The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, August 08, 1868, Image 3

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Nationalßepiiblicnn Official City Paper. LARGEST (ITy7IK(’LLATION. AUGCSTA.GA.: SATUKDAY MORNING Augunt 8, JB6g Miniature Almanac for August, 1868. SATURDAY, AUGUST 8. <un Ri«o a 5,18 I Sun Sets •®’ s * MOON’S PHASES. full Moos—August 3th, 6.41, morning, biut Quarter —August 11th, 7.20, morning. New Moon—August 18th, 3 morning. First Quarter— August 24th, 730, eaening. Range of Thermometer. At The National Kkrublican Ofpick, August 7, 1868. M | 12 »< I ip.w I 6 p.m. | V p.m ■ 73- | 80 I 84♦ I 82' I 80 Recorder’* Court. One case, yesterday—a colored man vio lated the eighteenth section, for which ho paid $6.50. Prolific Cabbage. We were yesterday shown a curiosity—a cabbage-stalk containing fourteen heads, grown in the garden of Dr, SwiNNgr, upper Broad street. It ern be seen at our office. Fatal Affray. We learn that an affray occurred in Dallas, Polk county, on Wednesday, which resulted in the death of a merchant Os that place, named Shepherd Kincanuon, and wounding two other men. The difficulty arose from enmity engendered during the war. The Exprea* Huadiieaa. Twenty-five or six years ago, a man who bad seen between thirty-five and forty sum mers, with a genial face and an impediment in his speech, was found in a sc.veu-by-nine room, in the Exchange Building in Albany, The stock and trade of the apartment con sisted of a dilapidated desk, a three-legged stool and a carpet-bag. The aforesaid indi vidual was Hurry Wells, and the carpet bag was the foundation of the great American Express Company, that now reaches every section of the country. The express business has become one of the great institutions ol the country. < I ke Liquor Tax. The Treasury officials decide that the drawback can not be collected on spirits which have been withdrawn from bond on payment of the 50 cent tax, without the use of stamps provided for in the act. To en title the owner of exported spirits to the drawback, every provision of the law regu lating the payment of the reduced rate of tax must have been complied with. ■ ■ - «♦ > I, O. O.F. The Right Worthy Grand Lodge of the State of Georgia closed its session at Odd Fellows’ Hall, in Macon, on Thursday after noon. The following Grand Officers were elected for the ensuing year : P. G. James Lacklison, of No. 3, Most Worthy Grand Master. P. G. James L. Gow, of No. 10, Right Worthy Deputy Grand Master. P. G. M. R. Rogers, of No. 2, Right Worthy Grand Warden. P. G. William M, Riley, of No. 5, Right Worthy Grand Secretary. P. G, T. A. Burke, of No. 2, Right Worthy Grand Treasurer. P. G. M. Walton B. Harris, of No. 0, and P. G. M. C. C. Millar, of No. 9, Right Worthy Grand Representatives of the Grand Lodge to the United States. The Grand Master, after his in stall attest, made the following appointments : P. G. F. A. Lantznester, of No. 44, Worthy Grand Marshal. P. G. J. M. Bloodworth, of No. 20, Wor thy Grand Conductor. . P. G. Robert Cunningham, of No. 5, j Worthy Grand Chaplain. P. G. B. Lowenthal, of No. 5, Worthy | Grand Guardian. He also appointed the following District Deputy Grand Masters: P. G. J. M. Bloodworth, Griffin. ' P. G. John Hill, Dalton. ! P. G. R. F. Bennett, Atlanta. P. G. J. C.F. Clark, Albany and Dawson. P. G. John Q. A. Norris, Athens. ( TlieHopkina Tragedy. Our readers remember the killing, re- ' cetilly, of Wm. R. Hopkins, of Savannah, ( by Isaac Russell. ,We find the following in the Republican of Thursday: I DECISIONS OF THE COURT. , The following is a copy of the decision of 1 the Court; ! Slate of Georgia vs. Isaac Russell, Charged with the Offence of Murder—We, » the undersigned, Justices, after having heard and carefully examined the • evidence in the ; above stated case, have come to the conclu- ] sion the accused is guilty of i>o offence 1 against the State, the death of William R. Hopkins at the hands of Isaac Russell t having been caused while the said Isaac ’ Russell was under a violent assault, and 1 under the apprehension that unless the life of his assailant was taken his own would fall a sacrifice to his violence. While the law places 1 every safeguard that is in its power around the lives of its citizens, and requires that if « a life is taken the party or parties taking ’ the same shall answer at the tribunal of justice for the offence committed against its 1 decrees, yet it at the same time gives to 1 each and every citizen the justification of taking life in defence of their property, t their families or their own person ; provided 1 such taking of life was absolutely necessary to save said person, property or family. a rhe evidence most clearly defined in this 1 ease has shown, that after a peaceful re- < mark by the accused to the deceased, “that ’ he did not wish to have anything to do with him,” he, the deceased, then made a violent I assault upon the accused, beating him over ■ the head with a pistol, an instrument of auf- e neient weight, and on accountof its peculiar construction, not only likely, but would most I certainly, if continued,have caused the death ] of the accused. And while we most sin- 1 cerely deplore the sad misfortune, iu "the death ot this yvung man, yet, at the same ‘ tune, the laws of God and mau do.not expect e or require any person to allow themselves to f be beaten to any definite extent, before they 1 shall defend themselves from the assault; I p if, i n that defense, to save their owu ’ ■'es, they take the life of the assailant, the ’ H w prooounees such life-taking justifiable i onncide. Therefore, we decide that the ] ebooting of William R. Hopkius, by the ac- Isaac Russell, is justifiable homicide, 1 ~.. er t * le prisoner discharged. ISigned) Isaac M. Marsh, J. P. Thomas Smith, J. P. M. Spain Vbrdery, J. P. i Michael Morris, J. P. 1 COMMERCIAL . AUGUSTA MAMCTS. ’ " tferftk Wkncwst Rgrvii.ican, 1 Friday, August 7—P.M. j Wo can not, consistently, say that business has been lively during Che past week. But we refer, vQt h to thq carefully corrected figures nt otfr ‘l'rioes Wrfrrefrt, isVla-Aed from the ® Board of Trade. The COTTON market continues dull. Prices show a weakening tendency. Middlings are quoted nominally at 27Je. 2 it will b» sees |hat GULJJ ia bought al It.