The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1873, September 13, 1867, Image 3

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0 :A:i I Mil SI CIRCULATION IN CITY AND COUNTY. Q i'r'i I lino ul Ulweltti ill'll*- post Or net, f Satannah, Juno 13.1!* 1 )?- \ I , consequence of the change In tho Unip table on . , ir»l lUiluvtd. r.» anoounoml lo Iho public In . a on *i»4 *n«rihU date Un man* Hite ..litre will does a* follows t «»Tmi Km *»up, through pouches for New Philadelphia. Wa.h'ngloii, Ajreu*U, Charleston, i in but *i*l Macon, 6 o'clock P iM. > i Km «i'»o. threugh |HHirhec loi Nash- AUmiU, Miilodgevtllo * * ‘ ‘ n.l August*,and w*y mull n,l *11 polnu contiguous, _....*d*c "id of Oenllwl lUilhViil, » o’cl,*l eld) momma i;. ATI. A NT 10 ANK Ovtr Uaii.*o in, (•>» a» point* on iva-vI *n l contiguous. lUlnhildg^ Feroandln*, . a fm *11 p*iU«f Florida m i Florida Brauch, 7 1'. in., .Uttar, eirepl tWiujIufS. • ■* —*• **•. Him,'n • Ul»n,l, HI. , l. M*i) *, « i o'clock in i i, and ,-sdav *n,l Ktt.l*y morning r,,i, by alcamcrs Tuesday, at 8 0. W-, *W, Jay, at IS »• ni. noncy seut Wltliom Dnnior of Hv moans of Money Orders, at the B*T»nn*k CM Pm office will ot»ei» for bu»ia*« *t 9 o’clock A. M., „„ i .«e »t 5 o'clock r. m. On Saad*7S Iho ofllc# „ ,n t* 1 end for Iho Joltvsry of tho null from 9 to : .vivki n. T. P. ROBB, l'-M. TO Of II PATllOKSS. Our out-of-town subscribers who havo not paid The amounts due for subscriptions, will confer a lavor by remitting to us tho »»rao as soon ns pos sible To those of our city patrons who have not |>aiJ •jj we can only say "remember tho poor printer." I ft* Tliana of our city subscribers who Jo not :«-pivo the “Republican" regularly, will oblige us •nlering pnnupt complaint at this office I.OOAb JOTTINGS. 111,1 I X to Mew Ailvcrltacmciita. 1 r Kent, a Wooden Bouse, apply at this offico , lion Ginned by Steam, by II T Minor dr, -liinnat) Ua. b tice of Application for Letters of Disunion ns Executor, by Jno. J. Sparrow, Ordinary. Notice of Application for Letters of Di* tuition A limmstmtor, by John J. Nparrow, Ordinary The sloop Miriam and Carulino "ill leave for :. iufort and Ulufflon this day, at six P M Notice in regard to the Captain and I’rew of tho r.'ish schooner Win. Gregory, by LaK<che Pell A t\ 'Uinms. Notice in regard to claims against the British l rig Joe Gordon. by Millen A Wadley. The steamship Herman Livingston will sail for New York on Thursday, September 19th, ’.iiclvo o'clock M. Notice of th» Bankruptcy of James U Hale, by Curies li. Klyca, Deputy Marshal ns Messcugt Muscovado Molasses for Sale by Lallocho. Bell A ". Hiatus. • a Consignment to Arrive, 1-00 b'*ls Lump l.m,e, by L J Ouilmartin A Co. p.,ur First Class Billiard Tables for sale, addro-i 1, ,-k Box 91, Charleston, S. C. Fall Hoods at DeWitt A Morgan's. Congress reet. A Partner Wanted in a Mechanical Business, ad dress Mechanic, Savannah Post Office. A Brick Stable and Two Servants’ Booms for l>nt. at corner of South Broad and Lincoln streets. ' i. lerwriters' Sale, this day, of Oats and Bran, It 1.x Roche, Bell k Williams. I n lerwriters' Sale, on Saturday, llth instant, of pitl r Matches, by Lallocho, Bell A Williams. I uitcd States Lloyd's Marine Iniaranco, II. Brig- tun Agent, 115 Bay street. A idrvsa in Andrew's Chapel, on Now street, iL^ evening, by Bov. Henry M. Turner, of Macon. HIK COURT?. 