The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, September 12, 1868, Image 1

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THE NATIONAL REPUBLICAN. . VOL. I. National Republican PUBLISHED BAIL! (MONDAY EXCEPTED) Official Organ of the U- S. Government. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: One Year, in advance $5 00 Six Month?, in advance v .; 2 50 Three Month?, in advance 1 25 ffiF’A paper furnished gratis to any one nrnd~ inj us a Club of ten subscribers. The undersigned, bavin -a completely furnished office, is enabled to ute all orders for Book and Job Printing, Book-binding, or Ruling cheaper than any other office in the South. K. U. PUUHE. =~ SATURDAY MORNlNG,..September 12, 1868 TM BILUW-BO CBSB. « TESTIM DXhAS COPIED Eli DM THE ORIGINAL RECORDS, By Col. H, ®. I). TWIGGM, One of the Counsel for the Defence. GEORGlA— Richmond County. State of Geokcha w. Evans, Principal in the Second Degree to Murder. Evidence taken in the above elated case upon the preliminary examination before Justices Phinizy and Reynolds, at the City Hall -examination commencing August 161 b, 1808. i FOR THE STATE. De. DeSaussube Ford, sworn, I am a surgeon and practising physician; lam acquainted with Air. Red—he is dead ; there was a .poet mortem examination of the body; it was conducted by Drs. Hatton and Campbell and myself; during part of the examination there were present Drs. Bignon and my father; 1 did all the cutting; I found wounds upon the deceased necessarily mortal- the ball which entered the upper part of the chest went first inward, tlien downward, and then obliquely backward, passed th rough the right lung and liver, and was lost in the cavity of the abdomen ; the hall was not found; the left arm was broken; the bull was found near the frac ture. (Here a ball was submitted to the court.) J. recognize that as tlie ball found in the aim of AD. Red; the wound through the abdomen entered the left side of the body, off the backbone; the track of the ball was - traced through, a little upward, made a hole through the body; that ball was lost; there was another ball in the left side which passed through the left thigh in front of the bone; the wound was such as would have probably thrown most of men—that it Is not improb able that Red might have kept up, knowing his activity; deceased died in this county and State; I notice* 1 a bruise below the right elbow, and one on the right eye, which was very much colored by powder.' cross-examined by defence. The ball which entered the breast went obliquely inward from the surface, jiassed down tlirough the cavity of the thortfa; it is an established fact that the slightest cause will make a ball deviate; the course of a ball furnishes unsatisfactory evidence of the position of a party from whence the ball was propelled; the ball passed from the left side of the left leg, right straight tlirough; it passed slightly upward; there was a gun shot wound through the abdomen, entering the left side about three inches above the crest of the illium, ranging obliquely down ward and forwards, passing through the body of the second lumber vertebrae, and the wound of exit was in the right side, near to the crest of the illium, a little more anterior to the wound of entrance; I know nothing of the administration of chloroform; there was a jxiwder stain on the face; I am not able to tell the direction in which the pistol was held; in my opinion the deceased was not in an erect position when he received the mortal wound; lie might have been either lying or sitting and the ball would have taken that course; he might have received such a wound standing if the pistol had been turned down; I know Mr. Dillon; 1 know Mr. Evans when I see him; if the parties had been three feet from each other, the ball could not have taken the direction that it did if the deceased had been erect; the deceased could have received the wound in the chest, while he was cither standing, sitting or lying down; if he was leaning forward to give a blow, he might have received it; if a man had been above him it would have ranged backward if it had com# direct. DR. JOSEPH HATTON SWORN—BY THE STATE. I was one of the attending Physicians of the deceased; 1 attended the pout mortem exannhation ; I have heard the testimony of Dr. Ford; it is my opinion that deceased could have received the wound in a sitting or flex position; if ho was in an erect posi tion a shot from an upstairs window or a tree might have taken the samecoursc; if he was sitting or lying on the ground he could have received the wound. In my opinion he was in a flex or rising position; in my opin ion that was the way in which the wound was received; he might have received the wound with his body flex, whether his arm was extended or not. 1 remember deceased informing me that he had a sore hand several weeks before this affair; I did not see any thing in his hand at the poet mortem examina tion. The wound in the breast was neces sarily mortal; I pulled his gloves off in pre paring him for the post mortem examination, and did not observe any wound on his hand. • DR. 11. F. CAMPBELL SWORN —BY THE STATE. lam a Physician, attended Dillon on the night of the difficulty; could not well re member the night; heard shooting corres ponding with other evidence, lasted fifteen or twenty minutes; Dillon came .to me ap pearontly supported by two persons, Stalling/ and Evans (recognizes Evans in Court Room); thinks Stallings is keeper of Bridge; remember seeing Stallings with his father, do not remember first name; Dillon stated to me that he was shot by Mr. Red; while ex-' atnining his wound he said he had shot Mr. Red; he stated that he had shot him twice; one shot was after Mr. Red was down, after he had fallen at any rate; called my attention to an injury on his finger and to powder rnarkgj which he said was fired by Red. I think it was on the night of the accident that he said he had shot