*4. and seld a| 147. THE CROPS.' Crop accounts this week a-e less favorable than last; very heavy rains are reported by tele graph, and by mail we hear of the appearance of rust in some sections, and some complaints ot “shedding.” The freedmen do not seem to bo working so well as early in the season, and the approach of the political campaign seems ex citing that spirit of insubordination predicted by some people mouths ago. The eomiug month is the most critical in the growth of the crop, and may cause an entire change in the estimates . now made. The favorite guess continues to be 2,300.000 to 2,5000,000 bales. The course of * prices next month will bo measured most accu rately by crop prospects, .for the, Liverpool panic (if it now, as it seems, be over) will have weeded out many weak Operators, and "put prices down to a level, where a very large consumption is likely to occur, If the crop continues to do well > the tendency of prices hero will bo to approach . u point where export is possible even before be any amount of the staple to ship. If, on the contrary, the crop accounts are unfavor able, we may look tor considerable speculation, which would bo aided by the rise in gold, which I would follow any proof of a diminished crop. ( Present prices are about tbreo half pence above the parity of Liverpool. i The Commissioner of Agriculture makes tiro 1 following report of the condition of the Cotton crop in July; Average decrease in acreage, 10 per cent.; the falling off iu Mississippi appears to be 18 per cent.; in Louisiana, 24 percent-; in Georgia, 12 percent ; in South Carolina, 18 percent.; in North Carolina, 32 percent.; in Tennessee, 20 per cent., and in Arkansas 18 per cent.; while Alabama is the same as last year, and Texas shows an increase of 33 per cent. What will be Tire Prics or Wheat in Eng land ?—As wo uro to have a largo amount of wheat to export this year, the price at which England will take our surplus will govern prices in this country, and any thing which throws light on this question is of great importance to the whole farming and commercial community. On this Bubjecf, tlnf htndoii L’cvnorhlst says : Everything confirms the view which wo took some wepks since as to the price of wheat. There will bo. a gradual fall to a moderate price, but there will not boa sudden fall to an extreme price. The prospect is in one respect materially better for the consumer than might have been expected. The harvest is a fortnight earlier than usual, and. this ybar, when stocks are so short, the earliness of the harvest is much more' important than usual. The shortuesa of stocks is the main cause which will maintain price, and an early harvest enables us to do with less stocks. Every week that the harvest is quickened has been estimated to bo equal to five hundred and eighty thousand quarter!saved in the stock. In all years this is important, but this year, when the existing supply is So deficient, the quickness of the reinforcement is invaluable. A much low er range of wheat prices than wb have bad for two years is overwhelmingly probable lor next year. And if there were an existing stock of tho ordinary magnitude a rapid fall would be certain', but if there had been the usual stock in the country no such price as there was iu tho spring of the year would have been possible. It was tho short ness of tho stock that cause the high price, and tho same cause will prevent an instant fall to an exceedingly low price. We are not hold enough to makeprophecies in figures; even when made upon full data, such anticipations must be uncertain, aud iu the corn trade the data ore never full. But we have heard a rauge from 55 t o 05s for good English wheat estimated by several independent good judges, and, without venturing to foretell, we give it as an opinion worth cun sideration. TELEGRAPH MARKETS. Fill upeial. LONDON, August 7, Noon.- -Consols Ufa 94}. Bonds 70}. Frankfort, August i. —Bond- z&4- i’ARIS, August 7.—Bullion increased nineteen • million francs. T NEW YORK, An 7, Vonn!—fluid I.4SJ. Sterling 10. Old bonds 11}. Virginia ox cou pons, 53. Tennessee ex coupons, 61; now, 62J; North Catolina’i bld nhd new, 71. LONDON, August 7, Rienimj.- -Consols 94L Bonds 71L FRANKFORT, August 7, Ev&iing.— Bonds buoyant at 75. NEW ORLEANS, August 7.—Sterling 60a64. Gold 1.48 J. BALTIMORE, August 7.—Virginia sixes, old, inscribed, 46 bid—46l asked : old coupons, 53 bid; new, 53. North Carolina ex-ceupona 71 bid—73 asked. NEW YORK, August 7, Goeuing.— Govern meat's ffem, closed at lai bigheo. Sterling un settled and lower, field 1.174. Produce and GUier Market*. ( < LIVERPOOL, August .7, Noon.— -Cotton Cotton opened steady. Quotations unchanged. Salos 8,660 bales; for tho week, 68,660; export, 11,000; speculation, 8,000; stock on baud 581,000, of whic:i 269,000 are American. LIVERPOOL, August 7, A/7ernoo».-—Stock of Cotton afloat, bound for this pert, 760,000 bales, whereof 8,609 are American. 