The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, March 24, 1868, Image 3

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    * ai-^wlltcpubliinn
City Fapcr.
iy£fi|KlTY CUM l LATIOX.
Slel* A ■< * A - :
March 24. ISA*
Ran m:* IX ■•>: r.
mlMzSSsm March 21. ISAS.
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3.14. evening.
24th. 1 .'I. morning.
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Bis our equilibrium.
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Blenders the case
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H? l supports him.
Bins mean 7 How
Hto fly athwart his
[Recited by Judge Dslv, at ttao dinner of the
Friendly Sons of 8L Patrick, March 17.]
God’s blessing and His holy smile
On the emblem-leaf of Erin’s Ule
Onr green. Immortal shamrock!
From Irish hills, though fir away,
Through this bright Western land we stray,
From every leaf there comes a ray
Os the olden light— of tho oldon day,
While gazing on the shamrock. .
Saint Patrick found upon the sod
This emblem of our triple God,
And tanght ns by the shamrock
The mystery of our creed dlvlue,
How one In three distinct may riiinc,
Yet throe In one, as leaves, combine,
And their joint blessings intertwine—
’Tis a lcason from tho shamrock.
And the three virtues which are dear
To Irish hearts, are emblemed here
Within onr tnree-leaved shamrock:
Fidelity, that knows no end
To country, sweetheart, faith or friend;
Courage, that no reverse can bend :
And Hospitality—all blend
Their types within the shamrock.
8o may Heaven’s blessings, choice and chief,
Bedew each petal of thy leaf,
Our own immortal shamrock !
And mayest thou, In this Western clime,
As long ago, In Ireland’s prime,
Be emblem of a faith sublime
In God and Country, through all time—
Onr green and glorious shamrock.
And may onr proud and ancieht race,
Uprooted Irom the dwelling place
where grew this votive shamrock,
Still keep this night, where’er they fly,
Sacred to memories dear and high,
Os the land where all our kindred lie
In the green graves, made beauteous by
Thick verdure of the shamrock.
God bless the old dear spot of earth,
God bless the green land of our birth,
Where grew this bunch of shamrock !
And blessings on this generous land
Which welcomes with a lavish hand,
Each year, the sad and stricken band
Os exiles from the silver strand
Where grows the saintly shamrock!
“Rally! Rally! Rally!”
That’s the heading of a call in the
city (f) of Madison, for next Saturday, for
a “ bully” meeting of the intensified Demo
cratic Hornsnogglers, to hear Ben. Hill,
General Gordon, and last, but not least,
our up-the-street neighbor, General (?) A
R. Wright, together with other distin
guished speakers. Well, gentlemen, we
ean spare our Ranse a short while, but
don’t you keep him long. We can’t afford
to spare him to you. His invaluable
services to the Republican party of Georgia
are too precious. Now, mind, good people,
and don’t keep the General too long
“among yees.”
> ♦ m
Varney A. Gaskill, Esq.
We publish Varney’s card this morning.
We held it back for the last thing last night,
fearing that Varney would annouuce another
change before we could go to press, but, not
having heard from him up to the time of
locking the form, we submit it to the public
this morning. The Irwin-Reese side of
politics neediug some crumbs of comfort, we
submit this card to them.— Atlanta Era, 22 d
imt. •
Progress of Ibc Campaign.
From all parts of the State comes the
intelligence of the unprecedented success
of the Bullock ticket. The people are
awaking in every county. Ratification
meetings are being held. Men of all
stations in life are declaring for Bullock
and the Constitution, because they see
peace and prosperity as the sure conse
quence of its adoption. —New Era.
Judge Reese Declines.
It was rumored on the streets, last even
ing, that Judge Reese declines to be a
candidate for Governor. The fight will
probably be between Bullock and Irwin—
Bullock carrying the State by 20,000. —
New Era.
To Make Room
For new improvements, to be commenced
shortly, in the Boot and Shoe establishment
of E. F. Blodgett & Cos., they will, from this
date, sell their entire stock at cost, for cash,
and cash only. mh24-tf
Double Extra California Flour
Comer Broad and Monument Streets
To JRent,
33, with four good Rooms, a Kitchen, Store
House, Horse Stable and Cow House on the prem
ises; also, an excellent Garden spot, already
sown. Apply to -ALEXANDER TANT,
rah2o—tt Cor. Reynolds and'Lincoln sts
Office Depot A Disbubsing Q’bm’stb, 1
Atlanta, Ga., March 20, 1868. J
at this Office until 12 m., FRIDAY, March
27th, 1868, for supplying the Quartermaster’s
Department, in this city, with—
-56,000 Pounds Corn,
175,000 “ Oats,
325,000 ‘ Timothy Hay,
50,000 “ Straw.
Corn to be put up in good, strong sacks, of two
or three bushels each—standard; 56 tbs. to tho
bnshet. Oats to be put up in sacks of three or
four bushels each—standard : 32 lbs. to the
bushel. All to bo froe from dust, dirt, or other
defects, and delivered at Quartermaster’s Ware
house, Forsyth street, Atlanta, where they will
be weighed and inspected.
Hay and Straw must bo well baled, free from
dirt, weeds, or other defects, and delivered at
Government Stables, corner Pryor and Line
streets, Atlanta, where they will bo weighed and
inspected—standard; 2,000 lbs. to tho ton,
Delivery to commence April sth, 1868, with
one third tho amounts of each, and continue in
equal amounts for the ensuing two months.
