The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, July 26, 1868, Image 3

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Nfltionolitepnbliccin Official City Paper. largest <’lTV Tiiuwlateox. Xu(>u' H TA . O A. . > SbNI'AY MORNING..... July 2«. ISM Miniature Almanac for July, 1888. SUNDAyTjULY 26 u- „ . .5.99 | Sun Sets7.o3 .MOON’S PHASES. „ 11 M„nn—July 4th, *.‘3l, evening, r" , New Moon-July 19th, 4.48, evening. First QuarUt-July 26t,h, 8.4 J morning. Range of Thermometer. ~r T»r National Rkpbbi.icah Ovi-ick, AT July 25, 1868. |MIM I I ' . FOR THE CAMPAIGN. THE NATIONAL REl'l BLICAN, OF AUGUSTA, GA. SUBSCRIBE FOR IT. The present Presidential campaign in volves more momentous consequences than any previous political contest in the history of the country. The people of Georgia are deeply interested in the result, and will therefore, look forward to the developments of the campaign with increasing interest. The dissemination of reliable news, mid of sound constitutional views on the important issues of the day arc essential to the success of the Republican parly. To supply in a measure this need, we wil mail The National RepuueicAk for any four months prior to January 1, 1869, at the low rate of $1.50. We appeal to the old' supporters of the Repubijcan to aid us in extending Wits circulation. We pledge ourselves to devote all our energy and ability to the success ql the great cause in which the Union Repub lican Party is embarked; and to spare neither labor nop .expense in making Tail National Rbpubvicax a useful and reliable n ewspaper. Specimen copies sent free to any addies-. —* ■ w lhe Coming Crop. As much interest is felt throughout the country in regard to the prospects of the cotton and other crops we will be grateful to our planting friends, and others in the interior, for information on the subject. Onr factors and others who have opportu nities for obtaining valuable information hi regard to the growing crops, and anything of interest in relation thereto, will confer a favor by communicating the same to us. • • - Watermelons Without Seed. Hie following plan has been successfully adopted by a planter in Caddo parish, La.: After the vine is about two feet king, cover the same at a point intermediate between the root. After it has taken root where it is covered, divide the vine between the old and new root, and the result will be that the melons will be seedless, without impairing their quality. •♦ • - t orn and Pork. The Cincinnati Prices Current, after speaking of the general favorable reports of the wheat crop from all quarters of the country, says: The indications of the corn crop are quite favorable, and should this lie the case, a large increase in the pork crop may be looked for the coming season, beemtse the supply of stock hogs will be unusually large, for not only wds the supply left over from last season Targe (farmers not having fatted them because of tire high price of corn and the cohiparative low price of pork) but the increase since then has been liberal, so that the number now iu the Western States, it will be« seen, musk be-unusually large. The Augusta Factory. The twentieth semi-annual report of Wm- E. Jackson, President, submitted at the close of the financial year, shows that the condition of the Augusta Factory tompany is very favorable. The gross earnings for the six months ending July 1, 1868, were $139,632.30 ; the expenses and taxes aggregated $31,898.16--- leaving as net profits; $107,534.14 • from which two dividends of 5 per eent. each, amounting to $60,000; ■ have been paid, enabling the company to curry to the credit of profits and loss account - $47.534.11 — making the amount now to the credit ot that account $224,798.22. During this period the following statistics. Cotton C0n5umed1,362,571 lbs. Average Cost of C0tt0n...19-98 100 Average yards, per loom, per day-49j Average number of looms running*os Average number hands employedso7 Aggregate wages paidsß7,s46 93 Aggregate 5a1e55519,955.01 It will be remembered by those who were among the original purchasers, that this property was purchased of thfc City for $140,000 on ten years’ credit, with interest at seven per cent., payable semi annually, and one tenth of the principal annually, the purchasers paying iu as commercial capital $60,000. Since the. purchase, the Company has paid for the' entire property without calling on the stockholders for another dollar; added largely to the property by purchase and building, bought SIOO,OOO worth of new machinery, increased the capital, to $6()0,- 000, by the addition of a portion of the surplus; paid dividends regularly, and has now a property worth the par value ($600,000) in gold. lhe present condition of the Augusta Factory Company is an enviable one; entirely free front debt—sufficient commer cial capital to conduct the business suc cessfully in ordinary seasons—a good reputation for fabrics and responsibility— an excellent force of operatives, and the two mills so good condition. The Georgia Legislature. Atlanta', (ta., July 24, 1868, SkNATkT A message, with accompanying docufnents, from His Excellency the Governor, was received throu ;h Mr. B. B. rteGrutfenreid, bis Secretary, Mr. Woottbn intitrdiK'eda bill consolidating tiro offices of Secretary State and Surveyor General. The following bills were introduced, and severally read the first time : By Mr. Smith, of the Seventh —A bill to incorporate a |i»e company in the city of