'Market dull and unchanged. NEW YORK, July August 7, JVoom—Cotton drooping, at 29c. Flour dull, aud without decided change iu price. Wheat dull, anil nominally unchanged. Corn less active, and scarcely so firm. Mess Pork dull at $28.90. Lard drooping. Turpentine firm at 47a47J. Rosin unchanged—common 2.95. Freights dull. LIVERPOOL, August 7< fvcni»;f.— Cotton steady, but unchanged. Sales 10,000 bales. SJk LOUIS, August 7.—Superfine Flour $6.40a 1 7.00. Corn, white, 96a92c. Mess Pork S3O. Bacon very‘firm— clear sides 171a17J ; shoulders , 13J. Lard ISjarj. Whiskey firm at $1.30. NEW ORLEANS, August 7.—Superfine Flour 8.52. Corn 92c.a51.05. Oats, now, 60. Hay J unchanged. Pork linn at $30.50. Bacon ghoul, ders ISJ; clear sides I7f. Lard ItoaSyat 18J. J BALTIMORE, August 7. —Cotton quiot. Flour active, Jajc higher. Wheat .weak, low grades lower. Corn steady. Provisions firm. SAVANNAH, August 7.—Cotton dull and entirely nominal. No sales ; receipts 3 ; for the week 38 ; .experts, coastwise, 736 ; 5t0ck2.1.39. NEW ORLEANS, August 7.—Cotton dull ; . no sales. Middlings 27}; receipts 41 bales; ' no exports. WILMINGTON, August 7.—Spirits Turpen tine firm at .42. Rosin firm—No. 2, 2.25; No. . 1, 3.56. Tar advanced to 2.70. MOBILE, August 7.—Cotton—market dal I, * and prices nominal. No sales. Receipts 1 bale. Exports 105 bales. Sales of the week none. Re ceipts 27 bales. Exports—foreign none ; eooet- < wise 530 bales. Stock 491 bales. LOUISVILLE, August 7.—'Fupcrlino Flour $6 25.i6.50. Corn 93a95. Mess Pork $29.00a 29.25. Lard 18Jal8J. Shoulders 13} ; clear 1 sides 17}. Raw Whiskey, free, 1.15. CINCINNATI, August 7. —Flour firm. Corn firmer at 'J3a96. Whiidtcy, in bond, 55a60. Mess '-I Pork $29.09. Lard 19c. Shoulders 13}; clear . sides 17. NEW YORK, August 7, Evening.— Cotfbn dull and declining ; sides 850 bales, at 29a29}c. * Flour—State and Western less active and » shade easier; Superfine and State $7.70e8.40; Southern dull and drooping; Common to Fair $ Wheat dull, and 2a3c lower—Am ber Western $2.40a2.15. Corn easier—Mixed Western $1.10*1.17}. Oats heavy, Mees Pork $28.85a28.89; old, $28.25a28.50. Lard quiet and easier—Kcttled 10*19j. Whiskey firmer bond 65. Turpentine I6}a47}. Rosin 2.90a7.00. Freights steady —corn by arem Suicide- Mr Jamea Robi«son, ,a citizen of York District, S. C., committed suicide by hang ing himself to a tree on Tuesday, the 28th ultimo. Cause, temporary insanity. Augusta Prices Current Auousta, Ga., August 7, 1868. FINANCIAL. GMOKGIA BANKS. ’ AligtuUlnsurance and Banking Co..♦ 1 a— -1 Bank of Augusta 70 a— -3 Rank of Athens 56 a— Bank of Columbus... 10 a- Bank of Commerce 6 a— -1 Bank of Fu1t0n..,.., »~ . Bank of the Empire State “~ Bank of Middle Georgia Q Bank of Savannah. • ~. * a— , Bank of the State of Georgia.. 20 a- Central Railroad and Banking C 0.... 98 a— City Bank of Augusta.. 40 a— Farmers’ and Mechaniw’ Bank 9 a— Georgia Railroad and Banking C 0... 98 a— I Miri&Ban* 98 K- . Mechanics’Bank I a— , Merchants’ and Planters’ Bank 6 a— f Timber Cutters’Bank. 3 a— , Union 8ank..... ? ....: Ba , Planters’Bank 7 a— SOUTH CAROLINA BANKS. I Bank of Camden : 24 a— -1 Bank of Charleston 25 a— , Bank of Chester 8 a— -1 Bank of Georgetown 6 a— > Bank of Hamburg 12 » f 1 Bank of Newberry 30 a— Bank of South Carolina 9 a— - Bank of. tAe State of S. C., old issne.. 14 a.— I Bank of the State of 8. C., new issue. 3 a— ‘ Commercial Bank, Columbia 1 a— , Exchange Bank, Columbia 8 a— Merchants’Cheraw 8 a— Peoples’ Bank 48 a 9 1 Planters Bank 4 a— ’ Planters’ and Mechanics’ Bank 18 a— ’ Southwestern Railroad, old.. 26 a— State Bank 2 » Union Rank ■• • • 80 a— < OLD BONDS, XTG. Georgia Railroad Bonds. 102J4 a “ “ “ Stock 95 a— Central Railroad Bonds 105 a— “ “ Stock 130 a— Southwestern Railroad Bonds 100 a— “ - “ Stock 110 a— Atlanta and West Point Bonds .... 100 a— “ 2“ Stock .... 100 a— Macon ifc Augusta endorsed Bonds 90 a95 Macon <k Augusta mortgag’d Bonds 80 a" Macon <ft Augusta Stock 35 a— Muscogee Railroad Bonds. 75 a 80 “ “ Stock. ;. 75 a— CWMMEttCIAk Apples— Green per bbl.. 700 * 800 Dry bbl . 8«) a9 00 Peackes— Peeled lb.. IS a 14 Unpeeled, no sales lb.. a 16 Bacon — Clear Sides , lb * 19,q Long Clear a lay. Dry Salt Shoulders lb.. 14 a 14), Clear Ribbed Sides lb a 18 Ribbedß. B.Sides lb.. 17 a 17 Shoulders lb.. 15 a 16 Hams lb 22 * Dry Salt C. R lb.. 16«a 17 Beef- — Dried..., «...;/.lb.. $0 a Bagd/tni} and Rope— B.mioisu —Guuuy yd. a 27 Dundee yd.. a Burlaps yd.. 14 a Hora:—Machine, Hemp lb.. 11J4* 12 Half Coils... lb.. 12 a 12)4 Hand Spun 9 a 10 Green Leaf lb 12 a 12% Manilla 25 a Flax lb . 8 a 10 Cotton lb.. 30 a Bags- Osnaburg, two bushels 24 a Shirting, “ “ 19 a Burlaps 20 a fluller— Goshen.. ...1b.. 30 * 35 Country lb.. 20 a 25 Bees War— Yellow lb.. 25 a 30 Candles— Sperm lb .. 45 a 50 Patent Sperm...... 60 a 70 Adamantine lb . 21 a 25 Tafiow... ■ lb.. 22 a 25 Candies— American... ... ... lb . 26 a 28 French 75 a 1 32 Cheese — Goshen 18 a 19 Factory lb.. 19 a 20 Slate lb.. 16)4a 18 Cement — Hydraulic bbl.. 500 a 550 Coffee— Rio,common . 21 a 22 Fair lb.. 24 a 25 Prim. lb. 25 » 26 Choice .... lb . 26 a 27 Laguayra lb . 28 a 36 -Java lb.. 40 a 42 Malibar lb. 50 tv African., lb.. 50 a Cotton Cards — Nd. 10 per doz 800 a9 00 Domestic Cotton Goods— A agusla Factory, 3-4 yd.. a 12 “ •“ 7-8 yd.. a 14 . « “ 4-4 yd.. a 17 7-8 Drill yd. a 17 Hopewell, 7-8 ... yd.. 13)4* 7 oa. OSualmrgs yd.. a 18 Montour, 7-8 yd. a 18 8u». Qsmtburgs yd.. 19 a ’ OsnaburgStripes yd.. 18 a Hickory Siripes yd.. 12)4* 18 Fontenoy.Shirtings yd.. 17 a Graniteville Factory, 3-4 . .yd . a 12 “ “ 7-8 yd . a 14 “ “ 4-4 yd.. a 17 “ 7-8 Ihill yd . a 17 AUtenaChecka ...yd . 