The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, July 04, 1868, Image 3

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Official City Paper.
7 U ST A-
- MORNING -J-V <■ 1868
Miniature Almanac for July. 1868.
•un Rises 4.55 | Bun Sets M 2
w 1 MAAn—ToJy 19th, 4.48, evening.
Fi 6 r M 26th, 8.43 morning.
Range of Thermometer.
. T Thk National Republican Office,
Ar July 3, 1868.
U , I 12 m. I 3 p.m. I 6 p.m. I 9 p.*.
84'* | 80° I 78'_
local editor I
vv . F . J • «o BIN 8O N
Post Office Bulletin.
Avgusta, Ga'., June 18th, 1868.
Until further orders, the Post Office will
be open as follows :
Office hours —Open from 8 to 4 p. m.,
and from 5 to 7 p. m.
On Sundays—Open at 8.30, and remains
open until 10 a. m.
Mails close every day at‘7 a. in., for Sa
vannah and points on Central Railroad.
For Charleston (night train), at 3 p. ni.
For Atlanta and the South, and for al)
Northern points for through train, at 7 p.m.;
and also for Savannah, Macon and Colum
bus, at 7 p. m.
For Atlanta, Georgia Railroad way mail,
and the West; also, for Charleston and
South Carolina Railroad way mail, at 9 p.m.
All mails close at 1 o’clock p. m. Sundays
Money Order business transacted from 9
a. in. to 1 p. m., and from 3 to 6 p. m.
How to Send Money.
firy"’ In remitting money by mail, the
safest way to do so is by Draft, or Post
Office money order; and when neither of
these can be had, send in “Registered”
Letter. A letter can be “registered” at any
Post Office in the United States, as no Post
Master has any right to refuse, when asked
to do so.
Pont Office Notice.
On Saturday, the 4th of July, the Post
Office will be open from 8J to 10 a. in., and
from 6 to 7 p. m.
All mails will close at 7 p. m.
Divine Service.
We are requested to state that service
(D. V.) will be held at the Church of the
Atonement, on Sunday (to morrow) morn
ing at half past ten o’clock a. m.
An inquest was held on Thursday after
noon upon the body of a negro boy, aged
about eleven, who fell in the river on
Tuesday last and was drowned,
County Court at Chamber*.
Judge McLaws held his levee on yester
day. Several and sundry cases were
brought before him—one of assault, and
two or three peace warrants, all of which
were amicably settled by the parties at
variance, and the costs paid.
Peachcß, Plums and Watermelon*.
These fruits are coining in quite freely,
and the fruit appears to be good and ripe, as
a general thing. The melons smell very
strong of money, but those who like the fruit
don’t mind the cost.
To-Day. .
This day was the birth-day of American
liberty. Its anniversary again recurring,
calls to mind the memorable event, and its
observance, although in many places in our
country becoming obsolete, is still kept alive
in others, and will ever remain an epoch in
the history of the world not to be blotted out.
Musical Review for July.
This cheap, but excellant Musical work
for July has been received. Subscription
price $2 pet annum. One half the work is
dedicated to Piano-Songs and Pieces—and
worth the price for the whole year—even for
one number. Published by J. S. Peters,
P. 0. box, 5429 New York.
Funeral of Janie* Nliil leu, Sr.
The mortal remains of this venerable
citizen were followed to the cemetery, after
impressive services at the Catholic Church,
yesterday afternoon-. A large concourse of
his fri<?nds testified by their presence, the
high esteem in which the lamented deceased
was held.
Richmond. Superior Court.
This Court, Judge Gibson presiding, was
in session on yesterday up to 12 o’clock!
and was adjourned until next Wednesday
week, the 15th inst. The Grand Jury, after
auditing several accounts from County
officers for insolvent costs, adjourned, and
were dismissed.
“Come like Shadowi"»o De purl,”
We scarcely know when we have been
so shocked as wc were yesterday to learn
that our old, and for some time intimate,
friend, Chauncey Churchill, had departed
this life at his residence in Hartford,
Conn., on Tuesday, 16th ult., a little over
two weeks since wo bade him farewell.
From his expressed feelings of good health
to us, we hoped to meet him again in the
Fall. For over over thirty years he had
been a business man in this community.
His integrity and fair dealing all know,
hut his urbanity and Christian charity is
best known to a few. While ho lived here,
bis professions as a consistent member of
the Christian Church were exemplified in
his daily walk and conversation ; and the
good name he bore in life lives after hhn
as a memento most precious to his friends.
Farewell 1
Fourth of July.
At one time in our short life this day was
3 jubilee over all this broad land called the
b nited States. It was a specialty. It was
the birthday of a nation. Ninety two years
ago this day was born the greatest nation
that the world has ever yet seen. Inter
necine war are but the ebullitions of tho
filing pot. Henceforward the nations of
-e earth will come up to us and our pros-
J’ty, which were thought, in our former
not to be equalled and
cuuld not be excelled upon the earth,
•ill be shown to be a mere outside shell in
■ comparison to the solid work that will be
one in the future. Let us all then com
luemorate this day; let us work and hope
M wait. The future is destined to be a
► onous consummation of the bright hopes
our fathers, and the silver cloud will line
horizon of our hopes.
Divine Service.
By the President of the United t tides.
