The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, January 19, 1868, Image 3

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“v- jilUcpublnan '^SSBKT CitV Paper. <’IK« li.\TiO.>. f*sXA. l * A . t mSIS|~7SHo! Thermometer. US’ •- Kt, ' • January 19, ISiiS. I :<p.m. '.*;>.»> 45' 12 ;;5- M . ‘ . -'-15S&na. to i it-anaty l v>n ' 'liWmSUp. JAM AHV 19. pißk’s rnasks. 2.1. 1" ■■!. • ■• yiii. JK, -J.,:' .iji’ • !„. /g^K r , L'li: . Wernsfe «t !! v*- ul ß l * 1 ’ CO re or I 'le.uh ..» * » Hfc • "•■■'■■ ;,, 1 - ‘■‘t. ~/ yii# v ol ■ fls^Sttse-vipJ«>' . >i ....'• 1 >. a: ! !..' r.n ifpe caused a \aii easily §B&fc Iflpk was a I.a w .■; ibis ii! v. :i.ft«c’:% ; 1.1. ’..’.i WHS udniitle! to the Bar Iwßlty in 1 sa2. II- died at t&igSitigggal'•4isi'«MSeiet '• «r-. . .-a wife “cr.- -o !«,»##.ei&^^Hcle ill I- ■•- Pi hi - lo hi* It i . r t* ih ■ 1 .»:t- at acitbl'M ,'lB) to "X : M:. A, o. - •I.: ■a- ltiv-r fbt -life;'" tksJßgfc 0 i: ' .'. a w i.,1.1 '. .. .■• «t«MP9£l^vsSs^p— <]uo<' e, - are t w. ti.-r --tv no i">its>B»saijH|)t\; them. SHtopeysst* Htfrbift. ''"fß* 1 " she.! with. ;h . art! tftoro? mu ' ' or.'ll a i :"'.. a, i ■ tfet ?«<s#>« ®ouo ui' th- : m ~- i- r!■ >r c';.nirm..:t ' “s*®,*®) 1 o, idMr Wlfl i a lt'a ai ia\ est'e.-.t.-ir, V*jrifit»»ifMjgM|ent-' •-!' tiie Sit! C iiiii!it• less «***!* C inva-Ml a the ■ ’ tv. ai of ivhlcie.v t > -j.n .«<«*'JM-alw qfejpd It-i'i'-t ••: a -rt i it, 0 'Ollliittee - V.iil ‘ i ' ihi-lt not beg a-.'.i1l fa' tv.-row 'HKaa he.o ♦* Wtj, a-iihir' :' ' M;,:... t 'H and by i.wo lit Iy <«;%£*■:' - ‘.ui i in tti- mvt' ;• SVo tl^rf-'&yyft.^Ruiioa Of 1'.,/, I, "i.eetiny affairs. ■ j'A *** m fu-r< i ;ittiiK«g#.i ji •Srif«!'Nill he v.d: :-a : . . ■Jf»« fc»ff«srrt M. 1.. W* t»4t» ui v iu»j.fy,ii 2 ".hi f'"‘ ■h ’f-e ! WP eii: ' "''-treitiec that So OeSOltiy '-'o- ia- V 11a '■! afe httoflf ptill he (lclivitid by itev. Oil V.h 'iaeeaay . v.a,- '• : -h tonii, not tell our lioin readeitt treat is in itore .1 Si- piSves of: wi.i he aoeoaoe. a ■ if '-eTed that one ol the "ietul ing cAizzm’' the Petition, and who feats? to say about the "nial. city affair.'" -\• a. m- - not ha:,ti.pß not reside within the '•io|iC=r*i.?iatt have ins washing W*-TOrfij epMjMhat thi- “case." to wlii-h the (Wsr-t*!WSs^B)oc tiif inis lieen nail' and. Ustw-C with> • ifV«'P B- .1 i 1 .T a !if,.rm_', in He *tt«»i|efcii'i. ■! by 0. A. Sucail, % s nave i,y S \\r' : < .:■ G-.ii -4m9^^H^^Htan>inutiL'c ;, an ] aii r - concerned, »w '■■ - Monday noxt, will bo XM r » ftM Court will b" invo!;c ! to and |iuni->li ail uii.-n.-i ( W«t W* S'lUSitl!, fn;i-diu;i!i, \v:i ; - ii id • Hr*x' Jh'lSMßna,'’ arid soul. Mir. dto pay * ijtt-ri -,« dollars and Tim ;-:n,o •»';>..* 'js4i4 R tiro st..r.-k* wboia -■!•• 4: t»wl cfri tßumming. IfcJNgpttMtiß hour aru-rward*. Mi:. !,, I ' i”« t flßl into (in . •1 a 1 ■ at' > 1 M 1 •'til WWifif. and%. Hty who .bail <• <. 1111.!. IrM. oI ~l atm As one of his witnesses *** gati t'< i . to arts*** *.« *flay. ■.new; at t«. minor ~ - ... . I , ~i ;4—S»a« Amm Kendall, h. in;; C «J Oilier, 1.10 Hr„ad with a || n, r.-s •'! i y al| d other mat' ila , to do ** "KT n M ari '' ". |iroinj ( r. '■■’ &w ‘ l >? i dispatch, and at the .o.'..<«i l't-i'Mii.s ivaiiliii" cards, C!ft. <•»!¥, MIMPa bill hciid ■:, programme , •prorji'.-f and, in fuel, any •;.i» Bpiting lion,, Will do Well to IBp lie is defenniiied not to : e ifeftn o utility of the work done, ' 1,1 l ''-- p#lf'i?Bjntiy he done for. I'.,iron, ..•o 1 f ,oy • J'dg|beir work brine r/, h Anrt ■■all ButlaiM. C The Poat Office Departmant has given official notice that it will discontinue here after the advertising ol uncalled-for letter*, and leaves the publication of the same to the enterprise of such newspaper publisher that chooses to print the list of names as a matter of news. This is rather small busi ness, aud indicates on the part of the Post master General an ignorance of the newspa. per business quite refreshing. Arguing from tho same standpoint, the Express Companies will probably discontinue the publication as advertisements of their periodical sales ot unclaimed goods, and leave the item as a matter of news to be picked up by some enterprising reporter. The Banks and Insurance Companies might also discontinue the publication of their statements and lists of unclaimed dividends, and the Courts stop advertising their writs for the information ol absentees, unless these several pieces of information are regarded by a daily journalist as of sufficient public interest to publish as news. Os conrse all these thiugs are news, but only to the per sons to whom they are especially directed, and are. of no more consequence to the general reader and newspaper subscriber than the fact that A sells coffees aud teas, or B keeps a dry goods store. Perhaps it may be wrong to expect the Department to notify individuals that letters are awaiting their call at the post offices, but they have done it for a good many years without encountering any very severe ceu-J sure from the public therefor. It is evidently expected now, that newspapers will find it so much to their pecuniary advantage to publish the list as a matter of news, that they will do it gratuitously. Possibly they may ; but it scarcely seems worth while for the Government to avail itself of this circnm stance to save the small expense involve.! In large cities the lists will not be published at all. A CARD. The editor of