The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, September 25, 1868, Image 4

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.aHiiii mi imwiim i iiimii i ii : NntujnalikpnWuan "•" '*' ' ■•*-<** '.ifJW; - * £<F . LAMEST CiTT tllR&WlON ’*' facial Orffan of the U. g. Govwnment. S"' , ysE;v : -i ! :g:.!t± AED I'HE TUUKBRS. '' -flawpr BreiurrXrtn choined tteTnrucrs, *•**.- Nyrmhcr tn de Ball, ’Wf"® WWSSB?"* ’ -"l’we couased do whole Gesangvcrcin 'J * - Mil dor Llcderlich Aepful Chat, •.’■ '. UW dey blowed on de drooms und jtroomed on '■£*-'■■■»•••■■ ■dei®#’, TRi Hey couldn’t refifo no mote. t; <■ y. ■.. . ' *< Atfan* lireitmann choined de Tporners, *4 ■ Day-all set oop some sheute, * , Dev look’d him into deir Toerner Hall, ' find pout?him a coarse of shproute, '< Dey pools him on d* parrell-hell bars, . . Und sb tanfl him nop on his head, • ' (Jud dey paouaps dor beer mit an enchitie hose /♦. In bis wout’ dill he's ’pout halt toad ! '/ Haas Breitmann choined de Toorners; . ' - Day m&ke shimnajtig dricks— ! •<?f He stood on de middle of de floor, I Und fn jt up a fifty-six, 1 *, Und den he trows it to de roof, 1 Phd schwig off a treadful triuk. d Do veight coom toomblo pack on hu hcadt, c " ■ Und ny shinks! he didn’t vink J <e t w- Hans Breitmann choined do Toorners : Mein Got! how dey drinked und shwore! 0 . Dcrc vas Sohwabians and Tyrolers, Und Bavarians by do score, j tome tellers coornud from do Rheinland, Und Fronkfort-on de-Main, Boot dare vas only von Sherman derc, - ' *' ■ Uiid le vas a Hulttei* Dene. Haus Breitmann choined do Toor net., .. ? 'Mil« Liinpurg cheese hecoom; Veu bo open do scbiaeH sb i'.udt ■ It kuock dp niusiok doomb. Yen de Deutschors kit do flavor, . .. It ooOrl de haer on derc bead; , Boot dore vas dwo Amerigans dere, 1 Und,p,- Um, it kilt deni doadt! j Hans Breitmann choiued do Toorner,; j X De ladies eoornod in to see; ’ i’cy poor dem in de blow tor de gals, I All in dcr gal-lerie. ' Dnyashk: “Vhere ish dor Breitmann ?” Had dey drear pie mit awe und tear , Bt Ven dey see him scliwingen by de toes, f. A trfokiu lager bier. ll.iti.- Breitmann choined du Toorners; 1 dells you vot r py tarn ! I ■ , Dev sings de great Urbuminelled, , De holy Klrarnran psalm, t • • Und t en dey kits to de goros, You ought to hear dem dramp ! ft scared dor Teufel down below, Io hear de Dootebmen stamp. Ilans Breitmann ehoioed de I'owiors— l By Denner 1 it vas grand, .?■ Vhen do whole of dem goes a valkin’ Und dancin’ on dcr hand, . MR de reel all wavin’ in de air, * Uviiolausend! vot a Jricks ! j Dill dor Breitiuaun fall, und dey all go drrwn - iilioost like a rote of bricks. I • , U«n . Uiuitmanu cfauiund de Toorners, ' Dey lay dore in a heap, • \* And slept dill de early sonnen shine ,'Uimw in at de window creep— And de preeze It t ake dem from deir dream, d And dey go to kit deir feed; *• Here hat’ dis song an Endo— d • Das ist Des BiibitmAwn»Llßl>. s ■ [The Breitmann Ualladi. I——U. i Similia Bimilibus Curantur. ' 111! MEHR EVS J tJOMEOI’ATIC SIMX BEKS, ’ | | AVE riWVSD, FROM THB MOST ample ■ ov, i l exportonoc, an entire success; Simple— . ? Prompt -Efficient ">n« reliable. They are the ’ . «qly Medicinoe perfectly adapted to popular ‘ . < M»-a anetaaple that mis take, cannot be made in t* . usiag them; bo harmless as to be free from 1 danger, and so efieient as to be always reliable. I l liey have raised the highest commendation from - . - ' all, and will always render satisfaction. 1 ■' ’/«: Nos. Cures. Cents | I* 1, era, Congestion, Inflammaiions.,, gk T a, Worms, Worm-Fever, Worm-Colic 26 < ~ % ItryiMlE-Colic, or teething of Want 5....... 25 S 4 H BiarrUoea ofcliildren or adults „Xf» -5, l»r*ent«rr, Griping Bilious Colic ,26 e, Vbolera ’lorbus, Vomiting 26 . ?. OwmwheiColde, 8r0nchiti5.......;., 25 , K VcHra.tsia, 'i'ootache. Faceache 25 . ■ ’• 9, H#i»dacl»ew v t'iek-14eadaehe, i VBrtigo M J W, ngepepeta, Biblous'Stoniach.... 25 ' It. Msupreeaeet, or painful Periods 25 t too profuse i’eriods 25 , >• Congh, dHBMIi Breathing 25 ■- ■ K :: ,S lif Onhtbailuy, ind sore or weak Eyes 50 .’_rt -.18, Czktenrbe am, -• er chronic, I»auanr.a .... 50 2«, Who»pi»K-W>uffb, violent Coughs 50 iima»aateJ 23, Scrofula, enlarged lands, Swellings 50 *4. <a<»»crhl Detißily, Physical Weakness 50 • *. ' fei 4»rol>»>', and scanty Secretions ..JM 20, -Mu-Sickness, sickness from riding 50 :■ - ft Seminiai Bnb> * I riant, involuntary Discharges t-00 • < W* ’^rTn:7ry a Wcakucus, 'waiting'’bed 50 ■ ' st. Painful Periods, with Spasms .60 sf, T’pVle^^Sparms', l^t o Vitus’ Dance . 1.00 31, Diphtheria.,,ulcerated Sore Throat .... 50 FAMILY CA$& ordinary disease a ramify is SMbicct to, and a book of direc tions, tIOOO . yniriler I'atuily and TravoHuK coses, withbito26 ririe, from w ..-...