21 a 22 Athens Wool Jeans yd.. 40 a 59 Athens Stripes yd.. 18 a Apalachee Stripes yd.. 18 a 19 Itoek Factory, 7-8.., ,yd.. 13) a a “ “ 4-4 yd.. ML* Richmond Factory Ostiaburgs,yd.. a 16% “ “ Stripes.. . .yd.. a 17)4* Yarns — Nos. 6to 12 1 «o a2 00 Nos. 6 to 12, Fonlenoy a x 00 ‘ Sheetings and Shirtings— New York Mills yd.. 30 a 31 Lonsdale yd 22%a Hope yd.. 20 a Ticklngi— 1 Amoskeag, AC A yd.. 4o a “ A yd.. 37%a B yd.. ' “ C yd »0 a 1) yd.. 25 a Conestoga,4-4 yd.. 40 a ■■ 7-8 yd.. 35 a Prints — Standard ~ yd.. 14 a Merrimac ...yd . 14 a Mourning... yd.- 14 a Wamsuta yd.. 10)4* Arnold’s yd . 12%a 13 Freeman’s yd.. 13 a Oriental... yd.. 14 a Auu»ake«g yd.. 13)4* Hamilton -.ya. ■ 14 a American .. yd.. 14 a Dunnell’s yd . 14 a Home yd.. B%a loncaster yd.. 14 a] . Cdanbriiv — yd.. 15 a Common.. ..yd.. 12)4* Spool Cotton — Coats dez.. 1 15 a Clarke’s doz.. 1 15 a Etanncls — AH W 00l yd 30 a 75 Flour— Covwrar—Super . ... .S.. e. . bld .12 «0- *l2 50 Extra bbl.. 13 60. *l4 00 NortheruXX bbl.. 15 Do ala 50 j Excru-sioa Muxs—Super bbl.. all 00 Extra bbl.. *l2 00 XX... ......MU.. *l4 00 Gaastra Mills—Canal bbl.. a Superfine ’ bbl.. all 00 Extra bbl . al2 50 XX ~..W>1.. 00 Am ifWa Fwia Mills ifornvnlg Carmichael)— Canal bbl.. a Superfine ...bbl.. all do Extra bbl. al2 50 Family bbl.. al 3 50 XX. bbl.. *l4 00 Slock Peed— Yellow Meal Feed bus. a 1 20 Gun Powder — Rille keg.. 850 * Wasting keg. «10 a Fuse lOOfeet.. 100 a Grain— W OKM—White bus.. 210 a2 25 Red .. .. bus . 180 a2 10 Coas—White baa . 135 a 1 40 Mixed hue.. 130 a1 35 . Oats— has.. 90 a 1 00 Rye— Seed bus.. 1 60 a 1 75 i/’ros Seed bhs.. 109 * 1 10 Corn Meal— CityßolUd bus.. *l4O Country.... Mu.. 120 a1 25 Guano— Oakley Milla’ Raw 80ne....t0n.. 75 00 * Whltefock’s Cerealizer .: F. ton 75 00 a Woolston’s A Bene Phorphate of Lime ton .75 00 a— Wando Co.'a Amin. Fhos ...ton.. 75 00 a Hoyt’a Superphosphate.... ton... 70 00 * Reed** Phosphate. . .ton. 40 00 a Sea Fowl ton.. 80 00 a Andrews k C0.’*........ ton. 40 00 a Peruvian No. I ton.. lOn 00 a Wileox, Gibbs i. Co’s Piuenix ton .56 00 a - Excelsior . .ton 85 00 a- - Soper I’hoaphati?.... tea «7O 00 a Sot P*ci#c to* 75 00 a Baugh’s Raw Bone.. ton 70 00 a— land Piaster ton.. 20 00 a— Zell's R.B. Phosphate.. ton.. 72 00 a /—r~ “ Phos. Lime.. . ...ton . 25 60 a— Whann’a R. B. 8. Ph«* ton . 75 M a PatapsaoGuane to* .06 00 • Ammonia Miosphate, manufactured in Auguasati*., ton.. 40t0 a • Corn Shelters— ’ , 12 00 *lO 00 Grind Slones— - 3 Hay— Northern cwt. a 1 75 Eastern cwt J 75 a 2 00 Counfry.. ...L cw|.. a 1 W> Hidi's— Prime Green lb 6 a 7 • Sreun Salted lb -8 a 17 Dry Salted lb. 13 a 19 Dry Flint lb . IS a 60 . Pr on— Bar, refined lb.. 5%a 6 Sweedish lb.. 6Va 8 Sheet ......' lb. 7J»a Boiler lb.. B%a 8), Xaflßod .........i...........1b.. 0 ■ 10 Herse Shoes lb.. 10 a 11 Horse Shoe Nails lb.. 18 a 40 Caatinga lb. 7*B Steel, cast lb.. 24 a 25 Sleek Slabs lb. 11 a 12 Iron Ties lb.. 10),a ■ Lard— Pressed ’. lb . 13 a 15 Loaf, In bbls lb.. 20 . a 21 Leaf, in half barrels lb . 22 a 23 Leaf, in kega lb,. 22 a 21 Leather— Northern Oak Sole lb.. 45 a 52 Country Oak sole lb . 35 a 45 Hemlock Sole lb.. 30 a 35 Hainess lb 40 a 60 Shirting lb.. 58 • M 0 KinSklu des . 45 00 a9O 00 Calf Skins doz . 36 00 *75 00 Upper doz . 36 00 *4B 50 Bridles , doz . 52 00 *75 00 Rrldles, fair doz.. 52 00 *75 00 Hog Seating dos .. 60 00 *IOO 00 . 'Lime— Rockland lb . 275 a3 00 Howard, Southern lb.. 275 a3 00 Li<iuors ' Kingston cask.. 4 50 a5 00 1 Bhaxdv—Cognac g*u. 800 als 90 Domestic gall.. 3SO a5 00 CoßßiaiJ) gall. 12 00 Alcohoi g*H.. 450 a5 00 Gix—Holland ~. .ga)l.. 500 a6 50 American gall.. 290 *3 50 Rlm—Jamaica gall.. 800 alO 00 New England gall.. 300 *4 00 Wise—Madeira gall . 250 a4 50 Port gaU.. 250 a4 50 Sherry gall.. 260 a4 50 Claret gall.. 500 *l2 00 Champaigns, fine basket.. 28 00 *4O 00 Cbampaignc, inferior.. basket.'. 18 00 a25 00 WuiSKßr—Bourbon g»tL 2°o *5 00 Rectified gall.. 150 a2 00 Rye gall.. 309 *6 00 Irish gall - 700 a2 00 Scotch gall.. 700 *0 56 Molasses— Muscovddo g»IL. 58 a Reboiled , gall.. 50 a 52 Fine Quality, new cr0p...... gall . 59 a 58 Cub* Clayed. gall 55 a Syrup gall.. 70 a 1 25 Syrup, Stuart’s choice gall .. 150 a 1 flfl Syrup, lower grades gall.. 50 a 60 Mackerel— new No. 1 bbl . 23 00 *24 00 No. 2 bbl 19 50 a2O 00 No. 3 .large bfil.. 16 50 al7 00 No. 3 bbl . aISOV No. 1 half bbl. 12 00 a No. 2 half bbl . 10 60 all 00 No. 3 half bbl.. BHO a8 75 No. 1 ... kit.. 325 a No. 2 kit.. 250 a2 75 No. 3 kit.. 2 25 a2 50 Mess kit.. *5 90 Maccaron i American aud Italian lb .. a 25 Mails— keg 6 00 a Onions— bbl.. 8 00 a 9OT Plantation Tools— Anvils v . lb.. 15 a 20 Axes doz . 15 00 aIB 00 Picks . doz.. 12 Oo *lB 00 Trace Chains doz . 900 *ls 00 Hoes doz.. 5 00 al4 00 Smovxls —Long handle doz,. 12 00 *l6 00 Short handle.,... doz . 14 «0 alb 00 “ cast steel .. 16 50 a Spades doz.. 15 00 al7 00 Selves — Mat doz.. 300 a4 00 Vices— Blacksmith's Kottar Key lb 18 a ?O Blacksmith's Solid Box lb.. 30 a Potatoes-’ Irish bbl.. 450 a Sweet bus . 55 a 70 Pick1e5.....................bb1.. .....................bbl.. 70 a 1 09 Rit’c— India lb.. 9 a Carolina lb.. 12) g a 13 Buehvheat— New Buckwheat Flour .. .bbl.. 13 DO a “ half bbl . 700 a “ “ qrt'r bbl 400 a Starch— Pearl lb 12)i* 13 Salt— Uverpool sack . 240 a2 56 Shot-- .......................... bag.. 335 a Teas— Hyson lb. 125 a 2 (X) Imperial lb.. 160 * 2 25 Oolong Ib.. 1 50 a 2 00 Gunpowder Ib.. 175 a2 25 • Flack R>.. 100 a 1 75 Tobacco— Mouldlyand Damaged lb.. 20 a 40 rOommonSound, old, tax free, .lb . 40 a 45 Medium Sound “ ..Ib.. 50 a 60 Fine Bright “ lb «5 a 80 Exta Fine to fancy “ .. lb.. 90 a 1 00 Extra Fine Bright, new, tax paid . 90 a 1 25 Coro. Dark Pond, sound “ 50 a 60 Com. Bright “ “ 60 a 65 Medinin Dark “ 55 a OT Medium Bright “ 60 a 70 Fine Bright Pounds " SO a 90 Extra Fine and Fancy “ 99 a 1 00 Fancy Styles “ .. 