The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, October 08, 1868, Image 1

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■ —r- —j — -y —-r-»-y ’~*T —— —— ——■* . •• ———i ■■ " ■ ——.. .-— • -- —"■ " ———— - ■ < v *.f k. ! ' \ —* • t THE NATIONAL REPUBLICAN. VOL. I. National Republican PUBLISHED DAILY (MONDAY EXCEPTED) Official Organ of the U- S. Government. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: (>n» Year, in advance. ....$5 00 Six Months, in advance............ 2 50 Three Months, in advance 1 25 •’<9* A paper furniidled-graft9 io any one pend ing ns a Club of Ten wbicriber*. The undersigned, bavin.; a completely furnished office, is enabled to cute all orders for Book and Job Printing, B .<-binding, or Ruling cheaper than any other office in the -mth. E. U. PUGUE. THURSDAY MORNING October 8, 1868 AUGUSTA MUNICIPAL ELECTION. The Act as passed by the Legislaftiri. AN ACT to reorganize the municipal government of the City of Augusta: Whereas, The present Mayor and City Council of Augusta were appointed by mili tary authority, which authority has teased to exist: Section 1. Be il enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the SMe of Georgia in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That an election for Mayor and members of Council of said city, be field on Wednesday, the 2d day of December next, in the manner established by the laws of this State and the Ordinances of said city, of force on the first day of April, 1866, and not hereby modified or repealed. Sec. 2. The officers so elected shall bold their offices for one year from the date of their election, and until their successors are elected and qualified. Sec. 3. A registry of voters shall be opened al the City Hall, in said city, or the fifth day of October next, and continue open until 2 o’clock p. m., on Tucs - day, the first of December next, from 9 o’clock a, except Sunday, under the supervision of John C. Snead, Judge of the City Court of said city, William R. McLaws, late Judge of the County Court of Richmond county,Ellery M.Brayton, Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, Win. Doyle, Deputy Sheriff of said county, and Robert A. Harper, any two or more of whom may act, and shall require each and every person applying for registry to take the oath provided by this act for voters in said city, except so much thereof as relates to registering the certificates of registry and voting. Sec. 4. The Commissioners of Registry above named, or such of them as may act, shall appoint the Superintendents of the Election in the several wards, and give public notice of their appointments ten (10) days before the election in all the public gazettes of the city. Sec. 5. At said election the polls in each Ward shall be opened at 8 o’clock a. m., and close at 5 o’clock p. m., and each voter shall, on voting, present bis certifi cate of Registry, which shall be received by the managers and sealed up in the office of the Clerk of Council. Sec. 6. In the event of the loss or destruc tion of any certificate of Registry, upon personal application by the party to whom the same was issued, accompanied by his atfidavitof said loss hr destruction, subscribed by him, the said commissioners shall issue to such persons a duplicate certificate, which shall serve in lieu of the certificaio iost or destroyed : Provided, that no duplicate cer tificate shall bo issued after 10 o’c’oek p. m , of Tuesday, the first of December next. Sec. 7. The Commissioners of Registry shall receive from the City Council a fair compensation for the servicra rendered by them respectively. Sec. 8. All other elections for Mayor and Members of Couocimiailbe held annually, on the first Wednesday in Decem ber, except as herein modified under exist ing laws ; Provided, that, after the present year, the list for the registration of voters shall be opened on the first Monday in Sep tember in each year, and be kept opened until 5 o'clock p. m., of the fourth Wed nesday in November} and provided further, that no duplicate certificate shall be issued by the person or persons who may be ap pointed to register biter than 2 o’clock p.m., of Saturday immediately preceding the election, nor until the applicant has complied with all the provisions of the ffixtli section of his act. Sec. 9. At all elections for Mayor ami Members of Council held in said city alter the passage rtf this act, the Managers shall administer the following oath to any person attempting to vote, upon his being chal lenged, or in case either of them have doubts as to his right to vote : “ You do solemnly swear that you are a citizen of the United States, that you are twenty one years of age, that you have resided in this State for the last twelve months, in this city for the. last six months, and in this district or ward for the last ten days; that, yon have considered this'State your home for Hie last twelve months, that you have paid all taxes, arid made all returns required by the Ordi nances of this city that have been in your power to pay or make Recording to said Ordinances, that you have been duly regis tered within the time prescribed by law, that the certificate of registry you now offer was delivered to you in person by the Registry Clerk or Commissioners, and that you have not voted this day. So help you, God.’’ Sec. 10. Nothing in this act shall be so construed as to exclude any person from registering or voting on account of race or color. Sec. 11. That the Sheriff of the county of Richmond is hereby directed and required to be present during said election, at the place of voting, with a police force to be furnished by the City Council of said city, and preserve the public peace, and prevent qny interference with the managers of said election or voters therein. Sec. 12. So much of an Act in relation to the City Council of Augusta, approved Feb ruary 28th, 186 G, as authorizes the said City Council “to provide the mode, manner ami time of elections of Mayor and Members of the City Council,” and all laws, or parts of laws, militating against this Act, be, and the same are hereby, repealed. 11. L. McWhorter, Speaker House ol Representatives. M. A. Hardie, . Clerk House of Representatives. Benjamin Cos/.ey, President of the Senate. A. E. Marshall, Secretary of the Senate. IX HOUSE. Passed over the "veto of bis Excellency, the Governor, by a constitutional majority of ayes 90» nays 4.>. September-bl, 4sf,B. -- - - ' * M. A. Ilstutiw,’ Clerk Hmiseof Representative*. IN SENATE. Parsed over the veto of his Excellency, the Governor, by a constitutional majority of ayes 21; nays 11. September 23, 1868. A. E. Marshall, Secretary of Senate. • - - \ STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE OF GEORGIA, of the Soldier's and ' Sailor's National Republican Coinmillee. ' Major E. T. Pillsbtry and Colonel J. F Brown, Savannah, Ga. Captain John Murphy, Albany, Ga. Colonel John Bowles, Augusta, Ga. Major John Knox, Athens, Ga. Captain John A. Madden and Sergeant Seaborn Jones, Waynesboro’, Ga. Sergeant S. Neian, Macon, Ga. Captain J. Mathewson and Lieutenant ' Charles Sherwood, Atlanta, Ga. 1 Captain C. B. Blacker, Cartersville. Ga. Headquarters at Atlanta, Ga. Elections this Year.—The following state elections are yet to occur this year. — | To save answering a thousand questions wc ask people to cut out this table and save it in their pocket: Nebraska .Oct. 6 , Obiu . Oct. 13 Indiana Oct. 13 , Pennsylvania Oct 13 lowa Oct. 13 1 West Virginia . Oct. 22 ' New York Nov. 3 e New Jersey .. Nov. 3 i Delaware Nov. 3 Maryland Nov. 3 Illinois ...... ....Nov. 3 1 Michigan v Nov. 3 1 Wisconsin Nov. 3 Missoari Nov. 3 , Kansas Nov. 3 Nevada ....Nov. 3 Massachusetts Nov. 3 w ■ ■■ mil, I ——g JOHN ESTEN COOK’S NEW NOVEL. I'. J. 11l M IMtTO.N A. <«»., 459 Broome fit.. New York, Hare in Ibexs, to be real yin, October, MOHIHST; Or, the Last Days of Lee and his Paladins, By J. Esten Cook, Author of “Surry of Eagles' Nest.” OF ‘‘SURRY, ” OF WHICH MOHUN IS A .Soquel, ten tbviuKiqd copies were almost imme diately sold. The new work ieslill more intensely interesting; printed on fine-toned paper and richly bound in cloth, with upward of «H)0 pages, it has for its frontispiece a tine steel medallion head of General Lee, and fonr beautiful illustrations in Homer’s best style. Either book is sent by mail, post free, on receipt of the price, f2.2J. For sale by all Booksellers and Newsdealers in town auu country, oct I—3t ESTABLISHED 1855. -O~ 1— THOMAS RUSSELL, 198* Broad St., NEXT BOOR BBJ THE FRENCH STORE. - —$ WATOMS, CLOCKS, and JEWELRY RE PAIRED at the shortest notice. All work war rented. AH orders will be thankfully received, and promptly attended tn. jo2S lawly Walcbes, (docks and Jewelry. I? il. SUMMER, 181 BROAD STREET, Lj. AUGUSTA, GA. SPECTACLES, EYE-GLASSES, etc.; Watoh. makers’ Tools, Materials and Glasses. REPAIRED AND WARRANTED. Jewelry made and repaired. AU kinds of Hair Braiding done. Agent for Singer’s Sewing Machines. All kinds of Sewing Machines repaired and warranted. jc2S—lawim EXPRESS 1 LINE TO THE NORTH. Great Atlantic coast line, via Wilmington and Manchester and Wilming ton and Weldon Railroads and connections. Daily train now in operation, with complete and continuous connections from Atlanta, Au gusta, Kingsvillo.Wilmingtoii to Weldon; thence via Richmond, Washington, Baltimore, or via L’ortsmouth and Crisfield (Auuamosaic Route) Io Philadelphia and New York. N > change pf Cars between Augusta and Wil mington and Weldon and Acquia Creek. Via Hicknumd I’m Anna d; il'ashiityton .nessir laai.K. i.kavk. Mobile 3 15 p.m. 3 15 p.m Montgomery .... S 15 a.m. 5.45 a.m West Point 12 15 p in. 12 15 p in Atlanta 54U “ 5 40 “ Augusta 3.10 a.m. 3.10 a.m Kingsville 10 20 “ 10 20 " Wilmington s 8 30 p.m. 8.30 p.m Weldon . 5 30 a.m. 5.30 am ♦Portsmouth —a— 10 00 ** I'risfield 5 45 p.m Wilmington, Del -- 11.57 “ Potershnre I) 00 a.m. -*— RlchmoniL. 10.45 “ Washington TOO p.m. Baltimore . 0 00 a.m. j’hitadelphia 120 " 1.20 a.m New York (Arrive) .. 5.20 “ 5 20 “ ’Bay line steamers leave Porttmioutli fur Baltimore nt 4.30 p. m. Pullman & Kimball’s elogant Sleeping Cars on this Route. Baggage checked through. Through Tickets good by either route, until used —with option to Passengers of stopping at terminal points—can be obtained at the General Ticket office in this city. Be sure your Tickets read “ via Wilming ton.” W. J. WALKER, Gen. Pass’gr Agt. ISAAC LEVY, Pass’gr Agent, Augusta. my27—tf IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED State.- for the Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of 1 IN BANKRUPTCY TIIOS. SWEARINGEN,) Bankrupt. I No. 24. The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all his debts prova ble under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867. notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the 22d day of October. (868, at 8 o’clock a. ni., at chambers of said District , Court, before Frank S Herteltiot 1 , Esq., one of the Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy, at his office at the Court House, in Bainbridge, Ga., and show cause why the prayer of the said ]>eti ' tiou of the Bankrupt should not be granted. i Dated at Snvannah, Ga.. this Ist day of Octo ber, 1868. james McPherson, oc3*-law2w Clerk IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States fur the Northern District of | Georgia. In the Biaftef