The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, April 03, 1868, Image 3

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jXa t lOiirtl H epub li f an 1 official City Paper. I. UU-KST ( Its CIRCULATION. I- A UO IT ST A . | K rU.AY April *. m* I Raniff of Thermometer. I AI Tb* Nat.osal 'l"™- ■ 9 «■" j I f,*‘ | | [ W^'"' I .liniatnre Aliranac for April. 1868 H FRIDAY, APRIL 3 ■ R . jes 5.46 j Sun Sets 6.1’l H MOOS'S PIIASKS. ■.. ~ «oon-April ' lh - *•*»• “on,iuf -1 April l tlh. S.JJ., ■ ! 7,, m—April 9M. 3.12, evening. ii. r.orroii t ■ t j . HOUINSON, 1 ' ’of I.KXISOTOX, OA. K. school Hoport M * Co s, John MillcJifo. on v totality, was ■l,borate and very sanative. and we hope, L its interesting character, that it will he IKblished by the Boar,! of Education tit some ' .to it< stiigestions may become the public, rot only here, but in localities "hero improvements are so needed. Howard ■ n , s been offered In the City Council of ■ n mb „s for the apprehension of the mis- Roants »ho assassinated Hon. G. W. Ash' R. n 0!i Monday right last. This is well, One thousand might Br added Vs an inducement to those who His: know the parties engaged in the vile Ration. Punishment cannot he too nor can it be too saw. Picture. !■ Fvtrvb.'Jy v.’.:e 'visa. S to see innocence and couveved to the sight upon ( ss. will do well to call at Dr. Tutt’s jti r,. and see lvmgsmore s painting of iHtleAtla in her carriage, which 1 as been ...i. bided some days Go and see it. and you will see a r.ot to be discounted by any one in broker's business, or cotton trade, and line. Hall. I ; >"■ tuvafiv represmtation was ; 0 f play ui "Modern Deniucra H. ;; iotdi;;.- characters were lion. ■ |p .to: Stevens an ! Gen. John B. Gordon, a c of green artists— K Iteutiy taken to the stage for grub. a fr-.-o ticket, as all Locals should K we ~,-l u i atid were highly eu • raiier,-eoniieo'drainatico |HlVov.:;, ti: -;■: nt, as a Beta* allude BUtbc <inu!i'. "in on the occasion. Prcfcut. Hk tike , itri i.i.t quantity, Ktr : A fri.m I. wh 1 aware of our ■si&jv:. nriieuhir, and who. ■ tt • lengthened tciagi' ilium the upper lip, j Hi#? kitiiir presented >n yesterday, Hi is. . made for the purpose aeofug iatictions by H.» wing the absence of the hair from the j tt-'i- may imbibe. It is H i anew invention, it is true, but a M . v.e thn.r, friend S.inutd ■ 1 *vfvr ids kind consideration. Be . ♦ • B* ,a r3 ol Public School,-.* tad 1 a ..II attending, on yc ‘ls. Calvin. mb nt of City »hn Milledge, Superin nt of County Schools. We learn that were in the city nine schools, and the lerof pupils upon the rolls amounting and; regular attendants G 7.3. There are tt schools in the county, with an aggre number ol 300 pupils—thus making y 1,300 children who are having the ■ O' education under the supervision of !_ e Board. To add to this, we remark in the freedmen's schools there are {I JOO children receiving the benefits of Murder the auspices oi the Bureau. Promt Car and Cottan Hum). M Georgia Railroad train, due here at r E ' yosterday, was detained by the PS of a box car about three miles 1 ’aiifjn, ami urrivecl at the " : ■ hiiri schedule time. The 'mb j of cotton, and six '•'■'-'-taMiour was consigned by Uxinglou to C. A. Piatt- Frank ; ’ : L - x ” to I'. Phini/.V .(■ (J Cos., of Losing !' Icmii:;' ; five bales from . ovlvillc, to E. J’. Clay done by Conductor ' 1 '--r Mc i-.-n.-, and the train ' pa .senders, ,u hre had made too much ; ,r - discovery. The car was H and the ‘'file injury. * 1 * ■ . t*"■ Court yesterday, W colored j. for a violation of " city ordinances, which ( r 'i that “disturbances at any K aniuseincnP’ shall be fined BjL His Honor sent Harriet to ‘ n '» aD is lor thirty days. Ju,, SC McLaws, sitting as a ' ' 11,,: following delinquents came to wit: lony Roberson, charged with f' lc house; and upon the ' tony couldn't, hide the wedge,” ''"or -"lit him for six months, for u ’ upon the chain gang. Ba , ' r ' ll 'l oount for the same otfense, '-'fediled, or rather had his ’ * i! additional three months' H" Jh ; a,n ‘ ; public institution. Ejjti 1 ioui Sinit, charged with lar die house, was sent forward, for lu ' indiscretions, for the space of |'d'i the “string of manual a young man, aud not the °ld Nathan Scott. New constitution. Any persou desiring a copy or copies of the new Constitution of Georgia, gotten up in neat pamphlet form, can have their wants supplied, without money aud without price, by ealliug at or sending to this Office A t annul. It was said in “all the decency lory press” np the street, of yesterday, that Hon. Garnett Andrews, of Wilkes county, has come out against Col. Bullock. YVe pro nounce the whole thing a canard, and with out a single iota of truth to sustain it. Judge Andrews is for the Constitution and for Col. It. B. Bullock for Governor, first, last, and all the timu. ■* ♦ *■ — ■■ -. Suußbt School l.ccturc. Mr. K. G. Pardee o( New York, who is devoting his time and means to the Sunday School interests of the whole country, will Lecture to night to the Superintendents, Teachers and friends of the Sunday Schools of this eilv, nt the Presbyterian Church. This worthy’ gentleman, we learn, has adequale pecuniary means, and devotes his time and money to the furtherance of the object he has in view. The Savannah Advertiser says of Mr. Pardee: He is a conservative Christian gentleman of fifty, and a Presbyterian or Congrega