The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, September 26, 1868, Image 3

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XationalHtpnlilitan Official City Paper. tiR«BBT cityTircvlation. AX' C 4 VSTA . <>A • > SATURDAY MORNlNG.'...September 2«, I<M Miniature Almanac for Sept., 1888- SATURDAY, MFTEMDER 26. - un Rises 5.51 I Sun Sett 4.52 MOON’S PHASES. Fell Moon—Sept. Ist, 10.48, avening. Last Quarter— Sept. 9, 4.Mf evening. New Moon—Sept, ifcth, 8.11, morning. First Quarter— Sept. 33d, 10.14, morning. Range of Thermometer. At Tas Navioual RrrvnticAn Ornci, September 15, 1888. 9 «.». 1 13 m l Sp.w. I | 80< I 87- I M' I 84- | 80' ThetSrectaw Bernd! It has’arrived, and was on Broad ssreet yesterday, and attracted coueiderable at tention. Cholera Morbus! Umph! Singular U*a«. ~ A very singular ease «•*“ up before Justice Doxufi yesterday, involving certain rights under certain circumstances, in which a certain young man and lady were deeply interested. As every case brought before the courts involves justice and right, the public are therefore interested, not only in the decision of the Court, but in the character of the parties engaged, and the nature of the offense. We will refer to this matter again when we are more thoroughly posted. ___ The People’s Magazine. We have reccided the September number of the Pwptet Magaziiv. It is filled with choice reading, and has several beautiful engravings. Address, Pott & Ambry, 5 and 13 Cooper Union, New York. An Unwwrlky Beggar. A one-legged man, claiming to be a Con federate soldier and an Italian, has been going around the city for some weeks bog ging from house to house. Yesterday he went to several houses in the lower part of the city, on his begging mission, and in sulted the ladies ol the house. At one place he was particularly obnoxious, using all kinds of opprobious epithets and insult ing language, and threatening vengeance on the in tn at os. Wc think the police would do the community a service by looking after this drunken vagabond. (.•partnership Notice- Attention is invited to the copartnership o* Messrs. A.s. Ham. and Barber 4 Lathrop* Insurance Agents. All these gentlemen are experienced and reliable business mon, and deserve the success they are receiv ing- Theatre. , ..- k The lovers of’"the drama have a treat before them for Monday night, at Concert Hail, prepared by the popular Managen Mr. John Tempubton. The bill is a splendid -tine, and we know from the char acter of Mr. Tkmplbton’s Troupe that “ Little Barefoot” will bo rendered to per lection. This play has drawn crowded houses wherever it Ims been produced, and theatrical critics have termed it “ A No. 1.” The dancing, songs, and afterpiece, will also, no doubt, amuse the audience. Ho to Concert HalL- ... . An OmireioH. We inadvertently omitted in our last issue to call attention to the satisfactory official statement of the Freedmen’s Savings Insti tute, corner Jackson and Ellis streets. The liest way For people to save money is to do posit it in a savings institution. Our labor ing population, by promptly depositing a port km of their earnings, as fast as received, will accumulate much more than they have any idea of, which will he serviceable when the inevitable “rainy day’’ shall arrive. t Uaußerews toaanterfeit- A very dangerous counterfeit $5 Treasury note has made its appearauce at the East, and wilt probably , soon find its way to the South. The'easiest mode of detection is by the green ornamental engraving length, wise across the middle of the bill, which in the counterfeit ta a paler color, pnd conse quently has a brighter look than the dark green of the original, been under a mi croscope, the engraving of the counterfeit is coarser than the orignal, and there are some misplacements or omissions, but to the naked eye it presents a genuine appearance —--—•* ; ■. “them* up (• tMe-Uck-Losr.” Nary cent just now against the Ku-Klux, Not a dollar on the first heat or first quartet 1 , and no allowance for cripple critters. Come, "Democrat, 0 no dodging, let us have a square bet on the race and the winner take the money. Whole families want the money, and I ‘that's whal't the matter!'' ' . .. S2OO Max. . _ “a AdvertbKMßt.■ k.h. B. Iladway’s Regulating Pills arc composed of vegetable extracts (prepared in vaeuc), free from all inert, crude, or irritating sub stances. The first dose commeneee its work oi purifying the blood, regulating the liver, cleaa-jing the stomach and inlast and purging front the system all acrimonious and corrupt humors. One piß, taken tyo hours before dinner, will create a good appe tite and insure a healthy digestion. ffifc.