The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, August 27, 1868, Image 1

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THE NATIONAL REPUBLICAN. D. G. GOTTING; Editor. VOL. I. National Republican PUBLISH RD DAILY (MONDAY KXCKRTtU) Official Organ of the U- S Government. ; SUBSCRIPTION PRICK: 0n« Year, in advance ,J 5 00 Six Months, in advance 2 50 Three .Months, in advance ;■ 1 25 -jfT-4 paper furnished gratis to any one send in,, «« a Club of ten subscribers. .gaff* The undersigned, b»”' > ■ a completely furnished office, is enabled to oxAmts all-orders for Book and Job Printing, Book-binding, or Ruling cheaper than any other office in the South. E. 11. I’UGHE. THURSDAY MORNING August 21' 18158' i ■■■■■; ■ *■ ■"i ' oniciui. Laws of Congress. | Public —No. 46.| AN ACT constituting eight hours a day's work for all laborers, workmen, and luechairies employed by or on behalf of the govern ment of the United States. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That eight hours shall constitute a d»y's work for all laborers, workmen, and mechanics now employed, or who may he hereafter enijdoyed, by or on behalf of the government of the United States; ami that all acts and parts ot acts inconsistent with this act be, and the same are hereby, repealed. Approved, June 25, 1868. [—No. 47. J AN ACT for the relief of eertanj exporters of rum. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Slates oj America in Congress assembled, That the act of of January eleventh, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, entitled “An act to prevent frauds in the collection of tax on distilled spirits," be so construed as to permit rum, which at the date of the passage of said act was already distilled or redistilled and inten ded for export and actually contracted for to be delivered for exportation, to be withdrawn, removed, and exported fr<jm the United Statedjunder such transportation and export bonds and regulations as were required therefore immediately prior to the passage of said act, and as shall he provided for hereafter ; Provided, That all such spirits shall be actually exported within sixty days from the passage of this act; and that before any such exportatiisi shall be permitted, proof in writing shall be furnished by sworn evidence, to the satisfaction of the Commis sioner of Internal Revenue, that such rum was in fact at the date mentioned intended for export and distilled or redistilled for that purpose or actually contracted for to-be so exported. And upon failure to so export the same within said sixty days, the tax thereon shall become due and payable, and the bonds given for the transportation and export thereof shall be forfeited and collected, as in case of such bunds not collected accor ding to law. Approved, June 25, 1868. [Public —No. 48. | AN ACT to re-establish the boundaries of the collection districts of Michigan and MicliilimackinaC, and to change the names of the collection districts of Michilimac kinac and Port Huron. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Slates of America in Congress assembled. That the collection district of Miehigiu shall be extend ed so as to embrace all the territory and waters of the Slate of Michigan lying west of the principal and south of the latitudinal line dividing townships number forty-three from townships number forty Rar if, north of the base line of said State, excludiag the territory bordering Green Bay ana including the island of Bois Blanc. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the collection district of Michilitmickinao shall hercalter be called district of Superior, and shall embrace alt that part of the upper peninsula of the State pf Michigan lying east of the principal merldiuxi, all the islands in, and bordering upon, the Saint Marie river, and all that pail of the State of Michigan lying westof the principal meridian and north of the latitudinal line dividing townships number forty-three frotn townships number forty-four, north of tlpe base Hue of the said State,ineluding-llie territory i« said State bordering Green together with all the islands, waters, and shore.; of Lake Superior and the adjacent territory unto the bead waters of all the rivers and streams tributary thereto and within the jurisdielion of the United Slates. ‘ Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the collection district of Port. Huron, in the State of Michigaut shall hereafter be called the district of Huron. Approved, June 25, 1868. {Public —No. 4'J.] AN ACT to extend the boundaries of the collection district of Philadelphia , so as to include the whole consolidated city of Philadelphia. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the port of entry and delivery of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is hereby extended so as to include within its boundaries Ute whole con solidated city of Philadelphia. \ Approved, June 25. 