The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, July 15, 1868, Image 3

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NattonftlHtpttblicim Official City Paper. LAKGEST CITY CIRCULATION. ■ " Xu llH ' rA • » : WEDNESDAY MORNING ■••■■■■■■ duly 15, Miniature Almanac for July, 1868- WEDNESDAY, JULY 15 -un Rises..... SeU -. MOON’S PHASES. F.. 11 Moon— July 4th > 8 - 31 ’ ®vening. Quarter— July 12th, 7.32, evening. NWw Moon-July 19th, 4.48, evening. First Quarter— July 28th, 8.43 morning.* • Range of Thermometer. it Ths National Republican Office, AT July 14, 1888. . | 12 m. I 1 6p.“- I «P-»- 7»" .L 88 ! ' 89 ° ' ■ Poet Office Bulletin. Augusta, Ga., June 18th, 1868. Until further orders, the Post Office will be open as follows : Office hours—Open from 8 n.rn. to 4 p. m., and from 5 to 7 p. m. On Sundays—Open at 8.30, and remains open until 10 a. m. Mails close every day at 7 a. m., for Sa vannah and points on Central Railroad. For Charleston (night train), at 3 p. m. For Atlanta and the South, and for all Northern points for through train, at 7 p.m.; and also for Savannah, Macon aud Colum bus. at 7 p. tn. For Atlanta, Georgia Railroad way mail, and the West; also, for Charleston and South Carolina Railroad way mail, at 9 p.m. All mails close at 1 o’clock p. m. Sundays Money Order business transacted from 9 a. m. to 1 p. in., and from 3 to 6 p. m. How to Seud. Money. Ir. remitting money by mail, the safest way to do so is by Draft, or Post Office money order; and when neither of these can be had, send in “Registered” Letter. A letter can be “registered” at any Post Office in the United States, as no Post Master has any right to refuse, when asked to do so. Query. The New Era, Atlanta, comes to this of fice very irregularly. Why (is- this thus, Doctor ? A Treat in Store. We learn that our distinguished fellow citizen, Hon. Henry W. Hilliard, is to deliver an oration before the Literary So ciety at Oxford, on Wednesday, 22d instant. Our Police. Messrs. Editors —In your issue of ibis morning an article appeals, copied from the the Savannah Republican, seriously reflect ing upon certain police officers of this in connection with the arrest of three thieves from Savannah. It does great injustice to the arresting officers, as well as myself, as officer of the night, and I must ask that you publish the following plain statement of the sac s: Upon the arrival of the train from Sa vannah, on last Sunday morning, the con ductor called the attention of Messrs. Palmer and Reynolds (pblicemea) to four suspicious persons hailing from Savannah, and remark ed that a dispatch would doubtless be received from Savannah during the day. Three of the party were arrested and brought to Police Headquarters, where they were searched, and the money counted in my presence, amounting to thirty one dollars and forty cents. On the next morning one of the thieves complained of having had more money than we had received from him, but accounted for it by allowing the thief who had made his escape, to take charge of his money on the train. The statement was also confirmed by Herschel, .another one of the thieves. The statement, as published in the Re publican, upon the whole, is a base lie, and must have emanated from the thieves, and, doubtless, at the instigation of some one who is an expert at the business. I am only surprised that the Savannah editor should allow himself to be made the tool of such parties, for it is well known that no thief has a good opinion of the law or its officers. Charles Evans, • Lieutenant of Police. Wo find the above in yesterday’s Chroni cle—it speaks tor itself. Os course our amia ble cotemporary up street was actuated by no improper animus in copying the Savannah Republican'a article without making any inquiry as to the facts in the case. But our efficient policemen need no de fence. The right-minded citizens of Augusta 1 know them to be men of the right stamp ( and they algo know that our constabulary will compare most favorably with that of any city in the Union. . r*~ - • Itloaqnitnes. These little plagues are now becoming quite furious in their assaults on mankind. We think, therefore, that we will repress many bad adjectives, and deserve well of our fellow-sufferers, by publishing the fob lowing simple means of driving them f;om the room, for which we arc indebted to the Gainesville (Fla-) New Era, and which vouches for its efficacy: “Take of gnm camphor a jiieec about one-third the size of an egg, and evaporate it by placing it in a tin vessel, and holding it over a lamp or candle, taking care that it does not ignite. The smoke will soon fill the room and expel, the mosquitoes.’’ Coal OH .Occidents. Almost every day we read of accidents caused by the explosion of coal oil lamps. Too much care can not be exercised about procuring first class oil; and the lamp should be securely placed in a room. Three fourths of the coal oil refined—we are assured by the best authorities in such matters—are exported, and three fourths of the oil used is of an inferior quality, and dangerous to the lives of the people. Dealers who retail oil that will not bear the fire test—a test that all persons are competent to make and understand—should be dealt with iu the most severe terms known to the law. And then a lamp should not'be placed on a table or stand which does not stand steadily, or whore it is in danger of being Tt by young folks. A coal oil lamp ould not be lighted in a room where there •s a party, unload it be placed out of reach °f the festive young people. But be sure that your coal oil will stand a heat of at least one hundred and ten degrees. We repeat the test: Fill a tumbler about two thirds full of water—not too cold—and put 'ate it about half a teaspoonful of coal oil. Stir the water well with the teaspoon, and then light a match and hold it over the water on a line with the top of the tumbler. 