The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, August 01, 1868, Image 3

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NationalHepttblican Official City Paper. LARGEST CITIyiRCPLVfWN. GA.! , atuk |,A?“.IIORNINgT?7.. August I. MHW _ —c=~- ■ ■ ♦ Range of Thermometer. it Tua Natio«ai. Rkpu»mca« Orricit, AT 1 July 31, 1863. I 12 m. | I 1 Up." ’. s I SO- | 77 I 76 | 72 Hud Advice* '[’he bellig crcnt Chronicle re Sentinel advisee tax payers to decline paying their City tax oß until they see what is the result of the Democratic meeting held at the City Hall on last Thursday. Now then ! [Ve have too good an opinion ot the common sense of the tax payers of Augusta, to believe for a moment they will be caught in such a trap by the balderdtmh of the infuriated journalist ‘east of the Oconee.’ ’■ -—. Withdrawal of Troops. We were informed yesf'iM*'# fbat th# military post at Augusta is to be discon tinued, aud the soldiers are to be concen trated at Atlanta. General Meaux may be ‘posted,’ bat it really seems to thought ful men that a strong force of soldiers should be stationed in this city. News From Abroad. Mutiny in Auouta Jail. —On Sunday morning last, about sixty or seventy negroes, confined in the Richmond jail, got up a rebellion because the authorities wanted to put them in the chain gang. The disturb ance, was not quelled until Mr. Pardue, the Jailor, shot and killed the ring leader. [Atlanta Intelligencer. Some one has been ‘chawing’ our Atlanta co temporary. Showery. Our citizens have, the past few days, been favored with refreshing Showers from . the skies. At an early hour last Sabbath morning, clouds loomed up in the north west, the smoke settled, old ‘corns’-became painful, the air Vfas dead, and sensible folk prophesied rain. Gradually the dark clouds moved up and took possession of the heavens above the sky, to the exclusion of the sun and the blue sky, faint commotions in the atmosphere coaled ns off, and every baking citizen was inclined to be thankful for the relief and glad of the prospect of a good drenching, and consequent cooling of the earth and air. Since then, almost daily the rain has fallen in gentle showers—aud as we look in upon our thirsty gardens, we almost see the plants leaping with a new and happy vitality. Correciieu. Some errors of fact and of typography having occurred in the publication of one clause of the third resolution adopted by the Democratic meeting, Thursday-, that clause, as corrected, and to be forwarded to Atlanta, is republished, and with it a note of explanation omitted from the first publication : Again: Valuable investments of the corporation made by the predecessors of the present Mayor and Council have, by the latter, been imperilled. The city stock in the Georgia Railroad and Banking Com pany, amounting to 1,000 shares, and the stock in the Augusta and Columbia Rail road Company have been pledged, and will, unless a better administration pre vails, be sold for loans made to this and former Council.. Again : This Council, in order to meet the subscription of SIOO,OOO to the Mason and Augusta Railroad, has issued $250,000 bonds of the city and pul them into the hands of an agent of the Railfoad Company iu New York. These bonds have been hypothe cated at forty cents on the dollar, and the condition of neither the Railroad Company nor the City affords any prospect thatjjthey will be redeemed, and the City will have paid $250,000 principal and accumulated interest for a subscription of SIOO,OOO. Note. —The loan lor which the Georgia Railroad stock was pledged was made in 1865. It fulls due next year. (tar City Homes. In no city of the Old or the New World will as many elegant private residences be found, in any city o( the same size, as here. Our people seem to have retained from their English forefathers all of the ideas of solid comfort for which that people are so remarka ble. They arc not the mere rows of teuc ment houses to be met with in every city, but arc built with a view of being occupied as the homes of die people f benee, every attention is paid, not only to the architegtural beauty and design of the houses, but every thing that cau possibly tend to increase or add to the comfort of the inmates, in the interior arrangement of them, is done. The result is the number and variety of charming homes in so many of the tashiouable strests, nearly all of which are ornameufed with beautiful little baskets of evergreens .and creepers over the doors, or iu delightful bow wiudows, which open on nice little grass plots, and give an air of freshness and neat ness to the bouses. When a man gets ahead here, he builds himself a comfortable home, as every sensible man should, aud provides thereby for the health and domestic happiness of his family ; heacc, the strong home feeling and attachment that prevails among’aH classes for this city. Ibis home feeling is thus cultivated and kept alive in the young, whose earliest ideas are indelibly associated -with the ease, die comfort, the system, and order of a hand- Wl Mi well built home. Long may our Wor l!jyjcit-iw'«-- - adorn the city wAjtiaa® us comfortable for a . at diniieJ iroorß ’sound sense and practical progress. 1 '’ It 18 in such homes that those qualities of toind aud heart which go to make up a virtuous, intelligent, industrious, and enter prising population are best fostered. The joung know and appreciate the attractions of home, while the aged are serene ih the contemplation of the home in which they cau spend peacefully and quietly the re mainder of their days iu adding new attrac tions to the place which has bebome long Slnc ® endeared to them by having seen Perhaps, their children grow up under that toof, and go forth from it to commence the great battle of -life, and having returned to perhaps, so lie down and die among i o ™' ket us, then, build homes <* hold on. to them, come wbaf may. They against the attacks of commercial: AUGUSTA MABKETB. ’iOFtrCB b'ATia/iAI. RJH-pVLICAsh ' Friday, July Si—P.M I Fl NANCIAL.