The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, July 29, 1868, Image 3

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NationalHtpnblican Official City Paper. LAMEST CinWMIJLATION. A I.'G t■'BTA. GA . I WEDNESDAY MORNING..'.". ..July 2D. 1888 Miniature Almanac for July, 1868. WEDNESDAY, JULY 29 S.lljiun Sets., 7.01 MOON’S PHASES. Full Moon— July 4th > 3 " 3 ’’ evening. U t Quarter— July 12th, 7.32, evening. N CW Moon-Jnly 19th, 4.48, evening, first Quarter-July 2fith, 8.43 morning. Range of Thermometer. ... Tub Natiohal RarvsLicAu OrriCK, July 28, 1868. u „ I 12 m I 3p.»>. I 6 p.m. I » )'•'"• '7B I sr I 84 c I 82 | 8(F Dentil of <l. A. Ked. Mr. Red, who was shot in the difficulty on Monday night, expired, at his residence on Telfair street, at half past six o'r'ock yester day afternoon. _ lloree-SboeiuK* It will be seen that our readers can have their horses and mules shod (nicely) at the shop of Mr. J. J. Evans, corner of Bay and Centre streets. —. Court, Louis Picquet was brought into yesterday, charged with violating, the previous evening, the 18th and 21st sec tions of the City Ordinance. For reasons satisfactory to the Court, an investigation was postponed until Monday, 10th of Au gust. Mr. Picquet was released from custody. Our Hauge roil* Cluaaca, The sjiort of shooting policemen is be coming a regularly established recreation among some of'our gentry. That officers may be slabbed or shot or otherwise killed in the midst of an affray, that ruffians or gentlemen may resist arrest, and in the struggle do fatal injury to their opponents, is no more than may be expected; such chances are taken by the applicant for police appointment, and he knows the extent of his danger. But it is not covenanted that he shall risk private assassination, as a sequence to the performance of his duty. In this respect he stands on equal ground with every citizen, and takes the slim chances of life that most of us enjoy in no more liberal proportion. Since the war there seems to have been a loosening of regard for human life, an increase of crimes of violence, especially those of the most desperate character, and a general retrogression toward barbarism, Most of this is doubtless due to the war itself, in which men not of the mildest natures learned to look complacently upon the shedding of blood, and let go unbridled the lowest passions of their natures. Hence we hear on all sides of th if fatal use of the pistol, the knife, and the bludgeon. Hence, when a policeman has been compelled to arrest a drunken ruffian, perhaps to keep him from doing a murder, the villain plots vengeance,, and speakingly wavlays the officer with the intent, and too often the success, of murder. .Such events are not calculated to increase [our regard for mild treatment. The softest hearted of us can not see a faithful officer shot down like a dog while protecting our own lives, without feeling that justice should be Stern and inflexible with the murderer. It is, to a great extent, this leek of full justice that has made it possible for such murders obe committed. The police, may now and hen be over zealous, but they have z a most langerous and unscrupulous crowd to deal rith. They need, in its fullest extent, tire noral and legal support of the magistracy. It is greatly to be desired that the niagis raey and the police should act in harmony, specially in the matter of crimes of violence b the person, now so prevalent. Mercy to tasassins should be left to the Governor ■one; the ruffian who uses his brass nuckles or slung-shot, knife or pistol, bould be given the full benefit of a fair rial, and the utmost penalty upon cotrvic iou. tat „ .. n hat to Stamp. All notes and evidences of debt,Jfive cents n each SIOO ; if under SIOO, five cents ; if ver SIOO, five cents on each additional SIOO r part thereof. All receipts for any amount tithout limit over S2O, two cents ; if S2O or inder, nothing. All deeds and deeds of rust, fifty cents on each SSOO, in value of he property of the amount secured,; when t deed of trust is fully stamped, the note lecured must not be, but they should be endorsed to show the reason why. Mortgage jonds need not be stamped if stanfps are iffixed to the mortgage. All appraisement, estates or estrays, five cents on each sheet )r piece of paper. Affidavits of every ilescription are exempt from .Stamp duties, Acknowledgments to deeds, etc., are not exempt. Contracts and agreements, five cents, except for rents : when sot rent, fifty cents for each S4OO of rent or less, if over MOO ; fifty cents for S2OO over S3OO. Any person interested can affix and cancel stamps. t tannin —* ~ Fayette— P II Brassen ScoU t and M Balla«r”ng furs frec from in&imnr C Kellogg Vonier months. e . r ’ isou f 1 darkness is nil th nt is necessary, iu “miller,” the eggs from which moths are hatched, only moves in light; the moths themselves work in darkness. Hang furs ln a very dark closet and keep the door *hut; keep it always dark, and you can no trouble. But, as closet doors are F "tnetimes left open, the better way is to inclose the articles loosely in a paper, put l his in a pillow case, or wrap around a L *h>th, and hang it up in a dark closet. Camphor, spices, or perfumery, are of no use. Continual darkness is sufficient. And h' not take out the furs in June or July to them an “airing,” for even then ®°meth the enemy, and it may be that, in “fteen minutes after exposure, it has de ’ ’ tf l a hundred eggs. If you consider an airing indispensable, give the furs a good switching and put them quickly back. Houghton Institute. Tlud exercises of this school closed on Monday, the 20tb of July, and Will bej resumed on the first Monday in October. The attendance for the scholastic year has been large, and the general good deport incut of the scholars has given great satis faction to the teachers. Both boys and girls have been quite punctual—the average daily attendance being, for the former, between ninety and ninety-live, and for the latter about eighty. The school is in a flourishing condition, and is now better supplied with books than at any previous time since the close of the war. The system of weekly reports, both of recitations and deportment, has had a bene ficial effect by exciting in the minds of the scholars a laudable ambition. J. T. Derby. Acknu tviedu mtn l. At a meeting of the Augusta Typographi cal Union, July 25th, 1868, the following Resylutions were unanimously passed : Retired, That wo tender our trateful no koGwlcdgmcnts to Kev. A. J* llyan Tor the very able and eloquent address delivered before tbe Augusta Union on the 4th day of July, 1868 Revolted, That the thanks of tbe Union are due and are hereby tendered to Cvl. E. W, Cole, Messrs. 