The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1873, September 13, 1867, Image 1

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THE OAILY J.K.HHKK. MIIW mill Proprietor. Kim. u mtutu. OFFICIAL 1RGAN OF II.S. GOVERiMEHT. iuceit Circulation in cur mio county.' " VOL. LXVL-M*' ; m 3 ^T ; 'IBHIVfl iA VANN AH, .GEORGIA, c FRIDAY roi'K o'clock r. n. T E L E G It A PH 16. wiuflETTf^TfS »"JC ekucb i.i«n« INVMMBlV l«HW««C|t On* $»b Bis Mfitllu, It NoMlhlr, l’« r lUwiitd. Th. WKUUit Hiked c vrry balurday morning. TKUHH i INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. Om Tswr, . . . - - . - Mi Month., Throo Month., *- •rr?'T^P Th. rntilurt nit. IHKRWUWI la pnb- „„ n „, rndni wAiuwoTOW. JtXEVKNSO.N INAl (Il'HATKD OCVKRN'iR OP KERTTCKY. 9* h«, - - * 1 - ( ft KATES OK ADVMBTtSIKO l. U v< Our Hqiiurt*. Firm liiM-nioii. SI. I jit'll Mlhsiqui'lll IliMTlioii. Ml'. Amlin. '.ivs.Sei'Umbtt 11.—! tneugurated (larernor of irfd will parry cut th* p'lnciplae MhM by Usla Th. Cabinet (Irani included, favor dmalteaaoaaly >h.^c«U»tA tor Conrantlon on 0( first Monday In ?i>t«ilar, and It la wolteotly .ipeotad that th. 1'uUic. Commander* trill ceorer. U ten measured Unas of Nonpar!*! of tb# ttsr- *lioa*. ■lli'nliiania inserted thro* Mmiimlinitlr o ;h,v day) lor a mumh or longer period, wlU N charged iM-vtoorth* el tatrt* relee. Advertisements twin* a waak two-thlrda of table lad aa (pedal notice, win ha fink'd thirty per ent advance on tat*.’ rataa AfYiU anthorUad to nedva edrertteemento lor at Uwton-8. It. I’tCrriKQtU. dt OD, State street. Boeton-B K NILX8. n Now York-a U. 1'ICTTINQII.I. * UI'uk Knw; I KAilJaK* U>,1 Hackman street; JOY COXA O i, and J. IIOOl'ER a CO., C U. t’OXU'8 A CO, II.tnS-1 Building. FhlladvIpMa-OEOROB DKU*. Ha «1 Chettnnt ‘' uStuaura, Md.—HOUSTON A CO, 19 South Mu. I* II linn., Prat mar ter. i* ouragtnt at Jack- .. .nrille. will receive raWcription*, and hie the Dally Mu. J- K S. Davit i* onr agent at Thotnatrille. He ba* the Daily Uki-i-iuca* lor salo. .. B*r A. A. KN'IOHT, Kay, is our 'Agent at Lake City, Fla., and will taka al order* tor eub- rtnt'tiun*. da Kings Ferry, Florid*—J. lUwtrs Duoona. . s^vuajNnsr^JEi > FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 13. Ifcfli. KKOM TXXXBSSKK. Mavrina, September 13 —Some time rlaee tka Bed it a* ‘Eagle” newspaper, at Camden, Ar kansas, «u dertroyad by aaldler*, lad on by Major l’itr.'c. Colonel Ullberi, commanding, nrota to General Ord, In which he Mid that the eeniurae of the preu directed agaioN the (errant* of th* poop!# ■ay be rndartJ, but tlenaral* Ord and Nail'* lore** were detailed to enable them to perform their, dntiee. They were not the eerrant* of th* people of Arkaaxr, but rathir their muter*, and be felt it I* . be a gnat pieo* f"r newspapers, in the State to comment under any circumrtance* whatever tlmctnl Ord, In reply, *ay* : “Y’our l*U*r of th* 15th ultimo, In which you attempt to justify an act of a party of roIJier* who, misled by aa officer forcibly entered a citisea'i bow* and deatroyad hie property, i* received. Yon trill plea** etplain why •hi* act w*» not