iho greasy |s»lo of progression Many a new cottage and shanty are beginning to |*nqi nut of the pinu thiakots nnd grovos j which the plueu is surroumle-l: ami many more are under way, ami will soon graco hor streets nnd add numbers to her increasing population. Hor mot to U "onward." Abraham’s crook, at ho junction of tho Front Roy al and Mil wood roads, lie had massed n division of cavalry with soma urtillery, overlapping us at least a milo, whilo lho country was open between this force ami tho Valley Pike, and tho Codar Creek l’iko back of tlio latter, which roads furnished my only means of retreat in tho evont of disaster. My line did not reach tho Front Royal road oil tbo right, or the Murtinsbu'g read ou the loti. When tlio order was sent for tho tre-ips to inovo from 8'cphcinuti’s de|K»t, General Breckinridge ha-f inovn-l t-i tho front, with Wbart-m's division nn-l King's artillery, t • moot a ctvulry forco which ha I (Irivoti our pickets front the Opequon on tho Charles- , Iotl „ r * town real, hii-1 that division h*-l become heavily on- , lWl hack two miles, aftor having repulsed the enemy’s first attack with great slaughter to him, and subse quently contcstod ovorv inch ot ground with un surpassed obstinacy. Wo deservod the victory, and would bnvo had it, but for tho onomy’s imtnuuso su periority in cavalry, which alono gavo it to him. Throo pieces of King’s artillory from which tho horses woro shot, and which, thoroforo, could not bo brought off, woro lost, but tho enemy claimed fivo, and, if ho captured that number, two woro lost by tho cavalry and not roportod to mo. My loss in killed, woundod and prisoners, was sovero for tho sizo of my forco, but it was only a fraction of that clainiod by tho onotny. Owing to its obedionco to orders in roturning to tho works, tho hoaviost loss of prisoners was in Wharton's division. Among tho killod woro Major Gonoral Kudos and Brigadier Goneral Goodwin. Colonel G. W. Patton,commanding a brigade, was mortally woundod and fell into tho hands of tho onomy. Major-Gonoral Fit* Loo was orely woundod, nnd Brigadior-Goneral Y’ork lost an arm. In Major-Gonoral Rodes I had to regrot tho loss, not only of a most accomplished, skilful nn-l gallant officer, upon whom I placod groat re liance, but also of a personal friond, whoso counsola had boon of great sorvlco to mo in tho trying olr- cumstnucos with which I had found mysoif sur rounded. IIo foil at his post, doing a soldier's and patriot’s duty to his country, and his memory will long bo ehorishod by his comrades. Gonoral God win and Colonel Patton wore both most gallant and offleiont offioers, and thoir loss was dooply folt, os was that of all tho bravo officors and tnon who foil in this battlo. Tho enemy’s loss in killod and woundod was vory hoavy, and sorno prisoner* foil into our bands. A skillful and onergotio commander of tho eno- y’s forcos would havo crushod Kuuisour befuro any a.s?i?tanco could hnve reached him, uud thus insured tho destruction of my wholo forco; nnd, Inter iu tho day, whon tho battlo had turned against us, with tho immense superiority in cavalry which .Sheridan had, nn-l tho advantage of Iho open country, would havo destroyed my wholo forco nud captured ovorything I had. As it was, considering tho immonso dispari ty in numbers and equipment, tho onomy had vory liitlo to boast of. I had lost a fow pioces of artillory nnd sorno very valuable officers and men, but tho main part of my forco and nil tuy trains bnd boon saved, and lho ouomy's loss in killed nnd woundod was far greater than mino. Whon I look back to this bnttlo, I can but attributo my osenpo from uttor annihilation to tho incapacity of my opponent.