The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, March 03, 1868, Image 4
National Utpobltcan TSwisf CIT¥ CIRCULATION Official Organ of the 0. 8- Government. TUESDAY MORNING March 8, 1808 CATCHING AT A STRAW. Though th« planet of Lore has grown dimmer, And threatens to ratiish from sight— Though the Pale Star of Hope gives a glimmer, And naught but a glimmer to-night— Still the planet and star are above me, And neither has left me lor good; Though mj lady refutes te love mo, She says that ahe would if she eould. They have plighted her troth to another; * She bends to the cruel command Os a tyrannous father and mother. Which severs the heart and the hand. When I pleaded my depth of devotion, She said—or I misunderstood — That she might not encourage the notion, But certainly would if she oould. Can I ever bo happy, I wonder, With anything else for a wife? No! the fates that have torn us ff?under Have made me a Ccelebs for life. Bat I’ve still a reflection to olteer uie And brighten my bachelorhood— Yes, my love, in declining to hear mo Confessed that she would if she could. NO “OPENINGS.” OPEN ALL THE TIME! Latest Styles! THE NEW Millinery Headquarters, Next to the Planters’ Hotel, Have no special “opening day as the LATEST STYLES and NOVEL TIES are always on hand, ready for inspection. In all cases, Satisfaction is Guaranteed ! RECEIVED, EVERY FRIDAY, DIRECT PROM NEW YOH K, ALL KINDS OF Goods in our Line WE SELL LADIES’ AND .MISSES’ FELT and STRAW HATS OF EVERY STYLE, AT FROM Fllij; Cents to Three Dollars Mr HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR FURS. Send for Price Lists. WM. It. DAVIS A CO., Next door above the famous Planters’ Hotel, 12oet—ev Thurs Augusta, Ga. BRITISH PERIODICALS THE LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW (Conservative), THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig), THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Radical), ' THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free Church), And BLACKWOOD’S EDINBURGH MAGA ZINE (Tory). These periodicals are ably sustained by the contributions of the best writers on Science, Religion, and General Literature, and stand un rivalled in the world of letters. They are indis pensable to the scholar and the professional man, and to every reading man, as they furnish a better record ot the current literature of the day than can be obtained from any other source. TERMS FOR 1868. For any one of the Reviews $4.00 per an. For any’ two of the Reviews 7.00 . “ For any three of the Reviews 10.C0 * “ For all four of the Reviews 12.00 “ For Blackwood’s Magazine 4.00 “ For Blackwood and one Review... 7.00 “ For Blackwood and any two of the Reviews 10.00 “ For Blackwood and three of the Reviews 13.00 “ For Blackwood and the 4 “ CLUBS. A discount of twenty per cent, will be allow ed to clubs of four or more persons. Thus, four copies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be sent to one address for 813 80. Four copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood, for S4B 00, and so on. POSTAGE. Subscribers should prepay by the quarter, at the office of delivery. The postage to any part «f the United States ii two cents a number. This rate only applies to current subscriptions. For back numbers the postage is double. PREMIUMS TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS. New subscribers to any two of the above periodicals for 1868 will be entitled to receive, gratis, any one of the four Reviews for 1867. New subscribers to all live of the periodicals for 1868 may receive- gratis, Blackwood or any two of the four Reviews for 1867. Subscribers may obtain back numbers at the following reduced rates, viz.: The North British from January, 1863, to De cember. 1867, inclusive; Edinburgh and the Westminster from April, 1864, to December, 1867, inclusive, and the London Quarterly for the years 1865, 1866, and 1867, at the rate of $1.50 a year for each or any Review;, also, Blackwood for 1866 and 1867, for $3.50 a year, or the two years together for $4.00. .tar Neither premiums to subscribers, nor discount to clubs, nor reduced prices for back numbers, can be allowed, unless the money is remitted direct to the Publishers. No premiums can be given to clubs. THE LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISHING CO., 4 140 Fulton street, N. Y. The L. 8. Publishing Cos., also publish the f'ARMEK’S CTJIDE, By Hkxry Stephens, of Edinburgh, and the late J. P. Norton, of Yale College. 