—GoId is bought by brokers at $1 42, and sold at $1,44. Silver bought at 31.32, sold at $1.37. COTTON,4-Duli market. We quote New York Middling at 28}c- We refer, for general quotations, to the accom panying Prices Current from the Board of Trade' Augusta Prices Current Augusta, Ga., July 31, 18(18. FINANCIAL. UaoROIA KAM as. Augusta Insurance and Banking C 0..? 1 a— Bank of Augusta 70 a— Bank of Athens 55 a Bank of Columbus 10 a— Bank of Commerce 6 a— Bank of Fulton 45 a— Bank of the Empire State 18 a— Bank of Middle G corgia 9U a— Bank of Savannah.. 50 a— Bank of the State of Georgia 30 a— Central Railroad and Banking C 0.... 98 a— City Bank of Augusta..' W a Farmers’ and Mechanics’ Bank 5 9 a— Georgia Railroad and Banking Co. Q 98 a— Marine Bank 98 a- Mcehanics’ Bank • , a— Merchants’ and Planters’ Bank •> a— Timber Cutters’ Bank 3 a.— Union Bank •• a— Planters’ Bank 1 a —, SOUTH CAROLINA HANKS. Bank of Camden 34 a— Bank of Charleston... 25 a— Bank of Chester 8 a —< Bank of Georgetown 6 a— Bank of Hamburg 12 a— Bank of Newberry. 28 a— Bank of South Carolina 9 a— Bank of the State of S. C., old issue.. 14 a- -of the State of S. C., new issue. 3 a— Commercial Bank, Columbia 1 a— Exchange Bank, Columbia 8 a— Merchants’Cheraw 8 a— Peoples’ Bank 48 a 9 Planters Bank 4 a— Planters’ and Mechanics’ Bank 18 a—• Southwestern Railroad, old 26 a— State Bank 2 a— Union Bank 80 a- OLD BONDS, ETC. Georgia Railroad Bonds. 102J.ja “ “ Stock 08 a— Central Railroad Bonds 10-3 a— " “ Stock 130 a— . Southwestern Railroad Bonds 100 a— “ “ Stock 110 a— Atlanta and West Point Bonds .... 100 a— “ *“ Stock .... 100 a— Macon <& Augusta endorsed Bonds 90 a 95 Macon Augusta mortgag’d Bonds 80 a— Macon Augusta Stock 35 a— Muscogee Railroad Bonds 75 aBO “ “ Stock 75 a— COMMERCIAL. Apples— Green ..,. .per bbl .. 700 a8 00 Dry bbl . 800 a9 00 Peeled . . U a 14 Urrpeeled, no sales lb a 16 Bacon — Clear Sides lb a 19 Long Clear ...Jb.. a 18 Dry Sait Shoulders lb . 14 a 14 Clear Ribbed Sides lb.. a 18& . Ribbed B. B. Sides lb.. 17 a 17»£ Shoulder® T lb,. lb a 18 Haftys - - lb 2S a lb.. Beef— « Dried lb . 2) a Bagging and Rope — Baghivg—Gunny yd.. a 27 Dundee yd.. a Burlaps ..yd,. 14 a Bore—Machine, Hemp lb 12 Half Coils lb.. 12 a 12,' t Hand Spun.... lb.. 9 a 10 ~ Green Leaf lb 12 it 12} .j Manilla lb.. 25 a Flax —•• lb . 8 a 10 Cotton ~lb.. 30 a Bags— Osnabwrg, twe bushels 24 a Shirting, ** “ 19 a Burlaps - 20 a Butter— Goshea. lb.. .30 a 35 Country lb.. 20 a 25 Btcs Wax — Yellow... 25 a 30 Candles — Sperm H» 45 a 50 Patent Sperm lb.. Oo a 70 Adamantine •... v . lb.. 21 a 25 Tallow Jb . 22 a 25 Candies — American . . ...,. 2<i a 28 French .... lb.. 75 a 1 32 Cheese — Goshen .. .lb.. IS a 19 Factory lb.. 19 a 2») State lb.. a 18 HydravUc bbl 500 a5 i 0 Ooflce — '• Rio, common Jb.. 21 a 22 Fair .... . <T «lb... 24 a 26 Prime lb.. 25 a 2H Choice kb 26 a 27 Laguayra lb 28 a 36 Java ,Ib.. 40 a 42 Maiibar ... H>. 5o a : African lb . 50 a Cotton Cards — No. 10 perdoz.. 800 a1) 00 Domestic Cotton Goods— Augusta Factory, 3-4 yd.. a 12 “ T-E yd.. a 14 “ “ <-< •• f yd a 17 “ w 7-8 Drill . . yd. « 17 Hopewell, 7-8 yd.. 13>,a 7 oz. Osnaburgs yd a 18 Montour, 7-8 yd. a 18 8 oz. Qijnaburgs yd 18 a OsnaburgStripes yd.. 18 a Hickory Siripes yd . a 18 Fontenoy Shirtings »... yd.. 17 a Graniteville Factory, 3-4 .. ..yd.. a 12 “ “ 7-8 yd.. a 14 “ “ 4-4 rd . a 17 “ “ T-8 Drill.yd . a 17 Athens Checks . yd.. 21 a 22 Athens Wool Jeans yd.. ’4O a 50 Athens Stripes ... yd.. 18 a Apalachee Stripes .... .yd 18 a 19 Rock Factosy, 7;8 yd . “ “ 4-4 yd.. 16Xa Richmond Factory Osnaburgs.yd a “ “ Stripes.. v yd.. a 17>$ Yarns— Nos. 6to 12 .. 1 90 a 2 Oil Nos. 6 to 12, Fontenoy a 2 00 Sheetings and Shirtings— New York Mills yd.. ,30 a 31 Lonsdale yd z2>j»a Hope yd.. 29 a Ticking— Amuskcag, AC A yd . 45 a A yd.. K yd.. 32 *ia “ C yd.. 30 a “ D yd.. 25 a Conestoga, 4-4 yd 40 a “ 7-8 yd.. 35 a Prints — Standard yd.. 14 a Merrimac yd 14 a Mourning yd.. 14 a Wamsuta yd.. a Arnold’s.. yd... 12%a 13 Freeman’s yd.. 13 a Oriental yd.. 14 a A moskeag yd. 13 a Hamilton yd . 14 a American v i.•••• « yd- 14 a Dunnell’s ... yd 14 a Home yd.. Lancaster ...yd. 14 a Cambrics — . # . Paper yd.. 15 a Common yd.. 12 z *i a Spool Cotton — Coats doz . 1 15 a Clarke's doz.. 1 15 a Flannels-- All Wool yd.. 30 a 75 Flour— Covmtkv—Super bM 12 00 al 250 Extra bbl.. 13 50 a!4 00 Northern XX bbl 15 00 als 50 Excelsior Super bbl.. all 00 Extra bbl.. ' ■ al2 00 XX • bbl . alt 00 Granite Mu.iji—Canal bbl.. a Superfine bbl..’ all 00 Extra bbl al2 50 XX bbl.. all 00 Auuucta Flour Mn.r.s {formerly Carmichael) — Canal ... bbl.. a Superfine bbl.. all CO Extra bbl.. aT2 50 Family bH. al3 50 XX bbl.. al4 00 St oik Feed — Yellow Meal Feed bus a 1 20 Powder — Rifle . keg . 850 a Wasting keg. 610 a Fuae.. lOOfeet.. 1 00 a Grain — Wheat—White bus.. 210 a2 25 Red... bus.. 1 80 a 2 10 Corn—White . . bus.. 1 Jls al 4<» Mixed ....bus.. 130 a4 35 Oalo— w ; ‘ bus.. 90 a 1 00 Rye— Seed bus.. 160 a 175 Peas-* ‘ Seed ba6 100a 110 Corn Meal— City Bolted Ims .. 146 a1 M) Country.... • • • • bus 120a 125 Guano— Oakley Mills’ Raw 80ne... .ton.. 75 00 a Whitelock’s Cerealizer ton.. 75 00 a Wvolstofa A Bono Phoaphate of Lime t0n..75 00 a— eWando Co.’aAmm. Ph0e.. ..t0n.. 75 00 a Hoyt’s Superphosphate.... ton .70 00 a— Reed’s Phosphate .. ..ton.. 40 OU a • Sea Fowl ton.. 8o 00 a A Co.’s . ton.. 40 oO a — Peruvian No. 1 # a — Wilcox. Gibbs A Co’s ion.. 55 GO a ■*— Turners Excelsior .. tun 85 00 a Rhode’s Super Phosphate ...ton . 70 00 a Sol Pacific ton t . 