The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1873, October 31, 1867, Image 2

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**» • HE DAILY REPUBLICAN. B AVANNAEt t THURSDAY, OOTOlIKIl 31, 1^07. mrvi xrr LARGEST CIRCUi. AT ION IN CITY AND C OUNIY. - AACUWIAMCH MAalUOM. ,- St,].. k “sh-my. ThJ Win In w* aro unuiuMly nt- '»'»« n«Drlo . D U ityllab, and cnnngl Call to, Iff SAYAiSNAH DAILY £ *n«l Urey affurd tho.loaai Warmth of any itjlo of S A M« that U n»p<dljr fHnlnfi popularity Is 0 PUipN It U IBM* lu haarf material for winter 'wear; iV fg(>Tfce« fitting, or nearly K>, and D worn upper iklrt of a welklnR »ult. UBLICAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1867. •Iran ul&Hn >.»»!.• '"AUgn'iilci'nl ««•* ««*". .in., i_ .it .. aiiAil.a i.f lifi.-1'nli*r. imliinti brown ' 1 lOFFIClALORGAN OF U, S. GOVERHMSHT OUR PLATIxmil. "Iibl our laws and our institutiona Bpoak not of whito men, uotof rod melt, not of black mon, not of men of any complexion; but like tho lawn o! Oodr- tb* Ton Commandments and tho Jjotu’ft I^rayer—lot tbum speak of tho people.'’ (Horace Man i. — —•— i (•“ Proedom of speech and of tho press, III bdnoation, equnlity before the law, nud in Ml political rights and privileges, are the os- Pl Houtialsof any satisfactory reconstrnctiou * -f in tlio South.”— General Foil's Utter to General Grant, THIS CONFKDKIl.VTE DK*D. Wo hart long bean Intending to mako publla a ; fact known to uj, but It has heretofore slipped oar memory; and wo think it will proto a mntter of In * tsrojt to our readere in Georgia and Florida, and especially to many whoso husbands, brotbeo and ions may hate Uiod while In prison It ll well known that a largo prison camp was loentod at Elmira, Now York, whore as many as from ten to fifleeu thousand Confederates wore coffined at on* tlm». Tho many diseases incidental to prison lift docitna'.ed their numbers, that dreadful scourgo— the small-pox—pretailed to a groat extent. Many unu«d to tho rigor of setore Northern winters be- cams viotimi of consumption; an l on a plateau in Woodlawn Comstery, at that place, tho grates of otor threo thousand men giro mournful evidence of tho rDilations of death in the camp. A colored man, named John Joses, a former s'avo, la sexton and groro digger thero. AH theso if mon were buried by him. lie took tho troublo to obtain the nams of eaoh mm, tho number o( his i tegimsnt, aad letter ol' bis company, which ho had * ji aood upon a smvll head board. Eich gravo is so marked. Since the clow of the war partios lo the South hwe written bitn with regard to rolatircs known to hate died thero, an l in many cases bodies httebsen disinterred an l shipped to friends for burial in family vau’U an l Southern oemeteries. It is a mournful consolation—but still U Is ono—to hato dear friends an l relatives who have passo l "to that boorno from whenee no travoler returns"— buried wkere their grarcs may be visited nnd taken care of by loTing hernia, whore woman's tears oan mingle with the dust, 'oeath which lias somo loted one; and where the groen turf which covers thorn may bear witness to how they wero loved on earth, by boing covered with boauiiful floral offerings. The stranger in a far off land, when loixod by tho hand of doalh, always deplores tho fate that led him to dio whore bis brnos could not ropxsa with tboao of his fathsrs. In removing the bodies of tho men who bravely fought nnd died for what ihoy believed was righ*., friends are only doing what was perhaps their dying wish. It matters little what becomes of tb. body when tho soul has left it; but even in tho hour of dissolution it is a satisfaction to know that our bodies are to be laid whore tho loved ones lift bshind can co ns an 1 provt to the world bow dear we were to them. To families in Georgia and Flori la ws will itatn. that if they may wish tho bo lias of those dear to them, who hato dio I in prison at Kimira, ro- morol to Southern esmo'erios, by writing to Mr. John Jonos, Sexton of Woodlawn Ceoiotnry at HI- ji ruira, they can make arrangoinents to hnvo them disinterred and shipped Soutn. Wo know of many In stances in which this has been done, and thero wou'd probably be more, were the faot more genorslly known. THE SAVANNAH IIKIIIIKU' COLDK- • <41 ATE mSTII t'TE. \\c arc qui'.o sure «.ur citireni will bo glad to learn of the eucocss which is attendirg tho efforts of tho in lefuti ;.ib!u ft-undor of this excellent e-lura- tionnl inxtitu'.ioc, and his erdent uo-Jaltorcrr. On Tuesday evening last, n meeting of tho friends of tbo enterprise took place at tho Sybagoguo of Mickve I.-raol Congregation, which was numerously attended l>y many of our most prominent ciiUons, who appeared to take a deep interest in Iho pro ceedings. Octnvus Cohen, E.s>|, Chairman of ilia Inst gene- rid meeting, took tho Chair, nnd after calling tho acting to order, stnto 1 that tho ProrLional Council wore ann >ui o:d as ready to report, hin.'utirs as chairman of tbo general body woro ended, and ho therefore rail’d upon Rot. It. D'C. Lcwin, Fieri- dent of tho Provisional Council, to aiuuino tho Chair. Upon taking tho -hair, Mr Lewin requested tbo SooroUery to read the roport, wbicii was a lengthy and quite interesting document, replete with vnlua blc bints and statistics, concerning tho riso and pro gress of tho lau lablo movement, its prospects nnd aims. Tire entire detaila wore set forth in a c' forciblo nnd eloquent manner, well caDulalcd to awaken lku highest degreo of prido and encourage ment in tho undertaking, and it was evident that its succinctiicifl and feasibility fronted the most fnv bio impression upon tho mindi of nil presrnt Tbo report having loen accepted, Iho .Secretary pro- cooded to road tho roll of members, which embrace ! a groat many names that aro houorod in our nnl after which iho Chairman ordered n ballot to be taken for tho permanent council, which resulted in iho oloetionof thofoliowiog gentlemen: OoUvtu Colieni Esq, liohry Moinhard, Hi q , Darnel Phillips, Kri|., M Belig, Kiq, A 15. Wod.jw, Kq., S. If fcVkmm Ksp, and Philip Dzi.ilynakl, E«p Tboniwemn cil then ropirted through tbo Chairman that they bvl oiccted Ostavus Cohon, K q , ns Proddont wi'lj- out a dissenting voico, a compliment most worlhily bostowod upon ono of tho warmest and umst on hu- liastic advocatee that tho Institution pinsossos. Tho Chairman, upon being notlflcd of the election at onco resigned hil position, whereupon a vole of thanks was unanimously passed to tbo retiring 1' visional Council, tho Rot. R. D’C Lewin, President, nnd to Barnet Phillips, E-q., the courteous and in- dofatlgablo Secretary of !h* same A motion was then offorel that an application should at onco bo nude to procure a charter fur the incorporation of the iastituto, which wo* unanimous ly adopted. Sorer*! amoodumls woro then ma-l-i to tho Constitution and By-Inws, afiur which tho meeting adjourned It will i»o seen by the above | rf>ccrdirigT that tho establishment of this collogiata institution upon firm foundation is no longer a question of doubt, but an accomplished fact, which reflects credit u|Kn every citixen who his sancthmod tho enterprise und extended it material aid, and wo sincerely trust it will bo pfiqtorly rnpportod by our ciiis-m* and «iC this wo have no doubt, Wo a-k for no better evidenco of Iho lemrty do sire of our pcoplo to return to thoir nllcgisnei »• tbo arts of |o*c«!ul industry, and of their doftrmi nation to abandon the foul turmoil of tho pnlilioil arenf, than the spirit of activity ntjd s«M which I dsilj manifesting itself in tho various edueatiomil channels of our Htatc aud city. ui as a poop's look moro closely to tho den-lopment of our loea’ and titalo interests, and obovo all, itrugg'e to iin prova our 0<luoatlonal facilities, and wo ihall reap the rloh blessing* that intoIHg-m-v), Ui. hin linsid or virtue, scatters io her pathway—pouoo, wonlth am contontuont. tints, in all the shade's **l flro-«»lor, guidon brown undgrcui; tieautUul flowers with loaves of crimson and g’dJ,. TfiH'wWlog the loroil' llnkr uDautumn. «drrn tho bentiots, and fabrics bright, beautilul and clfcaut, are in vogue. Tho lutld weather of tho iwst low wtoks hns not been favorublo to tho produotli'li s f l.ow slvlrs in heavy tiMofUlr.pnd U»io s«#lliRft t«V fuf'thcm until Uib re^Mrchaiigw tnadl It nsewkify to cast nlido tbo lighter tuatetlaU nt tall we ir. During the pastareeKjln fiuhionnblo *rUbll.