2 vole., royal octavo, 1000 pages, and numerous Eu graving#. Price |7 for the two volumes —by mail, post paid, tS. febO—lm Furniture and Piano Hauling. JJAVING A NEW AND LIGHT SPRING DRAY, lam prepared to haul Furniture, Pianos, and anything else, without scratching or bruising, as is too often the ease. Orders left at my store, on Ellis street,between Washington and Monument, will be promptly attended to, at reaso-.aole rates. Particular eare given to moving Furniture and Pianos. WM. HALE (Colored), Dealer in Family Groceries sal—tf BEMOYED! B. H. BRODNAX, INSURANCE AGENCY. ovrioi; *r Ho. 27 Jackson Street, Near {Broad o«4—tf B~~OOKBINDIN<7T RULIN BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY and all kinds of BOOK AND JOB PRINTING AT THIS OFFICE. Official, Headquarter# 3d Military Dist., ) ( Dept. Georgia, Florida and Alabama.) \ Atlanta, Ga., February 36, 1868. ) General Orders, No. 30. 1. The Board of Offico.s of which Brevet Colonel Maurice Maloney, Lieutenant Col onel 16th U. 8. Infantry, is President, and whieh assembled ot Savannah, Georgia,, on tho Ist instant, pursuant to. Special Orders No. 22, current series, from theso Head quarters, for the purpose of investigating certain charges of mul-ndniinistration pre ferred against the Mayor and other Muni cipal officers of that city, has rendered tho following OPINION; “ Tho Board, in conclusion, would state that it has thoroughly investigated tho matters laid bofore it, contained in the ac companying petition, and has discovered nothing sustaining tho of mal-feas ance in office prefeared against the Mayor and municipal authorities of Savannah, and docs therefore recommend that the prayer ot the petitioners, asking for tho removal of the same, bo not granted.” 2. The proceedings and opinion of the Board are approved, and no further action will be taken on the aforesaid charges. By order of Major wlneral Meade : H. C. Drum, Assistant Adjutant General. Official: , A. D. C. mhl—lOt Headq’s Third Military District, ) (Dep't Georgia, Ala., and Florida,) L Atlanta, Ga., Feb. 21, 1868.) General Orders, No. 26. 1. Before a Military Commission, which convened at Atlanta, Georgia. February 10, 1868, pursuant to Special Orders No. 27, Headquarters Third Military District, dated Atlanta. Georgia, February 3, 1868, and of which Brevet Brigadier General Itufus Saxton, Quartermaster U. 8. Army, is President, was arraigned and tried : Berry T. Digby. Sheriff of Jasper county. State of Georgia. Charge I.—Wilful negleot of duty as Sheriff of Jasper county, State of Georgia. Specification—ln this : That Berry T. Digby, being Sheriff of Jasper county, in the State of Georgia, and having been no tified that one Maria Brown, who was living on the premises of said Berry T. Digby, had been murdered upon his prem ises as aforesaid; and having htmself viewed the dead body of tho said Maria Blown, within five minutes after tho mur der ; and having been then and there in formed by John Brown, the husband of Maria Brown atoresaid, and bj others who were present, that Homer Barnes, a citizen of Jasper county, Georgia, had feloniously and with malice aforethought committed the murder upon the person of the said Maria Brown; and the said Ho mer Barnes being then and there present, and on the premises of the said Berry T. Digby, he, the said Berry T. Digby, Sheriff as aforesaid, did wilfully and unlawfully fail and neglect to arrest, or make any effort to arrest, the said Homer Barnes, and well knowing that tho said Homer Barnes was endeavoring to escape, and was likely to make his escape before a warrant cmid be issued for his arrest, did wilfully and unlaw, fully permit the said Homer Barnes to make his escape, without pursuit or effort to arrest him. This in the county of Jasper, State of Georgia, on or about the 10th day of Janu ary, iB6S. To which charge and specification the accused pleaded, “Not Guilty.” Finding.— Oflhe charge and specification, “Not Guilty.” And the Court does therefore acquit him. 11. The proceedings and findings in the case of Berry T. Digby, Sheriff of Jasper county, Georgia, are approved. Mr. Digby, having been acquitted by the Commission, will be released from arrest. 