The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, January 10, 1868, Image 3
Sal Uc pa b!i ran .aHal City Pii])cr. I'l i l mil i i.AT'x.N. __ HTA.ItA.I dfeijiglVii January 10, H 1 S oi Thermometer, v January 0. I SI'S. | a . ■L. If.*. 6 ;>.»,. l J )i.m SO 1 - 46' l-’ c * programme lor (hr Mre.-» 'V men in..:, ..ur ■ m£|| over the way mixed up &***s*( perpetrated :>!. error ».- tv w, ‘ i lilLlM i Tlie routes. fc -p«: Mr, : by the l.u lory, ih. i.n FWayrk'S• |Htt to .laeksmt, tip >1 nekton i Iv*# down Broad to Monument jKtfn Jt'B Monument to (I: t ,-,.e >lreet. t''Tito' -:r- ■'. i' i SU down Watkins to Llneolu TSri'slv to Ht eui street, up street, and luck to the leave the and. pot on Me up to it, i ,-tr. i:. 4<Mv4k|M^V‘< l > o| dn street, •:. i. i.t .v hi >.<! up Watkins to Centre »tt'©e% to li rerue s', re. t, ■ to Mtwt«s»e|isj|reet, up Menutn-nt to Broad lit)'to daeksou street, down Sas&aam. street, up Fenwi. k tori') to Me lx in ue street, DIRECTION'S. . vou happen to lie in the F'* ••- wSYf IMlie city, anywhere lietae.-n fe And i h C tl.l 'TV, .eel Midi to ip It*' Hotel, pimp into a 'QIJsSC to no to tlm (I orjia lC«l*(»d,'tT®|YELLO W ear. d'B that a yellow ear v.ill not a ' JOVC Jackson strci t. but will n red ear run down SMfHHHB Monument street, but only Km: TittfeietS—Tarcents (or tin round trip, fetumißg . point I'rom whence you I' , h<3'«e.if'.;' ! . ; pBCu will be eharoi'd. < t'course, Tickt'li-Hw-Hve for a dollar—are ohlain tlAt atores of Pi.umis & L kitsch and HyArsffß & Shelton. H*- -»*«- experience as a Mission in Ohio, will appear in this pß&grS»,morrow. II" aekunwleilges ®b« Stare Be. E. Mi tin .1 Cos., ilOii broken open, n We lues.. Qaj ten and eleven o'cioek ‘ > an entrance by Luring ■ VTai'i in the rear, and then Hi.,li"WiiMffl helped tlienno il, :.h .ip s«K*e#petfc,,Mpiing an exit in the .same way. A prsWjt din;.-, for s.o early in lb ught tile 4 SP* iadAted to Messrs, ('has. I), CjMk» ; sfc f Charleston, fir a valu able volapek-lhe South Carolina Almanac, for by Joseph Walker, of that eSty. IB* really the o: ly p. ...1 Aim in.a --«?a liaW;- issued Irom a i.oir.e press, f„ r the The calculations are by of Wofford College ; the in the book was compiled |H Muon. Beyond all ipa stiuli, ti I* i&fe* publication of the kind that wnllt,, l of young by name, about five :vi;K®t complexion, and a h»rp sea- cutter by trade. Said Mc • Viiiii j iSi'a widowed mother in (.’olttmbii, w»;j i«. declining in liealtb, am! is Olioor hear from her son. Any reeeiveil. Address IHlnt, at Columbus, Ga. { !o? prsHbil! confer a iav r to I!n •'.er above. HHKHHHKhs.stoiier of Interna! Revenue his: ‘ llßsrsons desiring to furnish do. revenue stamps, or plans to submit them for at that office prior to February 1, a view to their adoption if fsußiJ and effectual. Par- is called to the desire of the to procure such a stamp and to afktflpch a method of concellation as tAaM vHpualiy protect the treasury against !•■?.* and from the res reissue of stamps. Persons propositions are requested to terms upon which their plans, stamps are offered to the Gov Kuch plan suhmitti and will receive 11 o u A York correspondent enlightens of a contemporary with regard vo o flKable weddings in that city, lie owing to the fashion of making costly presents to the bride so general, and dso to the fact now expected of people accepting *S«|MMon to attend a wedding that they presents, the number ol “"MM * ,tt * iucreased to an alarming MWmBBTo remedy Ibis state ol tilings ihc u°w being introduced in New putting at the bottom of in vital ions, ** will he received except from I here is an cstublishmont in ■ vovifiOrk that makes a husiuess of i eating »4* ■ wedding parties silver-plated ware -A'Her articles, to enable the bride to ‘nm Hi becoming display. Cottas from BalEwln County. We clip the following from the Milledgo rille Recorder : We saw in one of the Augusta papers, a short time since, that Messrs. Warren, Lane <fc Cos., Commission Merchants at Augusta, were receivers of the first cotton from Mil ledgeville over the Augusta A M. R. R. We learn that those who shipped the cotton were Messrs. L. Carrington, J. S. Roberts, Robert Wixson, R. H. Miller, J. H. Nisbet, and E. Trice. Well, we are glad that our Augusta frieuds havo had their hands tickled with cotton from old Baldwin; and now our good friends in Savannah must be wide awake to hold what they got of tho good will of our people. Com petition is tho idea, and the name of Augusta has been mentioned more times since the opening of the road iu November last, than in any six or twelve months time previous. In fact, our people did not think of the city, ns Savannah was their market. Now we hear, “I have been thinking whether to send to Augusta or Savannah, or Savan nah or Augusta, which is the best market,” and like expressions. We are also informed that the railroad agent at this place, has been instructed to let all cotton be shipped to Augusta with out tagging to prevent delay in shipment. If times were not so gloomy, we would be tempted to go to Augusta and talk with the merchants of that energetic and growing city. Success to our Railroad and to the mercantile interests of that goodly city, say we. An Earthquake. —An earthquake was felt in the city this morning. Although the convulsion was slight, it was clearly percep tible—Atlanta Opinion, Thursday. Important Disuotery. —lt is rumored that parties in certain quarters have dis covered that General Meade is a superb listener—an excellent quality in a district commander. —Atlanta Era. [Advertisement.] “A Decided Hit.” Blauvelt, at 258 Broad