the Chronicle & Sentinel, 18th instant, has thought proper to declare that “this community had .neither respect for, nor confidence in” the humble indi vidual whose signature appears below. I regret this uncalled-for assumption on the part of A. Raxsom Wkight, an older man than myself; but respectfully submit that age is no excuse for downright slander. If the circulation of his malicious para graph were confined to “this community,” where -is word is below par, I should be silent. Inasmuch, however, as he has re peatedly boasted of the large circulation of his journal, justice to myself and otheis seems to demand a few remarks—relative to the animus of this maligner. “The head and front of mine offence,” with Gen. Wright, “hath this extent that I am connected with the corps editorial of the National Republican ; that 1 accepted the clerkship of the City Council; and have defended, to the best of my ability, the character of the gentleman for whom he cherishes an undying hatred—the Hon. Foster Blodgett. The assertion of Gen 1 Wright to the con trary notwithstanding, I ant happy to believe that I have not forfeited the respect of any honorable chiton for attending to my duties as a journalist, nor for consenting to fill a city office where simply clerical duties are required, nor for conscientiously defending the character of a relative from a malicious personal and partisan persecution. I have only to add, that the outrage per petrated by Gen. Wright is heightened by the fact that, neither orally or editorially have I ever sought to injure his reputation, even when repeated opportunities were thrown in my way. Nor shall I now imitate his ungentlemanly and pernicious example, —content as I am that a fair-minded public* shall form their own conclusions. James N. [communicated. As the Chronicle & Sentinel, of yesterday, was much alarmed at the presence of a “spy,” the poor creature was not aware that his presence in that august body caused such great consternation as to call forth epithets unbecoming a newspaper that claims any respectability. He is willing to pacify the Chronicle and ease him of his scare. This “poor creature,” scalawag, etc., learned from a notice that the present Board of Mayor and Councilmen were to be tried by a Com mission sent by Gen. Meade, for alleged charges of malfeasance in office. Now, being a tax-payer, he was somewhat inter ested in the matter, and wended his way to the Courthouse with the throng. By some arrangement the trial was post poned, whereupon a resolution was offered for gentlemen to remain, in order to devise plans and means to facilitate the investing tion, in which I heartily concur, and would if requested, lend my aid in the accomplish, ment of that object. I wish to see “lair play,” and bad no idea that a motion would be made to exclude any part of the citizens of Augusta. Judge Robertson very wisely did not entertain that motion, which was entirely out of order, and very deservedly received with hisses. I am no Loyal Leaguer—never belonged to any secret organization in my life—never at tended any secret, loyal or disloyal, meeting before yesterday. Lyons- [communicated. ] STOLEN NOTES. Messrs. Editors : I noticed in your yes terday’s issue, an advertisement of Mrs. Auferman, of certain Notes having been stolen from her, in which my natntj and Mr. 8. A. Frain were security. As security on the note I was called upon last week by a young gentleman, who I have since learned attends to her private business. He was very pressing for tho payment of she note due January (ono-fourth amount— sßl.2s). X proposed to him that we, the security, would pay her SIOO. On Monday the 13th inst. he returned us the notes, and received his SIOO. On the 10th her notice appeared in your paper of notes stolen. Jacoii R. Davis. January 17, 18CS- Geueral Hta4e. This distinguished and able officer, now commanding the Third Uilitary District, stands firmly and squarely on the Sherman Reconstruction Bill, and will neither turn to the right hand nor to the left, for the accom modation ot politioal factions or parties. Insure VsnrLlle, We would fain impress this duty upon every oue of our readers. All will readily acknowledge the paramount importance of insuring their lives, but suffer one thing or another to cause procrastination, It is par ticularly incumbent upon all who have families or others dependent on them— never more so than now a days, when the prospects of accumulating means are so uncertain and deceptive. Better to deny yourself mauy gratifications than not to insure in au amount that will leave your families a competence if you arc suddenly taken from them. Life insurance com panies present the best means for providing against want in the event ol death. Shaving Paper. We enn all recall our childish admiration of the fine ribbons that sprung from a carpenter’s plane as he shoved it over the smooth surface of the board ; and the idea of making paper from wood is an old, if not a practical one. Bnt we see that a down- Easter has devised a plan of shaving strips from ornamental wopds, such as maple, black walnut, etc., and using them in lieu of wall paper. A Boston paper says: Avery delicate, simple, and beautiful machine has been constructed, which will take a portion of a tree, afier it has been cut the right length aud width, and shave it up into thiu ribbons as wide as a roll of house