Separate lids must he made for each article, and
in Triplicate as usual, with a copy of this adver
tisement attached to each.
Bidders are invited to be present, or repre
sented at the opening of the bids.
The Government reserves the right to reject
all bids, or aocept or refuse such parts of bids as
may be to the best interests of tho service.
Proposals should bo addressed to the under
signed, and endorsed upon the evelopo, “Propo
sals for the delivery of Forage and Straw.”
By order of Brevet Brig. Gen. R. Saxton,
Ist Lieut,.34th Infantry, A. A. Q. M.
rnh 22-41 In oharge of Depot.
Office Depot A Disbursing Q’rm'ster, ]
Atlanta, Ga, March 19, 1868. j
at this Office until 12 m., THURSDAY, March
26th, 1868, for supplying
225,000 BRICK.
Two thirds of the amount to bo good, sound,
hard brick, tho balance a good merchantable
article—to be 24x4x8 in. in sizo.
To be delivered at “McPherson’s Barracks,”
Atlanta; delivery to commence at once.
Proposals will bo In triplicate, and endorsed
by sureties as usual.
Tho Government reserves tho right to reject
any or all bids, or select suoh parts of bids as
may be for the best interest of the service.
Proposals should ho addressed to the under
signed, and endorsed on the envolope—“Pro
posals for tho delivery of Brick.”
By order of Brevet Brig. Uon. K. Saxton,
Chief Q. M. 11. J. FARNSWORTH,
Ist Lieut. 34th Infantry, A. A. Q. M.,
| mh22-5t In charge of Depot
The Augusta Markets.
Monday, March 23, 1888—r. m.
COTTON.—We left the market at the
close of our last weekly review, on Monday
last, firm at 25c for New York Middlings
—the sales of that day being 30 bales, and
receipts 388 bales.
On Tuesday, during the forenoon, the
market was dull and inactive, but on receipt
of noon advices enlivened, and prices
stiffened, quoting New York Middlings at
245a25c. Sales, 172 bales; receipts, 409
On Wednesday the market was firm, with
but light offering stocks —buyers and holders
stood off. The former offering 24c, and the
latter demanding 24$c. Sales, 198 bales;
receipts, 400 bales.
On Thursday the staple was quiet and
languid. But few sales transpired, and 24c
(Weak) was the figure for New York Mid
dlings. Sales, 373 bales; receipts, 342
On Friday the fleecy staple continued in
its downward career, and the light offerings
brought from 23a231c for Middlings. Sales,
124 bales ; receipts, 344 bales.
On Saturdav the market was quiet, clos
ing nominally at 23 jc with very little offer
ings, and but little demand. Sales, 130
bales ; receipts, 177 bales.
To-day (Monday) the market has been
very quiet, but little being done, and we
leave the market at its close, firm, at 23£c,
for a full style of New York Middlings.
The stock on hand, at the close of the
week, was 13,330 bales.
BACON.—The active demand for this
article, which we have chronicled for several
weeks’ past, has rapidly decreased, nor have
the prices been uninfluenced by the falling
off in inquiry, but have also taken a retro
grade course, as will be seen by reference to
our table of qaotations. Notwithstanding
the sparsity of demand, the stocks are light,
as arrivals have been limited, aud the few
sales that have transpired have been at
irregular rates.
CORN continues about in statu quo, with
light arrivals, aud moderate stocks. The
demand is fair, but sales are not heavy, at
figures given in our prices current.
WHEAT is scarce, and in great demand.
Reds especially are sought after at $2.85a
FINANCIAL.—We quote as broker’s
rates—Gold: buying, 1.39; selling, 1.40.
Silver: buying, 1.30; selling, 1.33.
Latest Quotations for Uncurrent Monies and
GEORGIA. Buying.
Georgia Rail Road & Banking Company 98
Marine Bank of Georgia 98
Bank of Fulton 45
Bank of Empire State 22
Augusta Insurance & Banking Company 6
City Bank of Augusta 30
Manufacturers Bank of Macon 24
Northwestern Bank 2
Merchants’ & Planters’ Bank 5
Planters’ Bank 16
Bank of Columbus 5
Central Rail Road Bank 98
Bank of Middle Georgia .* 85
Bank of Athens 50
Bank of Augusta i. 58
Union Bank of Augusta 5
Augusta Savings Bank 12
Timber Cutters’ Bank 6
Bank of Savannah 48
Bank of the State 19
Bank of Commerce C
Mechanics’ Bank 2
Statepf Georgia Bonds, old 6 percents 70a..
State of South Carolina Bonds, old 35a..
City of Augusta Bonds, old COa..
City of Auifusta Bonds, new 55a..
City of Augusta Notes 95a. .
City of Savannah Bonds 62a..
City of Macon Bonds 52a..
Georgia Rail Road Bonds 98a..
South Western Rail Road Bonds 85a..
Georgia Rail Road Stock 75a
Central Rail Road Stock 96a..
South Western Rail Road Stock 84a8fl
Atlantic and Gulf Rail Road Stock 45a..
New Georgia Seven’s 80a..
South Carolina Rail Road Bonds, 6s 50a..
Nothing doing in Stocks.
