The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, March 01, 1868, Image 4
National ft cpablif an *LABftftST mS caCVLATIS Official Or**» of the U. 6 Government. Bnr;>AT~MoamMrt .*—*»"* i.»«« AT THE CHURCH CATE. IT WIt.UA* *«»«« THiCtCK\r. Although I attar not, Tat round about Oft tiara* l borer; And star the netad gate With longing eyes I wal*, KifNMal of her. The mi ester bell* tell eat Abort the eijy’s rout. And noise and humming ; ih*y>« hushed the minster bet’., T be erg am 'guts to swell; She's coming! she's coming! My lady center at last. Timid and stepping fast. And hastening hither, With modest eye downcast; She comes—she's here—she's past! May Heaven go with her ! Kneel undisturbed, fair saint, Poor out your praise or plaint Meakly and duly; I will not enter there, To sally your pure prayer With thoughts unruly. Bat suffer me tn pace Round the forbidden place. Lingering a minute— Like outcast spirits who wait. And see, through Heaven’s gate Angels within it. Article on tlie Legislative Department, At adopted by the Csustilutiuual Ccsirt.'lSs es lirorna, and referred so the Qfmmti'ee cm Uertswu. Section 1. 1. The Legislative. Executive and Judicial De partments snail be distinct, and each depart men; shall be confided to a separate body of magis tracy. So person or collection of pemuts. betug of one department, shall exercise any power properly attached to either of the other*, except in cases herein expressly provided. 2. Tt»e legislative power shall be vested in a General Assembly, which shall consist of a Sen ate and House of Representatives, the members whereof shall be elected, and the returns of the election made as bow prescribed by iaw. until changed by the General Assembly. 3. The member* of the Senate shall be elected for four years, except that members elected at the first election, front the twenty-two Senato rial Districts numbered in this Aonstitntion with odd numbers, shall only boh) their office for two years. The members of the House of Represent* tire* shall be elected fortwo years. The election for members of the General Assembly shall begin on Tuesday after the first Monday in November of every second vear. except the first election, which shall be within days after the ad journment of this Convention: bat the General Assembly may, by law. change the day of elec tion, and’ the members shell each hold until thrir successors arc elected and qualified. 4. The first meeting of the Genera! Assembly shall be within days after the adjournment of this Convention, after which it shall meet annually on the second Wednesday in Jannary. or on such other day as the General'Assembly may prescribe. A majority of each Iloose shall con sulate a quorum to transact business, bnt a smaller number may adjourn from day to day and compel the presence of its absent members as each House may provide. No session of the General Assent bly, after the second, under this Constitution, shall continue longer than forty days, unless prolonged by a vote of two-thirds of each branch thereof 5. No person holding any military commission, or other appointment or office having any emotn ment or compensation aunexed thereto, under this ‘State or the United States, or either of them, ex cept Justices of the lulerior Court. Justices of the Peace, and offitArs of the militia, nor any defaul ter for public money, or for any legal taxes re quired of him. shall have a seat in either House. Nor shall any Senator or Representatives, after his qualification as sneh. be elected bv the General Assembly or appointed by the Governor, either with or without the advice' and consent of two thirds of the Senate, to any office or appointment having any emolnmsnt annexed thereto, daring .tbs time for which he shall have been elected. 6. No person convicted of any felony or lar ceny before any court of this State, or o’s or iu the United States, shall be eligibl* to any office or ap pointment of honor or trust wtthie this State, no tes* he shall have been pardoned. 7. Xo person who is the holder of any public moneys ffiali be eligible to any office in this State, until the same is accounted for and paid into the treasury. 8. The seat of a member of either House shall be vacated on his removal from tbe district from which lie was elected. Srcrtoy 11. 1. There shall be forty four Senatorial Districts in this State, composed" ea#h of three contiamoas counties, from eaeh of which Districts one Sena tor shall be chosen. Until otherwise arranged, as hereinafter provided, the said Districts shall !>e constituted of counties, as follows : The First District of Chatham, Bryan and Effingham The Second District of Liberty, Tatnall and Mclntosh. The Third District of Wayne, Pierce and Ap pling. The Fourth District of Glynn, Camden and Charlton. The Fifth District of Sotfee, Ware and Clinch. The Sixth District of Echols, Lowndes and Berrien. The Seventh District of Brooks, Thomas, and Colquitt. The Eighth District of Decatur. Mitchell and Miller. The Ninth District of Early, Calhonn. and Baker. The Tenth District of Doughertv, Lee ar.d Worth. The Eleventh District of Clav, Randolph aid Terrell. Tbe Tiseltth District of Stewart, Webster and Qnitmaii. The Thirteenth District of Sumter. Schley ar.d Maeon. Tbe Fourteenth District of Dooly. Wilcox and Pulaski. The Fifteenth District of Montgomery, Telfair and Irwin. The Sixteenth District of Laurens, Johnson and Emanuel. The Seventeenth District of Bullock, Scriven and Burke. The Eighteenth District of Richmond, Glass eoek and Jeffsrson. The Nineteenth District of Taliaferro. Warren and Greene. The Twentieth District of Ballwin, Hancock and Washington. The Twenty-Ktret District of Twiggs, Wilkin son awl Jones. The Twenty-Second District of Bibb. Monroe and Pika. The