The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, August 20, 1868, Image 3

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City Paper. I \liliKßT CITY CIRCU£ ATION» __ j flu«8Bn 30 ’ lin i»ture Alm»nMfor August, 1868- THURSDAY, AUGUST JO ~. “•I 8 " B^,V "“ MOON’S PHASES. . iu>uat Jib, 6.44, morning, nib, T.J#, rnraln*. w ‘u ® morning. Thermometer. _ . Natioiui. R«ri'«MC*" OrriCß, A , T»» a igu(t 1# (8W ‘El"* da > s - Cil * One or two disturbers of good ... Alla"** I f We would respectfully request our cotem- M of the ConstiMie* and Intelligencer t»il to u 3 lhcir aflcrnoon as wcll “ 8 l “*’ r jotmug ~ tMl S.rpMH»’»““ ,affCd - He magnificent sleeping-car, Morpheus, .. placed on the Georgia Railway, met with Lccident,yesterday afternoon, at the Union '“ iB thia city, while being transferred L o ne track to the other. It was sup - | that several days’ work would be neces |£y to restore the damage. WM brought before the Recorder, 1-tatty, on the charge of being a nuis- around town, with a lung jitter in his hat, followed by a gaping Lfi Judge Levy bade him cross the Ijridge-al once, promising to give him a po- Litaatthe Work House it he was seen in L city after to-day. j Slug Browned. I The body of Thomas Williams, a colored Ln, ibout fifty years of age, formerly in the Lploy of Mr. Hyams, was found about two Les below the city yesterday morning. kiLtuxs fell off the stern of a flatboat on Ijonday. night. Coroner Rhodes hold an Luest yesterday, and the jury rendered a Iwrdict of accidental drowning. ♦ Itric?ed*o Atlanta. I Capt. H. C. Cook, commandant of Co. H, ph Regiment, U. S. A., and for Severn' Luths past commanding at Fort Pulaski, L received orders to report with his Luipany at Atlanta. I ■ TheCaae of Chief Dillon. I After the decision in the Evans ease Ijesterday afternoon, Judge Hook an- Imnced that Chief of Police, Wm. C. IDillos, charged with the murder of Red, hit able to undergo a legal investigation, Ini insisted on the same. At the same Ifae, Judge Hook expressed his own Itfinion that the Chief was not physically icompetent to undergo the test. The Court ■finallyconsented, at the solicitation of both kites, and after an arrangement had Ibeen entered into to admit the testimony IbEvaxs’ case In the ease of Dillon, to Inter upon the trial of the latter at nine lu’cloek this morning. It is expected to get liwugb with the trial on Saturday. IlDpprtiklon of Testimony. I Attic commencing of the investigation Id the case of Lieutenant Evans the court ■ordered, at the request of Counsel on both ■tides, that the newspapers should not Ipiblisli the testimony until a’fter the trial Ithodd be completed, The trial was con ■duded and the decision of the Court an |Mwed yesterday afternoon. Immediately ■thereafter the prosecution requested the Court to prohibit the publication of tlie fel testimony, and it was incidentally dleged that some of it was too indecent for fe public eye. The object in referring to it this matter is to give notice that '* io not acknowledge the right of Courts or counsel to prevent teporters Item making truthful reports of nidence, and that, hereafter, we shall xer- W out own discretion as to whether we Tom, Dick and Harry to give, ’rtally, jaundiced reporfs, or whether we Mve a competent reporter on the to report everything correctly. h Mr, Evans'case the Ku Klux organ 'berately mislead the public. If the evi oce had been published the people would * informed as to the actual facts. We hereafter we shall consult our own public interest, without reference to or Court. Wo say this in the kind *? lr ' t ' esiring that the Evans case cot bo considered a precedent for "Wen, ot Elder Jesse Davis. ®»ell known minister of the Baptist died at his residence in Blakely, cw,Bl 7i on the 7th instant, He was i tsereniy years o f a „ e> 'Through a long sj* 6 lor his zeal in the „ Christianity, in which he embarked 11 111 early age. #)J) C sm ’t' e3 which have befallen our ? within the last few years should jj, ’ aren,s the importance of apprenticing 80nie S°od trade, by which they eto support, themselves and fami- J ear “ to come. Every boy In the <l “gbt to be brought up to work. Wcatber. . LOOMIB rcttd u paper „ “ fiu enco of the Moon upon the fct y 1 e^oro th o American Associa j Advancement of Science, at * tS C '° Se ex ' l ibit®<l a ttible Jbfj- , W le b he had deduced from seven % nt °, ’* r y at «’ns. He drew the con ltd 4 . n l°on did affect the weather, " Q d ' rect opposition to its f B T u . EL ’ that the ,noon ’ j“ 9t ‘i»ttd i ?. IQfluonooß the weather inCBS ratller than clearness, ’«d the same law as the sun. ' W- rCd WS and arc very ’ °r young ladies just at present. tAwMieannt Held *• IDUI. At five o'clock yesterday afternoon, .Juttioee PHrtMaT and took their aoate at the after twlno preliminary business Justice Phiniz.y, the committing Magistrate, read the following decision: It becomes my 4pty to tidui.tho responsi bility of Anally deciding this case, as tho committing magistrate, my worthy colleague having disagreed with me as to tho offence- According to section 4,612 of the new Code, if there are only two Justices presiding, tho original Justice shall determine all. ■psestione where the CVeri h m»t agreed. That there was no wilful murder in tho killing of Red, but there was an offence against tho laws of tho State, both Justices agree. Justice Reynolds holds that, ac cording to the Code of Georgia, 4,226, the defendant in the above stated case was only guilty of involuntary manslaughter. Myself differing in opinion, adjudged that he should bo committed for manslaughter nlono, under section 4,221 of the new Code. While I believe that have conscientiously dis charged the duty imposed on me by the functions of my office, I can not but regret that 1 differ with my colleague; and 1 now say, as Ido honestly and sincerely believe, that be has not only acted honestly and fairly, but with a conscientious conviction on his mind that he has done right. While I differ with him, 1 apprec iato his character and feelings, as I know his