1868. [Public—No. 50.] AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An act to,provide for carrying the mails from the United States to foreign ports, and for other purposes,” approved March twenty five, eighteen htlndred and sixty-four. Be it enacted by the .'enale and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the. operation of the fourth section of an act to provide for carrying the mails of the United States to foreign ports and for other purposes, approved March twenty-five, eighteen hun dred and sixty four, shall cease and deter mine on and after the thirtieth day of Sep tember, eighteen hundred and sixty eight. Approved, June 25, 1865. STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE OF GEORGIA, of Use Soldier's and Sailor's National Republican Committee, Major E. T. Pillsbery- and Colonel J. 1 Brown, Savannah, Ga. ’ Captain John Murphy, Albany, Ga. Colonel John Bowles, Augusta. Ga. Major John Knox, Athens, Ga. Captain John A. Madden and Sergeant Seaborn Jones, Waynesboro’, On. Sergeant S. Nelaa, Macon, Ga. Captain J. Mathewson and Lieutenant. Charles Sherwood, Atlanta, Ga. Captain C. B Blacker, Cartersville. Ga. Headquarters at Atlanta, Gh. STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE GEORGIA LEGISf.I TITRE. sexate. Committee on Institute for the Blind— MeHsrs. Sjieor, Griffin, -of the 21st, Jordan, Collier, Smith, of the 7th, Wooten and Hin ton. Committee on Bunks—Messrs. Wellborn, Brutpu, Griffin, of the 6th, Hungerford, Graham, Burns and Welsh. Committee on Penitentiary—Messrs. Har ris, McWhorter, Candler, Ilolcdmlie, String er, Griffin, of the 6th, and Brock. Committee on Internal Improvements— Messrs. Nunnally, Speer, Welch, Bowers, Anderson, Coleman and Hungerford. Commrttco On Lunatic Asylum—Messrs. Smith, of the 29th, Harris, McArthur. Nis bet, Griffin, of the 21st, Merrill and Hicks. Committee on Deaf and Dumb Asylum— Messr :. Dickey, Richardson, Fain, Higbee, McCutchen, Corbett and Merrill. Committee mt* Finance—Messrs. Harris, McWhorter, Wietj, Jones, Nunnally, Welch and Bruton. Committee onGencral Education—M ssrs. Winn, Smith of' the 7tb, Hinton, Sherman, Nisbet, Colman and Campbell. Commiltc on the State of Uie Republic Messrs, Brock, Burns, Richardson, Adkins, Collier, Mu'mc mid Bradluy. Committee on Privileges and Election* —- Messrs,Higbee, Hungerford, Graham, Brock, Hicks, Jones and Wallace. Committee on Petitions -Messrs. Fain, McArthur, Bowers,[ Candler, Griffin of the bib. Stringer and C.unpbidl. Gommitlee on Judiciary Messrs. Merrill, Brock, Wooten, Candler, Harris, Welborn and Bradley- Committee'on the Military—Messrs. Mc- Whorter, Anderson, Adkins, McCutchen, Moore, Dickey ami Wallace. Committee on Public Buildings—Messrs. Hungerford, Speer, Winn,Sherman, Mu-rill, Wooten, ami Smith of the 36th. Committee on Journals--Messrs. Mc- Arthur, Wellborn, Smith of the. 36th, llul eoinbe, I’oi belt, Ilii-kCy, ami Fain. Committee on Eiitollme.iit^—Messrs. Higby, McCutchen, Welch, Jordan, Moore, Hicks, amt Merri I. Committee on Engrossing—Messrs. Cand ler, Brock, Graham, Burns, Jordan, Cole man, and Fain. Committee on Agriculture and Manufac tures—Messrs. Holcombe,. JKciey, Bowers, Anderson, Collier, Adkins, and tlorbeM. Committee on Printing Messrs. Sherman, Welch, Brufon, Hinton, Richardson, Nisbet, Wellborn, and Jones. Committee on Auditing—Messrs. Smith of the 7ih, McArthur, Bruton, Griffin of tin; 21st, Ctuidler, Coleunip, ami Stringer. HOUSE- State of tlie Republic’ —Shumate, of Whitfiuld, Chairman ; Hall, of Meriwether, Pepper, Nisbet, Cobb, Powell, Scott, Betltuuo, Liur, Caldwell, Higby, Lee, Liiiil.sey, Snrth of Coffee, Rumph, Costin. Turner, and Moore xis Columbia. Finance—Hall of Mcrriwetber, Chairman; Clegburn, Donaldsoti, Gray, Haiyisim ol Franklin, Long,- McArthur, Pafej McCor mick. Hopkins, Higdqn, Cunningham, Bal lard, Pepper, Kellogg, Williams of Musco gee, Harper of Sumter, Bull, Sims and Porter. Public Education—Bryant, Chairman; Lee, Anderson, Nisbet, Caldwell, Atkins, Blown, Drake, Duncan, George, Gullatl, Humber, L&rtinger, Prudden, Hyllier, Rice, Fitzpatrick, Harrison of Hancock, Houks, Belehov, Beard and Ayer Manufactures—Lee of Newton, Chair man ; McDougald, PeppOT, Phillips, Scott, Bryant, Garson, McCormick, hristiuger, Tweedy, Vinsrtn, Turnipsoed, Warren, Harper of Terrell, Powell, Osgood, Au<Jqr son, Smith of Muscogee, Barnes ol ITam-ot-k, Alien <>f'Jasper, and Belcher ol Wilkqs. Asylum for the lilind -Mani, Chairman; Drake, Smith of Cerium, -Harper of Tcneß. Osgood, Fitzjiidrick, I’fudjjen, Bennett, ftossSr, Beals, Rumph, Rouse, T»hr, Turnliu, Huty-clsf Ballenger, Patyei. Franks ana Turner. Consolidation of Bids - I’rictrof Lumpkin, ‘’Chairman; Xislh-t,' Bethune, ’ Lee, Scott, Warren, Williams of Dltoiy[ itiiil K.qiiir; Auditing Titmliu... ot» R iiid'dffii, I liaii ’irian ; Ford. McDougald, "W7lcticr, Gober, Raitiey, Nual, Long, Johnson of Towns, Rurtipli, afid Harrison of Hnncofffi. Journals —Harrison of Yrauklin, Chair man ; Nunn, I’hrjfs, Paulk, Perkins, Rainey, Hhliton, SbvMl, W.oJtiw, Maxwell mid George. Piilrlie Biiiblinpi Tweedy ol Riihmoird. Ciinii a»au; Sissiui, Pepper, Cobh, Holden, Dotinldson, Maxwell, Bthisifo; Pipddeu, Ellis of Gilmer. Anderson <>f Cnbli. Hillard, Ayer, Bethune,-Oral;*;, ('fond and Brnrtet A r • Lunatic Asylum- ? Bel| of Biwiks, ChajT mmi ; Fowler, -Maid, Stnilb of Chnrltou, Drake, Ellis ol Spalding, Ellis of Gilmer, Campbell, Crawford. Brassell, Ballanger, Hopkins, Salter, Williaui» of HarMson, Williams of Morgan, Zi liars, Cloud, D.drhell, Weltjieil, Wii«her,-WilliiM*t ni'-Harrib, and Ayer. Deaf and Dumb Asylum—Lhue, Clmir man; Paulk, Smith of Coffee', Scroggins, Willliams of Dooly, Harrison of Franklin, Nunn, MTuehel, Allen of Hart, Sliaekellyrd, Burlz, Ballard, Hinnilton, Davis, FJpyt^ s Joiner and>Gardner. Banks—McDougald, Ch.iirniau ; Lane,' Crawford, Price, Turnipsccd, Donaldson, Ellis of Spnldiift,' Irwin, Fryer, Golf, Hall ol Bullock; Allen ol Jasper, Allen of Hart, Carpbntor, Chambers, Darndll, Evans and, Johnson. Judiciary—O’Neal of Lovyudeg,.Chairman; Shumate, Bethune, Harper of TcrreH, Bryant, Hall of Metiwcthof, Amlcrsou, Lane of Brooks, l»ec, Hudson Wt Harris, Price, Scott, McDougald, Phillips, Fohler, Ifornipaeed, McCormick, Maul, Bell, MaaweH, Flournoy and Stinson. Petitions—Harper «f Terrell, Chairman ; Turnlin, Pejiper, Strickland, Reid, .'Hate, Vinson, Humber ami George, Public Printing—MiflS'm. Chairman; Price,' Pepper, Lane, Crawford. Hall of Glynn, Lee, Kytle, Nash, Buchan, C-ursop, Johnson of Wilcox, Haren, Niabet, Stone, Rieh arrison, Warren ol Burke and kinder. New Counties and CotrntyfoLlneif —McCol- lough. Chairlnan ; Tunllin, Pepper, Hamil ton, Harper of Sumter, Hook, McArthur, Mathews. Nash, Page, Pendlnnd, Perkins, Rawls, Raddish, Allen cd Hart, Allen of Jasper, Ballard, Buchan, Rurtz and O'Neil of Baldwin. Military Affairs—Caldwell of Troupe, Chairman; PhiHtps, Scott. Shumitte,O'Neal of Lowndes, Lee, Lane, Johnson Os Towns,. SorrefoSfone, Rice, Maul, Lindsey, I). John son and Chambers. Enrollment— Holden, of Taliaferro, Chair man ; Ballenger, Barnard, Bennett, Clark, Flournoy, Ford, Fowler, Brassel, Hug Wes, Maxwell, Neal and Osgood. Privileges and Elections—Bethune, Chair man ; Price, Anderson, O'Neal, of Lowndes, Lane. Long, Harkness. Penland, Darnell, Brassell. Tweedy, Neal, Campbell of Mclntosh, Clabome, (.'lower,, Rice and Golden- AUGUSTA, GA., THURSDAY MORNING, AUOU 8 T .2 7 , T 8 6-8 U t Agricultural and Internal Improvement— Phillips, Chairman ; Harkness, Brinson, Cloud, Fincannon, Hall of Glynn, Harper of Sumter, Hudson, McCullough, Matthews, Bell, Bradford, Chambers, Madison, Warren of Quitman, Strickland, Butts, Colby, Lumpkin, O'Neal of Baldwin, and Mc- Arthur. Penitentiary—Hudson, Chairman; Har per of Sumter, Lane, Hamilton, llarktress, Harris, Hall of Glynn, Hook, Hooks, Kelfog, Flournoy, Buchan, Caldwell, Talliaferro, Sisson, Perkins of Dawson, Prudden, Reid, Powell, Smith of Coffee, Davis, Humber and Sewell. REl’lßUm PI.ATFOKM. The National Republican party of the United Slate-, assembled In National Convention, in the city of Chi cago, on tlie SOUi day of May, 1868, make the following Declaration of Principles : Ist. We congratulate the country on the assured suc cess of the reconstruction policy of Congress, as evinced by the adoption, in a majority of thu States latclyhi rebellion, of Constitutions securing equid civil and political rights to alt, and regard it as the duty of the Government, to sustain tiiose institutions, and to prevent the people of such Stfttes from bemjj rfeitiitted to a slate of anarchy. 2d. The guarantee, by Congress, of equal suffrage to all loyal men in tlie South was demanded by every con sideration of public safety, of gratitude and of justice, and must be maintained, while Use question of suffrage in all the loyal States property belongs to the people of those States. 3d. We denounce nil forms of repudiation as a na tional erime, and the national honor requires tlie pay ment of the public indebtedness, m the utmost good faith, to all creditors, at home and abroad, not only according to the letter, but the spirit of the lyws under which it was contracted. 4tli. It is due to the labor of the nation that taxation should be equalised and reduced as rapidly as the na tional faith will permit. sth. The national debt, contracted, as it has been, for the preservation of the Union for all time to come, should bo extended over a lair period for redemption, and it is the duty of Congress to reduce the rate of in terest thereon, whenever it can honestly be done. 6tli. That Ute best policy to diminitli our burden of debt is to so improve our credit that capitalists will seek to loan us money at lower rates of interest than we now pay, and must continue to pay, so long as repudiation, partial or total, open or covert, is threatened or sua pected. ~ , 7th, The Government of the United States slionld lie administered with the strictest economy, and the cor ruptions which have been so shamefully nursed and fostered by Andrew Johnson call loudly for ridl.-al re form. Bth. We piofoumtly deplore the untimely and tragic death of Abraham Lhicoln, and regret the accession of Andrew Johnson Io the Presidency, who hag acted treacherously to the people who elected him and the cause lie was pledged to support; lias usurped high legislative and judicial functions; has refosed to exe cute the laws; has used his high office to indnec oilier officers to ignore and violate the laws; has employed his executive powers to render insecure the property, peace, liberty and life of the citixen: has abused the pardoning power; has denounced the National Legisla ture as unconstitutional; has persistently and cqrrupUy resisted, by every measure in bls power, every proper attempt at the reconstruction of the States lately in re bellion; has perverted tlie public patronage into an engine of wholesale corruption; and has been justly impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors, and properly pronounced guilty thereof by the vote of thirty-five Senators. Vth. The doctrine of Great Britain and other Kuiouean powers, that because a man is once a subject, he is always so, must be resisted at every basard by Hie United States, as a relic of the feudal time, not author ized by the law of nations, and at war with our national honor and independence. Naturalized citizens are enti tled to be piotectedin all their rights of citizenship as though they were natural born, and no citizen of the United. States, native or naturaliaed, must be Hable to arrest and imprisonment, by any foreign power, set acts done, or words spoken, in this country, and if so arrested and imprisoned, it is the duty of tlie Government to interfere fn his behalf. 10th. Os all who were faithful in the trials of the late war, there were none entitled to more especial honor than the brave soldiers and seamen, who endured the hardships of the campaign and cruise, and imperilled their lives in the service of the country. The bounties and pensions provided by law for these brave defenders of the nation arc obliagtions never to be forgotten. The widows and orphans of the g.-dlant dead are the wards of the people, a sacred legacy bequeathed to the nation's protecting care. 11th. Foreign immigraUon. which in the pest has added so much to the wealth, development of resources, and increase of power of this nation, the asylum of tlie oppressed of all nations, should be fostered and encour aged by a liberal and just policy. 