«h* uwnt« h|** tkranithhMigel wit! Hits in poQith 4 the uiw'gi*oi.i--wpimlly the aoNxr.TM. Velvet nnd sitin aro the niiteriahs most in u*o for winter te.iinets Thuso made of satin Imvo velvot iHpimiBga,an^votvit-h trhfkwdwtth.katln'fold*. The buttHwIhikte'nfifkVo,'Wrdi(b'r iT-hh the stylb of last season in having n narrow standing front, and Yiinotbing- of-a ors.wti. They have not yet reached tho standing crown, hut tuiuor prcdiotstiK'y will do so 1 “ ----- “AFAR IN THE UKIKltT." We invite the attention of all.lovers of puro pcc try to tbo bmutlful poem with this title, which will bo found in the Post’s Corner on tho fourth paga. — During the war a luly pasriag from cot to rot thr iugh the wsrdi of a ho. pit it, was sh'cked to hear one follow laughing a*, her. She it-ipprd t-i repiuve the wretohed.foll'iw ‘ Why, lo.k l oro, nia'.im,"#ay< bo, "you’vo given mo a tia-! on iho sin o|' dancing vb,Q J'v. b-Jlh off " till do so in time. , ,tnrv;.* Aprcd.f)lwuJl«tD «f leynl p4fpU ^rW«L ^lUi " diLdetc. Tho Velvet was plain upon thoTrumo, with akiMluf tkusnmo ivl. Um back, and a bandesufll vcM with aknn'll liBut nt thk- lidr. A 'width di white hea is fc-tooncd nomso the lower olgo i f tho ernwn, falling in dong wavy scarfs from tho sldfs A bright little bonnet is vf DiffiWd 1 velvet, .ftstb- tully trimmsd witb satin usd)iMtrM uf 1 ferrrt au tumn tints; ju»t tho bonnet for a bright, pretty face A black velvet his green sln'Jg". and is ret off with jet ornament* sud <v green dotted with l.U’ek A groy velvet is particularly attractive to lho<o ch.Miing modest crl-im. with a running vino of green leaves, nnd mow drops wreathing it, and ituido trimming to match A beautilul pp' ra bninet is enuip -red of whito tn’le, puffed overwhlto velvet. Wavy folds of il!u- rion cross tbo front, amid whh*h rests a wreath of tho lily of the vuilsy,, Thp lc»jgu is *ln*to mil oRectivo. fsltbofidittl i f light nay sra- pretty. «f tho nicest malt 1 rial ami u.-tulully trimmed, mid they will bo worn to lowo t extyut, .TRo faochou shapes nre stllf sought uRcr, nnd, In truth, are inuro Incoming to mort ficrs than the standing front. An ol-gant Iwnnst of tbisshJpo is bf guidon brown velvot. nnd ornmuonted witb clusters of rich autumn loliage. The stylo of evoning bonnets wns nevor moro ele gant than now. One c.imtwrd of wblto velvet and trimmed with points of whito satin, joined at tho top <>f tho crown with a bright ornament, is pretty A whito tulle, shirred over the -frame, is trtmmod with transparent leaves nnd flowers. Another of soft pearl color ii edged with satin of tbo s«uto shade, from which depends drooping marabout fringe. Aj wreath of velvet ^leavefr and velvet strings edged with blonde com pic to tho trimming la round hats (hero li tiioro thnu tho usual vari ety They liavo narrow brim', low rrowns, mi I nre smaller every way than fonftcrly A novelty, is tho straight sida Hungarian crown, which has tinny ad mirers, and so'ihe rprift pretty onos of this stylo iu felt aro exhibited. Til ay are gonorully trimmed in vilvot. 1'hkss ••Annual. There is no falling eff In tho display of band •nine embroidered robes nnd elcg.iot silks previously described, and uew importations lor evening dross and grand toilettes nre constantly arriving, but there m nothing peculiarly novel nnd uniquo. Poplins nre still much worn, aud so popular has tho natuo bo- r<nie ti n*.half tho manorial* c-imux-cd of silk and wor.-ted, are .called Among tho g-r ds is Ottoman vohmr, c imposed of silk and wont id, much warmer than tbo silk velour, and in tended for winter wear. Tho Japanese nnd Mosaic fabrics for winter dress aro something new. They can bo had in brown or grey grounds, with unique tiguro io brilliant colors. Large quantities of sorgo hnvo boea imported, and it makes t-xuollout drosses for the sircot or in-door wear in winter, and is said to bn very durable, and not to soil cns-ly. But thero is a kind of poplin nearly if not quite ns warm ns serge, which will make a hari-Loiuor dross, has n appearance, nud costs but twouty-Gvo couts . yj r I. empress popliu is a now stylo of gaodN, but stiff It h is silken lhrca-D scat'ered ovor it in tufts roseinbiirg ciubrudicry French merino of tho best |-nl(».v i« *!ill much uredfir winter drc.-lcs. It ia soft and itfral l-J, ftt-l appears, well until r.onrly worn on*, and if i< always better to pay in .ro tin l g<H»-l material than to purchase g >ods that will n- l wmr lung cnoQgli to priy the rxpen-o of making up. Tho better nrticio is always the better ecouomy. In mourning go-■ Is thero is a variety of material*. B uub.aino, n suft bu out durablo material, as it tears easily, D still imi-rh ukca in full mourning, but iti» gradually giving way to a new h'yle of cloth called impari11 sorgo. This is n line fabric, but wears well, and wh- n trimmed with ernpo appears cxesciiingly well For lli'-so weiring rc-wnJ mourning thero is a new ylo <d ,*r:iy serge, with n raisnl irregular pattern hla k running over tho ground. It is hands-uuer null. 1-idik and gray mixtures ro long w -rn, untl : will wr r mn-'h longer, us*it is finer. Anmne the new B-mlcvard rkirts recently intr^luced uro tljoso 'i ir.'y adsjded to bo worn wVth foil m-urning • ui s Ti.ey »r*> of dirk gray, and trimmml wi h rows of idack hrai-J, er neatly embroidered with nor row bl u’k cord. There is an almost endless'y r.f goods, and the only diflicutty ii whit to chouc-e 1 Vicos of irn- >ort.-d g-m-li have not diminished ; tho demand is still epiil to if not greater linn the supply, nn-1 there i- n yo*. n*» deeliuo in |)ri;c«. Cotton gaods, 1 nei r|y i»li nuterials of domestic manufacture, can now t-a jcir.-h ;»:d at much lower p:ic< s than las’, y jar, and it i* rumored there will bo u<t rise, if they d> no' eontiuuo to diclinc. nntiKs A binds'iine dr-'w for in-door \vaar was recently idoatMidame Dcmr.o-t’s. Tho dress was of light gray material, nu i tho now design horitio-ir.- Ing with c dor nn-1 material, give ft ustylish bill ex- troine'y neat npf.cjrunce. Tho ririrt was gored, with plaits, after the latest unde. Tin bodic-i was closely tiding, aud Bin coat aleevus wuro Uimiuo-l wi»h dark gray.. Attached to a belt of tho saiuo matcrfiii ii* tho drcss'was a short oVor.-kirt, s imj- wbit r-,scyibl;ng the H'lft d a laaquo, to bo worn with By .tlnvs or laidaddo at p!o.iiiiio This was Ui*0'-<?!.'h‘h.» of a yard at tho l ack, which was slight ly r-und -d in the centre, •loping graliiilly t > tlio vi i'^.watoh (xun* sh->tt. . i-'roui «ha aides it aiepo-l' doum t-r the front bfoad'b, then was cut nearly straight to three-fourths of n yar-1 from tbs bait - ju-t twice the length of tho luck--and was straight u-Ti>rS tbo bottom, res'e.xhlihg on npr'ifi’ This r.pron or over, kill was (rimmed uiUi a fold of dark gray, two inob'-s wiin upon tho edge, and set on with scarlet <~ id In fr-.-nt wero three rows of buttons, the centre o r .o being in ndhigocn) line from tbo side raws Velvet ribbin an iurb wiJo run fn.m tho side buttons to tho ctnlro cues, and was sti'rhcd through tlio luiddlo with .