111. The Military Commission, of which Brevet Brigadier General Rufus Saxon, Quartermaster U. S. Army, is President, is hereby dissolved. By order of Major General Meade : 11. C. Drum, rjarl-10t Assistant Adjutant General. IlE.UKt'its, Third Military District, 2 (Dept. Georgia, Florida anil Alabama ,) > Atlanta, Ga., February 33, 1868. ) General Orders, No. 27. 1. The Constitutional Convention of the State of Georgia, now in session in the city of Atlanta, adopted, on the 19th clay of February, 1868, tho following preamble and resolutions : Whereas, The Convention has deter mined that there shall be no imprisonment for debt in the State ; and, whereas, credi tors arc oppressing debtors by the use ot what is known as “Bail Proccess” and writ of Ca. Sa., Therefore, Resolved, That in the opinion of this Convention, said proceedings are contrary to the wish of the people of this State. Resolced, That the General Commanding this District, is hereby requested to protect, by order, the people of this State from the evil above set forth, and that such order remain in force, until such time as the people have expressed their will in regard to the Constitution. 2. Therefore, by virtue o! the plenary powers vested by the Reconstruction Acts of Congress in the Commanding General of tho Third Military District, and for tho purpose of giving effect to the wishes of the people of Georgia as expressed by their delegates in the Convention, It is ordered. That imprisonment for debt is prohibited in the State of Georgia, and hereafter no hail process in civil cases or writ of ca. sa. shall he issued out of any of the courts of this State. 3. Every person now in prison in this State under any such process or writ, will he immediately discharged from prison. 4. This ovder to remain in force until the people of Georgia shall express their will in the manner provided by the Acts of Congress in regard to the Constitution to he submitted to them by the said Constitu tional Convention, or until further orders from these Headquarters. Bv order of General Meade : R. C. Drum, feb2s-10t Assistant Adjutant General ESTABLISHED 1855. THOMAS RUSSELL, jeweller. 1986 Broad St., NEXT DOOR BEI.OW THE FRENCH STOKE. WATCHES, CLOCKS, and JEWELRY RE PAIRED at the shortest notice. All work war rented. All orders will be thankfully received, and promptly attended to. tub I—lawly J. J. BROWNE, QAItVEB AND GILDK R. Looking Glass and Picture Frames CORNICES, BRACKETS, COKSOLE TAB I. E S MADE TO ORDER. Old PICTURE and LOOKING GLASS FRAMES RKOILT, and OIL PAINTINGS RE STORED, LINED and VARNISHED, AT 135 BROAD STREET, AvattSTA, Oa. mhl—lawtf FORTIETH CONGRESS. TERMS OF SENATORS. Benjamin F Wade, of Ohio, President. John W Forney, of Pennsylvania, Secretary. OHIO Term Ex BenJKWade 1869 John Sherman.... 1873 INDIANA Thos A Hendricks. .1869 Oliver P M0rt0n..1873 ILLINOIS Richard Yatee.... .1871 Lyman Trumbull.. 1873 MICHIGAN Zach Chandler.... 1869 Jacob M Howard. .1871 WISCONSIN Jas R Doolittle 1869 Timothy O Howe.. 1873 MINNESOTA Alex Ramsey 1869 David S Norton.... 1871 IOWA Jas W Grimes 1871 Jas Harlan 1873 MISSOURI J B Henderson 1869 Chas D Drake 1873 Edmund G R055...1871 Sam’lC Pomeroy.. 1873 NEBRASKA Thos W Tipton.... 1869 John M Thayer 1871 NEVADA Wm M Stewart.... 1869 Jas W Nye 1873 CALIFORNIA John Conness 1869 Cornelius C01e.... 1873 OREGON Geo II Williams... 1871 Henry W Corbett. .1878 maixr Term Ex. Lot M Morrill 1869 Wm P Fessenden.. 1871 KSW tl AMI’S HIRE Aaron H Cragln. ...1871 Jas W Patterson . .1878 VERMONT Geo F Edmunds...lß69 Justinß Morrill... 1873 MASSACHUSETTS Chas Sumner 1869 Henry Wilson 1871 RHODE ISLAND Wm Sprague 1869 Henry B Anthony. 1871 CONNECTICUT James Dixon 1869 Orris S Ferry 1873 NEW TORE Edwin D Morgan.. 1869 Roscoe Conkfing. .1873 NEW JERSEY F T Frellnghuyson 1869 Alex G Catte11....1871 PENNSYLVANIA Chas if Buckalew . .1869 Simon Cameron.. .1873 DELAWARE Jas S Bayard 1869 Willard Saulsbury .1871 MARYLAND Reverdy Johnson... 1869 Philip FThomas... lß7B WEST VIRGINIA EG Van Winkle... 1869 WaitmanT Willey. 1871 KENTUCKY James Guthrie 1871 Garret Davis 1873 TENNESSEE David T Patterson .1869 Joseph S Fowler..lß7l RECAPITULATION Republicans 43 | Oppositions (In Italics) 13 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Schuyler Colfax, of Indiana, Speaker. Edward McPherson, of Pennsylvania, Clerk. ] TENNESSEE 1 Roderick R Butler ! 