The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, May 26, 1868, Image 4

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Notional Republican J.ARBKBT riTY CIRCILATION " Official Organ of the U. 8- Government. TimsDAT MORNING Mar **!<•*• The American Artisan UNITED STATUS AND FOREIGN PATENT AGENCY, Messrs. BROWN. COOMBS & CO.,JPraprie lor* of tbe AMERICAN ARTISAN. olfcr o>eir heit ter vie#* lo u Solicitor# of Ameri ran and Foroign Patools. Mr. H«««r T Bitowx, of this Arm, has bad more Ilian lirentf ttrv yean expeiisaca in Uutt profession, both in this country and Knrope. for Blteen years he was Ute principal KtfewHxm) assistant of Messrs. Me.iN ft Cos., tent A vents of this city t and tits long prunin' has made him personally k nown to thousands of in ventors and patentees. The applications for the patents opou many of the greater and more tm porunt iaveuuonsoftbe proaeut century have I tern prepared hr him. Messrs Brows. Coombs * Cos., are thoroughly familiar with all tlic rules and re gnlatinos insulated for the rapid transaction of bastuees with the United Slates Patent Office, and the general practice in the Patent Horen ns of vari ous Kuropeau countries, and this knowledge ren ders them eonddeut that their poet experience, with their proaeut nncquaie.t facilities, enables them to elaborately and yet speedily prepare all the docu ments required by law in applications for patents, aud to promise toeir clients an absolute certainty e/aeccessin theiijr(Torts ftM>l>tain;l.otters.Patent for inventions lltat are really new and useful. Parti cular care is given to the execution of the accurate drannpt winch must always accompany every application for a patent, and they employ none but the most efficient draughtsmen. ’The best evidence of the manner in which Messrs. Brown, Coombs ft Co.’s business is performed, is, that the "Auer less Artisan Patent Aottscr,” during tire three years of its existence, has lieen /Ac moxt <*cre..'s/W las/tiafioa of Ike bind era established The princi|tal offices of Messrs. Brown. Coombs i, Cos. are situated at 189 Broadway, opposite John street. New York, in the most central part of the city. This location is one of very easy access by strangers inasmuch as it is within a stone's throw from the City Hall. All inventors temporatily so j,taming in the metropolis are invited to visit this establishment. Injllie majority of instance no model or drawing of an inveniion'-will be necessary on the first interview, as a mere oral description bv the visitor will ordinarily suffice to convey snclt aknowledge of his invention as will enable Messrs. Brown, Coombs & Cos. to definitely determine whether* machine or process is new or old—liaten tahle or not. Tire office hoars will be train 9 a. m. to or. M. Messrs. Brown, Coombs & Cos. are prepared to furnish to persons residing at a distance from New York —free of charge —tcriUen opinions as to whether inventions contain any features of pattern table novelty, to do this thay simply require a sketch or rough model of the machine or other in vention that is supposed to be new, together with a brief description of the same, and as soon as pos sible thereafter it letter of the best advice is mail ed to the person desiring the information. These opinions are formed from their own mature exper ience, but if ait inventor dcsiresto know, positively, whether bis incipient idea has over been embodied in a machine or process already patented, bis wisest course will be to have a preliminary exams nation made at the United States Patent office by Messrs. Brows, Coombs & Cos., who will make a special tearclyunonK all the records of tlmt institution, and then promptly forward a full and carefully written report as to the patentability of the invention un der examination. For this labor the small fee ol $5 is payable in advance-, and the leniittunco should be accompanied by a sketch of the invention and a few lines of writing describing the same, and distinctly stating those points of novelty which the inventor desires to have protected by Letters Patent. . Patents for new and useful inventions arc now granted for the term of seventeen tears. The first instalment outlie Government fee is sls, which sum—together with fifty cents revenue stamp-tax on the power-of-attorney—is payable in adranee, oti applying for the patent; and $Jh additional are due to tile Government when the Letters Patent are allowed. The Agency fee is from $25 upward, ac cording to the labor involved: but in all cases our charges will be as moderate as possible in the pre paration of drawings and all