‘oirlet silk. Tho drea* was effec tive ami much admired. A prctiy sleeveless jickct ntths sum pla-:o D doirahlc. ft |< ll’f-jd closely at tho bu> h, oxlend- in,; slightly ! uj -w luo waist, and slopi -g up is quin- /h.-rt at tho rides, from which it round* up lo liio throat, where it JVinh with a bro ich ii i« tactclu'ly Uirnnu d'witb* rToh’narrow velvet. There is n-thing decidedly n-*w in iho in inner uf lOikiog morning rubes or sbildrun’s dre-rs-s. A Ifetty -ira." f->r»y three or lour years old li.Hthu ,ri:irt 11 ii J ed ii"-l strips of bright plal I i.f i -niri.-t- iog rnio-s from that ol ilu dre.-s ruuning ii; the evil - tro of enrh j!ill tho of ||;o riur*. A scarf to m tti !i cro-scs t!i-» h'l-ulduri Coil slo-jvos i-r-i more w-rn tbml-i-o ones, ex*’«.|-t fur full dre-t oce.ntu**, wh<ntln flawing ffleevi: h moeli in t--guo. Fur dn si th i il.irt I- iun-l.i double, tho undor one plain mid tho tipper f-no i.daburatily trimmed UI.UAKh. The styles of cloaks so fir mo-1 sojglil after nre tho loose rack- and 'paletot Cloaks aro worn l-eigcr than Ltd year, particularly thorn made of heavy material for winter ivoir. Black rllk rfacksT heavily cinliroidurcd with silk hud Jet, bavo It cn much worn during the prasorit month, but aro now hud ufido to' Lo rcplaced by wrappings of ho ivinr material O.’c.uivaeUy a cloek ic mode up plainly, nod, if of good material. looks well, but nearly n:i tho styles are elaburats-ly trimmed with rutin or silk, •>t'oincly r.iahroidc rod, sumo in bright cpr.trn.-t- ing colon. KmbrcMering' black cloth cloaks in e-jura ta ono of t o novoitio.* of tlio season, but it remains t-t he situ whether it will me-.t g in-, ral np- prova’. Tlio Hitm ro much fl*cd In trimmi-g cl »th cloak* is tho iim o back, and wears better nnd Ion - gir than all silk. A pretty dtsigu f r a cloak f< r tho | resent eoasou i* a rack, partly liMmg qt the hack un-i Bi les. I*, rounds up at tlio lido ream*, which njo left open fur a |horl r|Wico. It i.1 trimmed with jmie//i-;i</W-- and bult-.m*, and tin [rjiumlng extendi up t tho ri lo. Oho of the most desirable ertiolo* for chllilwn Is Ihn stiKkiug eup|Nirter. It-olasiw the band nl the waUtnnd Iho top of tho slcckltlg; Is of ehistlo, and expands or conlraoU with every inovotnet t It is infinitely superior tb elarilc bunds that ate orienlo tight as to he painful, aud the little ono frets with out knowing Iho cause; nnd the hot are cold bo- cause iho l-locd docs not clrdjlato freoty. All this is remedied by the stocking supporter. There i.* not much rhnngo in the ihode of arrang ing the hair. The ohlgnon In much wore, and prob ably will be ro long as the present style of bonnet t.« tntoguerlt ll hat worn plAlo now, but D com- p-vred of plaits or twists, resembling twisted ropes or r.’llr, or waves, according to the fancy of the wearer; tho front hair i* oumbe-l back (r^io the forehoad. El J <4ENIK*IN DANGKIl. The Kui|irr*a mid Piliice lmiirrlnl of Krnncv Crsl Into tliu Ncn—A Mnilur, Iheli- ('i)inimi-l'>ii, Orawnril-Narrow Escape or flic 1 toyul Party anil tlio Nnpnloon nynnaly. I Biarritz (Ootohor I) Oorrespoudonco of tho Fall , Mali Unsetto.] I During their slay at-iheir favorite marine rc»i- Joucc, tho Kiii|icrur and the Freuoh havo boon almost daily making excursions to the neighborhood, sometimes by wuter and ratnelfmee by land. One day they wont to the grotto of l.-luritt, another day to the little watering place of Caiubo, in the Fyruneoi, a few lulloe from Bayonne; and on another ocoaslon up the ylvor Nivo in boats, tugged by a steadier. Yesterday the Emperor was lm*y; MM Uouder and Lsvaletto have boon sum- tnuird hither from l'aris, and M Nigra, tho Italian Auihsuador, had urrivoil on important bnsineM, so the Empress nnd Frince Imperial, with tbeir suit, went out nlnna. A trip to roe semo now etnbnnk- iiien's which nro b*-lng mado to ohock the Inroads of the sea at Ht. Jean do Lux (cloao to tbo Spanish frontier, Ind been nrrangod. Tho Empress drove her phto'cn with two ponies 10 tho new dock nt Biarritx, tho Frince Imperial and suit following in carriages, and thoro embarked In her brtl inicrc (so called, I snpposo, from being after iho model of tho whnling bints in which tho Biarrotts used in former lime* to pursue tho whnle when thoy frequented this const) La Nire. It is a sort of oross beinoon an admiral's gig and n lifeboat. In this case she wns conveyod to thj steam yacht Chamois, which immediately started for St. Jean do Lux < This was between two and three in the after noon. Tho day was rather dull and overcast, with octMslonal heavy showers of rain, and tho white crests of tho dorp greon waves cortainly promised ill for tho pleasure of tho voyage. As tho afternoon wore on, tho wcathor hocauio decidedly stormy. A squall had cotno on, and tho huge broikon of tbo Atlantic rolled in with moro than their usual voho- tnoncc and noijio. Tho Chatnois could get no nonror to tho shore at St Joan do Lux than nt Biarritx, and tho boats in which tho Empress nnd salt wero con voyed to land hu-i a trying time of it. Every now and then they seotnod to Oo lost in tho waves, nnd their situation beenwo vary critic it. Just as tho bont in which wero seated tbo Empress aud Frince Imperial ue ired tho shore a hugo roller strark it broad*ido and upset it. Tho whole party wero in stantly struggling In the sea. With grout difficulty the Empress ahd Frinco Imperial nnd their couipin- i'-ns wero saved, but ono of thu sailors wesdrownod. The Imperial j* arty returned to Biarritx by land. Tho nffair ba* been hu«hed up ni much as possiblo— is difficult to comprehend, unless tha Em poior fears that it might bo taken as another sign that his evil star is in tho ascendant, and might sug gest fpecuLtions ns lo whet would have boon the consequence to France and Europe if the boat bed been upset only a little farther fn in tho land. Ono effoct m*y possibly be to complicate the EmporoFs embarrassments iu regard to ltoiuo, for thu Empress is vory likoly to regard it ns a wurnin » from Heaven 11 gainst any withdrawal of French support from tho I’.ipncy. Thu ubova particulars ut tlio accident are, however, substantially correct, though ail sorts of stories aro abroad, and it is very difficult to get at tho exact truth. As far os 1 can loam the Empress and Friti-o Imperial havo escaped with no Immedi ate injury beyond the wetting and Iho shock of tho accident, but, neither heing very strong, it ii iuarod they may fuller (rum tho fubsequent eti.cts of tho immersion. Frcvious lo this both the Empress nnd her son were in \ ory good health. The Utter lias pickoJ up strength wonderfully at tho sensido, although he hits lost the robuEt look he used to hnvo ns a child— a drcumstanco, however, quito natural at bis ago. Tho Emperor, too. i* much bolter than ho was a short tuna rinco Ho his not nppoarc-l in public since .Sun-lay, wbon, with the Kmpre-s, ho joined in tho promemd-! nt the place Eugenio, when tho band played in the afternoon Tho Empress wuro a black silk dross with noherry colored skirt and a velvet hat of ihn stylo known, 1 iw told, as that of Mnrgaorito do Valois. The Georgia Election. Atlanta, October 3U-—Tbo. total rpl® for Al lan j a and Fulton couk(/ (ur.'l*«( (iwt/U I .BID. Fhur-flnhs at loasl aro far a Convention and the Union Reconitnmtlon ticket. Auoi>»ta, October. 30-The elooUon has U w ‘ “*■ ‘ 'nraia M t|e firsl^ml extended two *iyli . Jlotariii f<4 tho first gmd fi- oowi dayl H>dl#atwtb*t a Convention Would b« a«- feeted hnd tho lime not been extended. It Is now regarded certain that the ciueetlon will be curried The Coniorratlvee generally through out tho Stato havo taken no part In it. Tho elec tion Is passing off qulolly here City and county vote lo-day 830; for two day* 2,615. 