The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, August 09, 1868, Image 4
Nfttio nal Republican LAMEST CITY CIRCULATION Official Organ of the U. S- Government SUNDAY MORNING.. August*, 18C« ~ ' ! morning, niton, and night. A little one played among the flowers, In the blush and bloom of Summer hours : She twined the buds ia a garland fair, And bound them up in her shining hair. “Ah me!” sighed she, “how happy I’ll be When ton more years have grown erer me, And I am a maiden, with youth’s bright glow Flushing my cheek and lighting my brow !“ A maiden mused in a pleasant room, Where the air was tilled with sweet perfume. Vases.were near of antique mould, EeiutiCul pictures rare and old, And she, of ail the loveliness there, Was by far the loveliest and most fair. “Ah me!” sighed she, “how happy I’ll be When my heart’s true love conies back to me ; Light of my life my spirit’s pride, I count the days till you reach my side.” A mother bent over the cradle nest, Where she soothed her babe to his smiling rest, As she pressed her kisses on his brow’; “Oh, child ! sweet eaild ! how happy I’ll be If the good God lets thee stay with mo. Till later on, in life’s evening hour, Thy strength shall be my strength and tower.” An aged one sat by the glowing hearth, Almost ready to leave the earth ; Feeble and frail, the race she had run Had borne her along to the setting sun ; “Ah me!” she breathed in an undertone, “How happy I’ll be when life is done; When the world fades out, with its weary strife, And I soar away to a better life.” 'Tis thus we journey from youth to age, Longing to turn another page; Striving to hasten the years away, Lighting our hearts with the future’s rays, Hoping on earth till its visions fgde; Wishing and waiting, through sun and shade ; Turning, when earth’s last tie is riven, To the beautiful rest that remains in heaven. Official. Georgia legislature. HiinquAßTßßg Third Military District, j (Dep’t Georgia, Florida and Alabama), > Atlanta, Ga., June 25th, 18*8. ) General Orders No. 90. From the returns made by the Boards ot Registration of the election held in the State of Georgia for a Governor, members of the General Assembly and other officers, under the provisions of General Orders No. 40, issued from these Headquarters, which election commenced on the 20th day of April, 1868, and continued four days, it appears : I. That, at said election, Hon. R. B. Bul lock received a majority of all the votes cast for Governor of the State of Georgia. IT. That, at said election, the following named persons were elected Senators in the Genera! Assembly of said State from the respective Senatorial Districts in which they were chosen, viz : Ut Dintrict-A A Bradley, 2d District— T G Campbell, Sr 3d District— E D Graham 4th District—.l M Coleman sth District— A Corbitt th District— Joshua Griffin . 7 th District— M C Smith Sth District— B F Brutton 9th District— R T Nisbet 10th District— F. 0. Welsh 1 kth District— C B Wooten 12?A District.— C R Moore I'Sth District —W l> Jones 14th District— J .1 Collier loth District— W T McArthur 16/A District— H Hicks 11th District —MeW Hungerford 181A District—D. Conley 19/Zi District— J Adkins 20//i District— George Wallace 21sf District— Wm Griffin 22d District— T J Speer _ 23d District — W J Anderson 24/A District— B B Hinton 25/A District— E J Higbee 26//i District—A D Nunnally 27/A District—John Harris 281/1 District — W F Jordan 2,9th. District— Josiah Sherman JOtk District—J H McWhorter 3lsf District— W F Bowers 32d District —-J C Richardson 334 District—A M Stringer 34m District — M A Candler 35/A District — W T Winn 36rt District— W C Smith With District — W W Merrill 381A District — W Brock 3SMA District — A W Holcombe 40/A District — C J Wellborn 41sl District — J B Dickey 42d District — J T Burns 43d District— Joel C Fain A4ih District— B R McCuteliin 111. That, at said election the followin; named persons were elected Representative iu the General Assembly of said Slate fron the Bounties to their names respective!; attached, viz : Appling— lsham Raddish Baker—A M George Baldwin— Peter O’Neal Banks— Win R Bell Berrien— Thos Paulk Brooks— W A Lane • Bibb— H M Turner, ,T Fitzpatrick, and J E Franks. Bryan— W L Houston Bullock—'N M Hall « Barks —M Claiborne, J Warren, and J t Madden Butts— T M HarkaeM Catoosa—A S Fowler Chatham— C K Osgood, James Porter, uni ’ James M Sims H Camden— Virgil Hitlyer Hr Campbell— W >S Zellers “ Carroll— John Long Cass— F M Ford, and M. J. Crawford Chattahoochee— W A McDougald • Chartton— F M Smith Chattooga,— C C Cleghorn Calhoun— F L Pepper Cherokee f~ N J. Perkins Clark— M Davis, and A Richardson Clay— R A Turnipseed Clayton—A E Ciotvl Clinch— G Lastinger Columbia —J M Rice, Roumlous Moore Coffee — J B Smith Coweta —F M Scroggins, and P Sewell Co6d—W D Anderson, and N N Gober Colquitt—N W Watkins Crauford— -Wm G Vinson Dawson—3 L Perkins Dade—3 C Nisbet DeKalb— W H Clarke Decatur— B F Powell, and John Higdon Dooly— Hiram Williams Dougherty— P Joiner, and A R Reid Early— H C Fryer Echols — R W Phillips Effingham— M Rawls Elbert—-U O Tate Emanuel — J A Brinson Fannin—A Hearn Fayette— P II Brassell Floyd—l). Scott, and M Ballanger Forsyth—floury C