* •Tho onomy lias called this battlo "Tho Battlo of tho Opequon," but I know no claim it has to that ti tle. unloss it bo in tho fact that, after tho ropulso in tho forepart of tho day, sotuo ot his troops ran back across that stream 1 have nlways thought that, in stead of being promoted, Sheridan ought to havo boon cashiered lor this battle, lie scorns to bo a sort of pot of Grant’s, nnd I give tho following ex tracts from tho report of tho int'or to show tho strange inconsistency of which ho is guilty to mag nify 8ltcri(]un's services^ In his Monocacy loiter to liunti-r. Grant says : "From Hnrpor's Ferry, if it Is found that tho onomy has inovo-1 north of the Poto mac in largo forco, push north, following him and attacking him wherever found; follow him, if driven south of tho Potomac, as long as it is safe to do so. If it is ascertained that tho onemy bus but a small forco north of tho Potomac then push south with tho main forco, detaching under a competent com mander a sufficient forco to look nftor tho raiders und drivo thorn to their homes." An-1 further on in tho sumo letter, ho says : “Boar in min i tho object is to drive tho onomy south, and to do this you want to keen him nlways in sight. Bo guided in your course by lho course ho takes." When Sheridan relieved Hunter, this lottor of in struction was ordered to bo turned over to him, nnd two divisions of cavalry subsequently joined him; yot Grant says in regard to Shoridan's operations i “His operations during tho month of August and tlio forepart of September, wore both of an offonsivo and defonsivo character, resulting in many sovoro skirmishes, principally by tho cavalry in which wo woro gotiorally successful, but no gcnorul engage ment took plnco. Tho two armies lay in such a po sition, lho enemy on tho west bank of tho Opequon Crock covering Winchester, and our forces in tront of Borryvillo—that oither could bring on a battlo at any timo. Dofeat to us would open to tho onomy tho .States of Maryland and Pennsylvania for long distances boforo another army could bo interposed to chock him. Under theso circumstances, I hesitated about allowing the initiative to bo taken. Finally tho use of tho Baltimore and Ohio Railroad and tho Cbosapuako and Ohio Canal, which woro both ob structed by tho onoiuy,becutuo ro indispensably neces sary to us, and tbo importance of roliovlng Pennsylva nia and Maryland from continuously threatened in vasion so great But fearing to telegraph the ordor for an attack without knowing more than I did of Gen. Shoridan’s toolings ns to what would bo tho proh ildo result, I loft City Point on tho loth of Sop- tombor lo visit him at his headquarters, to docido nftor confuroncn[witli him what should bo done. I mot him ut Cii irlcslown, and lie pointed out so di rectly how each army lay, wlnil ho could do tho mo ment ho was ifitlioiized. and oxprcMud such confi dence of succors, that I saw there wero but two words of instruction necessary—go in." In tho lot or to Hunter thoro is no hesitation about tho initiu'ive, mid yot. notwithstanding this lottor was turned ovor to Sheridan for his guidance, division* of cavalry subsequently sunt lo BOSTON ADVERTISEMENTS. II CONVEX MOULD BOARD AND BIDCINC OR SHOVEL PLOWS (Constructed on tho same principle.) BOLD BT TUB MORSE FLOW CO., OTBB Nos. 9, 11 4 13 Commercial Street, BOMTON, MASS. W Their GREAT EASE of DRAUOHT and FREEDOM FROM CLOGGING, render them emi nently adapted for PLANTATION PURPOBE& Bold by all the princtj*) 4»"- *•*" "ho Houth junoUO-ly ADDISON GAGE & CO. EXPORTERS, AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ICE, I o. 70 STATE STREET, XDDISOX 0 A flit. BOSTON. tautfg-lyl PHILADELPHIA ADVERTISEMENTS. 