Mr. Red after he had fallen. He accused Mr. Lewis Picquet of lieingtbe cause pf the difficulty. His feel ings seemed to be against Mr. Picquet for having caused the difficulty; I did not know there was any ill feeling between them. In my opinion, judging from the wound, Red might have received such a wound lying or slitting, but coukl not have received the liall lying, unless the parties were stooping in the same level. CROSS EXAMINATION—BY THE DEFENCE. Dillon said that he regretted that the diffi culty should have been caused by a difficulty with Picquet. He said that he went to ask for a Physician for those men. He said inquiries, go to the others. Dillon said that immediately after the shoot ing ceased, he crossed the street and aslcyd that physicians be sent to the other men. Up° n being asked if he was shot, he said, Yes, but I am standing; go to the other Tk n Tm eV ' lee d ’ t D,ore l " an I Ho.”— tr , ® cu by occurred between the Globo Hotel and Schneider's, on that corner. I am not definite as to conversation ; do not pay attention to the Conversation of patients under these circumstances. He based the impression formed in his mind from these facts: That Dillon had done what he did in self-defence, and that he was wounded by Red before he (Dillon) shot; the wounded man might have received the- bail making the track described lying down, but the man who shot must have been stooping—not much deflexion. A tnan standing on a platform, and another ascending, the liall might take the same course. |t » mau was getting up and coming towards a man shoot ing, he might have received a ball in the place Stated. Dillon received two wOundsin the body, one on right side of abdomen, in front about three and a half inches from navel this was a heavy contusion, but ball did not enter. The other ball entered en left side of spine, passed aefoss the body, deeply, and ball was cut from under skin, on right side nearly opposite; there wns'tt slight indura tion on his hip observed, two or three days after attending him; it was not danger ous, and was probably produced by a blow. Dillon said that he was afraid that he was mortally wounded: he thought that the ball which struck in front was the one found*—believed found; front one did not go through; found (other led! first. 1 observed marks of powder on Dillon’s coat, ttnd also thti bole of the ball and a'scorch; it was on the.left side that the ball entered. REBUTTAL BY STATE. Do not remember-any abuse used ; Dillon was very angry towards Picquet; fie spoke decidedly against Mr. Picquet as being the cause of the difficulty; don't thiirk he eursed; he took Mr. Red’s pitffol; 1 think he Inul ii then; it was a single barrel one; he said it was Red’s —a Derringer single-barreled; don’t remember of Dillon's speakiug'of bor rowing a pistol. 8U K REB VTJ A L #Y D lira S CE. The bail was a bright one—was One which would about fit a Derringer pistol, or the pistol he had seen ; 1 suppose iliat it would fit calibre of a large sized Colt's.. repeater. (Here a ball was exhibited). This fe, 1 1 think, the ball; it was bright as if just moulded; the change of color witroji has taken plaice has been proliably caGsed by being carried in the pocket; as far as I call identify any ball, this is the one. (Dr. Campbell was requested to keep the ball). Do not think any one could be entirely pom live as to the identity of a ball. Thi- has remained out of my possession from thfi time of the occurrence until now. I state that the ball was out of my possession from the time of the affair until now, although it has changed, as all balls will. JOHN A. DQHLKII SWORN. The day after the shooting 1 visited Red ; • he was conscious that he was jjWiig to die very soon ; I called his attentinb particularly to this fact; Phillip Malone accompanid me; several others; say seven or eight, were present ; I proposed to take his statement in writing—he refused ; his answers were short; he was in great pain ; declined going into any lengthy statement of the matter ; from remarks made by he whs certainly aware that he w;m gbing to die; he.was per fectly consciotis tha t he was going to die ; ,he was as conscious as any oue. could be in his situation I mean being shot to pieces ; the Doctor was administering chloroform to him constantly; h answered in tubes of suffering, and in great pain all the time I was with him ; he cursed and swore occa sionally— not generally at the very time. Question by defence : “ What oaths did he use?” Objected to by prosecution-,and over ruled. When in .sudden paiy Jus wutfld say, ‘ God d—n it f not oftener than I ckpectcd to hear from him ; 1 was not present when the Doctor was there and informed him if his situation ; I was not present at the meet ing between Red and his wife; he occasion ally used the expression given; I expected him to die as he had lived—l mean without fear of God or the -devil; he was as moderate as ever ; I am acquainted with his charac ter, and believe him to be truthful; I would believe him on oath in a Gouri of Justice; his mind was in a stale of sanity ; his state meats to me were very short; he said that he bad* been fired at twice before he eVer fuelthat l;e had b on shot twice alter be was down; he did not stirte who at him ; said - “ they,” npt mentioning . any name; he said he wais trying to keep a difficulty from rising ; he was careless as to making statements, and seemed indifferent as to saying anything; at'last he told me not to worry him ; I did not hear all he said; think he said more, that I did not hear; during the day, and al different time; he may have made other statements, which Ido not recollect; I liidieve'lie did make other statements during the day. JOHn T. KINO SWOKX. I was at tlie house of Mr. Red the day after ho Was wounded, between twelve and one o’clock ; 1 was qvreseut when Sir. Buh ler was there ; Mr. mipd was all right, recognized every one ; he said he had no hope of