Kellogg Franklin—3 A Harrison Fulton — E M Taliaferro, J E Guilstt, an< V P Sisson Gilmer — Jas M Ellis Glasscock—3 0 Nunn Glynn —K B Hall Gordon— R A Donaldson GreAne — R L McWhorter, and A Colby Gwinnett— Louis Nash, and R M Park* Habersham—'H S Erwin Hall — Davi# Whelcbell Hancock—W H Harrison, and E Barnes tsar Harris— W J Hhdson, and Sam William* Heard— M Shackelford Henry— J A Maxwell Houston— James K Mathews, C C Duncan, and H R Felder Jackson — A J Bennett Jasper— T M Allen Jefferson— Benj Ayrc, and Alex Stone Johnson—l W Meadows Jones— W T McCullough Jyxwrens— Geo Linder I.te— SamT Lindsay, and G F Page Liberty— W A Golden ImkoA*— Platt Madison Isvofkns— W P price .Vucort—ll Fyttll, and Robert Lumpkin Madison — J B Moon Marion— W M Butt Mclntosh— T G Campbell, jr. Meriwether— P W Chambers, WII 1’ Hall Miller— F M D Hopkins ■ Mitchell—3 B Builz .Vba/yontery—J J McArthur Monroe— W A Ballaid, and GII Gowers Milton— G M Hook Morgan—A J Williams, and Monday Floyd Murray— J N Harris Muscogee— J G Maull, aud Abraham Smith Newton—A H Lee, and J F Harden Oglethorpe— J W Adkins, and J Cunning ham Paulding— S F Strickland Pickens— S A Darnell Pierce— B W Carpenter Pike—B A Seale Polk—L II Walthall Pulaski —3 M Buchan, and S F Saultcr Putnam — S C Pruden Quitman — L C A Warren Handolph— JV M Tuinlin, aud David Goll Bichmond—Vt Tweedy, J E Bryant, and I P Beard Rabun— McK Fincannon Schley —Thos F Rainey &timi* —W D Hamilton Spalding—3 T Ellis Slewart— C C Humber, and J K Barnum Sumter — G N Harper, and J A Cobb Talbot — Marion Bethune, and J T Costin Taliaferro —W F Holden Taindtt— R C Surrency Taylor— Frank Wilcliar Terrell— F M Harper Thomas— J R Evans, W C Carson 'J roup—3 II Caldwell, J T McCormick Twiggs— H Hughes Jbtrns- Geo W Johnson Union—3 H Pendland Lpson—3 C Drake Walker— W B Gray Walton— J B Sorrels Warren— John Neal, and S Gardner Ware— Joseph D Smith Washington — R W Flournoy, W G Brown Wayne— G W Rumph Webster— G S Rosser White— C H Kyth Whitfield— 3 E Shumate Wilcox —l) Johnson > Wilkes--B Bradford, and E Belcher Wilkinson — C H Hooks Wo>th- - James M Rouse By order of Maj. Gen. Meade. R. C. DRUM, A. A, G. RAILROAD SCHEDULES. GEORGIA RAILROAD. 'ST TN ORDER tO MAKE CLOSE CONNEC JL TION with the Second Train on the South Carolina Kailroad, and better connections bn the Branch roads, the Trains on the Georgia ißoad will run, on and after THURSDAY, June 18th, at 5 o’dock a. as follows: DAY rASHKNOSH THAI*. . (Daily, Sundays Excepted.) Leave Augusta at 7.00 A. M. Leave Atlanta at 5.00 A. M. Arrive at Augusta at 3.45 P.M. Arrive at Atlantaat 6.30 P. M. HIGHT PASSKNGKP. AND MAIL TPAIN. Leave Augusta at 10.00 P. M. Leave Atlanta at 5.40 P. M. Arrive at Augusta at 3.00 A. M. Arrive at Atlantaat 7.40 A. M. ■ KRIKLIA PASKKNGKR TRAIN. Leave Augusta at 4.15 P. M. Leave Berzelia at 7.00 A M. Arrrivo at Augusta 8.15 A. M. Arrive at Berzelia 0.00 P. M. Passengers for Milledgeville, Washington, and Athens, Ga., must take Day Passenger Train from Augusta and Atlanta. Passengers for West Point, Montgomery, Selma, Mobile and New Orleans, must leave Au- Susta on Night Passenger Train at 10.00 P. M. > make close connections. Passengers .for Nashville, Corinth, Grand Junction, Memphis, Louisville, and St. Louis, can take either train and make close connections. THROUGH TICKETS and Baggage Checked through to the above place*. PULLMAN’S PALACE SLEEPING CARS qn all Night Passenger Trains. So change of cars on Night Passenger and Mail Trains between Augusta and West Point. E. W. COLE, General Superintendent. Augusta, Ga., June 16, 1868. jelT—tf change of Schedule ON Macon and Augusta Railroad. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY 11, 1868, the Trains on this Road will run as fol l*ws : Leave Camak daily at 2.40 Leave Milledgeville ’.. 5.30 a.ta. Arrive at Milledgeville 0.20 p.m. Arrive at Camak 8.55 a.m. Passengers leaving Augusta or Atlanta on the Day Paesengcr Train of the Georgia Railroad will make close oenneotions at Camak for Intcr imediate points on the above Road, and .(iso for Macon. Passengers leaving Milledgeville at 5.30 a.m reaches Atlanta and Augusta the same day, and will make close connections at either place for th* principal points in adjoining States. K. W COLE, my !<>—tf General Superintendent. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. GENERAL SUPTS OFFICE,) Charleston, S. C., March 26, 180 S. | ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, MARCH 29th, the Passenger Trains of the South Carolina Railroad will run as follows: Pgr attgVsta. Leave Charleston. 1 6.30 a. m. Arrive at Augusta 3.30 p. m. Connecting with trains for Montgomery, Mem phis, Nashville and New Orleans, via Mont gem cry and Grand Junction. FOR COLUMBIA. Leave Charleston 6.30 p.m. Arrive at Columbia 3.50 p. tn. Connecting with Wilmington and Manchester Railroad, Charlotte and South Carolina Railroad a*d Camden train. FOR CHARLESTON. Leave Augusta..., 6.00 a m. Arrive at Charleston 3.10 p. ni. Leave Columbia..... ’. 6.00 a.m. Arrive at Charleston 3.10 p. m. . AUGUSTA NIGHT EXPRESS. 1 (BVNDAYS RXCRrTRD.) Leave Charleston 7.30 p.m. Arrive at Augusta 6.45 a. m. Connecting with trains for Memphis, Nash .ville and New Orleans, via Grand Junction. 