The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, August 01, 1868, Image 4

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NtUwnalßejmblican ~UKtiKSTMTY CIKCIIUTiiIT" Official Organ of the U. 8 Government. SATURDAY MORNING.........Augut 1888 ~ " SIMM CENTRAL COMMITTEE OF GEORGIA, of the Soldier's and Sailor's National INfnibliran Committee. Atftior K. T. Pillslw-ry anil Colonel J. F Savannah, Ga. Captain Jobu Murphy, Albany, Ga. Colonel John Bowles, Augusta, Ga. Major John Knox, Athens, Ga. ■' Captain John A. Madden and Sergeant Seaborn Jones, Waynesboro’, Ga. Sergeant S. Nelau, Macou, Ga. Captain J. Mathewson and Lieutenant Charles Sherwood, Atlanta, Ga. Captain C. B. Blacker, Cartersville. Ga. Headquarters at Atlanta, Ga. TIU: CONSTITUTIONAL AMEND MENT. The following is the proposed Article of the Constitution, which must be adopted by the Legislature before the State can bo represented in Congress: Resolved, tn/ the Senate and House, of Representatives of the United Slates of America, in Congress assembled, two thirds of both Houses concurring, That the follow ing articles be proposed to the Legislatures of the several States as an amendment to the Constitution of the United Stales, which, when ratified by three fourths of said Legis -1 atnres, shall Is- valid us a part es the ConstitnCion, namely: , Artide —», Section 1. All persons liorn or naturalized in the United States, and *nbject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citi zens of the United ‘States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any laws which sluill abridge the | privileges or immunities of citizens of the United Slates, nor shall any Slate deprive 1 any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law, nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the law s. See. 2. Representatives shall be apiior ’ tinned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, \ excluding Indians not taxed. But whenever the rigbt to vote at any election for electors i of President and Vice President, or for United States Representatives in Congress, executive or judicial officers of a State, or members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such States, being twenty one years of age and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion or other crime, the basis of repre sentation therein whall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of i male citizens twenty one years of age in such State. Sec. 3. person sha 1 lie a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President or Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any Slate, who, having previbns y taken an oath as a member oi Cougress, or as au officer of the United States, or as a member of any State Leg islature,or ns an executive or judicial officer of any State, Io support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof: but Uungrfcss may,. by a vote of two thirds t>( each House, remove such disability. Sec. 4. Tht) validity of the public debt of the United States,- authorized by law, ineluding debt incurred for the payment of pensions and Ixmnties for services in sup pressing. insnrrvctlon or rebellion, shall not lie questioned; but neither the United Staten.nor any State idm.ll assume or pay any debt or- obligation incurred in aid <>( insurrection ar rebWion against Hie United States, or claim fur the loss or emancipation of any slave ; bid all such debts, obligation and claim shall pc held illegal and void. Sec. o. The Congress shall have power to enforce i/y ipprvpriai* legislation, the provisions tis I Ins article. Passed June 13, 18tlft. We lieliqve that the adoption of this Amcndmeut by five of the States now under going reconstruction is needed to make it a part of the Constitution. , . ——— liSih /. WA. * 4l '« C1 ® iWGJtAVZff GET the best Webster’s Dictionary, NEW ILLUSTRATED. A OVER 3,000 FINE ENGRAVINGS ! ■ 10,000 Herd* and Meaning* notin other Dictionariea I NECESSITY to every intelligent family, studcat, teacher and professional man. What Library is complete without the best English I let ion ary? Tire work is the RICHEST BOOK OF IN FORMATION IN THE WORLD. There is probably more real education in ii than can be bought fbr the same amount of money la any language. It would improve many pulpits mote thau a trip to Europe, and at a much less eost.— N. Y. Advocate. Lay it upon your table by the side es the Bible ; it is a better expounder than many which claim to bo expounders.— M. Life Boat. In one vol. of 1,840 Royal Quarto Pages. Published by (1. * Cl MERRIAM, Springfield, Mass. Sold by all Booksellers. ALSO, JUST PUBLISHED, WEBSTER’S NATL PICTORIAL DICTIONARY. Pages Oetaro. Sfitt Engravings. Price .....................................|6.00 The work is really A GEM OF A DIC TIONARY—just the thing for the million.