necessary document-. This fee is not payable until after the application lias been prepared and the case, is ready to lie sent to Washington. Messrs. Brown. Coombs ft Cos. have a brand in Washington so that ail applica tions made through them can have every necessary attention in their passage through the I’aMit Office Inventors applying for patents must furnish rnodelt of their machines, whenever possible, for the inspection of the Examiners in the Patent Office; but if the invention is a chemical composi tion, samples of all the ingredients will la- neces sary. Each of these should be marked with thejin veutor's name, then carefully boxed, and sent (bv express, prepaid), together with the first instalment of the Government fee. to Messrs Brown, Coombs & Cos. When the model is small and light, it can be conveniently and cheaply sentby mail The model must not exceed one foot in any of its dimens ions, unless it is of such a character that im practicable. Patents, except those for designs, are granted on equal terms to citizens and all foreigners, except inhabitants of Canada and some others of the British American Provinces. Besides patents or now and usefn. inventions, there are also granted patents for nesigns. Design-patents are not, now. ns formerly, limited strictly to ornamental configuration : lint under Section II of the Act of March 8, 1861, any new /arm "tuny article, or any tmpre**ivn or ft'jurc npon the surface of any article or material, by whatever means or process produced, call he patented. ITn dcr this Act, patentees are entitled to the ex ten don of their respective patents for thelerm of eeren years from the day on which said patents shall ex pire, npon the same terms and restrictions as are now provided forthe extensions of Letters Patent. Among the nnmerons subjects for patents of this class may tie particnlarly mentioned—castings of all metals, parts of machines, household furniture and utensils: glassware, hardware of all kinds, cornices, and other interior tmd exterior decorations of buildings; also, designs for woven and printed fabrics, dress and upholstery trimmings, and har ness labels and trade marks for medicines, per fumery, and all preparations, cron positions, or merchandiw, put up in bottles, boxes, or other packages, are suitable subjects; also, the forms of such bottles, boxes, or packages themselves, and euyelopes, likewise all works of art, as statuary, busts, compositions in alto or basso-relievo. The Government fee on a design patent for 34 years is •$!0; i years, sl->; if years, S3O. No models of ■resigns are required ; hut duplicate drawings or photographs must he furnished- The specification to accompany the drawings or photographs re quire* to lie prepared with great care. Messrs Brown, Coombs & Cos. give very particular at tention to this branch of their business. Their charge for preparing applications for design patents is generally about sl;c Design patents are only granted to American citizens or to aliens who have resided one year in the United States and made oath of their intention Pi lie come citizens thereof. The facilities of Messrs. Known, Coombs A. Cos. tor obtaining patents in the various European countries are equal if not superior to those of an” other in tire United States. With regard to their qualifications for*snch business, it need only he stated that Mr. Brown, while with Messrs. Mij.nn A Cos. and in his previous practice, and since the establishment of the" AM kkic an Artisan Patknt Aokncv,” has had the preparation of more Euro pean applications than unv other person in this country, Messrs. Brown, Coombs A Cos., besides having a branch office in W»8ill noToN, have their own agencies in tire principal capitals of Europe. A circular relating to foreign patent business will tic furnished free on application personally or by mail. Messis Brown, Coombs be Cos. also attend to in terferences Die extensions of expiring Letters- I’atent, and all proceedings relating Pi patents be tore the United Step's Patent Office. Atl letters, packages, boxes, etc, should head dressed, prepaid,as follows: BROWN. COOMBS * CO., Solicitors of Patents, my 11 ly. No. I*l Broadway, New York. ISTotice. A PETITION HAS BURN FILED TO THE rni u ny Tc i rm ’ ,B ® B ’, of , tb * Coart <'f Ordinary of Richmond county, for leave to sell the. Heal Fa tale of Sarah May, deceased. At. the J„|, Term, 18««, application will he male forthe pas sage of the Order required by law. RICHARD W. MAHER, myß-eow2m Adrn’r of Sarah May. FREIGHT ON COTTON. Charlenton to New York, $l5O per Hale. WE Will RECEIVE AND FORWARD