—Hite ou the stomach will be elimi nated by one dose of the ptik—say from four to six th number. When the liver is in a torpid slate, nothing can bo better than Rad way’s Regulating Pills. They purge easily, are mild ip operation, and when taken are perfectly tastelaas, being elegantly coated with gum. ; They are recommended lor the <ur» ot all disorders of the stomach, liver, kidneys, uervnos diseases, indigestrau, dys : pepsia, biliousness, bilious feVer, inflamma tion ©f the- bowels, piles, and symptoms resulting from the disorders of the digestive organa. , , - - - - TAe 4p<d suffer from coativsuess and paralysis of the bowels, and may have to use injections to keep the bowel* open. Take two to four of Rad Way’s Pills every night; •n a few weeks the bowels, liver, kidneys, ete., wifi - be raeiored to sound health anti strength—a regular discharge from the bow eh will be secured daily. See Dr. Radway’s Almanac for 1868. R. R-R. sold by Druggists. sop2o 2w • * COMMERCIAL Friday, Sept. 25— p, 11. 1 FINANCIAL.—tJohI is dull and declining; buying at *1.44*1.41 and retting at $1,42; ao douraad. Sifter 1# per cent. tew. EXCHANOR.-’N.w York, buying at par, fell ing at 1 premium. Boston, buying at S discount Philadelphia, buying at } diaooaat. Banks are cheeking at 1 premium. No demand. COTTON.—Sines our last review there haa been a good demand, resulting in the daily sale es all desirable tots offered at our rent quotations. Saturday and Monday’s sales were on the basis of 23Je„ st which price Tuesday’s market opened active but soon weakened in response to New York accounts, and closed dull at a half cent de cline. ■Wednesday’s market evinced a declining tendency, and closed at 21 io.; at thia price buy ore. yesterday, bought freely. To-day’e market opened with lower figures in prospect, but the tenor of New York accounts gave holder* renew ed confidence and enabled them to make sales at yesterday’s figures, tho market closing veyy qniet. BACON.—Clear Ribbed Sides, 18 to 14; Back bones, 173 to 18;,Shoulders, 18 ; Dry salt shoul dor. Ui } H»., 1* «a »?*, * .are J corn.—li. ‘.r-'VuJ OATS—7S to 800. WHEAT.—Rod 11.84 to $2.25; white $2.29 to $2.40. FLOUR.—City brands $10.50 to slß—retail $1 higher. Country mills $lO to sl2. • Oreen Loaf ROPE, 12} cents. BAGGING 2«J cents. • *■'. • >•/*», ■ ■ n - • "* i■ .* Augusta Prices Current Augusta, Ga., September 25, 1868. FINANCIAL. GRORGIA BANKS. Augusta Insuranceand Banking Uo,.s 0 a— Bank of Augusta. 73 a— Bonk of Athen5................ 5B a— Bank of Columbus 10 a— Bank of Commerce 6 * Bank of Fulton 45 a— Bank of the Empire State... 18 a— Bank of Middle Georgia. 91 a— Bank of Savannah 51 a— Bank of thogtateof Georgia 32 a— Central Railroad and Banking C 0.... 96 a— City Bank of Augusta 40 a— Fanners’and Mechanics’Bank...... 9 a— Georgia Railroad and Banking C 0... tel a— Marino Bank 96 » Mechanics’ Bank 1 a—• Merchants’ and Planters’ Bank 6 a— Timber Cutters* Bank. ~ a— Union Bank , if® R Planters’ Bank.l7 a -BOUTU CAROLINA BANKS. Bankof Camdcn.*...... ; ..‘M * Bank of Char1e5t0n................... a— Bank of Chester 8 a— Bank of Georgetown 8 a— Bank of Hamburg >4l a— Bank of Newberry 31a- Bank of South Carolina 9 a— Bank of the State of S. C., old tasue.. 13 a -of the State of 8. C., new issue 3 a— Commercial Bank, Columbia. ... .v.. 1 a— Exchange Bank, Columbia.. 8 a— Merchants’Cheraw.... s 8 a ~ Peoples’ Bank 52 a— Planters Biuk. 4 a—. Planters’ and Mechanics* 8ank...... 21 a— Southwestern Railroad, old 27 a— .Stateßank.... 3 a— Union Bank... 81 a— > . OLD BONDS, KTC. Georgia Railroad Bonds lOßJj'a “ “ Stock .......... 35 a- Centrul Railroad Bonds 105 a— !’ “ Stock.,.. ....... 130 »Z Southwestern Railroad 80nd5...... 100 a— “ “ Stock 98 a99 Atlanta and West Point Bonds ~.-. 100 a— *< “■ Stock 100 a— Macon & Augusta endorsed Bonds tlO a95 Macon A Augusta mortgag’d Bonds 80 a— Macon & Augusta Stock 35 a— Muscogee Railroad Bonds7s a 80 “ “ 5t0ck.....?... 75 a- Augnsta <k Columbia R. R. Slock.. 9 alO Augusta Bonds, old. 80 a— “ “ uew....M v S 3 a— COMMERCIAL. A/>vlrt— Green .per bM.. 500 a Dry bW. 800 *lO OU Peacliea— BreM-.......>-... lb.. 1» a U Unpeeled, no sales . a lb Baron— UtearMdes ,:a... H> a MM tong Clear lb.. • r 12 X Dry B*ll Shotriders lb.. 14 a .re Clear Bibbed Sides lb . * 18 KlbMtfK B. SM« Hr . K A SMndders ... M a Hanis . K .. lb.. 22 a Dry Balt C. R. Jtetf— Dried, Jb a Bayginfi and Rope— . Baoewo—Gunny yd.. 25 a 26 Dundee ...' yd.. a Baitaaa yd.. 14 a _ Bora—-Macliine, Hemp Or.. 1144“ 13 HalfCails . 12 a 12 H - Hand Spun ... lb . 9 a 14 Green Leaf>. 12 a 12% M*Din*.... ..... 25 a Ftex.. 8 a 10 Cotton... to - 38 a"' . r Hsnaburg, two bu5he15........... 24 a Shirting, “ “ JO a BnrUn 11 a Butter— ' Gotten,. » • £ Country 4 ..,.ib.. 18 a 25 Beet Wax— . Ye110w.... ..„lb.. •’ $5 • Candles— j . Sperm... lb 43 a o 0 Patent Sperm 60 » TO Adamantine fT. to.. 21 a g Tallow ... .... lb.. 18 a 20 Uandiei— “ . - .._ it • -TO French . .*. t i . ’ •• • -R>.. 7a <1 31 CAeete— „ ,' Goshen . .. to . <lB a 19 * Factory lb.. 19 a 20 BUt, lb M Cement— - ' ’ ' Hydraulic. bW . 50» aS 50 Coffee— -■ ' • • Ko,common . . to . 21 a Z 2 Fair to . 24 a 25 'Pria»...... TO a 26 Choice lb.. 26 a 27 Laguayra H> TO a 36 Malibar lb.. So a African to.. , W a C’oZton Cards— < ’ ’ No. 10...., Bomctlie CoUan fliHHis— • - g- • g M 4-4 ..I yd.. a 16 « •* 74 Drill yd . a 15 Hopewell, 7-8 : yd. 12«a 7 os. Osnabmgs —.... yd.. 4 17 Montour, 7-8 yd. a 18 Boz.Osuaburgs yd.. 10 a Osnabnrgßtripw ...... 