6L&SSWARK, WINE BOTTLES, ALL CULOIIS AND BIZK3, PATENT MEDICINE, DllUOfllST, SODA WATElt, WHITER AND ALE BOTTLES AND VIALS. ALSO, PATENT FRUIT JABS. .Man ifaci-jn-d by F. & J. BODOTE, ISP* South Front street, „ PIllloADEL-.'HlA. PASCAL IRON WORKS. MORRIS, TASKER & CO. BTKPMN MOIllllS, RTKI’KN |>. M. TASKER, THOMAS T. taskkit, ju., hkniit o. morris. Wrought Ire-i Wolded Tubes, , for Htoain, Gas, Water, Ac., ope, Valves, Ac., with Bcrow Boiler Flues, lap Wetdod, 1Y •« TO inches, out sido diameter, cuf to ■pcclfio length, ’20 foci or under, WARMING AN1) VENTILATION BY BTKAM, on most approved plans, or hy HOT WATKR, with Tasker's Patent Bolt-Regulating Furnaces—a complote and rellablo apparatus for buildings of every descrip tion. Oas Works Castings, Retorts and Bench ('listings, for Coal Gas Works, Btroet Mains, Benda, Brunchoa, D Ips, Ac., Lamp Fosts, Lanterns, Ac. Screwing Machines, Drill Stocks, Blocks and Dios, Taps, Roamora, Drills, Pipe Tongs and n general assort nn-nt of Gas and Bteam Fitters’ Tools and Materials. Works, 8outh Fifth, belnw Tasker street Warehouso and Office, No. 209 BOUTH THIRD BTBKUT, PHILADELPHIA. dcel3-2mo FRANKLIN SUGAR REFINERY HARRISON, HAVEMEYER & CO., M ANUFAUTUUKKPof Htmnlard Cut lanf. Crush ed, Granulated, Pulverized. A, Colin-, it and G HUGARHand FRANK LIN BY ItL’P. 2*dm 221 VINK BTUKKT, I’hlla :t-l| Un. SOAP0. THE LAW1EST MANUFACTORY IN THE UNITED STATES PALE.STtSRINE. FAMILY, CHEMICAL ME, OHIENTAL DETERSIVE, FANCY SO A PS, Manufactured by MnKKONK, VAN JIAAOKN A GO.. THE GREAT CLOTHING HOUSE, i-HinAj-AEI-PHIA. READY MADE CLOTHING DEPARTMENT. Tho choicest slock of Ready Made Clothing roa ALL AND WINTER WEAR, Evor offered to purchasers, comprising all tm NKWEBT AND MOST APPROVED BTYI.K& Custom Department Onr newly fitted un Custom Department for Gcntlo- — w—-- • I toys, - , now contains a carefully so- PHILIP S. JUSTICE, l O street, New Yotk, 14 N. 6th street, Phtlsdclp 1 MANUFACTURER OP GEORGE S. HALL & CO., COTTON FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 0 MARL STREET, BOSTON, MASS respondents duslrod, and Information furnished. Cot ton handled with tho smallest possible expense. aug2dm D EAD Stroke l’owor Hammers, giving greateifforoo of blow, with less power, than any othor nam- mer known; Cast Steel Elliptic Springs, for Locomo tives, Freight and Passenger Cars; Hydraulic Lifting Jacks; Bt- am and Hydraulic uuagos; Low Water Big- nals anil Water Guagos; Cork Freight Car Bprings. Bole Agents for “Oammell” Bo>semer 8tecl Ralls and Ilonio Btoel Klro-box Plate; "Lloyd’s’’ Pteol Loco Tubes: Butcher’s Solid Cost Btoel Tyres, Ac. novfidnto FOSTER & SWAZEY, LUMBER AND General Commission Merchants, 15 DOANK STREET, BOSTON. , - „ -MIX any, but su-trtiii'i-l ami repulso-1 ( |,im, ami lho further fact that ho hud boon opera- soveral iloicrminoJ charges ol his - " ' gaged wit It tlio .. , several determined charges ol his cavalry, whilo its : „„ |),„ nffuinivo and dolonsivo, during Au- own flanks were i ■ great dango• from tho euemy's J Hl „i the fore part of Soptombor, tho impression tin fo-co on tho right, and a column of his cavalry nought to bo uudu that his ardor was restrained ing up tbo Mirlinaburg roml mi tlio loft. After much difficulty and sorno liar-1 fighting, Gonoral Breckinridge succodod in extricating his forco, aud moving up tho Marlinsburg road to join iiip. but ho did not reach die fi.dd until about two o’clock in tho afternoon. In tho mo iiiGuio there had bonn Imvy skirmish ing along tho lir.e, and tlio re|»-.rts Iroin tho front that tho enemy was nia-dng tor another attack, but it was impoauhht lo toll where it would fall- As tho danger from tlio utiomy's cavalry on tlio right was vory great and Loin ix's forco very woak, Wickham's brigade ol Fit* Leo’s mv.ilry had boon sunt from tho left to Lomax’s aeds anro. Whon Wharton’s divi sion arrived, Put on’s brigade of tint division was left to aid Fitz Loo in guarding tho Martinsburg road, against tlio f-» co of cavalry v.hich wus advanc ing on Unit road, watched by liOiunx’s two small brigades; and the rest of tho division was formed in tho rear of Itodcs' division in tho centre, in order to bo tuovod t'i any point that might ho attackod Lato lho afternoon two divisions of tho onomy’s cavalry hy sumo sort of orders, of which no montion is made in Grant's ndmUsinn of his hosi atiun in al lowing