The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1873, October 31, 1867, Image 3

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1 "-I'A •• S A ( V ANWfcTtlMtY ; Itt^OBLfGAN^ffiufcDAYrBcffiEir'Jl,^ 1867. I JW+tynn vk. - tr i*m,.L* , jiJdAIION IN CITY AtlD COUNT p f rt Ol (*»*wi*iui» t»uir tiww **i'i«*u pilpisd, 4 kMouncw&loiht pntylc to y*|Wi», ooj^nd\ft<ir Wit thittnnl^| , M it»(ritiiMi nfniu. Past Urnoa. Htvnnnn’i, Jana IS, 1867. ^rc of (St *h*M* l*Ahe lire* labia OO «M rlott a* follow* T i u»»n, through potichea foe New ..inhta.WMh'niton, August*, Charleston, l \l scon, a» I ^clock 1’. M. i II11Lao*i*. through pouches for Nash- , Mi Hod rf villa an<l Aufusta,nnd way mall nit aI Railroad, and all point* contiguous, e\ cry mornloj. uo tanOftr Kutaotp, ftvall point* on 1 .ontlfUMBl'Wr lJJ “ r - .-onUaMual lUlnhitdrv Femnulias *11 paX>Mtl#liU rt.T*ntlda ijtncf m., daTiy.MoeptRaturdava. t.-a, fit. Blmon’s Island, Hi. Mary'*, *ni! .•ounliT* by steamer* Friday mural**, . by steamers Tticwlay, at • a. m., aod m| Tt.tmti Pt MM : Monty Order*, at Iht Savannah l*ott m\\\ optn for bmlnoM at 0 o'clock a.*., S o'clock r. m. On Sunday* Iht ofllct aJ ! r Iht detirerj of th* n«U from 9 to T. r ROBB. 1*. M. our city eubaeriber* who drt not rtoelro i< is regularly, will oblige os by enter- inj'l.tint at this office. u MAM tboristil collator. •,'iuenu or subscription* can be handed try assurance of immediate attention. AL JOTTINGS •a, to Sctt AitT*rtliem*»t*« ll M-t’jul.will leave for Darien every. nin/5 at eight n’eloik ntensteo of Savannah and Charleston ■Itn S. Kr-in, Uenerel Supoiintoqdsnt - 1 Claflern * Cunningham * hi, by l unty Sheriff Sale, by John Smith, ‘hoi C. Sulli- ird Military lor Flour Wanted, bj Lieu*. CtdoneChnd Unfa, Georgia. , m •d and Soft, by K 11 Chlpinsn of United State* .Marshal W. 11. the matter of eight hundred bar* rail- of United Slafel Marshal Dick'on, in "f ana hnndted 'all eighty4Cvon bar* iron xiks, by Cooper, Olcott A Co. •yJ A A J. F. Brown. -The " American Copiln "’tbW evening. Sale this dty. by lllon A Meyer. Clomen*. llrown A Co's I' >uMo and ndcr Saw Qins, Peter.* A IIolling*\vorth. .p Leo will leayo for Now York on Tuo*- nbsr Mb, at twilvo o'clock M i Uou*e to Root. .illot box opened, II. S Wetmore. at Ion "f Think«giving by Edward 0. An- ijorof Savannah ,'rdor from tieneral Pope. THU INTKUKST AND KXOITKMKXT ABA. TINU. “ i ii )’ Two Mar, Wlillr Va|>. folljd. r.nnxo ov Cwvsvtu—A regular moot- body was held in tbe Exohnngo Long evening, 111* Jlonor Kdward 0, Andox- Chair, and tho following members pres- . Moyer, Wylly, YilUhng-i, Waring, iJ Brigham. mtei of the last meeling were read and on of Alderman Hunter tho rolo* were to allow Alderman Waring to make a ersmai explanation- ( . . A firman Waring arose and vpoka at length, it nag hi.* resignation. Wosrounablo to i-ub- tho .q-oech ibis morning, a (opj of whio*-vra* sot n late List evening. I Alderman Villntooga moved that the resignation < d- t received. A!term «n Hue was not d spoeoi to eoinpol him lo »min and moved as nn nmendmcnl that the reslg- ui'-n I e received, •, Ibc pravioos quoriion was called for and omied a nxi'onta or The Mirket Committee retried favorably on pe rn c.f Mr. Howdy to establish n green grocery. A iermon Wylly .ami Meyer opposed the report n ihe ground that It would deprive (be city of cor- tin revonuo. Alderman Huo was strongly in favor not only of owing green grbeario* to bo established through- ut the city, but bo would consider it n public bcuo- it to abollfii tbo market itself, which he rogurded as - place for the resort fl idle negroes nud a nuisnneo o a cortain extent After* further debaterpon Iho subject pro and o-i tho mutter was laid over (o next meeting. C "tnniU'ce on public sales nud City Lot* reported Ur r lbly on * petition of George A. Jlireor and thi-rs to lease certain lots on tho SprlngilvM plsnta- ion. Ibe report was auiondod as lo the use of the gnund, knd was then adopted A report of u Committee which had assessed end Ml certain city lots, wat received and adopted, A favorable report was received, regarding tbe mn-jval of night roll, and requesting an ordinance to to drafted in thet regard. Report adcp'cd. _ PSTiTtoxs, *c. A petition fo ^re.t an ieo staging across Rivor street we* granled. t. several unimportant petitions wore read and granted. 1 Petition of Mechanic Firo Company was read, ■tnting that the company hud been the first to or jmixtrafter tbo war, and'had performed good scr- u*e fubsequentiyi «nd praying for a-misiance to ppicure an opparaAns, ton present one haring been Tilemntd, to ci«t of which amount six hundred dollars bad been already raised. Referred t'> f inance Committee. The Corporation Attorney arose In reference to i suit which wus to be brought against the city for damage dono to cortnin property by a sower. . MI-i.'KLLA.NkbrS. Mdcrmap Waring said Ui^t ho begged bis name l* removod from dm Cohimittco on Streets nod*. and no* rued to-night on any committee. \ccounts were p%*.*od to tho amount of $3,55.» '19 Council adjonrno-1. The elrotion makes tbe colored people early riser* Source had tho rising of the sun priwlalmtd the birth of n new day, yesterday morning, ere another eager crowd of adored tnvn h«d gathered jrfund tho Court House, and waited anxiously lor the polls to open. % f A tew str*gglio| cUliana .wtr# still •opting b from the country apd ftitu( 8onib- Carollnl |eSts|- day, but tho vail majority had already arrived on Tuesday. The tuteroet manifested in tbe election by tbe colored l*<'pl* 00 Tuoedey, is evidently on the de- oltne. They appeared Isis eager and oxolted over it yesterday, and thair patienon appnprv to be givlag Way under tha delay in getttag in their vote*. Ihoio waa not more than two thouaand peraon* aeatlcred around the Court Houae and ^ijuare during the morning, and, aa the day adianeod, they fell away until but a tow hundred ware loft. They do pot'like tm long waiting new*«ry to j*ft. ip a WM* ' y . •* ■ About nino o'clock a large nnmbar aepareled themselves from the crowd, and filed off by twoe around tbo square What the object of this flank movement was could not be divined The suns peace and quiet prevailed as on the preceding d*y The meti loppged fifotnd lb* square aid affj doing atreoie, or pd*n*d'np to Iho door* of the Court House where Ihey scrambled and pushed, and shoved, aa before, lo obtain admittance No arrests were made by tbe police during the day. None of thus# who art being voted aa ro*ideate- of (he city are known a* such The crowd baa been aunre/cd bjr p4*oM well acqoalnted with th* city negroes, bat none of them cap bt'rasogniaed. The well-known freedom hart kept away from the polls altogether. There was tho same pushing, serouging and anxi ety to deposit the precious ballot manifested at the p .III as on Tuesday. At the city poll they haTe more clerks and do business faster then at the Ojunty poll. r . It 1s thotght that tbe eonatry tote ii about polled. f V -1 Two mot* white men voted yesterday. One ap- p-ared at tbe eouoty poll and putin a pure Bradley ti.kot. Tbe other, who votod at tho city poll, sciatched Aaron'* name, and went the rest. The same apathy atill exist* among all classes of wbit*a as txlstad on the previous