'Leave Augusta. 4.10 p.m. Arrive at Charleston 4.00 p. m. COLUMBIA NIGHT EXPRESS. (SOWDATS RXCBmn.) Laave Charleston >.40 a. m. Arrive nt Columbia...., 6.20 *. m- Connecting (Sundays excepted) with Green ville and Columbia Railroad. Leave Columbia 5.30 p. m. Arrive at Charleston 5.30 a. m. CAMDEN BRANCH. On Monday, Wednetday asd Saturday. Leave Ki*grille 2.20 p.m. Arrive at Camden......... 5.00 p. m. Leave Camden 3-19 a. m. Arrive at Kinrville..., 7 40 a. m. (Signed) H. T. PEAKE, je 18 General Superintendent. Book binding AND BLANK BQOK MANUFACTORY, E. H. PUGHE, 190 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. Rail Road Schedules. • Change of Schedule. Office S. C. R. R. Co., 1 Avgusta, Ga., May 7, 1868. J A FAST NEW YORK THROUGH MAIL and Passenger Train, direct from Augusta, Ga., to Wilmington, N. C., WITHOUT CHANG E OF CARS, will commence running on Sunday, May 10th, as follows: MORNING MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIN For Charleston, connecting with Train for Co lumbia, South Carolina, Charlotte Road, and Wilmington and Manchester Railroad. Le*vo Augusta Central Joint Depot at...3:10 a. tn. Arrive “ “ 11 “ ...9:45 p.m. Passengers for Charleston and Columbia, S, C., and parts beyond, arc respectfully requested NOT to take this Train, as it does not make con nection with any Train for above points. They will please take Train leaving Central Joint Depot at 5-50 a. in. “ “ “ “ 4:00 p. iu. H. T. PEAKE, myß-td Gen’l Sup't. Cbauge of Fare and Schedule, UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. SurEIIINTBNDF.MT’B OFFICE, ) AUGUSTA & SUMMERVILLE R. R. CO. Augusta, Ga-, April 8, 1868 J TN ORDER TO MEET THE VIEWS OF THE 1 business public, the price of tickets is, from this date, reduced to the rate of SIXTEEN TICKETS FOR ONE DOLLAR instead of twelve ns heretofore, and the Depot ol the Com pany, on McKinne street, is to be, hereafter, the established terminus of the City Line. The first ears will leave the Depot, on McKi.i nie street, at 7.00 A. M., and every fifteen min utes thereafter during the day until 7.45 P. M., when the last cars will leave the Depot and rc - turn about 9.00 I’. M. SUMMERVILLE LINE. (Prom Depot to United States Arsenal.) First car leaves Depot at 6.15 A.M., for the U. S. Arsenal. Cars leave U. 8. Arsenal and Depot at 7.00 A. M., nnd at intervals of one hour thereafter, during the day, until 8.00 P, M., when last <ar departs from Arsenal. Summerville cars leaving Arsenal at S.Ott A. M., 1.00 P. M. and 6.00 P. M., will proceed to corner of Broau and Jackson street’, and will leave that point for Arsenal at 8.45 A. M., 1 l.f P. M. an I 6.45 P. M., respectively. A. HATCH, apß—tf Superintendent Change of Schedule. GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE,} Atlantic A Gulf Railroad Company, ? Savannah, April 10th, 1868 ) ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, THE 12m instant, the Schedule of PASSENGER TRIANB on this Road will be a, follows: Leave Savannah (daily, Sundays ex- cepted) at 4:00 p. m. Arrive at Bainbridge 6:30 a. m. Arrive at Live Oak 2:05 a. m. Arrive at Jacksonville 7:30 a.m. Leave Jacksonville (Sundaysexcepted) 8:50 p.m. Leave Live Oak 2:30 a. m. Leave Bainbridge (Sundays exoepted)lo:oo p. in. Arrive at Savannah 1:00 p.m PULLMAN’S PALACE SLEEPING CARS run through from Savannah to Jacksonville. 'Steamer Hattie loaves Jacksonville for Palatka every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at 9:00 a. m. Returning every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 4:00 p. in. Steamer Darlington leaves Jacksonville for Enterprise every Sunday, at 9:00 a. m. Returning, arrive at Jacksonville Thursday, at a .4:00 p.m. Through tickets by this line as low aS by any other. Passengers for St. Augustine have choice of Line of Stages daily from Jacksonville, or from Picolata on arrival of boats. Connect at Baldwin with Florida Railroad, daily, to Gainesville and Eernandina. Train for Cedar Keys leaves Baldwin on Mon day and Friday; returning, arrives at Baldwin on Tuesday and Saturday. Steamers leave Bainbridge for Columbus, Eu faula, and Fort Gaines on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, on arrival of train; returning, arrives at Bainbridge on same days. 11. 8. HAINES, ap26—tf General Superintendent. New and Most Direct ROU T E T O CAIRO, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, AND ALL IMPORTANT POINTS WEST AND NORTHWEST. VIA THF. NawltviHe aud fl.’liittlanoofca, AND N**mlivlll<‘ nnd I7ROM ATLANTA TO ST. LOUIS, . 