'li i "Us Cot'RT—He/orv Hit Honor E. 1J. An- ir -'cjicmber I'd. 1*67.—Yesterday witnessed ta -r slim attendance at the usual morning soirees ! IB- ll<>nor. Mayor Anderson. Tho heavy rains mm to havo disgusted the spccimena of mortality »>, arc usually tho Icgitimato prey of tho C. P.’s, t^l they lie dormant until the warm ranshino shall o them to issuo forth. Water la every where in 5.** ? V-s * b ir t.ik Baii Coxiurin.T or Tliu Stuarts AMit j S«t|* nit -That out ilree's, gutters nod eewere teed immediate and thorough attention is clear and latent to everybody. There seems to be greas ne glect or Ignorance of duty somewhere. During the flm>J of Wednesday evening there was not a part of the city that failed to suffer In iouio degree from the overflow ol water. There was no manner of neces- ,|tj for it, so far os we have been ablo to loam. In every case of overflow a litllo attention to the eewers would have placed them in condition to have carried tff all the water. In many instances im mense pools were formed by tho stoppage of gutters Under tho omuing bridges, dirl, chipJ, Ae, had col lected until tho passage ef water was an Impossi bility, and was consoqusutly thrown back upon tho streets. We hear of Instances in which the sewer gratings wore llkowlso oovered with dirt, so that no water was carried off In that way. We call upon tgose In authority to remedy this matter. The peo ple expect it of thru and are anxiously looking for relief. It is tho subject of remark In every man’s mouth, and something should be done. At West Broad and Broughton strecls, the wnte r in the cellars of ‘the burnt district was ten feet deep, n Wednesday evening. Ab.'ut the same lime thero were fourteen inches of «.»(er on Iho llx>r of the Washington englno heuvo. <t cu . n inches of water collected In tho lower base- ment of the Medical College. The steam tiro engln 0 l-'rands S. Barlow was engtgoJ all yesterday after* noon iu pumping it out Over otic month nyo.tho Board of Health reported the sewers on Tatnall and«1 aston streets as nuisanoe* Yet they have not received the least attention. Al* the houses in tho neighborhood were overflowed, a grcosry store flooded and tho streets impsssablo. In practical proof of our remarks above, in this case some gentleman in the neighborhood went out and ■Icarod the dirt off tho gratings ol the sewors, am in less than an hour the water which had collected dis appeared, but not before it had done great damage Hie citizens in this neighborhood luve suffered so much from bod drainage that they havo dolormlncd that if they havo causo to complain again they will bring an action against tho city to reoover damoges tor injury to their property. In Washington Ward the water ovorflowod baso* menu and yards, doing great damsgo. From all parts of tho city wo hear tho samo ro- |H>rts. The carriage factory of Bennett, McKee A Co, Bay street, was flooded, llosoments and cel* even where suffered from ovortlow. A