*btoW Spw lA-s R>r Private IMscaees, both • , • lor tlnriuK nod for Preventive i reatment iu vials and pocket uaaefi... .RS to >• - jar these MftediM, by the case or single hex, are-Went to anyuartof the edirtit ry by Mai ’ t?P. rc v%> rco °* charge, on reopipt ef-lae ■ ' . ■ HUMPHREYS* SPECIKTC, HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINECOMPANY, • J wot ' 562 % rOa,lw#J '’ T- , . ‘w-0,, PJ.UMB * LKITNER, I - . STEVENSON * SHELTON F . W. H. TUTT, ■ ■ ■ ' of d'leye, ‘fi—l2m d 1* Letters of BismiMion. ‘. S2TATE OF - / atjS • ' BivluHond ■ a£ Awes ,T. B-ihwell, Administrate, “ of Tao Estate of Thomas fi. Smith, deceased, applies ta yia for Letters of Dismission. • These are therefore to cite and admonish al! r ■'. auiaingwfar, the kin died and creditors of said • deceased, to be and appear at my office on or before theßrsi.Monday in Msrcb next, to show . . cbus-1 if any.tbey baye, why said Letters should ’ - . . Wgruntid. • *• - * <Hvcti under m> hand and official signature it office sjsf Augusta, thia Ith day of September, ’ . H’Wi SAMUEL LEVY, • . S-" Ordinary. IM THE PIBTKICT COURT OF THE . ’ **->.' UiSted Sutea for the Southern Distiict es ..- >' ■-IS nAKKRUrTCV- this Hie "3Js« day of I . ’ • Affire*, iBR, * - . ■ The. nudedsigned Irerebr m«we of bu • , aeanigMe -ot James D. Dennard, of Uathbett, in the county of Randolph and State • y hf Georgia, within said District, who has been adMcml < Bankrupt npeu hi* own petition by • I^'District, conn of said Distract. COLUMBUS O, BROOKS, , imdl-rUw3w ; j Aarigw-e. TN 7HE DISTRICT COURT OP THE 1 UnitridA-ffibWe* for the Sowtbera District of Georgia. ' *<_, In the raatlewf i K W IN ' bankruptcy. T« whom it may concern ■ The midenrigiied hersby klvee notke Os Ms appointment ay As signee Ker Boyoe, es Augusta, la the c ouuty i Richmpmi,m>d We of Georgia. wHhlu said Misttiet, who has lieea ad judged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District court of said dis . .Dated at AujpuU. Ga.. J his lUtli day of Sepiem her.-A. 0-JffiX ’ HENRY JONE*,-. . gelfl-lßjya* ‘ Assignee. RAILROAD SCHEDULES WifiiK'idfc Ur - r GEORGIA RAILROAD. Bwfiii TN iSA connec- JL TION with the Second Train on the South Carolina Railroad, and better connections on the Branch roads, the Trains on the Georgia Road will run, on and after THURSDAY’, June 18tb, at 5 o’clock a. tn., at follows: oir FASSBaeitR traim. (Daily, Sundays Excepted.) Leave Augusta at 7.00 A.M. Leave Atlanta at s®® A - M. Arrive at Augusta at *• Arrive at Atlautaat ®- ;J ® F. M. NIGHT rASRBXeBR AHI' till TBAIH. Leave Augusta at l®-®® J', M- Leave Atlants at. ®-‘*® F. M. Arrive at Augusta at Arrive at Atlanta at ‘-40 A. M. BKRZKI.IA rASSBHOSn 7BAl *’. i Leave Augusta at 4.15 I’. M. Leave Berzelia st ?-®® A M. Arrrivo at Augusta S-I® A. M. Arrive at Berzelia ®-®® F. M. Passengers for Milledgerille, Washington, and Athens, Ga., must take Day Passenger Train from Augusta and Atlants. Passengers for West Point, Montgnnuiry, Selma, Mobile and New Orleans, must leave Au guste on Night Passenger Train at 19.60 P. M. to make olose connections. Passengers for Nashville, Gerinlh, Grand Junction, Memphis, Louisville, and St. Louis, can take either train and make close connections. THROUGH TICKETS and Baggage Checked through to the above places. PULLMAN’S PALACE SLEEPING CARS on all Night Passenger Trains. No change of cars on Night Passenger and Mail Trains between Augusta and West Point. E. W. COLE, General Superintendent. Augusta, Ga., Juno 16, 1868. jel7—tf CHANGE OF SCHEDULE OK Macou and Augusta Railroad. ZAN AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY 11, 1868, ’.7 the Trains ou this Road will run as fol lows; Leave Camak daily at 2.40 p.m. Leave Milledgeville...., > 5.30 a-m. Arrive at Mi11edgevi11e..,......, 6.20 p.m. Arrive at Camak...... 8.55 sum. Passengers leaving Augusta’or Atlanta on the Day Passenger Train of the Georgia Railroad will make close connections at Camak for inter mediate points on the above Road, and also for Macon. Passengers leaving Milledgeville at 5,3(1 a. ui. reaches Atlanta and Augusta the same day, and will make close connections at cither place for the principal points in adjoining States, K. W COLE, my 10—ts (lenciulSujiciintenifciil. Change of Schedule.—Central R- R. -gM.Wk.-jEESaEfea ON AND ARTUR WEDNESDAY, JULY l»r, 1868, the following Schedule will be run on thtf Central Railroad: DAY TRAIN. Leave Augusta at.— 8.45 A. M. Arrive at Savannah, i-'-a 6.15 I’. M. Arrive at Maeon 7.30 I’. M. Leave Savannah 8.00 A. M. Arrive at Augusta 6.38 P. M. Arrive at Maeon 7.30 P. M. Leave Maoon at 6.55 A. M. Arrive at Auguste 5.88 P.M. Arrive at Savannah. *...6.15 P. M. NIGHT TRAIN. Leave Augusta at 9.33 P. Al. Arrive at 5avannah.;......................5.10 A. M. Arrive at Macon 6.55 A. M. Leave Savannah at....i.... T. 50 P. M. Arrive at Auguste.. 