12th. This Convention declares its sympathy with all the oppressed people which are struggling for their JOHN B- FULLER, 47 DEY SI., NEW YORK CITY, Manufacturer and Dealer in PORTABLE AND STATIONARY Steam Engines & Boilers From 2 to 250 Horse Power, Most approved Circular and* Upright Saw Milla, Grist Milla, Sugar Mills, and ail (binds of tuning and Plantation Machinery oh hand and built t-xnrdcr. Shafting, Pullics, Leather and Rubber incit ing, and all kinds of Iron and Wood Workin* Machinery. Machinery and Railroad supplies in store an shipped at the lowest rates. JfTE/IM «.4S AIVD Water Pipes, BOILER FLUES, And all kinds of Brass and Iron Fittinr'a Tonis, etc., for Strain and Gas Fitter’s use. The best and largest assortment in the city .mJ at greatly reduced prices. Send for Price Lift. NEW 3Q BARREL TURPENTINE STILL With Extra Henry Bottom, |4£Z ./"/■ .Eatc, ouwh bclw Cost. StjUs of all sites built to order and DI«tiLLFF6 fitted :><it Xt the lowest rates EVERY KIND 0 E Plantation Machinery, EX’fYINES, itoRSE POWER.-, ORE T MILLS, AGRICVLTURAL IMPLEMENTS . ,01 every description in store, and sos safe, at the lowest rates. COTTON WINS. ANO COTTON PROSES The best McCARTY GIN EVER MADE With the TAYLOR, EAGLE, BROV/. S'JUTHEIJN and the New CRAV’ ,, 'N ’’l ” '"FaWUins, CABejt ‘■Presses, With Engine and Horse power, all supplier in store, for sale at the lowest rates, hy J. B. FILLER 47 Day Street, New York Jit » seS—iy INSTRUCTIONS, EXERCISES, AND MUSIC, FOR THE VIOLIN. CAMPAGNOLI’S CELEBRATED METHOD, S(I.M. Spohr’s School, complete, $4 00 ; abridged, $2.00. Maras* Instructor, with Pleyol’s Duets, $2.75. Modern School, by Fessenden, $2.50. Saunders’ Self-Instructing Seheol, $1.25. May’s Operatic Detbod, $1.50, Hill’r Practical Method, $2.50. Henning’s School, $2.50. Ole Bull Instructor, 66 cent*. Winner’s Perfect Guide, a new and popular book, containing self instructions and 200 favorite Melodies, 75 cents. Violin Complete, $1.25. Violin Made Easy, 75 cents. Jewett’. IfaSisaa! Teacher, 75 cents. Kreutaer’s 40 Studies, $2.50. Woodbury's In structor, 50 cents. Howe’s Sehool, Relf Inslruc to**, Without a Masser and Ethiopian, each, 50 cents. Pleyel’s Violin Duets. 75 cents. Mailed, postpaid, on receipt of price, hy OLIVER DTTSON t CO.. PuElisbera, 277 Washington St., Boston. CHAS. H. DITSON A CO., aug!3—tf 711 Broadway, New York. MEDICINAL. Asiatic Cholera in China. —i ALMOST EVEHY CASE w* ■ * cured wrrn PAIN KILLER. o p BAD THE FOMiOWING LRTTEH FROM I.L Rev. U. Telford. MissioiiHry in China, now visiting his home in Pennsylvania: Wasiiinoton, P*., Jnt1e25,1866. J/e««rs. t'errp Davit & Son, rroriiience,R. I.: Dear Sira—Daring a residence of some oen years as a Missionary in Siam and China, I found your vegetable Pain Killer a most valuable remedy for (hut fearful scourge, the Cholera. In atliaiMatering the medicine. I found it most effectual Io givo'u teaapeouful of Pain killer in a gill of hot wafer sweeten--1 with sugar; then, after about fifteen minutes, begin te give a table spoonful ot the same mixtiire every minute until relief was obtained. Apply imt applicatioiis to tlie extremities. Bathe tlie stoanaeh wiih Pain. Killer, clear and rub tlie limbs briskly, (if tho.-p who had the cholera, and tookjhe nicdiriue faith fully in the way stated above, eight out of ten .recovered. Yours, truly, R Telford. If an attack with DUrihiffi., Dysentery, or Cramp Colic, don't delav the use of the I’uiu Killer. Sold by all medicine dealers Price, 25 cents, 50 cents, aad JI per bottle. Manhattan, Kansas, April 17,1866. Genllenten — • J want to say a little more about, the Pain Killer. I consider it a very valuable medicine, and always keep it, on liana. I have travelled a good dual since I have Is on ill Kansas, and never without tdSng it with me. In ntv practice I used it freely for the Asiatic Cholera, in 184'J, and with lieltera uceoss than aify other medic ine ; 1 also used it. If-ie for clioiera in 1855, wilh the same good result. Truly, yours, A. HUNTING, M. D. Bwat<>, China. Cholera! * ♦ * 1 regrat to say that the cholera lias prevailed here of late to a fearful extent. For the last three wacks, from ten to fifty or sixty fatal cases each day lias lieeu re ported. J should add that. flu-. I‘iciii Killer, seut recently ftoin tlie Mission House, has been usecl with ccmsiderable success during this ephk-niic. I flak mi in season is generally elf'ectual in.check ing the disease, Ilrv. CHARLES HARDINKi, Bbolapore, India. , • [From the Portland M-mthiy.l Summer Complaint aw Dysentery. Bowel couipliiints seem iud&io" to be thu prevailing element, and that U every where acceptable, is reliable,, is a very desirable acquisition. what. We have seen, he ard, and believe Davis' Pain Killer is this desideratum. For the best method of using it, we quote froffi the directions: “For common bewel complains, give one tea spoon till in a gill of new molaMos, in eqnal pane, stirred well together; lessen the dose for children, according to the uge. If.tlie pain be severe, bathe the bowels and Imck with the medi cine. This mode of treatment iu cases- oi the cholefa morbus, sudden etc. Re peat the dose evefy hour. “The quickest way I ever saw the dysentery cored was by taking one spoonful of the Fake Killer in one gill of milk and molasses stirred well together and drank hut, at the same time bathing tlie bowels freely with nie-ffc-inc. Let the dose- In- repealed every hour until the patient is relieved.” If every person wipe has reason Vo fetir thin disease would provide themselves with a bottle of this medicine, and like as occasion required, we believe a great amount, yf suffering and sickness would be saved. jel3—2m Special Notice. rt Jr ir) T g 'm Jr lOkdTjffik ■ 'HBP si -h -5 - ~ z ■- 'J W .