The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, January 16, 1868, Image 4
Nfttioualßqmbliccm Official City Paper. LARGEST CITY CIRCULATION Official Organ of the U. S. Government. THURSDAY MORNING January 16, 1868 A BEAUTIFUL MAXIM. “I live for those who love me, For those who know me true, For the heaven that shines above me, And waits my coming too; For the cause that needs assistance, For the wrongs that lack resistance, For the fhture In the distance, And the good that I can do.” Leaves. —Gather as many as possi ble to use in hot beds next spring, and to increase the manure heap. Tiik Better Way.—Don’t whip the babies. Treat God’s lambs tenderly. Compel obedience, but not with the rod. Do not yourselves make shadows in the sunlight with which God always surrounds children. Do not let them be lulled to sleep by the falliug of their tears, or by their own sad sobs and sighs. Far pleasanter is it when you go to tuck them in at night, to find pink feet on the pillow, dimpled knees in the air, toys yet in embrace, and smiles on their sweet months. Your selves bear in mind their last words: “If I should die before I wake.” lOfficial.l Headq'bs Third Military District, 1 (Georgia, Florida and Alabama,) >• Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 6,1867- j General Grdeks, No. 3. I. —ln compliance with War Department, General Orders, No. 104, Major General Meade hereby assumes command ol the Third Military District. 11. —All existing orders will remain in force until revoked or modified by orders from these headquarters. 111. —The following officers are an uounced as on the staff of Major General Meade, and will be obeyed and respected accordingly : Brevet Brigadier General R. C. Drum, Lieutenant Colonel U. S. Army, Assistant Adjutant General. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Campbell D. Emory, Captain 9th Infantry, Aid-de Camp. Brevet Lieutenant Colonel George Meade, Captain 31st Infantry, Aid-de-Cauip. By order of Major General Meade. R. C. Drum, Assistant Adjutant General. NO “OPENINGS.” OPEN ALL THE TIME! Latest Styles I THE MEW Millinery Headquarters, Next to the Planters’ Hotel, Have no special “opening day ,” as the LATEST STYLES and NOVEL TIES are always on hand, ready for inspection. In all cases, Satisfaction is Guaranteed! RECEIVED, EVERY FRIDAY, DIRECT FROM NEW YORK, ALL KINDS OF Goods in our Line. WE SELL LADIES’ AND MISSES’ FELT and STRAW HATS’ 1 OF EVERY STYLE, AT FROM Fifty Cents to Three Dollars IMF* HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR FURS. Send for Prieo Lists. WM. R. DAVIS A CO., Next door above the famous Planters’ Hotel, 12oct—ev Tbnrs Augusta, Ga. Mosher, Thomas & Schaub, Q\\ BROAD STREET— Under Masonic Hall, AUGUSTA, GA., Direct Importers and Dealers in English ami French O HINA! BOHEMIAN, FRENCH, aud AMERICAN (xlass Ware, Kerosene Lamps, BTC., ETC., AND AGENTS OF THE Southern Porcelain Manufacturing Cos. Try na, and we will convince you that you can save tbb freight from New York to this point. JOSIAII MOSIIER, J. JEFFERSON THOMAS, GEORGE SCHAUB. oe9—ly AGENTS WASTED JjAQB THE LIFE AND CAMPAIGNS OF GENERAL ROBERT E. LEE, The Standard Biography of the Great Chieftain. It* official cburueUr and ready aalc, combined with an Increased commission, make It the best subscription book ever published. Send for circulars and sec our term*, and a full dcecrlp tion of the work. Address, NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., janl—lin* Atlanta, Ga ’ FORTIETH CO MG REB 8. TERMS OF BENATORB. Benjamin F Wade, ot Ohio, President John W Forney, of Pennsylvania, Secretary. OHIO * 7Vrm Ex Bcnj F Wade 1880 John Sherman.... 1873 INDIANA Thos A Hendricks. .1869 Oliver P Morton.. 1873 ILLINOIS Richard Yates 1871 Lyman Trumbull. .1873 MICIIIOAN Each Chandler.... 1869 Jacob M Howard. .1871 WISCONSIN Jas It Doolittle 1869 Timothy O Howe.. 1873 MINNESOTA Alex Ramsey 1969 David S Horton .... 1871 IOWA JnsW Grimes 1871 Jas Harlan... 1873 MISSOURI J B Henderson.... 1869 Chas D Drake 1873 KANSAS Edmund G Ross. ..1871 Bam’lC Pomeroy. .1873 NEBRASKA Thos W Tipton.... 1869 John M Thayer... AB7l NEVADA Wm M Stewart.... 1809 Jas W Nyc 187 J CALIFORNIA 1 John Coimess 1869 Cornelius C01e... .1873 OREGON Geo II Williams... 1871 : Henry WCorbett. .1873 mainc Term Et. lx>tM Morrill 1880 Wm P Foeaenden.. 1871 kkw luaiuaißK Aaron H Cragin. ...1871 Jas W Patterson ..1878 VERMONT Geo F Edmunds... 1809 Justin 8 Morrill... 1873 MASSACHUSETTS Chas Sumner .1809 Henry Wilson 1871 RHODE ISLAND Wuj Sprague...... 1809 Henry B Anthony .1871 CONNECTICUT James Dixon 1869 Orris 8 Ferry 1878 NEW YORK Edwin D Morgan. .1869 Koscoe Conkllng. .1873 NEW JERSEY F T Frclinghuyscn 1869 Alex G Catt011....1871 PENNSYLVANIA Chat It Buckalew .. 1869 Simon Cameron.. .1873 DELAWARE Jas S llayanl 1869 Willard Saulsbury ,ls7l MARYLAND Bevcnly Johnson ... 1869 Philip F Thomas ... 1873 WEST VIRGINIA PG VanWiukle... 1869 Wait man T Willey .1871 KENTUCKY James Guthrie 1871 Garni Davis. 1873 TENNESSEE David T Patterson .1869 Joseph S Fowler.. 