902 miles shorter than via Memphis. From Atlanta to St: Louis, 27 miles shorter than via Corinth. From Atlants to St. Ixmis, 151 miles shorter t han Aria Indianapolis. From Atlanta to St. Lonie, ItHI miles shorter than via Louisville. TWO DAILY TRAINS Leave Atlanta, mnking close coMneetiou at Chat tanooga for NASHVILLE, PADUCAH, CAIRO, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS.and all important, points Northwest. HUMBOLT, JACKSON (Tenn ), MEMPHIS, JACKSON (Miss.), VICKSBURG, NEW ORLEANS, MOBILE,und all other points South and Southwest. THROUGH TICKETS, via Memphis, to V'ick*- burg and New Ofleans,’good either by RAIL or RIVER from Memphis. Five hours quicker to Memphis, and no delay at Cliattanoog* by Ibis route. Fifteen hours and twenty minute delay if you have tickets via Mem phis 8t Charleston "Railroad. At Nashville. Trains of tire Nashville i Chatta nooga aud Nashville and Northwestern Railways ARRIVE AT AND DEPART FROM THE SAME DEPOT, thus avoiding Omnibus Transfer. ONLY TWO CHANGES Between Chattanooga and St. Louis, via linkman. Meals and State Rooms on Steamers Free. I’A-I.ACE SLEEPING CARS on all Night Trains. AMI’LETIME GIVEN FOR MEALS. BAG GAGE CHECKED THROUGH. Passengers always save Trouble, Time and Money by PURCHASING THROUGH TICK ETS. Be sure to ask for Tickets via Nashville & Northwestern Railway. THROUGH FREIGHT forwarded with dis patch and safety. Water carriage from St. Lonis, New Orleans and Memphis and other points to Hickman, and from Hickman to Atlanta, Augusta, Macon and Montgomery, etc., withovt cßasgK of cars. Corn fromrft Lonisto Angnsta... .0 46 perbnshel Fionr from St Lotus to Augusta.... 2 RUpcrbarrel Ami eqnallv low rates on other goods. WM. P. INNES. J. D. MANEY, Receiver and Gen’l Snpt. Gen l Ticket Agent. M. GRANT. Gen’l Freigiit Agent. may W-.lm NORTH GERMAN LLOYD- STEAM BETWEEN NEW YORK AND BREMEN via SOUTHAMPTON. The Screw Steamers of the North Germen Lloyd run regnhirly between New York, Bremen and Southampton oarrving the United States Mail. FROM BREMEN EVERY SATURDAY FROM SOUTHAMPTON, EVERY TUESDAY. FROM NEW YORK EVERY THURSDAY Price of Passage—From New York to Bremen, Ixindon. Havre, and Sontlmmpton—First Cabin, >120; Second Cabil, I'2; Steerage. |35. From Bre men to New York —First Cabin, $120; Second Ca bin, »7“: Steerage. sto. Price of passage payable in gold. These vessels take freight to Izmdon and Hull for Which through bills of lading are signed. An experienced surgeon is attached to each vessel. All letters must pass throngh the Post office. Bills of Lading bnt'those of the Com pany will he signed Bills of Ijading will positively not bo delivered before goods are leured st the Chistom House. ISPSpeeie taken to Havre, Southampton and Bremen nt tlie lowest rates. For freight or passage apply to OELRICHS A Co- my 17-6 m f>B Broad Street. New York WANTED, Agents— $175 per month to pell the NATIONAL FAMILY SEWING MA CHINE. This Machine is equal to the standard, Machines in every respect, and is sold at the low price of S2O. Address National Sewing Machine Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. je2l—lm The American Artisan INITBD STATES AND FOREIGN PATENT AGENCY. Mes*ra. BROWN. COOMBS & CO., Proprie tor* Os the AMERICAN ARTISAN, offer their beet serviced to inventori, as Solicitors can and Foreign Patents. Mr. Ilvs liv F. Brown, of this firm, has had more than hrenty-ivo years experience in ttiat. prefession, both iu tins country and Enrope; for fifteen years he was the principal professional assistant of Messrs. Munn Ar. Co, Patent Agents of this city; aud hi* long praeuee has made Trim personally known to tliousandsof in ventors and patentees. The applicuiioos for the patents upon many of the greater aud more im portant in ventions of the present ceidury have been prepared by him. Jlessrs. Brown, GooMiis St. Co., are thoroughly familiar with all tlie rules and re gulations fiistitnted for tlie rapid tiansaction of business with the United States Patent Office, and the general pruclics iu the I’atent Bureaus of vari ous European countries; and this knowledge ren ders them confident that their post experience, with their present, nnequaled facilities, enables them to elaborately and yet speedily prepare all the docu ments required by law in applications for patents, and to promise their clients or, absolute certainly ofsnccesstn their'etforts toobtain^etters.Patent for inventions that aic really new and useful. Parti rular care is given to the execution of the accurate drawings which mnst always accompany every application for a patent, and they employ none but the most efficient draughtsmen. The best evidence of the manner in which Messrs. BltoWN, Coombs & Co.’s bitHiiess is performed,is, that tlie “AmKit icas Artisan Patent Agency,” during the three years of its existence, has been ZAe most successful instiltUion of.the kind ever established. The principal offices of Messrs. Bbown. Coombs A- Co. arc sitmitcd at 189 Broadway, opposite John street, New York, in the most ceutral part of the city. This location is one of very eaby-flccess by strangers, inasmuch as it, is within a stone's throw from the City Hall. All inventors temporarily so jonrning in ilte metropolis are invited to visit this estjiblisliment. 