to New York, by the .Regular I,lne Steamers, all COTTON consigned to us, at ONE DOLLAR AND A HALF PER HALE, free of Commission, Drayage, and other «pen»ee. RAVKNKL A CO., Agents Regular Line Steamers, tnb2B—2m Charleston, 8 C Book 'binding AMI BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY, K. 11. PUGH*, IGO Broad Street, Augusts, Ga. EXHIBITION Or' SIXTY-EIGHT! THIS DAYS OF ROMAN CHIVALRY ECLIPSED • Irion* Conquered by a Woman J HOYAL BENGAL TIGERS SUBDUED. The Monster Loose in the Streets of Augusta ! THURSDAY AND FRIDAY JUNE 4th and sth. COL. C T. AMES’ NEW ORLEANS MENAGERIE, CIRCUS, - 7*. ■ A N l> Tropical A.viai*y. The tripplo contcderation, alm--st illimitable in its resources, and moro gorgeous and ele gantly equipped than any kindred exhibition extant. The corps active numbers THIRTY SEVEN ACCOMPLISHED ARTtSTS, male and female representatives of the most elegant, graceful, and pleasing Olympian Sports, including Eques trianism. Gymnastics, Pantomimios, Acrobatics, •Eoristaties, and Athletics. Among tbo most distinguished of the Troupe arc— M ile ESTELLE ZOYAHKA. VICTORIA DE LEE. •Madame ELIZABETH. Mr. TitOS. WATSON. .Mr. W. NAYLOR. Mr. LEWIS CARR. Mr. HORACE SMITH. Signor TIBBS. Mr. K. WINNE. Thu CASTILIOX BROTHER Mr. E. GOODING. Mr. E. BANKER. Master HANK. Ma-ter GEORGE, and the TWO INTENSELY HUMOROUS CLOWNS, Bob Smith and Johnny Lawton THE ZOO LOCH A L » LI’ART T| EXT Is »*t imm-n-o miguitui, so l embraces hun dreds ot \V ild li©u-,ts, of almost every species and geographical range, from the ELEPHANT of the burning desert of Africa, to the WHITE BEAU of the Arctic Sea., or Iho P.ISON of our own Western Wilds. To this is allied an unusually LARGE WTARY, of most beautiful and brilliant Birds and Fowls. Monkoys, Apes, and Baboons, in countless numbers aud evory tribe. A BAND OK MUSICIANS! I bat acknowledge no superior- in the rendition of true harmony. PERFORMING HORSES TRICK PONIES EDUCATED MULES, ACTING MONKEYS, SAGACIOUS IIOGB, Etc. THE Only Lion Enchantress in the World ] The beautiful and fairy-like SIUNOKJTA I'.LLA EUGENIE, and the distinguished Naturalist, and Accom plished Tiger Flayer, HERR ELIJAH LENOEL, accompanies this Colossal Combination, and at each exhibition di play ihoir niiraoulous power and indomitable courage, by entering tho dens of the TIGERS, LIoNS, PANTHERS, AND LEOPARDS. • iraals and gen eral particulars, see Pictorial Bulletins, etc. THE ORAN!) PROCESSION On the morning Os the day of exhibition will ho horn. **nd grand. In it will he will In L 0 Luri< ' ,n lhn top of one Un W R .i° KN K KBRUOPNDED BY LIONS ! AN 1> °A ROYA*t *■m,, 11' »M», LKHOSL ktieclee that A ' ' 1,1 the only one of Iris liKAIt IT IN YOIJU MINI) ! That this is rtrlotly a Southern onlsrprlss, and ho I ropriotor and Managers pledge themsslvos (list, the disreputable, or at least questionable stylo of advertising attractions they do not pressat, shall in no instance ho resorted to by them, but that, every promise made to the public shall bo kept to the letter. my2H 2w* PUGHE’S Book and Job PRINTING OFFICE I'HI Kill)AII AND 1§! KLMS STKKKTS THIS ESTABLISHMENT 18 NOW FULLY SUPPLIED WITH UESSKS, TYPE, BORDERS ORNAMENTS, CUTS, Etc., Etc., Etc., EtcjJ OF THIS LATEST ANI) MUST IMPROVED STYLES! And is ready to execute every descrip tion of ■nm JIB MBS IN A FIRST CLASS MANNER ANl> ON HEASOIV AB L E TEH Mis BILL HEADS, CIRCULARS BRIEFS, CHECKS, POSTERS, LABELS, CARDS OF ALL STYLES AND SIZES PAMPHLETS, BILLS LADING, BLANKS OF ALL KINDS, WEDDING CARDS, VISITING CARDS BALL TICKETS, STEAMBOAT BILLS’ DRAY RECEIPTS, BILLS OF FARE AUCTION BILLS, HAND BILLS HEADINGS FOR BOOKS, PROGRAMMES, INVITATIONS DRAFTS AND NOTES, ETC. ETC., ETC., ETC. I’ltlMnU l\ I ttl.OlDi. Jt4aY~ Headings printed and Books ruled and bound to order. MF*Checks, Drafts,and JJotea printed and bound to order. Is#* Merchants and others in want of JOB PRINTING of *my kind, will find it greatly to their adynntajje to leave their orders at PUGHE’S JOB PRINI 'ING OFFICE, 100 BROAD & 153 B'LLIS ST., Aiignsla. RAILROAD SCHEDULES Fast EXPRESS LINE to the: north. Great Atlantic coast line, via Wilmington and Manchester and Wilming ton and Weldon Railroads and connections. Daily train now in operatiun, with complete and continuous connections from Atlanta, Au gusta, Kingsvillo,Wilmington to Weldon ; thence via Richmond, Washington, Baltimore, or via Portsmouth and Crisficld (Annamcssic Route) to Philadelphia and New York. No change of Cars between Augusta and Wil mington and Weldon aud Aequia Creek. NEW AND FAST SCHEDULE: Leave. ■ Attniva— Augusta 3.20 {Kingsville 10.10 a.m. Kingsville 10.20 Wilmington ... 