Washington, July 3. Whereas, in the
month of July, Anno Domini 1861, in ac
cepting the condition of civil war which was
brought about by insurrection in several of
the States which constitute the United States,
the two Houses of Congress did solemnly
declare that the war was not waged on the
part of the North in any spirit of oppression,
nor for any purpose of conquest or subjuga
tion, nor for any purpose of overthrowing or
interfering with the rights or established in
stitutions of the States, but only to defend
and maintain the supremacy of the Consti
tution of the United States, and to preserve
the Union with all the dignity, equality and
rights of the several States unimpaired, and
that so soon as those objects should be
accomplished, the war on the part of the
Government should cease ; and
Whereas, The President of the United
States has heretofore, and in the spirit of
that declaration, and with the view of
securing for it ultimate and complete effect,
set forth several proclamations, offering
amnesty and pardon to persons who had
been or were concerned in the aforesaid
rebellion, which proclamations, however,
were attended with prudential reservations
and exceptions then deemed necessary and
proper, and which proclamations were re
spectively issued on eighth day December,
1863, on the twenty ninth day of May, 1865,
and on tho seventh day of September, 1867;
Whereas, The said lamentable civil war
has long since altogether ceased, with an
acknowledgment by all the States of the
supremacy of the Federal Constitution and
the Government thereunder, and there no
longer exists any reasonable ground to
apprehend a renewal of the said civil war,
or any interference, or any unlawful resist
ance by any portion of the people of any
of the States to the Constitution and laws
of tho United States; and,
Whereas, It is desirable to reduce the
standing army, and to bring to a speedy
termination military occupation, martial
law, military tribunals, abridgement of
speech and of the press, and suspension of
the privilege ol habeas corpus and the right
of trial by jury—such encroachmets upon
our free institutions in times of peace being
dangerous to public liberty, incompatible
with the individual rights of the citizens,
contrary to the genius and spirit- of our
republican form of government, and ex
haustive of the national resources ; and
Whereas, It is believed that amnesty and
pardon will tend to secure a complete .and
universal establishment and prevalence of
municipal law and order in conformity with
the Constitution of the United States, and
to remove all appearances or presumptions
of a retaliatory or vindictive policy on the
part ot the Government, attended by unne
cessary disqualifications, pains, penalties,
confiscation, and disfranchisements; upon
the contrary, to promote and procure com
plete fraternal reconciliation among the
whole people, with due submission to the
Constitution and laws.
Now, therefore, be it known, that I, An.
drew Johnson, President of the United
States, do, by virtue of the Constitution, and
in the name of the people of the United
States, hereby proclaim and declare uncon
ditionally, and without reservation,to all and
to every person, who, directly or indirectly,
participated in the late insurrection or
rebellion, excepting such person or persons
as may be under presentment or indictment
in any Court of the United States, having
competent jurisdiction upon a charge of
treason or other felony, a lull pardon, and
amnesty for the offence of treason against
the United States, or of adhering to their
enemies during the late civil war, with
restoration of all rights of properly except as
to slaves, also, as to any property of which
any person may have been legalTy divested
under the laws of the United States.
In testimony whereof I have signed these
presents with my hand, and have caused the
seal of the United States to be hereunto
Done al thb City of Washington, the 4th
day of July, in the year of our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and sixty eight, and
of the Independence of the United States the
ninety third. ANDREW JOHNSON.
By the President:
Wm. 11. Seward, Sec’y of Stale.
North Carolina-
Raleigh, July 3. —In the Senate, to-day,
Judge Osborne, Senator elect from Mecklen
burg, presented his credentials, which were
referred to the Committee of Investigation.
The President of the Senate ruled that
the General Assembly having adopted the
Howard Amendment, it had the force of law
in the State, though not yet a part of the
Constitution of the United States. Hence
he will not admit persons bound by it.
Mr. Robbins, Senator from Rowan, offered
a resolution, in substance, that North Caro
lina declares that .the fundamental condition
in the Omnibus bill, providing for the read
mission of the State, etc., shall forever bo
held without legal force or effect as to this
State ; and that the declaration is made, not
to obstruct a settlement and the promotion
of the Union, but to avoid the consequences
of a silent acquiescence or approval ot a
doctrine fraught with danger to the rights of
all the States, and of constitutional govern
Certificates of disabled members in the
House were referred to a Committee.
Two negro Door Keepers were elected in
the House, and one in the Senate.
Governor Holden will deliver bis inaugural
From Atlanta.
Atlant*, July 3.—ln compliance with
telegraphic orders from Gen. Grant, Gen.
Meade issues orders appointing Bullock
Governor of Georgia, viae Gen. Ruger re
moved, which takes place to morrow on the
assembling of the Legislature ; also, Wm. H.
Smith Governor of Alabama, vice Patton,
Amoved, and A. S. Applegate Lieutenant
Governor, which takes effect on July 12th.
The prosecution testimony, in the trial of
the Columbus prisoners, is strong against the
Gen. Robert Toombs is here organizing
tho Democratic party.
Washington, July 3.— Senate: A memo
rial was presented asking fifteen thousand
dollars fordeepening the St. John’s (Florida)
The Tax bill was reported and made a
special order for Monday, and until com
A resolution to adjourn for the 4th, was
adopted, ten Republicans voting nay. The
balance of the day was devoted on the Dis
trict of Columbia affairs. Adjourned,
House.— The Democratic seats are empty.
The House considered the appropriations ip
Committee of the whole, again rejecting
tho Amendment allowing clerks extra com
pensation ; and after passing the bill furn
ishing the militia of each Congressional
District with two thousand rifles, two
batteries of artillery, adjourned to Mon
Washington Items
Washington, July 3.—The Corruption
Committee’s report covers over twenty
column*, without positive facts or assertions.
The report labors to show the probability
that money was raised and used to acquit
Johnson. Tho amount of dirt thrown is
amazing—scarcely a friend of the President
or a prominent political opponent escapes.