| ~ 3 e < ci> I AM s« h h Ku » ST £ 1 ii I S 3 V 'i w § 3 ~ L A T r-_. - - to wPil -7 ’ Tv 1 " Spectacles Rendered Useless. H E MOST EMINENT I’HYSICIANS A Oculists and Divines reeommond the nse of the CORNEA RESTORERS for Presbyopia er Far or Long Sightodness, or every person who wears spectacles from old age ; Dimness of Vision or Blurring; Ovorwoisod eyes; Asiheae pia or Weak Eyes ; Epiphora, or Water/ Eyes; ■ Pain in the Eye-ball; Amaurosis, or Obscurity of Vision; Photophobia, or Intolerance of Light; Weakness of the Retina and Optic Nervo ; Myodosophfa, or Sperks of Moving Bodies before the eyes; Ophthuiniia, or Inflam mation of the Eye and Eyelids, and Imperfect Vision from the effect of Inflammation, etc.; Cataract Eyes; Hemiopia, or Partial Blind ness ; and many other Diseases of th* Ey*. Cure Guaranteed or Money Refunded. OVI.Y CORMEA RERTORER IN THE WORLD, AXU 3 /te Best Restorer of the Eyesight Known. SO SAY ALL i’HYSICIANS. They can bo used by any on* with a cer tainty of success, and will receive immediate beneficial results, Without the feast fear of injury to the eye. Circulars sent free. NEAR SIGHTEDNESS CURED hy the Patent Myopia, or Cornea Flaltmurs Only known Remedy in the World— has proved a Groat Sovews*. For further information, price, and certificates of cures, address - # Dr. J- Stephem & Co., p. a. aox t v2t, Office. 84U Broadway, NEW YORK. ,H»er STEPHENS MAGICAL EGYPTIAN ORIENTAL EYE OINTMENT will cure in flamed eye lids, stye, aud prevent stys. Travelling Agents Wanted. good co mm Iss I o n pa d Selling of the Restores* is a pleasant and honorable employment, desirable for ail Ladies Clergymen, leechers, Students, and Farmers and for all who desire to make an honest living by an easy employment. All persons asking for terms to Agents must enclose twenty fire cents to pay postage and cost of printing mate .rials containing information for Agents. Town Acents Wanted. nav27-d*wly a BOOK AND JOB PRINTING Executed at this Office At the Lowest Terms and in the Best Style Richmond County. S' TATE OF GEORGIA— ' Richmond CanUSy. WukkkAA. James A. Gray, Administrator on the olato of Francis O’Conner, applies to me for Letters of Dnutiaston.’ 7h«s<> are therefore to cite and admonish all an-J singular, tbo kindred and creditors qf said deceased, to bo nud appear at my office'on or before the first Monday in November next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signalarc, at office iu Augusta, Ibis 2d day ot June, 1668. E. M. BRAYTON, jcS—Jlirt* Ordinary. > f Letters of Dism'ssion. QTATE OF GEORGIA— O Jtiohsnond County. Whoroaaj Charles J. Jonkius, Executor, and Julia A. Cumming, Executrix, of the estate es Ansa C. Cnmming, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission: These arc, therefore, to cite and ad mon Wh, all and. singular, the kindred and creditors of said deocasoj, to bo and appear at iny.offiea on or be fore tbo first Monday iu September next, teshow cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not bo granted. Given under my hand and official signature, at office in Augusta, this 18th day of iMareh, 1868. K. M. BRAYTON, mh 17 —lawfim* Ordinary- Loiters of Dismission. <TA'fE OF UKOKGIA- O Richmond Counli/. ' Whereas, Charted J. Joukins, Extratof, anil Julia A. Cumming, Executrix, of the estate <>f Henry JI. Cumming, deceased, applies io mo for Letters of Dismission : These ara, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors es said deceased, to bo and appear at my office Yin or be fore the first MoMay in September next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Givua under toy hand andoffiriai signaltire, at office in Augusta, this 16th day el March, 1868. E. M. BRAYTON, mb 17—-lawtiin* ' Ordinary, Letters of Dismission- CJTATE OF GEORGIA O fkiuniy Wheread, Chat les Jenkins, Em ecu tor, Jalia A. Cum mingy Exeoalrixp ’d estate ot IriiMMJ Bryan, dcoeiwßui, applies to me (or Letters ol i.'-aioit: These ate, therefore, te cite 'and. adtn<»DUh, Ml and riiogula.r v the kindred and creditors pfflaW doccivsed, to bo and appear at my office on or bo fore the first .Monday in Septetnccr nnJit, U> show cause, if any they have, why paid Letters sh«u)d not be granted. Given »m<lcr my hand and official Bigialur*> at oftiTiu Augusta, this I t»Lb dajr <>f March, K. Mt BKAYTW, tuhl7—lawGiu* > Ordinsry. Letters of Dismission. OEOIUiIA . \JI jiichiitvml Guiltily. Whereas, •CaiulitM) Babel, Adiuiumtratriw, with the will annexed oh the estate of A«U»mw -dewaHeil. applies to me*for ot , Dismission: * . ’ j These are, twftrefore. to cite and adnKMjish all ■ und Kingglar, the kindrtit and crediuwra of said deceased, I* Im and appear at my ulfi<’e on or before the first Monday in October, to show cause, if any they have, why said tadler* should not be granted. GNen umfor my tiSnd and official signature at Avgust;!, the Ibthday of May* ISUe. H. M. BIiAYToN, myl9 Tftwfan* Ordinary. Letter* of DismissiQU.. STATE OF GEORGlA— llivhmfmd ('ottuty. Whermia, J«>M*phuie a Wjhon, Adatinfetmtrix dti the estate of Peter Wrwon, deceased, applies to me for Tiettef's of Ilisnri«do!i. Thebe are, therefore, k> cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors ol said deceased, to l*o and appear at my office on or be fore the |irsl Monday an October, to show cause, if any they li&ve, why said Letters should not be gi anted. (jiven tinder my hand and official signature, ht office in Augusta, this Ith day of May, 1868. E. M. BRAYTON, inyfi -thu* . Ordinary. S?TaTM OR GEORGIA - O .pllicliitbond C-oiutly. Whereab, Edward O’PoKncll, Adininmtra*<*r on the estate of THOMAS H \NKY, deceased, applies to toe for Letters of biFUiission. ThesC'ure, therefore, to