The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, March 11, 1868, Image 3
' pialUc)JUbliain City Paper. CITY ( IftCUUTION. v . c+ A.. i ' MORNING March 11, IK«' *4-&vßti»se of Thermometer. IliliiH v . : mi Kennian "* >• «. HB March 10. ISOS. Mm tjc I 75° I n° | 70' Almanac for March 1868 HHHkdnksday, march 11. aSHEn^E. HM MOON'S PHASES. fiagfl^Mrter--March Ist, 11.40, eveuin,-- Sth, 3.1!. «venin/r. ■HH^Ker-March 15th. 10.20. evoiiiu^. March 21th. 1.51, moraine. finS|^Et*r-- March 31st, 7.17 tncrniti^. HHHks a time in the hi>t»ry of new 7«tC 4#«rP' • o:.r.v. ■HMsm seem-.l l > ’ -piv.i I it had t . e.iiney the space . l' paper, flic la! ..r a great deal nut of a very ■■■ very frequently to try t > make ■■■Bout of just nothing at all. The newspapers could command such a system has gone hy. HH are too bu.-ily engagid iu the of life, and time with HB|M preei-'u- to all "v them t- w.i-te Hpfißng through a winde e .lumti the ■HH faot' which may ! e. an I -ImuM into a small paragraph. H journal that puts its news in V'.* and a.ce.-«t'. is ;^y»eatcst .fsSo-e which are of the highest Slfe&Bfc advertiser-. ’ ,i;o ihev : am ’•*« Often being m,'r.'h glanced at is 'jfiA tofowu m. Tie ~ jgtoo, that are road by SdA^kyi'A , Bpe, ;o i, 1 / - B tin S' *** f-e'K'cir. !•• ',«h.,ul ! -a-.efuliy - . mm® «rpSu i . *.*' s, K|,t\ •• iOt, *y» «w *■ pay a lit;- ..ft »•-*&s ill the S'roe! Brigade SSV s* f' IBvc his mime as George #fe«*«lw*4'w Kvltr. i-~ 'W 1 ' • • WmtMn’xes-. » IjKpe an; arm :lv. w • • - yesterday, fur a breach Br. 0*|»; r 'Bto the amuant o! ten do!- oHlm! advi-ed to return to -f .re he alleged he be w 're taken in the E; ise - Diocesan Missions. The V-be the third Sunday in HBb.Vic. *4.. ■fe.-tnid-L.-U'. Snnd.v: MfrAnu mn ; an! tlm ~“ 'r, - Hdel .noiitlil}-. and usefulness. Its p it wore than the price : a. h the admiral.''- ■illu-t.a;: .■ . m ■ r. . ?*.4 A the country. We ■HH tS»d-:h Imu! the "lbia.- chold " and IjpStM n > twly feminine departments, gjfrgtSl IU *• wwfckecpers think everythin.' lit:idtg&i'fcm ■BHo know that the reading ■Bjftp It SWtil and ll'nexei pt. n.d c. and it is as welcome a visitant hHm# W ’Hi in the parlor or family BmE, per par. with a hat, !- flßSSßjSft&t'B Send for a . ireular.— W. wS&oz~f-\- is 1. 171! Droadway, N. Y. i.s, />■-- ff liaine of the ms of the •wsSfeM* is ‘'h-gion,” is attested ' '! HBicnee- tlm- i.ighliy convene y, , an out of tin: way badly ar Big as " Concert Hall"- tin.- fdft <iJll||ft3ltjß corps >i a t : In.-, ma I*. thu- bar: Mr-, and ' SZf&'.Z ■ Hniv mg He th ■t. and Charleston. Hi- S Hptn oh: M Be and spirit. Acliools. KB is, without doubt, one of HHB,rt int men-arc O'c-t fio:i:lit for their consideration. which requir. s the hi m lost . Blclcrot. o-,..0 !P . : .'re:'- ' ■MB ail narrow s-otugui or p.utv \4r :s the mo l. lit, -r il >ip i * BBb&jififcV- yPlbe State can atford. II •h-i.: Bsjßbjfv , '.'B iuiljcct of outlay into which BgSSnsHc'MH! niford ii i ii' -t id,- rally - lion.- whit h earn justify the large l anded do t. :t 11 in Hblilic schotds 111 the ing'm■-■! ati w!v> I||:,V 'i'i ,; y : employing' -m ii -killed and H -' and a:.g n, be a reality and n ■’ a is 'leu*: nr lull umlcmi', this ■HSjgffigtf-y ti I■!: I"::; HO* 1,0 I, *■ gl*■*■ t<■* I , •'• (in !.1 fnr. ' 1 1*■ ri, BBfIHHHKBHof wimi i. i.**• n•.■ r*»r i>* •.. y" ~ -_n of cultured minds, with the iivciiui.-i t I industry winch B* ;<'■ ■'’■jjltli. • i C / sS- •i*- <t* :ic. Tin- ml *lit i• * i i!il §» ; ' jßpl'n f*ii v* '1 li *mi tin: ciurU of 3'■ H|«, s !!.* ; jHpmol •WMM Lwt Sunday, our fellow-aitiieus of tho Mosaic persuasion celebrated “Purim," or the “Festival of Either.” This is the last of the fsasta or holiday of tho Jewish year, coming one month only, as ft does, before Passover, the first festival in the new year. Os the origia of Purim it is needless to speak here, os every one of our readers are doubtless familiar with the beautiful atory of Esther, as contained in the eacred volume. There is more of merriment and hilarious rejoicing than of sanctity about this holiday. It is the Jewish saturnalia, perhaps because nearly coincident in the season ot the year with the great aud Roman popular holiday, and also with the carnival of Roman Catho lic countries. murder in Charleston. Hvgbey Teague, a poor blitid'and bed ridden man, at his residence in Calhoun street, Charleston, was murdered on Satur day last by Peter Murphy, who is supposed to have been laboring under an attack of aianiaa-potu, or temporarily insane from some other cause. <♦> Don’t Ad vert ice. Don’t advertise j it is a very bad plan. It will call attention to your place of business, and it is much better for people who wish to trade with you to hunt you up. It gives your customers exercise, and ijiakes them healthy. Besides, if you advertise, some body will buy up all your goods, and then you will have to get more, and it will be a great bother to you. Good Husbands. The President of the Montreal Typographi cal Union said in a speech at the anniver sary of that society, the other day, that Sprinters form most obedient, indulgent and loving husbands.” This gratifying and touching tribute to the domestic