10-Toothing Irunx,other pfocinol* (« (hie hour^'.j V-, ;'y V . t hfaVdx, Oclober 30—Election to-day remarka bly quiet—no whites participating up to six this F. M. 1,-IIC.vuUft polled—three of iy^h*ere not negroes. • ,1 ' • r ; ,2c **► . L Coi.i’uiiiih, October 30.—Result of two days elec tions 1.117 votee—nil for Convention. Only twenty• five whit os voted Number‘of registrations in county 2010-1,150 whites, and 1,760 blacks. LaOiianiir Ootober 3U —Tho votes for two days are about 1,200. Only /bur wblfta ha|re votei ’ G iu mu, Ootober 30 w-Two hundred nid tklrty- throe vetea to-ilny. Vety whliei TotlOg.^ 1 FROM WAVI1INGTON. N The Recent Counterfeiting Case. WAHinjcnrox, Ootober 30 —lloronno recolpls to day dti'TJ.OC’O. Detectives profoss to havo information that but one hundred and fifty thousand dollxra counterfeit seven-tliirtiei were Issued; that (hey were shared only by threo porsons, and that none have been of fered since tho detection of tho counterfeit. Fa05I Ntcvr ORLH.lIfS, i! ROYAL IIAfAlfAtOltRRTO# CUBA ||84,000 In fold drawHJ^wY aev^iUen day*. Frisee cashed and Information famished. The highfetraUa paid for Doubloons and all kinds of Gold and Slim TAYLOR A GO., Bankart, fabty-eodlyr, . 18,Wall street, New Yoek gar WHBATOfUH OtMTMBNT win euretbelUh Wheaton’s Ointment WtlfjBUre Skit Bheom. 'Wheaton's Ointment eurise Old Boree. AYhRioj'iUlntrtanUutaakn DDoisra of tklBkla P)|*h Wcdfith f h/ matt M b^nfa.' 'Alf Drnflrftifa eell *. Waste A l'orixa, Boeton, Ffopilelor. aepl7-fodlyr NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SAVANNAH THEATRR LESSEES AND WANAG'JS. JNO. TEMPLETON & BRO Thi. i-’k v MAKR1F.D, In Now York, Go ober 19th, LOUIS FLAOIDK ADOLFHR TllIRAULT, of Vo.eiU|.s, F-arc’.lo Me. WILLIAM IN A BABltlNOTON TUB NUB, of 8 .}•, Ga SPECIAL NOTICES. BATCHELOR’S HAIR DYK.-Tbla iplen J Hat Dye is t!ie htst in the world. Tho only troo and pwf^et I>yc—Harmless, Reliable, Instan- t-r.nvj*. No .'.i.-a; poinlmont No ridioulous tints; N-vturai ilinok or Brown. Fcmedics th ill effect of Bay Dyes Xfi'/lgoratefl the hair, leaving it loft and bcau ifuj. Tb-* gm-uine is signed WILLIAM A, BATCHELOR. All others ire mare Imitations, and mid be avoided. Sr* I by nl! Druggist* and Per- Ftmtory 6» P relay street, New York. Nk>v Okurax.*, October 30.—Only nlno fover In- torments yestordoy. . i - * At a mooting of the Board of Hoalth lost evon-. ing, quarantine w.u responded. A motion was of fered by Dr. Warren .Stono that the fever bo de clared no longer an epldemlo. The motion wts oik posed and referred to Committeo oo Health. .-Dr! Stone ' afgiod/r th|t T the dlsoase baa *roi) its coarse, ahd was no longer an epldemlr, though sporadic enses would continue for some time. In his opinion it 1* perfectly safo for strangers to entue to this city. In his remarks he oontendod that yollow fever is not contagious undor any circum stances. Mayor Heath vetoed an ordinance repealing all ordin incc.* providing for the administration of pub lic schools, on tho ground that the present council makes no provision for any other administration of schools, leaving thorn without diroolors or tcechors. Tho nc'ion of Counoil looks nr if intended to in volve tho schools together, sinoe thoy havo trio-1 to forco negroes into whito sohools. The Ordinance was passed ovor the veto by the Board. Tho Assis tant A Mormon have not been acted upon by tho upper Board as yot. Ju-lgo Leaumont, of the Sixth Distriot Court, has decided to perpetuatonn injunction granted to tho School Board, restraining loo Mayor from promul gating the ordinance. A resolution was offered in the Board of Alder men last night, requesting the Mayor and authori ties to remove tho present School Board—two blacks voting in their favor nnd four whites ngainst. The theatrical season oommeneos on Sunday, No* vstnbsr 31 The St. Oharics and Aoadsmy of Mu sic open with Japanese troupes. CARLE DISPATCHES. The Italian-Roman Troubles—Gnrihnlill- nna Ordered to Disarm—An Outbreak In Rome Momentarily Expected, Ac. Paris Octobor 30.—Onrihaldi is at Monto Mario. The Italinn 4! ono rut Troop lias passod tho frontier, nnd bid* <1 irihaldi disarm. Pams, October 2S.—More ships havo loft Toulon. The cn'iro press lau I* Victor Kmanuol’s Procla mation Franco will attack tho insurgents ax Ihoy were over tho border, whito tbo Italian troupe will disarm them. Paris, October 29—Minister Moustior has i.* sued a note, justifying the expedition, as Italy failed t > protect the Pope. Ho asks for a conference. Paris. October 29, 10 F. M.—Tho insurgents in Romo are active, and sn outbreak 1s momentarily expected Garibaldi is six milos away, organising, and will roon reach Iho city. Tho French fleet i* unloading at Civita Veochia, where tbo Pope is expected. Tho Bourse is firmer, and rentes nre higher. Maurii>,Octobor 29—Lorsundi has finally ac cepted tbo Cuban Captain tleneraloy. Paris, Uotobor 3U.—Tbo Emperor Joseph returns homo via Beilin. It is said the Pops tells the French that ho loaves Romo should Victor Emanuel enter. lioxnox, October 30, Kvouing.—Nothing further from Rome V.n Beaut will rbortly visit London. Flamr.Ncr., October 29.—It Is said that Deputies Nicoltera and Musto ore badly wounded. The salo of Church lands hue commenced. La Minaora his sent a mi.-sion to Franco. WSTHTKKB HUN ltbWs.-rkU«i>N* otlrn al ptr the'r f)Nte®f !q "run down," »r rather run thi down 1 by oTorwork. erompanlcd by a neglect of tho prop r mitre o' invlgoratlon. Tho rrswlt I* Wlmt is calleI OBNKBAL DEBILITY; In other word*, a Micro acd pn llal collapse of tho phjrtlial foroee, sQ’orapatlvd. Teutliy, by iruaidoprotelon of ep’rUe. Tho Wist remedy !n such come I* nOdTKTfKR'H BTOMACT! BlTTERfl. Whcllwr tlio state of ex hacetlon li.e Vcn brougU on by oxccse’vo phyelea) Dt o', dl*»l,ntloi, anxiety of mind, exposure, or any otbw 0»®se» Y>* remcllal effact of U|1s wreat atoi*a*h •• will be foun-l.equally vpi ccrtxlo. Asarw •toraUve, a t'r a so*ere /cl re** hte pro* rated tho toll y till mental enrrgles. ’X ui | rooornced by com potant medical authority TDK BKHT TONIC IN USE. If men wire not foul ably cnrolasa about Iheir liotUh, and over otnll eot In tbomsilvcs, they would atwnye, when e* gaged In iny won; that require 1 great uurllon, uoe.rQ|iespondlsg mean" "f sosUinlng Iheir strength. 'Yor JJh'* purjoe* IIOHTXT 1'KU’B BIT- TBtlB ii’Vjlnvktuiiblo All trflera should t sc tnein $• sn invlgorant. For those constantly emp’oyed In lc-d«*or ocett yat'ons esp “clnliy in crowded workshep*, they irnv l»e reckon* ed as tho v« ry,t o»t ■ ^fegrnr 1 of heal h. Wh«r t li-r I* a predlspOM lion tofcouMIpnilon, or a terdeneyto Mllousnoss, tliey may bo truly eild to bo a specific for which thi re I" ro eul-stltito. octSO-ddwfi N O T K S DISCOUNTED GOLD! SILVER, BANK BILLS, AND STOCKS. PURCHASED BY OAVm il. DILLON, BANKER, No. 4 WhitAksr Streot, one door from the oorner of dec29 Bay street t ^PJmrsiUy kWinlNg, October 31st, Groit FsahlooabU Allraotloi-Kirst time of lln cele brated ar.d origin.! , Am bu iu a it coil's i hi An played upward* of Firoe hui-dr.d t l*bt* at Laura Heine *’Hiesire, New Ymk, Bee lln.jos: p|srl'lliaNtqUTONLY. 'oKAD'QIldiTHiRU MIL. DWriU /T, / Ati.iSTA, Os , Os''ols'.’M, 1WL ) GF.NKRAL OUDKUS NO. N3. It sppenrliik f um represm'st'oi • made from many par's of Pin Plate ofO'nrg a a nte ha eommancemenl of thoe'ertlon, that on ace mr.t of the delay fn voting ondcrib, r gritrii'on them l« a prob.t Ulty that a larg* Mir of» t raw II- Iwdep Led of tho opportunity -if easing the r into* wlddi. t-n tbra« d»y« desIgnaUd for thot pu po»e; In o >1er Pint thnrs may b« ample time for all ifg *t-rel v -ti r* io-n« their vote#, the Itjar-'aof Bnl.ImM -n aro d rectol )o raaav the pulls <o hokejt • pen ui tit 8 1* if or HAT I It DA Y, November 2, J***!.. W IMa ex.elalm of tlmo the Bosnia will gtvetm- m -dlato and gem ml nitlco through -nl their r< •poetlvu DIM* iota. jonxrupv. oc :il llnva*. lfa;or U-no al f’omma* ding. fnmers. Cowara of a oriuntai'ait. dac!l-12mo l«r HEAD WHAT THE l’/IKBB BAYH.