11 the vapor takes fire, return the coal oil to the dealer from whom you obtained it, and get your money. By no means use it. - r<• ipmciuj - r ■ City Council Pwcoedings, LEGULAR MEETING. > Augusta, July 14—5 P. M. $ Council met. Present: Hon. Foster Blodgett, Mayor; Al4yri*aii Lory, Tw««Jy, R|odes, aud Lynch. Minutes of Ihe last meeting read au’d con firmed/ PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. Petition .from E. I*. Clay top, for permission to buikl-a double pfasza in roar of his rteidonci> corner of Greene audjMclntosh streets. Granted’ Petition from “a largo and respectable portion of tho loyal citizens of Augusta,” for permission to have a general illumination, etc, on the adop. tion of tho Fourteenth Article by the Legislature of Georgia. Laid on the table —members of Council taking the position that it was a matter with which they had naught to do. ' Petition from Joseph lloitzuiann, to transfer Dis liquor license to Mrs. ’ ufTerman. Referred to the Mayor, with power. Communication from Jas. M. Snelling, Lainp flighter, reporting the city lamps in finer condi tion than they had been fur years. Received as information. The following communication was received, aud ordered to bo published : Augusta, July 141 h, 1868. Hon. Mayor ana Members City Council: Gentlemen —The chairman of the Canal Committee respectfully reports, that the contract entered into between the August* Factory Company and the Canal Committee (authorized by Council), for the repairing of tbo dam immediately above tho Locks, is completed, at an expense considerably less than the estimate given previous to tho contract being made, and the work at that immediate poiut may bo con bidered secure. There has been largo amounts expended during the last year, in the building and repairing of dams, embankments, and the building and repairing oi bridges, of which there are twenty-four or more connected with and kept in repair by the canal hands. Most of the works connected with the canal are now in a good state of repair, and, with careful attention, it is believed that the expenses may, for several years to come, bo materially reduced, unless Council should decide to remove, by dredging or some other means, the sediment deposited, and bring deposited, in the bottom of the canal, which is materially and gradually filling up the bed of the water-way at several points, thereby diminishing the quantity of water furnished, as well as destroying its effective force Respectfully submitted. Otis G. Lvmch, Chairm’n Cana! Com. The following resignation was read, and laid on the table Jill the next meeting; Augusta, July 14th, 1868. Hon. Foster Blodgett, Mayor, and Members of the City Council : Gentlemen—Believing that the time has arrived when I can consistently consult my own inclinations, I respectfully tender yon my resig nation as member of the'City Council of Au gusta. For the courteous, friendly, and respect, fol manner that I have always been treated by each and every member of the Board, please receive my sincere and heartfelt thanks. I am, very respectfully, yours, Utts G. I.Vncb. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Mr. Rhodes, from Committee on streets, io whom was referred the petition of Mr. Doni phant, asking for a contract to furnish new sign boards for the streets, reported adversely. Mr. Levy, from Committee on Powder M»ga zine, stated the building would be entirely completed within a week from this time. ■rbi-orts of officers.; W. 11. Stallings, Bridge keeper, reports $505, as tolls from week ending 10th June to week ending 2d July, 1868. J. F. Turpin, Wharfinger, reports $51.70 Tor wharfage during the month of June. S. S. Pardue, Jailer, reports the number of prisoners, June 30, 1868, at 78; whites 6, col. ored 72. Dr. M. E. Swinney, Surgeon in charge of Hospitals, makes the following report: City Hospital: Remaining at last raport, 2 males and 1 female. Received during the month of June, 2 males and 4 females. Dis charged, 3. In hospital July 1, 1868—2 nialc 3 and 4 females. No case of . mall pox here now in private quarters. i Freedmen’s Hospital: Remaining at last report, 18 males and 15 females. Received during, the month of Juno, 2 males and 2 ft males. Discharged, 5. Died, 1. Reinaiqjng hos pital, July 1, 1868—IG males and 15 females. I’. B. Hall, City Sexton, reports the number of interments during the month of June, 1868, at thirty-two—l 4 white, 18 colored. Os this number, two whites died out of the city. The mortuary statistics aro as follows: Words. Whites. Colored. Jhital_ No. 1.7 ' 7 14 No. 2. 1 3 4 No. 3. I 5 6 No. 4. 5 I *3 8 Wm. C. Dillon, Chief of Police, repofte-; JJuin bcr of arrests daring the month of June— eighty seven, of which 27 were whites, and 60 were colored. Returns $294.00 for fiipnt, eW., $5.75 for dog collars —total $302.75, with Treasurer’s receipt for the same. It. R. Philpot, Clerk of Lower Market, report 8 $41.00 for fees collected during the month of May, with Treasurer’s receipt for the s.mie. The monthly report ot P; S. HOidoo, Enginee r Augusta Canal, was read and received. Che following report from Wm. Phillips, En gineer Augusta Water Works, was read and re ceived. That portion of it relative to an auxili ary steam engine was referred to the Special Committee on Water W’orks. Auousta, Ga., July Ist, 1.36& Hon. Sumu'l Itry, Ci S- Committee o» Punier Wbrfcs r €ia—The works under the charge of your Conrmitteo are in their usual working order. The work at the Basins has been steadily pro gressing, and the middle banks, as they are called, may now be considered safe.; As oppor tunity offers the outside banks will be made up, and it is hoped the work of sodding them will soon be commenced. . Here I beg leave to most respectfully suggest to your Committee the discuuien of the question as to whether it will M best to carfy out the intention of sodding with grass, or to make the receut arrangement for procuring stone for the “Chain Gang” avail able in this case. There can be no doubt us to the superior advantages of securing our basin banks with stone ; and if the “Chain Gang” can be used economically for that purpose, as I think it e»u, I hope your Committee will use its influence to give the labors of that gang that