75 00 a— Baugh’s Raw Bone.. ..ton.. 70 00 a —*■ LandPlatiter t0n..2i»00 a— Zell’s R. B. Phosphate . .. ton.. 72 00 » ° Phos. Lime.. ton • 7ft 00 a Whaim’s R. B. 8. Phos ton - I? 2! a ” PatapscoGuano.. ton.. 8u 0<) a Ammonia Phosphate, manufactured inAugusaaGa ton.. 49 10 a Cora 5A< « C r»- . „ aW 3 cwt ■ •116 C«M*ry: cwt.. »lflo Primefireeu b- t, « T Greeußaited lb.. 8 a IT Dry Stated lb.. II a 19 Dry Flint lb . 13 a 60 Sheet lb TS» Boiler /• lb.. 8«« 8), Nall Rod lb-. 9 • 10 Horse Shoes lb- 10 a *1 Horse Shoe Nails lb- 18 a 40 Castiiras .lb.. la 8 Steel, cast lb- 24 a 96 Steel Slabs Jb ■ 11 • 12 Z« r d— Pressed lb - 13 • 15 Leaf, in bbls lb- 20 a 21 Leaf, in half barrels lb.. 22 a Uaf, ta kegs lb- 82 a 21 XcrtfAcr— . Northern Oak Sole Jb.. 46 a 52 Country Oak sole lb 85 a 4o Hemlock Sole ~ Jb-- Harness *b ■ Shirting ,b - 68 • 80 Kip Skins - -d°4 -«00 a9O 00 Calfskins V doz.. 36 00 a<s 00 Upper doz.. 36 00 a4B 50 Bridles doz.. 52 00 a® CO Bridles, fair , doz.. 52 00 a® 00 Hog Seating doz.. 60 00 8100 CO J,i»ne— Eockland Ib.i 215 a3 00 Howard, Southern lb- 2 7S a3 00 Liquors Kingston cask . 4 50 a 500 BR.uinv—Cognac Ifall 800 als 00 Domestic gall- 360 a6 00 CoaoiAi-5... gall.. 12 00 Aix-onoi ■ Kall— 450 a5 OQ Gnr—Holland glrll.. 500 a 6 150 American gall.. 2 90 a 3 SO Rvm—Jamaica .gall— 800 alO 00 New England gall— 300 a4 Oo Wink—Madeira Kbll - - 250 a4 50 Port gall.. 250 a4 50 Sherry gall- 2 30 a4 50 Claret gall- 500 .12 00 Champaigne, fine. basket . 28 00 a4O 00 Champaigns, inferior.. .basket— 18 00 a25 00 Wiiisrosr—Bourbon gall— 200 .5 00 Rectified gall —1 50 •2 00 Rye go ll -’- 3 09 a 6 00 Irish gall TOO a 9 00 Scotch gall- TOO a0 5« MolaSsts— Muscovado ....... - g»M • • 68 • Rcboiled gall 50 a 52 line Quality, new crop gall 59 a 5H Cub. Clayed gall . 55 a Syrup...., K»ll TO a 1 25 Syrup, Stuart’s choice gall . 1 50 a1 » Syrup, lower grades gall 50 • 60 Maikerel —new ‘ . No 1 bbl - 23 00 a24 CO No. 2 bbl I 9 60 a2O 00 No. 3 large bbl.. 16 50 all 00 No. 3 bbl - a!6 00 No. 1 half bbl - 12 00 a N 0.2 halfbbl.. 10 60 .11 00 No. 3 half bbl - 800 a 8 ® No. 1 , kit . 325 a N 0.2 kit- 250 a2® No. 3 kit- 225 a2 50 Mess kit.. a 5 00 Macaroni— American aud Italian Ib -a 25 zV.A'ia— Onions— bbl.. 8 (X) a 9 00 Plamtotioic Tools— Anvils lb . 15 a 20 4xes doz . 15 00 a!8 Picks doz . 12 00 al 800 Trace Chili us. .z. .doz.. 900 al 500 Hves-w ..doz.. 500 al4 00 Rhovkt.s —Long handle doz.. 12 00 al6 00 Short handle doz.. 14 09 alB 00 “ cast steel.. 16 50 a Spades, dor . 15 00 al7 00 Stives — Mai doz.. 300 a4 00 Vices— Blacksmith’s Kottar Key lb.. 18 a 20 Blacksmith’s Solid Box lb.. .30 a Potetoe*~ Irish bbl.. 450 a Sweet ...bus.. 55 a 70 Plektrs- bbl . 70 a 1 00 Rite— India 9 a Carolina ....... lb.. 12*aa 13, e New Buckwheat Flour bbl.. 13 00 a “ half bbl . 700 a “ ** qrt’r bbL, 400 a Starch,— Pearl lb. Tjj.a 13 Liverpool Hack 280 a2 20 Shot- Teas— Hvson lb.. 125 a 2 00 Impefial lb . 1 60 a2 25 Oolong lb - ■ 1 50 a 2 00 Gunpowder lb.. 175 a 2 25 Black lb.. 1 00 a 1 75 Tubacro— Mouldlyand Damaged lb.. 20 a 40 OommouSound, old, tax free, .lb . 40 a 45 Medium Sound “ .. lb.. 56 a 60 Fine Bright ” -lb- 65 a 80 Exta Fine to fancy “ .ib.. 90 & 1 (KI Extra Fine Bright, new, tax paid.. 90 a 1 25 Com. Dark Ftond. Huund 50 a 60 Com. Bright “ “ 60 a 65 Medium Dark “ 55 a «o Medium Bright “ 60 a fO Fine Bright Pounds “ RO a 90 Extra Fine and Fancy “ 90 a 1 00 Fancy Styles “ 1 00 a 1 50 Half Pounds Dark *• 50 a 55 “ Bright 55 a 60 -Soaps— Cdtegatt’a No. I lb.. 10 a Pale lb.. 13 a * Family lb.. Hl* a Ga. Chemical Works ib.. 6>ia Sugars— Muscovado. lb.. 14 * 15 Porto Rico. . ylb.. 15 a Clarified Ib. 17M 18 R Ib a ITM Extra C 16)4.1 17 C lb.. 16 a 16Ji Yellow lb.. 15/4a Bi Loaf, double refined Ih 20 a Crushed lb TBzi* 19 Granulated lb.. 18 a 19 Powdered Ib.. 18 a 19 Smoking Tobacco— MarcilU... ..gross.. 820 a Right Bov\ er gross.. 15 00 a Ki11ickanick............... lb.. 100 a Danville ...... H>.. 50 g Guerrilla Club quarter Ib.. 50 a Bird’s Eye gross.. 10 00 a Harmonizer Ib . 75 a Durham, taxes paid 55 a Hartnonizer » 75 Bird’s Eye “ gross . • alO 00 Guerrilla Chib 0 • quarter lb. 50 a Navy “ lb 65 a MarvlandCiub u lb . a 1 50 Lalhi Rook..'.* lb. 35 a Pioneer lb.. 55 a Vinegar— Cider * gall 40 a 50 White Wine, gall.. 50 a 60 French gall.* 1 00 a Wool- Unwasbed, 15 a Washed lb 20 a Wooden Warr— Bucketa, two hoops doz.. a 3 25 Buckets, three houps doz 4CO a 4 $0 Tubs, three in nest .. -- • 5 W *7 OO Wasuboards, zfnz 3 50 a 4 00 Churns doz.. 24 09 a4B OO DRUGS, DYES, Etc. PruiK, tfues, Oils, Paints, Spices, etc.— Acta—Muriatic Ib- 9 a 10 “ Nitric lb 18 a *2« “ Sulphuric ... lb.. 6 a 19 Alum. .!)).• 6 a 8 Allspice Ih 37 a M Blue Mass lb.. 90 a 1 50 Blue Stone lb.. 12 a 18" Borax—reffned lb.. 40 g 45 Brimstone ,1b 7 a 9 ££^ nMlon) ---Ii» Cafflphor... -1 35 a1 50 Chloride Lime Jb. 9 a 12 Chroma Green Ib.. 25 a 40 Chi ome Yellow .Ib . 28 a 50 Cloves Ib.. 60 a 70 Copperas !».. 3 a 15 Cream Tartar Ib 50 a 65 Epsom’s Salts ...Jb.. 6 a 7%' Flax Send*-- . ..Jb.., 10 a 12 Ginger Boot Ib 28 a 30 Gias*--Bxlo. box 50f.. 400 a5 00 “ 10x12 ’** 450 a5 bO « 12x14 “ .. 5 Oth a7 00 M 12x18 “ ■ 600 a8 00 Glauber’a flalU v . . • lb. 4 a 4 (Hue.. lb. a flo Gum Arabic--Setect. —. . Ib —1 (X) a 1 26 ** “ Sorts. Honey —Strained gtal -1 50 a2 CO . Indigo—Span. Plot lb— 140 s 8 W Lamp Meric- Ordinary 1. a IS ■» “ Refinetf Jb- 35 • 40 Liquorice Paste -Calab lb— 43 a 55 Litharge 16- 18 a St) Logwmd-C.'bippci lb.. r> a 6 “ Extract ..—lb— 15 a 16 Mace U>- 166 aITS Madder I lb- 20 a 25 Mercury lb —1 00 a1 25 Morubie-.Sutab ~—oa- A#o « 3 fiu lb 1 fa . 1 ts Oil—Castor (East India) gall - 325 a3 50 “ " (American gall. 300 a " Coal (Ker) burning UU>l K*fi • 66 a 75 “ “ “ “ com.gall- 50 a “ “ Lubricating gall- TO a1 75 •’ launp -6»il »00 a3 00 “ Linseed KalJ - 150 *’ Sperm,pure K»H- 300 a3 75 “ Tannera gall.. 95 a 00 ■< Train «*H 100 a Opium lb- 12 SO a!4 00 I’otazk-bulk lb-X 16 » U ” inCaus Prussian Blue 75 a 1 00 Putty Ib Ta 9 Quinine—Sulphate .oz.. 250 a3 OS Kcd Lead lb 18 a 20 Roots—Glueing lb . 