The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, July 30, 1868, Image 3

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Nntiontilttcpublifflii Official City Paper. LAKMBBT CItFcIRCMLATION. " A. VOU6TA. OA..S thursi’aT morning July 3 ®- '»««. Miniature Almanac for July, 1868. THURSDAY, JULY 39. Sun Rises ....5.12 | Sun Seto 7.00 MOON’S PHASES. Full Moon— July 4th, 3.31, evening. Last Quarter— July 12th, 7.0, evening. New Moon— July l»th, 4.48, evening. First Quarter— July 28th, 8.43 morning. Range of Thermometer. At Thu National Rkpvbijcab 9rn«, July 29, 1888. 9 a.m. | 12 »,• [ 3 ».»'• I 6 p.m. I 9 p.m. 7<r | 78 c I 89° j ry J, 72° Coroner’s Inquest. Coroner Rhodes held an inquest, yester- I day, on the body of Cornelius A. Red. The jury returned a sealed verdict. Augusta and Goluiabin Huilroud. The bonds meet ready sales. It is an" nounced that this important railway will be completed by next Christmas. I to. Wbul Next 7 At the funeral, yesterday afternoon, of the citizen who lost his life by interfering with policemen on Monday* night, the ‘committee of arrangements’ refused to allow the corpse to be placed in the city hearse 1 It was con veyed to the Cemetery in a barouche. Arrested. Lieutenant Charles Evans, of the City Police, was arrested last night by Deputy Sheriff Crump, and taken to Jail. We did not learn by whose authority the arrest I was made—only that it was in connceiion with the tragedy of Monday night. We, learn, also, that Chief W. C. Dilkon was arrested, but, in consequence of his wounds, was allowed to remain at his I residence. —. w II Slander. Let no one suppose that by acting a good part through life, he will always escape slander. There will be those even who hate theth tor the very qualities that ought to procure esteem. There are some folks in the world who are not willing that others be better than themselves. • Try It. To get rid of mosquitoes; take of gum camphor a piece almost one-third the size of an egg, evaporate it by placing it in a tin vessel, and holding it over a lamp or candle, taking care it does not ignite. The smoke will soon fill the room' and expel the mos quitoes. CompHtiugr Interest. Here is a new method of computing interest on any number of dollars at six per cent., which appears simple : Multiply any given number of day* of interest desired, separate the right hand figure, and divide by six ; the result is the true in terest of such sum for such number of days at six per cent. This rule is so simple and to true, according to all business usages, that every banker, broker, merchant, or clerk, should post it tip for reference. There being no such thing as a fraction Tn it, there is scarcely any liability to error or mistake. By no other arithmetical pro cess can the desired information be ob tained by so few figures. liirtignation meeting. Pursuant to a call in two of the city jour nals, an ‘indignation meeting’ is proposed to be held at the City Hall, twelve o’clock to day. Cui bono, gentlemen ? As faithful journalists of current events (and for future reference) we append the names of the signers to this call, viz i The undersigned, citizens of Augusta, convinced that the administration of city affairs must lead to bankruptcy and ruin, and indignant at the recent" outrage perpe trated. by officers of the city government, upon citizens, by which blood has been spilled and life heedlessly endangered, call a meeting of all conservative, law abiding, peace loving citizens, to be held at the. City Hail, Thursday, July 38th, at 12 m., to take the matter into consideration and devise legal means for their protection and relief. Jas T Gardiner, W Milo Olin; W II Howard, W W Alexander, Harper C Bryson, W C Jones, S H Sibley, U H D’Antignac, Jas Miller, John W Walker, W C Macmurphy, Philip L Cohen, J W Bones, J T Bothwell, A A Beall, . H Myers, M O’Dowd, J J Cohen & Son, J W Besstnan, E W Doughty, J D Kavanagh, J A Eve, John Craig, J V II Allen, . R A Fleming, Sterling C Eve, John B Carter, Jones, Smith & Co, Barrett, Carter & Co, Thos Sweeney, John C Galvan, D L Fullerton, Beall, Spears & Co, .M Cohen, P A Scranton & Co, T S Hankinson, Pollard, Cox & Co, Garland Snead, John Nelson & Son, W F Holleymau, Horton & Walton, Wm J'Vason, A J Smith, A P Robertson, Edw Thomas, Thos A Kunze, J S Wilcox, J W Bacon & Bro, Wm H Crane, Jr, Jas J Russell, W J Ansley, L C Foreman, Z McCord, James Henderson, J A Simmons, T B Phinizy, Edw Barry, H E Clarke, W P Inman, John Setze, Wm II Edwards, A T Gray, A R Clark, 8 D Heard & Son, Myers,’- M.-*- . .7 "’ n ’" n ‘' T , j/ tannin—A. Hearn R , Fayette— P II Brassell W Stevenson,” C Geo T Jackson, C Campbell, Mullarky Brothers, A Stuart, Edw Gallaher, J L Fleming, Wm H Tutt, , T Tobin, Thos Armstrong, TR Jenkins, .J B Platt, ■ A W Jackson, John L Ells, M A Stovall, John T. Miller, II Edmondston, J J Lathrop, Jno W L Stovall, R L Agnew, Chas E Coffin, W M Thomas, Jas P Verdery, TN Hopkins, C B Martin, C W Hersey, J G Bailie & Bro, A Dorr, G 8 Hookey, Ed Donnell, Jno Davison, Pat Walsh, Geo T Barnes, M Gallaher, John Kenny, Jno C Moore, C A Platt. Robert H May, Tmc New lij.ustra.tx:> Edition or W«u- STiiß.—To the student, the scholar, or the general reader,. Webster -is indispensable. We unhesitatingly recommend this mam moth edition of Webster to everybody.’ , [Montgomery Mud. [For the Augusta Republican. QUERY. I sec iu your journal a notice of the ap- I poiutment of a “State Central Committee of Georgia of the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ National Republican Committee.” Will you have the kindness, Mr. Editor, to I inform au old soldier who authorized the appointment of this committee? There are not fifty original Republican soldiers in 1 Georgia, and it seems strange that such a great flourish should bo made about such a little pageant, which, by the way, if mustered, I would present somewhat the appearance of Falstaff’s troop, on account of the tender benevolence displayed towards them by cer- I tain hungry politicians of their party. The object is plain, however, and can not deceive any one but a knave or a fool; and I, for I one Republican'soldier, protest against the usurpation, by any one man, of an uadele-. gated power, to be prostituted, perhaps, to the basest purposes. If some explanation iji not made, I propose to let a little light shine lon the dark trickery of a certain luminary. “An Old SoldibM.” Answm.