The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, August 16, 1868, Image 3

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NationalUcpublicaM Official City Paper. UIWESTCITY CIRCULATION. A. V Cl V ST A. O A SOHDAY MORNING Augsst 15, *b6B Miniature Almanae for August, 1868- SUNDAY, AUGUST 16 . un Rises 5.»3 | Sun Set. 6.44 MOON’S PHASES. Fall Moon—August 3th, 6.44, morning. Last Quarter— August 11th, 7.20, morning. New Moon-August 18th 3 morning. p irßt Quarter— August 24th, 739, evening. ' Range of Thermometer. AT The National Republican Office, August 15, 1863. ' a„ m I I2” 1 - I 3>.»». I 6 p.m. i 9 p.m. 73" I -I 82 ° ' 78 1. ' 76 Georgia Tecchcra’ Association. Tift regular meeting of this Association, appointed to be held at Atlanta on the —2d instant, is postponed until further notice. A cool Chants. The cool weather of the past few days has been a pleasant change from the long heated spell. There is generally a cool week about the middle of August, and the “oldest inhab" itants” affirm that it has been known to be so chilly during that exceptional week that overcoats were comfortable. The present change is accompanied by an easterly wind, which to the careless means pneumonia and other similar complaints. “Becoming’*Contrasts in Colors. The following is a good rule for finding the contrast of any color: "Cut out a circu it piece of the petal of any flower and put it on white paper, look at it fixedly for a tew seconds with one eye, then look off the color on to a piece of white paper, and you will see a bright ring of another color ; that ring or circle is the right Complementary color or contrast to the color in the petal.” Bate Ball. » The game of ball, in one form or another, seems to have been a favorite gymnastic exercise from very early limes. Il is alluded to in the Odyssey of Homer, who wrote and flourished about a thousand years before Christ. History assures us that it was a favorite game with the Spartan youth, while, so much were their neighbors, the Athenians, in love with it, that they erected a statue in honor of Aristokicus on account of his skill in the game. Among the Romans it was played by persons of all ages; audit is related by Pliny that one old man— Svumkna by name —preserved himself from decrepi tude by his constant exercise in ball playing in the Middle Ages it was a favorite game with the students of France, Germany, and Italy, where it is still popular—especially in the season of spring; and the same has long been true of England and this‘country. Doubtless all elderly people perfectly well recollect how common was the practice, forty and fifty years ago, of celebrating the early spring time by the game of bull. The ball, of course, is the great and only essential and constant element in this exer cise, while the modes of playing are nu merous and diversified. The ball is thrown with the hand, or it is struck by a bat, or it is kicked with the foot; while, by whatever mode the sport is carried on, it is accompa nied with no inconsiderable excitement. Within a few years, the game of base ball has had a wonderful revival, so that it has amounted to almost a rage ; although, as a rage, it has, we think, had its day, as is almost certain to be the case with all amuse ments or excitements that spring up sud denly,’and proceed with a rush, and over spread the community as an epidemic. Thus tire game of croquet— so universally popular a year ago—evinces, this present summer, unmistakable symptoms of decline ; and wo shall not be disappointed if, a twelvemonth hence, the click of-those delicate mallets will have utterly died away from every pleasant lawn in tow» and country. We regret the decadence of this interesting gates, affording, as it daps, a genial out-di»or amusement for young fadtes, Mud presenting to the passer-by a scene of sprightly and picturesque "beauty, while suggesting also, to the benevolent eye pleasant ideas of health, contentment and happiness. So also we must regret the decline of the base ball game, although such decline is perfectly natural, and a prominent cause there entirely palpable. The cause consists in what we can not help stigmatizing as an abuse of this noble athletic sport; which abuse is morally certain to run itself out of breath as it is also to work a mischievous decline of the game itself. The true use of the base ball game is that, like the more common gymnastic'exercises, it be practiced daily, or at least frequently and statedly; that it be played with suitable moderation, both as to exertion and time, and at such an hour as will not interfere with business hours, regular meals, or any other duties. This is the common-sense practice in the exercises of the gymnasium as pursued at Schools and elsewhere. And this is manifestly cor rect. In other words, the game should be made—as it is eminently fitted to be made — a strong, manly, and highly beneficial exer cise. But when this same game degenerates into a species of match game, and fulls, to a large extent, into the hands of what may be termed crack players; and when these same crack players, from different localities, go abroad and contend with one another for the mastery, we are among those who think' this whole thing is an abuse, and that it goes out in mischief rather than benefit, to all concerned. A man can take exercise in walking running, jumping, leaping, lifting, mid the like, but of what ppssible service is it to him that another man, or a company of men, come along and assume to show him how much better they cau do these things 'han himself, and undertake to pervert these his beautiful and daily exercises into match games ? Our advice to all parties' is, play your own games, and play them for the benefit they are capable of imparting. Play them at home; play them regularly. Be content with the healthy exercise thus furnished, auu thus you will use your pleasant recrea tions “as no t abusing