prevtated by you a* Port Com- minder, anj If the requirement* of the thlrty-seo- ond article of war ha* been complied with. Year *M*rtiea that Ueaertl N#U'a foraa* at* not tha sir- rant* of the people of Arkansas, but raUsr their muter*, I* unjust both to (be people and Corral Kail, and ara unfounded in the law* which are for th* boned of lb* people. Th* unapt ten that n party of roIJien can, at their option, forcibly d*. rtroy n olliun'* property, and commit n grea* viola tion of lb* pallia ponce, would not b* tolerated un der n Napoleon.” FROM NHW ORLEANS, Tlie Steamer George Cromwell nil Right, Nnw Or.i.tAN.i, September 12.—The Captain ol the itesmer Concordia, from Borton, report* pairing the steamer Ueorg* Cromwell sear Alligator Key; that «h* wu laying head to wind, perfutiy eery, and apparently afloat and all right. She wu tor- rounded by wrecker*. rf«Uh Robltrry nr Fifty-Two Thousand Dollar*. Boaro.v, September 13.—Tb* Bln* 1IU1 Bank at D-'rchertcr hu been robbed of $52,000, moetly ipo- Arrtrnl of Hlslorl. Haw Value, September 13.—Arrived, lh* iteamer Europd, with the Kirtorl troop*. THE POLIIIML SITUATION. TUB AMNESTY I'UOCLIMVtID*. ITS SUPPOS'D PW’OStt. YVhal lh* Prrolitrnl Drslga*. TUI PRKHURK FOR CABINET CHANGE}, tna amsuii rMruitnn. The Tribwnef* Wa*hlegt.« rpeehl dbpnteh of tha UXh aeya: Tb* I'raridenl'i nmnnty pmdamaUon bu bun tb* (object ut math eomment to d*y. The ganaral inUrprriatioo put upon It la that th* author inland, that tb-w. to whom It apidiu era Oeatah- Ihbad Tally in all lb* right* of eitiiewhip, ItHludlnr •nfr.nebieeuirnt. It I* glr*n o*t that a tut will uoo b* mad. in ana of tha Sowthara Mate* thmurh th. eonrts, which wUI briag out aa opinion front a Failed Statu Judge The t-on-h.rn — 1 “• -*■- *-— bun lobbying fur tha proeUmatiun u with it. Thoy itala that It I. wide of what wivhad, and what tho paopla of lh« Smith wL, Soma ara bold enough to my that ill author if di*. lod bu tUM to hup hU ptoiuiae* in lh* and that tha proelains-.t<m I* tha remit of tha* Anai rUfinT W«i In di*. — in tha mlt of Dtmoeralie politiolan* oontrullingtha I'ruid.nt, and In Intended for political capital. They data, furthar, that not orar n hundred paraoM is th* South will ba baaalttad by It, u moat of aa clow to whom it appllu bar. already bun (peelally and iadiridually pardnmd by tbs Wariacnt In .very sur ly, tka I’.obri Siato tlorarnon bar# been heratofora pardoned, and in Virginia tb. only man wbo wu n uombar of Cangres* and left bU rut to noMM lh th* rebellion, and who bu not been pardoned usU- irUaaliy by tha 1’raudaot, u T6omu,8. Iloeoek. "ha general imprewion, howavar, wu that the .’reddest intended to iocluia enfranebUainent among the righU rariored to thou rabobraeriring tha amneriy, and before noon General 0rant’d office wu bweigod with Dcw<p.i|»rcorroipontUnu jookiag for aa ordar from a* 1‘reaidont rcopeniog regula tion in th* Southern Stater, which order? ^qttot yet bun leaned. ran caaiixr unaanoa—aswtnn to a* uu, SeereUry Seward and l’uttmutor OenirAiRaii- dall are evidently nervour u to their tenor* of of- flu, and ara uld to have brought