3.13 A. M. Arrive at Macon— 6.55 A. M. Leave Macon at r 6.25 I’.M. Arrive at Augusta at 3.13 A- M- Arrive at Savannah at S.TQ A. M. 2gffi.Passengers on Night Train from Augusta will run through taS avannoh, Macon, Columbus and Montgomery, without change of cars. Passengers on Day Train from Augusta will make close connection at Milieu,and change curs for Savannah and Macon. Passengers for Milledgvillo and Eatobton will take Day Train from Augusta,Sundays exceplcd. The Union Passenger Depot (G. R. R.) will be ukod fur arrival and departure of trains. A. F. BUTLER, Agent, jyl—tf j Central R. R. NATIONAL STEAMSHIP CO. STEAMERS WEEKLY FROM LIVERPOOL AND NEW YORK, calling at. QUKIiNS TOWN. A Steamship of thia line, consisting of the FRANCE........Capt. Grace 3.512 tons. ENGLAND Uapt.Thompson.....3,lso “ THE QUEEN.. ..Capt. Grogan 3,517 “' HELVETIA Capt. Cutting 3,315 ‘ ERIN. Capt. Hall 3,31(1 ■ DENMARK......Cant.Thomson 3.UZ '! PENNSYLVANIA.Capt. Lewis 2,872 “ VIRGINIA Capt. Prowse 2,876 “ Leaves Pier 47 North River, every Sntwlay. at 12 o’clock M. The size of all these Steamships admits of very sparions State Rooms, opening dirptly i»t<> tlty Saloon, the accommodations and fare are uusun paaaed, and the rates lower than atty tft-her line. An experienced Surgeon on each ship, free \>f charge. Tickets are issued id this country to par ties wishing to prepay the passage of their friends from Liverpool or Queenstown (Ireland) for $35 payable here in currency. Drafts issued at the lowest rules of Exchange for any amount, payable at any Bank in Grea Britain and Ireland. Passage from New York to Queenstown or Liverpool CAB.IN,SI(M) Currency; STEERAGE, $25, Currency For Freight or Cab'ii Passage ap|>ly at the Offices of the Company, 37 Broadway; and for steerage tickets at the Passage Office of the Cmti nany, 27 Broadway. New Yosk. myD-ly F. W. J. HURST, Manager. Postponed U S. Marshal’s Sale UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT of fieri facias issued out of the honwable the Fifth Circuit Court of the United States for the Southern District of Georgia, in favor of the plais tiff, in the following case, to-wit; George W. Hatch vs. the Bank of Commerce, I hive levied upon, as the property of the defotiflant, the Bank of Commerce, part of lot of land Numbered ton (10), Jekyi Tything, Derby Ward, together, with all tbe improvements thereon, consisting ol n building, known as the Bank of Commerce Build ing, situate, lying, and being in the city of Sa vnnuai,. eouuty of (Jbathain. and State of Georgia, and will sell the same at public aubl ion, at die Court Mouse, in the city of Savannah. Chatham county, Georgia, on, the FIRST TUESDAY IN OCTOBER next, between the lawful iiours of sale. Dated Savannah. Ga., May 29tli, 1858. WM G. DICKSON. sep2-lawtw U. S. Marslil United States Marshal's Sale. F [NITED STATES OF AMERICA—SOUTII ERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA. JOHN T. DORAN, LiheUant, 1 vs. J IN Sloop Mariam AHO CAROtitty, t Her Boats, Tackle, Apparel | ADMIRALTY. »nd Furniture. J ~ Under and by virtue of a writ of wnAHoac exptmat issued out of tbe Honorable the District Court of the United States for the Southern Dis tract of Georgia, in the übove entitled caose. dated September 18, 1868, to me directed and delivered, I will eefl at Public Ancuon. oh TUESDAY, the 15th day of SEPTEMBER igstant, between the legal hour* of sale, before the Court House, iu the city of Savannah, Ga., the Sloop Mariam and Caroline, her Boats, Tackle, Apparel and Fural, tare. Dated at Savannali, Ga., this Itlth day of Sep tember, 1868. WM. G. DICKSON, sepl2-td U. S. Maraliai, District of Goorgiu. ACCOHDBON AND FLUTINA BOOKS WINNER’S GUIDE; 75 OBNTS: NEW Method, 75 ete. Jewett * Teacher, 75 ote. CunnabeU* Accurdeon, 50 eta. Aecnrdebn with out a Master, 50 eta. Hewe’s Instructor, 50 ctm; the same, abridged, 80 eta. Howe’s Aceerdcon Songster, 75 eta. Howe’e New School for Ger man Aecordeon, 60 cts. Ethiopian Aeeordeon, 50 ct*. Alberti’S Gteman Aceurdw u, 78 eta. Bowe’s Belf-Jn struct or for Accrirdeon an* Flu- Hns, 50 eta. Wang’s Instrtister, 50 cts. The preceding contain laatructiurn and Music. In addition to these, we have the following collcc tioas of -Popular Musier Winner’* Excelsior, 75 eta. The Fhstiaa, 60 eta. Mailed, best-paid. fIUVER IHTSON <f- CO., '-a. r Boston. C. H. DI» W A 00., m. 27 —ts , • New Yerk. Hail Road Schedules. Change of Schedule. OrriOK ffi. C. R. B. Co M 1 Auovsta, Ga., May 1, 1868. J Afast new York through mail and Passenger Train, direct from Augusta. Ga., to Wilmington, N. C-, WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS, will commence running on Sunday, May 10th, as follows: MORNING MAIL AND PASSENGER TRAIB For Charleston, connecting with Train for ud‘ lumbia, South Carolina, Charlotte Road, and tViliniugton and Manchester Railroad- Leave Augusta Central Joint Depot at...3:10 a. ui. Arrive “ n " “ ...9:45?. in Passengers fer Charleston and Columbia, §. C., and parts beyond, are respectfully requested NOT to take this Train, as it doos not make con nection with any Train for abevo poiats. They will please take Train leaving Central Joint Depot at 5 50 a. m. <• “ «' •• .......4:00 p. m. 11. T. I’KA-KE, myS-td Gen’l Sup’t. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD GENERAL SUFI’S OFFICE, I Übahi-estoh, S. C., March 26, 1868. I ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, MARCH 29th, tbs Passenger Trains qf tho South Carolina Railroad will run as follows : FOR AUGUSTA. Leave Charleston..... ’ 6.80 a. m. Arrive at Augusta ;..... 3JW p. to. Connecting with trains for Montgomery, Mem phis, Nashville and Npw Orleans, via Mont’- gomery and Grand Junction. FOR COLUMBIA. Leave Charleston 6.30 p. nj- Arrive at Columbia - 3.50 p. in. Connecting with Wilmington and Manchester Railroad, Charlotte and South Cwrblina Railroad and Camden train. FOR CHARLESTON. Leave Augusta 6.00 a iu. Arrive at Charleston.. .......... 3.10 p. m. Leave Columbia a. 1 ..... 6.00 a.m. Arrive at Charleston 3.10 p. in. AUGUSTA NIGHT EXPRESS. (SUSDAVS BXCEFTED.) Leave Charleston 7-30 p. bi. Arrive at Augusta.... 6.45 a. in. Connecting with trains for MeuipMs, Nash'- . villa and New Orleans, via Grand Junction. Leave Augusta 4.10 p. in. Arrive at Charleston dJi® p- m. COLUMBIA NIGHT EXPRESS. (SOSnATS EXCEI-TED.) Leave Charleston., 5.40 a. m. Arrive at Columbia 6.20 a. m- Connecting (Sundays excepted) with Green villa and Columbia Railroad. Leave C01umbia....... 5.30 j». ui. Arrive at Charleston.... 5.30 a. m. CAMDEN BRANCH. On Ifondayt, Wednesdays and Satirdagn. Leave Kingvillc 2.20 p. in. Arrive at Caindtn :........... 5.00 p. m. Leave Camden- 3.10 a.m. Arrive at Kingvillc.., 7 40 a. m. (Signed) 11. T. I’EAKB, jc IS General Sup<-riutendciit. Change of Schedule. GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT’S OFFICE, Atlantic A Guaf Railroad CtmrANr, Savannah, April lOtb, 1868 ON AND AFTER SUNDAY, THE 12m instant, tho Schedule of I’ASSENGER TRIANS on this Road will be as follows: Leave Savannali (daily, Sundays ex cepted) at.. 4:00 p. hi. Arrive at Bainbridge 6:30 a. in. Arrive at Live Oak 2:05 a. ui. Arrive at Jacksonville.... 7:30 a. m. LeavaJaeitsi>tiville(Sundaysfexcoptcd) 8:50 p.m. ■ Leave Live Oak.. 2:30 a. m. Leave Bainbridge (Sundays excepted) 19:00 p. m. Arrive at Savannah,....,... 1:00 p.m PULLMAN’S PALACE SLEEPING CARS run ihrough from Savannah to Jacksonville. Steamer Hattie loavas Jacksonville for Palatka every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at.; 9.60 a- w- Returning every Ahind«y, Wednesday, and Friday, at ~..4:09 p. m. Steamer Darlington leaves JaokeonVillc for Enterprise every Sunday, at 9:00 u. m. Returning, arrive at Jacksonville Thursday, at., 4:00 p. ui. •£■B" Through tickets by this lino as low as by a*y other. Passengers for St. Augustine have choice of Line of Stages daily from Jacksonville, or from Picolata on arrival of boats. Connect at Baldwin with Florida Railroad, daily, to Gainesville and Fernandina. Train for Cedar Keys leaves Baldwin on Mon day aud Friday ; returning, arrives at Baldwin on Tuesday and Saturday. Sleatnors leave Bainbridge for Columbus, liu faula, and Fort Games on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, on arrival of train; returning, arrives at Bainbridge on same days. H. S. HAINES, a? 26 —ts General Superintendent. New and Most Direct R O U V I’l CAIRO, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, AND ALL IMPORTANT POINTS , WES'!’ AND NOliH l IWEST. S VIA THE Mashville and Chattanooga, f . AXI> > TVa»hviUe and .3iorthwestern K.K 5 T?ROM ATLANTA TO ST. LOUIS, B 1’ 202 miles shorter than via Memphis. ) From Atlanta to St. Louis, 27 miles shorter than via Cormth. .. From Atlanta to St. Denis. 151 miles shorter than via Indi:i»a|n>lis, ’ From Atlanta to St. Loafs, 10W miles shorter than via Louisville. TWO DAILY TRAINS Leave Atlanta, making close conneelion at Cbsl tannoga for NASHVILLE, PADUCAH, UAHIO, < CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, and all important pointe Northwest. HUMBOLT, JACKSON (Tenn), MEMPHIS, JACKSON (Miss;), VICKSBURG. , NEW ORLEANS, MOBILE, mid all other petals South mid Soutiiwost. ’ THROUGH TICKETS, via Memphis, to Vicks Iwug and New Orleans, good either by RAIL or RIVER from Memphie. j Five hours quickerto Memphis,and no delay at Chattanooga by this ronte. Fifteen hours and j twenty minute deray if yon have tii-kete via Mem , phis &. Charleston Railroad. J At Nashville, Trains of the Nashville & ClteUg nooga mid Nashville and Northwestern Railways ARRIVE AT AND DEPART FROM TifE SAME DEPOT, thus avoiding Omni has Transfer. : —o — ONLY TWO CHANGES i Between Chattanooga and St. lin kumn. 1 Meals aud State Rooms on Bl earners Free. PALACE SLEEPING CARS on all Night Trains. k AMPLETIME GIVEN FOM MEALS. BAG GAGE CHECKED THROUGH. Passengers always save Trouble, Time and Money by PURCHASING THROUGH TICK ETS. Be sure to ask for Tickets via Nimliyiljv *. Northwestern Railway. THROUGH FREIGHT forwarded with' dis fiati-h and safely. Water carriage from S;. laiuis, New Or (eons and .Memphis and other points to Hickmzn and from Hickman to Atlanta, Augusta, Macon and Mwitgomerv. ct®., withoct chasgx of oaßg. Corn froniSt Louis to Augusta... 