pnper, making one hundred or one hundred and fifty to the inch. These rolls of wood are placed on the walls by paper haugers with paste and brush, precisely in the same manner with paper. The wood is wet when used, and really works easier than paper, because it is much more-tough and pliable. In these days, when variety is sought for, one can finish the walls of his house in different woods, to suit his taste. One room can be finished in bird’s-eye maple, another in chestnut, another in cherry, another in white wood, and so on. Thus he has no imitation, but the real, genuine article upon his wall. The eye tires of set figures, such as we have in ordinary paper hangings, but never of Nature itself. The longer the wood hanging remains on the wall, the more distinct will be the grain and color of the wood. —Bishop Qointard, of Tennessee, recently administered the rite of confirmation for the Archbishop of York, the first time such a service was ever performed in E . gland by an American Bishop. Bishop Quintard is having great success in raising funds to endow the University of the South. It seems to be taking the form of a testimonial of brotherly feeling from England to the people of the Southern Slates. [Advertisement.] K F. UlodSTctt 6c Cos. Have on hand and offer for sale, at low prices, Miles’ White Kid Gaiters and Slip pers—just the thing for the masquerade ball. It [Advertisement.] Legal Blank*. At this office the following Blanks, neatly printed,'may be obtained, by the single sheet or by the quire : Garnishment Affi davit nnd Bond, Bail Bond, Attachment, Claim and Replevy Bond, Mortgage Bond, etc. ts [Advertisement.] Chronic Cough und 't'lircalencd Con sumption. A married gentleman, aged thirty three, had suffered from a cough for six months; to such an extent as justly to excite the most serious apprehensions on the part of his friends. His congh was frequent, attended with pain in his side, shortness of breath loss of flesh, pale, sunken face, and at times fever. All the remedies he had tried had not availed to meet his case, or even relieve his cough. He took one box of Humph reys’ Cough Pills No. 7 without experiencing but moderate relief; and, on consulting Prof. Humphreys, was advised to use the fever pills in alternation with the Cough Pills. He did so, taking three or four pills per day, and found immediate relief, and in three weeks considered himself entirely well having regained bis strength and vigor, and being free from bis cough. f Tho “Conservative” Itcsolve. At a large and enthusiastic meeting of the “Conservatives” of this city, held on the evening of the 4th instant, Mr. A. Itanse Wright editor of the Chronicle <f- Senlincl (Obstructionist), offered the follow ing Resolution, which received only one Black ball: “Ilesolved, That from the past history and •xemplary character as a gentleman and an officer of Major General GEORGE G. MEADE, we believe that be will, in the disharge of the difficult duties which do, volve upon him as Military Commander of District No. 3, so administer the laws which he is sent to execute as to render fair play and equal j ustice to all classes of our people; and to that end wetenderto him, in advance, the assurance that, to tho best of our ability we will sustain and support him in his new and trying position.” f [Advertisement.] Goods at it Sacrifice. The purchasers of dry goods should not fail to take advantage of the opportunity offered, at 190 Broad street. Thestock of seasonable goods is being sold at a sacrifice, as the room is required for other purposes. AUGUSTA MARKETS. Saturday, Jan. 18, P. M. FINANCIAL.—We quote as Brokers’ rates, Gold buying 1.38 and selling 1.40. Silver bay ing 1.30 and selling 1.35. COTTON.—The market continues active, and advancing—sales of fancy lots have been made at 18e, and we note New York Middlings firm at 15ic. CORN.—We have to note a steady increase in the demand for Corn. Receipts daring tho week have boon light, and prices are firm at sl.lO per bushel at depot for lots. OATS—Aro very sooroo, and prime oro in great demand at tbo moment for seed at sl.lO per bushel in lots, and $1.20 to 1.25 at retail for strictly prinfe. WHEAT—Is very searce and much wanted. Good reds would to-day readily bring $2.60 per bushel, and whites $2.85 to 2.90, bags roturned. BACON.—Active demand. Rcoeipts liberal. Shoulders, 13c; Rib Sides, 14} to 14}; Clear Rib, 16 to 16}; llams, in light demand, 18 to 20c. ftlegrapljtc News. From Atlanta. Atlanta, Jan. 18. —General Meade sent in a communication, dated yesterday, to the Convention this morning, which, after ac knowledging the 'receipt of a resolution asking for pay, says s “I have this day received information from the Treasurer that there arc no funds in the Treasury at Mil ledgeville. I have also been reliably informed that some of the public institutions ol the State have been suffering on account of the non-payment of the appropriations for their support. Whether this' failure of payment has been on account of the want of means in the State Treasury, or for other reasons, I am not at present advised. I shall use my best efforts to secure, without delay, the means of paying the incidental expenses ol the Convention, aud at least a portion of the per diem and mileage of the members. If I find, on investigation, that any funds which should be in the State Treasury have been plnced beyond my reach, I may