day. They kept awsy from the pel's, end appeared to take n« inter est whatever In tho proceedings. BraJloy was busy bore, tbore and everywhere, drumming up voters. He had the impudence to aond aevoral colored men op to vo'e, with an #n- d» sement on tbeir tickets that be had registered them ? A colored man took a ticket so endorsed, and wrote upon it s-mre words advising Aaron to take a trip to the lower regions (which advice it is feared that he will not lake) and seat the man back to his register. He is exceedingly anxious lest a majori'y of registered voters will not eome forward and deposit their ballots. \lTn the continuance cf tho eterlion the original demands hove been increasing. Tbroo hundred acres enl Iwo mules aro to bo provided by the Con vention now. One old darkey csine up and showod his ticket, nnd thought (bat toting, Ho wanted to keep tbe ticket to get the mules with. One man come all the way from Hilton Head, S C., to rote. Ho returns to Hilton Head a sadder, hut it la to be hoped a wiser man. Men who catno from Africa on the Wanderer have voted There is a groat deal of honosty and justice in this when any othac foreigner -is re quired by law to tako out DMMIllation papers One pure blooded Congocamo opwho ooutd not talk so ai to bo understood. George Washington voted dn Monday. Yester day John Tylor nnd Andrew Jackson scored one •tch for Brsdley. JeHerron Davis walked up to the city poll yes terday and voted tho Brndloy ticket. The excitement is nut o-mQnod to mortals. Cupid yesterday appeared in dingy human form end pat in ono for Aaron B. , • * ‘ The white tlckot has rooelved bat few fotea Everything goes for Bradley. Aaron is the eoming •nan. Those who depend upon the eolored folks who are always "gwlne by yuoe" for their supply of apples, vegetables, crabs, Ac., have been in a plight for a oouplo of days. AU these poople have gono lo vote, and fow are th* cries hoard resounding through the street*. The antiquated females who dispense stabsided gingerbread and suspicious looking doughnuts, reaped a rich harvest, a* many of the voters depended upon their stores for something to eat. Those who are aocustomed to take tbeir bitters dally hare become heartily tired ol ibe election. All bar-room* and plaoea where liquor is sold, are kept strictly dosed, in accordance with the Mayes'* pro clamation. ’ One man who could not rend was the victim of e joke. Some party gave him an old bill of fare of the famous ' Our House." He walked up and with considerable solemnity deposited it in the bc-k, and went away highly pleased with himself, thinking he bad made a point for tbe great Aaron That's a "right rrnnrt and good" ticket to vote. We’ll go that oursetvos every tiino, rurl tn and have a jolly time. At one o'clock five hundred and six rotes had been received at the city p ills, and three hundred end thirty—•six nt tho county. At throe o'clock there wuro six hundred and fifty-six for the cily t and four hundred and forty-five for the county. The following is tho official list of registration for this District: 0?lArtt>.»TOk''fl'Ali.- no a U I afonii .«* lUovw pleasure to fihjopW*]» furtbwr iin^iiton'of lblrtanroad 'and nf ll* aarly. complirilpUM Th* oar* arenow, ru* fa iWawhatcnle, earrylng pessonger* and freight, hi whUh-polat there tine been ooastrwoted a P*"** 4 nqnt, lubaUntial brldxo u»*r tho.rlrcr, enabling tranipcrtstion to be aafoly and eipadUlotuty rnect- Nt to OlllWottrllle, (irehamrllle and Puryaburg, and llieadj-ioent country. This he* been aocompiWhM bjr' the Indomitable energy and liberality of the present Influential direction, who baro spared neither paloa nor expense to hasten the day whoit Charleston shall again ho connected with bonds 9f Iwb'wlih iJivapiiaiv To them •> our bualnttM ofiin munity owes a debt of gratitude, and wo hope that tbd palrnnar* of the road will ninpif jiullfy tho oafitinQafioaor the cntorprlso Wl.rthrHur read ers I* tbe cfflalgl notioe of the Gohentl Shporinlon- denf, whfeh appears elsowhere. V BSr An Ohokii s-nvt GitvgBAh.-l’ow^—TBB Ktdtctrew ^ Cdkwxui until. SAiuyoav Kvitfrwn. Last evening an ordor was rocelrtd flqm General Pope dlreoltnf that th* poll* Wkepd c^en unjtl s«* o’eloek on Shturday evening. “ Wo oah ae* qd ton* ton for ifeuing such an order and keeping b^ tb* etflitemaot kiogcr. The question at Umo is prttiy well decided by tbla tiino, and do* tnori day will bo ample tins* to get in nil the vote*. It » cortalnly a most upwiie measure in tho oxiMing state of nff-tire, and I* not celeulated to promote tho tttlfare’of our Ollr- .... , . , . • , V. r ! Jiff" Smut ox bri'oiip. Till Youbii Mr.Vs liunr AaaoriATion.—Last evening religious ser vice* were held In Trinity Methodist Church Rev. Mr. Corley delivered an etontieht .find improarito iermon before Ihe Young Men's Library AsMJcUtion of that Church. Quite a number of persona were prvaent, who maptrefted great interest in th* ro- morka, which Were calculated to work muoh good among their hearers. jjy* * CAitgt.itiHXNis. — Mr. S. M. Laffiteau'a store, in th* block on the nortli side of Bay street, between Whitaker and Barnard streets, was found Open at ten o'elook last evening- A poliueinen was placed in charge. Nojthiog missing. iJ?" AntHvat* or Tint Wvow 1x0 at PiittA- BBLrBtA,—We tenrn from a dispatch to Messrs. Hunter A Gatnmoli, that tho steamship Wyoming arrived at the quarantine nt twelvo o’clock on Tues day night Inst . She experienced houvy easterly gales during the voyage from this port. IITWa are Indebted to Mr. William Weston, Mrs. Marshall 1 * gardener, for a beautiful japonica blossom, that earry* 000 back to tho summer months just passed. Alt thanks to the donor fur his kind rcmombrauoe. Cortox 7TI1* market np«-nvil thi* ipor iin* wl h few huyvradit, who ullb «d UXo for mlddllui, wlillo foo- t rn wore hnldlnt at 111*.- L«ter liMh« dav unfavoreb u (ll>'iosfr)m l.lvorp ul ant Now York oeusod sot- loa to uitHl buyer* with more eonoossl-io, and aeha wore m ills nt fully X0 dtollnj on ra niUu prieo*. Ttip stockun s.lo has sumnwlmt Inaioas-d, nut wo 10.100 Cunsldorab'o luiprovemonl In th# qbaHUcr, whlou l« in Some niensim- ciusod l*y a portbn of that off. rlnr lie- lug eolict d by up o-.uu'ry m*rohsti(a l anl amt liety' forsie. The m*rk*lcloso<t dull at ilia followniu quo taild's: Gn.rlOrlln.ry Ift.'i'&H LwM billing M'dd l.iu 17 qc<4 HlrCi Midi I -g trjk'Cj TI10 o'hoj g'sdoa wi-ro nogtoclud. Tna following were iliu sales of 1I10 dm : 7 hales at is**, • at 17 Ai*, 42st 17^0, 8l*, 10ntl7n, 41 at lO.Ve, 5at IflXc, HatlCXc, ftallftYc, ant 13 atlfic. Tot*I sa'cs .147 bales ; receipt* 3JU1 bales. Ohi.b — Wenksr. Bnucrs buying at 14», and arihng at itn. Kxnuxoa.—rieuly offering, fel Ing by brokers at |hv cont qlT. Vauox—Dull and fin', well IRUo loq- lry, aid a dis position on tho part of lio dors to sail to e*ah eustnm- ora at a icduoilou on tho ' fignroa: hhouldi-ni »5tfe; rIl.boI aid e 17X«i clo.r ribbed 18*e; C „J Hrifc. Dry salt moa'-s-ifie for clc*r rtbvo-l. m’H.—I’rlcca firm M arkut qiilul and steady, wllh moder aiu demand »ud eupp y. No Wlni-ta of any onto done to-day. Northern nupc fine (11012 | exUn 11 oil 14 ; fancy and family (14015. tteorg'a siip-r (I3gtu: oxt'a (14; f.iml!yfl«ii'l fanny (14 60O16 60. UasiR.