Dry lb.. 08 a 09
Gunny, heavy, wide yd.. 23 a 25
Heavy Dundee, 1% weight.. 23 a
Mess bbl. .25 00 a 27 00
Mess Jtfbbl. .17 00 a
Extra Family .. 16 00 a 16 50
BEESWAX lb.. 25 a 27
Western Shoulders lb.. 13
B B Sides lb.. 15 a 15 ]4
Clear Ribbed Sides lb..
Clear Sides lb.. 16 a
Hams lb.. 16 a 19
Dry Salted Shoulders lb a 13
Diy Salted C R Sides lb.. 15 a
Dry Salted Clear Sides lb.. 15)6 a
Goshen lb.. 45 a 50
Western lb.. 40 a 45
Country lb.. 25 a 30
Adamantine lb. 22 a 24
Tallow' lb..
Factory lb.. 17 a 17#
State, etc lb.. 15 a 1G
English Dairy lb.. 22 a
Rio lb.. 24 a 27
Java lb.. 40 a 42
Imitation Java lb.. 37#a
Laguyra lb.. 30 a
Yellow and Mixed bush.. 1 21 a 1 22
White, new bush.. 1 23 a 1 25
Graniteville Factory 4-4 /. 17 a
1 “ 7-8 15 a
“ “ 3-4 13 a
Graniteville “ Drills 18 a
Augusta Factory, a-4 .. yd.. 13 a
Augusta Factory 7-8 yd.. 15 a
Augusta Factory 4-4 yd.. 18 a
Augusta Factory Drills yd.. 18 a
Montour 7-8 yd.. 15 a
Montour 4-4 yd . 18 a
Osnaburgs, yd.. 17 a
Osnaburg Stripes yd.. 19 a
Stock cwt.. 300 a
Bran cwt.. 1 50 a
New Salmon kits.. 4 £0 a 5 00
New Mess Mackerel kits.. 500 a
New Mess Mackerel ~ #bbl. .10 00 a
No 1 Mackerel kits.. 3 50 a
No 1 Mackerel l-4bb15..C50 a
No 1 Mackerel 1-2 bbls. .12 00 a 12 50
No 2 Mackerel kits.. 3 25 a 3 50
No 3 Mackerel l-4b115.. 600 a 6 50
No 3 Mackerel kits (1-2 bbls) 8 50 a 9 00
No 3 (Extra) 1-2 bbls.. 900 a 950
No 3 (Extra) bbls. .16 00 a 17 00
No 1 Codfish cwt. .11 00 a 12 00
Scaled Herrings box.. 1 00 a 1 25
Granite Mills Canal .bbl.. a
Granite Mills Superfine ...bbl.. 15 00 a
Granite Mills Extra bbl. .16 00 a
Granite Mills X X bb1..17 00 a
Augusta Mills XX bb1..16 50 a
“ “ super bbl .13 50 a
“ “ extra bbl.. 14 50 a
Excelsios Mills, super bbl.. 13 00 a
“ “ extra bbl.. 14 00 a
“ “ doubexx bb1..16 00 a
Buckwheat bbl. .14 00 a
“ % bbl.. 7 50 a
“ # bbl.. 3 75 a 4 00
Wheat, red bush.. 285 a 2 90
“ white bush.. 310 a 325
Oats bush.. 85 a
Peas bush.. 140 a 150
Northern cwt.. 2 00 a
Eastern cwt.. 2 25 a
Tennessee , cwt.. 1 50 a 1 75
HlDES—Green lb.. 8 a 9
Salted, dry or flint lb.. 16 a 17
IRON lb.. 7 a 7 M
Tennessee (prime) lb.. 17 a 18
Pressed lb.. 15 a
LEAD—Bar lb..
Hemlock Sole lb.. 35 a 40
Northern Oak lb.. 48 a 56
Southern Oak lb.. 50 a 42
Northern Harness lb.. 50 a 60
Southern Harness lb.. 45 a 55
Upper Sides dot. .86 00 a 48 50
French Calf Skins doz. .35 00 a 80 00
French Kips doz. .70 00 aIOO 00
American Kips doz. .45 00 a9O 00
Goat doz. .35 00 a
Linings and Toppings doz. .10 50 a 20 00
Whiskey—Bourbon gal.. 2 50 a 560
Rectified gul.. 215 a 2 50
Rye gal.. 1 70 a 6 50
Irish gal.. 7 00 a 9 00
Scotch gal.. 7 00 » 9 00
Brandy—Cognac .g»l .7 00 * 15 00
Domestic gal . 350 a 5 00
Qin—Holland ..,., gal.. 450 a «50
American gal.. 3 80 a 8 60
Rum—Jamaica gal . 500 a 8 00
New England gal 880 a 450
MATCHES- ' r '
Bun .....j.... gross,. 400 a4 50
TeUgraph ....... ..gross.. 00 a 3..
Shanghai .gross.. 300 a 335
Ptrlor, No. 1 ..gross.. 4 00 a 450
Parlor, No. 2 .... I gross. 335 a
MEAL- ; f
City ground, bolted bush . 1 15 a ‘
Cuba, new crop :.. gal.. 50 . a 58
New York Syrup gal.. 60 a 65
Golden Syrun .gal.. 75 a 80
Cuba Claved « 55 a 56
Muscovado... gal.. 58 a 60
Stuart’s Choice gal.. 1 50 a 1 60
NAlLS—Cut,assorted sites— lb.. 6#a 7
Linseed 175 a 3 60
Kerosene burning... gal.. 60 a 70
Kerosene lubricating gal.. 1 40 a 200
Sperm Winter gal.. 375 a 4 50
Tanners’ Common... ,j... gal .1 S8 a 176
Machinery ...g»l.. 180 a SOO
Lamp ml.. 300 a 4 00
Lard, Winter gal. . 400 a 2 25
ONIONS bbl.. 4 00 . 500
PORK—Northern Pickled— bbl. 25 00 .