recovery (I reduced what was said to writing); Mr. Bolder afterwards einne in with paper and pen, and requested, in de fence of himself and friends, to state how this thing occurred ; Bolder then.asked for a table, then Red said that he was too sick to give him the whole statement, but went on in broken sentences: ‘1 was trying to keep down the row; I never thought of shooting; they shot me twice, broke my arm,” (Mr. Bolder asked him who shot him, “Dillon and Evans ;” he said. “I shot onoe ; I was shot twice on the -ground.” Question was asked who shot you? “Dillon shot tno on the ground-; Evans said, ‘we have got him, let's kill the d——n son of a bitch Dillon then shut jno, and then he raised his hand to his breast; I was down ; I was trying to make peace ; never thought of shooting. lam too sick, don't bother me.” That was the exact language used by Red, as near as 1 can remember, after going from Red’s housiTto the Constitution alist office ; these were about the same words used by Mr. Red ; that was all; kept straight on through, at long enough intervals to get his breath ; at the end of remarks, said he was too sick, “don’t worry me.” No farther questions were asked him ; 1 remained from one-half to three-quarters of a'n hour; left Mr. Bolder there; I found Mr. Bolder there wheu I’first went there ; beard no cursing; went to see Mr. Red, to take his testimony ; Mr. Bohler asked the questions; 1 am posi tive that I give- just about the words used by' Mr, Red; he identified persons who shot him ; I am as positive of this as anything else 1 have sworu to; 1 am as us I am that I stand before you; I am friendly with Dillon ; I am very much so with Evans; I have called Evami “scalawag;'' he called me “grand pal was uot at ail angry with him; I deny that Mr. Evans called me “noodle-head.” Red was aware that he was going to die; showed no signs or remarks, only from his own remark—that he had to die; there were no questions as to death put to him. I have never fallen out with any man on aceounf of political viesvs; I called him ft “scalawag” for misebiet and to black guard him ; have no unpleasant feelings toward him ; disagreement in [xdtCrvx does not make me disagree os a citizen. AUGUSTA, GA., SATURDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 12, 186,8. iiENttV L A. BALK 173 BROAD street* NEW SPRING GOODS! I WILL Ul-EN TO-DAY A FKBSU ABBOUTMBNT Os New Spring Prints, VERY HANDSOME, AT LOW PIHCHB. FIXE CAMBRIC CHINTZ NEW PRINTED LAWNS, NEW SPRING DeLAINES, CIIALLIES, BTC., ETC New Spring Ginghams, VERY HANDSOME, AT A LOW PRICE FRENCH CASSIMERKS, AMERICAN CASSIMERTJS, and JEANES. BED TICKING, STRIFES, BLEACHED SHIRTING. BROWN HOMESPUN, PARASOLS, HOOP SKIRTS, UMBRELLAS, GLOVES, J PERFUMERY, etc All of which will bo aold at as LOW PRICES can bo had in town. HENRY I« A. HH U, 172 Broad Street. iuh2l-ly TK THE DISTRICT COURT OK THE A United State* for the Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of ) DAVIDSON & CO., I WM. D. DAVIDSON, )IN BANKRUPTCY. MONROE A. RANSOM, I Baukru|*ls. j Al Augusta, Gebrgia, tjiis -Hat day of Angusl .181 >S. Toe undersigned hereby gives notice 'of hit up Coiulmi-nt ua luaigwe of Daviddini & Co., Wil liaui 1). Duvidsmi, and Mouroq A. Ransom, of the county of Riclimvnd hu<l Sialo of Georgia, ivjUiin said district, wkul«iv« boon adjudged Baukfupta upon their own petition by tjiv District CotAi of sai<l dislrict. JAMES E. HARPER, sep-I—law3w Assignee. Letters of Guardianship >2TATE OF GEORGIA— Jliflfm'.nd Cpiiiityi Wmebeas, James M. i’alfficr applies for Let ters of Guardianship of Rebecca FranceVOdmu, William Stephen O-lom, and Martha Jane Odom, initior children of James Harris OdtnßJ dc-- peased— *£ These Are tberefuro to cite and admonish, all ’ and singular, the kiudred aud friends of I said minors, to bo and appear at my office witbia the time proscribed by law, to show ’ cans'--, ft any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under uiy hand and oliigial signature, at office in Augusta, this 3l*t dip of August, ISA*. SAMUEL LEVY, nil 3()d o>-dinary. ASSIIdWKL’S T ~ RE A L E8 T ATE. WILL BE BOLD. FREE FROM ALL IN- CUMBRANCES, <>n tlie premises, iu tlie city of Atlanta, TUESDAY, the “-’d day ot Sep temlii-r, 1868. at 11 o'clock a. ui. . the following property, to-wit: (IT¥ LOT AO. 11, Oh east side of Peachteee strect T being part of Laod Lot 78, 11th diet riot of originaily Henry, now Fulton county, fronting on Peachtree Btrect 311 feet, and extending back 90 feet. On thia Lot is a THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSE, * besides a dry basement 311 feet front by 78 back, and -couc-idered one of the beat bui.Liiugs in the city. Aho, at the same time and place, a lot of CHOICE WINES AND LIQUORS, CO.NBISTING OF 1 bbl. Otard BRANDY 4 bbL Otard BRANDY’ 1 bbl, Scotch WHISKEY 1 hbk S’. Croix RUM 1 I*unch(3on GIN 2 bbls. Sherry WINE 1 bbl. Port WINE 6 casks PORTER 6 packages Champagne WINE. Also, 20 one-gallon Jugs, aud sundry Notes and open Accounts. Immediately after which, I wilt sell on tbe premises ONE MOUSE UOT, lluuse containing four rooms and basemeut, situ ated on east side of Peachtree street, on cit y lot Nq. 31, containing one half acre, more or less.- Also. CITY LOT No. THIRTY-FOUR, ad joiuieg above lot No. 31, and fronting 100 feet on ivy street, containing one-half acre, more or less. All sold a<j the property of John 11. Lovejoy, Bankrupt. Potoeesion given immediately. Terms rash. N. fc. FOWLER, sep3-3w Assignee. United States Marshal’s Sale. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF TURKE (3) writs of fieri facias, iseued~out of the Hon orable the Fifth Circuit Court, of the United Staten tor the Southern Dirtrict of Georgia, iu favor of the plaintiffs, iu tlie following owes tu-wit ■ .CARHART 4 BROTHERS vs. BKNJAMIN F. ADAMS, A. T. STEWART .1 COMPANY vs. BENJAMIN F. ADAMS, WILLIAM C. BROWNING,-Survivor, eto., vs. RMN.IA.tfIN F. ADAMS. I have levied upon, as the projierly of Benjamin F. Adams, a Plantation, containing twenty-six hun dred (iJ.OOrt) acres, more or less, ‘situate, lying und being in the county of Randolph, unri State of Georgia, numbers of lots unknown, but lying at ami immediately arouud Ward s Station, ’on the Southwestern railroad. • ALSO One lot of Land, containing one hundred (Iffil) acres, more or less, with a dwelling homie, out buildings, and oilier iuiprovetaents. being tlie residence of Bcnj.unin F. Adams, aud'ufijidnyig the property of Col. J. A. Wingfield, A.Q. Mosley. W. E. Adams, R. C. Jenkins’, and others, in the town of Eatonton, county of Pntuate, unci -State aferiieaid. . . ALSO Two Store Houses and Lots'oti the Uaurt House square, known as Hudson aud Thomas cor ner, now occupied by B. F. Johnston fe Co., ami Beuj. F. Adam*. ALSO One Store House and Lot, occupied by Eihriffgc & Davis, druggists. ALfo One Store House and Lot ou Main street, occu inedby J M. Ballard. lr', ALSO One Town Lol near the Railroad Depot, now vacant. All the shid Town Lots situate, lying and be ing in tlie town of Eatonton, county of Putnam, mid State aforesaid. And will sell tbs same at public auction, st the Court House in the city of Macou aaul county of Bibb, and State of Georgia, on the FIRST TUES DAY IN OCTOBER next, between tlie lawful honnl of sale. Dated at Savannah, Ga.. thia 8d day of Septem ber, 1868, WM. G. DICKSON. sepl-lawlw U. S. Marshal Diet, of Ga. gOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA, SB. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of J. S. BRISCOE, of Columbia county, Georgia, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by Un JMstriet Court of said District. Thomson, Ga., September 11, . A E. STURGIS, sepll-law3w Assignee. MEDICINAL. Asiatic Cholera in China. ALMOST EVERY CASE CURED WITH PAIN KILLEB. Read the following letter from 4<ev. i. -Tigford, Missionary in China, now visiting his borne in Poiiusylvama> Washington, Pa.,(June2s, 1866. Mcuri. Perry Davieto Son, Prayidcnc.e,R- Dear Sirt—During a resident of some ten years as a Missionary in Siam and China, I found yonr vegetable Pain Killer a most valuable remedy for that fearful aeomge, ilk’ Cholera. In administering the uiedirine. ! fonnd it most effectual to give a teuapoenfiil of i’aiu Killer in a gill of hot water aWeel'.m-d with sugar; then, after about tiiiceu miuuiea. begin to give » talde apoonful oi the same mixture every minute until relief was obtained. Apply hot hpplicatioiis to tlie extremitiej. Bathe the storahvli with Pain Killer, clear mid rub the limbs btHkly. Os those who hud the cholera, hud took tliff'm'ediciue faiilt fully hi the wuy «*et»-d nboy«-. ei&it out es ten recovered. Youth, tnUy,* it TELFORD. If an attack with Diarrliwa, Dysentery, or Cramp Cnlic, don't delay the use of the Pain Killer. Mold Uy all medicine deafers Price, 25 cents, 50 cents, mid f 1 per bottle. . ' ■T’" - " .' . \ . Manhattan, Kansas, Agril 17,1806. '* * -* I want io say a little moth about tipi' I‘aiu .Killer. I cotwider it a very nalfuible mediciiic, aud always keep it on ha ml. I have tmveiltd aqooddeal since I have been in Kantak,'ind JWWf witbriut taking it will, me, lu my practiea 1 uaixl it freely fir the Asiatic Cholera, iii JSi'J,and with better sutc ess Ilian any other mediriun; j alp” vrsesi it here for cholera in 1855, with the wimogoml result. Truly, yours, A. HUNTING, M. D. Swato, China. Cholera! * * * I regret to say that the cholera Jias prevailed here of late to a fearful extern. For the last three weeks, from ten to fifty or sixty fatal cases each duy has been re ported. 1 should add that, flic Paiu Killer, sent recently from the Mission Tlonse, has lieen need with couciderable success during this epidemic. If taker! iii season Is generally effectual in clieck itig the disease. ' Ki v. CHARLES HAKDINIG, Sliotapore, India. [From the Portland Monthly.) Summer Complaint and Dysentery, Bowel rumplainta seem just now to be the pjovailiiig eleiueut, and any medicine that is o very where acceptable, and that i. reliable, is a veiy defcjrjibio acquisition. From wbat we have seen, heard, and experieniel, we believe Davis' Pain Killer is this desiiferatiim For the bent method of usitigit, we quote from tire directions: "For common bowel couiphuuto, give one lea spnonlnl in a gill of new milk ams molasses, iu eqred parts, stirred well together; Jeeeeu the dose lor children, according to the age. If the pain be severe, bathe the bowels aud back with the inedi cine. This moje of treatment is goo| in citses ot lliu.cholci-a morbus, sudden stoppagqs, etc. Bo pvcit v«»v-ii«/ov. cverv r. “The quickest way I ever saw’ tine dysentery cured was by taking one npoouful us the Pain Killer in qmc giU t»f nrUk sirred well together and drank bot, at the same time bathing the'towels freely with medicine. Let the'doee be repeated every hour until the patient id relieved.” If every pcrfion who has reason to fear this disease would provide tlicinselves with a bottle of this medicine, aud use as occasion required, we believe a great amount of suiferiiig and sickness would be saved. ieli? —2m --a,.. _— a * — , Special Notice. Jr Jr ~ WWmMr ® i > ly-t IM S- x C < IM -Sr s H i is” « 6 tw-Hb tH r- £8 s ii Spectacles Rendered Useless. THE MOBT EMINENT PHYSICIANS Oculists and Divines recommend the nso of the CORNEA RESTORERS for Presbyopia or Far or Long Sightedness, or every person who wears spectacles from old age ; Dimness oi Vision or Blurring; Overworked eyos; Astheno pia or Weak Eyes: Epinhora, or Watery Eyes; Pain in the Ey'o-ball; Amaurosis, or Obsourity of Vision; Photophobia, or Intoleraneo of Light; Weakness of the Retina and Optic Nerve; Myodesophia, or Hpccks of Mering Bedies before the eyes; Ophthalupa. orlnflam matien of the Eye and Myolids, and Imperfect Vision from the effect of Inflamiuation, etc.; Cataract Eyes; Hemiopia, or Partial Blind ness ; and many other Diseases of the Eye. Cure Guaranteed