The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, January 10, 1868, Image 4
NationoMeyttbUccm Official City Paper. LARtiKST CITY CIRCULATION Official Organ of the XT. 8- Government. FRIDAY MORNING January 10, 1868 THE COMBINATION SONG. Air—Pat Maloy. *•0 hark ! I hear an angel sing,” white ' ‘Coming through tho rye;" Oh, “Let me kiss him for his Ma,” “Then take me home to die.” “Oft in the stilly night” I roam, with “Mary of Argyle.” * Down to "Tho cottage by the sea,” to call on “Annie Lyle.” CHORUS. * Oh, “will you love mo thon as now,” my gentle “Fairy Belle.” Then “Meet me by mooligbt alone,” and “We’ll kiss but never tell.” - “Rocked in the cradle of tho deep,” “I’ll paddle my own canoe,” I’ll draw “The sword of Bunker Hill,” to fight for “Unole True.” ’Twas “By tho grave of Lilly Dale,” I saw “Evangeline,” “Oh kiss me mother, cro I die,” “To-day I'm sweet sixteen.” “I wish I was in Dixie,” now, "With Maggie by ray side,” I’d sit down in “The old arm chair,” and think of “Kitty Clyde.” CHORUS. Oh, “Twinkling stars are laughing love,” upon “The poor old slave.” “Ben Bolt” he left “Sweet Aiice” for “A life on tho ocean wave,” 0, “Gentle Annie,” you must wear "Tho jockey hat and feather.” “Belle Brandon” married “Bi’ly Uriinos,” “We’ll bury them together.” “Oh, kiss mo quick, and go, my love,” “Your hair is turning gray.” “Oh, who will care for mother now,” unless it's “Old dog Tray.” “’Tis but a little faded flower,” that grow in tho “Haxcl Dell.” ‘Come where my love lies dreaming,” now, “My blue-eyed little Nell.” cnoßus. “When Johnnie comes marching home again,” and brings “Sweet Mabel Clare.” “The captain with the whiskers” will sit down in “Tho vacant chair.” I’d never say, “No one to love,” but gentle “Lilly Dale.” If wo had “Three hundred thousand rnoro,” like “Annie of the vale.” “I’d offer thee this hand of mine,” for a “Good bye at the door.” “The girl 1 loft hehiud me,” found “Tho ring my mother wore.” “We met beneath an awning,” ’Twas “Just twenty years ago,” • While in “The low back car” there sat “John Anderson my Joe.” CHORUS. Down "By the sea wave” I sing, “I love a sailor's life.” Oh tell me, “Will thou bo my bride,” and not “The gambler’s wife ?" Oh, “Gay and happy,” now and then, “I am sitting on the style,” “Tho Irishman’s shanty” is tho placo, where “I’at Maloy” “Struck lie.” "I’ll hang my harp on a willow tree,” while I say “Tho maiden’s prayer,” “0 take me to your heart again,” “My boy with auburn hair.” “The song my mother used to sing,” was "Beau- tiful isle of the sea “Oh happy be thy dreams,” “Old Jeff,” of “The sour apple tree.” CHORUS. 0 “Mary had a little lamb,” she gave it “Throe ears of corn,” “Then come to the old gum tree,” my boy, “I’ll moet you” “In a horn.” "Twinkle, twinkle, little star,” “And this shall be our song “The battle cry of freedom” is, “Our Union right or wrong.” lOfficial.l Headq’rs Third Military District, 1 [Georgia,, Florida and Alabama,,) [ Atlanta, Ga., Jan. G, 1867. j General Grders, No. 3. I. —ln compliance with War Department, General Orders, No. 104, Major General Meade hereby assumes command of tho Third Military District. 11. —All existing orders will remain in force uutil revoked or modified by orders from these headquarters. 111. —The following officers* are an uounced as on the staff of Major General Meade, and will be obeyed and respected accordingly : Brevet Brigadier General R. C. Drum, Lieutenant Colonel U. S. Army, Assistant Adjutant General. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Campbell D. Emory, Captain 9th Infantry, Aid-de-Camp. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel George Meade, Captain 31st Infantry, Aid-de-Camp. By order of Major General Meade. R. C. Drum, Assistant Adjutaut General. 