POTATOES—new— bbl . «00 a 6 50
POWDER. keg.. 900 a
White Lead lb.. 15 » 20
Chrome Yellow t .lb.. 80 a 40
Chrome Green lb.. 30 a 40
Spanish Brown lb.. 5 a
Venetian Red lb., 8 a
Venetian ground in oil lb.. 18 a 25
Red Lead 20 a 25
Gold Leaf 13 00 a 16 00
Varnish—Copal 4 00 a 6 00
Coach ... ......5 00 a 0 00
Japan a 350
Layer box.. 4 50 a 6 00
Layer a box.. 2 50 a 262
Layer 1 50 a
RICE, new lb.. 11 a 12^
Eastlndia lb.. 9 a
Hemp, Machine lb.. 10 a 11
Half Coils. lb.. 11 a
Handspur, lb.. 10 a
Flax lb.. 10 a
SALT—Liverpool sack.. 1 70 a ..
SOAP—American Yellow lb.. 10 a 12)4
SHOT— bag.. 340 a 3 50
Brown, Mus lb.. 14 a 15
Porto Rico lb.. 15 a 16
Crushed and Powdered lb.. 19 a 20
Clarified A lb.. 18 a
Clarified B lb.. a 17J4
Clarified C, extra lb.. 17 a
Yellow C lb.. i«Xa IT
Yellow Refined lb.. 15 a IB
Durham lb.. 60 a
Harmonizer Ib.. .. a 75
Bird’s Eye per gross.. a 10 00
Guerrilla Club Mlb.. 50 a
Navy .lb.. 65 a
Maryland Club a 1 50
TALLOW lb.. 10 a
TEAS—Green lb.. 1 40 a 2 00
Black lb.. 1 00 a 1 50
Com. Dark Pounds,so’d lb.. 55 a 60
“ Bright “ lb.. 70 a 80
MedinmDark lb.. 70 a 75
“ Bright lb.. 85 a 95
Fine Bright Pounds lb.. 1 00 a 1 25
Extrafine and Fancy lb.. 1 25 a 1 50
Fancy Styles lb.. 100 a 1 50
Half-pounds Dark lb. Go a 72
u Bright lb.. 65 a 80
Baling 1b..., 22 a 35
VINEGAR per gal.. 40 a 35
Bure per gal.. 55 a 65
White Wine per gal.. 55 a 65
Assorted -per bunch.. a 1 75
Pliillipt.’ Provision Exchange.
Cincinnati, March 20, 1868.
The provision market during the early part of
the week was rather dormant, owing in part to
the panic in New Orleans, and dullness in New
York, but holders feeling that this was but tem
porary, and that they could afford to hold their
stock, did not meet the views of buyers, and
withdrew their stuff from market, believing that
by the time the season of Lent expires (during
which half of the whole community fast from
meats, especially hog meats) the demand will
improve, in fact, it is now improving in antici
pation of this fact, Snd orders within a few days
past have been larger than during the past two
weeks, and at the close, a much better feeling
prevailed in all articles. Tho market closing
strong at my quotations below.
MESS PORK has been quiet, until within a
day or two, when it advanced to $34.50 for
choice city, with buyers at 25c less. Country
depends on its quality as to price. Old Mess
sold at $24.
RUMPB are in good demand, and sells at sl7
to sl9 according to quality.
LARD has advanced about 1c since my last,
closing with but few sellers under 16c for city
kettled, and buyers at X less. Keg scarce and
in but moderate demand at 16%c.
GREASES scarce and firm at for
dark to white.
BULK MEATS—At the close, were in active
demand, at 10, 10J, 12, 12J, anil I3Jal3i, loose,
for shoulders, sides, clear rib and clear sides,
and 13ial3i for IJams, loose. S. C. Hams 14J
to 14j, in tierces.
BACOS is in better request, with buyers at 11,
13J. 14, and 141, packed, for shoulders, sides,
clear rib, and clear sides—holders, at the close,
refusing to sell, except at i above these figures.
S. C. limns, 17J to IS, canvassed and packed.
Plain 15 to 151, canvassed and packed.
PLATE BEEP remains scarce, at $22.50 to
BEEP .HAMS scarce, at $33 to $34, in picklo,
and 19c., smoked and packed.
EXPORTS of tho week were 4,496 barrels, and
858 kegs Lard; 597 hogsheads, and 1,157 tierces
Bulk Bacon ; 1,014 barrels Pork, and 76,206 lbs.
Loose Meats.
IMPORTS —924 barrels, and 205 kegs Lard ;
293 hogsheads, 834 tierces, and 253 boxes Bulk
and Bacon; 451 barrels Pork, 892,118 lbs. Loose
FREIGHTS—No change South.
Very respectfully,
Georg W. Phillips, Jr.,
Provision and Produce Broker.