cite and admoniah all and singular, tlm kindred and creditors es said deceased, to be aud appear my office, on or before the first Monday in September noxt, to show cm -to, if any they have, why said letters shoukl not be gianted. Given under my hand and official in Augusta, this’ 21th day of March, 1865 E. M. BRAYTON, mh2s-6m* Ordinary . Letters of Dismission. STATE OF GEOIMHA. Richmond' Coif nty. Whereas Wm. C. Tnder, Administrator <>f the estate of rah Swinney, deceHsed, applies to me for Li th is of DismibHlon. There are, thendbre, Io rifw and admonish all ami .singular, the kindred and creditors of aahl w. ceased, Io be and appear at. my office, on or befeie thA first Mtmday i« <>cioi>er,io tdww mnwe, it ,anv they have, why aaid lx tiers ahviild noLbc granted (liven under nrv haii<( and official idgimtnre, at office m Angiista. thia ldtl» d«y of A pill, 18fi8 E. M BRAYTON, npl 1-1 awtfer Ordinary> . Letters of Dismission STATE <)F GWORtIIA—‘ Richimiitd Couuty. WJjercay, Charles J. Jenkin*, Executor, ft«d Julia A. Cumming, Executrix, of the estate of TbouhMi Cummine, deceased, applies to me for Dinmisdoti : These a-o, therefore, to cite and admonish, alb ami Ringubir, tlie kindred and er ditorr ot deceased* Lo.bc and appear at iny office on «»{ be fore the first Monday ».n Heptomber next, to show cause, if any they have, why said should not be grantccT. Given tinder my* hand and official signature, at office in Augusta, this ISth dayof March, 1868. E. aM. BRAYTON, mhl 7--taw6*>* Ordinary. Letters of Djsmissioa. STATE OF GEORGIA— Richmond (bmnty. Where**. John D. Butt, A<lminit*ialor on the estate of PHtrkk O .Sullivwn, ileeeueed. applies to- ( mo for letters of Dismission These are, therefore, to cite anil aiiinoeish all anfl singular, the Mindreil and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my ollloe on «r be fore tlie first Monday iu October, to slmiw cause, if auy they have, way said Letters should not be granted. Gteen under jny hand and official signature, ii» office in Angusta, this sth day of Msv. I* ; 8 ( E. M BRAYTON, myth-tan* (tedinary. Letter* of Di«mission. STATE OF UEOUGIA Hidunnud County. Whereas, Charles J. Jenkins, kxecutor, awd [ Julia A. Cumming, Executrix, of the estate <rf , William Cummin J, deceased, apjd ice to uie for , Letters of Dismission: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, aU and singular, the kindred and ernditorj ol said deceased, to be and appear al my ofifo* on or be fore the first Monday io Bcptember next, to show cause, if any they have, why s id Letters should uqt be granted. Qiven under my hand and official signature, at '-flice in Augusta, this 16th day of Marcfi, IBAB. E. M. DRAYTON, mh!7 —lawfltn* Ordinary SOUTHERN DYSTRii t or Georgia", s? O In Baukruptqx “I Macon, this lit .day of ‘August, A. D- IS6B. The undesigned hereby gives notice of his appointment ae Assignee of ANDREW J. MARTIN, of the county es Crtwford, and State of Geongia, within said District, .who has behn 1 •<ljudg< da Bankrupt upon his own petition by t the District Court of said District. SAMUEL C. WEEMS,. f au4-lawa3 Assignee. bb%IuA.RS A. YEAR. rtf Tnr. DISTRICT COURT nr THE United Wales fol the NoilliovM^list tot of Georgia. In the matter of i JOMW O. STEWART, [IN BANKRUPTCY Bankrupt I No. 3U[. [ Tha said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all bis debts posa ble under the Bankrupt Act of March Uta 186,, notice is hereby given to all persons intAested , to appear on the Illi day of Saptembar, W®, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon, at chamber* of t»esaid District Court, before Alexander G- Murray, one ot the Registers of the said Court, in Bank ruptcy, nt tlie Register’s office, in tlte <jity of Grithu, Ga., and snow cause why the prayer of the said petition ot the Bankruptishaiad not be granted. And further notion Is glvep that the second and third meetings <>! crcditpls will be held at the same time andplace. Witness, the Honorable John E skine, [si;u.l Judge ot said Court, this filth iday of August, 1868. ITM ’ TN THE DISTBIPT OF THE I United States, for the Northern Distriet ot Georgia. in the matter of | IN BANKRU PTCY. lattuetok R. BifrwhK, > Bankrupt. ) No. IWj The said Baiiknipt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all his debts provaWe under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, ndtice is hereby given to all persons sntereeted tonpneai on the Ith day ofSeptember, 1868, at 10 o’clockria the forenoon, nt chambers of the said District Court, before Alexander « Miirriyr, Esq., one of tlw Beg Isters of tlie sitid Court in Bankruptcy, at *ld> Keg inter's office in tha city of Griffin, Ga., and show canse why tlie prayer of the mid petition of W»« Bankrupt should not be granted. | Witness tlie Honorable John Efskme, [»t:Ai..| Judge of said District Court, nod tbe seal thereof, this Sth day ol AnguiA. 1868 W. B. SMITH, aull —Inw3w* Olerk. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF | THE 1 United States fob the Southern INetdMt of Georgia ; ’ ' ' 1? Tn the matter of ) i ; ; JAMEE D, LENNARD, | IN BANERUHDPY- Bankrupt. J Al Cnthbert, Georgia, this the 3lrit Bay of- Augnst, I8(j8. The undersigned hereby gives noth* pt las appointment aanssignee of James D. Uennnrd, of Cfrthliert, in Uie county of RandoWrh and State «• Georgia 'witliiu said Rislnot, wRo ba* been adiudged a Bankrupt npon his o*n peftt|t>u by tlie District court, of said District. / i COLUMBUS 0. BROOKS, an?!