— ■X. America* Educational Jfonthh/. jy26—6t Wfttdies, (locks aud Jewelry. Eh. SUMMER, 184 BROAD STREET, . AUGUSTA, GA. SPECTACLES, KYE-tILASSES, ete.; Watoh. makers’ Tools, Material# and Glasses. REPAIRED AND WARRANTED Jewelry made and repaired. AH kinds of Hair Braiding dona. Agent fer Singer's Sewing Machines. All kinds, of Sewing Machines repaired and warranted. j«lß—lawSm »-a» THE REPUBLICAN NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Alabama . James T. B. Stowe. Arkansas E. F. Rice. California George C. Gorham. Colorado Daniel Whitter. Connecticut... IL H. Starkweather. Dakota.. Newton Edmunds. Delaware Edward G. Bradford. District of Columbia....S. J. Bowen. Florida B. Conover. Georgia I. IT. Caldwell. Idaho John C. Henry. Illinois J. Russell Julie*. Indiana Cyrus M Allen. lowa Joshua Fletcher. Kansas lohn A. Martin. Kentucky Allen A. Barton. Louisiana M. JI. Southworth. Maine Lewis Baker. Maryland Charles C. Fulton. Massachusetts .William (Aafiin. Michigan Giddings. Minnesota lohn F. Avery. A. C. Fish. Missouri Benjamin Loan. Montana 8. W ilson. Nebraska E. P. Taylor. Nevada Charles F. Delong. New Hampshire W. E. Chandler. New Jersey Samis GopjilL New York Horace Greeley. North Carolina.,,.. William Sloan. Ohio B. It. Cowan. Oregon 11. W, Corbelt. Penn5y1vania..............W. H. Kemble. Rhode Island Lyman Frieze. South Carolina .lames 11. Jenks. Tennessee ..William B. Stokes. Texas .A. J- Hamilton. Vermont W. Burke. Virginia Franklin Stearns- West Virginia Samuel D. Kurns. Wisconsin David Atwood. RAILROAD SCHEDULES Change of Schedule.—Central R- R ON AND AFTER WEDNESDAY, JULY Ist, 1868, the following Schedule will be run on tbe Central Railroad : • DAY TRAIN. Leave Augusta at ......... 8.45 A. M. Arrive at Savannah, 6.15 I’. M- Arrive at Macon 7.30 P. M. Leave Savannah 8.00 A. Al, Arrive at Augusta 5.38 I’. M. Arrive at Macon » :..7.30 P, M. Leave Maooo at .....6.55 A. M. Arrive at Augusta ...5.38 P. M. Arrive at Savannah.. ...,6.1a I’. M. NIGHT TRAIN. Leave Augusta at a ..........9.33 P. M. Arrive at Savannah 5.10 A. M. Arrive at Macon 6.65 A. M. Leave Savannah at...— 1. 50 I*. M. Arrive at Augusta 3.13 A. M. Arrive at Macon 6.55 A. M. Leave Macon at ....’. 6.25 P. M. Arrive at Augusta at 3.13 A. M. Arrive at Savannah at .....5.10 A. M. tgft.Passengers on Night Train from Augusta will run through toS avannab, Macon, Columbus and Montgomery, without change of cars. Passengers on Day Train from Augusta will make close connection at Millen, and change car# for Savannah and Macon. Passengers for Milledgvillc and Eatonton will take Day Train from Augusta,Snndaynexeepted. The Union Passenger Depot (G. R. R.) will be used for arrival and departure of trains. A. F. BUTLER, Agent, jyl—6t Central R. IX. GEORGIA RAILROAD. IN ORDER TO MAKE CLOSE CONNEC TION with the Second Train on Use South Carolina Railroad, and better connections on the Branch'roads, the Trains on the Georgia Rond will run, on and after THURSDAY, Jone 18th, at 5 o’clock a. m., as follow# : DAV pARHXXOKn TBAIN. (Dailg, Sundays Excepted.} Ig-ave Augusta at 7.00 A. M Atlanta at...,, 5.00 A. M. Arrive at Augusta at... 3.45 P. 5!. Arrive at Allantiiat <1.30 J*. M. xrRHT rAsAXanrn Ann MAtr. train. Leave Augusta at 16.00 P. M. Leave Atinnta at. 5.40 I*. 4. Arrive at AnguSta at ...1..;............. 3.00 A. M. Arrive «t Atlanta 'at i’........ 7.10 A. M. nwßzxi.iA rAxsxNern traix. Issave Augusta at 4.15 P. M. Leavh.Berr.clin al • A M- Arrrive at Angnsta 8,15 A. M. Arrive at Rerzelin f>.oo I‘. M. Passengers for Milledgeville, Washington, and Athens, tin., must take Day Passenger Train from Augusta and Atlanta. Passengers for West Point, Montgomery, Selma, Mobile and New Orleans, must leave Au gusta on Night Passenger Train at 10.60 P. M. to make close eoonoctions. Passengers for Nashville, Cerinth, Grand Junction, Memphis, Louisville, and St. Louis, can take cither train and make close connections. THROUGH TICKETS and Baggage Cheeked through to the above places. PULLMAN’S PALACE SLEEPING CARS on all Night Passenger Trains. No change of cars on Night Passenger and Mail Train# between Augusta and West Point. E. W. COLE, General Superintendent. I Augusta, Ga., June 16, 1868. jel7—tf CHANGE OF SCHEDULE ON Macon and Augusta Railroad. fAN AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY H, 1868, V ’ the Trains on this Road will run as fol lows : Leave Camak daily at...„ .. v u. v .- —-- 2A9 p.m. Leave Milledgeville. 5.30 a.m- Arrive at Milledgeville 6.20 p.m. Arrive at Camak 8.55 a.m. Passengers leaving Augusta or Atlanta on the Day Passenger Train of the Georgia Railread will make close connections at Camak for inter mediate points on the above Road, and alse for Macon. Passengers leaving Milledgeville at 5.30 a. m. reaches Atlanta and Augusta the same day, and will make close connections at either place for the principal points in adjoining States. E. W COLE, my I*4—tf (Jenera! Superintendent SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD GENERAL SUFI’S OFFICE, I CuajltKSTow, S. C., March 26, 1868. | ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, MARCH 28th, the Passenger Trains of the South Carolina It ail re ad will run as follows: FOR AUGUSTA. Charleston... 6.30 a. m. Arrive at Augusta 3.30 p. m. Connecting with Gains for Montgomery, Mom phis, Nashville and New Orleans, via Mont gomery and Grand Junction. FOR COLUMBIA. Leave Charleston 6.30 p. m. Arrive at Columbia 3.50 p. m. Connecting with Wilmington and Manchester Railroad, Charlotte and South Carolina Railroad and Camden train. FOR CHARLESTON. l*ave Augusta 6.00 a m. Arrive at Charleston 3.10 p. ui. Leave Columbia 6.00 a. m. Arrive at Charleston 3.10 p. m. AUGUSTA NIGHT EXPRESS. (avanava axcirTßD.) < Leave Charleston. 