8. K. Johnson, D. Rice, T. (1. Cook, E. Nebhut and Bean & Adam, for distinguished favors on theoccasion of our late Annivcrsuy and Pic-Nio at Berzolia. ♦ ♦ ♦ COMM E B C I A L. [From the- Circular of Win. Bryce A Co. New York Colton IgevietV. New York, July 28, 1868. Our last Circular reviewed the market to the J7th inst., when we quoted Liverpool heavy at llallUi., a°d th*' market steady, with holders asking an advance on 31Jc. for Middling Up lands, and 30A. for Low Middlings. On .Satur day Liverpool was heavy at lid., with sales of 8,000 bale?, This market was quiet but nomi nally unehanged; sales only 583 bales, all to spinners. Cold 1435. On Monday, Liverpool was down another A J.; Uplands quoted at 10£d.; business restricted to 8,000 bales.— Scarcely anything was done here, only 352 bales being sold at about |c. decline. Gold 1435. On Tuesday Liverpool and Manchester were both heavy and lower, Uplands selling at 10|d. A more Active business' was done here at sc. decline, Low Middlings s being freely offered at 30c. Sales 1,330 bales. On Wednesday Liver pool was quoted at llfd., with no increase in activity. These continued declines in that market cuused a very heavy feeling, and prices declined fully Ac. without provoking any de mand ; sales only 560 bales. On Thursday Liverpool went down to 10$d., and a more liberal business was done, the sales reaching 12,000 bales. The market here was weak, the sales only reaching 875 bales, of which 360 werg taken on speculation. To-day the market has been mare steady and quotations are obtainable, Liverpool steady at 10|d* for Up lands ; sales 10,000 bales. Cable advices since our last have come regularly to hand, and report a dull week in Liverpool with a decline of about Ad, op /Ameri can descriptions, Uplands closing at lOAd, against 1 lai I Jd« last week. Tbe sales have been small, reaching only 45 bales, including 3,060 to speculators, 10,000 to exporters, and 32,000 to the trade. Total stock in port of all kinds 602,000 bales 320,000 being American. Afloat for Great Britain 781,000 bales, 13,000 being from this country. Our own market for the week under review has been extremely dull, anti lower prices have been accepted in the sales made. The decline has been in sympathy with the Liverpool market, although current prices have continued from a penny to three half pence above the shipping point. The demand here has been wholly from spinners, who have been buying In tbe most economical way, and have not taken one-half their consumption, ao we may naturally look for some improvement next week in th . amount of business done. Low Middlings have been in the most decide i request, yet it has been difficult to realize quotations on this grade. For anything above Low Middlings, quotations are wholly nominal, the supply being so extremely limited, and what little has offered has been held so far above the views of buyers, that we omit quotations. For Low Cottons, th> demand has continued practically nil: some lots have been pressed off and a market found on a basis of about 'pc. fqr Ordinaries, at Which pric", however, vary litt'c can be bought. With all the dullness that has prevailed, th«e has been but little forcing done, or a much more extended business would bawe resulted. Ihe stock consists mostly of grades that are to aH intents and purposes unsaleable, and !»■ I lers of good working Cotton have taken bho chances of forcing spinners to pay at least quoted prices, and with the email stock on hand much of a decline is extremely improbable, except, Liver pool fdlh off still further. The accounts of damage by worms have had little or no effect beyond creating a feeling of apprehension and a determination to hold on and see the extent of injury done. Speculation has been iifelcs. on spot Cotton ; some sales for delivery have been made on the same basis menjlioned ln.-t week. We hear of no sales of trar it <’ottons, nor any engagements for export i TEL EUR APH MA R K ETS. liitanv.ini. LONDON, July 28, .Yoon.- -Consuls 94j. Bonds 73J. LONDON, July 28, Bonds 72Ja72J. NffW Y’ORK, July 28, .Yoon.—Odd 143 J. Money easy, at 4a!>. (Sterling 10$. ’62 Coupons 14$. Virginiasixes6o ; new, 54J. Tennessee sixes 675; new 66. NEW Y’ORK, J.uly 28, Evening,.— Governments steady; ’62's lls*l4j|. Tennessee sixes 66||. Gold buoyant, 144 J. Sterling weak. Money easy. BALTIMORE, July 28.—Virginia Siltes, old, inscribed 451*455. NEW ORLEANS, July 28.—Sterling ji7Ja 60. New York sight $ premium. Gold 1.41. Produce and Other Jlarketa. LIVERPOOL, June 28, .Yoon. —Cotton opened irregular. Sales 9,000 hales. LIVERPOOL, July 27, A/7rrnw». Cotton dull. Uplands 9J; Orleans 1()|. Sales 8,000 bales. NEW YORK, July 28, ,Voo».—Cotton dull and drooping. Flour 10al5e belter. Wheat drooping. Corn le lower. Moss Pork quiet at 28.15. Lard linn; steam 173a18. Turpentine quiet at 44al4Jc. Rosin NEW YORK, July 28, ffrentay.—Cotton heavy, and $c lower. Sales 1,600 bales at 295. Flour —State and Western 10al5c better, with fair inquiry for Superfine; Southern firmer ; common to fair extra 8.60a9.85. Wheat more steady, $2.38. Corn la2c lower ; White West ern 1.19. Oats $c lower. Mess Pork 28.00a 28;25. Lard -kettle !BalSs. Whiskey firmer. Groceries dull. Turpentine 41a445. liosin Freights firm. BALTIMORE, July 28. -Cotton dull, at 30c. Flopr— now, scarce, and generally held higher. Grain firm, and Mess Pork 29.60. Bacon advancing rib sides 16$; shoulders 14$ ; hams 21 >22. July 28.—Whiskey firm and active; in bond, 50. Provisions quiet and firm. Flour and Corn unchanged. SAVANNAH, July 28.—Cotton nominal, and very irregular; sales 211 bales ; no receipts. Middlings 28a28$c. WILMINGTON, July 28. Spirin Turpenliut) firmer at 40; Now Y'ork casks 1064950 - Rosins firm; pale 4.00; No. 1 $3 >3.50; No. 2 2.2&. NEW ORLEANS, July 28. -Cotton dull »ud nominal; Middlings 29c; vales 18 bales; receipts 59 bates. CHARLESTON, July 28.