The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, September 24, 1868, Image 1

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THE \ATIO.\AL REPUBLICAN. VOL. I. National Republican PUBLISH KD DAILY (MONDAY EXCEPTID) Official Organ of the U S. Gorernment. ~ SUBSCRIPTION PRICK: l" One Year, ip advance....... $4 M Six JLinlbe, in advance.. 2 50 Three Months, in advance...,,.. 1 25 'if A paper furnithrd gratia to any one «>nd . in.ii n« a Club of ten aabaeribern. ■ ’ i v t ' \ tr •PIS' The undereigned, harm : a completely furnished offi-ie, is enabled to ' ite all orders for Book and Job Printing, Book-binding, or Ruling cheaper than any other office in the Smith. E. H. PUGHE. ~f —wvr~T 'ifV.'wx. "'i'' t ••* ’’4.-* THURSDAY MORNlNGSeptember 34, 18fi« NATIONAL STEAMSHIP CO. Steamers weekly from Liverpool and NEW YORK, calling at QUEENS TOWN. A Steamship of this Hue, consisting of the FRANCE..Capt Grace... 3.512 tons. ENGLANDCapt. Thompson.. -XtiO “ THE QUEEN..; .Capt.Grogan3,sl7 •• HELVETIACapt. Cutting3,3ls “ ERIN......Capt. Hai13.310 ” DENMARK......Capt,Th0m50n......3,117 “ PENNSYLVANIA.Capt. Lewis2,B72 “ VIRGINIACapt. Drowse 2.876 “ leaves Pier 47 North River, every Saturday. aU2 o'clock M..: a J 1 elf f The else of all these Steamships admits of very spacious State Rooms, opening diictly ipto the Saloon, the accommodations and faro are unsur paeeed, and the rates lower than any other line. An experienced Surgeon on each ship, free of charge. Tickets are issued in this country t«> par ties wishing to prepay the passage of their frieuda from Liverpool or Queenstown (Ireland) for $35 payable liere in cainenev. Drafts issued at the lowest rates of Exchange for any amount, payable at any Bank i< Grek Britain and Ireland. Passage from New York to Queenstown or Liverpool CAB. IN,$1(8) Currency; STEERAGE, $25, Currency For Freighter Cabin Passage apply at Ilia Offices of Th* UoarsNr, 57'Broadway, aud for steerage tickets at the Passage Office of tire Com pany, 27 Broadway, New York. myl7-ly F. W. J. HURST, Manager. GREAT DISTRIBUTION BY THE METROPOLITAN GIFT COM PA NY.—Cash Gift? to the amount of $250,0W. Every Ticket Draws a Prize. 5 Cash Gifts, each SIO,OOO. 10 “ 5,000. 20" '* “ 1,000. 40 « “ 500. 200 “ 100. 300 “ “ 50. 75 Elegant Rosewood Kanos, each s3ooto $750 35 “ “ Melodeons, each $75 to iStl 500 Sewing Machines, each S6O to $175 500 Fine Gold Watches. each s7sto S3OO Cash Prizes, Silver Ware, etc., all valued nt $1,600,000. A chance to draw any of the above Prizes for 25c. Tickets describing Prizes are stiu.m in Envelopes and well mixed. On receipt of 25c. a Sealed. Ticket is drawn without choice and sent bv mail to aur address. I The -®rixe named upon it willlie dMbfored Jo on pav inent of uot-om-.. Prizes areinfmediately sent to any address by express Or return mail. You will know what your prize is before you pay fur it. Any Prize exchanged for another of same value. No Blanks. Oui patrons can depend on fair dealing. Referirgks We select the following from many who have lately drawn Valuable Prizes and kindly permitted ns to publish them i S- T. Wilkips, Buffalo. $5,000; Miss Annie Monroe, Chicago, Piano, s6sit: John D. Moore, Louis ville, $1,000; Miss Ennua Walworth, Milwaukee, Piano, $500;) Bev. E. A. Day, New Orleans, SSOO. We publish no mimes without permission . Orwtoas of the Purse—“ The firm is relia bls, and deserve their koccess. " —Weekly Tri kune, Aug. 8, ‘ We know them to be a fait deiri -s#g firtn. y»Acw For* Herald, Aug. 28. •’ A friend of soffits drew a SSOO Prize. Which was promptly reoihvad."—Daily .Yews, Sep. 3. Send for circular. Liberal inducement# to Agents. Satisfaction guaranteed. Every pack age of. sealed envelopes contain one cash gift. S>l Tickets for $1 : 13 for $2; ® lor $4; 110 for sls. All Letters should be addressed to HARPER, WILSON At CO., 173 Broadway, N, y. \ p'l-hu DON’T YOU WANT A Ba ii j o 800 k? THB BEST BOOKS FOR THE BANJO 1 are these; each contains Instructions aud Music. Buckley’s New Banjo Guide, 75 cents. Buckley's Instructor, $1.58. Rice's Method, $1.58. Briggs'Banjo Instructor, T 5 vts. Howe's' Banjo Instructor, 40 cents. In them you have easy lesions, attractive Exercises, Rules for Tuning and Rouping the Banjo. Copies will be mailed, post paid, on receipt of the price, by OLIVER DITSON k. CO., Publishers, 277 Washington St.., Boston. CHAS. 11. DITSON A CO., seplfi —if 711 Broadway. Nep York IN THE DIS flllCT COURT OF THE 1 United btatee fur she Sogthern Dj.trie lid , Oeirgio. In the matter ot ) GEORGE McGINLEY, Hn BANKRUPtQY Bankrupt. j No. 58. The said Bankrupt haying petitioned tbc Court for a discharge from all his debts prova ble under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1887, notice Is hereby giveu to all persona interested to appear on thel2th day of October, 1868, at 10 o’eloek a. m-> at chambers of said District Court, befofe Franks. Heseeltiue, Esq., one of the Registers of the said Court in Bankruptcy, nt bls office, at Ute corner of Bay and Drayton streets, Savannah, Ga., and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted. Dated at Savannah, Ga., tiiis 7th day of Sep tember, 1368. James McPherson, sep9—law3w - Clerk. IN THE DISTRICT COURT GE THE A United States for the Northern District of Georgia. ■_ In the matter of i BENJAMIN F. WILLIS, J.IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. ) , To whom it may concern : The undersigned hereby gives.notice of his appointment as A«- figuee of Benjamin F. Willis, «f the county of Franklin aud State of Georgia, within said District, who b« been adjudged u Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said District. Dated the 2»th day of August, A. D., 1»«8. JESSE F. LANGSTON, soplT—law3W* Assignee, etc.' IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United states for the Northern District oi Georgia. In the matter of ) JOHN W. ADAMS, yIN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt J No. I#3. The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all Iris debts provable unde) the Bankrupt Act of March Sd, 1867, notice if hereby given to all persooeintereeted to appear of the 6th day of Oc-tolier, 1868. atlo o'clock a. tn. ■u Chambers of eeid District Court before Alex.' «• Murray, Ifcq., one of the Registers e( said Lonrtmßaiikrnptey.atUie Register's office in the city of Griffin, Georgia, and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted. And farther notice is given that the second and third meetings of rreffitert will be held at the sama time and plaee. witness, the Honorable Jehß Mrs Hue, [seaY 1 ~a<, 8 c of said Dstriet -Court, and the ’. ■'real thereof, this I Jth day of Sdpt’ber ~ 8« Ll W. b. smith, . ' CJsrk. DOOK BINDING •' ~ * AJtD ” BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY, ... JOHN B. FULLER, 41 HEP NEfV YORK CITY, Manufacturer and Dealer in , portable and stationary Steam Engines & Boilers Fi om i to 250 Horne Power. 1 Most approved Circular end Uptight haw * Milin, Grist Mills, SngM Mills, aud all kinds ' Os Mining and Plantation Machinery on hand and built to order. Shafting, Pullies, Leather and Rubber Belt ing, and att kinds of Iron and Wood workin» Machinery. Machinery and Railroad supplies in store an shipped at the lowest rates. STEAM Q-i’S AMD Water* Pipes, BOILER FLUES, And alt kinds of Brass and Iron Fittrnga Tools, etc., for Steam and Gas Fitter’s use. The best ata4 largest assortment in the city and at greatly reduced prices. Send for Price List. ; » z- 7 . . . NEW 30 BARREL TURPENTINE STILL With Exira. Heavy Hot tom, All cvmplcle, Jor Seth MMek below Cost. Stills of all sizes built to order aud DISTIfcr.ERS fitted mt at the Inwest r ites EVERY KIND OF Plantation Machinery, KNGINRfL UGRHK POWER.-, GBIUf MILLS, AGRICULTURAL IMI'LEMENTB Os every description in stere, and for sale at the lowest rates. COTTON «IMN AIW COTTON PRO SO The best McCarty gin ever made With the TAYLOR, EAGLE, BRoY'j SOUTH URN and the New CRAV' N Saw Gins, Cottem Presses, With Engine and Horse power, and all supplies in store, for sale at the lowest rates, Uy J. B. FULLER 47 Day Street, New seS- 1y Coal! Coal! Coal! The undersigned having been appointed agent for the CASTLE ROCK COAL MINES, Will tic receiving, from this time, and during the Winter, One Thousand Tons of the above VERY SUPEitJOK COAL. 3 This Coal wilt be sold FAR BELOW THE PRICE OF WOOD, in proportion to its value as fuel. In the altered condition «f «ifr system of labor, its advantages are important, and should ho considered by all consumers: Ist It is cheeper. 2d. One third, loss labor is required to han dle it 3d. AU temptation to pilfer is removed. 4th. Great security against the accidents of It Will bo safe,'nt the Coal Yard (Georg'* Railroad Depot), at Eleven 1)o1Isi>k per Ton I Or TWELVE DOLLARS, Delivered in any Portion of the Ci'y! To parties taking a CAR LOAD, prior to Sep. tember Ist (when rates of freight aro mlvauewt), a deduction of Four Dollar* per Cor Load will be made. CHAS. A ROWLAND, iy 16-ts BETTER THAN GOLD !! OVK NEW Indesiructibk Golden Pen* Are recommended by- bankers, Lawyers, Professors, Teachers, Menhsnts, and all who have triod tfecuh, as the bust Pen manufactured. They are non corrosive, and manufactured with the greatest rare, rendering them more du rable than any Pen now before the pubtie. Sent,post-paid to any address for fa cents per box, contarning'one dozen. Orders con taining money tor the same sent at bur risk. Do not forget to try them. M. M- A LIMN 4 CO., ‘ , , Louisville, Ky. Please Slate where you saw tils advertise went. je lf--3m» Winner’s Perfect Guides i * ,<JU Violin, Flute and Guitar, Accordeon, Piano, MetedoaU, Cabinet <hnfOit, Fife Flageolet, ami (M'jrionel. / IVNTAININII INSTRUCTIONS DESIGNED V_Z to eaabU. Hie pupil to obtain a Itpowlcd tof playing without a teacher ; with a choice .-oiler tieu of every, variety o! Popular Music. Price I us nacb,Js cents.' Trachcra, |rupite and .lealers . desirous pf obtaining a low-priced HMrtruc(ign Book, and at tbe same time one that is useful and attractive, will find these books fully suited 1 to their waste. The instructions are given in a manner adapted to tha comprehension of »H • grades of aobolars. The exercises illustrating and enforcing tbe lessons are not dry aud tedious, hut sprightly and enHvening, and the selections ot music varying from the simple to the difficult, comprise the moat popular melodies ’ of the day, Mailed, post paid, by r DITSON A CO;, Publishers, Boston. i CHAS. 11. DITSON A CO., au22—U New York. I Piano Fortes Tuned. r TO MEET THE TIMES, I HAVE RE [ 1 DUCSD the charge for, TUNING to ; THREE DOLLARS. f Orders left at Ma. HBO. A, OATES’ 240 Broad HtYeet, or at my Shop, opposite the Post OStoe, promptly attended to. «»_>,• mmt HARPER. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the Northern District of I Georgia. : In the matter of ) JOHN M. BURNS, J-IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. n ' ) To whom it may concern: Tire uudereigned hereby gives aotiee of hie wpimintment as Atelguee of John M Burns, of— ,in the connty of Jackson, and State "of Georgia, within said District, who has been adjodgeda Bankrupt on bis own petition by the District Court of raid ’ District. I Dated the‘Jfoh of August. 1868. * WILLIAM A. PIKE, * ■ att^t, ~lnw : 3w Aaaignee, eti. IN TME DISTRICT COURT OF THK United States for the Southern District of ’ Georgia. * i In the.wintterbt ) •'> : ROBERT CARBOLL, SIN BANKRUPTCY. . Bankrupt. J " ■ The nmierslgued hereby gives notice oi hie apiwintmeßt as Assignee of the estate of Robert Carroll, of Angusta, Richmond voqnQ, Georgm. within said District, who has been urifaigyCl h bankrupt upon hie own petition by tlmWetrivt ■*. Itenrt of mW Dirtrief. 4A.COH R. DAVIS, ami?