80 a1 25 Phik lb- 40 a . 60 “ Queeu'a Dellglii Ib . 10 a 20 “ Senega lU 60 a TO “ Snake,Virginia lb- 90 a1 00 Soda-Sal- ...1- Sa 6 Soda-81-Carh lb. » a 10 Spanish Brown ib. 5 a- (1 Spirit,Turpentine gait.. 65 a 85 Sulphur Flowers —....1b.. S a 9 Umber—Raw lb. 10 *. 12 “ Burut ~.,.1b.. 15 a is Varnish—Coach gall- 400 a6 00 “ Furniture g»u.. 300 a4 50 " Pamar gall . 400 a5 00 '* Japan gait. 2SO a3 00 Venetian Bed lb - 8 a * Vermillion—Chinese lb.. 1 TO a2 25 '* American .. -lb- 50 a 60 Verdigris :... ... . lb— 15 a1 00 While Lead gr. in OH—Amar lb. 11 a 18 Engl -lb- 16 a 20 Whiting Ib- 4 a 5 Zinc—White, in Oil-Freneh . lb 18 a 20 Amer lb- 12 a 18 The following is an a!struct of the quar terly report of the National Banking Aesoci alions of the Uuiled States, showing their condition on the morning of the first Monday of Jnly, 1868 : RESOURCES. Loans aud discounts.. $163,968,435 H United State# Bonds deposited to secure circulation 33f,7.i1,850 QU United States Bonds and Securi- ties deposited to secure depos- itors.., 37J)13,5311.t)0 United Stales Bunds and securi- ties on itaud 42,6 0,400.08 Other stocks, bonds, aud mort- gage. 1»,4411,820.10 Due from National Banks 110,822,541.32 Due from ether banks and bank 5t5..'..................................... 9,259,662.72 Banking-house, ether real estate, furniture and fixtures 22.332,668 52 Current expenses 2,833,600.75 Premiums 2,808,011.28 Checks and other cash items 123,827,331.15 Hills of National Bank. 13,086,281.00 Bills of taber Banks 337,230.00 Specie 20,752,021.56 Fractional currency.................. 1,888,076.28 Legal Tender Notea.... 98,660,U85.00 Compound Interest Notes.... 98,660,085.00 Three I’er Cent Certificates 41,675,000.00 Aggregate ..$1,545,285,506.18 Liabilities. Capital stock $411,649,451 .00 Surplus fund.....;... 74.706,087 99 Circulating notes outstanding— National 288,008,142.00 State 3,059,137.00 Individual deposits.:.. 568,138,357.27 (tailed States deposits Deposits of U. 4* Disbursing Officers. 3,466,661.90 Due to National Banka 112,446,248 36 Due to other banks and bankers.. Aggregate $1,545,285,506.18 TELEGRAPH MARKETS. F'inuiicral. LONDON, July 31, iVotoi. -Consols 94J. Bonds 72fa7?1. PAH 18, July 31.—Bullion increased 7,500,000 francs. NEW YORK, July Si, A T <w»«.* —Gold 1.45. ’62 Coupons steady, J4f. Virginias, new, 50. Tennessee sixes 63j; new 62L NEW YORK, July 31, Kveniny.— Governments steady. ’62 coupons lAJ. Tennesseei 63}; new, 6IJ. Virginia’s 54}; new, 51 J. North Carolinas 69J. Gold active, at 144 J. LONDON, July 31, iletnin.j.— CoiwoU 94)1. Bonds, 724. FRANKFORT, July 31—Bonds declined to 76. 1 BALTIMORE, July 31..—Virginia sixes, old, ox coupons 53} ; pew 53. . NEW-ORLEANS, July 31.-Sterling 57Ja 60. New York sight } premium. rruiliivc mill Ollier Jlarkvtu. NEW YORK, July 31, Nvox.— Cotton dull, at29u29}. Flour saloc better. Wheat, la2c better. Corn drooping. Mess Pork steady.' Lard firmer at UialSf. Turpentine quiet and gruier at'54.55.' llosir firmer, common 3.09. Freights quiet. LIVERPOOL, June 31, Soon. —Cotton firm; quotations unchanged, bales 12,000 hales.— bales for the week, 63,006. Exports 11,000. NEW YORK, July 31, Evening.— Cottou more active. Sales 2,000 bales, at 30. Flour in fair demand—Slate and Western saloe better; superfine State $6.90a7.75 ; South ern a shade better—common to fair extra slißsa IU. Wheat 1c better; choice umber Michigan $2.65; White Canada 2.35. Cora less active and so firm; Mixed Western $1.05al.lO; While Western $1,21.1.26. Ooats dull ; Western 82c Nobs Pork steady at 28.20n28.25. La rd firm-r— --kettle 18}ul8i. Whiskey a shade firmer, lliec steady; Carolina lOJall}, Turpentine 44a45; Rosin $300.a7.00. Freights quiet. NEW ORLEANS, July 31.—Cotton dull. Middlings nominally 28c. Sales 42 bales. Re ceipts for the week, net, 101 bales; tusal 304. Exports 649 bales coastwise. Stock 2,025 baies. Sugar and Molasses dull. BALTIMORE, July 31. —Cotton steady, at 29}a30 Flour firm, active, and prices unchanged. Wheat very firm ; choice red 2.40a2.47. Corn firm ; white 1.30a1.33 ; yellow 1.27. Oats steady, 88a91. Mess Pork firm, 30.00. Bacon active and excited; lib sides-J? ; shoulders 14i» 14}. Lard quiet, 18. ST. LOUIS, July 31.—Flour—superfine $7.00. Com easier ; 80a82 for mixed, 90.93 for white. Mass I’ork $29.21.35. Shoulders 12jfal3e; o'ear sides 16JaJ7. Whiskey steady at 1.25. WILMINGTON, Jmy 31. —Spirits Turpentine firm,4o; New York casks 40}c. Rosins quiet; pale 4.75; Nu. 1 3.50; strained 2,05. Tar ad vanced, 2.50. UVKRPOOL, July 31, Evening. Cotton advancing. Sales IS,BOO bales. Uplands 9j ; Orleans 10} CHARLESTON, July 31.—Cotton firm; Middlings 28. Sales 51. Receipts 8. MOBILE, July 13.—Colton—market firm and advancing. Receipts 6 bales ; sales for the week 75 bales ; receipts for the week 36 bales ; experts coastwise for the week 210 bales; stock 4,592. CINCINNATI, July 31.—Flour quiet and unchanged; Faxily 9-75.10 00. Corn dull. Mess Pork 28,50. SAVANNAH, July 31.—Cotton firm; Mid dlings 29; receipts 76; receipts of the week 407 bales; exports coastwise 1,850 bales. Stock, by actual count, to day, 2,876 bales. < ♦ Marine News CHARLESTON, July 3!.—Arrived: Sch’r Lilly, New York; Seh’r Albert Thomas, New York Sailed: Steemer Moneka, New York; Sch’r Plandome, Philadelphia. WILMINGTON, July 81.