The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, February 04, 1868, Image 3
/ jjrag&|Hu City Paper. .IT) rlWlLlliOi. EHHBBVXT; t r V ST A . U A . I SHHHHy '!• . f. r.uM . o' ruermometef. HHH| February 4. ISOS, j ■■■■is 52' 52° 50 c -V< ■ KSDAY, FKItKVAKY I. HHBhPL MOON'S i’ll ASKS. —l\l>riiarv v ''i. • ::i r;i ”- : - - !«■:'. . '• *■ K ... ms. :i.! t • t. . Hirri. ‘•lf '■-?/ yj^vapis^fchliAtl l morning. iha; -iHllli* ill Ii:; ' <■:’> .t ' Hi.'feo!® > Kp tho r 0.. . A- Hk£jsj[Sgjgs3B ■ ■.. u.-.t-b g. :.i' • ' M ty»'i* MHI.. * '• !i *“ s P‘ uc °- i -i " ■ : ‘ - • I'l a ride mvr <1 . is K.i.i- Ml* «|>lt-mii I sis ■ j-'.ng , ,r ■■ . o - s-afe.. smll was delicious. N w-mh-r hij ’BboSllji U.n ... 3 car was neat, amt in |BBw«Bwili' r . :.n.i • '.ii i.: i’ ll i i' advice to travv'k-r | '|)^HRrKj^^V ouu ‘ ' s ' l, y :> ll ilir.lil- put fymtv&t SMer Mr. T.'s care. Views. ntion to the article in our Eing, copied from the New spreesing the views of Mr. , of Eatonton, upon the $ie —“ Root, Hog, or Die !” t possesses a mind surpassed in this country, and his iways expressed in a manner is views upon the present outh, and the necessity for instruction, are forcibly yet expressed. Read what he der h's words. i. serve a crowd of boys, at the Broad and Lincoln streets, L»o bnl>it o£ j tans p log in fchf) s they pass to and fro. It itly occurs that, in the rush ion the effort made to reach i smaller boys are knocked Ethe carriage after it hus jeopardizing the ose mothers do not nos parents and the facts, confident that :aken in the premises. the opinion that the f the Radical legisla ary party is to bring rsical force—a fierce tide <£• Sentinel. F it?'’ Have not we, of the ‘Hero oi Chicomicommico,” id alone, surrounded and cap- Yankees, whipped Custar out id did other great and numer bravery ? If any one teels get a file of the Constitution ■ly part of ’62 and read the nd correspondence, signed will be convinced it is all the Press, lay of the year, by order of in, seventeen editors were iris upon the charge of vio istitution of the Empire by kutborized reports of legisla b, and the Emperor strength- I finds excuse for his conduct Bst such exhibitions of been Re have lately alluded to— ■far too frequently disgi ace Hhe American press, leditors have been sentenced pf one thousand francs, with booths imprisonment. ’ such high handed proceed, is country, protest; and while it precious boon of freedom, ill that we use our freedom as road and obvious distinction ■eedom of the press and the of the press. There is no t is not liable to be abused, mo3t daily manifestations of ess of the press on the part structionist organs in Georgia ) ications of the fact, usness of the press must be and overcome by moral in the scorn of a just rebroba attempts should be made to by the mandates of a law s or abridges the great and ght of free discassion. It is, I’ise we are in favor of the be press that we have de the severest terms wo could b exhihitious of its licentious rc recently animadverted upon. [Advertisement.] t«, I e the following Blanks, neatly : be obtained, by the single Ihe quire: Garnishment Affi- Jud, Rail Bond, Attachment, plevy Bond, Mortgage Bond, Jupiter and Venue. These planets, which ere now nnnsually brilliant, have attracted much attention since the magnifioent nppearanoe they presented daring their conjunction on Thursday night. As every one hts no ticed, they have greatly receded from each other, and their courses through the heav ens will be apparently further and farther from each other. Jupiter disappears from the western sky on March lOtb, then will be moruing star until July 4th. and afterwards be evening star. Venus will be evening star until July 16tb, and morn ing star after that time. . ♦♦♦ • yieoiiiiif of lbs Board of Education. A meeting of the Board took place yes terday. Prcseut: Judges Levy and Dcas, and Colonel Milledge, sr. Thirteen or more teachers were present, and under went a satisfactory examination, superin tended by Messrs. Marlin V. Calvin, Jos. T. Derry, and Christie C. Gordon, who were appointed Examining Board. The Board ordered that each teacher shall be limited to sixty pupils, as an aver ago daily attendance. Schools will he permitted only in such localities as they are needed. Adjourned to meet Saturday next, at two p. m. , ♦, [Advertisement.] Ilcudaclic and Neuralgia, In their various forms, are the bane of life to thousands. Pain, suffering, restlessness and agony distract and wear out the life- Humplireys’ Specific Homoeopathic Family Cases contain the remedies and directions by which the most obstinate of these diseases may he cured—sometimes like magic, and within an hour, but always by their perse vering use. Price of full case and book, SIO.OO. Sent by mail on receipt of the price. Address Humphrey’s Specific Homoeopathic Medicine Company, 562 Broadway, New York. t The Augusia Markets. WEEKLY REVIEW. Monday, Febuary 3, IS6B. COTTON. —We left the markot, at the close of our last weekly review, firm, at 16c. On Saturday wo note an advance of while there was considerable activity. On Monday the market was quiet, former prices being fully maintained—but no advance or declino. We quote New York Middlings at 16^c On Tuesday the quietness of the preceding day continued, while transactions