desire is to do justice to oil men. Be it, therefore, ordered by the Court, that the defendant, Charles Evans, be com mitted for the offence of manslaughter. After the reading of Justice Phinizy’s decision, Justice Reynolds gave, verbally> his reasons (or dissent. The Court announced that Lieutenant Evans would be permitted to give -bail in the sum of $3,000. The bail will be promptly given as soon as the papers can be drawn up. Many of the friends of law and order were very much disposed to grumble at the result of the ten days’ inves tigation at first, but when they took into consideration the fact that the friends of the disorderly citizens who caused the difficulty would probably take the case before the Grand Jury, where the examination would be ex parte, and where the faithful police man would have no voice, and where the indictment might be for murder, they arc well satisfied, willing for Evans to go before a jury of his countrymen. A Day in llie (Jounlry. Among the good things of this life we rank getting out of the heat, dust, noise and filth of the city, into the freshness and quiet of the country. The tired eyes, aching with the sight of bricks and mortar, rest and delight in the verdure and brightness of nature. A secluded nook in the still woods, a grassy plot, and nothing to do but lie and rest, dream and imagine, is ono of the luxu ries of life. There is nothing which recu" perales the shattered nerves and weary brain like it. Only those who are cooped up in the city can appreciate the delights of coun try life. When you want to rest good, go to the country to difit. Homicide. On the 14th instant a quarrel arose be tween Newton J. Pugh and John T. Arnold, at the distillery of O. Arnold, about four miles from Milledgeville, in which Pugh was shot in the left breast twice. He died in a short time. The reports that we hear are so conflicting that we are left in doubt as to who was to blame. Mr. Pugh was about thirty-two years of age, and Arnold about eighteen—son of. Obadiah Arnold, Sheriff of Baldwin county. Pugh leaves two children. Perseverance. Not long ago a young Romeo sallied out one moonlight eve with his guitar, to sere nade his Juliet, who lives in a large frame house in th<; rear of the ——— hotel. His attentions were as disagreeable as his voice was discordant. The consequence was that whilst in the midst of "Look out upon tho stars, my love, And shame them with thine eyes,” the contents of a slop bucket were emptied upon his head from the balcony above. I'his throwing of cold water upon tho musician caused him to cease his dulcet strains for that night ; but the night following he was back at his post, with an umbrella spread over his head, and his music in full play. We understand the inamorata has succumbed to so much devotion and pertinacity, and is soon to be. married to her musical lover. Holasscs-cundy Wedding, » We have all heard of golden weddings,. silver weddings, etc., but the latest thing in this line is a molasses-candy wedding. This occurs when the first baby gets old enough to lick. B ja— Novel ty. The greatest novelty is a fan which can be used as a parasol, veil, or bonnet. Now, we only need one that can be used as a veloco pede, a steam fire engine, or a fashionable travelling trunk, • -&-• - Fatal Affray—A Policeman Wounded. —Between ten and eleven o’clock, we were attracted by the reports of fire arms in the direction of the junction of Whitehall and Peachtree streets. We found many negroes and a few white persons in groups on the streets, listening to highly excited narrators of the shooting affair. From tho Deputy Marshal wo learn that a very boisterous negro was making himself very obnoxious to a crowd of his color which had gathered on tho railroad near the National Hotel. -At the request of many of the crowd, this negro was arrested by the police and started for the lock-up. The arresting force and their prisoner had proceeded but a short distance, when they were set upon by a party of negroes, crying, “Go for ’em ; let’s have him.” Pistols were discharged and missiles hurled. The police finally managed to conduct the prisoner to the guardhouse. It was then ascertained that one of their number —Mr. Thomas—was severely wounded in the thigh. It was also discovered that a negro man had received a mortal wound, of which he subsequently died. [Atlanta Intelligencer. K Stabbing Affbay. —Last night about nine o’clock, Captain Grant and William ' Lowry, both white, were engaged in couver -1 sation in a bar room nt No. 16 Inspection . street, and while so engaged an altercation . ensued, which resulted in the stabbing of the former in the abdomen by the latter. Dr. 1 Aucrurn was called in, and gave the wounded man every attention; but it is feared that the wound will prove fatal. A magistrate tfas called 00, and a warrant issued for the ’ arrest of Low.-y, who has probably been . taken ere now.— Charleston Courier. |BTZIELEGRAPH| 1 From Atlanta. > Atlanta, August 19.—The Republican . celebration yuetorday closed with a torch light procession. . General 0. 0. Howard, Commissioner of the Freedmen's Bureau, left here lust uigltl, 1 for Vicksburg. 