The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, September 25, 1868, Image 1

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THE NATIONAL REPUBLICAN. 11.-taT -m. Y -c ’■ « '7 •- . » mis K » . , j-i*. . . • t . VOL. I. National Republican PUBLISHED DAILX (MONDAY EXCEPTED) Official Ortjan of the U- S. Government. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: One Year, in advance $5 00 Six Mentha, in advance,. 8 50 Three Months, in advance ~ . 1 25 paper furnished gratis tp finy oue tend ing ti« a CM of ten subscribers. J*' The undersigned, having a completely I furnished office, is enabled to ex-cuts ail-orders for Book aad Job Printing, L t-binding, or Ruling cheaper than any other office in the Sotrth. E. 11. PUGHE. FRIDAY MORNING September 25, 1868 ’TUI THE GRAN 2 CAMPAIGN. COL. I’AKHOW CHALLENGES THE DEMOCRATS TU.A FAIR DISCUSSION. , 1 will address the people upon the issues now before this -country, at the following times mid places, unless Providentially hindered. Dawsonville, Dawson county, Saturday, September 26. Dahlonega, bumpkin county, Monday, September 28. ♦ Cleveland, White county, Wednesday, September 30. Clarksville, Habersham county, Friday, October 2. Clayton, Rabun county, Monday, Octo ber 5. Hiawasse, Towns county, Wednesday, Oc tober 7. Blairsville, Union county, Friday, Octo ber 9. Morganton, Fannin county, Monday, Oc tober 12. Ellijay, Gilmer county, Wednesday, Octo ber 14. Jasper, Dickens county,Friday,October 16. Canton, Cherokee county, Saturday, Octo ber 17. Ringgold, Catoosa county, Monday, Octo ber 19. LaFayette, Walker comity, Wednesday, October 21. Spring Place, Murray comity, Friday, Oc tober 23. Dalton, Whitfield county, Saturday, Octo ber 21. ' Campbellton, Campbell county, Monday, October 26. Dallas, Paulding county, Tuesday, Oc tober 17th. Buchanan, 11 ar raison county, October 30th. Carrailton, Carroll county, Friday Oc tober 31st. At each of which appointments the nomi nees of the Democratic party, for Electors for the State at largo, arc most respectfully invited to meet me in fair and courteous discussion, as it is my purpose to deal in argument and not abuse, with assurances that the time will be equally and fairly divided with them. Henry P. Fabbow. DON’T YOU WAHT A? B 0, n j o_JB oo kP '•pUE BEST BOOKS FOR THE BANJO A are these; each contains Instructions and Musio. Buckley’s New Banjo Guide, 75 cents. Buckley’s Instructor, $1.50. Rice’s Method, ,SLSO. Briggs’ Banjo Instructor, 75 eta. Howe’s Banjo Instructor, 40 cents. In them you have easy Lessons, attractive Exorcises, Rules for Tuning and Keeping the Banjo. Copies will be mailed, post-paid, on receipt of the prieo, by OLIVER DITSON & CO., Publishers, 277 Washington St., Boston. CHAS. H. DITSON 4 CO., septV—tf 711 Broadway, New York. United States Marshal’s Sale. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THREE (3) writs of Mri facias, issued out of the Hon orable the Fifth Circuit Court of the United States for the Southern District of Georgia, in favor of the plaintiffs, in the following cases to-wit: CAIUIART A BROTHERS vs. BENJAMIN F. Adams, A. T. STEWART A COMPANY vs.BENJAMIN F. ADAMS, WILLIAM C. BROWNING,-Survivor, etc., vs. BENJAMIN F. ADAMS,’ I have levied upon, as the property of Benjamin F. Adams, a Plantation, containing twenty-six hun dred (2,600) acres, more or less, lying and being in the county of Randolph, and State of Georgia, numbers of lots unknown, but lying at and immediately around Ward s Station, on the Southwestern railroad. ALSO One lot of Laud, containing one hundred (100) acres, more or less, with a dwelling-house, out buildings, and other improvements, being the residence of Benjamin F. Adams, and adjoining the,property of Col. J. A. Wingfield, A. O.Mosley, W. E. Adams, R. C. Jenkins, and others, in the town of Eatonton, county of I’ntnam, and State aforesaid. ALSO Two Store Houses and Lots on the Court House square, known as Hudson and Thomas cor ner, now occupied by B.F. Johnston*. Cat, and Bcnj. F. Adams. ALSO One Store House and Lot, occupied by Ethridge &• Davis, druggists. ALSO One Store House and fait on Main street, occu pied by J M. Ballard, Jr. ALSO One TowuXol near the Railroad Depot, now vacant. All the said Town Lots situate, lying and be ing in the town of Eatonton, oounty of Putnam, and State aforesaid. And will sell the same at public auction, al the Court House in the city of Macon and county of Bibb, and Slate of Georgia, on the FIRST TUES DAY IN OCTOBER next, between the lawful hours of sale. Dated at Savannah, Ga., this 3d day of Septem ber, 181.8, WM. G. DICKSON, sepl-lawlw 8.8. Marshal Diet, of G* IN i . THE DISTRICT COURT - OF TIIE United States for the Northern District ol Georgia. In the matter of ) JOHN W. ADAMS, J-IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. J No. 123. The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all his debts provable nndei the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, Is«7, notice ii hereby given to all persons interested to appear or. the 6th day of October, 1868, at 10 o'clock a. m>, at Chambers of said District Court before Alex. G. Murray, Esq., one of the Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy, at the Register’s office in the cjty of Griffin, Georgia, and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted. And further notice is given that the second and third meetings of creditors will be heM al the same time and place. Witness, the Honorable John Erskine, I--., j Judge of said Dstrict Court, and the L J seal thereof, this 12th day of Sept’ber 1868. W. B. SMITH, seplif—law'2w» Citric. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the Northern District of Georgia. In the matter of ) -< BENJAMIN ». WILLIS, J.IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. ) ■ > ’ * ’ - To whom It may concern : The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as As signee rs Benjamin F. Winis, es the county of Franklin aad Bute of Georgia, . within said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Chert of said District. . ■ Dated the 2Pth day of Aumsl, A. D.. 4888. ’ P. LANGSTOH, sepir—la»3w* Aesigaea, efo. w <, JOHN B. FULLER, 47 »7?F St, NEW YORK CITY, *> .Manufacturer and Dealer in PORTABLE AND STATIONARY Steam Engines & Boilers Prom 2 to 250 Horse Power. Most approved Circular and Upright Saw Mills, Grist Mills, Sagar Mills, and all kinds of Mining and Plantation Machinery on hand and built to order. Shifting, Pullies, Leather and Rubber Belt ing, and all kinds of Iron and Wood workinv Machinery. Machinery and Railroad supplies in store an shipped at the lowest rates. BTJB4IM WAS AMD AVater Pipes, BOILER FLUES, And all kinds of Brass and iron Fitting. Tools, etc., for Steam and Gas Fitters use. The best and largest assortment in the city and at greatly reduced prices. Send for Price List. NEW 30 BARREL TURPENTINE STILL Willi lixtrn Heavy Hotlnui, All coptplcle, far &ile much below Cost. Stills of all sties built to order and DISTILLERS fitted out at the lowest rates EVE RY KI N D <0 V Plantation Machinery, ENGINES, HORSE POWER.-., GRIST MILLS, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS Os every description in store, arid for sale at the lowest rates. COTTOM GINS AND COTTON moo The best McCarty gin ever made With the TAYLOR, EAGLE, BROW J SOUTHERN and the New CRAVEN Saw Gins, Cotton Presses, With Engine and Horsepower, and all supplies in store, for sale at the lowest rates, by J. B. FULLER 47 Day Street, New'YorkJit seß—ly Coal! Coal! Coal! THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN appointed agent for the CASTLE ROCK COAL MINES, will be receiving, from this lime, and during the Winter, One Thousand Tons of the above VERY SUPERIOR COAL. This Coal will be sold FAR BELOW’ THE PRICE OF WOOD, in proportion to its value as fuel. In the altered condition of our system of labor, its advantages are important, and ’should be considered by all consumers: let. It is cheaper. 2d. Oue third less labor is required to han dle it. 3d. All temptation to pilfer is removed. 4th. Great security against the accidents of fires. It will be Sold, at the Coal Yard (Georgia Railroad Depot), at Eleven Dollars per Ton I Or TWELVE DOLLARS, Delivered in any Portion of ths City! To parties taking a CAR LOAD, priyr to Sep tember Ist (when rates of freight are advanced), a deduction of • • Four Dollar* per Car Loud will bo made. CHAS. A ROWLAND. jy 18-ts BETTER THAN GOLD! I OUR NEW ladestructible Golden Pens Are recommended by bankers, Lawyers,.Professors, Touchers, Merchants, and all who have tried them, as the best Pen manufactured. They ore non corrosive, and manufactured with the greatest care, rendering thorn more du rable than any Pen now before the public. Sent post-paid to any address for 75 cents per box, eonteialog’eno dozen. Ordcra containing nronoy for the same sent at our risk. Do nqt forget to try them. • M. McALPIN 4 CO., . ;• Louisville, Ky. Please state where yyiu saw this advertise ment. je 17—2m* Winner’s Perfect Guides you Eiolin, Piute aud Guitar, Accordion,, Piano, Melodeutk, Cabinet Organ, Fife. Flayiolel, and Clarionet. ( CONTAINING INSTRUCTIONS RESIGNED to enable the pupil to obtain a knowled jeof playing without a teacher ; with a chuioo collec tion of every variety of Popular Music. Price of each, 75 cents. Teachers, pupils and dealers desirous of obtaining a low-prieod instruction Book, and at the same lime one that is useful and attractive, will find those bodks fully suited to their wants. The instructions are given in a manner adapted to the comprehension of all grades of scholars. The exercises illustrating and enforcing the lessons are not dry and tedious, but sprightly and enlivening, and the selections of music varying from the simple to the difficult, comprise the most popular melodies of the day, Mailed, post-paid, by DITSON 4 CO., Publishers, Boston. CHAS. H. DITSON 4 CO., au22—-tf * New York. Piano Fortes Tuned. rpo MEET THE TIMES, I HAVE RE JL DUCED the charge for TUNING to THREE BULLARS. Orders loft at Mr. GEO. A. OATES’ 240 BroaOUeet, or at my Shop, opposite the Post Office,'promptly attended to. •1 K» ROBERT A HARPER. JN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE . United States for the Northern District of eorgia. ’ . .. in the matter of ' ) JOHN M. BURNS, ■IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. ) To whom it may coaceru; The undersigned hereby gives notiee of his appointineßt as Assignee of John M. Burns, of r-, in the county of Jackson, and State es Georgia, within said Disliict, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own petition by the District Court of said District. ..Dated the 21W) of Augnat,Uk». . , 7 WILLIAM A. PIKF, -laW3w Assignee, ete. IN THE DIUTRICT OOURT OF THE United States far the Southern District of Georgia. ' ; In the matter es ) ROBERT CARROLL, >IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. ) The undersigned heieby gives noijee of h» appointment a* Assignee of the estate us Robert Carroll,of Augusta, Riehmoud county. Georgia, within said District, who has b.eert adjudged a bankrupt upon his oWp petition ybf tte* DtatrU-t Conrt of said DMrirt. ' ‘ ,7JACO4I'R DXVIB AUnntM Era copy AUGUSTA, GA„ FRIDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 25, 1868. Official. Proclamation by the Governor. Whkkkas, Law-abiding citizen* from many sections of the State unite in eommnuicatious to this Department, setting forth that misguided pet sons are stirring up strife among the people, by unlawful acts of violence against the person ) and property of citizens, on account of political opinion; and that persons distinguished tor their hostility to the Government of the United States, r and of this State, are promoting said acts of vie s lence by publicly denouncing the laws as revolt! j tionary, unconstitutional and void, and declaim ing in a manner tending to excite resistance to the lawful authority of the State, and to persuade r others to join in a combined resistance to anti a disregard of