were limited, and base ! on former quotations. The market seemed to have reached a point where a stand was made bj buyers iu anticipation of a decline. On Wednesday the staple again assumed a livelier aspect, and again to advance, New York Middlings brought 17c., and closed firm. On Thursday, with unabated activity, Cottoji continues to advance—all grades being in de mand. A good style of New York Middlings bringing 17£c., firm. On Friday the market opened at 17ic. Tho market was irregular throughout the day. Sales of a good style of New York Middlings as high as ISic. The market closed firm at 175a18c. On Saturday the market was not so spirited— New York Middlings bringing 17$c. On Monday (to-day) we note a still further decline, and leave the market at its close quiet, quoting New York Middlings at 17al7ic. CORN.—Tho stocks are very much reduced while the demand is excellent : We quote Prime White 51.30 per bushel, in lots : retail $1.35a 1.40. OATS.—The few arrivals, when of prime quality, have met with ready sale at $1.12&a1.25. FLOUR.—We quote City Mills at: Superfine, sl3 ; Extra, sl4 ; Fancy, sl6, per bbl. Demand good. BACON—Has been quite active. Receipts liberal but quickly sold. Stocks moderate, Shoulders, 12al2£c; Rib Sides, 13|al4c; Clear Rib Sides, 14£c. REMARKS. The week under review—tho last week in January—has for several years past been noted for the largest trade in Bacon and other produce Notwithstanding the heavy rains in the first part of the week, tho trade was very large* About 500,000 pounds of Bacon were received in this city during the week. Cotton, too, has been quite lively—all grades being eagerly bought up at full prices. About 12,000 bales of Cotton wore shipped by the different railroads during the week. Without further prelude wc present to our readers the following carefully revised tabic of Prices Current in this city—quoting only whole sale rates. FINANCIAL. GOLD—We quote as broker’s rates : Buying, 1.40, and selling, 1.42. SlLVEß—Buying, 1.30, and selling, 1.35. Latest Quotations for Uncurrent Monies and Securities. oeoroia. Buying . Georgia Rail Road & Banking Company 98 Marine Bank of Georgia 98 Bank of Fulton 45 Bank of Empire State 22 Augusta Insurance & Banking Company 5 City Bank of Augusta 30 Manufacturers Bank of Macon 24 Northwestern Bank 2 Merchants’ & Planters’ Bank 5 Planters’ Bank 10 Bank of Columbus 5 Central Rail Road Bank 98 Bank of Middle Georgia 85 Bank of Athens 50 Bank of Augusta 58 Union Bank of Augusta 6 Augusta Savings Bank 17 Timber Cutters’ Bank 2 Bank of Savannah 48 Bank of the State 10 Bank of Commerce 6 Mechanics’ Bank 2 BTOCKB AND BONDS. State of Georgia Bonds, old 6 per cents 70a.. State of South Carolina Bonds, old 35a.. City of Augusta Bonds, old 60a.. City of Augusta Bonds, new 55a.. City of Augusta Notes 95a. . City of Savannah Bonds ? 62a.. City of Macon Bonds 52a.. Georgia Rail Road Bonds 98a. . South Western Rail Road Bonds 85a.. Georgia Rail Road Stock 65a.. Central Rail Road Stock 96a.. South Western Rail Road Stock .84a85 Atlantic and Gulf Rail Road Stock 45a.. New Georgia Seven’s 80a.. South Carolina Rail Road Bonds, 6s 50a.. Nothing doing in Stocks. COMMERCIAL. APPLES — Dry lb.. 07 a 08 BAGGING— Gunny, heavy, wide yd.. 23 a 25 Heavy Dundee, weight.. 23 a BEEF— Mess bb1..25 00 a 27 00 Mess kbb1..15 00 a Extra Family }4bb1..1000 a 10 50 BEESWAX lb.. 25 a 27 BACON— Western Shoulders lb.. 13>£a J 4 BBSIde. lb.. 14/£a 15 Clear Ribbed Sides lb.. 15 a lbj* Clear Sides lb.. lßfca 16 Hams lb.. 18 a 20 Dry Salted Shoulders lb.. ll)$a 12 Diy Salted C R Sides lb.. 13Xft 14 Dry Salted Clear Sides lb.. 14Jfa 16 BUTTER— Goshen lb.. 48 a 50 Western lb. 10 a 45 Country lb.. 25 a 30 CANDLES— Adamantine lb.. 22 a 24 Tallow lb.. 12Ua 15 CHEESE— Factory ~lb.. 18 a 10 State, etc lb.. 15 a 16 English Dairy.. 22 a 0M 8?T...., * * s lb.. 40 a 41 Imitation Java lb.. Ufgn ,b • ** * C ° l TaUaw and MUad buab a 1 SO Wbita, buab ISO a1 30 DOMESTICS — OraniteTlUa Factory •• “ s-4:.»>,« Granitavtlla ** Drllla 16)1 a .. Auguata Factory, J-* .. yd •. 10 a Augusta Factory 1 -» yd.. ]* a Augusta Factory 4-4 -yd.. 14 a Augusta Factor, Drill, yd.. 11 I Montour 7-8 yd 18a Montour 4-4 yd - 14 a Osnaburgs, ... yd.. 16 a Oanaburg Strlpsa yd-- 18 a DRUGS—Packaga Prlcca- Acld—Muriatic » « Nitric » *4 Sulphuric • * J® Beuioic, 50 a 66 Alum ,1 a Ammonia, FFF * J* Arrow Root, Bermuda » 75 “ *• St. Vincent 80 a 86 “ " Taylor’s, In foil j|6 • 70 Blue Pill, fngUah S Bay Rum gal *SO a 600 Blue 5t0ne.’.".’.’..... 1® * Borax, Ref •• » 4 “ Brimstone , a! a . Calomel, Eng }jj® * ‘ American J®® a J®® Camphor, Ref 488 a 150 Castor Oil’ 75 a 300 Chamomile Flowers oU a 75 Chloride Lime 1J a Pj Chlorate Potass n to a 70 Cod Liver Oil, doz 9 00 a 10 00 Cochineal 1 * 200 Cream Tartar 35 a 60 Creosote I J® * * JJJ Cubebs, powd Epsom Salts -9 ft «? Ext. Logwood 1® a Gelatine, Cox’s gross •• a Glycerine 25 ft } “J Gum Arabic, Ist Select 75 a 1 00 Gum Arabic, 2d Select 55 a 55 Gum Assafoetida 40 a 65 “ Aloes, Cape 25 a ** Myrrh, Turkey a J 5 “ Shellac, Orange 65 a 70 “ Tragacanth, Sorts..... 