1868. j. . £l)t baptist Danner AUGUSIA, GEORGIA. The first number of the seventh Volume of this Religious and Family Jour nal will appear on tho FIRST SATURDAY IN JANUARY, 1868. The BANNER will be issued regularly, EVERY SATURDAY, printed with NEW TYI’E, and on FINE PAPER. The resident Editor, Mr. James N. Ells, will be aided by tho pons of some of thu most distinguished writers of tho denomination in this and the adjoining States. A limited number of advertisements (of suit able character) will bo reccivod, at tho usual rates. BUBsemrTiox i-rich : THREE DOLLARS PER ANNUM. Address BAPTIST BANNER, Augusta, lla. C. 11. Johansen, conifßß op \ Marbury & Bouth Boundary Streets, (NEAR RACE TRACK), AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, Keeps always on hand fresh LAMER BEER and the very best LI QUORS of all kinds. Visitors will And Shuffle Boards Bagatelle, bias, Air Mans, and amusements of all kinds Ta- Be Bure and give me a call. nov26-3m REMOVED! B. H. BRODNAX, INSURANCE AGENCY, orrice at No. 87 Jackson Street, Near Brood ocd—if Georgia Printing Cos s Book & Job PRINTING OFFICE, 190 Broad 153 Ellis Streets , Is Now Supplied with the Litfcd and Improved PRESSES, TYPE, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS, ETC,, And is ready to execute any description of Book and Job Printing IN A FIRST-CLASS MANNER AND ON REASONABLE TERMS. BILL HEADS, CIRCULARS, BRIEFS, CHECKS, POSTERS, LABELS, PAMPHLETS, BILLS LADING, HAND BILLS, PROGRAMMES, WEDD.N© CARDS, VISITING CARDS, BALL TICKETS, INVITATIONS, CARDS OF ALL STYLES AND SIZES, BILLS LADING, DRAY RECEIPTS, DRAFTS, AUCTION BILLS, STEAMBOAT BILLS, AND, IN FACT, EVERY DESCRIPTION OF PRINTING!! 0 THE BOOKBINDERY Os this Establishment IfS A SPECIALTY, And we have recently made large additions of NEW TOOIjS AND MATERIALS I M Hllll REPUBLICAN-: A Morning Paper, PUBLISHED AT FIVE DOLLARS A YEAR, Contuinti tho Latent News by Telegraph and Mail FROM ALL PARTS OF THE COUNTRY. Office— l9o Broad and 153 Ellis St., Augusta, Ga. Chatham Connty. IN BAHKRUPTCY. QOUTHBRN DISTRICT OF GBORGIA, SS, 0 at Savannah, the 18th day of December, A. D, 1807. The undersigned hereby give* notice of hi* appointment a* Assignee of Heyman Rothschild, of Savannah, in the connty of Chatham, and Btate of Georgia, within said District, who ha* been adjudged a Bankrupt upon hi* own petition by the District Court of said District. PETER V. ROBINSON, deSl—lawSw A**igneo. IN BANKRUPTCY. SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA, BS, at Savannah the 24th day of Decambcr, A. D., 1867 The undersigned hereby gives notice of hi* appointment as Assignee of Thomas W. Quart erman, of Walthourville, in the county of Liberty, and State of Georgia, within said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon hi* own petition by the District Court of said District. PETER V. ROBINSON, dn27—lsw3w Assignee. IN BANKRUPTCY. SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA SS, at Savannah, the twenty-feurth day of De cember, A. D., 1867 The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of Edward J. Purse and Stephen A. M. Purse, copartners, of Savannah, in the county of Chatham, and State of Georgia, within said District, who have been adjudged Bankrupts upon their own petition by the Dis trict Court of said District. PETER V. ROBINSON, de27—law3w J.Migi ■* GREAT DISTRIBUTION * BY THE New York Gift Company. EVERY TICKET DRAWS A PRIZE. 5 Cash Gifts .Each SIO,OOO 5 Cash GifU “ 5,000 10 “ “ 1,000 20 •• “ 500 400 “ “ 100 200 “ “ 50 300 “ “ 25 100 “ “ 10 30 Elegant Rosewood Pianos.. .Each S3OO to 500 35 “ Melodeons “ 75 to 150 150 Sevviug Machines •.. “ 60 to 125 250 Musical Boxes “ 25 to 200 300 Fine Gold Watches “ 75 to 300 750 Fine Silver Watches “ 30 to 50 Fine Oil Paintings, Framed Engravings, Silver Ware, Photograph Albums, and a large assort ment of Fine Gold Jewelry, in all valued at *1,000,0001 A Chance to draw any of the above Prizes by purchasing a Sealed Ticket for 25 CeuU. „ Tickets describing eacli Prize are SEALED in Envelopes and thoronglily mixed. On receipt of 25 cents, a Sealed Ticket will be drawn, with out choice, and, delivered at our office, or sent by mail to any address. The prize named upon it will he delivered to the ticket-holder on payment of ONE DOLLAR. Prizes will ho immediately sent to any address, as requested, by Express or return mail. You will know what your Prize is before you pay for it.