tho initiativo in bo taken, and tho statement that lho Baltimore and Ohio railroal and tho Chesa- poaka and Ohio canal were so obstructed, and tbo invasion of Pennsylvania and Maryland so constant ly threatened, as to oompol him to throw off Hint h- sitatinn, convoy a groat compliinont 'o tho effi ciency of my until forco. Tho railroad is twonty-lwo miles from Wirwhuster ot tbo nearest point, nnd tbo canal over thiity and north of tho Potomac, whilo i Shorldnn was much nearer to both. That Grant did find it nooossary to say to Sheridan, “go in P I woll boliovo; but that tho lattor was panting for tbo uttoranoo of that classio phraso, I must ho allowed to regard as apocryphal AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AND Machines, VEGETABLE, FL0WER&GRASS SEEDS, FERTILIZERS, &c. AMES PLOW COM’Y RAYlFACTt UKttS, WHOLESALE A.YD RETAIL DEALERS bDOOSHSOHS TO N0UB.SE, MASON & CO., Ask tho atUmtion of the Merchants and Planters of tho Bouth to their largo and oxtonslvo Block of Wromtht, Btcol and Cast Cotton Plows, Kaglo, Prouty A Mcnrs, Martin's and other Plows. Harrows, Cultivators. Cotton Planters, Corn Planter*, Com Hhellurs, Churns, Fanning Mills. UoU ton Hwi-oj>s,Bcrapors nnd Harrows,Cot ton Otns, Hay and Cotton Presses, Horse Powers. Threshing Machlm a. Portable BUrntu Kn- Rini->, Mowing and Reaping Ma chines, Grist Mills, Wine Presses, Sugar Mills, Wheel-Barrows, Hay, Straw and Bulk Uuttcr«,H»mes,Hor*oandMul6 Har nesses, Carts and Wa.ons, Axes, Scythes, Grain Cradle*, Amos' Shovels and Spades, Rakes, etc. etc., Together with tho largest and best collection of Imported and Domestic AGRICULTURAL HARDWARE Oflorcd by any Hcuso In the Trade We hnve Increased our factllMi-a for Mnuufacturtn* and Furnishing large quantities ot all Goods rcqulrea on the Farm and Plantation. Order* oxocuted promptly and on the most favorable terms. In addition to tho Old KsUtuishud Warehouse at QUINCY II AM-, (over tho Market) BOSTON we havo now added, to ini-t the r -quiremen's of our large and Inure-sing H-uiriu-.-n and Foreign Trade, a Branch House at No. 53 Beekman-St., New York, And Goods are shlppod from either Boston or New York, as desired. ■0* Factories at Worcester and Groton Junction, Mass. Catalogues and Prior- L'st »n application. Ames' Plow Company, (juinoy Ilall, Poston. sopl-tf N i 63 Be-ihman Btroet, New York. men, Youths and leeted stock ot FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC GOODS, which we are prepared to make to order In tho best manner and at reasonable prices. Boys' Department. Wo have on hand tho largest and best stock of eadv-Maile H<i>s’ Clothing In t'li* city. Particular attention paid to making of Boys’ Clothing to order. GENTLEMEN, YOUTHB AND BOYB Wishing clothing made to order, by sending their meas ure, a* per diagram, will havo their ordot* promptly attended to. Satisfaction and a good fl< guaranteed. Samples sent to any part of tho United States. ROCKU1LLA WILSON, Brown Blono Clothing Hall, novl3-8mo 003 and 005 Chestnut street, Phlln HARRISON, BROTHERS At CO., PROPRIETORS OF TnE GRAY’S FERRY KENSINGTON WHITE LEAD, COLOR AND CHEMICAL WORKS, 105 BOUTII FRONT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. M ANUFACTURE White Lead. Vemilllons,B!ue*, Greens, Yollows, Alum, Acids, Ac. Solo agont for “l>i* Hessenavc Blanc do Zinc." in oil. net 19-1 yr 639 ARCH ST€ PHILADELPHIA VULCANITE RUBBER A RTIFICIAL LIMBS, Arms, Legs, Applhmces for Dt-forml y, Ac., Ac. These Limbs aro trnnferrod from life In form and lit; are the lightest, most durable, comfortable, perfect and artist!c;suhstltules yot Invent ed. Thoy are approved and adopted by tho United t-s Government and our principal Burgoons. Pat- • cd August 1», 1868; May 23.1866; May f, 1866. Ad dress KIMBALL AGO., 63P Arch street, Philadelphia. Pamphlet* im..novIS-ty I. E. WALRAYEN, MASONIC HALL, 719 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. KI-EGANT