all the!available tneana at their conimand to bear on tha president far tb* parpou of influencing him to retain them in poaitionr. They, wia tb. red of the Cabinet, havo rignified to Mr. Juhniou their williogueu to leave tho Cabinet if he defire* it, and Jerry Black’* clique, taking advantage of that faet, aro earnutly wurkieg to indueo the President to ark diem to W to Black's clique are rbrewd, and teem to equal chance at lead with Seward, whpi nounce will be the next victim of the Jol guillotine objkct or Tnr. ruocLtMATtoxi. A Washington dispatch to the Philadelphia In quirer lay*: Leading Republican Congrerdata here, who have stuJled tho matt.r ralher cl.aoly, aro of tho opinion Uat the Proclamation of Civil Supremacy, lmuod lut week, and the Pardon Proclamation, aro put of a deep laid scheme to rocure the vote* of a* rla— excluded by Congress, by adroitly avoiding an o iaru* upon tho Reconstruction latrr, or directly nailing them. la ao Proclamation of lut week tho PreriJent quote* a* Constitution and want* all person* against violating tha laws This wu uoneoomary, as there was no luurrection or civil wu, and the military and naval force* of tho country Hero under hi* order* to mpprea* all violence 11 any raided. But tb* parpoe* of ais Proelxmdioti i* explained S eooiideriog boa u put of ono matured plan. U wu followed by tho Proclamation of Pardon to day, which rutorc* to allelnland political right* many putic* excluded from tulfraga under a* Re- Thee* parties will present lhcm*clvct to a* re- gUteri sad offer to b* registered, or the election offi cer* when a* eleellon* occur, and claim the right to vote upon ae pardon granted by tho President; and on producing a* oath Uken in conformity wia tb* Proclamation, tb* election officer* who refute their votes, or a* register* who may decline to register theta, then become violate!* of tha law. u tha Prerideet undaratandr it Tha President will tb*n bo appealed to, and In compliance with an opinion which ho will have from hb Attorney General, that the officer* In iiuadion are obdroetlog tho proper execution el a# law, he w 11 than direct th* Diatriet (.'ommandar* to remote them, and appoint others wbo will txrcota th* law U ba aodtntandv Ik If then tha District Com manders relnsa to obey bis initruction in ab re spect he will remove them and appoint others wbo BOILER EXPLOIIOX IE NEW YORK. i From lb* Haw York Tribune, Tnaeday ,jt laWafSKFarwiSi (batlarlae th* sumundiae halUl.M. Tha bollar wu HfUd high in tka alr'eotna **£mU lay from rix handred to ana tbooaaad feat, and, pawing orar Eighth A van**, fril aw Urn reofa? Mr. Blgmsnd UuuuatMa’a dwrillag, Ha 108 Weak Twenty-eighth S&BEagfiBftS boiUr room, and ue anppoeed to have been f killed. , A, number of the wo kmen la Oat building* tec* iHoaHy aoalded and lajurad by th* Aa alarm of flr* wu rung soon after ti* eataa- opha, and on a* arrlrtl of lh* tnmm, Chief Kagbrner Klagriaml *R Ihaa la merit eienriag away the rslu of boU baildlags, nader the uperiaUad eao* of Itgitltn .