- Amjng P o vo;.t tmi iO’eminUof tho present times the cJ.atige lii rom-dica is net tho least linporUnt. Form t'v n h "Ji -•*> nn-1 often Iriji.ri jub mixtures w’rc s laii-'l-t- red upon the recommendation of one poison Vi aivMior, or f". in ono fandly to another, antM ing '‘irou-!*’ fur ci:;h ar.-l such n complaint, while they were, !n .set, u»:-kss or worse. Now, Frof. Kattok eir.iplv* bo pi-h'ic with the most effectual remedies that cdnciuvt ekr.l can di vian or nrt can produce, with explicit djrectionn for thotr use In each and every case, Ll place of the sens I--m jMi'luns our grandinuiburs giv., wo hnvo P-e o.innlng Invontlnns of nun loomed In Use ait of ciru adv.ti.l toonr mioaslUea nt a nomi- nr! price. Frof. 5* loir.odtee consist of 1C A V TON'H OLEUM V1TAC, Th-groat Uertnnn l.i->'n<-nt for Hhoiimitism, Neural, gi -, I* ins in tr-o **i»e«-, Joints, Rr-aat or Dido, Nervous (I-iV-he, Tc-i‘Ji*::bi, Karachi, BprUna, fhulara, B r- etc. 1C.'. VTON U MAGHJ CURB, •> - i C -J t’ .l'Ir, Asthma, Add BVimach, nn, Here Thrav*, H-.m Hicknoss, Cholera, Dinr- .-.iTrpa and lV.h-e }a tho H'omoch, etc. KAYTOV! T»Y H’KITIO FILIi), BUbm* DSeordtra, Gor:vener«, Biek *.e, • nd ml Disordvr# of thu Liver, Btonmch and a ui .*.* o ap'iiii’ and fall nedlclno to carry ofl lii'^-bunion ii 'Li t-loo.1 • • (gidlman Banner, r pi a.: iiu-.t'..-nt, and r.o person rmed be nt i.-!;i:ig them; yet' they aro powerful, r.nd ii -■ the <11 >« !«e;« iui -iuin*cd above. A trial •fy e .tiry t.r.* the; tlu-L curative propcrlhs are •M.-naV-d. nil orders to Frof. U. II. Kattov, Hnvnn- nt-'., L'.i., ox to the ‘.g-nts A. A. Bolumokh &■ Go., Wr-o'uiuilii Ih-unfiiiL, Hivnrnali, Ua. Bewnre of ouuntorfuita. Tho genuine hns Prof. JI. H. Kavtom’b signature on each bottle nnd box. F u *-*;•; in roimatiith by A. HOLOMONB A GO , it VV. MATPL'J A *'•)., W. M. WALOiI, and It. n l‘AT>M, »nd try i.V.Kglrta and oonntry morehante gs'iirr.Hy. daw jneelg ly loir rt.'oa,' Mar- id W-.l r.1 Ad Ire . V?/~ MARRIAGE AND CELIBACY, AND T.’ 1 E HAITINK-*J OF 1 RUE MANHOOD-An lv*sa>* f r Y-. n • M^n < n l^o G-lm-i of IMlMid - ’. tha i'l.y.'i>:og ; r:i’ K.rora, A'.mwa nud Discaaes which o-m- imped'm ; to ii A I’.lllAUK, wi'li turo m- of relief. H^.u*. Iu *.i i.-.I l-tior envelopes, froa «>f cmw. A-I'.r-re, Dr. J. BfULLIN HOUGHTON, Uii'iiir l Arro-.inllnn. Plil adelphln, Pn, spp20-nm MHS. WINSIjOW’S SOOTHING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING. ’UCATliY fitctll'iit-n tlio pruceis of ter.lhlDxl<y " Nif'enl V Pic uum-1, rn,\uclnr nll Imlammat'-m— y ill iiUsv all |ialu »t-i Sin action, nnd Is ELBE TO RKOT.'L.Vrli Till? BOWELS, i > |j" ii * iijMio it, m-.U-orr, It wtil give rust toyoursclvos A ii-vcl design U oulie-i the Hurplioo chuk I* n Iu-k c ?:i:k will;, jut clfgve* Over this n M|'*\ drop nnd rqu-irc :ri tho luck, tlio outer edg - at lire rie-UMro railing ».« ili.,t,.p ,( H,.j wlo-vve, i.uj .exteii lir g t-'-v-i i!iuix-;u'- tin oir.iro lciig'.!i of i eblitk, with rtpiarofrail ia til l l-.rm of a lurplle-. Tho wi."' ol Hid •Ti piioo ll Iimi'ly Iriimac-I win» NitiuJlIili. D is a jsiin'y liltUclaek .uil .i-ii'o nt fedtive. A r|..|!i ef.t.h .if lirewn'di'siinro'^i ii rut as n ln-1-u cadi and qji i lung, with e<>iL ci.-ovra and ■riinuiL.l ai'li b.a-k riih ribh-n Tiicro i< u eirml .r u»|mi »t Chi hick, fining to Pie iir.-k un-l reamed *•> (he -; Iroiu tho filial it round* nw..y to within unt-quirtqr of a /ard pf the bottom of n tho e-jiitro if tin h rk. T'in froiil of tire rl»nk i plain. Another new stylo Ilia'll deep p- iot nt tho hi*lf, and r! q.-ng gr.i-lmlly anmii-l, is ipii'e short iu 1‘roht,* yt h!nok • pn t lfihiio eJotli-rl 1 uik ground vcinc.t m!i|i white it long at tin Imknii-I j oii'cl, »liurii r el lire «ds* ni d In front Th e’g* i *• ll.-i.--d nod wr-.ughtin lm(fffli’libi0 .Stildi with mk-.-l Si.ip A rdw ’i.r ihi.< i-filMi ron.« . • tho I' • 4i rht uiji-r v shoulJ-ir, ahont •'"A 1 f'"m the l>'ii I, io the fur ii uf a yi.l; • /> liu»* hlv k rloifi rack I* shorler at lire ride, lain Iho hi k. an I slopes ginbnliy I rum ilm ail.* to iho front, oxt roll .(into li.Mie. icrniii. !■« .quren ..n.i- resembling n waff. This Is C(allo*l tho scarf rack. There mo threo row» of satin, in points, on tho huuk, lliree or four Indies apirt, nnd one row of tbo eamo • yj 5 |g,. w Vork. In front and norms Uie shoulder at the joining cl * ,205 llijrl, IIi.IImmii, I.oii.Ioh, KhuUimI. the slenro lo the sac*. I UJ Hi. Paul afreet, lUonfieal, (.'auhiIr Oirculara arc not much worn, except la yelrot ’ gpg28 codfimu Relief end llenlMi In yoeir In fan I 'V" hyro put-1>:» tmlj *o'«l UiU urtiolo for years, and ran ajvli* e >r i|ii.-.., ..u I truth ol It what we havo • ei. r i.M ii l-i l>•--nay of. ny oilier modlolire- Nover '' *’ia single to effect a euro when ' ii .1.1 Nuv.r did wo know an Instancn of dti- h !t Nf:v.K on h / r.ny o-e who used It. On tho oontrarv, n. V <i-'.igii'< il wi ll Its o; ur.itto'1, and speak In terms ol r.1 mmen....t.oii. f l.s HiB«.cnl iffo-'N nnd medical T-' W " |M this matter WHAT WE IK) KNOW, i.lior \e.ra »f ex eilenca, pledge cur lep.iiatloa lor lire folill rnontof wt>nt wo here declare. In ulmosAeviry InstaaO'i e-!— ...... .. - • raft po'n mi.' oilimiiilon •MI.' i v.hero the Infnut In auflerlrg in r Hot wt I Ire funnd la llfteen omu *'* -*' 1 •'r I*ie nvmi; In !>*tered. :: I ll. lol llvllg Mid I.OCOtnpauy ihoIi Isitllo. W I N.-iLOW’.*) SOOT III Nil SYRI.'F," k t y. <’•<> fo- almilvof • GU'ITIH A FK(tKlNH"on 10 I’uroM ■ win- |.i r. AII oiin r* lire t a*" Imhallomi. 11 i-l hy I'ruggiNta IhiougUuut Urn woild. Price only lirmtulN irerllotlle. omi’itH; FROM HOSTOX. Governor lAiulrevva Dead. llosro.v, Oolobcr 30.—Governor Andrews has been attacked by apoplexy, and his condition is critical. Latkii.—JIo is dead. From Richmond. Rn intoxn, Octobor 3D.— fJenorai Schofield in an official repirt explains tho apportionment of dele gates to tho convootion. Tho apportionment actu ally mado gives forty-'even delegates from eloction districts having whito mnjoritios, and fifty-eight from tboso having h'ack majorities. A Destructive Fire In Neva* York. Nkw York, Octobor 3D. -Blum A Co., and Har dee, BotU A Co n No. 333 Broadway, hare been burned Out. ty)BS $2,0l)U,OUO. BEWOF TH E AXPH. For aa!o wholeaalo by all the grocers in New Orloans, Ghnrleston, Mobilo, Savannah and New York. DEW OF TIIE ALPS Received tfco flrat premium at Uie lVrie KxpoMtlon. DEW OF TIIE ALPS. Tho mar.afae'.iron of the abovo cordials uot only rccoived tho first premlnm at tho Paris Xxpo«iUoo,but wero doooratod by the Xmpcror. DEW OF THE ALPS. Forealo by oil the Druggista, Grocora, r.nd Fruit B tores In bbe Uni tod Btatos. BRANDY, RUM AND WINES. 6,000 ccacs old Gognao Brandy, Imported especially for private u*e. 8?OcaooNo’d Jamaica anil St. Croix Bum, bottled before the war. 10 000 cases Madeira, Bhcrry and Port, some vory old and snperior, various brand*, all warranted pure, for Sale by UDOLPIIO WOLFE, 22 Bravrr Stiirkt, Nrw York. Eatablinhod In 1848. augl0-3m B^ ^BTAttON FIIUCI wjb rcci-nt'y reports d by the aNtiocnmetN. What of that I Who cares for an orb myi iads of mil-.a away Mf inwlilb-, tbo whole cmretry Is IN A BLAZE of excitement at the wonderful effect produced during the pa*t year upon ten* of iho-xan.’s of HUMAN SPHERES by thatqu ncher of fiery 1 air, that tramformor ol gray bnlr, that swift benutifler of hair of eveiy unpleasant ■hale of color, CRISTADORO'S HAIR DYE, a preparation ae barmb aa as the April rain. Msr.u'actured ly J. GBIBTADORO, 68 Malden Lore, New York. Bold by all D.ugglsts. Applied by all Hair Dressor*. nct22-d&wlmo The F|ihlenilr. :tobor 30.