U. S. Marshal’s Sale-
fieri iiacias, issued out of the Honorable the
Fifth Circuit Court of the United States for the
Southern District of Georgia, in favor of the plain
tiff’, in the following case, to wit: Joseph Brokaw
vs Willis J. Parnell, I have leviea upon as
the property of the defendant, one Lot ot Land,
together with improvements thereon, consisting
of a Hotel Building known as the Railroad House,
situate in the town of Bainbridge, county of De
catur, aud State of Georgia ; also, Two Acres ot
Land, together with all improvements thereon,
consisting of dwelling known as the residence of
Willis G. Parnell, situate in said town aud
county; also, Six Acres of Land, together with
all improvements thereon, consisting of a Brick
Yard, etc., situate near the town of Bainbridge
in said countv of Decatur and State of Georgia,
and will sell the same at public auction at the
Court House, in the City of Macon, county of
Bibb, aud State of Georgia, on the FIRST TUES
DAY IN APRIL, between tho lawful hours of
Dated, Savannah, March 7, 1868.
mhß—3(!d U. S. Marshal.
U- S. Marshal’s Sale.
fieri faciat, issued out of the Honorable the
Fifth Circuit Court of the United States for the
Southern District of Georgia, in favor of the
plaintiff, in the following case, to wit: Crane,
Bovlston ,Si Company versus David L. Wicker,
Administrator of Noroll deoeased,
I have levied upon as the propel ty of tho defend
ant, Two Lots of Laud, together with all the im
provements thereon, situate,lyingand being in the
15th District of originally Houston, cow Macon
county, known in plan of said district as lots
number 199 and 222, each containing 2024 acres
more or less; also, fraction lots in said county
and district known in plan aforesaid as lots
numbers ISO, 234, 245 and 236, containing in all
541 J acres, more or less, and will sell the same
at public aucti a at tho Court House in the City
of Macon, coilnty of Bibb, and State of Georgia,
on the FIRST TUESDAY IN APRIL next, be
tween tho lawful of sale.
Dated at Savannah, March 7, 1868.
mhS—3od U. S. Marshal.
U. S. Marshal's Sale.
of fieri facias, issued out of the Honorable
the Fifth Circuit Court of tho Unitod States for
tho Southern District of Georgia, in favor of
tho plaintiff, in the following caso, to wit i Bern
heiincr A Brothers vs. Jesso H. Griffin and Win.
E. Griffin, I have levied upon, as tho property of
Jesso 11. Griffin, one of the defendant!, ono
Lot of Land, situate, lying and boing in the Bth
District of originally Appling,now Ware county,
Georgia, and known and distinguished in the
plan us said district and eounty as lot number
552, and containing 490 acres, more or loss ; and
will sell the Biimo at public auction, at the Court
house in the city of Savannah, Chatham county,
-next, botwcon tho lawful hours of sale.
Dated Savannah, Ha., March 7tb, 1868-
mhS—3od U. S. Marshal.
Washington, March 23.—Senate— On
motion, was ordered that 350 copies daily,
and finally five thousand copies, of the im
peachment proceedings be printed.
A bill appropriating for impeachment
expenses was referred to the Committee on
contingent expenses.
A bill, reororanizing the State Depart
ment was referred to the Committee on Re
A bill re-organizing the Circuit Courts of
the United States was referred to the
Judiciary Committee.
At 12} o'clock Mr. Wade announced the
suspension of business for the impeachmen
order, which was argued until one o’clock,
when Mr. Chase proclaimed the Court open
—the Journal was read, the managers were
informed that the President's Counsel had
appeared, etc.
Davis submitted a motion that the Senate
as constituted, did not constitute an impeach
ment Court as was contemplated by the
Constitution. Ten States,without their con
sent, are being ignored.
Only Davis and McCheery, both of Ken
tucky, voted aye.
Chase intimated that the Court was ready
for the President’s answer.
Stanberry said it was ready, but counsel
had devoted every hour allowed—ignoring
private business, aud encroaching on habit
ual refreshment and recreation—to its pre
Curtis, Stanberry, and Evarts each read
in turn.
In answer to the first article, the Presi
dent argues all the questions involved, and
his duty under the circumstances, claiming
his constitutional power of removal. He
considers the organization of the War
Department and the relations of the Secre
tary of War to his administration, claiming
him as his constitutional adviser, and show
ing the President’s responsibility for the
Secretary’s actions.
He proceeds to show that Stanton had
become hostile to the Administration, and
could no longer occupy the position toward
the Administration contemplated by the
Fathers, and that the President could no
longer assume responsibility for his actions,
lie further claims that the action of the
Senate did not restore Stanton to the War
Office, but that the War Office was techni
cally vacant when he appointed Thomas.
Familiar laws and precedents were quoted at
length to sustain this position. He deuies
having violated, or intended violating the
Constitution or laws.
In answering the second article, the Presi'
dent asserts at length that the War Office
was vacant, and quotes laws to sustain
Thomas’ appointment.
His answer to the third is a genera}
denial. In answering to tho fourth he
denies any conspiracy whatever. His
action was confined to the notes to Thomas
and Stanton, appointing one and removing
the other. And in answer to the fifth, sixth
and seventh, the same allegations occur, all
backed by the assertion that he had no
object whatever but to maintain the pre
rogatives of his office by legal means.
In answering the eighth he disavows any
intention to taking possession of the money
or property of the War Office, and again
insists by argument, illustration and prece
dent, that he acted in a constitutional
In answering the ninth article he quotes
the interview at length, and his protest
against the rider to the army appropriation
bill, in which he claimed, as he still claims,
that it deprived him of his constitutional
duty of commanding the army.
In answer to the tenth article the Presi
dent denies that the specification gives the
truth in its verbiage, statement or argument,
in quoting from his speeches, and in ease
Senators entertain charges, he demands full
investigation of what he said and moaned.
In this answer, the President claims—in a
spirit somewhat defiant—his freedom of
speech. He claims that though President,
he is an AraeriSan citizen.
In answerihg to the eleventh article, he
claims that ho can not answer it, because it
designates no design, device, or attempt in
volving action which could bo construed into
a high misdemeanor. The President retains
the right to add to this answer.
The managers announced thai their repli
cation would be ready to morrow at one
The President’s counsel asked for thirty
days. Two hours’ argument ensued. Thirty
days was refused by a strict party vote of 41
to 12.
Motion to postpone fixing the time until
after tho replication by the House failed.
Johnson moved, allowing ten days as
amendatory to the motion from the Presi
dent's counsel, for a reasonable time, but
the Court and Senate adjourned.
House. —The House, under call, passed a
bill subjecting the master’s and mate’s mer
chant service to examination, and establish
ing a marine school.
Bill passed appropriating money for the
improvement of the Mississippi river.
The House proceeded in Committee of
the Whole to the Senate. On their return
Bingham informed the House that the
President’s answer had been anticipated,
and that the Managers were ready.
On motion, the llouso meets at eleven
to morrow to consider the replication.
Arkansas Election, etc.
Memphis, March 23.—A dispatch from
Little Rock says the elections are completed
in but few counties. Partial returns show a
large falling off in the negro vote, aud the
majority against the Constitution will be
larger than was anticipated. Tho whites
have voted almost unanimously against it.
The Yallabusba aud Yazoo rivers are over
their bauks.
Sergeant Bates.
Columbia, March 23.—Sergeant Bates
left Columbia this morning for Charlotte, N.
C. He expects to arrive in Richmond on
the 9th of April and at the Capital on the
Washington Items.
Washington, March 23. —Commodore
Biddle’s sword has been recovered. Thief at
The telegraph is still deranged.
Cable speciala to the Herald say that the
Pope gave a very gracious reception to Far
ragut and suite. The Admiral will remain
in Rome a month.
Garibaldi has written a letter to U. 8.
Minister Marsh, declining to be an agent of
the U. S. Government.
The decision in the McArdle case goes
over to the next term by a vote of 6 to 2.
The defeat of the Arkansas Constitution
is by actual votes cast against it.
The Panama Railroad Company paid
$1,000,000 to Colombia for anew contract.
At one o’clock the Court is organizing its
routine. Like the last session, it will con
tinue during an hour.
More fashion in the galleries to day. Con
fusion regarding proceedure almost painfully
evident. Chase had his hands full in
restraining Howard, Drake, and others from
amending the motions of managers on either
side, and failing there, moving to table
them. The effect of the President’s answer
was somewhat overwhelming. Stanton par
roting the President in saying, that in con*
sideration of his high character induced him
to retain the office—which excited quite a
grin between Washburn, of Illinois, and
Schenck, of Ohio, beyond which, the utmos|
gravity prevailed. The countenances of the
impeachers were evidently lengthening as
the answers proceeded to its|close. The votes
to day indicated nothing beyond a desire on
the part of the Republicans to hurry the
matter through. The Republicans, who are
regarded as certain to vote finally from
evidence aud law, voted against thirty day?,
after reflection.
The managers insist mainly on the ground
of public interest, that the unfortunate disa*
greement between the two branches may be
removed, and that the trial be pushed so
that peace may be restored to the country,
Logan was spokesman of the managers to
day. His house style contrasted strongly
with the quiet eloquence of the President’s
The President’s answer covers seven
During the session to day, Butler apolo
gised for inadvertently calling the Senate
Court, President's counsel habitually say
Mr.Chief Justice, and Court. The Managers!
Mr. President and Senate.
Supreme Court.
Washington, March 23.—There has
been no official announcement regarding
the intention of the Court in the McArdle
In the original case of Georgia vs. Grant,
et. al., the Court orders that notice the
motion for a preliminary injunction be
served on parties, returnable before Friday
Shooting Affray in Richmond.
Richmond, March 23.—Henry Myers was
shot in au affray on Broad street, this
morning at dawn, and mortally wounded.
Vincent Bargamin, a well known merchant,
was arrested, charged with the shooting,
and bailed to answer.
Atlanta, March 23.—Letters have been
received here from Governor Jenkins, coun
selling non-action by the people, and which
seems to have had a powerful effect. The
State Committee will very probably act on
his advice.
New York, March 23.—Shanghai advices
report a general advance in tea.
The Arizona has arrived, aud brings intel
ligence of the death of Geheral Plant, Presi
dent of Panama, who is supposed to have
been poisoned. Juan Diaz is acting Presi
The Pennsylvania Railroads.
Philadelphia, March 23.—The Pennsyl
vania Railroads are clear of snow, and run
ning as usual.
Markets—By Telegraph.
FRANKFORT, March 23.—Bonds 75J.
LONDON, March 23, Afternoon. —Securities
LONDON, March 23, Noon. —Consols 934.
Bonds 72J.
LONDON, March 23, Evening. —Consols, 934-
Bonds, 72a724.
