The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, May 29, 1868, Image 1
THE NATIONAL REPUBLICAN. COT'M NXi, Editor. you i. Xational Republican - jjdal Organ of the U S Government. PRICK: | n .M ™ ivY*»r- inlll 'VL 2 50 M ‘ in ' ' /Kr »,'«jkt4 v""'* '<* «v «*• ***■*- *« -^r Vr ' _ Th , Bodcrsis-nel, having a completely i *,•<• i- enabled to execute nil orders ■’"fv sn.i Jot. Printing. Hook-binding, or j, r fU»sk >a „U>er m the J,lirt<W ,h “" "" y K.M.IUIHUK. i,,ili. ----- —— F „„\Y MORSIK<» M *y *»• 181,8 rll , ~ J. A.VEMt -1 .VEST. rbe loUo*ing is <l'« proposed Article ol ,uOonsOtolion, »h«ch must be adopted by ; h , i,cgisl*t«re before the State can be Ltesenled i n Congress: to the Senate and House if Juices of the United Stoles of *■ . Cowress assembled, two thirds S Houses concurring, That the follow t-rtieles he proposed to the Lcg.slature-i fie sorer?l Slates .vs an amendment to 1 institution of the United States which, k „ ratified hr three fourths ol said l.ecis tmb dmll bo valid as a part of the 1- Ml persons born and, natarmliaed in the United States, and , t n iKn iuridiliuliou tuorcoi, «iru citt* ToX United States and of the State herein they reside. No State shall make JXc'a'v la»s which shall abridge t o nrileces or immunities of citizens ot the sited" States, nor shall any Stale deprive person of life, liberty, or property, „ih,‘ut due process ot law, nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the t.pial protection of the laws- Sec 2. Representatives shall be appor tioned among the several States according ito their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed, but whenever the right to vote at any election for electors ~f President and Vice President, or for United States Representatives in Congress, executive or judicial officers of a State, or members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of sach Stales, being twenty ouo years of age and citizens of the United States, or iu any »ay abridged, except for participation in rebellion or ether crime, the basis of repre sentation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male !citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty one years of age in sach State. Sec. o. No person oh a 1 be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President or Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United Sated, or under any State, who, having previous y taken an oath as a member ol C-tir'i'Rsv, or as an officer of the United Sates, or as a member of any State Leg iilature, or as au executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of ike United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof; hut Congress may, by a vote ot two thirds ol each House, remove such disability. Sec. 4. The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debt incurred for the payment of pensions and bounties for services in sup pressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not i* questioned; but neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; hut all such debts, obligation sad claim shall pc held illegal and void. See. 5. The Congress shall have power f enforce by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article. Passed June Id, 1800. We believe that the adoption of this Amendment by five of the States now under going reconstruction is needed to make it a (art of the Constitution. Official. Hiabij'ut tn.i Til mu Militarv Disinter, i (Department Ga., Ala- and Fla..) \ Atlanta, CJa . May 20,1808. J fount tJnUrn No. 80. &i niu- nos the sentences ot the prisoners (Win. Pruik-rew. Frank 11, Mtturiay, Hugh L. White, Hamms \V. Roberta, James Steele, JolmTJulleii, "iri ,Samuel Strayliorn, citizens), sentenced by ueiieral Orders No. 72, to confinement at har’d ‘**>l a* the Dry Tortugaa, an remains imexpired, intlie receipt of tin,- Order at Fort Jeffeieon. is Jtreby remitted, and the prisoners wilt be die durged. In tlius tally releasing these prisoners, the Major General Commanding trusts the clemency JjMewted toward them will not be misunderstood. *j««e miri'juided and thoughtless young men after a fair t rial, of acta of vio aod outrage against a citizen, with the oh os driving him out of the State. The frequent complaints of similar conduct, the failure of the civil authorities to repress •he ev\l, rendered it necessary to ex ere iso the t' l *er conferred on him by law, and bring the e I’fhouerß be foie a military tribunal. Thoir com - •wtion and punishment having, however, vindi- the principle involved, the Commanding in view of the suffering imposed on the ativen and friends of the prisoners, of the |>onaW;< made of future good conduct, and in nt #dicf that a proper example, earlier made, ®’?nt have deterred the prisoners from commit' ‘“i,'the offence, has directed the discharge of 165 prisoners. olnn rsnding General takes this occasion 1 similar clemency need not bo cx- in future, and ho warns the poople of w that he is determined to sup- | r^- all lawle.<«nei>3 and violence, and all at of individuals to take the law into their *o hatd*, or decide who shall not live in To protect every person in his \i it*” l ,€ *' K, »n and property, is made by the (i l,c Paramount duty of the Commanding ,l . W ‘ ** ,c P c, 'pl° of the District, v , *• authorities having in charge the prcscr |. 00 peace, and the execution of the e«err' * tn,,w l l*at he »* determined to a , 4le a " p*»wor under his command in the *•011<1 «ity, and that hereafter no ►wch a are hero allowed, will in ”' w relieve the guilty from the just Plnuboent awarded them. J'irde r of Major-General Mkadk m T*3—lot K. c. DRUM, A A.U. [Advertiaement.] *°. r ll,<: ,; " r « of Fever Ague, uml> A*™, Chill-Fever, Intermitting , )f ’ er > °™ Mismanaged Agues, Bad Effects { g«e»treated or suppressed with Quinine, j 1 a W U(l Arsenic, and other deleterious # p’Humphrey’s No. 16 is superior. As T«k 'I I'™ 1 '™ ,l ma y hts relied upon. a „ , ’ n *y persons travelling through an [A y or . 