them.” What Hwperw must fre Mama« 4. *So intricate and perplexing arc the laws hilling to internal revenue i thflt few can recollect Wbatiiapors Must be stomped,; pud there is often a different opinion among those who claim to be-learned in this kind of law. It is, we believe, pretty certain that stamps must be used- sjg fplluws; All notes aid 1 evidences d? debt, live cents on tach hundred dollars; if under one hundred dollars, five cents; if over one hundred dollars, five cents on each additional hundred dollars or part thereof. All receipts for any amount without limit, over t»veßty : ddllaVs, two ceibts; if twenty dollars or under, nothing. All deeds and deeds of trust, fifty cents on each five hundred dollars in value of the property couveyed or the amount secured ; when a deed in trust is fully stamped, the note secured must not be, but they should be indorsed to show the reason why. Mortgage bonds need not be stamped, if stamps are affixed to the mortgage. AU appraisements, estates, or estrays, five cents on each sheet of paper. Affidavits of every description are exempt from stamp duties. Acknowledg ments of deeds, etc., also exeninU CMtracts and agreements, five cents, fesei pt so? rents; when for rent, fifty cents for each seven , hundred dollars of rent or less, if over • three hundred Hollars; fifty cents for two . hundred dollars, or over three hundred , dollars. Any person interested can affix and . cancel stamps. sidewalk Enqueue. Some of our (Jhestcrfieldian exchages have the following on sidewalks, which we commend to the attention of our readers : Only villagers, or persons with rural ideas, any longer contend that ladies should always be given the inside of the pavement in passing. The rule adopted in all cities is to turn to the right, whether the, right leads to the wall or to the gutter, and an observance of this common sense rule would obviate much unpleasant scrougiog by overgallant gentlemen, who persistently crowd for the outside of tire walk. Another custom, not required by fashionable etiquette, and which is nearly as explainably absorb, is the practice of men filling a church pew, making them selves as ridiculous aS an awkward squad practicing a catch-step in order to give a lady the wrong end of the pew. Another is that of a man, when at promenade or walk with a lady, to keep himself on the outside of the pavement. A little j udgment will convince any person of the perfect uselessness of this bobbing back and forth at every corner. The common rule is this : If men and women are walking together, she should always be at his right arm, whether it be'toward the -inside or outside of the walk ; then the woman will not be shoved against the passers. Those who giggle at persons who follow this rule are themselves the "greenies,” and should read the book of manners before indulge ai a laugh at fashionable Tools. Gov. Bullock. —A little radical sheet in Macon, styling itself the Journal <& Messen ger, says: “Bullock’s government must be broken down in Georgia.” We remember that Jeff. Davis had to get up a conscript act to get such chaps into service. Those who did the least to save tlie Confederacy, are the most difficult to please at this particular time. The bully boys did the least for the “Lost Cause,” and these are the follows Unit are now "spiling” for a fight. What burlesques some people are qn hhiru anity I— New Era. C O M MERC I A L MARKETS. Financial. LONDON, August 15, Noon.- -Consols 941. Bonds 71 J. FRANKFORT, August la.—Bonds 74i«74L PARIS, August 15.—Bourse firmer. Rentes 76f.370 NEW YORK, August 15, Noon.— Gold 1.46}. Stocks unsettled. Notch Carolina’s 71. Virginia’s 53. Tennessee’s (135, Sterling 9jj. Money 3a4. ’62’s 135; ’64’s 9} ; ’6s's 115; ’67’s 75; Tons BJ. BALTIMORE, August 15.—Virginia sixes, old inscribed 4CJ; ’66, 46; ’67, 45; coupons, old and new, 53. NEW ORLEANS, August 15.—Gold 1.46 J. Sterling 59}a63. New Yoyk sight exchange, } premium. NEW YORK, August Iq Govern- ment’s firmer at close. Monty fifta—eall, 4a5. Bank statement considered unfavorable. Stocks heavv. Sold firmer, closing strong at 1.46f0 1.47. i r . Produce Sad Ollier Jlarkcts. LIVERPOOL, August 14, Evening.— Cotton closed buoyant and higher. Sales 20,009 bales. Uplands 101: Orleans 10}. LIVERPOOL, August 15, Noon.' —Cotton opens active and higher. Sales estimated at 15,000 bales. Uplande 10}; Orleans 10}- NEW YORK, August 15, Ndbn.— Cotton' firm, at 29}0. Flour dull and drooping. WheM drooping, and nominally lower- Corn dull, and lc- lower. Mess Pork declining—2B.s.o. Lard dulj—steam ISialSj. Tutper. tine quint, at 45a45}. Rosin unsettled; strained common 2.87Ja2.90. Freights dull. SAVANNAH, August 15. Cotton quiet and unchanged. Receipts 1 bale. Exports, coast wise, 1,110 bales, CHARLESTON, August 15.—Cutton dull, sales of two days 45 bales. Middlings nominal at 28c. Reeipts of two days 91; exports coast wise 126 bales. MOBILE# August 15.—Cotton—Sales 115 bales. Middlings 27*. Receipts 3 bales. Ex ports 1,106 bales. BALTIMORE, August 'ls.-Cotten quiet at 29J0. Flour quiet and scarcely so firm, prices un changed. Wheat dull, prime, 265.1272, a decline ol five cents. Corn dull, White 1.18a1.20. Oats dull, prime choice 95c ; low grades 60a700. Rye steady at 45a50c. Provisions firm, with prices unchanged. NEW ORLEANS, August 15.—Cotton quiet. Middlings nominally 29c. No sales or exports. Receipts 87 bales. Sugar steady. Molasses unchanged. NEW YORK, August 15, Evening. — Cotton firm. Sales 1,290 bales at 29} e. Flour dull, and salOc. lower; State Superfine 7.30a8.25; Extra State 8 50a9.30. Wheat dull, and 2a3c. lower. Corn la2e. lower. Whiskey active and firmer at 67a67}. Mess Pork quiet and steady at Lard steady; kett'e 19a19J. Naval stores doll. Groceries quiet. Freights a shade better. ST. LOUIS, August 15.—Flour quiet and unchanged—superfine 6.25a6.75. Mess Pork dull, at 29.75a30 50. Corn dull, at 92a96e. Cleat sides 17. bird 18}. LOUISVILLE, August 15.