CURTAINB For Parlora, Libraries, Dining and Sleeping Rooms In BROGATKLLK, BATIN DAMi8KB TERRY. REPS. SWISS LACE and NOTTINGHAM LACK. WINDOW SHADES, OF TilK NKWEBT DK8IGN8. Am now ou-.... ^ the most complete ’assortment of he above gooods of my own Importation. All ordersbxfmalt nr Kxprrss promptly*atii«mnou to PERUVIAN GUANO SUBSTITUTE. BAUGH’S BAW-BONE SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LIME. SOUTH CAROLINA. Escaped nreu Jail. —M Wethcrhorn, ono of tho youths who, at a previous torin of tho Court of "r'.r« wi;r«Vh;er xsn i.. <! ’ ,c, « **"«*•,° f wp. ;°T il Ih” SI.rliii-hii-K roo'l, mi I Crank'.o-.r,.*. oliiok K-»n I l.ircony ..11J ranton™.! to bo huog, bul hiid 11 '" ,,lu • .i . thoir sentaiiiHi com mitod to imprisonment in tho 1’unitouti-iry, luulu Ills oscapo from jail, Wodnosday ui^bt, hy culiiug tho iron bars of nis window and lotting lilinscll d iwn by a ratio. Tho prison wall was soalod hy tho same ropo with which ho had let himsolf down Into tho yard, tho fu- K’ltivo having thrown the ropo ovor tho wall, and o«- enping hy way ol tho former Marino Hospital yard. .Search was mado for tho instrument used in cutting tbo grilling of tho window, hut nothing discovered. A mil hor prisoner, who also mado an attompt to chcu|k) at tho same time, failed anil was arrested In tbo yard — Charleston Courier, 0th. Tiib Tiikoiamiicai. Skuixauv.—Wo loarn from •tlio .Southern Presbyterian, of this week, that this worthy institution lias totally lost 8170,000 of ils in- voitiuonls, and is in need of aid from tho pooplo of tbo church, of whirh it la a highly beneficial instru mentality in educating young men for the ministry. The Synod of this State, at Its recent lession, adopt ed rciolutloua making It tho duty of orory mlnlile* had bo ii on-Mged, mlvitnood at tho same timo mi that flank, on tlio north side of Iho lto-1 Hud, and, before this overwhelming lorco, Patton s brigndo of infan try and I’ayno’s brigade of cavalry undor Fit* l-oo were forced back. A (Miiimdoruhta lorco iff tbu onomy’s cavalry limn swnpt uliiiig tlm Martinsburg road lo tho vory skirts of Winchostor, thus getting in the roar of our loft flank. Wharton's two other brigades woro moved in doubtu quick timo to thu left uud roar, nnd, tanking u gulluiil chargo on tho onomy’s cavalry, with tho aid of King's artillory, und mine of Braxton's gun* which worn turned lo lira roar, succeeded in driving it hack Tho division was thou thrown Into lino by Gon. Breckinridge, in roar of our lufl v »iul at right angles wiili lira Martinsburg road, uud another charge of tlra onomy's cavalry was huiid-mmoly re pulsed. Rut iimuy ot lira moil on our trout line, hoaring lho firo in tlio roar, and thinking thoy wore flanktd and ubout to Ira cut off, cointnonuod falling [ book, thus producing groat coafuslga. At the sumo JNO. H. PRAT, SONS & CO., Importers and Dealers In Ca r p e t i n g OF EVERY DESCRIPTION No. 192 Washington Streot, An-1 (D fe 63 Haw)**/ -ireet, BOSTON. JOBS It. fKAT, JiS. S. MARSH, sep&-oodtf Chtsrleis 1-. Colby A Co SHIPPING. COMMISSION FORWAKDING MERCHANTS Manufactured under thu formula originated In 1854 and patented by BAUGH & SONS, Bole Proprietors, at tbo DELAWARE RIVER CHEMICAL WORKS PIHLADELPIIA, U. B A. J This old established MANURE Is manufactured from bonus that havo not been bumod or steamed, and . It contains all thoir original organic matter. It Is active . In It* operation, and is a fortlfis-ir of great durability. I It doo* not exhaust tho soil like Peruvian Guano, but, ; on tho contrary, permanently Improves IU Previous to lnol It was Introduced Into tho Boutheru 1 States to conslderablo extent, and again In 1866, where , It has boon nsod with remarkable tucco** upon , COTTON, CORN, TOBACCO, AND ALL CROPS. I A trial will convince any planter of Its merits. Pam- • phlot* containing well-known Bouthorn evidence fur- ' nlnhod upon application to New York or