46 perbushel Flour from St Louis to Augusta.... 2. iWperlrarrel Aud equally low rates on other goods. . WM.Y.INNFfti. XD. MANEY. Receiver and Gen’lSupt. Gen'l Ticket Agent. M. GRANT, Gen l Freight Agent. may 16-3|n , _. .< , r _ .. UOKTH GEKMAH LLOYD. STEAM BETWEEN NEW YORK AND BREMEN via SOUTHAMPTON. The Screw Steadier# of the North Gcrmen Lloyd ran regularly between New York. Bremen and Somhamptefi earn ing the United States Mail. FROM BKffiMEN, .EVERYSATURDAY. FROMBOUTHAMFroN,EVERY TUESDAY. ; FROM NEW YORK .... EVERY THURSDAY. Price Os Passage—From New York to Bremen, laindbm. Havre, mid Sontlattnpton—First Calite; ♦WO-,Second Cafol, Steerage. |35. Ftomßre men to New York—WratCabin, $120; .Second Ca : bin ,472; Bteemrt*. FMeete pawage payable i lugoid., »» ' » ; ’ «-» Tnese VLSS< Is take frefcht to London and Hull f for which tbrough bills of lading are signed. An experienced -surgeon ie attached to eaei; . eoM*L • . -w i ( AU letters niiret pass through tbe Pott office. , JSf*No Rills O s Lading iirt thosexd the-Coßi j iWis of Ladiug will positively not he defireren ' * e st re B'*°ds are leai-ed at tiieUnrtoto House. ' JS?"Spetie taken to Havre, Soafhmhptoe :Ad Bremou at the Lxsyest rates. t For passage !u>pl? to ' . » OJsLRIC Uh Ac Co. xrrfh-mm - » rat B t .md « York Rail Road Schedules. Western and Atlantic Kailroad. LuisaSi kifcsiisi rYN ASD AFTER MAY 12th, 1868, PAS I ’ SENG ER TRAINS will rnn as follows : GOING NORTH. Leave Atlanta. 8.15 A. M.daily (except Sundays) Express Pas senger.—Arrive at Chattanooga 4.45 n. m.. connecting with trains of Nashville and Chattanooga Railroad for Nashville, Louisville, and the Wert, and for New York and other Eastern cities, vin Lonjs vitie; also with trains of Memphis aud Charlestou Railroad, for Memphis, New Orleans, etc. 4.15 P. M. daily (except Sundays) Dalton Ac cominodutiou. —Arrive at Mariettaut 5.55 pin., Cartersville 8.13 p.m., Kingston 9.19 p.m., Dalton 12.32 a.ui. 7.00 P. M. Daily Great Noilhern Mail.—Ar rive at Dalton 1.20 u.m., connecting with trains for Knoxville, Lynchburg, Wash ington, Baltimore, Philadelphia,and New York. Arrive at Chattanooga at 4.00 nan., connecting with trains of Nakhville HmiClnntanooga Railroad Toe Nashville, Lonisville, ana the West, and for New York and other Eastern cities, via Louis ville ; also with trains of Memphis and Charleston Railroad for Memphis, St. r Lottis, and the Wtftt. COMING SOUTH. ARRIVE AT ATLANTA. 3.45 A. M. L’aily Great Southern Mail.—Leav ing Chattanooga at 7 10 p m., connecting with trains of Nashville and Chatta nooga and Memphis and Charleston Rail road*, and Dalton at 11.48 p.m-, con necting with trains of E. T- und Georgia Railroad. 11.00 A. M. daily (except Sundays) Dalton Ac commodation. —Leave Dalton at 2.15 a. m., Kingston 5.23 a.m., Cartersville 6.18 a.m., Marietta at 9,27 a.m. 1.10 I’. M. Daily (except Sundays) Express Passenger.—Leave Chattanooga at 4.30, connecting with trains of Nash ville anid ChattaiKioga, ami Mvtaphiaand Charleston Railroads. Pullman’s Patent Sleeping Coaches on ALL NIGHT TRAINS. E. B. WALKER, aug3o-tf Master of Transportation. Daily Passenger Line BETWEEN ATLANTA AND NEW YORK, I’lUl.AllELl’niA, WASHINGTON, AND OTHER Eastern Cities, Via Wes torn and Atlantic AND Virgiua and Tennessee Railways. ALL RAIL ROUTE. TIME TABLE, FRIDAY, MAY |st, IS6B. .MHt'lH, Leave Atlanta at 7.7 00 Leave Da1t0n...... 2 30 a.m. Leave Knoxville. 11 17 a.m. Leave Bristol 7 18 p.m. Leave Lynchburg 9 00 a.m. Leave Washington.. 7 00 p.m. Leave Baltimore.... 8 55 jam. Leave Philadelphia 1 22 a.m. Arrive at New Y0rk..... 5 20 a.m. SOUTH. Leave New York 7 30 p.m. Reave Philadelphia 11 00 p.m. Leave Baltimore. ; 3 50 a.m. Leave Washington Ii ,30 a.m. Leave Lynchburg 5 2a p.m. Leave Bristol 7 10 a.m. Leave Knoxville 2 jlip.m. Leave Dalton 9 48 p.m. Arrive at Atlanta 4 45 a.m. Time between Atlanta and New York, 57 hours. jaSTlhe GREA’I) MAIL between Atlanta and New York is carried exclusively by tjii* Line. Sleeping Coaches on all Night Trains. Through Tickets Good until used, and Baggage Checked Through to all important points. E. B. WALK Mt, Master of Transportation, augJO—3m W. A A. it. 1 8 6 8. Summer Arrangement. GKEAT WESTERN Passenger Route TO THE NORTH AND EAST, VIA LOUISVILLE, CINCINNATI, OR Indianapolis. Passengers by this Rout* have choice, of twenty-five differvirt Routes to NEW YORK, PHILADELI’niA, BALTIMORE and WASHINGTON. Passenger* holding Tickets by this Route to New York, Philadelphia, or Baltimore, can visit Washington withottt extra charge. Fare same as via or Augusta. Trains leave Atlanta DAILY, at 8.15 a. m., and. 7 p. m., after arrival of all Southern Trains, and make close cotineetreat to above Mamed cities. . •.