Twenty-Third District of Houston, Craw ford and Taylor. The Twenty Fourth District of Marion, Chatta hoochee and Muscogee. The Twenty-Fifth DistncuUcf Hams, Cpeon and Talbot. The Twenty Sixth District of Spalding Butts and Fayette. The Twenty Seventh District of Nesrtou. Wal ton and Clark- The Twenty Eighth District of Jasper, l’aluam and Morgan. The Twenty-Ninth District of Wilkes, Lincoln and Colombia The Thirtieth District of Ok let h rope, Madison and Elbert. The Thirty Fmt District of Hart, Franklin and Habersham. The Thirty-Second IHstrict of White, Lumpkin and Dawson. The Thirty Third District of Hall, Hanks and Jackson. The Thirty-Fourth District of Gwinnett. De- Kalb and Henry. The Tbirtv-Fifth District of Clayton. Fulton and Cobb. The Thirty-Sixth District of Me rri wether, Coweta and Campbell. The Thirty Serenth District of Troup. Heard and Carroll • The Thirty-Eighth District of Haralson, Polk and Paulding. The Thirty-Ninth District of Cherokee. Milton and Forvytb. The Fortieth District of Union. Towns and Rabun The Forty-First District of Fannin. Gilmer and Pickens. The Forty-Second District of Bartow. Floyd and Chattooga The Forty Third District ol Murray, Whitfield and Gordon. The Forte Fourth District of Walker, Dade and Catoosa. If anew county be established it shall be ad ded to a district which it adjoins, and from which the larger portions of its territory is taken. The Senatorial Districts may be changed by the Gene rai Assembly but only at the first sernion after the taking of each eanmt. by th. Doited Stales Oov erumen!; and their number shall aercr be in 1 creased. % The Senator* shall be citiwiu of the United StaiCT^whobaveauainad^tho IhmstJtutk-n, shall have been cilixeo* of this Stale for two yeere, and for on* year a resident of the Dietrie* from which elected. 3. The preeidiag officer of the Senate shall be styled the Preuilent, and shall be elected rira recr from the Senater» elect. 4. The Senate shall have the sole power to try all impeachments. When sitting for that purpose, the member* shall he an oath or affinmuieu, and shall be presided over by on* of theMudges of the hnpreme Court, selected for that purpose by a rvr.r row vote of tbs Senate; and ao person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two tturds of the member* present. Judgment* in rose* of impeachment shall not extend further than removal from office and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit within this State, but the party convicted shall nevertheless be liable uad subject to indictment, trial, judgment and punishment according to law. Sictio* 111. 1. The House of Representatives shall consist of one hundred aim seventy-five Representatives, apportioned as follows: To the Six largest counties, to wit: Chatliam. Richmond, Fnlton. Bibb, Houston and Burke, three representative* eaeh To the thirty-one next Urge?!, to wit: Bartow, Columbia, Cobb, Coweta, Clarke, Decatur, Dougherty. Floyd. Gwinnett, Greene, Hancock, Harris, Jefferson, Lee, Muscogee, Monroe. Mem wether, Morgan, Macon, Newton, Oglethorpe Pulaski. Randolph, Sumter, Stewart. Troup, j Tbotuaa. Talbot, Washington, Wilkes ami Warren, two representatives each: and To the remaining ninety-five comities, one representative each. 1. The above apportionment may be changed by the General Assembly after eaeh census taken bv the United States Government, but in no event shall the aggre grate number ol Representatives be increased. i The Representative* shall be cilireos of the United States, who have attained the age es twenty one years, ni who, after the first election nnder this Coustitu ion. shall have been citixene of this State for one year, and six months rest dents of the counties fiotn which elected. 3. The presiding officer of the House of Repre sentatives shall be styled the Speaker, and shall be elected riea re or from the body. .1 Tbe House of Representatives shall have the sole power to impeach ail persons who shall have been or may be in office 5. All bills for raising revenue or appropriating money shall originate in tbe House of Represen tatives, bnt the Senate mav propose or concur in amendments as in other bills. Sictiox IV. 1 Each House shall be the judge of tbe election returns and qualifications of its members, and shall have power to pnaish them for disorderly behavioror misconduct, by censure, fine, imprison ment or expulsion, bnt no member sbalL&sex pelled except by a vote es two-thirds of theTTonse from which he is expelled. A Each House may punish by imprisonment, not extending beyond the session, any person not a member who shall be guilty of a contempt by any disorderly behavior in its presence, or who’, during the session, shall threaten injury to the person or estate of any member for anything said or done in either House, or who shall assault any member going to or returning therefrom, or who shall -escno or attempt to resene any person ar rested by order of either Ilonse '3. The members of both Houses sbaii be free from arrest during their attendance on the Gene ral Assembly, and in going to or returning there from. except for treason, felony, larceny or breach of the peace; and no member shall be liable to answer in any other place for anything spoken in debate iu eith'er House. L Kach House shall keep a Journal of its pro ccedings, and shall publish them immediately after hs adjournment, The yeas and nays of the' mem bers on any qats-uon shall, at the desire of one filth of the members present, be entered on the Journals- The original Journals shall lie pre served, after publication, in the office of the Secre tary of State : bat there shall be no other record thereof. 