—Don’t know. The “notice" referred to was sent to The Republican by I a gentleman, who, we presume, will embrace an early opportunity for enlightening “An Old Soldier.’’ e ♦ > _ I A Hint to Employers. The emancipation of our slaves has e I worked many inconveniences to our papple> but none so marked iu its personal discoin | torts as those which flow from the constant 5 I changes in our domestics No housekeeper i has any assurance that the servants </ i I to-day will be at their place to morrow, j Everything is uncertainty—when a servant • I is employed no one, such is the demoraliza I tion, regards it as permanent. As house* I keepers, we live in constant dread of waking lup each morning minus “ help. ’ And this I state al’things is peculiar to the South. No 1 other people on earth arc thus annoyed with I the uncertainty ot servants- Nor does llto fault rest with the servants themselves. Thi fault rests solely with our people ; they Jove to have it-so. Day after day we.hear of one" family tempting the servants Os another to leave. Such conduct is decidedly small jual I contemptible. It is indicative of bad breed - I ing, and is conclusive of the fact that the I offender 'knows but little of good manners. As long as this abomfntrtidn is indulged in we shall have trouble with our domestics. The poor, weak creatures are naturally toed of change, and as loug as this temptation rs I constantly thrust at them they will bo everlastingly changing. Our people can remedy all this inconvenience by a little I common sense, mixed and shaken up with considerable good manners. * • Strange, if True. The following touching incident, it is said' recently occurred in one of the street cars:,- The car was crowded. Many were stand ing; among them an old man of perhaps seventy, whose appearance indicated great weariness. There wero strong men sitting on either side ; there were young men and boys; but no one offered the old mtio a seat. Presently a young and beautiful woman arose, and, with a wiOniug smile, offered him her seat. He seemed bewildered ami refused; but she insisted with so much earnestness that he finally settled himself into her seat, while she took the place where he had stood. This proceeding produced such a sensation that the conductor pulled the boll and kindly inquired if anybody wanted to get out. A fat old gentleman, whose eyesight was rather dim, deliberate ly took out his spectacles, and having wiped them carefully, put them on his nose, and said, “Wonderful! wonderful! wonderful!” No loss than four gentlemen sprang from their seals nf the same moment, and offered them to' the lady, but she politely declined. After the lady . had -left The car, one gentleman remarked that he had never seen the like in all his life, and that in all probability she was insane. Another said she was no doubt a stranger in the city. The conductor was interrogated as to whether sins was a frequent passenger in the cars. He . replied that she was not—that nothing of tlie ■ kind had ever before occurred in the coarse of his experience as a conductor. A youthful dandy, who had a seat next to the lady, said, with a twirl of his moustache, that it was “an awkward position for a muh to be placed in,” and has spent his rime since in riding up and down in the same car, and has offered his seat to no less than fifty four elderiy gentlemen, most of. whom accepted the offer, but wot a single young Indy made room beside her for his gallantry. Flnuncial. Postmasters or others who have move “nickel” cents than they know what to do with may send- thtin in quantities bf hot fess thjtn ten pounds to IJenry R. Linderman, Director U. 8. Mint, Philadelphia, and receive in return their nominal value in three and five cent pieces. ’ The reasonable expenses of the transportation of the three cent pieces in sums of S3O, and the five cent pieces in sums of SSO and'npwards, to any point accessible by railroad or steamboat will’ be paid by the Mint. No “spoiled, illegitimate, or doubtful pieces,’" in short, no bad pennies, will be taken. The pieces will be taken, not by Count, but by weight; and the sole object ot the arrangement is to withdraw from circulation a few millions of cents, which coin is now so abundant as to be in many cases a positive nuisance. Current Subjects. The current subjects for discussion at present, outside of politics, are : "I tw to keep cool. ««tmner complaints. Recipes tot the certain annihilation of the virus of mad dogs. The value of bathing. Lightuing disasters. How much dust and coal cinders a traveller cun swallow and live. The impropriety of packing a street rail way car, as if were sugars or sardines. Why Iruildings to which the public resort are not properly ventilated. How to get off in the woods or to the sea shores. Thermometers. Umbrellas and parasols. Icc. —The ancient Scandinavians used the antlers of stags ter drinking cups. This is evidently the origin of the phrase “taking alula." ( BY- _IE£EGBAEtt.