7.30 p. m. Arrive at Augusta 0.45 a, m. Connecting with trains for Memphis, Nash vilhs and New Orleans, ria Grand Junction. Leave Aagnsta .-, 4.10 p.m. Arrive at Cbarlaston.... .'.I -t.Otl p. m. COLUMBIA NIGHT EXPRESS. (avanATS KXCKI'TBD.) J,eavc Charleston 5.40 a.m. Arrive at Colombia 6.20 a. ta- Connecting (Sundays excepted) with Green ville and Columbia Railroad. Leav* Columbia 5.30 p. m. Arrive at Charleston 5.30 a. m. CAMDEN BRANCH. On Mondaft, Wednesdagt and Saturday*. Leave KingviUe 2.20 p. m. Arrive at Camden. 5.00 p. m. Leave Camden.. 3.10 a. m. Arrive at Kingvilie 7 40 a. m. (Signed) H. T. PEAKE, J« 18 General Superintendent. Rail Road Schedules. Change of Schedule. OrricK 8. C. R- R. Co., I Aiovsta, Ga., May 7, 1868. j A FAST NEW YORK THIiOUGII MAIL and Passenger Train, direct from Augusta, Ga., to Wilmington, N.C., WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS, will commence running on Sunday, May lOtb, as follows: MORNING MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIN For Charleston, connecting with Train for Co lumbia, South Carolina, Charlotte Road, and Wilmington and Manchester Railroad. Leave Augusta Centra! Joint Depot at...8:10 a. m. Arrive “ “ “ ~.9:45 p.m. Passengers for Charleston and Columbia, S. C., and parts beyond, are respectfully requested NOT to take this Train, as it doos not make con nection with any Train for above points. They will please take Trair/lcaving Central Joint Depot at 5 50 a. tn. “ “ “ *' 4:00 p. na 11. T. PEAKE, myß-td Gcn’l Bup*t. Chauge of Fare and Schedule* UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. Srrr.nixraxruxT's Orrn r., I AUGUSTA A SUMMERVILLE It. It. CO. , Augusta, tin., April 8, ISGS. ) I OltDEli TO MEET THE VIEWS OF THE. 1 business public, the price of tickets is, from this date, reduced to the rate of SIXTEEN TICKETS FOR ONE DOLLAR instead es twelve mheretofore,«nd the Depot of the Com pany, on McKiunc street, is to be, hereafter, the established terminus of tbe City Line. The first cars will leave the Depot, on Mcrli.i nie street, at 7.00 A. M., and every fifteen min ute thereafter during the day until 7.45 P. M., when Ihe last ears will leave the Depot and re - Urn about 9.00 I’. M. SUMMERVILLE LINE. (From Depot to United State! Arecnul.) First car loaves Depot nt 6.15 A. M-, for the U. 8. Arsenal. Cars leave U. 8. Arsenal and Depot at 7.00 A. M., and at intervals of one hour thereafter, during the day, until 8.90 P. M., when last -at departs from Arsenal. - Summerville cars leaving Arsenal at 8.00 A. M., 1.00 P. M. and 8.00 I‘. M., will proceed to corner of Broau and Jackson streets, and will leave that point tor Arsenal at 8,45 A. 5J., 1 45 P. M. and 1i.45 P. M , respectively. A. HATCH, «pß—»f Superintendent Change of Schedule. GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, J Atlantic ,t Gunr Railroad Company, > Savannah, April fOth, 1868. ) ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, THE 12th rnstuut, the Schedule of PASSENGER TRIANS on this Road will be as follows: Leave Savannah (daily, Sundays ex cepted) at 4:00 p. in. Arrive at Bainbridge 6:30 a. in. Arrive at Live Oak 2:05 A. m. Arrive at Jaeksonvillo 7:30 a. m. Lcave.Jacksonvillo(Snndaysexccptod) 8:50 p.m. Leave Live Oak 2:30 a. m. Leave Bainbridge (Sundays excepted) 10:00 p. m. Arrive at Savannah 1:00 p.m PULLMAN’S PALACE Sl/IKPING CARS run through from Savannah to Jacksonville. Steamer Ifoftie loaves Jacksonville for I’alatka every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at 9:00 a. m. Returning every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 4:00 p. tn. Steamer Darlington leaves Jaeksonvillo for Enterprise every Sunday, at 9:00 a. m. Returning, arrive at Jacksonville Thursday, at _4:#o p. m. psiß" Through tickets by this line as low as by any other. Passenger# for St. Augustine have'choice of Line of Stages daily from Jacksonville, or from Picolata on arrival of boats. Connect at Baldwin with Florida Railroad, daily, to Gainesville and I-'ernnndina. Train for Cedar Keys leaves Baldwin on Mon day and Friday ; returning, arrives at Baldwin o.n Tuesday and Saturday Steamers leave Bainbridge for Columbus, "Eu faula, and Fort Gaines on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, on arrival of train; returning, arrives at Bainbridge on same days. 11. 8. HAINES, ap26—tf General Superintendent. New and Most Direct ROU r E , T ° CAIRO, CHICAGO, BT. LOUIS. AND ALL IMPORTANT POINTS WEST AND NORTH WEST, VIA TIIS MawlivlUe and 4 l»al AND lYnwltvillc and MortlxweMlci-n lt.K 17ROM ATLANTA TO ST. LOUIS, 202 miles gliortar than via Mepipbis. From Atlanta to St. lamia, ‘)7 miles shorter.thnn via Coriutli. From Atlanta to St. Louis. 