7.46 put. Wiftnington .. 8.30 p.m. {Weldon... 5.15 a.m. M'eldoti 530 a.ui. Washington... 6.15 p.m. Washington.. 7.00p.m. New York 5.20 a.m. Pullman A Kimball's i logout Sloeping Cars on this Route. Baggage checked through. Through Tickets good by either route, until used—with option to Passengers of stopping at terminal points—can ho obtained at the General Ticket office in this city. Bo sure your Tickets read “via Wilming ton.” W. J. WALKER, Geu. Pass’gr Agt. ISAAC LEVY, Pass'gr Agent, Augusta. my!9—tf New and Most Direct R O IJ T E T O CAIRO, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, AND ALL IMPORTANT POINTS WEST AND NORTHWEST. VIA THE illc anti (Trattnnoogn. AND ’\a*li viltc anti Xortkxvegtcruß.K IT'ROM ATLANTA TO ST. LOUIS, * 202 miles shorter than via Memphis. From Atlaula to St. Louis, 27 miles shorter thau via Corinth. From Atlanta to St. Louis, 151 miles shorter than via Indianapolis. From Atlanta to St. Lonis, 100 miles shorter than via Louisville. TWO DAILY TRAINS Leave Atlanta, making close connection at Chat tanooga for NASHVILLE, PADUCAH, CAIRO, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, and all important points Northwest. 11 KM BOLT, JACKSON (Tenn.), 31 EM PHIS.JACKSON (Miss.), VICKSBURG, NEW ORLEANS, MOBILE, and all other points South and Southwest. THROUGH TICKETS, via Memphis, to Vicks burg and New Orleans, good either by RAIL or RIVER from Memphis. Five honrs quicker to Memphis, and no delay at Chattanooga by this route. Fifteen hours aud twenty minnts delay if you have tickets via Mem phis & Charleston Railroad. At Nashville, Trains of the Nashville & Chatta nooga and Nashville aud Northwestern Railways ARRIVE AT AND DEPART FROM THE BAMEDEPOT, thus avoiding Omnibus Transfer. ONLY TWO CHANGES Between Chattanooga and St. Louis, via Hickman. Meals and State Rooms on Steamers Free. PALACE SLEEPING CARS on all Night Trains. AMPLE TIME GIVEN FOR MEALS. BAG GAGE CHECKED THROUGH. Passengers always save Trouble, Time and Money by PURCHASING THROUGH TICK ETS. Be sure to ask for Tickets via Nashville &. Northwestern Railway. THROUGH FREIGHT forwarded with dis patch and safety. Water carriage from St. Lonis, New Orleans and Memphis and other points to Hickman, aud lrom Hickman to Atlanta, Augusta, Macon and Montgomery, etc., without chance of cars. Corn from St Louis to Augusta... .$ 46 perbushel Ftonv from St Lotus to Augusta 2 SJOperbarrel And equally low rates on other goods. WM. P. INNES. J. D. MANEY, Receiver and Gen’l Supt. Gen’l Ticket Agent. M GRANT, Gen'l Freight Agent, may 10-3ui NATIONAL STEAMSHIP CO. Steamers weekly from Liverpool and NEW YORK, calling at QUEENS TOWN. A Swann-hip of this line, consisting of the FRANCE Capt. Grace 3,512 tons. ENGLAND Capt-. Thompson... -.3,450 “ THE QUEEN... .Capt.. Grogan .3,517 ’* HELVETIA Capt. Cutting 3,315 1 ERIN Capt. Hall 3.310 ” DENMARK Capt. Thomson 3,117 “ PENNSY LVANIA.Capt. Lewis 2,872 “ VIRGINIA Capt. l’rowsc 2,870 “ I.eaves Pier 4? North River, every Saturday, at 12 o'clock 31 The size of nil these Steamships admits of very spacious State Rooms, opening diictly into the Saloon; the accommodations and fare are unsur passed, and the rates lower than any other line. An experienced Surgeon oil each ship, free of charge. Tickets are issned in this country to par ties wishing to prepay the passage of their friends from Liverpool or Queenstown (Ireland) for $35 payable here ill currency. Drafts issued at the lowest rates of Exchange, for any amount, payable at, any Bank in Great Britain and Ireland. Pussage from New York to Queenstown or Liverpool CAB.IN,SI()O Currency;STEERAGE, #25. Currency For Freight or Cab'll Passage apply at the Ok kicks of the Com l- \ ny, 57 Broadway; and for steerage tickets at the Passage Office of the Com pauy, 27 Broadway, New York. my!7 -ly 'F.W. J. HURST, Manager. NORTH GERMAN LLOYD OTKASI BETWEEN NEW YORK AND O UREMEN via. SOUTHAMPTON. The Screw Steamers of the North Gennen Lloyd ran regularly between New York, Bremen and Southampton earn ing the United States MaiL FHO3I BREMEN EVERY SATURDAY. FROM SOUTHAMPTON. EVERY TUESDAY. FROM NEW YORK EVERY THURSDAY. Price of Passage—From New York to Bremen, London, Havre, and Southampton—First Cabin, $120; Second Cabil, #72; Steerage, $35. From Bre men to New York—First Cabin; $120; Second Ca bin. $7 J. Steerage. $lO. Price of passage payable in gold. Tliese vessels take freight to London and Hull for which through hills of lading are signed An experienced surgeon is attached to each vessel. All letters mast puss through the Post office. gej'T’No Bills of Lading but those of the Com pany will bo signed. Bills of Lading will positively not be delivered before goods are feared at tbe Custom House. 