| j special Dispatch to the Augusta Republican.] U. S Senatorship. ’ Atlanta, Ga., July 29, 18418. , JoshuifHill was elected U. S. Senator i' the long term; H. V. M. Miller for 1 the short term. It is considered a Demo' cratic triumph. ’ The Democrats held a spontaneous ■ .ffibilee after the election, and speeches were made by Joshua Hill, Jas. L. Seward, and others. The Republicrns wore sold out by pre tended friends. The Democracy announce Miller and Hill as speakers at a meeting to night. Miller wos a an original Secessionist. Special to the Augusta Republican.] From Atlanta. Atlanta, July 29. Great excitement. Democrats jubilant. Republicans in no way disheartened. The election to lire United States Senate of Hill and Miller is considered not a democratic triumph ; both are known to be of strong Republican proclivities Grand Democratic jubilee to-night- —illu- mination, speeches, etc.; it >» proposed to preach the funeral of Republicanism in front of the United States Hotel. Seward (of Thomas), always a doubtful Republican, httl gone over to the enemy. Grant and Colfax stock still at par. The Senate failing to concur, it is not kitown when the clccliou- of State House officers will come on. The Senators. [first OISI’ATCU.] Atlanta, July 29.—Long term, first ballot-Brown 84, Hill 110, Andrews 1. First ballot,short term—Blodgett 73, Seward 14, Akerman 7, Miller 119. [second dispatch. | Atlanta, July 20.-—Joshua Hill aud H. V. M. Miller were elected United States Senators on a joint ballot in the Senate and House. The following is the result of the election : , For the long term—Hill IGO, Brown 94. For the short term—Miller 117, Blodgett < 73, scattering 20. The announcement of the election-of Hill ) nnd Miller gave general satisfaction and was received with cheers. ] There was much confusion on the an nouncement in the galleries, aud the lobbies ■ were ordered to be cleared. Adjourned till Monday. . < Democratic Jubilee- Atlanta. July 29. —There is a grand demonstration here to night by the Democrats over the election of Hill and Miller to the Senate, The city is splendidly illuminated, and there is an immense gathering in front of the United States Hotel. The concourse was addressed by several speakers. Mailer comes out in a fine speech tor Seymour and Blair. Gen. Gordon delivered a splendid oration, appealing to the people to stand by their country, the Union and Constitution, as handed down by Washington and the heroes of Valley Forge, Yorktown ami Monmouth. He paid a splendid tribute to Seymour, as a pure and most gifted statesman, and to Blair as the peerless soldier, who, at the close' of the war, laid his sword as a sacrifice on the altar of civil law. He lauded the Demo cratic platform adopted at New York, as broadly catholic in principle and Christian in spirit. Hill will probably steer clear of parties, using his influence for the best interests of the country. Washington Items. Washington, July 29.*—Some twenty-five Republican members of Congress had a private meeting last night. A* member of Grant’s staff was present. It was stated that the President was weakening, under appre hension of impeachment in September, and would not remove Rollins. The opinion is expressed that, under yesterday’s order from the War Department, the Southern States would undoubtedly go Democratic, and the removal of the Presi dent so far as those present could go was ’ determined. The prospect looked gloomy to most of the members, but Grant's election was regarded as a patriotic necessity, which must be achieved. McCulloch has issued a circular slathig that parties desiring to exchange seven thirties, due July 15th inst., for five-twenties, must place them in mail or express, addressed to Secretary McCulloch, on or before August Ist. . ’ Seward and Evarts departed for New York on a week’s absence. The Speiker appointed Roland, Butler and Beck a Committee to visit Prince Edwurds Island, to report the propriety of a reciprocity treaty. Secretary McCulloch apprehends mischief from the new tax bill. Stringent regulations are under preparation. Foete and Cox, Commissioners of Pen sions and Patents, were installed. Revenue to day, $65(j,000. ——o — " Election of Chief Justice. Cwr.uuHte, July 29—Franklin J. Mose*, father of the Speaker, of the House, was elected Chief Justice to day, over D. T. Corbin, U. S. District Attorney of Charles ton. Moses has never before affiliated with a party, and Republicans say their party has beeu sold out. One disgusted Republican voted for Wade Hampton, and .two or three ethers for Democrats Much excitement and no good feeling ; the schism is widening. Election for two Associate Justices to morrow. Alabama Legislature. Montgomery, July 29.—1 n the Senate, the time to day and yesterday was consumed in discussing a bill to punish and [irevent Ku-Kluxism. In the House, the extreme men are trying to bring up the common carrier bill. The disability question and the selection of Electors by the State Legislature will likely be acted on in caucus to night. The legislative is almost entirely of a local character. ——j — Political Disturbance. New Yobk, July 29.—The Herald has a special fromeßt. Louis stating that a Demo cratic meeting in Saline county was at tacked by ’ Republicans. The latter were driven, off, leading three killed and seven badly wounded. Several Democrats were badly wounded. About twenty otf each side were huft. Virginia- Richmomi, July 29.—Gen. Stoneman has £One to Washington. AH parties are look ing to his return for solution of the question whether all offices in the State are to be cleared ot incumbent* who cannot take the oath. The date of the coming State elec tion also expected .to be decided. Thunder Storm. Savannah, July 20.—Heaviest thunder storm known for years passed over the city this morning. One child was killed, and several buildings struck. Rains continued throughout the day. Cablegrams. ir London, July 29. —The bill protecting >r Americans abroad is sharply criticised by j- aH the Journals. It is regarded a partisan measure, to affect elections. 1S Paris, July 29.—The Corps Jjogislatiff a has adjourned. 1, Marine News. SAVANNAH, July 29.