151 miles shorter than via ludianhpnfiz. From At l»ma 4« St Louis, |OO miles shorter than via Loniaville. TWO DAILY TRAINS Leave Atlanta, making close connection at Cbat tanptiga for NASHVILLE, PADUCAH,CAIRO, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS,and all itm.orfant point# Northwest. HUMHOLT’, JACKSON (TeiiiiJ, MEMPHIS. JACKSON (Miss.), VICKSBURG, NEW ORLEANS, MOBILE, mid all other points South rtml Southwest. THROUGH 'TICKETS, via Momphie, to Vicks burg and New Orleana, good either by RAIL or RIVER from Memplut. Five hours quicker to Memphis, tuid no delay at Chattanooga by Hits route. Fifteen hours >ual twenty iniuuta delay if you have tickets via .Mem phis & Charleston Railroad. At Nashville, Trains of the Nashville A Chatta nooga aud Nashville and Northwestern Railways ARRIVE AT AND DEPART FROM THE SAME DEPOT, thus avoiding Omnibus Transfer. ONLY TWO CHANGES Belweeu Chattanooga and St. Louis, via Hickman, j Meals and State Rooms on Steamers Free. PALACE SLEEPING CARS on all Night Trains. AMPLETIME GIVEN FOR MEALS. BAG GAGE CHECKED THROUGH. Passengers always save Trouble, Time ami Money by PURCHASING -THROUGH TICK ETS. Be rare to ask for Tickets via Nash rille A. Northwestern Railway. THROUGH FREIGHT forwarded with dis patch and safety. Watdr carriage from St.. Louis. New Orleans and Memphis and other points to Hickman, and from Hickman to Atlutila, Augusta, Macon aud Montgomery, etc., without chasgk ok Cars. Corn from St Louis to Augusta....( 46perbuahel Flour from St lamis to Augusta.... 2 20 perbarrel And equally low rates on other goods. WM. P. INNES. J. D. MAHEY, Receiver mid Gen'l Supt. Gen't Ticket Agent. M. GRANT, Gen’l Freight Agent. may 141-3 m WORTH UERMAH LLOYD. STEAM BETWEEN NEW YORK AND BREMEN via SOUTHAMPTON. Tile Screw Steamers of the North Germeu IJoyd run regularly betweeu New York. Bremen aud Southampton carrying the United States Mail. FROM BREMEN EVERY SATURDAY. FROMSOUTIIAMPTON. EVERY TUESDAY. FROM NEW YORK .... EVERY THURSDAY Price of Passage— Freni New York to Bremen, London, Ilayre, and Southampton—First Cabin, f 1211; Second Caltll.>72; Steerage, |3-’>. From Rte men to New York —First Oabrn. fI2H; Second Ca bin,s72; Steerage. $ (H. Price of passage payable in gold. These vessels take freight to Loiuiou and Hull for which t hrough bills of lading are signed. An experienced surgeon is attached to each vessel. All letters must pass through the Post office. I-iF*N.> Bills of Lading but those of the Com pauy wilt be signed. Bills of Lading will positively not be delivered before goods are leared at the Custom I(onse. I#g*Spccie taken to Havre, Southampton and .Bremen at the lowest rates. For freight or passage apply to • OELRICnsJkCo. ntyl7- 6m Broad Jjllreet, Nqw York WANTED, Agents— $175 per month to-sell the NATIONAL FAMILY SEWING MA CHINE, This Machine is equal to the standard Machines in every respect, and is sold at the low price of S2B. Address National Sewing Machine C 4., Pittsburgh, Pa. je2l—lm The American Artisan - LNITIfD STATES AND FOREIGN PATENT AGENCY. Messrs. BROWN, COOMBS it CO., Proprio tors of the AMERICAN ARTISAN, offer their best services to inrentors, as Solicitor# of Ameii can mid Foreign Patents. Mr. Hs.miy T Hitowx, of this Bern, has had more than t ire nt y- two years' experience in that prefession. both la this country and Europe; for lilteen years lie was tbe principM professional assistant of Messrs. Mttxtr & Co , Patent Agent# of this city ; aud his long practice lias made Inin personally known tb thousandaof in ventors and patentees. The iippiieatiooa for the patent# upon many of the greau-r aud more im portant inventions ol thopresent cenniry have been prepared by him. Messrs. Httowu.Coombs &. Co., are Ihoronghly familiar with allJim. rules and re gulationsi hmtiiutcd for the rapid tiiinsaction of Jtiudnera with tbe United States I > ateul..<)fiice, and the general practice in the Patent Bnretuu of vari ous European countries; and this knowledge ren ders them confident that tln-ir fsist experience, with their present nneqnaled facilities, enables them to ehtborately ami yet speedily prepare till the docu ments required by law in applications for patents, and Io promise their clients an absolute certainty </»r<cceK»in theirjeffm ts to,ol>tuiiiJLeUei»i,l’al#»il foT inventions tliat aie really new ami asefiil. Parti cnlar sure is given to tbe execution ol'tlte accurate .trawinijs wim h must always accompany every application for apaleht,imd ilicy employ none blit tbe most efficient dranglit#meii. The best evidence of the manner in which JJeSwra. BlloWx, Coombs S- Co.'s business is performed, is, that the “Amer ican Artisan PatsSt Aoency,” during the three years of its existence, has been the most successful in ststiUwn of the kind ever established. The priiicipul offices of Messrs. Brown. Coombs &. Co. are situated at Iffil Broadway,opposite John street, New York, in tlie most central part of the city. This location is one of very easy access by stranger# inasmuch as it is within a stone's throw from the City Hall. All inventors temporalily so joqrning iu the metropolis are invited to visit lliis establishment. I iijfhe majority of iustuuceno model or drawing of tin invention will be necessary on the first interview, as a mere oral description by the visitor will ordinarily suffice to convey sucn aknowlwlge ofhhs invention as will enable Messrs. Brown, Coomh# & Co. to definitely determine whether a mm-bine or process is new or old—paten table or not. The office hours will be from 9 a.m. to 5 