New London, July 3.—The steamers City
ot Boston and State of New York collided,
at the mouth of Connecticut river, in a fog.
Three persons were lost, and many hurt.
Both boats were crowded with passengers.
New York, July 3.—Papers are full of
speculations and streets full of rumors, but
no real change in the situation. Pendleton’s
friend's are sanguine.
Markets—By Telegraph.
LONDON, July 3, Weon. —Consols 95. Bonds,
FRANKFORT, July 3.—Bonds 77Ja77i- •
NEW YORK, July 3, AW.—Gold 140 J.
Sterling, 1. ’62 coupons, 13. North Carolina
ex-cOupons, 75J, new, 75 J. Virginia ex-coupons,
59J, new,sß. Tennessee ex-coupons, 721, ncw,7oJ.
NEW ORLEANS, July 3—Sterling 53a
55. New York Sight $ premium. G01d,1.39Ja1.40.
Produce and Oilier Markets.
LIVERPOOL, July 3, Noon.— Cotton quiet.
Sales 8,000 bales; lor the week, 56,000 bales.
Stock, 62,000 bales —American 353.
LIVERPOOL, July 3, Evening. — Cotton firm
and unchanged,- afloat 609,000 bales, whereo
American 36,000.
NEW YORK, July 3, Noon.— Cotton firm.
Middlings 32.
Flour dull and declining. Wheat very heavy,
Corn 2a3c. better. Mess pork heavy ats27.soa
27.64. Lard quiet. Turpentine, 44a44J. Rosin
dull; common strained, 2.95. Freights quiet.
NEW YORK, July 3, Evening.— Cotton a
shade firmer. Sales, 1,900 bales. Middlings,
Flour : State and Western continues to favor
buyers ; Southern dull and heavy; common to
fair extra 8.85a10.30. Wheat dull. Corn quiet,
at an advance. Oats la2c better. Mess Pork
$27.65a27.87. Lard steady; steam 15ial6J.
Whiskey quiet. Groceries steady. Turpentine
and Rosin unchanged. Freights quiet.
BALTIMORE, July 3. -Cotton firm at 32.
Flour quiet and nominal. Wheat dull ; white
2 25a2.65 ; red 2.00a2.40. Corn firm; white
1.12a1.15. Oats dull and unchanged. Rye dull
at 60a6i>. - Provisions unchanged.
MOBILE, July 3.—Cotton market firm. Sales
400 bales; Middlings 29a29Jc. Receipts 17
bales. Exports, coastwise, 1,235 bales. Sales of
tho week 2,500. Receipts 58. Exports, coast
wise, 2,881 ; no foreign. Stock 4,316.
SAVANNAH, July 3.—Cotton firm; sales
221 bales; Middlings 30Jc; prices irregular;
receipts 738 bales.
NEW ORLEANS, July 3.—Cotton firmer,
Middlings 301 c. .Sales 542 bales. Receipts 341
bales. Exports 3,098 bales. Sales for the week,
2,033; exports,Liverpool, 1,011, coastwise, 2,598;
receipts, 1,101 ; stock, actual count, 6,055.
CHARLESTON, July 3.—Cotton active and
firmer. Sales 309 bales; Middlings 31a31J.
Receipts 59 bales; exports coastwise 229; ex
ports to Great Britan 447 bales.
WILMINGTON, July 3.—Spirits Turpen
tine weaker at 38J ; N. Y. casks 39. Rosins
declined; strained 1 80; Ko. 2 1.90; No. 1 2.50.
Tar declined, at 2.50.
Marine News-
WILMINGTON, July 2.—Cleared; James A
Gary, fur Baltimore.
CHARLESTON, July 3.—Sailed: Steamer
Moneka, for New York.
SAVANNAH, July 3.—Arrived: Bark Terp
sichore, Baltimore; schooner Lizzie Evans,
Cleared : Steamship Wyoming, Philadelphia ;
Virginia, New York : San Jacinto, New York.
The above steamships will sail to morrow
Office National Republican, 1
Fninar, July 3—P.M. )
FINANCIAL.—This department of traffic re
mains in ,i«iu Gold and Silver is quiet and
easy at former quotations. Stock, and Bonds
are at ouryeitorday’s-quotations. Macon Au
gusta Railroad, 75 ; Augusta <t Columbia Rail
road, 75, with interest from date of Bonds;
Georgia Railroad Bonds sell for 102, cx-coupons.
COTTON.—Remains quiet at our former quo
fation of 30 cents for strict Middlings There is
no great cflort either made to soil or buy, the
“bulls don’t paw tho yeth," nor do the "bears”
growl any to hurt. Home consumers seem to be
the only parties who come up to the scratch.
COHN. —Is selling in quantity at 1.15, and at
retail at 1.20a1.25.
WHEAT AND FLOUR —Assume a quiet state
aud holds its own pretty well. Superfine Flour,
from new Wheat, sells at s9as!o.oo per barrel,
higher grades in proportion up to $14.00.
* •
Grand Jury Presentment.
We, tho Grand Jury of Richmond County for
the present week, make the following present
Wo would call the attention of the authorities
to the large number of idle persons sleeping and
lounging about the Court House yard, and would
recommend that they be arrested as vagrants.