1871 RECAPITULATION Republicans 43 | Oppositions (In Italics) 13 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Schuyler Colfax, of Indiana, Speaker. Edward McPherson, of Pennsylvania, Clerk. TENNESSEE 1 Roderick R Butler 2 Horace Maynard 3 Wm B Stokes 4 Jas Mullins 5 John Trimble 6 Snm’l M Amell 7 Issae R Hawkins 8 David A Nunn OHIO 1 Bcnj Eggleston 2 Bam’l F Cary 3 Robt C Schcnck 4 Wm Lawrence 5 WmMnng en 6 Reader W Clarke 7 Snm’l Shallnhargcr 8 C S Hamilton 9 Ralph P Buekland 10 Jas M Ashley 11 John T Wilson 12 Philip Van Trump 13 Geo W Morgan 14 Martin Welker [ls Tobias A Plants 16 John A Bingham 17 Ephraim R Ecklcy 18 Rufus P Spaulding 19 Jas A Garfield INDIANA 1 IFm E KiUack 2 Michael C Kerr 3 Morton C Hunter 4 Wm S Holman 5 Geo W Julian 6 John Coburn 7 lID Washburn 8 Godlove S Orth 9 Schuyler Colfax 10 Wm Williams 11 John P C Shauks ILLINOIS At Lai-ge, Jno A Logan 1 Norman B Judd 2 John F Farnsworth 3 Elihu B Washburn 4 Abner C Harding 5 Ebcn C IngcrsolT 0 Burton C Cook 7 H P II Bromwcll 8 Shelby M Cullom 9 Lewis W Koss 10 Albert G Burr 11 Sam'l S Marshall 12 John Baker 15 Green B Raum MICHIGAN 1 Fernando C.Bcaman 2 Chas Upson S Austin Blair 4 Thos W Ferry 5 R E Trowbridge 6 John F Driggs WISCONSIN 1 Halbert C Paine 3 Benj F Hopkins 3 A mass Cobb 4 Chas A Eldridyc 5 Philetus Sawyer 6 C C Washburnc MAINE 1 John Lynch 3 Sidney Porham 3 Jas O Blaine 4 John A Peters 5 Frederick A Pike NEW HAMPSHIRE 1 Jacob H Ela 3 Aaron F Stevens 3 Jacob Benton VERMONT . 1 Fred E Woodbridgc 3 Luke P Poland 3 W C Smith MASSACHUSETTS 1 Thos D Eliot 3 Oakes Ames 3 Ginery Twitcliell 4 Snm'l Hooper 5 Bcnj F Butler 6 Nat P Banks 7 Geo S Boutwcll 8 John D Baldwin 9 Wm B Wnshburne 10 Henry L Dawes RHODE ISLAND 1 Thos A Jcnckes 3 Nathan F Dixon CONNECTICUT I Kick'd D Hubbard 3 Julius Hotchkiss 3 H H Starkweather 4 Win H Barnum NEW YORK 1 Stephen Taber 3 Demos Ba<~ncs 3 Wm K Kobinson 4 John Fox 5 John Morrissey 6 Thos E Stewart 7 John W Chanter 8 Jas Brooks 9 Fernando Wood 10 Wm H Robertson 11 C H Van Wyck 13 John II Ketcham 13 Thos Cornell 14 John V L Pruyn 15 John A Grisswold 16 Orange Ferris 17 Calvin T Hulbard 18 Jas M Marvin 19 Wm C Fields 30 Addison 11 Laflin 21 Alex H Bailey 22 John C Churchill 23 Dennis McCarthy 24 Theo M Pomeroy 25 Wm II Kelsey 26 Wm S Lincoln 27 Hamilton Ward 28 Lewis Sclye 29 Burt Van Horn 30 J M Humphreys 81 H Van Aernam NEW JERSEY 1 Wm Moore 2 Chas Haight 3 (’has Site/rcaves 4 John Hill 5 Geo A Halsey PENNSYLVANIA 1 Snm'l J Randall •i Chas O’Neill 3 Lcnard Myers 4 Wm D Kelley 5 Caleb N Taylor i 0 li nj M Boyer 7 John M Bromall 8 J Lawrence Getz 9 Thaddeus Stevens 10 Henry L Cake 11 D M Van Auken 12 Geo W Woodward 13 Ulysses Mercer 14 George F Miller 15 AdamJGrossbrenner 1(! Wm H Koontz 17 Dan’l J Morrill 18 Stephen S Wilson 19 Glcnni W Schofield 20 Darwin A Finney 21 John Covode 22 Jas K Moorcliead 28 Tlios Williams 24 Geo V Lawrence DELAWARE 1 John A Nicholson MARYLAND 1 Hiram McCullough 1 2 Stephenson Archer 3 Chas E Phelps 4 Francis Thomas 5 Frederick Stone WEST VIRGINIA 1 Chester D Hubbard 2 Benj M Kitdhen 3 Dan’l Polslcy KENTUCKY 1 Lawrence S Trimble 2 John Young Brown 3 J S S Goliady 4 J Proctor C Knott 5 Asa P Grover (< Thos L Jones 7 Jas BBcck 8 Geo M A dams 9 John I) Young MINNESOTA 1 Wm Windom 2 Ignatius Donnelly IOWA 1 James F Wilson 2 Hiram Price 3 Wm B Allison 4 Wm Louglibridge 5 Grenville M Dodge 6 Isahcl W Hubbard MISSOURI 1 Wm A Pile 2 Carman A Newcomb 8 Jas B McCormick 4 John J Gravelly 5 Jos W McClurge 6 Robt T Van Horn 7 Benj F Loan S John F Benjamin 9 Geo W Anderson KANSAS , 1 Sidney Clarke NEBRASKA 1 JohnTaffe NEVADA 1 Delos R Ashley CALIFORNIA 1 Snm'l Axtell 2 Wm Higby 3 Jas A Johnson OREGON 1 Rufus Mallory DELEGATES , ARIZONA Coles Baslitord DAKOTA Walter A Burleigh IDAHO E D Holdbrock MONTANA Jas M Cavanaugh NEW’ MEXICO C P Clever (doubtful) UTAH Wm 11 Hooper WASHINGTON Alvin Flanders WTONING Jas S Casement RECAPITULATION Republican^^ri^^^OppositionfA^Aufioi)^# G-eorgia LAUD AGENCY. Ghiselin & Co.’s Commission, Real Estate AND General Intelligence AGE N O Y 223 Broad Street, SELL, LEASE, OR RENT IMPROVEI or UNIMPROVED CITY OR COUNTRY PROPERTY. Particular attention paid to Mineral Lands. Any and all kinds of Property REGISTERED GRATIS, ADVERTISED AS PER INSTItUC TIONS, nnd NO COMMISSION or other oharges unless ACTUAL SALES are effected. EMPLOYEES PROCURED to fill every department of labor, on tho moat favorable terms. Persons wishing to BUY OU SELL LANDS, will havo their communications promptly acknowledged. octlo-3in Piano Fortes Tuned. 'po MEET THE TIMES, I HAVE RE -1 DUOKI) the charge for TUNING to THREE DOLLARS. Order* loft at Mb. GEO. A. OATES’ 240 Brood Street, or at my Shop, oppoaito the Post Office, promptly attended to. el ly* ROBERT A, HARPER Rail Road Schedules. Macon and Augusta Railroad. flKB? JWB MHF flfl: SCHEDULE OF MACON AND AUGUSTA RAILROAD— Leave Camak daily at 12.30 p.m Leave Milledgevllle 6.60 a m. Arrive at MiUedgeville 4.10 p.m. Arrive at Camak 9.00 a.m. Passengers leaving Augusta or Atlanta on the Day Passenger Train of the Georgia Railroad will make cloie connections et Camek for inter mediate points on the above Road, and also for Macon. Pasaengors leaving Milledgevillo at 5.30 a. m. reaches Atlanta and Augusta the same day, and wiU make close connections at either place for the principal points in adjoining States. E. W. COLE, General Superintend’!. Augusts, January 7,1888. jaß—tf Change of Schedule on the Central Railroad. ON AND AFTER FRIDAY, JULY STH, the following Schedule will bo run between Augusta, Macon and Savannah ; Leave Augusta at 8.45 a. m. A 8.05 p. m. Arrive ot Macon 8.25 p. in. A 5.00 a. m. Arrive at Savannah- 6.25 p. m. A 4.50 a. m. Leave Macon 7.05 a. m. <£ 6.15 p. m. Leave Savannah.