Philadelphia Jones' Block, cor. Bay and Abcrcorn street*, Savannah, Georgia. L IBERAL ca*h advance* mado on consignment* to lira Urm represented In New York by Charloa L Colby, K*q., or to our friend* In Boston. KirinixosB—Miysre. Dabney, Morgan A Co., New York; Jarvis Blade, Esq., New York; Gardner Colby, Esq., Bo*ton; Uqn- J. Wiley Rdmands, of Boston. »ugI8-Vf Sold by Dealer* In all tho p Philadelphia eltiee and ; vinoos. BAUGH Sl SONS, Bole Manufacturer*, Cflloe No. 20 Bouth Delaware Avooue, Phlbulolphla. Penn. BAUOn. BROTligRBA CO, Gonoral Wholesale Agent*, 181 Pearl streot, New York. For sale by N, A. IIARDEE A CO Bovll-tmo fcr PHILADELPHIA ADVERTISEMENTS. BARGAINS IN FINE CLOTHING, ROCKHILL & WILSON, Brown Stone Clothing Hall, 603 and 605 CnesTNUT Stkkkt, PHILADELPHIA. PHILADEiPHIA ADVERTISEMENTS. MORRIS, WHEELER & CO., I-UILADELI-HIA. |J Alt, Hand, Hoop, Plat* and Bhoet Iron and Coat I > Hied ol n'l doscnptlons. Mule ttg-nl* for the anril brand of Cut Nall* and Hplkcs. K> nriium, Holts, Nut*, Wasl-ur*, Horao and Mule (V-C. A c. A fu'l tni-n* mnaiantlv on hand. nnv14-6mn Manufacturers, ^ I-WHOLESALE and RETAIL, b'.iTivuw KEr *.’■ Xv pHI * Successoi-s lciM.MAGEE&C9 [And liili-ol'fltlli-ciiliii-Si. PAPER BAGS! PAPER BAGS! T^ATKNT machine mode PAPER BAGS AND 1 FLOUR BACKS. Dealer* In PAPER, TWINE and PAPER MAKERS’ MATERIALS. Bole mauufacturcra of PATENT CARTE ENVELOPES for PHOTO GRAPHERS. MORGAN, STOKE tc NIXON, 613 Oommorce street, Philadelphia. BoF* Orders by mail or express promptly attended to nr.tll.eodSmo BANKING AND INSURANCE. F1UK, MAKIXE AND ACCIDENTAL X N- SCHANCE AGENCY. S ECUIU1Y Insurance Company, capital and asset* 11,000,000; PI,innix lnmranee Company, capital and asset* |l (103,000; International Insurance Company, capital and asset* 1,42-1,000; Manhattan Insurance Company, eapltal and »ss>ts $1,078,000; North Ameri can insurance Cotmumy. capital and a*lets $800,000 Total cash and capital asset* $7,094,000. New York Accidental Insurance Company, capital $250,000. Fire Main -.- and Inland Navigation Risk* takon In the a'utve highly responsible companies on Bnlldlngs and Merchandize to any amount at tho lowest rates corresponding with the ri»k. Lo«ira* equitably and promp'lv paid. A. A. LANK, Agent. No. 12 Stoddard’* range, Kay street, not 16-3ii)o Savannah Georgia HANKING HOUSE OF JAY COOKE & CO., CORNER WALL Sl NASSAU STS., NEW YORK. n connection with our house* in I'l.iladclphla and Washington, we have opened a NKW YORK IIOUBB me location, and offer our services to Hanks Bankers, and Inve-tois tor the transaction of their ess it. rh's city, including purchase* and sale* of nsvtfST riai-i-hiTiKH, St<'CKB, Bonn* isd Gold. re constantly represented at the Block Exchange ami Gold Hoard, where order* sent u» aro promptly tilled. Wo ki op on hand a full supply of GOVERNMENT SECURITIES OF AIL ISSUES, buying ami «i-!Ii:ig at current prices, and allowing cor- sjMii-d.-nti- the most lil>eral rates the n.arket afford*, mayt2-lydAw JAV COOKE & CO. How A. H. FRANGISCUS & GO., 618 Market and 510 Commerce street, PHILADELPHIA, I’A., WHOLISiU DKALBRS I * CARPETS. OIL CLOTHS, ROGS, LOOKING GLASSES, CLOCKS, FANCY BASKETS, Woode'nware, &■ c . HectS—cnd.tmn PENNSYLVANIA STEAM SUGAR REFINERY, Corner Race and Crown streets, PHILADELPHIA. STANDARD REPINED] BUOARS- 5 Patent Cut Ixiuf Crushod Coarse Pulverized Pulvunxcd. BOFT BUGAHB—A, R, Extra O. Pennsylvania Hynip in hognheads. Pennsylvania By rup In harre *. Out of town order* iiiuhI bo itccom|xmle<l hr a rt lance, and wUI Ira tided In turn at market price v delivered. NEWHAM* ItoitlK 4 C noT6-12mn ROBERT SHOEMAKER & GO., No*. 