Wo recommend that the Jailer of Richmond
county be furnished with a new and complete set
of books; also, that the Petit Jury bo paid
promptly the amount (one dollar per day) al
lowed them while in the discharge of their duty-
We find that all the roads and bridges arc in
good condition, excepting tho bridge over Spirit
Creek, on tjie Savannah Road, which, if not
soon attended to, will be the cause of ser.ous
injury; -also the road leading from Spirit Creek
to McTftan Mills is in a very bad condition, and
has not been worked for a long time; and the
bridge on Butler's Creek, at the Louisville cross
ing, which will have to be rebuilt, and would
recommend that lhe bridge be removed three or
four hundred yards above the present crossing,
to the point where the plank road formerly
We would also recommend the working and
adding to the County Road, tho road leading
from tho Milledgeville Road, commencing at
Dr. Dugas’, to lhe Washington Road, crossing
the Georgia Railroad at Phiniay’a Station, as of
great importance to travel, and we take pleasure
in commending the faithful and energetic man
ner in which the parties having charge of the
Public Roads have discharged their duties.
Wo have examined the books of tho County
Treasurer and found them to' be correct and
neatly k«q We find that the following amount*
have bran -ended since the let ot January,
1868, a* e; led : For paupers, $8,955.81 ; Poor
House, $4,736.55 ; Roads and Bridges, $2,226.83;
Court Expenses, $5,457.93; Salaries, $250 ;
Printing aud other items, $2,515.10; Balance
cash on hand, $1,946.97.
Wo desire in this connection to call attention
to the loose manner in which funds, placed in
tho hands of Judge S. Levy by the Inferior Court,
are accounted for by him, as appears from tho
vouchers furnished tho County Treasurer.
We would again urge tho proper authorities to
look into tho manner es drawing or selecting
Jurors. Wo notice that a great number are sum
moned to appear at every term of the Court and
never is there a sufficient number present to an
swer the purposes of the Court, which mikes tho
Jury duty very heavy on a few. It appears to
us that there is a law compelling men to serve
as Jurors, .unless a good excuse can be given.
We would recommend that this law be strictly
. We have examined the accounts and report of
tho Judge of tho Coubly Court and find them
Our thanks are duo and hereby tendered to
his honor Judge Gibson for the uniform kind
ness and courtesy extended by him to us during
our term of service ; also to IV. R. MoCay, Esq.,
Acting Solicitor General, for his advice and
Augusta,.Ga., July 3d, 1868.
1. Alex. Philip, Forem’n, 10. Osborne M. Stone,
2. Geo. W. Bouchillon, 11- Edward Perrin,
3. Joseph E. Burch, 12. Samuel S. Pardue,
4. Enoch W. Brown, 13. Allen Chavon,
5. John Livingston, 14. James C. Hubbard,
6. John W. Bessman, 15. Wm. W. Alexander,
7. Henry Rosignol, 16. M. M. Benjamin,
8. James R. Wray, 17. A. W. Walton,
9. James Henderson, 18. George Evers.
The above presentments having been read, it
was, on motion of the Solicitor General, ordered
that tho presentments bo published in the city
papers. jy4—lt
o jr. wsnM»<<wa—■————va—m
A United States for the Northern District of
In the matterof ) IN BANKRUPTCY
Bankrupts. I No. 88.
The said Bankrupts having petitioned tho
Court for a discharge from all their debts provable
under tho Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867,
notice is hereby given to all persons interested
to appear on the 21st day of July, 1868,at 10 o’clock
a. m., at Chambers of said District Court, before
Garnett Andrews, Esq., one of the Registers es
the said Court in Bankruptcy, at tho Register’s
office, Monroe, Georgia, and show cause
why tho prayer of the said petition of the
Bankrupts should not bo granted. And further
notice is given that the econd and third
meetings of creditors will be held at the same
time and place.
Witness, the Honorable John Erskine,
r . -I Judge of laid Court, and tho seal
*' '■* thereof, this day of 1868.
jy-l—law3w* Clerk.
J- United States for the Northern District of
In the matter of )
Bankrupt. ) No. 45
Tho said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court
tor a discharge from all his debts provable under
the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is
hereby given to all persons interested to appear
on the 21st day of July, 1868, at 10 o’clock in the
forenoon, at chambers of the said District Court,
before Garnett Andrews. Esq. ,one of the Registers
of the said Court in Bankruptcy, at the Register's
office in Monroe, Ga., aud show cause why the
prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should
not be granted. And further notice is given that
the second and third meetings of creditors will be
held at the same time and place. .
Witness the Honorable John Erskine,
[seal ] Judge of said Court, this day o! ,
1868. W. B. SMITH,
jy4—law3w*' Clerk,
rpiHS IS TO GIVE NOTICE: That on the
JL Ist day of July, A. D.. 1868, a Warrant in
Bankruptcy was issued against the estate of
of Fort Valley, in the county of Houston, and
State of Georgia, who has been adjudged a Bank
rupt on his own petition, and that the payment of
any debts, and delivery of any property belonging
to such Bankrupt, to him, or for his use, and the
transfer of any property by him, are forbidden by
law; that a meeting of the creditors of the said
Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one
or more Assignees of his estate, will be held at a
Court of Bankruptcy,'to be holden at the Hotel,
in Fort Valley, Georgia, before F S Hesse 1 tine,
Esq., Register, on the 27th day of July, A D. 1868,
at It) o’clock a. m.
jy4—lt U.S Marshal as Messenger.
Atlanta, Ga., July 2, 1863. J
rpillß IS TO GIVE NOTICE ; That on the
J. 29th day of Juno, A. D. 1868, a Warrant
in Bankruptcy was issued against the estate of
of Athens, in the county of dark, and the fitate
of Georgia, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt
on his own petition; that, the payment of
any debts and delivery of any property be
longing to said Bankrupt, to him or for his use,
and the transfer of any property bv him, are for
bidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of
the said Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and
choose one or more assignees of bia estate, will
Oe bold ut. a Court of Bankruptcy. to be holden
at the Law Office or i, 4. fr in Athens,
Clark county, Ga. before Garnett Andrews, ib-g
--ister, on the 30th day of July, A.D. 1868, at 9
o’clock a. m.
jy4—lt U. S. Dep. Marshal as Messenger.