1 u|the majority of instance no model or drawing of au invention will be necessary on the first interview, as a mere oral description by the visitor will ordinarily suffice to convey sncli aknowledge of his invention as will enable Messrs. Brown, Coombs & Co. to definitely determine whethera machine or process is new or old—paten table or not. The office hours will be from ft a. m. to 5 P. M. Messrs. BftoWN, Coombs & Co. are prepared to furnisli to persons residing at a distance from New York—free of < harge— written opinions as to whether inventions contain any features of paten table novelty; to do thia they simply require a sketch or rough model of the machine or other in vention that is supposed to be new, together with a’brief description of the same, aud as soon as pos sible thereafter a letter of the best advice is mail ed to the person desiring the information. These opinions are formed from their own mature exper ieneevbut if an inventor desires to know, positively, whether bis incipient idea lias ever been embodied in a machine or process already patented, hie wisest course will be to have a preliminary examination made at the United States Patent, office by Messrs. Brown, Coombs & Co., -who will make a special searehjamong all the records of that institution, and then promptly forward a full and carefully written report as to the patentability of the invention un der examination. For this labor the small fee of $5 is payable’in advance; and the remittance sliouhibe accompanied by a sketch of the invention and a few linos of writing describing the same, and distinctly stating those points of novelty which the inventor desires to have protected by Letters- Patent Patents for new and usefol inventions are now granted for the term of seventeen years. 'Die first instalment of’the Government, lee is sls, which sum—together with fifty cents revenue stamp tax on the power of attoniey—is payable m advance, on applying for the potent; and S2O additional are due to the Government when the I-etters-Patent are allowed. The Agency fee is from $25 upward, ac cording to the labor involved; but in all cases our charges will be as moderate as possible in the pre paration of drawings and all necessary documents. This fee is not payable nntil after the application has been prepared and the case is ready to be sent to Washington. Messrs. Bkown, Coombs & Go. have a branchia Washington so that all applica-. lions made through them can have every necessary attention in their passage through the Patent Office. Inventors applying for patents must furnish models of their machines, whenever possible, for the inspection of tho Examiners in the Patent Office: but if the invention is a chemical composi tion, samples ofall the ingredients will be neces sary. Each of these should lie marked with the fn'- ventor * name, then carefully boxed, nnd sent (by express, prepaid), together with the Irrstinetalnieu ofthe Government fee, to Messrs Brown, Coombs A. Co. When the model is small and light., it can be conveniently and cheaply sentby mail. The model must not exceed one foot in any of its dimens ions, unless it is of such a character that it ie im practicable. Patents, except, those for designs, are granted on eqniil terms to citizens and nil foreigners, except, iuliabilaiits of Canada nnd some others of the Butisli American Provinces. Besides patents or new and usefill inventions, there are also granted patents for designs. Design patents are not, now, as formerly, limited strictly l<> ornamental configuration , bnt. under Section 11 of the Act of March 2, 1861, any new format any article, ur any impression orjigurc upon the surface of any article or material, by whatever means or process produced, can be patented. Un der this Act., patentees are entitled to the exten sion of their respective patents for the term of seven years from the day on which said patents shall ex pire, upon the same terms and restrictions as are now provided for the extensions of Letters Patent. Among the numerous subjects foi patents of this class may be particularly mentioned—castings of all metals, parts of machine*, household furniture and utensils; glassware, hardware of all kinds, cornices, and other interior and exterior decorations of buildings; also, designs for woven and printed fabrics, dress amd upholstery trimmings, and har ness labels and trade marks for medicines, per fumery. and all preparation*, impositions, or merchtmdi. e, pat up in bottles, boxes, or other packages, are suitable subjects; also, the forms of such bottles, boxes, or packages themselves, aud envelopes, likewise all works of art, as statuary, bus’s, coinpositions in alto or basso-relievo. The Government fee on a design-patent for 3J years is $10; 7 years, sls; 11 years, S3O. No models of designs are i-squired: but duplicate drawings or photographs must Ito tarnished- The specificwion to accompany the drawings or photographs rc ipiires to be prepared with great, care. Messrs Brown, Coomb* A Co. give very particular at temion t’> this branch of tlteir business. Tiieir [charge for preparing applications for design-patents iis jiepcridiy quant sls. Design patent# are only granted Io American citizens or to aliens who have resided one y ear in the United States and made outh of their intent ion to become citizens thereof. Tlib facilities of Messrs. Bsown, Coombs A; Co fer obtaining patents in the various European cotfntrie* are eqna! if not superior to those of any otlieriu the United States. With regard to their qualifications for such business, it need only be stated that Mr. Brown, while with Messrs. Menn A Co. and in Lift previous practice, and since the e*tablishmentofthe“AMEßiCAN Artisan Patent Agency,’ ’has had the preparation of more Euro pean application*, than any othei person iu this country, .Messrs. Brown. Coombs