*. 8.00 a. m. A 6.25 {a m. Arrive at Augusta 5.45 p. in. A 3.15 a. m. A. M. Train from Augusta will connect with S. A. A G. P. R. train at Savannah, and Mil lodgeville at Gordon. P. M. Train from Augusta will connect with Trains on South Western, Musaogec, and Maoon and Western Railroads. J. M. SELKIRK, j u 4—tf Master of Transportation Change of Schedule of South Carolina Rail Road Company. Office South Carolina R. R. Cos., 1 Augusta, October 2, 1867. J The following will be the leav ing and arriving times of Trains over this Road, commencing on and after Smnday, October 6th, 1867 : MAIL AND THROUGH PASSENGER TRAIN — AUGUSTA TO COLUMBIA. Charleston Running Time. Leave Augusta 3.40 a. m. Arrive at Kingvillo 11.15 a. jn- Arrive at Columbia 1.10 p. m. Passengers for Wilmington Road, Charlotte Road, and Groenville and Columbia Road, can only make connection by taking this Train. MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIN TO AUGUSTA FROM COLUMBIA. Charleston Running Time. Leave Columbia 10.00 a. m. Arrive at Kingville 12.05 p. m. Arrive at Augusta 7.40 p. m. MAIL AND TASSENGER TRAIN—AUGUSTA AND ** CHARLESTON. Charleston Running Time. Leave Augusta 3.40 a. m. Arrive at Charleston 12.20 p. m. Leave Charleston 10.40 a. m. Arrive at Augusta 7.40 p. m. NIGHT EXPRESS FREIGHT AND PASSENGER ACCOMMODATION TRAIN AUGUSTA AND charleston. —Sundays excepted. Charleston Running Time. Leave Augusta 4.10 p. m. Arrive at Charleston 4.00 a.m. Leave Charleston 7.30 p. m. Arrive at Augusta 6.50 a. m. H. T. PEAKE, oc3 —ts General Superintendent. Change of Schedule ou the Georgia Railroad. ON AND AFTER THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10th, 1867, the Passenger Trains on the Georgia Railroad will run as follows : DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. ( Daily, Sundays Excepted.) Leave Augusta at .* 7.30 A. M. Leave Atlanta at 5.00 A. M. Arrive at Augusta at 3.30 P. M. Arrive at Atlantaat 6.30 P. M. NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Augusta at 8.15 P. M. Leave Atlanta at 5.45 P. M. Arrive at Augusta at 3.00 A. M. Arrive at Atlanta at 6.45 A. M. BERZELIA PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Augusta at 4.00 P. M. Leave Bcrzolia at 7.10 A. M. Arrrivo at Augusta 8.50 A. M. Arrive at Bcrzelia 5.45 P. M. Passengers lor Spartn, Washington and Athens, Ga., must take Day Passenger Train from Augusta and Atlanta. Passengers for West Point., Montgomery, Selma, Mobile, and Now Orleans, must leave Augusta on Night Passenger Train at 8.15 P. M. close connections. Passengers for Nashville, Corinth, Grand Junction, Memphis, Louisville, and St. Louia, can tako either train and make close connections. THROUGH TICKETS and Baggage Checked through to the above places. PULLMAN’S PALACE SLEEPING CARS on all Night Passenger Trains. E. W. COLE, General Superintendent. Augusta, Ga., Oct. 8, 1807. Hotels. Restaurants. STEVENS HOUSE, 21, 23, 25, & 27, Broadway, N. Y. Opposite Bowling Green. ON THE EUROPEAN PLAN. THE STEVENS HOUSE IS WELD AND widely known to the travelling public. The location is especially suitable to merchant? and business men ; it is inclose proximity to the business part of the city—is on the highway ot Southern and Western travel—nnd adjacent to all the principal Railroad and Steamboat depots. TIIE STEVENS HOUSE has liberal accom modations for over three hundred guests —it is well furnished, and possesses every modern improvement for the comfort and entertainment of its inmates. The rooms aro spacious and well ventilated—providod with gas and water— tho attendance is prompt and rospoctful—and the tablo is generously provided with evory delicacy of the season—at modorato ratos. The rooms having been refurnished and remodelled, we artrtnablcd to offer extra facilities for the comfort and pleasure of our guests. OEO. K. CHASE & CO., Proprietors. SE9- This is a Southorn house. au7-Sm* SCREVEN HOUSE.. gAVANNAH, (lEORQIA, THIS FIRST CLASS HOTEL Having been renovated and newly furnished, is now open for tho reception of the travelling public. GEO. McGINLY, Proprietor. mhl«—tf . W. B. GRIFFIN, Commission Merchant and Auctioneer, . CORNER OF JACKSON AND ELLIS STREETS, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, Respectfully announces to the public that be is now propared to receive consignments of MERCHANDISE, REAL EB - oto., and will exert himself to do all he enn to deserve their patronage. Commissions moderate. ja3—2w J. J. BROWNE, ri AllVKlt AND GILDER. Looking Glass and Picture Frames CORNICES, BRACKETS, CONK OL II TABLES MADE TO ORDER. Old PICTURE and LOOKING GLASS FRAMES REGILT, nnd OIL PAINTINGS RE STORED, LINED and VARNISHED, AT 135 BROAD STREET, A*«u*ta, Ga. ja!2—lawlf UNITED STATES MAILS. G-eorgia. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT, J T>BOPOBA L8 W " (hT* CGn"VEXING THE A MAILS of the United State* from July I, 1868. to June 30,1871, on the following rentes in the State of Georgia, will be received at the Con tract Office of this Department until 3 p m. of March 31»t next, to be decided by April 10 fol lowing. (Accepted bidders will be required to take the Oath prescribed by late , and known as the “ Test Oath?') 0021 From Lexington to Lexington Depot -3 miles and back, six times a week- Leave Lexington daily, except Sun day, at 7.30 a. ra. Arrive at Lexington Depot by 8.30 a. m. Leave Lexington Depot daily, txcept Sunday, at 9 a. m. Arrive at Lexington by 10 a. in. 6129 From Toombsboro’ to Dublin, 23 miles and back, once a week. Lcavo Toombsboro’ Saturday at 7 a. m. Arrive at Dublin by 5 p. m. Leave Dublin Friday at 7 a. m. Arrive at Toombsboro’ by 5 p. m. 6130 From Wrightsville to Tenniile, 16 miles and back, once a week. Leave Wrightsville Friday at 10 a. m. Arrive at Tenniile by 3 p. m. Leave Tenniile Friday at 4 p. m. Arrive at Wrightsville by 9 p. m. 6140 From Thomaston to Waynmanvillc, 8 miles and back, twice a week. Leave Thomaston Tuesday and Thurs day at 8 a. m. Arrive at Waynmanvillc by 11 a. m. Leave Waynmanville Tuesday and Thursday at .12 m. Arrive at Thomaston by 3 p. m. 6141 From Eatonton to Monticello, 19 miles and back, three times a week. Leave Eatonton Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 0.30 p. m. Arrive at Monticello by 6 p. m. Leave Monticello Monday, Wednes day, and Friday, at 6 a. m. Arrive at Eatonton by 11.30 p.m. 6142 From Macon, by Jeffersonville and Marion, to Twiggsville, 34 miles and back, once a week. Leave Macon Wednesday at 6 a. m. Arrive at Twiggsville by 6 p. m. Leave Twiggsville Thursday at 6 a. m. Arrivo at Macon by 6 p. m. NOTES. must be to carry the mail with “ce lerity, certainty, and security, using the terms the law, and they must be guaranteed by two ra sponsible persons, certified to as such by a Post master, or a Judge of a Court of Record. No pay will be made for trips not performed, and for eacli of such omissions not satisfactorily explained, three times tho pay of the trip may be deducted. For arrivals so far behind time as to break connection with depending mails, and not sufficiently excused, one-fourth of the compensa tion for tlie trip is subject to forfeiture. Fines will bo imposed, unless tne delinquency bo satis- Jactoriiy explained, for neglecting to take the mail from or into a post office ; for suffering it to be in jured,' destroyed, robbed, or lost; and for refusing, after demand, to convey the mail as frequently as the contractor rune, or is concerned in running vehicles on the route. The Postmaster General mat annul the contract for disobeying the Post Office laws, or the instructions of the Department. He may alter the schedule of departures and arrivals, and also order au increase of service by allowing therefor a pro rata increase on the con tract pay. lie may also curtail or discontinue the service m whole or in part, at a pro rata decrease of pay, allowing one month's extra compensation on the amount of Bervice dispensed with. Bids sliould be addressed to the “Second Assistant Post master General,” superscribed “Proposals, Slate of Georgia,’’ and sent by mail. For forms of proposal, etc., and other informa tion, see advertisement of OctoDer 31, 1866, and of this date, in pamphlet form, at the principal post offices. ALEX. W. RANDALL, ja!2—law-lw Postmaster General. GREAT DISTRIBUTION BY THE New York Gift Company. EVERY TICKET DRAWS A PRIZE. 5 Cash Gifts Each SIO,OOO 5 Cash Gifts “ 5,000 10 “ “ 1,000 20 “ “ 500 100 “ “ 100 200 “ “ 50 300 “ “ 25 400 " “ 10 30 Elegant Rosewood Pianos.. .Each S3OO to 500 35 “ Melodeons “ 75 to 150 150 Sewing Machines “ 60 to 125 250 Musical Boxes “ 25 to 200 300 Fine Gold Watches “ 75 to 300 750 Fine Silver Watches “ 30 to 50 Fine Oil Paintings, Framed Engravings, Silver Ware, Photograph Albums, and a large assort ment of Fine Gold Jewelry, in all valued at SI,000,000! A Chance to draw any of the above Prizes by purchasing a Sealed Ticket for 25 Cents, Tickets describing each Prize aro SEALED in Envelopes and thoroughly mixed. On receipt of 25 cents, a Sealed Ticket wiU he drawn, with out choice, and delivered at our office, or sent bv mail to any address- The prize named upon it wilt be delivered to the ticket-holder on payment of ONE DOLLAR. Prizes will be immediately sent to any address, as requested, by Express or return mail. Y'ou will know wliat your Prize is before you pay for it. Any Prize may he exchanged for an other of the same value. No Blanks. J®” Our Patrons can depend on fair dealing. References. The following persons have lately drawn valua ble prizes from this Company, and kindly permit ted the nse of their names: J H Milner, 368 Sixth Avenue, N Y. $1,000; Mrs E Collins, 75 Nelson Place, N Y, $500; Miss C Cook, Chicago, 111, Piano, value, $450; W Boyd, New Ilaveu, Gold Watch, $250; Robert Furman, Dubuque, Sewing Machine, $100; Henry Mc- Callnm, Louisville, Ky, $500; ColT I Ransom, Washington,D C, Musical Box, $150; LII Knapp, 36 Fourteenth street, N Y, Piano, $500; G II Ben edict, New Orleans, Gold Watch, $200; W A Barnes, Atlanta, On, $500; I{ II Sutton, Nashville, Tcnn, Melodeou, $150; Edward Dayton, Mobile, Ala., Diamond Cluster Ring, $300; S Payne, Bur