—Cotton easier; sales 82 bales; Middlings 28a28$e ; receipted bales. LIVERPOOL, July 28, Everuit;/. Cotton heavy. Uplands 9sd. Prtedunied. LOUISVILLE, July 28.—Superfine IJour $fi.25a«.50. .Corn 94>95. Mess Pork $28150a 28.70. Shoulders 1»1 ;. clear rib rides 17$. Raw Whiskey 1.08. Lard 18. MOBILE, July 28. —Cotton—nothing done; quotations nominal. Receipts none. Exports 136 bales. , |BY rqieeial Dispatch to the Augusta Republican.) U. S Senatorship. FIRST DISPATCH. Atlanta, Ga., July 28, lStiß.» Bulb Houses had one ballot lor Senators' Long Term (Senate) : Brown, 24 ; A. H. Stephens, 15 ; Joshua Hill, 3; Hopkins, 1. Short Term: Blodgett, 16; Miller, 131 Akcrman, 4 ; Seward, Tn the House—Long Term : Brown, 78 ; Stepheiis, 81 ; Josh. Hill, 10. Short Term : Blodgett, 57 ; Seward, 9 ; Akermnu, 18; H. G. Cole, 2; Miller, 80; H. V. Johnson, 1 ; Josh. Hill, 1. Both Houses then adjourned till to morrow. C. SECOND DISPATCH. Similar to the first. [No election for Senators.) Georgia Legislature- Aflahta, July 28.—The Senate re j fused to concur in tbe House resolution instructing the Governor to notify civil officers of ilre cessation of military rule in Georgia. A resolution was offered in the House that, as no elections were held in the counties of Irwin and Telfair, and counties were not i.epresentod in ibis legislative body, the Governor In: requested lo order elections in the same, in order to bring them into the Union. Referred to the Judiciary Com mittee. The resolution appending the Amnesty Proclamation, and thanking the President, was not acted on, Washington Items. WASHtNc't'o.K, July 28. The Republicans are considering favorably the plan of electing Presidential Electors by the Legislatures of the Southern -States. It ie understood that the President 'Con siders the Cotnmissionership of Internal Revenue vacant, and will make an ad intcritn appointment in a few days. The effort to reorganize Federal offices in 'New Orleans failed. It was found im possible to compromise conflicting party interests- The following over due Federal obliga tions are ..outstanding: One year five per cent, temporary loan, issued four years ago, over one million seveu-ihirties payable in 4867, and ovqr one-half million seven thirties due June 30th, 1868. Nearly three million of these bonds are now paya ble in currency, without interest from date of maturity. The time for redeeming the seven-thirties ‘ due July 15th, 1866, is extended to August Ist, after which date they will be payable in currency, without interest. It is positively stated that tbe President will continue to act as heretofore regarding the Reconstruction Acts. He will conform to the law until modified by Congress or nullified by the Courts. Blncque Bey, Turkish Minister, is offended by Congressional resolutions of sympathy for Crete. Tlie Chinese Legation took formal leave of the President. Burlingame is delighted with the treaty. Howard is dismissing many Bureau func tionaries, giving three mouths' leave of preliminary absence. This evening's /Star has the following : “Choosing Electors m the South.—The .Southern members of Congress, within the past lew days, have, io conference with Republicans liere, decided that it will be best lor the Presidential electors in the reorganized States’ to be chosen by their respective Legislatures in tbe same manner as South Carolina has always chosen hers. This, it is held, will remove all fear of the disturbances and frauds which have been apprehended. It is, therefore, probable that these vjews will be carded ovt by the Legislatures, on whose bands the matter rests. ’ The Cabinet had a prolonged session. Schofield submitted an order for the reorganization of military districts, which will probably be promulgated to morrow. Details* unknown. Mr. Davis, with hi;; family, sailed Satur day from Quebec for Europe. The following order lias been issued from the War Department: The Commanding Generals of the Sec ond, Third, Fourth and Fifth Military District having officially reported that Arkansas, North Carolina, South Carolina, Louisiana, Georgia, Alabama and Florida have complied with the Reconstruction Acts, including the Actol J uno 25th, 1868, - and that, vuusequently, "so much of the Act of Marolr —ts, 186/, and nil Acts supple mentary thereto, providing for Military Districts, subject to the military authority of the United as therein provided, have become inoperative in said States, and Commanding Generals have ceased exer cising military powers conferred by said Acts, therefore the following changes will be made in tbe organization and command of the Military Districts and geographical department-; Firsf-i—The Second and Third Military Districts having ceased to exist, Norrti Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama and Florida will constitute the Department of tbe Sbutb, General Meade to command, with headquarters at Atlanta, Ga. recond —General Gillein will command the Fourth Military District, comprising Mississippi. Third— General Reynolds will command tbe Fifth Military District,comprising Texas," with headquarters at Austin. Fourth— Louisiana and Arkansas will constitute the Department of Louisiana, General Rousseau commanding, with head quarters at New Orleans. General Bu chanan will continue in command until relieved by General Rousseau. Fifth —General George Cooke relieves General Rousseau in 4he .Department of Columbia. 67XM--General Canby is reassigned to the command of the Department of Washing ton. Seventh — General Edward Hatch, Colonel of the Ninth Cavalry, relieves General Buchanan as Assistant Commissioner of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abair denied Lauds in Louisiana. In accordance with the concurrent reso lution of Congress, Secretary Seward pro claims, reciting the facts and circumstances, and concludes : “And I further certify that the said amendment (fourteenth) has be come valid, to all intents and purposes, as a part of the Constitution of the United States.’’ Tbe Commissioner of Internal Revenue has given notice that spirits may be with drawn from bond on tbe payment of fifty* cents a gallon, and four dollars per barrel of forty gallons-—equal to six cents per proof gallon. All distilleries must be closed until the distillers have given bonds, and have complied with the new law in all other particulars. Cablegrams. London,' July 28.-In answering ques tions regarding diplomatic relations with Mexico, Lord Stanley said Mexico sus pended relations in consequence of Eng land recognizing Maximilian. Mexico can have diplomatic relations renewed by ap plication. Self respect forbids England taking the initiative. Private advices report peace concluded between Russia and Bokarra. Louisiana Legislature, ' New Orleans, July 28.—1 n a dubale in the Senate, yesterday, on a resolution to appoint a' committee to inquire into the actions of tbe Board of Registration, created by the Convention, the lie was passed. A. L. Lee, member of the House from St. Bernard Parish, and editor and proprietor of the New Orleans JiepMican, is appointed State Printer, and his paper is the liepubli can official journal for the State, city and Parish of Orleans, under the Printing bill ’ just passed. Governor Warmoth, yesterday, vetoed a joint resolution requesting the General of tire Armies to furnish troops to the civil authorities, iuslrucliug the Senate that the law in this case requires the application to be made to tbe President, and not to the General of the Armies. The veto was sustaiued. To day tbe same bill was introduced, amended in accordance with the informa tion furnished the Governor, passed by the Senate under the suspension rules, and sent to the House for concurrence. South Carolina Matters. Columbia, July 28.—Nothing done in the Legislature to day. The election of Chief and two Associate Justices takes place to morrow. Two ex Federal officers and one Carolinian will probably be elected. The negroes are making trouble in the interior. The whites ask lor troops, or say they will defend themselves. There is a grenT Democratic torch-light procession here to-night. The city is illu minated, and speeches are to be made > y Generals Hampton, Kershaw, Chestnut, McGowan, and other distinguished citizens. Alabama Legislature. Montgomery, July 28.—1 n the Senate, to day, the majority of thq Committee "on Disabilities reported in favor of removing all disabilities. The minority report is in favor of removing disabilities only from those who show themselves deserving of it. The advo cates of the miucrity want only Ao relieve those who will support Grant. The House lias a resolution fixing the pay at the rate prescribed by the Code. It is the sjune as the last Legislature received. A militia bill was presented to day. A bill punishing railroads tor making a distinctiou on account of color was made the special order for next Wednesday. The Legislature will probably take a recess on the sth of August until November. It is strongly urged by many members to pass a bill authorizing this Legislature to east the electoral vote of the State. If tins s done, it secures it to Grant and Colfax. Enfranchisement. * Nashville. July 28.—Browntow declines to recommend the enfranchisement of the whites, and leaves the whole matter to the Legislature. • • Marine News SAVANNAH, July 28.—Arrived : Steamship America, Baltimore. Cleared : Bark Gerbardindle, Bremen. . CIIAHLESTON, July 28.—Arrived: Steamer Charleston, New York. Popular, Patriotic and Home Htearly 200 lor 17 Cents! The Shilling Song Book, C CONTAINING ALL THE BEST SONGS / of the day, a large number of which, being copyrights, are not to be found in any other col lection. Three parts. Price of eacli, 17 cents. Sent by mail, post-paid. On receipt of tbe priia-. Published by OLIVER DITSON <i CO., Publishers, 277 Washington, St., Boston, jylfi ts " The Piano Book, nyvn’ll CANNOT BE EXCELLED; IS VI lliiliardson’s new method. Regular sales, 30,000 a year. Sold by all music dealers, price $3.75 Seut pout paid. OLIVER DITSON A CO., Publishers, 277 Washington St., Boston. CHAS. 11. DITSON 4 CO., jy3—tf 711 BroaJwav. New Yors &0-PRwELL|g Advcrli.cmcnts focwayded to all Newspapers jNo advance charged on Publishers* prices. All leading newspapers kept on file, information as to cost of Advertising furnished All orders receive careful attention. Inquiries by mail answered promptly. Complete printed lists of Newspapers for sale. Special lists prepared for ciratomers. Advertisements written and Notices secured. Orders from Business Men especially solicited. 40 jyl—tr TN THE DISTRICT COURT OP Twri l United Stalos for tbe Northern Distriot of Georyia. In the matter of ) JOSHUA J HANES, [IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. J No. 275. The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all his debts prova ble under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the 28th day of July, 1868, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, at chambers of the said District Court, before Charles G. McKinley, one ot the Registers of the said Court in Bank ruptcy, at the Kegiatcj’s office, in the city of Newnan, Ga., and show cause why the prayer of tbe said petition ot the Bankrupt should not be granted. And further notice is given that the second and third meetings of creditors will be held at the same time and place. Witness, the Honorable John Erskine, . , Judge vs said District Court, and •‘ E ‘ the seal thereof, this 15th day of July, 18«8. W. B. SMITH, jy!7—lawow’ Clerk. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United Stales for the Southern District of Georgia. In the Matter of 1 KEDDIUKC. PEARCE, IN BANKRUPTCY Bankrupt.! ) To all whom it may concern.- The undersign ed hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of Reddick C. Pearce, of Columbus, county of Muscogee, State of Georgia, within said District, who has l>cen adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition by the District court of said district. Dated at Newnan, Ga.. this33d dav of July, A.D., 1868. ISAAC N. SHANNON, jySs—lawow Assignee. Assigrrie’s Sale- ON MONDAY, THE 3r» DAY OF AUGUST next, between the legal hours of sale, in the town of Fort Valley, Ga.. will be sold lhe follow ing property, te wit .