0.. yd.. 18 a ■ Hiekcry Sirtpes rs yd.. 12.54* 18 Knttpoy Shirtiags,... a.ll .« . Graniteville Factory, 8-4 . ..yd.. a 11 « " 2-8..., ..yd.. a 13 “ “ 4-4 yd. a U “ n 7-BDri«.yd.. ’ a -15 Athens Checks yd . « 20 Athena Weal Jeans ......... yd.. 40 A 50 Athens Stripes ......yd . M a Apalachee Stripes yd .. Bock Factory, 7-8 yd.. I2Aa “ •* 4-4 yd.. 1* a < Yarns— Nas.»toß .....i.. 185 alto Noa.6toM, Fouteaoy a 1 05 Sh. rtings ana Shirtinas— New lark Mills yd.. TO a TO Lonsdale :....... yd.. 22>,a Hope .yd, TO a • Ticking— < Amoskeag, AC A.-.. yd., 45 * ' “ A Mtea . ; ? - R yd.. 32M “ C yd TO a “ D ,„ .y 4. ® a * r Conestoga, 4-4. ............yd 40 a Ml. “ W. fi.. 35 a Prisite— Jteumtog... »d.. 14, • > Wamtuta . .. ~..:v 5 .--.yd... 10)*a Freeman’s Oriental . yd , 14 s' ' -.yd.. -'l4 a Home CretDrt?" ~ IJtl'JllinWLC M ‘ - LT; Kw................•„ yd., is < C0mm0n,......., yu. UM* fad Cotton— . , •- -. Crete..;. ... AV..-....... .. .■.W.c'-Tfi B Ctafte’s dos., 115 a. Rlannels— ’ - AMWooI yd 26 a 78 » V. .«• Flour— •Couwav-SuMr 5..bb1.. MO 5$ XX bH aU 00 Gwrms*i>»l ..' bbl.. alO oO J kperflne.’,.. L. bbl.. all 00 - Aveuora Fi-ova Miua UormerG Qarmiehaet)- Canal ~., Us . alb be ’• Superfine . ...f ... b|#.. all 00 I Extra Ml.. Ott 50 Family bbl.. all 50 * XX.7:. .bH.. *U 00 Stock Feed— Yellow Meal Feed .... ~.<,.bm. a 1 30 ’ Cun Powder— e Rifle r.,... .keg 810 a 8 4-V - V - i-' • ••- J™* -•» Bed . bus.. 1 80 a 2 10 r Coan—White - bua.. allo Mixed... ....but.. a 1 00 g bus.. 80 a1 00 Rye— ’’ Seed bus.. Ito a 175 I Peas- ’ .. ; a , Seed., : ' ' ... bns.. 100 a1 10 1 OordAfeal- Cttyßolted bus . 110 a 115 I, Country bus . 120 a 1 26 Clump— . , isi Oakley Mills’ Raw Bone ...ton.. 73 00 a - Whitelock’s Cerealizer ton . 75 00 a , Woolaton’e A Bone Phosphate of I Lime.................. .ton.. 75 00 a- '■ Wando Co ’» Amm Rss... ton.. 75 TO a Kl Super Phosphate.,., t0n..65 00 a— s Phosphate . ton .40 00 a— Sea Fowl ..ton. 80 00 a Andrews A Co.’s.. tou .40 00 a- 9 Peruvian No. 1.. .... t0n..100 00 * WUcox, Gibbs k Co’s Phienix ton.. So 00 a — Turner s Excelsior ...ton 85 00 * il Rhode’s Super Phoapbete..,. ton.. 70 00 a— fIS Pacific. .. ; ton . 73 00 a , Baugh’s Raw Bone . ..tte.; TO 00 a —r- S LaadHreter., ton.. 26 00 a Zell’s B. B> Phosphate.. .. ton 72 <M) a- ” Phos. Lime.. ... ton .75 00 a ■ 1 Whann’s R. B.S. Phos.. . ton.. TO 00 a —r PatapscoGuano.. " ton.. 86 00 a Ammonia Phosphate, manufactured t InAngussaGa ...tou.. a 40(0 Com Shelters— ■,4d„..,. 19 $0 Grind Stones — Rm- 3 Northern....... cwt.. alls Kaatcru ... cwt.. 1 75 a3 00 Country.. cwt. *lO5 Jivlrs— Prime Green lb.. 6 a 7 Green Salted lb.. 8 a 17 Dry Salted lb . 13 a 19 Dry Flint lb. a TO . Bron— Bar,refined to.- Sweedisb to- 6?<* 8 Sheet lb. Us* Boiler lb 8«a B} a Nallßod 9 a 10 Horse Shoes lb. . 10 a 11 Horse Shoe Nails lb.. 18 a 40 Castings lb 1 a 8 Steel, cast lb.. 24 a 26 Steel Slabs . . .Ib.. 11 a 12 “ hanTie5.,.................. 1b.. 10)«« - Lard— Treated;.i'ir.A ,Ib. r 18 » 20 • Loaf, In bbls lb.. -21 * 22 Leaf, In half barrels..... lb.. * 23 in kegs lb.. 22 a 24 . Leather— Northern Oak Sole ..... .-...1b.. 45 a t/l Country Oak sole , . lb. So a 46 HemMukSole to 89 a 35 Harness Z..'... .x .. x... .to 40 a 60 Shirtingv to 58 a to Kip Skins ..dox.. 46 00 aM 00 Cdfffltins .dos . 36 00 *75 00 WMViA..,i'.. ...........doz.. 86 00 *4B 50 Bridles doz . 52 00 aTO 00 Bridleg, fair Ate, doz.. 52 00 aTO 00 Hog Seating doz . 60 00 aIOO 00 ■ Lime— .. ' Rockland lb . 275 a3 00 Howard, Southern lb.. 275 a3 00 - Inquon- . Kingston cask.. 400 a5 09 BKAinr—Cognac gall. 8 M als 00 Domestic gall . 350 a5 00 Counute.- gall . 12 00 Altohoi .. x. gall - 460 a5 00 Gis—Holland gall .. SCO a6 60 American .gall.. 290 a3 50 Ecu—Jamaica, rff gall 800 *lO 00 New England gall . 300 a 400 Wuris-MadK gall.. 250 a4 50 Port gall TOSO a4 50 Sherry JaM.. 2to a4 50 Claret ; gall 500 *l2 00 Chamßtegpe, fla? 4tetoet. 98 O’ l «40 «0 Cbampaigue, Inferior.. basket 18 00 a25 OO Wiiisxr.v—Bourbon ;..: gall 200a 509 Rectified ....gall.. 150 ai 00 Rye :... .. ...gall.. 300 a6 00 Irish ga11... 709 a9 00 Seutch .. gall . 700 a0 60 Xfolasses— MtMCovado ...., gall.. 68 a Rebelled ..gaH.. 45 u 48 Fine Quality, new crop gall 59 a 68 Cuba Clayed. gall- 55 a . Syrup ... ......gall 70 a 1 35 Syrup, Stuart’s choice gall 150 a1 60 Byrup, lower grades...... . gall.. 60 a 60 Mackerel— new ' ■ No. 1... bbl . 23 00 *24 00 No. 2 . bbl 19W a2O(» No. 3.large bbl.. 15 50 *l7 09 N0.1..,‘. -: v ,..;bair bbl.. 12 00 a No.« halfbbl.. 10 to all 00 No. 3 half bbl. 800 a8 75 No.l kit.. 326 a No. 2 kit . 250 a2 TO No. 8 . kit.. 2 25 a2 50 Mess kit. >SOO Mmrerrewt — American aud Italian a 25 Rails— keg.. •.« a Onions — bbl . s 00 a9 90 riardation Tools — • Anvih..,..,.., c . lb.. U a TO Axes , .x.. r ..:... doz.. 15 00 *lB 09 Pteks ..-..,!-;..... doz . 12 00 *lB 00 Trace Chains dos.. 908 *ls 09 Hoes. .. doz.j 590 *l4 00 Shovkls —Long handle doz.. 12 00 alfi IXI Short handle..-. ..doz.. 14 09 *lB 00 ■“ caatstete.. 16 60 >. Spades doz . 15 00 *l7 00 Seises— ' ' MM ...................... do* . 