The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, July 31, 1868, Image 3

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Nationalßcpnblican Official City Paper. LAKtiKBT CITY CIRCULATION. “ A- UGU S IA .to A.; FRIDAY ToKNING July 31, 1888 iliniatnre Almanac for July, 1868. FRIDAY, JULY 31 - H n Rises s.l2J_Sun Seta 8.59. MOON’S PHASES. Full Moon —July 4th, 3.31, evening. Last Quarter— July 12th, 7.32, evening. New Moon—July 19th, 4.48, evening. First Quarter— July 26th, 8.43 morning. flange of Thermometer. At Inn National Rbpublicam Orripx, July 30; 1868. u „.m. I 12 m. 1 3 p.m. I 6 p.m. i 9 p.m. W JL 80" I L 76 I The Indignation Meeting. At twelve o’clock yester day, betwen eight and ten hundred persons, including boys, held a meeting in the City Hall park. At the suggestion of Edwahd Thomas, Dr. L. D. Fobd was called to the Chair, and Messrs. Allen and Black were appointed Secretaries. On taking the chair, Dr. Foitn made a brief speech, in which ho alluded to the difficulty on Monday night, saying that unarmed citizens were fired upon by ptdice officers who had no authority to act. The following gentlemen were appointed a committee to report business for the meet ing : W. 11. Tutt, W. H. Howard, Edward Thomas, E. W. Doughty, W. H. Goodrich, R. H. May, J. B. Cumming and Henry F. Russell. During the absence of the committee re marks were offered by Gen’l Rains, Gen’l A. R. Wright and J. C. Black. The first speaker said he was not a politician, but a soldier ; he had never voted in his life, and he was proud to say that, having rendered good- service to the South in the late war> the so-called United States had placed his name on the roll of houor by denying him a vote now, etc. The second speaker fully appreciated the compliment, in Calling upon him, ejc. He 1 teas a politician. And tools occasion to remind those present that the safety of their town, the security of property, and the wel-' ' fare of their wives and daughters, exhorted 1 them to action. The time has come when the voice of the people must not only be 1 heard, but fell. He then sat down. The third speaner didn’t intend to make a speech ; had resided here but a short time. Implored that moderation should character- i ize the proceedings. The evils under which < our citizens groaned should be removed— i their wrongs must be redressed. The law should be executed and enforced. Put men in office who will faithfully execute the laws. ’ The committee tai business, through Dr. . Tutt, reported the following resolutions: Resolved, That the chartered rights of the ( city of Augusta bestowed upon and insured ( to us, from time immemorial, the supreme power of the State for the protection of our * lives, liberty and property, have practically ’■ been denied us. ( That the chief executive officer—appointed . not under that charter, but forced upon us by military order—while draining from the 3 city treasury a salary more than double that t paid to any other prior incumbent, is not ( now, nor has he been in the city for weeks ] past, and indeed is rarely to‘be seen within its limits, but has been absent, and note- ' riously been engaged in political matters at 6 Washington, Chicago, Atlanta and else-, t where, to the scandalous neglect of his g duties here. That of the thirteen which compose the f board of Mayor and Aidermen ol the city of 1 Augusta, and who are charged with the s administration of City affairs, only two are ] to be found in our midst—a number insuf ficient for the transaction of business—and 8 at this day we are virtually without a 8 municipal government. That, without expressing any opinion as c to the guilt of any particular party — Resolved, that the antagonism now exist ing between the police and citizens whom 8 they are employed to protect (as evidence of C their failure to use the proper means of j preventing a disturbance on Monday night last, before resorting to the use of deadly weapons), shows a deplorable state of affairs ' which, if continued, must end in anarchy c and bloodshed. c Resolved, That the mismanagement, by j the present Mayor and Council, of the financial interests of the City proceeds either I from corruption, gross incompetency, or 1 both, and results in the destruction of the ] credit of the City and the imposition of ; heavy burdens on its citizens. That the evidence of this mismanagement is to be found in these facts: With an euprmous ' revenue derived from the real estate in the t city, taxed two per cent, on an assessment , usually higher than the market value ; from special taxes on hydrants and other water ’ privileges ; from imposts and licenses upon • all branches of business, and from other ; sources not here enumerated, ncvcrlhelos.s t the ordinary expenses of the municipal ( are not met. Employees of the corporation are unpaid. Policemen are 1 compelled to wait for their salaries.:— Mechanics are unable to collect their wages. 1 The lights burned in the streets are not paid for; and the corporation is sued in the courts upon claims of Northern machinists . for engines furnished the fire department— claims which, though not paid, are undis puted. Again, valuable investments of the corporation, made by the predecessors of the present Mayor and Council, have by the. latter been wasted or imperilled. O late ’ Georgia Railroad Emanuel— J A Brinson tinir to one thdus.nta snkris. wtra the stock . --vnsta and Columbia Railroad Company, have oecu pledged and will, unless a better administra tion prevails, be sold for loans made to this Council. Again, this Council, in order to meet its subscription of SIOO,OOO to the Macon and Augusta Railroad, has issued $250,000 bonds of the City and put them into the hands of an agent o.f the Railroad Company in New York. These bonds have been hypothecated at forty cents on the dollar, and the condition of neither the Railroad nor the City affords any prospect that they will be redeemed, and the City will have paid $250,000 principal and accumulated interest for a subscription of SIOO,OOO. Resolved, That we appeal against tfaeso evils, and protest that wc be left no longer the victims of the stupidity or corruption which misapplies, wastes, or embezzled the public money, which, after