—Co-n firm »t||l 76 for wlilto; yellow (t 66; mi«d(i 00. ..Demand light and unchsegid. (JnocKsiKB—Uuchiiiiycd ln| price and demand. Wo quote: OnNlied 18# e.-a'a; A white IK ton's B white 17X<-I extra O 17a; afand«*d O|10Xc; yol- low l&itlJXc: bruwn( li.qc. Mo*aa*c»—llusoovadp, In lots of fiom < no to twenty Hula, quoted at 60962 ; Portliuid syrup 46965c Jggoldcn syrup 66975c. Ilsv— Yoeuoaon whn-f rep* rtrd Ka«tern held on wlmrf ot (1 60; Northern, In More, (1 60. Quotation* weak. Oath -Firmer, with in d m'c demand. He'd at wholo-ale, (110. 1‘oTiTorn —(3 2693 60. HiLT.-Wci'kcr. Selin* at (125®|f6. [ AdvertUemoni, | A.x extra ballot box for tbo accommodation of City Voters will bo opened tbia day (October 31st), over W. H. Stark A Co’r. • U. S. WKTUOIIB. Kff" SAVE FROM FIVE TO TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS bv buying your Full nnd Winter Cloth ing at I. L A CO.'S Now Clothing Ware house, No. HG Congress and 05 St. Julian streets. oet!2-tf District 1. Ci-anilfs. Whites. Ontered. Total. Cbathaui.. .. .2.358 - 4,781 7,142 Bryan... .. 253 330 502 Effingham ... 40-1 338 742 3015 5,0)1 8,476 During yesterday the polled: F«r the city. For tho county........ . following votes were . P06 5e’G B.-y*” I.i ' v Com: I.a>rtxt Tr..—Ono t f the leading schools of ill* State,'and one towhi h *0 desire to call tho attention of our renders, is t! 0 f.ucy Cobb Female Insti uto, which was founded !y tho public spirited ci'itcos of Athens, end is located on tho grounds of Ccnoral T R. R. Cobb, at that place. Madamo Supbie 6esnnw*kl is principal of th* institution, and her curricu'uin of studies em brace* every subject essential to tho proper educe- tion of young Indies. Tha buildinga stand upon a teautifm alto which overlook* the town «,f Ath-ns. sod is well provided with ne.-cssary appliances tor recreation. Tho rules for the government of tho school are most excellent and commend themselves to overy ono. Her system is parental, and she rules by tho law of kipd&tws Tho young ladles aro ex- fcctod to I**'of nptfc;and tbeynre troatodas though iht-y were under^ eliargo of their own parent*. The studies are graduated, and the mind of the •MiolarJ developed .thoroughly and perftctly. A'-oomplishtuent* are also taught, such as music, languages, drawing, Ae. Tbo college I* well pro vided with chemical and philosophical apparatus, and everything that is needed to render tbo -pipits fit for* bighephhre in sbdety. The examirfnttons Are frequent, end particular enro is taken to seo that each pupil U up to th* grede cf tho class. To families at a ioss wbero to send tbeir daughters i" receive a good,, sound, education, of orindlnd My, of btartpbd ronwytfc’ my Id unh*aitatingly recommend the Athens (Georgia) Institute; and we feci assured injloing so, that Madame Soenowskl will satisfy thnFutmovt ueaircs, and fulfill all thoir wishes a« regards tUn. education of th* young ladies tubmitted to iior caW. - T*t:»l Received on MonJnj: For the city.. For iho eoun'y... Total Total vote yesterday. ..1,151 Whole vote cast so far Vote in Effingham on Monday.. 2,493 125 U77" Tttr. £tca)ikr C»tv PoihT,—^Byretorenco to our advertising ccdiimpa,!! will bo seen that the steamer Dictator hu bean withdrawn from the CbarlM-.on amt Florida line for the present, and the City Point placed in her elead, which vessel will leave Cbarl<.»tori tor h'avanoab, via. Jackionvillu, Ac, *te»y Pridij at nine o'clock 1*. S), touching here on morning, on her rout* to the latter port. 1 bn City him unsurpassed accommoda tion* lor pucaugen *nd freight, and her officers nro "•JV^the want* of the traveller. Her kooVB to Ua».mnjt coinmuaUy. Her .gent. b«re»r»th..oi.r P n.i 0 g lnool uj. (lullmmln * nr Co, I„.-Tb„.,. r , „ 0 „ K , cn the Uoekrt ;Mtcrd., 1IU Honor bad no untettnnate* brontht ki™ M—U-iVaMheeilt h, “- Considering that tbe oily was crowded with strand on Tuaadav uiahl. rcnaikabla...^ Tqeeday. oighl, rcmatk.bieZ*,yJS ero wero no drunken inen, n>. .lis.grderli^ There wero nouruuntn inen, 1... dbotderli -*UJ T-gi,; iL 2 frvign. _ xo Iih.iI man in „>,.h ..r . Bff“ Drlavs Aiir. Ji.cvnBUous axd Oftkm Pbovb Fatau—In onr yooth many a limo did wo read the a boro sentonco without taking iu its moan ing, but since .maturity the meaning bis often pro- ranted itrelf, and no doubt U has also to most if not all our readers. With this prefaoo, we will stuto our object in railing the attention of our readers to the altove. Don't delay but socuro nt cnco a supply of Profeseor Ivaytou'a remedies which are boing ex tolled ih all quarters as our exohango list will show. There remedies consist of Kayton's Oleum Vitir, tbe greet German liniment (or rbcutnMijui, neural gia, pains in the back, joints, breast or side, tooth ache, earache, nervous hoadacho, spraius; bruises, bums. Ac. Kayton’s Magic Cura is nn excellent remedy for diarrlur*. dysentery cramp colies, cliol- era morbus, Ao t and Kayton's Dyspeptic Fills, tbe best vegetable pill now in existence for dyspopri.i and all its symptoms, constipation, bilious disorders, liver complaint, and all diseases of tho liver, stom ach and bowels. A. A Solomons A C'u., wholosalo druggists, Savannah, Georgia, aro tho agonta for tho aboto remedies Beware of counterfeits—tho genuino bns tho sig nature of Profossor II. II Kayton, Savannah, Geor gia, on each bottle nnd box —.Was Barbers IFecA - - /y- - 1 ' lw Wff- Mkiu-uarth, MxntAXtL's, Ladorkhs, and all persons in want of RKA 'Y MADE CLGni- INOand FURNISHING GOODS, will do well to call and examino nur stock before purclnriug else where. I L FALK A CO , New (,’lolhing Ware house, No. IIG Congress nnd G5 ( St. Julion streets. octU-tf LUNCH AT OUR HOUSE D NING R03MS TO-DAY FROM ELEVEN TO ONc O’CUCK. AVi Axcrear Fish Amr$.~T<rthe Mine «/ Ih York Herald: U 'Si-oitteg tea »«I c*of 1 <>r elatn found lathe Ut* exha -cations nt Hcrculai u-uni. which have been Jorwsrd'd to ibe Suote-t of Autiqu lit* In London, wbcrocf your e<irrrs|indent eaj h t-m t«*ttl. n*a mbling Prake’e l’lantntio 1 Bitters w -.s undo->l t oily p’aeed among th«ruli B>y tlo agent of J»r. l -r ikc we «ltw re to s'a 0 h- It Incorrect l&ev< ry r sp «t. Jf a tattle we* fined them bearing our tete-.iing the guage* <>f the Arc lent Roman wn- dlff-ruit Imin h<iO pttd HUjetUicof (bat dry. On.- agent Inaollur lioslneta limn this In Eiiopyand has not be< o tn Itn' at a I. Ito.o-jbt Aoc*li:m'*carrj I’tali'ut'.ui Bl'tvre 11 Rn ;ic: b tt *ryl* g tn I n| os 1 op »n a rockty of An- tiqiiiirians In tVs way ecoois quill n'*Vs«, and we do not eppreebdo the 'ote. It is umocc-en-y for ns to ■pend money in Kurope white wr nro unnblt- to supply th«* demand tor then* cc'.ot B.ttaa ben-. Reaps elf Ry, P. it Daxx* dt Co. octS'-dJfcwlw DiAantio ts Dys-nt-rics, (.holera Morbu*:nd Pum mar Complaints, and llto drtgalaLuu to cure tbo<r, carry off thousan'« c y j-i:«r win might be saved by Hu Umc'y uro of llumfl 1 j'« Honm-opa-hl • Spedtlea, Daring the lot s-aro* no fant'iy •bo ili l«- without thf m, 'I Ii y a-e ilmpte, vfllclct t and pi u.san' tn 'ak*-, and ovn hi given on tho inatent at d wi bout lo** of tlm'. end save In many ways many t ; n os tVIr cost. 0:130*6 NEW YORK OYSTERS AT OUR HOIS'. JOHN <J. MAKER & CO. Vote in tbe District so far as known 2 61B All theso votes nro for a Convention, and with but few exceptions, fur tho Bradley thket. Ovi-r half tbo voters of tho l> : *lrict must cast their ballots to c-irry it for a Convention. Jn tho district there must bo over -1.23R cast or the.ConytaUoQ will bo dc fe itci. Uy the ah-jvo statement U ajipe.