deem it necessary to suspend temporarily the pay ment of a portion of the current salaries of all officers who receive their pay either from the State Treasury or the State Road. You will perceive Irom the facts above stated, that it ia out of my power at present to com ply with the request of the Convention, much as I desire to do so. In lieu of granting this authority, I respectfully request that the requisition of your Disbursing Agent may be sent to me for my approval, that I may gee that such funds of the State as may become available be properly distributed, according to the public necessities.” The Convention refused almost unani mously to suspend the rules to consider a resolution asking the Federal authorities to make advances for payment of the Conven \ tion expenses. There was also tabled a resolution to appoint a Committee of three delegates to examine the State Treasury. Sections eight and uiue of the “Bill ol Rights’’ of the old Constitution were adopted. General Meade has issued an order validating the Relief ordinance of the Con vention, with the exception that execution is not to lie stayed in cases of taxes or laborer’s wages. Congressional. Washington, January 18. — Tlouse : The entire day was devoted to set speeches on Seward’s purchases and the Finances. The members of the Military Committee consulted Gen. Grant previous to their re cent action adverse to reducing the array Gen. Grant strongly advised against the reduction. He said that over half the army was now in the unreconstructed States, and in Tennessee and Kentucky. There was a serious lack of men both in the South and on the frontiers, and in the department of the Lakes barely enough men had been left to take proper care of the Forts. All quiet at the War Department. Internal Revenue to-day 460,000 dollars. For the week two million one hundred and seventy eight thousand. For the year one hundred and nine millions seven hundred and fifty-eight thousand dollars. The National Bank Finances are without material change. A strong pressure bearing to continue the Freedmen’s Bureau in full force in the States of Kentucky and Tennessee. Washington Items. Washington, January 18.—The Senate’s adjournment from Thursday to Monday dis courages extremists. It is almost certain that the bills changing the Supreme Court and degrading Hancock will fail to receive a two-third’s vote in the Senate. Senator Anthony’s paper opposes the emasculation, and letters from soldiers in all parts of the country are pouring in, protest ing against the degradation. The bill im pairing the army by mustering out Hancock will probably die in the House. Howard writes a letter remonstrating with negroes who, having been provided with homes in the North and West, are abandon ing their places, and spending their earnings coming back. Virginia. Richmond, Jan. 18.—Gen. Grant is ex pected here on Tuesday to attend a meeting of the Trustees of the Peabody Educational Fund. Robert Stevens, colored, of Charleston, S, C., has entered suit in the U. S. District Court for this District, against the Rich mond & Fredericksburg Railroad for re quiring his wife to ride in a second class car when she had a first class ticket. He lays his damages at eighteen hundred dol lars. The Enquirer will publish on Monday the challenge sent by Col White, Republican membor of the State Convention, to General Butler, when the latter was in the city last week. It demands reparation for being ordered out of Butler’s Department during the war. The affair is still pending. White is one of the Republicans who refused to hear Butler’s speech. Cable Telegrams. London, January 18.—When the steamer Scotia landed at Queenstown, a strong po lice force went aboard and arrested George Francis Train, Grinnell and Gee, three pas sengers from New York, charged with being active members of the American wing of Fcnianism. The American residents "are considerably excited. Dead. New York, January 18.—Jotin Jacob Astor is dead—aged sixty-six. Marine News. NEW ORLEANS, Jan. 18.—Arrived : Stcum s hip Liberty. SAVANNAH, Jan. 18.- Cioarod: San Sal vador and Montgomery, New York ; Bkip Shan don and bark Solus, Liverpool; brig Beauty, St. Johns, N. B. Armed: seboonor J. Waller, schooner Moses Bran hall, Charleston. WILMINGTON, Jan. 18.—Sailed : Rebeooa and Clyde, for Now York. Arrived i W. I*. Clyde, from Now York. CHARLESTON, Jan. 18.—Arrived : Steamer Champion, from New York ; Bark Yberiea, from St John’s, P. R.; Schooner D. B. Warner, from Providence. Sailed : Steamer Charleston, for New York ; Summer Saragossa, for New York. NJtIY YORK, Jan. 18.—Arrived : Adgor. Markets—By Telegraph. Financial. LONDON, January 18, Noo».— Osasola un changed. Bonds 712*72. LONDON, Jan. 18, Etming.— Consols 938*921. Bonds 72. NEW ORLEANS, Jan. IT.—Sterling 48*52. Gold U7L New York sight 4o discount. NEW YORK, January 18, tfoon. —Stooks very dull. 'B2 coupons Bf. NEW YORK, Jan. 18,;Av«»iii».—Oold, ISBJ. Sterling, B|. Produce aud Other market#. LIVERPOOL, Jenuery 18, Nton —Cotton excited. Prices are unchanged. Sates 28,000 bales. Corn dull. Wheat firm. Common Rosin 3s sd. LIVERPOOL, January 18, Evening. —Cotton active, excited, and advanced Id. Sales 20,000 bales. Uplands 7jd ; to arrive 7Jd. NEW YORK, Jan. 18, Noon.