or Money Refunded. OIYIX.Y CORNUA RESTORER IN THE WORLD, ABI> 2Ac Best Restorer of the Eyesight Known. SO SAY ALL PHYSICIANS. They can bo used by any one with a cer tainty of success, and will receive immediate beneficial results, without tlie least fear of injury to the eye. Circulars sent free. . NEAR SIGHTEDNESS CURED By the Myopia, or Cornea Elatlewrt Only knoWn Remedy iu the World—has proved a Great Success. For further information, price, and certificates of cures, address Dr. J- Stephens & Co., p. o. HOX, »2«, ff-IO Broadway, NEW YORK. STEPHEN’S MAGICAL EGYPTIAN ORIENTAL EYE OINTMENT will eure -in flamed eye lids, stys, and prevent stys. Travelling Agents Wanted. GOOD COMMISSION PA D Selling of the Restorers is a pleasant and honorable employment, dosiralile for all Ladies Clergymen, Teachers, and Farmers and for all who desire to make an honest tiring by an easy employment. All persons asking for term* to Agent* must enclose twenty five eeuta urpay postage and a-st of printing mate rials containing information for Agents. Town Agenls Wanted. * nov27-Jtwly Book and job printing Executed at this Office x At the Lowest Terms and in the Best Style Richmond County. STATE OF GEORGIA— ( Riehtnond County. ’* WusitaAS, James A. Gray, Administrate) on the estate of Francis O’Conner, applies to mo for Letters of Dismission. These arc therefore to cite and admonish all ami siuguiar, the kindred and creditors of Said deceased, to bo and appear at my office o» or befogs the first Monday in November next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not bo granted. Given under my hand and official signature, at office in Augusta, this 2<l day of June, 1868. . E. M. BRAYTON, je3—-6m* Ordinary. . Letters of Dismi ssion. , QTATE OF GEORGIA—' 0 Riehmond County. Whereas, Charles J. Jenkins, Executor, and Julia A. Cumming, Executrix, of tho estate of i Anna 0. Cnmming, deceased, applies to me for i Letters of Dismission:. 8 These are, therefore, to site and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and ereditorv of (aid t deceased, to bo aud appear at my oflice ou or be-' 1 fore the first Monday in September next, to shiav > cause, if nny they have, why sail Letters shtuld I not bo granted. Given under my hand and official signature, ’ a* office ia Augu*ta, this 16th day of March, 1868. K. M. BRAYTUN, o mil 17 lawfitu*. Ordinary. Lotters of Dismission. STATE OF GEORGIA— Richmond County. i Whereas, Charles J. Jenkins, Executor, and > Julia A. Cutiuuing, Executrix, of tl»e estate of llonry 11. Cumming, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all ■ aud »iagul.-w, the kindred and •.•reditwf of »-rid ’ deceased, to be and appear at my office on or be fore the first Monday in September next, to show 1 cause, if auy they have, why said Letters tu.ould 1 not bo granted. Given under my hand and official signature, at office iu Augusta this 16th day of March, 1868. E. M. BRAYTON, mb 17 —law6m* Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. kJTATE OF GEORGIA— -0 Richmond County. Whereas, Charles. J. Jenkins, Executor, and Julia A. Cumming, Executrix, of the estate of Isaac Bryan, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission: These ate, therefore, to cite aud admonish, all and singular, the kindrod and creditors of said deceased, t<\ bo and appear at my office on vr be fore the first Monday iu September next, to show cause, if any they have, why Letters’should not be granted. Given under ruy hand and official signature, at offieeiu Augusta, this 16th dav of March, 1868.. K. M. BRAYTON, mhl7—law6m* Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. f ’EORGIA- V I Richmond County. Whereas, Uutrdine Dula-t, Administratrix, with the will annexed <>u the estate of Antoine Picquet. deceased, applies to me for Letters of l.'ietaWrioH : These arc, therefore, to cite and admonish all and sirfgular, the kindred and creditors of said deewaed, ta Ire imd »p;>e.'ir at id%- office on or before the first Monday in October, lu show i-iuise, if any they have, why eaid Letters should not be granted. Given uuder my hand and official signature at Augusta, tin: ItUli dfcv of May, IffikL K. M. BRAYTON, my 16 lawlrnr' Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. fiJTATK OF GEORGIA— -0 Riihiuoud County. Wherr-au, Josephine Wilson, Administratrix on tim estate ul. Peter Wilsnn, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to bo and appear at my office on or be fore the first Monday iu October, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, at office in Angasta, this dth.duv of May, 1868. E. M. BRAYTON, my 6—6m* Ordinary. STATE OF GEORGIA— Richmond County. WrrK.nKAS, Edward O’Donnell, Administrator un the estate of 'fiIOMAS HANEY, doeegsed, applies to me for Letters of Dismission. The«e »¥e, therefore, toefte and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said , deceased, to be mid appear at my office, cm or ' before the first Monday in Septi’mber next, to [ ehew if a.ny they have, why said fetters should not bo grunted. Given under my band and official signature, at office iu Augusta, this 24th day of March, 1868. • ' E. M. BBAYTQN, ' mhSS-Ain* Ordinary Letters of Dismission. * QTATK OF Cj J{ichmGuil (.Jt/uiLltf. WfierenH Win C. Tutfer, Adininisfrator <»f the vHttHfe <»f Sarah Swinney, flewtaacd, to nw for L'ltcis of These are, therefore, to cite and admonirib all aa<i sMiguiar, the kHtdretl and ereditore of said de. ceased, to he and ap|»ear at my office, on or before the lirxl Monday in October,ib »h«»w cauae, if any they have, why raid Letters abonld not Ims granted. Given under uiy hand and official signature, al office in Aflgtista, this HH.h dav of Apiit, 1868. E. M BRAYTON, apt I -law6m* Ordinary. Letters of Dismission- STATE OF GEORGIA— Richmond County. Whereas, Ctiarlus J. Jenkins, Executor, and Julia A. Cumming, Executrix, of the estate of Tborrias Cumming, deceased, applies to mo fur betters «f Dismisrioit: These a-e, therefore, to cite and admonish, ell and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on <-r be fore Iho first Monday in September next, to sho# cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not bo granted. Given uuder my hand and official signature, at office iu Augusta, this 16th day of March, 1868. E. M. BRAYTON, mhi 7- -tawfiu,* Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. fiDTATE OF GEORGIA— kJ tiiekmund County. Whereas, Jolm I). Batt, Adnliafetrutor on tbp estate of Pat rick OtSullivaii, deceased, applies to me for Leiters of Dismission. These are, therefore, to eite and admaliisli all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear at uiy office ou or be fore the first Monday in October, to show cause, if auy they hhve, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, at office in Augusta, this olfi day <4 May. IBf>B. E. M. BRAYTON, my 6—6m* Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. STATE OF GEORGIA— Richmond County, Whereas, Charles J. Jenkins, Executor, and Julia A. Cumming, Executrix, of the .state of William Cumming, deceased, implies to me for Letters of Dismission: These are, therefore, to eite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceaeed, to bo and appear at my office on x>r be fore tho first Monday in t>eptc<nbor next, to show cause, if any they have, why s >id Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, st office in Aag.ste, thia 16th day of Match, 1868. E- M. BRAYTON, mhl7—law6ai* Ordinary I.KAIX BAGS! New and i?ec6nd hand burlap, Linen, and Cotton, suHable for Wheel Corn, etc., lor sale in quant vies to suit. Bags loaned for the transpoftqtton of tlram,hv T. 8. ATWATER, Bug M»»ufm»lurer, myfffl— dSm 46 and Whitehall st.. N. Y STATU OF GEORGIA— - ' Richmond County. YVhereaa, Johu Doslter applies to me for Letjera of Administration on the estate of Frederick Von i Sprecken, late el said county,jdeceased : These, tire, thefeforo, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said I deceased, to be and appenr at my oSiceou dr before i the first Monday in October next, to »* low cause, if any tti.y havs, why saiq ieiieva aliuulu granted. , ■ Given under nty hand and official signature a 1 office iu Augusta, this day of August, 1868 SAMUEL LEVY, STATE OF GEORGIA— County. Whereas, Heury Jones applies td me for letters of Administration,-with the will annexed, on t-he estate of Green I*. Red,late of 'strfd comity, de ceased: . These are, therefore,to cite at»d admyniali all .. and singular, the kiudred and creditors of said 1 deceased, to be and appear at soy office ou or before r the first Monday iu October next, to shew cause, if auy they have, why said letters should uot bo 1 grunted. 1 Given under my hand aud official signnthrc office in Augusta/Ahie J'-’tli day of August 1 an 21—Im Ordinary. STATE OF GEORGIA— Richnutnd County. Whereas, Rob. Douglass aud S D. Williains. Executors on the Kstaleof Ira D. Matlie we, late of said comity, deceased, apply to mu lor letters of dismiaeioii : . _ .. . ; These are, therefore, th cite and admonish all and riugular, the kindred and creditors of taid de ceased, to be and appear at uiv office ou or before the first Monday hi February nett, to show cause, if any they have, why saM Letter. shonM'uot lie granted. , ‘ * Given under my li.uid aud official surnatuie, at office in Augusta, this August 15th, 18ii8. ftAMtntL LEVY, au 16— lamflui .Ordinary. I OF GEORGIA— O Richmond County ■ , Whkß, Alfred Oliarles Hott applies to me for Icettors of Administration, de boms non, on the estate of Adua Rowe, late of eapl county, de ceased. Tlwee are thereforoto cite aud a<iuu>ni»h all and siugutar, tlie kindred and creditors rl said de ceased, to be aud appear at my office, on oFbetore th. second ffiomtay in September- next, to cause, if any they have, why said pfftera should not he granted. Giveu under iny hand and official sigualmu, at office in Angusta, this It’tfi day of August, 1868. C SAMUEL LEVY, aull—lm _ Ordinary, Administrator's Sate. WILL BE SOLD, ON THE WRBT DAY in BEI’TEMBER next, at the Lower Market Hcmse in the city ofAuguetii, halwrcii Hie legal lamra of sale, pun cuull to the order <4 the Court of Ordinary, passed a* July Term. 186 s, all that lot of Laud, with the fihprvvaments. ewikist ing ot one Brick Store, helougrug to llre Ettate of Sarah May. on the West side of Centre, street, in the cityof Augusta, between Broad atid Rcyfnolda street, and known as Bridge row —bounded Noi*h by lot formerly F. Murray’s, East by Centra niii-.ut . South by lot of Thomas B. Phtinir.y, aud West by lot of John 11. Maun, -having, a front of. twenty nine feet, and a depth of eighty two feet six inches, conveyed by John to Tlmmas May, April 26, 1858, aud turued over to Salah M«v, »o|ii Jieir of Thomas May, July 5, 1866. Terms caali, purchaser to puv for papers. R.'W. MAHER, jvl7— 40t U. 8. Marshal’S Bale. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A WHIT Ob’ fieri facial, issued out of the Honorable-the Fifth Circuit Court of the United Stales, for the Southern District of Georgia, -iu favor of the Plaintiffs, in tho following case, to wit: Wood gate A Co. vs. Thos. F. Hampton slid Frederick Burtz, partners, I have levied upeu, as tho property of Thomas F. Hampton, o c of the’ defendants, one block of Brick Stores, situate, iyiug and being iu the town of Uainbridge, county of Decatur and State of Georgia, end known as the llanipton Block, adjoining the premises of King .t I.ester, Lewis <t- Wutese. and D. J. Dickinson,Jon Water street in said town aud county ; and will sell the same nt public auction, at, the Court House is theeity of Macon, county of Bibb and State of Georgia, qn the i rst TUESDAY in September next, bo'.wcen the lawful hours of sale. Dated at Savannah, Ga., this 36th day of July, 1868. WIL IAM «. DICKSON, augl—lawlw U. 6. Marshal. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE 1 United States for the Northern District of Georgia. In the matter of i JOHN F. ANDREWS, UN BANKRUPTCY Bankrupt. ) To all whom it may i iingein: Tlie undersigned hereby gives notice of bis appointment as As iguee of John F. Andrews, of Washington, in the comity of WHkea and State of Georgia, within said Distrnt, who has been adjudged a bankrupt anon his own petilionbv the District court of said Dis trict. > Dated ut Washington the 7th day of August, A. D 1868. HENRY F. ANDREWS, aut’l—lawJw Assignee IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the Southern District of Georgia. Iu the matter ol ) J. * A. J. SETZE, ' IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupts ) To all whom it may concern: The undersigned hereby gives notice of bis appointment as As signee of J. A. A. J. Setae, aud of John Seise and Alphonse J. Seise, of Augusta, Richmond cputily, Georgia, within said District, who. have been adjudged bankrupts upou their own petition by the District Court of said District. MILO fl. HATCH, soil—law3w Assignee. N THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United Slates for the Northern Distriet'oP Georgia. In the matter of 1 LEWIS COOK, IN BANKRUPTCY Bankrupt, J x . To whom it tnuy concern : The undert-igued hereby gives notice of bis appointment signee iff the estate of Lewis Cook, of Aflauta. county of Fulton, and State rd Georgia, within said District, who lias been aiijujged a bankrupt upon his own |*tition by the District Court y« surd district- ' . Dated at. Atlanta, Ga., this 3d day at August, A.D., 1868. J. J. NEWTON, ■old— law3w A*‘igneo. I NTHE DISTRICT COURT OITHE 1 Mates, for tho Southern District of Georgia. In the matter ui i CHAS. W. DOUGHTY, ' IN 4MNKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. J To wfiom it may concern; .The; undersigned; 1 hereby gives notice of his appoflltmcnt aa As-; I signee of Charles W. Doughty, of Augusta, IliUi moud county, Georgia, within said District, why has been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own peti tion by the District Court of turn! District. JOHN S. DAVIDSON, an 11—law3w Assignee. ESTABLISHED 1865, o— THOMAS RUSSELL, *7 E Wf't-RY J x IL At nfonaans.. ■ 198« Broad St., NEXT DOOR BM TH« FRENCH STORE. -■>’«• ■ " WATCHES, CLOCKS, and JEWELRY RE PAIRED at the shortest notice. AH work war rented. > • All orders will be thankfully and promptly attended to. • _jeSß -lowly ' , Piano Fortes Tuned. 'DO .MEET THE TIMES, I HAVE »B --1 DUCED lbs ■’barge for TUNING to TURKE DOLLARS. - • ■ ’ • Orders left at Jlk. OKU. A. OATHS’ 240 Broad Street, >•, at my Shop, opposite the Port Office. prometly at leaded to. » , ROBERTA. HARPEfc. NO 348 The American Artisan L* d *' * ’*/ 1 UNITED STATES AND FOREIGN 1 PATENT AGENCY. 183 Bfviuway, New York. Messrs. BROWN, C’OQMBS Proprie tors of the AMERICAN ARTISAN, offer their beet services to imeerOort. as BoHcffor* of Ameri canaud Foreign-Patente. Mr. Hksjiv T. Brown, 1 of this firm, has had more that! tirrhty-two years’ 1 etperienee in that profession, both in this CMntry and Europe, and ills long practice. hs» made him personally known to thousands of inven tors and -patentees. The epplieatieoH for tlie > pateete upou many of Hie greater and more im portant inventions ol the present century have been prepared by him. Messrs.Buows. Coombs A- Co., ora thoroughly familiar .with ail the rides and re gulations iusutated for tho rapid t>amuu:li<ui of business with the United States Patent Ofliee, and toe general practice In the Pateflt Bureaus or vari ous European countries; ;«nd thia kuqpvledgs ren ders tliom coulideut that their post experience, with their present nnequaled facilities, enables them to elaborately and ydt speedily prepare all tl»e : docu ments required by taw iu nppCcativnu for patents, . and to promise iheir clients an ahmhite. certainty of steccessni thGfleflerta to.obiainJlA-Mers.Patpnt fok i inventions that ate really new and usefol. Parti cular com is given Jo the execution iff tie: accurate I dramintyt wfocii mate taways aitragaay every appbeatibn for a patent, and they employ iwmh- but ; the mosteificieutdraughtamm. .The tasat evidence of the manner in which Messrs. BkoWn, Coombs & Co.’-a business is performed, is, tbaj the “Amer ican Artisan Patiki; AoßNcr.Vduriiig.tbe three years of jta existence, has been the mbit sneccssfnl institution of the bind ever established. ‘ The principal offices of Messrs. Brow n. Giombt A. Co. are situated at, 183 Broadway, opposite John street, New' York, in the most central part es the city. This location is one of very easy acct si by strangers, iuiiMnueh us it is within a stone's threw from the City Hall. All inventors temporarily bo journing in the metropolis are invited to visit this estalilishmeiu. lu|themajority oi instance no model or drawing of an invention will be pecesatny on tho first interview, as ft mere oral description by the-visitor will ordinarily suffice to convey such akuowledge of his invention as will euaiilo Messrs. BkoWN, Coombs & Co. tv definitely determine’ whether a machine or process is new or crld--paten tahle or not. Tlie office boors are from fl Am . to 5 r. h. Messrs.. Brown, Coombs & Co. are prepared to famish »i»pfoatm« residing at a distance from New York —free of charge— u rillen opinions as t<r whether inventions contain any features of paten table novelty; To do this they simply require a sketch fir rough model of tlie machine or otpi-r in vention that is supposed to be new, together with a brief description of thp Biimo, and as soon as pos- Biblir thereafter h fetter.of the best advice iu mail ed to the porumi desiring the information. These opknioim are formed from their own mature exper jeucmlfol ts an ififfeutoi' desiresto know^poMl^valy, whether liie incipient idea has ever been embodied in a machine or process already patented, his wiseit Clause will b« to have * preliminary examination made at tlru TJufted Slates Patent office by Messrs. Brown, Coombs &■- Co., who will make a special . nil lite records of that i nsfltution, and then prompt jy forward a fa! I and can-tally written report as to the puteutability pf Ute nivcutioii un der examination. For this Tabor the small fee of sh fit payable in advance*; and the iemittance should be useoaipanied byji sketch of tho invention and a few Dues of writing describing the same, add distinctly stating those poiitts off nd velty which the inventor desires to have 'protected by Letters.