—Flour—superfine $7.00. Corn 90a95c. Mess Pork $29.00. Lard 18fal9c. Shoulders 14; clear sides 17}. Whis key $2.25a2.30. WILMINGTON, August 15.—Spirits Turpen tine firm at 41; Rosin quiet; No. I, 365 ; Tar firm at 325. • WILMINGTON, August 15.-Cleared: Star. Jas. A. Gary, for Baltimore ; Rebecca Clyde, for New Verb. - --- ■'■ "*• ■ ■ Marine News. CHARLESTON, August 15.—Arrived : Str. Saragossa, from New Tor ; Schr. Matvaka, froin Richmond; Schr. N. W. Smith, from New York; Schr. W. H. Tiers, from Philadelphia; Sohr. W. B. Thomas, from Philadelphia; Schr. W. F. Cushing, from New York : Schr. G. C. Morris, from Philadelphia ; Str. Poeosta. from Norfolk. Sailed : Str. Charleston, for New York ; Str, Sea Gull, for Baltimore. . . SAVANNAH, August 15.—Arrived: -Steam ship General Barns’, New York. Cleared ; Steamships San Jacinto and Marion, Now York; Wyoming, Philadelphia. [from the Atlanta Constitution. i The Georgia Legislatures Atlanta, Ga., August 14, 1868. V .1 SENATE. 1 Thu Senate being in open session, a . motion was made by Mr. Smith, of the 36th , Jliffiriot, that a committee of three be j appointed on the part of the Senate to -exatnanine the books of the Western and 1 Atlantic railroad. Carried. > ■ Whereupon the President appointed . Messrs. Smith, Bruton and Bowers on said . committee. k Leave of absence was granted Senators ‘ ‘Cstedicr, Fain and Bowers. ; A sealed communication received from [ the Governor, with the request that it be considered in executive session. Mr. Wooten moved that the Souatc do now go into executive session. i The motion prevailed, whereupon > The President ordered the Senate cleared. The doors were opened, when it transpired ! that the following Gubernatorial nomina ’ tions had been confirmed, to wit: a Associate Judges of the Snpreme Court— , H. K. McCay 8 years, Hiram Warner 4 t y« ars : • Northern Circuit—Garnett Andrews, of ' Wilkes county, Judge, and Jno. M. Mathews, ' of Madison county, Solicitor. i Macon Circuit—Carlton B. Cole, of Bibb . county, Judge, and Ezekiel W. Crocker, of ’ , Twiggs county, Solicitor. Pataula Circuit-—S. Wise Parker, of r Clayton county, Solicitor. » > Southern Circuit—J. R. Alexander,- of 1 Thomas county, Judge, and W. B. Bennett, I of Brooks comity, Solicitor. A dopftment was read from the Governor containing lengthy reports from the Provi sional State officers. Referred to Finance Committee. ’ Mr. Campbell movqd tv reconsider so much ! of the jourifal of yesterday us relates to the action of the Senate in the adoption of the ; minority report in the vtese of A. A. Bradley. , FFe spoke at length in favor* of his motion, , and predicted that if Bradley were sent forth j upon the world with this foul imputation upon . hup, ha would be met by the sympathies of $2,Q00 voters of a down trodden race; that . the time would ernne when the bones of him . (Campbell) would rise in judgment against , the men who had perpetrated such injustice , upon an innocent man, and brought about ’ soeh calamities. Ite had been accased of , making threats. He never made a threat in ? hjs life. 'He appealed to the consciences of ' Senators, and was proceeding to picture the [ coming wrath of God upon the wicked, when the hour of adjournment having arrived, the president dcclare(| the Senate adjourned until 10 o’clock to morrow morning. UOUSK. The first business in order was the call of the ebunties. Mr, Hamilton.—A bill to incorporate the . Union Bisptist Church in the county of Scriven. Ruled out of order. Mr. Hamilton—A bill to remove the Peni- L tentiary, and for other pintposes. Mr. Johnson—A bill to reduce tjie sheriff's bond of Towns county. Mr. Shumate—A bill to incorporate the Dalton and Morgantown Railroad Company. Mr. Scott moved to suspend the regular bfder of the day, to take up a bill tn relation to the Cherokee Manufacturing Company, ol i Fleyd county. The motion was sustained, and tlm bill . was taken up. After souse discussion, the bill was referred to the Committeeon Internal Improvements, and 200 copies ordered to be printed. Tbe ! -regular order was resumed for bills on first reading. Mr. Wilcher—A bill to prevent the organ ization of armed military companies in certain cases. « Mr. Saulter—A bill to change the county line of .Wilcox and Pulaski. Mr. Strickland— : A bill to change the residence of John C. Shipp. Mr. Pickens —A bill to suspend the Dis trict Court of the list District. Mr. Hall—A bill to amend the 7th para graph of the 1711th section of the Code' relative to the Divorce Law. Mr, Cobb—A bid to organize a fire com pany,' to be called the “Wile Awake/’ in Americus, Georgia. Mr. Kellogg—A bill to organize a District i Court in each Senatorial District in this State. i Mr. Butt—A bill to change Jhe county line between Webster and Marion. Mr. Rumph—A resolution that the Mes- I sengepqjact A. A. Bradley from within the bais ol the House. ;t A motion was made to .suspend the rules fortlie purpose of taking up the resolution. . The yeas and nays being called for. tho tollowinw ia£he yesutt:; yeas 85, nays 34. So the nilc’s wert: not suspended. " ,/4'lA business was rcMined. 