the civil rights of citizens; aud whereas, it is further communicated that the inov itable result of said acts of violence and insurrec tionary appeals is already becoming manifest iu the rapid spread of a disposition ou the part of those who maintain the validity of the laws el Congress, and of the State Governments estab lished thereunder, to protect themselves by arms from said acts of violence, aud from aaid combi nations against their civil rights ; and whereas, the General Assembly has adopted the following preamble and resolution: "Whereas, it being the practice of a portion of the citizens of tiiis State • to assemble in large numbers with arms, tor the r purpose of exercisiug iu military tactics, aud for > other unlawful purposes, without authority of law, and to the terror of the good citizen# thereof: Resolved, therefore, by the Senate and House of Repitaeutatives, That his Excellency the Gov eruor be, and he is hereby, respectfully requested to issue bis proclamation, prohibiting such armed and unlawful assemblages. But the right of the people to peaceably assemble for the consideration of any matter shall not be impaired by any proc lumatiou of the Governor.” Non-, therefore, I, Rufus B. Bullock, Governor . of this State, and Commander iu-Cliief of tjie army and navy and' militia thereof, do issue tills my Proclamation, commanding all citizens to i.b stain from any acts of violence against person or property, or from persnasioua which wifi tend to excite to violence or unlawful combinations, and from all interference with the constitutional right of persons to assemble for political or other peace ful purposes,- and to yield prompt and respectful obedience to the officers of tho law nnder all cir cumstances; aud also charging upon the >gid officers the exercise of great vigilance that the majesty of the civtt law be vindicafed and great 1 citation that all their acts may be fully justified by and done in pursuance of our Constitution and laws. And to make known that no authority has been granted by the Executive for the formation of armed or unarmed organizations of any kiud or eburacter -, and that the drilling or exercising in military tactics with arms of any organized body of men witiiiu thia State, except the army of the United States, is iniauthorized. unlawful, and against the peace and good order of tile Slate, aiul must be immediately suspended. The following extracts from tho Cousiitution and the Code are commended to the thouglittul consideration of the public; ARTICLE I—CONSTITUTION. Section 1. Protection to person and property is the paramount duty of Government, and shall lie impartial and complete. Sec. 2. All persons bom or naturalized in the United States, aud resident iu thia State, are citizens of this State, and no laws shall be made or enforced which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United Slates, or of this State, or deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of its laws. And it shall be the duty of the General Assembly, by appropriate legislation, to protect every pison in the due enjoyment el the rights, privileges, and immunities guaranteed iu this , section. ■ Sec. 5. The right of the people to appeal to the Courts, to petition government iu nIJ matters, aud peaceably to assemble for the consideratiua of any 1 matter, snail never be impaired. Sec. 6. Every person charged with an offence ' against the laws shall have the privilege and ben ■ efit of counsel, and shall be furnished, on demand, with a copy of the accusation and a hat of the witnesses on whose testimony the charge against him is fouuded, shall have compulsory (nocesse# to compel the attendance of his own witnesses, shall be confronted with the witnesses testifying • against him, and shall have a public and speedv trial by an imjmrtial jtn-y. Sec. 9. Freedom of speech and freedom of the press are inherent elements of political liberty. But while every citizen uiav freely speak, tn write, or print on any subject' lie shall be respon sible for the abnse of that liberty. Sbc. 10. The right of the people to be secure in their pwsons, houses, papers and effects against unreasonable searches aud seizures shall not be violated, and no warrant shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmution. particularly describing the place or places to be searched, and the person or thitrgs to be seized. Sec. 11, No person shall be molested for his opinions, or be subject to any .civil or political in capacity, or acquire any civil or politic®! advan tage in consequence of such opinions. Sbc. 14. The right of the jieople to keep aud hear arms shall not be infringed. CODE. Sec. 1249. Insurrection shall consist in :uiy combined resistance to the lawful authority of the State with intent to the denial thereof, when rhe same is manifested by acts of violence. Sec, 1250. Any attempt, by persnasion or otherwise, to induce others to'joinin any com bined resistance to the lawful authority of the State, shall constitute an attempt to incite insur rection. Sec, 4251. Any person convicted of the ofl’enve of insurrection, or attempt at insurrection, sliall be punished with death, or if the jury recommend to mercy, confinement in the Penitentiary for a term not less than five nOr wore than twenty vearti. Sxc. 1252. If any person shall bring, introduce, permit.or circulate, or caused to be introduced, circulated, or permitted, or aid or aeeiet, or l>e in any manner instrumental in bringing, introducing, circnlatirtg, or printing within this Stale, any paper, pamphlet, circular, or any writing for the purpose of exciting insnrreotion, riot, orconspi racy, or resistance against the lawful authority of the State, or against the lives of the inhabitants thereof, or any part of them, such person or 1 persons so offending shall be guilty of a high mis ’ demeanor, and on conviction shall be punished by confinement iu the Penitentiary for a form not i less than five nor longer than twenty yourc The conditions npon which jterole Was gi-.mted to these persons in this State, who were prisoners of war, are tliat the persons paroled “ wifi tiot be disturbed by the United States authorities so long as they observe their parole and the laws ii» force where they reside." Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State, at the Capitol in the city of Atlanta,lbis l ltb day of September, in the year of onr fxn <1 eighteen hundred and zixtv-oight, and of the Independence of the United States of America, the ninety third RUFUS B, BULLOtIK, By the Governor: ' Governor. Daviu G. Cutties, • Secretary of State. , seplS—2w • » STATE OF GEORGIA— Ilichniond County. W here as, Daniel Brogan applies to me for Letters of Administration de bo nit non, ou Hie estate of Martin Brogan, late of said couqty, de ceased — These are therefore to cite and ailmonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors < f said de ceased, to be and appear at my office, oh or before the fourth Monday in October nut, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand aud official signature, at office in Augusta, thia 16th day of September, 1868. SAMUEL LEVY, sep!7—lm Ordinary; SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA, 88. At Macon, the Ist day of September. A D. 1868. The unders'gaad hereby gives notice of his appointment aa U.ignre of GEORGE M, LO GAN, of Macon, in the county of B!bb and State of Georgia, within said District, who bus been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own peti tion by the District Court es said District. _sep!B—lawiw JOHN P. FORT. SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORdIA.- k-7 At ThonrasviMa, Georgia, Sept. T4th, ISits. The undersigned hereby gives aotiee <>T bis appointment as Assignee of JOBKPH TOO KE, colored, of Thomasville, in the county of Thomas and State of Georgia, within said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt npon hU own pe tition by the Di-trict Court of said District. • k H. 11. TDOKK, sclfi—Jaw3w> : v -Areigure. BiiOK AND 4WM PRINTWiG '•*”’* ' Bxeedted st this Office At the Lowest TeruM and in the Best Btyli 4 Richmond County. GF GEORGIA— O Ciehniond ■WnBUKAs, .Jarnos A. Gray, Administrator on tho estate of Francis O’Conner, applies to mo fur Leiters of IHsmission. Those are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindrod and creditors <rf said deceased, to be and appear at my office op op before the first Monday iu November next, to show cause, if any they have, why sai'd liMtlW should not bo granted. Given under my hand and official signature,' at office in Angusto, this 2d day of June. I 86». E. M; BRAYTON, icß—fun* Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. STATE OF GEORGIA— Riek/mind County. Whereas, Charles J. Jeakins* Executor, and Julia A. Cumin log, Executrix, oj the •state of Anna C. Cnminiog, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission: These are, therefore, to cite a»d admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or be fore the first Monday in september next, to show cause, if any they have, wh.i caid Cotters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, at office In' Augusta, this 16th day of March, 1868. 8. M: BRAYTON, mhl7— law6m* ' Ordinary. Letters of DismissioQ. eTATE 0? GEORGIA— O Richmond County. Whereas, Charles J. Jenkins, ExeCutor, and Julia A. Cumming, Executrix, us the estate of Henry H. Cumming, deceased, applies to we for Letters of Dismission : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all aud singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to bo and appear at my office on or be fore the first Monday in September next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my band andofficial signature, at office iu Augusta, this 16th day r>t March, .1868. E. M. BRAXTON, mhl7 -lawHtu* Ordinary.' —w-ASO---.—l——■ 1 ■ # ——V- ——, —p- Letters of Dismission. KJTATK OF GEORGIA— ■II Richmond County. Whereas, Charles J. Jonltins, Executor, and Julia A. Cummiug, Executrix, of the estate of Isaac Bryan, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Disrnissloli: Those aio, therefore, io cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindrod and crcditori qf said deceased, to be and appear at my office on nr be fore the first Monday in Scptemecr next, to show cause, if any they have, why sail Lellcre should not be granted. Given tinder my hand and nllieiaL signature, at office in Augusta, this 16th day of March, 1868. E. M- BRAYTON, mh-17—Iaw6m* Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. p EORGIA— •I Hichmowl County. WherciK, Uarefiuc* Duliet, Administratrix, with the will uunexed ou Ihe estatn of Antoine I’iequet, deceuaed, applies to me for Leiters of Dismission: These are, therefore, so cite aud adinoulah ail aud singular, tho kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear al my office on <ir before the first Monday in October, to ah >w cause, if any they have, why said la4ters slioutd not ba granted. Given umjer my bund and official signature nt Augusta, the 16thday of May, 1868. E„ M. BRAYTON, mylU law Gut? Ordinary Letters of Dismission. STATE OF GEORGIA— Rickuhcnd Coiiitly, Wh 'reus, Josephine Wilson, Administratrix on I the estate of Peter Wilson, deceased, apphr-H to mb for Letters of Dismission. These are, therefore, to eite and admonish all aud singular, the kiudn d and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or be fore the first Monday in Orfoher, to show cause, if any ther’fcave, ->vlrv .said fxUtere should uot. be gianted. - • Given nudur my hand and'-official signature, at office ii| Augusta,'lhK o) May, 1868. 