800 *4 08 Fiore— Blacksmith’sKottarKey lb.. 18 a 20 Blacksmith’s Solid 80x....... lb-. 30 a Potatoes— Irish. bH.. 450 a Sweet ...bus . 160 a2 00 PiMes- bH.. 70 a 1 00 Riee- Indi.i lb.. 9 a ■ Carrtta*.. —.. ....rib., UM I>>4 Buckwheat - New Buckwheat Flour ... ...bbl.. 13 90 * “ “ b*lf bbl 7 00 * > ,** grt’r bbl.. 400 a Starch— Pearl 12),* 13 Sall- Liverpool sack 230 a Shot- - , ■ . ....: ..... .'bag,. 325 a Teas— . ’ Hyson lb 125*3 00 teparial to . 160 •2 25 ffufcaw to. 150 a2 00 - Gunpowder ...’, lb.. 175 a 2 25 Btelt to. 100 a1 75 JMaceo— f’.'-.- • Mouklly and Damaged c., TO a 40 tlommoniSonnd, old, l*x free .lb 40 a 46 Medium Sound “ Be. * to FlneßrtgM ’* to. • SB Ext* Fine to fancy ” lb 96 a 1 00 Extra Fine Bright, naw, tax paid.. to a1 26 Com. Dark Pond, sound ** 02 * 60 Com. Bright • ” . “ OS a to Medium Dark “ ... 68 a TO Medium Bright - ** 00 a TO Fine Bright Pound* " 80 a 90 « Extra Fine *nd Fancy “ TO *4 99 Fancy Styles “ .. fO9 *| 60 Half Pounds Dark ” .. 39 * 65 ; > « Bright ' r’- to g 89 delegate’s No, 1 lb. v a Pal*.. lb. 11 a 12 v , tenAp ■>■■■■ ... to .., 12S* G*.Chemical Work* lb.. 6X* Sugars— ' ’ < Mnaeradb.... ■ ..>—■■.. . U),a 14 h t Purtoßlte.. to.. 15 a 16,‘j , Clarified A.., lb.. 18 B - lb * rtM MutrtCf to. »),-* W » C. . lb.. 16 * MX ’ Yellow to.. IB a ]6X IxTO, double refined ib a 30 »■ Crushedi. IW4* 18fc «Mtolated.; ISM Powdered 18£» Smoking Tbbaeco - / ' u/ - . Man Ha...-. g«* OTO a Mfftlrnr .-.grew . 16 00 a KilHekankfo- *•>-- 1«• a - Oterwe .........-TO ' 50 g A Guerrilla Club quarter to. 50 a Bird’atore.... grew KlO9 *_ M*nMM*r..< . 75 4/ Dnrham,taxespe** ...55 « . , H*re«tel«er “■ , -t,J*.- *‘ 95 Btrd aKye *f J ,:*.„.«re»a.. . *U4» Gnerriß»Cluh“ .. quarter ib . 09 * . Navy . -.7^.» a Maryland Oub” ... lb. A Is 9 India Roek .. . , x H> ~ 25 a .. StotoEV.-5.,. Ol'a- 1 Cider .......Bate White Wme.... ~,...x gall . 08 A.-TO French ~..v ^..n.fft0...n .ffto.. 1 to • Wbol- Unwxahnd*..,. -. lb.. 19Ra Washed -lb.. 29 a Weeden Wir«- ■ectete. re« b««f>s do* . - *S 25 Boekets. three hgope-4 On * Tube,tore*faueat..„.^. w ;.... 5M >T«f Wa*Bbeawb.teng .-....V..... ... 260 a4 to " Charua .doe.. 34 *• *4B 09 DRUGS,. DYESjEtc. Drugs, Dues, Oils, ipstiwfr, Spins, etc.— ” toHpbmie to., .0 * 10 Hine Btone . lb.. 12 a 18. Borax—refined . .Ib.. 40 • 45 ■ l. Brinutnne. ....; .'...:A,.1b 7 • U Cassia fL’Mmaumu) lb. 110 •1 26 CutetolMSK. *l. to 7«r» di 60 . U*Hlpb«r . I H> 135 *l5O thlorideUme. ... to. 9 * » Chrome Green ib 25 a 40 Chrome Ye1t0w...,...- ~Jto.. 28 a 59 Clove*..., to.. 60 a TO Copper** .lb,;. 3 a 15 Cresm Tartar. to a to Kpsom’aSalta lb. 8 a 7> Flax Seed.... lb. 10 a 1$ Ginger Root .... lb.. 28 a to G1a55—8x10..............fi0.xG0f.. 400 a5 to 7- “ 10x12 ..; .. 460 *SM “ 12x14 ” . SOOa 700 “ 12x18 ” . 000 *8 00 Glauber’s B*ll to. dag Ghw.... lb.. to a 20 GumArabic-ftelect ~...t0.. 100 *IM “ “ Sorts..... lb.. 60 * < Heney— Strained gall . 160 *3M Imtigo—Span. FkH ... Ib 140 a2 00 ” Com Ib.. Lamp Black--Ordinary ...v„ 10 a 12 “ •• Refined..,..... Ib..' 35 a 40 Liquorice Paste—Caleb to 45 » 53 lAtharge..;. ,Ib.. 18 a 20 Logwood-Chipped 5 a 6 ’• Extract. ..... to.. 15 a 16 Msce.. t ,...,........ Ib. 165 aI 75 Madder lb.. TO » » ..M*aeumr-.-.-..-^,,y 4 . ..Jb..- 1 TO „ 1 35 Morphine-Sulph o* . 800 a8 50 Nutmegs lb. 105 a1 15 OH-Castor(Eastlndia) . ...,g®.. 325 a3 50 “ •* (American gall . 300 a- ’ “ Coal (Ker)bandog best.gall . 63 * 75 « •• “ •• oom gall . 50 * ”, “ Lubricating gall.. TO aI TO t Lard - gall 200 a2 10 “ Lamp gail.. 200 a3 09 ’ •» Llaaeed ..... ..........gall.. 150 “ Sperm, pure gall . 300 a3 75 “ Tauuers, gall 93 a 60 “ Train gall.. 100 * Ophun lb. 12 » *l4 00 P0ta5h—bu1k........Z... ~. lb.. . 15 a 18 “ inCans lb.. 23 a 25 , PriusUnßlue ...... .. Ib., TO a1 00 Putty ’.l, Is 9 Quinine—Sulpbatv re.. 360 *309 »w Lead., 4b.. 18 a 90 Ro,g.s—Glusing lb.. 80 *125 ” Queen’s Might Ib 10 a 20 ” fiamgji.. lb.. «o ».to . ■ “ Snake,Virginja... lb. 90 a1 00 Boda--Sal lb. 5 a 6 Soda-Bi-Carb......... lb.. 9 a M Spanish 8r0wn..., to. 3 a 6 Spirits Turiientlne - gall . 65 * 85 Sulphur Flowers .... to.. 8 a 9 Umber—Haw Ib . 10 a 12 “ Burui io * is Varnish—Coach *.. gaH . 400 a6 00 “ Furniture...,. ;.- f Jell.. 3 00 a4M ’’ Damar... ..gall.. 400 a5 00 •” Japan ~ ...... gall . 250 a3 00 Venetian Red —... lb 8 a 9 VesteWime-amoae.... lb.. ITO a3 25 *• Amerreau V.., • 50 a 60 Verdigris lb . 15 *IOO white Lead gr. ta OH—Amer Ib.. t 14 a 18 " Kngl .lh. 16 a 20 Wbiting Ib . 