1 Mr, Batt—A bill to regulate tho enforce ment of contracts between landlord? and tetiartts, or laborers. ' Mr. Lee-r-A riwiutiou that when this House adjourn it adjourn to Wednesday next, a«d that mileage be suspended during that time. Lost. Mr. Madison—A bill to define the quallfi • • options Os officers in this State. Mr. Stone—A bill to exempt physictons of Jefferson county from serving on juries. Mr. Feller—A bill to authorize the Macon and Brunswick Railroad Company to con struct a braucli from Hawkinsville to Fort Valley. I Mr. Hudson moved that when this House adjourn it adjourn to Wednesday morning next. The yeas and nays were called, which resulted as follows :-yeas 76, nays 5d- Tho motion prevailed. Mr. O’Neal moved a reconsideration of the resolution passed a few days since, autho rizing the CJerk to draw such sum as may be necessary to defray the expenses of sta ’ tionery, postage, etc. The motion prevailed; and Mr. O’Neal , moved to amend by inserting after the word "sum” the words “one thousand dollars.” Agreed to. The message from the Governor was taken up in reference to the payment of provis ional officers of the State. Referred to the ■ Committee on Finance. Mr. Anderson—A resolution that the House employ seven additional clerks, and that their pay commence from the time they i enter upon their duties. Mr. Scott—A bill fixing the time for holding elections for members of Congress. ‘ Also, • z\ bill to incorporate the Memphis Branch Railroad Company, and grant certain powers and privileges. Me. Ballard—A bill to incorporate the • Central Georgia Mutual Insurance Com pany. i Mr. Hill, of Glynn—A bill to iueurporaW 1 Ute Manufacturing Marine Railway Com- ■ mercial and Dry Dock Company, of Bruns wick. ’The tinre having expired, a motion to extend the time to o’clock prevailed. Mr. Surrency, a bill to authorize a fishery ■ to be established by John Overstreet, of Appling county, on the Tatnall side of the river. Mr. George—A bill for the relief of crimi nals in prison, Mr. Osgwl—A resolution from the Board of Aldermen of Savannah,*in reference to ’ registration and elect ion. l Mr. I’qwell—A resolution that the Gov ernor direct the Superintendent of the W. A A. Raihroad not to provide free tickets to any person except officers of the road. [This, we presume, includes also members of the Lqgislattire.| The House (hen adjourned, to Wednesday morning next. Georgia Legislature- fecial tu tbs .Augusta Rtpublioau.] Atlanta, Gs./Angust 15, 1868. Campbell having the floor, cdhsumed the whole session of Ibe Senate this morning, The members aro getting very impatient, and efforts were made by both parties to induce him to desist. The Senate wished to go into Executive session, but he would not give way for a motion to that effect The subject discussed was to reconsider the ma jority report in the case of Bradley. He now has the floor for Monday. The preparations for the Convention are on s large scale. ‘ W. Washington Items Washington, August 15.—The son of Secretary Schofield died at West Point. I Mrs. General Rawlins and [Mrs. Senator Trumbull are still alive, but their death is f hourly expected. Land Commissioner Wilson issues a cir cular cautioning Registers and Receivers , that three sections only cun be entered in f one township on college scrip. Senator Abbott states that over ten mil s lions of Northern capital has been invested in North Carolina since the war. [ It is now stated that Roseeranz will defer his departure till October. Revenue receipts $78,000. J. Q. Bingham, lately Deputy Collector for the port of Richmond; attempted to . commit suicide to day. He stabbed himself eleven times about the heart and cut his t throat. Little hopes of his recovery. . It is stated on doubtful authority that Commissioner Rollins will resign uncondi tionally from regard to McCulloch. Gen. Thomas E. Ewing is prominently mentioned for the Alaska Collectorship. The statistical report shows that imports • of coffee, cotton, flax, hemp and silk goods, India rubber, opium, paints, salt, soda and tea have largely declined, and the entries of glass, gams, hides, precious stones, spices, sugar, tin, tobacco, sogers and lumber exhibit an increase, the other articles being ‘ in the usual quantities. Informal Meeting, Nuw Orleans, August 15.—An informal meeting was held last liiglit in tho Governor’s office, between prominent members of both parties. Both conceded the danger of a collision [mminent. A Democratic gentle man expressed the opinion that the best and only way to insure peace was to stop the system of aggressive-apppresaive legislation now in progress ; that tms .Democratic con servative elements of thoccmntry expected-to acco.mplish nothing except in a legal and constitutional way, but that it was unwise and improper far a State government to defy the sentiment and wishes of the people; that if the Governor would throw himself upon the people, they would sustain him, and no resort to force be necessary for the preserva tion es peace. Warmoth stated that he’was authorized to say on behalf of the Republi cans that there was nothing in reason that the Republicans can do or concede but will be done to secure harmony, and promised that the measures, not of party politics, obnoxious to the citizens, should be modified. He.said he was in earnest in jii4 desire to secure the welfare of all, and preserve peace and order. Another meeting will be bold in a few days, when it is hoped some practical illustration of the mutual desire for har mony will be presented. Moderate Repub licans, unfortunately but few in number, concede that the system of legislation hereto fore and at present pursued., is calculated to create strife. Democracy says that preserva tion of order is what they most earnestly . desire, and that it resits entirely with the Republicans. Cablegrams. Paris, August 15.—Lord Napier, of Mag dala, wa; among the distinguished visitors who participated in yesterdays’ review of the National and Imperial Guard. The French Royal family was enthusias tically cheered bv the people. M. Henry Roehefort « f Lantern, has been sentenced to pay ten thousand francs, and to one years’ imprisonment. Count R. de Moreau Taverney, lias been appointed first Secretary to the Washington Legation, The Moniteur, (flaking of the" recent Fqench loan, says that thirlv four times the amount asked for has already been sub scribed* London, August 15.—Dispatches from Ireland give particulars of the deeds-of Uw iecMtett in Tipperary. It seems that while one of the creflt btndl.srds of that reriqn, named Scujly, was serving the usual notices on various tenants, he was killed Uy naonn unknown person. A strong body of police attempted to rrest the cidprit, when they in turn were fiercely ntt u k id, two shot dead, and four badly wounded. At last accounts, quiet bad been restored. Queenstown, August 15.