—Cleared: Pioneer, Philadelphia; Fairbanks, New York. uUMItHKRN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA— O At Blakeley, the Sth day of July, A. D. 1868 The utuiersigued hereby gives notke of bis appointment as assignee ot James B. Brown, ol Blakeley, iu the county ol Eatiy aud State of ■ Georgia, within eajd District, who has been ad jmiged a bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said District. GEORGE B. SWANN, lylJ—lawJw Assignee, etc SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA,- O At Blakeley, the Bth day of July, A. D. 1868. The midersigued hereby gives notice of bis appointment as assignee of James B. Jones, of Blakeley, in ths county es Early and Stale of Georgia* within said District, who has beeu ad judged a bankrupt upon hie uwu petition by the District Court of said District. GEORGE- B. KWANN, . jyl4- law3w Assignee, etc. special Dispatch to the Anguata Republican.] From Atlanta. Atlanta, Ga., July 31, 1368, The Inavgumtiop Ball, at the National Hotel, last night, w«» very brilliant; a very large attendances During the evening, Gov. Bullock wits called ont, and made a few remarks. Several others spoke. The tweem blage quietly dispersed. Nd nominations as ) et. ' The Senate [Kissed a resolution making advances to members,.and virtually fisea the pay at nine dollars. The Senate also determined so close doors whilst in Executive session. The House adjourned, discussing the resolution, as amended by the Senate, to stop levies and sales. Several local hills were iiitfodueed In Ifoth Houses—of little importiuice. The bill to give aid Io the Georgia Air Line Railroad asks for twelve thousand dol per mile. Aid is also asked for the Macon and Augusta itailroad. \V. Washington Items Washington, July 31—The troops in the District of Columbia are to oonoeatrate at the Lincoln depot, and are to be rein forced by the Dupont Light Battery of the sth Artillery. The alleged object of con centration is to form a complete school of instruction. Th- Postoffice Department for the year ending June 30, 1808, shows a deficiency of The Alaska draft is on the Assistant Treasurer at New York, payable at sight. There was n meeting of the Cabinet to day. Absent.—Seward and Evarts. BcyOune to day, six hundred and eighty five thousand dollars ; for the mouth ending so date, sixteen million nine hundred and hinety-eight thousand dollars. The Freedmen's' Bureau in Maryland, except for educational and bounty purposes, is discontinued. General Stonemsn court mplatcs no im mediate or ultimate sweeping changes in Virginia civil officers. John M. Binckley has been installed as Solicitor of the Internal Revenue Depart ment. The Globe publishes Butler's reply to Henderson under the b >l4 faced caption of “Henderson Wounded I” Butler captioned the speech himself, and the proprietors of the Globe felt bound to follow copy. An election iu Virginia previous to farther Congressional action is regarded as imptvba ble. Hayti advices st de that thirty prisoners who surrendered iu the recent fight were shot to death. South Carolina Legislature. Columbia, July 31.—The Legislature every hour shows signs of conservatism. The uegreew are suspecting the white Republicans, and refuse to be led by them. : A proposition to pay the wife of a Ku- Klux member five hundred dollars was voted down indignantly Colored leaders say they are determined to represent the people, and not the party. Three tiftirs of the Legislature will favor an educational qualification Should the proposition be uiadei Moderation seems to be the order of the day. Denial.. Nlw Ohi.kaxs, July JL—rThe membomf Gov.ynor Warmoth’s rtali’ mentioned in lAkl night a dispatches’» a humbug. His state , meats are fabrications. Gov. Warmoth has no staff. The Seymour Knights and Blair Guards, represented as rebel regiments re organized, are Democratic clufo, of which the city is full of similar ones, lately organ ized. Well posted Republicans don't know who the member of Warmoth's staff, us he represents himself, is. Louisiana Legislature. New Orleans, July 31.—1 n the House to day notice was given of a bill to authorize the Legislature so eloot Presidential doctors. Josh Hill for Grant and Colfax- Atuinta. July 31.—At Republican Hall Joshua Hill made a speech iu favor of Grant nnd Colfax.• Georgia—Warrfii County. 1 nthe DisißiGTcou#,iai’THß united I States, for the Sdutbein District of Georgia. Iu the matter of 1 II It. FIfZPATRICK, V IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. j Pursuant to au order from Hon. A. G. Foster, Register in Bankruptcy, wilt be sold irt. public oafcry, befote the Court House door iu Warren ton, hi the comity aforesaid, ou FIRST TUES DAY IN AUGUST next, between the b-yal 1 hours of sale one tract of Land, lying iu said county in the fork of Rocky Comfort' and Golden Creeks; cmitainfog six hundred Here*. more or less, tree from the entiimbrance of liens, etc. This Lind does not iru lmle tlie dwelling and improve ments. Sold ns the property of Henry H. Fitz ’ Patrick, Bankrupt.. By order of Hon. A, G. Foster, Register in Bankruptcy. Terms cash LEVI FOWLER, June 2‘M, 1868. /Vsslgnee. je2s—lawtd TN Ttllj DISTRICT COURT” O*F THE J United .’‘tales for the Southern District of Georgia. tn the matter of ) MARCUS A. DEHONEY,SIn Raskhui-tcv. Bankrupt. 