A. Co., besides having a branch, office in Washington, have their own agencies in the principal capital* of Europe. A circular itdating tn foreign patent business will be furnished free on r .licution personally or by mail. Messrs. Brown, Ct MBs A Co. also attend to in tarferences, the extensions of expiring Letters- I’atent, amt all proceeding* relating to patents be fore the United States Patent Office. All letters, packages, boxes, etc., should be ad . dressed, prepaid, as follows: BROWK, COOMBS & CO., Solicitors of Patents, my 11—ly. No. 189 Brondway, New York NATIONAL STEAMSHIP CO. QTEAMERS WEEKLY FROM LIVERPOOL D AND NEW YORK, calling at QUEENS TOWN. A Steamship or this line, consisting of tlie V FR ANCE Capt. (trace 3,512 tons. ENGLAND Capt. Thompson.. -.3,450 “ THE QU EE N.... Gaia. G mean 3,517 ‘ ■ HELVETIA Capt.Catling 71,31.5 “ ERIN ’....Capt.Hall 3.310 ‘ DENMARK Capt. Thornton 3.117 “ PENNSYLVANIA.Capt. Lewis 2.872 “ VIRGINIA ..Capt. Pro w5e....... 2,87(i “ Loaves Pier 17 North River, every .Saturday, at 12 o'clock M TJte sine of all these Steamships admits of very spacious State Rooms, opening itfictly iuto the Saloon. the accommodations and fare are nnenr passed. and the rates lower than any other line. An ex|ierienced Surgeon on each ship, free of clpirge. Tickets are issued in this country to par ties wishing to prepay the passage of their friends from Liverpool or Queenstown (Ireland) for $3.5 payable here in cnrrency. Drafts issfted at the lowest rates of Exchange for any amount. payable at any Bank in Ore a Britain and irehrt.d. Passage from New York tv Queenstown or Liverpool CAB.IN.fIOn Currency; STEERAGE, s'2s, Currency For Freight or Cnbhi Passage apply aS the Offices of the CoMr ant, 57 Broadway; and tor steerage tickets at the Passage < liiice of the Com pany. 27 Broadway. New York. myl7 -ly F. W. J. HURST, Manager. PILLS. * DR. RADWAY’S PILLS Do* For Regulating the Liver, Stomach* Bowels, and Kidneys, One PiH at Night. For Obstinate Diseases and Chronic complaints 4 to 6 every 24 hours. As a Dinner Pill, one Pill one hour before dining will ensure a good appetite, and healthy digestion. Or. KADWAY’S PILLS are COMPOUNDED FROM VEGE TABLE EXTRACTS, Coated with Sweet Guns, and are the best, quickest, and safest Purga* live, Aperient. Anti-Bilious and Catliartie Medicine known to Medical Science. One of Dr. Radway’s Pills con tains more of the active princi ple of cure, and will act quicker on the Liver, Bowels, Stomach. Kidneys, Bladder. Blood, dee., than four or six of the ordinary common Purgative Cathartics Pills sold under various names, or than ten grains of Blue Mass. TRUE COMFORT FOR THE AGED AND OTHERS AFFLICTED WITH COS TIVENESS AND PARALYSIS OF THE BOWELS. ONE TO THREE OF RADWAY’S PILLS once in 24 hours will secure regular evacua tions from the bowels. Persons who for 20 years have not enjoyed a natural stool, and Lave been compelled to use wysrftws, have been cured by a few doses of Radway's Pills. READ~THIB. New Albany, Ind,, March 12,18(37. For forty years I have been afflicted with costiveness, and for the last twenty was com pelled daily to resort to injections to secure an evacuation. In December last I com menced the use of Radway’s Pills. After taking a few doses, my liver, stomach, and bowels were restored to their natural strength and duties. I have now a regular movement once a day, and, although 80 years of age, feel as hearty and strong as I did 40 years ago. Dr. Radway, N. Y. Taos. Ridpath, J. P. MECHANICAL DISEASES. Persons engaged in Paints, Minerals, Plumbers, Type Setters, Goldbeaters, Miners, as they advance in life, will be subject to paralysis of the bowels; to guard against this, take a dose of TRadway’s Pills once or twios * week as a Preventive. DR. RADWAY’S PILLS CURE ALL DISEASES Os the Stomach, Liver, Bow els, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous Diseases, Headache, Constipa tion, Costlvencss, indigestion. Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Bilious Fever, Inflammation of the Bowels, Piles, and all derange ments of the Internal Viscera.— One to six boxes warranted to effect a positive cure. Purely vegetable, containing no mer cury, minerals, or deleterious Drugs. Dr. Radway’s Pills sold by all Druggists apd Country Mer chants. Price, 35 Cents. HIGH ENDORSEMENT FROM THU MEDICAL COLLEGE OF PRUSSIA. DR. RADWAY Is in receipt of an important official docu ment, signed by the Professors of ths Medical College of Breslau, Prussia, embodying the result of an analysis of RADWAY'S REGULATING PULS. “ The Faculty of the College state in their report that after a careful and minute examinch tian, they have the honor to state that “ the pills are not only free from every substance injurious to health, but are composed wholly of substances and elements promotive of digestion, and certain at the same time to act favorably upon the nervous system, &c., &o. They state, further, that the injurious rumors set afloat by the Prussian apothe caries originated "in a mean spirit of trade jealousy, excited by the great celebrity at tained by the Fills within * very brief period.” Signed on behalf of the College, DB. PHIL. THEOBALD WERNER, Director of the