1 The Republican Convention elected 11. P. Fatrow and Athos T, Akorman ns Electors for the State at large. Washington Itemi. . - | Washington. August 19—Experience has demonstrated that mixed races in the Fire Department is a mistake. Tho negroes have been discharged and white mon rcflmployed. It is stated that daring the recent trial of mixed .firemen the displaced white mon.have beiHi patient and uncomplaining, and in no ’ instance nave they threatened or used vio lence.' . The chairman of, the committee of five, appointed by the recent Mississippi Conven tion, writes that there is evidently an inten |ioh ■on the part of the democrats of tho excluded States to vote at the coming Presi dential election. If tho least encouragement is given by Mr. Johnson, they Will undoubt edly vole. The chairman adds that ho fears the bill passed by Congress is net sufficiently explicit in oil respects, and concludes : “The Republicaus of Mississippi are anxiously expecting the September session. Their very existence as a party and as individuals depends upon CAngressjonal measures of relief.” Butler directs hU attorneys to apply to Evarts to assist in Buyer’s defence in Balti more under the law passed during the war, , requiring tho Attorney General to defend officers or ex-offieers against whom suits may be brought by civilians for arrest and imprisonment. No progress was made to-day in perfecting the machinery for the enforcement of the new ■ tax law. Revenue to-day, $335,000. ' Generals Hancock and Rosseau were among the President’s visitors to-day. Grant’s Adjutant General, Rawlins, has recovered from his recent illness. Rawlings’ wife is also better. By a recent order issued by Gen. Sherman, ’ the Cheyennes, Arapafiobs, KiUwas and Ca manchcs are given a reservation lying be tween Kansas, T&xas, Arkansas and the hundredth meridian. Later advices indicate that the Indian outrage is exaggerated. Adjutant General McAfee reports eight buried, three missing, and five wounded ou Solomons river. Other reports claim twenty killed. Regulations for the preservation of fur bearing animals will issue shortly from the Treasury Department. The penalty for their violation Is from five hundred to one thousand dollars fine, with six months im prisonment. The property of the Alexandria and Georgetown Railroad office, cars, engines, etc-, at Alexandria, was seized to day, under au order from the Circuit Court of Alexan dria county, by Wm. 11. Marbury, receiver. —-a Important Order, etc. New'Orleans, August 19.—The Metro politan Police bill was passed yesterday by a strict party vote- Senator Praughn, in a speech opposing the bill, ventilated the fact that there is not a single cheek or limit to the amount of expenditure under its extraordinary pro visions. The following order was promulgated this morning, and explains itself: Headquarters, Dep. of Louisiana, 1 New Orleans, La., Aug. 18,1868. ] General Orders No. 3. In order to carry out the instructions from the Secretary of War, relative to the assistance to be afforded by the troops on duty in this Department to the civil authorities, in case of domestic disturbance or insurrnetion arising therein, the officers who are commanding districts, de tachments and posts will be governed by the following directions : Every officer will keep himself well informed of the condition of affairs in his vicinity. Should a necessity arise which, in his opinion, would render the services of troops necessary, ho will imme diately communicate by telegraph with these headquarters, stating the essential facts in the case, and asking for the necessary in structions for bis government. Under no circumstances will any interference of the military with the civil authorities be permit ted, nor will the service of troops be made use of, unless upon special instructions pre viously communicated in each case from these headquarters. By command of Brevet Major General R. C. Buchanan. Thomas Neill, Bvt. Brig. Gen. U. S. A., A. A. A. G. — ■ South Carolina Legislature- Columbia, August 19.—A resolution was introduced providing that hereafter all in corporated towns shall make no discrimiua-i tion on account of race or color in the appointment of police. An attempt was made to turn all schools in the State over to the negro school com missioners. The subject was referred to a committee. r A bill passed the House repudiating ail foreign claims against the Bank of the Stale, represented by Baring Bros., and authorizing the Governor to take possession of the assets. The currency of the Bank held by a few republicans is to be redeemed by bonds. Democratic Meeting. Montgomery, August 19.—The Execu tive Committee of tho Democracy of Alabama met in this city to day. Dele gates from about forty counties met to confer with them. Ex-Governor Moore was made President of the meeting. The Committee on Resolution:; reported at 7 p. m. a series of Resolutions endorsing the Democratic nominations and platform, urging the people to vote at the November election, and to take the laws us they find them; denouncing the attempt of the Legis lature to cast the electoral vote of the State. The resolutions were all adopted, and an electoral ticket will be selected to night. A Small War. Nashville, August 19.—A party of men in masks approached a furnace in Wayne county, where the employees werearmed and drilling. A compromise was effected, whereby the furtiaccmen ceased drilling and surren dered their arms to the State authorities. The maskers, on their return, were fired on by the sheriff’s posse from an ambuscade, and, after returning the fire, dispersed. Three citizens were wounded—one seriously. Several horses were killed. Nominations. Toledo, August 19. Impeachment Ashley was re-nominated for Congress by acclamation. Cincinnati, August 19.—The Democrats in the Third District nominated Vallanding ham for Congress. Going to Maine. Boston, August 19 —Geo- IL Pendleton, in responding to the sereqaders at tho Parker House, said he was going to Maine to speak. New Cotton. Macon, Ga., August 19. —Tho first bale of cotton was received here to day from the plantation of Ross & Smith of Houston county, and is a good class of Middling, COMMERCIAL ■ i AUGUSTA MARKETS. Orrioß National Rkfunlioan, I WxnHRSoAy, August 19—P.M. j FINANCIAL.—GoId is buying at $1.45 and soiling at $1,48. Silver in bought at 11.35 aud sold at SI. 43 COTTON.—Unsettled market. Impossible to furnish reliable quotations. BACON.—Market stiff. Clear Sides, 19a19} ; Clear Rib, 18}al9 ; Backbone Sides, 18al8j ; Shouldora, Ibjalfl; Hams range from 18 to 22c. CORN. - Prices coming down a little. White 81.20, mixed $1.15. WHEAT continues tho same : $2.15 to $2.40 fbr While, and $2 to $2.20 for Rod. FLOUR.—City brands soil at sll to sl4 retail $1 higher. TELEGRAPH MARKETS. Finunclul. LONDON, August 19, Noun.- -Consols 04. Bonds 71 J. LONDON, August 19, Afternoon. — Bonds 71fi- NEW YORK, August 19, Noon.