- Any Prize may be exchanged for nn other of the same value. No Blanks. 23)*” Our Patrons can depend on fair dealing. Hcfcrcnccs. The following persons have lately drawn valua ble prizes from this Company, and kindly permit ted the use of their names: J H Milner. 368 Sixth Avenue, N Y, $1,000; Mrs E Collins, 75 Nelson Place, N Y, $500; Miss C Cook, Chicago, 111, Piano, value, $450; W Boyd, New Haven, Gold Watch, $250; Robert Furman, Dubuque, Sewing Machine, $100; Henry Mc- Callum, Louisville, Ky, $500; ColT I Ransom, Washington, D C, Musical Box, $150; L II Knapp, 36 Fourteenth street, N Y, Piano, $500; G II Ben edict, New Orleans, Gold Watch, $200; W A Barnes. Atlanta, Ga, $500; It H Sutton, Nashville, Tenn, Melodeon, $150; Edward Dayton, Mobile, Ala., Diamond Cluster Ring, $350; S Payne, Bur lington, Vt, $100; I, D Ferris, Springfield, 111., Diamond Pin, $200; Mrs B Wedgewood, Trenton, N J, SIOO ; Tlios Barrett, Jr, 16 Cav street, Balti more, Sewing Machine, $75; II B Ahrens, 34 Main, Buffalo, $100; W N l'almer. New liedl'oni. Mass., Gold Watch, $275; Miss C Rowe. Ninth and Sansom streets, Phila, Gold Watch, $150; J T Pratt. Ilicks street, Brooklyn, $500; M Cauldwell, Bagg’s Hotel, Utica, $1,00(1; S Cammeyer, De troit, Michigan, Gold Watch, $350; Mrs D Crissey, Hartford, Conn, Silver Set,, $150; A Scultz, Louis ville, Ky, Diamoud Ring, $250; George Nason. 9G Warren street, N Y, $500; Mrs T Morris, Fourth Avenue, corner Fifteenth street, N Y, Piano, syuo. V e publish no names without permission. Opinions of the Press. “Musical Festivals’’ several times postponed, compelling purchasers of tickets to wait months for the distribution, has impaired public confidence n such affairs. The only fair system of distribu tion is the old and popular one of Sealed Tickets, stating the prize, which will be delivered immedi ately, on payment of the one dollar. That is the plan of 11. BARTON &. CO., at 599 Broadway, the most attractive place of the kind now in oper ation. Thejr are doing the largest business, and deserve their success. You can not draw a SIOO,OOO farm there, but have a reasonable chance tor a good prize, as we know many that have been drawn, and the firm is reliable.— Morning Adver tiser, Oct. '2sth, 1867. The New York Gift Company are distributing many valuable prizes. We nave examined their manner of doing business and know them to be a fair dealing firm. Their plan is more satisfactory than “Presentation Festivals,” as they draw every day, and the subscriber need not pav for the prize drawn, unless suited:— Gazette, Oct. 24th, 1867. The Gift establish men t of 11. Barton 6l Cos., at 599 Broadway, is daily attracting crowds of visi tors to witness the drawing process. The invest ment is but 25 cents for the chance, and the prize drawn, it satisfactory, is immediately delivered for one dollar. A friend of ours, last week, drew a SSOO prize, which lie promptly received. — Trans cript, Sept. 29/A, 1867. Liberal inducements to Agents. Satisfaction guaranteed. Every package of Sealed Envelopes contains one Cash Gift. Six Tickets for $L thirteen for SJ; thirty three for $5; one hundred for sls. All letters should be addressed to H. BARTON & CO., jas—36t* 599 Broadway, New York. NO “OPENINGS.” OPEN ALL THE TIME! Latest Styles! THE NEW Millinery Headquarters, Next to tho Planters’ Hotel, Have no special, -opening day ,« as tho LATEST STYLES and NOVEL TIES aro always on hand, ready for inspection. In all cases, Satisfaction is Guaranteed! RECEIVED, EVERY FRIDAY, XURSCT FROM NEW YORK, ALL KINDS Ot' Goods in our Line. WE SELL LADIES’ AND MISSES’ FELT and STRAW HATS OF EVERY STYLE, AT PROM Fifty Ceuta to Three Domain' HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR FURS. Send for Price Lists. V WM. R. DAVIS A CO., N«(tt door above the famous Plant.