little attention to the streets and sewers would have ob viated tho difficulty. Those pools of water lying in tho streets are sure to brood sickness. A stranger would bo led to imagino that wo courtsd an epi- icmie. Wo carre »tly hope that no more will havo to bo said upon this subject, but that something will be lviie right away before another rain storm shall come, ar.d further damage be dono to property on account of tho present condition of the city drainage. SAVANNAH DAILY REPUBLICAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 18ti7. U'tT Tub Colorcd Firburn— Under the old Fire Department rules two white men wore ap- pointed a* officers for each colored company. When the new department took control of affairs, it was proposod to allow them to elect their own officers, un i a resolution to that effect was passed; and un der it the colored llrcmon elected officers for them selves, who arc rcsp-onsiblo for tho good conduct of their companies. The colored firomcn, at tho last meeting of the Bourd of Fire Masters, presented a scries of reso lutions, claiming that their first and second oflicera were entitled to seats r • members of the Board, un der tho law creating the department. The firit resolution sots forth the fact that the rules nnd regulations adopted by tho Board have been confirmed by the <>itj Counoil, and, therefore, are tho law of tho department. Tho second states that the first and second officers of the colored com- panics ore not cn Iho roll of tho members of the Board, and they are doprived of the privilege of voting. Tho third says tbs departmont grants rights to whito officers and none to tho colored; and thoy feel it a duty as cititsn* and firemen to ask for tho samo rights; that they have performed their du ty faithfully for lortj years, and ahould enjoy all Wif* "Irrari.itri No 1."—About half put five P. M, yesterday, a company of soiAo twenty-five froodmen passed down Bay (treat, with martial tnuslo arcompauyliig them. They wore dressed In blue shirts and while pants, nnd marched with mill tary precision Officers accompanied them, wearing blue drees coats, with brass buttons, nnd icarlot sashot, each ono carrying a sword. Wo learn that they havo recently formed tbomiclvcs into a military company, and that this wan their second np]>caranco in tho public streets. The privntes wore unarmed. We understand that tho organisation Venn the name of ''Israelites No. 1." Bf7" Fioiit »x A Sion*. • About noon yesterday colored man nnuiod Clements bocamo involved In a quarrel with a drayman, iu a store in tho vicinity of llay street. Clements seized a hoary woodon bar, nnd was In tho net of striking Ills opponent, whon the latter caught tho weapon and wronchod it away from him. lie then struck a blow at Cloments, which dislocated one of his thumbs, following it up with another on the head, inflicting a severe scalp wound. Clements was taken to Dr. Charters who at tended to his injuries. trzr Tim Biiitimi Ship A mi in a i.. -This vessel recently arrived from Brunswick (iu ballast), lu n disabled condition. Sho was taken to the ship yard of Krenson A Hawke, where sho has been under going repairs Sho has alrondy received now masts and spars, and will soon bo hove «ut for thopuri>o.