'narsh district, or residing in such tlm Si;' lt entirel y protects the system from Richmond County. Assignee’s Notice. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OK TUB failed States for tho Southern District of (Jeonfin. In tho matter of ) ROBERT F. CtTKIIY, } IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. J The uutleuikjncd hereby given notico ot hi* up i*omtmeut hj* Awigneo of ilm ratal© of Robert K. Curry, of the county of Kit.luii<>u<l ami State of <Jeor#»H. withiu saitl Dintrict, who has been ad judged a Bank nipt iqwm bis own petition l»y lb«* Uintrivt Coart or *nui District. Rated at Augusta, (In. 18th day ot May, IS6S. SAMUEL K DICK, myl!>~law3w Aeeigue©, etc. fn tiTe oivnuur coiiur oe tub l United States, for the MidJlo District of Oeorgin. In the mat tor of ) Ml KM A'l U. DAVteON, >ln Bankruptcy. Bankrupt. j I hereby give notice of my appointment ft-< A . igne© of tho K.-tato of William B. Davison, of Richmond county, Georgia, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt, upon his own petition, by the District Oourt of said District. 11KNRY CRANSTON, Augusta, May 13, ISOB. Assignee, my I ! law3w Letters of Dismission. IOTATK OF GEORGIA— O Richmond Cknmly. When'iis, Josephine Wilson, Administratrix on the estate of Peter Wilson, deceased, applies to me for letters of Dismission. These arc, therefore, to cite and admonish ail and singular, tho kindred and creditors of said ih ceascit, to l»o and appear at my office on or be fore tho first. Monday in October, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be gi anted. Given under my bund and official signature, at office in Augusta, this llh day of May, 18BH. E. M. BRAYTON, my 6—om* Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. OTATE OF (< EORtilA O ttichmond County. Wtiercas, John I). Butt, Administrator on the estate of Patric k (> Sullivan, deceased, applies to uie for Letters of Dismission. 'These arc, therefore, t«» cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased. t«» he and appear at my office on or be fore the first Monday iu October, to show cause, if any they have, wliy said Letters should not he granted. Given undei my hand and official signature, at office in Augusta, this . r >fli day ot Mav, 18tl8. EM. BRAYTON, niyti—f»m* Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. VJTATK ttF UEOROIA. U Hichnumd Con ni t/. Whereas Win. I*. Tuder, Administrator ot the estate of Sarah Swiuney, deceased, applies to me for Lctteis of Dismirsion. These are, therefore, to rife and adinouiidi all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said d«*. censed, to he and appear at my office, on or heforo the first Monday in October,to show cause, il any they have, why said lx tiers should not he granted Given under my hand and official signature, at office iu Augusta, this 10th day of Apiil, ISuS K.*M. BRAYTON, apt l—lawCui* Ordinary. Letters of Dismission or ATE UK (JBOUOIA— O Itichmond County. Whereas, Charles J. Jenkins, Executor, and Julia A. Cumming, Executrix, of the estate ol Thomas Cumming, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission : Those a*©, therefore, to cite aud admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or he tore the first Monday in September next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not bo granted. Given under my hand aud official siguaturo, at offico in Augusta, this 16th day of March, 1868. E. M. BRAYTON, nth 17 - lawfuir Ordiuary. Letters of Dism ssion. sJTATE OF GEORGIA— O Richmond County. Whereas, Charles J. Jenkins, Executor, and Julia A. Cumming, Executrix, of the estate of Anna C. Gumming, deceased, applies to me f**r Letters of Dismission: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all aud singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at my office on or be fore tho fir3t Monday in September next, to show cause, il any they have, why said Let! rs should not be granted. Given under my hand and Ith-ul signature, a*, office in Augusta, this 16th day ot March, 1868. !•]. M. BRAYTON, mb 17 -lawom Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. OTATE OF GEORGIA O Richmond County. Whereas, Charles J. Jenkins, Executor, and Julia A. Cumming, Executrix, of the estate of Henry 11. Cumming, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or be fore the lirst Monday in SSepL tuber next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. , Given under my band and official signature, at office iu Augusta, this 16th day of March, 1868. E. M. BRAYTON, in h 17—lawtiin* Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. OT ATE of GEORGIA LJ Itichmond County. Whereas, Charles J. Jenkins, Executor, and .Julia A. Cumming, Executrix, of the estate of Isaac Bryan, deceased, applies to mo lor Letters of Dismission: Those ate, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, tho kindred and creditors of said deceased, to bo aud appear at-my office on or be fore the first Monday in Snptuiocer next, to show cause, if any llioy have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, at offico in Augusta, this 1 6l h day of March, 1868. K. M. BRAYTON, nih 17—lawOm* Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. CjTATK OF GEORGIA- O Richmond nty. Whereas, Charles .1. Jenkins, Executor, and Julia A. Cuinmiug, Executrix, of the estate of William Camming, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission: Thor'o arc, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or be fore the first Monday in September next, to .show can ho, if any they have, why 3 id Letters should not be granted. (liven under my h ind and official signature, at office in Auguste, this Ibth day of March, 18Cf5. K. M. Bit A VTON, mh 17 —1 aw6m* Ordinary Letters of Dismission. OTA'i’E OF GEORGIA — O Richmond (JouiUy. Whkhcas, Mnrdocal llyairis, Adiiilnistrutor of the estate of James Kenny, deceased, late of said county, applies tonic for Letters of Dismission: Thoscarc,therefore,to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to l>c and appear at my otiiee on or helorc the lirsl Monday in June next, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not he granted. Give under my hand and ofllcinl signature this, the 4th day of December, IHO7. JACOB R. DAVIS, de7-d*wtd* Ordinary. BTATK OF GEORGIA UichvtoH'l (Jaunty. WuanitA*, Edward O’Donnell, Administrator on tho estate of THOMAS HANKY', deceased, applies to mo for Letters of Dismission. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all jiod singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to ho and appear at my office, on or before tho first Monday in September next, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not ho granted. Given under my hand and official signature, at office in Augusta, this 24th day of March, 1888. E. M. BRAYTON, mh2s-(lm* Ordinary AUGUSTA, G A., FRIDAY MORNING. MAY 29. 1 868. KICHXONB COUNTY. Letters of Dismission. /'I KORGIA— " I Richmond County. Wlicct'ais Caioline Dnhct, Administratrix, with the will annexed on the estate of Antoine Picqnct, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission: These are, therefore, to cite aud admonish all and singular, the kiudr©d and creditors of sitid deceased, to bo aud ap|H*ar at my office on or helm© tho first Monday in October, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under iny hand aud otticiul signature at Augusta, the Ihtliday of May, 1868. E. M. BRAYTON, my ID lawftm* Ordinary. Chatham County. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TUB 1. United Mates, for the Southern District of Goorgia. In tho matter of ) IN BANKRUPTCY'. ROBERT T. SMILLIE, > Bankrupt. I No. 75. The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all his debts provable under the Bankrupt Act of March 2nd, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the l‘Jtli day of June, 1868, at 9 o'clock, a. m., at chambers of said District Court before Frank 8. IL sscltine, Esq., one of the Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy at the office of the Register.corner of Bay & Drayton streets, Savannah*and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not he granted. And further notice is given that the second and third meetings of creditors will he held at the same time and place. Witness, the liouorablo John Erskinc, [skal.| Judge of said Court at Savannah, Ua., this 25th day of May, 1868 james McPherson, iny2o law2w « Clerk. 21 IN THE DISTKICt COURT OF THE I United States for the Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of } MEYER NKWMAKK. >IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. ) T * all whom it. may concern: The undersigned hereby gives notice of his election as Assignee of Meyer Newumrk, of the city of Savannah, county of Chatham, and State ol Georgia, withiu said District, who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said District. F H BARNARD, my 24 I awdt Assignee. IN IIIK DISTRICT COURT OF THE I United States for the Southern District of Georgia. In tlie matter of ) IN BANKRUPTCY. OSCAR C. FERRIS, [ Bankrupt. jt No. U3. The said bankrupt having petitioned 111© Court for a discharge from all his debts provable under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all per oils interested to appear on the sth day of June, 1868, at 11 o’clock a. ni., at Chambers of said District Court, before Frank S. Hesseltine, Esq., one of the Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy, at his office at corner of Bay ami Drayton sti., Savannah, Ga., and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bank nipt should not he granted. And further notice is given that the second and third meetings of cred itors will he held at the same time ami place. Witness, the Honorable John Krskiue, { kai.J Judge of said Court at Savannah, Georgia, tbit 18th day of Mav, 1868. james McPherson, my2f—law'-’w Clerk. IN THE '.DISTRICT COURT OF THE I. United States for the Southern District of Georgia. In the matter ol ) IN BANKRUPTCY ALBERT KELLNER, > Bankrupt. ) No. 77. The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court fi»r a discharge from all iiis debts provable under the Bankrupt Act «*f March 2d, 1867, notice ia hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the sth day of June, 1868, at 11 o’clock a in., at Chambers of said District Court, before F. S. Hesseltine, Esq., one of the Registers of said Comfc in Bankruptcy, at his office at the corner of Bay and Drayton streets, Savannah, Georgia, ana show cause why the prayer of the said peti tion of tho Bankrupt should not he granted. And further notice is given that the second and third meetings of creditors will bo held at tho same and plate. Witness, t lie Honorable John Erekine. [seai.| Judge of said Court at Savannah, Georgia, this Ibtli day of May, 1868. james McPherson, my 21 law2w Clerk. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE 1. United States for the Southern District ol Georgia. In the matter of ) IN BANKRUPTCY GOITSHALK BROWN - Bankrupt. J No. 168. The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court lor a discharge from all his debts provable under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all.persons interested to appear on the 6th Jay of June, 1868, at U o'clock a. m., at, Chambers of said District Court, before F. S Hesseltine, Esq., one of the Registers of said Court iu Bankruptcy, at his office at the corner of Bay and Drayton streets,Savannah, Georgia, and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not he granted. And fur ther notice is given that the second aud third meetings of creditors will be held at the same time ami place. Witness, the Honorable John Krskiue, [skai.j Judge of Baid Court at Savannah, Georgia, this IBth day of May. 1868. james McPherson. iuy2i—iaw2w Clerk. Warren County. IN THIS DISTRICT COURT OF THE I United States for the .Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of 1 . lIIKLDS, MITII A CO. j SHIELDS iV SMITH, | MATTHEW SHIELDS, J- IN BANKRUPTCY, and WILLI \M 11. SMITH, Baukrupts. j Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Ims been appointed Assignee of the estates of .Shields, Smiili Shi# hl« &. Smith, Matthew Shields, and William 11. Smith, of Warrenton, Oil., who have been adjudged bankrupts on their own peti tion. Dated at Warteuton, May ‘-’lst, I8(>8. IC. 11. POTTLE, my‘2l law3t* Assignee. IN I Hi: DISTRICT COURT OF TUB * United States for tho Southern District of Georgia. I ii tho matter of | HENRY 11. FITZPATRICK ! In Bankiu ptcv. Bankrupt. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed Assignee of the estate of Henry 11. Fitzpatrick, of Warrenton, Ga., who lias been ad judged a hank nipt according to tho Act of Con gross passed March !2d, 18(»7. Dated at Warrenton, May ‘Jlet, I8(i8. LEVI FOWLKU, my-I— law3t Assignee. TALIAFERIO COUNTY. I N THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED L States for the Northern District of Georgia. In tlie matter of 1 DAVfD li. DARDEN, j LITTLETON B.TAYLOII ] JOHN RHODES, j. IN BANKRUPTCY. li. F. BICKERS, ABSALOM 0. EVANS, | Bankrupts. J The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of tho nbuvo named parties, all of 'J'alliuforro county, Georgia, who have been adjudged Bankrupts upon their own petitions, by the District Court of said District. Dated at Sharon, Ga., loth day of May A. D., 1808. WM 11. BROOKE, myls-‘-!awSt Assignee. BURKE COUNTY~ “* QOUTIIKRN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA, 88., O At Augusta, tho Mth day of May, IBt>B. To his creditors and all whom it may coneeru : The undersigned hereby gives notice of his up pointment an Assignee of Joseph D. Ferry, in the county of llurko and State of Georgia, within Maid District, who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition, by the District Court of said District. JOHN T. SHEW MAKE, inySO—lawdw Assignee, etc., Augusta, Ga SUMTER COUNTY. IU Til K MtfTRICT COFIIT OF THIO A United St»ti>s, fur the Southern District of Georgia. In tho matter of i IN BANKRUPTCY. WILLIAM W. FORD, l Bankrupt. ) No. 130. Tho said Bankrupt having petitioned Ilia Court for a discharge from all hU debts provable under the Bankrupt Act of March 2nd, 1567, notico is hereby givcu to all persons interested to appear on the 21th day of Juno, ISBB, all o’clock p. in., ut Chambers of said District Court, before Frank 8. llosseitinc, Ksq., one of the ltegislers of said Court iu Bankruptcy, at the law oflico of Willis A. Hawkins, in Americus, and show cuu.-c why tho prayer ol tho said petition of tho Bankrupt should not bo gran tod. And fur ther notice is given that tho second and third meetings of creditors will bo held at the same time and place. Witness, the Honorable John Krskii.o [sEAn.j Judge <jf said Court at Havannah, Ua., this 25th day of May, ISOS. james McPherson, my26~law2w Clerk. IN THU DISTRICT COURT OF THE United Slates, for tho Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of , IN BANKRUPTCY. WILLIAM A. RAMSEY, l Bankrupt* * | No. 131. The .-;iid Bankrupt having petitioned the Court lor .1 discharge from all hi.s debts prova ble under tho Bankrupt Act of March 2nd, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on tho 24th day of Juno, 1868, at 12 o'clock in., at Chambers of said District Court, before Frank 8. Hesseltine, Esq., one of the Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy, at the law oflico of Willis A. Hawkins, in Americus, and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not ho grantad. And further notico is given that tho second and third meet ings of creditor* will bo held at tho same tiino anti place. Witness, the Honorable John Erskino, (seal] Judgo «T said Court at Savannah, Ga., this 25th day of May, 1868. jambs McPherson, my 26—law2vv Clerk. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TJIE 1- United States, for tho Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of ) IN BANKRUPTCY. ENOCH C. JARRELL, i Bankrupt. ) No. 70. The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all his debts provable under the Bankrupt. Act of Mar h 2nd, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the 21tli dav of June, IS6S, at I o’clock, p. m., at chambers of said District. Court, heforo Frank S. Hesseltine. Esq., one of tho Registers ofsaid Court of Bankruptcy at tho office of W. A. Hawkins, in Americas, and show cause why the prayer ol the wild petition of the Bankrupt should not he granted. And further notice is given that tho second and third meetings of creditors, will be held at the same time and place. Witness, the Honorable John Erskine, [seal.J Judge of said Court at Savannah, Ga., thia 23l|i dav iT May, IS6B. jamks McPherson, my26—law2w Clork. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE t United States for the Southern District of Georgia. In tho matter of | IN BANKRUPTCY’. WILLIAM L. REES, l Bankrupt. J No. 71. The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all his debts provable under the Bankrupt Act of March 2nd, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear ou tho 21th day ot June, 1868, at l o'clock, p.m , at Chambers of said District Court before Frank S. Hessoltinc, Esq., one of the Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy, at the law office of Willis A. Hawkins, in Americus, and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of tho Bankrupt should net be granted. And further notice is given that tho second and third meetings cf creditors will be held at the sauio time and place. Witness, the Honorable John Erskine, [seai..] Judgo of said Court at Savannah, Ga., this 25th day of May, 18(58. JAMEB Me PH EKBON, my 26 -law2w Clerk. IN THE D LSTRICT COURT OF TllE -1 United States, for the Southern District of Georgia. In tho matter of | LAZARUS PURIFOY {IN BANKRUPTCY. HOWELL, f So. 132. Bankrupt. j The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all his debts provable under the Bankrupt Act of '.larch 2nd, 1567, not co is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the 24th day of June, 18(58, at 12 o’clock, in., at Chambers of said District Court, before Frank S. Hesseltine, Fsq., one of the Registers'of said Court in Bankruptcy,at the law office of Willis A. Hawkins, iu Americus, Ga., and show oauae why the prayer of the said peti tion of tho Bankrupt should not ho granted. And further notice is given that tho second and third mootings of creditors will bo held at the same time and place. Witness the Honorable John Erskine, [seal.] Judge of said Court at Savannah, Ga., this 25th day of May, 1868. james McPherson, my2o—Jaw2w Clerk. TN THE DISTRICT COURT Oh THE -L United States, for the Southern District of Georgia. jn the matter of ) BENJAMIN F. BELL |IN BANKRUPTCY, aud }- BAMI*oON P. BOONE, | No. 137. Bankrupts. J Tlie said Bankrupts having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all their debts prov able under tho Bankrupt Act of March 2nd, 18U7, notice ivS hereby given to nil persons interested to appear on tlie 21th day of June, 1808, at 12 o’clock in., at Chambers of said District Court, before Frank 8. Jlesseltinc, Esq., one of tho Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy, at tho law office of Willis A. Hawkins, in Amoricu.% ami show cause why the prayo r of the said petition of the Bank rupts should not be granted. And further notice is given that the second and third meetings ot creditors will be bold at tho same time ami place. W Rricss, tho Honorable John Erskine, [seal.] Judge of said Court- at Savannah, (la., this 2atli day of May, 1868. james McPherson, my 26 law2w Clerk. MirCHELL COUNTY. SOUTHERN DISTRICT OK GEORGIA, AT Camilla, Mitchell county, Ith day of May, A- I)., 18(18. The undesigned hereby gives notice of his up pointment as assignee of Christopher T. DeGrat imried, of Camilla, in the countv of Mitchell and State of Georgia, within said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon bis own petition, by the District Court of said District. JOHN 11. T WITTY, myl6—lftw3w Assignee. Oglethorpe County. Assignee’s Notice of Appointment. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE J United States for the Northern District of Georgia. in the matter of i THOMAS B. MOSS, rIN BANKRUPTCY Bankrupt. 1 To whom it may concern. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as As signee of Thomas 11. Moss, ot Lexington, in the county of Oglethorpe and State of Georgia, within said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said District. Dated at Lexington, Ga., this May 19th, I8(i8. GEORGE F. PLATT, myiW— IhwJw Assignee, etc. 1 N Tilß DIS IRK’T COURT 0F TIIB UNITED L States, for the Northern District of Georgia. In tho matter of ) JOHN J. DANIEL, >IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. ) To all whom it may concorn : The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment us as signee of John J. Daniel, of the county of Ogle thorpe, and State of Georgia, within said District, who has boon adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition, by tho District Court of said District. May 12th, 1868. JOHN ARMSTRONG, inyl4—lftwJt Assignee. HOUSTON COUNTY. |j\ r nil-: district court of the A United States for the Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of )IN BANKRUPTCY. WILMS B. HARRIS, \ Bankrupt. J No. 74. The mid Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for it discharge from h!1 his dehtu provable under the Bankrupt Art of March 2d, 1867, notice is horchy given to all persons interested to appear on the 25th day of June, 1808. at 3 o'clock p. m., at Chambers or said District Court, before K. S. lies sell me, Esq., one of the Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy, at the law office ul King & Branham, in Fort Valley, Georgia, and show cause why (he prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not lie granted. And farther notice is given that the second and third meetings of creditors will he held at the same time and place. Witness, the Honorable John ltrskiue, | ena l. l Judge of said Court at Savannah, Georgia, this 25th day of May, 18(38. james McPherson, my2t> -lavraw Clerk. IN TUB DISTRICT COURT OB THE A- United States, fur the Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of | IN BANKRUPTCY BARTLEY M. BATEMAN !