5-#"Speeio taken to Havre, Southampton and Bremen at the lowest rates. For freight or passage apply to OKLIiIOUS &■ Cos. aiyl7-(im B 8 Broad Street, New York. Hotice to Passengers. rpUE NEW SCHEDULE TO NEW YORK, 1 and all points North and East, by the Groat. Atlantic Seaboard Route, is now complete and in operation. No delay or interruption. it Weldon, passengers have choico of thrro routes, viz.: Via ANNAMEBSIC LINE. Via RICHMOND and WASHINGTON CITY Via OLD DAY LINE. THIS IS THR PLEASANTEST, SAFEST, CHEAPEST, and QUICKEST ROUTE TO 111 K IVOimil I>. If. LANG DON, General Southern Agent. ISAAC LEVY, apl—tf Agent at Augusts, Ga. Furniture and Piano Hauling. JLJAVINO A NEW AND LIGHT SPRING DRAY, 1 am prepared to haul Furniture, Pianos, and anything elso, without scratching or hruising, as is too often tho case. Orders left at n\y store, on Ellis street,between V» hshington and Monument, will he promptly attended to, at reasonanlo rates., Particular care gtvon to moving Furniture and Pianos. WM. HALE (Colored), Dealer in Family Groceries ant—ts Rail Rond Schedules. Change of Fare and Schedule, UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. StIPBBIBrEiIDXMT’S OpFICE, ) AUGUSTA A SUMMERVILLE R. R. CO. I Augusta, Ga., April 8, 1868. J IN ORDER TO MEET TIIE VIEWS OF THE business public, the price of tickets if, from this date, reduced to the rate of SIXTEEN TICKETS FOR ONE DOLLAR instead of twelve as heretofore, and the Depot of the Com pany, on McKinne street, is to be, hereafter, the established terminus of the City Line. The first ears will leave the Depot, on KcKi.i nie street, at 7.00 A. M., and every fifteen min ute* thereafter during the day until 7.45 P. M., when the last cars will leave the Depot and ro - turn about 9.00 P. M. SUMMERVILLE LINE. (From Depot to United States Arsenal.) First car leaves Depot at 6.15 A- M., for the U. S. Arsenal. Cars leave U. S. Arsenal aud Depot at 7.00 A. 31., and at intervals of one hour thereafter, during the day, until 8.00 P. M., when last car departs from Arsenal. Summerville cars leaving Arsenal at 8.00 A. M., 1.00 P. M. and 6.00 I’. M., will proceed to corner of Broad and Jackson streets, and will leave that point for Arsenal at 8.45 A. M., 1 45 P. M. and 6.45 P. >l., respectively. A. HATCH, apß—tf Superintendent GEORGIA RAILROAD. TO ACCOMMODATE FAST MAIL AND Passenger Schedule, ami make connections with Second Train South of Atlanta, Trains on this Road will run, on and after Saturday, May 9th, at 4 o’clock p. m., as follows : DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. (Daily, Sundays Excepted.) Leave Augusta at 6.00 A. 31. Leave Atlauta at 7.00 A. 31. Arrive at Augusta at 5.30 P. 31. Arrivo at Atlantaat 4.20 P. 31. NIGHT PASSENGER AND HAIL TRAIN. Leave Augusta at 10.10 P. 31. Leave Atlanta at 5.40 F. 1. Arrivo at Augusta at 3.00 A. M. Arrive at Atlanta at 7.45 A. M. BERZELtA rASSENGKR TRAIN. Leave Augusta at 4.15 P. 31. Leavo lierzelia at 7.2n A M. Arrrive at Augusta 8.50 A. M. Arrive at Berzelia 6.00 P. 31. Passengers for Millcdgevillc, TVashington, and Athens, Ga., must take Day Passenger Train from Augusta and Atlanta. Passengers for West Point, Montgomery, and Selma,can take cither train. For Mobile and New Orleans, they must leave Augusta on Night Passenger Train at 10,10 P. M. to mako close connections. Passengers for Nashville, Corinth, Grand Junction, Memphis, Louisville, and St. Louis, can take either train and make close connections. THROUGH TICKETS and Baggage Checked through to the above places. PULLMAN’S PALACE SLEEPING CARS on all Night Passenger Trains. No change of cars on Night Passenger and Mail Trains between Augusta and West Point. E. W. COLE, General Superintendent. Augusta, Ga., May 8, 1868. tnyll—tf Change of Schedule. Office S. C. E. J«. Cos., ( Augusta, Ga., May 7, ISOS, j A FAST NEW YORK THItOUGII MAIL and Passenger Train, direct from Augusta, Ga., to Wilmington, N. C., WITHOUT CHANGE OB’ CARS, will commence running on Sunday, May 10th, as follows: MORNING MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIN For Charleston, connecting with Train for Co lumbia, South Catolina, Charlotte lload, and Wilmington and Manchester Railroad. Leavo Augusta Central Joint Depot at...3:10 a. m. Arrivo “ " “ u ...9:45 p.m Passongors for Charleston and Columbia, S. C., and parts beyond, aro respectfully requested NOT to take this Train, as it does not make con nection with any Train for above points. Th**y will please take Train leaving Central Joint Depot at 5-50 a. m. “ “ “ “ 4:oft p. in. H, T. PEAKE, myß-td Gen’l Stip't. Change of Schedule.