—lnwllw Aseignee IN THE DISTRfCT COURT OF . THE 1 United State* for the Southern District of Georgia.,. I v " In the matter of 1 jos m itAYWotiu, Lin baWkßuptuy. .. -Bank rapt. I To all whom it may concern: The |nder-. signed hereby gives notice of hts election as Assignee of Joseph M. Haywood, of tire city if Saviyinah, county of Chatham, and State of Georgia, within said lUsfrtct, who Wid bccU adjudged a Bahkmpnipou his own petMoii by the District Court gt said DWrh< RNAR^i uitti-law-Tw Assignee. TN THE DISTRICT COURT THE .1- United States for the Northern District of Georgia. In tbe matter of i Tf'BUS fF stfUrrit, [IN BANKRUpCY. Bankrupt. 1 Tue undersigned hereby gives notice tffbifi ap point merit us Assignee of the ertate iff 'Fyjra* T. Smith, of DeKalb county, Georgia, with ill said Distih t. trio has Been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition iiy the IMstrict Ctant or said District. NOAH R. FOWLER, anil fawb’w Assignee. IN THE DISTRICT COURT Os THE I Uhtied States for Ific Second Di.dfiet of Georgia. In tiie iiMtttej of J GEORGE SYMMS, '-IN BANKRUPTCY Haukinpt. ) To whom it may concern: Tbe uudersigiiod hereby gives notice of his appointment as As signee es tletmge Byivms,T-f Augusta, Richmond eouuty, Georgia, within said DtstrieU who, Ws been adjudged a Bankrupt upon the petition «if his creditors by the Distric* Conibufmiii Dis trict JOHN S. DAVIDSON, anil— faw'.tw Assignee. QfXITIIERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA, S*. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee oftue estate of Wlte MAM H. PHILLIPS, ofMucon, iu the county of Bibb, and State of Georgia, wUbin said Dis trict, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own iK-tition by the District Court of oaiil District. , Dated at Macon, Go., this Ist day or Autust, A. D* 1868. JOSEPH E. MURRAY. lUif-lawdw Assignee, ate. Assignee * Notice. JN THE DRSTRICf COURT GF THE Uniled Slates for tbe Northern District of I l)i ’S-"M. in the raiittcr of ). GEORGE ,SHARI', Ju.ilN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. J Tbe nndersigned treretry gives nolice of hi* appointment as Assignee of the estate of Goofgv Stiarp, Jr., of Atlanta, county Os Fulton, and Slate of Georgia, witbiu said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his owu petition by the District Conrt of said Dist-rict . NOAH R. FOWLER. an9—lawJvv Assignee. SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA, 8. S.~ln Bankruptcy at Augusta, ibis niitth dav of August, A. D., 1868. 'Tlie miden-igiied hereby gives notice at bis appointment as Assignee of Salmon Morris, of tlie county of Warren and State of Georgia, wqtliin said District, who baa been adjudged a laatikr+ipt on firn own petition, by the District Cour; of eawl District PHILMF MGlUiih. NJOUTHERN PISTKICI' OF t-J Americus, Gju, August 10, 1868. 7 The undersigned hereby gives notice .of liis appoint merit as assiguee rffiuWILMAM P. HOLLEY, of Albany, in the county of Dough erty, State of Ccorgia, who' has, upon Ills own petition, been ad.judged u bankrupt by the District court ol said District. W. C. MORRILL, aul3—lawi.w Assignee. SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF Americua, <iu., zVugu.t fd, IMS. The undersigned hereby gives notice es life np nointment as assignee of EDWARD W. AL EKI END, of Albany, in she county of Dougherty, Siate of Georgia, who has, upon Ilia own peti tion been adjudged a Bankrupt by the District Court of said DwlricL W. C. MORRILL, an 13—law’Jw Aeriguee- - ■>’> IN TitE DISTRICT COURT (jF Tflh • United States for the Northern District or Georgia. ■~' -■*, ~ ‘i- i' . . i j In the mailer of I I JAMES D. T>IOMPi>ON, IN BANKRUPTCY- Bankrupt. The undersigned hi-relfv' notice of Lis' ap pointment as Assignee Janies D. Tliompeon, off Atlanta, Fulton comity, State eff Gvorgia, witHa - o-l District. wNn hns been adjndged a Bankrupt upon hie owu jo-Ulfon by tlm District Ueur t of (.said District. NOAH R. FOWLEJt, auf—law3w Assigirw. ESTABLISHED Wd. THOMAS RUSSELL, fc•few'll ßY ‘I I ffiwip.*.. t 198'2 Broad St., s»irnw«i«i ths mKHca sTond. WATCHES, CLOCKS, aud J9WBLRY KK PAIRED at the shortest notice. All work war I rented. All orders will be thankfully received, and I promptly attended to. j*lß- lawly NO 334 Adminutrator'c Bale.. XITW.t BE SOLD. ON THE FIRST TUES.. 1 W DAY ih SEPTEMBER Ifext, at tbaLows? Market Hones iif the city of Augusta, between the legal hours of sale, pursuant Io the ortfer es the Court sf Ordinary, pasesdal July Term. 1868, all U>«kt let of Land, with the improvements, consist ing of one Brick Store, belonging to the Estate of Sarah May, on the We* side of Centre street, in the cityof Augusta, between Braud and Reynolds street, and known as Bridge North by lot formerly F. Murray’s, East by Centre street, South by lot of Thomas B. Phutizy, and Wert by lot of J<ri»a H. Maim, having a Ccotit of tweuty-niac feet and a depth of esglrfy-two feet six.inches, conveyed by John Phinizy to Thomas May, April 26, 1858, and tamed oyer to. Sarah Mar.sofo heir of Thomas May, Joly o,lß*i. Terms cash, purchaser todmy for papers. R. W. MAHER, jy!7—4ot- Administrator. V. S. Marshal's Sale. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OJF A WRIT OF Jiffi faciat, issued ent of the Honorabje the Fifth Circuit Court of the United .States, for the Southern District of Georgia, in favor of the Plaintiff., in the following case, to-wit:' Wood gate & Co. »s. Thus. F. Hampton and Frederick Burta, partners, I have levied upon, ns the property of Thomas F. Hampton, one of the defendants, one hloek of Briek Stores, situate, lying and being in the town of Bainbridge, county of Decatur and Stalo of Georgia, add known as the Hampton Block, adjoining the premises of King A Lester, trfwts d- Waters, and D. J. Dickinson,h>n Water stiaetin saM town and ouunty; and will soli Urn same at public auction, at the Court House ia the city of Macon, county <4 Bibb and State of Georgia, on the fret TUESDAY in September next, between the’ • lawful hours of sale. Dated at Savannah, U*., this 39 Lb day es July, 1868. WILLIAM G. DICKSON, augl—law4w H. S. Marshal. IN THE DIRTRPT COURT OF THE 1 United States fur the Northern District of In the matter of ) • THOMAS G BARNETT IN BANKRUPTCY.