11. M. BRAYTON, mv6—Siu* Ordinary. Loiters of Dismission. STATE OF GEORGIA, Richmond. County. Whereas Win. C.' Tuder, Administrator of the estate of Sarah Swinney, dqceased. applies to me for Letteisof Dismiraion. These are, therefore, to; rite mid admonish a 11- aud singular, the kiudi-tai-uud creditors of said de. ceased, to be and appear al uty office, on or before the first,"Monday in ■ teWW/te show cause, if any they have, Why raid Letters Should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, at office iu Aopiisto, this loth ol April, 1868 K. Al BRAYTON, . aplt—lawffin* __ Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. STATE OF GRORGIA Rh hmon't County. Whereas, Charles J. .fonkinx, Executor, and A. Cumming, Executrix, of the estate us William Cumming, dyeeased, applies to tuo for Letters »f Dismission > . ■ - These are, therefore, tu cite and admonith, all and singular, the kindred aqd creditors of said deceased, to no and appear at my office on or be forotho first Monday in Scpteuibur next, bi.ahow cause, if any they have, why s id. letters should not be granted. Given under my baud aud official signature, at office iu Augusta, this I6lh day of March, 1868. E. M. BRAYTON, mhl7—iawfim* Ordinary QTATE OF GEORGIA— O Richmond County. Whzreas, Edward O’Donnell, Administrator on the estate of Richard Quinn, late of said county,deceased, appliee to me for Isetters of Dis mission. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish ail, and singular the kindred ami creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in March next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters shenid not be granted. Given under my hand audofliiiul riunature at office in Augusta, this September lltb, 1868. samuel levy, . seplU— laiuthu ' J . . Ordinary, gOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA, BS. The undersigned hereby givea notiee of bis appointment as Assignee of J. 8. BRISCOE, of Columbia county, Georgia, who has bedn adjudged a Bankrupt upon bis own petition by the District Court of said District. Thomson, Ga, Septcmbcf 11, 1888 A E. STURGIS, sepll-lawiw Assignee. SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA— At Qnitm-rn on the 28tii day of Angast, 1868. The undersigned hereby gives notice of bis appointment as Assignee of SAM' L W. BROOKS, of Quitman. in the county of Brooks aud State of • Georgia, within said Disfnct, who has been ad judged a bankrupt upon bis own petition, by the District Court of raid District. 8. 8. KINGBBERY 0 , sepl—Jn3w (Assignee. SOUTHERN DfSYRIGT OF liEORGIA At Qiiitinan on the 11th day of Augultilß6B. Tiie undersigned hereby gives notice of his ap pointment as assignee es JOHN B. HOLBT, of Quitman. in tlte county of Brooks and State of Georgia, within said dtslrtev. who has been ad judged a P.-mkrnpt upon his own petition hy the District Court es said DistHct. SAMUEL W. RROOKB sepl—iawJw - Areiguee, ete. £»<H THERN DisTHlCt OW <>Et>RGlA,'fe. kJ Is Bankruptcy, at Marne, tßis 27th day of August, A.-D. 18*8. The undersigned hereby- given ttetice of hie nptrointasenl as assignee of THOMAS W mINGHAM, ol Macon, in the comity of Bibik Slate, of Qeorgin, within aaiil !>Ulri<-t,.irho ha been adjudged a Bankrupt npcnvhis own p<-titton by th« Dirtriet Court of said District. , > . AAMUU «. W-KEMS, au3Maw3w Aaidgnee. The American Artisan UNITED STATES AND FOUWN . j PATENT AGENCY. 189 Broadway, New York. .I—, , Messrs. BROWN, COOMBS A CO., Proprie tore of the AMERICAN ARTISAN, offer their best services to inventors, as Solicitors of Ameri can and Foreign Patents. Mr. Henry T. Brown, es tilts firm, has had more than twenty.tico years’ experience in that prefession, both in this country and Europe, and his long practice lias made him personally known to' thousands es mven-, tors aud patentees. The applications for the ■ patents upon many of the greater and more im portant inventious'of the present century have been prepared by liim. Messrs. Brown , Coom bs & Co., are thoroughly familiar with all the rales and re gulations instituted fur tiie rapid'transaction of business with the United States Patent Office, and Hie general practiceiu the Patent Bureaus of vari ous European countries; and this knowledge ren ders them coufuleiit that their post experience, with their present uneqiialed facilities, enables them to elaborately aud yet. speedily prepare all the docu ments required by law iu applications for patents, and to promise tlicir clients an absolute certainly ofsuccess hi their|eit'oi-ts to.obtain, LeUerzjl'atent for . inventions that ate really new and useful. Parti . cular care is given to the execution of the ac.mrate drawinijs which must always accompany every application for a patent, arid lhey employ none but tiiemosteffich'irtdrauyhtsmeu. The nest evidence ( of the niauuer iu which Messrs. Brown, Coombs , &. Co.’s business is performed, is, that the “Ambii ioan Artisan Patent Auekcy,” during the three years of its existence, has beeu the most successful institution of the kind ever established. The principal offices of Messrs. Brown . Coom Be &. Co. are situated at 18!) Broadway, opposite John 1 street, New York, in the most central part of tho <1 city. This location is one of very easy access by ! strangers, inasmach as it is within a stone's throw from the City Hail. All inventors temporal Dy so jouruiiiK iu tiie metropolis are juyjted to visit this ' establish went. lu|t he majority of instance no model ’ or drawing of an invention wilt bo necessary on 1 the lii-st iulei viaw, as a mere oral description by tho visitor will ordinarily suffice to convey such aknow ledge of his invention as will enable Messrs. Bkown, Coombs & Co. to definitely determine whether a machine or process is new or old—pnteii- i table or not. The office hoars are from 9a.m. < to 5 r. M. I Messrs. Brown , Coombs & Co. are prepared to | furnish to persons residing at a distance from New i York—free of charge—written opinions as to whether inventions contain any features of paten- 1 table novelty; to do thia they simply require a i sketch or rough model of the machine or ether in vention that is supposed to be new, together with a brief description of the same, aud as soon as pos sible thereafter a letter of the best advice is mail ed to the person desiring the information. These < opinions are formed from their own mature exper- 1 ieuce; but if an inventor desiresto know, positively, whether his incipient