™' lintel, 12oct—ov Thura Augusta, Ga. Wilkes County. t Letter* of Dumission <JTAl* OF GEORGIA— O Wilktt County. Whkbe**, John C. Fanning, applies to me for Letters of Dismission »* Kxecutorof B. J. Orr, deceased— These are to cite all persons concerned to be and appear at my office within the time pre scribed by law, to show cause, if any they bare, why said Letters of Dismission should not be granted# ROYLAND BEASLEY, Dec. 21st, 1867. Ordinary. de22—lam 6 m Letters of Guardianship. STATE OF GEORGIA— Wilket County. Wherkas, William Lorenzo Smith applies to me for Letters of Guardianship for the person and property of Joseph M. Hamilton, a minor of Joseph J. Hamilton, deceased, under fourteen years of age — These are to cite all persons concerned to be and appear et my office within the time pre scribed by law, to show cause, it any they have, why said Letters of Guardianship should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this 19th day of December, 1867. ROYLAND BEASLEY, de2o lawiw Ordinary. Letters of Administration. STATE OF GEORGIA— Wilkes County. ■ Whereas, Luke Turner applies to me for Setters of Administration on the estate of Maria C. Triplett, deceased— These are to cito all persons concerned to be and appear at my office within the time pre scribed by law, to show cause, it any they have, why Letters of Administration should not be granted to said Luko Turner. Given under my hand and official signature, this 12th day of December, 1867. • ROYLAND BEASLEY, dell—lawiw Ordinary. Letters of Administration. STATE OF GEORGIA— Wilkes County. Whereas, Susan M. Norman applies to me for Letters of Administration on the estate of G. G. Norman, deceased; and, further, that the will of said G. G. Norman may bo proven in common form and admitted to record— These arc therefore to cito all persons con cerned to be and appear at my office within tho time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said Susan Norman’s peti tion should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this 12th day of December, 1867. ROYLAND BEASLEY, dell—lawiw Ordinary. Letters of Administration. STATE OF GEORGIA— Wilke* County. Whereas, Stephen G. l’ettus applies to mo for leavo to prove tho will of James D. Smith, in common form, and for Letters of Aduinistra tion, with tho will annexed, on said estate of James D. Smith— These are, therefore, to cito all porsons con cerned to bo and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said petitioner’s request should not bo granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this 12th day bf December, 1867. ROYLAND BEASLEY, del4—lawiw Ordinary. Letters of Administration. STATE OF GEORGIA— Wilkes County. Whereas, James M. Dyson applies to me for Letters of Administration, do bonis non, on the estate of Joseph J. Hamilton, deceased— These are, therefore, to cite all persons con cerned to be and appear at my office within tho time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this 12th day of December, 1867. ROYLAND BEASLEY, dell—lawiw Ordinary. CLAYTON COUNTY. IN TIIE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States, for the Northern District of Georgia. In the matter of j Dr. John Venable, [IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. J To whom it may Concern : Tho undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as As signee of Dr. John Venable, of Jonesboro, in the county of Clayton, and State of Georgia, within said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said District. Dated Nownan, Georgia, the 28th day o De comber, A. D,, 