5 The uuilersigued hereby gives uolico of liis appointment an assignee of Murcus A. Delioney, of Ravaupub, Chatham county, within said Dis trict,who Ins been adjudged a Bankrupt, upon his owu petition, by the District Court afraid District. ALFRED WILSON. July lith, 1868. jyl7 —law3w. I “"hITHE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the Northern IHstrict of Georg hi. * In the matter of ) AcgcsThs K. Culbrsath 1 IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt.. J No. 44. The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court, for a discharge from all his debts provable Under tlie Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the 2ilrt day of July ~ 1868. atJUo’clock a. m.. al Chambers of said District Court before Garnett Andrews, Esq.,. ona of the Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy,uttlie Register’s office in the city of Monroe,. Ga.. and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt sliould not be granted And further notice is given that ■ the second and third meetings of creditors will be held at the same time and place. Wittiass, the Honorable Er-kiue, (seal] Judge of said Court, this Hili day of July,-1868. jy9—l»vw3w W. B. SMITH, Clerk IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF T«R United Slates for the Northern District cd Georgia. In the matter of ) JAMES B KEY, VIN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. ) No. 276. Tlie said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all bis debts prova . Ide under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1667, notice is hereby given tu all persons interested to appear on the 28th day ot July, IW, at 10 o’clock am., at chambers of thu said District Court, before Charles G. McKinley, one of the Registers of the said Court in Bankruptcy, at the Register’s office, in the city of Newnan, fia., and show cause why the prayer of the said peti tion o» the Bankrupt should not be granted; and further notice is given that Um second add third meetings of creditor* will bi- held at the same time nnd place. Witness, the Honorable John Errtto*. . Judge of said betriel Court, ami <he LSBAh.J pea | thereof, z tbi» 15th <i*y of Jane, - ISfifi. W. B. SMITH, jyl7J*w3w» Ctent. Assignee's Sale. WILL BE SOLD, BEFORE THE COURT Honso Door In Greensboro, Greene county, Georgia, on tho first Tuesday in August next, during legal hours of sale, the following property, to wit: Four hundred and forty-five acres of Land, more or loss, situated around tho village of Bairdstown, in said county, adjoining lands of Win- Edmondson, C. D. Kinncbrew and John R. Young. Also, on SATURDAY, tho Bth day of AUGUST next, in the village of Bairds town, during legal hours of sale, will be sold the following notes and evidences of debt, to wit: Two notes on H. IL Watts, amounting to $120.65 Six notes on Samuel Young, “ “ 298.47 Two notes on J. It. Chivers, " “ 61.61 Two notes on J. H. Sullivan, “ “ 85.04 Two notes on H. H. Pook, " “ 92.00 Three notes on Wm. Mays, “ “ 37.06 Ono note on W. G. Langston, “ “ 154.09 Three notes on P. J. Tuggle, " “ 290.86 Three notos on James English, " “ 242.06 One note on Stephen English, " “ 311.79 Half dozen Chairs, Piano, two Mules, one One-horse Wagon, Cart, Carriage and Harness, Cow iuid Calf, Briek Machine, Gin, and one half interest in Threshing Machine. Sold ax the prop erty of Thomas B- Wilson, Bankrupt, of Greene county, Georgia, free from the incumbrance of liens. Also, at tho same time and place, will be sold, a small stock nf escorted Dry Good#, as the property of Wilson A Son, Bankrupts, of Greene county, Georgia, free from the incumbrance of liens. ~ By order of Hon. A. G. Foster, Register in Bankruptcy. Term* cash. W. R. WILSON, jyl6—law3w Asaigtiee. Assignee's Sale. SJTATE OF UEORqiA— kJ Ojjltlhorp* Count)/. Pur-unlit to au order from the Hou. A. G- Foster, Register in Baukrnplcy. for the Dietrigt of Georgia, Will be sokl at the Court House door in Greene county,outlie First.Tuesday in August nexG between the usual liours of sale, the follow, ing property, viz: One half niterest iti the. following lots of lund ; Lot No. 467, in the 4th district, Appling comity ; 132 arid 12 of Dooly f 619 inl2tn district of Clinch; 231 infith district of Pieroe; ItV aud 402 in Ist district of Charlton; 132, 96, and IS, in Ist district of Irwin. Also, W. H. Brimbery’s interest in 273 acres of land in Greene county, ou which he resides Also, the following notes : One on Eli Ran ders, s2l, and Joseph Bell S2OO, cue on W. T. Robinson, $125; two on Wm. O Clegg, S2OO, $237. Also, one account on Augustus Hurt, of Griftiu, Ga , for $965; one aocuunt on E. A. Yerby, as executor for Mrs. Marable, $25, Sold hs the property ot W. H. Brimbery, bauk enpt, for the benefit of his creditors. Free from iiH-umbranccs. J. H. BRIGHTWELL, jy9—td Assignee. - Assignee’s Sale- WILL BE SOLD BEFORE THE COURT House door, in tlie town of Newiran, Coweta comity, Georgia, la-tween the legal hours of sule, cu the First, Tuesday In August next, the foflowiug property, belonging to the estate of William G Herrin, Bankrupt, lots of Land No*. 13, 21), 21,43, and 102] acre* of Lot No. kj, in the kh District ; and Lois Nos. 192 and 193 in the sth District of Coweta county, Ga. Sold by order of Cbm les G. McKinley, Regis ter, free from any incumbrance* tliat may exist thereon, so that the purchaser will get a clear, full, aud complete title to eaid lands. Shifting the liens of said ihcnmbxaiices from the said lands, and nttacliing the same to the proceeds of the sale thereof. Terras cash. JAMES P. BREWSTKR, jy9—td Assignee. Administrator’s Sale. WILI.fIE SOLD, ON THE FIRST TUES DAY hi SEPTEMBER negt., at the Lower Mmket House so the city of Angnsta. between the legal bonrs of sale, punmant to the order of the Coart Os Ordinary, passed at July Term. 1868, all 11 •' lot of Laud, with tin- improvements, consist ing us min Brick Store, belonging to the Estate of Sarah May, on the West side of Centre street, in the city of Augusta, between Broad and Reynolds street , and known os Bridge row—bounikd Nortli by lot formerly F. Murray's, East by Centre street. .South by lot of Thomas B. Phihizy, and Weet by lot of Jolm 11. Mann, having a front of twenty-nine feet and a ileptli of eighty-two feet six inches, cmiveyed by Jean Phinizy to Thoma* May, April 211, 1858, and turned over to Sarah May, sol'-, heir of Thomas May, July 5,1866. Terms cash, purchaser to pay for inwera. R. W. MAHER, iyl7—lot Administrator. Sale of Land in Terrell County, and Lease of Land at No. 1, Augusta & Savannah Kailroad, in the County of Burke. U1 ILL BE SOLD, AT 'I HE COURT HOUSE door in the comity of Terrell, between