5. Every bill, before it shaft pass, shall lie read three limes, and on three separate and distinct days, in each House, unless in ruses of actual inva sion or insurrection. Nor shall auy law or ordi nance pass which refers to m ire than one subject matter. or contains matter different from what is expressed in the title thereof. S. All Acts shall be signed by the President of the Senate anti the Speaker of the House of Representatives; and r.o bill, or ordinance, or resolution, intended to have'he effect of a law. winch shall have been rejected by either llonse. shall be again proposed during the same session under the same or any other title, without the cot-sen of two-thirds of the House by which the same was rejected. 7. Neither House shall adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other place, without the conseut of the other and in case of disagreement between the two Houses on a question of adjourn ment, the Governor may adjourn either or both of them. 8. The officers cf the two other than the President and the Speaker, shall be a Secre tary of the Senate and Clerk of the Hoase, and an Assistaaf for each, :t Journalizing Clerk, two Engrossing ar.d two Enrolling Clerks f-reaeh House; and tile number shall not be increased, except by a majority rote of the House. And the per diem pay and mileage of the members shall be fixed by law, in the passage of which a majority of the members ol each House shall concur. 9. Whenever this Constitution require* a vote of two-thirds of either or both Houses for the passage of an act or resolution, the yeas and nays oa lbe passage thereof shail be entered on tiie journal or journals. And ail votes on confirma tions or refusals to confirm n miiiations to office by the Governor shall be by yeas and nays: and the yeas ami nays shall be recorded on the jour nal. It’. Every Senator and Keprcsentative. before taking his seat, shail take an oaih or alfirmation to support the Constitution of the United Slates and of this State: that he has not practiced any unlawful means, directly or indirectly, to procure his election, and that he has not given, or offered, or promised, or caused to be given, or offered or promised to any person, any money, treat or thing of value, with intent to affect any vote, or prevent any person voting at the election at which fie was elected. Suction V. 1. The,General Assembly shall have power to make all laws and ordinances, consistent with this Constitution .and not repugnant to the Constituti ,>n of the United States. which they shall deem neces s«rv and proper for the welfare of the State. 2. The Gem sal Assembly may alter the bonn daries of, or lav off and establish new counties, or abolish counties, attaching the territory to con tiguous counties, but no new comities shall 1-c established bat by a vote of two-third* of each House, nor shall any rotary be abolished except by a vote of two-thirds of each House, and after theunalified voters of the county shall, at an elec tion held for that purpose, so desire. Section VI. 1. No money shall be drawn from the Treasury except t>y appropriation made by law, and a regnwr statement and account or the receipt and expenditure of all public moneys shall be published from lime to lime, and with the laws passed by each sessi m of the General Assembly. _• So vote, resolution, law,<-r ordei shail pass, granting a donation or gratuity in favor of anv person, exeept by the concurrence of two thirds of each branch of the General Assembly, nor to any sectarian corporation or association at all. :j. No law or section of the Code shall he amen ded or repealed by mere reference to its title, or to the number of section in the Code, hat the amend ing or repealing art shall distinctly and fully describe tae law to be amended or repealed, as well the alteration to be made: bat this clause shall be construed as directory only to the Gene ral Assembly. 4. No law shall be passed by which e citizen shall be compelled, against bis consent, directly or indirectly, to become a stock hot ier in or contribute to any rail rood or work of public improvement except iu the case of the inhabitants of a corporate town or citv. In such rases 'be General Assem ble may permit the corporate authorities to take such stock.or make such contribution, or engage in sails work, after a majority of the qualified voters of such town or city, voting at said election. shall at any election held for the purpose, have voted in favor of the same, but not otherwise. i. The General Assembly Judl have no power to grant corporate powereaisd privileges to private companies, exeept to Banking. Insurance. Rail road. Canal. Navigation. Mining. Express. Lnm her. Manufacturing and Telegraph Companies ; nor to make or change election precincts; nor to establish bridges and ferries: nor to change the names o' legitimate children; but it shall pre scribe, by law, the manner in which snch (towers shall be exercised bv the Court*. But no charter for any Bank shall Eks granted or extended, and no act passed authorising the suspension of specie payment* by any bank, except by a vote of two thirds of die General Assetnbly. The General Assembly shall pass no law making tbe State a stockholder in any corporate Company; nor shall the credit of the State be granted or loaned to aid any Company without the concurrence of a ma jority of Wth Mooses: nor without a provision that'the whole property of the Company shall be bound for tbe security of the Stele prior to any other debt or lien, except to laborers. nor !e any Company in which there is not already an amount invested by private persons: nor for any other object tb-n a work of public improvement. The General Assembly shall provide adequate penalties to prohibit the sale of lottery tickets ia this State. No provision m this Constitution for a two thirds vote of both Homes of the General Assemble shall be construed to waive the necessity of the signature of the Governor, ss in any other rases except ia tlm cases of the two-ihhat rote required to override the veto. OFFICIAL. UKAB*4U't> Third Muatauk District, t (Dept, of Georgia, Florida and Alabama. > > Atlanta, Ua., February 14,18*8. ) General Orders Ao. 23. 