—lawbw , F*. Assignee. At laws Era ropy. ‘ , AUGUSTA, GA., THURSDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 24, 18681 Official. Proclamation by the Governor. Whkrkxs, Law-abiding citizens from many sections of the State unite in eommanicatious to this Department.'setting forth that misguided persons are stirring up strife among the people, by oKlawful acts of violence against the person I aud property of citizens, on account of political opinion; and that parsons distinguished for thsir hostility to the Government of the United States, , and of this State, are promoting said acta of vto ; lence by publicly denouncing the laws as revolu l tionary, unconstitutional and void, and declaim iug in a manner tending to exoite resistance to the lawful authority of the State, and to persu.ule , others to join in a combined resistance to and a disregard of the civil rights of citizens: and whereas, it is further communicated that the iuev itable result of said acta of violence and insurrec tionary appeals is already becoming manifest in the rapid spread of a disposition oa the pert of those who maintain the validity of the laws id Conmss. and ot tha State Oo vei n meats estab lished thereunder, to protect (hemselves by ams from said nets of violence, and from said comßi nations against their civil rights; and whereas, the General Assembly lias adopted the following preamble and resolution ; “Whereas, it being tile practice of a portion of the citizens of this State to assemble in large uumbers with arms, for the purpose of exorcising in military tactics, aud for 1 other milawfnf purposes, without Authority of law. and lo'tlie terror of the good citizens thereof: Resolved, therefore, by the Senate and Rouse of Representatives. That his Excellency the Gov ernor be, and he is litieby, respectfully requested to issue his nroclaination, prohibiting such armed and unlawful assemblages. Hut the right of the people to peaceably assemble for the consideration of any matter shall not be impaired by any proc lamation of the Governor."' Now, therefore, I, Rufus U. Bullock,.Governor of this State, and (Jomniatidef iii Cfiief of the armt and navy and militia thereof, do issue this my Proclamation, commanding all cHioens to ab stain from any acts of violence against person or property, or from persuasions wluch will lend to excite to violence or unlawful combinations, and from ail interference with the wnstitntional tight of persons to assemble sos political or other peace fol purposes; and to yield prompt and respectful obedience to tbe ollieers of the late under all cir .-umstaiiees; and also dunging upon tlte aid officers the exercise of grout vigilance that the majesty of the civil law be vindicated and great caution that all their acts may be fully fortified by aud done in pursuance of our OuisUtution and laws. And to make known that u<> authority has been granted by the Executive for the lortiuOiMi of armed or unarmed organizations of any kiud w character ; and Ibat the drilling or exercising in military tactics with arms of any orgauriod body of men within this State, except'tho army of the United States, is unauthorized, unlawntl, and against the peace aud good order of the State, and must be immediately suspended The following extracts from the Comnitutien and tile Code are commended to the thcugiitAil consideration of the i-iiblic: ARTICLE I—CONSTITUTION. Section 1. Protection to person and property Jis the paramount doty of Government, and diall be impartial aud complete- Sic. 9. Alt persons born or naturalized iu the United States, and resident in this State, are hereby declared citizens of this State, and no laws shall he made or enforced which shall abridge the privileges or immuniliaa of citizens of the United States, or of this State, or deny to any person within its jnrfsdiction the equal protection of -its laws. And it shall lie the duty of the General Assembly, by appropriate legislation, to protect every person iu tbe due enjoyment of the rights, privileges, and immunities guaranteed in this section. Sec. 5. Tbe right of the pcopfo to appeal ttr-tbe Courts, to petition government in all matters; and peaceably to assemble for the consideration of any matter, shall never be impaired. 8«c. 6. Every nerso-a chufged wjtli an offence against the laws shall have the privilege aad beta eat of counsel, and shall be furnished, on demand, with a copy of the accusation and a listi-f tie witnesses on whose testimony the charge against him is founded, shall have compulsory processes to coinfiel tbe atiendaiK-e of his own witnesses, shall be confronted with the witnesses testifying against him, and shall have a public and speedy trial by -an Impartial jury. Hcc.R. Freedom of speech-*ud freedom of tbe press are iuliereut elements of political liberty. But while every citizen may lieely speak, or write, or print op aily anb|ect, he shatl be respon sible for the abuse of that liberty. bttc. 10., T|>e rjght of Ute be seyure-iu thetr persons, houses, yfttpers and effects against unreasonable searches and seivures shall not Be violated, and no warrant shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, particularly describing the place or places to be searched, and the person or things to be seized. Sac. 11. No person shall be- molested for his opinions, or be subject to any civil-or poHucal in capacity, or acquire any civil or political advan tage hi consequence of such opinions. Sxc. 14. The right of the people to keep and bear arms rimll not be infringed. CODE. Sac. 124‘J liuurrectiou shall eonsiet in any eomlaned resistance to the lawful dutlioritr of the Blate with Intent to the denial thereof, w’heu lhe same is manifested by acts oi violence. Bkc. 4250. Any attempt, by persuasi<m or otherwise, to induce others to join hi uny com bined resistance to the lawful authority of tlu- State, sbull constitute au attempt to incite issur reclion. Sec, 4251. Any person convicted of the oileucs of insurrection, or attempt at insurrection, shall be punished with death, or if tlie jury recommend to meroy, confinement in the