-Ufs, so far as knowh, only 2,<iI^ vnlci have hiJen polled. Tho vote of tho tbreucounties will probably carry tbo district iur a Conrcntiuo. Tic Brsdley ticket will probably be tho success ful one. It is being voted heavily tn Effingham, and probably will carry Bryan Ai.otbcr poll Uto bo opened to-day ovor W H gtetk ACo’-istore, ou Bay street, tor tbe conveni ence ot hu-inr** men wlm may wish to vote. No news h.-'l t>ocn received from Bryan county up to tbo time ot our going to press It will hi seen by tbs ordor of G-moral Popo that ihe “ mingte»rawfletne**” It to bo lung drawn out, •nd that rim election is to last until Saturday. One ambitious individual scratched % came njon tho ticket and inserted his own.^.,, A ROW IH KrriXOHlrf. ‘ : V - Wo hear that a: colored - twan, a member of tho .Board of Registration of Iffingham county, was around electioneering among the begroea, and rcratchiug Bradley's nam% Ho was Nt npon and badly hurt by a p-iriy ef BridleyUes. A letter fr>.m kffitigbnm states that ono bund ed nnd twenty five votes were cast there on Monday; nil for tho Bradley ticket. Whether liny wore all black or a mixture tbo letter did nut state. GRAND OPENING MILLINERY GOODS CLOAKS ANO CLOSINGS!! Barrack*'to Mge. "Ye local" man In'm/eh u r sensation, walked all over tho city, m midnight buT only one or tw* stray foffiviAuala were t n theitrecu and ,w* discoverod nothing of public Intcrem p.. t ' Yamacraw waa^ieaooful and quiet,and not a murmur disturbed tho slumbers of its inhabitant*. p, 4ch Policeman rujaffted that In hi* whole course of duty he had now known so quiet a night. *y ImroriTA*T QotmjpiCjiBPBMS. This morning, at eleven o’clwk, Messrs. Bell A Hull will Mil at.tb* brick building'wn Ch«r!fon atreet, oppo site 8t. John’s Cjiurah, a complete assortment of household furniture, foniRting of overy article in that line. This is an nxocIlcnL opportunity fir houNkeepera, and there will undnubtodly he many good bargains made sit ibc »!*. ‘All in want of lurniture should Mtlenif, gff"Larrrht ok GovKnxRKHT Etorfh'— Wil liam Meath, a watchman omploycd In tho Querter- master’s Deparlment, was yesterday arrested on a charge of having atulon a lot ,pf hospital stores. Articles have been miving from time Id time, and it is tstiiiutcJ that aoiun tvu hnndted dollars worth nf goods have baeu taken, comprising blanketsjsck- ot*, clothing, bod'llng, 6 c , Ac. Meath dispored of some of the misting articles to a young mao who Informed on him, nnd led to bii arrest. Justice I. Marsh issued tbo warrant for bis arrest, also a search warrant, armed with which, the officer* will make search for some of the stolen property, Tfti* articles tnken were part of a let consigned to Lieutenant J, Murray H"pg, who appears aa prosecutor in the enfo. 1 * • Late in the i.ftcrnocn Meath was brought before Justine Marsh and placed tinder bonds to fcppearqt the n'rxt term of cinrt. The constable Tfb.ojtfarched In-nse b lind some articles of military clothing there * ' ' , jA j J Bff" Cm MAiiKBAi.'.H Salk.—Tho following i’"1'vrty wn* ywlorduy sold by tho Glly'AfkT(b6l: Valued at, -Sold for. Off? Junriush’ Coil UTS.—We navigated into Iho <>&rsso( all U10 Justices <>I the Peace yesterday: b« ’nary” item could ho scared up. t f wg^Jrt'aaJ (^upf of'Or BIT I’r.BAft.vAii.'-General A|mlhy is in the city, Mdhu Leas aWf'l4ng hereejnru -Ticsday ujert-irg lu called upoa moat hf oak eltTNcAt. ’ M No. :i Lloyd Ward U N., | 14.,yd Ward I.6U0 IM No. (} Lloyd Ward J,2U0 91,550 1,350 |T IjuttrsareInvited to icsmlno our I a - *" and- Klegant stock of Flowers, Feathers, It bhona, Velvet- An, which we offer at WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, and have operod on tin B-’cond Foor, on occountof tha limited apace down stairs. Orate* dr vn* d»h,v Hmso»*s, UAvaiRAM, «*., Od.Ohtr 30,TH07. PS* » v Jtebcrta, (J t-cviioldi, A M Itnhlnron, fctmr A Twluamu, It It Torner, It V Ibnubut. It VouGUhn K P AoMtor, J II dellu end otbura. ^Fer Btramcr Katl i from Angus’* nud Landing*- Davant A W, Wllk'nron A W, H t! Wade A Cja f*bl|. Ip* * M, L J Oullrawlln A Co, p II Rohn. N A liar- lie.’* |*< n A Co. Kiwlu A U. floau. C A Co. Uiluham, ft A Co, Agta Charalstuti bt iMiilaml Co, u tv.liou A •'o, A H Ha;lr;d<tw A DuUiffiofur A C«. J L Vila Inn. a Fcrrill AW, JO Garnett, W U Rohirl*. A (! Me- an A CtH Hllpt fit McH, F W Him* J Urtkct, 1 W Giffonh Wilson i lhltch! WmkI Urns. I*cr Btoamor Faunie from Cbanuatun via Ucaufoit— t'lnghor* # U| F M Mvro|l, f X .54-r-fl r 1 :•••! . Import*. P«r rchr Mary sn1 Ptisan (Hr)-WO Imr.chca bana nas, 30 uon nraugc^ 60 doscu pino ip, Ice, lu bids Cuba sugar, 10 bagi sugar. .110**, Receipt* per Oetatml Btli October .10. 1807. 1793 bales i»tu»n. H* ba'es yam. r.i sacks onrn J« tucks flea, '200 e-cks bran, 6 rolls luither, 4 bundles bldua, a boxus eggs 1 ctr furniture and md*o to Fur- rill 4W,H(I Haynes A tin, L J A Cn. i) GeieUnan * On. J W Brantley, Join Dark W II Mc- I cod. Milieu * W, P II Hchn, U Fnlr, .1 W McVlpln. rnteubofer. W It Grlfflt, A Go. t laghoru A 0. Cen tral It It Agent. C J flsyiios A ' n .7 <4 fsitlin p A Cn, Borrcl Broe, A H Dnrtridgu, -I W Anderson s None A Co. Dsvant A W, K N Hoed A Co, it HratloV A Hon, iustluAB, 1’nrso A Thomns. N A Hurdce'e Bon A Co. F W rlmi * no. AM kcarhorougli, W If Woods, Wllklneon A W, WIMrr A F, Clark Jonas A Co, W Bnttc.-eby A Co, 11 K Wa lihurao, MoauJJ A Co. K C Wa<*o A Co, A Way. TIsonA Gordon, Phillips Co iWwoll A W. fe A M Hrlglitm. It A r COLUMBUS MARKET. Coi.iTMncH, Od d er'At —Uottor—Market quid ye»- to day ol Rntiirluy's pnn-a— for Nortln-rn intd- dli-ga. Ha va 143 I ill n Iti-.-c pis VWiliVe*-S l.y Mill- (V'giMi rai road, M'J '-y Mobile *n 1 Ui aid rvlroa-j, 81 by 1 ipullka 'Hiiroud. J4u i>y r ver, and 92 by w*g m*. Hhi|f ments 211 b.d-e. ItoMa, by seller. ROMK MARKET. October <1*.—Colton I4914\e V B*, tax paid (From W. C. Watts A Co’s Weekly Market Report.I l.iv.HrooL, dornber 11.—la niirlssudof 4 b in-lant wi- njKi n-t anui-t n-nl |in-gul:i( nurkrt, rosing nt H)»d f.-r ml idim* i).lean* K <ch <».- s tier than riiero * ' 'air trada oi-i'ig, but t rii-rs li.vr g>n<ln-lly 11 c ('n ot now U* quo r: li gner than S•! lu 8% l for middling uplnnJ* to < )r edis. \Vc h»vr cnnUmly rufoirrd In.nnr cltcula-s. for somu ttuic,-n the drpr-Ming influ*n'C excrcis d —mn ult departnicnts of ’r.du by >hu threatened et-m icill ms 0 1 Ills Co’iim-nt. T11L week we have no ws to glvo uudui this be d, tie feeling bring tlrnt all is by no ni*a s secure bu-wev- Frsncsand Pruss-a. I Ii s, <>f course, durs our inn r Mt harm; but thr m ist d- p ,-ssing fr-uire r.t pn-eenl is iho«n •minus qnanUty of co inn Unit i« tring roniimidly ard ergc-it v ptessr l for salu. Mnets cotton l<ns 11 <w paioul l-no llio-nmls ol Rinksand ll-nk-rs, tn c-i>sr«pirnceof mslnicdhhls iu*. Imdng b-.en mil, and fearing a furtlrir derltii', they ai*. I. strudirg ibi-lr b-ok rs to sell nt once, nt thr ta.-i pr cm Ihev can get. Unl-I tins pressure U *sksn • we, «le c is t>ut liit'o hope of a r.vtvnt In pre-f., tbo-e si ms to lie a lv gtmr at out ilio nm k.-t wn rb it Is unable lo tlirowoff liver) ono lici,- com- ji'a'n* llr-y hav» 'nst monay In c itron: and sj»o u'a'crs nr» «v tide ,-r tn the msinWiiMce of yrvscnt prices, d * not ope at**. • jiiul.-ido-it fr t o New York coTinini lo decline from day to day, until they have uow r-iHcd n pomt 1I1 t puts tlu-in on about n Ic el with the ruling price, hero. Go Mon 'uy 1' Want-* k own that tbo reri Ipls at tnc Ain rlnm po tt for Git trade c- d!u< 4'h ••c»obrr were 18.WI tides, •gilnsl 17,000 talcs f-ii t-ie co'responding wo k last y. ic. Tide i« Cwnighi by many to point lo n h-sid-dly awrfop Imntliatof last y*ar, mrru rspr- dally as ycl’ow fever being ro prevalent In the Uu f - uts, t. nas to liu cxp-ctrd that receipt, uf 01 ton til: J be ennriderridy icttrd d. Thr safer of I’io week, ond'iig lu-t cvunii-g. sum up .7 utrd-s, cf wli rh .47,01» were taV«-> by tin- trade, 1 H.fitio •In' nrrd tor utpurt. an I 3,.520 taken f r »p ru n- lion. In r-it >n lo arrive net a slug o transact on bn* been rv|K>r e!. Thr unpor . furi’10 week wore snia’I, .ay 8,574 ha'rs Tt r stoct Glows a d. emeu of 19,'2-50 for the wr-k, am) Is now (Mini du I nt *37,0-20 bitra, ngulusl 782,740 l a i s nr tie same 11111s la*t year. Tlm-r Is, however, 66.' W •a i s mu'C at .i-a sbowiug an npp ro> t tuersnM on die -oppl. ot I9,2r0 bat-a." eoiup-m-d with l.styia r . Our Miinvhes'cr rc|n«u <-f to dav »ay.: • M.r«rt dul>: .insll I'Utu ‘‘n't't!; prices sgnin rnt -er lower than Tuss- day." I'rha’e lu cg-nnu rrpnt stim\ at nil Amir can i'" Is ot U.'.O0 lacs, r-gdtis'.23n,(KM hale. In«l year. Da rr, sio.-k on 4 Ii l.iBtnut, 87,627 ba ns, ssnu J4ri,- S20 last year. London, stock Iasi evening, K3..57S bar*, agn'.ost 91,1)71 luc«la«t y nr. From Bombay ■ •or ntvirfl. ar« tn tie 4lh Ins-.air, ropirtlng rolton quiet at 175r. for Dhotlcrah, 1 qu d to atm 16 9 161 sold Ii. ic. Sinpnirul* ot tho wr k 6 USj bah**. qb'UTATIO.N'S Kon AMKIIICAH COTTON THIS PAT. Hnlr and Good Middling. Good Fair, nud Fine. 8<* - &~ H1* - ©- R.V - &- rxna usiusi^ — (ft— •aIsland. 14 16 17 ®U2 50964 Im|Miris—American— 1 Tld* n-rrk, 2,7*22; this year. I0->«,7U-: sani-i lime teW, 1,(>34,720 B di-s.—Amnio -It- This weak *20,430; tills year, 1,- J7.t6o; sumu Hilo 16rtrt, 1.08'2,7‘a Block -Amcncau— 1 Tided »y, 216,5S0; same lime 1806, 251 660 Hx|x»ts -Aiurricnn—Tills woek 3,033; tills year 100,1*10; samr time 1S66. 177,830 Taken by tho Trade—American—Tills week, P,160. Average wock'y d-llrerl- s to ihr Tra-lc.—Amc-r can ■1H67. 20,220: l-*66, 18,260; 1865, 4,45a. Cot-on at sen.—American—1867, 6,000; 1860 30,- Perry Davie’ Pain Killeri 'To lave often apqken of .this great, medic110 In term, of very hteh praise, *nd wo hfva a. o'irn felt •bV. all wo cou dsnytel's favor wo dd not do It full Jus | 0 It Is or.o of th jso medicin e > f which wo can speak—sad rpcak drcl. voly—ftoiu exjiorlencn; f.>r we have rep-snUdly taken It, and iiivoria'-ly with the lost n-sulte tnd ttagrentosi h(ti.faction. Wo nlwaye koon It > n hand, read) fur »n rm'irgcnoy. and wo regard (t noton’yas one of tho v ry best a-id moat reliable of medicine* in mu lor vari-ms ills, bid as ono of tlio cheapest, n'.o Its c-nt, by the wa« — that I* the coot of all t''e l-g'ulh n'a »f wldch it la nemposed—has been -orsHrraHv Ina-oved, lm* Ibc t>ri r o of th* medi al nc hs» b»rn hut vr*y l|ti|o advanced It Is not Ilkc'y that the popularit- of l>»v s'a Pain K»1 cr wilt la »ny measure dnerura-*. o» UiiiMlia demand for tt will In the •II. h’ce'. drgrea drclln--, tt' li * 'me other specific for o laying pan n^d rtirlrg the various cnnp'clnts for 'li'chll iseo g-nrrsly used, sh-dl bu dUcovercd, of o^ual tKitercy with it—of whloh h- rc .cure to be little irohnMH'r. Aa a remedy f* r stomnc’i ccmn’nt iia anr.h as dysentery, di-irrhwa, Ac, ’ho l’ain Killer is wltfcoat doubt rnsurpa.srd, and everywhere most do- acrvv-dly In d<-rn• 111. One, two or >brc» does*, of a teeapuoi'fir each, In a wire g'nssof milk and water, with a little angar, have rlpratfidly. within onr kunwi nder, effect-ially ru-ed anioiia t'oub'a of this kind. •Tiidgaiant ahoul l n.'d intitclly bo uaidlii not chreklng eer'.eln states of diairlunn too end tanly; tut taken at •ha trojvir llm", tho Fain Killer will .ot I'ko a ehnnn arid frequently cum when nothing (Iso will.—Provi- •lonco Advertiser. oct'2-lmo S liAl.KT) I’KOI'dHAI.H will ta rrccl< cd ot fibre (!>—,( mil 12 M M rnday, Novninb.-r 4th. teOT, ti supplying 1I13 f lowing: 7S Box Window Frames and Sash, douhlo hung, IS lights. 10x12, I 1 2 inches thick, 320 Blank Window Frames and b'.isb, IS lights 10x12, 1 1-2 iucho.5 thick. Bash to Ih* p lrrc I, nud glsi’d wilh .a g-od qnxli'y ol A ni - lean *1-* , Onlinary a*al >to. Uplands... 0?«'97J< Mobile..., n*,®’.'- Orb-nns... 6»,'97>; IflAIUNE INTELLIGENCE. ■ See First Pago. ARRIVE'). P tram ship Pan Jacinto, J AtkIn^ New York, U II Harden. Mcainslilp Tonawnnda, Jen tings, rhiladclphlr. Hunter A GnmmcR. Fannie, Peck, Cbnrlcrton, Ac, Ciashoru A * u- nlngbam. Htcamor Katie, Garnett, Auguste and Landings, Wood Brclhcra. BELOW. Fctar Msry ar.d Fnsan (If), Kelly, Uarbjr Ielan Dell A Hull. fflcmoraudn. The atcaa-BlilpTotnwinda reports tint on teind y niprulng. Uc'ob r 27th. at nlno u’Joc-t. ej*olto tho hr brig Bondlcot 45 milca ^E by B from Cap t liet-ry, (r in Ha llmore, lioitod to the Gnlf nf Ft. L*w once. I he cnplaiu reimrts on fetohor Vfttli in a liorey gain 1 f wind I Is vis-ol was th-own nn He beam end-, at d be wae nhdgi-d in cut nw»y the mainmast tn rare her. I11 (l-jarlng iliu wreck the captain bad bis aim broken. Ten Hoad ci* was liiund to Hampton Ronds for re pairs. John O. Maker & Co., Corner of BROUGHTON AND WHITAKER STREETS. nc’26-3m PaisonKSTi. Per stpsmshlp ban .laclnto from New York -Mr II ii /.lien, Otipt-'d.! Vanderbilt, Mr V»n Pelt Mrs Hud-'lph nnd rli Idren, Mrs W G -rdcn, fhlidreti an ) <vt Mia I! Mnlford It P Paul. R N oakinan J Cut nor, .1 Mnosfle'd. W C Cock I. Warrock, A Ucrlc. J I'm’nrlua four rlatarsof 1 barliy, Mrs J H Putnam Mis H Fracnian, Mias Dc’A lit, Htv Mono ur C11 ard .1 F Andrews, Mr Do a In, wpc and cblldrcu, Rev Mon li-nr Dn Fnu. Rev Mnuscar T-uci cry, T Uupk'.ns am wife, J F DeWllbcn, G H Morgan. .1 A l arnpson, I cvl Jnsrpha. E GasRccan. A •• l u 11-It Mr* f K l.rona M'.ssca Marshall, liUJu-H. Visa L(.wls. Mia J Kin. ncV, •! II Malfunl. Mrs Elisha Brown. Wise Brown. T 11 Atutlu. wife and child-en, Mbs a Halicrabam H U llnbcrslixm, J Me ipevun. Mrs Wilson, Mrs Achotn, Mrs tplnynnd (h d, Vrs El la, uniteaud children, Mra Bul'on nnd cbildn u- 21 etc- r go. per Steamship Tounwanda from I'hlladclphla—Mrs Toney. Mrs I’hupin, Mte a A linden and two children, Mr* 1 ualer, Mies F V '/a In ii Knch F \V Km x uuJ wife b J •linson J W Rui.dolpb Per a oatnur Fnnnlo from kharlcaton via Beaufort— II (UuranL, Mr Mldd ow lube John P Mu'-lil seu, J F Pyhcwo-id. Mr* Rylhowcud Mis* Hythcwood, A Jor dan- 1 tlurk Per aluainsr Kvl'from f.nguate aud Liuu'-lu!.'*- I II llittu :r, Mrs Ilar.-i-r, Mias tiuriicr. F Johns u-, It Yldi-lto, H A Kciii 1 W H Robe te, Mra Porter, Mira Mary Wade-lod;ck. , . 1 POND S EXTRACT Hamamells, , • - .Vi ■ PAIN DE»TItOYEBi I of tho few dimeStfc♦cim* 'i*a wli'rli l-avc rnmo _ . . 'geneta ose Hid fit-r wi'hoiit p lll-ig. tt ia ilmpr duct of 11 aPrpio ahrah, fannnlie 1 *n a I c«a a. and as a >lom- a i 5 luaoiy cn< qu (UuJ. OUrhh: Pill Amc'ciI v,lu,ti.,n „r wild Amount rtolired by sale........ Kteers . 93 94)0 ; 4,900 flt/ A V*wiAii(. K t'aaiioerttittoi i^uteUyan- roo'"- Mi-sscs W. M. Tuan., fc Gi.'^AcMBrifiirn- 4? K l „5. ,farC ' 1 ,\ h * "Lin Star of tha West fl.390) Inns, Captain |[. Perry, fur Liverpool, with • cargu mirisUnguf. 3 312 l»al«a*,f «ptwV*(4tem nr»l Anir hales nf sea lsUn-l dotlon. avel^hlnK 1010- 990 ji'iunils, valued ul •270,308 05. - 1 ’ H«Ai» Udolpho WoUV« MlrirlliBrotnU Ip hU tU;’» jAptr. (3m) B'-ries, I AW)nr HW, H UCIIP.H, Pp nlr-a H»r- Tl 1* 0*1, Tathsehr, fIRV, IUiuuhj.U.'t, Lumbago, ' < F>l> s7 t Imr si id ur traulilc B'iigs, Ho (i K.ra, Bl'-u Irgot.ho l."ng», ' Nose. . Btoranch, an-l » Cores, • JD’rtra, -.. ' Old Fo-ra • and nkfuful nflpctbioe. wh’lc. it ptomp’lv art#a .u’l II muirib Handled* rf piiyslclans os<- It dti’y in the'r prrcth-'\ ana gt< <■ 't iheir uiiqrn'.'lle I rerommenda'-on. P«> >1 byoqr eg-H's .ml deal rs. «t - / j I *, Too MrdV.ln • 1« pii-luslv-ly p’ejmro-1 1>v the sub .erttars, proprietors an<l siime.ruia :n T. T. POND, whom m I order, mart ha a-terc* d- 502 BitoAnwAv, Nkw Yoiik. ; 1 •* Price of Poud'e Utlrirl. H (mime botUM, with dirkIIona, retail.. 1* id IritUes, wllh d-reetlonr, retrilr. ..60 et. , ..(1 IS) Una't*, in 1 76 Tii .rat dli oanl lo Pnjateiaua ici-l Dealer*. 0*21-2Alf Connlgiioof. Per eteam&h'p Ban Jacinto from New York—Agent Austin * K, G Bath r. BI.1D A It, T Brown, W Far- rcti. Blun * M. Brady A Sm'tli. Cooper, u * Co. S M Coldlng, Cljglio.-n A 1 unnlegbsm, G L Colby 2k C«, OLt.'opo. MA'Vi'co, Cnffruy All, Doylo A Dunn, Do • Itt * M, Dnvant A W, T .1 Du-ibar A Co 3 Dr l*( *r: M J Doyle A Co, Mr Duf u. Duncan A J, L Falk A Co. Klnstclu 4K.A4L Friudeidmrg, G L Gi bert. A (tomm L J Gullmn’tln 2b Co, (inx>u 2k Urn. G Qrm nlcn. > P Hand ton. J K Hernandez, Uou'crnau <t Ci), Held 1 A U G M llriJt, i.Ilion AH, J Hfrrrh- back. A 11 Ives, N R Knapp M Kraus* A Co -1 Km x, •1 K nnoy, J Lama, W K l/»ug M latPi, 0 II Igiina-. Uilirop A • o, (1 Lao-ant. IJtlenlhal AK. levy A Hu Uy. J f Ipnm in. .1 l yuns P I curing, M 8 Mcvor, c Mclntlr--, Mclnli r I Brim A Co, It Mclnt rn, h Mooru Mnlinn * V. P l> Malln tA'n .10 Mather. Jm Mile, J45 Maker, J McGraili. W D It Miller, F M Mjrotl, K L Mcldllngor, OT Mclnls, Orff 2k W, JH rutuain I bllMp* *% *4. BuggtootA, « D Rogers 2b Itro, II G Iflirrc. II Rich. K D • nntlin A Cu, southern Bx »‘o J 0 rkhruluer A H.on. fioul A.Dm. Tlaon A 0, R II Van Nim A < n -I I. VIII do- ga. J Warren. I P White, W fl v> node A Cn. W II WHUmrgw. AilAOW Weal v. nrd * Vc'. Mrs W 1* Y01 g 1, Ucn 14 I*. Her atenmshlp Tiinnwnnda from Philadelphia—A •» fill It. J /erndurf. .1 C Adtioie, 1) 8 Arnold. Itenncll McKee A G<», Bn elinw A Hliv-t R L llloomlteld, M. T Iturgi r. Banka A Ilr.'Ok*," I’tny* Balt -. BonlJ A,H, Cui It B, M A'C'utK'ii O Cohi-n .te Co, Claghom A .0, Ci-opar. O A F, C’alhvt Jtti T- M 4»K 41 < Irak. ' OB Icy. Force A Co, (iirkAgon. W M Davldeou, Dui- cau .% J, Cl 0 Dear Ing, J A Domtlasa, * O Donnell, O Draw, *1’ Donnvan, .1 ” l»eB ea. » hah in, K A C«\ J KnQla Jb Co, ICstca A Uro, Fliblimnn A Winn. M W Fret-man, Mira M Fleming, I* -I Gul'ina-th A C'o, W J Gail b-r ■% (*u W l.'-ordm It Graham Uutler A «, llo'cir.ita2kCo, U U H.-ldt, CM BUbinau. I’unnl chit A I). Herring A Boiklo,M2k J llpach. L W Hunt. f» LHoukry. Hewitt* roil. R II Klrlln, W la'-olm, W B Jackson, J Llupnun. Mra L LUpnan. L 11 I^ayett, ..... .... ^ jf y jj d Lenar, U Lynch * Co, P ItOCOllltN, MISCELLANEOUS. PROPOSAL?. Ornra DsriT axd I):piii h^i«o Qi-artkiim*stkb i Atmxt*, Oa., October 18, in;7. ( 40 Door Frames and pi liu l’nnnoi Doors, 3 ft. 2in x8 ft, 1 3-1 in. thick, 40 do. 2 ft. 8 in.xS ft, 1 1-2 in. thick, 50 do 3 ft x7 ft 3 in , 1 3-4 in thick, 10 do. 2 ft G in.x7 ft. 3 in.. 1 1 2 in thick, 17 do. 3 ft.x7 ft Sin. 1 3-1 in thick, 4 Door Frames and Door* (with K.ish, 12 liable 9x12 ) 3 ft. 3 in.xS ft, 1 3-4 in thick, 3 D<mr Frames and Double I’.muel Doors, 5ft x9 ft., 2 in. tbiok. . jot a to be trimmed with |o"rr-.ioln* Huta, nnd Rim l/v<*. of (Oi*l q wily, wlJ) Mlnural Kno a. Th«* F»ah D nw. cat Kroin-e to In d<*'ivcrrd at Iho Bwlft It »'(• Track.’ in tho city of Att*ntn, (la, wh"»o they wi I it- I'lspoted, Dc'lv.ry t<i e'min»rco No- vemb r 10th, 18.17, »fl«l (ir. irln' o as wanted, or tho -iio'o uimtH-r m»v b« do Ivnred at onco ni-’e mill', bo in TRU'tioir*, wl Ii a copy of th's ad- ert sarm-nt attacikh t « kaob. and boar tho arn«r«e- mnit of two asar ■ksihi.r j erso**. who nro willing lo breomesurrty fortta bddurln 1I10 ev. tt rf ibco'-n- tn ct b ing awn-d* d te liim Uropoea a n-t comp'ying advr- ' wllh «hn requirement of this advert omen", wllbo J ctod. It-.ddi-ra are l-vitod to tu prerent or ropiu.unted nt 1 < j. m ng 01' ilia b'd« ThiiGo< Grnmant ro ci vea t* c Fght t.a irject any or a'l I I ie, or su eel sue» p irts of bid* :n may IV f »r the 1 - • ‘me ca of the 101 v co >po ala should be o-ldr as* d to t'n» urdcrs'L’iu d, • dn aid 11 ao 1 Iho cnvcl.iri.«, 1 I’ruvunle for iho del very ot D hi a ntd Win ’owe." Byo-dero* U:uv. Brig. G -n. It. Rax'nn.C^hipfO. M, II .1. F/ RSBWOUril, 1st L'. 34 Ii Infantry. A. A. (). M., np21-lnt In ebargewf Deprt - — ■ -r 1 30i THE TESTIMONIALS, , READ THIC • VlkJ vJv/ . ' •> ’ TESTIMONIALS ENnORSINO ME S020D0NT! ENPOKSINO THE S0Z0D0TTT! sozoDONT lane Ilarinloea a* Water 1 coutnliia aelllirr Add, Potnali, or nny oilier dele* terloua drug. Ono of the first cbomlala of this country, J. 0. Pohlo, M. D., of Now Y’ork, haa ma-le of the BOZO- DONT, and hear what he any#: 487 Broadwat, July 6, 1806. I have made a chemical analysis of tho preparation for the toeih, elyled •’Bccodont," tho object of the analysis being to Moefteln whether It contained unb alance* detrimental to the teeth or gnraa. An impar tial sample of tho " Boxodont" wo* purchased by mo pcroortally from a loading drug home of this city, and carefully analyzed for acids and other corroslvo or Jn- lurloua Ingredient#, likely to havo a detrimental action on the teeth or guma, bnt nothing of an objoctlonaUo character waa found In Its composition. JULina 0. FOHLB, M. D., Late of Dr. Jamo. R. Ollton A Go., Analytical Ghcmlkte. Read tho Te.tlmony of a few of the many eminent ergymen and famillca of New York city, who having n.od the Bor.odont for n long limo pnat, am con vinced of iu exocllont and invaluable qoaiiUO*, give It their ooralat commendation: Rev. Time. Dewitt, Pastor Collcglalo Reform Dutch Church, Lafayette Placet. Ror. J. W. Alemnder, D. D., Presbyterian Church, Fifth Avenue. Rev. J. D. Wake ley, Mcthodl.t Kptocopat City Missionary. Rev. W. F. Morgan, D. D., Rector Bt Tbomaa’ Chnrch, Broadway. Res-. R. II. Cliapln, D. D., Pastor Foarlh Ur.l- venall.t Church, Broadway. Rev. Saumcl Conk, I). D., ltcctor BL Birdiolo- mew’. Church, Lafayette Place. Rev. Samuel Osgood, D. D., l'a*tor Church of Messiah, Brocdwny. Rev. n. M. Adams, Mc'hodlst Spluopal Church Duane atreet. Rev. Ileman nanga. Into Poster Centenary M. E. Church, Brooklyn. Rev. W. S. Mlketi, Pastor BaptlitChurch, 10th street. Rev. Geo. Pott*, D. D., Pastor Preabytcrlan Church, University P.ncc. Rev. K. K. Rankin, Pastor Presbyterian Church, Forty-. 1 cond street- Rev. T. F«. Vcrmllyr, D. I»., Pa.tor of Colored Dutch Reformed, Lafayette Place. From G. F. J. Colburn, Doctor of Dental Burgrry, ‘ Newark, N. J. Tho Popular Dentifrice known as "Boxodont,” lie- ■We* t>ctng a very ple-uiant addition to tho toilet, con- Ulna Ingredients that, if used according to tho direc tions, will prove of the greatest utility to the health ot ’he mouth and tooth. From lion. ISx-Govcrnor Pennington, Now ark, N. J., (late Speaker o( tlio Douse of Represen tatives at Washington.) “ I have awd, at a cl<y\n*cr of the teeth, a prepara tion called Boxodont, and bore found it very beneficial. It ha. a good effect upon Iho teeth, and purlflos tho breath. Tho character of Mr. Van Iiu.klik, a. a chemist, Is a guarantee of morlt lu all articles bearing hla numo.” Theatre Shades, From Mr. C. R. Thurston, Dentist, Newark, N. J. '* I moel cheerfully boar testimony to the unrivalled excellence of Bozodonl for the teeth. During my prac tice in Dentistry, for a nnmtai of yenra part, 1 hrvo not only used it personally, but have rccmnmetidod its to my eufltomcra, na being the most efficacious, a. well os dolintons, dentifrice In uto, and wull cnleulaled at a prewrvallvo of Ibe tooth." SHIPPING. 3Tor ISTew York. ATLANfIC COAST MAIL STEAMSHIP LINE BIDE-WHKKL SI1IP8. 8AlUNij KVKHY THURSDAY. Tho now and very f**V*alfinf atoamsblp Herman Livingston, (2,000 tons burthen) . II. BAKKR, Commander, Will positively sail nn her reenlar day,TIlUUBDAY, October 31a*. at lr.^ o’clock A. M Ullte of Lodlrig viven horn on through fiolghU ol Cotton to l.lvcrjtool liy fit at eloaa rtoemars. For freight or passago, having new and splendidly arranged accommodation., apply to WILD HR A FULLABTON, No. • Btoddard'a Ur- - SHIPPING. For XivcrpooJ. TUK slip HUMl’JMt. seven Lundrad ar.«l f f y tuns, Khit.1, M.a'4r, will have - dli prich tor tbe »1wve yor*. For trolglil appl) •« o»30i| l'HIM.II’ddt MriR**, No. a Ii arris' Wa go. For liverpool, TUI-. first class Ami rican .hip L'CUKAMKIt, , , Yorj*o, Blaster, llaupg#I no poil'on.f hri-frelgbtra- ‘ win havo dUpetoh. For im| uicg of / u'gli , npp y to' rlmi i’KRAFI) H.ARTON. For Boston, T1IK A 1 HIS(0 WAV K 1C I. Y , T«*ry, Vaster, ’’Hat Ing 7 nlk or cargo r-rg«ged, will bav* _ ^ d'sralch for the abuve port F»i ir.ight, apply lo , r*c72-lf TH AH. L. COLBY * CO: Planters’ Line mmvKKN Savannah .and Aaifusta. N. R—FoalUvaly nn engaged Berthe aoenrod after Tnneday. 2b Ii <telpher, nnlrw. paid for. |oct24 FOlt HEW YOKK. EMPIRE LINE. CMbln FA**npre tt A Stoertgo (with ■uhalitence) 11T Tlirongh freight of eotton taken to Liverpool by steam, and ’hrough bill* of lading given here. Groat reduction on local freight from New York to ono half present tariff rates. Will leave !>|l|< n’e wharf at 5 o’rlork KVERY FRI DAY AFTERNOON, for Auirurto, touching at all IntermodlHio lendlrg.. For freight apply ro WOOD mtOTlIKHH, Agent*, * f p2-ff No 6 HP ddaid a Upper Range. United States Mail. For Palatka, East Fla., TOUCHING AT DARIUS’. BRUNSWICK. ST. MARYS PRR VANDINA, JA OK- SONVILLB AND P/COLA TA Tho One aide-wheel atoamahlp San Jaolnto, J. ATKINS, Commander, Will eail a* above on SATURDAY, November M, 1) o’eloek A. M. l’oaltlvcly no engnned txirtha secured after Wednes day, Ce’obe 2iinlesa paid for. For (ruiglA ut passage, having superior accommoda tion*, apply to B. II. HARDER, No. 12 Btoddard’a Range. OARRIBON A ALLEN. Agents, im-’-JS No. 6 Howling Groan. New York- 1 he now and ob-gant Hiram Basket Llzzsle BaKer, BLACK STAR Independent Line For New York. Captain MIKE UBINA, Will tea»-r regnl-tlv tor llmntave place" every FRI DA Y MORN I NO, at IQ u cto .k. •Beilin leg. will Irava .1ec*»oi!*1'le retry Monday m» inreg, ni d Firoandl a ov.-ry Hominy evening, ax rlv'ng at Bavainnh Tne<doy morel' g 'J hi.-* Bo t h -a texjo ar.d airj te.tu Ri^im acrommo- datum* tor IVacre-re. For Irclaht or * nnwire apply nt ’bo office, on Florida 81* am Pack 11 Wharf, ur re OLAGHt-KN A ( UNKINGHAM, AgenU- No freight received uftu U o'clock on the day tf sailing. Ah fro'ght p-yit’i'c by tli!|'|a-*a Thi" B«at ei,unccta at F mo iltoa with tbcFl' rida Rnlirorul ro Ccdnr K*ye; ai J -*kroiville with the Centre! l allrond to Lake City, nnd nt i’ico.'ala with regular lir.t-a of to Bl Avcue inu. eng’6 The ll rt cte*. atramihip Huntsville, CROWELL, Cotomacdcr, B ATU It I) A Y, Nritemtar 2, nt — c'C ock Wl I s - M. F ir Irei glit p-ia**gp, apply to A V'JB G 0 It EN .V C ’.. Agrnts, No. W Biy street. H. l.OVDKN. Agent, No. 93 Wet itnet N **w VorU. o*i26 Wll : leave n-z> I wlv fur thr at ova » v'ry MON DAY nnd TIUIR-U , y MuR? IN*(»h. ntlftntelock. r<>nne< ting with a I pulii*" on Iho Florida fiariroai ard to Jnck.onvil o. and ihtn u b, sUamu; lo oil polrriff on tho Bt .1 dm’, ri*-- r. Jtetu'iilng. ** 1-1 -o-v.’ Fnrno’-nn rro yTUEBDAY and FRIDAY AKTKIIN’i'16 8 rr-lvtngat Bnvtcnah on Wedmrlay mi-1 Faiiinl,»- minimgs For | bi* ng.*, lie. trig mi pci In- :*• cummodatirna, or to-'gh'. npp'valrii) office on K.nrida Btinm Packet Wbari o m GLAUIU'KN A CUNNINGHAM, octS-G.r.o Agents. Steamship Company. FOB PHILADELPHIA. CAHItV I»AS»A«E, M lDONn UGH ETRBB’I , Ol’i’OdITSTUHTUKATBB Tli» un-.'rr.Ignod -reu d infor n hts (r end* and thn pub'lc, that h. lim rruitedpat lU’rd up in He 111 "t rechc-clxi *t 'c hit new 0 tibfislimuDt, wh« o wdl be ford -*n reters'vooa-u-rtm-n* rf tv cholr-M brand" of In 11 r'rd *nd domesile Winn*,' lu io-s, (! g.ra. A- 1...„i i. .1 rn,,i-i)cr* * - •n:d on TUrilSDAY MORN- ic ii wnlch will ta IN", O *<)-er 10th. "ha cr* ibdrhmcnt I* no* o ilv locaUd for the conv * nboreol the p-.troce of llioTbi-ure, hot Ii almcsny of • rci«« 'o a>i who appreciate tin choicest varieties of l/AjU 'R». /11 Ktieu pa-sod LUNCH wT '• «• sp-ovi from 11 A. M in'| 1 1’. M , and In llm-•vni"ufiom9to lto’chnk. A vl- It will s il»fy tbo up'ci t: d g~*'ilv ih • mot fall ficus J. KOOX, ■dim I'npriuior. From Alexnmler M. Douglifriy, M !>., late ono of tho Medical Directors United Utates Army, Newark, N. J. " Having been mnjo acqnntntnd with tbo com|iosl- tlon of Iho preparation known aa Hozodoi t, 1 havo for eomo tlmo past pormfited Be use in my family, whore ll has given entire satisfaction. Ills an olegant toilet article, well worthy of the encomiums cwived." MEINHASD BROTHERS & n{?,, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Boots, Shoes, Hats CLOTHING. Ill iironirliton Street. From Mr. A.T. Joliuson, Dentist, J^iwoll. Mots. Dsia dia —T wo years since a friend uf mine from New York sent me a tattle of your dentifrice very properly call'd Bozo-lout, with thq, request that I should give It n trial I did so, and wa* convinced It wo* destined to tako tbe place of all preparations for the teeth. I have been engaged In the practice of Don- latry for the post seventeen (17) years, and during that tl am, among all tho preparation! fur tha teeth offered 10 Lira public, I must »ay that from pcraonal experience th* Boz nlont bears off the palm. For my own use, I would not be without It for toy consideration." THIRD DOOR l-RO.M BULL ST. THE LARGEST HOUSE OF THE KIND SOUTH OF BALTIMORE I hu-Fliur. wr hsso s h iiiihI sufficient span* to tit' crcnrr «ni*- s ock ‘u such siicMuut that we nmv HAVE ON HAND 1IIK EAUGEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT of III *<J Quo !s to bo found IN THE SOUTHERN STATES. Tbo whole of this EXTENSIVE STOCK 11AS BEEN SELECTED WITH GREAT CAUB, EXl'RESSLY FOR THIS MARKET, And (11 QU ALI1Y, VARIETY AND PRICE OF GOODS Wff" WE DEFY COMPETITION ! ^ Orders by Vail or Express will rec-ive prompt MKINHAUI* nno*. A l'()., ill BnotuniToN Stubkt. »r» 27-1 f NEW YORK OYiTE S »T Olffl hOUSE. R. M, HUNT, DXALEH IN FRENCH AND PLAIN CONFECTIONERY I I'lonthRi k H GIIOGOLjATKS, A lJtkn’ad '•()-. t.'hir.K Rubber and Fam y'Qoc<ie, Do’l", Dull C-rriiige*, Fancy B.'-’ct*, Beads, de. it. M. HUNT, r.C*«t> 2in'» t' lroer Whitaker and fllntn s'.io«t». WOLFK'S SCUUDAM SCnNAI’PS o grw*d tor wilm and pain in tha .tninsah WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS ra* rted (or QouL Where Ibe Shoe PI nr lies. Certain Jteutlete tvliu law tooth nostniTS to sail, and who find that the 8C7i< >DONT la Liking the place of every other dsntifrin» In the land, shako Iheir bends tuibwtngly end hint that it Is deli tcrion*. If they moan deleterious to iheir Interests, no doubt they arc right Were It destnietP'o to tho teeth these cavilers would have nothing to say against It, &a rvil effects would bring grist to iheir mill. Their motives aro too trans parent not to be seen by every Intelligent person From Jjuucs Muirs, 01.1)., 86 Clintou l’leee, New ^ '1^ 4 To* “Dra* Bin—For romo timo poet I have txen nr\k- Ing use of your Horodoni. At the time 1 twan to use It my gums were v -ry tender nnd painful lo Ibe touch, end had been so for a ronridershlo length of tlmo After using the B-redout a few times, they wero en tirety refilled, and have rctnate.od so over etnoo. I consider tho BoroJont Ihe most convenient, efficient satisfactory, and pleasant dentifrice In uso—Indispensa ble to all well regulated tollcio. " Your*, ute., roost resiKMlfutly." used liy Ylutiitenl llniflat*. " riiysli Inns. Chemists. Ministers. Lit entry Men. Merchant*. Bankers, 2kr. BEWAKE OF IMITATIONS! Many t'mler Similar Names, VetwUd and toVd by unptlndplv \ dsalvra tivcsoae ttiey pay ^ much larger per oeni ibsn BO'dODONT Beware of d»al*Ti who recommend other preparsllona Ask for KOZODONT, and toko no other. HAM A KITim, Proprietors. 1 i ttfylHwi Tire first class steamship TONAWANDA, JKNN1NUB, Commander Will sntl to* *he alnivi- i*o*d on SATURDAY, No- sm’.- id M fl n'-iteck A. M. For frc'gli’ or passage, tiavlng anpsrior accommods- Ions apply fi* HUNTER A GAMMELL. Agents, 84 Hay strre or' 28 MURRAY’S LINE. For ISTew York. The One steamship i © f Captain DEAKBCIlN, Will sail fir ”m atavo port on TUKBDAY, No- 1 nitar 6 Ii *' I! n'elock M. No -mg ign.1 b -rro* i*c*trM nnlcM p\ld for by Mon- re morning. N< v- in Vr 4 h. 1'hroush Kill* ul l.tdlng gl’-en hero on e-itton dcs- Un-i! fur l.lve*i»oo', hy first class K< am«rs. For freight or passago, having superior accommoda tions, apply to HUNTER A GAVMKLL, [31 M Ray street A-A.p CT'".3^-' P ire*. LINK -Thi Air sh am hip Oki von, tt'cl*. Co, BOSTON A CHARLES TON BTE A MBHIF •The now A 1 Gkobob B Ur- Ctouimardor, le Ys-msBIi v*: w . n *w rn* nlrg icgulariy bi te pv,^**^* tween B< "ton snd Chwles- ton, eavlrg oorh p rt n'h-r ntily r*» ry llfie* 11 nv* Cot toe, I5,.j i, i.Y't| g 11 rV n cro'-.nrd « from t*»o into riot of Givrg.a, Hoi-'h Cn *> 1 -n icid ether points, con sign'd -o r.-y pit. vi 1 c torwar.tvd fr-oof eommls- s on ro Uo •> ai d a l*» mte No th snd Ka»*. Tlirongh h lls ol Ldliig ig i-d I - U sto’i tor B.ivjn* ah, Bean- avd II It n H ■ 4 F r fro'ght or passsgo, having oxcol * nt l -tv Turin acc ,m*nod» m-s, apply to •Vil LIAM ROACH. Agent, Clrr-'ston, B. O. WOLFE'S SCIitEDAM SCHNA1TS are a prov^ntre*- tor dot s an.1 fever. WOLFE’S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS e good tot I lyspapsla. WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS ■lio-llil -- in 1 te— t\ III. . f •« l-rv tnMl*lik««*|M*V Gi\ ZAN & 15HO., Ii COHN lilt OF IlliH. *N» HAY ST!., *-t atd Cheapest AV-4MN 11 \ Nl>' tm Lu. r H-. ,k t READY MADE CLOTHING, GENTS’ FURNISHING GOOD*, hats, caps, thunk*, Y A LISES, UMBRELLAS. en l such o’h-1 goo’s icua’ly f-mnd In a it at class Bo 1*11 C.olblng II uro, snd nt prices ta suit lie hires. *y ( nif tom tnd s.-cure a l-argdii. WHAT DO YOU DRINK I Wolfe’s Hchludsm Hchnap)*». ll chocks the dbat. raiuremenr of 'he taaals In wa»m nllmata* WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS i-Trenta llm change ol wnter WOLFE’S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS 1* sold hy all Driver, ard Ato;h«rariva. WOLFE'S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS ,ar* good fw all urin*ry oomplaiLl*. The n« w ste tarr ISL'^.T?3:E3- Captain OARNETT, United States Mail. FOB FEBJf&WBiNA, E. F„ VIA DARIEN, BRUNSWICK a>d ST. MARY’S Kvrry .Hominy ami Thui**lay THE STEAMER SYLVAN SHORE, CAPT. IAS. TUCKER, For Palatka, Florida, VIA SAVANNAH, FERNANDINA, JACKSON VILLE AND ALL INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS tHSSS!SSSSSS!SS^SA. 11)3 new steamer City Point, Jutyis L J. UUII.MAK'l IN A CO-, Agent* ot Bavnnnah, (1111 TOND) Capt.S. ADKINS, Will leave Charleston overy Fill DAY, at 0 o’clock Vi M-, and Savannah for Pataka and intermediate landings on the Bt John’s river every SATURDAY #t;8 o’clock P. M. IlETURNIN G. Will leave i’alatk* every MONDAY MORNING at 7 o’clock, Jacksonville every TUESDAY MORN ING at 3 o'clock, Ferramlinn anhie day, and Savan nah every WISDNESDA Y at 9 o'clock A.M , arriving in (.'hirlcfton rnmo afternoon Freight received at nil times at the FLORIDA WHARF, foot of tho Go* JJotiso Hill, and stored free of charge. For freight or passage apply on te m, or to CHARLESTON AN9 SAVANNAH STEAM PACKET LINK. TRI-WEEKLY. VIABKAUFORT A»n HILTON HEAD Weekly. VIA lll.UI-'l-T'ON. THE STEAMER PILOT BOY. Capte'n W.T.MoNBLTY, TI1E STEAMER FANNIE, CupUIn FKN PECK. One nf tin- i( v "vn rleamcra will |ravo Chnrlo*t<>n ev* ry MONDAY, WBDNKBDAY and FRIDAY MOBN- INOB, at 7 o’clock, ard Savannah o* >ty MONDAY, WKDNKBt’AY nnd FRIDAY MORNINGP, at t o’clock, touching at«H!i'ffton (»■• «he Mond *y Irlp from Cbarlosto-, and Wcdnrs<la*r trip from Bnvnnupb. All wny freight nnd Blnfffoo whuff go miut be pfrv> paid. For (night or nasrage apply to UlaVGllOKN A CUNNINGHAM, Agents, Duystreot, No freight received ou tbo mo- ning of tho departurs of tha hoiite. ool2 APPIES, POTAVOB9, ONIONS, 20 BARRELS APPLES 25 do P.aeh Blow POTATOES 20 do RED DM *XS 20 tubs CHOICE RUTTER 5 bbl* BREAKFAST BACON JO Idils FULTON MARKET UKF.F 10 half bhls do do do 50 bxs CHEESE 100 bbls FLOUR, Hiram .Smith and other broad* 50 bags JAVA COFFEE 20 bigs L 4GUAYRA COFFEE 10 hhdsCLEAR SIDES 25 1.1.1s MESS PORK 100 bbls nnd bxs CRACKERS 20 bxs LAYER RAISINS 100 dn BUCKETS 50 dos BROOMS BO nests PAINTED TUBS 20 nwt* CEDAR TUBS 500 lbs different brands SMOKING TOBACCO 50 half bids No* 1 and 2 MACKEREL 100 bxs CODFISH 100 bxs .SMOKED HERRINGS 10 b»d« WHITE FISH 50 000 SUGARS ' 75 bxs TOBACCO. Landing and iu store, for sain by oo»28l CONNER AT A JOHNSON. WOLFE’S SCHIEDAM SCHNAPPS are put up In qnnrt and''pint bottle* with tbe nronria Iir's rama Ilf tV«* Ml|n. r(.*lr *nd l*tal v Q WOU-’K'S SOiilKDAM SCIINA1'I-S > *ie goo \ for all kWn> y and bladder oumpialnt*. 1 - • ri