of ) F M.CAMP UN BANKRUPTCY Bankrupt. To whom it may cuUiern : The undptsiglwd . tteieliy gives nolipe of liii appointinent as As | signee of E. M Ornnp, of the comity of Fiankbn. • ! mid Slate of Georgia, within said Distr'a t who ! lias lieen adjudged a liankrupt 3ipon tiiJ owli [ petition tiy the District Court ot said district. Doled lilia 25th dav of Aiignal, A 1>.,1868. THOMAS T. DOROIIGH", oct2—law3wl Assignee lUGUSTA, GA., THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 8, 1868. ALBERT G. HALL, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, 221 BHOAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. I JURE, LIFE, AND MARINE INSURANCE . effected to any amount in the most reliable Companies in the country. The following Companies are especially repre sented by him : The QUEEN INSURANCE CO., of London and Liverpool. The GEORGIA HOME INSURANCE CO., of Columbus, Ga. The NORTH AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., of Hartford, Conn. The JEFFEKSON INSURANCE CO., of Scottsville, Va. The NORWICH FIRE INSURANCE CO., of Norwich, Conn. The TAMES RIVER INSURANCE CO., of Montreal, Va. The INSURANCE A SAVING CO,, of Rich mond, Va- The UNION FIRE INSUR ANCE CO., of Balti more, Md. The VIRGINIA INSURANCE CO., of Staun ton, Va. At.SO, The MANHATTAN LIFE INSUR ANCE CO., of Now York. Cash Assets, $4,391,773.15. il 2 !? 1 ?! IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE L United States for the Northern District of Georgia. In the matter of ) WILLIAM HAMMETT, MN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. J No. 131. The said Bankrupt, having petitioned the Court for :i discharge from all his debts provable under the Bankrupt, Act of March 3d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the 26th day of October, 1868, at 10 o’clock a. nt , i at Chambers of said District Court, before Chas. G McKinley, one of the Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy, at the Register's office in the city of Newnan, Ga., and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt sliiinld not be granted. And further notice is given that, live second and third meetings of cred itors will be held at the same time and place. Witness the Honorable John Erskine (seal. I Judge of said Court, this 3d day of Oitoner, 1868, \V. 11. SMITH, oe6—lav»‘Jw ,: ' Clerk. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE 1 United States for the Northern District of Georgia. In the matter ot i IN BANKRUPTCY’. LINDSEY PERDUE, L Bankrupt. ) No. 220. The said Bankrupt having petitioned vhe Court for a discharge from all his debts provable under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the 29th day of October, 1868, at 10 o’clock a. m., at chambers Os said District Court, before Charles G McKinley, Esq ■ one of the Regrsteia of said Court, in Bankruptcy. at the Register's office in lite town of Newnan, Georgia, and bliow cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted. And further notice is given that the second and third meetings of creditors will be held at the same time mid place. Witness Ute Honorable John Erskine, |skai..] Judge of said Court, this 3d day ot October, 1868. W B SMITH, oili— law2w Clerk. NAiIONAL MlMffl SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. i'haricrcd by Act of* Banking House, Pennsylv.tnin Avenue, corner of 19th street, Washlrtgfnn, p. p . —Q- BRANCH AT AUGUSTA, GA., NO 46 JACKSON ST. Open every day—Sundays and Holidays ex cepted—from 2a. m. to 2 p. m., and Saturday evening from 6 to.B p. m. DEPOSITS OF ANY AMOUNT FROM FIVE CENTS UPWARDS, RE CEIVED FROM ANY PERSON. Deposits can always be withdrawn without no tice. Deposits in specie are repaid in spceic. All other deposits are repaid in “Greenbacks” or National Bank Bills. All the profits belong to the depositors. Investments are only made in Securities of the United States. GEO. 11. HARRIS, t haiimmi Advisory Conimittce. ROBERT T. K' NT, b’eert l fry. DAVID A. RITTEU,' Acting Cashier au2l—dAwtf IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE L United States for the Southern District, o( Georgia. In the mat te r <4 ) ,10’rN T. WIMBERLY, >IN BANKRUI’TCY Bankrupt. ) No. 26. The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a dißcharge from nil his debts prova ble under the Bankrupt Act of Murrh 3<l, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the 22d day of October, 1868, at 10 o’clock a. m., at chambers of said District Court, before Frank S. Heiseltinc, Esq., one of the Registers of the said Court in Bankruptcy, at Its oiliec, at the Vourt House in Bainbridge, Georgia, and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of flic Bankrupt should not be granted. Dated at Savannah, Ga., this Ist day of Octo ber, 1868. James mcpherbon, oej—law2w Clerk. “Westward the Star of Empire Takes Its Way.” Secure Homestead IK C Al.Il'OKMk. T II E MHmT HOMESTEAD ASMC% OF CALIFORNIA, Lncorjx/rated under the Laws of the Si de, Notembcr 'AUth, 1867, IjM>R THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING Hemes lor its members, and thereby induce iinmigratioH. CAPITAL STOCK...'. ...