- Gold 1.45 J. Slocks steady but very dull. Money easy at 4a5. Old Bauds 12Ju13; now 7fi; North Carolina’s, old 72; New, 71} ; Virginia ox-coupons, 54} ; Now 53}. Tennessee ex-coupons 64; New 63}. Sterling 9}. BALTIMORE, August 10.—Virginia sixes, old, 46Ja46}; 'O6, 47; ’67, 45a45}. NEW ORLEANS, August 19.—Gold 1.44}. Sterling 58a61. Now York sight exchange, } premium. NEW YORK, August 19, Nveniiuj.— Gold feverish and closing weak at 1.44 J. Sterling dull and unchanged. Govornmets closed steady. Tcnnosso’s 64} ; new 63}; North Carolina’s 71; Virginie’s 56. Money active at 4asc, discont 7. A-roiUiee uaul Other Murkelw. LIVERPOOL, August 19, Noon.— Cotton steady ; solos 10,000 bales. LIVERPOOL, August 19, Afternoon. — Cotton steady. NEW YORK, August 18, Noon.— Cotton firm at 30c. Flour 10a20e lower. Wheat la2c lower. Corn firmer. Moss Pork fiamer at 28.75. Lard quiet. Turpedtino firm at 44}a45. Rosin quiet— common to strained 2.72. Freights dull. BALTIMORE, August 19. Cotton firm at 300. Wheat dull and unchanged. Corn firmer. Oats dull, prime to choice 75a80, ordinary 65a70. Rye dull at 50. Provisions firm, and prices unchanged. Mess Pork S3O; shoulders 14}a15; Hams !Ra23c. Lard 19e. MOBILE, August i9.—Cotton quiet—Sales 50 bales; Middlings 28c. Receipts 3 bales. Exports 200 bales. NEW ORLEANS, August 19.—Cotton quiet and irregular. Middlings 29a30e. Salos 18 bales. Receipts 2 bales. Sugar and Molasses steady and unchanged. SAVANNAH, August 19.—Cotton quiet ; nothing doing. Receipts 68 bales. Exports 190 bales. CHARLESTON, August 19.—Cotton dull— sales 16 bales; Middlings 280. Receipts 48 bales. Exports coastwise, 54 bales. LIVERPOOL, August 19, Evening.— Cotton closes easier.- Uplands 10} ; Orleans 10}. Sales 10,000 bjles. NEW YORK, August 19, Evening.— Cotton quiet. Sales 1,200 bales at 30c. Flour dull at noon’s decline. Wheat loweu new amber Tennessee 2.60. Corn—mixed West ern 1.20a1.12}. Mess Pork 28.00. Lard heavy —steam 18}al9. Naval stores and groceries quiet aud dull. Wool active and very firm sales of Texas at 28a32e. Freights lower on grain, and heavy but unchanged on cotton. WILMINGTON, August 19.—“ Spirits Turpen tine weaker, at 40}u41; Now York casks 41}. Rosins— strained 2.00 ; No 2, 2.10. Tar firm, at 3.25. ST. LOUIS, August 19.—Flour quiet, at 6.25a7.00- Corn heavy, at 91a95. Mess Pork 29.75. Shoulders 13}; clear sides 171a17}. Lard IB]alß}. Whiskey at 1.30. CINCINNATI, August 19.—Flour dull. Corn irregular, ear 92a91. Whiskey 65a75. Shoul ders 13}al3}; Clear Sides 17}c. Lard 19c. Marine News. .CHARLESTON, August 19.—Arrived: Schr. Ida Richardson, from New York. Sailed: Steamer Saragossa, for New York; Schr. Albert Thomas, for Now Haven. WILMINGTON, August 19.—Arrived; Stmr A. P. Clyde, New York, SAVANNAH, August 19.—Arrived: Steamer Thames, New York. Cleared; Steamer General Barnes, New York. Popular, Patriotic and Home Songs. Nearly 200 for 17 Cents! The Shilling Song Book, /'VJNTAINING ALL THE BEST SONGS VJ <>f the day, a large number of which, being copyrights, are not to be found in any other col lection. Three parts. Price of each, 17 cents. Sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of lift price. Published by OLIVER DITSON & CO., Publishers, 277 Washington, St., Boston, jy IS—ts OOUTIIERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA.— b-5 Americus, Ga., August 10, 1868. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as assignee of ROBERT J. HILL, ol Americus, iu the county of Sumter, State of Georgia, who lias, upon ins own petition, been adjudged a Bankrupt, l.y tlie District Coart, of said District. W. C. MORRILL, 'iul3—law3w Assignee. SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA.— Americus, Ga., August 10, IS6S. The undersigned hereby gives notice of ilia ap pointment an assignee of EDWARD W. AL FRIEND, of Albany, in the county of Dougherty, State of Georgia, who has, upon his own peti tion been adjudged a Bankrupt by tho District Court of said District. W. C. MORRILL, aul3—la»-2w Assignee. SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA, SS. In Bankruptcy, at Macon, this Ist day of August, A. D., 1868. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his ap pointment as assignee of JONATHAN T. FA BELL, of Midway, in the county of Baldwin, and State of Georgia, within said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said District. au4—law3w JOSEPH E. MURRAY. SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA, SS. In Bankruptcy, at Macon, this Ist day of August, A. D., 1868. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his ap pointment as assignee of JOSIAS BOSWELL, of the county of Putman, and State of Georgia, with in said District, who lias been adjudged a Bank rupt upon his own petition by the District Cour of said District. au4-law3w JOSEPH E. MURRAY. U. S. Marshal’s Sale. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF jieri foeteie, is-ued out of tho Honorable tho Fifth Circuit Court of tho United States, for the Southern District i f Georgia, in favor of tho Plaintiffs, in tho following case, to wit; Wood gate <t Co. vs. Thus. F. Hampton and Frederick Burts, partners, I have levied upon, as tho property of Thomas F. Hampton, one of tho defendants, one block of Brick Stores, situate, lying and being in the town of Bainbridge, county of Decatur and State of Georgia, and known as tho Hampton Block, adjoining tho premises of King & Lester, Lewis & Waters, and D. J. Dickinson,Jon Water street in said town and county; and will sell tho same at. public auction, at the Court House in tho city of Macon, county of Bibb and State of Georgia, on tho frst TUESDAY in September next, between tho lawful hours of sale. Dated at Savannah, Ga., this 30th day of July, 1863. WILLIAM G. DICKSON, augi—law4w U. S. Marshal. SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA, 8. B.—ln Bankruptcy at Augusta, this sixth day of August, A. D,, 1868. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of Salmon Morris, of tho county of Warren and State of Geoigia,’ within said District, who lias been adjudged a bankrupt on hie own petition, by the District Court of said District PHILLIP MORRIS. Atlanta Era copy. ang7—law3w TN THE DISTRICT COURT GF THE I United Statii* for tho Southern District of Georgia. In tho matter of i JAMEB O. WHITAKER VIS BANKRUPTCY. .. Bankrupt. ) To whom it may concern i Tho undersigned hereby give notß-o of tbeir appointment as assignees of Jamot Cl. Whitaker, of Milledgo villo, in the oounty of Baldwin, and State of Georgia, with)n said District, who has boon ad judged a Bankrupt upon bis own petition by tho District Court of said District. Dated at Macon, Ga., tho let day of August, A. D., 1868. ARCHIBALD C. MoKINLEY, of Milledgeville, Ga. JOSEPH E. MURRAY, of Macon, Ga., uu4—lawdw Assignees. TN THE “DISTRICT COURT OF THE 1 United States for tho Southern District of Georgia. In tho matter o f v GEORGE B. HACK, >IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. ) I hereby give notice that I have been appointed Assignee for the estate of Geo. B. Hack, ol Burke county, Ga., the said Geo. B. Hack having been adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition. HEMAN 11. PERRY, augl—law3vv Assignee. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE A United States for tho Northern District of Georgia. In the matter of ) JAMES T ROBERTS, >IN BANKRUFI'CY Bankrupt. ) No. 58. The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a diwliarge from all his debts provable under the Bankrupt) Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear ou the 3d day of September, 1868, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, at cbambers of said District Court, before Garnett Andrews, Esq., one of the Regis ters of the said Court in Bankruptcy, at the Reg ister’s office in Monroe, Walton county, Ga., and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of tho Bankrupt should not be granted. And fur ther notice is given that the second and third meetings of creditors will be held at the same time and place Witness, the Honorable John Erskine, [seal.] Judge of said Court, and the seal thereof, this sth day of August, 1868. W. B. SMITH, jiuG—law2w* Clerk. IN THE DISTRICT COURT oF~THE United States for tho Southern District of Georgia. In tho matter of JNO. L. HOUSER, UN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. J To all whom it may concern : The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of John L. Houser, of Perry, county of Houston and State of Georgia, within said District, who lias been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said District. Perry, Ga., July 28, 1863. J. A. IIOI.TZCLAW, augi—law3w Assignee. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE A United States lor the Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of ] In Mrs. N. Susannah Holdiubob, } Bankruptcy Bankrupt. ) To whom it may concern; The undersigned hereby gives notice of their appointmeu as Assignees of the estate of Mrs. N. SUSANNAH HOLDRIDGE, of the city ofMacon, in the county of Bibb, and State of Georgia, within said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon her own petition by the District Court of said District. Dated at Macon, Ga., the Ist day of August A D. 1868. SAMUEL C. WEEMS JOSEPH E. MURRAY, .. nu l~law3w Assignees. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE A United States for tho. Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of I HAMILTON 11. SUTTON [IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. j To all whom it may concern : The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as As signee of Hamilton 11. Sutton, of Maeon county, State of Georgia, within said District, who has been adjudged a bankruupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said District. Perry, Ga.. July 28,1868. J. A. HOLTZCLAW, augi—law3w Assignee. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE A United States for tho Southern District of Georgia. In tho matter of ) CHAS. P. MoCALLA, SIN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. y The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of Charles P. McCalla, of the city of Augusta, county of Richmond and State ol Georgia, within said District, who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon bis own petition, by the District Court of said District. JACOB R. DAVIS, nng7—law3w Assignee. TN THE DISTRICT COURT~OF THE A United States for the Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of ] THOMAS ADDISON, [IN BANKRUPTCY Bankrupt. j To all whom it may concern: The under signed hereby gives notice of his election as Assignee of the estate of Thomas Addison, of the city of Savannah, county of Chatham, and State of Georgia, within said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own peti tion by- the District Court of said District. F. D. BARNARD, auß—lnw.Sw Assignee. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE A United States for the Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of j ROBERT IL LAND, [IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. j No. 33. The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all his debts provable under the Bankrupt Act of March 2nd, J 867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the 16th day of September,lß6B, atlO o’clock a. iu , at chambers of said District Court, before Albert G. Foster, oneof the Registers of said Court, in Bank ruptcy, at his office, at No. 1, Warren Block, 3d floor, room No. 6, Jackson street, city of Augusta, Georgia, aud show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted. And fnrtlier notice is given that the second and third meetings of creditors will be held at the same time and place. Dated ut Savannah. Ga., this 4th day of August, 1868. james McPherson, au6—law3w Clerk. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United Stales for tho Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of V FRANCIS HOLMAN, [IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. J To whom it may. concern: Tho undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of Francis Holman of Augusta, in the county of Richmond and State of Georgia, within said District, who has been.adjudged a bankrupt, upon his own petition, by the District Court of said District. Dated at Augusta, Ga., this 4th day of August, A. D., 1868. HENRY JONES, augs—law3w Assignee. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE A United States for the Southern District of Georgia. In tho matter of ) WILLIAM S. ROYAL, [IN BANKRUPTCY Bankrupt. J To whom it may concern: The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of William 8. Royal, of Augusta, in the county of Richmond and State of Georgia, within said District, who has been ad judged a bankrupt, upon bis own petition, by the District Court of said District. Dated at Augusta, Go., this 4th day of August, A. D., 1868. HENRY JONES, . augs—law3w Assignee. IN THE DISTRICT cbURT“oF “THE United States for the Northern District of Georgia. In rue matter of ) HENRY E. LUCAS, [IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. J To whom it may concern: The undersigned hereby gives notice of his qipoiutment as Assignee of Henry E. Lucas, of Clark comity, and State of Georgia, within said District, who lias been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said District, « Dated the 3d of August, 1868. PETER A. SUMMEY, _anl —law3w Assignee. SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF~GEORGIA, SS. In Bankruptcy, at Macon, this Ist day o f August, A. D. 186 S. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of Mrs. GLADY G. ETHRIDGE, of the county of Monroe, aud State of Georgia, within said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon tier own peti tion by the District Court of said District. SAMUEL C. WEEMS, au4-law3w Assignee. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE A United States fur th? Northern District] of Georgia. tn the matter of ) TIIOMAS SWINT, [IN BANKRUWC-’Y Bankrupt. J No. 255. ! The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all his debts provable under the lUhknipt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on tho sth day of September, 1868, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, at chambers of the said District Coffrt. before Charles G. McKinley, one of tho Registers of said C’ourt In Bankruptcy, at the Register s office, in the city of Newnan, Ga., aud show cause why the prayer of the raid petition of tho Bank rupt should not be granted. Witness the Honorable John Erskine, [skal.] Judge of said Court, and the seal tharc of, this 28th day of July. 1868. W. B. SMITH, uull--law2w* Clerk. IN THE DISTRICT. COURT OF TSE A United States for the Northern District of Georgia. In the matter of ) THOMAS tt BARNETT [IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. J No. 105. The said Bankrupt having petitioned tho Com t for a discharge from all hie debts provable under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the 3d duy of September, 1868, at 10 o'clock a. m , at Chambers of said District Court, before Alex ander G Murray, one of the Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy, at the Register s office iu the city of Griffin, Georgia, and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should net be granted. And further notice is given that the second and third meetings of cred itors will be held at the same time and place. Witness the Honorable John tErskinc, [seal,J Judge of said District Court, and the seal thereof th is Bth day of August, 1868. W. B. SMITH, null—law3w* Clerk. STATE OF GEORGIA— Kichmond County. Wheheas, Alfred Charles Holt applies to me for Letters of Administration, de boms non, on the estate of Adna Rowe, late of said county, de ceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors cf said de ceased, to lie and appear at my office, on or before the second Monday in September next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given tinder my hand and official signature, at office in Augusta, this 10th day of August, 1868. SAMUEL LEVY, auil—itn Ordinary. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the Northern District of Georgia. In the matter of |IN BANKRUPTCY. Jonathan J. Milner, [ Bankrupt. J No. 7. The said Bankrupt having petioned the Court for a discharge from all his debts provable under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all’persons interested to appear on the Ist day of September, 1868, at ten o’clock a. m., at chambers of said District Court, before Al exander G Murray, Esq., one of the Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy,at the Register’s office in city ofGriilin,Ga.,and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted. And further notice is given that the second and third meetings -of creditors will be held at the same time and place. Witness, the Honorable John Erskine, [seal.J Judge of said District Court, and the seal thereof, this Bth day of August, 1868. W. B. SMITH, auil—law3w" Clerk. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE JI United States for the Northern District of Georgia. In tlie matter of ] GALES JENKS, [IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. J No. 37. Tlie said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all his debts provable under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the 4th day of September,] 868, at 10 o'clock, in the forenoon, at chambers of the said District Court, before Alexander G Munay, Esq.,oue of the Reg isters of the said Court’ in Bankruptcy, at the Register’s office, in the city of Griffin, Ga , ami show cause why tlie prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted. ' Witness, the Honorable John Erskine, [seal] Judge of said Court, and the seal thereof, this the Bth day of August, 1868. W. B. SMITH,. null—law3w" Clerk. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE -I United States, for tho Northern District ol Georgia. In the matter of ■ lIN BANKRUPTCY. Littleton R. Brewer, [ Bankrupt. ) No. 306. - Tile said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all his debts provable tinder the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested toappeai on tlie 4th day ofSeptomber, 1868, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, at chambers of the said District Court., . before Alexander G Murray, Esq., one of tho Reg isters of the said Court in Bankruptcy, at the Reg ister's office iu tlie city of Griffin, Ga., aud show cause why the prayer of the said petition of tlie Bankrupt should not be granted. Witness the Honorable John Erskine, [seal.] Judge of said District Court, and the seal thereof, this Bth day ol Angnst, 1868. W. B. SMITH, auil—law3w* Clerk. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for tho Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of ] EPHRAIM EHRLICH, [IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. j To all whom it may concern: The under signed hereby gives notice of his election as Assignee of Ephraim Ehrlich, of the city of Savannah, county of Chatham, and State of Georgia, within said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said District. F. 11. BARNARD, aiiß-law3w Assignee. Assignee’s Notice. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the Northern District of , Georgia. tn the matter of ] GEORGE SHARP, Jr , [IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt; J Tlie undersigned hereby gives notice of Ilia appointment as Assignee of the estate of George Sharp, Jr., of Atlanta, county of Fulton, and State of Georgia, within said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon bis own petition by the District Court of said District. NOAH R. FOWLER, • an!) —Inw3w Assignee. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE J. United States for the Northern District of Georgia. In the matter of ) WILLIAM G. HERRIN, [ IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. ) To the creditors of William G. Herrin, Bank rupt: This is to give you notice that the Court has ordered tlie second general meeting of the creditors of the above named bankrupt to be holden at the Register’s office in Newnan, Ga. at 10 o’clock a. m.. on the 31st day of August, A. D.. 1868, for the purposes named in the twenty seventh section of the Bankrupt Act of March 2cL 1867. Dated at Newnan, Ga., on the Gth day of Au • gust, A. D., 1868. JAMES P. BREWSTEE, au9—law2w Assignee. SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA.— At Blakeley, the Bth day of July, A. D. 1868. The undersigned hereby gives notice of bis appointment as assignee of James B. Brown, of Blakeley, in the county of Early and State of Georgia, within said District, who has been ad judged a bankrupt upon liis own petition by the District Court of said District. GEORGE B. SWANN, jyl-l—lawow Assignee, etc I N THE DIS TRICT COURT OF THE UNITED J- States, for the S' Ahern District of Georgia. In tho matter oi ) CHAS. W. DOUGHTY, [ IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. J To whon it may concern: The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as As signee of Charles W. Doughty, Os Augusta, Rich mond comity, Georgia, within said District, who lias been adjudged a bankrupt uponHiis own peti tion by the District Court of said Dfstryit. JOHN S. DAVIDSON, au 11—law3w Assignee. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE JL United States for the Southern District, of Georgia. In tlie matter of 1 QUINTON4-PURCELL [IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. | To all whom it may concern : The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as As signee of Quinton J. Purcell, of Columbus, county of Muscogee, State of Georgia, wit hin said District, who luis been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own tlie District court, -of said disiriel. ® jy2s—law3w M AwignOe. AUCTION Sa AES. City Sheriffs Sale. Will be Bold, on the first Tues day In SEPTEMBER, at the Lower Market House, in the City of Augusta, between tho usual hours of sale, ono House, on leased fftuated on Ellis street, between Kollock and Marbury streets; bounded North by Ellis street, East by bouse of BHstor Wigfold, South by homo of Harrison’s, and West by lot of Jacob Danforth. Levied upon ns tho property of Dunie 1 Jones, to »atl»fy a tax fi. fa. issued by tho City Council of Augusta against tho said Daniel Jones, for his taxos for the year 1867. ISAAC LEVY, Augusta. July 36,1368. City Sheriff, au I—td City Sheriffs Bale. WILL BE SOLD ON THE FIRST TUES DAY la September, at tho Lower Market home in the city of Augusta, between the usual hours of sale, one House and lot, situated in Canaan, bound on the north by let of Wm. Dem • by, eaut by Cumming street, south by Halo street and west by lot of John Lark. Levied up on as tho property of Royal Sibley, to satisfy one Tex fl. fa. issued by tho City Council of Augusta against the said Royal Sibley for his taxes for the year 1867. ISAAC LEVY, . City Sheriff. Augusta, Ga , July 30, 1868. aul—td IN BANKRUPTCY. TN THE MATTER OF THEODORE A. 1 GOODWIN, Bankrnpt. Will be sold on the First Tuesday in Septem ber next, at the Court House iti "Savannah, Ga., between the usual hours of sale, by virtue of an order from F. S. Hesaeltine, Esq., Register in Bankruptcy, all those tracts of land in Chatham county, Georgia, the property of said Theodore A. Goodwin, being five hundred and eixty (566' acres, more or less, together with one hundred (1(16) acres, more or lets, called “Oakland,'’ bounded bn the west by tho northeast branch of Little Ogeechee river; the other boundaries being snch as will appear by reference to plat of re survey of said ••Oakland’’ tract, certified by Joint McKinnon, Comity Surveyor of Chatham county, Sept. 13th, 1799. excepting tlie reservation of one acre on which the Oakland Church stands, on tlie cross- road from the Ogeechee to White. Bluff road. Sold subject to a mortgage, and the lien of judgment on said mortgage, ni favor of Emanuel Heidt, as Administrator on the estate of James E. Heidt, deceased,for tlie num of $3,867 59, with interest from May 7, 1861, on half that amount, and on the other half from May 7tli, 1865. And, also, one hundred and