iington, Vt, $100; I. D Ferris, Springfield, 111,, Diamond Pin, $200; Mrs B Wedgewoou, Trenton, NJ, $100; Thos Barrett, Jr, 16 Cav street, Balti more, Sewing Machine, $75; H B Ahrens, 34 Main, Buffalo, $100; W N Palmer, New Bedford, Mass., Gold Watch, $275; Miss C Rowe. Ninth and Sansom streets, Phila, Gold Watch, $150; J T Pratt, Hicks street, Brooklyn, $500; M Cauldwell, Bagg’s Hotel, Utica, $1,000; 8 Oammeyer, De troit, Michigan, Gold Watch, $350; Sirs D Crissey, Hartford, Conn, Silver Set, $1.50; A Scultz, Louis ville, Ky, Diamond Ring, $250; George Nason, 96 Warren street, N Y", $.500; Sirs T Morris, Fourth Avenue, corner Fifteenth street, NY, Piano, SIOO. We publish no names without permission. Opinions of the Press. “Musical Festivals” several times postponed, compelling purchasers of tickets to wait months for the distribution, has impaired public confidence n such affairs. The only fair system of distribu tion is tile old and popular one of Sealed Tickets, stating the prize, which will be delivered immedi ately, on payment, of tho one dollar. That is the plan of 11. BARTON & CO., at 599 Broadway, the most attractive place of the kind now in oper ation. They are doing the largest business, and deserve their success. You can not draw a SIOO,OOO farm there, but have a reasonable chance for u good prize, as we know many that, have been drawn, and the firm is reliable.— Morning Adver tiser, Oct. 2 Uh, 1867, The New York Gift Company are distributing many valuable prizes. We have examined their manner of doing business and know them to be a fair dealing firm. Their plan is more satisfactory than “Presentation Festivals," as they draw every day, and the subscriber need not pav for the prize drawn, unless suited.— Uazrlte, Oct. 84/A, 1867. The Gift establish ment of 11. Barton <fc Cos., at 599 Broadway, is daily attracting crowds of visi tors to witness tile drawing process. The invest ment is but 2.5 cents for the chance, and tho prize drawn, if satisfactory, is immediately delivered for one dollar. A friend of ours, last week, drew a SSOO prize, which he promptly received.—2Vou.<- cript, Sept. 20/A, 1867. : Liberal inducements to Ageuts. Satisfaction guaranteed. Every package of Sealed Envelopes contains one Cash Gift. tar* Six Tickets for it; thirteen for $2; thirty three for $5; one hundred for sls. All letters should bo addressed to H BARTON it VO., j*5~~36f» 599 Broadway, New York. Wilkes County. Letters of Dismission- STATE OF GEORGIA— Wilkes County. Wbkress, John C. Fanning, applies to me for Lettsrs of Dismission as Esecntorof B. J. Orr, deoeased— These are to cite ail persons concerned to be and appear at my office within the time pre scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters of Dismission should not be granted. EOYLAND BEASLEY, Deo. 21st, 1867. Ordinary. de22—l sm6m Letters of Guardianship- STATE OF GEORGIA— Wilkes County. WneRKSi, William Lorenzo Smith applies to me for Letters of Guardianship for the person and property of Joseph M. Hamilton, a minor of Joseph J. Hamilton, deceased, under fourteen years of age— These are to cite all persons concerned t 6 be and appear »t my office within the time pre scribed by law, to show cause, it any they hare, why said Letters of Guardianship should not be granted. Given under my band and official signature, this 19th day of December, 1867. ROYLAND BEASLEY, de2o—law4w Ordinary. Letters of Administration. STATE OF GEORGIA— Wilkes County. Whereas, Luke Turner applies to mo for Letters of Administration on the estate of Maria T. Triplett, deceased— These aro to cite all persons concerned to bo and appear at my office within the time pre scribed by law, to show cause, if aDy they have, why Letters of Administration should not be granted to said Luke Turner. Given under my band and official signature, this 12th day of December, 1867. ROYLAND BEASLEY, del4—law4w Ordinary. Letters of Administration, * STATE OF GEORGIA— Wilkes County. Whereas, Susan M. Norman applies to me for Letters of Administration on the estate of G. G. Norman, deceased; and, further, that the will of said G. G. Norman may be proven in common form and admitted to record— These are therefore to cite all persons con cerned to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said Susan Norman’s peti tion should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this 12th day of December, 1867. ROYLAND BEASLEY, del 4—law4w Ordinary. Letters of Administration. STATE OF GEORGIA— Wilkes County. Whereas, Stephen G. Pcttus applies to me for leave to prove tho will of James D. Smith, in common form, and for Letters of Adninistra tion, with tho will annexed, on said estate of James D. Smith— These are, therefore, to cite all persons con cerned to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said petitioner’s request should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this 12th day of December, 1867. ROYLAND BEASLEY, del4—lawlw Ordinary. Letters of Administration. STATE OF GEORGIA— Wilkes County. Whereas, James M. Dyson applies to me for Letters of Administration, de bonis non, on the estate of Joseph J. Hamilton, deceased— These are, therefore, to cite all persons con cerned to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this 