<o of receiving a now bottom. The ."Admiral" will placed in first-class order, nnd It is oxpcctod to have her ready for sea in nbont a month. Tho re pairs will cost about ten thousand doiinrs. rjr lx tur Jaw-—We lenrn that thoro are upwards of n hundred persons confined in the jail at present. Mertutlo «.ld of Ida woun 1, " It wsi not n* deep »- a well, or m w!>lo A« h gate, but It would do." Plantation Kilters wl'l no*, raiso III» deed, ltut they can* tin* sick, exalt the depressed, Ai <1 lender dfs a Win g to be * njoyed. Wo believe thero are millions of living xvltnc-'ui lo thle fact. Dysr i '!"l* l» a horrid dl-aaac. but Planta tion Bitters will cure It. It !<• amo-t luvlorattng tome for weakness and mental deapondenry Thu so who sre"out of eorta’ try riiutation Bitters. Maqxoma Watkk.—A delightful toilet article- superior to Cologne, nnd at half tho price. »fpl'd-dAwOt •* h’ic'h beautiful—.Her raven curl* Havo broken hentt* In envlor* gli'*." A aroir:n « cHa'a'trariion ltc» In h w beautiful, toft nnd ellken hair. Barrett's Vege'nblo flair Ko-nrnUvc will render the crui*>>t and molt outre l.alr * )ft a**d silken. serh 0 llnn-atit'- Pm irics.—Thoui-Mits of Invalids havo been perfottly cured of long standing ailment-, the plastic an l Iwno of tho'r lives-, ;nd on which thoy haxo spent hundred- ti tain, F.v -Imply u*lou these Invn liable BpecitVa. Not a family who I avo over had one of these Family Ce-r« of rey's 8;cciflc« but would g'vo five time- *1'- cost rather than bo with out It. AiM'ss- 60.' Dion lway, X. Y. srpO-9 Martyrs to;Cnrel(*SNiicHS. If all tha tee'h that havo been ni'.nod ty uogloct rould t« -t mng t igcthrr they would reach thrlcorounl tho world. Thrrs may bare been -omo exei-i for thi- havox in days gonoby.whcn these wav no ftlsoJuto s.ifcguaid ata'nil dental dc*ay Iu cals'.cti o, but there I* no opi'ogy far It tow. Fnviant Bozodont, the world-rnnwnoi antl-*p'h dontlfiico, r-«rtatnly pre lects the teeth 8f air-l deevy r- »»1 prevea's s ell fi"m tu»*ing, or water aircsts the prog-css of Arc. sepff-8 KICK BIRDS AT TUB OUR IlOUSB: TO-DAY. x >pitf Bt?“ Ur.An I'dolpho Wolfe's advertuoments in his day’s paper. (3m) HOTEL ARRIVALS. SCREVEN HOUSE—SKPTKunr.n 12. 0 F Fricdcnbcrg. Indy nnd child. Jacksonville Mie* ti Piicdcnbcrg, do M Farnuiu, Kx ier S Miirrli-.ll. Huh Francisco I Knthcrford. wife and two chi drea- Uvlt S L'badbou*ni\ St Louie \ B Conway, N Y O II Utiflh, do J K Caldwell, do O Fmvll. Balt O L 1’atlou. Balt T Small, Pittrt- n M Oeborn, Breton J Sampson, Detroit r A Turnrr. N Y o c Hale, Patterson J Clark, wife A di d, N Y O Hall, Hlchmnml P Lane, wife A child. Dili A A l'niklceon,Lbarlottc8 burs. No bulk meala offered. tJ«lra of too tm hu'rh- m* bud at DHr; r.mtc western at V W*- W" quets meat jHiik Itrm at V hbl srsiro. Uioh Is liiar.llvu; iiiioln K iugnjn at l'(jtt» Vr, and Carolina llMOttte V R>. Biusa W*a to ld llrmer to day, owing to tho ed- arise hi void premium: thnnnly salre rernrhd w.