I’eniteutiary for a term not less than five nor more than twenty years. Sac. 4252. If any person shall bring, introduce, pyruiit, ar circulate, or caiped to be iuttnsluccd, I'irculated, or permilled. or aid or assist, or liciu any manner instrumenta'. iu bringing, introducing, ciroulatmg, or printing within this State, any paper, pamphlet, circular, or any writing for ths purpose of exciting insurrection, riot, orennspi racy, or resistance against the lawful authority as the State, or against the lives of the inhabitants thereof, or any part of thorn, such person or perrifoirsff offending slinH be guilty of a high mis demeanor, andon cpuyictiou shall Im punished by eonfiiiemcnt iu the Fenitenthuy for a tejiu not leas than five nor longer than tteeuty years The conditions upon which parole ivns granted to these perrons in this State, who wfoe jM-ironers of war, are that the persons paroled “ will not lie disturbed by the United States authorities so long as they observe their parole aud the laws in force where they reride.'' Given under my hand and the Great. Seal <rf the State, at the Capitol in the city of'A.tlautattyis 14th dajf of September,in the year of our huniired and sixty-eight, aud of the Ihdependence of the United States of America, t lie ninety thh-d. RUFUS B. BULLOIIk, By the Governor : flovcfnor* Davio G. Cottinu, Secretary of State. s»a'lß--Jw OTATE or - k-7 Au-Amonlf t.'owwty, Whekeas, Daniel Brogan applies so me for Letters of Administration de bouu nrit, Un the estate of Martin BrOgan, foie of mud county, de ceased — These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors <f said de ceased, to be and appear at my office, on or before the fourth Monday m October next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my liand aud official signature, at office in Augusta, this 16fo sepl7-rlm Ordinary. SGUTUERN DISTRICT OJ GEORGIA, SS. At Macon, Rio Ist day of September, A.D., rsfl-L The uaAersigncd hereby gives notice o f his' appointment as Assignee of GEORGE M. LO GAN, of Macon, in the county of 11 bb and Htate Vs Georgia, within said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his Ora peti tfon by the District Court of said District.’ _jtcp»fl—laW3w JOHN P. DORT. SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORtUA. At Thomasrille, Georgia, Sept. 14th, 1868. The aaderrignad hereby wives notice »f hte appointment as Assignee of JOSEPH TOOKE, colored, of Thomasville, tn the county of Tboma and State of Georgia, within said District, who has boon adjudged a Bankrupt upon hit own ph titfon hy thte Dtrtrtel Court of said District. ’7 • . H. H. TftOKE, refit -lariffw* '• , Assigace. BOOK AND .Hui PRINTING .' " Executed at this Olfo-e At tRe Lowest Terms anii in the Best Style Richmond County. QTATB OF GEORGIA— O Hivhnloifd Cmuity. ' Whereas, James A. Gray, Administrator on I the estate nf Francis O’Connor, applies to me for Leiters of Dismission. ; i he.-e are therefore to cite and adaruuish all dnd singular, the kindred end creditors us said deaeased, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in November noxt,’to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should nut bo-granted. , Given under my hand and uffioial aigna tore,, at office ia Auguste, this 2d dayef June, 1888. E. M. BRAYTON, je3-B»* Ordinary. Letters of Dism ision, QTATItI OF GEORGIA— O Riclwoifd County:. Whereas, Charles Jf Jenkins, K.wcuto.r, and Julia A. Ou mm tag, Executrix, Os lire estate of C. Cnmnsing, deceased, ss>plietr to mo for Letters of Dismission: , . Those arc, therefore, to cite and adraoniish, all and singular, Aho kindred and aredifors or said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or be fore th" first Monday in Sept- oXorneit, to iffiow cause, if nay Shay have, why saM Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and efficial sfofiature, at office in Atiga ta, this Ifith day of Msrmi, 1665. E. M. URAYJON, uihlZ—-Iswfim* , Ordinary. Letters of DitmiMiuu. OTATE OF GEORGIA— Rirbowed GoHpty. Whereas, Charles J. Jenkins, Kw-nlor, and Julia A. Cumming, Executrix,J, of lb'u erilato of Henry 11. Cumming, deceased, applies to pie fop Letters of Dirinrsrion t ' ' Those are, therefore, to citu adfowririi, all and singular, the kifidred apd .creditors of said do- enaad, to be and appear at urt- office On or be fore the first Monday in fiupteiqlicr west, to «!u,w, rouse, if auy they have, why i-iwl Letter.; f nut tai granted. Giv«w under my baud andofljei.ri office in Aagusta, thfs 16th dap of Mural*, 1868. • ■ . E. M-, URAY l<iN, uihlf lawliui* r OivUuary. Letters of fiiunissiou- QTATK OF GEORGIA— ... k ’ Richmvnd Cuicity. Whereas., Charles J. Jenkins, Rxeeiitor, ami Julia A. Camming, Excciitrif; of the estate,<>l Isaac Bryan, deceased, applies (T ins for Letters' of Dirtriisaiaay f * ■ . 1 These ave, therefore, to cite and adtauev'b, ill amt singular, the kindred »ui| Ctojß*ore i's -Arid deceased, to lie and appear at iy.-tSico un <■(,s•- > fore the first Monday in fleßLwart PtexL cartUo, if any they have-, wliy SfrdtiKl . not be granted. Given under my hand and effliiial signature, , at office in Augusta, this UPli >isy«f March, 1868. , E.