1. Wherras, The Constitutional Con vention of Georgia, now in session in Atlanta, on the Bth ilay of February, 1868, enacted tl»c following ordinance : Ski. 1. Beit ordained by the people of Geo gia, in Contention assembled, That an ordinance of this Convention passed on the 20tl» day of Deeemlier, in the year 1867, entitled “an ordinance to levy ami collect a tax to j>ay tl»e delegates and offi cers connected with this Convention, as well tie all other incidental expenses,” ex cept the second section thercoi, is hereby rescinded, and the following is ordained m lieu thereof, to-wit: That it shall be the dnty of the Comp troller General of the State of Georgia to levy a tax of one-tenth of one per cent, on all' the taxable property of this State, as returned upon the digest of the year 1867, for the purpose of defraying the expenses of this Convention, and the compensation of officers and members. And it shall be the duty of the Tax Collectors in the sev eral counties of this State to collect tbe tax so assessed, and to pay the same to tho Comptroller General on or before the Ist day of May, 1868- And it shall be the duty of the several Tax Colledtors to issne executions against all persons subject to taxations nnder this ordinance, whose tax is unpaid after twenty days notice to pay it, for the amount of tax due them, and fifty per centnm thereon and all costs; and of sheriffs and constables to levy and sell under such executions, and to return tbe proceeds to the Tax Collectors, as soon as the same can be done under the provisions of existing laws. Sec. 2. And be it further ordained. That any scrip which may be issued by the au thority of this Convention, for the purpose aforesaid, shall be received by the Comp troller General from the Tax Collector in payment of »hc tax aforesaid. Sec- 3. Be it further ordained, That the Tax Collectors shall receive the same per cent, for collecting the tax aforesaid as they are now allowed by law for collecting the S'ate tax. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained, That the Comptroller General shall issue to the Tax Collectors all necessary orders for the col lection and payment of the tax aforesaid, which orders shall be binding upon said Tax Collector. Sec. 3. Be it further nnlained, That the moneys and scrip received by the Comp troller General, under the ordinance, be paid "by him into the Ireasary of the State to be disposed of as this Convention may direct. I, That the General commanding tbe Third Military District ba requested to enforce an ordinance of this Convention, passed this day, entitled “An ordinance to provide the means of defraying tbe ex penses of this Convention, and the compen sation of officers and members.” Besotted, That copies of said ordinance and resolutions be transmittted by the President to Major General Meade, to the Provisional Governor, and Comptroller Gen eral of the State. 11. Therefore, by virtue of the plenary powers invested by the acts of Congress in the Commanding General of the Third Military District, it is ordered: That all of said ordinance, except what is contained in section 2 and o, is approved and directed to be carried into execution; and it is hereby enjoined on the Provisional Gov ernor, Comptroller General, and Secretary of State. Tax Collectors. Sheriffs and all others, to give due and prompt respect to the requirement # of this order, and to the collection of the special tax provided for iu the aforesaid ordinance. 111. In lieu ol section 2 and paragraph 5 of the aforesaid ordinance, the Provisional Governor of the State is hereby authorized to issue, iu advance of the collection of the special tax, scrip ia such sums as may be deemed the most convenient, an 1 not to ex ceed iu amount fifty thousand dollars. IV. The scrip herein authorized to be issued shall be made receivable in payment of the special tax; shail be paid oat of the Treasury only for the pay and* expenses of the Convection, and so mnch as shall not be received in payment of the special ttx. shall be redeemed out of the proceeds of said spe cial tax when collected. Bt order of Maj. Gen. Meade. R. C- Dkcm, A. A. G. Official; R. C- Drub, A, A. G. feb 1(3—lOt Official. lleadq'rs, Third Military District. 1 (Dept. Georgia, Florida awl Alabama, ) > Atlanta. Ga.. February 22, 1868. j General Orders, No. 27. 1. The Constitutional Convention of the State of Georgia, now in session in the city of Atlanta, adopted, on the 19th day ot February, 1808, the following preamble and resolutions: Whereas. The Convention has deter mined that there shall be no imprisonment for debt in the State : and, w hereas, credi tors are oppressing debtors by the use ot what is known as "Bail Procccss" and writ of Ca. .S'/., Therefore. Btsoleed, That in the opinion of this Convention, said proceedings are contrary to tlic wish of the people of this State. Ibodeed, That the General Commanding this District, is hereby requested to protect, by order, the people of this State from the evil above set forth, and that snch order remain in force, until snch time as the people have expressed tlieir will in regard to the Constitution. 2. Therefore, by virtue of the plenary powers vestal by the Reconstruction Acts of Congress in the Commanding General of the Third Military District, and for the pnrpose of giving effect to the wishes of the people of Georgia as expressed by their delegates in tbe Convention, It is ordered , That imprisonment for debt is prohibited in tbe State of Georgia, and hereafter no bail process in civil cases or writ of ea. sa. shall be issued ont of any of tbe courts of this State. 