Atlanta, Ga., July 2, 1868. (
30th day of Slay, A. D. 1868, a Warrant in
Bankruptcy waS issued against the estate of
of Gainesville, in the county cf Hall, and the
State of Georgia, who have been adjudged a Bank
rupt on his own petition, and that the payment of
any debts, and delivery of any property belonging
to such Bankrupt, to him, or for his use, and the
transfer of any property by him, are foi bidden by
law ; that a meeting of the creditors of the said
Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one
or more Assignees of his estate will be held at a
Court-of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the Law
Office ot L <s-11 Cobb, in Athens, Clark county,
Georgia, before Garnett Andrews Register, on
the 30th davof July, AsD. 1868, at 9o’clock a m.
jy-l—lt U. S. Dep. Marshal as Messenger.
~ Tn” bankruptcy^ -
Atlanta, Ga., July 2, 1868. (
I 29th day of Jane, A. D., 1868, a Warrant
in Baukrnptcy was issued against the eslate of
of . iii the county of Franklin, aud State
of Georgia, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on
his own petition ; that tho payment of any debts
aud delivery of any property belonging to sqid
Bankrupt, to him or for his use, and the transferor
any property by him, are forbidden by law -, that
a meeting <>f the creditors of said Bankrupt, to
prove their debts, and to choose one or more
assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of
Bankruptcy, to be holden at the Law Office of
& II Cobb, in Athens, Clark county, Georgia, be«
fore Garnett Andrews. Register, on the 30th day
of July; A D 1868, ar 9 o’clock a. m.
jy4—lt U. S. Dep. Marshal as Messenger
1 Ist day of July, A. D., 1868, a War
rant in Bankruptcy was issued against the es
tate ot
of Milford, in the comity of Baker, State of
Georgia, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on
his own petition; and that the payment of any debts
and delivery of atty property belonging to said
Bankrupt, to him or for his use, and the transfer
of any property by him. lire forbidden by law;
that a meeting of tbe creditors of said Bankrupt,
to prove their debts, an-l to choose one or more
assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of
Baukruptr-v, to be holden at the Court House, in
Americus, Ga., before FS Hesseltine, Esq , Res*
ister, on the 28th day of July, A. 1) IBftß at 2
o’clock p. m
* jy 4 -It U. S. Marshal as Messenger.
llkidquartsrs Third Militart District,)
(Department of Georgia, Florida A Alabama, )
Atlanta, Ga., July 2, 1868. J
General Orders, No. 95.
Whereas,the Ist Section of the Vllth Article of
the Constitution of the State of Georgia provides
as follows:
I. Each head of a family or guardian or trustee
of a family of minor children shall bo entitled to a
homestead of realty to the value of two thousand
dollars in specie, ami personal property to the
value of one thousand dollars in specie, both to be
valued at the time they are set apart, and no court
or ministerial officer in this State shall ever have
jurisdiction or authority to enforce any judgment,
decree or execution against said property so set
apart, including such improvements as may be
imide thereon from time to time, except for taxes,
money borrowed and expended in the improve
inent of the homestead, or for the purchase money
of the same, and for labor done thereon, or material
furnished therefor, or removal of incumbrances
thereon, and it shall be the dnty of the General
Assembly as early as practicable to provide by law
for the setting apart and valuation ofsaid property,
and to enact laws for the full and complete pro
tection and tecurity of the same to the sole use and
benefit of said families as aforesaid.
And whereas, the Legislature of said State is to
assemble on-the 4th inst., it is ordered ;
First. That no court or ministerial officer in
said State shall have jurisdiction or authority
to enforce any judgment, decree or execution
against any real estate or said estate, except for
taxes, money borrowed and expended in the im
provement of the homestead, or for the purchase
money of the same, and for labor done thereon,"or
material furnished therefor, or removal of incum
brances thereon, until the Legislature of said State
shall have bud time to provide by law for the set
ting apart and valuation of such property, or until
further orders from these Headquarters,
Bv order of Major-General Meade :
(Signed.) R. C. DRUM,
Ass t Adj’t Gen.
Official copy.—T. T. Adams,
Ist. Lt. 33d Inf., Comd'gPost. jy3—lot
■ ■ ■■■-it".,j l L lh
J- effected to any amount in the most reliable
Companies in the country.
The following Companies are especially repre
sented by him :
The QUEEN INSURANCE CO., of London and
Columbus, Ga.
CO., of Hartford, Conn.
Scottsville, Va.
Norwich, Conn.
Montreal, Va.
mond, Va.
more, Md.
ton, Va.
of New York. Cash Assets, $4,391,773.45.
Fire, Marine, inland
2Etna Insurance Company,
Phenix Insurance Company,
New York.
Manhattan Insurance Company,
New York.
Howard Insurance Company,.
New York.
Standard Insurance Company,
New York
Commerce Insurance Company,
New York.
Lamar Insurance Company,
New York.
Fireman’s Insurance Company,
New York.
Astor Insurance Company,
New York
Commercial Insurance Company
New York
Mercantile Insurance Company,
New York.
Phoenix Insurance Company,
The above are all FIRST CLASS COM
PANIES with ample means to meet their liabili
All losses promptly and equitably adjusted.
Augusta, April 7tb, ISfiSg Agent.
190 Broad st., Augusta, Ga.,
W It re
Consisting in part o
Auction Salos.