4 a 5 Zinc—While, in Oil--French . .to 18 a So “ Amer-... lb F 2 * J 8 I From Ute Atlanta Constitution, The Georgia Legislature. Atlanta, September 74, ISfiti. ’ ;/• ■ SJiKATB. - - .' ONFINISUEB BtSISKIjS, . j Being the c-msideration of the billte exempt certain persone from jury duty -members of fire companies in the eUy of Albany. Amended aud passed. A bill to prevent fr*«d, bribery nud in timidaifon at elections. Laid on the table. A bill to repeal section 3525 of Irwin's Code of Georgia, in retathm to judgment liens, and to aidopt a section in lieu ol said repealed section ; and ateo,.to change sec lion 28C3 of said Code, to make it conform to this act. on lh.e table. A bill to-incurjxrrate. the South*r<> jjfe Insurutree Company. Itassod. A bit! to levy and collect a tax o’* pt .tide and iJowie knives. Passad. A bill to alter and amend rsho tenth ar ticle of the Constitution, to remove the capi tal to r . , Mr. Griffin moved to lay the bill un the table. Mr. Winn moved to indefinitely iwhitpvne the bill, j,' The vote was taken on the motion to in definitely postpone. The yens and nays were retpnred, and were, yeas J (J, nays 2ft. The question then came up on the pas sago «f the bill. > : < - . *’ -A constitutional majority being reijuired, the vote was, yeas 18, nays 17. Ob motion of Mr. Hinton, the rules were suspended and the. following bill read tho first time : “A bill to continne in office Judges of the Superior Courts in c A tain eases therein mentioned.” On motion of Mr. McCutchins, the rules were suspended and the House bill exclud ing cettuin lands from the' corporate limits of the town of Ringgold, was taken up and read the first time. Mr. Brock moved to reconsider so much of the Journal of yesterday as relates to the action of the Senate On Ibe bill to repeal an act to prescribe the mode of electing Mayor and members of ol the city of Atlanta. Feeding tlu di.ieutemu the Senate adjourned. *.■_ . . :■ » uoCas. - Mr, Hail, >f Meriwether, moved to rei-rni aidsr the action of the House in gelation to aid granted-I<> the Sotilfa Gcagi* aud Eior ida Railroad. He upoke in favor of Ute motion to ■reconsider, aud was followed by Mr. Anderson, in a sensible, solid and manly argument in favor of reconsideration. He wartSed the members of the danger of iuvolving the credit of tire State by granthig indiscriminate aid to every enterpritet. Mr. Phillips wa* lo tqcOMid'ra- tfon. Iv.JA’T- Thu vote was lbe«i take a on Hie rm if ion to reconsider, and resulted ns 'rdlowi— yens 71, nays 71. ’ The Chair voted nay, and the nauifon to reconsider was font. Mr. Saussy moved to wcuiicider the iteiiou of the House On tb« bill asking nid in re moving the obstructions in the Savannah river, which was lost yesterday. He spoke in fatin’ of reconsideration. Mr. Morgan, of Dougherty, spoke in. favor of reconsideration, and thought R was nothing hart just for the State to ctaar the ohetrnctions placed in Savannah river fry our own people. Mr. Bryant spoke in favor of recmiaidijra tioa. . .{ ? My. Hall, of Glynu, spo**’’ " r f****r of reconsideration. _ Mr. FeMer thought that it Georgia was rich there would be no difficulty in the way. He called the previous question, aud wm sustained. < • 'fhe vote was taken, tire yeas aud nays being required, rewriting—}eas 37 r nays 102, mid the motion to tacousider w<w lost, r Mr. Bethune moved to rer-iinsider 6omach of the proceedings of yesterday as relates to the loss of the bill to alier section 410 of Irwio’a Code, so ns to permit Mr. C. J. Thornton to hold the office of Solicitor of the Chattahoochee Circuit. _ Mr. Harper and Mr. Anderson spoke iw fevor es the motion to . reconsider. Motion to reconsider prevailed. , ' ■ Mr. Hall, of Glynn, offered a reeohition to have n joint committee *j>poin’cd to wait oo the Governor and to devise some area us to pay off the aiuiabarn of the Legtriatare. Adopted Mid VaiMpnitted to the Bennie. . ' srECiAt oaßrt OF TH* HAY. ■ , An aet to loau the credit ol'lbe Hute » the Griffin and North Alabama RaiiromA. v_- The committee recematendel Uiat the bill YtUM TOritU Mmo*fl6*49lß*pt ‘ , Mr. Ellis, of SpauMinfc spofeo in tavor of the hill. Fie was opposed to genera! State aid. The road has forty-tour miles alitedßy built, and qnHe a eonstderahle amount of timber*, etc., which wjH be a guarantee « tba Slate for the fund* *<k<id for. Mr. H*rp*r called for the previous quua tion, which was sustained. The yeas arid nay* were required on the passage nf the bill, and resulted—yoas 54, aay« €3. .. "F fU. iln un in nareii ni|» iisiiiianrei— ■ 'Qu mmion of Mr. Barnmri, th«i rules were auspoifoed and the Governor’s message taken up and (bad,’ j 1 / -kj • . His Excellency returns the bill to consoli date and amend live several acts incorpOA rating the town of tumpkin, in the county of BteVart. and granting certain privileges theirto. • He states that the bill is repugnant to the Cofoffltetion. _ ,ss.t-* - . Mr. BryuoL -ThaCaiistiiotain aays there shall bo no for delft. Hr this bill, if a man ennaot pay the tax M one dollar, ho i» required to work on the nraata. and this is imprisonment for debt. The town oan afford to lose .this moady. It to barba- * rous to imprison a poor man because he cannot pay ihfo tax. .The Constitution says no poll tqx shall be levied, but for cduca- , tional porpoees. The confinement of a man by compelling him to work the road is im prisonment for debt. / > * Mr. Harper, pf Terrell, moved to lay the bill on tho table for tho ■ pretent. Motion prevailed. , ’ • j, ’ ’ Mr. Scott, of Floyd, .stated that the ladle* of the Memorial .Association requested the members, individually, to assist them ono dfiy’s pay in providing means to bury the Confederate soldiers. Several members con tributed. : ■■'■■■ ".4 - * " |BY From Atlanta, i THE CHTHL QUESTION. THE TENTH ARTICLE. Western & Atlantic Railroad. '■'■ J. • • t : ■’» ~''r~ A' A* } A Proposed Swap. special to the Augusta HopubHcaa.) 