1867. ISAAC N. SHANNON de3l law3w Assignee, c Hancock County. IN TIIE DISTRICT COURT OFTIIE United States for the Northern District of Georgia. In the matter of j Allen Argrove, [IN BAN a RUFTCY. Bankrupt. J To all whom it may Concern : Tho undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as As signee of Allen Argrove, of , in the county of Meriwether, and State of Georgia, within said District, who who has been adjudged a Bank rupt upon his own petition by tho District Court of said District. Dated Ncwnan, Georgia, the 2Sth day of De cember, A. D., 1867. ISAAC N. SHANNON, de3l—law3w Assignee, etc. Spalding: County. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for tho Northern District of Georgia. In the matter of j IN BANKRUPTCY. MarionJGRISIIAM jAt Griffin, Ga., ou 30th Bankrupt. J Dee., A. D., 1567. To tho Creditors of Marion J. Grisham, Bank rupt—Sirs ; This is to givo you notice that the Court has ordored the second general meeting of tho creditors of the above named Bankrupt, to be holdon at the Register’s Office, at Griffin, Georgia, at 2 o’clock p. in., on the 22d day of January, A. D., IS6S, to considor the propriety of declaring a dividond. SAMUEL C. WEEMS, Assignee. ja3—law3w IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE J- United States for tho Northern District of Georgia. In the matter of ) IN BANKRUPTCY. WM. D. REDDING i-At Griffin, Ga., on 38th Bankrupt. ) Doc., A. D., 1567. To the Creditors of William D. Redding, Bank rupt—Sirs: This is to give you notice that the Court has ordorod the second genoral mooting of tho creditors of tho abovo named Bankrupt, to bo holden at tho Register’s Office, at Griffin, Georgia, at 10 o’clock a. in., on the 22d day of January, A. D., 1868, to consider tho propriety of declaring a dividend. SAMUEL C. WEEMS, Assignee. ja3—law3iv IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for tho Northern Distriot of Georgia. In tho matter of i IN BANKRUPTCY. CIIAS. L. DUPRKE >■ At Griffin. Ga, on apth Bankrupt. ) Doc., A. D., 1867. To tho Creditors of Charles L. Dupree, Bank rupt-Sirs : This is to give you notice that tho Court has ordered tho second genera! mooting of tho creditors of the abovo named Bankrupt, to fie holden at tho Register's Office, at Griffin, Georgia, at 10 o’clock a. in., on the 23d day of January,'A. !>., 186S, to oousidor tho propriety of declaring a dividend. SAMUEL C. WEEMS, Assignoo. jaS—lawSw *■ IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE JL United States for tho Northern District of Georgia. In '“utter of )IN BANKRUPTCY. JONA N J. MILNKR t At GrUlin. Ga., on 30th Bankrupt. J Doe.. A. D., 1867. To tho Creditors of Jonathan J. Milner, Bank rupt —Sirs: This is to give you notice that the Court has ordered the second general meeting of the creditors of the above named Bankrupt, to M holden at tho Register’s OBice, at Griffin. Georgia, at 2 o’clock p. in., on the 23d day of January, A. D., 1868, to consider the propriety of declaring a dividend. SAMUEL C. WEEMS, Assignee. ja3 —law3w Oglethorpe County. Oglethorpe Sheriff* Sale- WILL BE SOLD ON TIIE FIRST TUES DAY IN FEBRUARY next, within the legal hoars of ssle, before the Court Home door ia the town of Lexington, Oglethorpe county, the following property, to-wit: A tract or parcel of Lend, in the eouaty of Oglethorpe, containing nineteen hundred acre*, more or lese, on the wateri of Cloud’s Creek, adjoining land# of E. W. Jobneon, Charles G. Ilsrgrors, Zacha riah 11. Clark, John W. Cunningham, and others ; it beiog the place on which the defend ant, Isaac W. Jobneon, resides. Levied on as the property of leaae W. Johneon, by virtue of a fi. fa. issued from the Inferior Court of said county, in faror of James 8. Sims and B. F. Hardeman vs. Isaac W. Johnson, principal, and James T. Johnson, Daniel D. Johnson, and Elijah W. Johnson, securities. Alao, at the same time and