Tboutaisville, I ’ By Mr. Brutton—-A bill to authorize E. C. Brower, u minor, to practice law in this State. By Mr. Spear—A bill tor incorporate the Macon- Street' Railroad Company; also, a bill to incorporate a fire company in the city of Macon. By Mr. Winn -A bill to fix the salaries of certain officers ; also, A bill'to repeal so much of the Code,) which requires the judges of the Superior. Court to reside in the county twelve months' where they may reside when elected, and to require .Judges to alternate. By Mr, Alur/vU—l bill 4o carry into, eftletthe Article. Lt Section of-the Constitution of this State. Mr. Spear offered a resolution, that the ■ Secretary be authorized to have printed 150; additional copies of the Rufos, together with the Standing Committees of the Sen ate, which was agreed to. On motion, the Senate adjourned to ten o’clock to morrow. HOUSE. Mr. Williams, of Morgan, introduced a resolution to elect State House officers to morrow. Mr. Crawford, of Bartow—A resolutimi ty. appoint a committee to investigate the affair* of the Western & Atlantic Railroad. Mi. Phillips—A bill to consolidate the offices of Surveyor General and tiwretury of Slate. Mr. Hall, of Meriwether introduced a bill for the- relief of the peopfo-tol Georgjjp—a stay law- —no property can be levied on till February, 1873. Also, a bill to .prevent the -sulyof spiritu ous liquors on election days. Mr. Price was, on motion of Mr, Holden, elected, by acclamation, Speaker pro tens. of the House of Representatives. Mr. Ellis, of Spalding, introduci-d urcso lutibn to furnish each member with a copy of the new Constitution. Adopted. r Mr. Hall offered a resolution to bring oil tin- election of U. S. Senator next Tuesday. The annual message of the Governor, with accompanying documents, was received and read. Mr. McCulloch, of Jones, moved to refer several ts.yf the message to appropri ate committees, and order 200 copies printed. A motion to strike out; 200 and insert 500, was lost'. Tlitj resolution was amended by inserting, “printing the accompanying docu ments.” The House took up the following resolu tion, which had been introduced on Thursday last: Resolved, That we respectfully and earn estly petition the Congress of the Utoited States to remove from every citizen of Georgia, irrespective of party associations, the disabilities imposed by the third section of the proposed amendment to the Constitu tion of the United States, known as Article Fourteen. Mr. Holden offered the following substi tute: Resolved, That this House do hereby petition the Congress of the United States to relieve each and every citizen of the Southern States of all politicaVdisabilities, who are willing to. abide by the recon struction laws of said State, until tire same shall have been changed in tv legal and Constitutional manner, and wire are un willing to produce such a change by a seconil revolution, The previous question was called, and the vote taken oil the original resolution of Mr. Titnilin. The vote resulted, ayes 117, nays 29. The House adjourned to 10 O'eloA to ■ morrow. COMM ER C I A I AUGUSTA MARKETS. Omcts National Rr.runi.tcAN, I SArunttav, July 25—P.M. i Commercial aflyirs c’alQsuuo iu check, conse quent as much hpini aiUV-undue extent? iif the heated term now having Tutt sway, as to the fact that this is the usual dull season of the year. In the leading commercial departments there is but little present-activity, and only a very limited demand for artietca of produce or tor coiu-urap tion. Buyers and sellers are equally scarce, th, supplies of perishable articles and most deserip tions of grain being exceedingly tight, and rates for Corn, Oats and Wheat are fully sustained, although Wheat is beginning to come forward more freely, and prices have undergone a slight ■decline. FINANCIAL.—GoId is bought, at. $1.41, and sold at $1.43. Silver is bought at $1.35,' And sold at $1.37. ' COTTON.—Market dull. New York Middling nominally 39 cents. BACON.—Clear Sides, I8)al9; clear Rib f-hfes, 18J; Backbone Sites, 17a17J; Shoulders, 15al5); Hams, from 18 to 22 cents. COUN.—White, sL4tHsl.4s; Mixed. st.3sa $1.40. FLOUR—Is less active, but freshly ground of the higher grades is firm. TELEGRAPH MARKETS. FUnitncta). LONDON, July 25, Noon.- -Holiday. FRANKFORT, July 25.—Bonds unchanged. NEW YORK, July 25, Noon. — Gold 1438. Jloucy easy, at 4a5. Sterling 10). ’62 Coupons 148. Virginia sixes, new, 53. Tennessee sixes, ex-coupons, 68; new, 67. North Carolina's, new, 72)< NEW ORLEANS, July 25.—Sterling and New York unchanged. I BALTIMORE, Jtly 25. —Virginia sixes, in scribed old, 45J. Coupons, old, 54; new 53. NEW YORK, July 25, Evening.— Governments strong, wiUi ailouaad for iavoszmsnt iaosetwing. Money easy, at 3al?. Geld 113 j. 'Produce and Other 3iarket*. LIVERPOOL, July 24, Atrem'w;.—Cotton easier. Sales 10,001) bates. Uplands 10J; Orleans 103. LIVERPOOL, June 25, Noon.— Cotton quiet and unchanged. Sales 8,000 bales. NEW YORK, July 24, Evening. -Cotton uAcbanged.- Sides 700 bales at 31c. NEW YORK, July 25, Noon.— Cotton quiet at 31. Flour safße better. Wneat firm. Corn 1c better. Mr; - Pork 28.25a28.30. Lard dull. Turpentine firm, at 44a45c. Rosin steady.-r- Frcfghts dull. MOBILE, July 25. -Cotton dull; sales 50 bales. Low Middling 271 c. Receipts 1 bale. Exports 13 bales. SAVANNAH, July 25.