281 and 203 North Fourth *troet, PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, Importers and Dealer* In Chemicals, Paints and Dye Stuffs. W E offer to the trado a splendid assortment ot Goo 1*, In our line, at the lowest market price* Order* promptly attended to. ROBERT SHOEMAKER 4 CO., r * I'MUilati.hl, HOWELL & JiOURKE. MANUFACTURERS OF PAPER HANGINGS FOURTn AND MARKET STREETS, novl3-8mo PHILADELPHIA. EDMUND A. SOUDEE & Go, SHIP AGENTS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 3 Dock Street Wharf, Philadelphia. B. X. noon**, A. 0ETTT, B. T. 800PB Advances made on Consignment*. *cp22-lv WM. L. HANSELL & SONS, SADDLERY AND SADDLERY HARDWARE, m MARKET STREET, PHILADKI.VIIIA.- Groat Inducement* are offered ro ►*» ’ tier* an M«rnh*nt*. I'Wmn BERTOLET & VANHORN, DBALKR6 ID PAPER, RAGS, AND PAPER BAGS, Highest price paid for RAGS, ROPE, BAGGING, WABTK PAPER, Ao novt-tf No. 1723 Mnrkot street, Phil*. knauh, Go. BLBS BGRO MILLS, GERMANTOWN, PA. MoCallums, Crease & Sloan, Manufacturers, Importer* and Dealers in CARPETINGS fflATTIUGN, &c. Wholesale Department..600 CHESTNUTBTllKKT. Retail Department ..610 CHESTNUT STREET. Opposite Indepen den oo Hall, .dtcMwo fblladelVhUi Pt< tli.ii C United Ordi various Siock>, fjr the 1 bto o. i - CZ M.-cy, Bankers. i. r» c-t the l“ark Hank,) Will Sifrct, N. Y. i ’ ^ **'T. INTKRF.ST AL- r. v . I...-use is the same as ■ ('• j . . may deposit and ; .. .. t!-..- same as with the . tail- '.v cd interest on - a: 4 r.r cent. ■ made on any part of the •• or Canada. I r the puidiasc or sale of the. ;.cs of (jovernment and other .m.! (.old, promptly executed Tlio iSTow York LIFE INSURANCE COM’Y. A33ETS OVER $5,000,000. Dlvldml*, A0 per cL, Declared Annually. MORRIS FRANKLIN, President. WM. II. UKKltA Actuary. Savannah Branch Office, Sorrel Ruildinq, (cor. Bay and Bull ats. Lic it Ho sail ..r Rktshkno*—J. W. Lathrop 4 Co.. Mill. r 4 Hru„ "orn-l Hrothvrs, Wilkinson, Wilson 4 Co., I).-Witt A M man. "Ri-iru fcxiv.ssKs-W. G. Bulloch, M. D., J. G. mas. M l». f Ti.ra C-'inpu-.y is biriirly MUTUAL, tho policy l—m i-v.- Iviug iiu mi'lie ptotlt* HENRY HARNEY, (late ->l the Bank ot Richmond, Va.,) pi8 i-o-ltf General Agent or Georgia. BALTIMORE ADVERTISEMENTS. JAS. AKMSTBONG & CO., SOAP AND CANDLK MANUFACTUIIEHS Concord at., Baltimore, Md., G UARANTEE thrlr article* oqval In quality, and ns low *» any manufactured In lira country. STEAM MARBLE WORKS, Cor. North anil Monument *<«., BALTIMORE.MD., Keeps on hand and makes to ordnr BONUMOTS, «lt VK S ONES, MANTELS, TILES FOR FLOORS, Garden Statuary. &o The trade sup; l|.-d »• ih marble cut to sixe*. Ord- r* by mad promp (y a t n k.l to. JanK-ly niJIII BIHSON. THOMAS C. BASSHOE & CO., No. 30 Light Street, Baltimore, Md., ENOINEEltS AND MANUFACTURERS OF Portable and Stationary Boilers and Engines, SAW MILLS, *<(“11)11 Ot IBuutl Pump*, STEAM HEATING APPARATUS, iC. WflOLKsALK PBALEJUS IK Wrought Iron Pipe*, Mailable and Cast Iron Sienm Fitting*, Bra** Work, Steam Gauge*. Bend f >r Circular* and Citalogno. jan6-ly ROUT. ERWIN. CIIAS. S. HARDEE Ell WIN & HARDEE. COTTON FACTORS [AND General Commission AND FORWARDING! MERCHANTS, Hwvtmiitili, Georgia. LIBERAL advances mado on consignment* for salo in Savannah, New York or Liverpool. Shippers allowed privilege «f salo in Savannah or Now York, one cutnuiissiun boing charged. Bagging and Hope always on band, and supplied to correspondent* at wholesale rates. Correspondent? in New York, Messrs. D. 11. BALDWIN \ nt. Purr—ii-ni. :n l.herpool, Messrs. B. K. BAB COCK A C<> *e(25-4iu WARREN BROTHERS^ • 1- nil kin 1* of Paper, Paper Bags, PRINTERS’ SUPPLIES ENVELOPES AND TWINE. •V-t—• *r the *a'e of the B\Tll Ml! I f :t 1: UK R I HINTING l’Al’KRS ovlO ’!• "• v etn-et, fi« I ol .Tefli-raon Public Laws, &c. w 11 -; lature a ii-Bklon; i- adoption, copy. <. paid) ut* money • rea ly- tor delivery to ruh*crl her* within • Ir in the adjouiimranl iff lira Loglala- l.iit coiiti.lnlng u!l Public t aw* ol the eh - til il.i-Ci-le fr.-n, <li- imoot It* • -r •.