—Arrived : Sohoonor Eva M. Johnson, Now York; steamships Wyo tiling, Philadelphia, and San Jacinto, New York. Cleared : Behr 8. T. Baker, Baltimore ; brig I Mary Cobb, Aspinwall. CHARLESTON, July 28,-rSailed; Steamer Monterey for New York, •SWBiMSEBSBHSHS! COMMERCIAL. , AUGUSTA MARKETS. Qrrrca National Karost-ivan, 1 MonnAV, July 29 P.M. J '• FINANCIAL—GoId is bought at $1.44, and e soldatsl.43. Silver is bought at $1.35, and sold I at $1.37. • COTTON—Market (toll. New York Middling , ootnirrslly 30 cents. ' BACON. —Clear Sides, 18]al9; clear Bib Sides, 18]; Baekbone Sides, 17a17i ,* BhoulderfS 15a15J ; Warns, from 18 to 22 cents. ’ COHN.—White, $1.40a51.45; Mixed, $1.35a I $1.40. FLOUR —Is less active, hut freshly ground of I the higher grades is firm. TELEGRAPH MARKETS. FAMBMCUtI. LONDON, July 29, Noon. -Consols 94]. Bonds 72]a728. NEW YORK, July 29, Noon. —-Gold 144|. ’62 Coupons steady, 141. Virginia®, new, 55 asked. Tennessee sixes 67]-, new 66], NEW YORK, July 29, Evening.^ —Governments ! steady. Money very easy—call 3. Sterling dull ( at Klj. Gold strong and excited at 144], Stocks , strong and higher. Tennessee 67]; new 65]. ( North Carolina 72]. Georgia 82]. NEW ORLEANS, July 29. —Sterling 57]a 1 60. New York sight ] premium. Gold 1.44. t BALTIMORE, JvJy 29.—Virginia sixes, old, * inscribed 45j; six coupons, old, 551 > new 54. N. C. ex-coupons 72J. Produce mid tltlicr Market*. LIVEItPOOL, June 29, ,Voon.—Cotton steady. Sales bales. LIVERPOOL, July 19, A/tcnioon.-r-Ctillvn declining. Uplands ; Orleans 19. NEW YORK, July 29, Noon.— Cdttnn rather more steady, 29j. Flour unohaagod. Wheat steady. Corn firm. Mess Pork a shade firmer, 28.51. Lard quiet. Turpentine steady, 44a45. Rosin quiet; com mon 2.89 ; strained 2.87. Freights dull. NEW YORK, July 29, Evening.— Cotton opened firmer, and in lair demand, but closed quiet and drooping. Sales 1,809 balee, at 29}u30, Flour steady—Western quite film; Superfine aud State $6.44a7.50 ; Southern firmer ; common to fair extra BAOaV.BS. Wheat quiet and firm —new white Georgia $2.50; new red Georgia $2.30. Corn opened steady, but closed dull— Western mixed $1.05a1.11|. Oats Jc lower. Mess Pork firmer, at28.25a28.50. Lard a shade firm,-r—kettle 18a,18J. Whistey active and firmer. Rice dull—Carolina Sugar steady. Coffee quiet und Irm. .Molasses doll and heavy. Turpentine 4-U44J. Rosin $2.95a 7.50. Wool loss active—Texas 28»31c. Freights stead. BALTIMORE, July 29. —CoHon ’ quiet add steady, 29c. Flour active and very firm, prices unchanged. Wheat firm ; red 2.35a2.35. Cora active; white 1.22. Oats firm, 55a92. Moss Pork active at 29.50. Bacon active aud advancing; shoulders 14ia.lJ|; rib sides 16£at7. Lard firm, 18. SAVANNAH, July 2V.—Cotton dull ; no sales ; Middling;, nominally, 28Ja290 ; receipts 406 bales. LIVERPOOL, July 29, Evening. Colton heavy. Uplands 9J4 Orleans 9jd. CINCINNATI, July 29.—Flour and Corn un changed. Provisions quiet and firm. WILMINGTON, July 29.—Spirits Turpentine firmer at 40; New York casks 40a49Jc- Rosins firm; pate 4.00; No. 1 $3 a3.75 ; No; 2 2.10. MOBILE, July 29.—Cotton—nothing done; quotations nominal. Receipts 12 bales. NEW ORLEANS, July 29.—Cotton dull and irregular; Middlings 291 c: uo sales, receipts 59 bales. Sugar and Molasses nominally unchanged. ST. LOUIS, July 29.—F100r firm; super fine $6.75a7. Corn advancing. Provisions quiet and steady. Mess Pork held at $29.09. Shoul ders 12jjal8c. CHARLESTON, *July 29.—Chiton dull; no sales. Middlings nominal at 28c ; receipts 40 bales; exports, coastwise, 281 bales. &o.Pßbwells@ Advertisements forwarded to all Newspapers No advance charged on Publishers’ prices.* All loading newspapers kept on file. Information astoeost of Advertising' furnished All orders receive earcful attention. Inquiries by mail answered promptly. Complete printed lists of Newspapers for sale. Special lists prepared for customers. Advertisements written and Notices secured. Orders from Business Men especially solicited. 4fl JMtejigf jyi—tf ATHENS COMMENCEMENT. TO ACCOMMODATE persons wishing to attend Commencement at Athens, a train will be ran on the Athens branch, in connection with night passenger trains on the maiu line, as well as one in eouneolton. with day train*. Commencement on THURSDAY NIGHT. 30th instant, and coatinaing for fifteen nights. Persons paying full sere going, will be furnished with return tickets free (good for thirty days) by the Station Agent. «. W. COLE, Atlanta papers copy. Gen’l Suu’t. jy»-rt _____ .I_. Popular, Patriotic and Home Songs. Nearly 200 far 17 Cents! The Shilling Song Book; C CONTAINING ALL THE BEST SONGS / of Hie day, a large number of which, being copyrights, are not to be tbwsid in any other col ' lection. Three parts. Price of each. 17 cents. Sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of the price. Published by QI.IVER DUSON i. CO., Publishers, 277 Washington, St., Boston. Jyl6—lf The Piano Book, YWIHt'H CANNOT BE EXCELLED; 18 VV Richardson’* new method. Regular sales, 30.0U0 a year. Sold by ail music dealers, price $3.75. Sent port paid. OLIVER DLTSON A CO., Publishers, 2’7 Washington St., Boston. CHAS. H. DITSON i CO., jy3—U 711 Broadway. New York IN THE DISTRICT COURT. OF THE United States for the Northern District of Georgia. In the matter of 1 WILLIAM H. C. PACE, | (Surviving partner<M the )INBANKRUPTCY firm of Pace & Ilicksk | Bankrupt. ' j To' all whom it may copCerti: The undersign ed hereby gives notice erf hi» appeinloient us Assignee of Wm. H. C. Ibtce (surviving part ner of the firm of Pace <t Hicks),of the town of Franklin, i)i the county of Heard, and State of Georgia, within said District, who baa been ad judged a bankrupt upon his own petition by the District court of said District. Dated at Newnan, Ga., -this 23d day of July, A.D.. ISiX teAAC N. SJIANNON, Jy 35—law3w Assignee. IN THK DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the Northern District of Georgia. In the matter of 1 IN BANKRUPTCY FELKER, NOWELL & Co [ Bankrupts. I No. 88. The said Bankrupts having petitioned tbe Court for a discharge from all their debts provable under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the 21stday of July, 1868,at 10 o'clock a. m., at Chambers of.said District Court, before Garnett Andrews, Esq., one of the Registers of tbe said Court in Bankruptcy, at the Register’s office, Monroe, Georgia, and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupts slfould not bo granted. And further notice is given that tbe eoond and third mootings of creditors will be held at the same time and place. Witness, the Honorable John Erskine, fs«ar 1 JuJg® *>f said Court, and the soul 1 thereof, this day of— 1868. W. B. SMITH, jy4—law3w* ■ Clerk. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the Northern District of Georgia. Ln tlm matter of ) JOHNSTON WHATLEY J TN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. ) No. 119. The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all Uns debts prova d ble under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, , notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the 28th day oi July, 1868, at It) o'clock in Lire forenoon, at chambers of the g said District Court, before Charles 6. McKin ley, one of the Registers of the said Court in Bankruptcy, at the Register’s office, in tbe city b ofNewnan, Ga., andshow cause why tbeprayer I of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted. And further notice is given that the second and third meetings of creditors will » be held at the same time and place. Witness, tho Honorable John Erskine, C [seal.] Judge of said District Court, and the foal thereof, this 15th day of July, 1868. W. B. SMITH, ~Jyl7—Jaw3w’_ Clerk. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United Slates for the Northern District of Georgia. In tho matter of | THOMAS A. ADAMS, ! Im BamcnttoTcr Bankrupt. • « j No. 147. The Mid Bankrupt having jtetilioned the Court for a dUeharge from all his debts provable under the Bankrupt Aet of March 2, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the Bth day of August, 1868. at ton o'clock in the forenoon, at chambers of the suid District Court, beftn e Alexander G Murray Esq.,one of tbe Registers of the said Court in Bankruptcy, at the Register’s office, in the oily of Griffin, Ga., and show cause why the pruyer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should net be granted. Witness the Honorable John Erskine. [seal,] Judge of tbe said District Court, ami the seal thereof, this 9t,h day of Julie, 1868. W. B. SMITH, Clerk. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE 1 United States , for the Nmlhern District of Georgia. In the matter of ) joiin adams, Sin bankruptcy Bankrupt. ) No. 148. The said Bankrupt having petitioned-the Court fora discharge from all his debts provable under the Bankrupt AeUof March 2d, 4867, notice is hereby given to all persons interetted to appear on the Btli day of August,lßt ; B,at ten o’clock in tlic forenoon, at chambers of the said District Court, before Alexander G Murray Esq.', one of the Keg isters of the said Court in Bankruptcy, at the Keg- , ister’s office, in the city of Griffin, Georgia, and show cause yvDy the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt, should not be granted. Aud further notice is given that the second and third meetings of creditors will-be held at the same time aud place. Witness, the Honorable John Erskine, IsEAt. J Judge of said District Coint, and the seal thereof, this day of , 1868. W B. SMITH, jy'2B—law2w* Clerk. 1 IN THE DISTRICT COURT GF THE United States fur the Suuthern District of Georgia. In the matter of > ' ■ THOS. Sv BAGLEY, L IN BANKRUPTCY. " Bankrupt. ) To all whom it may concern : The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appomtusent as As- , signee of lliomaa S. Bagley, of the county of , Baldwin and State of Georgia', within said Dis trict, who has been adjudged a b.inkrupt. upon his own petition by the District Omul of said Dis trivt. . , Dated at Mffledgevllle, Ga., tlii.- ’ Slth day pf July. A. D., IBGB. * ARCHIBALD C. McKINLEY, | jy2B law3w 'Assignee. IN THE DISTRICT COURT DE 'ftfr. United Stales for tbs Southern District bl Georgia. Io the matter of ) MARCUS A. DEHONEY, >ln BANKRti'Ter. Bankrupt. J The undersigned hereby gives notice of hjs appointment as asdraee of Ma|eus A. Ilehoney, of SaVannah. Chatham county,'within said Die trial, who his been adjudged a Bankrupt, upon his own petition, by ike Bistricl, Cours of wild District. ALFRED WILSON. July 15th, 1868. jyl7 —law3w. Georgia—Warten County. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED States, for the .Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of ) H. 11. FITZPATRICK, L IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. ) I’iHvuant to an oi-fler from ILm. A. G. Kostev, Register in Bankruptcy, will be sold at public, outcry, 10-foie the Court House door iy Warren ton, in rfie' coimtv aforesaid, bu FIRST I'UEB DAY IN AUGtIST next, between the legal boms qf sale, one tract of Jamil, lying in said county in lla- fork of Rocky Comfort and Golden Creeks, eoatuining six hundred ucies, more «* less, free from tpe encumbrance of* liens, etc. This land does imt include the dwelling aud improve ments. Sold as tlie property Os Tfcnry H. Fit* natriek, Baukrnja. By order of Hon. A, 11. Foster, Register in Bankruptcy. Terms cash LEVI FOWLER, June 2-M, 18(>8. Assignee. ' . ' SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA.- I At Dluksley, the Sth day of July, A. D. 1863. | The undersignrd -hereby given notice of his appeintmeut as assignee of James B. Jones, of Blakeley, in the county of Early and State of Georgia" within said District, who’has been ad judged a bankrupt noon his own petition by the District Court of said District. GEORG€ B. SWANN, jyi4—law3w Assignee, etb. SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA.— At Blakeley, the Bth day of July, A. D. 1868 The undersigned hereby’ gives notice of bis appeintmeut. as assignee of James B. Brown, of Blakeley, in fire county ot Early and State of Georgia, withiu said District, who. has been ad juflged a hank rapt upon his own petition by the District Court ol said District. • GEORGE B. SWANN, jyl I—law.iw AssigHee, ete IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United State* for the Northern District of Georgia. In the matter of 1 , • AnGtrsrns E. Culbreath >IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. ) No. 44. The .said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discliarge from all his debts provable nnder the Baukrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice it hereby given to nil persons interested to appear on the 21st day of July, 1868, at 10 o’clock a. m., at Chambers of said District Court before Gaiwett Andrews, Esq.’, one of the Registers of said Court In Bankruptcy, at the Register’s office in tl>e city of Monroe, Gu., and shew cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted. And farther notice is given that the second aud third meetings of creditors will be held at the same rime and plrtie. Witness, the Honorable JnCn Erskine, [sxaLl Judge of said Court, this 6fh day of July. 1868. jy9—lawJw W. B..SMITH, Clerk IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF _THE United ‘btutes for the Northern District of Georgia. In the matter of ) - JAMES B KEY, IIN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. ) No. 276. The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a iliscbargc from all his debts prevfc ble tinder the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867 notice M hereby given to utl perrons interested to appear ob the 38th day of July, 1868, at 10 o’clock a tn., at chambers of the said District Court, before Charles G. McKinley, one of the Registers of the-safd Court in Bankruptcy, at the Register'a office, in the city of Newnan, Go., and show cause why the prayer of tlte said, peti tion of the Bankrupt should nut be grouted; and furthernotiee is given that tire second and third meetings of creditors .will be IwM at the same time nnd place. * Witness, the Honorable John Erskine, r ._., 1 Judge bf said Detript Court, and Ao [Vbauj therecf, thin 15th day of Jane, 1868. W. D. SMITH, jyiDa«3w* Clerk. I ! Assignee’s Sale. f W ILL BE 801,D > BE FORE THE COUR'f V v House Door in Greensboro, Greene county 1 Georgia, on tho 6rst Tuesday in August next during legal hours of sale, tbe following property, 9 Four hundred and forty-five acres of Land’, 9 more or less, situated around the village of > Bairdstown, in said county, adjoining lands of 1 Win- Edmondson, 0. D. Kiunebrew and John R. Young. • Also, on SATURDAY, the Bth day of AUGUST next, in the village of Bairdstown, during legal ’ hours of sole, will be sold tho following notes 1 and evidences of debt, to wit: ’ Two notes on M. H. Watts, amounting to $120.65 Six notes on Samuel Young, “ “ 298.47 Two notes on J. R. Chivers, ‘i “ $1.61 Two notes on J. H. Sullivan, « « 85.54 Two notes on H. H. Peek, “ •» $2.00 Three notes on Wm. Mays, “ « 37.60 Ona noto on W. G. Langstun, “ 154.09 Three nates on P. J. Tuggle, “ •• 290.86 Three notes on James English, “ - <• 242.00 Obe note on Stephen English, “ “ 811.79 Half dozen Chairs, Piano, two Mules, one One-horse Wagon, Cart, Carriage and Ilaraess, Cow and Calf, Brick Machine, Gin, and one half interest in Threshing Machine. Sold as the prop erty of Thomas B. Wilson, Bankrupt, of Greene county, Georgia, free from the incumbrance of hens. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, a small stock of assorted Dry Goods, as the property »f Witom A Son, Bankrupt-, nf Greene county, Georgia, free from the incumbrance of BaXuptcy U ° B ' '' G ' Ke « ister in Terms cash. ’ W. R. WILSON, . _ Assignee. Assignee’s Sale. QTATK of GEORGIA— , ' Oylethorpe County. L’uriuant to an order from the Hon. A. G. Foster, Register in Bankruptcy, for the District of Georgia, will be sold at the Conrt House door in Grftene county, on tho First Tuesday in August next, between the Usual hours of sale, the follow ing property, viz: One half intereet in the following lota of land: I Lot No. 467, in the 4th district, Appling conutv -, I 132 and 12 of Dooly; 619 iu 12th district of Clinch; I 231 in 9th district of Pierce; 111) and 192 in Ist diatrict of Charlton; 132, 96. and iff, in Ist district of Irwin. Also, W. H. Brimbery's intereet in 273 acres of land in Greene county, on which lie resides. Also, the following notes: One on Eli Ban dera, s2l, and Joseph Bell S2OO, one on W. T. Kcibinson, sl£s-; two on Wm. O Ciegg, $209, Also, one account on Augustus Hust, of Griffin, Ga , for $965; one account on E. A. Yerby, as executor for Mrs.’Marable, $25. Sold as the property of W. H. Britnbery, bank rupt, for the benefit of his creditors. Free from incumbrances, J. H. BRIGHTWELL, jy!>—td Assignee. , Assignee's Sale. VVILI. BE SOLD BEFORE THE COURT 1 vv House Joor, in the town of Newnan, ‘ Coureta county, Georgia, between the legal hoars ' of sale, on the Firat Tuesday iu August next, the ' following property; belonging to the estate of '■ WilliamG Herrin, Bankrupt, lota of Land Nos. 13, 20, 21,43, and 102] acres Os Lot No. 12, in the ■ 4th District; and Lots Nos. 192 and 193, in the ' sth District of Coweta county, Ga. Sold by order of Charles G. McKinley, Regis ter, free from any inenmbrances that may exist - thereon, so that the purchaser will get a clear, I full, and complete title t > said lands. Shifting the 1 said inenmbrances from the said lauds, and * attaching the same to the proceeds of the sale 1 thereof. ( Terms cash. JAMES P. BREWSTER, _ Assignee. Administrator’* Sale. WILL BE SOLD, ON THE FIRST TUEB - SEPTEMBER next, at tbe Lower Market House in the city of Augusta, between the legal hours of sate, pursuant, to the order of the