virtues of the printer struck a chord in many tender hearts, and the type of men thus praised will be set up in the word’s estimation hence forth. Let it be registered. Spring U Coming! The indications are unmistakable. The crocus, as white as the snow, is waking from slumber; fairy fingers are unfolding the green moss on the marge of the rill, and spiiming the tendrils of quickening vines ; the gold-colored cowslips, tho purple-painted pansies, the chalice-shaped columbine, the white-weaved lilies, the dawn-tinged May flower, and the pure light of the daisy-stars, green for the lawn, and the wild breath of summer, blowing over the sea, all hail the advent of waited for Spring, 0, south wind, come blowing and melting tho rime. For now is the snow-drop’s and crocus’ time ; Bring rain from tho vales, and, from radiant shore, Bring once more the blue bird to sing at my door. A Sad Story. There is a child of three years of age living in Nashville who is the sole survivor of a family of nine, who were all alive and well two years and a half ago. The mother and three children died of cholera when the scourge was so fatal in Nashville in i860; two sons were drowned during the fearful storm which wrecked the “Snowdrop” off Point au Barque, in Lake Huron, October, 1867 : a married daughter died of yellow fever in New Orleans last year, and the father a few months ago in Georgia, where he had gone on business. Providence, whose ways are sometimes very mysterious, has left that little waif alone on the sea of life. Simple Remedy for Burns. Nothing on the face of the earth equals cool water as a remedy for burns. No ap plication with which we are acquainted gives such immediate relief. The burned portion of the body should be soaked for a number of hours in the fluid. We have known per sons whose hands have been severely burn ed, to place them in a basin of water at the side of the bed, and going to sleep, allowing the hands to remain therein all night. Iu the morning they were entirely cured. Our experience with other agents, as turpentine, oil and poultices, have been unsatisfactory —the remedies only serving to increase the pain. Good Move. A proposition is before Congress to call in the notes under twenty-five cents, and the small coins now in circulation, and sub stitute for the whole of them a uniform coin age of one, three, five, and ten cent token coins of the same material and relative weight as the present five cent nickle coin. It is proposed that this coinage shall be upon the basis of one gram in weight for each cent of represented or nominal value ; the one, three, five, and ten cent coins to be one, three, five, and ten grams in weight, respectively. Or, if the French gram is not an acceptable standard in weight, that the troy grain shall be substituted, in which case it is proposed that the weights shall be ten grains to each cent of nominal value, raak ing the three cent coin thirty grains, the five cent coin fifty grains, and the ten cent coin one hundred grains. [Advertisement.] Itbeumutiam Cured by magnetism ! Augusta Hotel, March 6th, 1868. This certifies that I have been a great sufferer with Rheumatism for five years, my left ankle being much swollen, very stiff and painful. I was treated twice, only, by Dr. llomtaTS, at the Augusta Hotel, Feb. 18th and 20th, 1868, and now have not one symptom of Rheumatism or pain in my body. All the medicine 1 had taken seemed to mako me worse, and I never had any relief until treated magnetically. People may laugh —but I have no more Rheumatic pains—that's so. I work in Augusta Hotel. (Signed) Nancy Mason. mhß—6 AUGUSTA MARKETS. . Tuesday, March 10—P. M. FINANCIAL—GoId is buying at 1.41, and selling at 1.43. Silver, buying, 1.33 ; selling* 1.38. Georgia Railroad Stock is quoted at 72—ex cellent demand. Augusta Factory Stock soiling at 1.40. There is a good inquiry for Augusta City Bonds—old, 58 to 00; new, 65. In fact, all good Southern securities are sought after. COTTON—Very little doing—rather woak. Transactions too limited, almost, for figures ; we quote New York Middlings 240. GRAIN and BACON remain as before. From Atlanta. Ah-ahta, March 10.—Ben Ilill spoke to day to an audience of over two thousand persons. He bitterly opposed ratification, and denounced tho Oouventiou. Thcro was much enthusiasm. To night there is to boa great demon stration at the City Hall, at which it is reported that tho Bullock and Farrow fac tions will unite on Bullock for Governor. Congressional. Washington, March 10. —House : The Reconstruction Committee reported the following: “ WHKbEAS, The people of Alabama, in pursuance of the provisions of nn Act of Congress, entitled, ‘An Act for the more effioient government of tho Rebel States,’ passed March 2d, 18G7, and the acts supplementary thcroto, have framed a Con stitution of State government which is Republican in form ; and “ Whereas, at an eloction held commenc. ing on the 4th of February, 1868, a large majority of the legal voters of said State voting at said election voted for tho adoption of said Constitution ; therefore, “Be it enacted, etc., That the said State of Alabama shall be recognized aud admitted