place, will be sold, a tract of Land, in laid county of Oglethorpe, containing eeven hundred and fifty acres, more or less, adjoining lands of William T. Howard, and land tbit belonged to Giles Young at the time of his death, and others, known as the Dunn place or tract of land. Levied on as the property of Thomas 11. Hawkins, to satisfy a fi. fa. issuing from the Inferior Court of Ogle thorpe county, in favor of Langston, Crane A Hammock vs. Thomas 11. Hawkins. Terms cash. B. ADKINB, January 3d, 1868. Deputy Sheriff. jas—td Letters of Dismission. STATE OF GEORGIA— Oylethorjte Cos. Whereas, Elizabeth Jewel and George Jewel, administrators on the estate of William Jewel, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission from said trust — These are, therefore, to cite and admonish ail and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters of Dismis sion should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this 15th day of November, 1867. E. C. SHACKELFORD, nol9—l ainOm Ordinary. Letters of Dismission, OTATE OF GEORGIA— O * Oglethorpe Cos. Whereas, Wm. W. Davenport, guardian for Robert 11. and A. 11. S. Glenn, minors of Win. Glenn, deceased, applic3 to me for letters of dismission from said guardianship. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and friends of said minors, to be and appear at my office within tho time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters of dismission should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature this loth day of November, 1867. K. C. .Si! ACKI.LFORD, nov!9—lamfirn Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. STATE OF GEORGIA— Oglethorpe Count#. Wherkas, William M. Lane, Administrator on the estate of Harrison <*. Lane, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission from said administration— These arc, therefore, to cito and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand aDd official signature, this 12th day of December, 1567. E. C. SHACKELFORD, dell lamfira Ordinary. EXECUTOR’S SALE. By virtue ok an order from the, Court of Ordinary of Oglethorpe Connty, Ga., will bo sold, before the Court House door, in the town of Lexington, in said county, within thelegai hours of sale, on the FIRST TUES DAY IN FEBRUARY next, a Tract of Land,- whereon John Ogilvie, deceased, resided at the time of his death, within three miles of Lcxing-i ton, in said county, on tho waters of Grove. Creek, containing Two Hundred Acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Anthony Olive, Jos. Stevens, Mrs. Bray, Thomas P. Downer, and others. Sold as tho property of the estate ofi John Ogilvie, deceased, for the benefit of the, heirs and creditors of said deceased. Terms! cash. ELIZA OGILVIE, Executrix. December 3d, 1867. dell—td US'otic©. TWO MONTHS AFTER DATE APPLICA TION will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Oglethorpe County for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of John Ogilvie, late of said coun tv, deceased, ELIZA OGILVIE, November loth, 1867. Executrix nov 19—law80d IStotice. r p\Vo MONTHS AFTER DATE API’LICA -L TIOX will be made to tho Court of ©rdiuary of Oglethorpe County for leave to sell tho lands belonging to the estato of Nathan Hunter, late of said coun tv, dec’d. ANNA HUNTER, November 15, 1867. Administratrix. novl9—l w6od FAYETTE COUNTY, TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United A States for the Northern District of Georgia. In the matter of 1 CHRIS. C. SAMS, [IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. J To whom it may Concern : Tho undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as As signee of Christopher C. Sams, of Fayetteville, Fayette county, Georgia, within said District, who has boon adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said District. Dated at Ncwnan, 28th day of December, A. 1)., 1567. JOHN W. POWKLL, Assignee. To Willis