—Central R R. ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, MAY 1 0th, 1868, the Passenger Train on Central It. R., will run ns follows : DAY TRAIN. Leave Augusta at 8.45 A. M. Arrive at Savannah, 6.15 I*. M. Arrive at Macon 7.3 ft P. M. Leave Savannah 8 ftft A. M. Arrive at Augusta 5.38 P. M. Arrive at Macon 7.30 P. M. Leave Macon at 7.05 A. M. Arrivo at Augusta 5.3S P. M. Arrive at Savannah 6.15 1\ 5!. NIGHT TRAIN. Leave Augusta at 10.10 P. M. Arrive at Savannah 5.10 A. M. Arrive at Macon 6.55 A. M. Leave Savannah at 7.50 P. M. Arrive at Augusta 3.30 A. M. Arrive at Macon 6.55 A. M. Leave -on «t 6.00 P. M. Arrive at Augusta at 3.00 A. M. Arrivo at Savannah at 5.10 P. M. '&§UPassengers on both Trains from Augusta will mako close connection at Mi!lcn,and change cars for Savannah and Macon. Passengers for Milledgvillc and Eaton ton w ill take Day Train from Augusta,Sundays excepted. Tbo Union Passenger Depot ((1. R. R.) nil still he used for arrival and departure of trains. JOHN G. CLARKE, Assistant Sup’t, my 12 • Savannah, Ga CHANGE OF SCHEDULE ON Macon anil Augusta Railroad. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY It, 1868, (ho Trains on this lload will run as fol lows : Leave Camak daily at 2.40 p.ui. Leave Arrive at Alilledgevilie 0:20 Arrive at Camak 8.55 n.m. Passengers leaving Augusta or Atlanta on tho Day Passenger Train of (ho Georgia Railroad will make close connections at Camak for inter mediate points on the above Road, and also for Macon. Passengers leaving Millcdgovillc at 5.80 a. m. reaches Atlanta and Augusta tho samo day, and will mako close connections at oither place for the principal points io adjoining .States. K. W. COLE, my 10—ts General Superintendent. Change of Schedule. GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, y Atlantic & Gulf Railroad Company, > Savannah, April 10th, 1868 ) ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, THE 12th instant, the Schedule of PASSENGER TRIANS on this Road will boas follows: Leave Savannah (daily,-Sundays ox ceptod) at 4:00 |>. in. Arrive at Uainbridgo Ik.'lO a. m. Arrive at Livo Oak 2:05 a. m. Arrivo at Jacksonville 7:20 n. ui. Leave Jacksonville (Sundays exeepled) 8:50 p. m. Leave Live Oak 2:20 a. ui. Leave Bainbridgc (Sundays exocptedjltkOO p. in. Arrivo at Savannah 1:00 p. in. PULLMAN'S PALACE SLEEPING CARS run through Irom Savannah to Jacksonville. Steamer Ilattie leaves Jacksonville for Palatka every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, nt 0:00 a. in. Returning every Monday, Wednesday, ami Friday, at LOO p. in. Steamer Darlington leaves Jacksonville for Enterprise every Sunday, at 0:00 a. m. Returning, arrive at Jacksonville Thursday, at 4:00 p. in. ffSBT- Through tickets by this line as low as by any other. Passengers for St. Augustino have choice of Line of Stages daily from Jacksonville, or from Pioolata on arrival of boats. Connect at Baldwin with Florida Railroad, daily, to Gainesville and Fornandina. Train for Cedar Keys leaves Baldwin on Mon day and Friday ; returning, arrives at Baldwin on Tuesday and Saturday. Steamers leave Balnbridg© for Columbus, Ku faula, and Fort Gainea on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, on arrival of train: returning, arrives at Dainbridge on samo days. H. S. HAINES, apß6—tfj General Superintendent. R. R. Ro 9 O OUT OF 1 £ 3 OF DEATHS, flint .-.imnlTy Octriir. nn> catiECil by l r< v ;iL alflo Dk'iisc:-, sold (!: ■ ro; r:< :«-.i portion of too 'c co.i)jibiinfs would, if ItadwnyV Iv’-iar, llt> lit-f or Pill.-, (a: tlu; < a,-e i.uiy mptiro,) wore adiiiini:4eii and when pain or mua.sineFS or plight umkna-j i.= exp-rienced, be e.vltri iniu.afcd from lii - ty.i toni ina lew lu nn : . PAIN, no mattur from what caufc is almost inrlint-iv cured by the Read;, Roliei. • n cu.-'crol‘ Cho lera, Diarih . * and amps, Spa.-nio Bilious Cl. T”, in fact all Pains, Aches an 1 infirmities either in the Stomach, Bowels, Bladder, Kidneys, or the Joints, Muscles, Legs, Arms, Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Fever and Ague, Head ache, Toothache, k c., will in a FEW MINUTES yield to the Booihing influence of the Ready Relief.' Colds, Cnti-ha. InMtf-nza I’ip lltoria, Hoars;- n?aa, S ■:> i'hioat, Chills, Feier ami Anil”, M-'ruurial l’a ; ri*, Scarlet Fever, Ate., Ac. lake from four to six of Rvlwsy’s rills, ei and also take a toaspomifu! of tho R-’ady Relief in a glass of warm water -woet enod uilli or lionoy ; bathe the throat, h'-nd and ehe-t with Ready Relief, (if A cue or In'., mittent Fever, batlie tho spine also,) hi tho tnoining you will be cured. How the Ready Relief Acts! In a few minutes tho patient will feel a ’ lit linnling irritatioß, and the skin be ne. i. iluoiiC-d; if there is much distress in i: . ii;, the Relief will assist naturo in em-.