as one of the States of these United States of America, and shall be entitled to repre sentation in Congress as soon as tho Legis lature ot sail State, the members of which were elected at the election mentioned in the preamble to this act, shall have duly ratified the amendment to the Constitution of the United States, proposed by the 39th Congress, and known as Article 14, Section 2d. “ And be it further enacted, That said State of Alabama shall be recognized, and be admitted into the Union upon the following conditions, to wit: ‘That the right of suffrage of citizens of the United States shall never be denied or abridged in said State, on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude, and Congress shall have tho power to repeal any act of said State Legislature in violation or in deroga tion of the provisions of this Act.’ ” Ordered printed, and made the special order for to morrow. A bill replacing clothing destroyed to prevent contagion—passed. It goes to the President, A bill selling lands in bouth Carolina islands—passed. It confirms Lincoln’s in structions to tax collectors in 1863. Per sons who acquired claims under Sherman’s order of 1865 must obtain warrants before May Ist, 1868. Latld to be sold in small lots at nominal prices to negro residents and heads of families. The Committee on Freedmer.’s Affairs introduced a bill continuing the Freedmen’s Bureau one year, aud authorizing the Secre tary to reestablish it. where discontinued. The bill repealing the tax on manufac tures was resumed. It involves a decrease of $60,000,000 in the revenue. It goes into effect on the Ist of April, and exempts everything hut spirits, liquors, oil, gas, of certain kinds, wine, and tobacco. Passed 122 to 2. Schenck stated that the Committee favored the continuance of two dollars on whiskey. A communication from Grant, relating to the New Orleans removals, was referred to the Reconstruction Committee. Adjourned. The Senate passed a resolution admitting to the galleries by tickets dicing the trial. The consular appropriation bill passed. Adjourned. From Washington. Washixgtox, March 10.—Several dis patches from Concord, from Radical and Democratic sources, indicate that the Radicals have carried tho State by about three thousand. Wo have no figures yet— 8£ p. m. Full Cabinet meoting to day, including Thomas as Secretary of War. The President has ordered Grant to send no communications through Stanton. Revenue to day, $229,000. The Revenue agent at Huntsville writes to the department that there are fifty illicit distilleries in that district. Samuel Strong was arrested on a requisi tion from the Governor of Virginia as • fugitive from justice. He was brought be fore Judge Fisher, on a writ of habeas corpus. After a short discussion, Judge Fisher decided to release the prisoner on two grounds. First, because Virginia is not a State in the Union ; that the proc lamation of the President, and more par ticularly Congress, by its legislation, have expressly refused to recognize Virginia and the other Southern States as forming the States of the Union ; that the requisition of Governor Pierpont can not he recognized under the act of Congress providing for the rendition of fugitives from justice as an act of Executive authority of a State of the United States. Second, that there is no afhdavit with the requisition showing that Strong is actually a fugitive from justice. Louisiana. New Orleans, March 10.—Yesterday the Convention adopted a resolution that a copy of the Constitution be sent to the President, General of the Army, each member of Con gress. A Committee of three was appointed to wait on Gen. Hancock to inform him that the Constitution was ready to be submitted to the people. It is reported that General Hancock ex pressed some doubt whether under the Re construction law election of officers could be held at the same time of ratification or rejection as the Consitution determined, but he would telegraph to Washington for in structions, and unless otherwise instructed, ho would issue_ an order for ratification or rejection to the Constitation. . A motion of adjournment was adopted—it provides if the Constitution be ratified the Convention stands adjourned sine die. Election, Concord, 6 p. m.—Twenty sevon towns give Harrinran 6,680 and Sinclair 6,487 Democratic gain 124. Markets—By Telegraph. Financial. - NEW YORK, March 10, AW-Oeld 1.40. Sterling 9J. ’62 coupons 10j. Mississippi’.! 87J. TeuneMM ei coupons 67; new 641. Vir ginia's 53f. u NEW YORK, March 10, A-cmin,.—Hold, 138*. Old Bonds, 10. North Carolina o's, 65j. Ster ling, «J. NEW ORLEANS, March 10.—Gold 1.401*141. Sterling 61*34. New York sight i*) discount. LONDON, Msrch 10, Evening. Securities unchanged. FRANKFORT, March 10—Bonds 761*75*. ' s Produce and Ollier market*. LIVERPOOL, Maroh 10, Evening. —Cotton firmer—Uplands on the spot and afloat, 10**10*. NEW YORK, March 10, Noon.