—-The steamer City of Baltimore, with Rcverdy Johnson aboard, Las arrived. <- Louisiana Legislature. New Orleans, August 15.—An act- to regulate public education in the State of Louisiana, prepared under the supervision of Parson Conway, inis been made tho special order for next Friday. Indian Outrages. St. Louis, August 15.—Advices from Solomon City, Kansas, report horrible Indian outrages on Solomon River settle ments. , Men killed, Women ravished, chil dren captured, stock taken, country stripped of ptovisons. Popular, Patriotic and Home Songs. Xearly 200 for 17 Cents! The Shilling Song Book, CONTAINING ALL THE BEST SONGS qf the day, a large number of which, being copyrights, are not to be fo«n4 in any other col lection. Three parts. Price of each. 17 cents. Sent by mail, post-pavi. on receipt of the price. Published by OLIVER DITSON & CO., Publishers, 277 Washington, St., Boetea, jy TN THE DISTRICT DOUBT OF THE I United States for the Northern District of Gnorgia- In the matter of )IN BANKRUPTCY. RAPHAEL HIRBLTJ, } Baekrapt. J No. 31. The said Bank rapt having petitioned the Court for a dlnehnrge from all his debts provable under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the 7th day of September, 1868, at 10 o’clock a. m.,at Ctembers of said District Court before Law son Black, Esq., one of the Registers of Said Court in Bankruptcy, at the Register’s office, in Atlanta. Ga., and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted. AM farther notice is given that the second and third meetings of creditors will b«. heM at the tame time and place. Witness the Honorable John Erskine, f»BAL.] Judge of said Court. Georgia, this— L day of—r, 1868. W. B .SMITH, onto— taw'Jw* _ C' erk - SOUTHERN DISTRICT GF GEORGIA.— Americas, Ga., August 19, 1868. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as assignee of ROBERT K. MANN, of Americus, county of Sumter, uud State of Georgia, who "has, u;*on his own petition, been adjudged a Bankrupt by the District Court of said District. . W. C. MORRILL, saltf— Assignee. x lIiLVRY L. A. BALK ITS BROAD STREET, NEW SPRING GOODS! I WILL' OI'EN fO-UAT A TUKSM ASSORTMENT OF New Spring Prints, VERY HANDBOM4S, AT LOW PRIOEB. FINE CAMBRIC CHINTZ . NEW PRINTED LAWNS, NEW SPRING DrLAINES, CHALLIES, etc., itv New Spring Ginghams, , VEttY HANDSOME, AT A LOW PRICE. FRENCH CASSIMERES, AMERICAN CASSLMERES, mml JEANES. BED TICKING, STRIPES, BLEACHED SHIRTING, BROWN HOMESPUN, PARASOLS, HOOP SKIRTS, UMBRELLAS, GLOVES, PERFUMERY, ktc All of which will be sold at as LOW PRICES can bo had'in town. UKMRY L. A. BALK, 172 Broad Street u>h24-Ty _ official. Appointments by the Governor, Executive Dr pabtmbnt, 1 Atlanta, August 8, 1868. | (h/lered, That Edward Hulbert be, and lie is hereby appointed SSpetintendent of the Western &. Alamis Railroad, upon liia giving bond and security in the a uni of twenty thousand dollars, and taking aud subscribing the necessary oaths required by the laws of this State. RUFUS JI BULLOCK, By the Governor; G&vcrnor. ,B. B. DeGraefenreid, Sec’y Ex. Department. Executive Department, > Atlanta, August 8, 1868. j Ordered, That John Wills, of the county of Halt, be, and he is liereby, appointed Assistant Keeper of the Penitentiary, by virtue of and in acevrdauee with the 4668th auction Os the Code of Georgia, upon his giving bopd aud security for tlie fuithlul performance of bis duties RUFUS B. BULLOCK, By the Governor : Governor. B. B. DeGraffenreiu, Scc’y Ex. Department. Executive Department, [ Atlanta, August 8, 1868 f Ordered. That Overton 11. Walton, of tlie county of Crawford, be, and he is hereby, appoint ed Principal Keeper of the Penitentiary, by vir tun of and in accordance with tlie 4868111 section of the Code of Georgia, upon his giving bond and security fertile faithful performance of his duties. KUFUS B. BULLOCK, By the Governor: Governor. B. B. DeGuaffenreid, Sec’y Ex. Dcpartmment. Executive Department, J - Atlanta. Ga., August 8, 1868.} Ordered, That Dr. Wills, of the county of Hall, be, ami bejs liereby,. appointed Physician of the Penitentiary, by virtue of and in accordance with tlie 4668th sectioa of the Code of Georgia, upon his giving bond and security for the faithful per formance of bis duties, R. B. BULLOCK, By toe Governor: Governor B. B. DxGRAFFENRrEO, Sec’y Ex. Department. Executive, . I Atlanta, Ga., August 8, IS®. J Ordered, That Clayton Vaughn, of the county of Jlaldwiu, be. and lie is hereby, appointed In spector of the Penitentiary, by virtue of aud tn accordauce’witb the 4668tb section of the Code of Georgia, upon his giving bond and security for the faithful performance of Ins duties. RUFUS B. BULLOCK, By the Governor: Governor. B. B DEttuAFFEWKEin, Sec’y Ex. Department. Executive Dspaiitment, ) Atlanta, Ga., August Blh, 1868. } Ordered, That A, C. Tildan, of Jlie county of Warren, bp, add Jie is hereby, appointed Book Keeper of the Penitentiary by virtue of and in aci-ordanee with toe 4668th"section of the Code of Georgiq and upon life giving bond and security for the faithful performance es bis duties. RUFUS p. BULLOCK, By the Governor : Governor. B. B. D*<J«ArFBSREra, • Sce’y Ex. Department. Executive Depautmekt, > Aiianta. (4a., August Will, 1868. (Ordered, That Natlian P. Hotchkiss, of Mio codnty of, and he is hereby, appointed Audit<»r of tlie Western&. Atlantic Railroad, upon bis giving bond and security ia tbo BIUU of twenty dollars, and taking aud subscribing the ueccssary oatlfe requirod by the taws of faiaState. RUFUS H. BULLOCK, Dy tho Governor : . . , Governor. B. B, UK<j»AiWiiitnKl», Sec’y T’x. Department. ...