3. Every person now in prison in this State ander any aoeh proeess or writ, will be immediately discharged from prison. 4. This order to remain in force until the people of Georgia shall express their will in the manner provided by the Acts of Congress in regard to tbe Constitution to be submitted to them by tbe said Constitu tional Convention, or until further orders from these Headquarters. By order of General Meade : R. C. Drum, feb2o-10t Assistant Adjutant General MOORE’S INFALLIBLE Cure for Fever & Ague CHILLS, INTERMIT /(** .Zffev TENT, REMITTENT, and / sAjjL \ BILIOUS FRYERS, RE ffiMm V STORKS DOST APPETITE, 1 INVIGORATES Weak ami I .siasicreJ Constitution;, ami giro* NEW LIFE to the Health nod money saved by it* at*. Sold by all Druggist* DEPOT, Si CORTLANDT ST-, N. Y. s*9—dm FORTIETH CONGRESS. TERMS OF BENATORS. H*ni J »ni» F Wade, ol Ohio, President. John W Forney, of Pennsylvania, Secretary. OHIO Term St Benj F Wade 1969 John Sherman —1873 INDIANA Thos A Hendricks. .1869 OUrer P Morton.. 1873 ILLINOIS Richard Yates 1871 Lvmaa Trumbull.. 1873 MICHIGAN Each Chandler.... 1869 [Jacob MHoward.. 1871 WISCONSIN Jot R I Timothy O Howe.. 1873 MINNESOTA Alex Ramsey 1869 Darid S Xorton... .V&il IOWA Jas W Grimes 1871 ; Jas Harlan 1873 MISSOURI J B Henderson 1869 Chas D Drake 1873 KANSAS Edmund G Ross... 1871 Bam’lC Pomeroy. .1873 NEBRASKA . Thos W Tipton.... 1869 John MTlmyer 1871 NEVADA Wm M Stewart....lß69 Jas W Nye 1673 CALIFORNIA • John Conncss 1869 {Cornelius Cole 1573 OREGON Geo H Williams... 1871 Henry W Corbett. .1873 Maras 7>rm JEr. Lot M Morrill I8g» Wm P Fessenden.. 1871 SEW HiMreHlßn Aaron H Cragln. .-1871 Jas W Patterson ..1873 VERMONT Geo F Edmunds.. .1869 Justin 8 Morrill... 18TJ MASSACHUSETTS Chas Sumner.... ..1869 Henry Wilson 1871! KUODE ISLAND Wm Bprague 1860 t Henry B Anthony. 18711 CONNECTICUT Same* Dixon 1869; Orris S Ferry 1873 SEW YORK Edwin D Morgan.. 1869 Roscoe Conkfing.. 1873, NEW JERSEY i F TFreHnghnvsenlß69 Alex G (Shell 1871 j PENNSYLVANIA a,at It Ruekukne . .1869 Simon Cameron.. .1873 DELAWARE S Bayard. lS69i Willard Saeltbary .ls~l MARYLAND RceenlyJohnsou. ..lSG9 Philip Fnomas. . .1873. WEST VIRGINIA j P G Van Winkle... 1869. Wait man T Willey .1871 j KENTUCKY James Guthrie 1871 Garrrt Dans. 1873 TENNESSEE Darid T Betterton .1869 Joseph S Fowler. .1871: RECAPITULATION Republicans 42 | Oppositions (In Italics) 13 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Schuyler Colfax, of Indiana, Speaker. Edward McPherson, of Pennsylvania, Clerk. | TENNESSEE 1 Roderick R Butler 2 Horace Maynard 3 Wm B Stokes 4 Jos Mullins 5 John Trimble 6 Bam'l M Arnsll 7 Issac R Hawkins 8 David A Nunn OHIO 1 Benj Eggleston • 2 Sam’lF'Cary 3 Robt C Schenck 4 Wm Lawrence ; 5 WmMungen 6 Reader W Clarke 7 Sam’l Shallabarger 8 C S Hamilton 9 Ralph P Buckland 10 Jas il Ashley 11 John T Wilson 12 Philip Fan Trump 13 Geo IF Morgan 14 Martin Welker (15 Tobias A Plants 16 John A Bingham T 7 Ephraim REcklcy ‘lB Rufus P Spaulding 19 Jas A Garfield INDIANA 1 WmEStblaek 2 Michael C Keer 3 Morton C Hunter 4 IFm S Holman , 5 Geo W Julian 6 John Coburn • 7H D Washburn j 8 Godlove S Orth ! 9 Schuvler Colfax 10 Wm "Williams 11 John P C Shanks ILLINOIS K Large, Jno A Logan , 1 Norman B Judd 2 John F Farnsworth 3 Elibu B Washbum MAINE 1 John Lynch 2 Sidney Perham 3 Jas G Blaine 4 John A Peters 5 Frederick A Pike new n AMPS Hi*? 1 Jacob H Ela 2 Aaron F Stevens 3 Jacob Benton VERMONT 1 Fred E Woodbridgc 3 Lake P Poland 3 W C Smith MASSACHUSETTS 1 Thos D Eliot 3 Oakes Ames 3 Ginery Twitchcll 4 Sam’l Hooper 5 Benj F Buffer C Nat P Banks 7 Geo S Boutwcll 8 John D Baldwin 9 Wm B Washburne HHenryL Dawes RHODE ISLAND 1 Thos A Jenckes 2 Nathan F Dixon CONNECTICUT 1 Rich'd D Hubbard 2 Julius Hotehpiss 3 II H Starkweather 4 Wm II Bamum NEW TORE 1 Stephen Taber 2 Atmas Bi nes 3 V/m E Robinson 4 John Fox 3 John Morrissey 6 Thos E Steieart 7 John IF Chanter 8 Jas Brooks 9 Fernando Wood 10 Wm H Robertson 11 CH Van Wyek 12 John H Ketcham 4 Abner C Harding 5 Eben C Ingersoll 6 Barton C Cook 7 H P H Bromwell S Shelby M Cullom 9 Levels 11" Boss 10 Albert G B>trr 11 Sam'l S Marshall 12 Jehu Baker 13 Green B Raum MICHIGAN 1 Fernando C Bc-aman 2 Chas Upson 3 Austin Blair 4 Thos W Ferry 5 R E Trowbridge 9 John F Driggs WISCONSIN 1 Halbert C Paine 2 Benj F Hopkins 3 Amasa Cobb 4 Chet .4 Etdrvlge 5 Pbiletns Sawyer 9 C C Washburne MINNESOTA 1 WmWindom 3 Ignatius Donnelly IOWA 1 James F Wilson 2 Hiram Price 3 Wm B Allison 4 Wm Longhbridge 5 Grenville M Dodge 9 Isabel W Hubbard MISSOURI 13 Thos Cornell 14 John F L Pruyn 15 John A Griswold 19 Orange Ferris 17 Calvin T Hulbard 18 Jas M Marvin 19 Wm C Fields 20 Addison H l.afiin 21 Alex H Bailey 22 John C Churl-hill 23 Dennis McCarthy 24 Theo M Pomeroy 25 Wm H Kelsey 26 Wm S Lincoln 27 Hamilton Ward 25 Lewis Selye 29 Bart Van Horn 30 J M Humphrey* 31 H Van Aernain j NEW JERSEY 1 Wm Moore 2 Chas Haight 3 Chas Sitgreare* 4 John Hill 5 Geo A Halsey j PENNSYLVANIA 1 Sam’l J Randall 2 Chas O'Neill 3 Lenard Myers * 4 Wm D Kelley * 5 Caleb N Taylor 6 Benj M Boyer 7 John M Bromall S J Laicrcwt Getz 9 Thaddcus Stevens 10 Henry L Cake 11 D Jf lan Anken 12 Geo B" lVboefsran.l 13 Ulysses Mercer 14 George F Mirier 15 AdamJGi-Ossbrenner 10 Win H Koontz IT DanT J Morrill 18 Stephen S Wilson IS) Gienni W Schofield 29 Darwin A Finney 21 John Covode 22 Jas K Moorehead 23 Thos Williams 24 Geo V Lawrence DELAWARE 1 John A XicholsoH MARYLAND 1 Hiram McCullough 2 Stephen vt.'