K. Whittaker, Fayetteville, Ga. dc31 —lawow # I N THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United -L States, for tho Northern District of Georgia. In the matter of ) JOIIN'N WHALEY, [iN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt- j To whom it may Concern : The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as As signec of Johnston Wholly, of Fayette county, Georgia, within said District, who has been adjudgod a Bankrupt upon his own petitiou by tho Ditriot Court of said District. Dated at Ncwnan, 28th day of December. A. D., 1867. JOHN W. POWELL, Assignee. To Milos M. Tidwoll and Jordan Price, Fayette ville, Ga. de3l—lawow TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United X States, for the Northern Distriotof Georgia. In tho matter of ) FRANC. A.WOODS, [INBANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. J To all whom it may Concern : Tho undersiguod hereby gives notico of his appointment as Assignooof Francis A. Woods, of , in the county of Fayette, and State of Georgia, within said District, whohas boan adjudgod a Bank rupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said District. DatodNownan. Georgia, tho 2Sth day of De cember, A. P., 1867. ISAAC N. SHANNON, ile-Il —law3w Assignee, etc. Elbert County. IN BANKRUPTCY. "VrORTIIEItN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA. D 1868 Kl * M,rto "’ ,llefirst G;«V of January, A, Tho undersigned hereby gives notice that he will sell, on tho ItJd of this month, nt public out cry, at the residence of Henry W. Do Wen. in El bert county, Mi« following property, to-wit: One four-horse VVmjjoii, one Oxen, ami one Yelling. Terms cash. J. ,1. BURCH. Assignee. - .!«•>—lhw3w IN BANKRUPTCY. Northern district of Georgia. SS. at Klbcrton the first day of January, A. I>,, 18(8. The mi. Unsigned hercbv gives notice, that he will sell, on tho -M of this month, ut public out cry, ill the residence of P. 11, Bowen, in Elbert county, the following property, to wit: 73 bushels Conti I Cow and Calf; I lot of Fodder and Shucks; I font-horse Wagon ; 13 I lend of Sheen. Terms cash. J. J, HU Mill, Assignee. j»s—luvfJtv Richmond Countwß Letters of A4mi n ; lt r t r^M i ate of Georgia! Wsusis, Isaac T. He i r/' t 't^ 4 ® Letter* of Administration on ths » W. Payne, lace of said ,„ BntT ?***(■ These are, therefore, to rit/T*® all and singular the kindred s-j ** *B appear at the office of the county on or before the fi m ruary, 1868, to show can*, if why said Letters should not he Given under iny hand and fl this December 271 b, 1887. LAFAYETTE m,t —-B Clerk Superi-SB de2S —3od* Letter* of AdmmY»tm!P'B OF GEORGIA.— ”• ■ , Richmond C*- H W acuKAr, Joseph P. Carr Soldi!, Letters of Administration t n F. Kmchley, late of said county Ts*B These are therefore to cite and J2B and lingular the kindred and 'reii.l'B deceased, to be and appear at ‘a.A* ■ before the second Monday in JaniJum cause, if any they have, why said Lh£!B not be granted. 9 Given under my hand and offiei*l this the 9th day of December, 1887. JACOB R.’hir»B Letters of Administratim® STATE OF GEORGIA— 1 Rihsumi J Wuxrkas, Eugenia Laventure and** for Letters of Administration oa the John P. Lavcnturc, late of said ceased— ■ These are therefore to cite and adntifl and singular the kindred and creffinoß deceased, to be and appear at my or before the second Sion day ; n show cause, if any they havc| wbv irf® should not be granted. ■ Given under my hand and official tjj this the 9th day of December, 1867 JACOB U. DMfl delO—3od” Letters of Dismission. STATE OF GEORGIA— I Richo wad C»wfl IViiep.ka ft, Solomon L. Bassford, tor do bonis non of the estate of Se2| Bassford, deceased, applies to me for I*3 Dismission— J These are therefore to cite and adm and singular the kindred and creditonfl deceased, to be and appear at myoS»J before the first Monday in June next,fc| cause, if any they have, why said Lettenfl not he granted. 