Valuable Real Estate.
will be sold at th* Lower Market House, be
tween the usual hours of sale, that valuable
of property.No.l 42 and 144 Broad street,consisting
of two Brick Stores and dwelling overhead, with
brick kitchen and out building;. Lot 42 feet wide
and running through from Broad to Ellis street
same width.
Titles indisputable. Terms one-third cash, bal
ance in one ahd two years, with interest, to be se
cured by mortgage, and insured and policy assign
ed. Purchaser to pay for papers.
jy I—ts
IT. S. Marshal’s Sale-
of fieri facias issued out of the honorable the
Fifth Circuit Court of tho United States for the
Southern District of Georgia, in favor of the plain
tiff, in the following case, to-wit: George W.
Hatch vs. the Bank of Commerce. I have levied
upon as the property of the defendant the Bank
of Commerce, part of lot of laud number ten (1*1).
Jekyl Tything, Derby Ward, together with all
the improvements thereon, consisting of a build
ing, known as the Bank of Commerce Building,
situate, lying, and being in the city of Savannah,
connty of Chatham, and State of Georgia, and
will sell the same at public auction, ut the Court
House, in the city of Savannah, Chatham county,
next, between the lawful hours of sale.
Dated Savannah, Ga , May 29th, 1868.
jy3—lawlt U, 8. Marshal.
Assignee’s Sale.
Court House, on the first Tuesday in July,
eighty-one acres of land lying hi Hancock county,
adjoining lands of Benjamin Roberts and Phillip
P. Bethell, deceased. Also, at same time and
place, a reversionary one-eighth interest in eighty
acres of land, lying in same county, adjoining
lands of Cotherer and Watkins. All sold as the
property of Archibald Martin, adjudged a bank
rupt. G. F. PIERCE, Sr.,
niy29—lawtd Assignee.
Notice in Admiralty.
ERN District of Georgia.—ln Admiralty :
Wll KHKAs, a libel in rem. has been filed on the
thirtieth day of June, 1868, in the District Court
of the United States for the Southern District of
Georgia, by John D. Ryan, against the sloop
"Mariam & Caroline," her boats, tackel, apparel
and furniture, now in the Savannah river, in the
said District, and against all persons lawfully in
tervening for their interests therein, in a cause of
contract, civil and maritime, for reasons and
causes in the said libel mentioned, and praying the
usual process and monition in that behalf to be
made ; and that all persons claiming any interest
therein may be cited to appear and answer the
premises; and that the said sloop'“Mariam A
Caroline," her boats, tackle, apparel and furniture
may be condemned and sold, to pay the demands
of the libellant.
And » warrant of arrest has been is-
sued on the said thirtieth day of June, under the
seal of the said Court, commanding me to attach the
said sloop "Mariam &. Caroline,’ her boats, tackle,
apparel and furniture, and to give due notice to
ail persons claiming the same, to appear and an
swer, and make claim thereto.
Now, therefore, I do hereby give public notice
to all persons claiming the said sloop "Mariam &
Caroline,” herboats, tackle, apparel and furniture,
or in any manner interested tnerejn, that they be
and appear at the clerk's office of the District
Court of the United States for the Southern Dis
trict of Georgia, in the city of Savannah, on Wed
nesday, the fifteenth day of July next, A. D., 1868,
at ten o’clock on the forenoon ot that day, then
and there to interpose their claims, and to make
heir allegations in that behalf?
Dated at Savannah, Georgia, this thirtieth day
of Jnne, A. D., 1868.
Fitch &. Rice, proctors for libellant.
jy 2—td U. S. Marshal, Dist. of Ga.
Notice in Admiralty.
ERN District of Georgia.—ln Admiralty :
Whkukas, a libel in rem, has been tiled on the
twenty-ninth day of June, 1868, in the District
Court of the United States fb r the Southern Dis
trict of Georgia, by John T. Doran, against the
sloop ‘ Mariam A. Caroline,” her boats, tackle,
apparel aud furniture, now in the Savannah river,
in the said District, and against all persons lawful
ly intervening for their interests therein in a cause
of seamens wages, civil and maritime, for reasons
and causes in the said liliei mentioned, and pray
ing the usual process and monition in that behalf
to be made; and that all persons claiming any in
terest therein may be cited to appear and answer
tlie premises ; and that the said eloop “Mariam &
Caroline," her boats, tackle, apparel and furniture,
may be condemned and sold to pay the demands of
the libellant.
And whereas, a warrant of arrest has been is
sued on the said twenty-ninth day of Juno, under
the seal of the said Court, commanding me to at
tach the said sloop "Mariani &. Caroline”, her
boats, tackle, apparel and furniture, and to give
due notice to all persons claiming the same to ap
pear and answer and make claim thereto. ■
Now,therefore, Ido hereby give public notice to
all persons claiming the said sloop “Maiiam&Caro
line,” her boats, tackle, apparel and furniture, or
in any manner interested therein, that they may
be and appear at the Clerk's Office of the District
Court of the United States for the Southern Dis
trict of Georgia, in the city of Savannah, on Wed
nesday, the fifteenth day of July next, A. D-, 1868,
at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then and
there to interpose their claims, and to make tbeir
allegations in that behalf.
Dated at Savannah, Georgia, this thirtieth day
of Jnne, A. D-, 1868.
Fitch A. Rice, proctors for libellant.
jy 2—td U. 8. Marshal, Dist. of Ga.
U. 3 Marshal’s Sale-
of fieri facias, issued out of the honorable the
Fifth Circuit Court of the United States for the
Southern District of Georgia, in favor of the
plaintiffs, in the following case, to wit: John N
Kein & Co. vs. Christopher D. Findlay, Adm’r,
of the estate of Robert Findlay, deceased I have
levied upon as the property of Christopher D.