- Tilree hundred acres of land, more or less, situ ated in tire 7th district of Crawford county, Ga , the aamd lying east of the west branch of Beaver Creek. Ibis is good farming land and portion of it in cultivation ; known as the property of James A. Avera. The mine to be sold ueeer a decree in Bankruptcy for the benefit of creditors. Terms positively eash. Griffin. Ga., July 9, IS6B. SAMUEL C. WEEMS, jyll— law3w Assignee. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE I United States for the Northern District ot Georgia. In the matter of 1 WILLIAM H. C. PACE, | (Surviving partner of the )IN BANKRUPTCY firm of race <t Hicks), I Bankrupt. ) . To all whom it may concern: The undersign ed hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of Win. H. C. Pace (surviving part ner of the firm of Pace * Hicks),of the town of Franklin, in the county of Heard, and State of Georgia, within said District, who has been ad judged a bankrupt upon hte own petition by the District court of said District. Dated at Newnan, Ga., this 2Sd dav of July, A.D..1868. ISAAC N. SHANNON, . jy 25—law3w Assignee. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE .1. United States for the Northern District of Georgia. In the matter of I IN BANKR UPTCY FELKER, NOWELL A Co | Bankrupts. I No. BS. The said Bankrupts having petitioned the' Court for a discharge from all their debts provable under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby givon to all persons interested to appear on the 21st day of July, 1868,at 16 o’clock a. m., at Chambers of said District Court, before Garnett Andrews, Esq., one of the Registers es tbo said Court in Bankruptcy, at the Register's office, Monroe, Georgia, and show cause why the prayer of tlio said petition of the Bankrupts should not be granted. And further notice is given that the ccond and third meetings of creditors will be hold at the same time and place. . II itness, the Honorable John Erskine, 1,-,. t Ja^K o of said Court, and the seal '■* thereof, this— day of 1868. - W. B. SMITH, jy4—law3w* Clerk. JN THE DISTRICT CUUrtT OF THE United States for the Northern District of Georgia. In tbo matter of ) JOHNSTON WHATLEY [ IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. ) No. 119. The eaid Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all his debts prova ble under the Bankrupt Act of March 3d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the 38th dayol July, 1868, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, at chambers of the suid District Court, before Charles G. McKin ley, one of the Registers of the said Court in Bankruptcy, at Uiq Register’s oilice, in the city of Newnan, Ga., and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted. And further notice is givcu that the second and third meetings of creditors will be held at the same time and place. Witness, the Honorable John Erskine, [seal.] Judge of said District Court, and the real thereof, this loth day of July, 1868. W. 11. SMITH, , jyl7—luw3w’ IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the Northern District of Georgia. In the mattes of | THOMAS A. ADAMS, ! In Bankruptcy Bankrupt. " J No. 147. The s.iid Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for H discharge from all his debts provable under the Bankrupt Act. of March 2, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear ou the Btji day of August, 1868. at ten o’clock tn the forenoon, at chambers of the said District Court., before Alexander G Murray Esq.,one of the Registers of the said Court in Bankruptcy, at the Register's office, in the city of Griffin, Ga., and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted. witness the Honorable John Erskine, |sr:*L,j Judge of the said Di>triol Court. and the seal thereof, this 9th day of June, 1868. W. B. SMITH, Clerk. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE I United States for the Not them District of Georgia. In the matter of ) JOHN ADAMS, [IN BANKRUPTCY Bankrupt. ) No. 118. The suid Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all Ilia debts provable tl>e Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, ..nice is hereby given to all persons interested m appear on the Bili day of August,lß6B,at ten o’clock tu the forenoon, at chambers of the said District Court, before Alexander G Murray Esq., one of the Reg isters of the said Court in Bankruptcy, at the Reg ister’s office, in the city of Griffiu, Georgia, and show cause why the prayer ot the said petition of tbo Bankrupt should notoe granted. And farther notice is given that the second and third meetings of creditors will be held at the taint time mid place. Witness, the Honorable John Erskine; |s>.ai. j Judge of said District Court, aud the ' seal thereof, this dav> of ,1868. W B. SMITH, jy2fi—law2w* Clerk. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the Southern District of Georgia. In the mat ter of 1 THUS. S, BIGLEY, L IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. ) To all whom it may concern i The undersigned hereby gives notice, of his appointment ms As signee of Thomas 8. Bagley, of the county of Baldwiu and State of Georgia, within said Dis trict, who lias been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said Dis trict. ’ ' Dated nt. Milledgeville. Ga., this 24th day'of July, A. D , 1868. ARCHIBALD U. M< KINLEY, jy2B-luw3w Assignee. TN THE DISTRICT ~CQURT Os lilK A United for th© Southern District es Georgia. lit the niatter of ) * MARCUS A. DEHONEY, >lm Bankruptcy'.* Bankrupt. • ) Tlio undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as assignee of Marcue A. Dehoney, of Savanuirh, Chatham county. within said Dis trict, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt, upon hie own petition, by ’the Distric& Gouri of said District. ALFRED WILSON July 15th, 1868. jy!7 —law3w. ——« —• ——...... Georgia—Warren County. IN THE DISf RICT COURT OF THE UNITED States, for tbo Sotithcrn District of Georgia, lu tlio maltcr of i 11. 11. FITZPATRICK, J- IN BANKRUPTCY'. Bankrupt. I Pursuant to an order from Hon. A. G. Foster, .Register in Bankruptcy, will bo sold at. public outcry, before tlio Court House door in Warren ton, in ihe comity aforesaid, on FIRST TUES DAY IN AUGUST next, between the legal hours of sale, one tract of Land, lying in said county in the fork of Rocky Comfort and Golden Creeks, containing six bund red acres, more or less, free frmo iho encumbrance of liens, ete. This laud does not include the dwelling u»d Improve ments. Sold as lire property of Henry IL Fitz Patrick. Bankrupt. By order of Hon. A. G. Foster, Register m Bankruptcy. Terms cash LEVI FOWLER, June 22d, 1868. Assignee- jc.'b— luwtrt S’ OUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA.— At Blakeley, tbo Bth day df July, A. D. 1868. The undersigned* hereby gives notice of hie appointment as assignee of Junes B. Jones, of Blakeley, in the comity of Early and Stale of Georgia within said District, who has been ad judged a bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court, of said District . GEORGE B. SWANN, jyll—tawßw Assignee, etc. SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA.— At Blakeley, the Bth day of July, A. D. 1868 The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as assignee of James B. Brown, of Blakeley, in tiro county Os Early and State of Georgia, within said District, who lias been ad judged a bankrupt upon bis own petition by the District Court of said District. ■* GEORGE B. SWANN, jyll—lawJw Assignee, etc IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States 'for the Northern District of Georgia. lu the matter of 1 Auauttvs F. CuLBBBATu >• IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. J No. 44. The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all his debte provable under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the 21st day of July, 1868, at 10 o'clock a. m., al Cliambers of said District Court before Garnett Andrews, Esq., one of the Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy, at the Register's office in the city of Monroe,’ Ga., anti show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted. Ami further notice is given that the second and tilled meetings of creditors will be held at the same (idle aud place. Witness, the Honorable John Erskine, [seal] Judge ot said Court, this 6th day cf July, 1868. jy9—law3w ' W. B. SMITH. Clerk IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United Stalos fur the Northern Distrist of Georgia. In the matter of j JAMES B KEY, UN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. ) No. 276. The said Bankrupt having" petitioned the Court Jor a discharge from all his debts prova ble under the Bankrupt Act of March M, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the 28th day of July, 1868, at Ml o'clock a in., at chambers of the said District Court, before Charles G. McKinley, one of the Registers of the said Court in Bankruptcy, at the Register's office, in the city of >Kiwnan, Ga., and show cause why the prayer of the said peti tion o> the Bankrupt should not be granted; and further notice is given that the second and third meetings of creditors will be lield at the same time und place. • . Witness, the Honorable John Erskine, , . Judge of said Dstrict Court, and lhe psaAL.j gea | phis 15th day of June, 1868. W. B. SMITH, Jyl7l»w3w* Clerk. Auignee’a Sale. WILL BE SOLD, BEFORE THE COURT House Do jr in Greensboro, Greene Georgia, on tho first Tuesday in August next, during legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Four hundred aid forty-live acres of Land, more or less, situated around the village of Bairdstown, iu laid county, adjoining landa of Wm* Edmondjon, C. D. Kiunebrew and John R. Voung. Also, on SATURDAY, the Bth day of AUGUST next, in the village of Bairdstown, during legal hours of sale, will be sold tho following notes and evidences of debt, to wit; Two notes on H. 11. Watts, amounting to $120.65 Six notes on Samuel Young, “ “ 298.47 Two notes on J. R. Chivers, " “ 61.61 Two notes on J. IL Sullivan, “ “ 85.04 Two notes on 11. H. Peek, “ “ 92.00 Three notes on Wm. Mays, “ “ 87.00 One note on W. G. Langston, “ “ 154.09 Three notes on P. J. Tuggle, “ “ 290.86 Three notes on James English, “ “ 212.00 One note on Stephen English, “ “ 311.79 Half dozen Chairs, Piano, two Mules, one One-horse Wagon, Cart, Carriage and Harness, Cow and Calf, Brick Machine, Gin, and one half interest in Threshing Machine. Sold as the prop erty of Thomas B. Wilson, Bankrupt, of Greene county, Georgia, free from the incutftbranco of liens. Also, at the same time and place, will be' sold, a small stock of assorted Dry Goods, as the property of Wilson A Son, Bankrupts, of Greene county, Georgia, free from the incumbrance of liens. By order ol Hou. A. G. Foster, Register in Bankruptcy. Terms cash. W. R. WILSON, Jyl6—law3w ' "J" Assignee. Assignee’s Sale. STATE OF GEORGIA— Oglethorpe County. Pursuant to an order from the Hon. A. G. Foster, Register in Bankruptcy, for the District of Georgia, will be sold at the Court House door in Greene county, on the First Tuesday in Augusr next, between the usual hours of sale, the follow ing property, viz : One half interest in the following lota of land: Lot No. 467, in the 4lh district, Appling conuty ; 132 and 12 of Dooly ; 619 in 12th district of Clinch; 231 in 9t4i district of Pierce; lift and 102 in Ist district of Charlton; 132, 96, and 48, in let district of Irwin. Also. W. 11. Brimbery s interest iu 273 acres of land in Greene county, on which he resides Also, the following notes: One on Eli San ders, s2l, and Joseph Bell S2OO. one on W.T. Robiusou, $125; two on Wm. O Clegg, s'2oo, Also, one account on Augustas Huet, of Griffin, Ga, for $965 ■ one aceouirt on E. A. Yerby, as executor for Mrs. Marable, $25. Sold as tho property of W. H. Brimbery, bank rupt, for the benefit of his crediters. Free from incumbrances. J. 11. BRIGHTWELL, jy9—td Assignee. Assignee’s Sale- WILL BE SOLD BEFORE THE COURT House door, iu the town of Newnan, Coweta conuty. Georgia, between the legal hours of sale, on the First Tuesday iu August next, the following property, belonging to the estate of William G Henin, Bankrupt, lots of Land Nos. 13, 20, 21,43, and 102 j acres of Lot No. 12, in the 4th District; and Lois Nos. 192 and 193. in the sth District of Coweta county, Ga. Sold by order of Charles G. McKinley, Regis ter, free from any incumbrances that may exist thereon, so that the purchaser will get a clear, full, and complete title to said lands. Shifting the liens of said inenmbrauees from the said lands, and attaching the same to the proceeds of the sale thereof. • Terms cash. JAMES P. BREWSTER, jy9—td