12th day of December, 1867. dell—lawlw Ordinary. Elbert County. IN BANKRUPTCY. Northern district of Georgia. SS, at Elberton, the first day of January, A, D , 1868. The undersigned hereby gives notice that he will sell, on the 22d of this mouth, at public out cry, at the residence of Henry W. Bowen, in El bert county, tlie following property, to-wit: One four-liorse Wagon, one Oxen, and one Y’erling. Terms cash. J. J. BURCH, Assignee, jao—law3w IN BANKRUPTCY. Northern district of Georgia. SS, at Elberton tlie first day of January, A. D., 1868. The undersigned hereby gives notice that he will seli, on the 22d of this month, at public out cry, at the residence of P. B. Bowen, in Elbert county, the following property, to wit: 75 bushels Corn; 1 Cow and Calf; 1 lot of Fodder and Shucks ; 1 four-horse Wagon ; 15 Head of Sheep. Terms cash. J. J. BURCH, Assignee. jas—law3w Taliaferro County. Notice. MICHAEL J. TAYLOR ] T Li^, el .. f ? r Di^, orc,! - Vft ! In Taliaferro Supe- A. TAYLOR. J Au B ast It appearing to the Court, from tho return of tthe Sheriff, and other evidence, that tho Defend ant does not reside in this State, and oannot therefore bo served in the usual manner, It is ordered by the Court: That said De fendant be served by publication, and that a copy of this Order be published once a month for four months before the next term of this Court, in the newspaper known as the National Republican, published in tho city of Augusta. A true transcript from the minutes of Taliaferro Superior Court, August Term, 1567, this October 23d, 1867. J. D. HAMMACIC, C. S. C. T. C. oat 26—lam4m BROOKS COUNTY. Assignee’s Sale- WILL BE SOLD, ON THE FIRST TUES DAY IN FEBRUARY next, in the town of Quitman, Brooks county, Georgia, between tho usual hours of salo, tho following property of Hardy Padgett, bankrupt, to wit: 2 Corn Mills, 1 bolting chest for Flour, 1 Planing Machine, 1 Tablo Saw (two extra saws), 1 Scroll Saw, l poke Lathe, 1 Boring Machine, 1 Morticing Machine, 1 Grinding Machine, 1 ten-horse power Engine—all covered by mort gage- -1 Lot in town of Quitman, No. 11, southeast soction, and improvements, known as the Mill Lot. Lots Nos. 17 and 25, S. E. S. of said town, with improvements, known as the lot whereon the said Hardy Padgett now lives, and tho lot whereon the carriage and blacksmith shops now stand, covered by mortgage. Lot No. 18, S. E. S., covered by mortgage. Lot No. 10, S. E. S., covered by mortgage. Lots Nos, 34, 42, 43, S. E. S., with improve ments, not incumbored by mortgage. Lot No. 19, S. E. S., oovered by mortgage. Terms cash. Salo to oontinuo from day to day until all is sold. WILLIAM HUDSON, Assignee. Quitman, Brooks co., Ga., Jan. 13, 1868. jals—td - ■-J.L 1 IJJ. JJ m—m SLATE LIKED REFRIGERATORS! ■ ARVFACTURRn BY Stephens & Ritchie, „ 116 and 118 West'doth Street, NEW YORK. 'IMIIS REFRIGERATOR has GAINED A Avery high reputation during the past, two years, and proved to be superior to any Zino Refrigerator over made. It was awarded the PREMIUM at the FAIR of Ilia AMERICAN INSTITUTE, in 1865 (no Fair held ill 1868). All kiuds and alies nindo at our Manufactory, 118 and 118 Wost Twenty-Fifth Street, Now York. JAS. STEPHENS, scIO ly J. I. RITCHIE. Oglethorpe County. Oglethorpe Sheriff's Sale. \T7ILL BE SOLD ON THE FIRST TUES- W DAY IN FEBRUARY next, within the legal hoar* of sale, before the Coart Houte deer is the town of Lexington, Oglethorpe eonnty, tho following property, to-wlt: A traet or parcel of Land, In the eonnty of Oglethorpe, containing nineteen hundred aereo. more or lees, on the water* of Cloud’* Creek, adjoining land* of E. W. Johnson, Charle* G. Hargrove, Zacba riah li. Clark, John W. Cunningham, and otberi; it being the place on which the defend ant, Isaac W. Johnson, residee. Levied on a* the property of Isaac W. Johnson, by virtue of a fl. fa. i**ued from the Inferior Court of said oounty, in favor of James 8. Sims, and B. F. Hardeman vs. Isaac W. Johnson, principal, and James T. Johnson, Daniel D. Johnson, and Elijah W. Johnson, securities. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, a traet of Land, in said county of Oglethorpe, containing seven hundred and fifty acres, more or less, adjoining lands of William T. Howard, and land that belonged to Giles Young at the time of his death, and others, known as the Dunn place or tract of land. Levied on a* the property of Thomas n. Hawkins, to satisfy a fi. fa. issuing from the Inferior Court of Ogle thorpe county, in favor of Langston, Crane A Hammock vs. Thomas 11. Hawkins. Terms cash. B. ADKINS, January 3d, 1868. Deputy Sheriff. jas—td _ Letters of Dismission. STATE OF GEORGIA— Oglethorpe Cos. Whereas, Elizabeth Jewel and George Jewel, administrators on tho estate of William Jewel, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission from said trust — These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters of Dismis sion should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this 15th day of November, 1867. E. C. SHACKELFORD, no!9—lam6m Ordinary. Letters of Dismission, STATE OF GEORGIA— Oglethorpe Cos. Whereas, Wm. W. Davenport, guardian for Robert 11. and A. 11. S. Glenn, minors of Wm. Glenn, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from