-UpMUYTON, i tuhl7--law6ra* Ordinary. Letters of DismffsioiL 1 fMEORttIA- ’ * •F RicHnuHtA ftatwly, Whereas, Caroline Dnbet. AtliJstaUtnfri’iai,' < with tbe will tuiitexed on the priato ”f Au>mne i’icquet, deceased, applies to kte for Letters of Dismission ‘-' ■' •. * Thrwe are, therefore, to i-fto AuA ndniJiiish -nH j and singular, tlte tdndi-fwi atribceriOUws bf said ik-ueasod, to be and appear nt »y oftee on or ‘ ! betore the first Monday in OctoljpK,.of cMet. if any dioy have., why said Li ttery diuniu not be granted. ' . ’ Given underrny hand and offieial signature ut Augusta, the Ifith day <ri May, IB6S. E. M. BRAYTJfiN, Letters of Dismission. qtatE of geOrgia kD RaAoiond County. Whereas. Josephine Witsen. Administratrix on the estate of Peter Wilson, deceased, npjiiiesio me for Letters of Dismission. Those are, therefore, to cite und adnimdsli all and sihgnlar. the kindred and creditors of said ' deceased, to be and appear at my office on or be fore the rtrst fiLrtiduy in Wctohcl-, to show cause, i if atty they have, why said Leiters sholifd n<« be 1 granted. , -■ Given tnrder my liaml ami ullictal signature, at i office (it Augusta; this 4ib -lav of Muy, 1868. I E. M Bt: AY TON, I myS—Suf* Ordinary. I .. -S , J Letters of Dismission. STATE OF GEORGIA. , , Rich>n<Md. County. Wboreap XVm. C. Tudcr, Athniute*rater of the estate <tf Sarah apbliey to nre for Letters of Disirihsion. These are, therefore, to rite mid nttmenish all and singular, tlie kindrisl creditors of said de. ceaseil, tabu and ajqicar pX my- office, o;t yr Itefore the fii-st Mopilpy hi * tetohei , so Jbow uiuse. if any they have, why s»t>l la t+ms should not he gi HUKpJ. Giron uniter tay |mnri apd otßci.ilßigiiatnrv. ta office in AtaUolii, thb* IWh day of April, IffiiX IL M- BRAYTON, up! t—lawfini’* ■ letters of ’’wmissioi). STATE OU tIEOIUp V ” .77-Awum*./ Qyuilty. Wlreretw, Claries J. IcilJliu. Executor, amt ' Julia A. I'utaminr, Ex<wu;ri*, wf Hie estate of William C unming, iteeoauM, aiqdies t--no, 1-r Leiters ot'ltistpitoiett: . Those *irs, 4h»r<jfut»., t<* cRe aud arimotiish, all aud singubir, ths liinvlted at d creditors *f said:- de.-CuMpist" be and Ygipear al. w/ office <u» ->r be fordiho first Monday io S-pteuii>i»r fiext/to show Cause, if-uny they hifv«, why* hl tatter'sv-hWiIJ not be granted. Given uuifor my baud a» l ofin-iul stgiatare, at uffice hi Augusta, tb'ia>lfrth -tay of Morrh, 1868. t„ M. BIIAXTriN, mhl7 I'.iuooi* . ' , Oritinury QTATK OF 4»EOKGIA-r O . ■ HulukoiiJ Cauuly Whxueas, Edward O Donnell, Administrator on the estate of Rickard Quinn, late -of raid county, itereaseil, applies to me for Let'era ol Dis mission. These are, tlierefore, to cite and nriinoniab all. and singiibn tbe kindred and creditors of said deueased. to be and apjiear at my ulhiu on or before tlie first Monday iu ILuuli next, to riiow cause, if any they have* why raid Leiters shuuld not be granted. Given under trty hand aud official uiinuiture al office iu Augusta, ibis .September 11th, JBt>B. SAMUEL LEVY, sep!2—l*m6m Ordinary. SOUTHERN DISTRICT 09 GEORGIA,fiS. •' Tbe undersigned hereby gives notice rri' Iris appointment as Assigiteo ot J. S. BRISCOE, of Columbia county, Georgia, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by tbe District Court of raid District. Thomson, Ga, September 11, 1868 A. E. STURGIS, sepll-law’lw Aosigwcc. SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA— At Quitman on the 28th day of August, 1868. The nuderrigned hereby gives notice of bis rq-pouitaoent as Assignee of SAM L W. BROOKS, taf Quitman, in the county of Brooks and State of' Georgia, within said Disincl, wlio has been ad judged a bankrupt upon bis own petition, by the 'District Court of raid District, - * 8. 8. KINGBHEKY, ' . - - Assignee. SUI THUIiX DISTRICT t)F GEORGIA— AkQuHck'at) on the lUh Jay off AugunulfifiS. The undersigned hereby given notice . of his up psi nt men I as assignee of JOHN 41. 110345 T, of Qnitman. in tlie conntv of Brooks and State of Georgia , within said aislriet, who has been ad judged n Bank rnpt upon his own petition by tbe District Court of sain District. SAMUEL W. HRGOKri. senl—vlaw-tur- ’ Assignee, etv. roiOUTIir.KN DLSTB4CT OF GEORGIA, i»S. O In Bankruptcy, et-Msitan, this 27th day of August, A. D. 1868- , Tlie undersigned lierffiiy gives notice of his appointment M assignee of THOMAS' W. M ANGHAM, of Mavou, hi the county of Bibb, State oT CeOrgta, wltbiu mu it District, who has .heed .-uijudged a Bankrupt ippvn hi« own pelitfiin by the District Court ot sphl Dislrii-f.’ ’ SAMTRL c: Wl-TEMS an:M)-law3tr Assignee. The American Artisan LNifEDISTATSS AND HiREWK PATENT AGENCY. 189 Broadway, New York. ■ - ‘ ■ .A- Mflrers- BROWN, COOMBS & CQ., Proprio loiß of the AMERICAN ARTISAN, ofl'er their bwtservieee toiiuxMori, a* Solicitors ot Ameri sattfan] Foreign Patents. Mr. Htsnr T Bsown, of this firm, has had more Hiatt tire nlytwo years' experience io that prefcaMiMi, both ill 1 hie cotmtry and Enrol*, and hie long practice has made htin personally known to thousands of farven* tore tad patentees. Tlie applieattooß fttr the patents npon many of the greater and more im portant inventions of the present century haVB Deen prepared by liiui. Messrs. Brown, CouMfiß fc Oe.. are thoroughly familiar with all (lie ruler and re‘ gnhittous jnxutnted for the rapid tiansaetion of buMueae with the United States BatantOiMde, aud the general practice in ths PatentlluTeank of vari ous fitaropean oonutriss; and this knowledge ren ders thuui coufaleut flint their post expsrieura, with thstrprSfent iineqWea facilities, enables them to elaborately and yet speedily prepare alt the doca mepta required by law in applications for patents, and to promise their clients nn absolute eeriatnly tffmotvaiMU theirs Iforts toobtain.LettersiPuteutfer iavuntjvim that am really new and useful. Parti cular cure is'vfven'to the execution es the accurate tfawfaw* whlgh must always acuompeny every application for n patent, and they employ none but tnetnort efficient drafogfitomen. The best evidence ol the manner inwrhich Messrs. Brown, CtioHiss A Cot’obtiWnsrafa, that the "kttttu' lean AaTjara PxitfeT Aijgscr,” during the three years of its Existence, has boeu the most wecrsful i of Ike kind over Maklisked. JThe principal officer of Stosurs. BkoWM.Ooonbs fcCo.aresitimtisl at 189 Broad way, opposite John street, New York, in the mostoeutwl partiJ the city. This location is qhe of Vary easy acWbUH ’ st radge rt. faaerttuch inritfo Within a-etohe's throw . from l)w City Halt. AfUnveutora temporarily sb murning Hi toe metropolis are jnvitpa to f uptihis lalifoWnrien*. ln|t homsfoiilyinstance aoniodel tlie vtotev-’flill ordinarily aulltre to convey such •kuowletlap <ifhui.iuvcnlw»iHi will enable MtieM*. Ihlriwh, TfooimiY ®'Uo. to depHt&y devMfatao Whetfeei -.iuuiet.l ue Os proemq isaow or old- -paten tabfeorjgH. The office hours are 1/yiu 9 a,m. QJr.rt .