-n« On lihds Porto Itlco at 13k(UtD V h>. Sait Continues llrm nt prevlmie iiunUtlon* vis for lots fr *m diulcis, groird n'linr I'J 20'u'.'lineal pi 00(33 to V eas.k, ** lo ctmim.Ur of brand and iiunii llty Bulk ii"iiitnally mic lmnuid. Winsxv -tiulvt, no ante* reported; el I on t# hi bond at 30$3ft] v gallon. NEW YORK MARKET. New Yum, Septemberl). Fun*. Rc.-Hic market for wusUni ntid stain flour Is very nctlv«; all gindos aro from -Odpi&o belter; li e impruvrment Is most no- llreahte oa fresh ground flour Tho enlai am 21,600 hhlsat |7 R6<30 for supeiflm* "talc; |0 'iftrittoio lor nuvr extra state; |lo 80® 1116 for fancy do; |o‘i6<3l0 46 for Iho tow grades of wcslon extra (new); fo 15(311 Oi) hr Uuw uripurlako spring wheat extras: 1036® 10 60 for new wlieat shipping Gh.o; f lied 11 76 lor Dado do; 111 80(31326 (or whl'e wtiesl exua Ohio, Mur)land nnd lndl*«a; #10 WU<« 12 25 for nmbur vvhrat do d •, and 111 6o®16 76 lot H l/vuatxtras. s.iuiherii flour Is fairly active and tinner. Sale* of 860 tibls at |U 40(310 66 for common to good Baltimore and'country extras; |10 4(K31i60 for new • xtrmthorgla and Virginia amt 110 io® 13 60 (or trade and family extras hum Maryland and Uulasraro. Uuair.-TIiu wheat market Isqultn acllvv.and prices e from 6 to 0c higher. Tire demand Is quite genera', ami Is Iu pail for forward delivery. Tho sales bio 112,000 bash ol |2 10 for .No 2 Chicago ; )2 12 lor No 3 do on thu spot, and |210®2 11,S for <to 1 mr.ixc; fi:U for common nmts-r Illinois: |2 .".s®2 43 for amber stale, tbs latter for eliolco In tibls; 12 06 for white California; |i61(32 62 for white Michigan; «2 3S ®2 40 for amber do; |2 60 for white Ucncace; (2 3.'»® 2 40 for amber soullnsru. 1 tats mu bi tter and quite active. The sabs aro 100,000 bush Ohio at 0.8(37 tc-the in- ■Ide price for small lets iu bugs; western at 70@71<\ state nt 70l37Ic, m.d good southern al66®G0c. Corn Is very active and from 3®3)«e higher. Thu lc- |Uiry Is largely sptciilaUvc, tlioagli brisk for the homo Unde. Tin* axles ure 188,000 hush damp and unsound at D 14(31 20, wsstom nt |1 21(31 23%, nil >at,(l 21 ®1 23 In store closing qulot but firm; prime southern yellow at 41 30. I'koymiox.x.- Pork lias been in nctlvo dcmnnlat higher prices, tho market closing, however, rather Weak. The sales, nub and regular, aro 7500 bbfs at |24 62% ®24 87.S for m»ss. Beef Is <|ulet but st*udv. Sx'osof 40 hbls at ft7®'2.'> fur plain mess, and |73®27 60 for cx'ra mess. fierce beef Is Inquired after to aome extent, but the light supply prevents free uperattona. Beef bams ate dull nnd nominal. Cut meats m.d baron are Arm. but without mtivlty. is In more active demaud mid prices nru higher, dosing llrmer. Hales of 1060 bli'n a"dte«at 13' ( ®13\c for Not: l3S®13\c for city; 13S®14i|e for fair to prl»e stemr. aii<l kettle rendered. Bt ttmk -t'oiitlnuet firm under a good dema r .<I. HV quoin aa follows; tioshen mid (>rmigg Co, rails, V tb, . k 5y(o-; state, firkins and tubs, fair to choice, 28(332*; Illinois, low* and M nnrso'n, 15(320*; western reserve, good to eholco, 20®25c; state tubs, Welsh, good to cl oleo 23®28c; Ohio, common to fair, 14®16c. Fine gmdra are in goo*l Comand nnd drni, hut wo do not alter quotailous. Wo quote aa foltnwr: statu factory, go>dto chuce, V ffi, new, 17®13.Sic; state, fair 10 good, 10312c; statu dairies, cho'.c*, 11® 12Hr; Kngllsh dairy, Conn, 12®13c-; Krgflsh dairy, 1 Milo llQIJc; Vermont dairy, common U> choice, 10® 12c; pineapple 12(i(14c: Ohio, prim*, 10311c; Ohio fac tory good to choice, 10(312*. Corn r.