said guardianship. . These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and friends of said minors, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters of dismission should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature this 15th day of November, 1867. E. C. SHACKELFORD, novlfl—lam Cm Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. STATE OF GEORGIA— Oglethorpe County. Whereas, William M. Lane, Administrator on the estate of Harrison G. Lane, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission from said administration— These are, therefore, to cite arid admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors vs said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time proscribed by law, nnd show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this 12th day of December, 1867. E. C. SHACKELFORD, del4—lamfira Ordinary. EXECUTOR’S SALE. BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER FROM THE Court of Ordinary of Oglethorpe County, Ga., will bo sold, before the Court House door, in the town of Lexington, in said within the legal hours of sale, on the FIRST TUES DAY’ IN FEBRUARY’ next, a Tract of Laud, whereon John Ogilvie, deceased, resided at the time of his death, W'Rhin throe miles of Lexing ton, in said county, ou the waters of Grove Creek, containing Two Hundred Acres, more or less, adjoining lands of Anthony Olive, Jos. Stevens, Mrs. Bray, Thomas P. Downer, and others. Sold a? fhc property of tha. estate of John Ogfivio, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said doceascd. Terms cash. ELIZA OGILVIE, Executrix. December 3d, 1867- dcl4—td IST" otice. TWO MONTHS AFTER DATE APPLICA TION will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Oglethorpe County lor leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of Johu Ogilvie, late of said county, deceased. ELIZA OGILVIE, November 15th, 1867. Executrix nov 19—law60d IST otice. TWO MONTHS AFTER DATE APPLICA TION will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Oglethorpe County for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of Nathan Hunter, late of said county, dec\l. ANNA HUNTER, November 15, 1867. Administratrix. novl9—l wfiftd Spalding Connty. IN TIIE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the Northern District of Georgia. In the matter of ) IN BANKRUPTCY. M.ikiomIGRISHAM v At Griffin, Ga., on 30th Baukrupt. J Doc., A. D., 1867. To the Creditors of Marion J. Grisham, Bank rupt—Sirs ; This is to give you notice that the Court has ordered the second general meeting of tho creditors of the above nsmed Bankrupt, to be holden at the Register’s Office, at Griffin, Georgia, at 2 o’clock p. m., on the 22d day of January, A. D., 1868, to consider the propriety of declaring a dividend. SAMUEL 0. IVEEMS, Assignee. ja3—law3w IN TIIE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the Northern District of Georgia. In the matter of ) IN B ANKRUPTCY. IYM. D. REDDING j-At Griffin, Ga., ou 30th Bankrupt. J Dec., A. D., 1567. To the Creditors of William D. Redding, Bank rupt—Sirs: This is to giro you that the Court has ordered the second general meetiug of the creditors of tho above named Bankrupt, to be holden at the Register's Office, at Griffin, Georgia, at 10 o’clock a. in., on the 22d day of January, A. D., 186S, to oousider the propriety of declaring a dividend. SAMUEL C. WEEMS, Assignee. ja3—law3w IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for tho Northern Distriot of Georgia. In the matter of ) IN BANKRUPTCY. CHAS. L. DUPREE }■ At Griffin, Ga., on 30th Bankrupt. j Dee., A.D., 1867. To the Creditors of Charles L. Dupree, Bank rupt—Sirs : This is to give you notice that the Court has ordered the second general meeting of tho creditors of tho above named Bankrupt, to bo holden at tho Register's Office, at Griffin, Georgia, at 10 o’clock a. m., on the 23d day of January, A. D., IS6S, to consider tRo propriety of declaring a dividend. SAMUEL C. WEEMS, Assignee. ja3—lawSw IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for tho Northern District of Georgia. In tho matter of ) IN BANKRUPTCY. JONAH J. MILNER V At Griffin, Ga., on 30th Bankrupt. J D*o., A*. D., 1567. To tho Creditors of Jonathan J. Milner, Bank rupt —Sirs; This i* to giro you notice that tho Court has ordered the second general meeting of the creditors of the above named Bankrupt, to be holden at tho Register's Office, at Griffin, Georgia, at 2 o'clock p. m., on the 33d day of January, A. D., 1868, to consider the propriety of declaring a dividend. SAMUEL C. WEEMS, Assigne ja3 -law3w Fish and Oysters, Game, poultry, VEGETABLES FAMILY GROCERIES Os EVERY DESCRIPTION, Always on hand and for salo low. CALL AND SEE ME. WM. HALE (Colored), Washington street, ts Botwoon Broad and Sills. Richmond Con^^gl Letters of Administritw'^B IATK OF GEORGIA— 01 fl| Whkbkah, Leopold T. domett Utters of Administration John P. Laventure, late oTL?* «■ ceased— ” There arc, therefore, to cite and an.J singular the kindred and deceased, to appear at the office / of said county on or before the in February next, to show have, why said letters should not U Given under my hand and offiA 1 ?