— Cotton firmer -17i. Flour declined. Wheat nominally lower. Corn 2a3c lower. Rye quiet. Oats heavy. Pork dull —8212. Lard dull at 13al3|c. Freight! firm. Turpentine 54a40. Rosin, common, 22* NEW YORK, January 18, Evening. —Cotton 2&2c better. Sales of 4,000 bales at 172*172 for Middlings. Flour favors buyers, quotations not materially altered. Wheat favors buyers. Corn, Southern White, 81.23a1.26. Whiskey dull. Pork lower, new, 821.80; old, 820.75. Lard dull and heavy at 12ical3|c. Naval stores quiet. Groceries firm and quiet. Freights active, firm. BALTIMORE, January 18.—Cotton firm at 162a16j. Flour, firm. Wheat, quiet and steady. Corn, dull—lower prime white aud yellow, 16a17. Oats, firmer at ?5a78. Rye, very dull. Provisions active—bulk shoulders, to arrive, 9. SAVANNAH, January 18.—Cotton active. Sales, 2,570 bales —closed excited. Middlings, 162. Receipts, 2,225 bales. Exports, 6,052 bales. CHARLESTON, Jan. 18. Cotton active and advanced 2e- Sales 700 bales. Receipts, 1,900 bales. Middling 102 t° 162 c. WILMINGTON, January 18.—Cotton aotive and bouyant. Middlings 152 c. Spirits Turpentine firm and light. Sales at 482 cents. Rosin quiet. No. 2 87* Tar, 81.85. LOUISVILLE, Jan. 18.—Flour unchaoged. Corn 75a80c. Shoulders 92c; clear sides 122 c. Lard 12|a13. Aless Pork 821.00. ST. LOUIS, January 18.—Superfine flour, 87.75a8.12. Corn dull, 90c. Provisions nomi nal. MOBILE, January 18.—Cotton fair demand. Stock on sale light. Middlings 15|. Sales 2,500 bales, ltoceipts 1,641 bales. Exports 4,136 bales. NEW ORLEANS, January 18.—Cotton active. Middling 17a172c. Sales to-day, 5,300 bales. Sugar unchanged. Molasses, aotive, tending upward. AUCTION SALES UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, SOUTH ERN District of Georgia— IN ADMFKALTY. Wherkas, a libel in has been filed on the second day of January instant, in the Dis trict Court of the United status for the Southern -District of Georgia, by Claghorn A Cunning ham, and M. P. Beaufort, for their respective interests and demands against the Brig “GEORGE/* her Tackle, Apparel, and Furni ture, now at Darien, in the said District, in causes of contract, civil and maritime, for rea sons and causes in tho said libel mentioned, and praying the usual process and monitioa of the Court in such behalf to be made, and that all persons interested therein may be cited to appear and answer the premises, and that the said Brig, etc., may be condemned and sold to pay the re spective demands of the said libellants. And whereas, a warrant of arrest has been issued on the day aforesaid, under the seal of the said Court, commanding me to attach the said Brig George, etc., asd to give due not co to all persons claiming the same to appear and answer, and make claim thereto. Now, therefore, I do hereby give public notico to all persons claiming the said Brig George, her Tackle, Apparel, and Furniture, or in any manner interested therein, that they be and ap pear at tho Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of Georgia, in tho city of Savannah, on Monday, the twentieth day of January, in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, at eleven o'clock in the rorenoon of that day, then and there to interpose their claims, and to make their allegations in that behalf. Dated this second day of January, A.D., 1868. WILLIAM G. DICKSON, U. S. Marshal District of Georgia.* THOS. E. LLOYD, HENRY WILLIAMS, ja4 —l4l Proctors for Libellants. NIT ED STATES oF AMERICA, ERN District of Georgia— IN ADMIRALTY. Wh f.reas, A libel in rem has been filed on thq twenty-third day of Decembor instant, iD tho Distriot Court of the United States for tho Southern District of Georgia, by Cyrus 11. Stoadwcll, against tho Brig “GEORGE," her Tackle, Apparel, and Furniture, now at Darien, in the said District, and against all persons law fully intervening for their interests therein, in a cause of contract, civil and maritime, for rea sons and causes in the said libel mentioned, and praying the usual process and mo ition in that behalf to be made, and that all persons claiming any into est therein m?ty be cited to appear and answer tho premises; and tha: the said Brig, her Tackle, Apparel, and Furniture, maj T be condemned and sold to pay the demands of the Libellant. And whereas, a warrant of arrest has been issued on the said twenty third day of Decem ber, under the soal of the said Court, command ing mo to attach tho said Brig “George,” her Tacklo, Apparel, and Furnit re, and to give due notice to all persons claiming the same, to appear and answer, and make claim thereto. Now, therefore, I do hereby give public notioe to all persons claiming the said Brig “George," her Tackle, Apparel, and Furniture, or in any manner interested therein, that they bo and ap pear at the Cle.k’s Office of the District Court of tho United States for the Southern District of Georgia, in the city ol Savannah, on Monday,the twentieth day of January next, A. D., 1868, at oleven o'cleck in tho forenoon of that day, then and thero to interpose their claims, aud to make their allegations in that behalf. Dated this twenty-third day of December, A. D., 1867. WILLIAM G. DICKSON, U. S. Marshal District of Georgia. THOS. E. LLOYD, HENRY WILLIAMS, jat—l4t Proctors for Libellant. m “OPENINGS.” OPEN ALL THE TIME! Latest Styles! THE NEW Millinery Headquarters, Next to the Planters’ Hotel, Have no special “opening day ,” as tho LATEST STYLES and NOVEL TIES aro always on hand, ready for inspection. In all eases, Satisfaction is Guaranteed! RECEIVED, EVERY