tioualist. lie succeeded in amassing a for tune twenty years ngo, which rendered further personal labor unnecessary, and being ardently attached to the Sunday School cause, lie has ever since given his whole time to the advancement of Sunday Schools. lie is no agent—not eveu a minister; but for twenty years he lias never theless been lecturing, writing and traveling, to promote Sunday Schools. During all that time he has had nothing to do with politics, indeed, he has not even voted during that time. We have the highest authority for saying that he has never been and is not now unfriendly to the South. He was enthusiastically received and endorsed by the strongest Southern man of all denomi nations in Montgomery, Alabama, and Macon, Georgia. We bespeak for him a hearty welcome and a general hearing on the part of lovers of the Sunday School cause. A Question: . How comes it that the Democratic Party of the Fourth District succeeded in cajoling Judge Lochrane iuto the acceptance ot their nomination, and how long has it been since he was a Keconstructionist of the strictest sect? Read tbo following “good’un” from the Griffin Star , on the “Exile of Erin.” Hear him : Fob Congress. —By our special telegram from Macon, it will be seen that O. A. Loch rane was the nominee of the Convention yesterday. This action of the Convention is, of course, equivalent to allowing the Con gressional election to go by default. We don’t believe, on general principles, in bolt ing our party nominations, but this is a lecilc too much for our delicate stomach. Can’t we get Gaskill to move into this Dis trict ? Erin go Unum, E Pluribus Brah. [From the Toledo blade. Nas by. Tlic State of Michigan—The Experience of Mr. Nasbg therein, and a Frightful Dream that he Dreamed. Lansing, Mich., March 28. Es tlier is a State in this Yoonyun en tirely worthy uv bein ranked with Massa choosits —entirely worthy uv bein considered scasely second in pint ifv Ham-iidictilin, Onesmus-defying, and llagar-rejectin Abo liskn infidelity—that State is Michigan. Massachoosits is onery and cussid —Micbi- cran is oneryer and cussider. They liev colleges in every other county—skool houses, gorjus and costly, in every town, and es that ain’t enough, they liev a crool, tyrani kle, barbarous law, forbiddin the sale of sustenance 1 In the larger towns, where one kin, without material danger, git suthio sustainin, municipal law steps in and com pels the dispensers thereof*to close at 11 p. m. In this town, from whence I write, I gathered together a lew uv the faithful, and wuz a confirmin uv eiu in tlift faith, when, as the clock struck eleven, the landlord put out the lites and us simultaneous. Kin sich things be, and overcome us like a summer cloud? They kin? Uv course there can’t be no whole hearted Dimocrisy in sich a State 1 They don’t hev time to get fully Dimocratic. Eleven o’clock! The Dimo crisy uv Michigan is a eleven o’clock Dimo crisy. They don’t live out half thcr days. They fall short uv the troo state uv full grown specimens just an hour. The only good and troo ones I hev seen re re a lew fanners and sich, who carried it home in a jug. Hut, alas! ez they never pay rent, they don’t stay long enough in one place to make themselves felt. They naturally drilt. back to Southern Illinoy, where fine tooth combs is unknown—where the wicked cease from troublin, and the weary arc at rest. But we hev enuff of that kind here. Ez I retired to my couch last nitc, 1 was filled with sadnis. The eleckshun okkurs in a week or two, and the Ablisbnists perpose to vote to tear down the few remainin land marks and give votes to the disgustiu niggers in that State. Contomplatin the gulf to wich Michigan is approaehin—with my sole filled with forcbodins, 1 fell into a troubled sleep, and sleepin dreemed. Methawt I wuz in Liberia, that country across the waters, settled by civilized niggers. I wuz somewot surprised at wot met my gaze. Niggers to the rite uv me—niggers to the left uv me—niggers iii front uv me—rode the six hundred thousand uv them. Occa sionally in the streets uv Monrovia, the cheef town, I seed a white man—more frekently a mullatter, and occasionally one in wich wuz only a tinge uv white blood—jist enufi' to show that his ancestors had left Kentucky many years and generashens before. Passin a full blooded nigger on the street, ho pushed me contemptuously into the gutter, and forthwith a rabble uv full blooded nigger boys pelted me with mud, ycllin at me, ez tho it wuz a opprobrious term, “White man! Yah! White man! Yah! Yali! White man! A mild laoed nigger came to tuy rescue and rebooked the boys: “Is he,’’ sed he, “to blame for bein white? Remember, boys, the same God made him ez made you, and that he is not blame for his color ! lie—” At this period he stopped talkin. The fust nigger returned, and damnin him for a disturbiu one idea, Radicle knockt him into the gutter, and mutterin sutliin about bein troo to the tradishuns of his race, stalked hawtily away. “Is ther,” sed 1, indignantly, “no law for these outrages? Am 1 to submit to bein pelted by boys and pummelled by men, and no redress? Is—” “Alars sir!” sed the benevolent lookin nigger, who bed tlie appearance uv a Sunday School teacher, “alars, sir, (her isn’t. Yoor color, sir—yoor color! They liev prejoodiscs which they can’t overcome, and that prajoo dis the boys even possess. Farewell, sir, some day it will be