•..., , v. . Messrs .Bjcown, Co»m*» fe- 00. arc preparedto lurnjji to pcgsou»,re»ijJuig at a distance from New York— free of charge- -written apinimis ns to whether iivetutiiMisr itfaiu any features of juuteii .table uovelts; to do thia they simply require a Sketch '<h’T<iHtrh mode! of fa mieMne Jr ot her Sir rnitiw that is s<Mqawed,|® be new, a briofMesCripition of the same, and aoeoyn as nos Bible thereafter a fettei- of the best adv toe is mail ml to the pmayii dean-fag the hiforfaaliou. These opinions art- formed from their Me mature etper fence; But if an Inventor diwlreeto know, positively, whether bis fofafaoiiUdcm him aMg bjfou embodied ma muelitue or process afrwqj' patented, fils wisest cbiwee wiU be to have a preluwinarg eramination M>Ai'ubpm»np all tberncerdsoftbat institution, mid der euaiuiualion. k'ur thfa lisborthe small fee el Ij is payable it* advance; aud the irniittanee Jhosldbe Iccoin;>aflied by a ikeMt bflhe in vieitiioti and a few Nbee of writing describing the Baum, aw! dieUnctiy staling those pjiiuts ol novelty whjch the Inventor desires to liave'prof»ct»tH»y laaters- Patstit > Patents for uew and usefgi inventions are now granted'fortheterm ofettrrsrxsa tkahs The first iiMtttamt ul>Uc Qirtfeweift leu is <ls, wAieh sum together Atlh fifty cents revenue sUgip ux on tire 'poWor-of erttorisby—rejapttMe SH odrnace, oa thj? jwUul j. aad Saddi(k»fiHi art due to t he Goreiiuueiit wlien the Lstters-Patenf are allowed. The Ageney fee is from SVS upward, ae eordiug U> the labor involved: but tn all cases our Charges wfit be as moderate as possible in the pre nni Htion of drawiiigßUmi oil necessary documents. This fer is not livable until after Ute application has’been prepared and tlm case is ready to be sent to Wellington. Messrs. BboWn. Coombs * Co. have a In ujtch iu W 'SHINGTOS sq thut all npplica ttons made through them can hu ve every necessary atteutiwi in their passage through the PatunlOUloe Inventors .applying for patents must furbish models of their machines, whenever possible, Air the iiiß|ieitioii of the Examiners iu the Patent Qttive; but if the uivsmthm is a chemical oomposi tion . Samples of all the Ingredients will be neces sary, Each of these should be marked with tbe m venter's name, tbpn carefqlly boxed, and sdnt (iiy expi es’, prepaid), together with the firstinetalmod ofibaGovcrmuentfee,to Messrs Baows, Coombs & Co. When die model is small aud light, it can be couveniently and cheaply sentby me4t The model must not exceed one foot in arty ofitadimeutj ioue, unless iris of such aalmracter that it is im pfactieubte. • . Patents. eXC-Wfit. Hmae for <l«slg>i», bld grunted on equal 4cr;u» to ciUMne and alJ.iorci|tner»,eXcfcpt iuhSiWuls of Canada .mid pdterp of the ‘Brithdi Ameiicun Proffinecs. Besides paUUV .or new ugd useiui iq.Rehtkjßa. thpre are also grunted iiatents for resigns, Mosiipspuli-nto uro not now. as formerly, limited atrietly to ornogof/Ual coutigtuatioii , but under Secttoip I! oftlffl Act of March 2,'lßffihdny uew lam ofxny tut ade,« r any imptVs., ion ur/iffu r< up, the siirfai epf agy. article dr materia!, by whatever means hr proems pyoditcod, can be. patented. Un dw- this Aet.palenteca :u» entitlwfto the gxteii aionnf lbei| foj thc,tcrm <« seeeW years from tlie day im wfiren said pafenle shall wt' pile, upon the xnw terms«fol re.strietioas as are now iiyovjdyy fortlre extcusjotis of Letters. Patent. Animes' the hunw-rmis SntijeclS'for patents bf ihta ckiw nitty be purlieu forty meuliuaed- castings of all metals, pntfo of uutchiima, houscfiold fiiinUitre and inern'ilr; glassware, hardware of all kinds, eoi nici s.uiHl i.+lqir interior and exterior decor tiw of luiildingx : ,ab<i, designs for woven and printed fabrics. dm tssnnA upholstery trininiinga, ami ligr new Itibela mid trade marks for uiediriiu s, pcir fiimery, and nil preparations, compositnms. ov Ule/i hnnd/e, (>ut up iiy bottles, boxes, or oilier iwi kagls, are awifunto savjeots; also, the tnvms of aueli UpQlcs, UiyM. or packages thymwlvea, and envelopes, lik'owiso aU works ofarkas statuary, hnste; I'dtapotftioiMi In ultoor baton relievo, Thb tioviapMieui. lee ou a dwigu palent for ia fhlpf years, sls,’ J I years, flffi. No models of oeaigmi are required:’but duplicate drawingx or photogtajiha must be furuudmd- ■ The speeiticaUou to accompany the drawings or photographs re quires to be prepared with g-reat cure. Messrs Bm>w«,Co)*MH4 Co. give very particular at tdnuoii to this braueti of tfodr business. Their charge for preparing applications for design patents is geuorally about flo. l)eS%'U pateuta are only gtanted to American cttracnsor to aliens wild have resided one year hi the United Statue and made oath of tlieir intention to become citizens thereof. The facilities of Messrs, BsoWa, Cooitne A Co for obtaining patents iu the various European countries arc equal if not superior to those of any other in the Ended Staten. With regard to their qualifications for such business, it uetd only be stated that Mr. Bkown Info liad the prepare tkm of more European applipatieus than any otliet person in this country, Messrs. Brown, Coombs &. (Jo., besides having a iraitckajice m Washington, liavs their own agencies in tire principal capitals of Europe. A circular relating to foreign patent tawlueas will be furnished free ou application personally er by mail. Messrs. Brow . MBs & Co.afitoattend loin terferences, tlie extensions of expiring lajUcrs Pateut, and alt proceedings relating to paleate be fore the United States Patent Office. All letter*, packages, boxes, etc., should ho mF dressed, prepaid, as follows.—■ > BROWN, COOMBS A-CO., ' ' Solicitors of Paleuti, m y 14—Jy. No. 189 Broadway, New York. A GREAT CAMPAIGN DOOUMKWT. >la«i<t*Hook of I'ollUc* far 80, SSECIALLY AOAPTWBI IS'IK IMIE PlESif. DENTIAb Campaign. Conlaias *l] the matter in the Political Maoaafe of 136 n, and 1868* Compiled f.