100 a1 30 Half Pounds Dark “ 50 a 55 “ Bright ■’ 55 a 00 Soaps— Colegate’s No, 1 lb.. 10 a Pale Ib. 13 a Family lb.. 12)4* Ga. Chemical Works lb.. 6)4* Sugars— Muscovado Ib.. 14 a 15 Porto Rico.. lb. 15 a 15), Clarified A Ib.. 17%a 18 B.: Ib . a 17% ExtraC Ib.. l«%a 17 . C Ib.. 16 a Mi% » Yellow.., Ib.. 15),* lf> Loaf,double refined lb.. 20 a Crushed lb.. 18%'a 19 Granulated Ib.. )B%a 19 Powdered lb.. 18%* 19 Smoking Tobacco— Marcill* gross.. 820 a Right Bower gross.. 15 00 a Killickanick lb.. 100 a Danville lb.. 50 g Guerrilla Club quarter Ib.. 8! a Bird’s Eye gross.. 10 (10 a Harmonizer lb.. 75 a Durham, taxes paid 53 a Hannonfzer “ a 75 Bird’s Rye “ gross.. alO OT Guerrilla Club” ... quarter lb.. 50 a Navy “ Ib.. 65 a Maryland Club “ lb . a 1 OT Lalla Rook lb . 35 a Pioneer lb.. l>s a Vinegar— Cider gall 40 a 50 White Wine gall . 50 a ft) French gall . 100 a Wool- Unwashed lb . 15 a Washed lb. 20 a Wooden Ware- Bucket*, two hoops doe.. A 3 25 Buckets, three hoops doz . 400 a4 50 Tubs, three in neat 500 a 7 00 Washboards, zinz 350 adOT Churns .' doz.. 24 00 a4B OO DRUGS, DYES, Etc Drugs, Dyes, Oils, Paints, Spices, etc.— Acid—Muriatic Ib 9 a 10 “ Nitric tl> 18 a » “ Sulphuric lb.. 6 a H) Alum lb.. 6 a 8 BluTMbm Ib 90 *l5O Blue Stone Ib.. 12 a 18 Borax—refined H> ■. 40 a 45 Brimstone lb 7 a 9 Cassia (Cinnamon) lb 110 a1 25 Calomel.. Ib ■ 196 a1 50 Caffipbor lb.. 135 al 50 Chlmide Lime. lb.. Sa 12 Chrome Green lb 25 a 40 Chrome Yellow. lb.. 28 a 50 Cloves Ib. ■ OT a 70 Copper** lb . Sa 15 Cream Tartar - lb 50 * 65 Epsom’s Salts 6 a 7% HaxSeed ib.. 10 a 12 Ginger Root lb.. 28 a 30 Glass—Bxlo box s«f .. 406 a5 60 “ 10x12 “ .. 450 *5 bO “ 12x14 “ . 500 a7 00 “ 12x18 “ ... 600 a8 00 Glauber's Salt lb. 4 a 6 Glue lb-. 30 a 60 Gum Arabic-Select lb IWo *125 v* “ Sorts lb.. OT a Honey-Strained gall.. ISO a2 00 Indigo—Span. Ftot lb.. 140 *2OO Cum Ib.. Lamnßlack—Ordinary 10 a 12 “ “ Refined ib.. 35 a 40 Liquorice Taste--Caleb lb.. 45 a 5-5 Litharge lb.. 18 a 20 I-ofwood— Chipped Ib.. 5 a 6 Extract ib . 15 a 16 Mace lb. 165 a1 TO Madder lb.. 20 * 25 Mercury . Jb.. 1 00 a 1 25 Morphine--Sulph cz.< 800 * 850 , Nutmegs - Ib 165 a1 75 Oil -Castor(Easttndia) gall.. 325 a3 50 “ " (American gaU.. 300 a , “ Coal (Ker) burning beat gull . 65 a 75 “ “ " “ com.gall.. , 50 a ' “ “ Lubricating g*U.. TO *175 * lord gaU i« *2 10 •’ Lamp fail.. 260 a3 09 " Linseed gall.. 1 OT “ Sperm, pure gall . 300a 3 75 . “ Tanners gall. • » « 06 “ Train g*R. .100 • _ I Opium Ib.. NW *l4 00 ; i’Mash--bulk U>.. 15 a 18 “ toCans. lb.. 23 a 25 1 Prussian Blue ft, 75 < 1 80 Pu«r i a 9 Quinine—Sulphate ox.. 250 a3 OU Red Lead... ..., lb, 18 a 20 Itoots-Ginslng ft,.. ,195 “ Pink .'.lb.. 40 a 80 Queen’s Delight lb . ft) B 20 “ Senega . lb . DO a 75 “ Snake,Virginia lb.. 90 *1 00 Soda--Sal lb 5 a g Sofin'--Bi-Cerb. lb . 9 a 10 Spanish Drub 11........ lb 0 a « Spirits TnrponUae gall 65 a 85 Sulphur Flowers ...... lb.. 8 a a Lmber-.oaw '. lb 10 , 4 “ Barut lb. 15 a 18 Varnfeh-Coaoh .....gall,. 400 a6 00 ~ “ Furniture ... gall . 300 a 4 if) '* Damar..,. gall.. 4 00 a5 00 gall 2 50 a 300 v enetiau Red lb 8 a 9 Vermillion -Chinese lb 175'a 225 ‘‘ ; Amerman ... ~lb.. 5(1 a So Verdigris ft, jj a 1 Uo White Lead gr. in Oil—Amer. Jb 14 a 18 “ ®"KI .lb 16 a 20 7-lue—White, in Oil--French.. .ib.. 18 a 20 0 “ “ Amer Ib 12 a 18 |BY JfiLEGBAPH.n) Georgia Legislature. Special to the Augnnta Republican.] Atlanta, August 7, 1868. In the Senate, Chandler moved to recon sider the action of the Senate, yesterday, on the minority report of the Committee on Privileges and Kleotions. He spoke an hour and a rpiarter. He was followed by Brock and Smith, of the Seventh District, who were opposed to a reconsideration. The previous question was called by Higbee, and sustained. The motion to reconsider was lost by a vote of 17 to 20. liie lobby was crowded during the discus sion. The report made by the special committee on the case of Bradley says that proo/ is positive that one Aaron Bradley was con victed, io Brooklyn, New York, of the crime of seduction, and sentenced to Sing Sing for two years. It says, further, that the Senator from the First District’ is the lame person. A resolution follows that he is not eligible under the Constitution. Higbee will offer a minority report. The case will come up to morrow. The House passed a bill prohibiting the sale of liquor on election days, A memorial from citizens of Talbot county protesting against Costin holding his seat ns Representative. . - —* — Washington Items- Washington, August 7.—The debt state ment shows an increase since the Ist of June of $13,288,000; debt bearing coin interest, $2,088,2611,000; debt bearing currency in terest, $84,500,000 : matured but uof pre sented, $18,00,000, including $256,000 in Texas indemnify bonds; coin in Treasury, $83,500,000; currency in Treasury, $26,- 500,000. ’ ' ’ The Alaska purchase money does not enter this statement. Stevens is improving. Revenue to day, $484,000. Private advices, from Alabama indicate that the bill authorizing the Legislature to elect electors will pass. Browning, McCulloch, Schofield, Evarts, and Mr. Hunter, as Seward’s proxy, in the Cabinet to day, had a prolonged session. The Revenue fjommissionership and troops for Louisiana were considered. Results not yet transpired. It is staled, that tire Secretary of War, by order of the President, will issue a circular order covering Um entire ground of State Governors requiringflorermnwil troops; and this will dispose of all such requests as that of Gov. Warniouth. Cuirent expenses of the Government for July, including $31,500,000 for interest, amounted to $17,500,000. • -«■- Louisiana Legislature. Nsw Orlsans, August 7.