-ihaaneery, Bata* aad BaUlvaa. lh* men worked w*U, aad Ian abort tlma had re covered th* body of a* firemen Brady, It having bean blown towud a* front of th* building, thus aacapiig a* mo*t of the Jtirii of th* fallen haild Ibh Ti* fireaMEa body wu draadfally aoaldad aad No. 308 .ag away a *mall (Yortlon of a* rubbish M s Maria W.lber- ufcl, the wat none, wu foead itacdlag aprigbt, and pianad op to th* chin la a mixed mam of plariar, lath, boards aad brick. Blraag* u It nayaaam, -—““ wUk tha atbars, bad baaa car- rlatary.ah* ^ ■uitaioad b A short t<m* afterward Mary Dowling, a dome*- ■ war found. Ska wu taken oat aoeooMiou* aad trensfarreld to lha Mount Sinai nuptial. Th* bodies of lb* ahlldna war* hud barid* a* boiler, both terribly tnuUlated. They are Dora, aged ten yean, and llenry, aged four months. Mr. aod Mrs. llourom&na wu abunt from boau at a* Urn* of Urn ~ ‘ ‘ ' ly nnhumed, having and a* children wen la a* nursery, ie the rear of a* third floor, directly in a* path of lh* boiler The nmrialog dotncetle* were In tb* front base ment, aod u aooa u a*y-coukl nearer from the fright occatloned by U« advent of th* Strang* visi tor, ran Into tbs street. It wu *o<n* tim* after ward bafure they would ranture Into a* boom. Apple Vending v». Jcnmallnu. A New York Bohemian write* to a Western pa per : "By way of aootreit between th* non-tuooeu of journalism, u a prefamlon, and tb* prosperity .•tending any other calling, 1*1 me mention th* fact that aa old nan and woman, who have, for years, sold apple* and ante la Sprao* atn*>, under the shadow of tha Tribune building, are, to-day, worth •SO 000 or SCO,000 apiece, white not on* cf the writer* for that journal, unlees a stockholder, hss much more than enough to bwry him decently. Th* truth i*. tbare i* no other vocation aadar th* ma to noori* mid. aad ao entirely thoughtless, aa Oat to of th* daily qaiU driving brotherhood which *m A horrible murdsr hu just bean diselosad at Boontmt, Morris county, Haw Jereay. A young man named Kaan Carroll, aged twenty-one years, wu found lying In lb* street Saturday arsning, nurly dead frem tb* leu of blood. B* had bate sUhbad. and before his daaaba stated that ba had been Stabbed by a man named John Dempsey. Dempsey wu arrested II* is about forty y*are of ag a, and D a resident of Boooton. Blood wu found on hi* clothing and upon his bands, bat ba daotea Uat be stabbed Carroll. Tb* affair a * PORT CALENDAR. 00*11 OTSD waatLT. PBABX8 OF TBX MOON. First Q. M. 81. Bln. rv. 1 Last a «*d.(h. tim. ev. Fall M, D-L 4h- 8J«. ev. | Naw 8, ITd, 4’w 4m. rv. cvu,,. Moon 9 Monday.... ,1 B..U in Tacaday..1 0..44 111Wedoeeday-j I..M- It rbnialay... B..M U Friday | B..47 ti a*tnrday»..| *..« 1'.I Bund* 1 4..80 T^ir 4..M B. .13 (..It «..» •..11 (..10 1.. 0 t..u *..u 4.. 1t ss T..B* (..BT l::ii 1:8 i AFTERNOON, SEPTEMBER 13. 