idea has ever been embodied I in a machine or process already patented, bis wisest * course will be to have a preliminary examination 1 made irt the United Slates Patent office by Messrs. ’ Brown, Coombs So Co., who will make 4 special ' searcb/imong all the records of that institution, and 1 then promptly forward a full aud carefully written report as to tiie patentability of the invention uu- 1 dor examination. For this labor the small fee of ’ 1.5 s payable in advance; and the lemittancb I 1 shouldbe accompanied by a sketch of the invention 1 and a few linos of writing describing Hie sajpe, ' and distinctly statiug tliose point aof novelty which 1 the inventdr desires to have protected by Letters- I Patent Patents -for new and useful inventions are now 1 granted for the term of seventeen Years The firstinstalfficnt ofj.he Government lee is sls, which Mitn—together with fifty cents revenue stamp-tax on the power ; of attorney— is payable tn rpdoaney, rtaaaplytaS fct.lba.pgtafiLbaiatii , Laldi!jj>nj.l.iye , due to the Government when Hie lieUers-Patentarc allowed. Tiie Agency fee is from $23 upward, ag- 1 cording to the labor involved; but m all cases our ' ohurges will he as moderate as possible iu the pre- 1 miration of drawings and ail uecesaury documents. ’ This fee is uot payable until after the application has been prepared and .the case is ready to be sent to Washington. Messis. BBoWN. Codties ft. Co. have a branchia Washinoton so tiiatndlapptiea tions made through them can have every necessary, attention in their passage through the Patent office. Inventors applying for patents must, furnish models of their machines, whenever possible, for the inspection of tho Examiners iu tiie Patent Office; bnt.if.the invention is a chemical composi tion, samples of all the ingredients wiU be neces sary, Each of these should be marked with the in ventor’s name, then carefully boxed, and sent (by express,prepaid),together with thefirstinstalmeii of th« Government fee, to Messrs Brown , Coombs & Co. When the model is small aud light, it can be conveniently and cheaply seirtby mail The model mustuotexceed one foot in any ofitsdimeus ions, unless it is of such* character that it i« im practicable. Patents, except those for de-igus, are granted on equal -terms to citizens and all foreigners, except inhabitants of Canada and some others of the British American Provinces. Bet-ides patents or new tool usefu. inventions, there are also granted patents for designs. Design-patents are uot now, ns formerly, limited strictly to ornamental eoufiguratfon : butginder Section 11 of the Act of March 2, 1861, any lytw form ofany article, oraiiy impression orjfiyure upon the surface ol any article or material, by whatever means hr process produced; can be patented. Utt dec tins Art. patentees are entitled iff tiie exten sion of their respective pateuta for the term ofacaen years from the day on which said patents »l>:iUex pire, upon the same terms and rctirictiniis as are now provided forthe extensions of Letters-Palent. Among the numerous subjacts foi patents of this class may be particularly meuliuned—castings of all metals, paits of machines, household fuinrtnre and ntaßeils; glassware, hardware of all kinds, cornices, aud oilier iaterior and exterior .iecor i tiiflis of buildings; also, designs for woven and printed fabrics, drees aud upholstery trimmings, aud har ness labels and trade marks for medicines, per fumery. and all preparations, compuzitions, or merch«ndi-e, put up iu bottles, boxes, or oilier packages, are suitable subjects; also, the fortta of such bottles, boxes, or packages themselves, and envelopes, likewise all works of art. as statuary, busts, comnositions in alto or basso.rolievo. The Government fee on a design patent for 3j years is * SIIM7 years, slOl 14 years, S3O. No mod'-is of aesigus arc required; but duplicate drawings Or t photographs must be furnished- ThespecifieatiOM c to accompany lias drawings or photographs re- 1 quires to be pi-epnred with great care. Messrs 1 Brown, Coombs A Co. give very particular at- j teutiou to tills branch ,of their bysiMss, Their 1 charge for preparing applications for design patents (l is generally about $1 a. Design patents are only j granted to American eitieeusor to aliens who have > resided one year in the United States and matte j oath of their intention to become citizens thereof. The facilities of Messrs. Bbown, Coombs At Co ' for obtaining patents in the various Europeau , countries are equal if not superior to those of any L other in the United States. With regard to their n qualifications fop such business, it need only be stated that Mr. Brown has had tiie prepare- f tion of more European applications than any .• othei person in this country, Messfs. Brown, . Coombs fc Co., besides huvirtg a branchojiee in Washisoton, hate their owq agencies in the principal capitals of Europe. A eit-cular relating 2 to foreign patent business will be faruisbed free on application personally or by mail- Meiwrs. Brown, Ct Mbs* Co. also attend toin terferences. the extensions of expiring Letters- L Patent, and all proceedings relating to patents be- b fore the United States Patent Office t< AH letters, packages, boxes, etc., should be igi dressed, prepaid, as lollows: • BROWN, COOMBS & Solicitors of Patents. my 14—>Iy. ’ No. 189 Broadway, New York. p A GREAT CAMPAIGN DOCUMENT. 0 Uand'llßßk of fol 11 tea f»r . GJSKCIALLY ADAPTED FOM TUR PREljl- O DKNTIAI. Campaign. Contains all the matter in the Political Manuals of 186*, 7867, 0 aud 18*8. Compiled from official sources. Gives 8 the whole Political actioii qf the Government, including Impeachment, Ryeimktructioig, Gene rat polhivs, Platforms, Aeraptsnre of I'andi dales. St,-., from . April, 186,5. to July. 18*8. C Table* on-Übbt ansebG'axatiOn, Kovenoe rend Kx neudilures, Haukt, fomthero Reaitardtion and b Votes. Etection Tables from 13*6 to date. . 