60 a 65 “ “ white flake 1 50 a 1 75 Indigo, Manilla 1 40 a 1 60 lodide, Potass 6 50 a 7 50 Isinglass, American 2 00 a 225 Liquorice, Cal ®{J a JJJ Madder 1® a Magnesia, Carb a Morphia, Sulph ®s° a 5 5! Oil Aniseed £ a ® 5® Oil Bergamot 8 ®0 a 10 00 Oil Cassia ..., ® 75 a 6 50 Oil Cloves ®OO a a 5° Oil Cabebs 6 00 a b 50 Oil Olive 2 75 a 4 50 Opium 10 50 a 11 50 Quinine, Sulph 2 60 a 2 80 Sal Soda 5 a b Saponifier case 10 00 a Senna, Alex 40 a 50 Senna, E- S 30 a 40 Soda, BC 12 a 14 Sugar Lead boa *0 Sulphur 0 a 10 FEED— Stock cwt.. 3 00 a Bran cwt.. 1 50 a nS New Salmon kits 450a 500 New Mess Mackerel kits.. 500 a New Mess Mackerel bb1..10 00 a No 1 Mackerel kits. 350 a No 1 Mackerel l-4bb15..6 50 a No 1 Mackerel l-2bbls. .12 00 a 12 50 No 2 Mackerel kits.. 3 25 a 3 50 No 3 Mackerel l-4blls. .6 00 a 6 50 No 3 Mackerel kits (1-2 bbls) 8 50 a 9 00 No 3 (Extra) I*2 bbls. 900 a 950 No 3 (Extra) bbls. .16 00 al7 00 No 1 Codfish cwt. .11 00 a 12 00 Scaled Herrings box.. 1 00 a 1 25 FLOUR— Granite Mills Canal bbl.. ..a Granite Mills Superfins bbl.. 12 50 a Granite Mills Extra bbl. .13 50 a Granite Mills X X bbl.. 15 50 a “ “ super bb1..12 50 a “ “ extra bb1..13 50 a Augusta Mills XX bbl.. 15 00 a Excelsior Mills, super bbl.. 13 00 a “ “ extra bb1..14 00 a ** 44 doubexx bb1..16 00 a Buckwheat bbl. .14 00 a “ % bbl.. 7 50 a 44 % bbl.. 3 75 a 4 00 GRAIN— Wheat, red bush.. 260 a 2 75 44 white bush.. 280 a 300 Oats bush.. 1 10 a 1 25 Peas bush.. 1 15 a 1 20 HAY— Northern cwt.. 2 00 a Eastern cwt.. 2 25 a Tennessee .... cwt.. 1 50 a 1 75 hides—Green lb.. 8 a 9 Salted, dry or flint lb.. 16 a 17 IRON lb.. 7 a VA LARD- Tennessee (prime) lb.. 15 a . Pressed lb.. 15 a LEAD—Bar lb.. LEATHER— Hemlock Sole lb.. 35 a 40 Northern Oak lb.. 48 a 66 Southern Oak lb.. 50 a 42 Northern Harness lb.. 50 a 60 Southern Harness lb.. 45 a 55 Upper Sides d0z..36 00 a4S 50 French Calf Skins doz. .35 00 aBO 00 French Kips doz 70 00 .aloo 00 American Kips d0z..45 00 a9O 00 Goat doz. .35 00 a Linings and Toppings doz. .10 50 a 20 00 LIQUORS— Whiskey —Bourbon gal.. 2 50 a 5 50 Rectified gal.. 2 15 a 2 50 Rye gal.. 170 a 050 Irish gal.. 700 a 9 00 Scotch gal.. 700 a 900 Brandy—Cognac gal.. 7 00 a 15 00 Domestic gal.. 250 a 500 Gin—Holland gal.. 4 50 a 6 50 American gal.. 2 30 a 3 50 Rum—Jamaica gal.. 5 00 a 8 00 New England gal.. 3 30 a 450 MATCHES— Sun gross.. 400 a 450 Telegraph gross.. 00 a 2.. Shanghai gross.. 300 a 3 25 Parlor, No. 1 gross.. 400 a 450 Parlor, No. 2 gross.. 325 a MEAL— City ground, bolted bush . 1 15 a Country ground bush.. 1 15 a 1 20 MOLASSES— Cuba, new crop gal.. 50 a 53 New York Syrup gal.. 60 a 65 Golden Syrup gal.. 75 a 80 Cuba Clayed gal.. 55 a 56 Muscovado gal.. 58 a 60 Stuart’s Choice gal.. 1 50 a 1 60 NAILS —Cut, assorted sizes— lb.. o^ a 7 OILS— Linseed gal.. 1 75 a 2 00 Kerosene burning gal.. 80 a 100 Kerosene lubricating gal.. 140 a 2 00 Sperm Winter gal.. 3 75 a 4 56 Tanners’ Common gal.. 125 a 175 Machinery gal.. 1 80 a 2 00 Lamp gal.. 3 00 a 4 00 Lard, Winter gal.. 2 00 a 2 25 ONIONS bbl . 4 00 a 5 00 PORK—Northern Pickled— bb1..25 00 a POTATOES—new— bbl. . 600 a 6 50 POWDER keg . 9 00 a PAINTS— White Lead lb.. 15 a 20 Chrome Yellow lb.. 30 a 40 Chrome Green lb.. 30 a 40 Spanish Brown lb.. 5 a Venetian Bed lb.. 8 a Venetian ground in oil lb.. 18 a 25 Red Lead 20 a 25 Gold Leaf 13 00 a 16 00 Varnish—Copal 400 a 500 Coach 5 00 a 600 Japan a 350 RAISINS— Layer box.. 450 a 500 Layer >*box.. 2 50 a 2 62 Layer 1 50 a RICE* new lb.. 11 a 12** East India lb.. 9 a ROPE— Hemp, Machine lb.. 10 a 11 Half Coils lb . 11 a Handspun lb.. 10 a Flax lb.. lo a SALT—Liverpool sack.. 1 90 a 2 00 SOAP—American Yellow lb.. 10 a 12>j SHOT— bag.. 340 a 350 SUGAR Brown,Mas lb.. 14 a 15 Porto Rico lb.. 15 a 16 Crushed and Powdered lb.. 19 a 20 Clarified A lb.. 18 a ISU Clarified 15 lb.. a 17 U Clarified C, extra lb.. 17 a Yellow C... lb.. 16>*a 17 Yellow Refined lb.. 15 a 16 SMOKING TOBACCO— Durham lb.. 60 a Harmonizer lb.. .. a 75 Bird’s Eye per gross . a 10 00 Guerrilla Club )*lb.. 50 a Navy lb.. 65 a Maryland'Club a 1 50 TALLOW lb.. 10 a TEAS—Green lb 140 a 200 Black lb.. 1 00 a 1 50 TOBACCO.— Cora. Dark rounds,so’d lb.. 55 a 60 “ Bright 44 lb.. 70 a 80 Medium Dark.. lb.. 70 a 75 44 Bright.. lb.. 85 a 95 Fine Bright Pounds lb.. 100 a 125 Extrafine and Fancy lb . 1 25 a 1 50 Fancy Styles lb.. 1 00 a 1 50 Half-pounds Dark —lb. 60 a 72 u Bright lb.. 65 a 80 TWINE— Baling lb.. 22 a 35 VINEGAR per gal.. 40 a 35 Pure per gal.. 55 a 65 White Wine per gal.. 55 a 65 YARNS— Assorted per hunch.. 170 a 175 [Advertisement.] Goods at a Sacrifice. The purchasers of dry goods should not fail to take advantage of the opportunity offered, at 190 Broad street. Thestock of seasonable goods is being sold at a sacrifice, as the room is required for other purposes. STckgvapljic Nemb. Special Diapateb to tho National Republican]. Shot. ATt.iKTA, February B.—C. C- Richard son was shot by Captain Titnoney this evening. He L dangerously wounded. The Conventions. CIOROIA. Ati.inta, Feb. 3.—Tho bonTeiltion’ dis cussed relief without coming to a vote. ARKANSAS. Littu-k Rock, February 3.