2 Horace Maynard 3 Wm B Stokes 4 Jas MuUins 5 John Trimble 6 Sam’l M Arnall 7 Issac R Hawkins 8 David A Nunn OHIO 1 Benj Eggleston 2 Sam’l F Cary 3 Robt C Schcnck 4 Wm Lawrence 5 Wm Mungen 6 Reader W Clarke 7 Bam’l Shallabargcr 8 C S Hamilton 9 Ralph P Bnckland 10 Jas M Ashley 11 John T Wilson 13 Philip Van Trump 13 Geo W Morgan 14 Martin Welker 15 Tobias A Plants 16 John A Bingham' 17 Ephraim R Eckley 18 Rufus P Spaulding 19 Jas A Garticld INDIANA 1 WmENiblack 2 Mtchacl C Kccr 3 Morton C Hunter 4 lira S Holman 5 Geo VV Julian 6 John Coburn 7 H D Washburn 8 Godlove S Orth ; 9 Schuyler Colfax 10 Wm Williams 11 John P C Shanks ILLINOIS At, Large, Jno A Logan I 1 Norman B Judd 2 John F Farnsworth 3 Elihu B Washburn | 4 Abner C Harding 5 Eben C Ingersoll ! 6 Burton C Cook ! 7 II P H Bromwell I 8 Shelby M Cullom 9 Lewis IV Ross 110 Albert G Burr II Sam'l S Marshall 12 Jehu Baker 1 13 Green B Raum MAINE 1 John Lynch 3 Sidney Pcrhuni ! 3 Jas G Blaine 4 John A Peters 5 -Frederick A Pike NEW IIAMrSIUH 1 Jacob H Ela 3 Aaron F Stevens 3 Jacob Benton VERMONT 1 Fred E Woodliridge 2 Luke P Poland 3 W C Smith MASSACHUSETTS 1 Thos D Eliot 3 Oakes Ames 3 Gincry Twitckcll 4 Sain’l Hooper 5 Bcnj F Burlcr 6 Nat P Banks 7 Geo S Boutwell 8 John D Baldwin 9 Wm B Washburne 1 (Henry L Dawes RHODE ISLAND 1 Thos A Jenckes 2 Nathan F Dixon CONNECTICUT l Rich'd D Hubbavd 3 Julius Hotchkiss 3 H n Starkweather 4 Wm II Bamnm NEW YORK 1 Stephen Taber 2 Dunas Da-ncs 3 Vjm E Robinson 4 John Fox 5 John Morrissey | 6 Thos E Stewart 7 John W Chanlcr 8 Jas Brooks 9 Fernando Wood 10 Wm H Robertson j 11 C 11 Van Wyck 12 John n Kctcham ! 13 Thos Cornell 14 John V L Pruyn 15 John A Grisswold j 10 Orange Ferris 17 Calvin T Hulbard i 18 Jas M Marvin 19 Win C Fields 20 Addison H Laflin 31 Alex II Bailey 22 John C Churchill 23 Dennis McCarthy 24 Thco M Pomeroy 25 Win H Kelsey 26 Wm S Lincoln 27 Hamilton Ward 28 Lewis Solve 29 Burt Van Horn 30 J M Humphreys 31 II Van Aernam MICHIGAN 1 Fernando C Beaman 3 Chas Upson 3 Austin Blair 4 Thos W Ferry 5 R E Trowbridge 0 John F Driggs WISCONSIN 1 Halbert C Paine 3 Benj F Hopkins 3 Amasa Cobb 4 Chas -1 Eldridge 5 Philetus Sawyer 6 C C Washburne MINNESOTA 1 Wm Windom 3 Ignatius Donnelly IOWA 1 James F Wilson 2 Hiram Price 3 Wm B Allison 4 Wm Loughbridgc 5 Grenville M Dodge C Isabel W Hubbard MISSOURI 1 Wm A Pile 3 Carman A Newcomb 3 Jas B McCormick 4 John J Gravelly i 5 Jos W McClurge C Robt T Van Horn 7 Benj F Loan ! S John F Benjamin 9 Geo W Anderson KANSAS ; 1 Sidney Clarke Nebraska 1 JohnTafle NEVADA 1 Delos R Ashley CALIFORNIA 1 Sam'l Axtell 3 Wm Higby 3 Jas A Johnson OREGON 1 Rufus Mallory DELEGATES ARIZONA » Coles Bashtord DAKOTA Walter A Burleigh IDAHO E D Iloldbrock MONTANA! ■las M Cavanaugh NEW MEXICO C P Clever (doubtful) UTAH Wm II Hooper WASHINGTON Alvin Flanders WTONING Jas'S Casement NEW JEKSEY 1 Wm Moore 2 Chas Haight 3 Chas Sitgrcavcs 4 John Hill 5 Geo A Halsey PENNSYLVANIA 1 Sam'l J Randall 3 Chas O’Neill 3 Lenard Myers 4 Wm D Kelley 5 Caleb N Taylor 6 Benj M Boyer 7 John M Bromall 8 J Lawrence Getz 9 Thaddeus Stevens 10 Henry L Cake 11 D M Van Auken 12 Geo IV Woodward \ 13 Ulysses Mcrcor 14 George F Miller 15 AilamJ Grossbi enner 10 Wm H Koontz 17 Dan’l J Morrill 18 Stephen S Wilson 19 Glenni W Schofieldj 20 Darwin A Finney 21 John Covodc 23 Jas K Moorchead i 23 Thos Williams 34 Geo V Lawrence DELAWARE 1 John A Nicholson MARYLAND 1 Hiram McCullough 3 Stephenson Archer 3 t'/ias E Phelps 4 Francis Thomas 5 Frederick Slone WEST VIRGINIA 1 Chester D Hubbard 3 Benj M Kitchen 3 Dan’l Polslcy KENTUCKY 1 Lawrence S Trimble 3 John Young Brown 3 J 8 S Gollady 4 J Proctor C KnOtl 5 Asa P Grover 6 Thos L Jones 7 Jas Blicek 8 Geo M Adams 9 John D Young RECAPITULATION Republicans 144 | Opposition (In Italics) 49 Meriden Cutlery Company# MANUFACTURERS OF SUPERIOR TABLE CUTLERY, OF PEARL, IVORY, HORN, BONE EBO NY, AND COCOA HANDLES. Also, Exclusive Manufacturers of the “GOODYEAR” Patent HARD RUBBER HANDLE. WHICH IS TnE Most Durable Handle Ever Known. It is loss expensive than Ivory. It always retains its polish when in use. It is warranted not to become loose in the handle. It is not atTectod by hot water. jST'For sale by all the principal dealers in Cutlery throughout the United States, and by the MERIDEN CUTLERY CO., selS-ly New York. Piano Fortes Tuned. TO MEET THE TIMES, I HAVE RE DUCED the charge for TUNING to THREE DOLLARS. Ordors loft at Mr. GEO. A. OATES* 240 Broad Street, or at my Shop, opposite the Post Ofiioe, promptly attended