4J16 C pages! Sve., elota, s2,.'l*, petti paid v ‘ i» . The - Manual f„r IMIS, separately, b clotlr, $1 paper cadsg, 75 <-eiit’, post paid, ft •Addre.ta' . rbwaAU MoMrleirpGN, . c< f 'lark ol t|i* Hogse of Represcßtattvas, ri wej.l—tNov.B ' Washington, D.C. A MEDICINAL. Asiatic Cholera in China. Almost every case CUBED WITH PAIN KILLER. Read the following letter from Rev. 11. Telford, Missionary in China, now visiting his home in Pennsylvania: \V*sHisoTOn. Pa., Juu»2s, 1866. Messrs.. Perri/ Davis <£ Son, Providence, R. I.: Dear Sirs—Daring a residence of some ten years as a Missionary in Siam and China, I found yone vegetable Pain Killer a most valuable remedy for that fearful aconrgej the Cholera. In administering the medicine, I found it most effectual to give a teaspoon fol of Pain Killer in a gill of hot water sweetened with sugar; then, after about fifteen minutes, begin to give a table spoonful of the same mixture every minute until relief was obtained. Apply hot applications to the extremities. Bathe Uie stoumoh with Pain Killer, clear and rub the limbs briskly. Os those who had the cholera, and took the medicine faith fully in the way stated above, eight out of ten recovered. Young. trudA , R TELFORD. If an iittnck with Diarrhoea, Dysentery, or Cramp Colic, don't delay tbe use ol the Pain Killer. Sold by all mojiciuo dealers. Price, 25 cents, 50 cents, and $1 per bottle. .. .. Mashattam. Kahbao, April 17,18 W. Gentlemen— * ’ I want to gay a little more about the Pain Killer. I contider it a very valuable medicine, and always koen it on hand. 1 have travelled a good deal since I have been in Kansas, and never without taking it with me, In my practice I used & freely for (he Asiatic Cholera, in 18PJ, and with better success tian any other medicine; J alm used ft here for cholera in 1855, with tire same good result. Truly, youra, A. HUNTING, M. D. Swato, China. Gholcia ! * • * 1 regret to say that the cholera has prevailed here of lute to a fearful extent. For tbe last three weeks, from ten to fifty or sixty fatal cases each day has been re ported. I should add that the Pain Killer, sent recently from the Mission House, has been used with considerable success during this epidemic. If taken in season is generally effectual ia check ing the disease, ! Rev. CHARLES HARDINIG, Shofapote, India. [From the Portland Monthly.] Summer Complaint and Dysentery. Howel complaints seem just now to be the prevailing element, and any medicine that is every where acceptable, and that is reliable, is a very desirable acquisition. From what we have seen, heard, and experienced, we believe Davit' Pain Killer is this desideratum. For the best method of usiugit, we quote from the directions: "For common bowel complaints, give one. tea spoonful in a gill of new milk and molasses, in equal imrts, stirred well together; lessen the dose for children , according to the age. If the pain he severe, bathe the bowetaand back with the medi cine. This mode of treatment is good in eases of the cholera morbus, sudden stoppages, etc, Re peat the date every hour. "Tbe quickest way 1 ever saw Hie dysentery cored .'was bv taking one spoonful of the Pein Killer in one gill es milk and motasees stirred well together and drank hot, at the seme time bathing tbe tunnels frcclv with niedteine Let Uieduse be repeated every hour mifil the patient is relieved.’’ . ? - H every poroon who tes reason to fear thia disease would provide themselves with a bottle of this medicine, arid use as occasion required, we believe a great amouiit of salforhig and sickness ?^?W, be Special Notice. « .few * G " Mr Areas . ;; jar - h MRf i*W It s b 2 2 My' » s 7 = JHr K ■ ■rijrf&F <4* - ~ > xi z ‘ ~ g FM* 2 I Mt' | -Of 1 1 2 8 g tWHh o 1 2 5 $ Hk - ’ -• -J? n tn - * “Nfireif , Bpectacle« Rendered Useless, ’P 11 U MOST EMINENT PHYSICIAN# t Oqelistq and Divines recommend the nre of the CORNEA RESTORERS for Preshybp in or Far or Long Sightedness, or every person Who wears spectacle* tnun old age ; Dimness of Vision or Blurring; Overworaedeyes; Astheno pia or Weak Eyes; Epiphora, or Watery 14yos ; Pain in the Eye-halt; Amaurosis, or Obscurity of Vision; Photophobia, or Intolerance of Light; Weakness of the Re trim And Optic Nerve; Myodesojihfa, or Specks of Moving Bedies before the eyes; Ophthalmia, or latum- I motion of the Eye and Eyelids, and Imperfect Vision from the effect of Inflammation, etc.; Cataritct Eyes; Hemiopiri, or Partial Blind ness ; and many other Diseases of.the.Eye; Cure Guaranteed or Money ltejnnd»l. «Nla¥ CORNEA UENTOKER IN THE WORLD, ' AMD .■ £; I 'l he Best Hester er •/ the Bycnffkt Known. SO SAY ALL PHYSIOLANB. ms-;. They can b« ased by any one with a oer tainty of success, and will receive immediate beneficial results, without the least fear of injury to the eye. Cirealars sent free. NEAR SIGHTEDNESS CURED Ry (Is Patent Myopia,'’'nr CorMn Plattmseni .Inly known Remedy in the World— teas proved a Great Success For further informatlhn, price, arid csrtiflcatw of cures, address Dr. J. P. O. VOX, Dfite, 8U Broadway, NEW TORK ystr- STEPHEN’S MAOtCAL E&YPfIAK ORIENTAL EYE OINTMENT wilt tore in- S) flamed eye Hds, irtys, and prevent stys. v » TrikveUiog Agont# Wanted. G Oil D- COMMISSION PA D Selling of the Restorers u a jileiuaat and honorable emnbymumL desirable tor all Ladies Clergymen, Tes.'bers, >tudsnta, an.d Farmers mt! for all who derir* to make Bn Jbonert fbiag Uv »" easy eaiploynwnr. All lAr rme wshipg. tor terms to Ageii|s rnuu cneLum twenty ’ i lent.’ to pay p<wUg« and coat of printing him' rials containing information foa Agents. Total kgents Wanted. ’• nov37-dawly NO 3a9 min . Adminiitrator’g gale. AT7ILL BE SOLD, ON THE first TUES- legal hoars of sale, pnrsmmt to the order of the Court of Ordinary, passed at July Tehn I*lß all . that lot of Land, w|th the improvements, ccniißt ing of one Hriek Store, belonging td the Estate of Sarah May, on the West side es Cemiw street, in tho city of Augusta, between Broad and Reynolds street, and known as Bridge row—bounded North by lot formerly F. Murray’s, East by Centre, street. South by lot of Thomas B. Phiaixy, and West by lot of John H. Maun, having a front of' twenty-nine feet and-a <»f eigbty-two feet • six inches, conveyed bv John PhitUy to Thomas May, April 26, 1868, and tamed oveY to Sarah lUKV, bom, heir <rf Thomas May,-July 5,1866. 