1867. miscellaneous. WHOLESALE PRICE 5 CENTS DRUG HOUSE!! NUBsnbacrlbrr* have e. tebBahamat, bantofri* ranted aa acdsr «b* aamiaf B. W. MARSH A CO., Into aa EXCLUSIVE Wholesale House, FOR THE SALK OF Drags* Medicines, Chemicals* Perfumery, Soaps, Paints* Oils, Patty, Glass, Brushes, And all article* naual'y found In a WELL STOCKED DRUB ESTABLISHMENT. Tb* laterutof Mr. E W. Mush in a* n.w bores wlU aonUan* aa la tb* old firm, ant ba wia b* pteuad to have a call from hi* friend. A. A. SOLOMONS A CO. * The Retell business will be curled cn u here- tofera at on- OLD BT AM l>. acpMm GEORGIA State Lottery FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE MASONIC Orphans’ Home. GREAT EXTRA SCHEME I CLASS li, Wednosday, October 9th, 1867, CAPITAL PRIZE - • ONX DOLLAR, FILL TICK ST. AIL T1IE PRIZES WILL BE DRAWN. OAILY COMBINATION- SCHEME. CAPITAL fffl, - - - SC.000 MISCELLANEOUS. PROPOSAL*. o/ricsor Ass’vijtsssssm.ras, i',H A ,/ Hi viisiu, u»., Hsptembu 0, lew. | Oate, tor tb* Foal of MAMIba Hay, 4s Bids mist ba la TBiri.lUA’nt. write a t-npy of'lhl- hj^rtetbaavretof tb* aewreiet batoy wa-M u» D-Tvssy toeommare* wHhkt. W <U>a frem darnel •uotract, aad to b* dvliraso I al aneh times aid In such For aa-Jt asttete mswiisIv, nr lor tb* orbota amoont. T.ret tea dellvy of the amooat teSovaanahaiHi- For the dslivery of tba amcunlfbr Angr-la at An gus.*. Tat tha delivery of a* wsoLi at rfamauh. *" * r *‘”** eBl * J n —— wU | wumsvd to tab* Uo oath of Umdswre togtv* naL'sbotory evldwuti jYqffif rr. jtvre tb* right to rrj et nj aad Fropeea's to bo tndos««d “FropieV- tor the dallvary °< Fuagt,"f »4 addifiwsd lo tb* ntrtvis goal. »/a~jr*f the Chief <diut*rma.ur Th'rd Mill- CARgYWOLW BvU L'eut. Cob and A <f AL, —P'-l** P. A Army. PROPOSALS. Onica Dim kin Duavauxa Uustiisuvii, > ATLiatX, Ol, Bt-ptonher 3d, IM7. ( BBALSD PROrOBADB Wilt <<e rod rod at th)- oflleo natil It 1L, Friday, tkpt*'inb«r a»a, 1M7, rl which Ume they will bo opened, fur .applying tM« Deprt with th* following amoante of rmago an! Htraw, vlx. 3(0,0(0 poands Oats. (M.wo pound* Bay, baled. 100,0(0 room’s Btraw, baled. Th* < <*'.» to b* atnnd, be* from chaff or dirt, and pnt ap In good atreww >act - of not h»« than two raicuto than tear bashata per rack. TbellayanlHirawtobc • mod, ft** from deal aad weeds, and w<-ll balel Tl.a whole to b* sibjcct to « ieh 1; -portion as the Depart ment may dlraet Bp’s must b* la tairucate, wia a eypy cf th", ad- vaitlaimret a'tached to as. *,and bmr tha rhdoi- meat of two trspons bl* pn soi *. who aro willing to booomo sarety for the U tder In the event of tho con tract being ewshied to him. I’roposv's not oompiylng with the requlremeo'* of this advertisement mill bo rcjeeteL Delivery to eowmeso wl'hln tan (10) day • after no tification of approval of contract, aad conliu re at the rale of not b»* than ore-third of tho who'* art psrmoolh, to bide frond la can upon lh* siding at Ihafocttf Forsya s's.wt, or at a* tf inrterms-tei's wnnhocs), Forsya strait, At'anti, Oa, as th* yuu terms-lev may direct. Fiopc-u's for the de'lvcry of owe-th'rl a* ameunt of Fo aja, and oac-ha'f a* amount of Btraw, will tc entertain*!, or for aach artlole separately. Bidders are invited to bo pnaint or iopns;nted tho opanlng of the bid*. aat'ateetotynldaare of loyalty o oveh sorwrs-l bidder, aad utraoey of tb* p««x * rdf rad i< sunt/, will b* required. Tb* Cororemaat mavis a* right to reject any and ail bids. Propcsx's should b# addnssol to toe