such onerous taxation and so much borrowing, after bur dening the tax-payer and deterging capital from our midst, leaves not wherewith to meet the ordinary expenses of the City, and has reduced the credit to contempt. Resolved, That inasmuch as the Governor, in his late message to the General Assem bly, has virtually recommended that he be invested with discretionary power as to-the amount of the bonds of public officers of this State, that we enter our solemn protest against reduction in any way of the bonds required of public officers of this city and county, as these bonds arc the only Mcurity the puttie have for the proper application of the public funds which, in the shape of State and county taxes, alone amounted last year to upwards of $120,000. Resolved,That these mutters command our must serious consideration ; and this meet ing do call upon the Legislature now in session in Atlanta for relief, and that three citizens be appointed to present these reso lutions and the subjects herein embodied and pertinent thereto, us a memorial to the Legislature; am) to remain in Atlanta at the expense of the * citizens until such bill be passed as may insure to us that protec tion vouchsafed by law to our lives and property. Resolved, That a committee of twelve be appointed, l>y the chairman of tins meeting, to obtain the signatures of the citizens of Augusta, without delay, to these- resolu tions. The report was received and ‘adopted, unanimously.’ The following gentlemen compose the Committee to procure signatures to the res olutions : First Ward— John U. Meyer* H. C. Fos ter, 11. T. Peay. Second Ward—J. T. Bothwell, Henry Myers, John L. Ells. Third Ward — D. B. Plumb, A. T. Gray, John D. Butt. Fourth Ward —C. A. Platt, J. W. Horton, M. O’Dowd. Messrs. W. A. Walton, Win. II Tutt, and Wm. IL Howard were appointed the committee to wait upon the* Georgia Legis ture. On being called for, Joseph B. Cumming took the stand. He said that all had been said that need be said. Endorsed heartily the resolutions adopted. The people had tho right to appeal to the Legislature, and he trusted the Legislature, within ten days, would enact a law granting relief Io "the citizens of Augusta —a law enabling them to elect a Mayor and Council. The meeting, on the whole, was conducted fairly and orderly—with the exception of the conduct and sayings of a few conservative rowdies who indulged in obscene expressions and cheered at inappropriate intervals. - Gold and Silver, The relative values of gold and silver have been ascertained, with probable ac curacy, almost from the date of the dis covery of these precious metals and their use as a medium of exohauge. In the time of Abraham, the relative value of gohj and silver was one eighth; a thousand years before the Christian era it was one to twelve r, B. C. 600, it was one to thirteen; at the..; of the Christian era, it was one to nine. Since that period the standard, more positively stated, has been as follows : A. D. 500 irold to silver as I to 18 ' A. D. 1100 “ “ I to 18 A. D. 1600 , “ “ Ito 13 A. D. 1700 “ “ ...........1 to 131 With a slight variation the latter ratio continued to 1848. Before the California discoveries of that year, gold uniformly commanded a premium which the interest then, destroyed, and the demand for silver occasioned ft slight premium on the latter. The.value of gold to silver in London that year was Id. to 15d. The price of gold then was 775. 6d. per ounce, and of silver 594 d. per ounce. On the Ist of January, 1868, silver was 72d. per- ounce. This rise was due in a degree to the fact that short supplies of cotton from this country during the war required large sums of silver to be sent to India for cotton as well as for other articles. After the gold discoveries in California, France began to exchange her silver for gold currency, sending the silver to India for silks and other products. The tea and silver trade of China, with ail countries, also absorbs an immense amount of silver. From tire commencement of tho Christian era to the Discovery of Amorim, it is esti mated that gold had been taken from the surface and mihed Io the amount of $3.800,. , 000.000 ; from that date to the close of 1812 $1,800,000,000; in 1860, Russia adds $740,- 000,000, and California and Australia $2,000,000,000 more. The annual average of the product of gold at the commencement of the Christian era is estimated at $8,000,- 000; at the discovery of America, this product had dijninished to $100,000; -in 1600, it had increased to $2,000,000; in 1700,’t0 $5,000,000 ;in 1800, to $15,000,000; ; in 1843, to $34,000,000; in 1850, to SSB, 000,000 ; in 1853, to $236,000,000- There was a subsequent falling off, so that, in 1860, , the product was only $210,000,000. l'|ie ’ annual average loss by the wear -of coin •is estimated at one-tenth of one per cent. The loss by consamption in the arts, and by fire and .shipwreck, is calculated at from one to j three millions per year. It is not claimed that .these estimates age entirely correct; they arc approximately so, no doubt. Cutting Timber. If oak, hickory, or chestnut lie felled in August, in the second running of the sap, and barked, quite a large tree will season perfectly, and even the twiggs will remain sound for years; whereas that ent tn winter, and remaining until the next fall (as thick as your wrist), will be completely saprottefi, and will be almost unfit for any purpose. The body of the oak split into rails will nut last more than ten or twelve years. Chest nut will last longer, but no com parison to that cut in August. Hickory cut in August is not subject to be worm-eaten, and lasts a long time for fencing. A Correspondent to the Rural American.aayii: “When 4 began farming in- 1802, it was the practice to cut timber for post fencing in the winter. While oak posts and black oak rails, cut at that time, would not last more than tea or twelve years. In 1808, I began cutting fencing timber in August. Many of the oak rails cut that year are yet sound, as well as most of the chestnut.’’ If the bark is not taken off thia month, it will of itself peal off the second or third year, and leave the tree perfectly sound. The tops of the tree are also more valuable for fuel than when cut yi winter or spring. I advise young farmers to try the experiment, and if post fences do not last twice as long, I forfeit all my experience as worthless. . ■ «-W« -»■ w. Meanly, A., flower wi'hout fragrance when no qual ity of the heart accompanies it. .special Dispatch to the Augusta Republican.) From Atlanta. Atlanta, Ga., July 30,1868. Everything quiet. Legislature is getting ready to go to work in earnest: A bill consolidating the offices of Secre tary of State and Surveyor General was passed in the Senate ; also a bill fixing the salaries of Judges and State House officers: Supreme Court, $2,500 in gold ; Superior Court, SI,BOO in gold; Solicitors, $250. State House officers,-$2,000 in currency. The Governor sent a message with ymr nutioni but afterwards requested to with, draw it. An effort is being made to place the appointing of Superintendent and other officers of tho State railroad in the hands of the Legislature. Committee on Bradley’s case is in session. W. Georgia Legislature. Atlanta, July 30.—The Senate passed a bill consolidating the offices of Secretary of State and Surveyor General. A motion to go into Executive session was agreed to, and the Chair decided that the chamber should be closed. Au appeal from the decision of the Chair was sustained. A message was received from the Governor requesting the privilege of withdrawing a communication sent to the Senate, making certain nominations. Pending the same, tho Senate adjourned. In the House, a resolution empowering committees to employ female clerks was defeated. A bill is now before the House taking from the Governor the power of appointing -Superintendent, Auditor, and Treasurer of the State Rondos Georgia, and transferring the same power to the General Assembly. The following was introduced and passed by a large majority : Inasmuch as a vital question heretofore dividing the members composing this branch of the General Assembly has been settled, Resolved, That we, like men, having the interest of the State at heart, will bury party prejudice, and go forward iu the perfect enactment of such laws as will establish peace and harmony among the people of the State. The committee on the investigation case of A. A. Bradley, the Senator accused of felony, is in session'. Two negroes are here contesting the seats of Representatives Tumliu and Goff, although the latter received some five hundred majority. Washington Items Washington, July 30—The State De partment has issued to the Russian Minister ,a Treasury check lor $7,200,000 in gold,- w hich .closes the Alaska transaction. The action of the South Carolina and Georgia Legislatures in the recent elections, which indicate the abandonment of extreme views, creates consternation in Republican circles here. • The Republican Executive Commit tee have received unfavorable accounts from the South. Major Moore, of the San Antonia Express, who has arrived here says that little hope is entertained for the reconstruction policy in Texas. A member of GovernorWarmoth’s staff has just arrived from Louisiana, and says “if the President does not respond to the call for troops which tine Governor will make in compliance with the resolution just passed by the Legislature, the State will be practi cally in rebellion. The western part of the State is wholly under the control of the Ku Klux Klan, who ride about openly by day light. Several of the former rebel cavalry regiments have been reorganized and culled Seymour Knights, and the infantry compa nies, Blair Guards.” Preparations are making to reduce the Navy, in compliance with reduced appro priations. Two vessels are to be withdrawn from each foreign squadron. Reverdy Johnson leaves on Saturday, accompanied by Mrs. Lincoln. A Republican who favored Johnson during impeachment, is proposed for Com missioner of Internal Revenue, in whose favor Rollins will unconditionally resign. The new Tax law halts on account of differences between McCulloch and Rollins, a compromise being regarded as necessary .and probable, which will continue the com missionersliip in Republican hands. General Stoneman takes a short trip North iu search of health, and will return to Virginia in about two weeks. Large numbers of oflice-hoMcrs have been discharged ot» account of meagre appropria tions. Internal revenue to day, ore miltion and three quarters. Attorney General Evarts decides that Rollins is properly in office until a successor is qualified, us his resignation requires, or suspended under the provisions of the Tenure of Office act. The Kansas Democratic Convention has nominated G. W. Giyck for Governor, and Maxwell McCaster for Lieutenant Governor. An Omaha dispatch says reports have reached there from'Wood river, Nebraska, that a large bind of Sioux and Cheyennes attacked a small party of Pawnee -scouts under Lieutenant Hawley, killing one of the scout», wounding Lieutenant Hawley, and capturing their arms and ammunition. Yesterday, the Senate of Tennessee unani mously declared that the State was unable to pay the interest on the Stale debt, and « bill was psssbd providing for the funding of the principal and interest due and becoming due for three years. A resolution was introduced in the Scnato to raise a committee to wait upon the Gov ernor and ask him to recommend the removal of political disabilities from the disfranchised citizens of Tennessee. Under the provisions of the Tax bill, three hundred whiskey inspectors go out of office. The agricultural report states an in creased number of acres planted in corn of two and one half million. The increase is mainly in the South. The crop is generally in splendid condition. The yield of wheat is above an average of last year, except in the Southern States. Cotton returns show a heavy falling off iu acreage, except in Texas. The average reduction in acreage is about ten per cent. There is, however, better and cleaner culture and a wide use of fertilizers. The stand of tobacco, except in Kentucky and Michigan, is a little below an average. Associate Justices. Columbia, July 30. —Major A. J. Willard, Major Volunteers, and Captain Hoge, of the 6th Infantry, a young man aged thirty two, were elected Associate Justices of the Supreme Court. He has practiced law only two years. The Carolinians, lawyers and others are much disheartened at the result. The Democrats tried to elect a Conservative Republican, but failed. Democritic Jubilee. Jacksonville, July 30.