St., has Hats, of every conceivable shape and color and of the latest style. If you want a genteel Silk Hat or a jaunty fancy Hat, give him a call. [Advertisement.] Catarrh. A clergyman, aged forty-two, had long suffered with Catarrh, which had not only been a source of annoyance, but began to excite uneasiness in regard to its effect upon his general health. There was a frequent and sometimes a profuse discharge from the head, frequent sneezing, and an almost entire loss of smell. He procured a box of Humphrey’s Specific Catarrh Pills, No. 19, and was entirely cured, even to a return of his sense of smell, in the course of a few weeks. f [Advertisement.] Legal Blanks. At this office the following Blanks, neatly printed, may be obtained, by the single sheet or by the quire: Garnishment Affi davit and Bond, Bail Bond, Attachment, Claim and Replevy Bond, Mortgage Bond, etc. ts [Advertisement.] Country merchants, In making their purchases, will do well to call first on Airs. Pnghe, 190 Broad street, who is selling out her ontire stock cheap. ts Goods at a Sacrifice. The purchasers of dry goods should not fail to take advantage of the opportunity offered, at 190 Broad street. Thestoek of seasonable goods is being sold at a sacrifice, as the room is required for other purposes. augtjsta Markets. Thursday, Jan. 9, P. M. FINANCIAL.—GoId is bought by brokers at 1.33, and sold at 1.35. Silver is bought at 1.28, and sold at 1.32. COTTON.—Market unchanged from yester day. New York Middling, 14c. CORN.- Whito, sl.lO ; Mixed, slasl.oß. WHEAT.—White $2.70a2.55; Red, $2.30 to 2.40. BACON.—Shoulders, 13; Backbone Sides, 14a14j; Clear Rib, 15a15J; Clear Sides, 16c dams, 18 to 20c. "A Notice of Election. CLERK OF COUNCIL’S OFFICE, I Augusta, Ga., Jan. 4th, 1868. ) THE ANNUAn ELECTION OF CITY OFFI CERS by the City Council of Augusta will take place at the Annual Meeting, to be held on SATURDAY EVENING next, January 11th, 1868, at 8 o clock. The following is a list of the officers to bo elected, with the salaries at tached : Per Annum. Clerk of Conncil $1,250 00 Chief of Police 1,200 00 Three Lieutenants of, each 1,000 00 Superintendent of Streets aud Brains.. 1,000 00 Superintendent of Water Works,Pumps, and Wells 1,000 00 Keeper of the Bridge (to furnish his own Deputy) 1,200 00 Keeper of tho City Hall 900 00 Keeper of tho City Hospital 750 00 Keeper of tho City Comctory 750 00 Keeper of tho City Clock 200 00 Keeper of the City Jail (to furnish his own Turnkey) 1,200 00 Lamplighter 1,500 00 Clerk of Lower Market 1,000 00 Clerk of the Upper Market 50 00 Hospital Physician 1,200 00 City Assessor 800 00 Recorder..... 800 00 Registry Clerk, SSO 00 per month for timo employed. Two Lot Inspectors, each, SSO 00 per month for timo employed. Four Special Policemen at the rate of S6O 00 per month. Thirty Folicemen at tho rate of SSO 00 per month. Wharfinger, 10 per cent, on collections. City Sexton Feos. City Cemetery Brick Mason Fees. Candidates must hand in their applica tions to this office by 12 o’clock m., of the day of the election. Vendue Masters will also hand in thoir appli cations for Lieense at the same time. By ordor of Council. L. T. BLOME, jas—tdo Clerk of Council. Macon and Augusta Railroad. SCHEDULE OF MACON AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD— Leave Camak daily at 12.30 p.m Leave Milledgevillc 5.30 a.m. Arrive at Milledgevilie 4.10 p.m. Arrive at Camak 0.00 a.m. Passengers leaving Augusta or Atlanta oa the Day Passenger Train of the Georgia Railroad will make close connections at Camak for inter mediate points on the above Rond, and ulso for Macon. Passongers leaving Milledgevilie at 5,30 a. m. reaches Atlanta and Augusta the same day, and will make close connections at either placo for the principal points in adjoining States. E. W. COLE, General Superintends. Augusta, January 7,1868. jnß ts W. B. GRIFFIN, Commission Merchant and Auctioneer, CORNKII or JACKSON AND ELLIS STREETS,' AUGUSTA, OBORGIA, Respectfully announces to the public that ho is now prepared to receive consignments of MERCHANDISE, REAL ES TATE, etc., and will exert himself to do all he can to deservo their patronage. Commissions moderate. ja3—2w oTelfgrnpl)ic 1 News. Constitutional Convention. Atlanta, January 9.—The committee to wait on General Meade reported that the General assured tho Convention he would use oil ihe powers conferred upon him by the reconstruction acts, for a speedy restora tion of Georgia to all her rights in tho Union. On the question of members’ au thority to hold seats, the Convention adopted a resolution that tho proclamation of Gen. Pope is conclusive as to the votes, list of voters, election returns, and persons elected. The relief Committee reported an ordinance to forever forbid legal action on any con tract or data prior to fire! of June, 1865. A resolution was adopted appointing a committee of one delegate from each Con gressional District in the State, to prepare a list of persons in whose behalf Congress should be petitioned by the Convention to remove all disabilities imposed by acts of Congress. Ordinances were introduced to give suf frage to all male citizens who can read the Constitution of the United States and have paid their taxes, and to give equal irrespective of color, to all, in all public places and conveyances. A resolution was introduced to inquire into the propriety of selling the State Road- The financial agent of tho Convention reported that Gen. Meade had handed him in writing the following: • “Gen. Meade desires Doctor Atigier to say to the Convention that he is clearly of the opinion that they are entitled to draw their pay and incidental expenses from the State Treasury, and that he will endeavor as soon as possible to remove tbe obstacles now existing to their being paid.” Congressional. Washington, Jan. 9.