'y V. Atlanta, September 25. The-Senate reconsidered its aeiwti on ths bill amending the Ifoh Article of the (Jon stilvtiun, in refereueo to tliu removed ut the. Capital-^Io 4 yesterday by five votes, The bill fixing the time Ji>r bidding the rlectloivfor Representatives toCongrtsu was read the first time. <,L . ' The biff rtnthorizing Justices ol the Peace to have jurisdii lion in all eases, except such t as are putiLhabk with imprisimmeut in (be s Penitentiary or death, uftct a lengthy debate, was referred to a couimittee ol three. The 3eii.<te agreed to the joint resolution to adj<>urH on the 6th, t The bill to relieve banks of cerlsih pains 1 and penaiticu was pathed. This bill refpis i to Ihe redemption of bank Wt» in specie. b Tlie House refused to rev.uij'nier the 10th Articfo of (be Cimslitution by a vote of— B yeas 30, nsys hl. •- The AppniprtaQoti bill was taken up and passed ibis evening. The plorisfotni e mhownt to nearly the same a* at last seaainu. e The Senate Judiciary Committee reported fovprably ou thu'bill giving th» Western and Atlantic Itatlroid into the hand* of com i. missiouers, - ’ The foliowjng resolutbm was intrudueed ( in tlfoifodse this evening by Mr. Hum bur’ of Stewart euowy. » > ■rs •■•A .-. ’ • , Whkmsas, Tfae Hqu. Dunlap Scott, of Floyd, has signified hi- intention to join , the enemy, in a speech made to day, on the question of the removal of the Capital' . to Milledgeville; and whereas, The Hon. * J. W. O’Neal, of Izowndeft, Ims joined the Dc>n',cra<W -on this subject, therefore i be it ' ' -’" ' Hesolveit, That u coiMiuitte». ~of fiye be r appointed by .the Democrats to. confer with I a simitar comnuttee ul Bepublieium to pnr’ 3 . puao a swap, und, if Buccessfal, to sec thak the honorable gentlemen fee transferred to their ie?pe*urnj places wi.tfris House. ’ '' ' '' ■-.'XyO, JfoiisiMm Legislature. •y New Q»i gAxs, September Sen yestermty’, iiislalled twuftLev nngro, pht qlected, *x Senator from Ctaidn Parish, i» plucu ut Ruebcu, white. A whit* man was viented, but doctared-tHetigrblb. j ''—J I Was opened to-day. Among the first acts of the' registrars was a refusal of r«gii>tr»U<m IO foreigners naturali*ed by ! the Judges of the Fifth and Sixth District Courts since last July, on the ground that ’ such nulurtaizalion was illegal. Io this they , we <■ Mietataed by t-bs Cfeeirmsa of th? State Board irf Registration. The Oxeiteiui ut ip i the city in voltaOqiioHCota interne., y Tim ekcilemetit w*» increased by an af fray, thia m<suit»g, iu the French market, in whjch nun while man was attacked by three negroes, hit armed with pistols. One negro , was killed insfatrtly. Tfot white man qs ‘J’eapej, but will probably be arrested to night, ij aiot already arwwted. - • , tioriunor Yarmouth issued n proci-nau;- tiou thi* evening calling upoif the remain, at home aud abstainheciting acts or oonvers&liua, starting that the civil authorittai are eapwMe of sußpreasiug any ditfieultieo that may arise- nail arresting of- ( fenders; or, if found inmifficioßt, wifi be. promptly assisted Uy the mditnry. He atao ’ calls ttpon all political clubs so abstain from any public demonstration fey tlta preacnf. s A bill was introduced in the Senate to-day ’ by Senator Bacon amending th« Itegirtratteu Act, so as to require only the oath pre- , scribed by the State Conetit trtion, and further ( defining tba powers nf negioteiW tad «*per- C visors ol eleulion. It passed two readings mid was made tb« uptrend - order of lh» <Hy ' for Monday. If mft kHI<J in "the Howto, or vetoed, this bill will secure a fair respite- ■ * ft-Was stated in the Senate that the boqfld; > <ri yegwtration had arrogated ta themsetaei j a supplement 'to the registration law, adding a provtesoM whtah the Senate had rejected. A tevolution oalfing for «u investlgattwf W«f adopted, and a comtnittcc appointed. ' Mr. Foadick, a Democrat, has Iprea ap pointed on the State Board of Registration 1 Gov. Warmouth has entered a second pvo- ’ test attest tfae action of iu- majmfty m the > board in the rules and uonsirnction ot tire taw* ta the Suue and 01-tho United State's <• touching the rights of. doctors, contending ' that reg«*ration catnnA fie refuted..’- / The eiltxens are wifiing »ud itsedy totake r tho oath pn-scribed by the regiutaation hw» ' ■-’>»■**> taHr ' Ship Burned at Se* * Naw York, Sept. .25.—th* ship JgeeAt I A Stamler h<» arrived with the crew and ' pas-4, agent of thf 1 Mehta which wßs hnftted j ' at sea. ' * M Wuhtegtoa Item* | f , Washington, September 25.—Delegation from Alabama, headed by the Governor, are here to request the Provident to send I Iroope re-Alabama for tho ptwervaiion of order. i Official Wdviees from the recent Indian • fight in Kan—s, have been received. Lt. Beecher is dead ) Col. Forsythe is wounded ■ as reported ’; Dr. Moore fatally wounded. Sheridan reports the party all right, al though surrounded by Indians, and can hold ottt until reinforced, they having plenty of am tn unit*—, mule and horseflesh. Several columns are moving to their as sist* nee and it is thought the Indians will be severely punished. AU the Cabinet were present, except Evarts and Browning. Indian troubles dis cureed. . Cablegram*; Pams, September 25.