r. M. Messrs. Brown, Coombs & Co. are prepared to furnish' to persons residing at a distance from New York—free of charge— written opinions as to whether inventions contain any features of paten table novelty; to do thia they simply require a eketali or rough model of the maebiue or otlwr in vention that is supposed to be new, together with u brief description of the same, and as soon as pos sible therealler a letter of the best advice is mail ed to the person desiring the information. These opinions are formed from their own mature exper ience; but if an inventor desires to know, positively, whether liis incipient idea has ever been embodied id a machine or process already patented, his wisest entiree will be to have a preliminary examination made at the United States Patent office by Messrs, Brown, Coombs & Co., who will make a special all the records of that institution, and then promptly forward a full and carefully written report as to the patentability of the invention uu d«r examination. For this labor tho small fee of $5 is payable in advance; and the remittance should tm accompanied by a sketch of tho invention and a few lines of writing describing the same, and distinctly stating those points of novelty which the inventor desires to have protected by Letters- Patent Patents for new aud useful inventions are now granted for the term of seventeen years. The first instalment oQtlie Govenunenv lee is sls, which sum—together with fifty cents revenue stamp-tax outlie power of-attorney— is payable tn advance, on applying for the patent; and S2O additional are dm-1« the Government when the Letters-Patent are allowed. The Agency fee is from $25 upward, ac cording to the labor involved; but m all cases our elmigcs will be as moderate as possible in the pre partition of drawings and all necessary documents. This fee is not payable until -after the application has been prepared and the case is ready to be sent to Washington. Messrs. Brown, Coombs & Co. have a branch in Washington bo that all applica tions made through them can have every necessary attention in their passage through the Patent Office. Inventors applying for patents mnst furnish models of their machines, whenever possible, for the inspection of the Examiners iu the Patent (Hike ; but if the invention is a chemical composi tion, samples of all the ingredients will be neces sary. Each 6f these should be marked with the in ventor's name! then carefully boxed, and sent, (by ex press, prepaid), together with the first instahucn oftlie Government fee,to Messrs Brown, CooSibs tie. C<>. When the model is small and light, it can be conveniently mid cheaply sentby mail Tbe model must not exceed one foot in any of itsdimeus jons, (Inlet* it n< of such a cbaractqr that it is im praKicablt'. Patents, except those for designs, mo granted' ou equal terms to < it izons and ail foreigners, except inhabitmits of Canada aud some other# of the British Americjiu Provinces. Besides patents or new and nsefit, inventions, there are also granted patents for tiesigns. Design-patents tire not now, as formerly, limited strictly !♦> .or’mune.ntal conliguratien-, but under Section II of the Act of March 2,18(11, any new form of any article, orany impression or A</mc upon the surface of any article or material, by whatever mean# ovproccst" produced, etui !>c patented. Un der this Act, patentees are entitled to the exten sion of their respective patents for the term of seres years from lite day on which said patents shall ex pire, upon the same terms and restrictions as are now provided forthe extensions of Letters Patent. Among the numerous subjects sot patents of this Has# may be purlicntiii-ly mentioned—castings of all (Petals, patt# of machines, household finniinre ami utensils; glnsswat-e, hardware of nil kinds, cornices, and other interior and exterior decorations of Imihiings; also, design# for woven tlnd. printed fabrics, dress ami upholstery trinimings, ami har ness labels ntnl trade marks for nteilicineir, per fumery, and all preparations, compositions, or mereliandi o, put up in bottles, boxes, or other packages, are suitable subji ete; also, tbe terms of snclt bottles, boxes, or packages themselves, and envelopes, likewise all works of art,as statuary, .busts, compositions in alto or basso relievo. The Government fee on a design-patent for 3j rearsis $10; 7 years, $4.5: 11 years, s•»<' No models of nesigiai tiro retfn'uVd . bnt duplicate drawings or photographs must be furnished- The specification to accompany tire drawings or photographs re quires to be prepared with great care. Messrs Bkovvn, Coombs Co. give very particuiar at tentiou to this branch of their business. Their charge for preparing applications for desigti-pateuts is generally about sls. Design patents are only granted to American Citizensor to aliens who have resided one year in the United States artd made oath of their intention to become citizen# thereof. The facilities of .Messrs. Bsown, Coombs & Co for obtaining patents in the various European aotuitries are equal if not superior to those of any other iu the United Stales. With regard to their, qualifications for such business, it need only be stated that Mr. Brown, while with Messrs. Munn Jo Co. and in his previous practice, and since the establishment of tiie“AMERtcAN Artisan Patent Agency," has had the preparation of more Euro pean tipplicatums than any otliti peteon iu this country,-Messrs. Brown,X'ooMbs i. Co., besides having a branch office iu Washington, have their own agencies in the principal capitals of Europe. A eircnlar relating to foreign patent business will be furnished free on e lication personally or by mail. Messts. Brown, Ct .