. Archer 3 Choi EFt'rlrit 4 Francis Thomas 5 Frrkrick Slons WEST VIRGINIA 1 Chester D Hubbard 2 Beuj M Kitchen 3 Dan’i Poisicy kextcckY 1 Dxwrenct S Trouble 2 Joins Young Bi-own 3 J S .8 GoUady 4 J Proctor C Knott 5 .In P Grocer 6 Thm L Jones 7 Jai It Beck 8 Geo M Adams 9 John D Young 1 Wm A Pile 2 Carman A Newcomb 3 Jas B McCormick 4 John J Gravelly 5 Jos W McClurge • 0 Root T Van Horn 7 Benj F Loan 8 John F Benjamin 9 Geo W Anderson KANSAS 1 Sidney Clarke NEBRASKA l JohnTalle NEVADA 1 Delos R Ashley CALIFORNIA 1 Sant'l Aztcll 2 Wm Higby S Jas A Johnson OREGON I Rufus Mallory DELEGATES ARIZONA Coles Bashlord DAKOTA Walter A Barleigh IDAHO F. D HMhrock MOSTANAS Jas M Cavanaugh NEW MEXICO C P C’.crcr (donbtfu!) . UTAH Tia H Hooper Washington Alvin Flanders wroxiNG Jas S Casement ' KEC APITCLATION Republicans 144 | Opposition {ln Italics) 49 Mosfeer, Thomas & Schanb, ff BROAD STREET— Cj ii Under Masonic Hall, AUGUSTA, GA, Direct Importers and Dealers in English ami French C BOHEMIAN, FRENCH, and AMERICAN Glass Ware, Kerosene Lamps, ETC., ETC., AND AGENTS OF TUB Southern Porcelain Manufacturing Cos. JSP* Try us, and we will conrinc* you thnt you can satb tbe fubibbt from New York to this point. JOStAH MOSHER. J. JtsFFKRSON THOMAS, GEORGE SCHAUB. oe9—ly SPECIAL NOTICES. tar STARTLING, BUT TRUE! DR. J. MAGGIEL’S SALVE. This nnrirollsd Salve, which has received the endorsement of men of all feet* and almost all nations, still holds its unparalleled sway over all other skin medicines of the day. FRIGHTFUL BURNS AND FEARFUL SCALDS, are soothed and healed by the March ing power or DR. J. M AGGIEL’S SALVE. BAD CUTS, SALT RHBUM, SORE LEGS, PUSTULES, CHAPPED HANDS, MUSQUITO BITES, PAINS IN THE LOINS, PAINS IN THE CHEST, are almost instantly relieved. From hundreds of letters the following brief extract* are made—hear what is said. “Your salve to me is better than all Lini ments.’’ “Send me at once three boxes of D-. Maggiel’s Salve,’os the Druggist here is out." “Can you send me seven lbs. of Maggie!’? Solve without the boxes ? I will pay well for it." “I am a brakemaa on the Macon (Go.) Rail road. I tried yonr Salve after I had been badly hart in the back. It took oat the soreness at one*.’’ “Enclosed find $2. I had small pox and yonr solve rid me of all eruptions and left no trace or mark.” “I scalded my hand, Doctor, and by the ad vice of a friend, tried your Saive. It is bully. Enclosed find 50 cents for two boxes to keep around the house.’’ MAGGIEL'S SALVE is tho cheapest Salve, it is the best Salve. IT COSTA l MS MORE EXTRACTIVE HEDICIXE THAS ASY OTHER SALVE OP THE DAY. MAGGIEL'S PILLS should be used with the Salve for serious Skin Diseases. 25 CENTS A POT OR BOX. All orders for the United States mast be ad dressed to J. Haydoek, No. 11 Pine street, New York. Patients can write freely abont their com plaints, and a reply will be retnrned by the fol lowing mail. Write for “ Maggiel’s Treatment of Disease.” COUNTERFEITS! COUNTERFEITS! All readers of this paper are warned not to pur chase MAGGIEL'S PILLS orSALVE, unless the name of J. Haydoek, Proprietor, in addition to the name of D. J. Maggiel is on the engraved slip surrounding each box or not. oct23-eodlydlw Spalding Count}. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TnE UNITED X States for the Northern District of Georgia. In the matter of j ->, vcpi-dtpv MATTHEW H. COUCH, i L 'V> Bankrupt. j -><>. IJ. The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all his debts, prova ble under the Bankrupt Act of March 2, 1567, notice is hereby given to all persons interested, to appear on the 14th day es March, 186S, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, at Chambers of the said District Court, before A. G. Murray, Escp, one of the Registers of the said Court in Bank ruptcy, at the Register’s Office in GriSn, and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not he granted. And fortber notice is hereby given that the second and third meetings of creditors will be held at the same time and place. ,—*—, Witness the Honorable John J I Erskine, Judge of the said District \ j Court, and the seal thererf, this ' —. — 2?d dav of February, 1868. W. B. SMITH, fe24—w2w Clerk. IN THE DISTP.ICI COURT OF TIIE United States for the Northern District of Georgia. WM. 1 ”'!!I*KENDRICK, 1 *KENDRICK, > IN EA^’Kl 'V’ loY ' Bankrupt. j lo ' The said Bankrupt baviag pcti'iiuei. the Court for a discharge from aii his debts prova ble under tbe Bankrupt Act of March 2. 1567. notice i< hereby given to ail person* interested to appear ta ihc 14th day of March. 1565, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at r baznbers of the said District Court, before A. G. Murray, Esq., one of the Registers of tbe said Court in Bank ruptcy, at the Registers Ofice in GriSn, ar.d show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted. /—*—v Witness the Honorable John !> Erskine, Judge of the said District ) Court, and the seal thereof, this 26th 'v — / dar of Februarv, IS6S. * W. B. SMITH, fe27 w2w Clerk. greene Bounty. ~ IN THE DISTRICT COURT OFTHE UNITED States for >he Northern District of Georgia. In the matter of I\M.H. BRIMBEKRY, 1 IN - BANKRUPTCY, of the county of Greeße, ; Bankrupt. Notice is hereby given, once a week for three weeks, to alt persons interested, that I, the undersigned, of Maxey’s, Georgia, have been appointed Asssignee of the estate of WILLIAM 11. BRIMBERRY, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt. J. H. BiUGHTWELL, fe27—law.lw Assignee ELBERT COUNTY. IN TUE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States, for the Northern District of Georgia. In the matter of JAMES ) A. SANDERS, who h« 1. jjj BANKRUPTCY, been adjudged aßankrupt, of the county of Elbert, j This is to give notice, once a week lor three weeks, to all persons interested, that the under signed, of tbe town of Elberton, and eoonty