\i-.h a tr i*ed Coui* t’-deiidar, al‘ . H. ami Judical District* du n- ••( (i«etut reteieiire. Price (2 per ..I: 11- ..i. .ent l>y m*U (poatOKU • Ip u-ff-r* aecoiiipai-hil by the II. J. G. WILLIAMS. O. J WELLBORN, W. IHilfl novUt COAL! COAL COAL GRANTHAM I. TAGGART Wholesale jnd He tall Dealer In 3R0KIN, ESG, STOVE St CHESTNUT ANTHRACITE COAL I Prepared, fn-u of Slate, at $U.rO irar ton. Dollrer ed In any ;~rt of lho City froo of coni. For 'mIo by tt ton or forgo *t > «>wn»*l fnht— If BUSH El.8 l’r-nte Maryl-tid White Ckru; 6«0 do 1’iline Seed Oat*; Landing and for ulo by J. A. 4 J. F. BROWN, 804 and Mfl Bay *tu«u 1000 POOIE .V 1I1IKT, BALTIMORE, Mnnufnctiirer* of Portable and Statlouar ms in mis. STEAM FIRE ENGINES, L EFFEI.’S I’ati-nt American Double Turblni Water Wheel, Haw Mill*, Mining Machinery, Portable Grist Mills, Robert*’ Burr Rcgu’ator, Flouting Mill Machinery, Cotton Screw*, Shafting, Pulley* and Hanger*. jan5-Iyr MONUMENT IRON WORKS. W. DENMEAD. T, DENMEAD, G.B. DAVIDS. Corner Ninth and niomimcut Streets, BALTIMORE. VfANUFACTURKRH of Stationary nnd Marino ItA Stcnm Engines, Boiler*, Tank*, nnd Machinery for Iron Furnace*, Rolling Mill*, Flour MIIU.Haw Mill*, Sugar Rctlnrric*, Dlstlllerie*, Pump* lor Mine*. Con crete Stone Machinery, Bridge Bo:t*, and Casting* of all kind*. janlldyr Southern Cracker Bakery. Ii. Mason 4 Son*’ Unrlvulled S ODA ORACKEllS, Sugar Crackers, Water Cracker*, Butter Cracker*. _ „ L Edinburgh Crackerc, Cream Cracket*, Water I*lc NIc*, Lemon Pic NIC*, Pilot Bread, NnVv Bread, Ginger Cnk«*. Ginger Schnapn*. Scutch Cake*, lea Cake*, .Toney I Ind Cake*, Ginger Nut*, Sugar Cake*, Jumble*. Bo»ton Blncuit. Prompt attention to all order*. BAKKItY, 128 I’ratt street, JanO-lyr Baltimore. SOUTHERN BUSINESS SOLI ITCD J. M. COOK & CO., wholesale: grocers and commis sion MERCHANTS, No. 15 COMMERCE STREET, BALTIMORE UlT Spcchl inducement* offered to Southern dealer*.jan5-1 y C. H. DAVIS & CO., MERCHANT TAILORS, A ND dealer* in Gentlemen'* Furni*liiiig Good*, 4c, a No. 36 West Rirt'more Un et. Bull-more. All Uood* thoroughly shrunk, and warranted to give satisfaction. Silver Medal awarded at tho lato Fair for supenoi workmanship. Jui26-if KEEN & HAGERTY, W HOLESALE Tin and Japanned Wore Manufac turer*, and dealer* in TIN, PLATE, SHEET IRON, HARDWARE, Ac. Bole agent* for " Excelsior " Light Hollow Ware. 30 SOUTH CALVERT STREET, lati4-3mo Comer Water street, Baltimore. JOSHUA UEGESTEK, 53 Holiday Street, Ualtlmorc, Maryland, VTANUFACTUUK8 and keep* on liaml a full assort- iu. ment of Bras* Faucet* for water, steam and gas, wi-h nil article* u ed In the plutnblrg, *l< am and ga*- tlttlng, locomotive and engine-building husln- **. Rail- road companies and machinist* furnished with liras* Castings of every description, at the shortest notice. Bras* Bnd Iron Puinpt of every size and d scriplion. Send for our illustrated catalogue nud prico list. I»n4 ly Engines and Boilers OF VARIOUS SIZES. iHlltfi, Presses, AND MACHINERY OF ALL KINDS, FOR SALE CHEAP BY SMITH & CLARK, No. 3170 PEARL STREET, NEW YORK, C ASH » nid for old Rope, White nud Cob-rod Rags, old M* In'*, 4c., or received and sold on cnminia. slon for n- roiu-t of r n»lgnors. |»nl> Imo C. V. HUTCHINS, COMMISSION MERCHANT AND WHOLESALE DEALER HAY, GRAIN & PRODUCE, CORJf, OATS, MEAL, FEED, BRAS, OIL CARE, FLOCR, BALT, BaCOIf, Re., ^receiving. Wholesale 'Rato*, **pt28—6m and for ulo at the Itoweat 1M BAY WT.. HAVANNAn. HOLDEN, SEED & CO., AND DEALERS IN COTTON AND LUMBER, Bay Street, Comer of Abercom SAVANNAH, GA. LIBERAL ADVANCES* made on consignment* of Cotton to Northern port*. novll-tf PETEBS & HOLLINGSWORTH COTTON SHIPPING AMD GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Stoddard 1 * Upper Range, Bag Street, SAVANNAH, GA. I NVERT’ facility offi-red for consignment* and oxoen- J tlon of order*. Liberal advancea ma le nn Cotton •hipped to our friend* in New York, Hnlllmoro and Philadelphia. nctlO-tf COAL. ANTHRACITE AND BITUMINOUS, Red Ash, Btoanrer, Baltimore, Cumberland, Lehigh Orre-1. For sole by ton or cargo, by CHIPMAN 4 CHAPIN, ooWl-fimo 808 Jay uml,