$1,1100,16’0 Divided into 31)6,006 shares, at s.'» each, payable in United States currency. Cert iff cates of Stock issued to anbecri tiers ini me diately upon receipt of themouey. Jol'cison Allowed to Hold More Ilian Flv<* Share* I A circular containing a full description of the property to be distributed among shareholders wilt be seut to any address, npon receipt of Manps to cover postage. Information as to price of land in any portion «4 the State, or upon any other subject yf iut'-si st to parties proposing to immigrate, chei-ifully Im nislied. upon receipt of slauips for postage. All letters sliofild lie addressciL "So, retary | Iniiiijtrmnt Homestead Asaociati./n. Office < Box No. 82,San Franciteo, Csllforiit i _ an 16 —3m | Richmond County. QTATE OF GEORGIA— O Bic'nnond County. I Wubrf.4B, James A. Gray, Administrator eq' t'ue estate of Francis O’Conndr, applies to me for Letters of Dismission. Those are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindrod and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in November next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, at office in Augusta, this 2d day of June, 1868. E. M. BRAYTON, jell—6m* OHinary. Letters of Dismission. Georgia— liickmoHil County. Whereas. Caiolino Dnbet, Administratrix, with the wilt aimeXed on the estate of Antoine Picq-uet, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Pismission: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and cirditors of said deceased, to be mid appear at my office on or before the first Monday in October, to show cause, if any they have, why ! ! setters should not be granted. Given under ray hand and official signature at Augusta, the l<ilh day of May, IBGS. E. M. BRAYTON, ni yl9 law Bru * Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. STATE OF GEORGIA— Richmond County. Whereas, Josephine Wilson, Administratrix ou the estate of Peter Wilson, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission. Tlrnse are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and ci editors of said decchsew, to be and appear at my office on or be fore the first Monday in October, tb show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be gianted. Given under iny hand ami official signature, at office in Augusta, this Ith day of May, I&6K. E. M. BRAYTON, ” tnyfi- 6m* Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. SJTATE OF GEORGIA. O lllchnioud County. Whereas Win. C’. Tuder, Administrator of the estate of Sarah Swinney, deceased, applies to me for Letleis of Dismission. « These are* therefore, to cite and admonish hll and singular, the kindred and creditors of said de. ceasml, to be and appear at niy office, on or before the first Monday in October,to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be grante<l. Given under my hand and official signature, at office in Augusta, this 10th day of Apiil, iBOB E.M BRAYTON, apll lawfim* Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. S’l’Al’E OF GEORGIA— O Richmond County. Whereas, John D. Butt, Administrator ou the estate of Patrick O’Sullivan, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission. Thete are, therefore, to cite and adnmnisli all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or be fore the first Monday in October, to aliow cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, a office in Augusta, this sth day of May, I8<»8. E. M BRAYTON, myf>—<im* Ordinary. STATE OF GEORGIA— Jih iumrn-d County. Wirerea.-. Mob. Douglass and S. I). Williams, Executors on tire Estateof Ira D. Mathews, late of said county, deceased, apply to me for letters of dismission : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish aii and singular, the kindred and creihterg of said de ceased, to be and ajipear at my office on or before lite first Monday in February next, to show C.inse, if any they have, why said Jitters not Im granted. Given under my hand and official nignaturc, at office in Augusta, this August 15th, 18H8. SAMUEL LEVY, au 16—lamina Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. STATE OF GEORGIA - Richmond County. Whrkkas, John H. Ftarey, Administrator ou the estate of Han v Hughes, (kceased, applies to me for Letters of Dituuisstou— These, are, therefore, tn cite uml admonish all and singular, the kindred and c reditors of t he said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in March n -xt, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand ami official signature a office in Augusta. lhisL’Bthdav of September, 1868. Samuel levy, sep29—fim * Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. STATE OF Ro huioiid Conn s is- WfiEiiEO, buncs T. UothWcß, Administrator of the Usratn of Thoma* B. Smith, dec uit-cal, applies to me f »p Letters ■•f Di-mission These arc ibajofilic tv cite and ad:u ..;;.h all and singular, Ins kindr. J and crcjiters <»f said deceased, to b-* and 41 r at my vthej on or before the firs’ Monday b> A! r li in-xt, to show cause if any th’-y b ivc c/hy Letters should not bo granted. Given umlcrmy hand and official signature n* office in Augusta, thii 7ih day of Scptcrrt'u‘r, 1868. SAMUEL LEVY. —hu6'm Ordinal ry- Letters of Dismission. OTATK GF GEORGIA k t Richmond County. W herea.% John 11. Mnide*, Adminutraft.r on the estate.ul William F. M.dvni, dccOasrfh ap plies to meter teittcr/ of Dik.uissiou: These ate, therefore, to cite .njd admoj»\4i, .»H and singular, Hie khnlrvd *’»d trcilitors of said deceased,'to l»c and apt" ar M my-office on «r be fore the first Monday in M.uch next, Io show cause, if any they h«%v*, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official aiguature, at office in Augusta, thi.-’2sth day of September, 1868. ‘ SAMUEL LEVY. sep 2G- law6m Onnnary. Letters of Administration- STATE OF GEORGIA - tiichimmii Cowdy. Whereas, Eiku Duwc applies to uie for Let ters of Ailiuinistration on the date of John Dowe, late of saul county, ilechas'M. These are, therefore, to cite aiul ailiuoniiJi all anil singular, the kindred and orodHors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office onor before the lirsl Monday in November next,to show cause, if auy they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature at office in Augusta, this 2!<th day of September, 1868. Samuel levy, sep3o—lm ordinary. Letters of Dismission. <1 ATE OF GEORGIA, O Richmond County. Whereas, William J. Farr, Administrator Jc bouuH non of the estate of George P. Green, deceased, applies to me for Loiters Ot Dismi.'aion. These an- therefore te eit* ami admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in March next, to show cause, if any they hav<B why said Letters should not be granted. Given undtr my hand and official signature at bffieedn Augurhi, this 7th day of September. IS6B. HAMUEb LEVY, wp -Imbrn Ordinary. Letters of AdCiinis‘ration. C*Tate of geoijgia— ' Rlchinowl County., Julia O’Neal applies t<» me for Let ters >f AdminiHratio i on the estate pt Michael O’Neal, late of said euunlj’, deceased — Thefc arc therefore to cite and ,a<lmonish, all and singular, the kindred and -creditors, to be and appear at my office on dr before the first in October next, to show < iu**e, if any th?y have, why said Letters should nos be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, at my tficc in Au>?n‘tn, this third day <4 ■‘‘•'ptcin- | l<, tSM. RAM’L LEVY, tepd- 30d Ordinary. The American Artisan UNITEDSTATES AND FOREIGN PATENT AGENCY. 189 Broadway, New York. Messrs. BROWN, COOMBS & CO., Proprie tor of (lie AMERICAN ARtWAN, offer their beet services to inventors, ns Solicitors ot Atnori can and Foreign Patents. Mr. Hknrv T. Brown, of this firm,him bad more than twenty-tu-o years' expei ieaee in that profession, both in this country and Europe, and his long practice has made hint personally known to thousands of inven tors and patentees. The applicUtfoos for the patents tipou many of the greater and tpore ini portant in voutions’ol the present century have been prepared by him. Messi's. Brown, Coombs &. Co., are thoroughly familiar with all the rules and re gulations instituted for the rapid transaction of business with the United States Patent Office, and the general practice in tlie Patent Bureaus of vari ous European countries; .aid this knowledge ren ders them coulident that their postexperience, with their present nnequaled facilities, enables them to elaborately and yet speedily prepare all the docu ments required by law in applications for patents, and to promise their clients an absolute certainty ofsuceessyn. theirjclforte for inventions that ate really new and useful. Parti cular care is given to the execution of the accurate draicmi/s which must always accompany every application for a patent, and they employ none but the mostellicientdiauglitsmen. The best evidence of the manner in which Messrs. BkoWn, Coombs A Co.'s business is performed, is, that the“A»ti:K ic*n Artisan Patent Aoem y. ' during the three years of its existence, has been Hui inOft successful insLiMutn. of the kind ever established. The principal offices of Messrs. Brown. Coombs <t Co. arc situated at 189 Broadway, opposite John street. New York, in the most central part of the city. This location is one of very easy access by strangers inasmuch ms it-is within a stone's throw from the City Hull. All inventors temporarily so journing in the metropolis are invited to visit tliis cstablislitnenu I n|t lie majority of instance uo model or drawing of an invention will bo necessary on the first interview, as a mere oral description by the visitor will ordinarily suffice to convey such akiiowledgc Ofliis invention as will enable Mcesrs. Brown, Coombs A. Co. to definitely determine whethera mmdrine or process is now or old- paten table or not. The office hours are from 9a. m. tub r. H. Messrs. Brown, Coombs & Co. are prepared to furnish to jiersons residing at a distance from New York— free of t liarge- re< il/e» opinions as to whether inventions contain any features of paten table novelty; to do this they simply require a sketch or rough model of the machine or other in vention that is supposed to be Hew, together with a brief description of the same, and as soon as pos sible thereafter a letter of the best advice is mail ed to the person desiring the information. These opinions are formed front their own mature exper ience.but if an inventor desires to know, positively. Whether his incipient idea has ever beta cuibbdied in a machine or process al ready patented, his wisest course will be to have a preliminary cramuialioii made at the United States Patent office by Messrs. Brown, Coombs & Co., who will make a s|secial searcli'timOng all the records of that institution, and then promptly forward a full and carefully written report as to the patentability of the invention nu tter examination. For this labor the small fee of |5 is payable in advance; and the lemittunee should be accompanied by a sketeh of the invention and a few lines of writing describing the same, and distinctly stating tluisc points of novelty with h the inventor desires to have protected by Letters- Patrnit Patents for new and useful inventions are now granted foi the term of skvbnte kn tsars The first instalment Government toe is sl3. which sum -together with fifty cents revenue stamp tax on the power oi-attorney—is payable in advance, ou applying for the patent; and f -tl additional are due to tin-Government when the Letters Patent are allowed. The Agency fee is from $25 upward, ac cording to the labor involved; but m all cases our charges will be as moderate as possible in the pre paration of drawings and alt necessary documenta. This les is not i-ayable until after the application has been prepul cd and the case is ready to be sent to Washington. Messrs. Brown. Coombs &. Co. have ai» Washington so that all applica tions made through tlieni can have every necessary attention in their passage through the Patent Office Inventors applying for patents must, furnish models of their machines, whenever feasible, for the inspection of the Exantiners in the Patent Office ; but if the invention is n chemical oomposi tion, samples of all the ingredients will be neces sary’, Each of these should be marked with the in ventor's name, then carefully boxed, and sent (by express. prepaid), together with tlie lirstinstalnien of the Government fee, to Messis Brown, Coombs A Co. When the model is email and light. it ctor be conveniently and cheaply sentby mail The model must not exceed one foot in any ofite dimens ions, unless it is of such a character that it fit im practicable. Patents, except those for design*, are grunted on equal terms to citizens and all foreigners, except inhabitants of Canada and some others of the British American Provinces. Besides patents or now and usefui inventions, there are also patent* for ueaigaß. Design-patents are not now. as formerly, limited stiietlv to ornamental configuration: but under Section 11 of the Act of March 2, 1864. any new form ofany article, or any impresswu. orjtyire itpon the surfaced any article or material, by whatever means or process produced, can Be patented. Un der this Act. patentees arc ent it led to the exten sion of their iwspictjvc patents for the term of seven years from Ui<- day on which said pateute shall ex pill* upon Hie same, terms ami laritietions as are now provided fertile extensions of Letters-l’aterit. Among the numerous subjects f>n patents of this idttes limy be particularly mentioned—castings of ail metals, pai fa of mac hilu s, household furniture and utensils; glassware, hardware of all kinds, cornices, and ether interior and exterior decor tioim of t.Hildings; also, designs for woven and piloted fabric*, dress mid upholktery trimnimgs. and har uess labels and trade marks for medicines, per ftnuery, ami -all preparations, compositions, or mercliaieli e, pul up in bottles, boxes, or other packages,are suitatde subjects; also, the forms of such bottles, boxes. or packages thrnlsblves, ami envelopes, likewise all works of art, as statuary, busts, composition* in alto or basso-relievo. The Goveiiiiiu-ht foe on a design patent for 3j years is years, sl->; II years, |3». No raodnls of designs are required but duplicate drawings or photogra|>hs must bn furnished Tile specification to accompany the drawings or photographs re quires to be’ |Tenured with great care. Messrs Brown, Coombs &. Co. give very particular at tention to this branch of their business. Their charge for preparing applications for design patents is generally about $l >. .Design patents are only granted to American citizens or to aliens who have resided one year in the United States aud made oath of tfeit intention to become citizens thereof- The facilities of Messrs. Bnown, Coombs ic Co for obtaining patents in the various European countries are equal if not superior to those ot any other in the United States. With regard to their qualifications for such business, it need only be stated that Mr. Brown has bad the prepara tion of more European applications than any othei person in this country, Messrs. HaowN, Coombs & Co., besides having* branch nice in Washington, have their own agencies in the principal capitals of Europe. A cm'nlar relating to foreign patent business will lie ftuinshed tree on application personally or by mail. Messis. Bko wk ,C< - Mas A Co. also attend to m terferenccs, the extensions of expiring Ijellers i’Htent, and all proceedings relating to patent* be fore the United States Patent Office. All letters, p.«:kages. boxes, etc., should bead ifnesaed, prepaid, as follows: 15110 WN’, COOMBS & Cd., SoHcHors vs wyl l—Jy No< 189 Bniartwny. Ne\y Yoik. IN lIIK DlsfilV'T QUbKT OF THE J United States* Car tUo Svulhcrn District of Georgia. In the matter <rf ) lx JOHN J. ALLEN, V UankrnpL I No. 80. The aniJ Bankrupt liaving petitioned ilip Court lor a f rom all hw debts provable under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, aiotice ie hereby given to nil peiTOM* htteiwtrd to appear on the ‘iwHiduy of Octudior. IHKH.At 10 o’clock am., at Chambers of said District* Court, before A. G. Murray, Eaq., One of the Regutrra of said <;opit in Bankruptcy,'at luaoffice at Macon, Ga., and ehow catreo why the prayer of the nmUI petition *if * the Bankrupt not. be gnuited And further notire in given that the ascend and third meetings ol en ditora willbe held at the »:uuc tiumand place. Dated at Savannah Ca., thin *2d day of Octo bar. 1868. JAMfiS McPHERBON, f—law2w Clerk. MEDICINAL. Asiatic Cholera in China. ALMOST Z EVERY CASE CURED WITH PAIN KILIiEIL o— d • Read the following letter from Rev. R. Telford. Missiomiry in China, now , visiting his home in Pennsylvania: AVabhinoton, Pa., Juiib2s, 186li. ! Messrs. Perry Davis & Hou, Providence, R. I.: Dear Sirs-During a residence of some ten years as n Missionary in Siam and Cltinu, I found i your vegetable Pain Killer a most valuable . remedy for that fearful scourge, the Cholera. In administering the medicine, I found it most elfectnul to give u teuspoonfnl of Pain Killer in a ' gill of het water sweetened with sugar; then, after about, fifteen minutes, begin to give a table spoonful ot the same mixture every minute until relief was obtained. Apply hot. applications to ' the extremities. Bathe tho Btomucu with Pain . Killer, clear and rub the limbs briskly. Ot llmibo wlio hud the cholera, and took the medicine faith fully in the way stated above, eight out of ten recovered. Yours, truly, R T'ELFOBD. If au attack with Iliarriitßa, Dysentery, or Cramp Colic, don't ih lay tire use -ot the Pain Killer. Sold by all medicine dealers Prit'r, ”3 cents, 511 cents, and $1 per bottle. Manhattan, Kansas, April 17, IB6l>. Geullcmcn— * • -1 want to .say a little more about, the Pain Killer. I consider it ft very valuable medicine, mid always keep it on hnira. 1 have travelled a good deal suiee 1 have been in Kansas, and never willioutr taking it with me, Tn my practice f used it freely for the Asiatic Cholera, in 1849, and with better success than any other niedifine; I also Used it here for cholera in ISJS, with the same goad result. Truly, yottta, ’ A. HUNTING, M. D. SwATb, China. Choleta! * * * I regret, to say that'the cholera lias prevailed here of late to a fearful extent. For tlie last three Weeks, from teu to fifty or sixty fatal cases each day Ims been re ported. I snould add that the Pain Killer, sent recently from the Mission House, has been used with eonsiderable success during this epidemic. If taken in reason is generally effecteat in cheek ilfg tlie thsease. Rev. CHARGES HARDINIG, Shoiapore, India. [From tlie Portland Summer Complaint and Dysentery. Bowel complaints seem just now to be the prevailing element, and any medicine that fa every where acceptable,' aud that is reliable, is a very desirable acquisition. From what we have seen, heard, aud i-xporienceil, we believe Davis' Pain Killer is this desideratum. For tho best method of using it, we quote from the directions: “For common bowel complaints, give one tea spoonful in a gill of new milk nnd molasses, in i equal part*, stirred well together; lessen the dose I for children, according to the age. If the pain lie i severe, bathe the bowels and back with the uiedi . cine. This mode of treatment in good in case* of i t,he cholera morbus, sudden stoppages, etc. Re - peat, the dore every honr. “The quickest way I ever saw the dysentery r cured was by taking one rpoogful of the Pain i Killer in one gill of milk and ni'dasses stirred i well together and drank hot. at the same-time : bathing the bowels freely with medicine. Let , the dose be repeated every honr until the patient s is relieved." If every person who has reason to fear tens disease would provide themselves with a battle r of this medicine, and use as occasion required, we believe a great amotuit of siirteriug and sickness would be saved. j(42—2ni Special Notice. g. JF ' » H ■ a- tri 1 ? =° J S Ate tn. rd sMWw s = 2 ' q In ? O I I 'fH s ’ g lil 50 % 'jp> irT " H H - E s ? ~ n a. x -z o i >-• ~ ?S' C’ AHiMMIH i ” ■H K n ■ .Spectacles Rendered Useless. I ‘s' Jiri MOST EMINENT PItYSTCIa.Nb I JL Oculists and Divines recommend the w.c of Ibo CORNEA RESTORERS for Preshyopin i or Far or Long fiightodners, or every porroD who wears spectacles from ofo age; Dimnera of A'ision or Hliirring; Overworked eyes; Asthono piaor Weak Eyes; Epiphora, or Watery Eyes; Pain in the Eye ball; Amaurosis, er Obscurity of Vision; Photophobia, or Intolerance pt Light; Weakness of tho Retina and Optic Serve ; Myoilurophia, or Sleeks of Moving Bodies before the eyes; Ophthalmia, or Inflam mation of the Eye and EyeHdv, and Imperfect Vision from the effect of liiflaimuation, etc.; Cataract Eyes; Hemiopia, or Partial Blind ness ; and many other Disease's of the Eye. Cure Guarantredor Money Refit tided. OXLY CORNEA REXTOJREII IN THE WORLD, AND ’1 he Rest Restorer of the Eyesight Ktu/utris SO SAY ALL PHYSICIANS. They can bo used by any one witfea eere tafoty of success, and will vceoive immediate liericficial results, without tho least (ehr of injury to the eye. Circulars sent free. NEAR SIGHTEDNESS CURED Hy the Patent Myopia, or Cornea Flatteners v)nly known Remedy in the World —has proved a Great Success. For further information, price, and certificates of cures, address Dr. J. Stephens & Co., A 0. BOX, 92», Office, 840 Broadway, NEW YORK, .a®- STEPHEN’S MAGNAL EGYPTIAK ORIENTAL EYE OINCMSNT will care in flamed eye lids, stys, and prereaf rty». Travelling Agents Wanted GOOD COMMISSION <PA I> Selliug of the Restorers is a pleasant and honorable employment, desirable tor all Ladies Clergymen. Teachers, Students, and Farmers and f rraft who desire to make an honest living by an easy employment- AH persons asking f. r terms to Agents must ‘puclnte twenty five cents i . pay postage and cost of Minting mate rial. containing information for Agents. Town Agents Ranted. novJ7-d*wly NO 370 Aligner’» gale/ qtate of GEOROIA-niCHMOND cou KJ TY.- Pursuant to an Order from the Hr • 4 rank 8. Hcsseltine, Register in Bankruptcy 1 the Southern District of Georgia, will be said the city of Augusta, at the Lower Market How on tho FIRST TUESDAY IN OCTOBER ne: between the usual hours of sales all that Tract lot of Land on the south siilofii Ellis street, 1 tween Campbell and IKasbintfon streets, knot as the Palace Stables, together with all the fa provements thereon. All the above real ests sold as the property of Marcas A. ttehonr Bankrupt, for the benefit of his creditors.' . This property will be sold free of all iacn brances, they having been ordered in be trie ferred to the proceeds of sale of thnsanje. Also, at the same time and place, wrll'he .B 0 all the Notes and Dunk Accnunts belonging and surrendered by Marcus A. Dahoooy. Purchaser to pay for papers. . / A. WILSON, Augusta, September 3, 1858. sepi-'v-lawtds y- • IN THE DISTRICT COURT- OF TJ United States for tho Southern Dlstrioh Georgia. In tho matter of ) JAMES J- DAVIS, JINiEANKRJIPTO Bankrupt. ) Nb. 3fl. The said Bankrupt havlug petitioned t Court for a discharge from all hi» defats prot 1 blc under tho Bankrupt Act of March '-’d, 18(1 notice is hereby given to all persotos Interest to appear on the 22d day of October, 1808, 8 o’clock a. m., at chambera oi said Distr! Court, before Frank 8 HesaeDine, Epq., one tho Register* of said Court in Btnskruptcy, the Court House in Bainbridge, in said Distri. anil