the lawln| boms ot sale, on the Fust Tuesday hi August next (1868/, at public outcry, by order of Hon. A. G. Foster, Register in Bankruptcy, a certain tract. of Land, situate in raid county x>f Terrell, State’of Georgia, contafoing two hundred utnl two uud one half acres, more or leaa. origi nally granted to Joints. Skinner, and situate in, formerly Lee, now Terrell county, in the (12) twelfth district, atai knuwh as Lot No. (160) one huudied and sixty; npd by Jonas Skinner con veyed to Joseph D. Perry. Also, at flat Court House door in the county of Burke, on same Uy, between raid hours, at public outcry, by order as aforeesid, a certain lease of land, with tenements thereon, situated in said county of Burke, at or near Station No. 1, of Au gnsta A. .Savannah Railroad, coutißUug ot four acres, more or I«M—the same formerly used by Carter & Perry for a store. Said lease running for five years Irom first us January, eighteen bun died am] sixty eight, at, tlie turn of two hundred dollars per iiununi, payable yearly. Sold as the estate of Joseph D. Perry, bank rupt. and free front c'licumbrahces of the creditors thereof. Term* cash. JOHN T. BIIEWMAKE, jy 7 lawtd Assignee. 1 Assignee’s Sale. G. HC ADA I If, AUCTIONEER. BY VIRTUE OF A DECREE IN BANK RUPTCY. »n the case of Franklin IL Gay. Bankrupt, I will sell an the premise*, at tlie former residence of said Gay, five miles south ol Lithonia, in DeKalb county, on SATURDAY, Ist DAY OF AUGUST, commencing at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, free from all Incom brance, the real estate of said Bankrupt, amount ing to IW5] acres; in DeKalb county, Ga., as follows 152] acres of Innd, tot No. 112; lots 81, 82, and 117. each containing 292] acre's, one half the mineral interest in the latter reserved ; 50 acres of lot No. 8(1, 195 acres of lot No. 251, and 2 acres adjoining tin: Inst—nunibei not known: also, 40 acres of Laud in Paulding county, being Lot No. 767, iu the 18th district and 3d section. ALSO, Two silver watches. 2 gins, one half interest in a mill iu DeKalb county, 1 wagon, cart, carriage, a lot of lumber, and other articles of personal property. . k t aLMi, ' Sundry uotes, accounts, and rent contracts, be longing to the estate Os said bank nipt. All sold for the benefit of his creditors. Terms cash. G. W. ADAIR. jyß—law3w Assignee. Assignee’s Sale. Georgia, warren county-pvrßU ANT to an order from Hon. A. 4J. Foster, register in Banfo-nptcv for the District of Georgia, will bs *old al Ina Court House door in Warren ton. Warren County, on the first Tuesday in August next, between the usual hours of sale, one tract <>l land ms the unencumbered estate of Mat tliew Shields, of Warren County. Bankrupt, ad joining lands or Canton Battle, T. F. Persons, R. Lasseter, aud others, containing about three hun dred and forty six acres, more or less, with no dwelling on it. Also, tlie one-third interest in one lot of land iu the Seventh District of Cherokee (now Union) Comity, known as lot No. eighty four (84), cou taining one hundred and sixty (16ri) acres, it being one-third. Also, the interest of Shields. Smith <t Co , it being one-fifth (1-5) tn a lot of laud hi the Tenth District of originally Lowndes, now Herrien County, iu said State, known as lot No. 122, con taining four hundred and sixty acres. Also, three shares of stock-in the Macon A-. Au gusta Rail Road, on which ;s paid 55 per cent., as the property of Ma'tbew Shields Terms rash. E. H. POTTLE. je3lt— !aw4w Assignee. ” IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THB United States for the Southern District of 1 Georgia. In the matter of > ZACHARIAH FALK, LIN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt, J ’ The undersigned hereby gives notice, of his I app'-ihlmcut as assignee of Zk-harlah Falk, ot 1 I lie. city Os Savannah, count v of Chatliam. and 1 State ot Georgia, willifo said District, who has 1 been aiiiudged a Bankrupt.-upon bis own petition I by the Dwtriet Court of said District. ROBERT SUIREAU, jy 17— Uw3w Assignee. -, AUCTION SALES H City Sheriff’s Sale. WILL BE SOLD AT THE U9WER • Market House, in the oity at Angurta, on tlie first Tuesday so August next, between, the usual hours of aafo, two Promisor? nptwhrtpe given one day after data, fbr $518.1 r, ia favor of w right & Mobley, dated Augusta, January 4th, 1868, Signed Arthur A. Atkiwon ; OtM ten days M. Rivers > Uvied on by virtue of a ft ®, in favor of Hezekiah Bnssey v*. Wrigbtfc Mobley— fl. fa. in the City Court of AugiaL, returnable to the August term of aaidCity Court . , • ' ISAAC LEVY, jyl—tdShe riff City of Augheia. City Sheriff’s Sale. WILL BR SOLD AT THE LOWER MARKET House, in the City of Augusta, between the usual hours. of sale, on the first Tuesdsw jn August next, four share* of the capital Stock of tho Empire State Insurance Company. Levied on by virtue of an attachment, returnable to the City Court of Augusta, in favor Os Sidney Root v*. Alexander 8. Myer and Julius J. Myer, once copartners under the uatae of A.. jL Slyer A Son. , Sold by virtue of a fi. fai. founded on said attach meul; returnable tv the Augiut ter»( 1868) of said Cnnrt. ISAAC LEVY, jy4— td City Sheriff of Augusta. City Sheriff’s Sale. IV H.L BE SOLD AT THE LOWEJI MARKET V v House, in Ike Ovty of Arigttsto,' on the first Tuesday in August next, between the usual hours ot sale, tho house and lot of L. Dwclle. Jr.,—House north ride Broad street, running lb rough to Jone* rtroeU bounded on the north by Jones street, east by Mrs. Straub’s lot, south by Broad street and west by Dwelhi’s lot. Levied on by virtue of a tax exeeution in favor of the City Council of Augusta fur the year 1867, returnable to the City Council of Augusta. ISSAC LEVY, City Sheriff of Augostij,. City Sheriff’s Sale. WILL BE SOLD ATTHE LOWER MARKET House, in the