1 Given under my hand and official i'J this the 9th day of December, 1867. fl JACOB R. DAT*! delO—lawtd* OrdinazyM Letters of Dismission. § STATE OF GEORGIA— I Hic/imond CaJ Whereas, Mordccai Hymns, Adminal of the estate of Janies Kenny, deed late of said county, applies tome for id of Dismission: Thcseare,therefore,to cite and adiuozs and singular the kintlred and creditors o! deceased, to be and appear at my office I before the first Monday in June next show cause, if any they have, why letters should not he granted. Give under my hand and oflicial sig« this, the 4th day of December, 1867. JACOB K. DAVII do7-diwtd* Ordia Letters of Dismission- STATE OF GEORGIA— Richmond Conntf Whereas, Frank H. Miller, Executor of W. .Miller, deceased, applies to me for 1 of Dismission : These are, therefore, to cite and adinoti and singular, the kindred and creditors i deceased, to be and appear at my office,! before the first Monday in May next, te cause, ;if any they have, why said Letters* not be granted. Given under my hand and oflicial vigil at office in Augusta, this 7th day of Cel 1867- DAVID L. ROil octS—w6m Ordinal Letters of Dismission. OF GEORGIA— Richmond (7o»*si Whereas, Mary Ann Turpin, Willisi Turpin and Jesse M. Turpin, Executes V, iliiain H. Turpin, deceased, apply to V Letters of Dismission: These are, therefore, to cite and admens! and singular, the kindred and creditors and deceased, to be and appear at my office,! before the first Monday in May next, tei ; cause, if any thoy have, why said Letters* not be granted. Given under my hand and official nmi at office in Augusta, this 7th day c'Octal 1867. DAV4I) L. ROATB, oet B—w6m Ordia Letters of Dismission. STATE OF GEORGIA— Richmond Contf Whereas, John Me Adam, AdministraW the estate of James Conlon, deceased, apph me for Letters of Dismission; These are, therefore, to cite and admoniafc and’ singular, the kindred and creditors deceased, to be and appear at rnv offieen before tho first Monday in May next, t* i cause, if any they have, why said *not be granted. (jivco under my hand and official sittj at office in Augusta, this 7th day of ud 1567. DAVID L. ROJII octS—w fim OniiaH Taliaferro County. JST otice. MICHAEL, J. TAYLOR j MAUTIIA A.’TAYLOR, j r J” r <^ t ’ J Term, H'6*. , It appearing to tho Court, from Ilian* jttbo Sheriff, and other evidence, that thelhl ‘ant docs not reside in this andc* therefore he served in the usual manner, . It is ordered by the Court ; That fendant he served by publication, and 9j copy of this Order be published once * Tor four months before tho next term dj Oourt, in the newspaper known as the K* Republican, published in the city of Augri A true transcript from the mi o *** Taliaferro Superior Court, August Term? ** this Octobor 23<1, 1567. . J. D. IIAMsMACK, C. S-Cet* oot"6—lamlm Warren Count). _ Letters of Dismission, j STATE OF GEORGIA— H'urrrn CbseQK Wbkhkas, James Hail applies to ters Dismissory from the estato of Geesling, deceased— Thoso aro therefore to cite and and singular tho kindred and creditors*” dccoasod, to be and appear at my office *■ the time prescribed by law. and show cart any they can, why said Letters shoal* *• gran tod. Given under mv hand and official '>s*“ December Ist. 1*67. U. R- CODE deS—larnfim OrdtoM N” otice. CJIXTY DAYS AFTKR PATH, APH* O TION will be made to the Court « nary of Warron County or leave to sell t“* l Kstato of llanscll Reese, deceased. , HARRISON' KKKSB, A« December Ist, IS6T. [doS —* Furniture and Piauo Hauling l UAVISO A NKW AND UOHT SPRING DRAY, I am prepared to haul Furniture, anything else, without scratching °r as is too often tlto easo. | Ordors left at my store, on trashing!**®, between Broad and Bills, will be r l *"* attended to, at reasonaole rates. ( Particular care giren to moving FnrniW* Pianos. , , W'.M. 11A UK (Colo*J*fc Dealer in Family tlroe* 1 " Ml—U