Assignee. Administrator’s Sale. WILL BE SOLD, ON THE FIRST TUES DAY in SEPTEMBER next, at the Lower Market House in the city of Augusta, between the legal hours of sale, pursuant to the order of tlie Court of Ordinary, passed at July Term. 1868, all that lot of Land, with the improvements, consist ing of one Brick Store, belonging to the Estate of Surah May, on the West side of Centre street, in the city of Augusta, between Broad and Reynolds street, and known as Bridge row—bounded North by lot formerly F. Murray's, East by Centre street. South by lot of Thomas B. Phinizy, and West by lot of John H. Mann, having a front of twenty nine feet and a depth of eighty-two feet six inches, conveyed by John Phinizy to Thomas May, April 26, 1858, and turned over to Sarah May, solo heir of Thomas May, Jnly 5,1866. Terms cash, purchaser to pay for papers. R. W, MAHER, jy!7—Bit Administrator: Sale of Land in Terrell County, end Lease of Land at No. 1, Augusta & Savannah Kailroad, in the County of Burke. \ VILL RE SOLD, ATTHE COURT HOUSE VV door in the county of Terrell, between the lawful hours of sale, on tlie First. Tuesday in Angnst next (1868), at. public oatcry, by order of Hou. A.. G. Foster, Register in Isaukrnptcy, a certain tract of Land, situate in said eonnty of Terrell, State of Georgia, containing two hundred and two and one half acres, more or less, origi natty granted to Julias Skinner, and situate in, formerly Lee, now Terrell county, iu the (12) twelfth district, and known as Lot No. (160) one bundled and sixty ; and by Jonas Skinner con veygd to Joseph D. Perry. Also, at the Court. House dooriu the county of Burke, on suiue day, between said hours, at public outcry, by order as aforesaid, a certain lease of land, with tenements thereon, situated in said county bt Burke, at or near Station l,of Au gasta't Savannah Railroad, consisting of four acres, more or less—the same formerly used by Carter A- Perry for a store. Said lease running for live years from first of January, eighteen hun dred and sixty eight, at the sum of two hundred dollars per annum, payable yearly. Sold as the estate of Joseph D. Perry, bank rupt. and free from encumbrances of the creditors thereof. Terms cash. JOHN T. SREWMAKE, jyr—tawid Assignee. Assignee’s Sale, " ' G. W. ADAIR, AUCTIONEER. BY VIRTUE OF A DECREE IN BANK RUPTCY, m of Franklin H. Gay, Bankrupt, 1 will sell on the premises, at the former residence of said Gay, five miles sooth of Lithonia, in DeKalb county, on SATURDAY, Ist DAY OF AUGUST, commencing at HI o’clock iu the forenoon, tree from al* locum brauce, the real estate of said Bankrupt, amount ing to 1005 j acres, in DeKalb county, Ga., as fellows: 152} acres of Land, lot No. 112; lots 81, 82, and 117, each containing 302} acres, cue half tbo mineral interest in the latter reserved ; 50 acres of lot No. 80; 195 acres of lot No. 251, and 2 acres adjoining the last—number not known; also, 40 acres of Land in Paulding county, being Ix>t No. 767, iu the 18th district and 3d section ALSO, Two silver watches. 2 grus, one half interest iu a mill in DeKalb comity, 1 wagon, eart, carriage, a lot of lumber, and other articles of.personal property. ALSO, Sundry notes, accounts, and rent contracts, be louging to the estate us an hi bankiupt. All sold for the benefit of his creditors. Terms cash. G. W. ADAIR. jyß law3w Assignee. Assignee's Sale- Georgia, warren county—pursu ant to an order from Hon. A. G. Foster, register in Bankruptcy for the District of Georgia, will be sold at the Court House door in Warren ton, > Warren County, on the first Tuesday in August next, between the usual hours of sale, one tract of land a» the unencumbered estate of Mat thew Shields, of Warren County, Bankrupt, ad joining huids of Cartuni Battle. T. F. Persons, R. Lasseter, and others, containing about three hun dred and forty six acre*, more or less, with no dwelling on it. Also, tlio one-third interest, iu one lot of laud in the Seventh District of Cherokee (now Union)" Conuty, known as lot No eighty four (84), con tunning one hundred and sixty (I6ii) acres, it being one-tiii rd. Also, the interest of Shields. Smith «& Co., it Lying one fifth Jl-5) in a lot of land in the Tenth District of originally Lowadee, now Berrien County, in said State, known a« rot No. 122, con- ; mining tour hundred and sixty acres. Also, three shares of slock in the Macon Ac Au gusta Rail Road, on which is paid 55 per cent., as the property of Matthew Shields Terms eash. E. H. POTTLE, « )e30 —law4w Assignee IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TUB . United States for the Southern District of Georgia t Hi the matter of 1 ZACHARIAH FALK, MS BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt, ) The undersigned hereby gives notice of hie appointment na assignee of Zacharluh Falk, of the city of Savaunah,' county of Chatham, mid State of Georgia, within said District, whq hoi lieen adjudged a Bankrupt, noon his own petition by tile District Court of said liistriet. 7 ROBERT BUIREAU, jy 17— law3w . Assignee. AUCTION SALES. d —; t - ■ ' City Sheriff’ll Sale. ’ W IL X‘ BK SOLD AT THE LOWER ,▼ ’ a House, in the city of Augusta, on 1( the first Tuesday in August next, between the f usual hours of sale, two Promisory notes—One f i2 y^fter $518.11 ,iu favor of I M. Kivort. Levied on by virtue of a fl. fa in s favor of Hezekiah Bussey vs. Wright,fc Mobley— ii. fa. in the Cify Court of Augusta, returnable to 5 the August term of said City Court f ISAAC LEVY, I ,j v4—td Sheriff City of Augusta. City Sheriff’s Sale. ’ W' U ' L BB SOLD AT TUB LOWER market . VV House, in the City of Augusta, between ’ the usual hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in . August next, four shares of the capital Stock of the Empire State Insurance Company. Levied e on by virtue ot an attachment, returnable to the ’ City Court of Augusta, in favor of Sidney Root ‘ vs. Alexander S. Myer and Julius J. My»r, once copartners under the name of A. S. Myer i Son. ’ Sold by virtue of a fi. fa. founded on said attach ment; returnable to tlie August tcrm(lß6B) of said Couri. ISAAC LEVY, J jy l—-td City Sheriff of Augusta. r City Sheriff’s Sale. WILL BE SOLD AT THE LOWER MARKET H use, in the City of Augusta, on the first Tuesday in August "next, between the