® this the 9th day of January, JAftg LAFAYKTTB Clerk and cr-ofScio Ordin«, Letter* of Admini*trati<t. ■ STATE OF GEORGIA- ■ Ki' hmiHd r H Whkrkxs, Wesley A. Bartlett .ZufU for Letters of Administration oa Gverton Oliver, deceased— These are, therefore, to cite and idastfiH and singular, the kindred and cre-fitZiJß deceased, to be and appear at the -a* Ordinary of said county, on or before du-H Monday in February next, to she* they have, why said Letters iUsHyB granted. Given under my hand and official this 4th day of January, 186*. LAFAYETTE McLAFs fl Clerk Sup. Court and ex-officio (>rd : slH ja 10-30d* p r «“«Mbfl Letters of AdministratuaTfl STATE OF GEORGIA— ' ■ Bichmoni Whkbeas, Isaac T. Heard applies Letters of Administration on the es'sts*|fl W. Payne, late of laid county, deceM** Those are, therefore, to cite, and all and singular the kindred and appear at the office of the county on or before the first Monday hfl ruary, 1868, to show cause, if any why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official this December 27th, 1867. ■ LAFAYETTE Me LAWS, ■ Clerk Superior Cndl And ex-officio dc2B—3od* ’ ■ Letters of Dismission. ■ STATE OF GEORGIA— ■ Richmond Cml Whereas, Solomon L. Bazsford, tor de bonis non of the estate of Bassford, deceased, applies to me for Dismission— fl These are therefore to cite and and singular the kindred and creditors deceased, to be and appear at my J before the first Monday in June next, tejfl cause, if any they have, why said not be granted. fl Given under my hand and official this the 9t'n day of December, 1567. JACOB R. DAVIS; ■ delO—lawtd* Ordinary Letters of Dismission. 1 STATE OF GEORGIA— 1 Jiichrr.'nd toaJ Whereas, Mordecai Hyams, Adminisfl of the estate of James Kenny, deofl late of said county, applies tome forLtfl of Dismission: I These are,therefore,to cite and admotasl and singular tlie kindred and creditors oil deceased, to be and appear at my office fl before the first Monday in June noil show cause, if any they have, whrl letters should not be granted. 1 Give under my hand and official sigfl this, the 4th day of December, 1867. JACOB R. DA YU dc7—d&wtd* Ordiu Letters of Dismission. STATE OF GEORGIA— Richmond Comlf Whereas, Frank H. Miller, Executor ofj W. Miller, deceased, applies to mo for Lti of Dismission : These are, therefore, to cite and admoaik, and singular, the kindred and creditors sfi deceased, to bo and appear at my office, * before the Srst Monday in May next, to * Cause, tis any th»y k.v», —k.r Ui«it an not be granted. Given under my hand and official sigaas at; office in Augusta, this 7th day ofOete 1867. DAVID L. ROAIH octS—w6m Ordinary Letters of Dismission. OF GEORGIA— Richmond CowOy Whereas, Mary Ann Turpin, Willio Turpin and Jesse M. Turpin, Exccatofl William 11. Turpin, deceased, apply to m Letters of Dismission: These are, therefore, to cite and and singular, the kindred and creditor* deceased, to be and appear at my office,* before the first Monday in May next, t« and cause, if any they have, why said Letter? ib not be granted. Giveu under my hand and official s&sst at office in Augusta, this 7th daj of Octrt 1867. DAVID L. KOXTfI, oct S—w6m Ordiai Letters of Dismission. STATE OF GEORGIA— Richmond Com 4 Whereas, John Me Adam, Administnt* the estate of James Conlon, deceased, a?pii me for Letters of Dismission; These are, therefore, to cite and admonafc and' singular, the kindred and creditors flfl deceased, to be and appear at offict* before the first Monday in May next, to 1 cause, if any they have, why said Letter!* not be granted. Given under my hand and official sipi at office in Augusta, this 7th day of Wi 1867. DAVID L. ROAfl octS—w6m Oriitfg Warren County. Letters of Administration. QTATE OF GEORGIA— Warren Cow^ W t ukreas, John R. Spence applies to fl* Letters of Administration upon the Mrs. Hannah Spence, deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonifi and singular the kindred and creditors of* deceased, to be and appear at my office, the time prescribed by law, and show exa* any they have, why said Letters should granted. .Given under my hand at office in December 25th, 1867. 11. R. CODT, ja!2—3ot* Ordatj Administrator’s Sale. XX r ILL BE SOLD, BEFORE THE COCI V\ IIOUSB door, in Warrenton, W**i county, within the usual hours of Tract of Land, containing ono hundred and w acres, adjoining lands of John T. Johnson, W Johnson, William Johnson, and others. Sjjj the land of Hansetl Reese, deceased. caeh. HARRISON REESE, Ada's December 15th, 1567. ja.l2—l Letters of Dismission. STATE OF GEORGIA— B’urre* Coff.b’, WnsnsAS, James Hall applies to me fof* ters Dismissory from tho estate of Ueesling, deceased— .. These are therefore to cito and admonW and singular the kindred and creditors «* deceased, to be and appear at my office**" the time prescribed by law, and show caW* any they can, why said Letters should*" granted. " . Given undor my hand and official December Ist, 1867. 11. R. CODIi fieS—lam6m OrdjoUF ISTotice. SIXTY DAYS AFTER DATE. AF p , L £i TION will bo made to tho Court of W* nary of Warren County or loave to sell tk* Estate of llansoll Reese, deceased. . HARRISON RKKSE, Ad»7. December Ist, 1867. [deS —laww"^ REMOVED' B. H. BRODNAX, INSURANCE AGENCV. orrics at Ho. 27 Jaekson Street, Near Breet oe4—tf