— Senate. —A memo rial was presented, asking appropriation for tho relief of the freedmen of the District; also asking for female suffrage in the Dis trict ; also from five thousand hand loom operatives, asking exemption from taxation: The House bill to prevent fraud in whis key revenue passed, with the amendment striking out the words “in bond,” making tbe provision apply to all whiskey. A petition from the Alabama Constitu tional Convention, praying for the removal of Gov. Pattons, on account of political disa bilities, was presented. Morton called up his resolution instruct ing the Judiciary Committee to report a bill abrogating existing State*Governmeuts in the Rebel States, and providing proper governments in lieu thereof. Prelinghuysen moved to amend so as to make the reporting of the bill discretionary with the Judiciary Committee. Morton desired to have tbe sense of the Senate directly upon the question. It was high time that Congress defined itself and its position, in terms not to be misunderstood, on this subject. To his mind the state of affairs now existing in these Rebel commu nities had never been more alarming. Congress had, on the 2d of March, declar ed the existing governments in those States as illegal, and not affording proper security for life ami property ; and at tiiat time, Con gress had provided military supervision until such time as legal governments could be established. To-day, the military authority which they had set up was obstructing tho proper operation of the law in some of those States, and upholding the existing illegal and unauthorized governments. Air. M. here sent to tho desk of the Sec retary the acts of March and July to be read, and also the order No. 1 of General Hancock, in which the civil authority is declared supreme. It would Ire seen that Gen. Hancock, in this order, not only defied the power of Congress, but actually nullified and refused to execute its laws. As General Hancock lias confronted directly the Congress of the United States, it becomes a question as to which side will submit, lie recognizes the authority of the civil tribunal organized by the very State Governments which Con gress has declared to be illegal. There was danger that the work of reconstruction would fail by the very military power which they had raised up to forward it. At this crisis it was incumbent on Con gress to be true and consistent to itself, and proceed to abrogate these governments. It became Congress to say at once what they intended to do. Although declaring in the acts referred to that those State govern ments were illegal, Congress had not desired in tho exercise of its power, to do away with them abruptly; but in tho present juncture thero should not be a moment's hesitation. If the amendment of Mr. Frelinghuysen was adopted, it would mean nothing. He (Mr. M.) wanted a peremptory order to this committee to bring in a bill immediately, and he desired the Senate to so order. Mr. Frilenghuysen did not intend to oppose any of the experiments which had been advanced by the Senator, but thought it but right that some confidence should be reposed in the judgement of the Committee. The expiration of the morning’s hour cut off further debate on the resolution, and the House bill, to suspend further contraction of currency, was taken up and discussed till Executive session and adjournment. House. —Resolutions asking the release of Father McMahon and several other Fenians passed. A bill preventing whiskey frauds as amended by Senate came up and discussed till adjournment. From Richmond. Richmond, January 9.—Harrison, Goddin & Apporson, a large banking and real estate firm, suspended paymont to-day. Their depositors will bo paid. Tho morning session of the Convention was occupied by Mr. llunnieutt,in a speech vindicating his political history against the charges from tho Conservative side. An exciting interruption occurred, in which the statement that Senator Hunter was a traitor was pronounced a lie by a Conservative member. Adjourned till night. ‘ : Political. Philadelphia, January 9.— Tho Conven tion q( Boys in Blue nominated General Grant for President of tho United States. Harrisburg, Jan. B.—ln the two ballots of this moruitig’s caucus, the candidates received forty five each ; scattering, eight. Indianapolis, Jan. 9.—Tho Convention nominated Hendricks for Governor. Resolutions urge abolition of National Banks : the repoal of iniquitous tariff acts; oppose negro suffrage; endorse Johnson’s reconstruction policy; compliment Han cock, and commend Pendleton to National Convention tor President. Columbus, Jan. 9.—Resolutions condemn Congressional Usurpation, oppose negro suf frage, urge taxation bonds and Iheir pay ment in greenbacks, and protection to foreign-born citizens. Markets—By Telegraph. Financial. LONDON,Jan. 9, —noon.—Consols, unchanged. Bonds, 71- LONDON, January 9, Afternoon. Bonds, 71ia71i. LONDON, Jan. 9, Evening. —Consols un changed. Bonds, i higher. W]' sffS, Jan. 9.—lmproved feeling in Dourse. ‘Ventea higher. NEW YORK, Jan. 9, Noon. —Gold 365. Bonds old, 8J; now 4J. NEW YORK, Jan. 9, Evening. —Money easy. Gold closed firm at 137|. NEW ORLEANS, January 9.