different, but uow—” And he drawd a sigh and walked on hastily, ez he notist a fresh crop of boys approaehin. I walked on, in my dream. Seein a largo house I entered it. It wuz the capitile, and boldly 1 essayed to pass the dour. The door keeper, with a expression uv nkerii 1 never saw outside nv Kentucky, remarkt that the while gallery wits op that way. Up 1 assend ed, dost under the roof, where there wuz possibly a dozen qjore like me, and I sot aud listened to a curious debate. The measure under cousidernshun wuz a amendment to the constilooshuu uv Liberia, strikin the word “black” cut uv that instrooment. The thing lied been long pendin. Advocatin it wuz a half dozen members in a corner by theirselves, and opposin it wuz all the rest uv the House. The scone wuz very much sich ez 1 witnessed a good many years ago nt Washington, when John Quincy Adams wuz a champion in the idea uv the ckality uv all men in the House. One member denounst the leader uv the minority ez n “base,grovelin, low wretch, who had lost all pride uv race—, all regard for the purity uv blood—and who wuz idsidiusly plottin to debase the pure and proud race uv Ham, by tuinglin with it the pale, milky blood uv the inferior race.” Another watitid this House to ask itself, “Do you want to march up to the polls longside uv a white man ? l)o yoo want to be tried for yer little crimes afore a jury uv white men? AVhito men in olfis! I shudder at the thot! See,” sed lie, pullin out from under his coat a portrato uv a white woman, cz I seed Vallandygum do wunst in Ohio, at a Bimoeratic nieetin, only he lied on his pasteboard a wench ; “sec to what the gentleman wishes to ally himself.” Another member askt the House to seriously ask theirselves, afore they voted on the bill, whether this House wnntid to marry a white woman ? Ho wantid this House to ask herself whether she wanted bis dorter to marry a white man ? “Es we let em vote we must marry cm!” The vote wuz taken, rcsultin, uv course, in the votin down uv the bill. The six Radicals were towunst expelled for introdoosin sich a incendiary measure, and the House adjourned. The populace got hold uv the news, and the wildest joy prevailed. One wagon was rigged up, into wich wuz twenty four black girls with a banner over ’em, “Fathers per leot us from white ik.lity,” and another similarly loaded carried a banner onto which was written “Black husbands or none. The purity uv our Race !” Noticin me on the street, the populace went for n:e. The police, wich ought to have preserved the peace (they were mostly emigrants from an island off the coast, wich they lied left on aecount of bein oppressed by the King uv another island, wich hed got possession uv ’em, and waz a bearin down upon’em), the perlicemeu, in sled uv perteetin me, headed the hunt, and lively they made it. I wuz caught and rolled in the gutters, amid shouts uv “Kill the d—d white livered whelp!” and they pound ed and pummelled me and tore my clothes off. “To the white orfuu asylum 1” shouted one uv 'em, and to that cry I owed my life. They beleeved iu wholesale killin ruther than retail, and they made a rush for an asylum where the orfuns uv the few despised whites wuz a livin. Short work they made uv it. The orfuns wuz roastid and beaten to death, the teachers run for their lives, and the buildina wuz sacked, the black women meantime ridin around with the banners over em, and the principle citizens addressin the mob, dcprccatin violence, but nevertheless applaudin uv em for their zeal in preservin the purity uv the race. Two white skoolhouses and eighteen dwellins wuz gone thro with, ez es by inspirashen. Finally they got site uv me agin, and ez there wuzn’t any others iu site, they cheerfully ceezcd me, and riggin a rope, run me up to a lamp post. “Wat inhoomanity! wat crooelty! wat in jusice!” shreekt 1. Forchoonity I did not further commit myself. The shoutin and the sense uv cbokin awoke me. I wuz not in Afrika, I hed not been beaten and pumeled and rolled in the gutter and hung, but thank the Lord, I wuz iu Ameraka, the land uv the free, where, when such things is done the white men do em theirselves, wich is more comfortable. But wat a friteful dreetn ! Wat a mister ehoon it must be to be uv another race when that race aint in a majority. 1 reely sympa thize with the niggers in this country. Petroleum V. Nasht, P. M., (Wich is Postmaster.) AUGUST A. MARKETS. Thursday, April 2—P. M. FINANCIAL.—We quote as Brokers’ rates; (told, buying at 1.38, selling at 1.40; Silver buying at 1.32, and selling at 1.37. COTTON.—Market (jvely, firm and stiff—all of 1,200 bales sold, some few bales sold in tho early part of the day at 27c., but in the latter part of th« day this price was not maintained, and we quote 26Jc. for lull styles of strictly New York Middlings. BACON—Has an advancing tendency— stocks light with an .advance on prices of all grades of !c. per pound. CORN.