—A resolution was offered disfranchising all who opposed reconstruction, and declaring voting against the Constitution sufficient ground for dis* franchisement. A referred memorial in reference to the continuance of the Freedmen’s Bureau caused a spirited debate, and was adopted by a strict party vote. SOUTH CAROLINA. Charleston, February 3. —Iu the Con vention, Traiiiey (colored delegate), offered a resolution declaring to the people of South Carolina and the world that the Convention has no lands at its disposal ; that no confis cation act has been passed by Congress, and, iu the belief ol the Convention, never will be ; and that the only manner for the land less to obtain lands is by purchase. A white delegate offered a resolution that investments of funds of estates of infants and married women, in Confederate or State securities, by administrators, executors, guardians and agenfe, be null and void, and such investments shall not bar recovery in lawful money. The resolution was referred. VIRGINIA. Richmond. February 3 In Convention three sections of an ordinance on the Executive Department, was adopted. The Governor is to serve four years, and not to be eligible for tho succeeding term. He shall be thirty years old, a citizen of the United States for twenty years, and a citi zen of Virginia five yeats. NORTH CAROLINA. Raleigh, North Carolina, February 3. The Convention was engaged most of the session to day in the discussion of the ordi nance in favor of tha Wilmington, Charlotte and Uutherfordton Road, providing for the State’s endorsement of $1,000,000 worth of bonds, and cancelling and destroying $1,500,000 of the mortgage of $4,000,000 authorized by the General Assembly of 1806-67. After a lengthy consideration, the ordinance passed. MISSISSIPPI. Jackson, February 3. —The Committee on Education submitted a report providing for the public school fund, a general Superin tendent of Education, and a Superintendent for each county. Report ordered to be printed. Resolution adopted requiring the Conven tion tax collectors to take Convention scrip in payment of the special tax. Resolution offered providing that if the Convention remained in session forty-five days, the per diem should stop at that time ; pending which the Convention adjourned. LOUISIANA. New Orleans, February 3.—The Con vention Committee on contingent ex penses, reported that bills for printing, to the amount of over twenty-five thousand dollars, have been presented. The rules were suspended for tho con sideration of tho bills for expenditures re ported by the Committee on contingent expenses. The Convention anticipates adjourn ment sine die, 011 Saturday next. Congressional. Washington. February 3.— House: The following, among others, were introduced under the regular Monday’s call: To provide for the settlement of con tracts payable in gold. Courts are directed to enforce coin payments. To establish a department of justice. To build a postal railroad between Washington and New York. To issue one hundred and fifty million dollars worth of legal tenders. Replacing those withdrawn. To remove the national capitol to St. Louis. To tax United States notes, treasury notes, and fractional currency for State and municipal purposes. Also several bills regarding naturaliza tion and finances. The Secretary of War was called on for the correspondence between himself, the President, and Grant, and copies of all or ders issued by District Commanders, were demanded. The John Young Brown case was re sumed, and postponed to the 11th instant, American citizenship abroad was dis cussed to adjournment. Senate. —Mr. Cameron presented a me morial recalling Charles Francis Adams. A bill taxing National Bank shares, for State purposes, passed. Tho reconstruction question was re. sumed and discussed until the hour of adjournment. From Missouri. St. Louis, February 3.—Gov. Fletcher is about to seize the Missouri and Pacific Rail road on behalf of the State. A bill was introduced in the Legislature abolishing capital punishment, and estab lishing a Pardon Board of Commissioners. Texas Registration. New Ohlkans, February 3.— -The revis ion of the Registration lists in Texas ended on the 31st. General Hancock ordered the publication of the revised lists in county papers,gand inform by handbills distributed and posted in the most con spicuous places—the expenses of printing and distributing to be paid from tho Re construction fund. It lias been said that General Hancock had been petitioned to extend the time for tho revision, but re fused on the ground that the time provided by law has expired. Tho publication will prevent fraud. Order Ho. 49- Atlanta, February 3. —General Meade has issued an order modifying Gen. Pope's Order No. 49, os follows: First. All papers, except such as threaten appointee officers; with violence or future prosecution, are’to be allowed to receive advertisements under State or Municipal laws or ordinances. Second. Where there is but one paper in a county, it may receive such advertise ments, irrespective of its politics. Third. All military and civil officers, registrars, and persons in military employ in the third military district, are to see this order enforced. Opposition to reconstruction, when con ducted in a legitimate manner, is not to be considered an offence, the Order says. Washington Items. Washington, February 3. —The Debt statement will be published on Friday, and is considered unusually unfavorable. The Treasury holds but 980,000,000 in coin against $108,500,000 on the first ultimo. Carl Scbnrz has no connection with the Government. General Sherman leaves westward to night. Tho Ways and Means Committee had a long conference