-' K ; ■) . / , Cheek Baggage to will be ■ie-cheelfinr to deetinfit'on Trains of Louis ville and Nashville Railroad before arrival at Louieville. -V -v u- MAGNmORNT SLEEPING GARS ON Ap* TRAINS. Ample time for Meals, and good Hotels. ASK WR'HCKEWVIA LOUISVILLE. Tickets by tbb> Routrtfor tale al the General Ticket Ofiee, Atlaitt#. < . . E..8. WALKER, Masteriof Tc.'riifrofttitibu,, angl6—3m 1 ‘ ' Wlrf- A. H. R. "O *v> JEWw JCww JEBib PILLS. ,' 11 : DR. RADWATB PILLS Dow For Regulating the Liver, Stomach, Bowels, and Kidneys, Ons Pill at A’foAt. For Obstinate Diseases and Chronic complaints 4 to 6 every 24 hours. As a Dinner Pin, one Pill one hour before dining will ensure a good appetite, and healthy digestion. Dr. RADWAFS PILL* are COMPOUNDED FROM VEGE TABLE EXTRACTS, Coated with Sweet Gam, and are the best, quickest, and safest Purga tive, Aperient. Anll-Bllious and Cathartic Medicine known to Medical Science. One of Dr. Rad way's Pills con tains more of the active princi ple of cure, and will act quicker on the Elver, Bowels, Stomach, Kidneys, Bladder, Blood, dec., than four or six or the ordinary common Purgative Cathartic Pills sold under various names, or than ten grains of Blue Mass. TRUE COMFORT FOR THE AGED AND OTHERS AFFLICTED WITH COS ’ TiVENESS AND PARALYSIS OF THE BOWELS. ONE TO THREE OF RADWAY’B FILM once in 24 hours will secure regular evacua tions from the bowels. Persons who for 20 years have not enjoyed a natural stool, and have been compelled to ws injections, have been cured by a few doses of Radway’s Pills. read This. New Albany, Ind., March 12, 1867. For forty years I have been afflicted with costiveness, and for the last twenty was com pelled daily to resort to injections to secure an evacuation. In December last I com menced the use of Radway’s Pills. After taking a few doses, my liver, stomach, and bowels were restored to their natural strength and duties. I have now a regular movement once a day, and, although 80 years of age, feel as hearty and strong as I did <0 years ago. Dr. Radway, N. Y. Thos. Rbbfath, J. P. MECHANICAL DISEASES. Persons engaged in Paints, Minerals, Plumbers, Type Setters, Goldbeaters, Miners, as they advance in life, will be subject to paralysis of the bowels; to guard against tills, take a dose of Radway’s Pills once or twice a week as a Preventive. DR. RADWAY’SfWLS CURE AU DISEASES Os the Stomach, Elver, Bow els, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous Diseases, Headache, Constipa tion, Costiveness, Indigestion. Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Bilious Fever, Inflammation of the Bowels, Piles, and all derange* ments of the Internal Viscera.— One to six boxes warranted to effect a positive cure. Purely vegetable, containing no mer cury, minerals, or deleterious Drugs. Dr. Radway’s Pills sold by all Druggists and Country Mer chants. Price, 85 Cents. HIGH ENDORSEMENT FROM THI MEDICAL COLLEGE OF PRUSSIA. DR. RADWAY Il in receipt of an Important official docu ment, signed by the Professors of ths Medical College of Breslau, Prussia, embodying the result of an analysis of SADWAY'S REGULATING PHU. " The Faculty of the College state in their report that after a cartful and minute examina lion, they have the honor to state that “ the pills are not only free from every substance injurious to health, but are composed wholly of substances and elements promotive of digestion, and certain at the same time to act favorably upon the nervous system, &a, &c. They state, farther, that the usurious rumors set afloat by the Prussian apothe caries originated “in a mean spirit of trade jealousy, excited by the great celebrity at tained by the PiUs within a very brief period." Signed on behalf of the College, DB. PHIL. THEOBALD WEBNER, Drobr e/ Oc Polytechnic Buna*. DB, HESSE, Krd JMdaA INDIGESTION I In cases where natural evacuations are difficult to secure, and a quick discharge is essential, take six of Radway’s Pills and pul verize them,—taktf the pill powder in water or preserves,—in half an hour they will ope rate. We have known the most distressing pains of Gastritis, Bilious Cholic, Inflamma tion, Congestion, dec., stopped, and the re tained irritating humors expelled from the bowels in thirty minutes by this treatment. It is however, better in chronic cases to take the pills as W * re > 1?t thens ig»*dnally dissolve in the stomach. These Pills possess in the Yghest degree cathartic, aperient, tonic, and diapharetic properties. They de do not weaken or debilitate the system or any of its organa, and will leave the bowels regular and healthy. Thsy and equal ize the circulation of the blood. No conges tion or inflammation will occur .while the system is under their influence. Price 21 . cento per box, or 6 boxes for eno dollar. Sold by PLUMB & LEITNER, uiha—uy. Augusta, Ga. GREAT DISTRIBUTION By THE METROPOLITAN GIFT COM PANY.—Cash Gifts to the amount es $950,01)0.— Every Ticket Draws a Prize. 5 Cash Gifts, each SIO,OOO. a 10 “ ■ “ 5,000. o» “ “ 1.000. 40 • “ “ 500. 200 “ •• 100. 300 “ “ 50. 75 Elegant Rosewood Pianos, each S3OO to $750 35 .