- i- Bankrupt. ) No. 195. The said BHuki-nnt having petitioned the Court far a dwehargp. froni h!I liw debts provable under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867; notice is hereby given to all persons interested to apte-ai on the :Jd day of September, 1868, at 10 o'clock a. m , at Chamber* us said District Court, before Alex ander-G Munity, >»ne «f the Registers of said Court in Naiikiuplcv, at the Register's office in the city of tttilfer, Georgia, and show eanse why ths prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted. And farther notice is given that the second and third meetings of cred itors will he heM at the same time andphtce. Witness the Honorable John'Erskine, jsgau] Judge of said District Court, and the real thereof tlii»Btb day of August. 1868. W. B. SMITH, Hull—law3w* ’ Clerk. e> tN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE 1 United -States for the Northern- District of SeoWia. Ju the matter es ) THOMAS SWINT. >IN BANKRUPTCY Bankrupt. J No. 255gfe The said Bankrupt having petitioned thUMmrt far a disclmrge from all Ilia debts provable uniter the Bankrupt Act. of Muich 2d, 1867, noticeis liereby given to all persons interested fcuippear on the st,h day of September, 1868, al. lAggKck in the forenoon, at el Che said BMHct Court, before L’hartaaj||BeKiuleg, <w of Hie Registers of said at the Regi*r’s office, inbf Newnan, Ga.. and show cahse why Uie praySsr I up: -liullld nut uegrftwSa. Z’ far.a, | ot.wis 28th day orwTyTTWkW , W. B. SMITH, null--IhwSW* ’ ~ Clerk. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE I United States for tbc Northern District-of Goorffin* * #■ In the matter of I IN BANKRUPTCY. Johath*« J. Mn.xsn, > Bankrupt. j No. 7. The said Bankrupt having petiofind the Court sot a iTrwliarge from all his debts provable under the Bankrupt Ant of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all perilous interested bo appear on the Ist day ofSeptember, 1868, at ten o’clock a. m.iUt tlianibers of said District Court , before Al exander G Murray, Esq., one of the Registers of ,eaidCourt in Bankruptcy,at tlyt Register’s office in city ofilriffin,Ga.,and show cause why the nmyer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not be ■granted. And further notice iu given that, the areoml and third meetings of creditors will be lieM at the same time aud place. Witness, the Honorable John Erskine, [skauJ Judge of su'd District Court, and the seal thereof, this Bth day of August, 1868. W. 11. SMITH, anil—lawSw* Clerk. • 4- : 11, —.— IN CHE DISTRICT COURT OF THE I United States fur ’the Northern District of Georgia. In the matter es 1 GALES JENKS, J-IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. j No. 37. The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all his debts provable under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 186?, notice is herebrgivon toallpei sona hitererted to appear on the 4thday ofßeptembe»,lß6B, at Itto’dock, in the . forenoon, at chambers of the eaid District Court, before Alexander G Miiriuy, fieq .oue qf the Reg isters of the aitid Court* in Bankruptcy,’at the Keghdei’s office, mthe eity of G-iffin, Ila , gjpl show cause why the prayer of the enid petitioni of the Bankrupt should not be granted. - Witness, the Honorable John Erskine, [snau.J Judge ot said Court, and the seal thereof, this the Bth day of August, 1868 ' W. B, SMITH,. airtl—law3w* Clerk. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE X United Staten for the Northern -District of Geureia. , In the matter of 1 LEWIS COOK, }IX BANKRUPTCY Bankrupt. J' • ■ To whom it may concern : The underrigned hereby gives lertji* of his appointment as As signee of the estate of latwie Cook, of Atlanta, . coanty of Fulton, apd State of Georgia, within said District; who lias been gdjuilgod a bankrupt Upon his own petition by the District Court of said district. Dated at Atlanta, Ga., this 3d day of August, A.D.. 1868. J. J.-NEWTON, an 14— law3w ,i/ Assignee. FN THE DISTRICT CO CRT OF THE X United States for the Northern District ol Georgia. In t4ie-matter of ). JOHN A. ANDREWS, f iN BANKRUPTCY Bankrupt. ) To all whom it may concern: The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as As igtiee of John V. Andrews, of Wariiington, in the i-.rwmty of Wilkes and State of Georgia, within said District, who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon lijs own petition by the District oanrt of said Dis tnct. ■ 1 Dated at Wasli’hgfbii the 7Hi day of August, A. D. 1868 HENRY E. ANDREWS, aiiSl—law3w ’ Assignee IJi THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE I .United.Slatcs for the Sentharn District of Georgia. In the matter of T * J. fc A. J. SETZE, > IN BANKRUPTCY. Baukrapte. ) To all whom it may cuiiceru: The undersigned hereby gives notice of bis appointmedt as As signee of J. & A . J. Setae, and of John Setae and Alphonse J. Betas, of Augusta, Rirhinond county, Georgia, within said District, who have been adjudged bankrupts npon their, own jietiiioii by the District Court of said District. MILO G. HATCH, au24—law3w * Aaaiguee. IN THE DISTRICT COURT. OF THK UulteA (stales for the Southern District of Georgia. In the tastier of ) EPHRAIM BURLICH, }IN BANKRUPTCY. Laukrupt. J To all whom it may concern : ’Die ninler- Signed hereby gives nirticc of his Mectlon as Assignee of Ephraim Ehrlich, of the city oi Savannah, coitiUy es Chatham, and State of Georgia, wRWm said District, who bus been adjudged a Barfkrupi upon his own petition by tM District Court Os sahl District. F. H. BARNARD, auß-law3w Assignee. I