—La Fiance aap the rights gained by the United States hi the treaty with Nicaragua were also gained by France and ;*tipttlirtioiM tn the treaty of 1860 i r y * x 1 The Moniteur has the frflowfng: “Paiva, commanding the royal troops, is massing his forces to attack Rerilfe. The set: arc is good spirits. f y"''' 'm 1 1 1 - • ■ ... Bobbwry and Arrest- -•- j DsLAWAta Waver Gar, Pa, September The Brainard Mouaa, at this place, was robbed fib is morning. Thomas Broadhead, the proprietor, and his brother Theodore pursued apd eame-uMn the robbm. Theo dore was shot and killed, aud Thomas very *cv«reiy woanded.' The inhabitants turned out and captured the criminals, who barrii escaped lynching,, They are now in curtiriy of the sheriff. Marine News SAVANNAH, September 25-( feared ; Brig Modell, Bucksport; Sebvoner J. M. Moratoa, Fyfl Rivqr. t *--i. ,r. * ■ . VUAItLESTON, Sept. ??.—Arrived; Str. Charteatou, New York—eff .he port; Sehr. J. Ksight, Phil* . ■ Katted: , Brig 99i0, Matausaa; aobr. Jonaa Smith, Provideaee. . e » ' WII.M(NGTON, h»ft. 2s.— Cleared; StauMi James A. Qary, Baltimore. ■ .TELEGRAPH MARKETS. tinauTiul. LONDON, September 25, Roon.- -Ueaaotr 94J. . Bonds. 734. SEW JMfota. Gold I 4tp Money easy. Sterlieg 8fa»; '63’s H; North Carolina's, 7M; * Virßiaia’s ei eoa pans, tfita ri*re> Tennewea’s, ex coupons 69}; new,. 68}.-fc’ H.BW OKLeANS; * September ia.-Stertjag. iIJaiSJ. New York sight J dUeownt. I'rorlaice anal Other ittnrketa, LIVKRPOVI., Aspiataita 'lb. Ata..—ffettMl , steady--Stvek affoat 8«,M0; American 3, HOT. NEW YORK, 'b,. If nan .—Cotton I steady, at 25a25Jc ; . Ffour tats«- foder. Wheat heavy, and l*2c. tower, ffom dull, about 10. lower. Moss Pork dull, at 3537}. Lard dull. Turdeiitme uu settled St. 49; Ksaiu quiet. Freights 3 rm. NEW ORLEANS, September 35.—Cotton •»- tire. Middling 29}. Sate* 3,190 bates ; receipt* 2,712. ’■ WILMINtITiiS, September 2'».JCotten 4na. Middling J2e ; rtrict middling 22}. G|>itit* Turpentine firm at 30. KuXloSteadjf— rtr*tned l.7Ti; No. No. 1, s3a4 ; pale < 25*160. Tar Irm at 2.60 CHARLESTON,Heptombw 25—Cattaar ih bet ter demand and tmprovad- Sales 4OT bitter. Middling 254*23<;. ReMtpte 2tT hades. > BALTIMOUK, September 25.~Cu110n dull, at 25®. - ' . Flour more’ active. Wheat firm gon Ito prist*. 2.35*2.60. Cora firm at 1.18*1.20. Oats dull al 65»70. Rye 60*55. I’rovfrfons firm. MdOBILE, September 24. c— Oettnu—market firm *t 21}, which seller* refuted. Sales 100 bales Middling* al 22. Rooripte 790 biter. Ex ports 115 bales. Sales for the week 2,050. Re cetpts 4,256. Exports 660. Ktoek 9,841. SAVANNAH, September 25.-Letton •to.ed quiet but steady. Middlings 230 Sale* 272 bales. Iteeetpts 527 . bates. Receipts for the wack 5,484 bales. .MfiMMfivAlffik bales. Block 6,148 bate*. 'T- \ LIVERPOOL,September 2a, Aochuio.—Cotton <juet; li|4aads9t; Orleans 10}. ' NEW YORK, September 25, Keening.- Cotton firmer. Bates 2,125 bales at Je Jc. Flour and Wheat heavy at non*’* quotation*; Mixed Western Corn teals}; Whit* Southern •J. 15. Mess Perk Lard—steam, 19*194 ; ketilwl, 20*204 • Whi-ksy firn,at 1.49. Groce ria* -Steniy. Turpentine 4<}*4s. Freight* steady. ' ( 1 ‘ —r-y'—db—'- L V’./’ •.«•» - Y-d Style Hat* and Huawet*. 35.-; Mrs. PfatwK, 190 Broad street, has just received au »ssurliire,ii as Hate and Bcnnete, iuc.luding lire ’* Grecian Bend.”' ■’ > fftatacy <4«>od», . In great vfo*MVi »l 190 Broad street. ESTABLISHED 1855. ? THOMAS RUSSELL, naxr irons kin tub raaxcu «r*a«. i ? L •: * z -. T F WATCHES, CWCKS, and JKWELKY KE PAIRED at the shortest notice. AH work war rented. ... C . \ Alt orders will be thankfully received, and promptly attended to. ■ - DOS T YOU WAITT A ; Baiijri B<»okP 'THUS BEST BOOKS FOR THE BAffSo 1 a>4 there; each costate* laetruektonz and Music. Bnefctey> M*W |airjo :®fod«, 75 cents. Baskley’z (astractor, $1.50. Rtoate Method, $1.50. Brigg*’ Baajo Instructor, 75 ete. How's Banjo Instructor, IB cents. In tbffin you have easy Lresoes, attractive Exercises,*R*lm for Toning sod Keeping die Baayo. tepiu will ba Matted, pori pxid, on rcreiptaf tbs price, by OLIVER DitSUN A CO., c Publishers,|T7 Washington St,, Beaton. ’ GHAB. H. bfTßOff A CO.. flr«*ii.jrsvGsto* * Watcher, Cfockfi and iewelgi. SUMMER, 184 BfcOAH OWRKT, • AlMtlStA, 6A«-t, a SPECTACLES, KYfrGLASSKS, etc.; W*teh. . utahera’ Tool*, Materials aud tfltarea. t, Sj I till hfo/wr fal IW ■! REPAIRED ARD S-V JeVtefry mata and repaired. All kind* *f Hair Braiding donfi. Agent tor Stegorte Sewing Maehlaes. All kind* of Sewtag Machines repaired and warranted. i«3»-l«w8m •; • ' V 1» THE DISTRICT COURT* OF THE United Stater for th* &>ulhwn Oirt l ’’ l < ’ l 1 ta’Fsmk 1 N bankrcpTuy. HaokrajM h . . Tv whom it easy eoßrenf; The underdsoerL hesebv <p vee nattee r>f bte appointment a* A*- Diatrfot. wtw»ha«Wnatfjudged » Biuterapt awo his own perirton by tee Districttaunt tri paid djfi triet tatted nt Airemi*. (ta.. tW- OftbWnyofHtaterfr I ber.A. f»ta HKWHY JONES, ■ I aelgtatew3w . 