usual hours df sale, the hotfse and lot of L. Dwcllo, Jr., —House north side Broad street, running through to Jones street; bounded on tho north by Jones street, east by Mrs. Straub's lot, south by Broad street and west by Dwolle’s lot. Levied on by virtue of a tax execution in favor • of the City Council of Augusta for the year 1867, J returnable to the City Council of Augusta. L. ISSAC LEVY, jyf—td City Sheriff of Augusta. City Sheriff’s Sale. WILL BE SOLD ATTHE LOWER MARKET House, in tho City of Augusta, on the first . i Tuesday in August next, between the usual hours of sale, the house and lot on Market street belonging to W. V. Keener, Trustee. Levied on by virtue of a tax execution iu favor the City Council of Auguste, for the year 1866; bounded north by Market street, south by Rey nolds street, east by Butler’s lot, and west byw. V. Keener’s, returnable to the City Council of Augusta. ISAAC LEVY, i lil 1 *—City Sheriff of-Augusts. City Sheriff’s Sale. WILL BE SOLD AT THE LOWER Market, in the city of Augusta, between the usual hours of sale.ou tne First Tuesday in August next, the following property, to-wit: One House and Lot, on the corner of Washing ton and Ellis streets, fronting on Washington 46 feet, more or less, and extending down Ellis street 88 feet, more or less; and bounded North by lot owned by J. R. Powell, Trustee of R. E. Nehraud Etnannel Nehr and Wm. B. Kulkley; East by l”t belonging to the estate of Richard Aldswurth; Sooth by Ellis street, and" West by Washington street. levied on by virtue of a Distress Warrant in favor of John B. Pournell vs. J. R. Powell, Trustee of li. E. Nehr, Emanuel Nehr, and Wm. B. Kulkley, returnable to the Au gust Term of the City Court of Augusta. satisfy one tax execution for the year 1867, City Council of Augusta vs, J. K. Powell, Trustee of R. E Nehr, returnable to the August Term of the City Court of Augusta. Augusta, G*.,July 3, 1868. ISAAC LEVY, Jy3—td City Sheriff C? A. Citv Sheriff’s Sale. WILL BE SOLD AT THE LOWER MARKET House in th* City of Augysta, on the first Tuesday in August next, between tbo usual hours of sale, the house and lot of Johu T. King, aigty-six (66) "feet, more or loss, ' on Houston street, running back one hundred and sixty-six(l66) feet, more or less; bounded north by Matt. Pleasant’s, east by John M. Tur ner, south by Broad and west by Houston streets. Levied on by virtue of two tax executions in favox of the City Council of Augusta, for the yours 1866 and 1867, returnable to tho City Councilof Augusta. ISAAC LEVY, jy4—td City Sheriff of Augusta. City Sheriff’s Sale. WILL BK SOLD AT THE LOWER MARKET House, in tho City of Augusta, on the first Tuesday in Angust next, between the usual hours of sale, one house and lot, (he prop erty of Jerry Hunch, on the south side of Fen wick strci.., fronting 52 loot, more or less, and running back 187 feet, qioro.or less, to Qalhouti rt’ect; bounded north by Fenwick street, south by Myer’s lot, cast by lot ot C. A Platt, west by lot. of W. V. Kerr. Levied on as the property of Jerry Bunch, to satisfy two fi. fa.’s focCity Tass for the years 186e and U 67. The said fi. fa.’s . returnable to the City Council of Auguste. . ISAAC LEVY, jy4—td City Sheriff of Augusta. Anthracite Coal IN ADDITION TO THE COAL ADVERTISED in another column, I shall hare a cargo of CHOICE PHILADELPHIA PztRLOR COAL for early delivery, and at a small advance above th* cost of importation. jy 17-lw .CHAW. ROWLAND. The American Method FOR THE - Pianoforte, A SHORT COMPREHENSIVE AND Practical system. By Edgar A. Robbins, Professor of the Pianoforte. This work meats the daily requirements of the Pianist.. It combines ha Kß o»y with those indis pensable points recommended by all eminent mas ters for daily practice, and is so systematized as to readily impart a knowledge ot the art of under standing nd exeentiug the difficulties involved in the piano music of aU the various schools. It is likewise adapted to all players, from the beginner to tlie finished artist. Price, $4.50. Mailed, post-paid. OLIVER DITSON A CO.. Publishers, 277 Washington St., Boston. CHAS. IL DITBON A CO., jj24—tf 711 Broadway, Now York. TN THE- DISTRICT COURT OF THE 1 United States for the Northern District of Georgia. In the matter of ) HOLIDAY A WARE, IIN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupts. J Will be sold,by virtue of mi older of the Hou. Charles G. McKinley, at the Court House door in the town of FayeMe-ille, in Fayette county, ou the first TUESDAY iu AUGUST next, within the usual hour* of sale, a Town Lot in the said, town of Fayettevillq, known in the plan of said town as Lot No. 3, and the South part of Lot No. 4, being 76 feet in front and 120 back ; also, 20feet in front by 120 feet back, off of the North side of Lot No 2, with the improvements thereon. Sold under but free from incumbrances, as the property of said bankrupts. Terms cash. Thia, July 10th, 1868. JOHN W. POWELL, jyld—lawifw __ Assignee. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of ) GABRIEL SELIG, >IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. ) Jfo. 39. The sahU Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from alt hits debts prova ble under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby-given to all persons Interested to appear on the 4th day of August. 1868, at ten o’clock a. tn. at chambers of said District Court, before Charles G. McKinley, Esq., one the Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy, at his ollice at Newnan, GA, and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted. And further notice is given that I lie second and third meeting of creditors will be held at the same time and place. Dated at Savannah, Ga, this 15th day of July, 1868. JAMES McPUERSON, jyl7—law3w Clerk, JN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE U--»ted SraiM for tbs Second District of Georgia. 1 bankruptcy To whom it may cosoera ■■ The undersigned hereby gives notice »f his appointment as As signee of James A. t-Henn. of toe eoutitv of Early and state of Georgia, within said District, who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon bw own psti ti<>ii by rtie Distiici Court of said IHsUict. Dated at Blakely, lbs 7th dav of Jaiv, 186& R W. DAVIB, jyll—lawSw Assigns*,