—Two interments of yollow Morii.k, ii fever to-day. Marine Nmvi. New York, Octobor 30 —Arrivod, tho San Sal vador ond Z-idiee, from Savannah. Flnnnclnl. Nkw Youk, October 30, F. M.—Governments strong; ’(52 coupons 112 I 2; gold’10 7-9; sterling, Gmo, 9 3-B; right 9 3-1; North Carolina rlxo#, cx- ooupens -19; new irruo-19. New OrIjRanh, October 30.—Gold 111 1-1; rior- ling heavy, 5I(<$.)5; New York bight par® 1-8 pre mium Losnow, October 30, Evening—Consols 94 1-2: bonds (59 7-8 Frank rent, October 30.—United States bonds 74 1-8. Commercial. Ahornta, October 30.—Cotton l-2o lower; mid* dling* 10 1-2"; sales 503 bales ; receipts 811 bales OiiAiu.RNTow, Octobor 30.—Cotton aotlve at a de- cliue of l-liiil- fe; middling 17 3-4® I8e; sales 830 hfilnF; receipls 1,(551 bn'es. Wii.uixrto.x, October 30.—Spirits of turpentine drcliired; sales at 50® 51c Rosin nuiot nt 92 80 for common. Cotton (bi'-lined, but active at 17 1-Ic for middling. Tor -92 70. • Bai.timoiii:, October 30— Cotton quiet at 19 l-2c. Flour dull; city mills extra 811 25® 11 50. Wheat, qulofj.good to pbolce S2 75®2 80. Corn weak; newtwhile *1 H®l 20; old $1 38@D88; yollBW $1 40. Oats firm Fruvirious flit and no transac tions Mouii.i:, Octobor 30.—Cotton cln»ed quiet at 16 1-2® !7c for middling; sales 500 bates; reoeipts 765 baler. Nkw Ori.kass, Octobor 30 —Cotton weaker; rilo* 1,3110 baler; priori unchanged; low taiddffhg I8®18 l-2e; receipts 1,533 baler; exports 145 bales Sugar an i innlnsies, nothing doing. Flour at a slond still; no sales to-day. Corn cosier and quoted nt 81 60. Oats declined 5c; quoted at 8U®62o Pork *21. Dacnn, only retail buiincfr, shoulders 15 clonr !9«, 19 lit. Lard dull and un changed. Freight* to New York by steam 3 4c; Boston and Philadelphia Ir; Livorinol 3-4(if.7-8-J; by sail to Liverpool 9-1 Cd; Havre I l-8d; Nkm Youk. Qe'ober 30, F. M —Cotton a ahade lower; s'alos I,8U(J bnles» uplands ID l-2o. Flour dull; southern810 20(i(.hl4 60. Whont 2®3o lower. MIxjd westem com 81 49®l 41. Onts l®2olowor I’rovisiona dull and hen vv. l<ard stendy. Groceries quiet. Turpentlno 5l®55o. Freights firmer; col- top hy sail 3 81 Bt Loi'i*, thj'ohir 39.—Super flour 86 50®7 50. (Mm unchanged. Provisions dull. Mere pork 821 59. Ci.xnx.tATi, October 39. - Flour dull an l un changed. Oorn 98o. Mim |>ork offered at 819 69. Bicin iindianged Lard dull at 12 l-2o. Li vciii'oui., October 39, Noon — Colton quiet and sloady; sales 19,999 bales Broads' uffs firm. LiVKunuok, Ootohor 39, Evening—Cotton dull and declined 1-161; sale* 19,990 bulos; uplands 8 3 Id; Orleans 91. Brendsluffa quiet. LardOUs. 3d. Tallow 45'. 31. Sugar firm at 2(5i. if *r NO MEDICINE 11AH EVER BEEN IN triNluceil wlileli linn Ihtiiiiio bo |Mipulnr, Iroth with phy* nIcIiiii nud pidliinl us i'nnktilii's lleputlo HllUrs. They hnvo Im-cii i-xtciislviily lUud, mid uuuiuroua lea- liuionhilN havo Ih-wi received, Uiurltig evidmioo of tha iiiidi'omhlo hu t lIml they miver fail lo rcluivu I «lu, Nnuara, lli-udnrhr, Nervous Dot.lllty nud oilier I>l«easea arising from thu Stomach or Liver. Mnuiilncturod hy Ilr. O. K. I'hukulu, Gluirleston, B. G., mid io; r ile |>y nil Driurylntn. dicM luWfV. th A. A HOl.OMONH A in, Agts whlfb'Shohibdam sc Iin a im’s a tha purest liquor odtaqfwqU^^.iu the wor 4- * OR OK TURNER’S TIO DOULOUREUX TURNER’S TIC DOULOUREUX CNKVBIlStL NF11RAI.GIA PILL, UNIVERSAL NEURALGIA PILL, A SAFE, CERTAIN AND SPEEDY CURE FOR NEURALGIA AND ALL NERVOUS DISEASES. It Is an unfailing remedy in all ca-es ol Facial Neu ralgia, often effbetlog a perfect c.'M in a slngloday. No form of Nerrona Dlsraso foils to yield to its magic influcnco. Evon tho soverost cases of Chronic Neu ralgia ard general Nervous Derangements cf many year* 1 standing, alloc ting Hi a ant ire system, art com pletely nnd permanently cored by‘H In a few days, or a,few week* at the utraest. It eontalra nothing inju rious to the inert delicato system, and oan always bo used with peribet eafoty. It la In conetn-U um ty the best physicians, who give it tbclr unanlmouN and un qualified approval. Bent by trail on receipt of |l and two poet ago stamps. Hold everywhere. TURNER <fc GO., Hole Proprietors, 140 Tre i mont Street, Ilowton, Maas, scp94m THE REALLY GREAT PLASTER, ALLCOCK'S POROUS, Have tbo compactness of ki t, ai d Uio fluxlbllityof silk afove. j DR. I. T. HENDERSON'S LETTER. ‘ VI p FAsjrvitLa, Lob'n ana, Marti 8, I860. l'n. T. Aticocx—Sir: I bnv# linen suffering u-do afovero attar k of iieurafyi'c r/ftcqse of my to vela for years, with httpntrofAy »f tl,r hurt, end hw« tr'cd everything kn wn to thipraetlee of med’cln * from the vary bast M. D.'a; ba* inith prompt* ms in say I list your pkutciH bavo g'voa mo moro pormanont relief than aqythliig else I havo used, and 1 te'leve will pro- d«ce a perfect cure. The oountor-lrrilanl effect of your I'lustcre Is pro duced ns-Hi a mild and gradual way, they aalnvlg oif'e the clr-u’allon atonnd the pa'ta to w'lshllioy are applied, and ex* rt upon n 1 nervous d:ra*«e S’.ch grcit sedative I fluenro, that I pi. c-i thrm oo* ll icntly at the head nvoiy p'asb' r now In us*. Yojra very troty, I. T, UltNDEBfON, U- D. Prindpal Agency, Brandreth House, Now York. B ild hy all DrngglsU. octHdAwlm . HT NO CUBB-ALL— But If yon want a tmdlclns that jvill euro t hron e (not liflammalory) UhtuT; t «m, Mampa, Here Throat, Bwellinga, Uhl Pure , Brnls e, TootViichu; lleadnihc, Insect Btings, t’nlns In lh^ Hack and Cheat, alHo,lnterna'ly,Dianh(ea, Dyren te iy, Colic, Groups nnl Vomiting, jou have it in Dr. Tobi s' WoiMjnrftil Vein Uan Liniment, It never fails when used according to tfco dlrootloaa. livery drop cf it ia pa 1 up by Dr. Tobias lilmseif, and h«> h *■ done so fur nlui lorn years. Ilia m d clnc I* known throughout Ihn world. Tho best physicians rceommenU it. Thou sands of certlflcntoa can bo e«vn at tho depot, 66 Cort land! atieot. No family luvving rhlldren shiuld be without It in uiio of Group. Thousand! of children aro saved by It annually. Uao ll when flrat taken ac cording to III i din*sfons, ard you will nevor loso child. Ladle* wltl llud It \aleah! > IniradUaling pint- pies and htouhoa. On y 60 o«inta and |1 per bottle. Hold by tho Diugglst* throughout the Un'tul Ufa' amt In Knrnpo. Dojiot, 60 GoiUukU alroob Nvw York, ip JJdi-wlm OIL, OIL. 20 • B,lU, ? Vj " ,rr l ° , ‘ l ° :|; ‘ ■ 8**00 pounds Atlantic White i.fqd- tir .Bleby WU. 1-, IL U1M Alt, -t»twr j„ .I,..-, NEW AOVEl 1>J3() PILE’S First Klectlon Ilivtrlrl, . i on co.-vvnvnov » y I -UNKMUS. «'JAMK8 JOHNSON,| < f - - . r. ALEX ANDKK N. WJJ.3 N, AMHERST W. STONE, (ASA J.. U A HR IS, EDWARD C WADE, DAVIS TILLSON, AMOS F. HAHN. I 3H-If FtllTllKll EXTENSION OP’ SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON RAILROAD. “fit» NOTICE. O N and aft-rBiTCUDA Y Oe 2drrralirn,tho ino of th's rovl will bo eomp'o ei an t ixtendedto Co Mwbntehle. IVsTgero and freight will bn re wuved at th* d'flbro't stations on tho real ard do llvtrod at Consawhatehle, where ti ers ia a pe-maront and subs notin! brl'*gv ovor the rlv-r,»nd aiion-i wagon rod lea-’lng (o G i.irenviUe, Orahamvllc, Fo-ratee- vi!l«. l’oryabnnr, and iho adisevot country. Th* trams wl I arrive a' G •usawhntcMe o» Tern lay, Thurslay and Saturday • f en-.h 12 o’cl'i k M., anl loavo for Gha»'e*'on at 1 o'cl n* I’. M same day. Faro io Charleston, *n 00- JOHN B. RYAN, ■•.*31-4 General Buneriateudent. FOR SALE, QLBMBNd, BROWN A GO*B Double and Biugle Cyl ner BAW GIN?. Georgia Excolslor II nd and Towor BOI.LEft GIN. A’sr, McOnrtby's Superior, Improved BGLI.EB Apply to TETEBB A HOLLlNGBWOBTn, Agenla, N n . 0 Btcdl.rd'e Rang 3 , Cay street. GIN, PROPOSALS. 