—Cotton dull; no sales ; prices nominal ; Middlings 29a29)c ; re ceipts 20 bales. BALTIMORE, July 25. -Cotton very diiN at 31c. Flour in good demand Wheat quiet; choice red $2.?0.i2.35. Corn ; white SI.2H; yellow, $1.20. Oats quftt. Provision? unchanged. . NEW ORLEANS, July 25.—Cotton dull ; Middlings XOc; sales 25 bales; receipts 83 bales; exports 140. LOUISVILLE, July 25.--Flour $6.50. Corn 95a96. Mess Pork ‘ $28.50. Shoulders IM; clear rib sides 16J. NEW YORK, July 25, Emnitig.— Cotton dull and a shade lower. Salos 600 balee, at 30ja31. Flour —fresh ground scarce, and SalOc higher; Wheat scarce and fina. Corn closed henry. Mess Pork 28.50a30.00. Lard-firmer— kettle 18a 18J. Turpentine 54a54f.. Groceries steady.- LIVERPOOL, July 25, Afternoon. — Cotton quiet. Uplands 10). Special to the Augusta Republican.] From Atlanta. Atlanta, Ga., July 25, 1868. Th« Republican caucus nominated Hon- Joseph E. Brown for United States Senator for the long term, and Hon. Foster Blodgett for tire short term ; Ho«. D'. G. (Jotting for Secretary of State ; Mr. Bell of Banks for Comptroller General; and Hon. N. L. Angier for State Treasurer. The House agrees to elect United States Senators and State House officers on Mon day. The House settled the per diem of mem bers rtt nine dollars per day. T. Georgia Legislature. Atlanta, July 25.—1 n the Senate, Mr. Onftdier offered the following-: WiiHiuaM, Ex Governor Brown, one of the ablest lawyers in the Republican party of Georgia, as well as other persons dis tinguished for their knowledge of Consti tutional law, held, during the.late election canvass, that persons of color were not entitled to Itold office under the existing Constitution; and Whereas, Such, persons hold seats as Senators oh this floor; and Whereas, Laws of vital importance to the'people of Georgia are to be elected by llu; General Assembly, the validity ot which should not be made uncertain because of participation in enactments by persons not entitled, under the Constitu tion, to participate; therefore Resolved That the Committee on Privil eges and Elections be directed to inquirc into eligibility of several persons now holding seats as Senators and Representatives, ami report as early as practicable. Defeated. Semite and House appointed Tuesday for the election of United States Senators and State officers. Brown and Blodgett are nominated by the Republicans No choice been made by Democrats. Congressional. WasHtNOtoN, July 25.— House— The bill requiring that iu all future grants to railroads the bonds must be sold only to actual set tlers, was passed. A resolution was passed providing exemp tion from the penalties of the tax bit! for twenty days, as it will take that long for its official promulgation. Clift, Prince, Edwards, and Gove are seated as Representatives from Georgia. A Florida member offered itnpeachment resolutions, which were referred to the Judi ciary Committee. Baker, Ingersoll, and Spalding voted with the Democrats, adversely le the new impeach ment movement. Otherwise their action is entirely partizan. The Corruption Committee on Impeach- . incut was discharged. The bill protecting American citizens abfoad was passed, and goes the the Presi deut. After passing many bills of no interest South, and passing the Freedmen's Bureau bill, the House look recess. Senate: Aftev unimportant business, lhe House bill for reorganizing Virginia, Mis|qn, and Texas, eftine up and was placed on the Speaker’s table as too im portuni to he referred to a Committee. This bill was telegraphed last night. The bill protecting citizens abroad was resumed. The bill passed by 39 yeas to 5 nays. The bill remov’n.g political disabilities from Hahn, ot Louisiana, and Gen. Young, of Georgia, was amended so as to include John Young Brown, of Kentucky, and others, and taken from the table and passed. Alter executive session, the Senate took u regess. Washington Items. Washington, July 25.—The Senate last night tabled a bill relieving Finley, of South Carolina; Holen, of Louisiana, and Gon. Youug, of Georgia. The Senate ratified the Chinese treaty. Capt. J. C. Queen was found on the President's grounds with bis tbroat badly cut. He says two white men and one negro robbed and attempted to kill him. Queen’s friends think he attempted suicide. Gablegrams. London, July 25.—Chinese rebels left Tientsin and are going South. Mickdo issned decrees against the Chris tians in Japan. " ’ l 7 < ’ l,on menaces Jeddo. lhe Japanese parent foreigners from buying land at Osaka. The secretary and servants of Servian, Prince of Karagorge, are on trial for the murder of Miehails. Loss by the Flood.’ Baltimore, July 25.—The loss by the flood is loosely estimated at $3 060,000, and fifty lives, including many women and children. Marine News. SAVANNAH, July 25.—Sailed: Steamers Cleopatra and Thames, New York ; sebr Walter, Richmond, Me. ’ Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. E fl. SUMMER, 184 BROAD STREET, • AUtMTSTA; GA. SPECTACLES, EYE-GLASSES, etc.; Watch, makers’ ToolK Materials and Glasses. REPAIRED AND WARRANTED. Jewelry made and repaired. All kinds ot Hair Braiding done. Agent for Singer’s Sewing Machines. All kinds of Sewing Mkohinee repaired and warranted. je2B law3m The Piano Book, WHICH CANNOT BE EXCELLED; IS Richardson's uew method. Regular sates, 39.1 MM) a year. Sold by all music dealers, price $3.75 Sent post paid. OLIVER DITSON A CO., Publishers, 277 Washington St., Boston. CHAS. H. DITSON A CO., jy3—-tf 711 Broadway. New York Georgia-Warren County. IN THE DISriIICTCOURT OFTHE UNITED States, for the Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of ) 11. H. FITZPATRICK, 5 IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. ) Pursuant to an order from Hon. A fi. Foster, Register in Bankruptcy, will be sold at public outcry, before the Court Honee door in Warren ton. in the county aforesaid, on FIRST TUES DAY IN AUGUST next, between the legal hours of sale, one tract of Land, lying in said county in the fork of Rocky Comfort and Gohlen. Creeks, containing six hnudred acres, more or less, tree from,llje encumbrance ot liens, etc. This land does not include the dwelling and improve ments. Sold as the property of Henry H. Fitz patrick, Bankrupt. By order of Hon. A. G. Foster, Register hi Bankruptcy. Terms cash LEVI VOWLEH, , June 22d. 1868. Assignee. je"2s—lawtd ' Book binding A«D BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY, E. H. PUtIBE, J9O Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. SPECIAL NOTICES. ..—x— CLUB NO. 1, WILL MEET hereafter, every WEDNESDAY NIGHT at the CUy Hull. Members will take due netiee. THOMAS THOMAS, President. Geo. B. Snowden, Secretary. jy2t—4t GEORGIA RAILROAD, ) Ornps or the SnrERiNTENDENT, Augusta, G*., July 17, 1868. J AGENTS OF THIS ROAD HAVE been instructed to commence/on the 21st iust., selling TICKETS TO THE CONVENTION to bo held in Atlanta on the 23d instant. Pusseugers paying lull faro going, syill bo fur nished with n RETURN TICKET FREE— good until 26th instant, inclusive. The privilege extended to those pur chasing tickets before getting on the cars. E. W. COLB, jy 18—8 t General Supt. GRAIN AND FLOUR SACKS!! The old established “Corn Exchange Bag Manufactory” Is prepared to furnish GRAIN SACKS of any desired eiza or quality, and at short notice. Also, COTTON AND PAPER FLOUR SACKS Neatly printed to order. Information promptly furnished upon applica tion. W. 117 ASTEN .t CO.. je 17—3 m 25 Pearl Street, New York City. REPUBLICAN STATE CONVENTION ROOMS OF STATE CFNTRAL COM.) Union Republican Party or Ga., > Augusta, Ga., July 14, 1868.) g®- AT THE REQUEST OF MEMBERS of the Central Committee, I hereby call a State Convention of the Republican party of Georgia, to assemble in ATLANTA, on Tuenduy, the 18th day of August next, for the purpose of nominating Electors for Grant and Colfax. The basis of representation will be the saute as iu lhe lower house of the General AsscruHr. Republicans are requested to hold in their respective Congressional Districts, and nominate candidates for Congress. FOSTER BLODGETT, Chiu’n State Cen. Committee. iffS* Republican papers in this State will please copy. jyls—td OfficiaL Head<i’ks Thibd Military District, j (Department Georgia, Alabama,and Florida), > Atlanta, Ga., July 22,1868. ) General Ordere, No. 103. f Whereas, Official inforinati on Ims been receive ed at these headquarters from tbb Governor fleet of the State of Georgia, that the Legislature of said State,elected under the provisions of General Orders No. 39 and 46, current series, from there headnuaiters, has assembled and complied witli the requisitions of the act of Congress, which be-- •came a law June 25, 1868, entitled an act to admit the States of North Carolina, South Caroling, Georgia, Alabama, and Florida, to representation iu Congress; and, whereas, said act states that on compliance witli the conditions therein set forth by any State, the officers of said State, duly elected and qualified under the Constitution thereof, shall be inaugurated without delay ; it is therefore or dered : w I. That all civil officers, holding office iuthe State, whether by militarynippointment or oy fail ure to have successors, shall promptly yield their office and turn over to their duly elect ed and qualified successors, all public property, books, records, etc., belonging to the same. 11. Whenever the military commander of the sub- Distsict of Georgia, is officially notified of the inau guration of the State government elect, military au thority, under the acts of Congress, known as the reconstruction laws, will be at an end in said State, and it is made the duty of the sub-District com wander to transfer everything appretatarng to the government of eaid State to tlte proper civil officers, aud to abstain in future, upon any pretext what ever, from any interference with or control over the civil authorities of the-State, or the persons and property of the citizens thereof. 111. On the inauguration of the civil government, all prisoners held in custody or by bonds for offences against the civil law, will bo turnedover to tire proper civil authoritr. In the meantime writs othabeas corpus from United States Courts respectfully obeyed and the decisions conformed to. Writs from State courts will have respectful re turns made, stating prisoners are held by author! ty of the United Statesand can only be released by writs issued by the United States Courts. By order of Major General Meade -. S. F. BARSTOW, - D Acting Ass't Adj’t Gne. ALBERT G. HALL, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, 221 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. PIKE, LIFE, AND MARINE INSURANCE I clfeetod to any amount in the most reliable Companies in the country. The following Companies are especially repro setrted by him : The QUEEN INSURANCE CO., of London and LivouooL The GEORGIA HOME INSURANCE CO., of OvlmcuGa. * The NORTH AMERICAN fikm lA'SURAA't'E CO., uf 1 Hartford, Conn. The JEKFESSON INSURANCE CO., of Scottsville, Va. The NORWICH FIRE INSURANCE CO., of Norwich, Conn. , The JAMES RIVER INSURANCE CO., of Montreal, Va. The INSURANCE & SAVING CO., of Rich mond, Va. The UNION FIRE INSUR ANCE CO, of Balti more, Md. . , The VIRGINIA INSURANCE CO., of Stauu toa, Va. ALSO, The MANHATTAN LIFE INSUR tNCX CO., of New York. Cash Assets, $4,391,773.45. jo23—ly__l COLLEGE COMMENCEMENTS Wusfc ■ tWf- GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE I Gkohuia Rail Roar Coxpahy, [■ June 13, 1868.) • riiHE COMMJCNCRMRNT EXERCISES OF X Colleges will be held At Covington, Wednesday, June 24th. At Penfield, Wednesday, July Bth At Oxford, Wednesday, July 19th. At Athens, Wednesday, August sth. Persons wishing to ’ttend College Commence ments nt either of the above-named placen will be passed over the Georgia Railroad andßrancbcs for ONE FARE —full faro required going; and Agent selling such ticket to furnish return ticket. FREE. Return tickets good for ten Saturday before the Commencement Day to Mon day Evening subsequent to such Commencement Day. K- W. COLE, je!4—oaw taugs Gen’l Sup’t. Advertisements forwarded to all Newspapers No advance charged oil Publishers' prices. All leading newspapers kept on file, leformstiow as to cost of Advertising famished All orders receive careful attention. Inquiries by mail answered promptly. Complete priu'ed hats of Newspapers foT sale. Special lists prepared lor customers. A.frcrlitemcute written and Notices secured. Orders from Besiness Men especially aolicited. jyl-tf . • NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. \\ DICTIOMARf ■ / 10 4$ pp. OCIAKO X’ GET the best Webster’s Dictionary, UNABRIBCIEO. NEW ILLUSTRATED. OVER 3,000 FINE ENGRAVINGS ! 10,000 Words aud Meaning* not In oiher Dievkonnriee! A NECESSITY to every intelligent family, etiidont, teacher and professional man. What Library is complete wilboqt the best English Lietlonary ? The work is the RICHEST BOOK OF IN FORMATION IN TDK WORLD. There is probably more resl edatcatlon in it than can bo bought for tbo same amount j>f money in any language. It would improve marry pulpits more than a trip to Europe, and at a much less cost.— jV. r. Advocate. Lay it upon your table by the side of the Bible ; it is ifbetter expounder than many which claim, to be expounders.—-V. Life Goat. In one vol. of 1,840 Royal Quarto Pages. Published Ijy G. A C. MERRIAM, • Springfield, Mass. Sold by all Booksellers. ALSO, JUST PUBLISHED, WEBS I ER’S NAT’L PICTORIAL DICTIONARY. 1,04-0 2’i<</cv Ocluvii. 600 Engiuvinijs. Pri'-e ...$6.00 ■The work is rtSally A GEM OF A DIC TIONAHY—jirst the tiling fur the mUliun.— Auicricsftn Rdimiitioiuil Monthly. jj26—fit GOVERNMENT SALE. G. W. ADAIR. Auctioneer Burkau or Rkfuokks) Frskbhbk, etc., | Office A. A. Q. M. and Disbursing Officer. > Atlanta, Ga., July 21, 18o8.) 117 ILL BE SOLD, at public auction, at the VV GOVERNMENT STABLES, 'Alabama st, opposite the Railroad Passenger Depot, Atlanta, Georgia, FRIDAY, July 31st, 1868, at 10 o’ehvck A. M., tbo following named (tav oramcat Property—viz: 7 Horses 2 Ambulances, 1 Cert, 3 seta Auibulance Harness, 1 Cart Harness, 16 Halters, 10 Curry Combs, lOj. Horse Brushes, 8 Horse Blankets,. 2 Shovels, 3'Bakes, • 7 Hoes, 1 Boring Machine, 2 Grindstones, 1 Bench Strew, 2 Saws, 3 Carpenter’s Rules, 2 Copying Presses, 3 Stoves, 200 lbs. Stove pipe, 1 Glue Pot, 1 Sand Scire, 2 Wheelbarrows, 1 l>ust Brush, 1 Axe. Terms cash. C. T. WATS-ON. ,Pj26 td A. 4. Q. Ml ,t D. O. iNATIONAL FlffiWffl MB AND TRUST COMPANY. Chartered by Act < o—_ * J. W. ALVOKD, President. LEWLS CLEPUANE, First Vico I’rcsidciit. 1). W. ANDERSON, Second. Vico President. DANIEL L. EATON, Actuary. SAM L. lIARHIS; Genera! Inspe tor. Banking Pennsylvania Avenue, corner of 1 Oth street, .Wuxhiugtwu, D t C. BRANCH AT ATOftSTA, GA., no w jrrKK.N open every day—Sundays and Holidays ox 'cople.d-from 9 a. m. to 2 p. m., aiud Saturday evening from G to Bp. ta. DEPOSITS OF ANY AMOUNT FROM FIVE CENTS UPWARDS, RE CEIVED FROM -ANY PERSON. Deposits can always be withdrawn without no tice. Deposits in specie are repaid in speeie. All other deposits are repaid in “Greenbacks” or National Bank Bills. ; Interest payable in January, May and Septem ber. in each year, and by special rule on deposits of SSO and upwards remaining in the Bank at least thirty days. • All lhe profits befong to the depositors. . Branches have h6«.n established in the princi pal cities from New York t<> New Orleans, and accounts eaa be transferred from one Braneb to another without ebarge or interrupting the in terest. The ta'tituti«n has on deposit over $750,- ■OOO. and Illis Branch has »n deposit over $13,000. We draw akchange on New York, and all the prominent Southern cities, at the lowest rates. Drafts on New'York, are payable at the Bank ing House of Jay Ctroke A Cp. Government Drafts on Savannah, Charleston, Washington and New York, also . Bank Drafts and Certificates of Deposit cashed at tbedowest rates. Gold, Silver and Govern men t Securities bought and sold. > ■ Investments are only made n; Securirfos of the. United Slate.--. GEO. Hr;HARRIS, Ibairuuui Advisory Committee. ROBERT T. Ku.NT, » ■ Secretary. RAM L:-HARKliS, i.ett’l Inspector <fc Act. Cashier. jy-25-dkwtf Official. Appointment by the Governor. Kxw’rnrß Dmpajitmeft. I Atlanta, Ga., July 22, Edwin -F. Blodgett, Bich'oi«>ud, is'hereby Aid de ’ A4Bp to the Governor, with the cuuk of t’olourL Officers anu soldiers are •requc.’teJ to reepcct and obey him accordingly. By order of the Commander iu <• hici, RGFVS B. BBLLWK, B. B. DkGuafflmiiep, * tiovernorZ jy24—See’y Ex Dec’L Popular, Patriotic and Home Songa. Nearly 200 for CeuUi The Shilling Song Book, CONTAINING ALL THE 11E>T SONGS of tllo day. a litrgc number of Which, being copyrights, ate mttu be found iu any other vol lection. Three parts, Price of each, 17 cents. Sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt us the price. Publiahol by OLIVER DITSON & CO., Publishers, 277 Washington, SC, Boston. jyie-U Powder Magazine NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE City Magazine is now ready for the storage of Powder. SAMUEL LEVY, Augusta, July 23, 1868. Chm’n Com. j j24~3t , , Assignee’s Sale, WILL BE SOLD, BEFORE THE COUHT Home Door in Greensboro, Gfecno county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in August next, during legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Four hundred and forty-five acres of Land, more or loss, situated around the villags of Bairdstown, in said county, adjoining lands of Wur Edmondson, C. D. Kinnebrew and John R. Young. Also, on SATURDAY, the Blh day of AUGUST next, in the village of Bairdstown, during legal hour, of sale, will be sold the following notes and evidences of debt, to wit: Two notes on H. H. Watts, amounting to $120.65 Six note, on Samuel Young, “ “ 298.47 Two notes on J. R. Chivers, “ “ 61.61 Two notes on J. H. Sullivan, “ “ 85.64 Two notes on H. H. Peek, " M 92.00 Three notes on Wm. Mays, “ ” 37.06 One note on W. <l. Langston, “ “ 154.09 Throe notes on I>. J. Tuggle, “ “ 290.86 Three notes on James English, “ 242.00 One note on Stephen English, « “ 311.79 Half doeen t'hatrs, Piano, two Mules, one One-horse Wagon, Cart, Carriage and Harness, Cow and Calf, Brick Machine, Gin, and sue half interest in Threshing Machine. Sold as tbo prop erty ot Thomas B. Wilson, Bankrupt, pl Greene county, Georgia, free from the incumbrance of lions. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, a small stock of assorted Dry Goods, as the property of Wilson A Son, Bankrupts, of Greeue county, Georgia, free from tbo incumbrance of lieus. By order of Hen. A. G. Foster, Register in Bankruptcy. Terms cash. W. R. WILSON, jyl6—law.'iw Assignee. Assignee's Sale. O'i’ATE OF GEORGIA— kJ Gglethorpe tttwity. PurstiauC to un order from (be Hon, A. G. Foster, Register in Bankruptcy, for the District of Georgia, will be sold at the Court Hquse door in Qrunue oooatar, on the First Tuesday in August u«4Xt, between tlio usual hohra of sale, the follow itig property, viz; ‘ , • One hall interest in the following lots of land; Lot No. 467. In the 4th district, Appling couuly ; 132 und 12 of Ikooly ; 619 tn 12th district of Clinch; !3l in 9th district of Pierre; lift and 492 hi Ist district of Chjirlton; 132, 96, and 48, in let district of Irwin. Also, VV. 11. Britubery's interest in 273 acres of laud in Greene county, on which he resides Also, the following notes: One on Eli San ders, s2l, and Joseph Bell S2OO, one on W. T. Robiueou, $125; two on Wm. O Clegg, S2OO, •237. Also, one account on Augustus Huat, of Griffin, Ga , for $965; oue account on E. A. Yerby, as •excenter for Mrs. Marable. s‘2s. Sold as the property of W. 11. Brimbery, bank rupt, for the benefit of his creditors. Free from incumbrances. J. H. BRIGHTWELL, Jy9—td Assignee. Assignee’s Sale- WILL BE SOLD BEFORE THE COURT House door, in the town of Newnan, Coweta county, Georgia, between the legal hours ot sale, on the First Tuesday iu August next, tlte following property, belonging to the estate of William G Herrin, Bankrupt, lots of Land Nos. 13, 20, 21, 18, and 102 J acres of Lot No. 12, in tlie Ith District, mid Lots Nos. 192 arid 193, in the sth District of Coweta county, Ga. Sold by order of Charles G. McKinley, Regis ter, free from any incumbrances that may exist thereon, so that the purchaser will get a clear, full, and complete title to said lands. Shifting the liens of said incumbrances from the said lauds, and attaching the same to the proceeds of the sale thereof. Teruse caeli. JAMES P. BREWSTER, jy9—ld ' Asrignee. Administrator’s Sale. WILL BE SOLD, ON THE FIRST TUES DAY hi SEPTEMBER next, at tie Lower Market House in the city of Augusta, between the.i legal hours of sale, pursuant to the order of the Conrt of Ordinary, passed -a’ July Tenn. 1868, all tl at, lot of Land, with rhe improvsweuta. consist iog of ono Brick Store, belonging to the Estate of Sarah May, on the West, shleof Centre street, in the cityot Augusta, between Broad and Reynolds street, and known as Bridge row—lx>unde<l North by lot formerly F. Murray's, East by Centre si reel, South by lot of Thomas B. Pfijiizy, and West byJot of John H. Mann, having a trout of i wenly-niim feet and a depth of eigbly-two feet six inefies conveyed by John I’liiuizy to Thomas May. April 2ft, 18514, and turned over U> Sarah May, soh heir of Thomas May, July 5,1866. Terms cash, purehasor to pay for papers. it. w, maher, . iy!7—Hit Adiuinistrhtoi . Assignee's Sale. MTirIEL BE SOLD ON THE FIRST TUES VV DAY IN AUGUST next, before the Court House door in the town of Sparta, Hancock county Georgia, between the hours of 10 o’eloek a. m. and 3 o’clock p. m., the following property, to wit; Four hundred and sixty-two (462) acres of land, more or less, situated wi'hiu one mile of the towji of Lintonyin said eounty , and adjoining lands of John Slone, J. W. Duggan, and Stanley. Also, QiesfpHowit-g promissory notes and other evidences of debt,, riz: One note on David 8 Brown, as guardian, for SBS-8; one note on John F. Mulligan, for $393; one note on J. A. P Robson; one attorney's receipt for a note on Frank S. Howard; one receipt of Wm. Ingram for a note on George W. Biirtou. Sold us the property of James K. Gause, bank rupt, of Hancock county, Georgia—free from the incumbrance of lieus—by order of Hon. A. G. Foster, Register iu Bankruptcy. Terms cash. ARCHIBALD C. McKINLEY, Assignee. , Aaeig-nee's Sale. G. IK ADAIR, AUCTIONEER. BY VIRTUE OF a DECREE IN BANK RUPTCY, in the ease of Franklin H. Gay, Bunkhipt, I will sell on the premises, at the former residence of said Gay, five miles south of Lithouia, in DeKalb county, on SATURDAY. Ist DAY OF AUGUST, commencing at 10 o’clock m the forenoon, free from all ineum brtfaca, the real estate of said Bankrupt, amount ing to 1005 J acres,, in DeKalb county, Ga., as follows; 15‘2) acres of Laud, lot No. 112; tote 81, 82, and 11~, each containing 202 j acres, oue half the mineral interest iu the latter reserved ; 50 acres of lot No. 80; 195 aq-es of lot No. -’sl, and 2 acres adjoining the last—nmubei not known , also, 40 acres of Land in Paulding county, being Lot No. 767, irf the 18th district and 3d scetfon. ALSO, Two silver watches, 2 gins, one halt interest iu a mill in DeKalb county. 1 wagon, cart, carriage, a tot of lumber, and other articles of personal property. ALSO, Sundry notes, accounts, und rent coiUracts, be longing to the estate of said bimkinpt. All sold for the benefit of his creditors. Terms cash. G. W. ADAIR. jyß—!ilW3w . Assignee. Assignee’s Sale. / I EORGIA. WARREN COUNTY -PL’KSU VI ANT to an order from Hon. A. G. Foster, reuisfer in Bankruptcv for the District of Georgia, will be sold at the Court House door in Warren, ton, Warren County, ou the first Tuesday in August next, between the usual hours of sale, oue I ract of land as the unencumbered estate of Mat tbew Shields, of Warren Comity, Bankrupt, ad joiamg lands of Carson Battle, T. F. Persons, R. Lasseter, ami otl>m», tontaiiiing about trhree hun dred aud fatty six acres, more or less, with no dwelling on it. Also, the one-third interest iu one lot of land in the Seventit District of Cherokee (now Union) ifouuty', Ihiowii a* tot No. eighty four (81), con tginiiig tine hnudred and sixty (160) acres, it lieitig one-third. Also, the interest of Shields. Smith A Co., it bring one tilth (1-5) in a lot of laud iu the Tenth District bf originally Lowndes, non- Beuieu County, in said State, known as sot Ko. 122, cyo tirintag four hundred and sixty acres. Also, three shares of stock in lhe Macon k Au gusta Rail Rowl. on which is paid 55 per cent., as the property of Matthew'Shields Terms cash. E. H. POTTLE, |e30 —law4w Assignee. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States .for the Southern District of i Georgia. • ■ HSUn the matter of 1 ITcHARIAJI FALK, IIN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt, J The undersigned hereby gives notice of bis apireintuwnt as assignee of Zaclmriah Falk, ot I the city of Savannah, eouatv of Chatham, aqd i State Os Georgia, withia said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt, upon Me own petition Ly tin 1 District Courtof said District. ROBERT BUIREAU, jy!7- law3w Assignee. AUCTION SALES. ■ City Sheriffs Sale. WILL BE SOLD AT THE LOWER Market House, is the city «£f Anguata, on me nrst Tuesday in August next, between the usual hours of sale, two Prozaitory notee-ene KZ?".? 1 ’? date, for $5lB !I,in ffivor of dated Augusta, January 4th, 1868, s»gnad Arthur A. Atkinson • one ten days date, dated January 6th, 1868, for $120.95, « of A- Mobley, signed* Wingfield rite in lhe City Au the August term of said City Court ... , IBAAC LEVY, .1 yf—-td Sheriff City of Angnsta. City Sheriff’s Sale. WILL BE SOLD AT THE LOWER MARKET House, in the City of Augusta, between the usual hours of jalo, on the first Tuesday in August next, four shares of the capital Stock of the Empire State Insurance Company. Levied on by virtue of an attachment, returnable to the City Court of Augusta, in favor of Sidney Root vs. Alexander i>. Myer and Julius J. Myer, once copartners under tbo name of A. S. Myer A Son. Sold by virtue of a fi, £a. founded on said attach ment; returnable te the August term(lß6B)’of said Court. ISAAC LEVY, jy4—td City’Sheriff of Augusta. • City Sheriff* Sala. 11/ ILL BESOLD AT THE LOWER MARKET »♦ House, in the City iff Augusta, on the first Tuesday in August next, between the usual hours of sale, the house aud tot of L. Dwells, Jr., —House north side Broasf street, runuing through to Jones street; hounded on the north by Jones street, east by Mrs. Straub's lot, south by Broad street and west,by DweJfo’s lot. Levied on by virtue of a tax execution in favor of the City Council of Augusta for the year 1867, returnable to .the City Council of Augusta. ISSAC LEVY, ’ jy4—td City Sheriff es Augusta. City Sheriffs Sale. I l/ ILL BE SOLD ATTHE LOWER MARKET * » House, in the City of Augusta, on the first Tuesday in August next, between the usual hours es sale, the house and tot on Market street belonging to W. V. Keener, Trustee. Levied on by virtue of a tax execution in favor the City Council of Augusta, for the year 1866; bounded north by.Market street, south by Rey nolds street, east by Butler’s lot, aod west by W. ' V. Keener’s, returnable to the City Council pf Augusta. ISAAC LEVY, j>4—id City Sheriff of Augusta. City Sheriff’s Sale- WILL BE BOLD AT THE LOWEfc Market,in the city of Angustn, between the usual hours of Kai«,oi> the First Tuesday in August next, the following property, to-wit: One House and Lot, ou, lira corner of Washing ton arid Fliis streets, /routing on Wasluugtou 40 feet, more or less, and extending down Ellis street 88 feet, mere lees; aud bounded North by tot owiied by J. R. Powell, Trustee of R. E. Nehraud Emanuel Nehr and Wm. B. Kulkley; East by lot belonging to the estate of Richard Aldsworth; South by Ellis street, and Westby Washington street. Levied on by virtue of a Distress Warrant iu favor of John B. Pouraeft vs. J. It. Powell, Trnatee of R. E. Nehr, Emanuel Nehr, and Wm. B. Kulkley, returnable to the Au gust Term of the City Court, of Augusta. Also, to satisfy one tax execution for the-year 1867, City Council of Augusta vs. J. K. Powell, Trustee of It. E Nehr, returnable to the August Term of the City Court of Augusta. Augusta, Ga., July 3, 1868. ISAAC LEVY, jy3—td City Sheriff C, A. City Sheriff’s Sale. WILL BE SOLD AT THE LOWER MARKET House in the City of Augusta, on the first Tuesday in August next, between the usual hours of sale, the house and tot of John T. King, sixty-six (66) feet, more or lees, on Houston street, running back one hundred and sixty six (166) feet, more or less ; bounded north by Matt. Pleasant’s, east by John M. Tur ner, south by Broad and west by Houston streets. Levied on by virtue of two tax executions iu favor of the City Council of Augusta, for the years 1866 and 1867, returnable to the City Connell of Augusta. ISAAC LEVY, jy<—td City Sheriff of Augusta. City Sheriffs Sale. W’ ILL BE SOLD AT THE LOWER MARKET House, in the City of Augusta, on the filrst Tuesday in August next, between the usual hours of sale, one house and tot, the prop erty Jerry Bunch, on the south side of Fen wick street, fronting 52 feet, more or less, and runuing liack 187 feet, more or k-ss, to Calhoun street; bounded uorth by Fenwick street, south by Myer’s 101, oast by lot of C. A Platt, west by lot of W. V. Kerr. Levied on as lhe property of Jerry Bunch', to satisfy two ft. fa.’s for City Tax ‘for tbo years 1866 and 1867. The eaid fi. fa.’s returnable to the City Council of Augusta. ISAAC LEVY, jy4—ld City Sheriff es Augitsta. Anthracite Coal. IN ADDITION TO THE COAL ADVERTISED iu another column, I shall have a cargo of CHOICE PHILADELPHIA PARLOR COAL for early delivery, and at a small advance above the cost of importation. jyJ7~-1w _ CI, AS. A. ROWLAND. The American Method FOR THE Pianoforte, A SHORT COMPREHENSIVE AND Practical system. By Edgar A. Robbins, Professor of the Pianoforte. This work meets the daily requirements of the Pianist. It combines harmony with those India )>en«tble points recommended by all eminent mas ter a for daily practice, aud is no systematised as to readily impart a knowledge of the art' of under standing und executing the difficulties involved iu the piano music of all the various schools. It is likewise adapted to all players, tWnn the beginner to the finished artist. PricO, $4.50. Mailed, post-paid. OLIVER DITSON A CO., Publishers, 277 Washington St., Boston. CH AS. 11. DITSON A CO., jy24—tf7ll Broadway, New York. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the Northern District of Georgia. In the matter of ) . ■ HOLIDAY A WARE, IIN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupts. J Will be sold, by virtue of an order of the Hon. Charles G. McKinley, at tlte Court House door iu the log'll of Fayetteville, iu Favette county, on the first TUESDAY iu AUGUST next, within the usual hours of sate, a Town Lot iu the said town of Fayetteville, known in the plan of said town as Ix>t No. 3, and the South part of Lot No. 4, being 76 feet in front and 126 back ; also, 20feet in front by HR) feet back, off of the North side of Lot No. 2, with the improvements thereon. Sold under but free from incumbrances, as oi said bankrupts. Terms cash. This. July 10th. 1868. JOHN W. POWELL, jyll—lsw2ws. „ Assignee. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE 1 United States for the Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of ) GABRIEL SELIG, SIN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. ) No. 89. The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge front all his debts prova ble under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice la hereby given to all persons interested to appear ou the 4th day of August. 1868, at ten 'o’clock a. in. at chambers of said District Court, before Charles G. McKinley, Esq., one thwHogistayw of' sard Court in Bankruptcy, at’ bis office at Newnan, Ga., and show cause why the prayer of lhe said petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted. And further notice is • given that the second and third meeting of creditors will be held at the same time and place. Dated al Savannah. Ga., this 15th day of July, 1868. james McPherson, jy!7—law3y Clerk, JN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE Uaited States for the Socond District of Georgia. In the matter of ) JAMES A. GLENN. 5-IN BANteKUPTOX Bankrupt. ) . To yrhnin it may concern; The umhisigned liereby gtvps notice of his appointment as As signee of James A. Glenn, of the county of Early and state Os Georgia, within said. l«Urict, who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon hia <>w» peti tion bv tbe District Court of said District. Dated at Blakely, the 7th day of July, 1868. H. W. DAVIS, jyil—law3w Assigns*.