- Patenl. I‘ateuta for new and uaelut invenlivns. are now ttnVted for the term «f»KV«**ir<» tnAtcs. The first, hutaltii'itrt ofoba Gvvernmem, tee ia f 15, which stun —together with titty cents-revenue stamp tax oil the power ql attorney— i» pay able «»i udcana, on applying for tho potent; ami fi’ffl additional are dueto tlie Goveramenr wiiou tiie LeUere-Patent are allowed. The Agency fee is from f'J5 upward, ac ’ cording to the labor involved; bitt tn all cases our Charges will he as moderate as jtossibte fn’tiic pre paration of drawings and alt necessary documeute. This fee is not payable until after the application has been prepureif aud the cnse is ready to be sent to Wuehingtoa. Messrs. Brown, Coombs & Co. bav« o brauehin Wabhikiiton so tbatajlapplica tiqus made through litem eaji have every necessary attention in their passage through tlie PatevtDfficc. Inventors ap;uyiug for patents nnist famish models of their imiclHues, whenever possible, for this iuspoctivn of tlie Examiners in the Patent Office; but if the inventibn is a ebefaical composi tion, samples of all the ingnedtenta will bo.neces sary. Each of tbcßu should be marked witA tlie in ventor's uame. then carefully boxed. amTseiit (by express, prepaid), together with the first iustalmeu oftlie Government fee, to Messrs Brown, Coom bs & Co. When the model is small and Ijgbt. it can be conveniently and cheiuily sentby mail. The model must not exceed one foot in any of its dimens ions, unless it is of such acharactelr that it is im practicable. - I’atenta, except those for desfous, are granted ou equalaenns to eitizeimand all ®Eeiguftrs.except. inhabitants of Canada and some others of the British American Provinces. Besides patents or new unvi useful inventions,- there “re tJ Btl granted patents for. designs. Desigu-pateats are not now, as’ formerly, limited si iictly to ernamental coufiguratioß ; but uuder Section II of the Act ot March ff, 1861, ayy new form of any article, or any impress io taorfigmy upon the surface of any article or material, by whatever means or precess produced, can lioiiatouted. Un di r this Act, patentees are entitled to the oxteu oion of tiieir respective patents for the term ofrevea y*orn from the day on which said patents shall ex pire, upon tho hum terms and restrictienv as are now provided fertile extensionsoi Leltorsff“atetit. Ainon# the numerous subjeets fol yf this class may be particularly mentions- -castfag# of all metals, paife of machines, household fuiulture and utoltails; glassware, hardware of, all kinds, Cornices, aiid otherlnteriot andexterlor decors lions nt' buildings: also, designs for woven and printed fabrics, dress and uplKiistery trimmings, and dial . neis labels and trade-marks for metociues, per fumery, preparations, couipoigXiobs. or iaer<-handi.-e,*'put up in bottles, boxes, or'other packages, afe suitable subjects; also, the forms of such liotttes, boxsj. or packages tiidmeeives, and envelopes, kkfcwfos all works of art, as statuary, busts, compositions so alto or lnwao relievo. The Government fee on a design patent- for 3 j years ia |lo|7 yeaie, f!5; 14 years, $36. No qiodels of designs are required . but duplicate drawings or phnfograftos inert be furnislied- The Specification to accosipunv the drawings or photographs re quiren to be’ prepared with great case. Messrs Brown, Coombs &. Co. give very pyrtiuilar at fenli.,l, t« tbj« Knmefi of lheie bmmMss. Their efiarge for preparing applications for design patents is generally about sls. Design patenta are only granted to Amariomi citizens or to aliens who have resided ony. yfiur iu ffae United States and made oath of their intention to become citizens tlivre-.-f. The faculties of Messrs. Bsown, Coombs'& Co for obtafoing patents iu the vurioim European countries are equal if not superior to’those ob any i other In the United States'. With regard to their qualifications tor wch business, it need only be slated lliat Mr. Brown has bad tlie prepara- Alpi) ->f more European appiicatiiMto than any othei person iu this couhlry, Meesrsl Brown, Coombs A. Co , besides having « branch office in Ws.iHtNGToR., have .tbsir own ageuctm ju the Vriuci pal cupifetla of Europe. A ci reubw relating to. foreign paten: bushiest! will bo faruiqhed free pn appljcaAiop petMiMlly or by muff. • Messrs.BßowN, Ct . mbs * Co. aisaattend to in terierenet-sq the ewtensiotie <>f expiring Lelters- Patent, and ail proceedings rotating to patents be fore tlie United States Patent Office. AR k-Tters, packages, boxes; etc.., should be ad dressed. prepaid, as. lollows ! BKOWN, COOMBS A CO., - ' Solicitors of Patents, my N~**y No. 189> Broadway,-New York. A GREAT CAMPAIGN .DOCUMENT. Harttl-Rottß «f PoriHca for JBBS. SPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR THE PRES# DKNTI AL i'anpoign. Cuutafos all the matter fa the Political Msduvis of 1867, and 1868. Cotnpiled'froui offiefal sources. Give* the whok Political action ofthe-Government, including luq each mem, Reconstruction, Gene ral Pontier, Platforms, Acceptance of Caadi dales, ete., from April, 1865; to Jitly,-t8«8. TUMm on DoW and Taxation, Hevcane and Ex pMiditariM, flunks, Soathem llogistralioa and Veteit. Eleetioo Tablee from data. 400 pages, Sro.. <’J'’to. Ji.*,6, pest p*W The Political Manual for 13« S, separately, cloth. :?I; paper cover, 75 cents, post paid. Address EDWARD MePHEKSft.V, tterk of the Horse of Representatives, i sepl—fNuv3 Washington, D.C.