NEW YORK, March 23, Evening.—Govern
ment’s and stocks strong and active. Virginia’s
50. G01d1.394. Money active at 7. Ex
change 9J.
NEW YORK, March 23, Evening. —Sterling
dull at 9|. Gold closed lower at 38$. ’62 cou
pons 10.
NEW ORLEANS, March 23.—G01d, 1.404'
Sterling, hank, 52a524 ; New York sight, jo 4
Produce and Otlicr Market*.
LIVERPOOL, March 23, Noon. —Cotton quiet;
estimated sales 10,000 bales. Uplands 104:
Orleans 10J.
LIVERPOOL, March 23, Afternoon. — Cotton
quiet and unchanged.
LIVERPOOL, March 23, Evening. —Cotton
easier, prices unchanged. Salos, 10,000 bales.
Uplands, 104 ; Orleans, 10|.
NEW YORK, March 23, Noon. —Cotton quiet
at 244a25 for Uplands.
Flour dull, and without change. Wheat quiet,
but steady. Corn lc. better. Rye dull. Oats
steady. Pork firmer—Mess $25. Lard firm.
Whiskey nominal. Freights drooping. Turpen
tine quiet at 64a65. Rosin in moderate request.
NEW YORK, March 23, Evening. —Cotton
quiet and easier. Sales 1,200 bales at 244.
Flour active, but unchanged—Southern $9.25a
14.65. Wheat dull and unchanged. Corn, mixed
Western, $1.27a1.30; Southern $1.19u1.25. Mess
Pork firmer—new $24.95; old $23.50. Lard
firmer at 154a17. Groceries firm, but firm. Tur
pontine 644>654. Rosin $310a7.00. Tallow
11 j»l2|. Freights lower—cotton, steam, las-16.
LOUISVILLE, March 23.—Superfine Flour
$5.50a8.75. Corn 78a80. Lard 15£a16. Pork
$24.50a25.00. Shoulders 114; clear sides 15 -
Raw Whiskey, free, $2.20.
ST. LOUIS, Maroh 23.—Bacon active, but
stiff; shoulders 114; clear sides 15; June deliv
ery, 15j. Lard 15ja16.
CINCINNATI, March 23.—Mess Pork, $24.75a
25.00; shoulders 114: clear sides 144.
SAVANNAH, March S3.—Cotton dull and
declined; Middlings 24a24)^c; Receipts 904
WILMINGTON, March 23.—Cotton firm —
Middling, 23.
Spirits 'Turpentine declinod, 584. Rosin—
lower grados in good demand; strained, $2.05 ;
No. 2, $2.15; pale $4.80. Tar, $2.
CHARLESTON, March 23.—Cotton activo and
firmer. Sales 1,000 bales Middling at 25. Re
ceipts 638 bales; exports, foreign, 6,386 bales.
MOBILE, Maroh 23.—Cotton, demand lim
ited; market closed steady. Middlings 241a244.
Sales 900 bales; receipts 796.
Karine News-
WILMINGTON, March 23.—Arrived: Jax. A
Gary, from Baltimore, and Wm. B. Clyde, from
New York.
rMarch 23.—Arrived: Ship
Lillian from Dublin.
i P Herman Livingston for
CHARLESTON, March 23.—Arrived: Bark
A. B. Wyman, Liverpool; ocLr H. Allen, Provi
Sailed: Ship Missouri.
MOBILE, March 13.—Cleared: Ship Mount
Pleasant, for Liverpool, with 3,995 bales of
Arrived : Ship Montrose, New York.
CHARLESTON, March 23.—Sailed: Brig
Altavela, Caribean ; Eatafaua, Boston ; sehr. C,
E. Page, Philadelphia.
NEW ORLEANS, March 24.—The steamship
Crescent City, from New York, reports passing,
on the 19th, off Caneyeford Light, the steamship
Ariadne, from New York for Galveston, with
machinery disabled and breakers alongside.
The new steamship Josephine, which went
ashore off Brazos some days ago, is reported
safely afloat.
!■. I_J
Auction Sales.
City Sheriff’s Notice.
FOR CITY TAXES, due for 1866 and 1867,
nave been placed in my hands for collection.
Notice is hereby given, to all parties inter
ested, that if payment of the same is made by
the first day of April next, the penalty of ten
per cent, will be remitted.
Office, 136 Broad street.
ISAAC LEVY, City Sheriff.
Augusta, March 13, 1868. mhl4 td
Constitutionalist copy twice.
Assignee’s Sale! “
House Door, in the City of Atlanta Ga
the following property of Asbury P. Bell and
Benjamin F. Moore, of the firm ot M. R. Bell A.
Cos., Bankrupts, to-wit; Two-tbirds of an undi
vided half interest in that tract of land in
Fulton county known as the Loccard or Nelson
Place. Said place containing in ail four hun
dred and eighty-seven acres, situated three rniies
from Atlanta.
Also, the following property of Asbury P.
Bell, of the firm of M. R. Bell A Cos., Bankrupts,
to-wit: One hdlise and lot in the City of Atlanta,
on Collins street, between Houston and Wheat
streets, containing a half acre.
Said property will be sold free from all encum
brances, for cash.