—ln the House, yesterday, a protest from the two Demo cratic members ousted, was offered with a motion to spread on the minutes. The protest was returned to those- offering by a vote of 45 to 14. . Warmouth's letter to the Prdbideut Ims com pletely altered the good feeling toward him on the part of Conservatives, which bis speech to the-erowd on Canal street created. • In the Senate to day, Senator Jewell offered a resolution that a committee of three be appointed to wait on Gov. Warmouth, to ascertain from him the time and place of the hundred' anti fifty murders which he says has been committed in the last six Weeks-; also, to obtain the letter of District At torney Hudspeth, a! Tinted toj which charges indiscriminate murder on men, women, and children, in the eighth judicial districts. Jewell followed his resolution with an intensely bitter speech upon the action of the Governor, in the course of which he stated that 5,500 stand of arms were known to be in the building opposite the State House occupied ns the headquarters of the- Republican party. __ Jewell also stated that as no law in Louis iana provided tor Governor's staff, with mili tary rank, .Lieut. Colonel Deane, bearer of the letter, must Ip: Lieutenant Colonel upon his staff, as commander in chief of the Grand Army of the Republic, there being as yet no militia organization. Warmontb, iu bis enumeration of-secret military, but ostensi bly political, organizations, neglected to mention the Loyal League and Grand Army of the Republic, the latter of which he is head in this State. • Os the same organization the Republican newspaper, in its issue of July, the 2d ult., . said it numbered ten thousand trained sol-, diers in this city and vicinity, and that on that date, but half an hoars’ warning was needed to put three thousand of those men on Dryades street, on which the State House is located, ready for service Jewell’s resolution was referred to the 1 Joint Committee on the Condition of Civil Affairs, where it will probably die. 1 I t Cablegrams. < Vienna, August 7.—Baron Von Beust ' made a speech al Schutzerfest, declaring Austria would not interfere in German j affairs, n»d disavowing the policy of ven geance. A Weak Platform. < Naw Orleans, August 6.—An immense crowd gathered at Lafayette Square to-night, 1 to hear Willis Boiling, the colored Democrat,* who has lately become famous. One of tlie | •speakers had addressed the crowd, and s Rollins had just mounted the stand for the ® same purpose, when the platform gave way, | falling sidelong into the crowd. Four police men and two other persons were injured, the latter seriously. None killed. J - ■—* Accident. i New York, August 7. Aw engine and J five freight ears on the New Haven Railroad 1 went through the bridge at Norwalk, in consequence of the wfotchman neglecting the signals. Six injured. - ——err.— r - I' Yellow Fever. * Boston, August “.—The brig Laura, t Cienfugos, is at anchor in quarantine with *' tbe yellow fever on board. The Captain, “ his wife, and two seamen, died on the passage, and the mate is still nick. . Alabama Legislature. Montgomery, August 7.—The House to day, by ti vote of 73 to 13, passed the Senate bill removing disabilities from all persons not allowed bo vote by tbe State Constitution. s. In the. Senate a bill was passedjby 14 to 13 which neutralizes this, by taking away from the people tbe right to vote for Presi dential Electors and giving it to the Legis lature. it was sent to the House immediate ly, where it was made the special order for to morrow at 10 o’clock. The bill will un doubtedly pass. Dispatches, advising this oourso, was re ceived to day from the recently elected Senators. This secures the vote of Alabama for Grant. Florida Legislature. Tallahassee, August 7.—The Legislature passed, yesterday, over the Governor’s veto, tbe bill to pay members one year's pay for services from June to December. Adjourned at 12 o’clock at night till No vember 3d, when they will choose Presi dential Electors. Marine News- WILMINGTON, August 7.—The Mary San ford stuck on the Now Inlet Bar, at p. m., n yesterday. I* SAVANNAH, August 7. —Sailed: Schooner r Greenough, Cienfuegos; reh’r Abel 8., Provi dence, R. I. .. CHARLESTON, August 7.—Sailed : Si'mr Falcon, Baltimore. 0 —21..". -UL ■ SSiB!! 1 Advertisements forwarded to all Newspapers No advance, charged on Publishers* prices. All lending newspapers kept on file. Information as tocostof Advertising furnished , All orders receive careful attention. ? Inquiries by mail answered promptly. Complete printed lists of Newspapers for sale. Special lists prepared for customers. ! Advertisements written and Notices secured. ’ Orders from Business ft]en especially solicited. 40 P™feJof jyi-tf ESTABLISHED 1856? 0 THOMAS RUSSELL, 198a Broad St,, HEXT DOOR BEI THE FRENCH STORK. WATCIIEi CLQQKS, oms JEWELRY RJg PAIRED at the shortest notice. All work war rented. ’ A g All orders will be thankfully received, and promptly attended to. je2B —lawly TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE J United States for the Southern District of Georgia. < In the matter of ; CRANE <C- C 0 ~ JLN BANKRUPTCY Bankrupts, J To aU whom it may concern: The undereigu ed hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of Crane & Co., of Columbus, county of Muscogee, State of Georgia, within said Dis trict, who have been adjudged bankrupts upon their own-petition by the District court of said district. Dated at Newnan, Ga., Uris 23d day of July, A.D., 1868. ISAAC N. SHANNON, jy2s—luw3w - Assignee. YN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE A United States for the Southern Di>trict of Georgia. In the matter of ) DEXTER B. THOMPSON [ IN BANKRUPTCY Bankrupt. J To all whom it may concern: The undersign ed hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of Dexter B. Thompson, of Columbus, county of Muscogee, State of Georgia, within sold District, wholine been adjudged a bank nipt upon his own petition by the District court of said district. Dated at Newnan, Ga.. this -23 d day of July, A.D., 1868. ISAACN. SHANNON, jy-25—lawow _ Assignee." TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE a Lv’*r:d States for the Suuthern District of Georgia, In the matter es ) MEYER HARRIS, lIN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. J To all whom it may concern: The undersign cd. hereby glyes notice of his appointment a* Assignee of Meyer Harris, of Columbus, county of Muscogee, State of Georgia, within said Dis trict, who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon hie own pet ition by the Diirtrict court of said district, ' Dated at Newnan, Ga., this 33d day of July, A.D., 1868. ISAAC N. SHANNON jy2>—luwSw Assignee.. TN flit? DISTRICT JOUk'T- OF THE 1 United States for the Southern District of Georgia. • ‘ In the matter of 1 HERBERT W. BLAIR, ILN BANKRUPTCY Bankrupt. J To all whom it may concern ; The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as As signee of Herbert W Blair, of Columbus, county of Mnscogee, Slate of Georgia, witbin said Dis trict, who has bben adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition by he District conrt of said district. Dated at Newunii, Ga. r this 23d day of July, A.D., 1868. ISAAC N. SHANNON, jy2s—law3w Assignee. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE A United States for the Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of i JAS.W COVINGTON, >IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. I To all whom it may concern .- The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as As signee of James W. Covington, of Coluinlnw. county of Mnsaogee, State of Georgia, within said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District court of said dis triei. • Dated at Newnan, Ga-, this 23d day of July, A.D., 1868. ISAAC N. SHANNON, jy"s—law3ty Assignee. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the Southern District of Georgia. In tiie matter of i QUINTON J.PURCELL UN BANKRUPTCY. Bank refit. J To all whom it may concern : The undersigned hereby gives notice of hie appointment as As signee of Quiuton J Punell, of Columbus, county of M uscogee, State of Georgia, within said District , who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition by the District court of said district. Dated at Newnan, Ga., this 23d day of July, A.D., 1868. ISAAC N. SHANNON, jy2s—law3w Assignee. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of j ROBERT THOMPSON, UN BANKRUPTCY Bank nipt. ) To all whom it may concern : The undersigned hereby gives notice of bis appointment as As signee of Robert Thompson, of Columbus, county of Muscogee, State of Georgia, within said Dis trict, who has lieen adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own peliton by the District court es said district. Dated at Newnan, Ga., Ibis 23J day of July, A.D., 1868. ISAAC N. SHA.iNON, jy2s—law3w Assignee. XN THE DISTRICT COURT tW THE United States for the Southern District, of Georgia. In the matter of ) JESSEE 11. SIKES, S IN BANKRUPTCY. Baukrop* ) To all whom if may eeiioeru : The an A-ysigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as A# signee of Jessee H. Sikes, of Columbus, county of Mnscogee. State of Georgia, within said Dis trict. who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition by the District court of said district. Dated at Newnan, Ga .this 23d day of July, A D , 1868. ISAAt N. SHANNON, jy 2&—law3w . Assignee. AUCTION SALES- iffy 1iI(y O 0 g" 'ttfr H*'iF <’ j 1 * - City Sheriff 8 Sale. Market House, in tbe City of August*, between UosMI > on to* B ** l . j on -®“ s ,trcet , between Kollock »‘J . I ‘! reoti ’ 1 bounded North by Ellis of , against the said,. Daniel Jones, for hu taxes for the year 1867. ISAAC LEVY, Augusta. July 30, 1868, City Sharif, au 1 —td City Sheriffs Sale- WILL BE SOLD ON THE FIRST TUES DAY in September, at the Lower Market house in the eity of Augusta, between the usual hours of sale, one House and lot, situated in Canaan, bound on tbe north by let of Tn. Dem by, east by Cumming street, south by Hate street and we»l by tot of John Lark. Levied up on as the property of Royal Sibley, to satisfy one Tax fl. fa. issued by the City Council of Augusta against the said Royal Sibley for his taxes for tbe year IM7. ISA AC LEVY, City Sheriff. Au lri> pt ». ’’ | A, Jnly 3», TB6B. aul—td • Bankrupt Sale. YIN tbe first, TUESDAY in September next, 1 * between the legal hours of sale, before the Court House door, in Griffin, Ga., will be sold the following property -tp wit: " One Lot in tbe city of Grilfin kpown as the Rialto, and Lot known gs the Lee Strickland House, situated on corner Broad and New Orleans streets; Hie same to bo sold uu4 er a decree in bankruptcy, for the benefit of bis creditors. Dated at Griffin, Ga., July 28, 1868. JOHN .L. MOORE, jy3b—law3w Assignee. Administrator’s Sale. WILL BE SOLD, ON THE FIRST TUES DAY in SEI*TftMBER next, at tie Lower Market Mouse in tbe city <rf Augusta', between the legal hours or sale, pursuant to tbe order of tbe Court of Ordinary ar, July Testa. 1868, all that lot of Land, with the Improvements, consist ing of one Brick Store, belonging so the Estate of Sarah May, on the West side of Centro street, in the city of Augusta, between Broad and Reynolds street, and known ns Bridge row—bounded North by lot formerly F. Murray's, East by Centre street, South by lot of Thomas B. Phinizy, and West by tot of John 11. Mann, having a front’of twenty-nhtefect and a depth of eighty-two feet six inches conveyed by Jehu Pbiniiy to Thomas May, April 26, 1838, and turned over to Sarah May, solo heir of Thomas May, July 5,1866. Terms each, purchaser to pay for papers. R. W, MAHER, jyl7—lilt Administratar. SOUTHERN MSTHWT OF GEORGIA, SS O In Bankruptcy,-st Macon, this Ist day of ■August, A. D. 1868. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment :« Assignee of LAWRENCE HIGGINS, of MacOn, in the county of Bibb, • and State of Georgia, within start District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said District. SAMUEL C. WEEMS, au4-law3w Assignee. SOUTHERN DISTRICT pF GEORGIA, 88. In Bankruptcy, at Macon, this Ist day o f August, A. D. 1868. j, The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of Mbs. GLA.DY G. ETHRIDGE, of the codnty of Monroe, and State of Georgia, within said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon her own peti tion by the District Court of said District. SAMUEL C. WEEMS, au4-law3w ’ " _ Assignee. SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA, £S. I’ In Bankrnpcy, at Macon, this Ist day of August, A. D. 1868. The undersigned liefeby gives notice of his Kntmcnt as-Assignee of ISAAC W. ®N , of Forsyth, in the county of Monroe, and State of Georgia, within said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon Ms own petition by the Distriet Conrt of said District. SAMUEL C. WEEMS, au4-law3w- Assignee. SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA, SS. Iu Bankruptcy, at Macon, this Ist day of August, A. D. 1868- The uudersigaed hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of THOMAS PEARL STIN <te SON, copartners. Thomas Pearlstin, . of Charleston, 8. C., and Isaac M. Pearlatin, of Forsyth, in the county of Monros, and State of Georgia, within said District, who have been adjudged Bankruptwupon their own petition by the District Court of said District. SAMUEL C- WEEMS, _au4-law3w _ _ Assignee. SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA, S 3. In bankruptcy, at Maboe, this Ist day of August, A. D., 1868. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his an pointment as assignee of JOHN W. HANCOCK, of Macon, in the county of Bibb, and State of Georgia, within said Di«trict, who has been ad judged a Bankrupt upon bis own petition by the District Court of said Diatrict, au4—law3w JOSEPH «. MURRAY. IN THE DISTRICT COtRT OF THE United States for the Second District of Georgia. In tbe matter of- 1 > JAMES A. GLENN, kIN RAhDRUPTCY Bankrupt. . ) To whom it may concern: The undersigned hereby gives notice of bis appointment as As signee of James A. Glenn, of tbe county of Early and state of Georgia, within said District, who has been adjudged a bankrupt apou bis own peti tion by the District Court of said District, Dated at Blakely, the 7th day of July, 1868. R. W. DAVIS, jyll—law3tv , Assignee. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED A States for the Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of 1 UIARDY PADGETT, >IN BANKRUPTCY. ' Bankrupt. ) No. 14. T» said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court-for a discharge from all h«< debts prova ble under the Bankrupt Act of Marell 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the! Ith day of August, 1868, at 8 o’clock a. m., at chambers of said District Court, before Frank 8. Hesseltlne, Esq., one of the Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy, at bis office at the Court House, in Quitman, Ga., and show cause why the prayer of the*Baid petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted. And further notice is given that the second and bird meetings of creditors will beheld at the same time aud place. Dated at Savannah, Ga., this 11th day of July, 1868. McPherson, jyl4—law3w Clerk. . IN THE DISTRICT COURTOF THE UNITED Siatct the Southern District of Georgia. In the mutter of ) CHARLES II BUTLER J- IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. ’ J No. 266. The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all his debts provable mider the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the 7th day of August, 1868, at 9 o'clock a. tn., at chambers of said District Court, before Frank 8. Hesseltine, Esq., one of the Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy, at bis office at the corner of Bay and Drayton streets, Savannah, Ga., and show cause why the prayer oi the acid petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted. And farther notice is given that the second and third meetings of creditors will be held at the same time god place. Dated at Savannah, Ga , tids I4th day of July, 1868. JAMES McPHEKSON, jy!6—law3w ~ Clerk. SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA.— At Blakeley, the Sth day of July, A. D. 1868 . The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as assignee o! James B. Brown, of Blakeley, iu the county of Early gnd State of Georgia, within said District, who has been ad judged a bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said District. GKORGE B. SWANN. iyll—lawdw Assignee, etc IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE A United States for the Southern District of. Georgia. In the matter of Y WM. A. WIGGINS, tIN BANKRUPTCY. 1 J To all whom it may concert.- The andr'raigi'sd hereby gives notice of hi* appointment ns Assignee of W illiaiu A Wiggina, el Fort Valley, county of Houston, and State of Georgia, withiu said District, who lias been adjudged a bankrupt upon bis own petition, by the District Owrt of said Dh-trici. I’errv, Ga« July 28, 186$ J. A. HOtTZCLAW, augl—law3w Assignee. a