■ mb# he. Co.also attend to in (erferem-es, the extensions of expiring Letters- Patent, and all proceedings relating to patents be fpf- the United States Patent Office. All letters, packages, boxes, etc., should bead dressed, prepaid, as fellows: — BROWN, COOMBS & CO,, Solicitors of Pateuts, my 14—ly. No. 189 Brondway, New York NATIONAL STEAMSHIP CO. QTEAMERS WEEKLY FROM LIVERPOOL O ANDREW YORK, calling at QUEENB - A Steamship of this line, consisting of the FRANCK........Uapt. Grace 3,512 tons. ENGLAND Thompson.. ..3,450 “ THEQL'EEN.. I'.Capt.Grogan 3.517 “ -HELVETIA ('apt. Cutting 3,315 " ERIN Capt. Hall 3.310 ' DENMARK Capt.Thomson..v...3,ll7 “ PENNSVLVAMA.Capt. Lewie 2.872 “ VIRGINIA ('apt. Prowse 2,876 “ laave# Pier 4i North River, every Saturday.' at ) o’clock M Tim site of all the#-' Steamships admits of very spacions State K's-nis, opening dirctiy into the Saloon, (tie nccommodations ami fare are nnstir pnssesl. amt the rates lower than any other line. An experienced Surgeon on each #h>|h HVd of charge. Tickets are issued in this < onntry to par th wishing to prepay the passage of their friends from Livefjsool «r Queenstown (Ireland) fbr $35 payable here hi cnrieacv. i Drafts issued at Hie lowest rates of Exchanger Tor any amount, payable at any Bank in Greu Britain an * Ireland. Passage from New York to Queenstown or Liverpool CAB.IN.fRM) Currency; STEERAGE, $25. CitVrem y For Freight °r ('.M>’n Paanage apply "at tlie tWFicr# or Tin Compart, 57 Broadway; and for steerage tickyts at Hi# Passage (tfiiee of the Com pany, 27 Brondway. New York. ~ myl7-ly F. W. J. HURST, Manager. R.H.R. PILLS. DR. RADWAY’B PILLS Dow For Regulating the Liver, Stomach, Bowels, and Kidnoys, One Pill at Night, For Obitinat* Diseases and Chronic complaints 4 to 6 every 24 hours. As a Dinner Pill, one Pill one hour before dining wifi ensure a good appetite, and healthy digestion. Dr. RADWAY’S PILLS nr« COMPOUNDED FROM VEGE TABLE EXTRACTS, Coated with Sweet Gum, and are the beat, quickest, and safest Purga tive, Aperient. Anti-Bilious and Cal hurtle Medicine known to Medical Science. One of Dr. Railway’* Pills con tains more of the active princi ple of enre, and will act quicker on the Liver, Bowels, Stomach, Kidneys, Bladder, Blood, dkc., than four or six or the ordinary common Purgative Cathartic Pills sold under various names, or than ten grains of Blue Mass. TRUE COMFORT FOR THE AGED AND OTHERS AFFLICTED WITH COS TIVENESS AND PARALYSIS OF THE BOWELS. ONE TO THREE OF RADWAY’B PILLS once in 24 hours will secure regular evacua tions from the bowels. Persons who for 20 years have not enjoyed a natural stool, and have been compelled to w* vyerfisw, bar* been cured by a few doses of Rad way’s Pill*. reaKthis. New Albany, Ind., March 12, 1867. For forty yean I have been afflicted with costiveness, and for the last twenty was com pelled daily to resort to injections to secure an evacuation. In December last I com menced the use of Radway’s Pills. After taking a few doses, my liver, stomach, and bowels were restored to their natural strength and duties. I have now a regular movement once a day, and, although 80 years of age, feel as hearty and strong as I did 40 years »go, Dr. Radway, N. Y. Taos. Rsdfath, J. P. MECHANICAL DISEASES. Persons engaged in Paints, Minerals, Plumbers, Type Setters, Goldbeaters, Miners, as they advance in life, will be subject to paralysis of the bowels; to guard against this, take a dose of Radway’s Pills once or twice a week as a Preventive. DR. RADWAY’S PILLS CURE ALL DISEASES Os the Stomach, Elver, Bow els, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous Diseases, Headache. Constipa tion, ' Costiveness, Indigestion. Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Bilious Fever, Inflammation of the Bowels, Piles, and all derange ments of the Internal Viscera.— One to six boxes warranted to effect a positive cure. Purely vegetable, containing no mer cury, minerals, or deleterious Drugs. Dr. Radway’s Pill* sold by all Druggist* and Country Mer chants. Price. 