1'aiTin Btitvs Fni.aiaraaoi DKntTvaxT, i Att.sxri, Os., Ootober .8.1*67. s 7th, 1807, f. r ftirnluLlog tbo Un t<-l btnli* Subsistence Department wl'h 70,009 FOUNDS EXTRA FLOUR. Price to be «i tier pound, furo'nboJ Iu barrel#; ala | per pc nnd, fu tilthrd In sacks Tub. delivered at eats stenae »ftuetou<.v, Willing ham *>, Aftan a, Oa.; VO.IKX) pound* ty the 16th Novcmlu r, 0.000 ; ouad* by the 30th Novi mh r, and 10,i 01 po-irol* by the 10th day of Dtcimbor, 1S87. P.ij inenl will tx-m-de in Qjuruimrt furds upon delivery and aeccj l *rcj. Bi- J s to b- diroct-id to the ui.dera'gned, and n nrked “ Pr »i»r sale " Samples of the *r:l Icm offered to arc-mpany the bid*. THOMAS O. BULL1VAN, Fruvot Lieut. Col. and G. B., U B Army, Gh cf G. H. id Mil Det-ioi, oc 31 6 Pcom So. 1, Willingham Biiildj- g. UNITEDBTATRB OF AMKiUGA, l Boi'tiirrb Diem cr or Gzoauu i W HERE AH. An 1 tormilon bath bo*n died In ih« D strict Court of tho United Bible, /or ih * Bou hem District of Georgia, on th-i t we -ty-slxlh d»y of Oitiler, io the »u*r 1.-67, by Henry B M'rh E q., At'orncy of th“ Uul ed Hint- a for a-1d Dht-io-, iu hi hnfol mo UiilUd dtattrt of Amorh-% anl Bnmnel D. Dickson, an informer, asa nit eight lin,drod hnro of raltro-d bon, f rrcoair.a acd canes in srid iu'ormv Uoo mettinred, and prejfg tho usual p-n;css and minitiou of the Gomt in that lehalf to bo made, end ihn: all praoLs Inw-n-a ol In aad property may ie olt>A in go crai at d sf ecial lo snrwer tho premises, andalld.c prceiedl gs being ha it'at Uie tailpro- •vr y mnr tinned bo ooi-ib-ra .ed, a d >ho proceeds there -f b dlstribited see rdlru t* l»w; and wherea*, the said i cu t has tola d*y is owl Its Ware n of A • lea, cnmnnndliw tre •** s*r.i said popery; and w t-era l ha- e • x- cutod ■ 11 warrant. Now, thoivforr, I do hereby no lfy all jnivons Inter- eated thouin, that wVd pr p rtyfcm t< ua 'n purs-irnrorf said warrant sn . monition of said Oorrt, ar.4 Hi tlf ih*y have my o'alni, or know or have any thing io ray why t :c hmuo should not bo rooih mned as fori Itcd, a d ti e pr cro d* thi reof hedsribntod ac cording to tho prayi-i of a»id Information, t*n y wl I In an •• np|H> r ba o a - lie said Geun to b i bel l in > nd for s»il initrict on the soeond Tuerdty in Novomb-r no t. at 10 o’clock In lie foronoo, of that day, if he sanio abo Id ho a day r f jTiid'c ion, other- * i*e on tho no:t rt y of J rlsil ion thereafter, U cn and Ihere to :ni«*poso a eleim 'o t s c a *n c and make their slip :a"ors lu that beha'ft Dated a. 8 ivar.nah, Oi». Ooloh r 3«) 1SU7 WKjLIAM G D GKFOV. ec'31-lt-.U. B Maraiel D s-rhtof Q o gia I'SIW D BTATBS OF AMEIIIOA, > BOI TIIRRR 1 ISTVICT OF GKOtOli. \ W UBURA8, An lifer ration hath hern flu din thu I iitlit Court «f the Unit'd Bin es for the Boulh'rn Dlsirlcl of Gro-e n, on tho twtn*v-rix*h day of October, in tho ye r 1867, I y Henry H. Kit*.h, Eaq., Attcr. ev o t*>e Ui.l o-1 BUtis fo-sa’d !>e ret In Ira- half of lln Un'tedBIataeof America and Unmuel D Dickaou, so Infirmer, a gal' >' one liundri d and eighty- raven bars of railroad hm, for roerane ahd ra s-s fn sail informal on no timed, enl praypg iho usual ptoee s and tponl loa of 'he Cjurl In that t eb*lf to bo made, and rha’.all pnraona lu-reitcd 'n raid property mat b) ilted in ganerel and sp-clal to answer iho pr in sea, ard all dne pronoed'ng* being hml h t the anid property nientl ned be o cd-mncd and lln pr J- cindi tl creof d's'rtLuted aecord'ng t-jlaw; And wht reaa tho sai l I'ouil haa th e d y is* led Ita Warrant of ir- r a', coainandirg ins to Brize mid prop rt> ; and where a I ban* exc’-uUd art I warrant. N iw, (herefo e I do hereby not'fy a I per on* inter* ea ed the 1 et i. Mint add pro erty n-»s born * izclln pa-auanro of said ws-ranl nnd mo It on of aald Goor - , and that if ihey have any claim, or know cr lwvaa >>- thJngtosay wbv the same rh .u d n •» bs<o>dcmn«d rsfo folted, ana thu proco ds thereof b-« dl-t iba'ed sccordrgn hepnyero rnd 1 formation, Uuy.wUi lie and ai.puar b foru ti »• -a'd Court fo hj he d Iu mi l fir rn d Dlst-id on the reo-nd Tai slay In No/ember mut. at 10 a'ooA In the Er. noon of that day. If the aamh »boii'd be a day of J irl- d ct'oii, otherwia* on tb« mu d- y of Jurb.ill cl m th* r alter, then and there to InterpMoa rltim fir thu sunn ard make Inlr allega tions la thnt b Ii tlf Dated at Bn nnra\ (J«, October 10,1867. WD LIAM G DIOKfUF. O'.t'1-llt I' B. Mnr-bel D BMiet of Georgia- SCHOOL BOOKS! We wi I continue to sell School Books i low a* any other oalubllehmcnt In Iho Fouth. Cooper, Oloott & Co. Petroleum Oil. r lMlK n ( oralgii.ul 1-avirg nia<bt nroaug* menu lot t‘ a A robot Oil tiles Frnlt'e v*i.y s t|c-itr IHI in bis Improved yalo it n;-ii*, am | replied lo offer Iho »m e t y the < are, con almi k iwo COI s of live g dloc a each, to the l-i eh- at tl e lown m'ea. «i_l 13 «'l#i(illOUN ir GI NNING'IAM AW1AZP. r,A BIIIN OIIOIGK AFI’LEff, irvli- g end ”V by J.A.AJ r. RMi and f >r tale - . ' OWN, 2V4 aad HO Day ilfcot. BY B US Si MEYER. TIIIB DAY, October Hat at to o'clock, f„ ,of the etore, will be raid, " c *‘ 3 tlere/» Krookfait Jlacoo * lihd* Moron Hh widen v Ins clear Bacon l*1**ea Ft ll'ircrs Boxar Cund and Gauvaa rd P, m . \<r do Carolina Whoft lllce 16 uaddlee H|sod Tea i sra llm ft jffee 6 hi a ’• nlw.v, black 10’a 7 ra Idiot T«|iacco, pJgUU 16ii*. t« •'sifiled Tufa” I c*»<- Dry Orodt, Glohlog and F- 'imu l aroord hand FUn . ' " ™ 1 ls’*e Hhow Cm-, 7X feet Iob. Uevt-rrt »n H’J KVra Lm * Apd Fornlinre. ALWI, at ll o’clock, 3 gro-d Mulra I leather Top Wuggv , ^9j*r Top Runaway, nearly in vim: iiw.skiioluruiwmlS Bill & huu, "IJJ : !!'•', a '-«w i* w# ,i ei- um • 1 narii..a s'r*-e», o;>to*'ti fit j*,Wa r in pi l" am'itI rnsot or * faulo ‘-HAMMER AND KIICHEN Fl’fi. Mil RE, PIIOCLIMATION. MAYORALTY OF BAVAMNA H,t her 31, 1607. \ r T1JE G-ly Giuroll tf Baiaun-h haring by reaoiutl n set upait Tli UB.SDAY, ilu 7ib of Hovom- bar next, as a day of Tcaokagivlng ai d Fralic lo A might) Gn-1 for ihespv.ial blessing of ar.d portly vouchsofnl to ua during the part sewon, I do h< r by roaomm-nd th* ohservauee o* that day by ad the people of tUvannab, an I r«-*|i»«*t the pastors of Ibn Htvoral co-gregatl'ioa in tho city t? open theirro- ap-ctlvc pin e* * f worship for the obae rvaner of rcl - g' aerviuea nppropda'e lo the occasion. oc'31 MDWAHD G. ANDEI1HON, Mayor. Part of a House to Kent, ‘flrtik WITH prlrileud of bath on ibe mme floor. {{{BB Bultal I* fu* a small faml y, n d convcni.-nl I*. USIUI m. Aj ply lu the S’ore 61 SL Julien rt*ee<, near Wh'Uker. oi*.7t-l FOB DARIEN. T UB now and faat atn-mar THR AM M. COO'., Captain Gi.irtor O Dbuiru, w ll leave for D»rlen, Gn, KV/ltY FRIDAY MORNING, at S o’elonk.'inurhlng at BU Gathern*. Hijielnand Dolmy Isinnds. Itetnrn'rg, av'll leavoDMlononTUBHIDAYH, at 8 o’olaok. For 'might arrangnm-aU apply on hoard th* a'ramcr, at Fad* I ford's wha*f, or to orftii-fft M.A GOTIEN. AgenU COAL, COAL. JJARD AND EOFT, of 1 -* ‘i’ 1 *- My, by E. It GIU’MAN, 177 Bay a re t. *31 Be'wi-en Whltakoi and B«ruard. WAN TED. QNE BOUND BKCON.) HAND HOILl'R, f.r fiuror flvehorfc power er.g'n*: a;* -, a record band ENGINE <f five hortoporer. Addrc-a nit2(t-tf K. f. B at ih'a office. ADVANCES ON COTTON. I^IBERAL ADVANCE J will te - shippel to Duncan, Shrrmnn A: (.’*>., n Go* ton York: to Baring, Brothers A- Co, Llverpr*.’; or W. Z-l weger A Co.. ITn»re. ftoH'-.".) .TOWN n. FKttlt I.I.. OPENING OF WINTEH STYLES Mrs, S. J. Coichctt W ILL open on TRUK DAY MORNING, Diet ln»t»r t, at h*r slinw ro >ms, 117 BROUGHTON STREET. A 8KLKCT A'BOHTMKNT OF MII.LINERY, c»tti at nt In part of FRENCH HONNBTW and HATH 'o whu n die attend .n of the ladle* .re l-vitcd- octxou* FRUIT. 100 'IT* l f\' f * B< * G ,,,kr to T baXf.