undorsisnod, Tropcaa'a for tho delivery of Forage By ordar of Bra rat Brigadlm Uecer.l & L'axton, Chief (gaarternusUr. IL J. FARNSWORTH, 1st Utah 34'b U. a Infantry. A. A. Q. If, srpfl'IJt la charge ot Payot. BROWN’S BANKING AND INSURANCE. THE QUEEN INSURANCE COMPANY Liverpool and London. IH'ITAI. m (lor n. ■I“*SS*“viss_ur.i iBwmhte ^tta^sfffJSsrtRjtsss •(VO S U. SOOVIfSM SOO.AnMj. w w.j» OW S. SKrtSh. th* latrouago of oar friaod* end the public. )^ jBS5ge SalMinr Etronost gga eggWMdRrti-iMg Hoives & M. owes CC IVIacy, Bankers, (Formerly uffleen of the Park Bank,) 30 Wall Street, N. Y. FOUR FF.R CF.NT. INTERF^T AL- LOW1.I) ON. DF.POSITS. '1 he business of this house Is the ume ai an rncorpof'ated Bank. Pcrvms keeping accounts may deposit and draw 11 theyi please, the ume at with the City Bmb, and Will be allowed interest on their daily balances at 4 per cenL Collections made on any part of the United State* or Canada. Orders for tlw put close or ulc of tht various issues of Government and other Slocks, Bonds, and Gold, promptly executed for the usual commission GEORGIA SOAP AND CHEMICAL CO. 67 Y0KK ST. (HUS TUB COURT U0U5B), SAVANNAH, OA. rpux Georgia Soap aad Chemical Company are now X irnnufncluriiig, and offer for aaic, AT HOUTUERM MET CASH TRICES, a* following grade* of Hoop: FAMILY SOAP. K0. I SOAP, JELLY SOAP, AND muyer'e fluglc Moup, FOB WASHING CLOTHES Itdlepmeea wia th* Waahl Ko boiling, NO BEATING, NO MACHINERY. it amount of etothe* can bawaahed In the it apace of Umu: It remove* coach greaee, ter, ... .. --- —-♦ * u ai* te done A trial of this Bcap will erevlaoea* moat akaptteni that lie Beefs' la tvyood comparieon. UT* Hamplea can b* abtelned at a* Fbetofy. July fl-Sm L M Bit AFXB. Ag-nt. Wolfe’ Isad bjr a prove** oal* known to the proprietor, aad te warrant-il the pore. tUqoor era* maeu’actand. WAILEY’S SELF-ACTING . WROUGHT IRON BALTIMORE ADVERTISEMENTS* STEAM MARBLE WORKS Cwr. larik aad Ibaawal BALTIMORE, MD. Keep* re bead aad make* to order MONUMENTS, CRAVE STONE! MANTELS, TILES FOR FLOORS, Garden Statuary. &o ' . BDOI! HIHBilW. 1 THOMAS a BASSH0R A CO | M Light I treat, Baltimore, AM. KNQINKERS AND MAKl'PACTUBXKB 0l| Portable and Stationary Boilers and Engine SAW MILLS, Nteam St Hand PimipnJ STEAM HEATING APPARATUS, AC. Wrought Iron Pip**, Mailable and Caat| Work, ai*aw Canges. Bend lor OrnateM sad Catalogue, jant-ly POOLE * HU1V T,| BALTIMORE, ■annlactwrera of Portable read Stationer stm irons ini inn STEAM FIRE ENGINES, A * tnta “ Tt ' Ua * Baw Mill*, Mlniag Hacbioere, PortabiaOriaa Mills, Bobsste’ Run Itegufatnr, Couon Berows, m.afllny,! Isnt-lyr I Policy* and Bangers. MONUMENT IRON WORKS. W.DENMEAD, T.DENMEAD. G. B. DAVIDS. | Owner XUlh aad Monument Street*, BALTIMORE. 6S Castlrga lanll-tyr Southern Cracker Bakery. R, Mason Jk Sows' Unrlvallad Water Oncksre, Batter Craeken, Water He Btoj, Lamon Pie Kira, Pilot Bread, Navy Bread, auHtotYmT^ Prompt attention to all orders. ... BAKXHY, 1» Pratt street, Baltimore. C. H. DAVIS & CO. KERCIUHT TAILORS, la UfTmt BsSttmore All (foota warranted togtvo yreresdadriUtetetoFrirforrogrire lUTiOUIIU ill IMS! flic