Polytechnic Bureau. DR. HESSE, First Auiettmi. INDIGESTION I In cases where natural evacnations are difficult to secure, and a quick discharge is essential, take six of Radway’s Pills and pul verise them,—take the pill powder in water or preserves,—in half an hour they will ope rate. We have known the most distressing pains of Gastritis, Bilious Cholic, Inflamma tion, Congestion, Ac., stopped, and the re tained irritating humors expelled from the bowels in thirty minutes by this treatment. It is however, better in chronic cases to take the pills as they are, and let them gradually dissolve in the stomach. These Pills possess in the Sighost degree cathartic, aperient, • tonic, and diapharetic properties. They do do pot weaken or debilitate the system or any of its organs, and will leave the bowels regular and healthy. They purity and equal ize the circulation of the blood. No congee tion or inflammation will th* system is under their influence. Price 26 cant* per box, or 5 boxes for one dollar. Sold by PLUMB LEITNER. mti4—iy. Augusta, Ga. HIMU L. A. BALK 172 BROAD STREET, NEW SPRING GOODS! I WILL OPEN TO-DAY A FRESH ASSORTMENT OF New Spring Prints, VERY HANDSOME, AT LOW PRICES. FINE CAMBRIC CHINTZ NEW PRINTED LAWNS, new spring Delaines, CHALLIES, etc., etc New Spring Ginghams, VERY HANDSOME, AT A LOW PRICE. FRENCH CASSIMERES, AMERICAN CASSIMERES, and JEANES. "BED TICKING, STRIPES, BLEACHED SHIRTING, BROWN HOMESPUN, PARASOLS, HOOP SKIRTS, UMBRELLAS, GLOVES, PERFUMERY, etc All of Which will be sold at as LOW PRICES own he had in town. « IIEMRY T. A. BALK, 172 Broad Street. uih24-Iy Piano Fortes Tuned. mo MEET THE TIMES, I HAVE RE- 1 DUCED the charge for TUNING to THREE DOLLARS. Orders left at Mr. GEO. A. OATES’ 140 Br<>ad Street, or at my Shop, opposite the Post Office, promptly attended to. el—ly* ROBERT A. HARPER. PUGHE’S Book and Job PRINTING OFFICJE 190 BROAD AND ELLIS STREETS, b THIS ESTABLISHMENT 18 NOW FULLY SUPPLIED WITH RESSES, TYPE, BORDERS ORNAMENTS, CUTS, Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc OF THE LATEST AND MOST IMPROVED STYLES' And is ready to execute every descrip lion oi ■ ■ ioi run IN A FIRST CLASS MANNER AND ON REASONABLE TEJi M S BILLHEADS, CIRCULARS BRIEFS, CHECKS POSTERS, LABELS, CARDS OF ALL STYLUS AND SIZES PAMPHLETS, BILLS LADING, BLANKS OF ALL KINDS, WEDDING CARDS, VISITING CARDS BALL TICKETS, STEAMBOAT BILLS’ DRAY RECEIPTS, BILLS OF FARE AUCTION BILLS, HAND BILLS HEADINGS FOR BOOKS, PROGRAMMES, INVITATIONS DRAFTS AND NOTES, ETC. ETC,, ETC\ ETC. : PRINTING IN COt.URS. tgtf" Headings printed and Books ruled and bound to order. ItaPChecks,Drafts*and No • nd bound to order. ' ®a>” Merchants and others in want oi JOB PRINTING of any kind, will find it greatly to their advantage to leave their orders at PUGHE’S JOB PRINTING OFFICE, 190 BROAD & 153 ELLIS ST., Augusta, Ga. PUBLICATIONS. “Unquestionably the beet sustained work <>r .> kind in the world.’’ or lllt ■ Harper’s Magazine. Iu the Number for January was commenced n Woman’s Kingdom: a Love Story” bviui.. ■ Mulock Craik, Author of “John Hallafiix’Geiui K man,''etc. e K The meet popular Monthly iuthe world—iv fl York Observer. f It meets precisely the popular taste, furnishine pleasing and inst-roctiug variety of reading f„,?.>* fl Zion’s Herald, Boston. a ’ fl •A complete Pictorial History of the Time, fl Harper’s Weekly. AN ILLUSTRATED NEWSPAPER. Iu the first Number for 1868 wascomnienced tl issue of “T he Moonstone” a Novel, bv Win:' Collins, Author of "The Woman in White,” etc ' The model newspaper of our country.—jy y Evening Post. Ma The articles upon public questions which aiin® in Harper's Weekly are from a rminukabie of brief political essays.— Noith American RuY An Illuetated Weekly Journal of Fashion, P| e , sure, and Instruction. ' j Harper’s Bazar. In it is now being published" The Cord and I Creese,” a Novel, by James De Mille. | The Bazar, as an intelligent critic upon u >i fem t inine topics, will doubtless become the Qwc» tl S American newspapers.— Albion. £ .TERMS FOR HARPER’S PERIODICALS; Harper’s Magazine, One Year.... 11 (H) Harper’s Weekly, On* Year.... 1 on llurper's Bazar, One Year.... 1 00 Harper's Magazine, Harper's Weekly, Mll | Harper’s Bazar, to one address, for one rear $lO 00; or any two for $7 00. An extra Copy of either the Magazine, Weekly or Bazar will be supplied gratis for every Club of Five Subscribers at $4 00 each, in one remittance or Six Copies for S2O 00. Bound Volumes of the Magazine, each Volume containing the Numbers of Six Months, will be furnished for $3 00 per Vloume, sent by mail postage paid. Bound Volumes of the Weekly each containing the Numbers for a Year, will be fur nished for $7 00, freight paid by the Publishers. The Postage within the United States is for the Magazine 24 cents a year, for the Weekly or Bazar 20 cents a year, payable yearly, semi-yearly. or quarterly at the office where received. Subecrip tion from the Dominion of Canada must be accom panied with 24 cents additional for the Magazine, or 20 cents for the Weekly or Bazaar,to pre-pay the ■United States postage.'' Subscribers to the Magazine, Weekly or Bazar, will find on each wrapper the Number with whitli their subscription expires. Each periodical ia stopped when the term of subscription closes. It is not necessary to give notice, of discontinuance. iu ordering the Magazine, the Weekly, or the Bazar, the name and the address should be clearly written. When the direction is to be changed, belli the old and the new one must be given. In remitting by mail, a Post Office Order or Draft payable to the order of Harper & Brothers sperferable to Bank Notes, since, should the Order or Draft be lost or stolen, it can be renewed with out loss to the sender. TkIIMS FOR Auvgl.TtßlNO is Hari’kh s Pshiou- ICALs. Harper’s Magazine.