-.i the «>(ros4ing cause, —a general warmth is foil throughout tho entire body, s;nl its iiiiiusive stimulating properties r-ipi Itv courses through every vein and tissue f Mr system, arousing the slothful and ;oo!billy paralyzed glands aud organs to re v-si arnl healthy action, perspiration fol and Hi- surface of the body feels iu ■ isoil heat. The sickness at stomach, colds, ■i s. h-ad-ache, oppressed breathing, tho r . iof tin throat, ami all pains, eitlicr iiiternally or externally, rapidly subside, and h<- pit'ent fails into a tranquil sleep, awakes ■ : ii and. invigorated, cured. & li will bo found that in uring the Relief ially, cither on the spine or across the . in- v.s, or over the stomach and bowels, that ■ o -■ v • :r. 1 days after a pleasing warmth will f it, -bowing tho length of timo it con !i. •* i 1 infiueuco over tho diseased parts. i Uric... of R. It. R. RELIEF, 50 cents boftV. Fold bv Druggists and Country ' ■- Grocers, &c. Cl. . i4 AY & GO., 6'i 'inn Lane, Mew York. WPS IS' > FEVER. I'hi:. a- i nut only curod by IKudsvay a Ivcliol and Pills, butpre v-.mied. It exposed te it, put ono tea -poonful of Relief in a tumbler ol water. Drink this before going out in tin- nornim;. and several timesduring tin. day. Take one of Radway’s Pills one liour In ' dinner, and ono on ing to ' • I r If.- i- -vita Fever, take 4t06 ol Pill-: V' j - .L\ iiours, until copious -cbai-gts from tbo bowels take place; drink tho Relief dilated with •.*;>.for, and !• die the entire surface ol fit- i.e U Relief. Soon a power ful perspirati-’ n will take place, and you will fool a pleasant heat through out the .-•• 'tom. Keep on taking Roliei repeatedly, every tour hours, also the Pills. A cure will bo sure to follow. .! h.- reli-.-fisstretigthening,stimulating, soothing, ami quieting; it is sure to break up :h. V r and to neutralize tli- [ I .ot treatment be fol lowed, anil ilmns;aids wiit be y-ave-1 The same treat men* in Fever and Agm- Yellow Fever, 8!: ip Fever, lhiiotv Fever, will eiibct u cure in 2t hours AVlion the pii iont feels tin- Relief irntr. ting or heating tho skin, a euro is posi tive. In all ea-es where pain is felt tli- id lief should bo used. .’eliof ■> cts.; Pil’s 25 cts. Sole b\ •" Druggists £ie« Dr. Rudy, ay's Almanac lo i S'.‘>d Sold by PLUMB «(• LEITNKR, inUV—ly. Auguftn, Ga. EIIL\RY fii. t. BALK i*2 Hsiittu .siiii:*;t, NEW SPRING GOODS! I WILL OPEN TO DAY A FRESH ASSOUTMKKT OF New Spring Prints, VERY HANDSOME, AT LOW IMI ICES. FINE CAMBRIC CHINTZ NKW PRINTED LAWNS. NEW SPRING DeLAIinKS, CUALLIES, etc., etc. New Spring Ginghams, VERY HANDSOME. AT A LOW PRICK. FRENCH CASSIA!ERISS, AMERICAN CASSIMERES. ami JEANES. BED TICKING, STRIPES, BLEACHED SHIRTING,' BROWN HOMESPUN, PARASOLS, HOOP SKIRTS, UMBRELLAS, GLOVES, o HOSIERY^ PERFUMERY, etc All of which will bo sold at as LOW PRICKS can bo had in town. IIGSIRY I*. A. BAI.K 172 Broad Street. mb! l-ly CfDOKUII eUII.ROAI) Breakfast, Dinner, and Supper House. PERSONS LEAVING AUGUSTA BY t either morning or evening Passoiiger Trains, or Atlanta by morning Passenger Train, or by any of tho Freight Trains, can always got a GOOD MEAL at UERZEI.IA, twonty inilos from Augusta, on tho Georgia Railroad K. NKBIIUT, iuli2l -ts Proprietor. Hook and job printing Executed at this Office At the Lowest Terms ami in the Best Style "Gome ami see samples “Unqneotionabl. u, e kindinu.,,^^ Harper’s Mag,^ vI'ZSfcJT" pleasinff ans7nitmt^ r l^J’“l * r Aion’s Herald , Boston. 1 * 'A complete Pictorial iTuu,,. . Harper’s W e 2 v issue of ‘‘77* Moonstone; Colima, Author of ‘ Tl.c Aw.r^' Dew6raKr of brief political eware^VoV AnlUtutatodWeekly^j •ore,andI Mtnw 2ftS^ Harper’s Bazar. Iu it is now beinj? DabliJuJxm. Creese, a Novel, by Jamei D^ . The . ,J azar, as an intelliop, ;t cri .- mmc topics, will donblles! American newspapers.- W, TERMS FOR llAilpeij-u pnn Inn Harper’s Magazine, One Harper s Weekly O.icra ” '*" Harper’s Bazar/' One ”” 4 * Harper’s Magazine, I, arpcr r ""|« Bazar, to one J Hr 4 ?10 00 ; or any two for *7 00 ’™ r An extra Copy of either tJie Mim,,- or Bazar will be supplied L-ra-is fc**' hive Subscribers at *1 00 ead, 1? <5? or Six Copiesfor ssl 00. 1 110:16 1*5^ Bound Volumes of tbe Maearin. , containing the Numbers furnished for $3 00 ,* r Vioume « postage paid. Bound Volumetf SI * containing the Numbers for a vir^?