—Sterling 44a 48. Now York Sight, i discount. Gold, 136. Produce and Other Jlarkcts. LIVERPOOL, Jan. 9, Noon. —Cotton dull and unchanged. Sales light; 1,000 bales. Wheat tends up. LIVERPOOL, Jan. 9, Afternoon. —Sugar dull at 25 and 26. LIVERPOOL, Jan. 9, Evming. —Cotton closed heavy. Uplands 7J to 7]d. Orleans 7Jd. LIVERPOOL, Jan. 9, Evening. —Cotton more doing, though prices have declined id. Up lands 7Jd ; to arrive, 6Jd. Sales 10,000 bales. BreadstuHs quiet. ".NEW YORK, Jan. 9, Noon. —Cotton quiet at 16al6Jc. Flour saloc lower. Wheat la2c lowor. Rye dull. Oats Jo lowor. Pork $21.05a21.10. Lard quiet. Freights firm. Turpentine 51 J. Rosin quiet. Strained $3. NEW YORK, January 9, Evening. —Cotton dull and declining. Sales 1,816 bales at 161 c., closing at 16. Flour, State, $3.90ai1.00; Southern $10.40a 15.00. Wheat dull. Mixed Western Corn $1.38 a1.39; White Southern $1.36. Aless Pork, old, $21.12. Turpentine 514a52j. Freights firmer. Cotton 5-l6ai; sail SaJ. BALTIMORE, Jan. 9.—Cotton dull—Mid dlings, 15!a16. Flour dull, firm. Wheat unchanged. White Corn, 20a22 ; yellow, 20a23. Oats, 74a76. Rye flat Provisions unobanged. CINCINNATI, January 9.—Flour quiot. Corn, oar, 85. Whiskey unsettled under Congres sional action. Mess Pork, old, S2O; now, s2l Shoulders 91; clear sides 12. Lard 12J. MOBILE, January 9.—Cotton easy. Middlings 14a141. Sales 2,200 bales. Receipts 1,952 bales exports 42C. WILMINGTON, January 9.—Cotton dull and nominal, 13jal4c. for Middling. Spirits Turpentine active, 46ja47. Rosin steady, $2.12i for No. 2. Tar $1.75. SAVANNAH, January 9.—Cotton easier, but not quotably lower. Sales 674 bales Middling at 141 c. Receipts 2,253 bales; for the week, 17,310; for the season, Uplands, 251,545: Sea Islands, 5,313. Exports for tho week, 18,010 bales, of which 4,808 bales were for Liverpool; 2,235 for the continent; 10,967 coastwise. Stock, 58,112 bales. NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 9.—Cotton demand good. Middlings 15c. Sales 4,300 bales. Re ceipts 4,000 bales. Experts 10,000 balos. Sugar lowor,* oommoii OaOfc; fair Ufallje; prime to choice 131al3Jc. Molasses has doclined 3 cents. CHARLESTON, Jan. 9. Cotton active but unchanged. Sales, 1,200 bales. Receipts 1,360 balas. Middlings 151 c. Receipts of the week, 6,354 bales. Exports of tho week 8,112 bales, of which 1 668 went to Great Britain, 1,940 to the Continent, and 4,504 wont coastwise. Stock 13,795 bales. Marine News. SAVANNAH, January 9.—Sailed; steamer Herman Livingston, New York. Arrived: steamer Huntsville, New York; bark llistoria, White Haven. NEW YORK, Jan. 9.—Arrivod; Aspinwall, from New York, with a million of treasure. CHARLESTON, January 9.—Arrived : Brig Fortuna, from Havana; schr Vapor, New York. Sailed: Str Monoka, for New York; bark Liverpool, for Liverpool ; bark Pawnee, Liver pool ; schr Susan Wright, Georgetown, SS. C.; sekr J. A. Shepard, Satilla, Ga. ,* schr Clara Bell, Darien, Ga. ; schr E. V. Glover, Provi dence. Mosher, Thomas ’& Schaub, j A BROAD STREET— 'V'x'I Under Masonic Hall, AUGUbTA, GA., Direct Importers and Dealers in English and French CHINA! BOHEMIAN, FRENCH, and AMERICAN (tilass Ware, Kerosene Lamps, ETC., ETC., AND AGENTS OF THE Southern Porcelain Manufacturing Co s ns, and will convince you that you can save the frehjht from Now York to this point. JOSIAII MOSHER, j. Jefferson tuomas, GEORGE SCHAUB. . oc9—ly J. 3. BROWNE, 'yj Alt V Elt AND GILDER. Looking Glass and Picture Frames CORNICES, BRACKETS, CONSOLE TABLES' MADE TO ORDER. Old PICTURE and LOOKING GLASS FRAMES REGILT, and OH, PAINTINGS RE STORED, LINED and VARNISHED, AT 135 BltOAl) STREET, Augusta, Ga. jas—lawtf HEMO V D ! B. H. BRODNAX, INSURANCE AGENCY, OFFICK AT No. 27 Jackson Street* Near Broad oo4—tf Auction Sales. Richmond Sheriff ’s Sale. ON THE FUiST TUESDAY IN KEUUU AUY next, i|t the Lower Market Honse, In All th 2 lot or parcel of laud. she lmprovo' meat* thereon, m the city of Angnsla, conmy of Richmond,-md State of Georgia, known as the EXCELSIOR MILLS,on Kollock street,between Kollock and Murhnry streets, in said city, fronting about one hundred and sixty feet on Kollock street, and bounded north by the third level of the Augusta Canal, east by Kollock street, west by lot conveyed by the Trustees of Sarali F. Gardiner to William H. Salisbury and Aylmer Usher, and by lot formerly owned by the estate of Marks, and sonth by the seeond level of the Augusta Canal, and by the centre of the Canal or Race, excavated by the said Trustees, with the right to use tbe said last mentioned Race for the purpose of drawing water from the Augusta Canal, subject to all the rights and privileges of the Augusta Canal Com pany. Levied upou as the property of Thomas P. Stovall under and by virtue of ati. fa. issued from the Superior Court of Richmond county in favor of the State Savings Association vs. the said Thomas P. Stovall. Property pointed ont by plaintiffs, and levied upon by order of said plain tiffs—in the possession of said Stovall. JOHN D. SMITH, ja7—law4w Sheriff R. C. City Sheriff’s Sale. ON THE FIRST TUESDAY IN FEBRUARY next, will be sold, at the Lower Market House, in tho city of Augusta, within the logal hours of salo, the following property, to-wit: All tho right, title, and interest, of Amos E. Owen, of, in, and to, a certain Leasehold of a Lot or parcel of Land, situate in the city of Augusta, on Marbury street, between D’Antig nac extended and South Boundary streots, fronting about fifty five feet on Marbury street, and extending there, of some width, about one hundred and twenty feet in depth ; bounded north by a Lot belonging to the trust estate of Mrs. G. Harrison, west and south by lots belonging to tho same, and east by Mar bury stroot. ISAAC LEVY, jas—td Sheriff C. A. City Sheriff’s Sale. ON THE FIRST TUESDAY IN FEBRUARY