— Whole Page, $250; Half Page, $ J 25; Quarter Page, s7o—each insertion: or, for a less space, $1 50 per line, each insertion. Harper's Weekly.— lnside Pages, $1 50 per Line: Outside Page, $2 00 per Line, each insertion. Harper's Bazar.— sl 00 per Line, each iuser tion. may 13-ly BRITISH PERIODICALS THE LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW (Conservative), THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig), THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Radical), THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free Church), And BLACKWOOD’S EDINBURGH MAGA ZINE (Tory). These periodicals are ably sustained by the contributions of the best writers on Science, Religion, and General Literature, and stand un rivalled in the world of letters. They are indis pensable to the scholar and the professional man, and to every reading man, as they furnish a better record oi the current literature of the day than cau bu obtained from any other source. TERMS FOR 18G8. For any one of the Reviews....... SI.OO per an. For any tw oof the Reviews 7.00 “ For any three of the Reviews in. CO “ For all four of the Reviews .12.00 “ For Blackwood’s Magazine 4.0 n “ For Blackwood and one Review... 7.80 “ For Blackwood and any two of the Reviews UtOO “ For Blackwood and three of the Reviews 13.00 “ For Blackwood and the 4 Reviews .15.00 " CLUBS. A discount of twenty per cent, will be allow ed to clubs Os four or more persons. Thus, four copies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be scut to one address for sl2 80. Four copies of the four Reviews aud Blackwood, for S4B 00, and so on. POSTAGE. Subscribers should prepay by the quarter at the office of delivery. The postage to any part of the United States is two cents a number, This rate only applies to current subscriptions. For back numbers the postage is double. PREMIUMS TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS. New subscribers to any. two of the above periodicals for 1808 will be entitled to receive, gratis, any one of the four Reviews for 1807. New subscribers to all five of the periodicals for 1808 may receive, gratis, Blackwood or any two of the four Reviews for 1807. Subscribers may obtain back numbers at the following reduced rates, viz.: The North British from January, 1863, to De cember, 18117, inclusive; Edinburgh and the Westminster from April, 1804, to December, 1867, Inclusive, and the London Quarterly for • the years 1865, 1866, -and 1867, at the rate of $1.50 a year for each or any Review; also, Blackwood for 1866 and 1867, for $2.50 a year, Or the two years together for $4.0(). rtgF" Neither premiums to subscribers, uur discount to clubs, nor reduced prices for back numbers, can be allowed, unless tire is remitted direct to the Publishers, i No premiums can be given to chibs, THE .LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISHING CO., 140 Fulton street, N. Y. The L. S. Publishing Co., also publish the FABJIER'S GUIDE, By Hknry St kittens, of Edinburgh, and the late J. P. Norton, of Yale College. 2 vols., royal octavo, 1600 pages, and numerous En gravings. Price. $7 for the two volumes—by mail, post paid, SB. . febG—lm .The Law Register, COMPRISING ALL THE LAWYERS IN the United States. THE STATE RECORD, containing the State and county officers, the organization, jurisdic tion, and terms of the Courts for every State and Territory. THE OFFICIAL DIRECTORY FOR THE UNITED STATES, containing the officers of the Federal Government, the duties of the sev eral departments, sketches of all the Members of Congress, the officers and terms of the Federal Courts. THE COLLECTOR’S ASSISTANT, giving the laws for collecting debts, executing deeds, verifying claims, and taking testimony, with forms for every State, with much other useful infortnation; the whole constituting an official and business manual. Prepared from official returns by John Liv ingston, of the New York Bar, Secretary of tho Jlcrchante’ Union Law Company. New York: Published by tho Merchants’ Union Law Company, No. 128 Broadway, Third Floor (in the American Exchange National Bank Building.) • The Book wiU be sent, prepaid, to any address in the United States on receipt of TEN DOL LARS; or, it will be forwarded by Express, with bill, to be paid on delivery. je3—tl &EORGIY RAILROAD Breakfast, Dinner, and Supper House, PERSONS LEAVING AUGUSTA BY either morning or evening Passenger Trains, or Atlanta by morning Passenger Train, or by any of the Freight Trains, can always get a GOOD MEAL at BER&ELIA, twenty miles from Augusta, on the Georgia Railroad- * E. NEBHUT, mhll—tf Proprietor.