show eause why tho |xiyur o( the ss petition of the Bankrupt should not begrante And further notice is given that the sccrmd at thin! meetings of creditors will be held at t aametiiuc and place. . < Dated at Savannah, Ga., thia 3-lth day of St tember. IW. JAMES McPHERSON, scptJS—law3w • Clei IN TUB DISTRICT COURT OF TH United States for the Northern Dis’-tel Gehrgg In the matter es ' ’ i JEREMIAH CLEVELAND, *ln R.inkri ptc Bankrupt. j To whom it may eopceru: The undersign hereby gives notice of- his appointmvut Assignee of Jeremiah Cleveland, of the eoutl Franklin, mid State of Georgia, within ra District, who baa been adjudged a Baukru upon his own petithm by the DfatMct Court said District. Dated the ’’2d day of August. A. D.. 1868. ALBERT «. BAG WELL, oet2-law3w* _ ' Assignee. IN THE DIfTRICT COUBT OF’ TI! United Mates for the,Southern District Georgia. ' ' In the matter of } * M. M. BENJAMIN, .A IN BANKRUI’TC’ Bankrupt. •' J To w itpm it may concern: The undersignt hereby gives notice of . his appointment Assignee of Milton M. Boojatnin, ot August Richmond county, State of Georgia, with said District, who has been.adjudged a Ban rupt upon liis own iH-tjtion 'by the Distrl Court of said District. Dated at Augusta, this tweuty-first day September, A. D., 1888. • CHARLES (J. GOODRICH, #c-|»2i-Jaw3w Assignee. IN THE DISTRICT ..COURT OF TH United States for the Southern District Georgia. In the matter of I " ‘ < 1 J0:!N S MGNTOOMKKY IIN BANKRUPTC Bankrupt. ) , No. 27. The said Bankrupt having petitioned .*t! ‘ Court for a discharge from ail his debts pro' ble under tlie Bankrupt Act pt March 2d, 18f ' notice is hereby given to all persous interest ’ to apjiear on the 39d day of October, 18ti8, at o’clock a. m., at chamber* of said Distr: Court, before Frank 8. Hcaaeltiue, Esq., one the Registers ot sold Court in Bank nipt eyi the Court House in Bainbridge, ta attidllislrit and slrow cause why the prayer of the st petition of the Bankrupt sKpuM not be grante Aud further notieo is given that the second a third meetings of creditors held at t same time and place. Dated at Savannah, Gtu, this 24(h day of St . tember. fß<«. JAMES McniERSON, l sep2B—law»w x n Clerk. • IN THE DISI'KICT ' COURT of Ts 1. United Sttates for the Northern District, i Georgia. ■ ; fa tti'i matter of-•) , WM. H. WHITKHEAIfaUx BcranerroY, Bankrupt. , ' No- 27A ’ The said Bankrupt liaviug petitioned the Goi for n discharge from all lifa debts provable un< t the Babkropt Act of March (Nty iBS7, notice > hereby given to all persons interested to appear j ihft tilth day,of Gcjober, 1808. a( HI d'cloec, in I > forenoon, at chambers of the said District Cot ! befiire Alexander G-Murray. Ewf ,otte of the Ri I infers of the said Court in Bankratptcy, al I Register s office, iiubo uity of Giiflfo,.♦«»,. a I show eausu why the praj er of the said petition i the Bankrupt snouta not be grafitjd. And furtl notice is given fliat the second and th i Oieeiiugs of cred hors will ire halo at tile ' time and place. , • Witness, tlie Houqruble Jotgi Erski [seai.J Judge of said Court, this Mia 2 d.-iy of Neptewrber, 1888: W. H SMITH,. sep23—biw3w* ’ ' Clerk IN THE DlSflttCT fjlM TJ 1 United Stktds for the BotUßer» District Georgia. '' J ~s'. ' In the motto*of Y • s '.-' WILLIAM 11. SMITH.J IN. BANKRUri’fI •T. ill" fir# of . • ). riftlEl 1)8 A UMITH, , No. ÜB. Run kraut- I The said Bankrupt lutviug petitiouvd 1 Court fora diecharge from all his debts pro blc under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 18 notice Is hereby glvsn to all persons intera* toappearon the tith day ofNoyembcr,lßUß,al o’clock a. m., at chambers otinMlbistriefCoc liqlore Albert G Foster, Esq., one- of t-iq- R isters of the suid Court ta Bunkrupfcy, at office at the dry of Madison, Jforgan cout Gn., nnd show cause why toe '[iraycr of »aid i«till<>n of the Bankrupt should not graulciu And further notice -m /hereiiv irii that the third meeting of cvMitoM wßlbeiJ al (be same lifa'' and place. Dated at Savannah. Ga., shh 2d d»v tff Oci her,' 1868. -Y 5 " 1 JAMES MCFHERBON, I ocl— lawdw Clcrkj IN itt« DISTRICT - OoUitT OF T| 1 United State* for the Soutbcrii District! Georgia. . . I In the mallei; of i .. • .J Mien TEL G EURUCII}IVRANKRUrri Bankrupt. ’ . ‘ I The mid HanKrupt. linvipg petitioned the Col for a discharge from hR Jh* delrtfc-provable uufl the Bankrupt Act of March IM, 1867, notiel hereby given to all persons interested to appear! the Mst day of (Ictober, at-' llbo cM hi the forenoon, at chotnlyr» of fire said !■ triot Court, before Frank b IResetlihi-, Esq, <1 of tlie Jtegi."ters of, th* sgid £ouet m Bal ruftey at the Court Moure, in Quitiul Georgia, arid show cans* w’liy'lht'-prayer of fl said petrtiou of the Bankrupt -ebotud not | granted. ’ -• x-gu Dated at Savannah, Ga , this 29th day of Bfl timber, 1888. JAMES McPHKRSON, ■ oel—lawSw - , C!*RJ IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF t! United plates lor the Sontirerii Dislricfl Georgia. m tbe rtuttotof • -I ( . AB 14AN A EK LICK and jTN BANKKUPM i ©EKO 11 KAUL, , t of tboflrnu of ~ EBLICfI A RAUL,. I. No. 202. I Bankrupts. J j The said Bhukrapts having petitioned ■ court lor.adtscliarge from all their debts pnM ble under the Bankrupt Act of M*rch 2d, isl notice B hereby given to all persons inteieqj to appear on tlie .’tet day of October. 1868 H *i o’cln-. k a. m . at chambers of said Distfl Coiu-t. before Frank S Hesscltine, Esq, on® the Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy® the Court House In Quitman, in said Distr® an.l show cause why the prayer of the said 9 tition of the Bankrupls should not Ire gran® Dated nt Bnvannali. Ga, this 28th dttv of fl JAMES McPHERSON. ■ <xil -iaw3w Clen®