-oiu official Bournes. Gives the whole Political action of the rtovernhsent, including Isapcaohmcnt,' Rwonstrnetion, (Twia. ral Ifoliticr. flafforms. Acceptance of Candi dates, etc., from April, Tables on Debt and Taxation, Heverata ifid Ex-, penditures, Bdn.lts, Bputhbrw -Uogiriihtioif npd Vote". Election. Tables frem to date, p»ge.-,.'Syu., »'krtle,; pmrt paid The j’lditteal Alaoua* f>r- ItthS, scpiargtely, chilli, ff paper cover, 75 •regts, -yaij. Addwi EBWARb Mcl'HKliStlN, .• Ctork of the House op Representalixe;, sepl—tNov3 ' Washington, D.C, -■* > Asiatic Cholera in China. .ta-Tilz ■- rt.'H < ■rr'Mtj [</*■ ALMOST EVERY CASE CURHIt *lttl PAIN KHJJbR. I •• : • ’ '■ -*r- ■' ■ PIiAWTUEk'OULOWIwXE'rTEBFBO'M • .7 . V- Missionary in China, now , visithighiabome In T’ennsylvanle: , ; i«*r AZWWX d’errg Davis <fc Son, Dear Sirs—During n residence of some ten I years as a Missionary in Siam and China, I found . your vogefoWe I’uin Killer a most valuable , n medy for Uiat joarfol BGonrge, the Cholera. In admitrlaferlng the medicine, I found it most - to give a teaspodnM of I’uin Killer in a gill of het wrier swneteuyd with sugar r then,' after about fifteen miuntes, Itegui to givu a. table spoonful of fnvMaio mtxtnrd every minute until rehdf was iWturiqd-l Apply hot appltartipua to ’ the oxtreaiithaj, Btrtb<- the stomach with Pain ■ *!??{> ’♦}' flto Knjbtt.briiiMy. pt Ort>«e who had the cholera, mid took the medicine fsuth- , fatty ht the tva v- Hated rfbtrve, eight eut of ten .r-s»sfe u& -;; It a’u attack' Diarrhoea- Dyaenleay, or Cramp C»Wc. «Wt' dffiay-the rate df tlm j*ain Killer. Sold by. att mmbuMw deafen, Jftfcd, 55 cent®, oli veuU. and |1 per bottle. . .4 t MashUTT4B, Kansas, April 17. IbWi. • G.u/Atacn*-; • • ■-’■ 1 want to say a]ittfe more abbiil tlie Pain Killer. I cot Hide rit Vw/ vahusble stseslieine, it ml xhvrtye teefpft onfiftfifl. I have travailed a good deal sweet have J Hen iu Kansas, ami tie yer without taking it with B»e, in my jeuctsce I usod it freely fer kWjfftSic cholera, in W 9, atid wjth fegttag aqMggUHlumy* other rtedieinis. I also lined it ncre iii 1855, with the -Stale got*! retmttt M .irtVrf! i Truly, you're . . . .h ;,’ gfaWuif&lhM:’ ' CbeletA I * , ; * i 1 reerettKttar Ihßtetlre rlKjera nn* prevailed of iatv io a fearftil extent. F«r the thrift twin ten .to I fifty or sixty fatal eases mwh ifov has been'rr poffed. t4oW4 Md «•! Killer, tag? recently from Hie Mjsaiun House, has been used with eonsiddvnWe eucefijs dmiug this epidemic. II Ulkou. in s<-»w«i iu jauuftwlly etfertawi in ilmck WA ... Bhofe«>«t,lH4ia. {Froth the I’orilmid Monthly.] Somaer Comptaißt and Dysentery. ifowvf compfonite seem just now to t.# the prevailing element, ami any medicine that fit ■everywhere ncceptabfe, arid that is reliable, fa a vary desirable lu quiwtaun Frvte what we have method of using it, we quote (rem ths dirsetlons: “For common bowel compteiuts, give one tea sjmtmftil in a gill of new milt arid meda'sges, iu equal pans, stirrdd well together; taftenlM dore lor difldrfen, according to the age. If t|w p*uj bb severe. bowels null badevritnffte insdt ciue. This uiodo of UeatmeiAisgwd tosasea oi the cholera morbus, sudden stonpag. s, etc. Re peat the dose every hour. “The quickest way I ever saw the dysentery cured was by taking one spoonful of the Pitot Kilter in one gill of milk ntul mohmsex stirred well, together Ipid drank hot. nt the same finfe bathing the bowels flee I v with medictu*. Im I , the dore be repeated ctery boar until the patierfi i is relieved/] If every person who has reatton to fear this disease wonfrl piovhio themselves with a bottle <rf tUie medicine, and usp as tmcasiuM reiparwl, we believe a great amount of sidfeihig and sickiws would be rui ved.' ’ -m Special Notice. i i .MF' * 3 3 ; 11 i- 8 s FTh i ? th I 1■ ? S I |W tiis S IwHh ’I ' s re W S’ IBWMbFiMM n Spectacle* Rendered Useless. ' -p Ufi MUST EMINENT I’IUftKCIANS I. Oculists and Divines recommend the nse of Hie CORNEA KESTOitERS’for Pnabjopia or Far or Long Sightedners, #r everylper»o» who wears spectacles frpm old ags ; Diwucss of Vision or Blurring; OverworHcneyc.j: Astheno pia or Weak Eyes ; Epiphora, or Watery Eytaj Paip in the Ejy b«dl; jAmauxosis, er Obsporiry of Vision; Photophobia, or Intblsrarte* of Light: Weakness of the Betihs and Optto Ncrra; Myodesophia, or Specks c£ Moving Bodies before the eyes ; Ophthalmia, or Itlfaiu mation of the Eye and Hycllds, and ImperfMt Vision from the oliect of’ i ßfiammafion, cto.;- Cataract Eyes; Hemiopia, or Partial Blind’ nfss-; and many other Diseases dr (be Ijyo. Cure fiuarantevf or litftiitdcih . REnOHEII IN Tn® woftlji, *l< II .2 Ad Best Restorer nJ the. Ryesigkt Known. .. 80 HAY ALL PIMSICIANB. They can ba used by any «n« with a cer tainty of success, and will receive immadikfe beneficial results, without the least star oftajwfy te the eye. Circulars vent free. NEAR SIGHTEDHEBS CURED By tie Parrar ffyopia, or Cbraeu Ftattesfars Only known Remedy in -the World—has of cores, xildrose "• ’i X' . r Dr. J. Stephens & Co., ’* • • P. 0. POX, 82«, t Uflra, MOdßrefahray, NEW YORK fXK~ STKPHEN’ii MAGICAL EGYPTIAN OBIENTAI, EYH OINTMENT will sure in flamed eye lids, stye, end prevent stys. Travelling] Agents Wanted. GO O D COMMISSION FAB Selling ot the Restorers u a and honorable employment, desirable for ell Lediee Ctergymen. Terndterr, 1 Btrt<teh.fs, srtd Fanners gnd foral' wbodpsif® to make an Iwinert thing bv an'easy, cgi ploy merit. persttns asking far term? Io Agents mnW fncle.c twenty five oents to flay postage endoost -es printfog fliafo rials containing Information far Agents. Fown Agent/'Van tad. hov27 dAwty NO 358 —————— ■ Admini*trator’» Sale. , MtrrtaWß.mte iu tbe oity of Augnsta. beltwteiton tegtoWjuf sale, pnnuant to the order »f ts,, Conrt or Urdihuiy, passed at July Terra, all tltat lot of Land', with tho improretaeats’ coufel * W mraßrMt Age, belonging to the Estatqto Sarah May. on the West aide of Centre tokretin by lot forserly P. Mnmy’’; E««t by Ceiitte. street, South by lot of Thomas H. Bhitozy, and. • Went by lot of Joint H. Mann, having a frpt'it of tvzenty-mnq feet and a depth of eighty two ?eet B«iacte«,temey»dbrd®hn Phiutey so Thomas May, April 28, 1858, and turned ever to Sarah May, sole heir es Thomas May, July >,1866. Term rash, pnrclitteer th pay Tor papers, t . ■._ g "• Vs, mawsr, iyl7a-dQt Admiriietralor. D. € MankaFe SAW. ’ f TNDER MY VTKFrr® Os A WftlT OF . fieri' faeiae, issued toil M’thb HbfaWablo the Fifth Circuit Court of tbo MM •States, fur the re U . tb “L“ «<**«**, in-.faro.