Findlay.Ad'rof the estate of Rob't Findlay, deed,
one lot of land, situate, lying, and being in the
city of Macon, county of Bibb, and State or Geor
gia, and known in the plan of said city as lot
number one (1) Block tweaty-fonr (24); in the
Macon Reserve, containing one-half (J) acre more
or less, together with all the improvements there
ou, now occupied by Greene Deane (colored).
Also part of lot number three (3), Block twenty
two (22), Macon Reserve, in the rear of Findlay’s
Iron Works, together with all the improvements
thereon, now occupied by Jeremiah Crimmins,
and containing one-fifth (1-5) acre, more or less,
and will sei! the same at public auction at tlie
Court House, in the city of Macon, conntv of
Bibb, and State of Georgia, on the FIRST TUES
DAY IN JULY next,between the lawful hours
of sale.
Dated at Savannah, May 29, 1868.
my3l —law4t *U, S Marshal.
Assignee’s Sale.
House door in the city of Atlanta, at 10
o’clock a. m., on the first TUESDAY in JULY
next, the following Real Estate, as the property
of Asbury P. Bell and Benjamin F. Moore, mem
bers of the firm.of M. R. Bell <t Co., Bankrupts,
An undivided interest of 40 acres, more or
less, in tbo “Leonard or Nelson Place,” situated
about t,ro and a half miles West of Atlanta, Ga.
To be sold free from incumbrances, and for
je 18 —law3w Assignees.
JTourth of* July
The different military and civil
Societies and citizens of this city are ros
pectfully invited to join a procession on the 4th
of July.
The procession will be formed under the Mar
shal of tho Day on Broad street, above the upper
market, and proceed down Broad ti Lincoln
street and the Parade Ground, whore appropriate
speeches will be made.
Reforming again, will proceed through Centre
to Greene, up Greene to Marbury and down
Marbury to Broad where the procession will be
While we invite ail to participate wo would
state, that no horsemen will be allowed in the
procession except a regular Horse Company, and
the Marshal and his Aids.
Good order will be strictly kept, and all join
ing the procession are required to yield obedience
to tbe Marshal of the Day.
W. H. DbLtom, Chief Marshal.
R. CuMMixes, Ist Assistant.
G. B. Smowdkm, 2d “
L. D. Cottom, 3d “
je3o—fit M. K. Johmsom, 4th “
To Cattle Owners.
Parties interested will please call ou me.
36 D’Antignac street.
j.?7-lw E. D. REESE.
City Sheriff’* Sale.
Will be sold at the lower
Market,ln the city of Augusta, between the
usual hours of sale.m the First Tuesday in August
next, the following property, to-wit 1
. G no HoueeandLot, ou the corner of Washing
® 18 rtreeti, > fronting on Washington
fe «L “ ore or !e “> and extending down Ellis
street 88 feet, more or less; and bounded North
by lot owned by J R. Powell, Trustee of R. E.
Nehrand Emanuel Nehr and Wm. B. Kulkiey;
East by lot belonging to the -estate of Richard
Aldsworth ; South by Ellis street, and West by
Washington street. Levied on by virtue of a
Distress Warrant in favor of John B.' Pournell
vs. J. R. Powell, Trustee of R. E. Nehr, Emanuel
Nehr, and Wm. B. Knlkley, returnable to the Au
gust Term of the City Court of Augusta. Also, to
satisfy one tax execution for the year 1867, City
Council of Augusta vs. J. K. Powell, Trustee of
R. E Nehr, returnable to the August Term of the
City Court of Augusta.
Augusta, Ga., June 6, 1868.
je7—td City Sheriff C. A.
Georgia—Warren County.
States, for the Southern District of Georgia.
In the matter of 1
Bankrupt. j
Pursuant to an order from Hon. A. G. Foster,
Register in Bankruptcy, will be sold at public
outcry, before the Court House door in Warren
ton, in the cennty aforesaid, on FIRST TUES
DAY IN AUGUST next, between the legal
hours of sale, one tract of Land, lying in said
county in the fork of Rocky Comfort and Golden
Creeks, containing six hundred acres, more or
less, free from the encumbrance of liens, etc. This
land does not include the dwelling and improve
ments. Sold as the property of Henry H. Fitz
patriok, Bankrupt. By order of Hon. A. G.
Foster, Register in Bankruptcy. Terms cash.
June 22d, 1868. Assignee.
Sale of Land, in Burke County.
door, in the town of Waynesboro, Burke
county, Georgia, between ten o’clock a. m and
three o’clock p. m., on the FIRST TUESDAY
IN JULY next; at public outcry, by order of
Hon. A. G. Foster, Register in Bankruptcy, a
certain tract of Land, situate and being in said
county of Burke, containing two hundred acres,
more or less, adjoining lands of tbe estate of
John C. Poythress, deceased, Vincent Bearfield,
estate of Alexander Bearfield, and others, being
tract conveyed to him bv deed of Thomas W.
Callen, less fifty acres, including houses, set apart
aud surveyed for Joseph D. Perry, Bankrupt.
Sold free from encumbrances of the creditors of
said Joseph D. Perry, bv order aforesaid, and as
the estate of said Bankrupt. Terms cash.
jel I—d&wtd Assignee.
U. S. Marshal’s Sale.
fieri facias issued out of tlie Honorable the
Fifth Circuit Court of the United States for the
Southern District of Georgia, in favor of the
plaintiffs, in the following case, to-wit: M. & E.