with the Tobacco delega tion. It is nndorstood that tho Committee favors the stamp duty on tobacco of all forms. The President has nominated Col. Mose weli Commissioner of Internal Revenue, vice Rollins. Private letters from Chicago represent Mrs. Lincoln ns unquestionably insane. Internal Revenue receipts for to-day, $1,484,000. A bill authorizing States to tax National Bank shares passed both Houses. Coibmissioner Rollins decides that wine made from ground raisins or tamarinds, by adding sugar, exempt from taxation. Cable Telegrams. New York, Fcfc. 3. —As the Liberals oppose the new French press law, Napo leon threatens to withdraw it. The Prusstan Diet, under the threat of Bismarck to dissolve it, voted a large in demnity to the King of Hanover and the Duke of Nassau. Paris, Feb. 3. —The C-eurrier Francais says that Farragut’s fleet at Naples is intended to counterpoise the French forces in Rome, and sustain the Liberals, with whom Farragut’s relations are intimate. The Courier says Farragut is promised the support of Garibaldi. London, February I.—A heavy gale passed to-day which proved very destruc tive both to t lifd and property here. In Liverpool houses were unroofed and many peop’e struck—some killed outright. Investigation. Savannah, February 3.—The Military Commission arrived to investigate the charges against the Mayor. They com menced examining witnesses to-day, with closed doors. Nothing knotvn outside. Tennessee Legislature. Nashville, Feb. 3. —A law passed the Legislature permitting negroes to hold office and sit on juries. Negro candidates are already on the track for important County offices. Able lawyers pronounce the law uneonstitu tional. Explosion—Fire. Chicago. February 3.—A kerosene lamp exploded, burning the Palace car named City of Chicago. The passengers escaped. Cincinnati, February 3.—The steamer Sherman, from New Orleans to Cincinnati, was burnt at Louisville to-day. New Orleans, Feb. 3. — A destructive fire occurred iu Tremont street, Galveston, last night. It is supposed to be the work of an incendiary. Loss, $60,000. Suicide. Richmond, January 3. — Thomas R. Bell committed suicide last night by taking strychnine. Rumor- New York, February 3—lt is rumored that Charles Francis Adams is about to withdraw from England. Southern Education. New York, February 3.—A grand mass meeting is proposed for tho 22d of Feb ruary, to raise funds for Southern edu cational purposes. Markets—By Telegraph. S-'i mine i ill. LONDON, Feb. 3, Noon. —Consuls 93§a93]. Bonds 72i«72i. LONDON, Feb. 3, Evening. —Bonds quiet at NEW YORK, February 3, Noon. —Gold, 1411* Old Bonds 11 J. Sterling, DJ. NEW YORK, Feb. 3, Evening.— Government’s closed dull. Tennessee 6’s 63jj; now 60J. North Carolina 6’s alf. Gold 41i. Sterling quiet but firm, at 9i»10. Produce and Other Markets. LIVERPOOL, Feb. 3, Noon. Cotton dull drooping. S les 10,000 bales. Broad j t nil's steady. LIVERPOOL, February 3, Afternoon. —Cotton easier. Middling Uplands on the spot, 7H; to arrive, 78- Pork dull. Lard firmer, at ss. 3d. Olliers un altered. NEW YORK, February 3, Noon. —Cotton firm at 19Ial9|c. Flour dull and unohanged. Wheat quiet and steady. Corn lje. better. Rye steady. Oats firmer. Mess Pork dull, at $21.62J. Lard firmer, ai 1 3]a IGc. Freights firm. Turpentine scarcely so firm, at 51ia58i. Rosin unchanged. NEW YORK, February 3, Evening. —Cotton loss activo and lowor; aalos of the evening 2,800 bales at 191a19i0. Flour quiet and unchanged. Corn 2 to 3o better; mixed Western, new, $1.27a1.30; old, $1.31; Southern Whito $1.25a1.30 ; mixed Ten nessee $1.10a1.21. Pork dull; new, $22.58; old, $21.60. Lard firmer at 131a141- Sugar 4c higher. Turpentine unchanged. Rosin $2.95a 7. Froights dcoidedly lower. BALTIMORE, Feb. 3.—Cotton dull aud steady at 19c. Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat steady— prime to ohoiee red $1.70a1.85. Corn active— very large sales. Priino whito, for shipment, $1.20a1.22; Westorn mixed $1.20; yellow s!.lsa 1.17. Oats dull at TBa7s. Rye 6J. Provisions active. Bulk sides, rib, lOj; clear rib 111. NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 3.—Salos of Cotton In gooand demand; Saturday, 0,867; oxports, 2,267 ; sales, 4,000 bales. CHARLESTON, February I.—Cotton }e lower, and bat little done; receipts 1,446; inlet 350 bales Middling at IS. MOBILE, February 3. —Cotton—«»let to-day, 7100 bales. Market Irregular. Middling, 17e. Receipt*, 3,833 balee. SAVANNAH, Feb. 3.—-Cotton doll and de clined ; Middlings 17*el8c; ielet, 407 bales; receipts, 3,849 bales. w'f/'MINGTON, February 3.—Cotton firm. Middling* 17ie. Spirit* Turpentine 52—declined 10. Rosin steady—strained $2.15. CINCINNATI, February 3.—Flour firm, de- Corn firmer ** 73*74. Mees Pork, old, s2l 25; new $22. Lard held at 13J. Bacon firm. Shoulder* 9|; clear sides 12J. ,-^ U . I ®y iL n LE > February 3.—Superfine Flour $7.75a8.00. Corn 75a78. Me.. Pork $22a22.25. Shoulders 10c.; clear sides 13a13L ST. LOUIS, February 3.—Mess Pork $21.50. Clear sides 12. Corn 74a70. Marine Jfews- NEW YORK, February 3.—Arrived: Sirs- Grant, Thames, Virgo, Niagara, Moore, Pa tapeco. SAVANNAH, Feb. 3. Arrived: Steamer North Point, from Ballimore ; Ship Margaret Evans, Liverpool; Schooners McKengall, from New York, and Isaao Baker from Boston. NEW YORK, Feb. 3.