next, will be sold, at tho Lower Market House, in the city of Augusta, within the legal hours of salo, the following property, to-wit: That lot or parcel of Land, with the improve ments thereon, in the city of Augusta, fronting on Halo street nighty-two foot, more or less, running back toward Taylor street one hundred and seventy-six feet, more or less, and bounded east by lot of the City of Augusta, south by Halo street, and west by lot of Carroll. Levied on as the property of Etiphrcmia 11. Hill, to satisfy an execution, issued from tho City Court of Augusta in favor of William A. Rich vs. Euphcmia H. Hill. ISAAC LEVY, jas -td Sheriff C. A. Richmond Sheriff’s Sale. ON THE FIRST TUESDAY IN MARCH next, at the Lower Market House, inllie city of Augusta, within Ihe usual hours of public sale, will be sold the following property ro wit: All that lot or parcel of land, with the improve ments thereon, in the city of Augusta, county of Richmond, and State of Georgia, known as the EXUELSIOEMILLS, on Kollock street, between Kollock and Marbury streets, in said city: fronting about one hundred and sixtv feet on Kollock street, and bounded north by the third level of the Augusta Canai, east by Kollock street, west by lot conveyed by the Trustees of Sarah F. Gardiner to William-11. Salisbury and Aylmer Usher, and by lot formerly owned by the estate of Marks, and south by the second level of the Augusta Uaual, and by the centre of the canal or race, excavated by the said Trustee , with the right to use tbe said last mentioned race for the purpose of drawing \vater from the Augusta Cittal, subject to all the rights and privileges of tbe Augusta Canal Com pany. Levied upon as the property of Thomas P. Stovall under and by virtue of two writs of fieri facias, issued from the Superior Court of Richmond county,in favor of Adolphus C. Schaefer &. Cos. vs. the said Thomas P. Stovall—one on the foreclosure of a mortgage, and the other upon a general judgment. Property pointed out in said mortgage li. fa. and by jilaintiffs, and levied upon by order of said plaintiffs—in the possession of said Stovall. JOHN D. SMITH, jans lawßw Sheriff R. C. U. S. Marshal’s Sale. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A writ of fieri facias, issued out of the Honorable the Fifth Circuit Court of the United States sos the Southern District of Georgia, in favor of the plaintiffs, in the following ease to wit: Williams &. Potter vs. Norman I>. Gillis, Henry E. Everett, and James B. Eveictt. I havo levied upon, as the property of Henry E. Everett and James B. Everett, a crop of 40 acres of Cotton, a crop of 45 acres of Corn, 9 Head of Cattle, 1 Bay Mare, 1“4 Plows, 1 Cart. Also, as the property of Norman B. Gillis, deceased, 1 Sorrel Horse; and will sell the same at public auction, at the Court house, in the town of Isabella, county of Worth. State of Georgia, on the THIRD TUESDAY IN JANUARY next, between the lawful hours of sale. Dated at Savannah, Georgia, this 28th day of December, 1867. WILLIAM G. DICKSON, U. S. Marshal District of Georgia. de3l—3\v UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, SOUTH ERN District of Georgia IN ADMIRALTY. Wherkas, a libel iu rent has been filed on tho second day of January instant, in tho Dis trict Court of tho United Matos for tho Southern District of Georgia, by Claghorn »fc Cunning ham, and M. P. Beaufort, for their respective interests and demands against the Brig “GEORGE,” her Tackle, Apparel, and Furni ture, now at Darien, in the said District, iu causes of contract, civil and maritime, for rea sons and causes in the said libel mentioned, and praying the usual process and monition of ihe Court in such behalf to be made, and that nil persons interested therein may be cited to appear and answer the premises, and that tho said Brig, etc., may bo condemned and sold to pay tho re spective demands of tho said libellants. And whereas, a warrant of arrest has been issued on the day aforesaid, under tho seal of the said Court, commanding mo to attach the said Br ; g George, etc., and to give due not ce to all persons claiming tho same to appear and answer, and make claim thereto. Now, therefore, I do hereby give public notice to all persons claiming the said Brig George, her Tackle, Apparel, and Furniture, or in any manner interested therein, that they be and ap pear at the Clerk's Office of the District Court of tho United States for tho Southern District of Georgia, in the ci*y of Savannah, on Monday, the twentieth day of January, in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, at elevou o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then and there to interpose their claims, ami to make their allegations in that behalf. Dated this second day of January, A.D., IS6B. WILLIAM G. DICKSON, U. S. Marsha! District of Georgia. THOS. E. LLOYD, HENRY WILLIAMS, ja4—l4t Proctors for Libellants. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, SOUTH ERN District of Georgia— IN ADMIRALTY. Whereas, A libel in torn has been filed on the twenty-third day of Decombor in -taut, in tho District Court of the United States for the Southern District of Georgia, by Cyrus 11. Stoadwell, aga nst the Brig “GEORGE,” her Tackle, Apparel, and Furniture, now at Darien, in the said District, and against all persons law fully intervening for their interests therein, in a cause of contract, civil and maritime, for rea sons and causes in tho said libel mentioned, and praying the usual process and monition in that behalf to bo made, end that all persons claiming any interest thc.