—There is an im mcniJe Seymour and Blair ratification meet ing here to night. Torch light procession, illumination and public speaking; forty young ladies, representing the States and Territories, arc borne in a triumphal car. Alabama Legislature, Moxtoomery, July 30.—1 n the Senate much time was consumed in discussing a bill to purnish the Ku Klux and to suppress Ku Klux publications. In the tfouxe a bill was passed allowing tho Governdr to select one newspaper in each Congressional District to bo journal for publishing the’Sheriff sales, estate notices, etc. The common carrier bill was discussed and postponed until to-morrow. It punishes railroad officials and steamboat men for making any distinction on account of color. Cablegrams. Paris, July 31. —ln the suit of the United States vs. Arman and others, the plaintiffs failing to prove that Arman had contracted to construct war vessels for the Confederacy, or received money belonging to the United States, the case was dismissed with costs. , Marine News. CHARLESTON, July 30.-Arrived: Brig Fanny, Boston ; Schooner B. N. Hawkins, Bos ton; Schooner A. Q. Ireland, Now York. Sailed : Steamer Sea Gull, Baltimore. SAVANNAH, July 30.--Arrived : Schooner •Snow Squall, Now York; brig D. Forney, Rich mond, Me. COMMERCIAL. z AUGUSTA MARKETS. Okvicb National Republican, | Thursday, July 30—P. M. J FINANCIAL.—HoId is bought at $1.43, and sold at $1.44. Silver is bought at $1.35, and sold at $1.37. COTTON.—Market dull. New York Middling nominally 30 cents. BACON.—Clear Sides, I8Ial9; clear Rib Sides, 184; Backbone Sides, 17*171 ; Shoulders, 15a15} ; Hams, from 18 to 22 cents. COHN.—White, $1.40a51.4»; Mixed, $1.35a -$1.40. FLOUR—Is less active, but freshly of the higher grades is firm. TELEGRAPH MARKETS. ■ 'iiiaiiciu:. LONDON, July 30, Roon. -Consols 94J. Bonds 724a72J. NEW YORK, July .30, .Yoon.— Gold 144?. *62 Coupons steady, 14J. Virginias, new, 51. Tennessee sixes 65i ; new 64j.' NEW Y’ORK, July 30, Eve.un</, — Govermucnts lower. Money easy. Gold closed firm at 144?. Sterling dull at 10. Stocks strong. ’62 cou pons 14j. Tennessee new 63f. Virginia’s 55J. North Carolina 70J. NEW ORLEANS, .July 30.—Sterling 57Ja 60. New Y'ork sight J premium. LONDON, July 30, /Iveniny.. —Consols U4ja 945. Bonds, 724. FRANKFORT, July 30—Bonds dull at 76Ja 761. BALTIMORE, July 30.—'Virginia sixes, old, inscribed 45 ; six coupons, old, 55? ; new 54. N. C. ex-coupons 724. Produce and Other Jlurketn. LIVERPOOL, June 30, Xoon.— Cottou steady. Sales 8,000 bales. Bombay ship men ts to 24tb, 8,000 bales.- NEW YORK, July 30, Noon.— Cotton dull, at 29*204. Flour saloc better. Wheat la2e better. Corn active, and a shade firmer. Mess Pork steady, at 28.374- Lard steady—steam 17ial8|. Tur pentine active, at 54a544. Rosin more steady, common 2.90. Freights firmer. NEW YORK, July 30, Keeniny.— Cotton quiet and (toady. Sales 500 bales, al 29a29L Flour in fair demand—Superfine and State $6.86*7.60; Southern common to fair extra $£75*10.00. Wheat—Amber State $2.30*2.35. Corn la2c better—new whiteWestcrn sl.l Ga 1.21. Oats 1c lower. Mess Pork a128.20»28.25. Lard firmer—kettle lS}alßjj. Whiskey a shede firmer. Turpentine 44a45. Rosin $2.874a7.50. Freights firmer- MOBILE, July 30. —Cotton—market dull. Sales 25 bales. Low middlings 25c. No exports. BALTIMORE, July 30.—Cotton quiet and steady, 290. Flour very firm, stock light. Wheat firm; red 2.35*2.45. Corn active; white 1.22. Oats unchanged. Mess Pork Gnu. 29.5 U. Bacon firm, rib sides 17 ; shoulders 14*144. L«rd firm 18J. CHARLESTON, July SO.-'Cotton dull; no sales. Middlings nominal at 28a28Jc; exports coastwise 160 bales ; receipts for the week 200 bales; sales for the week 163 bales; exports coastwise for the week 452 bales; stock 4,231 bales. • NEW ORLEANS, July 30. —Cotton dull and lower. Middlings nominally 28c. No transac tions, feceipts or exports. CINCINNATI, July 30 —Flour quiet. Corn dull, at 86. Bacon shoulders 13; clear sides 17. Lard 18. Moss Pork 28.50. WILMINGTON, July 30.—Spirits Turpentine in demand; New York casks 404 c. Rosins quiet; No. 1 $3.25; No. $21*2.10. Tar steady at 2.45. ST. LOUtS, July 30.—Flour firm; super fine $6.75*7. Corn—white 90«92. Provisions firm. Shoulders 12?*13c; clear sides 16i*17. Bare 18. Whiskey firm al 1.25. LOUISVILLE, July 30.—Superfine Flour $6.25ab.50. r’orn 0.1*05. Mess Pork $28.50* 28.75. Shoulders 13J ; clear rib sides 17J, Raw Whiskey 1.15. Lard 18*181. LIVERPOOL, July 30, Keening. Cotton' more active but prices unchttbgod. Sales 12,000 bales. LIVERPOOL, July 30, Afternoon. — Cetton steady. Sales cstimstted ae 10,000 bales. SAVANNAH, . July 30.—Cotton dull; sales 116; Middlings, nominally, 28; receipts 12; exports, coastwise, 2.52. Popular, Patriotic and Home Songs. IVcarlj ‘JOO f»r 17 Cents! The Shilling Song Book, CtONTAINfNG ALL THE BEST SONGS ! of the day, a targe number of which, being •copyrights, ure not to be found in any other col lection. Three parts. Price of each, 17 cents. Sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of the price. Pttblished by OLIVER DITSON 4 CO., Publishers, 277 Washington, St,, Boaton. ’ jjl«~tf TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE 1 United States for the Northern District ol Gaorrfa. In the Matter of ) WILLIAM H. C. PACE, | (Surviving partner ol the J-IN BANKRUPTCY firm of Pace & Hicks), I Bankrupt. ) To all whom it may concern; The uudersign cdiiereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of Win. H. C. Pace (surviving part ner of the firm of Pace & Hicks),of the town of Franklin, in the county of Heard, and State of Georgia, within said District, who has been ad judged a bankrupt upon his own petition by the District court of said District Dated at Newnan, Ga., tbis 23d day of July, A.D..1868. ISAAC N. SHANNON, jy2s—law3w Assignee. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States, for the Southern District Georgia. In the matter of ) JAMES HHNE T, UN BANK HU PTCY. Bankrupt. ) The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of the estate of James Heney, of Richmond county, State of Georgia, within said District, who has. been adjndged a Bankrupt >ii«’n his own petition by the District ■ Court of said District. 18ADORE P. GIHAkDEY, jy 19—l*w3«’ Assignee. Assignee’s Sale ON MUNDAY, THE 3d DAY OF AUGUST next, between the legal hours of sale,.in the town of Fort Valiev, Ga , will be sold the follow ing propert v, to wit: Three hundred acres of land, more or less, situ ated in the 7c|i district of Crawford couutv, Ga , the same lying east of the west branch of Beaver Creek. This is good farming land and portion of it in cultivation ; known as the property of James A. Ayeru. The same to be wold under a decree in Bankruptcy for the benefit of creditors. Terms poeitivelv cash. Griffin, Ga., July 9, 1868. SAMUEL Cd WEEMS, jyll—law3w Assignee. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the Northern District of Georgia, In tho matter of ) IN BANKRUPTCY FELKER, NOWELL A Co > Bankrupts. h No. 88. The said Bankrupts having petitioned the Courtfor a discharge from all their debts provable under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appearon the 21st day of July,lß6B,at 10 o’clock a. m., at Chambers of said District Court, before Garnett Andrews, Esq., one of the Registers es the said Court in Bankruptcy, at tho Register’s office, Monroe, Georgia, and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of tho Bankrupts should not bo granted. And further notice is given that tho eoond and third meetings cf creditors will be hold at the same time and place. Witness, tho Honorable John Erskino, I«a*i 1 of said Court, and the seal thereof, this -■ day of 1868. W. B. SMITH, jy4—law3w» Clerk. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United Slates for the Northern District of Georgia. In the matter of ) JOHNSTON WHATLEY > IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt, ) No. 119. The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all his debts prova ble under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the 28th day ol July, 1868, at. 10 o’clock in the forenoon, at eiiambers of the said District Court, before Charles G. McKin ley, one of the Registers of the said Court in Bankrcptcy, at the Register’s office, in the city ofNcwnau, Ga., andshow cause why the prayer of the said petition of tho Bankrupt should not be granted. And further notice is given that the second and third meetings of creditors will bo held at the same time and place. Witness, the Honorable John Erskine, [sk il.] Judge of »*id District Court, and the seal thereof, this 15th day of July, 1868. W. B. SMITH, jyl l law3w * Clerk. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the Northern District of Georgia. In the matter of I THOMAS A. ADAMS, Is Bankruptcy Bankrupt. J No. 147. The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for * discharge from all his debts provable under the Bankrupt Act of March 2, 1867, notice is liei-eby given to all persons interested to appear ou the Sih day of August. 1868, tit ten o'clock iu the forenoon, at chambers of the said District Court, before Alexander G Mutiny Esq.,oheot the Registers of the said Court in Bankruptcy, at Hie Register's office, iu the city of Griffin, Ga., and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted. Witness the Honorable John Erskine, [seal,] Judge of the said District Court, and tlie sea! thereof, this 9th day of June, 1968. W. B. SMITH, jy2B--2w» • Clerk. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the Northern District of Georgia. In the matter of ) JOHN ADAMS, >IN BANKRUPTCY Bankrupt. ) No. 148. Tlie said Bankrupt liaving petitioned the Court for a discharge front all his debts provable under tlie Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons intereited to appear on the Btli day of August,lß6B,at ten o’clock tn lias forenoon, at chambers of the said District Conrti before Alexander G Murray Esq.,one of the Reg isters of the said Court tit Bankruptcy, al the Reg ister's office, in the city of Griffin, Georgia, and allow cause why the prayer o®tlie said petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted. And further notice is given that the second and third meetings of creditors wilt be held at the same time and place. Witness, the Honorable John Erskine, |sf.4.i. J Judge of said District Court, and the st al thereof, tbis day of , 1868. W B. SMITH, jy2B l*w2w* Cisrk. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of 1 THOS. S. BAGLEY, V IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt, ) To all whom it may conoeru : The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as As signee of Thoma* 8. Bagley, of the county'of Baldwin and State of Georgia, within said Dis trict, who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition liy tho District Court of said Dis tl'K't. ’ r Dated at Milledgeville, Ga., this 2WI day of Jnlv A. D . 1868. ARCHIBALD C McKINLEY, jy2Biaw3w Assignee? IN THE DISTR ICT~ CO URT OF THE United States for the Southern District of Georgia. In tho matter of 5 MARCUS A. DEHONEY, >ln Bankruptcy. Bankrupt. Y ' The trndereigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as assignee of Marcus A. Dehotiey, of Savannah, Chatham county, within said Dis trict, who has been adjudged it Bankrupt, upon his own petition, by the District Court of said District. ALFRED WILSON. July 15th, 1868. jyl~ lawllw. Georgia—Warren County. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED -L States, for tho Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of 1 H. H. FITZPATRICK, I IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. J Pursuant to uu order from Hoti. A G. Foster, Register in Bankruptcy, will bo sold at public outcry, before the Court House door in Warren ton, in the conntv aforesaid, on FIRST TUES DAY IN AUGUST next, between tlie legal hours of sale, one tract of Land, lying in said county hi the fork of Rocky Comfort’and Golden Creeks, containing six hundred aures, more or less, free from rbw encumbrance of liens, etc. This land does not include the dwelling and improve ments. Sold as the property of Henry 11. Fitz patrick, Bankrupt. By order of Hon. A. G. Foster, Register iu Bankruptcy. Terms cash LEVI FOWLER, June 224,1868. Assignee. je2s—lawtd _ S“*OITtHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA.— At Blakeley, lhe Bth day of July, A. D. 1868. Tlie undersigned hereby gives notice of tris appointment as assignee of James B. Jones, of Blakeley, in the county of Early and Slate of Georgia within said District, who has been ad judged a baukrapt upon bis own petition by the District Court of said District. GEORGE B. SWANN, jyll—l*w3w etc. QOUTITERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA.— O At Blakeley, the Blb day of July, A. D. 1868 The undersigned hereby gives notice of bis appointment as gs-igitee of James B Brown, of Blakeley, itt the county of Early and Slate of Georgia, witfiin said District, who lias been ad judged a bankrupt upon bis own petition by the District Court of said District. GEORGE B. SWANN, jy!4— law3w Assignee, etc TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE 1 United .-'tates for the. Northern District of Georgia. In the matter of ) Augustus E. Cup»nitAT« ? IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. ) No. 44. The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all his debts provable under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all pereons interested to appear on the 2ljst day of July, 1868. at I<> o’clock a. m., at Chambers of said District Court before Garnett Andrews, Esq., one of the Registeie of said Court iu Bankruptcy, at the Regietet's office in the city of Monroe, Ga., and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted. And further notice is given that ■ the second and third meet ings of creditors will be held at the same time and place. Witness, tile Honorable John Erskine, Fskau] Judge oi said Court, this (>tb day of July. 1868. jy9-law3w W. B. SMITH. Clerk TN THE DISTRICT COURT <>E THE 1 United States for the Northern District et Georgia. , In the matter of 1 . . JAMES B KEY, kIN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. ) No. 276. The said Bankrupt having pctittoned ttie Court for a discharge from all his debts prova ble under the Bankrupt Actol March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to ap|ie*r on the 28th duy of July, 1868, at Ml o’clock a in., at chambers of tin- said District Court, before Charles G. McKinley, one of the Registers of the said Court iu Bankruptcy, at the Register’s office, in the city of Newnan, Ga., and show cause why the prayer of the said peti tion of the Bankrupt should not be granted; and further notice is given that the second and third meetings of creditors Will be held at the same time nna place. , Witness, the Honorable Jghfe Erskine, . Judge of said Drtriet Court, and the LsKa.L.J sea) i st fa o f June, 1868. ’ W. B. SMITH,. jyl7law3w* Clerk. Auignee’i Sale. WILL BE SOLD, BEFORE THE COURT House Door in Greensboro, Greene county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in August next, during legal hours of sole, the following property, to wit: Four hundred aud forty-five acres of Land, more or less, situated around the village of Bairdstown, in said county, adjoining lands of Wm- Edmond.-on, C. D. Kinnebrew and John R. Voting. Also,on SATURDAY, the Blh day of AUGUST next, in tho village of Bairdstown, during legal hours of (alm will be sold the following notes and evidenefl of debt, to wit: Two notes on 11. 11. Watts, amounting to $120.65 Six notes on Samuel Young, " “ 298.47 Two notes on J. R. Chivers, “ “ 61.61 Two notes on J. H. Sullivan, " " 85.04 Two notes on H. 11. Peek, “ “ 92.00 Throe notes on Wm. Mays, “ “ 37.00 Ono note on W. G. Langston, “ “ 154.09 Three notes on P. J. Tuggle, “ “ 290.86 Throe notes on James English, " “ 242.00 One note on Stephen English, “ “ 311.79 Half dozen Chairs, Piano, two Mules, one One-horse Wagon, Cart, Carriage and Harness, Cow and Calf, Brick Machine, Gin, and one half intorostin Threshing Machine. Sold as the prop erty of Thomas B. Wilson, Bankrupt, of Greene county, Georgia, free from the incumbrance of liens. Also, at the same time and place, will be sold, a small (took of assorted Dry Goods, as the property of Wilson 4 Son, Bankrupts, of Greene county, Georgia, free from the incumbrance of liens. By order of Hou. A. G. Foster, Register in Bankruptcy. Terms cash. W. R. WILSON, jy!6—law3w Assignee. Aszignee's Sale. STATE OF GEORGIA— • Oglethorpe County. Pursmuit to an order from the lion. A. G. Foster, Register in .Bankruptcy, for tlie District of Georgia, will be Bold at tlie Court House door in Greeno county, on tlie First Tuesday in August next, between the usual hours of sale, the follow ing property, viz t Ono half Interest in the following lots of land: Lot No. 467 in the 4th district, Appling county ; 132 and 12 of Dooly ; 619 in 12th district of Clinch; 231 iu 9th district of Pierce; 111) and 402 in Ist district of Charlton; 132, 96, and 48, in Ist district of Irwin. Also, W. H. Brimbery-'s interest in 273 aeres of land in Greene county, on which he resides Also, the following notes: One on Eli San ders, s2l, and Joseph Bell S9OO, one on W. T. I Rotauson, $125; two ou Win. O Clegg, S2OO, Also, Ono account ou Augustus Hust, of Gritßu, Ga , for $965; one account on E. A. Yerby, as executor for Mrs. Marable, $25. • Sold as the property of W. H. Brimbery, bank rupt, for the benefit of his creditors. Free from incumbrances. J. H. BRIGHTWELL, ,jy9—td , . Assignee. Assignee’s Sale. WILT. BE SOLD BEFORE THE COURT House door, in the town of Newnan, Coweta county. Georgia, between the legal hours of sale, on the First Tuesday in August next, the following property, belonging to the estate of William G Herrin, Bankrupt, lots of Land Nos. 13, 20, 21,43, and 102 J acres of Lot No. 12, in the Ith District; and Lois Nos. 192 and 193, in the sth District of Coweta county, Ga. Sold by order of Charles G. McKinley, Regis ter, free from any incumbrances that may exist thereon, so that the purchaser will get a clear, full, and complete title to said lands. Shifting the liens of said incunibrauces from the said lauds, and attaching the same to the proceeds of the sale thereof. Terms cash. JAMES P. BREWSTER, jy9—td Assignee. Adminiitrator’B Sale. WILL BE SOLD, ON THE FIRST TUES DAY in SEPTEMBER next, at tbe