1 ernia cash, purchaser to pay for gapers. „ , " «• W. MAHER, jyD—dOt JkSteatmor. . U. S. Marshal's Sale, UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A WIT BP fieri farias, issued eut of tho Honorable the Fifth Circuit Court of the United States, for the Sontbern District of Georgia, in favor of the Plaintiffs, in the fallowing case, to wit; Wood gate A Co. vs. Thos. F. Hampton and Frederick Burti, partners, I have levied upon, as the ' property of Thomas R. Hampton, one of the defendants, one block of Brisk Stores, situate, lying and being in tho town of Bainbridge, county OJ Dceatur and State of Georgia, and known as the Hampton Btoek, adjoining the premises of King & Lester, Lewis 4- Waters, and D. J. Dickinson,’on Writer street in said town and county; and wifi sell the same at public auction, at the Court House In the city of Macon, county of Bibb and State of Georgia, on', the tut TUESDAY in September next, between tM lawful hours of sale, ' • Dated at Savannah, Ga., .this Sfltb day of July, 1888. ' 7 , WILLIAM XL WUR6ON',- * augf—law4w U. tf.'Marshal. Letters of Dismission. QTATE OF GEORGIA— Richmond County. Whereas, Charles J. Jenkmii, Exechtw, and Julia A. Cumming, Executrix, of the estate of Thomas Cumming, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission: These are, therefore, to cite and adtnoouh, all ’ and singular, the kindred and creditors of sßid deceased, to be and appear at my tiSco on nr be fore the first Monday in September next, fogbow cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not bo granted. Given under my band and official sigtiature, pt office in Augusta, this 18th day of March, 1»68. v . E. M. BRAYTON, mh!7—lawflm* Ordinary. Letters of DismiMion kJ TATE OF GEORGIA— Richmond, Quiiuty. Whereto, John D. Batt, Administrator on the estate of Patrick O’Sullivan, dennumA'applies to me for Letters of Dismission. . ' < These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and siueular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be andappear at my office on or be fore the first Monday in October, So siww reuse. ' if any they have, why said Lettejs should aot be granted. Given under iny hand and official signature, a office in Augusta,this 3th day of Mav, 1868. o E. M. BI4AYTON, myo—(art* _ Ordiaswy. STATE OF Riduuond' County. Whereat Hol., Douglass and 8. D. Williams EaecutorS on the Estateof Ita D. Mathews, late ’’.‘‘d coniity, deccaaed, apply to me fpr letters Ol uIHIDMiRIOn I % These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all ■ mid singular, the kindred and creditors of stud de ceased, to be and appear al my office on or before the first Monday tn February next, to show cause, it any tbe r have, why saUDeitefs should not be granted. Given under my band and official signature, at * office in Augusta. Chis August 15th, 1868. SAMUEL LEVY, au 18—tumfint Owtiitary. OTATE OF GEORGIA- ~ J< ’ ,lU n ° Bher applies to mefor L,ners ol Admimslration on the estate of Frederic* Von »precken, late of said county, deceased: There, are, therefore, to ate and admonidi all ' and singular, tbe kindred and creditor*'■& the said deceased to be and appear at my office m’>r before tbe first Monday m Octobrg next, to show cause, it any they have, Why said fetters should net Ge ' granted. Given uuder my hand and official signature a office in AngMfte, Illi* 2Pth day of August, 18«8. SAMUEL bfi’Y, an 31—Im ■ Ordinary. STATE OF GEORGIA— ' - Riekmfmd Ocunty. W hereas. He ary Jones applies to rye for Letters of Ad mi n istration. with the will annexed, on tho Grceti B. Reflate of said county, de- These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office ou or before the first Monday in October next, tq shew cause, if any they have, why letters, should not be granted. (Bren under my hand mid official signature office in Augusta, Bin l'»th day of August. W6B - SAMUEL LEVY, . . au Jl—lrii . Ordinary. Letters of GtiArdianthip. SJTATE (IF GEORGIA— - - * Richmond CVnnty. vVintua*B, J»mre- M. J’almor applies for Let w6?.*l <luwi La'uAiip es Rebecca Faaneei Odom, Willipm .Stephen Odom, and Martha Jane Qdom, minor cteHdren of James Harris Odom, de cem-eii— . . Those are therefore to cite and edumnish, alt end-singular, tbe kiudred a»d friers of said ‘ . ”® f ’’ »Pl>e«r office attain tbe Libtc pre*cTibißd by to tfbojF if auy . they teato, why said Letters should ’net be granted. , ■ Given under my heed and official sigaalure, at I’fiiee in Augusta, this 31»t dap of Aiwust, 1888. . > SAMUEL LEVY, «*l-a«MM ; Ordtosry. ASR-KiNEL’S SAJLE. REAL ESTATE. U«*y»l Attaint*, TUESDAY, tfce’-Mdday of Sep. tenther, 1868, at H •'dpeita. <n.. Uie .foUowing property, to-WH: tm ut so. ii, On east side «f PeariUpee street, being part of ' 14>t 78, 14th dfrtrfet of orixinalrf Henly -Wow Fulton c-ormly, fronting on Deuefrtrte otoeel 3H feat, arid eMending back fit) feet. Oji this Lol ia X ) ■ • THREE STORY BRICK [IOUSE, besides a dry I>a»eri!ent ffiffrpt front by TO bnc|<. ' and considered one of the best bniWuigs in the city. Also, at the same time and place,- n lot of ■ CHOICE WINES AND LIQUORS, T’ cdkfisTtNG or ■ l bW. Otsrd BRANDY i b6l. Oiard BRANDY -1 bbl. Scotch WHISKEt I, bbl. sl. Croix RUM 1 I Puripbeon GIN . 2 Ws. Sherry WINE 1 SW, Port WINE g casks Porter 6 package* Champagne WINE. ’’ Also, 2R one gallon Jogs, and sundry Notes and open Accounts. . Inrtneffintely Alter which, I wilt sell on the ONE HOUSE ANO IrOT, Hew* Containing four rooms and basement, sitn aled on east side us Peuebtree street, on city lot No. 31, renwiaiug <>ae lialf acre, more or less. Also, CITY LOT, No. THIiITY-FOPR, ad joining ahnVe rot No. 31, and fronting 100 fret on tvv oreee«»iitafiiiwt <fo>e half were; more or tea* AH Mid to tlta.-pwqiertyrif John H. Lovejoy, Baukiaph ' v. . , P.wer.Mqpg(re® w;>3-3w Assignee.