-_of the Plaintiffs, it the folfowiqg case, to’wit: -Wood gate A Co. vs. Thos. F. Hampton and Frederick Basis, partner!, I bake levied upon, as the DrwcrQ M Thuiaas Hampton, one of tho ■ defendant., ono, bfoek rs Brink. Stores, situate, lying and being in the t’,wn of Bainbridge, •oimty as Deeatw and Bftite of fteorxU, and known *s (No Hampton Bfoeb, (he prcmwhf Kfeg * Ueter, LewiaifTWatars, and D. J, Dtekrnsoiufon Water »aid town aqd eounty; •'rid wnl self tho. sftiqe at pufaje auction, at the Court Hwu.e in the city of Macon, county of Bibb and State of tteorgfa; on’ the Iret . Jdljl&t V “ Bn ‘ h ’ ». william fifeMfesstxß, ; . . ■ -u, SJTATE •’ 3-42: aflfofa'-J ilrtk fftalhmra'f J. JbkUws, Sxfluater, and- . ' toiifo A-tfotutefafo Bxeentaix; of the mt.->!■.- 6t ■ s tMfeeeo »re, therefore, andudraimisffijMk anilsiugster tho ktadnM tad writtfors «t kjfei ‘UocfP’ed, to k wl appear at my ofliea »* „T be fmre lbe first Moriday in September next, to rkow cause, if any they hair, why said Utters should ta* be granted. «iven under my Imrid atol tMiflai a.tep tfioo i a Angara, Mia UHb tiiy of MAreh, 1868. 4 , , Ms M> BRAYTON, Ordirratj. • >■- ffinMsaSMden.TT'’ OTATE OF OEOftSUr- - . ■•• Whereas, John D. Hfitt/Xdfafafet'ratwTn the* eatatohf Patrick tl Sullivah, deewshd, applierlo uiofor Uttersef lipßtotota. ,• These are, therefore, to cite mid adimwiial: alb and singular, the kindred arid creditors 'of said itecetwed. to be and afipeur at my'offlre oh (fr be fore the tot Monday fa October, to flbow c-atiae. granted "’ y ri’*’’’ I ' ettcrß aI,OU W not be fittven under wy hand and offlc.far signal ure, a ’’ office fa Aagcste. fata Mb day 6f May. W ’ ■ « - ’ „ M -nMAYTON, Ordinary. QTATE OF i » O - . 7eteA»«ou<| Gounty. Whereas, Rob. Douglass and «. D.. WrHiaurs. Executors on fax Eetateof (la D. Mritkewd, late of retd ccairty. demised, ripffiv te me for fetters Os diemUten These arp, Uerefoie, to cite-aad gduteuish all and riugnMf, the klfldred and of said de ceased, to be and appear at my office 00 or before - the first Mutnfoy in Fsbrnhry next, to MfoW cause, if any I hey bare, Why «aM Daiterß ehould not be - Given under my band and offiefel signature, at office in Aagusta, this Aagtwt fstb; ißf>B. • . , -i . SAMUEL LEVY, au 16— tamilm Ordinary. STATE OV ,■> ■-• • fKehvtowd Cowity. W liereas, John Doaber applies to me for Letters re Administration on the estate of Fredfcuek Von . Epreckeii, late of ifoid county, deeeused: There, are therefore,to efee and admenisk all and Biuguhw. toe kindred tad creditors of Hie said • H A >p^.r . at my O’See or Irefvre the tihit Mnuday in October nefcti to shew oMm, 11 »»» fay have, why smtfleQcra -fchoatiF not b* granted. ■- ? '* -■■ . (liven under my hand end official aigrtalnre a idfice 8i Angusth, thisJOtb da yof Augfat, 18fl8,- etrll—lm v - V- ■ ' Ordinary. Sfawwstaiim--^-- Whereas, Henry Jones appheeto me for Letters of Admnuiilrafani, with the wilt annexed, on the estate of Mi Ctei 15. Re<l, lute of aaid opaqty, de Wftsed: 4 Tiiesfl are, therefore, to cite and affinoßiJi nU iual ruigglte. the kindred and ereditors of said <U:raae4.l9 IteHn<fappeflrMmy.offiee z <mwTseftfa Hie In sf Monday in October next, to shew cause, if any tilery have, Why sxH fetters sliotrid net be granted. .• Gireu under'iny lnflid tad iifafal signblurc <>ffre in dns 111* Ay^of^ugusy m Letters <rf Gnardiaitohip. W-TATE OF *’ . ••■ . Ufehueugd ,Cqn«ty. W hß, J gums M. Palmer B-pptfas far Let ters of GuaptfanAJp st Itebeec* .Frances Oduui, WWlfam Mepfatti Qitvni, and Martha Jane Odom, minor obiPhte of J attire' Harkfa Odoun fie jCCflfleri’Tt .. . ' •■ • There MSstoetyffltaPto eiifl tad admonish, all. . at|jl Siogufer, toft kfadwd and friends pf said luiuore, to be and hppear st my office within the Jjm»y 'msn)bed by lavf, eaxige, if aay torijri l>nve, why sard Letters. shoriUl not be granted. -•■ • Givqtt uudvt ray hgud axid-offiefal Higuatafe, ’at offiee fa Augusta, this Jlsfl ifapvrt August,' 1864. .SAMUBLjEVY, , . wtoary. ’ AMMMmm «US. ' - REAL EteTAT£. to-wit: * } ’. CITV LOT !W. 11, Ou riwt sidetof PeMhtree Htatet. being part of lauid Lot 78, kfth dutribl tit originally Henry now Fulton county, ftoutfactai Peachtree street 31} feet, arid extenffiua back 90 flfet. Ou this Tflitiex THREE-SrORT BRICR HOUSE, besides a dry basement 31J feet front by 78 buck, and considered one <rfjtU-b«*l boifaitsgetei i| w ,B^®-.a re - .••!,• re ’ ■*> . the .“ante trine anil kufaf CHOICE WIRES AHB LIQUORS, < . CoireiSTtXe oif -f-e, v Iw. Otard BRODY ■ . 4 bbl. Otard BRANDY • M bbl. Scott* KftISKEY I bbl. 81. Orwx RUM • - > I Puncheon QIN * ' ". 2 bbfa. Sherry WINE 1 bbl. Port WINE ' ' " J • 6 etako PORTER ’ - - 6 pack ages Chrunpgguo’WFNE. Algo, SB vSw> (fatten Jog*, aitfl-sundry Notes ano Open Asconfa. ImwqJ’teely alter •tahfah, I will sett on the .prcnmrtw • - OSE Horsu AJVffl LOT, Jfeiqreroutaiuiugfonr rooms and ttosement. ritu al ed ou east ride us Peaebtiwa street, ou rity lot No. St, containing one half acre, more or lose. ' AW: CITY IJOT Mo. TFURTY FOt'R. ad feiKiiw atarv- tot No. Si, arid fronting TOO feet on Ivy eigrri eoutaimng oaetoalf acre, more or less. All sold at the property of John H. Lo/rjoy, Batixriipt. MnStession given immediately. Terms cash. N. ft. FOWLER, «*flS-3w Assignee. Areb • 'IfISEtSdL: