The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1873, October 18, 1868, Image 4

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URGEIT CIRCULATION IN CITY m COUNTY ^=C=KS= 1 . =5 POETRY. PROCLAMATION BY THE GOVERNOR, TUB LILIES OF TUB F1BLD. Each at tbi dawn upresri Ita dim ohalloo, Whoa day-iprlof oahm lo tb« d.wy morn— Garni that mike bright the iweet wqaciterod viUeyt, Diy-eUrs that miad and mountain glen adorn! God laid “Let there be light!" and lo! creation Shone forth with imllea emparadlaed and fair, Then man had Bden for a habitation, And ye. bright children of the ipring, were there ! Ten came to bleu the eye whin aln hod clouded The earth with ruin pale and wan; ¥e came to cheer the hfart when aln had shrouded With peril dark and dread the fate of man 1 Ye came to whlaper with your living beauty A leieon to the heard that doubting atrey j To win the aplrit to a trusting duty, And guide the wanderer’s steps in wisdom’s way! What though your aooents, gentle, iweot and lowly, Unto the silent ear no sound Impart 7 Ye whlaper words all eloquent and holy, To wake the finer feelings of the heart 1 Meekly ye tell your emblematic story Of the Creator’s lore with pathos true, For Solomon, with all hia pomp and glory. Wai no’er arrayod like any one of you ! Ay, ya hare lessona for the wise, rorealing Truths that proclaim Jeliorab's bounteous lore; And wisdom than grows wiser, nobler, feeling How all that's good dessendoth from above! Ye touob the thoughtful soul with pure emotion, When contemplation doth your beautios scan; Ye fill the heart with calm, serene devotion, And breathe a moral unto erring man! LEGAL NOTICES. i“ Whiriab, on tho Sd day of Novombor next an elco Ion wilt to bold at tho various places in this Btato established by law for holding olocllons by tho people thorcof, for nlno Electors ol President and Vico President of tho United States; and whoroas, from tho Incrosscd numbor of qualified voters In this Stale additional opportunltln must bo e fiord od, that It may bo possible and convenient for all person* who aro on' tlUrd to exorcise tho oloctlvo franchise to voto at aald citation: Now, thorefoio, I, Burns B. BuLLoox.Govomor and Ooramandor in Chlof of the mmy and navy of tho State of Goorgla, and of tho militia thereof, do hereby Issue this my proclamation, otdoring ni d requiring that, in addition to tho oloo'.lon in each Militia District, Lhoto alia'l bo at the county alto election precinct three bal lot boxes usod, and three Boar Is of Superintendents of Election organlzod, to ihocnl that all duly quali fied voters may have opportunity to voto. In all such eases there shall bo a aopamto Roar l of Superinten dents of Election, duly quailfiod and organized, to each ballot box, and the oloction sbull bo conductod by oaoh Board of Superintendents in tho name manner and with the same formalities as if there we:o but ono ballot box and one Board of Buporiutendouts. Each Board will main eoparatu returns, as required by law- Given under my hand and tho Great Boat of the State, at tho cvpltol, in tho city of Atlanta, this two’flh day of October, In the year of our Lord o’ghtctn hun dred and sixty-eight, and of tho Indopoudenco of tho United States c-f America tho ninety-third. RUFUS B. BULLOCK, Governor By the Governor: David G. Gottikq, Secretary of kittle- Ocl5-d6t*Wtd IN EQUITY* IN RICHMOND SUPERIOR COURT. G eo. M. TDEW, Astlgnco of "Tho President, Di rectors and Company of the Bank of Augusta,*' vs. Archibald Boggs and others, creditors of said cor poration—Bill for Direction and Dlitiibution of Assets of said Bank. Upon the application of counsol for complainant It is ordered by the Court that all persons holding claims or demands against the raid 1 President, Directors and Company of (lie Bank of Augusta, ’ who hsvo not heretofore done so, shall, by tbu SECOND MONDAY IN JANUARY next, give notice of tb»lr said claims to the Assignee. George M. Tftew, at Augusta, Oeorgia, and exhibit tho evidence thor.of, and deposit tho same, If in writing, with said Assignee, for which ho shall give pioper receipts And it la further ordered, that alt such persona pre senting claims bo considered end made parties de fendants to said bill, with leave In plead, answer or do- mur thereto at any timo before tho htarirg thereof. And the Court will proceed to make auch ordor and decree for the distribution of said assets in the bands of the Assignee as tho mice of Equity require. And it is further ordered, that a copy of thla order, duly certified by tho Clerk, be published ones a month for four monthi before tho next torm of this Court, in • public gaze -to of each of tho cities of AugHata, At lanta, Savannah, Charleston, Nashvlllo, Now York nnd Cincinnati. By the Court, Juno 29,1668. * WM. U. HULL, Solicitor for Complainant. GEORGIA, Riciimoxd Countv.-I, Lafayotto Me- Laws, Clerk of the Superior Court of Richmond Coun ty, do hereby certify tuat the foregoing is n t ue copy of the order of tho Court In tho enso stated, as record ed on the Book of Minings ol the Courts on tho 1st dsyof July, 18 8, folio 019. , , i ) Witness my hand nnd seal of said Court, < l b. > this 1st duy of July. 1808 J ^ \ LAFAYETTE McLAWB, aopl4-lam4mo Clerk Superior Court R. O.. Ga. CITY SHERIFF’S SALE. TTNDER and by virtuo of a fi. fa. iffuod out of U the llonornblo tho City Court of Savannah, in favor of Harriot M. B. Montmollin vs. Margaret O’Byrno and Claus Werner, socurity, on stay of ex ecution, I have levied upon tho following property, to-wit, to satisfy tho same, viz: All that lot, tract or pared of land, lying and bo- Ing in the city of Savaunnh, county of Chatham, known and distinguished in tho map or plan of said city as Lot No. Fifteen (15), Now Franklin Ward, with the improvements thoreon. And I will soil the same on tho first Tuesday in November next, before tho Court Houso door in the city of Savannah, county of Chatham and State of Georgia, betwoon tho legal hours of snle. Terms cash. CHARLES J. WHITE, ocG-law-lw Sheriff City of Savannah EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. /TrEDITOBB of the late William Thorne Williams aro requested to prosont their demand!, duly at tcited, within tho time prescribed by law; and debtors t-> make payment to the undeislgncd, athlioffice. Wo. W Bay „tr«, Ua. Nuv oel4 lawOw Executor. CITY SHERIFF'S SALE. TTNDER and by virtuo of a fi. fa. issuod out ol 'J the Honorable tho City Court of Savannah, In favor of William L. Cleveland vs. A. Datenhoffer, nnd Mary Dutonhoffor, I havo loviod upon tho fol lowing property, to-wit: All the improvements siluato on tho ono-third lot known as No. 2 New Franklin Ward, city of Sa- vannnh. And will soil tho samo before the Court House door in tho city of Savannah, county of Chatham and Stato of Georgia, on tho first Tuesday in No vember next, botween tho legal hours of sale. Terms cash. CHARLES J. WHITE, ocG-law-lw I horiff City of Savannah. CITY SHERIFF'S SALE. U NDE Rand by vlruc of a Ilf i iimui-J out of tho Ilonorablo, the City Court of Savannah, In favor of Nevitt, Lathrop A Roge r!, vs of LewU B. Fair-, child, 1 have Uvied upon the iollowing property All that lot or pnreil of land in tho city of Savannah known by the map of laid city of Savannah ai west- cm half of lot No. 7, Derby Ward, w.lti improvement* thereto. And will loll tho aame before the Court Home in the city of Bnvannnli Comity of Chatham and Btate of Georgis, on the first Tuesday in Novotnber next, between tho legal houra of sale. Terms Cash. CHARLES J. WHITE, oct6 Bhuriff City of Savannah. CITY SHERIFF’S SALE. TTNDER nnd by virtue of live (6) 11 fas iasucl out of (J the Honorable the City Court of Savannah, ono id favor of Charlea Parson va John Daly, endorser, onu in favor of Charles Person va John Daly, ono in favor of the Centrnl Railroad and Hanking Company of Georgia va John Daly, one in favor of Phlncaa M Bullock va John Daly, ant one in favor of J A Wink ler vs John Daly, 1 have levied on the following prop erty, to wit: All those lota or patcris of lncd being in the city of Bavannah and known on tho map or plan of Savannah by tho letters D E ond F, South Oglethorpe Ward, with improvements slturie thereon, situate at tho north west corner ol West Broad nnd New streets. And will sell tho same bofore the Court House doer in the city of Bavannah, county of Chatham and Bta'.o of Georgia, on the first Tuesday iu November next, between the legal Lours of rnio. Tcrma Cash. CHARLES J WHITE, oc'5 Sheriff City of B.vannah CITY SHERIFF’S SALE. U NDER and by virtuo of two (2) (1 fas issued out of tho Honorable the City Court of Savannah one in favor of A. 8- Barnes, surviving oo-partner, v Jt. Knapp Sc Co, and one in favor of L. Valentino <3 Co, vs J Knnnp A Co, I have levied tipou the follow lug property, to wit: ! All those two lots of land lying nnd being In the city of Savannah, known and distinguished in tne plan oi aald city aa loin 51 and 52 Prundcrgastvlile, with im provements thereon. ^ And will sell the same before the Court Houso door in the city of Savannah, county of Chatham and Buto of Georgia, on tho first Tuesday in November next, between the legal hours of sale. Terms Cash, CHARLES J. WHITE, octS Blierlli' City of Ba annah. CITY SHERIFF’S SALE. OFFICIAL, PltOCLAiUATlON. By the Governor. EDUCATIONAL. 8AVANNAHMEDICAL CO„ LEGE SAVANNAH, GA. T HE TWELFTH ANNUAL COURSE OF LEC TURES In thla Institution will commence on tho FIRST MONDAY In NOVEMBER next, and con- t'nuo four months. FACULTY. R D. ARNOLD, M. D., Professor Theory and Practlco of Modlolno. P. M. KOLLUOK, M D., Profouor Obstetrics and MERCANTILE INSURANCE CO. OF LONDON AND EDINBURG. x . sa. awl.i.uon, sl> n., x ru Diseases of Women and Ohlldri AdJunot-TUOMAH SMITH, M. D. W. G. BULLOCH, M. D., Professor Principles and Practice of Burgory. Adjunct—T. J. CHARLTON, M. D. J. B. READ, M. D., Professor Materia Modlca and Modlcnl Jurirprudonco. Adjunct—R.J, NUNN, M.D. J URIAH UARRISB, M. D., Professor Physiology and Pathology. Adjunct—dh G. THOMAS, M. D. W. B. WARING, M. D., and Dean of Faculty, Pro- fosior of Anatomy. W. M.CHARTERS, M. D., Profeaaor Chemistry. Adjunct-W. H. ELLIOTT, M. D. W. DUNCAN, M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy. R. P. MYERS, M. D., Assistant Demonstrator and Curator. Requisites for Graduation tho same as in all regu larly chattered Colleges of good standing. OBAROIB, For Course of Lectures $106 00 Matrlcula'ion (paid only once) 6 00 Dissecting Ticket.. * lo 00 Dp 80 00 For furthorjpnrlicniars address W.B. WARING aug!0.1aw3m Dean of Faculty. ESTABLISHED IN 1800. CAPITAL AND ASSETS (IN GOLD) Subscribed Capital $10 000,000 Cash Assets 13,603,803 85 Annual Income 3,200,035 rj*HE SUBSCRIBER having boon appointed Agent for tho above Company, is prepared to take risks on . BUILDINGS, COTTON AND MERCHANDISE GENERALLY, .At Current Kates, FASHIONABLE BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, CHARLESTON, S. O. lints. JOHN LAURENS, Principal, i l'NGLIBH, French, Mus'c, Drawing, Dancing and !i all tho accomp'ishmenU of a polite education taught. Cessions commenco October 1st and July 1st For term*, circulars, etc., address Mbs. JOHN LAURENS, wijW*Principal. Whereas, notwithstanding iho Executive Procla mation of September Utb. 1S68, many Iavle9s acts have occurred in violation thereof, whereby tho lives and property of citizens havo boon destroyed, tho right of free Fpoech impaired, tho performances of tho dutios of tho cfiicca to which citizens have been elected, deniod, tho lives of citizens fo threat ened ns to cause them to abandon their homes and property; nnd Wherens, "tho protection of persons nnd properly is the paramount duty of government, and ahull be impartial and completo;" and Whereas, tho shoriff of onch county is, by law, charged with the preservation ot life, property and !>enco in ench county; Now, thoroforo, I, ltufus B. Bullock, Governor, and Commandor-in Chief of tho army and navy of tho Stato of Goorgia, and of the militia thereof, do horeby issue this, my proclamation, charging and commanding the said Sh*. riffs, and ouch and overy other civil officor in every erunty in this State, to 8Co to it that tho livos and property of all citizons. and tho poace of tho community, arc presorted, and that all persona are protected in tho l'rco exercise of thoir civil and political rights and privileges. And, furtbor, to make known that for failure in tho per formance of duty, the said Sheriffs and other civil officers will bo bold to a striot accountability under the law. And, to charge upon every person, resi dent in this Stato, that they render prompt and wil ling obedience to tho snid Sheriffs and other civil officor, under all circumstances whatsoever; and that they demand from said i fficors, protection, when threatened or disturbed in tboir person or property, or with denial of political or civil rights; and, thnt failing to rocoivo such protection, they report facts to this department The following extract from General Orders No. 27, datod October S, 1SGS, from Headquarters De partment of iho South, is published for tho informa tion of civil officers and tho general public, by which it will be seen that said civil (fficors will,' in the performance of thoir duties, be sustained by tho military power of tho Unltod Stntos. Giron under my hand, and tho great seal of tho State, at tho Capitol, in tho city of Atlanta, this 9th day of October, in tho year of our Lord eigh teen hundred and sixty eight, uud of tho inde pendence of tho United States the ninety-third. llUI-TS B. Bi m.ock, Governor. By tho Governor: David G. Cutting, Socrotary of Stato. RELIABILITY "Ubadqi*ahters Dkpaiitmknt or tub South, Atlanta, Ga., Octobor 8. 158s.— (intend Orders Xo. 27.—Whereas, By an act of the C-.’igrcssof the United States, approved March 2d, IHJ5. it is made tho duty of the military authority to preserve the pcaco at tho polls nt any election that may bo held in any of tho States: “And Whereas, This duty has become the more imperative from tho oxistiug political excitement in the public inind, from tho roccnt organization ol civil government, and from tho fuct that Congress has by gtatuto prohibited tho organization of mili tary forcos in tho several States of this Department; it is therefore. "Ordered, Thnt tho soveral District commanders will, os soon as practicable, on tho receipt of this order, distribute tho troops under thoir commands as follows: In tho District of Goorgia : "Ono company Sixteenth Infantry, to Albany. “Ono company Kixtoentb Infantry’, to Cilumbu?. “'.'no company Sixteenth Infantry, to Macon. "One company Sixteenth Infnntry, to Augusta. “Ono company Sixteenth Infantry, to Washing ton, Wilkes county “ Ono company Sixtoonth Infantry, to Amoricus. “ Ono company Sixteenth Infantry, to Thomas- ville “ One company (C) Fifth Cavalry, to Athens. " The company at Savannah to bo roinforcod, should occasion .require, by such numbor of tho men nt Fort Pulaski ns can bo spared (rum the post. Is tho one thing above all others that Is most de- sirablo in a business man. Advertisers will find us always ready to guarantee perfeet satisfaction in Contracts that may be mado with us. Wo aro en abled to offer special inducement* to partlos who may wish to advertise extensively. Send all orders direct to us, or write for estimates. Wo are Agents for all papers throughout tho Unitod States and the Canadas. F. I. DIBBLE & Co., Publishing and Advertising House, 208 Main St., Lonisville, Ky, LORILLABD’S YACHT CLUB SMOKING TOBACCO My .. . . r-n introduced, for the following reasons: It is free from NICOTINE, or any poltonoua drug* consequently r.o injury con result fiom the un of it. It has an ngrceab'o aroma, nn-1 leaves no unpk-usaut aflo'taH'.e in tho mouth It is mudo of tho very beat stock thnt cun bu pro cured, atd is of a bright golden cilor. It weighs Icon than ordinary tobacco. One pounJ of it will last bh long uh two or three pounds of otliui kinds. Orders for elegantly f-aived, genuine MEER SCHAUM PIPES are packed la the various sized bail* dally, va'ued at $16. Tho finders of thesn ardors must send them (o uh, and wh wld forward tho Pipes per Kxprois. It 1* cold on'y in bugs of 1 lb, X lb, k lb nnd J* lb. LO HILLARD* EUREKA SMOKING TOBAC CO ia also u very good article, hot much lower in price. Orders for MEERSCHAUM PIPES arealso pocked in tb.s brand daily, valued at $7 £0 A*k for either; try them ozcj, nnd you will use otic-. Wo st'll pack |100 daily in small tin fell papers of Century Chewing Tobacco rcl2 P. LOR 11.LARD, Now York. Wanted, S ALESMEN EVERYWHERE, Farmcre and oth ers, to sell an nrtie:e In greit de naml; *400 mndo by one uvent hi* i'iihI month. Drawer 124, LoureviUo, Ky. Address immediately, oc!2 Wanted, A YOUKU VAN of good eJucali-'n, sound i add ludublii us habits, who vrite* a fair hi orals, ..... hand, to fi'l the place i f Correspondent and Book K<c|c- in first elites buxiniu* house in Gris city. Age not ovc 2 ) ji-'.rs. To a party who can come well recommend- <•<1, n:.d lunn !ii» '.mployer jloOO, with a view to gain an intcrcil l:i till.- huMness hereafter, this it a tine openlrg. Otliuru wdl plcxse ro*. nppl^ Adilrcxs oc!2 Caro Drawer II, Louisville, Ky BLOOD MANHOOD ! Nothing so Import ant; send 10 c-rts for scaled 7fl pages on the whole subject, showing who can and who ought uot to marry, toDK. WHITTIER, 617 St Charlea street, St. Louts, Mo- Confidential con sultation Leo, at office or by mail. Stale your caso, r.o matter nbohove fa:led. Llo stands pre-eminently above ail others in tit. Louis, in his speciality Patiunts treated by mail or express tn every State. 'Hie writ ing* of a physician whore reputation is union wide, Fhou’d be worth tho postage. ■ PATENTS. “ Detachments, whon neco3;ary, may be mndo to points in tho vicinity of each post; but in no enso, nor on any pretext whatever, will detachments bo sent without a cctniobsioncd officer, who will be fully instructed by his post commander. " The troops will bo considered as in the field, nnd supplied with tho nerossary cauip equipage; the men to be furnished with common touts if practica ble, nnd if not practicable, with sheltor tents Com manding officers are pormitted to hire quarters, tem porarily, when it can bo dono for reasonable rates ; but this will not preclude tho uccossity of carrying tonts, ns the comtnnnds, in all cases, must bo in read iness to movo nt tho shortest notice, with all sup plies required for thoir effi iency “District comin&ndors will instruct post com manders in thoir duties, and tho relative posiiion of the civil and military powers. Tboy will impress on post commanders that they ore to act in aid and co operation, and in subordination to the civil authori ties; that they are to exerciso discretion and judg ment, unbiased by political or other prejudices; that their object should bo exclusively to preserve the peaco and uphold law and order, and tboy uiu-t be satisfied such is tho object of the civil officer calling on them for aid ; that they must, in all cases whore time will permit, apply lor iusreucticn to suporior authority, but they must at all hazards preserve the peaco, and not be restrainod by technical points, J^N order to apply for a l’atont, send a mold of your invention to MUNN CO, 37 l’ark Row, New York, with tbc first Imtalmcnt ot Government and tiump fees. *1(1, with full particulars of the invention, 8n d Lr pimphiut containing Law and fuU Instruc tions, f:<c. Kata biisbed 25 ycare-BClKNTIFlO AM KUIOAN—the bei* lfiuH’.rnted Weekly Mechanl cal paper, $3 a year. oc!2 CANCER, CANCER, CANCER THE CELEBRATED D K. O O U D 3521ST, OF LOUISVILLE, . wert, by Ma wonderful success l-» the trcatmei. Which he Removes without Pain or the Use of f he KulTe. The fn'lowinz C'’i..):iil cudorajisicnt i« clipped fiofl! the Li u .Viile U« inter, Ju'y 10.ti, 1868- The H.icceBH Glut Dr. Gul den ih Having in the treat ment c.f cancer* i* tomclhi g rcn.arkablo. We aro ;d mral eve*y day mf jimod of coj cb where lie bun i U'lct* ... . , - . . • • cure* which are, no doubt perfect ccaus. Every o: when, in their conscientious judgment uuder tho w |, j !,„m ite.i with this ti.ribie r.nhv.y are litmg ; very niiieh tO ( their own diradvaut&ge every h: ur they TJNDER and^^r virtue of two fi fa's, isiucd out of the Ilonorablo tho Oily Court of Savannah, in favor of tho Bank of Commerce vs Edward G Wilson, J have levied upon tho following property, to-wit; All that lot, tract or parcel ot land lying and being in the city of tiavannah, and known and distinguished In the old map or plan of mid city ns Lot number thirty five (.Ti), Forsyth AVnd containing 120 toothy 60 feet, morn or less, situato at tho corner of Forsytn J*ark and Bull street. And will sell tho same, to satisfy sni 1 11 fa’s, on tho first Tuesday in Novcmbir next, bofore the Couit House door in tho city of Savannah, county of Chat ham and Btate of Goorgia, between the legal hours of ga'e. Terms cash. GTABLES J. WHITE, ocfl-law4w Sheriff City of Bavannah, ire CITY SHERIFF’S SALE, DEB and by virtuo of two l2) fi fas issued out of the Honorable the City Court of tiavunnab, in fitvor of Henry A Archer, Ex. vb Alex Doyle, I havo levied upon the following property, to wit: — ^ ... ._ t Qf £ nd f . One half of all that lot of land lying amj being In tho city of Savennab, situate at the northeast comer of Brooghton and Whitaker streets, and known In the plan of said city aa lot No. 10, Frederick Tything, iiiby Wud. And will aell the sunn before the Couit Houso door in the city or Savannah, county of Chatham and Slate of Georgia, on the first Tuesday In Novombor next, between the legal tours of aalo. Terms Cash* Property po nted out by defendant. CIf ARI.Eti J. WHITE, oct8 Bliurlll City of Bavannah. CITY SHERIFF’S SALE. 'FTNDER and by virtue of a Distrain Warrant, hsuod in favor of L. M. Shafor A Co., succes sor!. Ac, vs. A. A. Rico, I havo loviod upon the fol lowing property, to-wit: All the Machinery, Engino, Ac. appertaining to to* FOREST CITY LAUNDRY, consisting of an Angina and Boiler, a Mangle, a Washing Machine, f tore nnd Irons, Ac And will sell the samo. by consent of partlos, at Mis Laundry, at the southoaat corner of Liberty and Bnbersham streets, in the oity of Savannah, on the Mat Tuesday of November next, at 3 o’clock P. M. Tamil cash. CHARLES J. WHITE, oo6-law4w Sheriff City of Savonnah. rules abovo sot forth, it is thoir duty to act. Post commanders, on being notified of the proposed bold ing of political meetings, may send an officer, uud i( neerpsary a detachment, to watch tho proceediLgs and see that tho peace is preserved. “To tho people of tho soveral States composing the Department, tho Major General Commanding op- peals that they will co operato with him and tho civil authorities in sustaining law and ordor ,tn pre serving tho peace and in avoiding thoso scenos of riot and bloodshed, and the wanton destruction ot property and life, which has already, in sumo in- stancse, been enactod in the Department. He urges abstinenco from all inflammatory an 1 incondiary appoals to the pnssions; discountenancing the keep ing open of liquor shops on days of political meet ings and of election ; tho abstaining from carrying arms, and asserting the individual right of constru ing laws by force of arms. No just cauro is over advanced by resort to violonoe. Let there bo chari ty and forbearanco among political opponents, whatever may be the result; lot each good citizen determino that all who, under tho law, have the right to tho ballot shall exorciso it undisturbed If thoro aro disputed points of laws, lot them be re ferred to the courts, and let not mobs or political clubs, or other irresponsible bodies, construe and undertaka to execute tbo law. This appeal is made in the earnest hope that tho Major Genornl Com manding can roly on the good sense and correct judgment of the mass of the peoplo, and that ho will not be compelled to resort to tbo exercise of tho power with which he is entrusted, and which he will most reluotantly employ. But bo thinks it bis duty to make known, that so far as the power un der his command will admit, he will not pormit the peace to be broken, and that he will not be restrain ed in tho conscientious discharge of his duty by toobnicalitios of laws made when the present anomalous condition of affairs wero neither antici pated or provided for. “Bv order of Major General Moado: octl2-dAwNov3 R. C. Drum, A. A. G, REPUBLICAN CHEAP AND NEAT 1HB FINEST KIND OF JOB PRINTING BXE0UTEB PROMPTLY AND AT THE LOW *ET PRICE AT THE REPUBLICAN JO* JBINTINO OFFICE, BAY BTREET . B PRINTING. CC9 Just reoaived by O. L, GILBERT ileliiy c»ni<ultiiii( him. Tho.o is no Ion.or a it-iuOl (hat o.»re. Wo would cun o*.ly advise a I thoso wh i may need hiiscivico*, too.mult him ntonro. Hi* office i* 135 Jefferson street, nearly opposite tho Masonic Tem ple The Doctor tikoi pleasure in referring, by permit) aioo, to the following paitles, lending biiHlncu mou !n Louisville. Ky.: WM WATT, firm of Allen A l’iati, Wholesale Shoe Muichart«, Main atreat. W N HAl.LEMAN. Editor Loulsvi lo Courier. GKO W WICKS. 102 Main street. J M BTOUKTI>N, I’roprlJor Unitod titates Hotel. GKO STEELY. City Engine ;r. C 1* MOORMAN. Whole»&lo Liquors, Main a'root. C F Tl'lTING, Willard Hot I. J B MAYNARD, Commeicibl Editor Louisv.llo Con- ricr. J l* LUBE, Kiilor New Allaay Commercial. AUNKli COOPER, Ccnijjissoi Merchant, Ma street J It BUCHANAN. M I), Louisville. J M ARMSTRONG, 152 Main street. TAYLOR CRANE, Commissi >n Merchant, Loals* viile. Bend for circular (eoclodng stamp), givtog pa-ticu' lars of tho roo le of tnatmiint, ai d also containing an ex onsive .1st of person* who havo been permanent!) cuied-csses of o_e to thirty-tlvo tears standing. A droae Dit. W. O CUUDEN, ')'*-12 135 Jefferson »tre*-t. Louisville, By. -.‘A. Btutes; desertion, nonsupport, o’.c, sufllcioiit cause; no publkpy; no chaig r until divorce obralned ■dvico ftej. M. HO WEB, Attorney, oc!2 78 Nassau street, New York, L OTIO—l’BOF. CURIBTY’8 HAIR LOTI A,— Is neat, clean, pure, uniform and reliable, and of Lead or otbrr poisonous minerals or oila. It ma£oa the Hair Glosty and Beautiful, removes dandruff, re. •torca gray hair to Its original color—will grow hair on bald heads, and can be uiodaa a hair dressing for ev< r without tho slightest injury to the brain or optic nerve. Do not tako anj thing oiso. but get the pure article. If your druggist will not get it for you, sond direct to the manufactory. Bald by druggists, |1 per bottle; half dozen, $6, nr sent to any address on rooeipt of the money. Liberal deduction to tho trade. Bond for tes timonial., Ac. A. R. CHR1BTY A GO., „ Mannfsctnrens, II O. LLOYD, Louisville, Ky: BARNES, WARD A Go, New Orleans, Wholesale Agents, TAT) A LI WTpiJ $10 to $20 a Day Guaranteed, f) vJD \JSm Sm lUJUs H-OOD AGBNT8WANTED to Introluoo our now U STAR SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE.— Btltch allk* on both sldea. The only Aral class, low- prieed machine in tho narkoL Wo will consign ma» ohinoatQ responsible partfea. and cnapljy onergetlo agenfeon a salary. Fullpartiontattanasomplo work fiirnUhodonapjfiicatlon. Addrei ..... ... Addres [. BEACH A CO., Mompbia. Tenn Syrup and Pork. 100 JMAOUB • BYRUP; 80 bbls Mess Fork; 10 bbls Prime Pork; in store and for sale low by J. F. BROWN, o*l2 201 and 200 Ray street. INSURANCE. THE NORTH BRITISH HOTELS. KENNESAW HOUSE, narletta, Ga., A NEW AND rillST CLASS HOTEL, JL o nt Policloa Issued In Gold or Currency, at option of applicant. fiSr Losses promptly adjusted and paid. HENRY BRIGHAM, Agt., Jy28-flm IIP Bay Street. EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, WM. O. ALEXANDER, President, NO.OH BROADWAY, NEW YORK INCOME, $4,500,000; CASH ASSETS, $7,000,000. SUM ASSURED DURING THE LAST FISCAL YEAR, $ftT,030,134. PURELY MUTUAL—All profits dlvldod among policy holders, payable in evsh from tho start. Tho lank of "The Equitable" f.moug all Amcric&u companies, as to new business done sinco its organiza tion, stands as follows: In I860 it wan the ninth; in 1661 tbc eighth. 162 and 1865 the Fvvcnth; in 1604 and 1865 tho sixth ; in 1866 the fourth; in 18C7 (fiscal year) tho s-.-cond. This is the most succcs-’ul Compnny «-vcr organ ized, und for its years, THE LARGEST MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY in tbo world. L. UOWIE, General Agent, 88 Bav street. J. B. READ, M. D„ Mcdic*l KxaTrincr. jcl3 2awly By angl-2m FLETCHER, FREYEll & CO., Proprietors VERNON HOUSE, WHITE BITTFF. THE UNDERSIGNED UR apoctfully informs tlio public thal ' ho has recently loosed the VKll- ANON IIOUSK, at White Bluff, which has undergone a thorough .... j renovation, nnd everything ut achol to it placed first-class ordor. The LARDER will bo auppllod with nil tho delica cies of tho naason. Tho DINING-ROOM will bo under chorgo of s gentlemanly and efficient man. Tho BAR and BILLIARD ROOM will be under oompotont superintendence. Attached to the Hotel aro Good Bathing Houses. SAIL AND FISHING BOATS always reedy for guests, with GOOD BOATMEN in nt endanco. ap25-tf . B. H. K1BLIN. FINANCIAL. 700 MIX]Eg SAVANNAH BUSINESS DIRECTOR. COMMISSIOW ITIEUCIIAWTH* H ENhY BRYAN, Broker and Commission Mor- ohant, 101 Bay itrcoL Bavannah, Ga., bn>s and sells Cotton and otbor produce on commission: also, HocurUics of all kinos. ConsignmenU of Gclton, Wool, Grain and other prodteo solicited, upon which liberal advnnoia will bo mado. Goods and merohan- dire promptly forwarded, aug26-ly M ERCER A ANDERSON, Bankora and Commls- . .r . . .. ... . ’ ■. .« .1 ..4 4k, It AM slon MirriiantH, buy and sell Cotton and other l’roduco on commission: alio Securities of all kinds. Dual in Exchange, Coin, do Goods and Merchandise promptly forwarded. H. W. Mkhoxh, lalo Cashier p. • 1 •* ’ ’* “ * *- —* * • Plantor’a Hank; E. O. Amdxsbow, Ja. aop4 ly C ARL EPl’lNG A CO., General Commission Mar- chants, No. 140 B-yalreot, Savannah, Georgia. Vico Consulatoof tin Argontlno Uopubllo and of tho Ncthorlnnils. Gian Kppiko, Tlmtor Merchant, Da- rlonnnd Brunswick, Ga. gop4 ly H AUTUIDGE Sc NBKF, Oomrols»ion Merchants ar and 1'roko. s, No. 169 Ray rtreot, Savannah, Ga. Wo 1 Advances made on Cotton. Wool nnd Produeo, either nn hard or Itsllical Receipts, or on Shipments to Northern Ports and Lhorpcol. Hccarltira Ixirght and sold; Drefts sold on ary city In Europo. Gold and HILtr always on band. Exchange on Now York fer sale. aep4-ly QBAWrOKD, VAN HORN A SIM8, Cotton Fae- _ tors and General Commission Mrrohanls, No. 9 Stoddard’s Upper Range, opposite Central Railroad Hank, Savannah, Ga Hardee G Crawford, Baln- brklgc ; (.Lades Vau Horn, Bavannah; Richard 81ms, Bainhridgo, aug29-ly GKOCEIUEN. UNION PACIFIC R. R. Are now finished and in operation. More than twenty thousand men are employed, and it is not Impossible that the entire track, from Omulia to Sacramento, will be finished in 1869 instead of 1870. Tho UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY toceivo: I*—A Government Grant of tbo rigli'. of wa> and all necciaury timK-r and other material* found along the lino of its operations. II.—A Government Grant ol 12.8(0 acres c C LAG HORN Sc CUNNINGHAM, corner Bay und Drayton streets Wholesa'n and Retail Grocers and Ship Chandlers, keep constantly on hand a full nisort- munt ol Plantation, Family, Bhip ond Steamboat Sup plies : r.!no, Bicambrnt and Grute, Ijobigh, Bituminous und BnillhV Co t', in lots to cult purchasers, o-’gitl-ly SHIPPING. For New York. For New Y o: 8BHI-WE1KLY BLACK STAB INDEPENDENT LINE. BLACK STAB INDEPENDENT LIM CABUT PAS1AOE. EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. OADIN PASSAGE Tho First Class Btoamshlp M A. R MI ON, OCTAVUS(CHEN & CO, A h R. LOUDEN, Agent, No. 93, West hire- York. o FAIRCL0TH, Commander, BIA HD WARE, CUTLERY, Ac, J^OVEl.L A L-ATTIMt RE, 155 and 161 Oorgross street, do,.lore In t- merienn. English, German and Builders’ mrd-saro, Pocket and Tabic Cutlery. Plated Gords Files. Edge Tools, Powder, Pbct, Lead, Nalls, Tin Ware, Cooking tiloves und House Furnishing Good*. aug29-ly FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIUUOB8 T J. DUN HA R Ac CO., Importers and Dealers in * Brandies, Wh'skl- s, Gins, Wines. Sugars, Ac, and Agent tor Smith's celebrated Philadelphia Alca, 147 Huy sire—■au/29 ly DItY GOODS. aker Sc Co., lmporteis, jobbers and Retailers land to the mite, taken in alternate sections on j of Dry G .o ls, Fancy Goods, Ilislory, Small Wares. Mils' on* und tmw \njo'», cormr Broughton nnd WI.'taker tlrcets, Savannah, On. aug27- y each aide of 't« road Tliis is an absolute dona tion, ami will be a source of large ruv< nae iu thc futuro. III.—A Government Grant of United Btatis Tlilrty-ye-.r Bonds, nniounling to from $16,000 U. (48,000 pot mile, AecordIrig to tlio diillruilies tc be aurmountml on the various sections to be built. The Govcrnm-nt lakes a second mort gage as secniily, and it is expected that not o:d, tho Interctt, brtt tiie principal amount may hi paid ill sei vices nndered by the Company In transporting troops, mails, Ac. NO DA WATER, J OHN RYAN, Buy, corner West Broad street, Man- ilfuciuierami Bjri crof Hoda Water, Porter, Alo, Cordials, Syrups, Esse reef, Mnl, Bitters, Ac. Also, A gen» for tl.e m c of clmire 1 rands t f Ales, In barrels a’ d h-.lf ’-arre's. sei»4-ly MIC A It MAN l FACTLRER. nOl.'iMOW Beg-r Manufacturer, Bryan street, Utivr;;i Wh't tier and Biol slieets, throo do -rs .- the Pulaski tlouw, j>22-ti IJSTSTJRAISrCE, IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of LONBOM. ESTABLISHED 1803. Cash Capita! Paid up and Limited over SB,000,000. U. 6. IHIANCH OFFICE NO. 40 PINE STREET LOCAL DIUBCTCIIS IN KRW YORK : E M. Archibald, Erq .11 13. M Consul, Chairman. Richard Irwin, Esq., Richurd Irwin A Co. Ed. S. Jaffray, Esq, E. S. J affray «t Co. J. Brootuun Johnston, Esq., J. Brooumn Johnston it Co. A. A. Low, Esq . A A. Low A Bros David .Salomon. Esq , No. 11 West 31st street. James Stuart, Esq., j. A J. Stuart. EDO AH W. CROWELL, Resident Manager, N. Y. IV',—A Goven»iire«» Grant of tj.» right to ‘■••j ita own F1RHT MORTGAGE BON DU, tout in building the road, t» Hie same amount us th. U. B. B >nds lisucd fer tho same purpose, uud r.< more. Thk Govkhmmunt Permits the Trustee* for tho First Mortgage Bondholders to dciivu: the Bom's to the Company only as the road:- completed, and after it lias l>ren examined by United Btatca Conunissioneis and prououncedl- be iu all respects a first class Railroad. O M. t (*Ll)tNO, 153 • long res* ntroot, dealer in Os !‘V-» .nut (Jsp# of tho latest styles,_ Umbrella*, I'antiy rcpiemahcU wllli cure- s»»j)141y PAINTING, GLAZING, *-c. IV; V- f»’.!i:A, Bouse, Hign and Decorative ■->r. G-.ld.-r GrainuT and (Bailor, Ut, Julian uu.n-1 (-1 f.-i.i. (?■ Ptlliysnt. sop8-1y —A Capital Stock Subs- rl|it Ion from th. .. r vivji stockholders, of which ov'r EiyhL Million !)Min | fr* j) Y \J jMIll \ I V MlWx have been paid in upon tho work aiieady done. . /Ji.ix At At I OULUl I X IlW II U» and which will be increased as the runt* of tin ' Company require. . y’i'lw'l lor the above port on WEDNESDAY, Oc tober 21st. at — o'clock. Dill* of Ladlnp; given here on cotton dca- tlned for Liverpool by first eTuss sUatnera. tor Freight or Passage apply to ,OOTAVUB COHEN A: CO.. Agents, ■i «minnu . . .. No. S2 liny s'rcct. CKt,17 ^ ,0 ‘ Wo-tstreet, New York. CABIN PASSAGE.. ^MURRAY’S LINE, For ISTew Yox-k. Cabin Pansge Steerage, (with aubalsttuuq.. 3 Positively no state rooms wl:i bn socm-d tickets are procured bV th* otlice of the ngiou ,, JAB. B. WEST * V oclo Bay streot, opposite W lii: The first class Btesmsblp X-a e o 9 H. O. DEARBORN, Commander, Will sail for tho abovo norl on TUESDAY, Octo ber 20th, at 11 o'clock A. U. Through Bills of Lading given hero on cotton des tined for Liverpool, by first class steamers For Freight or Passage apply *o HUNTER Si OAMMKLL, 81 Hay street. N. B —No engagid bartha secured after Monday, October IQtb, unlpis paid for or" FOR FEW YORK. EMPIRE DINE. Cabin Pasiare It i (with aubslaleuca) kl 0 lutrago ( VI*—Net Cnali Kuniings on ita Way BusIik-ss. that already amount to mokb tiias thk ixtiiikht on the First Mortgage lkindn eaml .gt aro no indication of the vast through traffic L at must follow tho opening of iho lino Jto tlio Pa cific, but they certainly prove that FIRST MQfiTGAflE BONDS upon such n property, costing nearly three lin amount, PUBLISHED AT BLAKELY, S. W. GEORGIA By E. if, GltOCBY, i H THK V15UY PAPER FOR SAVANNAH MKR CUN I d TO ^cl-vr-ortise In. ARE SECURE BEYOND ANY CONTINGENCY. Bisks liken as low as any other Company, and losses adjusted and p u id bore. OCTAVUS COHEN A CO., augl3-6m AGENTS. THE NEW ENGLAND MUT UAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. OF BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. ORGANIZED 1843 Assets May 1st, 1S5S Diitribuilcns for ’867 Total Surplus Divided Losses paid in 1861 Total L^sies paid by th:a Company.. Income for 1867 . .(5,000,( 00 ,. 600.000 .. 2,726 573 ,. 4 IP 000 .. 2 796,000 .. 2,000,000 KF* An min' Distributions are made in entth. BENJ. F. Bl'KVENti, Pic-ident. JnHBPH M GIBBONS, Secretary. WAL'l EU C. WHIG It I’, Actuary. There is nothing desirable in Life Assurance which cannot he secured in this Company. ALL PUL'OIKB ARK NON-FORFEIT ABLE. No Policy in ibis Company can be forf.-itod until its value is workol out in tes ; c* per table below 1 Payment tx CASH. 8 Payments IX CASH. 6 Payments IS CASH. 7 Pay men's IS CAUB- *1 a 2 $ r ? g » ’s ? § ? *4 tJ ? •? 293 329 1 3 1 49 2 170 2 277 3 27 3 126 4 72 4 246 6 66 5 86 6 361 6 529 6 359 6 270 This Company being PUUBLY MUTUAL, insures for premium* computed to cover timprobable cost, and if the premiums raid • xc- ed tho actual cost, the sur- plus is rrlurnnl lo the ; nr lie* insuring. Prom in n u may Ih: paid all cash or part note, atinu* ally, scml nnnu-llv nnd quarterly. ALL LOBSEd PAID iN SIXTY DAYS. Cull at ouco and g.-l a Policy i-li your Life. WiLtU'll St. McM'LTY, j. 18-ly Gem-rat A cent*, 89 Bay streot he trade of Enr'y, Calhoun, Clay, Mil- . * Baker C .u..tici, w'ooiu it ba* a iatgc i > a" advert:semont in it. Advertising The News is truly Don»?c»i.tlc. E. II. GROUBY, Rlakr ly, Goorgia, The Union Pi'Clilc Bonds run thirty years, are far $1,0.'.0 etch, and have .oupon* attached. 9 bey Ih nr annual iuterest, payable un the lirai day* of J unitary and Ju'y, at the Company’s Office in the city of Now York, at the into of >ix percent In gold. Thopriiri pal is payable in gold at maturity, 'i’he price is I 04, . and at the present rnto of gold, thee..- bonds pay a lib eral Income on their cost. Tho Cr nipany lie h vc that tluse P. lids, at the pr> t* I ent rate ate iho cheapes’ s-ciri'y In tbo market, a". 1 reserve the rigid to advance the price nt nt y t.ine. Bub acriptiour writ bo received in New York - PENSACOLA OBbEEVEE, rUBUBIltU Tltl-WKEKLY, UY Wm. Kirk & Co. *.Tho Company reenrvo the right to advance tbc to a rate above par at any tiro. Subscriptions w receive.1 in New York At the Company'*Office, No. 30 Nassau Sr. SUBSCRIPTION. ..SS BO .. 5 UU (IN ADVANCE.) '•Iii*li.*d Journal bw-mrs very desire The fine s!d»-wbc*l steamship San Taointo, J. ATKINS, Commasdcr, Will sail as sbovo on SATURDAY, Octo .cr ^1 li. at — o'clock — M. Positively uo engaged berths toenred after Wednes day, October 2tat. unl<**s paid for For freighter pcasoge, hnviug superior accommo.ia- Uoca.apnlyto JNO. W. ANDERSON’S tioNB A. CO. Agi-tils. W. li. OAltlUBON, A^c.t, oCtIB No. t Bowling Gren'-, ff'.".# York T’iil’to'- L h j r-t thte 11.-K-. in view of the feet that Pcnaucoia In effecting her liailmid comniunleallonn with tlio Northwest, and becoming a point of Intcicst toentoi- C.i»,:.g m -ti It is rlovoii’d to the develr-pmcut oi the rin it t"»e«t«of tlio Btato of Florida, and in It* I. -.' in-p ria eni devotes spicml ntten'von to the im- n: < mu -ti aid Timber tin in growing tip in ita , | vi,. t-f n so to • th 'r commercial item*, which to And by Leading Bankers generally throughout th-. th-, reader will In-i’eate tho development oi the United States. , gi.-ai natu/a! adva I 'gor of Pors.icola aa a port. | %aT Adv. itisenmj.'ts solicited. Pl7-t* Rrmittancf* should £<•: m.i.fe in drafts or other funds - - i Agents! Agents ! Agents! local agents will look to Ih> m for their safe if. livery. A PAMPHLET AND MAP FOR 1h«3 has Jus been published by the • omparty, wiving lulmr lufm mat-on than ta j-o-fiblo In an advtrllauiiienl, respecting the Progress of the Work, the Hrtourcus »»f the Coun try traversed by the Road, the Moms tor Construction und tho Vnluo of the Bocdj, which wih bj coni free on application ut the Company's ntlicie or to any ot the advertised ago ate. JUflN J. CISCO, Treasurer, New York. jcl8-d<fcw THE W‘l AIvTBD!—Lodirs and O- r.tlemon in every town y in tin-Unitv-d BtnU»,to act os Agent* o r if-,' Y. O 1- K BLACK STAB INDEPENIYENT I.INE CAII1N PASSAur... AUSTIN .t CO.’S f:HVAT OKI: DOl.LAIl SALE, NATIONAL TRUST CO., OF TIIE CITY OP NEW YORK, N O v 3 3 0 BROADWAY’, CAPITAL, ONE MILLION DOLLARS, CHARTERED BY THE STATE. w TO BUILDERS. BOUGHT 1BON AND GALVANIZED PIPE For Steam, GAS AND WATER, For sale by HARNEY A CO, Agents for Monumental Iron Works, Baltimore, aug 7-tf For Sale. I TWO-nORBE POWER, COMPLETE, 2 EMERY ti CELEBRATED COTTON GINB and CONDKNB8KB. Will be ajld very low >ng«U KHMANDd, GARDNER A CO. iF. W. CORNWELL. JJKALBR IN HARDWARE, CUTLERY, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Axei,Hrea, Nail*,Trace*,Sec. Also agent for Mo- ARTHUH B COTTON OIKS. acpl-ly No. 161 Bronghtou st., Bavannab, Oa. SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS SADDLERY, HARDWARE, T HE undersigaed beg to call attention to their com plete STOCK OF GOODS. A Uo, a large sto:k of .ocond hand GOVERNMENT SADDI.EB, which they offer on reasonable term*. All orders promptly executed. JENNINGS. THOMLIN ON Sc CO., No. 169 Meeting ft., Charleston, 8. C. N. B.—Wool Skins and Imported Baxlla, suitable tor Rica Mills.sep!8 lm OFFICE OF THE BALTIMORE COPPER Company. QRGANIZBD 1846.-NO. 83 Booth street, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. Thn highest market price paid by ns in eash for old OOFPKR, deltveied at onr deck here. jeO-flm HENRY MARTIN, President. Rice HooKS.1 JUST RECBI D, gQ DOZEN Butterley celebrated BICE HOOKS, For sale by ■ep41» LOVELL i * LATTIMORK SALT, SALT, SALT. Liverpool Ground Alum For sale by Mpl AND ROCK SALTS, J. B. WEST* CO. JAMES MER'tlt.I , tieeretary Receives Deposits and al'ows POUR PER CtfN'I INTEREST oa a i J.'ai y Ba’nnccs, subject to Check-r Sight. SPECIAL DEPOSITS for tix Months. more, may be made at five per cr-M Thu Ciipru. o' ONE MILLION D'JLl.ARti .f dtv J»-l m.ioiig - Ac DOOtiliareholvlerBjConiprifiug many wi-n.iumu i of iarg wealth and financial cxpetic-nce, wire arc a so perm-i ally liable to d.-p -Nilors 'or all obl-ga-ions ol the Coin puny vo double ’hi amoun' of theh c.u Ita! sievk A-- the NATIONAL TRUST C«>. n-wives deposits ir large or small aimninU, ana rcrmits thorn to lH:*!r:.-vr ns a whole.» in p-irt by CHECK. AT SIGHT an WITHOUT N< >T1 t.K,a’.owing:r.Urrr.: r; ai.l l-ain, balakoks, parties »he country cank-.- Accnunls in this Instililtiou with sj-c;-.ia! adv .i.uvc-* o a»»ciirity, fonvenj. live- and piolit.i 1 -■ '■( We are now n-iiinga grunt variety of rich and vaiu nb ! >-po •«!.♦, cT.ristlng of 1 r/ Good*, Go'd and Bi'ver W.-k"r! e C rr*-t«, Furniture, Silver-Plated Wrre, Ca.u-ry, Fine J we ry, brwing Machino*, Ac., com- pritiuu nolbi-.g in' ucu'vl a’•tides wnnud In cviry l ie., y, for Ono Dollar Km-li, vv.-i’ch cannot be pur- rha-e • in -ny retui fo: twice -hat sum. «Kir in 'u'v-nu-nla to Ag^^te are ipca cr than any oihT H- iih • .n the Trade. Send tor deecrititlve check* ta o.i-hs t Ttn for fi, Thirty for |3, Filly for fo - n;-1 oi-'-i In tli« *»ujh ratio. Circulars, giving full i-ii'.rm .'i (U, e»-nt free ofchargi. Part es Oi-eiious of Age. is wii: lend in clu’’*, und receive in re- ■ in- eaine, Dress Patterns, Wool Blanket*, ivtr Wt'.i-h, Wooen Carpet, Hewing Ma- irre. Weird Cotton, and various other valuable nr- tirk-s, in pr- portion to the s'z: of lire club. Ad-lre*a AUSTIN A CO., i-ug27-'u*4w 10-Summer street, Boston, M-o* Tho Ilrtt class steamship M ont gomery LYONS, Commander, I SS.!? Will* sail .for tho aboT" port on SUNDAY, Oc- to' s o’clock A M. For freight or passage, apply to OCTAVUS COHEN A- CO.. Agents, No. 82 Buy street. U. LOUDEN, Agent, No 93 W »t street, N- York oc!2 THE BA&BPJDGE ARGUS, PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING IV BAiaUIUOOE, OA. WiLLIo M. RUSSELL, Editor an-J Proprietor. T‘! ; Tlireo Dollars pet , or i'.ve Dollars at VYtslnard (lie 8tsr of Empire Takes Us Way.” SECURE A HOME IN THE GOLDEN STATE. iifiiiTSiiffli mmi Of California. I NCt >RPORATED UNDER THE LAWS OF Tl» K BTATE, November 50th, 1SG7, for tl.o pure-ot-e of providing HOMEB FUR ITo MEUBIiUBacd thereby induce iuiigratlon. CAPITAL STOCK Sl.OUU.OOU Divided into 200,000 shares, of |5 each, payable in United State* Currency Certificates of Stock issued to tubsorib-ns Immediate'y upon receipt of tbo Money. No Person Allowed to Hold More Fire Shares. Than A Circular containing a full description of tho prop- be distributed among the Bhareholdets will be sent to any address upon receipt of stamps to covrr Carriage Materials, Sac \ ^ Information as to price of land in any portion ot the Btate, er upon any otb»r subject of Interest to parties proposing to emigrate cheerfully furnished upon receipt of stamps to cover postage. Ail letters shou’d do addressrd SECRETARY MIGRANT HOMESTEAD ASS0 CIATION, Postoffico Box No. 85, aug8 8m Ban Francisco, California- A NEW THING. J^INKN HOBB FOR BTREET and FIRE EN GINE UBB—quite as cheap and less liable to ro than eitbor Rubber or Leather Hose. Just received and for sale by W. F. MAY, Corner Bryan and Whitaker streets. A new supply of Trunks, Valises and Grain Leatb Bags of the best flnUb, and at reasonable pricca. Ja30-tf Blacksmiths’ Portable Forges J^IaRMERS' BOILERS, a great convenience. Also a full assortment of Hardware and Houso Fur nishing Goods. Kor salt by ang3 LOVELL Ac LATTIMORK. Y^RITING PAYER— 100 reams Writing Paper for sale by 0. L. GILBERT. •liable rates, i i .iirijai, di-voto-l lo hJ uh an a-lv.tiising tlio merchants oil, Balliinuir, .'Irnrl. HI f -:*d "PIK'H' d to NO RISK, NO GAIN! Highly Important! I 'll X til 'll* MERCHANTS AND BUSINESS MEN OF F r• o. C;i*; ” I'eei uus of i-xteiiding tlu lr irud- lo l?.o U --UH District nt Uurnwvll, ti. C.. el. rr.ld lose ro mm- in cording their cards to that old iL-d reliable journal. Tlie Sentinel. puhiithr ) a» Barnw'-ll C-'tirt House. It circulates at every i-fiicein '.lie Dis rid, and is the only paper pub- lishi: ‘ iu that section of country. As ai advertising m«dlu n < it is unsurpassed. Canls of ten or twelve inc» published three mouths for five dollar*. Address K. A. BRONBON, ivlUVt* Pnhilshsr Kerosene Oil!! PRIME NUMBER ONE KEROSENE OIL IN STOIIK AND Toll SALE BY Bolshaw & Silva, icp4-ts 63 Si. Julicn street LAW BLANKS. MANIFESTS, AND ALL KINDS OF LEGAL WORK DONE IN A SUPERIOR MANNER At THK REPUBLICAN JOB OF FFOY. PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES. /COMBINING the maximum of efficiency, durability ^ andecTDOtny with tho minimum of weight and price. Thoyiuo widely and favorably known, more than800bom<-r «*o. All warranted satisfactory,or no salo Dc: .iptivo circulars sent on application. Address J. C. IIOADLEY A CO., may 19-6m Laweinob. Maks CHARLESTON AND SAVANNAH Steamboai Line, BLUFFTON, HILTON HEAD AND BE A (JFORT. ISO- ONE TH1I- \ WEEK, “(trt ;w--r W ai-. ^rr: *I1M STEAMER PILOT BOY, Capwln VARDKNi TIIE STKAMKIl FANNIE, Captain FKNN PKCK Ono of the above steamcra will leavo Bavannah as abovo EVERY THURSDAY MORNING, ot 3’clock. RETURNING, Leave Charlcaton EVERY TUESDAY MORNING, at same hour. All way freight and Bluffson wharfage mast be pre paid. For Freight or Passage, apply to CL AG HORN A CUM WING HAM y2 Avert*. United States Mai For Falatka, East Fla., TOUCHING AT BRUNSWICK, ST. J{ART TRRNANDINA, JACKSON VILLE AND PICO LATA, mm SHIPPING. The first cIom Btoainshlp HuntsviUel CROWELL, Commaidcr, Will sail for New York on SATURDAY, On, , — o'clock —M. For freight or pauoffo apply to (kvUa (OHE For Baltimor The steamship Ameriof GEO. W. BILLUPS, Commander, Will Mil on THURSDAY, October 23d, at 12 MAC GREGOR LIME I11CT STEAM CDUMRIIC. With Europe. The tieorgi* »nd Liverpool or FIRST CLASS, NSW, IHOS, CLYDE BUILT STEAMSH COMPOSED OP THE SARASOTA’’... SALUDA' 1 SELMA” WAVKRLY”... LEITIl ” STIRLING”... RIGA” DjN ’’ Captalr. Br. Captain BAKNI Captu’7 hi Captain A\S Captain! Fsf Freight taken from nnd to St. Ik-u: II--. Mimphis, V.cksburg, Bel ma, Mon'vuxcr uln, Ta'IabBBsc-e, Atlanta, Macon, Of. m‘* J gu»ta. Griilln, Albany, Ameilcus, Greer* u:o'. non, Covlrgum, Athens, Newnan. U(i i:n Point. Cutliber', Dawson. Thomasv.le, and all rotate in tl.e Koulhtrn ht-it-c. Cm-, and tho Continent. F Biilsr.f Lading « g-.ed u; • -i. It,.i!re. •; atliit‘*r*o* points of ihinmi-i t. i*-« !(«-;.: am uli and Dray Receipt* a Livr-rp ol. ile<-ted from ml- rior poiata of sh'.pmr-t.:. vnunah, when desired, on our open j o!ict .-1 Ltwrpc o'. MjtT Advako* of three quarter* of the > linn- of sliipincbt given upon Corsignuie: .- coeds guai,.ntctd. Proposed days of sailing from Bavar-r.a! Ifitb cf cr.rli month c-.-mmcncing as foltow* WA VKRI.KY, 1,500 hales capa Im >N, 2.fino 1-nlcs capacity RIGA, 3,600 bales capacity,... LEI 1*11, 4,500 bales capacity... . I • I nl Extra steamers, ol 1,500 an-l 3,000 i-a er be diapatched to Liverpool, Ilai re, Brern- Autwerv, Tr-cHtc, Genoa and Cronsta.i; *'Jremcn* oiler*. Kre.«ht taken from Cardiff or any in 1- Bavannah. ALL LOAD ISO DUNK AT I'RlI Wh u fu ly loaded era draw not feet' Apply to WM. M. TUNNO A > In Ltverpooi, to 8TODDART RROTilfl And in Leith, to DONALD R. MAC Gif nutr!5-1nw3m CDIABD IE DC ITEM From Mow York to Li vein and Queenstown, C0S3ISTIS0 Cf 'h QABIN PASSAGE to Liverpool or l(J«! t'OUj'.d; S'ecrage Passage, |30 under twelvs years half-price. Btceragu Passage ta Uamliurg, At t or Bremen, $10 currency; to Uavn t>org or Christiania, f42 currency; (. hi dree twelve years, half-priro; undor two year*, trt* Bteerage Passage from Liverpool or 'D'-v |37 currency; from Hamburg, Antwerp or Rl! f 15currency; from Bremen or Havre, $4* from l’ari*, Gottenborg cr Christiania, 450 ct Children one to twelve years, half-price ; l:.u der one year, |5. A steamer leaves New York weakly on' DAY, and Liverpool TUESDAY : 1,’ui WEDNESDAY. Ticket* ia»u d by the undorsigned, (rom wi mccssary information may be obtained. JOHN C. FEB 111 oc!6 lm Agent at ban CHARLESTl « ar Jt Florida STEAMBOAT LI1 TUB STEAMER CITY POZN Tbo now and elogant Steam Packet Llzzile Bahter, Cuptatn J. W. FITZGERALD, CHOICE TENNESSEE AND KENTUCKY Mules for Sale. I j-OUK TO l-KVBN TKAR3 OLD, medium am largo sizes. ftiiit26-ls WILSON Sc DEUONEY, Screven House titables, Bryan stre et, - r Mari Near Marino Bnnk. BILL IIBAD3, WEDDING AND BUSINi. 1 * CARDS, POSTERS, LABELS, CIRCULARS, RE CBI Pi’ BOOKS, TAGb, CHECKS, BILLS OF FARE, PROGRAMMES. CERTIFICATES, PAMPHLETS AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF JOB PRINTING AT THE REPUBLICAN OFFICE. tf Having been thorough’y overhauled “d repaired, will resume her trips to Florida on WEDNESDAY MORNING, 21st inst, ct 10 o’clock, nnd will run icgu- larly thereafter. ^Returning, will loave Jacksonville every HATUU- DAY MORNING, and Fornatidlf a every SATUR DAY AFTERNOON, arriving at Bavannah BUN- DAY MORNING. , , D4 , o Till* Boat has large and airy btato Room acconmo datlons for Paaaangeit. Freixhts to Jackionvllle and points beyond will be carried at hs'f the regular rales For freight or passage apply at tho office, on Florida Btesm Packet Wharf, or lo OLAOHORN A OUNNIHOHAM, Agent*. No freight reoeived after 8 o’clock on the day ol o by shippers, * at Ferumndina with the Florid* sailing. All freight poyablo This Boat connects . Railroad to Cedar Revs; at Jaokaouvlllo with lire Oentral Railroad to Laxe City, and at.Picolala wlU- regular linss of stages to Bt. Augustins. octIB-ts WEDDING AND VISITING CARDS HAND 30MKLY GOTTEN UP AT THE RJSI’UBLJ- 0AN JOB 0WWI, Captain W. T. McNELTY, Will, on and after OUTOBBR reh, 1868, I CHARLESTON EVERY TUESDAY, i BA VANN AU EVERY WEDNESDAY, at 3 P. M., touching at Fcrnandina, Jacksonville,« POINTS on the Bt. John’s river. RETURNING, Will LEAVE PALATE A EVERY T £ JACKSONVILLE EVERY SATURDAY.] NANDINA THE BAME DAY, and BAVU FOR CHARLESTON EVERY BUN'W I o’clock A. M. N. II- NO FllKIGHT WILL UK RECi AFTER 2 1- M ON DAY OF SAILINGS FREIGHT AND I’ASSURE AS CIIK1 BY ANY OTHER LINE. ' L. J. OOILUAUITN A OO., se ws-'j NfiUUM*