direction. The present repairs, finished with sodding, will protect these banks probably for another ten years; but with stone they may be made permanent, and with very slight repairs be made to last for an indefinite period. The Augusta Water Works could,.perhaps, claim some preference, but this Is a matter I leave to your Committee, only hoping that at the proper time the merits of our Weeks will be duly ac knowledged. Daring the mouth just passed we have had considerable trouble with the 16 inch pipe lead ing from the Pump House over the 3d Level of the Can'al. This pipe being exposed to all the variations of the temperature of the present sea son, has leaked considerably and require* con stant attention to keep tho joints tight. The only remedy is a covering of earth—this has been suggested from time to time, and it is hoped the financial condition of tho Treasury as wellas the acknowledged importance of keeping these Works fully up to their standard of usriulness, will seen justify the expense of filling up with earth, and thus protecting this part of the work from failure. In immediate connection with this matter I may as well remind your Committee that I have for years solicited permission to make some ar rangements for an aux Hilary steam engine for these works. For near ten the present works havo been in constant operation, and as in the nature of things, even oast iron, of the best workmanship, will wear out, it is reasonable to expect that the ten years es constant work of our water wheel and pumps would indicate the ne cessity for overhauling aud repairs. To stop those works for a day uow, or perhaps ten days, would be a groat and very serious public inconve nience, and your Committee must feel with me the great responsibility of meeting the public censure in case of a sudden and unprovided for breaking down of the works. I hope your Com mittee and tho City Council will take this matter into tho consideration it merits, and by some systematic management of the water-supply to eity, provide for all the contingencies to which such works are liable. There were three fires during the monib, at all of which the water from our works was suc cessfully used. As the work on the Basins progressed, andjjie middle banks were properly secured, it was deemed oxpedion t to reduce the force of laborers, and we have now only thirteen hands at work. At the request of the Chairman of the Powder Magazine Committee, I have loaned him these hands, and they are now and will be engaged for a few days more, in grading and fixing up tho grounds and approaches to the Magazine. I beg leave to submit the accompanying re port, of the Assistant Engineer, of the work done in June, 1866, 1867, and 1868, showing that in June, 1866, the supply by these works to tho city was 5,809,525 gallons; in 1867, for the same month, the supply was 7,675,695 gallons; aud for tho present year, 10,562,825 gallon* in June. Th id indicates a large increase in the use of water from our works, both for public and domestic purposes, and I hope will have some effect in showing how important it is that the works should be completed as early as the financial condition of the city will permit. Respectfully, your obedient servant, William Phillips, Engineer A. W. W. The accounts, salaries, ettf., properly audited, were ordered to be f aid. Council then adjourned. • Attest: JAMBS N. ELLS, Clerk of Council. OUR ATLANTA LETTER. Atlanta, Ga., July 13, 1868. Mr. Editor: After a holy Sabbath day of rest, during which, no doubt, eager and anxious politicians were busy in pressing their claims upon those who hold their political destinies in their hands, the work of the Legislature was resumed; in right good, earnest, th’s morning. The ball opened by a resumption of tho unfinished business' of Saturday, viz.: the considera tion of the motion of Mr. O’Neal, of Lowndes, to reconsider the resolution ap pointing a committee to investigate the eligibility of members. Mr. Bryant, having the floor, resumed his argument, and for thirty minutes dealt some sledge hammer blows upon his prede cessor, Mr. Scott. The leadership of the Republican party in the House is being contested by Messrs. Bryant and O'Neal. Both Reserve it, aud for the sake of harmony it is hoped that they niay consent to divide the honor. After some cursory remarks by Messrs. Harper and Terrell, and Shumate, of Whit fie'd, the question was called and the motion to reconsider was lost by a vote of— yeas, 78; nqys, 82, , which is, doubtless, a strict party vote. The committee appointed under the reso iiftiod to investigate the eligibility of mem bers o'Otieiste of O'Neal, of Lowndes; Shumate, of Whitfield ; Harper, of Terrell; and LeG and Bryant—two Republicans, two Democrats, and one conservative, After this action, the House adjourned till 10 o’clock a. nt., Thursday. The gallery is crowded daily with whites aud blacks of the male persuasion, and, notwithstanding the House has appropriated one ha'f of the gallery to the ladies and gentlemen attendants, noue honor the House with their presence. Perhaps the hot weather, and the close, hot atmosphere of the hall, is the cause—for I assure you it 'is hot—awfully hot, both iu and out of doors. The House, as you already know, has adjourned till Thursday neat. By that day Iho committee will, doubtless, have investi gated the cases of all who are charged with ineligibility. Baldwin. COMMERCIAL. . AUGUSTA MARKETS. Ornes Natjoxal RxrviiLKAa, I Tubsday, July 14-I*. M. I FINANCIAL. —Gold went up one cent en yes terday. Brokers buy at $1.40 and sell at $ .12. COTTON.—DuII market. Little offering. We quote Middling at 30a30jc. CpßN.—Stocks are very much reduced and demand is fair. The highest sales made public are $1.25 for moderate amounts from store and $1.22 -for lots from depot. OATS.—None offering—they would bring 95c. WHEAT.—We quote inferior to fair Beds $1.85 to $2.00 per bushel; Fair to Prime $2.00 to $2.25, and White $2.10 to $2.40, accord ing to quality, the outside priee for fancy. Wheat is usually sold per bushel of 69 pounds, bags returned. F|,OUR. —City Ground from new Wheat is held'at sll per barrel for Superfines; $12.50 for Extras; sl4 for family, oteoks of aid Flour nominal. BICON.