to. e |—|y* ROBERT A. HARPER Fish and Oysters, Game, poultry, VEGETABLES FAMILY GROCERIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, Always on hand and for sale low. CALL AND SEE ME. WM. HALE (Colored), Kills street, eul—tf Between Weshlngton me GEORGIA PRINTING CO’S Book and Job PRINTING OFFICE MO BROAD AM 151 ELLIS STREETS. THIS ESTABLISHMENT IS NOW rULLY 88PPLIBB WITH PRESSES, TYPE,. BORDERS ORNAMENTS, CUTS, EU., Etc., Bte., Ete. OF THE LATEST AND MOST IMPROVED STYLES! And is ready to exeeute every descrip tion ol BOOK Ai JOB PRINTING IN A FIRST CLASS MANNER AND ON REASONABLE TERMS BILLHEADS, CIRCULARS BRIEFS, CHECKS, POSTERS, LABELS, CARDS OF ALL STYLES AND SIZES PAMPHLETS, BILLS LADING, BLANKS OF ALL KINDS, WEDDING CARDS, VISITING CARDS BALL TICKETS, STEAMBOAT BILLS, DRAY RECEIPTS, BILLS OF FARE AUCTION BILLS,; HAND BILLS HEADINGS FOR BOOKS, PROGRAMMES, INVITATIONS DRAFTS AND NOTES, ETC., ETC., ETC., ETC. PRISITIIVG IN COLORS. :e: Headings printed and Books ruled and bound to order. Checks, Drafts, and Notes printed and bound to order. Merchants and others in want of JOB PRINTING of any kind, will find it greatly to their advantage to leave their orders at tho NATIONAL REPUBLICAN OFFICE 190 BROAD ft 153 ELLIB ST., Augusta, l«a. SPECIAL NOTICES. £9"* STARTLING, BUT TRUE! DR. J. MAGGIKL’S BALVK. This unrivalled Salve, received the endorsement of men of >ll sects and almost all nations, still holds its unparalleled sway over ail other skin medicines of the day. FRIGHTFUL BURNS AND FEARFUL SCALDS, are soothed and healed by the search ing power of DR. J. MAGGIEL’S SALVE. BAD CUTS, SALT RHEUM, SORE LEGS, PUSTULES, CHAPPED HANDS, MOSQUITO BITES, PAINS IN THE LOINS, PAINS IN THE CHEST, are almost instantly relieved. From hundreds of letters the following brief extracts are made —hear what is said. “Your salve to me is better than all Lini ments.” “Send me at once three boxes of Dr. Maggiel’s Salve, as the Druggist here is oat.” “Can you send me seven lbs. of Maggiel’s Salvo without the boxes f I will pay well for it.” *1 am a brakeman on the Macon (Ga.) Rail road. I tried your Salve after I had been badly hurt in the back. It took oat the soreness at once.” “Enclosed find $2. I had small pox and your salve rid me of all eruptions and left no trace or mark.” “I scalded my hand, Doctor, and by the ad vice of a friend, tried your Salve. It is bully. Enclosed find 50 cents for two boxes to keep around the house.” MAGGIEL’S SALVE is the cheapest Salve, it is the best Salve. IT CONTAINS BORE EXTRACTIVE MEDICINE THAN AXY OTHER SALVE OP THE DA Y. MAGGIEL’S PILLS should be used with tho Salve for serious Skin Diseases. 25 CENTS A POT OR BOX. All orders for tho United States must bo ad dressed to J. Haydock, No. 11 Tine street, New York. Patients can write freely about their com plaints, and a reply will be returned by tho fol lowing mail. Write for “ Maggiel’s Treatment of Disease.” COUNTERFEITS! COUNTERFEITS! All readers of this paper are warned not to pur chase MAGGIEL’S PILLS or SALVE, unless the name of J. Haydock, Proprietor, in addition to the name of D. J. Maggiel is on the engraved slip surrounding each box or not. 0ct2.1-eodlyd.fcw LIFE IN A PILL BOX EXTRAORDINARY EFFECTS FROM MAGGIEL’S ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS. ONE PILL IN A DOSE. ONE PILL IN A DOSE. ONE PILL IN A DOSE. What one hundred letters a day say from patients all over tho habitablo Globe : “ Dr. Maggiel, your pill has rid me of all biliousness.” “ No more noxious doses for mo in five or ten pills taken at a time. One of your pills cured the.” “ Thanks, Doctor. My headache has left me. Send another box to keep in the house.” “ After suffering tortures from Bilious Colic, two of your pills cured me, and I have no return of the malady.” “ Our doctors treated me for Chronic Consti pation, as they called it, and at last Baid I was incurable. Your Maggiel’s Pills cured me.” “ I had no appotito ; Maggicl’s Pills gave me a hearty one.” “ Your Pills are marvellous.” “ I send for another box, and keep them in the house.” “Dr. Maggiel has cured my headache that was chronic.” “ I gave half of one of your pills to my babe lor cholera morbus. The dear little thing got well in a day.” “ My nausoau of a morning is now cured.” “ Your box of Maggiel’s Salvo cured uie of noises in the head. I rubbed some of your Salvo behind my ears and the noise