FRIDAY, DIHRCT FROM NEW YORK, Alii. KINDS Or Goods in our Line. «&* HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR FURS. Sond for Price Lists. WM. R. DAVIS A CO., Next door abovo the famous Planters’ Hotel, 12oet -er Thnrs Augusta, tie. Auction Sales. Eichmond Sheriff’! Sole. /AN THE FIRST TUESDAY IN FEBHU wrAtewdi/i; KXCELhIOR KILLS,on Kollockstreet between and Harbor, rtreeU, d£,’ few ±2 hundred 'and aixt, feet on Rolled A north by tfi* third level of the and by the centre of the Canal or b, the said Trneteee, with last mentioned Ease for the Z£>£ water from the Augusta Canal, rights and privileges of the Angnste panv. Levied upon as the property of Thorns P. Stovall under and by virtue of a li. fa from the Superior Court of Richmond co’untv in favor of the Btate Savings Association v«. the said Thomas P. Stovall. Property pointed out by plaintiffs, and levied upon by order of eaid plain tiffs—in the possession of said Stovall. JOHN D. SMITH, ja~—lawiw Sheriff E. C. City Sheriff’! Sale. ON THE FIRST TUESDAY IN FEBRUARY next, will be sold, at the Lower Market Uonse, in the city of Augusta, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: AH the right, title, and interest, of Amos E. Owen, of, in, and to, a certain Leaachold of a Lot or parcel of Land, situate in the city of Augusta, on Marbury street, between D’Antig nac extended ami South Boundary streets, fronting about fifty-five feet on Marbury street, and extending there, of some width, about one hundred and twenty feet in depth ; bounded north by a Lot belonging to the trust estate of Mrs. Mary G. Harrison, west and south by lots belonging to the same, and east by Mar bury street. ISAAC LEVY, jas—td Sheriff C. A. City Sheriff’s Sale. ON THE FIRST TUESDAY IN FEBRUARY next, will be sold, at the Lower Market House, in tho city of Augusta, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit : That, lot or parcel of Land, with the improve ments thereon, in the city of Augusta, fronting on Hale street eighty-two feet, more or less, running back toward Taylor street one hundred and seventy-six feet, more or less, and bounded east by lot of the City of Augusta, south by Hale street, and west by lot of Carroll. Levied on as tho property of Euphremia H. Hill, to satisfy an execution, issued from the City Court of Augusta in favor of William A. Rich vs. Euphemia H. Hill. ISAAC LEVY, jas—td Sheriff C. A. Richmond Sheriff’s Sale. ON THE FI&ST TUESDAY IN MARCH next, at the Lower Market House, in the city of Angnsta, withiu the usual hours of public sale, will be sold the following property ro wit: All that lot or parcel of laud, with the" improve ments thereon, in the city of Augusta, county of Richmond, and State of Georgia, known as the EXCELSIOR MILLS, on Koliock street, between Kollock and Marbury streets, in said city: fronting about one hundred aud sixty feeton Kollock street, and bounded north by [lie third level of the AugusU Canal, east by Kollock street, west by lot conveyed by the Trustees of Sarah F. Gardiner to William H. Salisbury and Aylmer Usher, and by lot formerly owned by the estate of Marks, and south by the second level of tire Augusta Canal, aud by the centre of the canal or race, excavated by the said Trustee , with the right to use the said last mentioned race for the purpose of drawing water from the Augusta Canal, subject to all the rights and privileges of the Augusta Canal Com pany. Levied upon as the property of Thomas P. Stovall under and by virtue of two writs of fieri facias, issued from the Superior Court of Richmond comity in favor of Adolphus C. Schaefer &. Cos. vs. the said Thomas P. Stovuil—one on the foreclosure of a mortgage, and the other upon a general judgment. Property pointed out in said mortgage fi. fa. and by plaintiffs, and levied upon by order of said plaintiffs—in the possession of said Stovall. JOHN D. SMITH, jano—luwßw Sheriff R. C. Richmond County Sheriff’s Sale. WILL BE SOLD, ON THE FIRST TUES- D Y IN FEBRUARY next, between the usual hours of sale, at the Lower Market House, iu the city of Augusta, the following property, to wit, levied upon by virtue of afi fa. issued from Biehmond Superior Court, in favor of George T. Barnes, Trustee, vs. Southern Express Company: Seven Horses and two Double Wagons. Terms cash. jal2-law4w S. H. CRUMP, D. S. R. C. City Sheriff’s Sale. ON THE FIRST TUESDAY IN FEBRUARY NEXT, will be sold, at the Lower Market House, in the City of Augusta, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit All that Lot or parcel of Land, with the im provements thereon, situate, lying, and being in the City of Augusta, fronting on Broad street, and extending back to Ellis street, and bounded north by Broad street, south by Ellis street, cast by a lot now or formerly owned by ths estate of Philip Crump, and west by a lot for merly owned by Jesse Kent, deceased. Also, all that Lot or parcel of Land, with the improvements thereon, situate in the City of Augusta, on Ellis street, and occupied as a lime house and office by R. J. Bowe; bounded north by a lot now or formerly the property of the estate of L. Turpin, south by Ellis street, east by a lot owned by the estate of Richard Aldworth, and west by a lot of J. P. R. Miller. Also, all that Lot, with the improvements there on, in the City of Augusta, on Bay street, and bounded by iots of Wm. Keener and others and said Bay street, occupied by a freedwoman named Susan Carter. AU of the above levied on as the property of Robert J. Bowe, to satisfy an execution issued from the City Court of Au gusta, in favor of Pinney A Johnson vs. Robert J. Bowe. ISAAC LEVY, jas td Sheriff C. A. U. S. Marshal’s Sale. UNDER AND 15Y VIRTUE OF A writ of fieri facias, issued out of the Honorable the Fifth Circuit Court of the United States for the Southern District of Georgia, in favor of the plaintiffs, in tire following case to wit: Williams & Potter vs. Normau H. Gillis, Henry E. Everett, and James B. Eveiett. 