— Wo quote bright Smoked Bacon: Shoulders 15c; Rib Cides 17c; Clear Bib Sides 18c; Clear Sides 194e; Hams nominal, excepting for a few well known brands ; no Tenn'ocsee Hug Bound Bacon offering—we quote 17Jo as value. 'ln Dry Salt Bovl Baron ; wc quote Cumberland Sides at 15c; Clear Rib Sides 16 to 16Jc ; Long Clear Sides 16 to 16 Jc : Bellies 194 to 16c ; oecond quality Shoulders and Sides,, smoked and no smoked, bring 8 to 14c, according to quality. LARD.—We quote 20c for prime, and 18c for pressed. Prices are firm, with an advaneng ten dency. DOMESTICS The Auguste Factory holds 3-4,120 ; 7-8, 14 c; 4-4, 17c; Drills, 17c. , [tipewial to the Natten*! Republican- The Investigation Committee. Atlanta, July 14—1*. M. No further developments, to day, from the Committee on Eligibility. Qne demo crat and one republican reported ineligible by Senate Committee. A majority of the special committee on the Bradley case have not met. The minor ity will make a report to the Senate. .— Congressional. Washington, July 14.— Senate: Pinckney Whyte was seated, vice Revcrdy Johnson. A bill temporarily supplying vacancies in the Executive Department was passed. The bill authorizing the temporary loan of three per cent, certificates, came up and lead to another wild discussion on finances. Trumbull favoring the keeping of gold in the Treasury down to $30,000,000. Morton favored the investing of gold in redeeming legal tenders, as it was an important step toward the resumption of specie paymeat. Morton’s amendment to this effect was lost. Bill postponed. Funding bill was resumed. Horse.— After local business affecting the District of Columbia, House resumed Alas ka appropriation, which was passed by 114 to 42, with Rider declaring the right of the’ House to participate in making treaties. Bill authorizing temporary executive appointments, passed, when, after further District business, adjourned. Washington Items. Washington, July 14.—Seymour’s journey homeward was a continued ovation. The weather northward is hotter than it has been for many years. There are many deaths from sunstroke, including seven at Buffalo. • Gen. Meade has transferred Florida to the civil authorities. It is stated that, Howard is preparing to reduce the employees of the Freedmen’s Bureau. A new treaty with China has beau sent to the Senate for ratification. Grant will not return from the West till the middle of September. Full Cabinet, and an unusual number of visitors at the White House. The steamer Idaho has arrived off Nagas aki, Japan—all well. Vallandigham visited the House to day. The Senate had a brief executive session ; nothing important. Both Houses in session to night. Tho Committee on Reconstruction will be called for to morrow to hear the Mississippi Republican delegation regarding alleged election frauds. Senator -ifoolitlle has written a letter strongly discouraging the third party move ment. Well informed parties think there is no real base for the third party rumors. Order of Gen. Buchanan, New Orleans, July 14.—After the in auguration, yesterday, Gov. Warmoth sent a communication to Gen. Buchanan official ly notifying the latteb of the ratification of the XIV Article of the Amendment, also, of Warmoth’s inauguration. On receipt of this commnnication, Gen.. Buchanan issued an order, of which the following is an ex tract : “The Commanding General having been officially notified of the ratification of the ratification of the XIV Article of tho Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, by the Legislature of the State of-Louisiana, on the 9th inst, it be comes his duty, under an act of Congress which became a law June 25th, 1868, and ths orders of the General of the Army, to an nounce to the people of the State and to .the troops under his command, that the provi sions of the Recouslruelion Acis of Congress will cease to operate in Louisiana from this date, and military authority will no longer be exercised under the Reconstruction Acts in said State, and all officers commanding posts or detachments are forbidden to inter fere in civil affairs unless upon a proper application by the civil authorities .to pre serve the peace, or under instructions duly received from the commanding General of the district.” Military law no longer exists. The civil law is supreme. An order states that all civil officers, acting under military appointments, will transfer their offices, and everything per taining thereto, to their successors, who have been declared duly elected, and who have qualified under the laws of the State. The order concludes with congratulations to the people of Louisiana upon restoration to the Union and good wishes in future. From North Carolina. Rai.kich, July 14.—The proceedings qf tbo {Jenera! Assembly were uuiuiportai.t to-day. According to a caucus resolution hist night, the General Assembly, to-day, elected John Pool, pf Pasquatatlk, United States Senator for the long term, till the 4th of March, 1873, aud General J. C. Abbott, of New Hampshire (now of New Hanover), for the short term, which expires March 4th, 1871. Governor Holden, yesterday, without notice, appointed a new Board of Commis sioners for this city, thus supplanting, with out law, the municipal authorities of tie city. The authorities, believing that the Governor had usurped or transcended, his powers, referred the case to the following counsel: Messrs. B. F. Moore, Col. E. G. Haywood, and. Judge Merrimou, of, this city. The counsel were unanimously of the opinion that the Governor was acting without law oi authority, and so advised the city authorities; upon which the city authorities notified the new Board that they should not give place to them until they were legally elected or appointed. • It is rumored that Governor Holden has called upon General Cauby to allow him military support to enforce his order. — - South Carolina Legislature. Columbia, July 14.