-cin may bo cited to appear and answer the promises; and that tho said Brig, her Tackle, Apparel, and Furniture, may bo condemned and sold to pay tho demands of tho Libellant. And whereas, a warrant of arrest has keen issued ou the said twenty-third day of Decent bor, undor tho seal of the said Court, command ing me to attach the said Brig “George,” her Tackle, Apparel, and Furnit ro, and to give due notice to all persons claiming tho same, to appear und answer, and make claim thereto. Now, theroforo, I do hereby give public notice to all persons claiming the said Brig “George,” hor Tacklo, Apparel, and Furniture, or in any mannor intorostod therein, that they be and ap pear at tho Clerk's Offico of the Distriol COttrt of the Unlted’Ptetcs t>r the Southern District of Goorgla, in tho city of Savannah, on Monday,tho twentieth day of January noxt, A. D., 186S, at eleven o’eleck in the forenoon of that day, thou and thero to intorposc thoir claims, and to mako their allegations in that hohalf. Dated this twenty-third day of December, A D., 1867. • WILLIAM O. DICKSON, U. S. Marshal District of Georgia. THOS. K. LLOYD, HENRY WILLIAMS, f ja4—l4t Proctors for Libellant. AUCTIQH SALES. Richmond County Court Sale. \l j ILL BE SOLD AT THE LOWER MAB *» ket Houee in the city of Augusta, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN FEBRUARY next, be tween the legal hoars of tale, the following pro perty, vix : iix balea of cotton marked J. K. G.; levied on as the property of Bedford C. Rhodes, to satisfy a 8. fa, issued from the county court of Richmond county, in favor of Pollard, Cox k Cos., against Radford C. Rhodes end six belee of cotton; also, one fi. fa. issued from tbe same court in favor of John R. Gunn, against Radford C. Rhodes and six bales of cotton, this 4th of January, 1888. WILLIAM DOYLE, jan 5 law4w Sp. Bff. C. C. R. C. Richmond County Sheriff’s Sale. WILL BE 80LD. ON THE FIRST TUES DAY IN FEBRUARY next, between The usual hours of sale, at the Lower Market, in the city of Augusta, the following property to wit levied iqion by virtue of a ti. fa. lssoed from Bich raond Superior Court, in favor of Henry H. Scott v *- The Georgia Railroad and Banking Company AII that Lot or Parcel of Land, with tbe Georgia Ratlroud Banking house thereon,aitnated in the city of Augusta, oil the north side of Broad street; bounded north by property of Thomas S. Metcalf, east by Mclntosh street, west by a Brick Building occupied by J. C. Schreiner A- Sons, ct at. Pro perty pointed out by H. W. Hilliard, Esq., Plain tiff’s Attorney. i/OHN D. SMITH, Sheriff R. C. ja4—lawlvv Richmond County Sheriff’s Sale. WILL BE SOLD AT THE LOWER Market house, in the City of Angusta, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN FEBRUARY next, all that property to wit: A tract of land contain ing three handled aud forty-five acres, (more or less) in Richmond county, adjoining lands of Dickinson Harris: levied on as the property of Henry Smith, and David J. Smith, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued bv the Superior Court of Richmond county, iu favor of George W. Summers, proper ty pointed out by Plaintiffs counsel. Also, another tract of one hundred and fifty acres, more or less, bounded north by lands of J. D. Greiner, east by Savannah River, west by Home tract, levied upon by virtue of a fi. fa. issued from the Superior Court of Richmond county, in favor of George W. Summers, vs. Henry Smith and David J. Smith. Terms Cash JOHN D. SMITH, jaus—lawtds Sheriff R. C. Richmond County Court Sale. W "ILL RESOLD ON THE FIRST TUES DAY' in February next, within the legal hours of sale, at tho Lower Market House in the city of Augusta, the following property, viz : one six-horse wagon, harness, ‘five mules and one horse, levied ou under a fi. fa.issued from the County Court of Richmond County, in favor of John Phinizy against William H. Stallings and Horbert M. Stallings, the same being pointed out by Herbert Stallings as tbe property of Her bert Stallings, this 4th day of January, 1868. WILLIAM DOYLE, jan 5-lawlw Sp. Bff. C. C. R. C. Richmond County Sheriff’s Sale- WILL BE SOLD. ON THE FIRST TUES DAY IN FEBRUARY uext,at the Lower Market House, in the city of Angnsta, between the usual hours of sale : One four-horse Wagon, in good order ; levied upou by virtue of a fi. fa., returnable to Richmond Superior Court, in favor of Thomas Jones, guardian, etc., vs. James Kelly, Isaac A. Little, and Robert Puckett. Property pointed out by plaintiff. Terms cash. S. 11. CRUMP, D. S. R. C. ja4—la\v4\v Richmond County Sheriff’s Sale. WILL BE SOLD, ON THE FIRST TUES DAY IN FEBRUARY next, between the usual hours of sale, at the Lower Market House, iu the city of Augusta, tho following property, to wit. levied upon by virtue of a fi fa. issued from Richmond'Superior Court, in favor of O’Dor Taylor &. Cos. vs William Wollastap : Five Bil liard Tables, thirty-six Cane Bottomed Chairs, two Desks, one Bar and Fixtures, twelve Split Bot tomed Chairs, four Pitchers, one Clock, two Look ing Glasses, two Desks, one Stove. Terms cash. JOHN D. SMITH, ' ja4—lawlw Sheriff U. C. Richmond County Sheriff’s Sale- WILL I!E SOLD, ON THE FIRST TUES DAY IN FEBRUARY' next, between tbe usual hours of sale, at the Lower Market House, in the city of Augusta, all those Tracts or Parcels of Laud, situated in Richmond comity, constating of Twenty-two Hundred Acres, more or less; one River Tract, consisting of Five Hundred and Fifty-seven Acres, more or less; bounded north by Savannah river, sonth by lands of Pliinizv & Robertson, east by Phinizy & Robertson’s land. west by . One River Tract, consisting of Two Hundred