1 have levied upon, as the propei ty ol Henry E. Everett and James B. Everett, a crop of 40 acres of Cottou, a crop of 45 acres of Corn, 9 Head of Hogs, 7 Head of Cattle, 1 Bay Mare, 12 Plows, 1 Cart. Also, as the property of Norman B. Gillis, deceased, 1 Sorrel Horse; and will sell the same at public auction, at the Court, house, in the town of Isabella, county ot Worth, State of Georgia, on the THIRD TUESDAY IN JANUARY next, between the lawful hours of sale. Dated at Savannah, Georgia, this 28th dav of December, 1867. WILLIAM G. DICKSON. U. S. Marshal District of Georgia. do3l—3w United States Marshal’s Sale. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, SOUTH ERN District of Georgia JAMES DEAN, ct. al., ) vs 1 IN ADMIRALTY. Brig George, cargo, etc. J By virtue of a writ of vonditioni exponas issued out of tho Honorable the District Court of the United States for the Southern District o Georgia, in tho above entitled cause, dated Jan uary Sth, 1868, to mo directed and dolivered, I will sell, at pnblic auction, on TUESDAY, the 21st day of January instant, hotwocn the[ legal hours of sale, at Darien, Ga., the Brig George, hor Tackle, Apparel, and Furniture, and Cargo, consisting of 281 hhds., 14 tierces, and 14 bar rels es Molasses. Dated at Savannah, ibis 9th day of January, 188S. WILLIAM O. DICKSON, U. S. Marshal Distriot of Georgia. jalO-lOt ; U. S. Marshal’s Sale. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT of the fieri facias, issued out of l{pnorable tho District Court of the United States for tho Southern District of Georgia, in favor of tho plaintiff, in the following case, to wit: Tho United States vs. Samuel L. Moore. E. B. Coal soli, Randolph Avera, I have this day levied upon, as the property of Samuel L. Moore, de fendant, one Lot of Laird, known and distinguished ns Lot NnmhcrS, in the northeast section of the town of Quitman, county of Brooks,! ud State of Georgia, containing one acre, more or lees, together with all improvements thereon, and will sc 11 the same at. tho Court house in the city of Savannah, county of Chatham, and State of Georgia, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN FEBRU ARY next , between tho lawful hours of sale. Dated at Savannah, this 28ib day of December, 1867. WILLIAM G. DICKSON. IT. S. Marshal District of Georgia, do-H—khl AUCTION SALES. Richmond County Court Sale. W ,? E S ? L ® THE LOWER MAR. n th ® 6117 ot Augusta, on the tb ‘i BB P^ Y IN wxLbe! Wrt7 vfa ,4le ' the frllo’ringprt levied on u 'ikJ ’**** ° f eotton “» rk « i J. B. CL; to satisfy 8h0d..; Rietir* * a a * from tho county court of January, 1868. WILLIAM DOYLE, J*n j-lawfw Sp. Bff. C. C. E. C. Richmond Connty Sheriff's Sale, Will be sold, on the first turs DAY IN FEBRUARY next, betweenfhe usual hours of tale, at the Lower Market s the Aa tfnx ta ,.the following property, to wit °l ,lm by vtrtne ot a fi. fa. issued from Bich mond hupenor Court, in favor of Henry M Scott A*il G h * ‘ ,eor K'a Bailroad and Banking Comply 1 All that I»t or Parcel of Land, with the Geo rem Railroad Banking house thereon,situated iuthTcn? EKiT 11 w *■*., rC; ja4—law4w J ° H * D ' BMITH - B. C. Richmond Connty Sheriff’s Bale^ WILL BE SOLD AT THE Inwm Market house, in the City of ER the FIRST TUESDAY IN all that property to wit; A tract of land contain ing three hundred aud ve acres Imn,. hesef m Richmond county, adjoining lands of Dickinson Harris: levied on as the property of Henry Smith, and David J. Smith, to Stisfya ii. fa. issued by the Superior Court ot Richmond county, lu favor of George W. Bnmmers, proper, ty pointed ont by Plaintiff"s counsel. 1 Also, another tract of one hundred and fiftv acres, more or lees, bounded north by lands of J. B. Greiner, east by Savannah River, west by Home tract, levied upon by virtue of a fi fa issued from the Superior 'Court of Richmond county, in favor of George W. Summers vs Henry Smith and David J. Smith. Terms Cash* . , , JOHN D. SMITH, jano—lawtds sbe nff R. C. Richmond County Court Sale. \X7ILL BE SOLD ON THE FIRST TUES VV DAY in February next, within the legal hours of sale, at the L wer Market House in the city of Augusta, the (allowing property, vix : one six-horse wagon, harness, five mules and one horse, levied on under a fi. fa. issued from the County Court of Richmond County, in favor of John PhiuitJ against William H. Stallings and Herbert 31. Stallings, the same being pointed out by Herbert Slaliinga as the property of Her bert Stallings, this 4th day of January, 1868. WILLIAM DOYLE, jan 5-law4w Sp. Bff. C. C. R. C. Richmond County Sheriff’s Sale. WILL BE SOLD, ON THE FIRST TUES DAY IN FEBRUARY the Lower Market House, in the city of Angnsta, between the nsnal hoars of sale: One four-horse Wagon, in good order; levied npon by virtue of a fi. fa. returnable to Richmond Superior Court, in favor of Thomas