** “ Melodeons, each $75 to 150 500 Sewing Machines, each S6O to $175 .500 Fine Gold Watches, iwh $75 to S3OO Cash Fracs. Silver Ware, etc., all valued at $1,000,000. A chance to draw any of the above Prizes for 25c. Tickets describing Prises are sealep in Envelopes and well mixed. On receipt of 25c. a Scaled Ticket is drawn without choice and eetit by mail to any address. Tiro Prize named upon it will be delivered to the ticket-holder on pay ment cf ONE KOLLAR. Prizes are immediately sent to any address by express or return mail. Yon will know what your prize is before you pay for it Any Prize exchanged for another of same value. No Blanks. Our patrons can depend on fair dealing. Refeiiooes :—We select the following from many who have lately drawn Valuable Prizes and kindly permitted ns to publish thems S. T. Wilkins, Buffalo. $5.(100; Miss Annie Monroe, Chicago, Piano,'s6so; John D. Moore, Louie viile, $1,060: Miss Emma Walworth, Milwaukee, Piano, $500:1 Rev. E. A: Day, New Oceans, SSOO. Wepublish no names without permission, Qpjnloss suss Press: —“ The firm is relia ble, ami deserve their success.' — Weekly Tri tunc, Aug. 8. “We know them to be a fair deal ing firm.”— New * JThrfc Herald, Aug. 28. "A ' friend of ours drew a SSOO Prize, winch .was promptly received.”— D/fikf Afers, Sep, 3. Segd for circnhir. Liberal inducements to ' Agents. Satisfaction guaranteed. Every pack age of scaled envoh>!>ea contain x»'t cash oir-w « Six Tickets forsl: 13 for $2; 35 for $I; 110 for sls. < . ■ All Letters should be addressed to HIUrRR. Wtf.sov Ar VO., it 3 rtromlwSy, N> Y. t ... r ~ . -, ' Book djnmmu- ' . . .-> - AM, BLANK HOi«.JtAHIU<ACIOI4¥,; - • > ' ■ IW ftM'St’tel, Augusta, tta. PUGHE’S Book and Job PRINTING OFFICE 190 BROAII AND 153 ELLIS STREETS O - THIS ESTABLISHMENT IS NOW JUI.i.Y -SUPPLIED WITH HESSES, w TYPE, BORDERS ORNAMENTS, CUTS, Etc., Etc., . Etc., Etc OF THE LATEST AND MOST IMPROVED STYLES! And is ready to execute every descrip- • tion oi BOOK AID JOB MW IN A FIRST CLASS MANNER AND ON REAS ONABLE TERMS BILLHEADS, CIRCULARS BRIEFS, CHECKS POSTERS, LABELS, CARDS OF ALL STYLES AND SIZES PAMPHLETS, BILLS LADING, . BLANKS OF ALL KINDS, WEDDING CARDS, VISITING CARDS BALL TICKETS, STEAMBOAT BILLS' r - ' '-9 ’ ' DRAY RECEIPTS, BILLS OF FARE AUCTION BILLS, HAND BILLS HEADINGS FOR BOOKS, PROGRAMMES, INVITATIONS • DRAFTS AND NOTES, ETC. ETC., ETC., ETC. :o:—— PRINTING'*IN COLORS. Headings printed and Books ruled and bound to order. ttgg* Checks, Drulls, and No i 1 nd bound to order. !. ■ . • / 1 : .,yS-o. ...‘e- Merchants and others in want or JOB PRINTING Os aayjkind, will find it greatly to their advantage to leave (heir orders at - « . ■ . PUGHE 8 JOB PRINTING OFFICE, 190 ERO AB 'A 153 ELLIS ST, .-AS - . i • • ■■ . AugiiMa, <4a. •- 1 jissr. “Unquestionably the l-4- kind in?EMENT Harper’s-t s and lathe Number for Woman’» Kingdom: . Mutock Craik, Author o'* man,"eta. - • $321,751 ] 9 The HXiat popular Mppttoy ,272,278 j. York Observer. . ’ .V , It meets precisely the popular www%, nj . pleasing aud instructing variety of reiutii.... lu «» Zion's IfcroM. Boston. ' . B ,ljr all. A complete Pictorial History of the 'fj. Harper’s Weekly. AN ILLUSTRATED NEWSPAPj.;,. In the first Nnmbev for 1868 was issue of “ The Moonstone," a Novel Collins, Author of “The Woman in Whip. ■' '''* The model newspaper of oin tOTlntr Steening Post. • ~ 1 The articles upon public quOMioiis whj.. ( . in Hainer s Weekly are from a rcmarl-.ii of brief political essays.- -North jSaVi** An Ulurtated Weekly Journal of sure,and instruction. ' rl(i Harper’s Bazar. In it is now being published' 1 The (•„ Creese,’’ a Novel, by James De Milie. " The Bazar, as an intelligent critic un UII a ii . imne topice, will doubtless become the o, ™ American newspapers.— Albion. * 0 . TERMS FOR HARTER’S PERIODIC n Harper’s Magazine, One Year... ju m Harper’s Weekly, One Year... ’4 Uh Harper’s Bazar, One Year. 1 pa Harper’s Magazine, Harper's Weekly Harper s Bazar, to one address r„. ...•’ $lO 00 ;or any two for $7 00. ’ ulre yw Au extra Copy of either the Magazine, Went, or Bazar will be supplied gratis for every Club Five Subscribers at $1 00 each, in one romiti.7. or Six Copice for S2O 00. Bound Volumes of the Magazine, each continuing the Numbers of Six liontb, wil'T furnished for $3 00 per Vloume, sent by postage paid Bound Volumes of the Weekly a,h containing the Numbers for a Year, will L. . . nished for $7 Ott, freight paid by the Pablisher The Postage within the United States is for t k Magazine 24 cents .a year, for the Weekly or B lZal 20 cents a year, payable yearly, semi-yesrlv' < quarterly at the office where received. Ssbschi lion from the Dominion of Canada must be aco „ panied with 24 cents additional for the MaMziii. or 20 cents for theWeckly or Bazaai .to p l e ,u, v , United States postage. Subscribers to the Magazine, Weekly or Baz dl will find on each wrapper the Number with wl io their subscription expires. Each paHMical stopped when the term of subscription closer h is not necessary to give notice of discoßtimtauir In ordering the Magazine, the W’eekly, or tie Bazar, the name and the address should be clearly written. When the direction is to be change both the old and the new one must be given In remitting by mail, a Post-Office Ordet .. Draft payable to the order of Harper & Brother, e (terfei able to Dank Notes, since, should the Or i or Draft be lost or stolen, it can be renewed «ie out loss to- the sender. * Terms son AnvEßTisiae ie Haiu-kkß ICAI.B. Harper s Magazine.