left.” “ Send me two boxes : I want one for a poor family.” “ I encloso a dollar; your price is twenty-five cents, but the medicine to me is worth a dollar.” “ Send me five boxes of your Pills.” “ Let me havo threo boxes of your Salve by return mail.” For all Diseases of the KIDNEYS, RETEN TION OF URINE, etc., Maggiel’s Pills aro a perfect cure. One dose will satisfy any one. FOR FEMALE DISEASES, NKRA r OUS PROSTRATION,. WEAKNESS, GENERAL LASSITUDE, WANT OF APPETITE, Mag giel’s Pills will be found an effectual remedy. MAGGIEL'S PILLS AND SALVE are almost universal in their effeots, and a cure oan be almost always guaranteed. EACH BOX CONTAINS TWELVE PILLS ONE PILL ISA DOSE. Sold by all respectable Dealers in Medicine throughout tho United States and Canadas, at 25 cents per box. COUNTERFEITS! COUNTERFEITS 1 All readers of this paper are warned no to purchase MAGGIEL’S PILLS or SALVE unless the name of J. Haydock, Proprietor, in addition to the name of Dr. J. Maggiel, is on the engraved slip surrounding each box or pot. J. 11. ZEILIN A CO., Macon, Ga. oct-231y<fcw < Agents for State of Georgia, GREENE COUNTY. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for tho Nortborn District of Georgia. Jin tho matter of ) oTth.wnni%f B |S [ IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. J Notice ia hereby given, once a week for three weeks, to all persons interested, that I, tho undersigned, of Maxey’s, Georgia, have been appointed Aseaignee ot the estate of WILLIAM 11. BKIMBERKY, who has beon adjudged a Bankrupt. J. 11. BRIGIITWELL, fe27—lawSw Assignee. DECATUR COUNTY IN. THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the Sonthern District of Georgia. In the matter of ) JOHN T. WIMBERLY, UN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. ) TO WHOM IT MAT CONCERN. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assigneo of JOHN T. WIM BERLY, of Bainbridge, in the county of Deca tur and State of Georgia, within laid District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon bfa own petition by the District Court of said District. Dated, I’ainbridgc, the 28th day of February, A. D., 1868. WM. 11. CRAWFORD, mhl—law3w Assignee, ete. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for tho Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of 1 BENJAMIN F. BYRD, I T. A. SWEARINGER, J. S. MONTGOMERY, | JAMES J. DAVIES, j-IN BANKRUPTCY. THOS. E. J. COWART, SAM’L L. TYSON, D. RICHARDSON, GEO. W, LEWIS, TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. The undersigned hereby gives notice of hie appointment as Assignee of BENJ. F. BYRD, THOMAS A. SWEARINGER, THOMAS E. J. COWART, SAMUEL L. TYSON, DECATUR RICHARDSON, and GEORGE W. LEWIS, of Bainbridge, in the county of Decatnr and State of Georgia, aud of JAMES J. DAVIS and JOHN S. MONTGOMERY, of Baker county, and State of Georgia, within said District, who havo been adjudged Bankrupts upon their own petition by tho District Court of said District. Dated, Bainbridge, the 28th day of February, A. D., 1868. H. M. BEACH, mhl—iaw3w Assignee, etc. Warren Comity. Letters of Administration. STATE OF GEORGIA— • lVarren County. WftEREAS, it has been made known to mo that the estate of Peterson Heath is unrepresented, These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular tho kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said Letters of Administra tion should not bo granted to tho Clerk of the Superior Court of said county. Given under my hand at office in Warrenton, 29th day of January, 1868. febl3—lw4w H. R. CODY, Ordinary. NOTICE. SIXTY DAYS AFTER DATE APPLICATION will ho made to the Court of Ordinary of Warren Couniy, for leave to sell the real estate of Mrs. Hannah Sponcc, deceased. January 29, 1868. J. R. SPENCE, febl3—6od Administrator. Letters of Dismission. STATE OF GEORGIA— Warrcu Couuty. Whereas, James Hall applies to me for Let ters Dismissory from the estate of Joshua Geesling, deceased— Theso arc therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature December Ist, 1867. H. R. CODY, deß—lam 6 in Ordinary. MORGAN COUNTY. IN BANKRUPTCY. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE 1. United States for tho Northern District of Georgia. In the matter of ) JONII W. .WOOD, | of the county of Morgan, )IN BANKRUPTCY', who has been adjudged | a Bankrupt. J This is to give notice, onco a week for three weeks, to all persons interested, that I, the un dersigned, of the town of Rutledge, and county of Morgan, have teen appointed Assignee of the Bankrupt in the above stated case. JOHN F. JACKSON, feb22—law3w Assignee. I~N THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the Northern District of Georgia, In the matter of ) ei.i.tah itnsWF.l.l,. 1.. of Morgan county, who )■ IN BANKRUPTCY.' has been adjudged a | Bankrupt. j To all whom it may Concern : The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as As signee of Elijah Boswell, of Morgan county, and State ot Georgia, within said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said District. ALBERT M. THRASHER, Madison, Feb. 15, IS6B. Assignee. febi9-law.3w HOUSTON COUNTY- Assignee’s Notice of Appointment. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the Southern District of Georgia. In tho matter of ) JOSEPH PALMER, >IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. J TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of Joseph Palmer, of Perry, in the county of Houston and Stato of Georgia, within said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said District. J. A. IIOLTZCLAW, Assignee, etc. Datod at Perry, Ga., Feb. 15tb, 186S. fo2s—law3w rpo ALL WHOM IT MAY J- The undersigned hereby gives notice of bis appointment as Assigneo of GEORGE W. STURGES, Fort Valley, Hous ton, co., Ga. JAMES R. JAMES, Perry, Houston co., Ga. JOHN NELSON, Perry, Houston co., Ga. THOMAS J. BASKIN, Perry, Houston co., Ga. GEORGE M. TOWNSLEY, Perry, Houston co., Ga. ISAAC T. GILMORE, Henderson, Houston co., Ga. Within the Southern District of Georgia, each one of whom has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said District. J. A. HOLTZCLAW, Assignee, etc. Dated, Perry, Ga., 15th of Feb., IS6S. fo2s—law3w Spalding County. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for tho Northern District of Georgia. MATTHEW lL^ COUCH, l IX BAXK fJ IPTCY - Bankrupt. J No ’ 1 * Tho said Bankrupt having petitioned tho Court for a dischargo from all his debts, prova ble under the Bankrupt Act of March 2, 1567, notice is hereby given to all persons interested, to appear on the 14th day of March, IS6S, at 10 o’clock in tho foronoon, at Chambers of the said District Court, before A. G. Murray, Esq., one of the Registers of the said Court in Bank ruptcy, at the Register’s Offico in Griffin, and show oause why the prayer of tho said petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted. And further notice is hereby given that the second and third mootings of creditors will be held at the same time and place. ,—'—, Witness tho Uonorablo John •f , 1 Erskine, Judge of the said District l J Court, and the seal thereof, this ’ —. —’ 22d dav of February, IS6B. W. B. SMITH, fe24—w2w Clerk. tN THE DISTRICT COURT OF~THS A United States for the Northern Distriot of Georgia. WM. D M th *KENDRICK, l IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. j No ’ I# ’ The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a dischargo from all his debts prova ble under tho Bankrupt Act of March 2, 1867, notioe is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the I4th day of March, ISBB, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon, at Chambers of the said District Court, before A. G. Murray, Esq., one of the Registers of tho said Court in Bank ruptcy, at tho Register’s Office in Griffin, and show causo why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not he granted. . Witness tho Honorable John f gKA , i Erskine, Judgo of the said Distriot I ’ j Court, and the seal thereof, this 25th ' —• —’ day of February, 1865.‘ W. 11. SMITH, fe27—w2w Clerk. Richmond Letten of Adtn jniitraGsT"* OTATE OF GEORGIA— To all whom it may fq ton having, in proper form, permanent Utters of AdmiouW? ** •» estate of Edward F. Kinchiey « county— st Thia is to cite all and singular n. and next of kin of Edward and appear at my office within the by law, and allow cause, if » ny ,l~** and permanent Administration should rHi** to George T. Jackson on Ed ward Tift estate. Witness my band and official nary 31st, 1868. LAFAYETTE McLi*. M ~*°* Letters of Dismission ' gTATK OF GEORGIA- Whereas, Solomon L. B tor de bonis non of tbo estate „# ii*® Bassford, deceased, applies to me A* Dismission— ' These are therefore to cite and tin*. and singular tho kindred and credo* deceased, to be and ,ppe 8r at before the first Monday in June net?