* nl The P r , f 5- U# - freight paid bv ..The Postage within the United Magazine 24 cents a year, for 20 cents a year, payable ves l. quarterly a] tiou from the Dominion of Canada pamed with 24 cents additionriforfiSl? ? t r r° for the Weekly or CT ‘‘t** United States postage ' Subscribers to the Magazine Weril. „ . will find ou each wrappe-t'-c V-tcK 1 their subscription c-Epire' stopped when the termo?«&!?! is not necessary to give notice of P dLii lu ordering the Magazine, the wSTj Bazar, the name and tfie addre*.ahonMhl aa Wlien the dirocuon hSh both the old and the new one must beziei , lye-tting by mail, a I’ct-Offif 0* , Draft payable to the order ot HarpiiW fP«n ale l° Bauk N °te», since XouldfcSjJ r Diaft be lost or stolen, itca*bereae*d»i out loss to tbe sender. Terms for Advkhtisio; in llAKrtß', Pmn, Harper s Magazi e - Whole Pace, ta aa page, #125 : Quarter Page, or, lor a less spa«.|l o 0 por hue, eachiuserui Harpers Bfe ?/ y--lu.-idePages,tUOp«Lii f Outside Page, fi 00 per Line, each insert* Harper s Bear.— sl CO per Line eai b tlon - t may 13-ly BRIYISH PERIODICALS THE LONDON QUARTERLY KRek (Consen*ative), TKE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig), THE AVESTMINSTER REVIEW {Radical THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW Tret Church), And BLACKWOOD’S EDINBURGH JUGi ZINE (Tory). These periodicals are ably snitained by tin contributions of the best writers on Science, Religion, and General I.iteratnrc,and staid un rivalled in the world of letters, they art indie peusablc to the scholar ami the profession!! man, and to every reading nun, as they fumiili a better record ol the current literature oik day than can be obtained from any other source. TER3IS FOR 1868. For auy one ol the Reviews HWpersn. For any two of the Reviews 7.8 “ For any three of the Reviews IWO “ For all four of the Reviews lit# “ For Blackwood’s Magazine LW “ For Blackwood and one Review... T.W “ For Blackwood and any two of tbe Reviews IW® “ For Blackwood and three of the Reviews IS. l ® For Blackwood and the 4 Revicws.M ’ CLUBS. A discount of twenty per cent. up ed to clubs of four o’r more persons. Ip four copies of Blackwood, or of one Kenei, will be sent to one address for 112 St J® copies of the four Reviews and .Blackwood,™ S4S 00 and so on. POSTAGE, Subscribers should prepay by tbe qnartera tlio office of delivery. The postage to any ps of tbe United States is two CM » This rate only applies to current suM™.- For back numbers the postage is aonW PREMIUMS TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS. New subscribers to any two of* periodicals for ISOS will be entitled w rec gratis, any one of tbe four KenesHf ' New subscribers to all live ofU«P®*“ for ISOS may receive, gratis, Blackwood or J. two of the four Reviews for lStiz ,o, Subscribers may obtain back nnmocKs following reduced rates, viz.: , tw The North British from Jsmurj,i«' ~ comber, ISO 7, inclusive; Westminster from April, 184, ®SSv fur ISG7, inclusive, and the Lomlon Q®J’ C ;L C | the years 1865, ISOO, and $1.50 a year for each or an}’ Blackwood for 1806 and 186', tor - • or the two years together for w Neither premiums to snhsOT . discount .0 clubs, nor reducediff* numbers, can be allowed, unless t remitted direct to the Publishers. No premiums can be riven to THE LEONARD SUofT H^ 140 Fulton street, n. The L. S. Publishing Co-, also pubhsh Uw FAU3IEK’S and# Bv Hunky Stephens, of Eth^S 1 ~w t , 'late. J. P. Nokton, of Vale Log j, royal octavo, 16(K) pages, and u gravings. .. hv mailP** Price #7 for the two vidimus paid, SS. ___—— OLIVER MTSOI 4® 1 277 WASHINGTON ST., BOST°>: IJI BLiSH UPWARDS I BOOKS, comprising tical works in every branch of- —uodl* Among those arc Richardson s the l’iiiuo, 83.75; Modern Scko bv Zundell, 81; ltassini 9 -y r, ° .-follh. 4*®" pictc, S4; Abridged, S3; ploto, 84; Abridged, SJ: Ts piwe*? #3; “The Home Circle Series flotkl music, 9 Vols. each, pl*' n ’ f ouirtd-s Ciilt, ft; llauinbach’s J* f jmbhf* 53.75; Boards. 83-50: The HaH eac li The Jubilate, by L. O. Golden Wreath and son, each 50 ets. Also all tb« Masses, Oratorios and catalogs** series of Librettos. I omplct c Books and Sheet Music will * narics. Teachers, n f. ,c^J nng Amateur Clubs, and 8,1 to tM music, is respcetflilly so lll ’ tl t ous advantages secured to them myS-y --llslmient. J. J. BROWNE. pARVKR AND G 11. P 8 B ' Looking Glass and ? icture CORNICES. BRACKS* ■ CO Iff so LB made TO e» pBK ‘ Old PICTURE md I* l piuS*®* FRAMES RKGILT, »ndO)U jiDi STORED, LINKD-d^^^n aosusta, d* l my 24—Iwtf