“11" ... ■ - . - Selling off nt Cost. M-RS. m. tweedy OFFERS HER ENTIRE STOCK OF MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, VONUISNINC OF BONNETS, HATS, "* , FLOWERS, and RIBBONS, With a variety of other articles too tedious to mention, at aud below cost, in order to make room for bur Foll Stock, at air» BROAD STREET. uni-.'w Opp Mite Central Hotel. ALBERT G. HALL, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, 221 BROAD STRBET, AUGUSTA, GA. IJIRK, LIFE, AND MARINE INSURANCE Cffooloj to any amount to the most reitable Companies in tho oountry. Tbc fulluwing Companies are especially ropce seuted by bit* : The QU BEK INSURANCE Cf»., of London and Liverpool. The GEORGIA HOME INSURANCE C 0„ of Columbus, tot. Tho NORTH AMERICAN FIRE (NSURANCE CO., of |l»rtferd, Cope. Tho JEFFERSON INSURANCE CO., of Scottevitie, Fa. Tho NORWICH FIKE INSURANCE CO., of Norwich, Cquo. The JAMES RIVER INSURANCE Cth, of Montreal, Va. The INSURANCE A SAVING CO., of Rich mond, Va. Tho UNION PIRK INSURANCE W., of Betti, more, Md. The VIRGINIA INSURANCE CO., of Staqu. ■ tun, V&. . - ALSO, The MANHATTAN LIFE INeUB >NCE CO., of New York. Cash Assets, $4,391,173-45. je23—ly ' j f IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the Northern Divtreet es Georgia. Cl the matter of 1 ~ t E WIS COO K, :IN BANKRUPTCY Itenkrapl. J To whom it may ooncern: The uudersign<4 hereby given notice of bur appointment a» As signee of the estate of Lewie Cook, of Atlant cougty of Fulton, and State of Georgia, within said Dfefijct. who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own jx-tifion by the District Court of tuid district. Dated at Atlanta, (Ta., tins 3d dav of August, A.D., »88. J J NfcWTDN, ai»l4—law3w ; Assignee. IN .THE . DtoTKtoT COURT OF TWE A United States for the Northern Dirtrict of Georgia. In toe matter of■) , ? THOMAK SWINT, SLN BANKBUPTOY Bankrupt. ) No. 355. The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all hie debts provable trader the Bankrupt Act at March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given ta all persons interested to appear dn the sth day of September, 1868, at lOe'clocfc in the forenoon, at chamber* Or thosaid District Court, before Charles G. McKinley, on« Os the Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy, at the Register’s office, in the city of Newnan, Gfl,, and show cause why the prayer of tho said petition of the-Bank rupt should not be granted. Witness-the Honorable John Erskine, [seal.] Judge of said Court, and the seal there of, this 28th day of July. 1868. W. B. SMITH, anil—law2w* Clerk IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE 1 United States for the Northern District qf Georgia. lie the matter of } IHOMAS G BARNETT VIN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. ) No. 105. Tho said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all hie dobts provable under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the 3d day of September, 1868. at 10 o’clock a. m , at Chambers of said District Court, before Alex ander G Murray, one of tlie Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy, at the Register'* l office in the city of Griffin, Geprgia, and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted. And further notice is given that the second and third meetings of cred itors will be held at tho same limo and place. Witness the Honorable John tErskine, [seal.] Judge of said District Court, and the seal thereof this Bth day of August. 1868. W. B. SMITH, aul 1 —1 aw3w * Clerk. STATE OF GEORGIA— Richmond Conhty. Whebeas, Alfred Charles Holt applies to me for Letters of Administration, de Louis non, on the estate of Adna Rowe, late of raid county, de ceased. These aro therefore to cite aud admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors cf said de ceased, to be and appear at my office, on er before tiie second Monday in September next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. , Given under my hand and official signature, at. office in Augusta, this Hlth day of August. 1868. SAMUEL LEVY, aull—lqi , .Ordinary. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE L United States for the Northern District of Georgia. ; . > • In tho matter of 1 IN BANKRUPTCY. JOMATHAN J. MILXEB, > Bankrupt. J No. 7. The said Bankrupt having netioned the Court for a discharge from all hie debts provnble under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear oil the Ist, daf of September, 1868, at ten o’clock a. m., at chambers of said District Court, before Al exander G Murray, Esq . one of the Registers of saidCottrt in Bankruptcy the Register'll offiifliu city of Griffin,Oa.,and toow cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted, Apd further notice is given that the second and thii il meetings of creditors will be held at the same time and place. Witness, the Honorable John Erskine, [sbal.J Judge of said District Court, and the seal thereof, this Sth dsy of August, I 1868. W. B. SMITH, null—law3w" Clerk. pT INK DISTRICT COURT OF THE I United States for the Northern District of Georgia. In the mattei; of ] GALES JENKS, }IN BANKRUPTCY! Bankrupt. J No. 37- The said Bankrupt, having petitioned the Court fur a disclrarge from all life debts provable under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear en tho 4tb ilay of September,lß6B, at, 11) o'clock, in the forenoon, at chambers of tlie said District Court, before Alexander G Murray, Esq,,oue of tlteßeg"- isters of' the said Court! in Bankruptcy, at the Register’s office, in the city of Griffin, Ga , mid slkiw cause Why the prayer of the said petition of tho Bankruptshvuld not be granted Witness, the Honorable Jolm Erskine, [seal] Judge of said Court, and' the seal thereof, this the Sth day. of August, 1868. W. B. SMITH,. mill —Inw3w* Clerk. IF tbT dStrict~ COURT ©F THE United States, for tho Northers District of Georgia. . .. • In the matter of I IN BANKRUPTCY. IfITTLETOR R. BbMWKK, > Bankrupt. I , No. 306. The said. Bankrupt.having petit[oue<l the Court for a discharge from ull bfe debts provable uuder tho Bankrupt Aot