City of August*, on the first Tuesday in August next,' between the usual hours of sale, tho house and lot on Market street beloiigiag to W. V. Keener, Trustee. Levied on by virtue of a tax execution in favor the City Council of Augusta, for the year 1866; bounded north by Market street, south by Rey nold* street, eart by Butler’s lot, and west by W. V. Keener’s, returnable to tbo City Council of Augusta. ISAAC LEVY, jy4—td City Sheriff of Augusta. City Sheriff’s Sale-' WILD BE SOLD AT THE LOWER Market, in tire city of Augusta, between lie usual hour* of sale,oll the First TueJttay in August next, the following property, to-wit; One House and Lot, on the coruer of Wnbhiug tou and Ellis streets, fronting on Waslimgton 19 feet, more or leas, and extending down Ellis street 88 feet, move or Jess; and bounded North by lot-owned by J. 11. Powoll, Trustee of K. E. Nehrand Emanuel Nebr and Wm. B. Ktilkley; East by lot belonging to the estate of Richard Aldswoi tli; South by Ellie street, and Wert by Washington street. Levied on by virtue of a Diet less Warrant in favor of John 14. Pouinoil vs. J. R. Powell, Trustee of K. E. Nehr, Emanuel Mehr, and Wm. B. Knlkley, returnable to the Au gust Term of tlie City Court of Augusta. Also’, to satisfy one tax execution for life year 1867, City Connciiot Augusta vs. J. K, Powell. Trustee gi R. E Nehr, retnj-tfable to the Angust Term of tlu> City Cotfit of Augusta. Augusta, Ga., July .I, 1863. . «<• ■ ISAAC LEVY, .j ” jy3—ld . City Sheriff C. A. — rr-V --T-: - City Sheriff’s Sale. • WILL BE SOLD ATTHE WWSR MARKET House in tlie City of Augusta, on the first Tuesday jn Auguat next, between th* usual hours of sale, the house and lot of John T. King, sixty-six (66) feet, more or less, on Houston street, running back one hundred and sixty six (166) leet, more or les* ; bodnited north by Matt. Pleasant’s, oast by John M. Tur ner, south by Broad and westby JUustrn strodtst Levied on by virtue us two tax execution* iu’ favor of the City Council us Augusta, for the years 1866 and 18«7, returnable to the CUy Council of Augusta. ISAAC LEVY, Jy4—td City Sheriff of Augusta.' City Sheriff's Sale. WILL BE SOLD AT THE LOWER MARKET House, in the City of Augusta,, on the first Tuesday in Angust next, between the usual hours of rale, ona bouse and lot, lhe prop erty of Jerry Buoefi, on the south aide of Fen wick street, fronting 5! feet, wore er less, and running back 187 feet, more or less, to Calhoun rt.-Cctbounded north by Fenwick street, pputb* by Myer's lot, east by lot of C. A Platt, we«t by hrt of W. V. Kerr. Levied on a* the property of Jerry Bunch, to satisfy two fi. fa.’* for City Tax fur Mh> year*. 1866 sad 1867. The said fi. fa.’a returnable to the City Couaeil of Augusta. ISAAC LEVY, jy4--Id City Sheriff ot A pgurta. Anthracite Coal IN ADDITION TO THE COAL ADVERTISED in another column, I shall have a cargo of CHOICE PHILADELPHIA PARLOR COAL for early delivery, and at n smalt advance above the cost ot importation. jy t7-lw CHAS. A. ROWLAND. ThfTMierican Method FOB THE Piaiioforte, A 811 ORT COMPREHENSIVE AND Practical system. By Edgar A. Robbins, Professor of the Pianoforte. This work mgpta the daily requirements of the Pianist. Il combfoea hsrenoriy with those indis pensalde points rneommended by all eminent mas ters for dully practice and is so systematized as to readily impart a knowledge of tlie art of under standing i.nd executing the difficulties involved in the piano marie of .ill the various rwhools. It is likewise adapted to all pkyere, from tlie beginner to the hutched artist. ’■T?" » do.. Publishers, 277 Washington St., Boston. CHAS. 11. DITSON & CO., jy24—tf . 711. Broadway, New York. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE 1 United State* far the Northern District of Georgia. Tn the matter of ) HOLIDAY A WARE,' ITN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupts. j Will be sold, by virtue of au order of tlie Hon. Chiu les G. McKinley, at the Court House door iu the tnwa of Fayetteville, in Fayette county, on the first TUESDAY in AUGUST next, within tlie nettal honr* of sale, a Town Lot in the said town of Fayetteville, known in the plan of said town a* Lot No. 3, and the South part'of Lot N<>. 4. being 7« feet in frant and 120 back ; also, 20 feet iu front by 120 feet back, off of the North side of Lot No. 2, with the improvements thdreen. Sold ' miller but free from incumbiances, as the property at said bankrupt*. Terms cash. Tlit*, July 19th. 1868, JOHN W. POWELL, jyf4—law2w Assignee. |N THE DISTRICT CUUBT OF THE L United State* for lhe Southern District of Georgia. In tho mat ter of ) GABRIEL SELIG, >IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. ) No. 89. The said HanLrppt ]i«vmg petitioned the Court for a trout All Ui» debts prova- ■ foe under the Act of Murth.Sd, 186?, notice Is ncrfiliy y(vi-n to all persons interested to appear on the 4th day of Aagmt. 1868, at ten o’clock a. m. at chambers of said District Court* before Charles G. McKinley, Esq., one the Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy, at his office at Newnan, Ga., and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not bo granted. And further notiee Is given that the second and third meeting of creditors will be held at the same time and Dated »t ttavminalu Ga , fib to i&th day M July, 1868. JAIES McPherson. jy!7—lawßw Clerk, ZN THE’ DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the Sbwond District of JAMES A. GLENN. >IN BANuRUP'TUX T.. |wb<S rt" war crtteXni The tmdeMigned berehr Wes noHre of his appointment a* A»- signi-eof Jafi'rt A. Gh-tra. of tbe eoitntv of Early and state of Gei>rg ,a , witbm raid DisUtrt, who has been a<»iudgi<l a tank nipt nt-on his own peti film by the District Court of said District. Dutnd nt Bfateely, th* 7fh BV^’f^^.> I ,S€B -