-* Layer Ral«!na; 20 packag s t;pn»x Almonds, Currants, l'rune*, Ac. Just recei\cl an ‘ for sn'e by QCl3Qj CLAG Oils A CUNNINGHAM. LAMAE’S COTTON PRESSES. T HE LAMAR COTTON rRR88b 8 having been thor jughly re pa red, will fco o.ctmd for buameaa r ora NoTember 1st, 1667. I respectfully *o Id; a portion of the compreaM-g bua ness, ard will give m.v personal attention toanv oDtruaUju lo me. Theft'orein 1 and wha t n*coronn>daM.>as nre equal to y In tho cuy. . G. B LAMAR, Jn.. Agent for Mrs V. A. I erne*. Adm’rx o 39 7 Eotato <*. A. L Lamar iplee: 50 hhls Clio'tc Fotatoca; ted and 81 •erBkln Onions : 76 #*s, Cal'bsg'S, Ae.; lust l»n led and |-*cac| t; L GlLBKKT. ODIPUOVED LOTH FOR SALE. C ORNER cf Liberty and Ahcrcom strcc'i; Coin«rff Pa-nard and fluntl* gden s-rectr; Cojii-j ofGnianortand Drayton fl'ciffs; Nn. 3S Frnnklln Ward. »ct7!i3 RRYAN. UAUTUIDGK * to Great Reduction! Fine Calicos, 12 l-2c. Beat Quality Calicos, 15 cants. FOR SALK UY nr WITT An MORGAN. NOTICE TO ALE DRINKERS. ^HE Waah'rglon Alo Vaults will bo clos'd far re pair*, and opened FRIDAY MORN I NO, Nor. l. RIOR ARD ALTMAN, t aw, !«*««. d7t)M MAURIQK CONN Kit. > l>op ‘ orfc NEW YORK 0YST‘RS AT OURHOJfE. A. B. AllDISOX, W. II. KULIOTT, II A. VAXWVl W; ADDISON. ELLIOTT & CO.. "Wholesale Grocers, '* * l!rt» COOT OTI NS IOIV OT I) If CII A NTS, 95 BAY ST., SAVANNAH, GA. AH order* cn'mlod to ua will bu promptly rx<ientril Our beat att*mIon will' o g vuu b> all rona'g'iiainu. Rxnaisoia—I. P. Klr Tar-d, Mil, IMmsdgo * Ca, 30 Fine «t.o»t. New York: O. II. Benedict * Co., R0 Broad street, N»w 1 ork! T. <7. Hlaugbter, of No-ion, B aught*', A Co, Pr> ad etroet, New York; Hnnt Bros. A O', Gharioaton, 8. C; K* V. Wad* a Co., G arm any A Adams, S*vsiia»r, Ua.; t*. Kil'ott ft Lou, l.M IV-rl at reel. New York. o 2ii flt WOLFE’S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS have a depot Ip all tha large niUea In the Union. WOLFE’S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS 181 CONGRESS STREET- O N HAND AND FOR BALK- Fig Hum* and Bnakfatt llacin, Jowls and Cleir tldoa, Fotatoei, Unions, Turnips and Berts, - Applea and Uablotfp, Dilid Fuichi a and Apples, -- Bf-rk Palt, by JOUN T. LINK HERO HR, Aamu WOLFE'S SOHIRDAM SCHNAPPS are’good ovBhaumaUam WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM BOnNAPPS an reooaunoadtd bj all Um medical faculty, ■lot fet •* U •*«w<*rt p» * ■ ’ *• * ' l-'j-ard* Vi:K i -1 or K-nl, M.,-4 H.-t, i I SO, v ’ .. ’ •’' n ‘” r '-'ui'Jaj '.f '■««*-» COTTAGES AT AI CTI0.V. BY G. W. WYLIY, On Hie flr*t TtTKHDAT In November. , B frot , ... Court House, at 11 o> , tk wU , u ^ or “« TWO HANDSOME COTTAOH DWELLINGS, *; i:x j *'?*«* «*** "> •«*. .»»w * ,r, ‘' ^ Hand 14, on m«rorr.*f ofOwln- -i m f-e^Tuipl^ l,,t M fee ’ * Iwhf » by Ho T'-nna : f-uo-liaa-r t-. p t y r r>p> r .. n-u rtn 1 OK SALE AT AUCTION. * BY GEO. W. WYLIY. On ii.. FIB ST TIT..-DAY IN NOVEMBER HIIT. in lj• *'it cf Court Home, ONE TWO bTOItV FRAME DWELLING, Unfurnished. New. with K tfh»o attached, ncc<>»ary oet ImildiBra nn-i ' n*'jump waror, situs t don wesUnhaf of L.t fVo'herp* Town, 3) fett front, 106 fwt drip. FINE DKICK HOUSE AT AUCTION BY GEORGE W. WYLIY. W»H ^ sold.m th* FIRST T n K?DAT IN KG VKMnKlt,in fro*t of the Ciuit Houss, at 11 LOT NO. 20, LAFAYETTE WARP, Cornor rf .Ion«a snl A v sreorn *t-sr'o. ffh* i-npr-v* ra< rt. ro'sls* nf a sn^s antlal Bnck Houa*. 'ottoIb- ing 1 i r-< >rr?. wiih ra* and water For Vtli-r Irforiiiarton call at mv oc52td 70,155 ACRES OF TIMBERED LAND FAR SALE AT AUCTION. BY GEORGE W. WYLIY. On the lj st TUESDAY in Nnvember, In front of t' o Court House, at 11 o’c’oek, will be raid, 70,155 ACRES OF LAND, IlonVIy Tlwhsred with Fine, Oak. A«h, Cypre»», and > in- r g’«w li a'laated on the 6avan*ah river, IX mile* by Is nd and 25 by water from FaTannah. Fnsuns wlah'r-g tornbark In the Umber aad trooi burtnus won Id do well lo Invest In th* above viJuable land*. T<r;na made known nn dar pfaale. oeti6 ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. BY BELL & HULL. On t v e PIRbTTUKdDAT IN NOVBMBXR NEXT, will bn arid, tef ro the Court House In Chatham county, under an order of the Court of Ordlnsrv. (he following, bclo* ging to the niste of the late B Ring, lo-wlt: 71 Sberci Oglethorpe Inmranee Company, C. B. RING, oct.-td Administrator »s«*ts R King. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALK. BY BELL & HULL. Cn the flret TUESDAY In November next, wfll f* sod I*o*o e th* Court Hen**, In Cha'ham «maly, undur an ord-ir of Ibe Court of O d nary, iha fbllow- In" roror y belonging to 'hi ra ate of the late Z V. Wink!- r to wit: We.ietn » all ->f I/it No. 6. ReleU-a Tythltg, Rrath. cola Ward Bn->unab,31 by00foet,and mprovamfiiU. All Ii* WnifM put on of Ixit 34 L'bertyWcrd, Vftvrnnah. o- n lad ly ihe lnro*taV« at his death. A’so. » ot* Sfl and 31. on Dufly a'reet, in Frewtown Rarann*h. Terms cash; purch«**r naylne for title* aad a'amps* HERBERT A I’ALMBK, PRIVATE SALES. PRIVATE SALE. BY THOMAS J, WALSH. A FARM OF TWBNTY-TWO ACRES OF LAND Two mile* t mn the cFv, on t*re Middle Ground Road, well improved with Fruit Trees and 0-ap« V-na*. Tb-i locality carrot b*a stirparred fer a Dairy Farm. Cn the nrem sra a a 1 r.t- uwi I fnv, on brek piita*a conialr ing s x largo rcotra h*r 1 llniebed, with an airy atlin. Bt-h o», kuchon a*dor-t rooms for aenaclatn perfoct order. In front of the dwelling la aiholoe Flower Osr Jen. Tre ab--v i pr >■ urtv !■ offered at private aale ont'l Tuesday, November 6t**. If not disposed of, it will ** aold ai pub i* a ah*, la hunt ol the Court Ilonas, in i?a- van n ah. For farther ratticulars, rnqu'ro at the CouBtlsg Room. oetll-.ttawif PRIVATE SALE- BY THOMAS I, WALSH. A SMALL FARM OF THREK ACRES OF LAND, BituatoJ at Thunderbolt. On the premises it a com fortptdo 13% story nous*. The land l« floe for a Ve» etable Oardee, snd ovou'd make a g od Lomu for a Mr son cnyngad In ilablng and oratering. TiiU-s warranted. For terms, apply a* *1h v. oclll :,iawtf PAPER DAGS AT PRIVATE SALE. BY BELL & HULL, 100,000 TAPER BAGS, For ra‘e low.fy(7 ISTotice. I HA VB conaentu 1, and dn hereby giro loticc ih*t ray wife, BAR4U bTRAU'B, bec<m« hence- fir ha Mib Ino* free t a1sr la Iha MlLUNKRYaso FANCY GOODB bnaln sa la the eltv rf Savannah, ortgblmo BKItRY 8TRAU08. inn oi mv T UB firm* of l’JCTBRP, nOLLINOBWCBTH * CO., of 6 am in.h, O B. BACON * CO-fJ A *’ gusto, anl HO! UNOBWOKTH 4 CO.,of Macon, i ro 111 s day diaro'ved by mutual nm*a*t.t, M R FKTKRS, W. T. W IDLINGS WORTH, an. bacon. Pavacnah Oelo v e-21 1*67. orW# FOR SALE. DOU1U K Hallway Her * Fewer, In good order. For safe low #r will be exohoeged tit Hv» stock, ftp- l, UXNRY A. HOLDKN, oci2S-tf Oorner Bay anil A be room rtreeta, LUnTh at UUR HOUSE DIN N3 R90MS TO-DAY PROM El EVEN 10 ONE O'CLOCK. WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCHSATP8 are IroifAted nnd oonnterfelted, and [urohasera ' have In use rantion in pnrchaslng. DEW OF THE ALPS. Udo'pho Wolfe, Pole Agent tot Iha above manufactnred In Gon wo, BwlUiriaod, la wed bf •*' the ere weed brads of FuTore*. WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCHNArP5 ^ are used all over tha world by IheJ phyildana ath« prnctt.e. 9 r TO ALL WHO USB LIQUOR. ,, B . Wnl fe'a Bchledam Bchoappa 1* raanufaetarsd ia Uud by a peooesa onlv known to the proprietor, ana i* warranted the pure. I liquor over roanofactawd- BOARDING. J^XOSLLRNT BOARD can be bad InarrepfeW- borri ate fUmilj,with luge nicelyMn'shrdreoirA and ronrenlent to bualnee*- Term* |lu P*r Enqtfltc at this office. oeUHL. DEW OF THE ALPS. This nordlai haa emir to h* tasted to be apt AUUK AND rBVM. fclW The only preventive known for chill* and *•" nre of Wnira’s Pehirdam BthnapP ^ LUNCH AT OUR HOUSE DINING ROOMS TO-DAYfX* ELEVEN TO ONE O'CLOCK. LADIES, IF YOU WANT YOUK CLOTHES DONS CP NICELY, SEND THEM TO THI SAVANNAH LAUNDRY HI Vo>k Strict.