Myers vs. Joseph Stiles and Nathan Hawkins, I
have levied upon as the property of Joseph Stiles,
one of the defendants, thirteen hundred (1300)
acres of land, more or less, together with all im
provements thereon, situate, lying, and being in
the District, of Baldwin county and State of
Georgia, and bounded as follows : on the North
by plantation of Mrs. West; on the West by
plantation of Rivers; and will sell the same at
public auction at tbe Court House in the .City of
Macon, county of Bibb, and State of Georgia, on
the First Tuesday in July next, between the law
ful hours of sale.
Dated at Savannah, June 4,1868.
je6—law4w U. S. Marshal.
IT. S. Marshal’s Sale.
fieri facias, issued out of the Honorable the
Fifth Circuit Court of the United States for the
Southern District of Georgia, in favor of the
plaintiffs, in the following case, to wit : Benner,
Brown & Pinckney vs. Jolin T. Brown. I have
levied npon as the property of the defendant, a
dwelling house and lot, said lot containing eight
(8) acres more or less, situate, lying, and being in
the city of Cuthbert, county of Randolph, aud
State of Georgia, on whioh the said JohnT. Brown
resides, aud bounded as follows: on the west by
the street running to the Baptist Female College,
on the north by the lot on which Willoughby
Jordan resides, on the east by the lot on which
George D. Smith resides, on the south by the
street leading from tlie Court House to Fort
Gaines. Also two (2) offices in upper part of
building now owned by C. E. Brown, situate,
lying, and being in city of Cuthbert, Randolph
county. Georgia, and bounded as follows: ou the
south by Court House equate, being on lot No. two
(2), in square No. five (5), in plan of said city.
Also one hundred and eighty (180) acres of land,
more or less, situate, lying, and being in Sixth (6)
district, of Randolph connty, the same being por
tions of lota, numbers unknown, now occupied by
C. E. Brown, and will sell the same at public
auction, at the Court House in the city of Macon,
county of Bibb, and State of Georgia, on tlie
FIRST TUESDAY LN JULY next, between the
lawful hours of sale.
Dated Savannah, June 1,1868.
je4- law4w U. S. Marshal.
Assignee’s Sale.
House door, in the town of Newnan,
Coweta county, Georgia, between the legal hours
of sale, on the First Tuesday in July next, the
following property, belonging to the estate of
William G Herrin, Bankrupt, lots of Land Nos.
13, 21), 21,43, aud 102 j acres of Lot No. 12, in the
4th District; and Lota Nos. 192 and 193, in tbe
sth District of Coweta connty, Ga.
Sold subject to certain incumbrances thereon by
virtue of an order from thd Hon. Charles G. Mc-
Kinley, Register. Terms cash.
je6—law4w Assignee.
Notice in Admiralty.
Whereas, a libel in rem has been filed on the
fifteenth day of Juno instant, in the District
Court of the United States for the Southern
District of Georgia, by Matthew Doyle, against
tho bark “Sylvia,” her tackle, apparel, furniture
and cargo, now at Venus Point, in the said Dis
trict, and against all persons lawfully intervening
for tbeir interests therein, for a cauio oi con
tract, civil and maritime, for reasons and causes
in the said libel mentioned, and praying the
usual process and monition in that behalf to be
mad*; and tljat all person* claiming any in
terest therein n>.»j be cited to appear and answer
tho premises: and that the said bark “Sylvia,”
her tackle, apparel, ftirniture and cargo, may be
condemned and sold to pay the demands of the
libellant. ,
And whereas, a warrant of arrest has been
issued on the said fifteenth day of Jnne, under
the seal of the said Court, commanding me to
attach the said bark “Sylvia,” her tackin, appa
rel, furniture and cargo, and to give due notion
to all persons claiming the same, to appear and
answer, and make claim thereto.
Now, therefore, I do hereby give public notice
to ail persons claiming the said bark “Sylvia,”
her tackle, apparel, furniture and cargo, or in
any manner interested therein, that they be and
appearet tho Clerk’s Office of the District Court
of the United States for the Southern District of
Georgia, in the city of Savannah, on WEDNES
DAY, the first day of JULY next, A. D. 1868, at
11 o’clock, in the forenoon of that day, then and
there to interpose their claims, ahd to make their
allegations in that behalf.
Dated at Savannah, Ga., this sixteenth day of
June, A. D. 1868. WM. G. DICKSON,
U. S. Marshal District of Georgia.
Fitch <(■ Rice, Proctors for Libellant.
je 18—lOt
Assignee’s, Sale-
Georgia, warren Uounty—pursu
ANT to an order from Hon. A. G. Foster,
register in Bank raptor for the District of Georgia,
will be sold at the Court House door in Warren
ton, Warren Comity, on the first Tuesday in
August next, between the fijual hours of sale, one
tract of land as the unencumbered estate of Mat
thew Shields, of Warren County, Bankrupt, ad
joining lands of Carson Battle, T. F. Persons. £.
Lasseter, and others, containing about three hun
dred and forty six acres, more or less, with no
dwelling on it..
Also, the one-third interest in one lot of laud iu
the Seventh District of Cherokee (now Ujion)
County, known a* lot No. eighty four (84), con
taiuiug one hundredand sixty (161)) acres, it tieing
Also, the interest of Shields. Smith «fc C-., it
being one-tiftli (1-5) in a lot of laud iu ike Tenth
District of originally Lowude*. now Uerrieu
County, in said State,"known a* lot No. 122, oo«-
taming lour hundred and sixty acres.
Also, three shares of stock in tbo Macon &. Aa
gu»la Rail Road, on which is paid 55 per cent., as
the property of Matthew Shields Terms cash.
je3O— lawlw Asrigiwe.
U. 8. Marshal.