of Elbert, has been appointed Assignee of the Bank rupt in the above stated ease. JAMES J. BURCH, felfi lawZw Assignee. Furniture and Piano Hauling. JJAVIJO A NEW AND LIOIIT SPRING DRAY, I am prepared to haul Furniture, Pianos, and anything else, without scratching or bruising, as is too often the case. Orders left et my store, on Ellis street,between Washington and Monument, will be promptly attended to, at reason sole rates. Particular care given to moving Furniture and Pianos. WM. HALE (Colored), Dealer in Family Groceries aul—tf C. H. arner, PLUMBER, GAS AND STEAM FITTER, NO. 1155 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. Pumps, Gas, Steam and Water Pipes, Rubber Hose and Hose Pipes, rtomptly furnished or iantO—tf Bookbinding rums BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY and alt kinds of BOOR AND JOB PRINTING AT THIS OFFICE. Warren toanty. Letter* of Adminiitmtion- STATE OF GEORGIA— Warrtn County. Wa* an as, it has been mads kssn to ms that tbe estate of Peterson Heath is unrepresented, These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why euii Letters of Administra tion should not be granted- to tbe Clerk of the Superior Court of said county. Given under my hand a t office in Warren ton, 29th day of January, 1563. feblS—twlw TT. R. CODY, Ordinary- NOTICE. SIXTY DAYS AFTER DATE APPLICATION will be male to tb* Court of Ordinary of Warren Conn y, for leara to sell tho real estate of Mrs. Hannah Spence, deceased. January 29, 18SS. J. R. SPENCE, feblS—«od Administrator. Letters of Dismission. STATE OF GEORGlA— tforres County. Whereas, James Hall applies to me for Let ters Dismissory from the eflate of Joebua Ueesling, deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish aU and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within tbe time prescribed by law, and show conse, if any tbey can, why said Letters should not be granted. Giren under my band and official signature December Ist, 1867. H. R. CODY, deS—lam 6 m Ordinary. MOBGAN COUNTY. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE A United States fer the Northern District of Georgia. In the matter of ) WILLIAM P. LATTA, VIN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. J TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of WM. P-LATTA, in the town of MaJis>n, and county of Morgan and State of Georgia, within said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said District. Date-!. February 17tb, A. I>., 1863. WM. S. LATTA, fel6 lawotr Assignee. IN BANKBUPTCY. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TnE L United States for the Northern District of Georgia. In the matter of j JONH W. WOOD, | of the county of Morgan, : IN BANKRUPTCY, who has been adjudged | a Bankrupt. This is to give notice, once a week for three weeks, to a’i persons interested, that I, the un dersigned, of the town of Rutledge, and county of Morgan, have been appointed Assignee of the Bankrupt in the above stated case. JOHN F. JACKSON, fcb22—law3w Assignee. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the Northern District of ! Georgia, ! In tbe matter of j ! ELIJAH BOSWELL, , J of Morgan county, who ' IN BANKRUPTCY. ’ Jj ts been adjudged a j , Bankrupt. j * To all whom it may Concern ; The undersigned hereby gives notice es his appointment as As signee of Elijah Boswell, of Morgan county, and State ol Georgia, within said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said District. ALBERT M. THRASHER, MadisoD, Feb. 15, 1863. Assignee. febl9-law3w IN THE DISTRICT COURT OFTUE UNITED States for the Northern Dis ricr of Georgia. In the matter of ) REUBEN WINFREY, l IN BANKRUPTCY, Bankrupt. J To whom it may Concern: The undersigacd hereby gives notice of his appointment as As signee of Reuben Winfrey, in the county of Morgan, and State of Georgia, within said Dis trict, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said District. Dated Februarv I lib, A. D., IS3S. THOMAS H. S. BBOBSTON, fe! 6- lawjw Assignee. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE X United States for the Northern District of Georgia. In the matter es j JOHN BREWER, lIN BANKRUPTCY. Eankrspt- J To whom it may Concern : The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as As signee of Jonn Brewer, of the county of Morgan, and State of Georgia, wi hin said Dis ; tries, who has been adjudged a Baakrapt upon his own petition by the District Court of said ! District. Dated Februarv 14 h, A. D. 1363. THOMAS H. S. li ROBS TON, j fe!6 law3w Assignee. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States, for the ’ orthern District of Georgia. In the matter of ) i ANDREW F. BIRD, IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. ) Tc hom it may cooeern : The undersigned hereby gives notice of his ap.pointmeat as As signee of Andrew F. Bird, in the county of Mor gan, and State of Georgia, within said District, who has been adjudge and a Bankrupt upon his own petition, by the District Court of said District. Dated Februarv 14. A. D. 1865. THOMAS H. S. BSOBSTON, fel6-law3w Assignee. HOUSTON COUNTY. Assignee's Notice of Appointment- TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE X United States for the Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of 4 JOSEPH PALMER, SIN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. J TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of Joseph Palmer, of Perry, in the county of Houston and State of Georgia, within said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition bv the District Court of said District. J. A. HOLTZCLAW, Assignee, etc. Dated at Perry, Ga., Feb. 15th, IS6S. fe2s—law3w TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN.— The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of GEORGE W. ST URGES, Fort Valley, Hous ton, co., Ga. JAMES R. JAMES, Perry, Houston co., Ga. JOHN NELSON, Perry, Houston co., Ga. THOMAS J. BASKIN, Perry, Houston co., Ga. GEORGE M. TOWNSLEY, Perry, Houston co., Ga. ISAAC T- GILMORE. Henderson, Houston co., Ga. Within the Southern District of Georgia, each one of whom has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by tbe District Court of said District. J. A. HOLTZCLAW, Assignee, etc. Dated, Perry, Ga., loth of Feb., ISfiS. fe3s—lawiw , FOBSYTH COUNTY. Assignees’ or Trustees' Notice of Ap pointment. T NTHE DISTRICT COURT OFTHE UNITED A States for tbe Northern District of Georgia. Ia the matter of j JOHN S. FLOYD, jIX BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. j To whom it may concern : Tbe undersigned. William A. Turner, Xewnan. Georgia, hereby gives notice of his appointment a* Assignee of the estate of John S. Floyd, of Palmetto, in the county of Campbell, in said District, and who was, to-wit, on the Ist day of Jannarv. A. I). ISSS, adjudged Bankrupt upon the petition of himself, in tbe District Court of the United States for the Northern District of Georgia. Dated at Nrwcan, the 3d day of February, A. D, IS6B. WM. A, TURNER. a—— Book and job printing Executed at this Office At the Lowest Terms and in thef Best Style* Come and see samples. Richmond Coaat^ , , TlT^ ten of Jw’TATE OF GEORGIA- To Ml whom it mas °?«t permanent letter, of A4 ’*FP**4t* estate of Edward F. KuSSSTS? county— ”*B7, Rlt This is to cite aft and ,i, —, and next es kin A E.!* lr and appear ut my office U.4JZ** by law, and .how eaure, pemaneu, Adm;ni« mi , B so George T. Jackson „o E Witness ray hand ,i . . nary 31st, 1?65. ‘ ~ “**te Letters es Xi-^i.^r gTATE OF GEORGIA- These are therefor* to rite . and singular the kindred and 'crefe deceased, to be and appear a before the first Monday j a + eause, if any they Uve,,i.j not be granted. ' I*a 1 * a, l Given under mv heel end this the 9th day of DecernWr delO-fowtd* iA^4^ Letters of liiuajjijß, OF GEORGlA— ■Whereas. Mordecai Hvam* of the estate of Jam is" late of said countv, "... of Dismission: These are, therefore .t -. and singular deceased, to be and v before the first Monday show cause, if anv letters should not Give under my mi this, the 4th day'i; f D - R deT-dawtd* * K Letters of Bisniajg^H STATE OF GEOi Whereas, Frank li. j;....... W. Miller, det-ei:-.:. - es Dismission : These are. there: rt. u ani and singular. . deceased,!., i* an! cp; u.-; before the first Man lay so cause, if any they hare. not be granted. Given under my haul ini tSrisl at office in Augusta, tfot 7-h <Uv IS6T. DAVID L. oct3—w6m Letters of tfoXATt OF GEORGIA— * H libitumi Whereas, Mary Am Turpia, Turpin ani Jesse 51. Trerea, William LI. Turf In. iotasti, Letters of Dismission: 39K These are, therefor*. . attl i rtit'^H deceased, to be ini ant-ear „• before the tir-r: M May cause, if any they hi- . not be granted. Hfl Given under my it: : ar 1 eseiai at office in Aagnsta. this hHi o^H 1367- DAVID L _ oct B—wfm ()■ Letters of £itaassi«a.^| STATE OF GEORGIA— ■ E 'cinaa l Whereas. John M.-Acant. the estate Jam-ts - me for Letters ;f Dismissi.i; These are. there: re.:: ailsda^B and. singular. . t: iia^H deceased, to be an i a:year it st before the firs: M : 'lay -x:. cause, .tatty . : httU^H not be granted. Given u ader my h,r I ie: ,S'UI a: office in Augn • . Tth fit tIH 1867. DAVID LBH oetS—who Ol^H - - - ■ - - —’■l GEEES COUNTY. g| T N THE DISTRICT C 'I-.I OF IHE* X States for the N .rtt; es In the matter of WILLIAM O. CHENEY, ■ of the county o: Greene. .r i who has been a i; n ire: a Bankrupt upon his two * flfl petition. !■ Notice is hereby r:.-:-. .erei weeks, t , ah pe;s.-s interested, dersigne-I. of the town of Peso* '.it. • - - •ate (f Wi! tam 0. Cheney. »h; ius ■ judged a Banirunt. . JOHN. 9. febl9-lair3w Ogletiorpe Comity.B Letters e: IHsaa*i«. I STATE OF GEORGIA— ■ Whereas. EHiabeth fo~b ir-i aiministrat :rs en the mate ;f late of said county. .: so- irjhethM Letters of Dlsmisfi :::rt ii.tnast— These are, therefore, :■> ela aii and singular ti sfo .tel it! Said deceased, to be ani it teat •- within the time : rv-.: - T - w if any they have, why - . sion should not be gmntei. Given under my haul aneScial this 15th dar of N remit"- -to- E. G. cILACKttWj™ nol9—lamom * Letters ot Diannaa. STATE OF GEORGIA— Ojfcdoj Whereas, Wm. W. Psreap-rt, f®* 1 Robert 11. and A. 11. 8- Glens, sris* B Glenn, deceased, applies to i: . j“ * dismission from said gaarduesaib These are therefore to cite utt* and singular, the kindred arJ him minors, to be and appear »t EJ the time prescribed by lav, » any they hare, why said letters * should not be granted. , Given under my hand r y® this loth dav of November. I- 1 - E-C.SHAcKW novl9—lamom .^2 Letters of Bisuiissio*- STATE OF GEORGIA- Oflcdtecjsm Whereas. Wiiliam M. Late, oa the estate of Harrison G. h***' county, deceased, applies to g«_ Dismission from said adin:3'- f^®*"*T , These are, therefore, to cite •* all and singular, the kindred s* said deceased, to be and within the time prescribed ts • ’ cause, if any they have, whj ** not be granted, . a Given under my hand this 12th day of Dcrembey^^ del4—lamtm Wilkes Coungt-. Letters of Disai** 168 ' gTATE OF GKORGL4- Whsreas, John C. Finciec. for Lesters of Dismission ri Orr. deceased— These are to cite all and appear at my office wUfi y„ T A scribed bT law, to show causey a c« why raid Leuers of Diso-ssiM « * T * n,C4 - ROY LAND Dec. SUL 1567. matham toanty^ SOUTHERN DISTRICT 0? At Savauaiiab. this 21st A. D., lsis. - The undersigned hereby «»*•• appointment as Assignee o: , -Savannah, in the county of t of Georgia, within said D*s:n«. . adjudged a Bankrupt upon ais the District Court afsatd D» lTl gp|gl PETER ' ■ foti—lawJw