—Ulo Is in fair demnnd'and steady. Other grad** are dull. Cotton—In quiet, viry much ro. Tho d'mundla very limited, l'.lcca aro weak. Holder* ask 20,He lor middling uplands, and 27,He fer do Now«I'rlenns. IIay Is ill g r od demand and st-ady. Wo quote new shipping at 70(376c; old do 80305:, aud retail lots 4131 27- MAHINE INTELLIGENCE. I«r 8ce First Page. ARRIVED. Ftcvmer Pilot Boy, McNelty, Ch&rlcelon via Beau fort. Clngbom A Cunningham. 8ckr Brio, Elliott, Ifoeton, 12 days, Haywoed, Cage A Co. SAILED. Htcamshiii Fannie, Johnson, Baltimore, Wc«t A Daniels. Panengsri. I’cr steamship (lencrnl Barnes for New York.— II P Fiicd' ohcre, lady and child. O N Wiight, A Fund, Mlrs E J MevcneoD, A P Pciham, E Price, M Y lien- dtrson, E C Ua'krlt H Myers, Miss A Dunn. Vrs An- drvwn, Miss B Andouln and two servaut*, W Foster and dog, L Doano. U C4 Wad'ey, B W Moorinc, W A Livingston, Mrs Ueltr'ck, Ur* CO Platon, Mm Mss svrt and daughter, Mrs Bronson, Mrs Lciklu, A strain, II E Uidwoll. T U Vaughan. FCrctut, Miss Clark. Miss G K Frledcubcri;, C A -lobuston, U 8 Stongbton, b S Alderman, O ATlallzell. U Rich. B Mallon. Per rtcvmcr Pilot Boy from Charleston via Beaufort P hhcnncll, wife and two children, W H Alden. Consiarnees. Per steamer Pilot Boy from Charleston via Bcanfcrt -Clagboru A Cunningham, and order. Receipts. Per sebr Erlo from Boston—193 tons ico to Dajwoo<1 Onge A Co. SHIPPING. For New York. ATLANTIC COAST MAIL STEAMSHIP LINE SIDE-WHEEL SHIPS. SAILING EVERY THURSDAY,i The now and very fxst-anlllng sloamihlp Herman Livingston, (2,000 Lons burthen) J. B. BA It Kit, Commander, Will poeltivoly sail on hi r regular day, TilUltHDAY, Bontember llf.n.nt 12 o'clock M. Bills of lauding given hem on through freights cl Cotton to Liverpool by flint clu* ateainors. For frolglit or pasmige, having n*w nud splendidly arranged accommodations, apply to WILDER A FULLAltTON, No. 8 Htoddard'i Ui>|i<;r Range, Opposite tho PiwtodTco. N. B.—Poaltlvoly no cngngetf K-rthx aocuml after Tuesday, 17th Hcptemltcr. uiiIiyi* nv'il for. . pi:; MURRAY’S LINE. For New York. Tho flno ilcamthlp Cleopatra, Captain 8. K. PHILLIP?, Will anil for tho above port on TCE.‘}DAY,Ucptem- her 17th, at 10 o'clock A. M. Through Kills of Lading given here on cotton des tined for Liverpool, by first cl.asa steamers. For freight cr passage, having superior accommoda tions, apply to No engaged berths secured unless paid for by Mon day morning, t cptcmler 1*1 HUNTER A OAMMKLL, pit 04 K-xv street. ITOR YORK. EMPIRE LINE. Cabin Pnssnge 191 StuorafCO (with aiibalstciioe) *17 Thrpngh fre'cht of cotton taken to Liverpool by steam, and through bills of lading given Loro. THE LARGEST AND FINEST STOCK: OF CARRIAGES AND HARNESS GOODS! IN THIS SOUTH, QOKHIBTItMHK PAUTur WOOUUUFK B CUNUOItU IlUaillXN, WOUDBUFK^H PLAN TATI'IS WAIIUNS AND BltAVd-JUrt C UKOKIVKU AND CHARLES VANHORN, Agent all of which will In* Ht t. I) A l* NNW \ • 1 tK PKICPS on lime, with city neccplxnc*. Thirty 'l*ys lit considered rash. * '***?!