—Arrived: Chapman Tucker. CHARLESTON, January 3.—Arrived : Str Moneka, New York; ship Narragansett, Ha vana- The steamship Liberty, for Baltimore, was detained hore on account of heavy weather. The ship J. A. Wright, from Bath, Maine, for this city, went ashore on the bar. Her situation is uncertain. CHARLESTON, Feb. 2.—Arrived : Steam ship Liberty, New Orleans; schooners D. Talbot, Camden, Maine ; Emma D. Endicott, New York. Sailed: Steamship Saragossa, New York ■ brig Tangin, St. lago de Cuba; schr Max Monroe, Cuba. YWILMINGTON, February 3.—Arrived : W P Clyde, from New York. SAVANNAH, Feb. 3.—. Arrived: Steamer Herman Livingstpn, from New York; Ship Frederick, from Boston; Ella Hodgson, from Ballimore ; Lizzie B. Smith, from Boston ; Bark Ellen, from New York. Cleared: Steamship Montgomery, for New York. AUCTION SALES. Riclimond Sheriff’s Sale. ON THE FIRST TUESDAY IN MARCH next, at the Lower Market House, in the city of Augusta, within the usual hours of public sale, will be sold the following property ro wit • All that lot or parcel of land, with the improve ments thereon, in the city of Augusta, county of Richmond, and State of Georgia, known as the EXCELSIORMILLS, on Kolloek street, between Kollock and Marbury streets, in said city: fronting abont one hundred and sixty feet on Kollock street, and bounded north by the third level of the Augusta Canal, east by Kollock street, west, by lot conveyed by the Trustees of Sarah F. Gardiner to William H. Salisbury anil Aylmer Usher, and by lot formerly owned by the estate of Maiks, and south by the second level of the Augnsta Canal, and by the centre of the canal or race, excavated by the said Trustee , with the right to use the said last mentioned race for the purpose of drawing water from the Augusta Canal, subject to all the rights and privileges of the Augusta Canal Com pany. Levied npon as the property of Thomas P, Stovall under and by virtue of two writs of fieri facias, issued from the Superior Court of Richmond county,in favor of Adolphus C. Schaefer Cos. vs. the said Thomas P. Stovall—one on the foreclosure of a mortgage, and the other upon a general judgment. Property pointed out in said mortgage fi. fa. and by plaintiffs, and levied upon by order of said plaintiffs—in the possession of said Stovall. JOHN D. SMITH, jano—l*wßw Sheriff R. C. U. S. Marshal’s Sale. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT of fieri facias, issued out of the Honorable the Fifth Circuit Court of the United States for the Southern District of Georgia, in favor of the plaintiff in the following case, to wit: Woodgate & Cos. vs. Thomas F. Hampton and Frederick Burtz, partners, using the firm name and style of Hampton &. Burtz, I have levied upon, as the property ol Thomas F. Hampton, One Block of Brick Stores, situate, lying and being in the town of Bainbridge, county of Decatur, State of Georgia, and known as the ‘’Hampton Block,’’ adjoining the premises of King & Lester, Lewis &. Waters, and D, J. Dickenson, on Water street, in said town and county; and will sell the same at public unction, at the Court House in the city of Macon, county of Bibb, and State of Georgia, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN MARCH next, be tween the lawful hours of sale. Dated at Savannah, Georgia, this ’J'Jthdav of January, 18G8. WILLIAM G. DICKSON, ja?9—3od _ U. S. Marshal. U. S. Marshal’s Sale. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT of fieri facias, issued ont of the Honorable the Fifth Circuit Court of the United States for the Southern District of Georgia, in favor of the plaintiff, iii the following case, to wit: A. Bininger & Cos. versus Alonzo B. Luce, I have levied upon, as the property of the defendant, the entire st"ck of Furniture," Bedding, etc., etc., of the Marshall House, Savannah, Ga., now occu pied by said Alonzo H. Luce, defendant; and will sell the same at public auction, at the Court House in the citv of Savannah, Chatham comity. Ga., on the THIRD TUESDAY IN FEBRUARY" next, between the lawful hours of sale. Dated at Savannah, this 28th day of January, 18liS. WILLIAM G. DICKSON, ja29—3w _ ILS. Marshal. U. S. Marshal’s Sale UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT of fieri facias, issued out of the Honorable the Fifth Circuit Court of the United States for the Southern District of Georgia, iu favor of the plaintiff, in the following case, to wit: Beaufort Elliott versus Lemuel VV. H. Pittman, I have levied npon, as the property of the defendant, 2,450 Acres, more or less, of Land, together with all the improvements thereon, situate, lying and being in the Fifth District, of Ware county, Georgia, known and described in the plan of said district sind county as lots number 348, 483, 480, 479 and 478 : and will sell the same at public auc tion, at the Court House in the city of Savannah, Chat)mm county, Georgia, on the FIRST TUES DAY IN MARCH next, between the lawful hours of sale. Dated at Savaun all, Ga., this 29th day of Jan uary. 1868. WILLIAM G. DICKSON, ja29—3od U. S. Marshal. U. S- Marshal’s Sale. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT of fieri facias, issued out of the Honorable the Filth Circuit Court, of the United States for the Southern District of Georgia, in favor of the plaintiff, in the foiloyving cause, to wit: William Gravdon &. Cos. versus Jared Tomlinson, I have levied upon, as the property of the defendant, six Mules, one Mare, one’ old Carriage, trvo Wagons, fifty Head of Cattle, fifty Head of Hogs, and all the Household and Kitchen Furniture con tained in his residence, in the First District of Lee county, Georgia; and yvill sell the same at public, auction, at the Court House in the town of Starks ville, county of Lee, and State of Georgia, on the THIRD TUESDAY IN FEBRUARY next, be tween the lawful hours of sale. Daied at Savannah, Ga., this i!Bth January, 1868. WM. G. DICKSON. ja29—Jyy U. S. Marshal. XJ. S. Marshal’s Sale. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT of fieri facias, issued out of the Honorable the Fifth Circuit Court of the United States for the Southern District of Georgia, in favor of the plaintiff, in the following case, to wit: Phelan & Collender versus John Finn &. Cos., I have levied upon, as the property of G. M. Hay, one of the defendants, a stock of Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Notions, etc., etc., contained in basement of build ing kuown as Masonic Hall, situate in the town of Preston, Webster county, Georgia; and will sell the same at public auctiou, at the Court House in the said town of Preston, county of Webster, and State of Georgia, on the THIRD TUESDAY IN FEBRUARY next, between the lawful hours of sale. Dated Savannah, January 28th, 1868. WSI. G. DICKSON, ja29—3w U. S. Marshal. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION WITHOUT TEACHER. UJ INNER’S PERFECT GUIDE FOB THE Piano, Vioiio, Fluti, Melodeun, Cabinet Organ, Guitar, Aoooriloon, Fife, Flageolet, ami Clarionet, designed in its l.ossons, Examples and Exercises to impart a knowlodgo of playing without tho aid of a teacher: with selections of choice Music. Price of each book 75 cents. Sent post-paid. OLIVER DITSON <£.• 00., Pub’ishers, Boston. 0. 11. DITSON <t 00., feb2—lf 711 Broadway, New York. i Aaotion Sales. City Sheriff’s Sale. ON THE FIRBT TUESDAY IN FEBRUARY next, will be sold at the Lower Market House, iu the City of Augusta, within the legal hour* of sale: 2 Carriage Horses, 1 Pbsstuti, and 1 Baggy. Levied as the prop erty of Marcus A. Dehoney, to satisfy a fi. fa. for quarter ending 3tst March, 1807, City Tax, in faror of the City Council of Augusta n. U. A. Deboney. ISAAC LEVY, ja2l—td Sheriff C. A. City Sheriff’s Sale- WILL BE SOLD, AT IHE LOWER MAR KET HOUSE, in the city of Augusta, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN FEBRUARY next, within the legal hours of sale: Three Mules and Ilarnera, levied on as the property of Theodore N. Lundy, by virtue of an attachment returna ble to the next February term of the City Court of Augusta iu favor of Fleming k Rowland vs. Theodore N. Lundy, and sold by virtue of an order from tho Hon. John C. Snead, Judge of said City Court. ISAAC LEVY, jal9—td Sheriff C. A. City Sheriff’s Sale. ON TUB FIRST TUESDAY IN FEBRUARY next, will bo sold, at tho Lower Market House, in the city of Augusta, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit: Ail the right, title, and interest, of Amos L. Owen, of, in, and to, a certain Leasehold of a Lot or parcel of Land, situate in the city of Augusta, on Marbury street, between D’Antig nac extended and South Boundary streets, fronting about fifty five feet on Marbury street, and extending there, of some width, about one hundred aau twenty feet in depth ; bounded north by a Lot belonging to thfb trust estate of Mrs. Mary G. Harrison, west and south by lots belonging to the same, and east by Mar bury street. ISAAC LEVY, jao—td Sheriff C. A. City Sheriff’s Sale. ON THE FIRST TUESDAY IN FEBRUARY next, will he sold, at tho Lower Market House, in the city of Augusta, within the legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit : That lot or parcel of Land, with the improve ments thereon, in the city of Augusta, fronting on Ilale street cighty-two feet, more or less, running back toward Taylor street one hundred and seventy-six feet, more or less, and bounded east by lot of tho City of Augusta, south by Hale 3treet, and west by lot of Carrol!. Levied on a3 the property of Euphremia H. Hill, to satisfy an execution, issued from the City Court of Augusta in favor of William A. Rich vs. Euphemia H. Hill. ISAAC LEVY, td Sheriff C. A. City Sheriff’s Sale. ON THE FIRST TUESDAY IN FEBRUARY NEXT, will be sold, at tho Lower Market House, in the City of Augusta, within tho legal hours of sale, the following property, to-wit Ail that Lot or parcel of Land, ‘with the im provements thereon, situate, lying, and being in the City of Augusta, fronting on Broad street, aud extending back to Ellis street, and bounded north by Broad street, south by Ellis street, east by a lot now or formerly owned by the estato of Philip Crump, and west by a lot for merly owned by Jesse Kent, deceased. Also, all that Lot or parcel of Land, with the improvements thereon, situate in the City of Augusta, on Ellia street, and occupied as a lime house and office by R. J. Bowe; bounded north by a lot now or formerly the property of the estate of L. Turpin, south by Ellis street, east by a lot owned by tho estate of Richard Aldworth, and west by a lot of 3. P. R. Miller. Also, alithatLot, with the improvements there on, in the City of Augusta, on Bay street, and bounded by lots of Win. Keener and others and said Bay street, occupied by a freedwoman named Susan Carter. All of the above levied on as the property of Robert J. Bhwe, to satisfy an execution issued from the City Court of Au gusta, in favor of Pianey & Johnson vs. Robert J- Bowc. ISAAC LEVY, jas.