Lower Market House in tbe city of Augusta, between the ftgal lioura of sale, jiursuaiit to tbe order of tlie Court ot Otdinary, passed nt July Term. 1868, all that lot of Land, with the improvements, consist ing ol one Brick Store, belonging to tlie Estate of ou the West aide of Centre street., iu the city ol Augusta, between Broad and Reynolds street, and known as Bridge row—bounded North by lot formerly F. Murray’s. East by Centre street. South by lot of Thoinas B. Phinizy, aud West by lot of John H. Mann, having a front of twenty-nine feet aud a doplh of eighty-two feet six inches, conveyed by Johu Phinizy to Thomas May, April 26, 18.78, and,turned over to Sarah May, solo heir of Thomae May, July 5,1866. Terms cash, purchaser to pay for paiiers. R. W, MAHER, iy!7— Administrator. Sale of Land in Terrell €ounty, and Lease of Land at No. 1, Angnsta & Savannah Bailroad, in the Cennty of Burke. WILL BE SOLD, AT THE COURT HOUSE door in the county of Terrell, between the lawiul houi-i of sale, on the First Tueaday in August next (1868), at public outcry, by order of Hon. A. O. Foster, Register in Baiilci-upley, * certain tract of Land, situate in said county of Terrell, State of Georgia, containing two hundred and two and one half acres, more or less, origi nally granted to Jonas Skinner, and situate in, formerly Ixie, now Terrell county, in the (12) twelfth district, and known as Lot No. (166) one hundred and sixty ; and by Jonas Skinner con veyed to Joseph D. Perry. Atao, at the Court House door in the comity of Bnrke, on same day, between said hours, nt public outcry, by order as aforeseid, a certain lease of land,’with tenements thereon, situated in said county of Burke, at or near Station No. 1, of Au gusta & Savannah Railroad, consisting of four acres, more or lek»—the same formerly need by Carter & Perry for a store. Said lease running for five years from first of January, eighteen nun dred and" sixty eight, at tbe sum of two hundred dollars per uniium, payable yearly. Sold ns lhe estate of Joseph D. Perry, bank rapt, and free from encumbrances of the creditors thereof. Terms cash. JOHN T. BHEWMAKE, Jrf —lavrtd Assignee. Assignee’s Sale. G. IF. ADAIR, AUCTIONEER. BY VIRTUE OF A DECREE IN BANK RUPTCY, in the case of Franklin H. Gay, Bankrupt, I will, sell on the premises, nt the former residence of said Gay, five miles south of Lithonia, in DeKalb county, on SATURDAY, Ist DAY OF AUGUST, commencing at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, free from all im-iirn brance. the real estate of said Bankrupt, amount ing to 1005 J acres, in DeKalb county, Ga., as follows: 152} acres of Land, lot No. II?; lota 81, 82, and 117, each containing 902 j acres, one half the mineral interest in the tatter reserved ; 50 acres of lot No. 80; 195 acres of lot No. 251, and 2 acres adjoining the last—numkei not known; also, 40 acres of Land in Paulding county, being Lot No. 767, in the 48ih district and 3d section. AMO, Two silver watches, 2 gins, one half interest in a njill in DeKalb county. 1 wagon, cart, carriage, a lot of lumber, and other articles of personal property. „ , T , A . rKr . ,T* ' ALSO. Suudry notes, accounts, and rent contracts, be longing to the estate of said bankiupt. All sold for the benefit of his creditors. Terms easin G. W. ADAIR. * jyß—law3w Assignee. Assignee’s Sale- z I UORGIA. WIM4RKN COUNTY-PURSU ANT to an order from Hou A. G. Foster, register in Bankruptcy for the District of Georgia, will be sold at the Court House door in Warren ton, Warrcu County, on tho first Tuesday in .August next, between tbe usual hours of sale, one tract of land as ine unencumbered estate of Mat thew Silicide, of Warr.en County. Bankrupt, ad joining land* of Canou Battle, T. F. Persons, R. laiaseter, and others, containing about three hun dred and forty six acres, more or less, with no dwelling on it. I Also, the one-third interest in one 10l of laud in the Seventh District of Cherokee (now Union) County, known as lot No eighty font (8-1), con tainrng one hundred and sixty (tlill) acres, it being ofte-tliird. Also, the interest «f Shiehta, Smith & Co., it being one fifth (1-5) in a lot of tand in the Tenth District of origiaaily Lowndes, now Berrien County, iu said State, known as tot No. IJfc con taining lour hondred and sirtv acres. Also, three shares of stock in the Macon & An gust* Kail Road, ou which is paid i>s per cent, ae . tiie property of Mart hew Shields Terms eash. E. H. POTTLE, )c39—lawlw Assignee IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the Southern District of i Georgia. 1 J In the matter 1 EACHABIAH FALK, tIN BANKRUPTCY. ’ I»nnkrupt, J Tlie undetsignbd hereby givee notice of his appointment a* asagD®* ot Zaciiarhth Falk, ot i the city of .Savannah, county of Chatham, and i Stat* of Georgia, witeia said District, who bus been adjudged a Bauffrupt. upou hie own petition i by the District Court of said District. 7 . ROBERT SUIREAU, jyl7- law3w Aseignee. | .AUCTION BALES. City Sheriff r BAle. ~ WILL BE SOLD AT THE- LOWER “wk«t House, in the city of Augusta, on tne nrst Tuesday in August next, between -the f a “ nat ho ’ lx ’ of “le, two Promiaory notes—one r fnr $518.11, ta favor of Unghtfo Mobley, dated Augusta, January 4th, 1868- signed Arthur A. AtkhSon - ’one ten day! after date, dated January 6th 1868 for 1120 95 in favor of Wright fc Mobley’, i M. Rivero. Levied on by virtue of a. fi fl? in ' « aV f OF i° f to® 1 r'““ y I*’ Wright k M°wiy- fi. fa. in the City Court of Augusta, returnable to i the August term of said City Court. ISAAC LEVY, jyl—td Sheriff City of August*. City Sheriff’s Sale. WILL BE SOLD AT THE LOWER MARKET House, in the City of Augusta, between the usual hours of sale, on the first Tuesday la August next, four shares of the capital Stock of tho Empire State Insurance Company. Levied vn by virtue ol an attachment, returnable to the ; City Court of Augusta, in favor of Sidney Root vs. Alexander S. Myer and Julius J. Myer, once copartners under the name of A. S. Myer 4 Son. Sold by virtue of a fi. fa. founded on said attach ment; returnable to tho August term(lß6B) of said Court. ISAAC LEVY, jy4—td City Sheriff of Augusta. City Sheriff’s Sale, WILL BH SOLD AT THE LOWER MARKET House, in (he City of Augusta, on the first Tuesday in August next, between the usual hours of sale, the house and let of L. Dwolle, Jr., —House north side Broad street, running through to Jones street; bounded on the north by Jones street, oast by Mrs. Straub’s lot, south by Broad street and west by DWelle's lot. Levied on by virtue of a tax execution in favor of the City Council of Augusta for the year 1867, returnable to the City Council of August*. ISSAQ LEVY, jy l—td City Sheriff of Augusta. City Sheriff’s Sale. WILL BE SOLD AT THE LOWER MARKET House, io the City of Augusta, on the first Tuesday in August next, between the usual hours of sale, the house and lot on Market street belonging to W. V. Keener, Trustee. Levied on by virtue of a tax execution in favor tho City Council of Augusta, for the year 1866; bounded north by Market street, south by Rey nolds street, east by Butler’s lot, and west by W. V. Keener’s, returnable to the City Council of Augusta. ISAAC LEVY, jy4—td _City Sheriff of Augusta. City Sheriff’s Sale- YiriLL BE SOLD AT THE LOWER VV Market, in the city of Augusta, between the usual hours of sale,on the First Tuesday in August next, the following property, to-wit; One House aud Lot, ou tne corner of Washing ton aud Ellis strvotr, fronting on Washington 40 feeL more or less, and extending down-Ellis street 88 feet, more or less; and bounded North by tot owned by J. It. Powell, Trustee of R. E. Nehr and Emanuel Nelir and Wm. B. Kulkley; East by lot belonging to the estate of Richard Aldsworth ; South by Ellis street, and West by Washington street. Levied on by virtue of a Distress Warrant in favor of John B. Pouruell vs. J. R. Powell, Trustee of R. E. Nehr, Emanuel Nehr, aud Wm. B. Kulkley, returnable to the Au gust Term of the City .Court of Augusta. Also, to satisfy one tax execution for the year 18ti7, City Council of ittignsta vs. J. K. Powell, Trustee of R. E Nehr, returnable to the August 'Term of the City Court of Augusta. Augusta, Ga.,July 3, 1868. ISAAC LEVY, jy3—td . City Sheriff C. A. City Sheriff’s Sale. WILL BE SOLD AT THE LOWER MARKET House in the City of Augusto, on tho first Tuesday in August next, between tho usual hours of sale, the house and lot of John T. King, eixty-six (66) feet, more or. less, on Houston street, running back one hundred and sixty six(l66) feet, more or less; bounded Berth by Matt. Pleasant’s, east by John M. Tur ner, south by Broad and west by Houston streets. Levied ou by virtue of two tax executions in favoPof the City Council of Augusta, for the years 1866 aud 1867, returnable to the .City Council of Augusts. ISAAC LEVY, jy4—td City Sheriff of August*. City Sheriff’s Sale. WILL BE SOLD AT THE LOWER MARKET House, in tbe City of Augusta, on the first Tuesday in August next, between the usual hours of sale, one house and lot, the prop erty of Jerry Bunch, on the south side of Fen wick street, fronting 52 (eet, more or less, and running hack 187 feet, more or lees, to Calhoun street; bounded north by Fenwick street, south by Myer’s lot, east by lot of C. A Platt, west by bit of W. V. Kerr. Levied on as the property of Jerry Bunch, to satisfy two fi. fa.’a for City Tax for the years 1866 and 1867- The said fi. fa.’e returnable to the City Council of August*. ISAAC LEVY, jy4—td City Sheriff of Augusta. Anthracite Coal IN ADDITION TO THE COAL ADVERTISED in another column, I shall have a cargo of CHOICE PHILADELPHIA PARLOR COAL for early delivery, and at * small advance above the cost of importation. jy 17—1 w CHASKA. ROWLAND. The American Method FOR THE ‘ • A SHORT COMPREHENSIVE AND Practical system. By Edgar A. Robbins, Professor of the Pianoforte. Thfs work meets the daily requirements of the Pianist. It eombime with those indie pensable points recommended by all eminent mas ters for daily practice, Mid is sb systematized as to readily impart * knowledge of tne art of under standing snd executing the difficulties involved iu tho piano marie of all the various schools. It is likewise adapted to all players, from tire beginner to the finished artist. Price, $4.50. Moiled, post-paid. OLIVER DITSON 4 CO.. Publishers, !77 Washington St, Boston. CHAS. 11. DITSON Nt CO.,’ jy24— ts 711 Broadway, New York. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the Northern District of Georgia. In ths matter of ) HOLIDAY 4 WARE, [IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupts. ; Will be sold, by virtue of an order of the Hon. Charles G. McKinley, at tbe Court House door iu the town of F*vetteviile, in Fayette county, ou the first TUESDAY in AUGUST next, within tbe usual hours of sale, a Town Lot in the said town of Fayetteville, known in the plan of Mid town as Ixß No. 3, and the South part of Lot No. 4, being 76 feet in front aud 129 back ; also,.2Bfeel iu front by 120 feet back, off of the North aids of Lot No. 2, with the improvements thsreod. Bold under but free from ineumbiauces, as tbe property of said bankrupts. Terms cash. Tnis July 10th, 1368. JOHN W. POWELL, _jyl4—law2w Assignee. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the Southern District of Georgia. *• In the matter of ) GABRIEL SELIG, >LN BANKRUPTCY. . Bankrupt. ) No. 89. The said Bankrupt tatyiug petitioned the Court for a discharge from all his debt* prova ble under thcHaekJupt Act of March Zl( 1867, notice Is hereby given to all persons interested to appear pn the 4th day of August. 1868, at ten o’clock it. tn. at i-liambers of said District Court, before Charles G. McKinley, Esq., one the Registers of said Conrt, in Bankruptcy, at his office at Newnan. Go., and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of th« Bankrupt should not be granted. And farther notice is given that the second and third meeting of creditors will be held at the same time and place. Dated atSuvaßßalu this 15*1' day of July, 1808. JAMES MCPHERSON, jyi7— la*3w Clerk, XN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE Uaited Slates for the Second Distriet of Georgia. . bA»rg&, Bignwof JmsesXtiteun.oftle Eaily and state of Georgia, within said District, wb« has been adjudged a t aukrupl npou hi* owu peti iiouby the Dirt rict Court of sain District. Dated st Blakely, the 7th jyll—lawSw As.ligate. Jfir'-'is-■': w'-’ •”