Court of Ordinary, passed nt July Term. 1868, all that lot pf Land, with the Improvements, consist ing of oiie Brick. Store, belonging to tho Estate of Sarah May, on the West side Os Centre street, in the city of Augusta, between Broad and Reynolds street, and known as Bridge row—bounded North by. lot formerly F. Murray's, East by Centra street, South by lot of Thomas B. Phinizy, pud Wont, by lot of John 11. Jlunii, having a front of twenty nine feet and a depth of eighty-two feet six inches, conveyed by John Phiuizy to Thomas May, April 28, 1858, and turned over to Sarah May, sole heir of Thomas May, July 5, 1866. Terms cash, purchaser to pay for papera. R. W. MAHER, ' ill7—-tilt Administrator. Sale of Land in Terrell County, and Lease of Land at No. 1, Augusta & Savannah Bailroad, in the County of Burke. WILL BE BOLD. AT THE COURT HOUSE door in the eoupty of Terrell, between the lawful hours of sale, on the First Tuesday in Augnsi next (1868), at public ontcry, by order of Hon. A. G. Foster, Register in Bankruptcy, it curtain tract of Land. situate in said county of TerreH, State of Geatgia, containing t wmhnndred anil two and one half acres, more or less, origi nally granted to Jonas Skinner, ami situate in, formerly Lee, now Terrell eonuly, iu the (12) twelfth district, aud known as Lot No. (IGO) one hnndied and sixty ; and by Jonas Skinner eon veyed to-Joseph P. Perry. Also, at the Court House door in Ute county <rf Burke, 011 mime day, between said hours, »t public outcry,by order as aforesaid, a certain lease of land, with teiie'mente thereon, situated in said comity of Burke, at or near Station No. 1, of Au gusta &. Savannah liuilroad, consisting of four: acres, more or less—the same formerly used by Carter It Perry for a store. Said lease running foe five years from first of January, eighteen hnu Bred and sixty eight, at the sum of two hundred dolfarn per auin;m, payable yearly. Sold as the estate of Joseph D. Perry, bank rupt. and free from encumbrances of the creditors thereof. Terms casli. JOHN T. SHEWMAKE, Jy<—lliwul Assignee. Assignee’s Safe. G. W. ADAIR, AUCTIONEER. By virtue of a decree in bank ruptcy. rti the ease of Franklin 11. Gay, Bankrupt, I will sell ou the premises, at the former residence of said Gay, five miles south of Lithonia. iu DeKalb county, on SATURDAY, let DAY OF AUGUST, commencing at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, free from all incnm brauee, the real estate of said Bankrupt, amount ing to 1005 j acres, in DeKalb county, Ga., as follows: 152 j acres of Laud, let No. 112; lots 81, 82, and 117, each containing 202 j acres, one half the mineral interest in the latter reserved ; 50 acres of let No. 80; 195 acres of lot No. 251, and 2 acres adjoining the luaOc-numbei not known; also, 10 acres of Land in Paulding county, being Lot No. 7C7, in the 18th district aud 3d section. ALSO, Two silver watches, ‘-’gins, oue half interest in a mill in DeKalb connty, 1 wagon, cart, carriage, a lot of lumber, and other articles of personal property. also, Sundry notes, accounts, and rent contracts, be longing to the estate of said banktupt. All sold lor the benefit ofhis creditors. Terms cash. G, W. ADAIR. jyß—law3w Assignee. Assignee’s Sale. Georgia, warren county —pursu ANT to an order from Hon. A. G. Foster, register in Bankruptcy for the District of Georgia, will be sold at the Court House door in Warren ton, Warren County, on the first Tuesday in August next, between the usual liours of sale, one tract of land as the unencumbered estate of Mat thew Shields, of Warren Connty, Bankrupt, ad joining lands of Carson Battle, T. F. Persons, K. Latweier. aud others, containing about three hun dred aiul forty six acres, more or less, with no dwelling ou it. Also, tin- wire-third interest in one lot of land in the Seventh District of Cherokee (now Union) County, known as iot No eighty four (84), con taining one hundredaud sixty (W) seres, it lieing one-third. Alsu, the interest of Shields. Smith & Co., it being one-fifth (1-5) in a lot of kuid in the Tenth District of originally Lowndes. now Berrien Coujjty, in said State, known as lot No, ,122, con taining jour hundred and sixty acres. ' Also, three shares of stock iu the Macon & Au gusta Rail Road, on which is paid 55 per cent., as the property of Matthew Shields Terms cash. e h. pottle, je3B—lawdw Assignee. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TUB United States for the Southern District of Georgia. la the matter of . 1 ZACHARIAS FALK, IIN BANKRUPTCY. * ’ Bankrupt, J Thu undereigued hereby gives notice of bis appointment as assignee oi Ziwbarlah Falk, o< the city of Savannah, county of Chatham, and State of Georgia, within said District. who has been adjudged a Bankrupt, upon bis own petition by the District Court of mid Dwtrict. ‘ ROBERT BUIREAU, jyl7-law3w - Aaeignee. > City Sheriff’s Sale. !7 ** '" ■ ’ W H m at THIE lower «. fa. iu th. ci" j tho Angnst term of said City U rt ’ * rMl,k *° I jy4-to Sheriff City of Aaguste, City Sheriff’s Sale. ; the usual hours of sale, on the first August next, four shares of the capim Stock of the Empire State Insurance Company. Levied ' on by virtue of an attachment, returnable to the > City Court of Augusta, in favor of Sidney Root 1 vs. Alexander 8. Myer and Julias J. Myer, oaee ' copartners under the pause of A. S. Myer A Son. ' Sold by virtue of a fi, fa. founded en said attach ment; returnable to the August tcrm(1888) of said Court. ISAAC LEVY r Jy4—Ki City Sheriff of Augusta. City Sheriff’s Sale. ' 11/ ILL BE SOLD AT THE LOWBR MARKET »» House, in the City of Augufta,' on the first Tuesday in August next, between the usual hours of tale, the house and lot of L. Dwclie, Jr.,—House- north side Broad street, running through to. Jones street; bounded on the north by Jones street, east by Mrs. Straub’s lot, south by Broad street aud west by DvoHd’s lot. Levied on by virtue