—td Sheriff C. A. Richmoad County Court Sale. j \ ILL BE SOLD AT THE LOWER MAR ’■ * ket House in the city of Augusta, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN FEBRUARY next, be tween the legal hours of sale, the following pro perty, viz: six bales of cotton marked J. it. G.; levied on as the property of Radford U. Rhodes, to satisfy a fi. fa. issued f-om t uc county court of Richmond county, in favor of Pollard, Cox & Cos., against Radford C, Rhodes aud six bales of cotton ; also, ono fi. fa. issued from tho same court iu favor of John R. Gunn, against Radford C. Rhodes and six bales of eotton, this 4ih of January, 186S. WILLIAM DOYLE, jan s ; law4w Sp. Bff. C. C. R. C. Richmond County Court Sale. \X7 ILL BE SOLD ON THE IjIRST TUES- V* DAY in February next, within the legal hours of sale, at the Lower Market House iu the city of Augusta, tho following property, vie : one six-horse wagon, harness, five mules and one horse, levied on under a fi. fa. issued from the County Court of Richmond County, in favor of John Phinizy against William H. Stallings and Herbert M. Stallings, the same being pointed out by Herbert Stallings as the property of Her* bert Stallings, this 4th day of January, 1868. WILLIAM DOYLE, jan 5-law4w Sp. Bff. C. C. R. C. XT. S. Marshal’s Sale. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT »f tlie fieri facias, issued out of Honorable the Dirtiict Court of the United States for the Southern District of Georgia, in favor of the plaintiff, in the following case, to wit : The United States vs. Samuel L. Moore, E. 3. Coal son, Randolph Avera, I have this day levied upon, as Ihe property of Samuel L. Moore, de fendant, one liOtofLand, known and distinguished as Lot Number 3, in the northeast section of the town of Quitman, county of Brooks, nd State of Georgia, containing one acre, more or less, together with all improvements thereon, and will sell the same at the Court house in the city of Savannah, county of Chatham, and State of Georgia, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN FEBRU ARY next, between the lawful hours of sale. Dated at Savannah, this 28th day of December, 1867. WILLIAM G. DICKSON, U. S. Marshal District of Georgia. de3l—3(>d IT. S- Marshal’s Sale. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF fieri facias issued out of the Honorable the Fifth Circuit Court of the United States for the Southern District of Georgia, in favor of the plaintiff, in tho following ease, to wit: Phelan <fc Collender versus John Finn & Cos., I have levied upon, as the property of John Finn, thestock of Hotel Furniture in the now hotel building, in tlie town of Americas, county of Sumter, and state of Georgia. Also, Bar Room, Stook and Fixtures contained in .he old hotel building in said town. Also, one Piano, Stool and Cover, and one Billiard Table ; and will sell the same at public auction, at the Court House in the town of Amcricus, county of Sumpter, and State of Georgia, ou tbe THIRD TUESDAY IN FEB RUARY next, between tbe lawful hours of sale. Dated Savannah, January 2Sth, IS6B. WM. G. DICKSON, ja29—3w U. S. Marshal. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, SOUTH ERN District of Georgia— Whereas, An information hath been filed in the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of Georgia, ou the 19th day of October, in tlie year 1867, by Henry S. Fitch Esquire, Attorney of the United States for said District, in behalf of tlie United Stales of Amer ica, against Forty-six (46) Barrels of Distilled Spirits, marked 'XV. M. J.,” for reasons aud causes in said information mentioned, and praying the usual prohess and monition of the Court in that behalf to be made, and that nil persons interested in said property may be cited in general and spe cial to answer tlie premises, and all due proceed ings being had that the said property mentioned be condemned, and tlie proceods thereof distributed according to law. And whereas, the said Court lias this day issued its Warrant of Arrest, commanding me to seize said property ; and whereas, I have executed smd Warrant: Now, therefore, I do hereby no tify all persons interested therein, that said prop erty Inis been seized in pursuance of said warrant and monition of said Court, and that if they have any claim, or know or have anything to say why the same should not be condemned as forfeited, and the proceeds thereof be distributed according to the prayer of said information, they will be and appear before the slid Court, to bo held in and for suid District, on the SECOND TUES DAY IN FEBRUARY next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, if the same should be a day of jurisdiction, otherwise on the next day of juris diction thereafter, then and there to interposo a claim for the same, aud make their allegations in that belmlf, Dated at Savannah, January 27,1868. WILLIAM G. DICKSON, U. S. Marshal. H. S. FITCH, ja27—Hd U- S. District Attorney,