*!' cause, if any they have, why Baid h not bo granted. Given under my hand and offieisl *_ this the 9tn day of December. 1857. delO-lawtd* JAC -4*l Letters of Dismission? ' gTATE OF GEORG IA- Whebeas, Mordccai of the estate of James KennvUU late of said county, applies tome fori of Dismission: mri* These are, therefore,to cite and " and singular the kindred and credifi»os deceased, to be and appear at mvoflwl before the first Monday i n show cause, if any they have. »ul letters should not be Give under my hand and official .J this, the 4thday of December, 1867. dcT-diwtd* JACOB R. DAvJ Letters of Dismisiion | STATE OF GEORGIA— I Richmond tbofcl Whereas, Frank 11. Miller, W. Miller, deceased, applies to me f M of Dismission : I These are, therefore, to cite and idamJ and singular, the kindred and deceased, to bo and appear at my ofi.J before the first Monday in May cause, if any they have, why saidhettm J not be granted. ■ Given under my hand and offitul at office in Augusta, this 7th dir 1367. DAVID LSfllJ octS—w6m Letters of DismissiM?* STATE OF GEORGIA— 8 Richmui fkwafl Whereas, Mary Ann Turpii, ijjgß Turpin and Jesse M. Turpin, Eientjiß William If. Turpin, decease 1, ajflj agß Letters of Dismission: I These arc, therefore, to cite atiidanyH and singular, tho kindred anu enditonTH deceased, to be and appear at Ejosa,iß before the first Monday in Maystiitaß cause, if any they have, why s uiLitteadifl not be granted. H Given under my hand and at office in Augusta, this 7th dij if Oafl 1867. DAVID oct 3—w6m Letters of Dismission ■ STATE OF GEORGIA— ■ RichmsU Oijfl Whereas, John McAdam, AdaoxolaH the estate of James Conlon, icreiad.iwliH me for Letters of Dismission: H These are, therefore, to cite andidanalH andi singular, the kindred deceased, to be and appear at cjg&tifl before the first Monday in May nat, >1 cause, if any they have, why said humdH not be granted. H Given under my hand and official icaH at office in August:!, this 7th dn «f OdH 1867. DAVID kIOiUH octS—w6m Ordinal GREEN COTOTT. M I N THE DISTRICT COURT OFTHMiDB 1 States for the Northern I»i=trietof In the matter of | H WILLIAM O. CHENEY, 1 ■ of the county of Greene, 1 who has teen adjudged a | ‘ Bankrupt upon his own [ petition. IH Notice is hereby given, once a wee!;-, to all persons intcrc.'l.i, designed, of the town of Greene, have been appointed tate of William 0. Cheney, whs in judged a Bankrupt. JM JOHN. G. febl9-law3w _ Oglethorpe County. B Letters of Dismiia* I* t!TATE OF GEORGIA— O Ojitlhiijri* Whereas, Elizabeth Jewel asd Swi* administrators on the estate late of said county, deceased, app!ia‘‘ , Letters of Dismission from sail Theso are, therefore, to cia all and singular tho kindred and said deceased, to bo and appear 6 within the timo prescribed by if any they have, why said sion should not bo granted. , J Given under my hand an 1 ofioil this loth day of November, 1567. E. C. SHACKfIWJgB no!9—lam6m Letters of Dismiss®' STATE OF GEORGIA- . M ffcbfeflM fcfhcreas, Wm. W. Davenpett, Robert it. and A. 11. 8. Glcno, Glenn, deceased, applies to ac ® dismission from said These are therefore to cite eoi and singular, tho kindred and minors, to be and appear at is? tho time prescribed by law. any thoy have, why said i tiers should not he granted. ~ Given under my hand ar.4 e** this lj'.h day of November. E. C. JIUCSwjSM novl9—lamfirn Letters of Dismiss®’ ■ STATE OF GEORGIA- Onlethoijs Ug*, William M. I sne ' on tho estate of Harrison county, deceased, applies to m* Dismission from said adminisW* 1 , These aro, therefore, to cits all and singular, the kindred said dcccasod, to he and spP™ within tho time prescribed bf cause, if any they have, why B not be granted. . ‘Given under my hand ando this 12th day of December. dolt—lam6iu Wilkes Counjf^H Letters of ■ gTATE OF GEORGIA- Wberbas, John C. Fanninf. for Letters of Dismission as flfl Orr, deceased— B These are to cite alt persoM" and appear at my office ;, ur scribed by law, to show eaus«; why said Letters of Dismiss* snm,cd - roylaxdb*™ Dec. 21st, 1867. B de22—laiuPm --^^B Chatham county M SOUTHERN DISTRICT Ot jHj At Savannah, this -D* *' ■SB A. D., IS«S. -rti »(jBl The undersigned hereby appointment as Assignee ot " , kl * Savannah, in the county of of Georgia, within said adjudged a Bankrupt u r°” . , JMI tho District Court ot said Di. PETEK '• 'YjB M f#2s—law3w 58