Jones, guardian, etc., vs. James Kelly, Isaac A. Little, and Robert Puckett. Property pointed out by plaintiff. Terms casll. S. H. CRUMP, D. S. R. C. ja-t—law4w Richmond County Sheriff’s Sale. WILL BE SOLD, ON THE FIRST TUES DAY IN FEBRUARY next, between the usual hours of sale, at the Lower Market House, ill the city of Augusta, the following property, to wit, levied upon by virtue of a fi fa. issued from Richmond Superior Court, in favor of O'Dor Taylor & Cos. vs William Wollaston : Five Bil liard Tables, thirty-six Cane Bottomed Chairs, two Desks, one Bar and Fixtures, twelve Split Bot tomed Chairs, four Pitchers,one Clock, two Look ing Glasses, two Desks, one Stove. Terms cash. JOHN D. SMITH, ja4—lavvlw Sheriff R. C. Richmond County Sheriff’s Sale. WILL BE SOLD, ON THE FIRST TUES DAY IN FEBRUARY next, between the usual hours of sale, at the Lower Market Honse, in the city of Augusta, all those Tracts or Parcels of Laud, situated in Richmond county, consisting of Twenty-two Hundred Acres, more or less; one River Tract, consisting of Five Hundred and Fiftyjeven Acres, more or less; bounded north by Savannah river, south by lands of Phinizy & Robertson, east by Phinizy & Robertson’s land, west by . One River Tract, consisting of Two Hundred and Fifty Acres, more Or less ; bounded north by Augusta and Savannah Rail road, south by east by lands east of Wm. Brown, west by lands of Dickinson & Chavous. Also! the Homestead whereon the defendant now re sides, and the land immediately surrounding, con sisting of Fourteen Hundred Acres, more or less ; levied upon by virtue ot two fi. fas. issued from Richmond Superior Court, in favor of Thomas R. Rhodes vs. John B. Greiner aud Ansel Shaw. Property pointed ont by defendant. JOHN D. SMITH, Sheriff R. C. ja4—tawtw Richmond County Sheriffs Sale. WILL BE SOLD, ON THE FIRST TUES DA\ IN FEBRUARY next, between the usual hours of sale, at the Lower Market House in the city of Augusta, the following property to Wit: AU that Tract of Land in Richmond connty, Ga., bounded north by Hall street, east by Georgia Railroad avenue, south by lot. of Mrs. Dealing and west by Carnes’ road, beiug the present resi dence of Jesse Osmond, and consisting of iots No 192,193. 194, 21(i, 217, 218. 236. 237. !&8. &M 157 158, 159, aud 160, 111, 112. 113,114, on a plan ol lots made by Moore & Tuttle for Edward Thomas May 15, Poo, and recorded in the Clerk’s Office of Richmond Superior Court, Book N N, folio 155 consisting, also, of the strip of land between rail road avenue and railroad, fronting lots 112, 1!3 and 114; said land beiug the same conveyed by Edward Thomas to Jesse Osmond, July 2'6 1863 by deed of record in Book SS, 130 and 131. Said’ property levied upon by virtue of a fi. fa. issued from Richmond Superior Court in favor of Curtis H. Shockley vs. Jesse Osmond. Property pointed ont by defendant, Terms cash. JOHN D. SMITH, Sheriff R. C. ja4—law4w Richmond County Sheriff’s Sale. WILL BE SOLD, ON THE FIRST TUES DAY IN FEBRUARY next, within the usual hours of sale, at the Lower Market House, in the City of Augusta, in Richmond county, the following described property, to wit: One Tract of Land, situate in said county of Rich mond, about throe miles from the said City of Augusta, on the Augusta and Savannah Rail road (excepting the right of way of the said Railroad through said tract of land), con taining Three Hundred and nine Acres, more or less ; and bounded on the south by land of John Phinisy and Rocky Creek; on the west by land now or formerly DeLaigle's; on the north by land now or formerly the property of DeLaigle, and land belonging to John Phin isy; and on the east by land of John Phiniiy said land levied on by virtue of a fi. fa., in favor of John l’hiaisy vs. Robert C. Easterling, issued from the Superior Court of Richmond countv, October term, 1862 JOHN D. SMITH, Sheriff P». C. December 26th, 1567. de27—law4t Sheriff’s Sale.—Richmond County. WILL BE SOLD ON THE FIRST TUES DAY IN MARCH next, within the legal hours of salo, at the lower Market House in the city of Augusta, the following property, to-irit: One Lot and improvements thereon, situated in the eity of Augusta on the south side of Fenwick street, fronting fifty-two leet more or less, running back one hundred and eighty seven feet, more or less, to Calhoun street bouuded north by said street, south by lot owned by John U. Meyer, east by lot formerly repre sented by Charles A. Piatt, Trustee, west by lot of Win. V. Ker, levied upon by virtue of a Mort sage5 age Fi. Fa. in favor of Abner P. Robertson vs. eremiah Bunch. S. H. CRUMP, dec27—lawSt D. 8., R. C. Richmond County Sheriff's Sale. WILL BE SOLD ON THE FIRST TUES DAY IN FEBRUARY next, withiu the nsnal home of sale, at the Lower Market House, in the citv of Augusta, iu Kichmoud county, a tract of Land and improvements, situate iu said county of Richmond, on the east side of the Eastern Boundary street of the city of Angusta, containing sixteen and one halt acres, more or leas and bouuded west by said Boundary street, north bv the road leading to the Sand Bar Ferry, east by land now, or formerly Dr. McWhorter a land, ami on the sontli by lands of Said prop erty levied on by virtue of an execution issued from the Superior Court of Richmond County, October term, 18&S, in favor of John Phinisy vs. Robert C. Easterling. JOHN D. SMlTH,Sheriff R. C. December 26, 1867, de«27-lnw4w