and Fifty Acres, more or less ; bounded north by Augusta and Savannah Rail road, south by east by lands east of Wm. Brown, west by lands of Dickinson & Clmvous. Also, the Homestead whereon the defendant now re sides, and the land immediately surrounding, con sisting of Fourteen Hundred Acres, more or less ; levied upon by virtue of two fi. fas. issued from Richmond Superior Court, in favor of Thomas li. Rhodes vs. John B. Gienter and Ansel Shaw. Property pointed out by defendant. JOHN D. SMITH, Sheriff R. C. ja4—l a wlw Richmond County Sheriffs Sale. WILL BE SOLD, ON TIJE FIRST TUES DAY IN FEBRUARY next, between tbe usual hours of sale, at the Lower Market Honse, in the city of Augusta, the following property, to wit: Alt that Tract of Land iu Kichmoud county, Ga., bounded north by Hall street, east by Georgia Railroad avenue, south by tot of Mrs. Dealing, and west by Carnes' road, being the present resi dence of Jesse Osmond, and consisting of lots No 192, 193. 194, 210,217 , 218, 236. 237, :>3B, 255,157 158, 159. and 160, 111. 112. 113, 111, on a plan oi hits made by Moot & Tuttle for Edward Thomas, May 15, 1c55 ami recorded in the Clerk's Office of Richmond Superior Court, Book N N, folio 155, consisting, also, of Ihefelrip of land between rail road avenue and 1-ailroad, fronting lots 112, 113, and 114 ; said land being tho same conveyed l»y Edward Thomas to Jesse Osmond, July 26,1863, by deed of record in Book SS, 130 and 131. Said property levied upon by virtue of a fi. fa. issued from Richmond Superior Court in favor of Curtis 11. Shockley vs. Jesse Osmond. Property pointed out by defendant. Terms cash. JOHN D. SMITH, Sheriff R. C. jat—lawlw Richmond County Sheriff’s Sale. WILL BE SOLD, ON THE FIRST TUES DAY IN FEBRUARY next, within the usual hours of salo, at the Lower Market House, in the City of Augusta, in Richmond county, the following described property, to wit: One Tract of Land, situate in said county of Rich mond, about three miles from the said City of Augusta, on tho Augusta and Savannah Rail road (excepting tho right of way of the said Railroad through said tract of land), con taining Three Hundred and nino Acres, more or less ; and bounded on the south by land of John phinizy and Rocky Crook; on tho wost by lnnd now or formerly DeLaigle’s; on tho north by land now or formorly the property of DeLaiglc, and land belonging to John Pnin i*y; and on the cast by land of John Phinizy; said land levied ou by virtue of a fi. fa., in favor of John Phinizy vs. Robert C. Easterling, issued from tho Superior Court of Richmond county, October terra, 1562 JOHN D. SMITH, Sheriff K. C. _ December 26th, 1567. de27—lawlt Sheriff’s Sale.—Richmond County. WILL BE SOLD ON THE FIRST TUES DAY IN MARCH next, within the legal hours of sale, at tho lower Market House in the city of Augusta, tho following property, to-wit: One Lot and improvements thereon, situated in tho city of Augusta on the south side of Fenwick street, fronting fifty-two toot more or loss, running back one hundred and eighty seven feot, more or less, to Calhoun street; bounded north by said street, south by lot owned by John U. Meyer, oast by lot formerly repre sented by Charles A. Platt, Trustee, west by lot ufWm. V. Ker, levied upon by virtuo of a Mort gage Fi- Fa. in favor of Abner P. Robortsftn vs. •ioremiah Bunch. S. H. CRUMP, dec27—lawSt D. S., R. C. Richmond County Sheriff’s Sale. WILL HE SOLD ON THE FIRST TUES DAY IN FEBRUARY next, within the usual hours of salo, at the Lower Market House, in tho oi(y of,Augusta, iu Richmond county, a tract of Land and improvements, situate In said county of Richmond, on the east side of the Eastern Boundary street of the city of Augusta, containing sixteen and one half acres, more or less, and bounded west by said Boundary street, north by tbo rmul loading to the Sami liar Ferry, east by laml,now, or formerly Dr. McWhorter's land, aud pn the south by lands of— Said prop erty levied on by virtue of an execution issued from tiie Superior Court of Richmond County, October term, ltkW, in favor of John Phinizy vs. Robert C. iKnstetliiiu. JOim D. SMlTH,Sheriff R, C. December 'Jti, 1807, dec'27-lawlw Auction Sales. City Sheriff’s Bale. ON THE FIRST TUESDAY IN FEBRUARY NEXT, will be .old, at the Lower Market House, in the City of Angusta, within the legal hear, of sale, the following property, to-wit: All that Lot or parcel of Land, with the im provements thereon, eituate, lying, and bain* in the City of Angaata, fronting on Broad street and extending back to Ellis street, and bounded north by Broad street, sooth by Ellis street, east by a lot now or formerly owned by the estate of Philip Cramp, and west by a lot for morly owned by Jesse Kent, deceased! 1 Also, all that Lot or parcel of Land, with the improvements thereon, sitnate in the City of Angusta, on Ellis street, and occupied as a lime honse and office by R. J. Bowe; bounded north by a lot now or formerly the property of tbe estate of L. Turpin, sooth by Ellis street east by a lot owned by the estate of Richard Aldwortb, and west by a lot of J. P. R. Miller. Also, all that Lot, with the improvements there on, in the City of Angusta, on Bay street, and bounded by lots of Wm. Keener and others and said Bay street, occupied Vy a freedwoman named Susan Carter. All of the above levied on as the property of Robert J. Bowe, to satisfy an execution issuejj from the City Court of Au gusta, in favor of Pinney k Johnson vs. Robert E®*®- ISAAC LEVY, j >s — 14 Sheriff C- A. Assignee’s Sale. \X7TLL BE SOLD, IN THE TOWN OF FIRST 'TtTVRn?? O ™ c “ Qn, J r > Ge ®r*‘». on the FIRftT IJLSDAY IN FEBRUARY next, be tween the usual hours of sale, the following property (formerly belonging to Hardy Padgett), 1 House and Lot, in the southeast section of the town of Quitman, No. 11, „iih imple ments, known as the Mill Lot. r Lots Nos. 33 S. W. S., 34, 42, and 43, in S. E. S. of said town, with improvements thereon Lots Nos. 17 and 25, S. E. S. of said town "with improvements, known as the lot whereon the said Hardy Padgett now lives, and the lot whereon the carriage and blacksmith shops now stands, covered by mortgage. Lot No. 18, S. E. S. said town, covered by mortgage. J Lot No. 10, S. E. S. said town, covered by mortgage. Lot No. 19, 8. E S. said town, covered by mortgage. WILLIAM HUDSON, Assignee. Quitman, January 6, 1868. ja9 td U- S. Marshal’s Sale. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT of the fieri facias, issued out of Honorable the District Court of the United Stateg for the Southern District of Georgia, iu favor of the plaintiff, iu the following caee, to wit: The United States vs. Samuel L. Moore. E. B. Coal son, Randolph Avera, I ha7e this day levied upon, as the property of Samuel L. Moore, de fendant, one Lot of Laud, known and distinguished as Lot Namber 3, in the northeast section of the town of Quitman, county of Brooks, and State of Georgia, containing one acre, more or less, together with all improvements thereon, and will sell the same at the Ponrt house in the city of Savannah, county of Chatham, and State of Georgia, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN FEBRU ARY next, between the lawful hours of sale, j at Savannah, this 28th day of December, WILLIAM G. DICKSON, U. S .Marshal District of Georgia. dc3l—3id An Ordinance To authorize the Mayor to cause to be issued two hundred and fifty bonds of five hundred dollars each, in payment of call for twenty-five per cent upon the subscription made by the city April 13th, 1860, according to Act of Legisla ture, approved, Feb-15tb, 1556., to thestoek of tbe -Macon <fc Augusta Railroad Company, due Feb. 20 h, 1868. Sec. I. Be it ordained by the City Council of Augusta, and it is hereby ordained by the authr. ity of the same, That his Honor the Mayor be and he is hereby authorized and required to exe cute, under the seal and in the name of the City Council of Augusta, two hundred and fifty bonds of five hundred dollars each, to bo dated on the 20th day of February, 1868, and payable to R. B. Bullock, President, or bearer, on the 20th day of February, 1878, and bearing interest at the rate of seven per eent. per annum, payable semi-an nually on tbe 20th day of February and August in each year, according to coupons or warrants to he attached to said bonds, which said bonds and coupons or warrants, shall bo signed by the Mayor and attested by the Clerk of Council. Sec. 11. And be it farther ordained, by the authority aforesaid, That said bonds, when duly signed and executed, shall bo delivered by the Collector & Treasurer to tho President of the Macon A Augusta Railroad Company, in pay ment of the call for twenty-five per cent, made by order of the Board of Directors, on the 20th of December, 1867. Sec. 111. And be itfafher ordained , That all Ordinances and parts of Ordinances militating against this Ordinance be and tho same are hereby repealed. Done in Council this 3d day of January, A. D. 1868. [t. s.] FOSTER BLODGETT, Mayor C. A. Attest: L. T. Blome, C. C. jans-10t An Ordinance To alter and amend an Ordinance passed September TO, 1867, amending the One Hundred and Tenth Section- of tho General Ordinance, and removing the bridge toll on all Wagons bringing cotton into this city. Sec. I. Be it Ordained by ihe City Council of Anguita, and it is hereby ordained by authority of the earn*, That tho Ordinance passed Septem ber 10th, 1867, amonding the One Hundred and Tenth Section of the General Ordinance, and removing all toll ou wagons bringing cotton to this City, is hereby repealed. And toll shall hereafter bo collected ou all wagons and other vehicles, as ordained in the One Hundred and Tenth Section of the General Ordinance in force prior to September 10th, 1867. Sec. 11. And be it farther Ordained, That all Ordinances and parts of Ordinances militat ing against this Ordinance be, and the same are hereby repealed. Done in Council this 3d day ol January A. D. IS6S. (l. s.] FOSTER BLODGETT, Mayor C. A, Attest: L. T. Blome, C. C. jans-10t C. EE. Jolaansen, CORNER OP Marbury & South Boundary Streets* (NEAR RACE TRACK), AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, Keeps always on hand fresh LAGER BEER and tho very best LI QUORS of all kinds. Visitors will find Shuffle Boards Bagatelle. bles,-Air Guns, and amusements of all kinds Ta- Ba sure and give me a call. nov2fi-8m 1868. (iiljc Baptist Banner AUGUSIA, GEORGIA. 'T'IIE FIRST NUMBER OF THE SEVENTH I- ohmic of this Religious and Family Jour nal will appear on the FIRST SATURDAY IN JANUARY. IS6B. Tho B \NNER will bo issued regularly, EVERY SATURDAY, printed with NEW TYPE, and on FINE PAPER. The rostdont Editor, Mr. Janas N. Ells, will be aided by tho pens of some of tho most distinguished writers of the denomination in this and tho adjoining States. A limited number of advertisements (of suit able character) will bo received, at the usual rates. si nscßirriojt trice : THREE DOLLARS TER ANNUM. Address BAPTIST’BANNER, Augusta, Ga. Piano Fortes Tuned. T° JSSSL TliE TIMES , I HAVE RE THREEUDOLLARS:h * rS ° ** T ™ “ Orders left at Mr. GKO. A. r .OATES' S4O Broad Street, or at my Shop, opposite the Post Office, promptly attended to. •I—ly* ROBERT A. HARPER.