25 Cent*. HIGH ENDORSEMENT FROM THB MEDICAL COLLEGE OF PRUSSIA. DR. RAD WA Y I* in receipt of an important official docu ment, signed by the Professors of th* Medical College of Breslau, Prussia, embodying the result of an analysis of BADWAY’S REGULATING PILLS. “ The Faculty of the College state in their report that after a careful and minute examinee lion, they have the honor to state that “th* pills are not only free fr<sm every substance injurious to health, but are composed wholly of substances and elements promotive of digestion, and certain at the same time to . act favorably upon the nervous system, Ac., &c. They state, further, that the iqjuriou* rumors set afloat by the Prussian apothe caries originated “in a mean spirit of trad* jealousy, excited by the great celebrity at tained by the Pills within a very brief period.” Signed on behalf of the College, DB. PHIL. THEOBALD WEBNER, Dfesdsr of the Polytechnic Bureau. DR. HESSE, First Auutant. INDIGESTION I In cases where natural evacuations ar* difficult to secure, and a quick discharge is essential, take six of Radway’s Pills and pul verize them, —take the pill powder in water or preserves,—in halt’ an hour they will ope rate. We have known the most distressing pains of Gastritis, Bilious Cholic, Inflamma tion, Congestion, &c.,. stopped, and the re tained irritating humors expelled from th* bowels in thirty minutes by this treatment. It is however, better in chronic cases to take the pills as they are, and let them gradually dissolve in the stomach. These Pills posses* in the highest degree cathartic, aperient, tonic, and diaphoretic properties. They do do not weaken or debilitate the system or any of its organs, and will leave the bowels regular and healthy. They purify and equal ize the circulation of the blood. No conge*- tion or inflammation will occur,while th* system is under their influence.'* Price 24 cant* per box, or 5 boxes for on* dollar. Sold by PLUMB <(j LEITNER. iuJi4— iy. Augusta, Ga. IIFVIU I. A. BALK 172 BROAD STREET, NEW SPRING GOODS! I WILL OPEN TODAY A FBESU ASSORTMENT OF New Spring Prints, VERY HANDSOME, AT LOW PRICKS. FiXE CAMBRIC CHINTZ NEW PRINTED LAWNS, NEW SPRING DeLAINES, CHALLIES, ltc., arc New Spring Ginghams, VERY HANDSOME, AT A LOW PRICE. FRENCH CASSIMERES, AMERICAN CASSIMERES, and JBANES. BED TICKING, STRIPES, BREACHED SHIRTING, BROWN HOMESPUN, PARASOLS, HOOPSKIRTS, UMBRELLAS, GLOVES, PERFUMERY, etc AU of which wilt be soM at as LOW PRICES can be bail in town. HENRY 1.. A. BALK, 172 Broad Street. mJ? -tty Piano Fortea Tuned. TO MEBT THE TIMES, I HAVE RE -1 DUCJSD the char<-e for TUNING to THREE DOLLARS. Orders left at Mn. GEO. A’. OATES' 240 Broad Street, or at my Shop, wppeaiJj the Post OiffiOe.- pramjdly attended to. • I ly« ROBERT A. HARPER PUGHE’S Book and Job PRINTING OFFICE 190 BROAH AND 153 ELLIS STREETS o THIS ESTABLISHMENT IS NOW FULLY SUPPLIED WITH REBSEB, TYPE, BORDERS ORNAMENTS, CUTS, E|c., Etc., Etc., Etc} of m latest and most IMPROVED STYLES! Ami is ready to execute every descrip tion ol ■ Ml JM NITIK IN A FIRST CLASS MANNER- AND UN REASONABLE TERMS BILLHEADS, CIRCULARS BRIEFS, CHECKS POSTERS, LABELS, CARDS OF ALL STYLES AND SIZES PAMPHLETS, BILLS LADING, BLANKS OF ALL KINDS, WEDDING CARDS, VISITING CARDS BALL TICKETS, STEAMBOAT BILLS’ DRAY RECEIPTS, BILLS OF FARE AUCTION BILLS, HAk’D BILLS * HEADINGS FOR BOOKS, PROGRAMMES, INVITATIONS DRAFTS AND NOTES, ETC. ETC., ETC., ETC. PRINTING IM COLORS. so* Headings printed and Books ruled and bound to order. Drafts, and No ■ i» 'nd bound to order. Merchants and others in want ot JOB PRINTING of any kind, will find it greatly to' their advantage to leave their orders at PUGHE S JOB PRINTING OFFICE, 190 BROAD & 153 ELLIS ST., Ga. publications, “Uuqueetiouablr toe beat ti le kind in tta world" 1 le craik. Author of WorM._A> r It meets precisely the popular taste, fnrnisluno » pleas ng;end instructing variety of reading for all Zstn s Herald, Boston. h ‘A complete Pictorial History of the Times" Harper’s Weekly. AN ILLUSTRATED NEWSPAPER In the first Nimber for 1868 was commenced ||, P issue of "The Moonstone." a Novel, by Wilki, Collins, Author of “The Woman in White," etc The model newspaper of our country .-.JV y Heining Post. ' ' The articles upon public questions which appear in Harper's Weekly are from a remarkable serie, of briefpolitical essays.— North American Jlevtet, An llluetated Weekly Journal of Fashion, Plea sure, and Instruction. Harper’s Bazar. In it is now being published" The Cord and Creese," a Novel, by James De Hille. The Bazar, as an intelligent critic upon all fem iniue topics, will doubtless become the Queen of American newspapers.— Albion. TERMS FOB HARPER S PERIODICALS: Harper’s Magazine, One Year... .$4 00 Harper’s Weekly, One Year..,, too Harpers Bazar, One Year.... 4 00 Harper’s Magazine, Harper's Weekly, and Harper's Bazar, to one address, for one year $lO 00 ; or any two for $7 Ot). An extra Copy of either the Magazine, Weekly . or Bazar will be supplied gratis for every Club of 5 Five Subscribers at $4 00 each, in one remittance or Six Copies for S2O 00. Bound Volumes of the Magazine, each Volume containing the Numbers of Six Months, will be furnished for $3 00 per Vloume, sent by mail, postage paid. Bound Volumes of the Weekly each containing Ihe Numbers for a Year, will be fur nished lor $7 00, freight paid by the Publishers. The Postage within the United States is for the Magazine 24 cents a year, for the Weekly or Bazar 20 cents a year, payable yearly, semi yearly, or quarterly nt the office where received. Subscrip tiou from too Dominion of must he panted with 24 cents additional for the Magazine, or 20 cents for tbeWeekly or Bazaar,to pre pay the United States postage. Subscriliers to the Magazinq, Weekly or Bazar, will find ou each wrapper the Number with which their subscription expires. Each periodical is stopped when the term of subscription closes. Ii is not necessary to give notice of discontinuance. In ordering toe Magazine, the Weekly, pr the Bazar, the name and the address should be clearly written. When the direction is tp be changed, both the old andthe new one must be given. In leuntling by mail, a Post Office Order <>i Draft payable to the order ot Harper Ar. Brothen s.perferable to Bank Notqp, since, sbonld the Ordei | or Draft be lost or stolen, it can be rbilewed with out loss to the sender. ’ Terms rott Advkktising is Hari’kb s Periop- JCAXh. Harper s Magazine.—WholeYag/e, $250; Hall Page, $125: Quarter Page, s7o—each insertion; or, for a less space, $1 50 per line, each insertion. Harper's Weekly. — Inside Pages, $1 50 per Line Outside Page, $2 00 per Line, each insertion. Harper's Bazar.— sl 00 per Lino, each inset tion. may 13- ly BRITISH PERIODICALS rpHE LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW A (Conservative), - THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig), THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Radical); THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Five Church), And BLACKWOOD’S EDINBURGH MAGA ZINE (Tory). $ These periodicals arc ably sustained by the contributions of the best writers on Science, Religion, and General Literature, and stand un rivalled in the world of letters. They arc indis pensable to the scholar and the professional man, and to every reading man, as they furnish a better record ol the’ current literature of the day than can be obtained from any other source. TERMS FOR 1868. ' For any one of the Reviews .$4.00 per an. For any two of the Reviews 7.00 “ For any three of the Reviews.... .10. CO “ For all four of the Reviews 13.00 “ For Blackwood’s Magazine 4.00 “ For Blackwood and one Review... 7.00- “ For Blackwood and'any two of the Reviews. 10.00 “ For Blackwood and three of the Reviews .13.00 “ For Blackwood and the 4 Reviews. 15.00 “ CLUBS. A discount of twenty per cent, will be allow , ed to clubs of four or more persons. Thus, s four copies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be sent to one address for sl2 80. Four copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood, for S4B 00, and so on. POSTAGE. Subscribers should prepay by the quarter at >’ the office of delivery. The postage to any part of the United States is two cents a number, This rate only applies tacurrcnt subscriptions. For back numbers the postage is double. PREMIUMS TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS. New subscribers to any two of the above C periodicals for 1868 will be entitled to receive, gratis, any one of the four Reviews for 1867. New subscribers to all live of the periodicals for 1868 may receive, gratis, Blackwood or any two of the four Reviews f0r1867. Subscribers may obtain back uumbcrswt toe following reduced rates, viz : The North British from January, 1863, to De cember, 1867, inclusive; Edinburgh and the Westminster from April, 1864, b> December, f 867, inclusive, and the London Quarterly for the years 1865, 1866, and 1867, at the rate ot $1.50 a year for each or any Review; also,' Blackwood’for 1866 and 1867, for $2.50 a year, ot the two years together fors4.oo. tar Neither premiums to subscribers, nor discount to clubs, nor reduced prices tor back nuntl>ers, can lie allowed, unless the money is • remitted direct to the Publishers. No premiums can be given to clubs'. THE LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISHING CO., 140 Fulton street, N. Y. The L. 8. Publishing Co,, also publish the FA RM Hl'S 44D18E, By Hknuy Stephens, of Eelinburgh, and the late J. P. Norton, of Yale College. 2 vojs., foyal octavo, 1600 pages, and numerous En gravings. Price $7 for the two volumes—by mall, post paid, SB. ■ febli—lm The Law Register, fCOMPRISING ALL THE LAWYERS IN " J the United States. THE STATE RECORD, containing the State and county officers, the organization, jurisdic tion, and terms of toe Courts for every State and Territory. THE OFFICfAL DIRECTORY FOR THE UNITED STATES, containing the officers of the Federal Government, the duties of the sev eral departments.^!'^; 1 : j Members of Courte eSa ’-^ V / lANCE * SAYING ■" 1 T’- duhLECTOB’S ASSISTANT, giving the laws for collecting debts, executing deeds, verifying claims, and taking testimony, with forms for evary State, with much other useful information; the whole constituting an official and business manual. Prepared from official returns by* John Liv in6bt«x, of the New York Bar, Secretary of the Merchants’ Union Law Company.. New York: Published by the Merchants Uaian Law Company, No. 128 Broadway, Third Floor (in the American Exchange National Bank Building.) The Book win be sent, prepaid, to *ny address in the United States on receipt of TEN DOL LARS ; or, it will be forwarded by Express, with hill, to be paid on delivery. je3—tf CEOKGIA RAILROAD -Breakfaat, Dinner, and Supper Howie. PERRON?: LEAVING AUGUSTA BY either morning or evening Passenger Trains, or Atlanta by tpnrning Passenger Train, Or by an* of the Freight Trains, can always get a GOOD MEAL at BKRZELIA, twenty mile* from Augusta, on the Georgia Kailroad. R E. NEBHUT, mhSl-tf Proprietor.