of March 2d, 1867, notiee is hereby given to all persons interested,toappeai on the 4tb day ofSeptemtier, 1868,at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, at chambers of the said District Court, before Alexander G Murray, Esq., one oftlie Reg isters of the said Court iu Bankruptcy, at the Reg ister’s office in the city of Griffin, Ga., and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of tire Bankrupt slioald not be granted. Witness the Honorable John Erskine, [seal.] Judge of said District Court, and the seal thereof, this Bth day oi August, ■ Uii». r. <. vr.». sum, aul I—law,3w * Cterk. > TS XBH DISTRICT COURT OF Tlftl 1 1 United States fox the Southern Dirt riot.»f 1 GaOifig. - < ... ~ ■ ' -in tbcmatter of ') J ’ EPHRAIM EIIRUCU,iIN,BANKRUPTC¥. ’ a ’ BaakrapL J all whom it inay concern: Tke ufttler- Mgnnd hereby gives notom of his election as Assignee of Ephrafaa, -Ehrlich, of ti»e elty of Savannah, -uquaty of Chatham, and Sta4e.of Georgia, within said District, who lues been adjudged « Bankrupt .niton bis own petition by the District Court of said District, F. H. BARNARD, «üB-law3w Assignee. Awignee's Notice. JN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States tar the Nortiiern District of Georgia. In the matter of } GEORG® SHARP, Ju, IIN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. J The utidersigwd hereby gives notice of his appoiatunnt as Assignee o< the estate of George Sharp, Jr., of Atlanta, county of Fulton, and State of Georgia, within said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by Ute Dirtrk-t Court of said District. . NOAH R. FOWLER, au9—law.3w . /' Assignee. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE 1 United States for the Northern District of Georgia. In the matter of ' ] : , WILtIAM G. HERRIN, [ IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. ) To the creditors of William G. Herrin, Bunk nipt: This is to give von notice tliat the Court has ordered the second ip neral meeting of the creditors of the above named bankrupt to be holdew at the Register’s offiee in Newnan, Ga at 10 o'clock a. m.. on tlie 3tsl day of August; A. I).. 1868, for the purposes named in the twenty seventh section of the Bankrupt. Act-of March 2d, W- Dated at Newnan. Ga.. oa the bto day at Au gust, A. D., 1868. JAME 6 P. BREWSTKE, an9—law2w ■„ Assignee. <<OUTHEBN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA.— O At Blakeley, the Bth day of July, A. D. 1868. The undersigned hereby gives notice of bis appofiittneut as assignee of James B. Brown, of Blakeley, in the county of Early and State of Georgia, within said District, who has been ail juriged a bankrupt upon his owh petition by the District Court of arid District. GEORGE B. SWANN, iyl4—l«w3w Assignee, etc I N THE DIS IRICT COURT-OF THE UNITED 1. States, for the Southern District of Georgia. In tho matter of 1 > < HAS. W. DOUGHTY, L IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. ) Tn wtro.n it may cew-ern: The tmdersfgneil Be by gives notice of bfe apuoiadment as .As jEßßW'Snb i b£the District CwSFeMmiddßrtrict. ™ JOHN 8. DAVIDSON, au 11—law3w Assignee. • TN THE. DISTRICT. COURT OF THE < 1 United States far the Southern Dirtriet of i Georgia. -I In tiie matter of ) QUINTON J.PLRCLLI4 IN BANKRUrPCY. Bankrupt. ) . ‘ To all whom it may concern .- The undersigned * hereby gives r»uc« of his appointment an As • signee of Quinton J. Punelfoof Columba^ eoanty of Mascome', State of Georgm. within said Distort, s who has been adiu.hied a batArnpt upon hh own ' Iwßwe- : WILL BE SOLD, ON THE FIRST TUES DAY ia SEPTEMBER, at the Lower of Augusta, botween the usual hours of gale, one Hou*), on leased land, situated o« Kilis street, between KeUeek and Marbury streets ; bookded North by Ellis street. East by house of Blister Wigfold, South ,7 lot es Jaovb Jones, to ratisfy » tai “fa. tSSTbJ ° tho Couacll of Augusta against tho said Daniel Jones, for his taxes for the year 1867. ' ISAAC LEVY, Augusta. July 39,1868. city Sheriff, au I—td City Sheriffs Sale- WILL BE SOLD ON THE FIRST TUES DAY in September, at the Lower Market houno in tho city qf Augusta, between tho usual hours of sate, one House and lot, situated in Canaan, bound on the north by let of Wm. Dem ■ by, east by Camming street, south by Hate street and wert by let of John Lark. Levied up on as tho property of Royal Sibley, to satisfy ouo Tax fi. fa. issued by the City Council of Augusta against the raid Royal Sibtey for hte taxes for • the year 1867. ISAAC LEVY, QiQr Sheriff. Augusta, Ga, July 1868. , aul—td II BANKRUPTCY. TN THE MATTER OF THEODORE A. 1 GOODWIN, Bankrntit. Will be sold on the First. Tuesday in Septem ber next, Ht-the Conrt House in Savannah, Ga., between the imnal hours of sate, by virtue of an order from F. S. Hesseltlae, Esq., Register in Bankruptcy, all those tracts of land in Chatham county, Georgia, the ptopqrty of raid Theodore A. Goodwin, being five hundred and sixty (560) acres, more or lees, together ope hundred (UJOI acres, more or less, palled “Oakland, ' bounded on the west by the northeast, branch of Little Ogeechee river; the other boundaries being such as will appear by reference to plat of re survey of raid "Oakland'’ tract, certified kjy John McKinnon, County Surveyor of Chatham tounty, Sept. 13th, 179t1. excepting the reservation of one acre n* which the Oakland Church stands, on the cross road from the Ogeecbee to White Blnfl road. .Sold tuihjwt to a mortgage, and the lien of judgment op said mortgage, in favor of Emanuel Hefilt. as Administrator on the estate of James ’ E Heidt, deceased, for the sum of >3,867 st>, Willi interest from May 7, 1864, on half that amount, andon the other half from May 7th, 1866 And, ajso, one hundred and seventy five acres iu same county, bounded by lands of Jacob Wuld burg, John Daley, lame D. LaßoChe, and Mrs. Mary Marshall. Sold subject to mortgage and judgment in raid mortgage for s3,o96and interest