— Cotton quiet and drooping, at 25*26*. Flour dull and unchanged, Wheat very firm. Corn 2*3c. lower. Rye quiet. Oats dull and declining. Mess Pork $24.60a24.62*. Lard quiet. Freights dull. Turpentine dull and easier, at 72*a73. Rosin, common, $3.30; strain ed, $3.35a3.40. NEW YORK, March 10, Evening. —Cotton less active and a shade lower, closing steady under favorable Liverpool advices. Satss, 2,100 bales, at 25n25*c. Flour aud Wheat unchanged. Corn, 3a4c lower—Western mixed, $1.20a1.280; Southern white, $1.24a1.25. Moss Pork, $24.62*. Lard dull, 14*al6c. Groceries quiet. Turpentine, 73*a74c. Freights dull. BALTIMORE, March 10.—Cotton steady at 25c. Flour firm and active—Superfine $!).50all.00; Extra sllal2. Corn higher—white $1.15; yel low $1.20. Wheat firm—red $2.75*2.80; white $2.75*3.00. Rye 80. Oats 80aS2. Provisions unchanged- MOBILE, March 10.—Cotton market quiet and firm. Sales 1,200 halos; receipts 441 bales. Middlings 24. NEW ORLEANS, March 10.—Cotton quiet; Middlings 25c. Sales 4,500 bales. Receipts 2,805 halos. Exports 14,222 bales. Sugar and Molasses quiet and unchanged. CHARLESTON, March 10.—Cotton inactive, at *alc lower. Sales 250 bales. Middling 25a 25*. Receipts 807 bales. SAVANNAH, March 10.—Cotton nominal, declined lo; Sales 300 bales; Middlings 25c ; Receipts 2,58 bales. WILMINGTON, March 10—Cotton—Mid dlings 23*c. Spirits Turpentine nominal at 07c. Rosin —lower grads in good demand. Strained and No. 2, $2.40c. No. 1, $3.60. Tar steady, at $2.30c. Marine News. WILMINGTON, March 10.—Arrived : Mary Sanford, from New York. Cleared : W. P. Clyde. SAVANNAH, March 10.—Arrived; Bark Jenny Young from Antwerp; Steamer Port An Pierce from Boston; San Salvador from New York. Cleared: Bark Ellon for Montevedio; Bark Sharpsburg for Liverpool. CHARLESTON, March 10.—-Arrived: Steam er Saragossa, Now York. Sailed : Schooner Hartatene, Havre; W. S. Doughtea, New York; C. Montgomery, New York. [Advertisement.] Great Triumph of Animal magnetism in Augusta. Augusta, Ga., Feb. 29, 1868. This is to certify that I have been treat, ed hy Prof. Roberts for a dropsical tumor in the left side, with which I have been afflicted for the last seven years, and am confident that 1 am entirely cured, not having experienced any of the unpleasant symptoms which I did before the treat ment, and this by animal magnetism. Martha A. Gordon. I am cognizant of all the tacts contained in the above statement, the lady having bee i a member of my family for a number of years. Andrew G. LaTeste. Prof. Roberts will continue to heal the sick, at the Augusta Hotel, until March 25th, 1868. mhs—6t [Advertisement.] Nervous Debility, Physical and Nervous Prostration, tho result of over work, ex cessive mental application, or of lapses. Involuntary Discharges, Seminal Weak ness, or Imprudence or Excesses, find in Humphrey’s Homoeopathic Specific Num ber Twenty eight a prompt and reliable cure. The feeling of languor, depression, despondency and debility is relieved a once, and a cure only a question of time A simple medicated sugar pill, it is the most perfect of remedies. Price $1 per bov ; six boxes and vial of powder for $5. Sent by mail to any address on receipt of the price. Address Humphrey’s Specific Homoeopathic Medicine Cos., 562 Broad way, N. Y. [Advertisement.] Country Itlerclmiits, In making their purchases, will do well to call first on Mrs. Pughe, 190 Broad street, who is selling out her entire stuck cheap. ts [ Advertisement.] Notice. Persons desirous of being relieved of political disabilities, can have their names presented to the Committee by addressing me, at Atlanta, Ga. B. Conley, Com. for Sth Congressional Dist. February 10,\868. ts [Advertisement.] Goods at a Sacrifice. The purchasers of dry goods should not fail to take advantage of the opportunity offered, at 190 Broad street. Thestock of seasonable goods is being sold at a sacrifice as the room is required for other purposes [Advertisement.] Code of Georgia. A copy of the New Code of Georgia neatly bound iu full Law sheep, and inter eaved, can be bad at this office. ts Wilkes County. Letters of Dismission. STATE OF GEORGIA— Wilkes County. Whereas, John C. Fanning, applies to me for Letters of Dismission as Exccutorof B. J. Orr, deceased— These are to cite all persons concerned to be and appear at my office within the time pre scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters of Dismission should not be granted. ROYLAND BEASLEY, Dec. 215t,,1867. Ordinary. de22—iam6m GREEN COUNTY. IN TItE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for ihc Northern District of Georgia. In the matter of ] WM. 11. BKIMBEURY, ! BANKRUPTCY of the county of Greeno, f lIJI B “iuiunu. Bankrupt. J Notice is hereby given, once a woek for three weeks, to all persons interested, that I, the undersigned, of Maxey’s, Georgia, have been appointed Asssignee of the estate of WILLIAM 11. BRIMBERRY, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt. J. H. BRIGHT WELL, fe27—law3w__ * Assignee. ~ SCREVEN HOUSE, , gAVANNAII, GEORGIA, TUIS FIRST CLASS HOTEL Having boon renovated and newly furnishod, is now open for tho roception of the travelling public. GEO. McGINLY, Proprietor. mil 1 6—ts Bookbinding ruling BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY and all kinds of ROOK AND JOB PRINTING AT THIS OFFICE. Auction Sales. A8 SIGN EE 8 SALE ONW.°.0 N W.°.? D ,r Y ; TH , E . ,#T " DAY OF MARCH, SutlM L*** 1 h . ou 7, of *»'*. Ward’. Statloß, Randolph county, Gaorgia, I will off.r the following property, to*wit: Jf'ire thousand (5,000) busheia Cotton Seed more or lou, and niaelT-three (93) bale* Cotton! in good order. Said property sold as the nroD erty of SAMPSON D. BRIDGMAN, Bankrupt for the benefit of hi. creditor., COLUMBUS 0. BROOKS, mbfi-td Anignee, U. S. Marshal’s Sale. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT of fieri facias issued out of the Honorable the Fifth Circuit Court of the United States for the Southern District oi Georgia, in favor of the the following case, to-wit: Woodgate l Cos. vs. John L. Edmondson, surviving partner, etc. I have levied upon as the property pf said defendant, all that lot or parcel of land, together with all the improvements thereon, situate, lying and being in the City of Macon, County of Bibb, and State of Georgia, and known and distinguished in the plan of said City os Lot No. 5, iu Square 72, lying on the southwest side of Cotton Avenue, and fronting on Pine street, containing one half acre, more or less, including the 12 feet on Pine street deeded by the City of Macon to John Hol lingsworth, dated 22d October, 1863, with the understood privilflge therein contained, and will sell the same at public auctiou at the Court House in the City of Macon, County of Bibb, and State of Georgia, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN APRIL NEXT, between the lawful hours of sale. Dated Savannah, March 7, 1868. WSI. G. DICKSON, mbß—3od U. S. Marshal. U. S. Marshal’s Sale. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT of fieri faciat, issued out of tho Honorable the Fifth Circuit Court of tho United States for tho Southern District of Georgia, in favor of the plaintiff, in the following case, to wit: George M. Branner vs. Mary J. McLendon, adminis tratrix of James A. McLendon, deceased, I have levied upon, as the property of the said defend ant, one Lot of Land, together with all the im provements thereon, situate, lying and being in the city of Thomasville, oounty of Thomas, and State of Georgia, and known and distinguished in the plan of said city as lot number 8, in square I, and lying on the corner of Broad and Moore streets; improvements consisting of dwelling house, etc. Also, one Lot ot Land, to gether with all improvements thereon, consisting of livery stable, etc., situate in the city of Thomasville, county and State aforesaid, and known and distinguished in the plan of said city as Lot number 1, square A, lying on Broad, corner of Jefferson street; and will sell the same at public auction, at the Courthouse in the city of Macon, county of Bibb, and State of Georgia, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN APRIL next, between the lawful hours of sale. Dated Savannah, March 7, 1868. WM. G. DICKSON, mhS—3od U. S. Marshal. U. S. Marshal’s Sale. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT of fieri facias, issued out of the Honorable the Fifth Circuit Court of the United States for the Southern .District of Georgia, in favor of the plaintiff, in the following case, to wit: Bem heimer & Brother? vs. Jesse H. Griffin and Wm. E. Griffin, I have levied upon, as tho property of Jesse H. Griffin, one of the defendants, one Lot of Land, situate, lying and being in tho Sth District of originally Appling, now Ware county, Georgia, and known and distinguished in the plan of said district and county as lot number 552, and containing 440 acres, more or less ; and will sell tbo same at public auction, at the Court house in the city of Savannah, Chatham county, Ga., on the FIRST TUESDAY IN APRIL next, between the lawful hours of sale. Dated Savannah, Ga., March 7th, 1868. WILLIAM G. DICKSON, ml B—3od U. S. Marshal. U. S. Marshal’s Sale. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF fieri facias, issued out of the Honorable the Fifth Circuit Court of the United States, for the Southern District of Georgia, in favor of the plaintiff, in the following case, to-wit: William Graydon <fc Cos. vs. Archibald M. Bruce. I havo levied upon, as the property of the defendant, One Lot of Land, containing 202* acres, more or less, together with all the improvements thereon, situate in tho 28th District, of Sumter county, Georgia, and known in plan of said District and County as Lot No. 3C5-. Also, one half of City Lot, on North side of Lamar street, city of Americus, Georgia, with all improvements thereon. Also, House and Lot in said city, situ ate near the Railroad, and known as Daniel’s Variety Shop. And will sell the same at public auction at the Court House, in the city of Macon, county of Bibb, and State of Georgia, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN APRIL NEXT, between the lawful hours of sale. Dated Savannah, March 7th, 1868. WM. G. DICKSON, mhß-30d U. S. Marshal. U. S. Marshal’s Sale. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF fieri facia* } issued out of the Honorable the Fifth Circuit Court of the United States, for the Southern District of Georgia, in favor of the plaintiffs, in the following case, to-wit : John N. Kcin it Cos. vs. Christopher D. Findlay, Admin istrator of estate of Robt. Findlay, deed. I have levied upon, as tho property of said defendant, the Iron Works, situate, lying, and being in the city.of Macon, county of Bibb, and State ot Georgia, and known as the Findlay Iron Works. Also, Two (2) Lots of Land, together with all. the improvements thereon, consisting of Dwelling, etc., known as tho Findlay Residence, situate, lying, and being in the city of Macon, county of Bibb, and State of Georgia, and known in the plan of said city as Lots So. 1 and 2, in Square 75, and will sell the same at public auction at the Court House in the city of Macon, county of Bibb, and State of Georgia, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN APRIL NEXT, between the lawful hours of sale. Dated, Savannah, March 7, 1868. WM. G. DICKSON, mhß-30d U. S. Marshal. U. S. Marshal’s Sale. UNDER AND BY' VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF fieri facias, issued out of the Honorable, the Fifth Circuit Court of tho United States fotr the Southern District of Georgia, in favor or the plaintiff, iu the following case to wit: Wil liam C. Patten vs. Jool Strickland, I have levied on as tho property of the defendant, Nine (9) Lots of land, situate, lying and being in tho 7th District of Clinch county Georgia, each contain ing 490 acres, nnd known aud distinguished in the plan of said District and county as Lots number 451,452, 464, *465, 466, 467, 493, 494, and 495; also House and Lot in tho town of Hotncrrillo, Clinch county, Georgia, now occu pied by S. L. Moore, and will sell tho samo at public auction at the Court House, in the City of Savannah, Chatham county, Georgia, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN APRIL next, between the lawful hours of sale. Dated Savannah, Ga., March 7th, 1868. WM. G. DICKSON, mhß—3od U. S. Marshal. Warren County. Letters of Administration. STATE OF GEORGIA— Warren County. Whereas, it has been made known to mo that tho estate of Peterson Heath is unrepresented, These are, thereforo, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said Letters of Administra tion should not bo granted to tho Clerk of tbo Superior Court of said county. Given under my hand at office in Warventon, 29th day of January, 1868. febis—lw4w H. R. CODY, Ordinary. NOTICE. SIXTY DAYS AFTER DATE APPLICATION will be mado to the Court of Ordinary of Warren County, for leave to sell the real estate of Mrs. Hannah Spence, doocased. January 29, 1868. J. R. SPENCE, l'ebl3—Bod Administrator. Letters of Dismission. STATE OF GEORGIA— Warren County. Whereas, James Hall applios to me for Let ters Disinissory from tho estate of Joshua Goosling, deceased— These are thoreforo to cito and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of sißd deoeased, to be and appear 'at my office within tho time proscribed by law, and show cause, if any thoy can, why said Lotters should not be grafted. Given under my hand and official signature Dooember Ist, 1867. H. R. CODY, deß—lam6m Ordinary. COLUMBIA COUHTY. IN TUB DISTRICTCOURT OF THE UNTTRD X Statu, for tho Southern Diitriot of Georgia. In the matter of THOB.I K. BLALOCK, of the county of Columbia, who f IN BANKRUPTCY, ha. bun adjudged aßank rupt, upon hi. own petition J To all whom it may oonoern: Th* under signed, of Ray,rill*, Columbia County, Georgia, hereby give, notice of hi, appointment a* Aa a **, °* P ,omM A. Blalock, who ha, been ad i?i T*T npon hi, own petition by the District Court of ,aiu district. > - , . RICHARDS.NEAL, —g>af3 iaw3w Assignee. JN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED Tn f ? 5 th * Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of GEO. I 15 T. DUM, of the county I been C< adjudged"“bJE f W BANKRUPTCY, rupt upon hi, own petition J To ,11 whom it may concern : The of Raysrille, Columbia County, Georgia hereby gives notice of his appointment as AsHienee George T. Dum, who has beon adjudged l Bank, rupt, upon his own petition, by the District Court of said district. 1 RICHARD S. NEAL, mar3 —law3w Assignee. DECATUR COUHTyT In THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED Slates for the Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of * JOHN T. WIMBERLY, lIN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. ) TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Tho undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of JOHN T. WIM BERLY, of Bainbridge, in the county of Deca tur and State of Georgia, within said Distriot, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon bis own petition by tho District Court of said District. Dated, Bainbridge, the 28th day of February, A. D., 1868. WM. H. CRAWFORD, law3w Assignee, etc. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED X States for the Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of BENJAMIN F. BYRD, T. A. SWEARINGER, J. S. MONTGOMERY, JAMES J. DAVIES, j-IN BANKRUPTCY. TIIOS. E. J. COWART, SAH’L L. TYSON, D. RICHARDSON, GEO. IV. LEWIS, TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of BENJ. F, BYRD, THOMAS A. SWEARINGER, THOMAS E. j! COWART, SAMUEL L. TYSON, DECATUR RICHARDSON, and GEORGE W. LEWIS, of Bainbridge, in the county of Decatur and State of Georgia, and of JAMES J. DAVIS and JOHN S. MONTGOMERY’, of Baker county, and State of Georgia, within said District, who have been adjudged Bankrupts upon their own petition by the District Court of said District. Dated, .Bainbridge, the 28th day of February, A. D., 1868. H. M. BEACH, m hl—iaw3w Assignee, etc. Oglethorpe Oounty. Letters of Dismission. STATE OF GEORGIA— Oglethorpe Cos. Whereas, Elizabeth Jewel and George Jewel, administrators on the estate of William Jewel, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission from— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular tho kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters of Dismis sion should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this 15th day of November, 1867. E. C. SHACKELFORD, nol9—lamCm Ordinary. Letters of Dismission, TATE OF GEORGIA- Oglethorpe Cos. Whereas, Wm. W. Davenport, guardian for Robert M. and A. 11. S. Glenn, minors of Wm. Glenn, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from said guardianship. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and friends of said minors, to be and appear at my office within tho time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters of dismission should not be granted. Given under my band and official signature this 15th day of Novomber, 1867. E. C. SHACKELFORD, novl9—latnOm Ordinary. Letters of Dismistion. QTATE OF GEORGIA— Oglethorpe County. Whereas, William M. Lane, Administrator on the estato of Harrison G. Lane, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission from said administration— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this 12th day of December, 1867. E. C. SHACKELFORD, _ del4—lam6m Ordinary. HOUSTON COUNTY. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States for the Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of Y LEWIS M. HOUSER, (• IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. J To whom it may concern: Tho undersigned hofeby gives notice of his appointment of As signee of Lewis M. Houser, of Perry, in the county of Houston, and State of Georgia, within said district, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said district. Dated at Perry the 2d day of March, 1868. EDYVARD JACKSON, mhs—lw3w Assignee, etc. IN TnE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for tho Southorn District of Georgia, To whom it may concern : The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as As signee of the following persons, each one of whom has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition: JOEL W. MANN, Perry, Houston county, Georgia. RUSSEL F. MANN, Perry, Houston county, Georgia. BARTLEY M. BATEMAN, Houston county, Georgia. WILLIS B. HARRIS, Fort Valley, Houston county, Georgia. CHARLES D. ANDERSON, Fort Valley, Houston county, Georgia. Dated at Perry, Ga., March 2,1868. mhs—law3w JESSE A. HOLTZCLAW. Assignee’s Notice of Appointment. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of ) JOSEPH PALMER, VIN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. J TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. The undursignod hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of Joseph Palmer, of Perry, in tho county of Houston and State of Georgia, within said Distriot, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said Distriot. J. A. HOLTZCLAW, Assignee, etc. Dated at Porry, Ga., Feb. 15th, 1868. fe2s—law3w TO~ ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN.— The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of GEORGE W. STUKGES, Fort Valley, Hous ton, eo., Ga. JAMES U. JAMES, Perry, Houston co., Ga. JOHN NELSON, Perry, Huusten co., Ga. THOMAS J. BASKIN, Perry, Houston 00., Ga. GEORGE M. TOWNSLEY, Porry, Houston 00., Ga. ISAAC T. GILMORE, Henderson, Houston eo., Ga. Within tho Southern Distriot of Georgia, eaoh ono of whom bus been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the Distriot Court of said Distriot. J. A. HOLTZCLAW, Assignee, etc. Dated, l'erry Ga., 15th of Feb., 1868. fe2s—law3 Richmond Oounty. Letter* of Dismiuion. QTATK of GBORGIA— , W..«,aa, Solomon L. tor do bodis non of the estate of Solomon L. m^ustn-!**"* 1 ’ applie ’ 10 ma for Lette " of anSrin* a f* t \ erefore 10 oit ® “4 admonish all *^f* r ‘ he kindred and creditors of said w° d J * Ppear at “7 offic ® on or c!u« In Jun ® n « xt > 40 Bh ow JhaVe ' Why * &id Utte ” * ho “ ld thUthe%"t D hty" y f December, £? amt mi JACOB R. DAVIS, delO lswtd* Ordinary R. C. Letters of Dismission. OTATE OF GEORGIA— „ , . Richmond County. Whebbas, Mordecai Hyams, Administrator of the estate of James Kenny, deceased late of said county, applies tome for Letters of Dismission: These are,therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in June next, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Give under my hand and official signature this, the 4th day of December, 1867. , „ , JACOB R. DAVIS, de7-d*wtd* Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. gTATE OF GEORGIA— TO, __ Richmond County. Whereas, Frank H. Miller, Executor of The., Kmurion :° aßed ’ appUeS t 0 “ e f ° r Lettcrß These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to bo and appear at my office, on or before the first Monday in May next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, at. office in Augusta, this 7th day of October. 186 7. DAVID L. ROATH, ootS—w6m Ordinary Letters of Dismission, OF GEORGIA— Richmond Count.' Whereas, Mary Ann Turpin, William U. Turpin and, Jesse M. Turpin, Executors if William H. Turpin, deceased, apply to me for Letters of Dismission: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, tho kindred and .creditors of said deceased; .to be and appear at my office, oa or before tho first Monday in May next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, at office in Augusta, this 7th day of October, 1867. DAVID L. ROATH, oct B—w6in Ordinary Letters of Dismission. STATE OF GEORGIA— Richmond County. Whereas, John McAdam, Administrator om tho estate of James Conlon, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and,' singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in May next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, at office in Augusta, this 7th dav of October, 1867. DAVID L. ROATH, octß—w6m Ordinary. Chatham County. COUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA—SS: t’ At Savannah, the 6th day of March, A. D. t 1868. The under.-igned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of Isaao Cohen and Isador Cohen, of Savannah, in the county of Chatham, and State of Georgia, within said District, who have been adjudged Bankrupts upon their own petition bv the District Court of said District. P. V. ROBINSON, mblO—law3w Assignee, otc. SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA, AT Savannah, this sth day of March, A. D., 1868. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of individual and co partnership estate and effects of SOLOMON COTN’ER and SOLOMON A. SILVERBERG, constituting the firm of COTNER & SILVER BERG, of Savannah, in the county of Chatham, and State ot Georgia, within said district, who have been adjudged Bankrupts upon their own petition by the District Court of said district. EDW. C. RICHARDSON, mb 7—law 3 sv Assignee. AT SAVANNAH, THIS 22n DAY OF FEB RUARY, A. D., 1868. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of HENRY ROSEN STEIN, of Savannah, in the county of Chat ham, and State of Georgia, within said district, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by tho District Court of said district. RICHARD A. POLLARD, mh7—law3w Assignee. T SAVANNAH, TUIS 24th DAY OF FEB RUARY, A. D., 186S. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of MOSES LILIEN THAL, of Savannah, in the county of Chatham, and State of Georgia, within said district, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said district. RICnARDA. POLLARD, mh7—law3w Assignee. AT SAVANNAH, THIS 25th DAY OF FEB RUARY, A. D., 1868. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of SAMUEL LEVIN, ot Savannah, in tho county of Chatham, and Stato of Georgia, within said distriot, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his owu peti tion by the District Court of said district. RICHARD A. POLLARD, mh7 —law3w Assignee. T SAVANNAH, THIS 29th DAY OF FEB RUAItY, A. D., 1868. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of ALBERT M. HAP POLDT; of Savannah, in tho County of Chat ham, and State of Georgia, within said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by tho District Court of said dis triot. RICHARD A. POLLARD, mil 7-—law3w Assignee. AT SAVANNAH, THIS 29th DAY OF FEB RUARY, A. D., IS6B. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of DAVID B. TOMIL SON, of Savannah, in tho county of Chatham, and Stato of Georgia, within said district, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by tho District Court of said district. RICHARD A. POLLARD, mh7—law3w Assignee. SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA, IN Savannah, this 28th day of February, A. D., IS6S. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of P. SISHLER, of Savannah, in the county of Chatham, and Stato of Goorgia, within said district, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said district. EDW. C. RICHARDSON,- mh6—. lawSw Assignee. SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA, SS, at Savannah, this 28th day of February, A D., 1868. Tho undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assiguee of ALBERT FELL NEIt, of Savannah, in tho county of Chatham, and Stato of Goorgia, within said distriot, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said Distriot; PETER V. ROBINSON, mh4—lw3w Assignee, etc. JACKSON COUNTY. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the Northern District of Georgia. In the matter of ) JAMES F. STOREY, lIN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. ) To whom it may ooncern: The undersigned hereby give noLico of their appointment as as signees of James F. Storey, of , in the County of Jackson, and State of Georgia, within said district, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the Distriot Court of said District. Dated the 2Sth day of February, A. D., 1868. WILLIAM J. PIKE, JOSEPH F. HARRISON, niarS- -law3w Assignees, eto.