**, ..1* U|Krl0r »r. l.^cUnU, Invllrt lo OU.I0. ool.'ock L.lor, ,.o,.l»rio, d-whuo- All «,„k Van Horn'* Carriage Bnziiar nnd aelect your Currits^eH. repll 3mo DIRECT IMPORTATION! DEPOT OF THE PRODUCTS OF E. COUDRAY, OF PARIS. Druss, Drugs, Druers, Paints, Oils and Colors, PERFUMERY AND FANCY ARTICLES Gtirdcn Seeds. Kir DliPUT OK TUB Etta Puro Whito Lead, and Etta Snow White Zinc, YVK Itnjiutt Jimct, nnj t«n nud will «ll nil i;oud« in onr lino nl pricM thal will compnro toornl.l, wllb llioi, ot ,nj of Iho ciUoj North Onion executed with promplncM at LIPFMAN’S DRUG AND CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, COIISEU OF CONGIIF.SS AND UAUNAKD STIIKETS, M.rehis-ir JACOB LIPPRAS, Pbopbibtoh. SHIPPING. WANTS. AUCTION SALES. FOR AUGUSTA. MOOIIE'8 LINE OF LIUUT DKAL'CIMT IKON STEAMERS. ^GENTHWANl’KD-|10to|2-) a dxy, D Intro duce our now rntcr-t BTAR 8HU1TLE FKW1NO MACHINE, l’rico $20. It nsr* two lhrcx<!«, and mnk<r the genuine Lock Stitch. All other low- pi IcM macl.Iuea mako tho Cusix Stitcii. Kxclu-'vo l irritory given. Bend for circular* B. E. IIKNDEH- d*JN A CO, 303 North Fourth ntreet, Bt. Louis, Mo. s.*pT UNDERWRITERS’ SALK BY LAROCHE. BELL & WILLIAMS. THIB DAY, Boptsmhcr l-'.tb, at 11 o'clock, at alms under Crane A QrayLIII's, 160 bsgrt BLACK OATS, oach 2 but-licl*, 272 “ OATS, "2 •• " 3H' " WANTED. 201 «07 407 BRAN, Tho lino aldo-whcol steamship San Salvador K. B. NICKERSON, Commander, Will sail as above on BATUKDAY, BepUmher 14, at S o'clock I', if. Positively no angxgcd berth* sccnrcd after Wodnoa- dav, Beptemto* 11. unices paid for. For freight or pussogo, having superior oecommod* tlons, apply to R. II. HARDEE, No. 12 Stoddard’s Range. OARRIBON A ALLEN. Agents, ■ 10 No. 6 Howling Green. Now York. BOATS OF THIS LINK leave Demund # Upper l’.eas wharf EVERY OTHER DAY'. For freight engagement* arp'y to SAMUEL MOORE, Ay.mb Sert-Imo Olllre rverClagh ri A Cnnnlngl'miV. Planters* Line BETWEEN Savannah and Augusta. A SITUATION us nsslMnnt bct.kke j.. i or clerk in 'A. u bcu*e, by n yfu.gniaii 28 years l'«*. Con fu 11 -*i l.-«t nf r-f*-n ne** Iwtli in n uirl to tar*<tM' mi l burineH- qiiallllratl.ui* 1^ wtlJpg to .•irk. Only a molerxte *a!nry requ'r»*d. A.Mre*- A. SKA KINO. ho; 0 eodr.l Cam M, F. I'itniy, Newark, S'. J. TO RENT. TO RENT. I AN OFFICE WITH PRIVILEGE OF ■‘umge. •pi 1-3 F. W. 81118 A CO. Damaged on board llio brig Resolute on her passage from Ka'llnnre to thin port, and * >ld uc-ler irapr. tiou of the Port Wardens, for account of the Underwrite!4 and all concerned. Terir-ca-h. UNDERWRITERS' SALE. BY LAROCHE, BELL & WILLIAMS. • >n SATURDAY. 14th Instant, at 11 o’clock, in front, of the store, whl be sold, 2 CASES PARLOR MATCHES, Damage 1 °n board the trig Resolute, on licr l osaago from Ba timoie to th * port, and sold under insrcctlmx nnd by rt< imnrendaUon of tho I'« rt War '«ns, for «c* (mint cf tho Underwriters and all concerned- T*rrra ca-h. sc|.*3 2t BY GEORGE W. WYlLEY. ON THE FIRST TUESDAY IN OCTOBER. In front of the Oonrt llousc, between tho legal hour* of sale, will be sold, A TWO STORY FRAME HOUSE,