seventy five acres in same county, bounded by lands of Jacob Wald burg, John Daley, Isaac D. Laßoche, aud Mrs. Mary Marshall. Sold subject to mortgage and judgment in said mortgage for $3,000 and interest, iu favor of Emanuel Heidt. E. L. NEIDLINGER, Assignee of I’. H. Goodwin, Bankrupt. auLO—td Assignee's "uio. STATE OF GEORGIA— Oglethorpe County. Pursuant to an order from tlie Hon. A. G. Foster, Register 111 Bankruptcy for the District of Georgia, will be sold, at the Court House door at Lexington, in said county, on the first TUESDAY iu September next, between'the usual hours of sale, eighty acres of Land in said comity, adjoin ing lands of David Graham and James Cunning ham, with a frame Dwelling thereon. Also, a small Office Lot iu said Lexington, now occupied by Dr. B. V. Willingham as a Doctor shop, 21) feet by 10, adjoining G. F. Platt's Store Lot, and others. Also, the House and Lot in said Lexington now occupied by said Willingham and family as a dwelling, containing one acre, more or less, owned not long ago by Thos. S. Gresham, and sold by him to said Willingham, being once owned by George R. Gilmer. Also, eight hundred aud thirty acres of land in said county, on Broad River, adjoining lauds of James Mattox, William Stovall, aud lauds owned by Nathan Mattox at the time of his death. Al! of said real estate sold as the. property of B. V. Willingham, bankrupt, for the benefit of his creditors, free from incmnbrances. Terms cash. BENJ. F. HARDEMAN, aug7—td Assignee. Postponed U. S. Marshal’s Sale- UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT of fieri facias issued out of the honorable the Fifth Circuit Court of the United States for tlie Southern District of Geoigia, in favor of the plain tiff, in the following case, to-wit: George W. Hatch vs. the Bank of Commerce. I have levied upon as the property of the defendant the Bank of Commerce, part of lot of land number ten (10), Jekyl Tythiug, Derby Ward, together with all the improvements thereon, consisting of a build itig, known as the Bank of Commerce Building, ■ situate, lying, and being in the city of Savannah, county of Chatham, and State of Georgia, and will sell the same at public auction, at, the Court House, in the city of Savannah. Chatham county, Georgia, on tlie FIRST TUESDAY in SEPTEM BER next., between the lawful hours of sale. Dated Savannah, Ga , May 29th, 1868. WM. G. DICKSON, aus—law4t U. S. Marshal. . Assignee’s Sale in Bankruptcy. I WILL SELL AT AUCTION, IN THE city of Atlanta, on the first TUESDAY in September next, before the Court House door, city lots Nos. 21 and 22, fronting on McDonough street on the west. On these premises is a two-story framed house containing eight rooms, plastered and finished throughout, with a cook and servants’ room attached. Also, a good smoke house, barn ami stable, good waler, and garden in good culti vation. Also, a one ball interest iu 29 acres of land ~y'"gjnst. , .y'"gjnst. outside the corporate limits of the city, in.the 14th district Henry, (uuw Fulton).near w oo ' end,op the New Greens Ferry Road. Fifteen acres of the laud is heavily timbered. Also, one half interest in city lot lying at the junction of Old White Hall and Peters street, and running back 209 feet. Also, one lot of notes and accounts. The above sold per order of decree in bank ruptcy, as the property of Louis S. Sahnon, bankrupt, and free from all incnmbrauces. For particulars till day of sale, apply to B. Wi YORK, Assignee. Atlanta, Aug. 10,1868. aul3—law3w IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the Northern District of Georgia. In the matter of ] IN BANKRUPTCY. REUBEN JORDAN, [ Bankrupt. J No. 169. Tlie said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all his debts provable under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the 21st day of August, 1868,at 10 o'clock a. m., at Chambers of said District Court, before Gar nett Andrews Esq., one of the Registers of said Court iu Bankruptcy, at the Register's office, in Athens, Georgia, and’ show cause wiiy the prayer of tlie said petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted. And further notice is given that the second and third meetings of creditors will be held at the same time and place. Witness, the Honorable John Erskine, [seal.] Judge of said District Court, this day of , 1868 W. 15. SMITH, au!3—law2w* Clerk. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE I United States for tlie Northern District of Georgia. In the matter of I CHARLES F NEWTON [IN BANKRUPTCY Bankrupt. ) No. 227. The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all his debts provable under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interetted to appear on the Ist day of September,lß6B,at ten o'clock iu the forenoon, at chambers of the said District Court, before Alexander G Murray Esq., one of the Reg isters of the said Court in Bankruptcy, at the Reg isters office, in the city of Griffin, Georgia, and show cause why the prayer of tlie said petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted. Aud further notice is given that the second and third meetings of creditors will be held at the same time and place. Witness, tho Honorable John Erskine, IsKAt 1 J u dg e said Court, and the seal L 1 ’■* thereof, this 12th day of August, 1868. W. B. SMITH, aul 4 law2w’’ Clerk. SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA Americus, Ga., August 10, 1863. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as assignee of WILLIAM P. HOLLEY, of Albany, in the county of Dough erty, State of Georgia, who has, upon his own petition, been adjudged a bankrupt by the District court of said District W. C. MORRILL, aul3—XawSw Assignee. SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA.— Americus, Ga., August 10, 1863. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as assignee of LAWSON H CAR TER, of Milford, in the county of Baker, State of Georgia, who has, upon his own petition been adjudged a bankrupt, by the District cour t of said Dist rict. W. C. MORRILL, aul 3 law3w Assignee,