—In round lots, $1.20 ;at retail, $1.2.5* [Advertisement.] Country merchants* In making their purchases, will do well to call first on Mrs. Pughe, 190 Broad street, who is selling out her entire stock cheap. ts [Advertisement.] Unotln m ii Sncritficc. The purchasers of dry g-iods should not fail to take advantage of die opportunity offered, at 190 Broad street. Thestoek of seasonable goods is being sold at a sacrifice as the room is required for other purposes - [ Advcrtisemcn t.j For slie Cure of Fever Ague, Dumb Ague, Chill-Fever, Intermitting Fever, old Mismanaged Agues, Bad Effects of Agues treated or suppressed with Quinine, Cholagogue Arsenic, and other deleterious drugs, Humphrey’s No. 1G is superior. As a preventive of Ague it may be relied upon. Taken by persons travelling through an aguey or marsh district, or residing in such locdity, it entirely protects (he system from the disease. GGOKni V RAILROAD Breakfast, Dinner, and Supper House. PERSONS LEAVING AUGUSTA BY either morning or evening Passenger Trains, or Atlanta by morning Passenger Train, or by any of the Freight Trains, can always got a GOOD MEAL at BERZELIA, twenty miles from Augusta, on tho Georgia Railroad K. NEBJIUT, luhSl—lf Proprietor. "W anted. UNITED STATES ARSENAL, | Augusta, <ia., March 27, 18(58.] OIX GOOD MEN, TO EX LIST IN TUB O Ordnance Department, for three years’ ser vice, at tho Augusta Arsenal. The pay is from sixteen to thirty-four dollars per month, with clothing, rations, etc., furnished. Only men who can show evidence of good character will be enlisted. Mechanics are preferred. Apply at the Arsenal. I>. W. FLAGLER, Bvt Lt. Col. U. S. A., Commanding. m1»29—20t The Savannah Daily Advertiser. THOROUGHL Y SOUTHERN. A Political News and Commercial Journal S. YATES LEVY, Editor. rpilE CAMPAIGN ADVERTISER ISSUED JL DAILY, till May Ist, at the following low prices: One copy SI.OO. Two copies J. 50. Three copies 2.00. Five copies...* 3.00. Eight copies 4.00. And in the same proportion for larger numbers. E. O. WITUINGTON A CO., I uib2B—tf Publishers, Savannah, Ga. Congressional. Washington, April 2.*— Senate. —After tho reading of the Journal, Drake moved to uineud the seventh rule—lies over. Two witnesses were examined; nothing new elicited, Gen. Emory and Col. Wallace were ex amined and testified iu substance as hereto fore published. President’s letter to Gen. Grant was read. President’s counsel demanded certificates of Cabinet officers to he read us part of the document. Chase put the question, which was defeated by yeas, 20 ; nays, 29, so the managers did not require them to be read. Win. E. Chandler, late Assistant Secretary of Treasury, was introduced and testified regarding the Treasury routine. Defense objected to questions regarding Edward Cooper’s appointment. Butler stated that he intended proving by this evidence that the President appointed Cooper so that Thomas might have access to the Treasury thAugh Cooper. Also that the President had violated the Tenure-of-Office bill in Cooper’s appointment* The evidence was rejected by a vote of 23 to 26. C. A. Tinker, telegraph manager, was examined regarding telegrams between the President and Governor Parsons, regarding the adoption ot the Howard amendment by Alabama Legislature. The defense objected. Boutwell stated that in|the telegrams the President spoke of Congress as a set of individuals. Butler contended that the adoption of the Howard amendment was among the require ments of the reconstruction acts, and the President had no right to oppose it. The telegrams were admitted by a vote of 27 to 17. On a motion to adjourn, the vote stood 22 to 22. Chase voted aye, and the Court adjourned. Mouse. —After their return from the Sen ate, adjourned. There was no legislative business to day. Washington Items. \\ asuington, D. C., April 2.—The Strong • ise was further argued. The prosecuting Attorney held that Schofield’s requisition was within the law. Judge Carter desired to hear further argument—case continued. Usual routine at the Capitol. No Legisla tive business. Gen. Hancock and the President had a prolonged interview. Chase decided no questions to-day; he submitted them to the Senate in first instance. Cablegrams. Havana, April 2. A riot is apprehended at Nassau in consequence of the Church disendowments. No war vessels at Nassau. Smuggling from Florida is openly encouraged. London, April 2.— Abyssinian adviees state that difficulties increase with Napier’s advance; the natives are extremely hostile. Theodore has despoiled the country in his front. Virginia. Richmond, April 2, 1868.—An ordinance authorizing the issue of certificates of indebt edness for the payment of the expenses of the Convention—receivable tor taxes aud redeemable at the Treasury—was adopted. Trial of Jeff. Davis was postponed again, to the second of May. From Savannah. Savannah, April 2.—Dr. Beckwith, the Bishop elect ot Georgia, was consecrated to day. Gen. Meade arrived here this evening from Florida. Humors of investigations still going on. Another Republican Assassinated. Richmond, April 2.—John White, a respectable citizen of Powhatan, was found dead in that county on Sunday, with five bullet holes in his body. Burned- Rutland, Vt., April 2.—The Franklin House, Court House, aud other buildings, were burned. Several persons were hurt in escaping from the hotel. Rhode Island Election. Providence, April 2. Burnside’s majority is a triflo over -1,000. Markets—By Telegraph. Financial. LONDON, April 2, Noon. —Consols, iu money, 93a93i Bonds 72*. LO' DON, April 2, Afternoon. —Console 93. Bonds a fraction higher—72£a72g. LONDON, April 2, Evening. —Consols, 93. Bonds, 72Ja72J. Bullion decreased 331,000. FRANsKFOUT, April 2.—Bonds, 7oi. HAVANA, April 2.—Sterling lOalO.j. Federal currency 29&a31. NEW ORLEANS, April 2.—Gold 1.39a1.3(% Stearliug, Bank, nominal; Commercial 50a5i. New York Sight k§ premium. NEW YORK, April 2, Noon. —Money very tight; call, 7, in gold, and a commission. Gold, 1.373- Sterling, 9}a9s. Old bonds, 9jb Vir ginia’s, 47. Tennessee’s, new, 675. Produce ami Other Markets. LIVERPOOL, April 2, Noon. —Cotton firm, quiet, and active. Prices the same. Sales 15,000 bales. Brcadstuffs quiet. Corn dull and declined 3d— -sls 3d. LIVERPOOL, April 2, Afternoon, — Lard 61s 6d. Bacon 455. Pork firm. LIVERPOOL, April 2, Eventng. Cotton closed quiet and steady; sales, 10,000 bales; prices on spot unchanged ; brisk speculative demand to arrive; Uplands, 11$. HAVANA, April 1. —Sugar quiet, owing to scarcity of tonnage. NEW YORK, April 2, Noon. —Cotton steady ; sales, 3,800 bales at 2Sc. Flour saloc lower. Wheat la2c lower. Corn le. lower. Mess Pork firmer, at $25a25.30. Lard dull, at 151a165. Freights quiet and firm. Turpentine, 67a67£. Rosin firmer; common and strained, $3.40. NEW YORK, April 2, Evening. —Cotton de cidedly less active, at about previous prices; sales, 4,500 bales. Flour dull; Southern, 9.80a14.65. Wheat nominal. Corn —Southern white, l.lfial.lß. Moss Pork active and higher, $25.50. Lard dull. Others unchanged. CINCINNATI, April 2.—Flour in moderate demand. Corn quiet, BSaOO. Mess Pork—large speculative feeling ; sales at $25.00. Bacon scarce; Clear Sidos, 15$ ; Sbouldors, 11$. Lard dull at 15$c, BALTIMORE, April 2.—Cotton firm at 271a 28c. Flour very lirm—prices unchanged. Wheat weak and declined sc. Corn dull; white, I.loa 1.12; yellow, 1.1Ga1.18. Oats, Rye, and Moss Pork steady. Bacon activo and excited, with an advancing tendency; shoulders, 13$ ; hams, 18a20. CHARLESTON, April 2.—Cotton firm. GOO bales. Middlings 28Ac. Receipts 340 halos. Exports—coastwiso, 147 bales. Experts of tho tho week 7,393 bales, of which 5,729 w.-re bound for Great Britain, and 1,664 coastwiso. Receipts of the week 2,506 bales. Sales of tho week 7,500 bales. Stock 13,759 hales. WILMINGTON, April 2.—Cotton firm. Mid dlings 26c. Spirits Turpentine G 2. Rosin firm—strained, 2.30 ; No. 1, 3.00. Tar in good domank at 2*20. NEW ORLEANS, April 2.—Cotton quiet and firm. Sales 4,200 bales; Middlings receipts 1,084 bales; exports none. MOBLLE, April 2.—Cotton closed dull; Middlings Sales 550 bales. Receipts 078 bales. SAVANNAH, April 2.—CotUm quist; Bales, M«0 bales | rooelpU, 2.01 3 bales; exports, 2,1 SI bale! to Liverpool; 1,251 coantwite. Re ceipts of the week, 5,1 Vt bales. • Exports, 17,128 bales. Stock, 67# balet Sea Islands; 28,568 bales Uplands. Marine News HAVANA, April I.—Arrived : Columbia, from fiicnvillo. • NEW YORK, April 2.—Arrived : Zodiao, from Boston, short of coal. The San Balvador, Sara gossa, and Moneka. SAVANNAH, April 2.—Cleared: Steamship llermau Livingston, Now York; North Point, Baltimore; ships Chuloner, Liverpool; Atlantic, St- John’s. Arrived: Schr John Allen, Boston. CHARLESTON, April 2. —Arrived: Schooner Rising Sun, from Kockport. Sailed: Steamer Manhattan, for New York; Ship J. A. Wright, for Liverpool. Notice. TO CONSUMERS OF Soluble Pacific GUANO HPHE HIGH CHARACTER ATTAINED BY JL tliis Guano for superior excellence has, it appears, instigated the uppropription of the same name to articles of little or no real value, which we are credibly informed, are freely otFereil in New York and other markets with assurance of genuineness. Hence it becomes necessary, both for the protection of consumers and the PACIFIC GUANO COMPANY, to call attention to the fact, in order that proper caution may be ob served. The only guarantee the purchaser can have is that afforded by tne name of the Company’s Gen eral Agents stencilled on the packages, and buyers are advised that unless the name of ,Jno. S. Keesf. & Cos.. Gkn’l Agents, Baltimore, is found stencilled on the bags, the Guano is fictitious, and not genuine. J. O. IfIATHEWSON A Cos., Selling Agents, Augusta, Ga. mh27«d(3tw2t GEORGIA PRINTING CO’S Book and Job PRINTING OFFICE ISO BROAD AND l§3 ELLIS I THIS ESTABLISHMENT It NOW FULLY SBFPLIW WITH PRESSES, TYPE, BORDERS ORNAMENTS, CUTS, Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc - » Or TUK I.ATKBT AND MOST IMPROVED STYLES! And is ready to execute every descrip tion ot huh joint IN A FIRST CLASS MANNER AND ON K/;ASO IS A BL E T E RMS BILLHEADS, CIRCULARS BRIEFS, CHECKS, POSTERS, LABELS, CARDS OF ALL STYLES AND SIKKS PAMPHLETS, BILLS LADING, BLANKS OF ALL KINDS, WEDDING CARDS, VISITING .CARDS BALL TICKETS, STEAMBOAT BILLS, DRAY RECEIPTS, BILLS OF FARE AUCTION BILLS, HAND BILLS HEADINGS FOR BOOKS, AUCTION BALES- Assignee’* Sale. WILL HE SOLI), ON THE FIRST TUES DAY IN MAY, before the Court House door in Appling, within the legal hours of sale, one Tract of I .and, lying iu the county of Colum hia, on the water, of Sullivan’s Creek, and ad joining lands of Cartledge, Calvin, Marshall, and Dunn, containing 406 acres, more or less. Also, one 40 acre lot, in Cherokee county, described in plat as being in Fifteenth District of second sec- UOll, No. 30. Said land Bold as the property of Thomas K. Ulatock, a Bankrupt, tor the benefit of Ills creditors. • -r th f T sam< ? Bme aud place will be sold, a tract of Band, lying in Columbia comity, and adjoining lands of the .elate of VVIII. J. Eubanks, Marion McDaniel, and Mrs. Merriwctlier, con taining three hundred and seventy-two (372) acres, more or less. Sold as the property of George T Dunn, a Bankrupt, for the benefitof his creditors, March 30,1868. K ’ 8 N Assignee. upJ—law4w U. S. Marshal’s Sale. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, SOUTH ERN Distiict of Georgia—ln Admiralty. Whereas, A libel in rein has been filed on the twenty-seveuth day of March, in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, in tho Distriet Court of tho United States for the Southern District of Georgia, by James Dean, against a certain quantity of lumber, now ut Darien, in tho State aud Southern Distriet of Georgia, aforesaid, cargo of the brig Virginia, of Rich mond, Maine, in a cause of salvage, civil and maritime, for reasons and causes in tho said libel mentioned, anJ praying tho usual process and monition in that behalf to bo made, and that all persons claiming any interest therein may bo cited to appear and answer tbo premise, and that tbo said lumber may be condemned and sold to pay tho demands of the libellant. And whereas, a warrant of arrest in rtm has been issued on the day and year aforesaid, under the seal of the said Court commanding mo to attach the said quantity of lumber, and to give due notice to all persons claiming the same to appear and answer, and make claim thereto upon a certain day and at a certain place therein named. Now, therefore, I do hereby give public notice to all persons claiming the said certain quantity of lumber, now at Darien, Georgia, cargo of the brig Virginia, or in any manner interested therein, that they be and appear at the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of Georgia, in the city of Savannah, on WEDNESDAY, the FIF TEENTH DAY OF APRIL next, at eleven o'clock, in the forenoon of that day, then and there to interpose their claims, and to make their allegations in that behalf. Dated this 27th day of .March, A. D., 1868. WM. G. DICKSON, U. S. Marshal. Thos. E. Lloyd, Henry Williams, Proctors for Libellants. apl—l4t U S. Marshal’s Sale. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT of Deri facias, issued out of tho Honorable, the Fifth Circuit Court of the United States for tho .Southern District of Georgia, in favor f the plaintiff, in the following case, to wit: Bald win, Starr & Cos. vs. George SI. Ilay, Ilowes Hyatt A, Cos. vs. the same. I have levied upon as the property of the defendant, a stock of Dry Uoods, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Notions, etc., and will sell the same at public auction, at the Court House in tho town of Preston, county of Webster, and State of Georgia, on the THIRD TUESDAY IN APRIL NEXT, hetwoen the lawful hours of sale. Dated at Savannah, March 30, 186S. WM. (}. DICKSON, apl—2l l U. S. Marshal. City Sheriff’s Sale. ON THE FIRST TUESDAY IN APRIL next will be .sold, at the Lower Market House, in the City of Augusta, within the legal houisof sale, the following property, to wit: 1 Buggy, 1 Wagou, 1 Sorrel Pony, 2 Setts of Har ness, 1 Straw Cutter. I Looking Glass,2 Pictures, 7 Gallons Gin, 20 Gallons Whiskey, and 40 Gal lons Wine—levied on as the property of Gerlmid 11. Meyer, to satisfy an execution issued lroui the City Court of Augusta, in favor of Mary Ann Cooper vs. Gerhard 11. Meyer as principal; George Rutherford and Loren West, securities. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold a Wooden Building, situate on a lot in the City of Augusta, fronting on Telfair street, and on the corner of Telfair and Marbury stieets; bounded west by Marbury street, east by a lot of Marks, south by the Augusta Canal, and north by Telfair street. Levied on as the property of Nathaniel Scott, to satisfy an execution issued from the City Court of Augusta, iu favor of Edward O’Donnell vs. Nathaniel Scott. mh2S—td ISAAC LEVY, Sheriff C. A. Richmond- County Sheriff's Sale. WILL BE SOLD ON THE FIRST TUESDAY IN MAY NEXT, at the Lower Market House, in tho City of Augusta, between the usual hours of salo, all that lot of land, with improvements thereon, situated in the village of Summerville, Richmond county, containing twenty-one 26-100 acres, buuuded by Telfair street iu said Village, aud by lauds of Heckle and Martin ; the former residence of William P. Carmichael, Esq., levied upon by virtue of two fieri facias, issued from Richmond Superior Couri, and returnable to tho June Term, 186S, of said Court, in favor of Edward P. Clayton vs. Thomas N. Johnson. Property pointed out by plaintiff’s attorney, and sold by coosent of all parties interested. S. H. CRUMP, Deputy Sheriff 11. C. March 10th, ISOS. rnhlO—lawSt U S. Marshal's Sale- UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF fieri facias , issued out of the Honorable the Fifth Circuit Court of the United States for the Southern District of Georgia, in favor of the plaintiff, in the following case, to wit: Crane, Boylston & Company versus David L. Wicker, Administrator of Noroll R. Truluck, deceased, I have levied upon as tho propel ty of the defend ant, Two Lots of Land, together with all tho im provements thereon, situate,lvingand being in the 15th District of originally Houston, now Macon county, known in plan of said district as lots number 199 aud 222, each containing 202-1 acres more or less; also, fraction lots in said county and district known in plau aforesaid as lots numbers ISO, 234, 235 and 230, containing in all 511$ acres, more or less, and will sell tho samo at public auction at the Court House in the City of Macon, county of Bibb, and State of Georgia, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN APRIL next, be tween the lawful hours of sale. Dated at Savannah, March 7, 186S. WM. G. DICKSON, mhS—3ftd U. S. Marshal. U. S. Marshal’s Sale. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF fieri facias, issued out of the Honorable the Fifth Circuit Court of the Unitod States, for the Southern District of Georgia, in favor of the plaintiffs, in the following case, to-wit: Moore, Trimble & Cos. vs. Christopher D. Findlay, and Thomas W. Maugham. 1 have levied upon, as tho property of Christopher D. Findlay, one of the defendants, an undivided one-eighth interest in the Iron Works, situate in the city of Macon, Bibb county, Georgia, known as the Findlay Iron Works. Also, Two Acres of Land, together with all improvements thoreon, situate, lying, and being in said city of Macon, Bibb county, Georgia, and known and described in the plau of said city as Lot No. S, fronting on Oglethorpe street, corner of Congress street, and will sell the same at public auction, at the Court House, in tho city of Macon, county of Bibb, and State ot Georgia, on tho FIRST TUESDAY IN APRIL NEXT, between the lawful hours of sale. Dated, Savannah, March 7th, 1868. WM. G. DICKSON, uihS-oOd U. S. Marshal. 4=oo SACKS Double Extra California Flour FOR SALE BY THOMAS K. KHODES, Corner Broad and Monument Streets mh22-t t _ To Lfcent, \ HANDSOMELY FURNISHED AND il Commodious DWELLING HOUSE, situate 136 Broad street. The House has all the Modern Improvements. To a suitable teuaul it will be routed on reason able terms. Apply to mar3 ts EPHRAIM TWEEDY, Trustee. JST otice. /GARLAND A. SNEAD— vX Attorney at Law, *>\t. Oflioo in Room No. 7, over Col. W. B. Auction Store, on Jackson street* mhß—lm Auction Sales. U. S. Marshal’s Sale. UNDER ANp BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT of fieri facias issaed out of the Honorable the Fißh Circuit Court of the Uuited States for the Southern District of Georgia, iu favor of the plaintiffs,iu the fotlowiug case, to-wit: Woodgate At Cos. vs. John L. Edmoudson, surviving partner, etc. I nave levied upon as the property of saia defendant, all that lot or parcel of land, together with all the improvements thereon, situate, lying and being in the City of Macon, County of Bibb, and State of Georgia, aud known and distinguished iu the plan of said City as Lot No. 5, iu Square 72, lying on the southwest side of Cottou Avenue, and fronting on Bine street, containing one half acre, more or less, including the 12 feetou Pine street deeded by the City of Macon to John Hol lingsworth, dated 22d October, 1863, with the understood privilege therein contained, and will sell the same at public auction at the Coart House in the City of Macon, Ciunty of Bibb, and State of Georgia, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN APRIL NEXT, between the lawful hours of sale Dated Savannah, March 7, 1868. WM. G. DICKSON, hß—3od U. 8. Marshal. U. S. Marshal’s Sale. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT of fieri facias , issued out of tho Honorable the Fifth Circuit Court of the United States for the Southern District of Georgia, in favor of the plaintiff, iu the following case, to wit : George M. Branner vs. Mary J. McLendon, adminis tratrix of James A. McLendon, deceased, I have levied upon, as the property of the said defend ant, one Lot of Land, together with all the im provements thereon, situate, lying and being in the city ot Thomasville, county of Thomas, and State of Georgia, and known and distinguished in tho plan of said city as lot number 8, iu square I, and lying on the corner of Broad and Moore streets; improvements consisting of dwelling house, etc. Also, ono Lot ot Land, to gether with all improvements thereon, consisting of livery stable, etc., situate in the city of Thomasville, county and State aforesaid, and known aud distinguished in the plan of said city as Lot number 1, square A, lying on Broad, corner of Jefferson street; and will sell the same at public auction, at the Courthouse in the city of Macon, county of Bibb, and State of Georgia, on the FIRaT TUESDAY IN APRIL next, between the lawful hours •£ sale. Dated Savannah, March 7, 1868. WM. G. DICKSON, mhß—3od U, S. Marshal. U. S. Marshal s Sale. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF fieri facias, issued out of the Honorable tho Fifth Circuit Court of the United States, for the Southern District of Georgia, in favor o.' the plaintiffs, in the following case, to-wit: John \. Kein A Cos. vs. Christopher D. Findlay, Admin - istrator of estate of Robt. Findlay, deed. I have levied upon, as tho property of said defendant, the Iron Works, situate, lying, and being in the city of Macon, county of Bibb, and fctatc oi Georgia, and known 113 the Findlay Iron Works. Also, Two (2) Lots of Land, together with all the improvements thereon, consisting of Dwelling, etc., known as the Findlay Residence, situate, lying, and being in the city of Macon, county of Bibb, and State of Georgia, and known in the plan of said city as Lots No. 1 and 2, in Square 70, and will sell the same at public auction at tho Court House in the city of Macon, county of Bibb, and State of Georgia, on tho FIRST TUESDAY IN APRIL NEXT, between the lawful hours of sale. Dated, SavaDnab, March 7, 1863. WM. G. DICKSON, whß-30d U. S. Marshal. U. S. Marshal’s Sale. f TNDEIt AND BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF vj fieri