March 12th, 1868. mhl4—tapl
U. S. Marshal’s Sale.
of fieri facias issued out of the Honorable
the Fifth Circuit Court of the United States for
the Southern District of Georgia, in favor of the
Slaintitfa, in the following case) to-wit: Woodgate
: Cos. vs. John L. Edmondson, surviving partner,
etc. I have levied upon as the property of said
defendant, all that lot or parcel of land, together
with all the improvements thereon, situate, lying
and being in the City of Macon, County of Bibb,
and State of Georgia, and known and distinguished
in the plan of said City as Lot No. 5, in Square
72, lying on the southwest side of Cotton Avenue,
and fronting on Pine street, containing one half
acre, more or less, including the 12 feet on Pine
street deeded by the City of Macon to John Hol
lingsworth, dated 22d October, 1863, with the
understood privilege therein contained, and will
sell the same at public auction at the Court House
in the City of Macon, C unty of Bibb, and State
of Georgia, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN
APRIL NEXT, between the lawful hours of sale.
Dated Savannah, March 7^lßoß.
mhß—3od U. S. Marshal.
U. S. Marshal’s Sale.
of fieri facias, issued out of the Honorable
the Fifth Circuit Court of the United States for
the Southern District of Georgia, in favor of the
plaintiff, in the following case, to wit: George
M. Branner vs. Mary J. McLendon, adminis
tratrix of James A. McLendon, deceased, I have
levied upon, as the property of the said defend
ant, one Lot of Land, together with all the im
provements thoroon, situate, lying and being in
the city of Thomasville, county of Thomas, and
State of Georgia, and known and distinguished
in the plan of said city as lot number 8, in
square I, and lying on the corner of Broad and
Moore streets; improvements consisting of
dwelling house, etc. Also, one Lot of Land, to
gether with all improvements Iheroon, consisting
of livery stable, etc., situate in the city of
Thomasville, county and State aforesaid, and
known and distinguished in the plan of said
city as Lot number 1, square A, lyin&on Broad,
corner of Jefferson street; and will soil tho
same at public auction, at the Courthouse in
the city of Macon, county of Bibb, and State of
next, between the lawful hours of sale.
Dated Savannah, March 7, 186S.
mhS—3od U, S. Marshal.
U. S- Marshal’s Sale.
fieri facias, issued out of the Honorable the
Fifth Circuit Court of the United States, for the
Southern District of Georgia, in favor of the
plaintiffs, in tho following case, to-wit: John N.
Kein A Cos. t is. Christopher D. f indlay, Admin
istrator of estaie of Robt,. Findlay, deed. I have
levied upon, as the property of said defendant,
the Iron Works, situate, lying, and being in the
city cf Macon, county of Bibb, and State ot
Georgia, and known as the Findlay Iron Works.
Also, Two (2) Lots of Land, together with all the
improvements thereon, consisting of Dwelling,
etc., known as tho Findlay Residence, situate,
lying, and being iu tho city of Macon, county of
Bibb, and State of Georgia, and known in the
plan of said city as Lots No. 1 and 2, in Square
75, and will sell the same at public auction at the
Court House in the city of Macon, oounty of
Bibb, and State of Georgia, on the FIRST
lawful hours of sale.
Dated, Savannah, March 7, 1868.
mhß-30d U. S. Marshal.
TJ. S. Marshal’s-Sale.
fieri facias, issued out of tho Honorable the
Fifth Circuit Court of the United States, for the
Southern District of Georgia, in favor of the
plaintiff, in the following case, to-wit: William
Gray don & Cos. vs. Archibald M. Bruce. I have
levied upon, as the property of the defendant,
One Lot of Land, containing 202£ acres, more or
less, together with all the improvements thereon,
situate in the 28th District, of Sumter county,
Georgia, and known in plan of said District and
County as Lot No. 3C5. Also, one half of City
Lot, on North side of Lamar street, city of
Amcricus, Georgia, with all improvements
thereon. Also, House and Lot in said city, situ
ate near the Railroad, aud known as Eauiel’s
Variety Shop. And will sell the samo at public
auction at tho Court House, in the city of Macon,
county of Bibb, and State of Georgia, on the
the lawful hours of sale.
Dated Savannah, March 7th, IS6S.
mhS-30d U. S. Marshal.
U. S. Marshal’s Sale.
fieri facias, issued out of the Honorable,
the Fifth Circuit Court of the United States for
the Southern District of Georgia, in favor of
the plaintiff, in the following oase to wit: Wil
liam C. Patton i*. Joel Strickland, I have levied
on as the property of the defendant, Nine (9)
Lots of land, situate, lying and being in the 7th
District of Clinch oounty Georgia, each contain,
ing 490 acres, and known and distinguished in
the plan of said District and county as Lots
number 451, 452, 464, 465, 466, 467, 493, 494,
and 495; also House and Lot in the town of
Homcrvillo, Clinch county, Georgia, now occu
pied by S. L. Moore, aud will soli tho same at
public auction at the Court House, in the City of
bavannah, Chatham county, Georgia, on the
tho lawful hours of sale.
Dated Savannah, Ga., March 7th, 1868.
InbS—3od U. S. Marshal.
-Freight dSTotice !
or other Freights by the Augusta & Sum
hkrvi&ljE R. R. Cos., will find an order book at
the stores of Messrs. Claghorn A Herring, corner
of Warren Block and Reynolds street, and at
Messrs. Hatoh A Goodrioh, No. 171 Broad street,
where all orders left will be promptly attended
to. A. HATCH, Superintendent,