iu favor of Emanuel Herd*. . . K L. NEIDLINGKR, Assignee of P. H. Goodwin, Bankrupt. aulO—td — —,■» . Aasigcee's Sale. OTATE OF GEORGIA O Oglethorpe Ceuntg. Pursuant to an order from the Hon. A. G. Foster, Register in Bankruptcy for the District es Georgia, will be will, at lire Court House door at Lexington, iu said comity, on tha first TUESDAY in September next, between the ueurf hours of sale, eighty acres of Land hi said county, aitjoin ing lands of David Graham aad James Unnuiug ham, with a frame Dwelling thereon. Also, a small Office Lot. in raid Lexingtou, now occupied by Dr. B. V. Willingham fia a Doctor . shop, 26 feet by iff*adjoining G. F PlaU -i Store Lot, and others. Also, the House aud Lot in said Lexington-now occupied by said Wilhughw mfri family as a dwelling, containing ouo aero, iiiore or less., owned not long ago by Thes. 8. Gresham, hftd sold by him to said Willingham, being once owned by George R. GRater. < - Also, eight hundred aud thirty iicrea us land in raid county, on Broad River, adjoining lauds of James Mattox, William Stovall, audJanis owned by Nathan Mattox at Uie time of his death. AU of said real estate sold as the property of B. V. Willingham, baokntpt, for the benefit of bis creditors, free front incumbrances. Terms cash. BENJ. F. HARDEMAN, &Ug7—t<i Assignee. Postponed H. S, Marshal’s gale.- TTNDER AND BY VTRTOE OF A WRIT I. J of, fieri fades issued, out of the honorable roe Fifth Circuit Court of the United Statra for the Southern District of Georgia, in favor, of the plain tiff, in tlie following case, to wit: George W. Hatch vs. the Bank of Commerce. 1 tiave levied upon as the property of the defendant the Bank of Commerce, part of lot of land number ten [10), Jckyl Tything, Derby Ward? together with ail the improvements thereon, consisting Os a build hig, known as the Bank of Commerce Budding, situate, lying,,aud being in the city of SavaniMtu, ramify of Cimtlmm, and State of Georgia, and will sell the tame at nuldie auction, at the Corp t. House, iu tlm city of suvanuah, Chatham county, Georgia, on the FIRST TUESDAY in SEPTEM BER next, between the law ftil hours of rale. Dated Savannah, Ga , May 29th, 1868. WM. G. DICKSON, aus—law4t 11. S. Marshal. Atsignee’s Sale in Bankruptcy. I Will. SELL AT AUCTION, IN THE c»y of Atimita, on tho first TUESDAY iu September next, before thu Court House 'door, city lots Nos. 21 and 22, fronting on McDonough street on the west. . .'"Pg Ontbese premises is a two story frapred. |iouse containing eight rooms, plasters'] 'Wd finijtfed throughout, with a cook aud servame' room attached. Also, a good smeke bouse, barn aad. stable, good water, and ■gandufa ia goc^ VStioß. • • .s-. Also, a one-half iuteiffrt itf.Sft seres’ of. fifthi lying just outside the corjierute ifailta of We efty. finite 14« h Atricl Hemy, (now Fulton] new west end,on the New Greens Ferry Road; Fifteen acres of the laud is heavily Also, one-half interest in city, lot..lying at the junction of Old White Hall anti and /turning baek i»0 foci. . • ’T— Also, one lot of notes and aceonntib-M The above sold per order of decree in-bank rnplcy, as the property of Louis 8. Salmon, bankrupt, and free from all Incumbrances. For pdrticirfare till day of raje, uimly to B. W. YORK, Asstance. Atlanta, Aug. 10,1868. atßw~ Rsvkjw IN THE DISTRICT COURT QF THE United States for the Northern District of Georgia. ’ Tn the matter of > IN B ANKRUPTCy. REVBEN JORDAN, [, -. , <’ ■ Bankrupt. j No. 18tl._ The raid Bankrupt baying petitioned the Court for a discharge from all bis debts provable under the Bankrupt Act 6f March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the 21st day of August, 1868,at to o'clock a. m., at Chambers of raid District Court, before. Gar nett Andrews Esq., one of the Register* of raid Court in Bankruptcy, at the Register’s office, iu Athens, Georgia, and show cause why the prayer of the said p tition es tke Bankrupt sbouht not be granted. Aud furtlier uotfoe is given timt tbeseeond and third jaecßttga of creditors wdi be held at tin- same lime and place. Witness, tho Uoaorabta John Ershine, • [skxl.| Judge of said District Court, wris day of- , 1S«8 W. B. SMITH, ■ aulJ—law2w* Clerk- IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for tee Northern Distrirt of Georgia. In the matter of ) CHARLES F NEWTON > IN BANKRUPTCY Baiikrunt J No. 937. The said Bankrupt having petitioned tlie Court, for a discharge from all bfe debts provable ander the Bankrupt Act of Marell 2d, 1867, notica is ' hereby given to all persons iuterested to appear on the Ist day of September,lß68 .at ten o’clock in the forenoon, at chambers of the raid District Court, before Alexander G Murray Esq.; one of the Reg isters of the said Court w Baaknj|*cy. at tbe Reg ister's office, ip die city es Griffin, Georgia, aud show Came why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt, slunild not be granted. Aad further' notice is given that the second aad third meetings of creditors will be held M the same time audplitoe. Witness, the Honorable John Erskine, r.... i J“dn e of s »id Coart, and the ssal [Skal.j (hi, J2th day of Asgust;lßßß. W. B. SMITH, anti— I:iw2w* Clerk. SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA.— Auisrieus, Ga., August 10, 1368. The undersigned hereby gives notico of his appointment as assignee of WILLIAM P. HOLLEY, of Albany, in the county of DvUgb erty, State <4 Georgia, who has, upon bls own petition, been adjudged a bankrupt by the District court ol said District. , , W. C. MORRILL, RtrtS—liwSw " Araiguee. SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GtiOßGj.*,- Americur, Ga., August 19, 1368., The undersigned hereby ghvs notiee of his appointment asrarSignee of LAWSON H. CAR TER, of Milford, in the county of Bsteer,Btate. of Georgia, who has, upon Ms own petition, been luljudged a bankrupt by tlto DistriO court of said District. W. C. MORRILL, aul3-lsW3w - ' Assigned •