• Bankrupt. J No. 48. The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court tor a discharge from all his debts (Ttovahle under tim Bankrupt Art of March 3d, 18G7 notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear, on the ‘loth day of June, 18(38, at 3 o’clock n. m. at Chambers of said District Court, before F. S. Ilesseltnie, Esq., one of the Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy, at the law office of King & Branham, iii Fort Valley, Georgia, and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bank nipt should not he granted And further notice is given that the second and third meetiugs ol creditors will he held at the same lime and place. Witness, the Honorable John Erskine, [skai,| Judge of said Court at Savannah, Georgia, this 25th day of May, 1868. james McPherson, my26—law2w Clerk. IN TUB DISTRICT COURT OF THE J. United States, fur tho Southern District ol Georgia. In the matter ol 1 IN BANKRUPTCY OH AS. D. ANDERSON, | Bankrupt. I No. 51. The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all his debts, prova ble under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the 25th day of June, 1808, at 3 o’clock p. m., at Chambers of said District Court, before F. S. Hosscltine, Esq., one of the Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy, at I lie law office of King & Branham, in Fort Valley, Georgia, and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not he granted. And further notice is given that the second and third meetings of creditors will lie held at the same time and place. Witness, the Honorable John Erskine, [seal] Judge of said Court at Savannah, Georgia, this 25th day of May, 18(38. JAMES MoPHERSON, my2o -law2w Clerk. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE J. United States for tile Southern District of Georgia. In tho matter of 1 IN BANKRUPTCY. GEORGE M.TOWNLEY, ! Bankrupt. J No. 53. The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all his debts provable under (he Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to nil persons interested to appeal oil the 25th day of June, 1868, at 3 o’clock p. m., at Chambers of said District Court before F S. Ilessclline. Esq., one of the Registers of said ■Court in Bankruptcy, attlie law office ol King N Branham, in Fort Valley, Georgia, and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not lie granted. And further notice is given that the second and third meetings of creditors will he held at the 3ame time and place. \V imess, the Honorable John ttrskiue, f.*>ka i,j Judge of said Court at Savannah, Georgia, this XJoth dav of May, 18(»8. james McPherson, my‘JG -law2w Clerk. BANKS COUNTY. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE 1 United States, for the Northern District of Georgia. In the matter ot j JOHN AY. PRUITT, >JN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. J To all whom it may concern ; The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as assignee of John \V. Pruitt, of the county of llauks, and Stale of Georgia, within said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the Dist rict court of said District. Dated this '.’3d day of M iv, 18i>8. j AMES J. TURNBULL, iny27—l aw3w Assignee of John W. Pruit t. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE . United States tor the Northern District of Georgia. In the matter of ) MIN YARD SANDERS, [in Bankruptcy. Bankrupts. ) To whom it may concern : The imdoisigued gives notice of his appointment as assignee of Minyar l Sanders of Banks county and Statu of Georgia, within said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition, by the District (-ourt of said District. Dated Mth dav of May, A. I).. 1868. FOUNTAIN G MOSS. my 15 law3w Assignee, etc. Fulton County. Assignee's Notice j N THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE I United States for the Northern District of In the matter of ) FRED. S. STEWART, [ IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. ) To whom it may concent: The uudersigued hereby gives notice of his appointment as As signee of Frederick S. Stewart, of Atlanta, county of Fulton and State of Georgia, within said District, wln» has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Comf of said District. NOAH R. FOW LER, my‘22— law‘2w Assignee. Assignee’s Notice. i N THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE I United States for the Northern District of Georgia. i u the matter of ) WM. 8. EVERETT, >IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. J To whom it may concern : Tho undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment, as As signee of Win. 8. Everett, of Atlanta, comity of Fulton, State ot Georgia, within said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by tlie District Court of said Dis trict. NOAH R. FOWLER. my‘-22- -i a w.'w Assignee. Assignee’s Notice. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE JL United Stated for the Northern District ot Georgia. In the matter of Jln Bankruptcy, at At- KATK A. COltllA, > lanto. in said District, Bankrupt. j April 30, 1868. This is to give notice, once a week for two weeks, that I have been appointed Assignee of tfie estate of Kate A. (Joi ru, of the city of Atlanta, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt, upon her own petition by the District Court of said District. STEPHEN 11. DAVIS, m y -M) —w *2 w Assignee. JACKSON COUNTY. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE L United States for the Northern Di. trict of Georgia. In tho matter of ) JOHN B. JACKSON, IN BVNKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. j To all whom it may concern: The undersigned hereby gives notice of their appointment as As signees of John B. Jackson, ot Jackson county, and Stale of Georgia, within said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court oi said District. Dated, I (hit of Mav, I8(»K. WM J. PIKE, JOHN S. HUNTER, my‘2o—iawJw Assignees, B'IVE DOLLARH A. YEAR. RANDOLPH COUNTY. TN THE "DISTRICT COURT OF THE A United States, for the Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of ) IN BANKRUPTCY JAMES RAY, ; Bankrupt. J No. 41. The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all his debts provable under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on tho 22d day of Juno, IS6B, at 4 o'clock p. m., at Chambers of the said District Court, beforo Frank S. Besseltine, Esq., ono of tho Registers of the said Court in Bankruptcy, at the law office of Arthur Hood, in Cuthbert, and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted. And further notice isgiven that the second and third meetings of creditors, will he held at. the same time and place. Witness (he Honorahlo John Erskine, Iscail of said Court, at Savannah, 1 J Ga., this 25th day of May, IS6S. JAMES McPiIEKSON, my2(? Jaw2tv Clerk. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE -L United States, for tho Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of 1 IN BANKRUPTCY. LEWIS T. GLOVER, J- Bankrupt. ) No. 40. The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge lroin all his debts provable under tho Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear oa the 22-1 day of June, 1868, at 4 o’clock p.m., at Chambers of tho said District Court, beforo Frank S. Hosseltinc, Esq., ono of the Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy, at the law Office of Arthur Hood, in Cuthbert, and show cause why tho prayer of the said petition of the Bank rupt should not be granted. And further notice is given that tho second and third moctiugs of creditors will ho held at the sumo time and place. Witness the Honorable John Erskine, Tseail - lu<l g e of said Court, at Savannah, L ’ Georgia, this 25th day of June, 1868. james McPherson, my26—law2w Cierk. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States, for tho Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of ) IN BANKRUPTCY URIAH MoCULLERS, ; Bankrupt. I No. 38. The said Bankrupt having petitioned tho Court for a discharge from ali his debts provable undor the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1567, notice is hereby given i<> al l persons interested toappearou the 22d day of June, 1868,at 4 o’clock p.m., at Chambers of said District Court, before Frank S. Ilosseltine, K.-q., one of the Registers of the said Court in Bankruptcy, at the law office of Arthur llood, in Cuthbert, and show cause why the prayer of tho said petition of the Bank rupt should not ho granted. And further notice is givou that llie second and third meetings cf creditors will he hold at the same time and place. Witness, the Honorable John Erskine, Isfai 1 Judge of said Court, at Savannah, 1 " J Ga., this 25th day of May, 186S james McPherson, iuy2ti—l.nv2" Clerk. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE T United States, fur the Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of i In Bankritotcy. HENRY OPPENIIEI.MER, (. Bankrupt. ) No. 152. The raid Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from ail his debts provable under tho Bankrupt Act ol March 2nd, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the 22-1 day of June, IS6S, at 4 o’clock, p. ui., at chambers of said District Court, before j rank S. Ilcsscltine, Esq., one of Ihe Registers of aid Court in Bankruptcy, at the office of A. H-n-d, iu Cuthbert, tind t-fa w cause why (he prayer of the said petition ol tho Bankrupt should not be granted. An-1 further notice is given that -he second and thiid meetings of creditors will be held at the same time and place. Witness, the Honorable John Er-kine, [.skal.] Judjte of said Corrt at Savannah, Ga., this 25th day of May, IS6S. james McPherson, my26—-law2w Clerk. TN THE DISNRICT COURT OF THE b United States tor the Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of i IN BANKRUPTCY. WINFIELD SCOTT, C Bankrupt. ) No. 153. The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Cmirl tor a discharge from all his debts provable under the Bankrupt Act of March 2nd, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to anpear on the 22d day of June,lß6B, at 4 o'clock, p. m , at. chambers of said District- Court hefote F S. llessel tme, one of the Registers of said Court in Bank ruptcy at the office of Arthur Hood, iu Cuthbert, Ga., and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted. And further notice is given that the second and third meetings ol creditors will he held at the same time and place. Witness, the Honorable John Erskine, [skal.] Judge of said Court at Savannah, Ga., this 25th dav of May, IS6S. james McPherson, my 26—Iaw2w Clerk. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE X United States, for the Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of ) IN BANKRUPTCY KOBERTUS A. COOPER 1 Bankrupt. j No. 154. The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for u discharge from all his debts provable under the Bankrupt Act of March 2nd, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the 23d day of June, 1868, at 4 o'clock, p. m., at chambers of said District Court before Frank S. Ilesseltine, Esq., one of the Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy, at the office oi' A. Hood, in Cuthbert, aad show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not be grant ed. And further notice is given that the second and third meetings of creditors will he held at the same time and place. Witness, tho Honorable John lirskinc, [sisal. J Judge of said Court at Savannah, Ga., this 25th day of May, 1868; james McPherson, my 26—It Clerk. COLUMBIA IN IT IE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United Stated for the Southern District of Georgia. In tho matter of ) JAMES A. JOHNSON, > IN UANKRUPTOY bankrupt. J The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of James A. John:on. of Thomson, Columbia county, State ol Georgia, within said District, who lias been adjudged h Hank rapt upon his own petition by the District Court of said District. Dated at Thomson, the of May, 18(8. JOHN G. CAD DWELL, my'Jll—lnwdw Assignee. CAMPBELL COUNTY. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for tin* Northern District o Georgia. In the matter of ] AARON G. liULSEV, [IN BANKRUPICI Bankrupt. J To whom it may concern: The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as As signee of Aaron G. Hulsey, of the county of Campbell, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said District. ISAAC. N. SHANNON, in y 23—tv3w Assignee. MORGAN COUNTY. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE X United States for the Northern District of Georgia, In tho matter of l DAVID W. MORGAN, UN BANKRUPTCY Bankrupt ) To whom it may concern : The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment ns As signee of David VV. Morgan, of LuGrange, in the county of Troup, and Slate ot Georgia, within said District, who lias been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition hv the District Court <»t said District. ISAAC N. SHANNON. nty23—la\v3\\ Assignee. NO 257 R> R> Rs 90 OCT OF 100 OF DEATHS, that annually occur, are caused by Prevent able Diseases, and the greater portion of those complaints would, if Radwtiy’s Ready Re lief or Pills, (as the case may require,) were administered when pain or uneasiness or slight sickness is experienced, be exterminated from the sys tem in a few hours. PAIN, no matter from what cause, is almost instantly cured by the Ready Relief. In cases of Cho lera, Diarrhoea, Cramps, Spasms Bilious Cholic, in fact all Pains, Aches and Infirmities either in the Stomach, Bowels, Bladder, Kidneys, or the Joints, Muscles, Legs, firms, Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Fever and Ague, Head ache, Toothache, &c., will in a FEW MINUTES yield to the soothing influence of the Ready Relief. Sadden Colds, Coughs, Influenza, Dip theria, Hoarseness, Sore Tilt oat, Chills, Fever and Ague, Mercurial I’ains, Scarlet Fever, &c., &c., take from four to siv'of Eadvvay’e Pills, and also take a teaspoonful of the Ready Relief in a glass of warm water, sweet ened with sugar or honey j bathe the throat, head and chest with Ready Relief, (if Ague or Intermittent Fever, bathe the spine also,) in the morning you will bo cured. How tho Ready Relief Acts! Tn a few minutes the patient will feel a -light tingling irritation, and the skin be comes reddened; if there is much distress in the stomach, the Relief will assist nature in removing tho offending cause, —a general warmth is felt throughout the entire body, and its diffusive stimulating properties rapidly courses through every vein and tissue of the system, arousing the slothful and partially paralyzed glands and organs to re newed and healthy action, perspiration fol lows, an-1 tile surface of the body feels in creased heat. The sickness at stomach, colds, chills, head-ache, oppressed breathing, tho soreness of the throat, and all pains, either internally or externally, rapidly subside, and the patient falls into a tranquil sleep, awakes refreshed, invigorated, cured. © It will bo found that in using the Reliei externally, either on the spine or across the kidneys, or ever the rtomacb and bowels, that for several days after a pleasing warmth will K felt, showing the length of time it con- Unties its influence over the diseased parts. r-ff" Price of R. R. R. RELIEF, 50 cents per bottle. Sold by Druggists and Country Merchants, Grocers, &c. RADWAY & CO., 87 Maiden Lane, New York. TYPHOID FEVER. Tlris disease is not only cured by Dr. Hallway's Relief and Pills, but pre vented. If exposed to it, put one tea spoonful •of Relief in a tumbler ol water. Drink this before goiug out in the morning, and sevoral times during the day. Take one of Radway’s Pills ono hour before dinner, and one on •C->ing to bed. . J If seized with Fever, take 4 to 6 oi to Pills every six hours, until copious 1 ischarges from the bowels take place; ilso drink tho Relief diluted with water, and bathe tho entire surface oi • (lie body with Relief. Soon a power ful perspiration will take place, and you will feel a pleasant heat through out tho system. Keep on taking Reliei repeatedly, every four hours, also the Pills. A cure will be sure to follow. Tho relief is strengthening, stimulating, soothing, and quieting; it is sure tc break up the Pover and to neutralize tho poison. Let this treatment be fol lowed, and thousands will be saved. The same treatment in Fever and Ague, Yellow Fever, Ship Fever, Bilious Fever, will effect a cure in 24 hours When the patient feels the Relief irrita ting or heating the skin, a cure is posi tive. In all eases where pain is felt the Relief should he used. Relief 50 cts.; Pills 25 cts. Sold by all Druggists. See Dr. Radway’s Almanac for 1868 Sold !>y PLUMB ■£• LEITNEII. mill iy. Augusta, Ga. GtOSIGI t SMILROiI) Breakfast, Dinner, and Supper House. PERSONS LEAVING AUGUSTA BY I either moraine or evening Passenger Trains, or Atlanta by morning Passenger Train, or by any of the Freight Trains, can always got a GOOD MEAL it BERZELIA, twenty miles from Au-ust i, on tho Georgia Railroad. E. NEBHUT, mh3l--tt Proprietor. JDr. ZEKE, wtsbs*, t\ oiiiGiMi. (colorkd) ffirmr DENTIST, Office Northeast cor. Campbell <(■ Greene sis., AUGUSTA, GA., WILL UIVK HIS SPECIAL ATTENTION to Natural and Artificial Teeth. Artificial Tooth, witb Plumpers, mounted on plates in a neat and durable manner, to restore tho original expres sions of the fact*. Treatments of irregularity of the Teeth, with ligaturos. Special attention and direction given to children’s second dentition, and tho constitution of good Teeth. Teeth filled with gold and other preparations. All work warranted as represented. Terms moderate. mh4—3m __ FREIGHT ON COTTON. Charleston lo Nett' York, $1.50 per Hale. tin; WILL RECEIVE AND FORWARD VV to New York, by the Regular Lino Steamers, ali COTTON consigned to us, at ONE DOLLAR AND A HALF PER BALE, free of Commission, Draynge, and other expenses. RAVENEL A CO., Agents Regular Line Steamers, mh2B—2m Charleston, 3. C.