—The Legislature, to day, elected Thomas J. Robertson as United States Senator for the short term, ending 1871. The Senate, on the fifth- ballot, elected F. A. Sawyer, Collector of Internal Revenue at Charleston, as United States Senator for the the loug term. The result in the House is yet undecided. The Lieutenant Governor was inaugurated to-day. Cablegrams. London, July 14.—Cooke and Blake, Fenians, have been committed foe trial. Mississippi News. Jackson, July 14. —Gov. Humphries and family were yesterday ejected from the Ex ecutive Mansion by*lhe military authorities. From Florida. Savannah, July 14. —Private accounts from Florida say that the worm is doing great damage to cotton. Marine News. WILMINGTON, July 14—Arrived: W - JP‘. Clyde, from New York ; James A. Gary, from Baltimore. 'Cleared : Fairbaaks, for New Yprk. SAVANNAH, July 14.—Arrived: Steamship Wyoming, Philadelphia. CHARLESTON, July 14.—Arrived : Steamer Charleston, New York- Sailed ; Steamer Seagull, Baltimore. Markets—By Telegraph, t'iuanci*!. LONDON, July 14, .Noon.- -Consols, 949*94}. Bonds, 72|. FRANKFORT, July U—ltond. 77. NEW YORK, July 14, Noon, —(told 1412. and was up to 142}. Sterling, 10R. Old Bonds, 18J ; now, Bj. Virginias, 80; Ex-coupons, 57J new, 57. Tennessee ex-coupons, 71 }; new, 70.» North Carolina x-coupons 75; now, 74}. NEW ORLEANS, July 14. Gold 1.40}. Sterling 54a57. New York Sight Ja} premium. BALTIMORE, July 14.—Virginia’* imcrilfed old, 47 bid, and 49 asked. ’B7, 45 bid. NEW*YORK, July 14, Evening.— Governments aiosod steady; '62 coupons 13. Tennessee’s 71}; new, 69}. North Carolina’s 75. Virginia’s 57J. Gold 41}. Sterling 10}. ♦ -- - • Produce and Other IHurftclo. LIVERPOOL, July 13, Noon,— Cotton quiet. Sales 8,000 bales. NEW YORK, July 14, Wooa.—Cotton droop ing at 32c. Fioar dull and drooping. Wheat more active, but prices favor buyers. Corn a shade better. Mess Pork, <28.75. Lard quiet; steam 18al8}. Freights firm. Turpentine easier at 13. Rosin —strained common >2.17. NEW ORLEANS, July 14.—Cotton quiet; Middlings Sto; sales 59 bales; re&'pts 85 bales. LOUISVILLE, July 14.—Superfine Flour ff1.75a7.09. Corn 93a95. Mess Pork >29.00. Shoulders 13} ; clear sides 17}. Lard 18alSJ. ST. LOUIS, July 14.—Flour in improved de mand ; superfine $6a7.25. Corn advancing, especially white. Provisions firm and quiet. Mess Pork $29. Shouldees 13a13} ; clear sides 17a17}. Lard, small busiuesa, 17}al8. WILMINGTON, July 14.—Spirits Turpentine firmer at 39c; New York casks, 40. Rosins strained, 2.00; No. 2, 2.15; No. 1, 3.75 ; pale, 4.09. Tar steady at 2.10. LIVERPOOL, July 14, Evening.— Cotton— Sales 8,009 bales. Uplands. 11}; Orleans, ll*. CHARLESTON, .July 14. —Cotton dull; sales, 27 ; Middling 31 ; receipts, 68; exports, 199. SAVANNAH, July 14.—Cotton dull Mid dlings nominal, at 30c ; no sales ; receipts 74 bales. BALTIMORE, July 14. -Cotton at 32}c. Flour quiet and unchanged. Old wheat very dull. Corn steady—white I.l2al.l6—yellow 1.16a1.18. Oats Unchanged. Provisions firm, and tending up. Lard 18}c. NI2W YORK, July 14, Evening.— Cotton dull and heavy ; sales 700 bales, st 32c. Flour—State and Western dull, and saloc. lower; superfine Statu $6.50a7.00 ; Southern dull and declining—oommen to fair axtra, 8.65a10.00. Wheat more active, nud prices easy. Corn a shade firmer, and in moderate demand; white .Southern sl.l's' Mess Pork lower, at $25.25a28.75. Lard quiet—kettle 18}al8}. Bice quiet and ‘unchanged. Sugar favors buyers. Coffee steady. Turpentine 43a43}0. Rosin $2.80* 7.50. Freights firmer. . , ... ?!! - ' '..'UL'LSI [Advertisement.] k. K.n. ■ The high praises emanating from people in all [tarts of the world that have derived benefit from the use of Railway's Remedies, proves their title to confidence. There is no pain so severe, no disease so malignant orswift in its destruction of life, but that the Ready Relief will stop the pain and arrest its progress. Every one has heard of it, if not tried it. Let those who have not used it, if sick, give it a trial. A few minutes will prove its power of stopping pain. Read the following letter. Any person doubling its truthfulness can write to the U. S. Consul at Rio. For every word not true, we will pay one hundred dollars. See Dr. Radway's Almanac for 1868. Pneumonia, Spitting of. Blood, Difficult Breathing, Cured—Wonderful Cures in the Imperial National Guard of the Brazilian Army. Rio de Janeiro, June 16, 1866. Men'll s. Haymundo C. Leite & Bro.: Gentlemen—lt Is now nearly eight years that I have suffered freim Pneumonia, and have had the Jtest advice, but could not be cured. I yas in the hospital 105 days, anti all that time I spat blood and matter, but seeing that 1 could not get any better, I niru'e up my tnind and left it. And, fortu nately, 1 was met by a friend, wfio nscoin nienaed Dr. Radway & Co.’s preparation. After taking the first dose .of Relief and ■water, 1 couiii brenthe with ease, and felt all iny pains diminishing. I continued taking two of Radway’s Pills every night, and a half teaspoouful of Relief and water, and also tabbing my chest and throat with it, and, thank God. I feel myself perfectly well. I only tools ten bottles of Relief ahd three boxes of Pills. I hope that the authors of said preparation may have a long and prosperous life. Jose Dias Marques, ' je25—2w170 Prancba street. 80 000 COPIES SOl.fl OF TUB JXJBIT ATE ! A COLLECTION OF SACRED MUSIC FOB Choirs, Singing Schools, Musical Conven tions, etc., by L. 0. Emerson, author of “IJarp of Judah," "Golden Wreath,” "Mvrry Chimev," etc. The Best Book for Choirs. The Hee* Book for Schools. The Best Book for Societies. The Best. Book for Conventions. Ike Best Book fur Practice. -The Bost Book for Social Singing, i The Best Book for Families. The Best Book for all Singers. Price i 1.38. Seat postpaid. OLIVER DI'fSON 4 CO., Publishers, 277 Washington, SL, Borton. 1 CHAS. H. DITSON 4 CO., jyß—tf 711 Broadway, New York. ALBERT G. HALL, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, 221 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. 