'taeifinre: i i|rtHatal Hat*! Hate! SE FALL STYLES OF SILK, FUB, «*i VEL.VRT HATS are now being i for taro-to city and country trade, at sale red retail, at 'frs ’wjft. ;i - y " BLAUVELT’S, ■ 258 Broad street, sep 28—eadfit Id door above Otoba Hotel. "court OF THE A United States for th* Northern District of Georgia. • In the matter of ) WM. H. WHITEHEAD; Slm Bamsromcv. Bankrapt. ) No. 273. The said Bankinnt having petitioned the Court ' for a discharge from all hie debt* provable under 1 the Bankrupt Aet of March 3d, 1867, notice ia io all persona interested to appear on . . the 10th day of October, ISfiß, at ID o elock iTthe forenoon, at chambers of tlie said District Court, before Alexander G Munay, Esq. l ouaof tba Keg ••to" the said Cowrt’ In Baaitrrtptey, nt the Rngiater s oßtoe, in th* city, of (hithn, fi* , and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of tiro BoakrwtauOuld u<A be granted. Aud further 1 wotfo* fc rfvon that the second and third 1 meetings of creditors will be held at the same I time and place. Witness, tl>e llonmabte John Erskine, (aiat,] Judge of said Court, this the 21st ™ . day of Beptembei , 1868. ' " .u ta. a ’ > w ® SMITH,. «ep2J-la-raw* - Clerk. ’ —•-.—b. re THE DISTRICT CUt’RT Os THE l aited fetaMJtautaein District of Georgia. < '■ In the matter of T' alex’R alkxanderl is vtcy. - ■ to Bankrupt. , j... ‘ To whom » may concert: The dedtasigoed selfi-lawSte _ , . AteHmte-. ■ Inth**rett«hnjr.. <1 *.<. > BENJAgXHtaJxN »AN<AWIUX. '■ /Bankrupt. J .»• c.- ■ To whom it may concern r TN» »Wr»signed . hereby give* notice of his appointment m Assignee of MHton M. Beajamte, ot Atawt*, Richmond county. State of Georgia, Waitin' ■old District, who 4- BAnb nipt upon fife own petition fiy the Distrtt Court of tald Dist rict. , v , Dated »t Augusta,- this tteeaty-first day oft September, $. !>., 1808. , - ,-ta 7 '■ Pl THE bifITMCT COURT OF THE . United States for the Stontbem DfatrfcUbJ In* the matter of A 4# '’ « ‘ ? THOS. N. JOHNSON, |IN BANKRUPTCY . To wh^ B jt may concern;’The taMta&gued ‘ hereby nivea notic* of Ms appoistuieui as< , Assignee oi Thomre N. Johwre flf , Richmond county, State of Geertrfs, withtn said District, who ha* bee* adjudged a Lankrapt tip-, . an Ms own petition the pf sep 53—iawftw v AssJgßee. cjouriirßN district er appointateat av AaMgwfitew B, colored, of ThomareWe, ta the county Os Tfiqaba -, and State trf Gcorgi*. wUhfa' srtd Dirtr.teft w> has been adjudged a Bank rap tatpon Rte aart . • tition by ibo Di irfot o>tert of uui District - e-W; Ri .* .. X i’iftno Fortes Tuned. «s3g MEETBAY* RB-’ < IrtJflftft tfifi ebstVe <w TtefflNtJ- to . THREE HOLLAH!< fgSET* ’Sr£ 1 , Brfire* tea at- M«. 8r.,».l Street, er -*l my OSce. promptly attended to. ‘ .. . • .1 b-a urWIWPT «. HAUPKR Aetna FirelnßurancetJo.. f v 0E fi ABTMfte. CQfifiz IT. William is th* ;, - • AGENT OF THIS. CUMFANY '7; AUGUSTA AND VICINITY,-’j’, . • A»d is a» 08 LY A OTHORIZED TNRsHN to notify parttee when their Folicios wUf-eXpire, Or. ta» renew the some, or ta Lssue n*w Tnlicfrs for thaCompany. LUCIUS/. HKNDEE, • 'sa»l3— lar > CreeMent. ' September 12th, 1808. „ Rent. ? . ' THE UNDERSIGNED (VFFKMS FUR RENT, from the first of October wftimo *. Smal| Farm. contemipg Awrirt and three quarter acres, -with dweltfag, oW-hOTsta.ltadgood water. and all necessary out houses. Both the above '• being about atx miles from the city of Auggsta, on.. . Mie WtebitertrertuA y; , ■ Ho also o&z* rtnt lit* Saw Mitt stunted sixmt five mite* from fawrity, bear-ibe Washing SLWf & *!Sa£S'4: immediately. ' R'HJJAM SKINNER. Ijrrtfi cfiiiiev oi 'the Uuitod gtates fpr the PHteM of-• ■ dUfttertT'”'’ JAMK.SjDtaEN«ARB,|IS BAfiikMJVffil’- . At UMMeXtf Georgia, tfire she -31*. «f An«wt,WK.' ' ; - The luutevsigued hereby 'riv«r' uoitee -jul hi» > appoanteaent asaasigDee oHAaßtae St-lzMSfirfi,- of (Mbbtet. :n tKeomay of KMrttofeh-re*Stete of Georgia, wtttan Dtafrtet, wfia >- fas,’- adjudged a Hankfujt spoo his owu pe&tion by the District court *f said IMstrt-t. COLUMBUS 0. BROOKS, ' J : 'Areignee.. MDIiW! SUMS TRUST COMPANY. Banking Hou 'a, Eton sylvan je Avenue, Cornea .4 19ta C. > Jt . (’pen every day—&»nd»ye. Laud Jfolidws aX eepted—from 9». m. t».2 - - MeaiWg. from 6tbß f. pi. I ' ’DKPOKITS 6fF ANY AWOU?ff FRO®’- FIVE GENTS UPWAKDS, HFc 7 t ‘ ‘ CEJVEri FROM AUY’ . - , . . PERSON. - \ “J . k ' ‘ ftepaaife ore artaya be wHMrawW without no tice Dajrewm in .-pacie are repaid r* specie. All. other fcgoateajwr ribald fa “Ureenbaobs” a ' .tmtiettlM Bflte.. * ’ . . it tbk yKlte belong to the .tepusitorf. InvJStmnnte jua only R>*d* ta Seanritos of the f'nitedStates. . ft. HAKWte -sv ;a Djrib A-.iuTTjiK, rJ ’ * ta : : Acting Owhier. ce* ■ - * • ’>Tvwo MOjmtx SFTEk'DATiI API-I.IGA ’ 1 TION be «s*te to Ibe Cwtrt te Ortrtraay »f Rfefortfod*«•<* WrtH tteta'fn erwirflrre ft Ceoper, tete es vaM c u# ffSy, ‘TOpff-*o»»m Administrator.