— Whole Page, s2stl; Ity; Page, $125 : Quarter Page, s7o—each ineeitr n or, for a less space, $1 50 per line, each isreniit Harper’s Weekly.— lnside Pages, It 50 pei-tat Outside Page, $2 00 per Liue, each insert ion. Harper's tion. may'l3-ly BRITISH PERIODICALS HAHE LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW A (Conservative), THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig), THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Radical), THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Fi Church), » And BLACKWOOD’S EDIfiBVKGH MAM ZINE (Tory). ’ These periodicals are ably sustained by the contributions of the beat writers on Si imir, Religion, and General Literature, and stand »»■ rivalled in the world of letters. They sreindr. pensable to the scholar and the profmiowl man, and to every reading man, us they liirm-h a better record ol the current literature of the day than can be obtained from any otter source. TERMS FOR IWB. For any one of the Reviews. .$4.6(1 per an, For any two of the Reviews...... 7. |HI For ftny three of the Reviewstb.W For all four of the Reviews I" W “ For Blackwood’s Magazine 4.W1 For Blackwood and one Review... 7.00 For Blaekwood and any two of the Review5........10.00 For Blackwood and three of the Reviewsl3.oo For Blackwood and the 4 CLUB§. A discount of twenty per cent, will be alltw , ed to clubs of four or more persons. The. ’ four copies of Blackwood, or of one Rcritv. will be sent to one address for $12.80. Four copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood, fw S4B 00, and so on. POSTAGE.' - Subscribers should prepay by the quarter at ' the office of delivery. The postage to any part ®f the United States is two cents a number, This rate only applies to current subscription!. For back numbers the postage is double. PREMIUMS TO NEW subscribers. New subscribers to any two of the abo' e ; periodicals for 1868 wilt be entitled to rccervi gratis, any one of the four Reviews for IS"- New subscribers to all five of the periodial for 1868 may gratis, Blaekwood or any two of the four Reviews for 1867. Subscribers may obtain baek hnnibere atjw following reduced rates, viz.: ~ The North British D om January, 1863, to * 1 comber, 1867, inclusive; Edinburgh and Ite Westminster from April, 1864, to Beecmort 1867, inclusive, and the London Quarterly for the years 1865, 1866, and 1867, at the ratevi $1.50 a year for each or any Review; ak", Blackwood for 1866 and 1867, for |2.pU.a yea or the two years together for $4.00. Neither premiums to subscribers. discount to clubs, nor reduced prices ipi (’■ 1 - numbers, can be allowed, unless the nioni'j remitted direct to the Publishers. No premiums can be given to clubs. THE LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISHING U -140 Fulton street, N. V The L. 8. I’ublißhitrgCo., also pub^<> FARMER’S GUIDIR By Hbnby Stephens, of Edinburgh, ami !■' late J. P. Nobton, of Yale College. *' ." royal octavo, 1600 pages, and nunici ous trice fl for the two volumes— by,.“**‘’’l’? paid, SB. fthb-ML The Law Register, COMPRISING ALL THE LAWYERS I ths United States. THE STATE RECORD, eontainmg »'«^ jt „ and county officers, the organization, tion, and tonne of the Courts for every tu* DIRECTORY FOB lll^ ( UNITED STATES, containing the o“^ r ‘ ev the Federal Government, the duties ot »» ' ( oral departments, sketches of all the M”” ,' ra ; Congress, the officers and terins of th* C °THE COLLECTOR’S ASSISTANT, g l ’ the laws for collecting debts, execntoig " verifying claims, and taking tasillll ? u ?’ ir ..ful forms for evfery State, with much oth s , information: the whole constituting and business manual. , in Prepared from official returns by Jv ’ , txasTOß, of the New York Bar, Secretary Merchants’ Union Law Company- -.e.nts - New York: Published by ih« Union Law Company, No. 126 ? r<>l ‘“* Floor (in the American Exchange Bank Building.) „Hre.-- The Book wHI be aent, prepaid, to *"? "pol.- in the United States on receipt, of 8f LARS; or, it will bo forwarded with bill, to he paid on delivery. UKOR44II Breakfast. Dinner, and Supper PERSONS LEAVING AUCOTTA \ either morning s ereft in g Fnawnpr bf or Atlanta by msreing Passenger Tre • t ,aay of the Freight Trains, can a,w * S>QD MKAL s” BERZELIAr WM'F from" AuguAfo, on the.foargtaß«)r-! T ' mhSl--if P *« ,rißU ' r ’