17 1 RE, LIFE, AND MARINE INSURANCE effected to any amount in the most reliable Companies in the country. The following Companies are especially repre sented by him : The QUEEN INSURANCE CD., of London and Liverpool. The GEORGIA HOME INSURANCE CO., of Columbus, Ga. * The NORTH AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., of Hartford, Conn. The JEFFERSON INSURANCE CO., of Scottsville, Va. The NORWICH FIRE JNSURANCE. CO., of Norwich, Conn. The JAMES RIVER INSURANCE CO., of Montreal, Va. ,The INSURANCE 4 SAVING (JO, of liiofc mond, Va. The UNION FIRE INSURANCE V0 w of Balti, more, Md. The VIRGINIA INSURANCE CO, of Staua ton, Va. Ai.eo, The MANHATTAN LIFE INSURtNCB CO., of New York, Cash Asset*, $4,391,773.45. je23—ly __ J High School Choralist A SELECTION OF CHORUSES AND Four-Part Songs from the works of t he great Masters, tor the we of collegte. high mheote, ad vanced singing classes, etc., $1.60. A volume containing those meritorious pieces usually selected for special orcaaion* and practices, but which cannot otherwise beobfamed. exsert by the purchase of several expensive books OLIVER DITSON 4 CO.. Publishers, 277 Washington St, Boston. jy A—ts , • > .... . • ' Sleeve Suttons Lost, ON TUESDAY MORNING, BETWEEN THE Georgia Kail Road and 190 Broad Street, a pair of Gold Sleeve Buttons, set with Green Blood S'oues.' The owner's name is engraved andernaath on the gold. The finder will be liberally rewarded by returning them to , * *E. H. PUGHE, jy I—if 190 Broad st. Auction Sales. U. S. Marshal's Sale- TTNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT U of fieri facia* issued out of the honorable the Fifth Circuit Court of the United State* for the Southern District of Georgia, in favor of th* plain tiff, in the following case, to wit: George W. IJatch vs. the Bank of Commerce. I have levied upon a* the property of the defendant the Bank of Commerce, part of tot of land number tea (Uh. Jekyl Tytbing, Derby Ward, together with all ' the improvements thereon, consisting of a build ing, known as the Bank of Commerce Building, situate, lying, and being in the city of Savannah, county of Chatham, and State of Georgia, and will sell the same at public auction, at the Court House, in the city of Savannah. Chatham county, Georgia,on the FIRST TUESDAY IN AUGUST next, between the lawful hours of sale. Dated Savannah, Ga , May 29th, 1868. WNL G. DICKBON, jy3— lawlt Marshal. Notice in Admiralty. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA—SOUTH ERN District of Georgia.—ln Admiralty: Whiskas, a libel ut rem. has been filed on the thirtieth day of June, 1868, in the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of Georgia, by John D. Kyau, against the sloop “Mariam & Caroline,’’ her boats, tackel, apparel and furniture, now in the Savannah river, in tho said District, and against all persons lawfully in tervening for th»ir interests therein, in a cause of contract, civil and maritime, for reasons atxfi causes in the said libel mentioned, and praying the usual pnftetu! And monition in thut Ixdnilf to be made ; and that all persons claiming any interest therein may be cited to appear anil answer the premises; and that the said sloop “Mariam *. Caroline," her boats, tackle, apparel and furniture may be condemned and sold, to pay the demands of the libellant. And whereas, a warrant of arrest has been is sued on the said thirtieth day of Juuc, under the seal of the said Court, commanding mo to attach the said sloop “Mariam A Caroline,’ her boats,tackle, goparel and furniture, and to give due notioe to all persons claiming the same, to appear and an swer, and make claim thereto. Now, therefore, I do hereby give public notice to all person* claiming the said & Caroline," her boats, tackle, appareLand furniture, or in any manner interested therein, that they be and appear at the clerk's office of the District Court of the United Slates for die Southern Dis trict of Georgia, in the city of Savannah, oh Wed iiesday, the fifteenth day of July next, A. D., 1868, at ten o'clock on the forenoon of that day, then and there to interpose their claims, and to make heir allegations in that behalf. Dated at Savannah. Georgia, this thirtieth day of June, A. D., 1868. Fitch &. Rice, proctors for libellant. WM. G. DICKSON, jy 2—td IJ. S. Marshal, Diet ofGa. Notice in Admiralty, UN ITED STATES O F AMERICA.—BOU TH ERN District of Georgia.—ln Admiralty : Whkbkab, a libel tn rem. Jias been tiled on the twenty-ninth day of June, 1868, in the District Court of the United States for the Southeru Dis trict of Georgia, by Jolui T. Doran, against the stoop ’ Mariam & Caroline,’' her boats, tackle, apparel and furniture, now in the Savannah river, in the said District, and against aU persons lawful ly intervening for their interests therein in a cause of seamens wages, civil and maritime, for reasons and causes in the said libel mentioned, and pray ing the usual process and monition in that behalf to lie made; and that all persons claiming any In terest therein may be cited to appear and answer the premises; and that the *aid sloop “Mariam fc Caroline,” herboats, tackle, apparel and furniture, may be condemned and sold to pay the demands of the libellant. And wh*reas, a warrant of arrest lias been is sued on the said twenty uinth day of Jone, under the seal of tlie said Court, commanding me to at tach the said Stoop "Mariam 4c Caroline", Her boats, tackle, apparel and furniture, and la give due notice to all persons claiming the same to ap pear and answer and make claim thereto. Now. therefore, 1 do hereby give public notioe to all persons claiming the said sloop “Mariam&Caro Hue,’’ her boats, tackle, apparel and furniture, or iu any manner interested therein, that they may be and appear al the Clerk’s Office of the District Court of the United States fur the Southern Dis trict of Georgia, in the city of Savauuuh, on M ed nesday, the fifteenth day as July next, A. D., 1868, at ten o'clock iu the forenoon of that day, then and tliere to interpose their claims, and to make their allegations in that behalf. Dated at Savannah, Georgia, this thirtieth day of Juno, A. D., 1868. Fitch &. Riee, proctors for Hbellwnt. WM. G. DICKSON, jy 2—td U. S. Marshal, Diet, of Ga. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the Nurthcrn District of Georgia. In the matter of 1 M. R. BELL & <70., | IN BANKRUPTCY. MATTHEW It. BELL, 1 ASBURY P. BELL, , BENJAMIN FMOORE, ( No. 25. AND I L. B. SCUDEEH, | Ibrnkrupta. j The said Bankrupts Imviug petitioned.! he Court for a discharge from all their debts provable nmier the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to ali persons interested Ito appear on the 27 lit day of July, 1868, at 10 o'ciook m the forwioou, at Chambers of the «uid District Court, before Lawson Black, Esq., one of the Registers of the said Court in Bankruptcy, at the Register s office, in the city.of Atlanta, Georgia, and show Cause why the prayer of the said petition of tlw Bankrupts should not lie granted. And further notice is hereby given that the second and third meetings of creditors will be held at the tuune time and place. Witness, the Honorable John Riskine, fsEAi.) Judge of said District Court, this 7th dav of July, 1868. ' W. B. SMITH, jy9 —law3w* TN THE DISTRICT COURT ”OF THE United States For the Northern District of Georgia. . In the matter of 1 IN BANKRUPTCY FELKER.NOWELL 4 Co J. Bankrupts. I No. 88. The said Bankrupts having petitioned the Court for a discharge Atom all tlieir debts provable under tbe Bankrupt Act of Algroh 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given tg all persons interested to appear on the JJaS day ot a. in., at Chambers of said District Court, before Garnett Andrews, Esq., one of the Registers «f theWd Court in Bankruptcy, at the Register's office, Monroe, Georgia, and show cause why the prayer of tire said petition of the ’ Bankrupts should not be granted. And further notice is given that the eeond and third meetings of creditors will be held at the same time and place. Witness, the Honorable John Erskiue, r , Judge of said Court, and the seal l SI!AI '-J thereof, this day of 1868. W. B. SMITH, jy4—law3w* Clark. * Assignee’s Sale. WILL BE SOLD BEFORE THE COURT House door, in the town of Newnan, Coweta county. Georgia, between the legal hoars of sale, on the First Tuesday in August next, tbe following property, belonging to the estate of William G Herrin, Bankrupt, iots.tif Land Noe. 13,20, 21,43, and lo2j acres of Lot No. 12, in tbe 4th District; and Lots Nos. 192 and 193, in the sth District of Coweta county, Ga. Sold bv order of Charles G. McKinley, Regis ter, free' from any inenmbranees that may exist thereon, so that the purchaser will get a clear, full, and complete title to said lauds. Shifting the liens of said inenmbranees from the said lands, and attaching the same to the proceed* 'of the sale thereof. Terms cash. JAMES P. BREWSTER, jy9—td Assignee. Auignee’s Sale. STATE OF GEuKGIA— Oyltlluxpe Cotuttg. Pursuant to an order from the Hou. A. G- Foster, Register in Bankruptcy, for the District of Georgia, will be sold at the Court House door in Greene county, on the First Tuesday iu August negt, between the usual hours of sale, the folfow itrg property, viz: Oue half niterest in the following iota of laud: Lot No. 467. in the 4th district, Applinggmnnly ; 132 and 12 of Dooly i 619 in 12th district of Clinch; 231 in 9th district of Pierce; 110 and 402 in Ist district of Charlton; 132, 96, and '4B, in Ist district <d Irwio. Also, W. 11. Briaiberv s interest in 273 adres of land in Greeue county, on which he reside*. -Also, the following notes: Oue on Eli San ders, s2l, and Joseph Bell S2OO, oue on W.T. Robinson, $125; two ou Wm. (X. Clegg, S2OO, $287. • Also, oue account on Augustus (Inst, ot Griffin, Ga , for $965; one account on E. A- Yerliy, as ext-cutor for Mrs. Marable, |2&- ' ■ , Sold as the property of W. H. Bnmbery, bank rupt, sos the benefit of his creditors. Free froiu incnmbraiiees. J. 11. BRIGHTWELL, jylt—td ■ » Assignee. To Rent. 17U0M TIIB FIRST OF OCTOBER NEXT, A the reside Coe of the late F. G. Barber, 1-1 Bay street. ‘ For further particulars inquire of WM. C. BARBER, Exeeutor, jy7—3t Uread street. City Sheriff’* Sale twill be sold at. the lower Jil SSSMffil ne J*, l l? tollowinir property, to-wit: One HouesMud Lot, os the comer of Washing-. s’rS a street 88 feet, more or i«m ; Bn d bounded North Washington street. Levied on by virtue of a DisUwsa Warrant iu favor of John B. Poumell ’ vs. J. E. Powelk Trusty of R. E. Nehr, Emanuel Nehr. and Wm, B. Kalkley, returnable to the Au» gnst Term of the City Court of Augusta. Also to satisfy one tax execution for the year 1867, City Council of Augusta vs. J. K. Powell, Trustee of R. E. Nehr, returnable to the August-Term, of the City Cottrt of Augusta. Augusta, Ga., July 3, 1888: ISAAC LEVY, ' jy£— City Sheriff C. A. Georgia—Warren County. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States, for the Southern DirtrieVof Georgia. In the matter of J H. H. FITZPATRICK, I IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. ) f Pursuant to an order from Hon. A. G. Footer, Register in Bankruptcy, wjll be sold at public outcry, before Die Court House door in Warren ton, iu (lie county aforesaid, on FIRST TUES DAY IN AUGUST next, between the legal house of sale, one tract of Laud/ Jying in said county in the fork of Itocky Comfort and Golden Creeks, coutahiing ai*- hundred acres, more or less, free from the eacurubrance of Hens, etc. This laud does not iucludo the dwelling and improve ments. Sold as the property of Henry 11. Fitz patrick, Bankrupt. By order of Hon. A. G. Foster, Register tn Bankruptcy. Terms cash T ~ LEVI FOWLER, Juue22ii, 1868. A usance. je2&—lawtd ; TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE 1 United States for th* SdMthern District Os ' Georg In the Matter of. i THOMAS J HART, 7IN BANKRUPTCY Bankrupt. j No. 216. The said Bankrupt buying petitioned the Court for a discharge from all his debts prova ble under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, .1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the 29th day of July, 1868, at 4 o’clock p. «n.. at chambers