facias, issued out of the Honorable tho Fifth Circuit Court of the United States, for the Southern District of Georgia, in favor of the plaintiff, in the following case, to-wit; William Gray don & Cos. ch. Archibald M. Bruce. I have levied upon, as the property of the defendant, One Lot of Land, containing 202-1 acres, more or less, together with all the improvements thereon, situate in tho 2Sth District, of Sumter county, Georgia, aud known in plan of said District and County as Lot No. oCS. Also, one half of City Lot, ou North side of Lamar street, city of Americus, Georgia, with all improvements thereon. Also, House and Lot in said city, situ ate near tho Railroad, and known as Daniel’s Variety Shop. And will sell the same at public auction at the Court House, in the city of Macon county of Bibb, and State of Georgia, on tho FIRST TUESDAY IN APRIL NEXT, between tho lawful hours of sale. Dated Savannah, March 7th, IS6S. WM. G. DICKSON, mhß-30d U. S. Marshal. U. S. Marshal’s Sale. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF fieri /'actus, issued out ol the Honorable, the Filth Circuit Court oi' the United Btatcs for the Southern District of Georgia, in favor of the plaintiff, in the following case to wit: Wil liam C. Fatten t-s. Joel Strickland, I have levied on as the property of the defendant, Nine (9) Lots of land, situate, lying and being in the 7t » District of Clinch county Georgia, each contain ing 19(1 acres, and known and distinguished in tiio plan of said District and county as Lots number 151,452, 481, 4t15, 466, 467, 493, 491, and 495; also House and Lot in the town of Homerviilo, Clinch county, Georgia, now occu pied by 8. L. Moore, and will sell the same at public auction at the Court House, in tho City of Savannah, Chatham county, Georgia, on tho FIRST TUESDAY IN APRIL next, between the lawful hours of sale. Dated Savannah, Ga., March 7th, IS6B. WJH. G. DICKSON, mhS—3od U. S. Marshal. U. S. Marshal's Sale. UNDER AND RY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF fieri liacias, issued out of the Honorable the Fifth Circuit Court of the United States for the Southern District of Georgia, in favor of the plain tiff, in the following case, to wit: Joseph Brokaw vs YVillis J. Parnell, I have levied upon as the property of the defendant, one Lot ot Land, together with improvements thereon, consisting of a Hotel Building known as the Railroad House, situate in the town of Baittbridge, county of De catur, and State of Georgia; also, Two Acres ot Land, together witli all improvements thereon, consisting of dwelling known as the residence of YVillis G. Parnell, situate in said town aud county ; also, Six Acres of Land, together with all improvements thereon, consisting of a Brick Yard, etc., situate near the town of Baiubridge in said county of Decatur and State of Georgia, and will sell the same at public auction at the Court House, in the City of Macon, county of Bibb, and State of Georgia, on tho FIRST TUES DAY.I X APRIL, between the lawful hours of sale. Dated, Savannah, March 7 , 1868. W. G. DICKSON, mhS—3od U. S. Marshal. U. S. Marshal’s Sale. UUDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A YVRIT OF fieri facias, issued out of the Honorable tho Fifth Circuit Court of the United States lor the Southern District of Georgia, in favor of the plaintiffs, in the following case to wit: Bernheimer Bros. [vs. Jesse 11. Griffin and William E. Griffin, I havo levied upon as the property of Jesse 11. Griffin, one of tho defendants, ono .House and Lot, situate, lying, and being in the town of Morgan, county of Calhoun, and State of Goor gia, and known as the residence of Dr. R. C. Knowles, said lot containing 3 acres more or less ; also one lot ot land, together with all im provements thereon, consisting of Store House, situate in the town and county aforesaid, aud known as lot number 12 ; also one Town Lot containing 30 by 35 feet, situate in said town and county, and adjoining the Store House and Lot of Philip P. Clayton; also ono tract or parcel of land, situate lying, and being in the lOtli District, of originally Wilkinson, now Telfair couuty, Georgia, containing 202} acres, more or loss, and known in plan of said Dis trict as Lot number 150, and will sell the same at public auction at the Court House, in tho City ot Macon, Bibb County, Georgia, on tho FIRST TUESDAY IN APRILnoxt, between tho lawful hours of salo. Dated Sava nab, Ga., .March 7th, 1868. WM. G. DICKSON, mhS 30d U. S. Marshal. U. S- Marshal’s Sale. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A YVRIT of fieri facias, issued out of the Honorable the Fifth Circuit Court of the United States tor the Southern District of Goorgia, iu favor oi the plaintiff, in the following ease, to wit : Bern heimer «t Brothers vs. Jesse 11. Grifliu aud YVm. E. Griflio, I liaio leviod upon, us tho property of Jesso H. Griffin, one of the defendants, ono Lot of Land, situate, lying and being in the Sth District oi originally Appling, non YVare county, Georgia, and known and distinguished iu tho plau of said district and county as lot number 002, and containing 4GO acres, more or less ; and will sell the same at public auction, at tho Court hoaso in tho city of Savannah, Chatham oouuty, Ga., on tho FIRST TUESDAY IN APRIL next, between tho lawful hours of sale. Dated Savanuah, Ga., March 7th, 1868. WILLIAM G. DICKSON, ■hß—3od U. S. Marshal.