of a tax execution in favor of tbe City Council of Augusta for the year 1867, returnable to th.City Council of Augusta. . . ISSAC LEVY, jy4—td City Sheriff,of Augusta. City Sheriff's Sale. W I J ,L BK 80I ‘ U ATTHE lower market J* J ~OUB0 > in {be Cit J of Augusta, on the first Tuesday in August next, between the usual hours of sale, the house and lot on Market street belonging to W. V. Keener, Trustee. Levied on by virtue of a tax execution in favor tbe City Council of Augusta, fop the year 1866; bounded horth by Market street, south by Rey nolds street, east by Butler’s lot, and west by W. V. Keener’s, returnable to the City Council’ of Augusta. ’ ISAAC LEVYi City Sheriff of Aususia*. City Sheriff’s Sale. • . W ILL BE BOLD- AT THE LOWER Market,lathe city of Auguata, between the usual hours of sate,on the First Tuesday in August next, the following property, to-wit:. One House and Lot, on' tne corner of Washing ton and Ellis streets, fronting on Washington 49 feet, more or less, and extending down EHia street 88 feet, more or less; and bounded North by lot owned Uy J, K Powell, Trustee of R. E Nehrand Emanuel Nehr and Wuj. B. Kulkley; East by lot belonging to the estate of Richard Aldsworth; South by Ellis street, a*d. West by Wasliiugton street, Levied on by virtue of a Distress Warrant in favor of Johu B. Pournell vs. J. K. Powell, Trustee of R. E. Nehr, Emanuel Nehr, and IVm. B. Kulktey, returnable to the Au gust Term of the City Court of Augusta. Also, to satisfy one tax execution for the year 1867, City Couu'j! of Augueta vs. J. K. Powell, Trustee of R. E Nelin, returnable to the August 'Term of tho City Court of Augusta. Augusta, Ga., July 3, 1868. , ISAAC-LEVY, j)B—td City Sheriff C. A. Citv Sheriff* Sale. WILL BE SOLD AT TIIE LOWER MARKET House i» the City of Augusta/on the first Tuesday iu August next, between the usual hours of sale, the • heusp and let of John T. King, sixty-si* (66) feet, more or tees, on Houston street,’ running back one hundred and sixty six (166) feet, more or less; bounded north by Mett. Pfoasent’b, oast by John M. Tur ner, south by Broad and west by Houston streets. Levied on by virtue of two tax executions in favor of the City Council of Augusta, fer the years 1866 and 1867, returnable to th« City Council of Augusta. ISAAC LEVY’, jy4—td City Sheriff of Augusta. City Sheriff’s Sale. WILD be SOLD AT THE LOWER MARKET House, in the City of Augusta, on the first Tnesday in August next, between the usual hoars of sale, one house and lot, the prep arty of Jerry Bunch, on the south side of Fen wick street, fronting 52 feet,- more or less, and running back 187. feet, more or loss, to Calhoun street; hounded north by Fenwick street, south by Myer’s lot. east by lot of G. A Platt, West by lot of W. V. Kerr. Levied on as thv property of Jerry Bunch, to satisfy two fi. flu’s for Chy Tax for the years 1866 and 1867. The said fl. fa.’s return able to tho City Council of Augusta. ISAAC LEVY, '^ u Sß s,a ’ Anthracite •Coal- TN ADDITION TO THE COAL ADVERTISED 1 in another column, I shall have a cargo of CHOICE PHILADELPHIA PARLOR COAL ter early delivery, and at a spall advance above ibe cost of importation. . jy 17. In » CHAS. A. ROWLAND. The American Method FOR THE v Pianoforte, * A SHORT COMPREHENSIVE AND Practical system. By Edgar A. Robbias, Professor of tire Pianoforte. This work meets the daily requirements of the Pianist. It combines harmony with those indis pr-nsable points reoommeoded by nil eminent mas ters for dail y practice; and is as to readily impart a knowledge of the art of under standing and executing the ilittieultiee involved in the piano music of ail the various sohools. It is likewise adapted to all plavere, from the-beginner to the finished artist. Price, $4.50. Mailed, post paid. OLIVER DITSON 4 CO.. Publishers, 277 Washington St., Bostoa. CHAS. H. DITSON A CO., jy24—tf 711 Broadway, New York. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for -the Northern Distriot of Georgia. In the matter of ) HOLIDAY 4i WARE, [IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupts. J Will be sold, by virtue of an order of tlie Him. Charles G. McKinley, at the Court House door in the town of Fayetteville, iu Fayette -eoruitv. on the first TUESDAY in .AUGUST next, within the usual hours et’ sale, a. Town Lot -in the - said town of Fayetteville, known in the plan of said town »« Lot No. 3, and the South part of Lot No. 4, being 76 feet in front and 120 back ; also, SOfoet. in front by 120 feet back, off of the North side of Lot No. 2, with the improvements tfiereon. Sold under but free from incumbrances, as the property of said bankrupts. Terms cash. -. This. July 19th, 1868. JOHN W. POWELL, jyl4-;aw2w . IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States fer the Southern District of Georgia. In the mattes bf ' ) GABRIEL SELIG, SIN BANKRUPTCY. ’ Bankrupt. y No. 89. Tlie said Bankrupt haring petitioueil the Court for a discharge from dll his debts pniva blc under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given toull persons interested to appear on the 4th day of August. 1868. at ten o’clock a. ui. at chambers of said District Court, before Charles G. McKyaley, Esq.,.one the Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy, at bis office at Newnan, Ga., and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted.- And further notice is given that the second and third meeting of creditors will be held at the saiuc Ums aud place. Dated al Savannah, Ga , this 15thR»iif July, 1868. JAMES McPHkSIdH, ’ jyi7—lawSw . Clerk, ” •. - - : . TN KHE DISTRICT COURT OF THK 1 bailed States for tha SMMd Dntrifit of signee of James A. Gletsn, of the Watv of Early and ateteiß Georgia, within sod Wrtrwjt, who ha* bees adjadged a l ankrapt upon bi* own petl tion by Hie Dirtriet Coart of said Dwtrfa. , Dated at Blakely, th* 7th day of July, im R W lIAVIS jyll—law3w Assignee.