of said Dietrict Court before Frank & Hcssoltine, Esq., one of the Registers of the said Court in Bankruptcy, at his office at the Court House in Cuthbert, Ga., and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of thiUjankrupt should not be grantci And further notice is given that the second and third meetings of creditors will be held at the same time and place. Dated at Savannah, Ga., this 3d day of July, 1868. JAMES? MCPHERSON, jy7—lawlw Clerk. IN TfiE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United State* for the Southern District of Georgia. • , - • Iu the mM-ter of ) DANIEL B. CAMP, SIN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. ) No. 4. The said Bankrupt having petitioned ttie Court for a diecharge from all hia debts prova ble under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 18#7, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the 4th day of August, 1868, at 3 o'clock a. m, at chambers of said District Court, before Frank 8. Heeseltine, Esq.; one of ‘ the Register of tho said Court in Bankruptcy, at h’s office, at the comer of Bay and Drayton streets, Savannah, Ga., and show cause why tho prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted. And further notice is given that the eceo&d and' third meetings of creditors will be held at the same time and place. Dated at Savannah, Ga., this 3d day of July, 1868. JAMES MCPHERSON, Clerk. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF T ) HI A United States for the Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of. } EVANS BASCTI, .!• IN BANKRUPTCY Bankrupt. ) No. 195. The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all his debts prova ble under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, noWce la hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the 4tli day of August, 1868, at 9 o'clock a. m., at chambers of said District Court, before Frank 3. Hesscltine, Esq., one of the Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy, at hia office at the corner of Bay and Drayton streets, Savannah, Ga., and show cause why Hie prayer of tho said petition of the Bankrupt should not i>« granted. And farther notice L . given that the second and third meetings of creditors will be held at the same time and place. • * jy7—lawßw , , clerk. IN THE UftiTMIVT cWrl’'OFW» A United Slates, fur tin, Southern Bistrlot e Georgia. • _ .’ In the mutter tit I, CLUTAIRE 8. GAY, JIN BANKRUPTCY Bankrupt. J No. 113. Ike mud Bankrupt having petitioned the ' Court for a discharge from all Ms debts prova ble under the Bankrupt Ack of March 2d, Mffl,- notice is hereby given to all persons Interested to appear bn the sth day of August, 1868, at 9 o’ dock a. ■>., atchambers of said Disirict Court, before Frank 8. Hesscitfne, Esq., one cf the Registers of the said Court in Bankruptcy, at his office at tbii cortsc* of and DraytQu Streets, Savannah, Ga., and snow cause why the prayer of the »aid petrtfonuf the Bankrupt should not be grantciL And further notice is given that the second and third meetings of creditors will be held at the same time and place. Dated at Savannah, Ga., this 3d day of July, 1868. JAME§ MePHEIMON, jy7-law3w > Clerk. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United State* for the Northern District of Georgia. In the matter of ) . SMITH, B ULLO CTI <fe Co > IN BANKRUPTCY Bankrupts. / No. 68. s The said Bankrupts having petitioned the-Court for a discharge from all their debts provable under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all nersona interested to appear ffli the 21st .lay of July, 1868, at 10 o’clock am., at Chambers of said District Court, before Gar nett Andrews, Esq., one of the Registers of said Court m Bankruptcy, ut the Regiater's office, ia Mourec, Geoiyia, and show cause Why the prayer of the saii petition of the Bankrupts should not be granted. And further notice is given that the second and third meetings of creditors will be held at tliu, same time and place. Witness, the Honorable John Erakine, [sE»n] Judge of said District Court, and the seal thereof,thia the —day of —1868. . . , Q . W. 8 SMITH, jyt—law3w< clerk. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE A United States for the Southern District of Georgia. . . In the matter of v f - JABEZ MWOODWARD,' IN BaNKRUPTC I Bankrupt. .. > No. 300. The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from ail LU debts prova ble under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d; 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the 4th dav of August, 1&>8, at 9 o’clock a. m., at chambers of said District Court, before Frank S. Hesscltine, Esq., one of the Registers of said Court fn'Bankruptey, at his office at the corner of Bay and Drayton streets, Sawcaah. Ga., andshow cause why Ums' prayer of tlo said petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted. And further notice is given that the second and third meetings of creditors will be held at the same time and place. ' Dated at Savannahs. Ga., this 3dday of July 1868. JAMES MCPHERSON, jyT—lawSw Clerk. ■ r —— ■ ■ ■ Wf ’V-—. Assignee’s Sale. tou, Warren County, on the fir* Tuesday in August next, between the usual hours of sale, one tract of land a* tile unencumbered estate of Mat thew Shields, of Waraßrt ufadfe tiitekroptj ,ad-‘ joining lands of Carson Battle, T. F. Persons, R. Lasseter, ami other*, sontaining about three hun dred and t'.rty sjx acres, mpre or less, with no dwelling on it. Alan, the one-third interest in one lot of kmdHi the Seventh Bisrrict of Cherokee (now Union) County, known aa lot No. eighty four (84), con taining one hundred and sixty (160) «crm, it being one "third. ’ . Also, the interest of Shields, Smith & Co., it being one fifth (15) in a 10l of laud iu UieT'enih, Dmtriet of originally Lowndes, now ' Rewiteu Countv. in said State, known as iot.No. I®, sou taming tour hondred iiiid silly acres. Also, three share* ofartook in Hie Macon & Au guata Rail R<>a<i. co which is paid *5 per eent., a* tn® property of Matthew Shields Terms cash. E. H. POTTLE, puMt—tewiw- Asaigu**.