The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, October 13, 1868, Image 1

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THE NATIONAL REPUBLICAN. VOL. I. National Republican PUBLISHED DAILY (MONDAY EXCEPTED) Official Organ of the U- S. Government. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: <)«.• Y ear, ill advance $5 00 Six Months, in advance 2 50 Three Months, in advance 1 25 ■ £(■• .1 paper furnished yrittis to any one Send ... us a Club of ten subscribers. ts?" Tbe undereiguvl, huyinv a completely furnished office, is enabled to > a« all orders for Book and Job Printing, BookvbindiHg, or Ruling cheaper than anv other office in tho South. B. H. PUGHE. TUESDAY MORNING October 13, IBM Official < BY THE GOVERNOR. Wueheas, Notwithstanding the Executive Proclamation of September 14th, 1868, many lawless acts have occurred in violation thereof, whereby the lives and property of citizens have been destroyed, the right of free speech im paired, the performance of the duties of the offices to which c'.tizons have been elected, de nied, the lives of citizens co threatened as to cause them to abandon their homes and prop erty ; And Whereas, “The protection of persons and property is the paramount duty of Gov ernment, and shall ho impartial and com plete;” And Whereas, The Sheriff of each county is, by law, charged with the preservation of life, property and peace in each county : Noir, Therefore, I, Rufus B. Bullock, Gov ernor, and Commaudcr-in-Chicf of the Army and Navy of the State of Georgia, and of the Militia thereof, do hereby issue this my Procla mation, charging and commanding the said Sheriffs, and each and every other civil officer in every county in this State, to see to it that the lives and property of all citizens, and the peace of the community, ate preserved ; and that all persons are protected in the free exercise of their civil and political rights and privileges. And, further, to make known that, for failure in the performance of duty, the said Sheriffs and other civil officers will beheld to a strict accountability nnder the law. And, to charge upon every per son, resident in this State, that they render prompt and willing obedience to the said Sheriffs and other civil officer, Milder «IZ circmastanm <"XtU»oet'er/ and that they demand from said officers protection, when threatened or disturbed in their person or property, or with denial of political or civil rights; aid that, failing to r.ciive sueh protection, they report facts to this Department. The following extract from General Orders No. 27', dated October 8, 1868, from Headquarters, Dvparfineiit of the South, is published for the information of Civil Officers and the general pub lic, by which it will bo seen that said Civil Offi cers will, in the performance of their duties, be sustained by the military power of the United States. Given under my hand and the Great Seal ot the State, at the Capitol in Atlanta, this ninth day of October, in the year of our Lord eigh teen hundred anti sixty eight, ami of the In dependence of the United States of America the ninety third. RUFUS B. BULLOCK, By the Governor: Governor. David G. Coitinv, Secretary of State. IlEADgr*.rters Department or hie South, I , Atlanta, Georgia, Oct 8, 1868. j general Orders, A’o. 27. “Whereas, by an act of Congress of the United States, approved March 2, 1865, it is made the duty of the military authority to preserve the peace at the polls at any election which may bo held in any of the States; and, whereas, this duty h'B become the more imperative, from the existing political excitement in the public mind, from the recent organization of civil govern ment, and from the fact that Congress has, by statute, prohibited the organization of military forces in ths several Stales of this Department, it is therefore ordered, “That the several District commanders will, as soon as practicable, on the receipt of this order, distribute the troops under their commands as follews : * * » * In the District of Georgia : One company 16tli Infantry, td Albany. Oae company 16th Infantry, t > Columbus. One company 16th Infantry, to Macon. One company 16th Infantry, to Augusta. One company 16th Infantry to Washington, Wilkes county. Ono company 16th Infantry, to Americus. Ono company (C), sth Cavalry, to Athens. The company at Savannah to be reinforced, should occasion require, by such mon at Fort Pulaski as can be spared from the post. * » » » » “ Detachments, when necessary, may bo mado to points in the vicinity of each post ; but iii no case, nor on any pretext whatever, will detach ments be seat without commissioned officer, who will bo fully instructed by his post oom mander . “The troops will be considered as in the field aud supplied with the neoessary carnp equipago the p>cn te be furnished with . .imiiion teats i .practicable, and if not practicable, with shelter tents. Cernmandiog officers arc permitted to hire quarters, temporarily, when it can be done for reasonable rates ; but this will not preclude the necessity es carrying tents, as tho commands, iti all cases, must bo in readiness to move at the shortest notice, with all supplies required for their efficiency. “ District Commanders will instruct Post Com manders in their duties, and tho relative position of the civil and military powers. They will impress on Post Commanders that they are to act in aid and co-operation, nnd in subordination to the civil authorities; that they aro te exercise discretion and judgment, unbiased by pelitical or other prejudices; that their object should be exclusively to preserve tho peace and uphold law and order, aud they must be satisfied such is the object of the civil officer calling on them for aid ; that they must in all cases, where time will permit, apply for instruction to superior au thority, but they must at all hazards preserve the peace, and not be restrained by technical points, when, iu tbeir conscientious judgment, under the rules above set forth, it is their duty to act. Post Commanders on being notitiod oi tbe proposed holding of political meetings, may send an officer, and it nooessary a detach ment, to watch the proceedings and see that the peace is preserved. “ To -the people of the several States compos ing tbe Department, the Major General Com manding appeals that they will 00-opcrate with him and the civil authorities in sustaining law and order, in preserving the peace, and in avoid ing those scenes of riot and bloodshed, and the wanton destruction of properly and lite which has already, in some instances, been enacted in this Department, lie urges abstinence from all inflammatory and incendiary appeals to the passions; discountenancing tbe keeping open of liquor shops on days of political meetings and of election; the abstaining from carrying aims, and asserting the individual right of construing laws by force of arms. No just cause is ever ad vanced by resort to violence. Let there be charity and forbearance among political oppo nents, whatever may be tbe result. Let eaih good citizen determine that all who, under t lie aw. have the right to tbe ballot shsll exercise it undisturbed. If there are disputed points of law, let them be referred to the Courts, and list not mobs or political clubs, or other irresponsi ble bodies, construe and undertake to execute the law. This appeal is made in the earnest hope that the Major General Command- ing can roly on the good sense and correet judgment of the mass of the people, and that he will not lie compelled to resort to the exercise of the power with which he is entrusted, and which lie will most reluctantly employ. But ho thinks it his duty to make known, that so far u* the power under his command will admit, he will not permit tho peace to bo broken, and that he will not be restrained in the conscientious dis charge of his duty by technicalities of laws made when the present eumnalous condition of affairs were neither anticipated or provided for.” By order of Major General Mmadk : 11. C. DRUM, A. A. G. • ildi" Ail Newspapers within the Stale of Geor gia, will please insert daily and weekly until 3d of November, proximo, and send bill to Execu tive Department, Allanfo. AUGUSTA MCXIUII’AL KLKCTIOX. The Ai t as passed by the Legislature. AN ACT to reorganize the " municipal . government of the City of Augusta: Whereas, The present Mayor and City Council of Augusta were appointed by mili tary authority, which authority has cease,! to -exist: Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of. Representatives of the State of Get rgia iu Genu al Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That an election for Mayor and members of Council of said city, bo held ou Wednesday, the 24 day of December next, in the manner established by the laws of this Slate and the Ordinances of sai l city, of force ou the fust day of April, 1866, and not hereby modified ur repeajed. Sec. 2. The officers so elected shall hold their offices for one year from the date ol their election, and until their successors arc elected and qualified. Sec. 3. A registry of voters shall be opened at the City Hall, in said city, on the fifth day of October next, and continue open until 2 o’clock p. in., on Tues day, the first of iJccctnber tiisxt. from I) o’clock a. ni., till 2 o’clock p. m., of each day, except Sunday, under the supervision of John 0. Snead, J udge of the City Court of said city, WiHiftln 11. McLaws, late Judge of the County Com t of Richmond county,Ellery M.Brayton, Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, Wm. Doyle, Deputy Sheriff ol said county, and Robert A. Harper, any two or more of whom may act, and shall require each and every person applying for registry to take the oath ]>rovided by this net for voters iu said city, except so much thereof as relutps to registering the certificates of regi try and voting. Sec. 4. The Commissioners of Registry above named, or such of them as may act, shall appoint the Superintendt-nts of the Election in the several wards, and give public notice of their appointment; ten (10) days before thy election in all the public gazettes of the city. Sec. 5, At said election the polls in each Ward shall be opened at 8 o’clock a. nt., and close at 5 o’clock p. m , and each voter shall, on voting, present his certifi cate of Registry, which shall be received by the managers and sealed up in the office of the Clerk ol' Council. Sec. 6. In the event of the loss or destruc tion of any certificate of Registry, upon personal application by the parly to whom the .same was issued, accompanied by his affidavit pf Said loss or destruction, subscribed by l-.iin, the said commissioners shall issue to such persons a duplicate certificate, which shall serve in lieu of the certificate lost or destroyed: Provided, that no duplicate cer tificate shall be issued after 10 o’clock p. in , of Tuesday, the first of December next. Sec. 7. The Commissioners ot Registry shall receive from the City Council a fiir compensation for the services rendered by them respectively. Sec. 8. All other elections-in said city tot Mayor and Members of Council slud! be held annually, on the first Wednesday in Decem ber, except as herein modified under exist ing laws; Provided, that, alter the prestint year, the list for the registration of voters shall be opened on the first Monday in Sep tember in each year, and be kept opened until 3 o'clock p. m., ol the fourth Wed nesday in November ; ami provided further, that no duplicate certificate shill be. issued by the person or persons who may be ap pointed to register later 2 o'clock p. in., of Saturday immediately preceding the election, nor until the applicant lias complied with all the provisions of the sixth section of his act. Six', 9. At .ill elections for Mayor ami Members of Council held iu said city after the passage of this act, the Managers shall administer the following oath to any person attempting to vote,- upon his being chal lenged, or in case cither of them have doubts as. to his right to vote : “ You do solemnly swear that you are a citizen of the United States, that you are twenty-one years of age, that, you have resided' in lbw State for tin last twelve months, in this city, for the last six months, and in this district Or ward for the last ten days; thut you have considered this State your home for the last twelve months, that y.ou have paid all taxes,, and made all returns required by the Ordi nances ot tliis city that have been in your power to pay or make according to saw Ordifianpes, that you have been duly regis tered within the time prescribed by law, that the certificate of registry you now offer was delivered to you in pel-sou by the Registry Clerk or Commissioners, and that you have not voted this day. So help you, God/’ Sec. 10. htolliing in this act shall be so construed r.s to exclude any person from registering or voting on account of race or color. Sec. 11. That the Sheriff of the county of Richmond is hereby directed and required to be present during said election, at the place of voting, with a police force to be furnished by the City Council of said city, and preserve the public peace, and prevent any interference with the managers of said election or voters therein. Sec. 12. So much of an Act in relation to the City Council of Augusta, approved Feb maty 28th, ISfifi, us authorizes the said City Council “to provide the mode, manner and time of elections of Mayor and Members of the City Council,’’ and all laws, or parts ot laws, militating against this Act, be, and the same tire hereby, repealed. R. L. McWhorter, Speaker House of Representatives. M. A. Hardin, Clerk House of Representatives. Benjamin Conley, President of the Senate. A- E. Marshall, . ' Secretary of the Senate. IS HOUSE. Passed over the veto of his Excellency, the Governor, by a constitutional majority of ayes 90; nays 45. September 16, 1’8(18. M. A. Hardin, Clerk House of Representatives. IN SENATE. • Passed over the veto of his Excellency, the Governor, by a constitutional majority of ayes 24; nays 11. S 'ptember 23,18(18. A. E. Marshall, Secretary of Senate. lUGUSTzI, G£, TUESDAY MOKNING, OCTOBER 13, 1868. ALBERT G. HALL, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, 231 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. PIHE, LIFE, AND MARINE INSURANCE L effocted to any amount in the most reliable Companies in tho country. Tho following Companies are especially repre sented by him : The QUEEN INSURANCE CO., of London and Liverpool. The GEORGIA HOME INSUK.iHi.i. CO., of Columbus, Ga. The NORTH AMERICAN FIKE INSURANCE CO., of Hartford, Conn. Tho JEFFERSON INSURANCE CO., of Scottsville, Va. Tho NORWICH FIRE INSURANCE CO., of Norwich, Conn. Tho IAMBS RIVER INSURANCE CO., of Montreal, Va. The INSURANOU k SAVING CO., of Kieli tnond, Va. The UNION FIRE INSURANCE CO., of Balti more, Md. The VIRGINIA. INSURANCE CO., of Staun ton, Va. ALSO, The MANHATTAN LIFE INSUR ANCE CO., of New fork. Cash Assets, $4,381,773.45. .i<-23 ly _ j IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE 1. United States for the Northern District of Georgia. In the matter of ) WILLIAM HAMMETT, , IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. ) No. 131. The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all hie debts provable under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, aotiee Is hereby given to all persons interested to appear ou the 26th day of October, 1868, at 10 o'clock a. in , at. Chambers of said District Court, before Chas. G McKinley, one of the Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy, at the Register’s office in the city of Newnan. Ga., and show cause why the prayer of tlie said petition of the Bankrupt should not be, granted. And further notice is given, that the second and third meetings of cred itors will be held at the eanm time and nhice. Witness the Honorable John Erskine fstrfl..] Judge of said Court, this 3d day of O.'tober, tW. W. B. SMITH, oc6 —IgwSw* Clerk. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE 1 United States for the Northern District of Georgia. In the matter of 1 IN BANKRUPTCY. LINDSEY PERDUE, L Bankrupt. ) No. 220. The said B uikrupt having petiHonea the Court for a discharge from all his debts provable nnder the Bankrupt Act of Mureh 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the VOth day of October. 1868, at 10 o'clock u. m , at chambers of said District Court, before Charles V McKiuley. Esq., one of tho Registers of said Court in . limikruptcy, at the Registers office in the town of Newnan, Georgia, and show eanse why the prayer of the saui petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted. And further notice ip given thut the second and third meetings of creditors will be held at the same time and place. Witness the ’ Hatunable John Erskine, Judge of said Court, this 3d day of (Jetober, 1868. W. B. SMITH 5 , oefi-law2w* CTeik. NATIONAL FRffIMAN’B BAVIIB AND TRUST COMPANY. o <liartcred by Act of Conffre&ff. o . Banking Iloudc, Pennsylvania Avenue, corner ol 19th street, Washington, D. C. o BRANCH AT AUGUSTA, GA., SO 10 JACKSON ST. Open every day—Sundays and Holidays ex cepted—from 9 a. m. to 2p. m., and Saturday evening' from 6 to 8 p. m. DEPOSIT* OP ANY AMOUNT FROM FIVE CENTS UPWARDS, RE CEIVED FROM ANY PERSON. Deposits can always bo withdrawn without no tice. Deposits in specie aro repaid in specie. All other deposits aro repaid iu “Greenbacks” or National Bank Bills. AH the profits belong to tho depositors. Investments are only made in Soeuritieo of the United Stales. GEO. 11. HARRIS, Chairman Advisory Committee. ROBERT T. Kr.NT, Secretary. DAVID A. RITTER, Acting Cashier au2l—ddwtf TN THE DISTRICT COURT DF THE United States for the Southern District ol Georgia. In the matter of ) JOHN T. WIMBEBLY, )IN BANKRUPTCY Bankrupt. J No. 26. The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all his debts prova ble under tire Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the 22d day of October, 1868, at 10 o’clock a. m., at chambers of said District Court, before Frank 8. Hesscltine, Esq., one of the Registers of the said Court in Bankruptcy, at Ids office, at the Court House in Bainbridge, Georgia, and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted. Dated at Savannah, Qa, this Ist day of Octo ber. 1868. jambs mcpherson, oe3—law2w Clerk. “Westward the Star of Empire Takes Its Way.” Secure a Homestead IM CALIFORNIA. T II E IVXIfiRAXT HOMESTEAD ASSOC’JI, OF CALIFORNIA. Incorporated under the Laws of the State, November '.Wth, 1867, For the purpose of providing Homes ft>r its metnwrz, thereby induce immigration. Divided into 200,1(00 shares, at $5 each, payable in United States currency. Certificates of Stock issued to subscribers imine diately apou receipt of the money. No Person Allowed io Hold More than Five Bliarew I A circular containing a full description of the property to be distributed among shstehoMers will be sent to any address, npon reeeipt of stamps to cover postage. Information as to price of land iu any portion of the State, or np-m any other subject of interest to parties pntpteitig t»> immigrate, cheerfully fnr nidted. upou receipt of stamps for postage. All letters should be told vessel, Secretary linmigrant Homestead Association. Post Office Box No. 82. San Francisco, Calitornia." au 16—3 m Richmond County. STATE OF GEORGIA— HichMund Cunnty. Whkkkas, James A. Gray, Administrator on the estate of Francis O’Conner, applies to tno for Letters of Dismission. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, tho kindred and creditors of said deceased, to bo and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in November next, to show cause, if any nave, why said Letters should nut bo granted.- Given under my hand and official signature, at office iu Augusta, thia 2d day of June, 1868. E. M. BRAYTON, ie3 —6m'’ Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. Georgia— /NcZaioml County. Whereas. Caroline Duhet, Adhiinistrntrix, with the will annexed on the estate of Antoine l’ic<(uet. deceased, applies to me for Letters of I Hsmission : Tliose are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singitlur, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and »;>jteHr at inv office on or belore the first Monday in< ht' bi'i.lo show cause, if any they have, why saie Letters should not bo granted. Given under my hand and official signature at Augusta, the llitlidny of May. 1868. E. M. BRAYTON, my 19 law6m* Ordinary- Letters of Dismission. STATE OF GEORGlA— liirhmond County. Whereas, Josephine Wilson, Admifiistratrix on the estate of Peter Wilson, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismiteioii. These are, therefore, to cite aud admonish all and singular, the kindred and cremtore of said deceased, to be and appear at my otico oh or be fore the first Monday iu October, to show camre, if any they have, wl>y said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand hud official signature, at office iu Augusta, this Illi day of May, 1868. £. M. BRAYTON, my 6 6m* Ordinary. Letters of Dismission STATE OF GEOH.G4A llidwmit County. Whereas, Jolm IX Bi;U, Administrator on the estate of Patrick O’Suffivan. deceased, applies to me for I<etters of DisntSesion These are, therefore, to cite mid kdmauisli all and singular, tiio kindred mid crisllu.r.- of said deceased, to be and appear al my office «n or be fore the first Monday iu October, to show cause, ifanytlrey have, why said Letters should not lie granted. Given under my hand mid official signature, a olliee iu Augusta, this Sth day of May. 1868. E. M BRAYTON. tny6—6m* Ordinary. STATE OF GEORGIA - liiihmoivl Voiixlff. Whereas, Rob. Douglass ami 8. D. Williams, Executors on th-Estateof Ira D. Mathewr, late of snid county, dm eaned, apply to tup for letter* of dismission : These aro, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said de ceased, to lie and appear at my office on or before the first Monday iu Febrnary next, tqShow cause, if any they- have, why said Letters slionld not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, at office in Augusta, this August 15th, 1868. SAMUEL BEVY, au 16—lam6m Letters of Dismission. Q’ftUlK OF GIUiIGIA HichmoUd County. Wiiekeas, John H. Ferney. Administrator <m the estate of Hnri-v Hughes, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission— These, are, therefore, to lite and admonish all aud singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be end appear at my office on or before the first Monday in March next, to ebow cause, if any they have, why sa’d letters should not be granted. Given under my hand aud official signature a office in Aug'usta, this J2Btl> dav of September, 1868, SAMUEL LEVY, sep2‘J-6m Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. LJTATE OF GEORGIA. O Richmond County. Wrf.iibas Timothy C. Murphy. Administrator on the estate of Phillip Mi Gee, Isle of said coun ty, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dis mission : These aro, therefore, to cite and admonish all, and singular, the kindrod and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, on or before tho first Monday in April next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not bo granted. Given iiuilcr my bund and official signature, at office in Augusta, this Istday of October. 1868. SAMUEL LEVY, oct 2 laiiiAm .Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. OF GEORGIA, kJ Itiehmoud County. VVuep.baj-, William J. Furr, Administrator de biniuu nun of the estate of Ueoxgo P. Greeu, deceased, uppiie- to nw for I,..'tors ot Dismission. These arc therefore to cite aftd admonish at! and singular, the kindred :itid creditors of said deceased, to bo and appear nt my office on or before the first Monday in March next, to ,how cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be grantei’. Given under my band and official signature at office in Augusta, this 7th day of September, ISBB. SAMUEL LEVY, sepS-luititu Or.linary. Letters of Dismission- State <>f Georgia - Ricfimond County. Whereas, Jolm 11. Rhodes, Administrator ou the estate ot Williant F. Malone, deceased, ap plies to me for Letters of Dismission: These aie, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, lu bo and appear at my office on or be fore the first Monday in March next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not ho granted. Given under my hand and official signature, at office in Augusta, this 25th day. of September, 1868. SAJfb’4" ;LEVY. sep 26—law6m Letters of Administration- STATE OF GEORGIA— Riihr.iml Ootuify. Whereas, Ellen Duwc apptlies lo mo fffr Let ters of Administration on tho estate of John Dowo, late of said county, dooeasad. These are, therefore, to cite aud admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in November next,to show cause, if any they have, why sai l Leiters slionld not be granted. Given under my hand aud official signature at office in Augusta, this -.llli duv of September. 1868 SAMUEL LEVY, sepUO—l m Ordinary. UF GEORGIA— O Richmond County. Whereas, Daniel Brogan applies to me for Letters of Administration de burnt non, on the estate of Martin Brogan, late of said county de ceased — These are therefore to cite aud admonish all aud singular, the kindred and creditors of said de ceased, to be and appear at my office, on or before the fonrth Monday in October next, to show cause, if any they have, why will Letters should not. be grauied. Given under my hand and official signature, at office in Augusta, this 16th day of September, 1868. SAMUEL LEVY. Sept?— in Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. STATE OF GEORGIA. Richmond County. Whereas Wm. C. Tnder. Administrator of the estate of Sarah Swinney, deceased, applies to me lor Letteis of Dtsmirsiiju. These are. therefore, to cite aad admonish all and singular, the kjudred and creditors of said de. ceased, to l>e and appear ai my offi. e, on or before the first Monday in October,to show ranee, it any they have, why raid Letters should not be granted. tiireu umtei my Intnd and official siunatnre. at office in AngMta.thia Iffih dav of ApiH. I S GB E. M BRAYTON, apll—lawGin” Ordinary. The American Artisan UNITED BTATKB AND FOREIGN PATENT AGENCY. 189 Broadway, New York. Meuris. BROWN. COOMBS A CO.. Proprie tors ot the AMERICAN ARTISAN, otter their beet services to inventors, as Solicitors of Ameri egn and Foreign Patents. Mr. llssiiv T. Buows, of Ibis firm, has had more than tuenty-two years' experience in that prefeaaion. Irnlh In this country and Europe, and his long practice has made him personally known to thoitsands of inven tors and patentees. The applications for tbe patents upon many of the greater mid more im portaritinventionsoftho present ceiitury have been prepared by him. Messrs Buows. Cooui: A- Co., are thoroughly familiar with all the rules and re gulations instituted for the rapid transaction of busiues* with tho United States Patent Office, and the genetai practioc iu the Patent Bureaus of vari ous European countries; anti this knowledge ren ders them confident that tlieirposlexpOience, with tl|»ir present unequalcd facilities, enables them to elaborately iitid yet speedily prepare all the docu mi uUreqiiiiod by law iu applications for patents, and to promise their clients on absolute certainty ofmecessin tlieirjefliirts to.ol>tain,Lettei-.\l’iilent|or inventions that aie really new and useftrt. Part i i iilar care is given to the. execution ofthe aocWTOe iramitsffs winch must always accompany every application for a patent, and they employ nonoliut the most eflicient dranghteMen. The best evidence of the manner in which Messrs. Bitoww, U<>om»s &, Co.'s bupinees is performed,is, that tbe “A meh text* AuTts.iN Patent Agekcy,” during the three years of its existence, has been ZAci»a»z *uctes«/W iustiluliou of the kind ever established. The principal offices of Mesat's. Brown . (,'oom tin & Co. are situated at 18D Broadway, opposite John street. New York', in the most central part pf the city. Tills location is one of very easy access by sliiiiigeis inasmuch as it is within a stone's throw from the City Hail. All iuventois temporality so jonrning in tlie metropolis are invited to Visit this establishment. In|the majority of iusliuiceno model or drawing of an invention will be necessary on tlm first interview, ns a mere oral dwefiption by tho visitor will ordinarily suffice to irniVey such aknowledge of his inventiouas will citable Messrs. Brown, Coombs & Co. to defiuifoly determine whetberu machine or urocetu is new or vU-vpaten table or not. Tbe oniee lionrs are from 9A, M. 'fe 5 8. •• Messis. Brown, Coosnv. &. Co. aiqpre|>uied to furnish to jiersona'residing irt a distance from New York—five of charge— vrilteuc opinions ns to whether inveutiglis contain any fyulurep o.t paten table novelty; to do thia they simply require a sketch or rough model of the marliun- or other in vention that is supposed to bo uow. together with a brief description of the same, and (Ksoon ns pos sible thereadter a letter of tiie best Mfiviee is mail ed to Ute pewon desiring the information. These opiflimis arc formed from their own mature exper ience: but ifatiiuvouUir des;rest" know, positively, whether bis incipient idea hits ever been embodied in n machine or process already; ji'jsest course will'» t" Inive a rmTmitian. made at the United States Patent oßice by Masers Brown. Coombs «Sr. Co., wlm will nrake a special aearolkinwim all the records of that institution, and then promptly forward a I'nll and eiirefiilly written report as to the of Uie invention mi - der eXanriuoliou. For lliis labor the small fee ot $5 is payable hi advance; aud tho letuituuiee should be accompanied by a sketch o£ t he in vention and a few lines of writing describing the same, and distiiirtly stating those points ot novelty which the inventor desires to have protected by Lelters- Pateut. Patents for new ami useful inventions are now granted for the term ofsxvitNTaaa »»'*««_ The tirat instalment oflhe Go vernmem tee is sl3. which sum -together with fifty cents revenue stamp tax on the power es attorney—is payable iu adminei, ou applying for the patent.; ami S2O additional tire due to the Government when the Letters-l’ateutare allowed. Tile Agency fee is liom sdyilpWard. ac cording to the labor involved; but in all cases oar clmrwcs will be ns moderate as possible in the pre paration of drawings and all necessary documents. This fee Is not payable until after the application has been prepared ami the case is ready to be sent to Warliiugton. Mows. Brown. Coombs & Co. have a branch in W.AsitiNc.ToN So that all nppfiea tions made through them can have every necussnry attepl ion iu their passage through (lie Patent Office Inventors n'pplying for patents must furnish models of their inileliiirex. whenever possible, for the inspection of tho Examiners in the Patent Office; imtifthe invention is aeliemieal composi tion, samples of all the ingredients will be neces sary. Each of these stiould be marked with the in ventor's name, then carefully boxed, and sent (by express, prepaid}, together wit h the fu st instalmeu of the Government fee, to Messrs B ROW N, CooM bs & Co. When the model is small and light, it can be conveniently and dieaply sentby inaii The model innstnot exceed one foot in auy ol itsiiiuiens ions, unless it is of such a character tluit it is im practicable. Patents, except, those, for de- gns. are grained on equal terms to cilizmia and njlforeigners,except inhabitants of Canada ami smne others es the British Ameriimn Provinces Besides patents or new and iiselu. inventions, there are nla<> granted patents for nesigns. ijesizn patvnts are not. now. as formerly, limited strictly Io ornamental configuration : but under Section 11 of the Act of March 2. 1861, any new formofunv article, or any isrpressiou orjiytere upon the siu fuee of any ai tide or wrajerial, by whatever mtaus or process produci’ll, can be paleoted. Un der this All, patentees are mint let Io the exten sion of their respective patents for the term of »ecc« yeai from the day on which said patents shall ex pire, upon the same terms aud lesti'ictiims as are now provided for the extensions of Letters Patent. Among the numerous subjects for patent" of this class way be particularly inuuliuned— casting;: of all metals, parts of machines, household fuinjlure and utensils; glassware, litirdwafe of all kinds, cornices,and other interior aiidcxteiior decorations of buildings; also, designs for. woven aud printed fabrics, dress mid upholstery triinnniigs, and har ness labels and Hade marks for medicines, per fumery, and all preparations, conqmeitioue, or merchamli-e, put. up in bottles, boxes, or other packages, are suitable subjects; also, the forms ol such bottles, boxes, or packages themselves, ams envelopes, likewise ail works ot art. as statuary, busts, compositions iu alto or basso relievo, Iho Governin'»t fee on a design patent for.JJ years is j years; sl3; LI years, s»>. No mq<Ws of O-.uiintH arc required ; but duplicate drawings or photographs must be furnished The specifielition to accompany the drawings or photographs re quire.-. to be prepared with great earn. Messrs Brown. Coombs &. Co. give very particular at tention to this branch of their business. Their charge for preparing applications for design-patents is generally about sls. Design patents are only granted to American eitizenyor to aliens who have resided one year in tbe United States' aud made oath of their intention tv become citizens thereof. The facilities of Messrs. Bhown, Coombs & Co for obtaining patents iu the various European countries are equal if not superior to those of any oilier iu the United States. With regard to their qualifications for such business, it need only be stated that Mr. Brown has had the prepara tion of more European applications than any otliet person in this country, Messis. Bbown. Cm'Mbs & Co., besides having « branch uffee tn Washington, have their own agencies tn tlie principal capitals of Europe. A circular relating to foreign patent bnsiness will be furnished tree on application personally or by mail. Messrs Brown, Ci .MBS * Co- also attend torn terfereuces, the extensions ol expiring Lettei.- . Patent, and all proceedings relating te patents la fore the United State? Patent Office. AH letters, packages, boxes, etc., sjionid be ad dressed, prepiiiti. as follows:—• BROWN, COOMBS A D., Solicitors of Patents, my 14—ly. No. 18V Hreadway. New York. IN THE DISTRICT COURT ’OF lib-, I United States for the Southern District of Georgia. , In Die matter of i In U.a aght cTCv. . JOHN J. ALLEN, !■ Bankrupt. I No. 89. Tim said Bank nipt having petitioned liia Court for a discharge from al! hit. debts provßble under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, JBo. , notice is hciebv given to all peisoip- interested to appear on the 2'll liday <>f October, 1868. at lit o'clock am., at Chamber* of said Dirtrji-l Court, before A. G. Murray. Esq . one of the Registers bf saht Court in Bankruptcy, at liis office at Macon. Ga., and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should iifo be granted And further notice is given that the second and third meeUiists of creditors willbe held at the same time ami place. Dated at Savannah, Ga , this -Id day <rf Octo b.r, 1868, JAMES McPIIERSON, 4—law2w Clerk. MEDICINAL. Asiatic Cholera in China. ALMOST EVERY CASE CURED WITH PAIN KILLER. p EAD THE FOLT.OWING LETTER FROM JLLRev.R. Telford, Mtesfonary in China, naw visiting his home in Pennsylvania: Washington, Pa., Juno2s, IKtWi Messrs. Perry Davisd: Son, ProvidOucc, R. I.: Dear Sirs—During a residence of some ten years as a .Missionary in Siam and China, I fonud your vegetable Pain Killer a most valuable remedy for that tearful scourge, th# Cholera. In administering the medicine, I found it. most effectual to give a tenspeotifnl of Pain Killer in a gill of hot water sweetened with sugiir; then; usu r about fifteen minutes, begin to give a table spoonful of tho same mixture every minute until relief was obtained. Apply hot applications to the extremities. Bathe tho stomm-h with Pain Killer, clear and rub the limbs briskly. Os those who had tbe cliolera, and took t bo medicine faith fully iu thu way stated above, eight opt of ton recovered. Yours, ti uly, K TtLFORD. If an attack with Jliarrhaia, Dysentery, Cramp CoITo. Holl’t delay (ly dee at the Patti KUler S.WTiy all nieificine ileiders Price, 25 I cents, 59 cents, and slper bottle. Manhattan, Kansas, April 17, IBG6. ■ GettHemen— * * • 1 wRUt t:> say a Tittle morembout the Pain Killer. I consiiler it a very oaluubh' rudicinc, and always keep it on band. I have ti avelted a good deal since I have been iu Kansas.aud never willioul with me, In my piaittce I used it freely for, the Asiatic Cluileiu, in 184!*, mid with better stiei esaLimit any olb.'i- m-ilii-inc ; I also u..ed it bcrejbr choleta iu 1855, with flic Kline go, id result. Truly, yours. A. HUNTING, M. D. . Swath, China. Cheleia ! * * * 1 regret to say that the cbolern bus prevailed livre of late to a tearful extent. For the last three weeks, from Yen to fifty or sixty fatal cases each day Ims brn'ii re ported. l»h<iiiLl add that the Pain Killer, sent, recently Irotn the Mission House, Ims been used with oonsiderabic success during this epidemic. If taken in season i.- guueridly cH’eclnal in check-'* ing the disease. Bev. CUARLB.'iHAKDINIG, Slioiupore, India. [Frotn the Portia ndMonthly.| Summer Complaint and Dysentery. Bowvl A-iMuplainte iwsem just now to .be Hie prevuiliiig etytueut, and any uiedidre that is everywhere acceptable, and that in reliable, is a very’desirablenequiMtiion. Krom wlmt wb have seen, lit aid, and eKpoiiencwi, wu be tier© Davis’ l‘uin Killer is thip tieriderHtunL For the UcM, tnetfaid <»f using it, we from the directlouß: “For common bvwtl uoni|»iaiut», vive one tca- Hpoonfnl in a of new milk :nm, niolHeseej, in etpial puns, stirred tuuHber; Iwfu tbe done for children, aecordiiig to the age. If thu pain, bo severe, bathe thu bowvia and back with the inedl ciue. Thie mode of treatment ia geod in caaes of the cholera morbus, sudden atoppag< H, etc. Re peat the'dowjevery nour. “The quickeat way I ever saw tlie dysentery cored was by Mkiug <>ue appouful of the Kilter in gill of nfdk and mobwaeH stirred wfelF together and drank hot*, at the saw 9 time bathing the bowels freely with medicine. Let the dose be repeated every hour until the patient ia relieved.” If every person who lias reason r.o fear thia disease w>nld provide lhenn»etves with a. bottle of thia medicine, and use aa veeasiou retired, we believe a great apiount of Mifferiug and sickness would be saved. ,jei2—2m Special Notice. ■I? t - ■fe. h R 1 j’-'. F '•.:.-.>lUWi'' 3MI Spectacles Rendered Useless. HP 11 II MOST EMINENT PHYSICIAN* 1. Oculist* and Divines recommend tho use of t,he CORNEA BESJJORiiRS for Presbyopia or Far or Long oigiifouue.-'*, or every person who wears spectacle#from old age; Diinnewt of Vision or Blurring; Overworked eyes; Astheno pia or Weak Eyes; Epiphora, ur Watery Eyes; I'tin in the Kyo-baR ; Amanrojtsffor Obscurity <4 Vision; Photophobia, or Intolerance of i,;;bt; Weakness of tbo Retina and Optic Nerve : Myodesophia, or Specks of Moving Bodies befofe tho eyes; Ophthalmia, or Inflam mation of the Eye and Eyelids, and Imperfect Vision I'roia the effect of Infiauimation, ety.; Cataract Eyes; Hemiopia, or Partial Blind ness and many ethef Diseases of the Eye. L'aiv Gtiarautiieldr Money Ref unded. 051.1 <; OttN K A KIINIOHER IN THE WORLD, ANU 'ihe Best Restorer' j the Eyc-iighl Known. SO FAY ALL PHYSICIANS. They can bo used by auy one with a cer tuinty of success, and will receive immediate bonefitfisl result.', without the least fear of iajary to the eye. j'irculars tent tree. NEAR SIGHTEDNESS CURED Wy she Patent ftr Cornea Fialteutri Only known Remedy in the World—-has proved a dre%t Success. For further information, price, apd certificates of cure*. * Dr. J. Stephens & Co., P. t). BOX, 929, Ofice, 846 Broadway, NEW YORK. PS* STEPHEN’S MAGICAL EGYPTIAN ORIENTAL EYE OINTMENT will ev« >n ffiMncd eye lids, stys, and prevent stys. Travelling Agents Wanted. GOOD COMMISSION PA D sblhttg of the Rsstorers is a pleasant and h..aeia!de employment, desirable lor all Ladies- Clergymen. Teachers, Students, and Farmers and for all who desire to make an honest living bv an easy employments-1 All persons asking for term” to Agents must enclose twenty five cents to pay postage and cost of printing mate rials containing information for Agents. Town Agents Wanted. novJ7-d*wly United State* Marshal’! Sale. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A/WRIT of hen facias, issued out of the Honorable, the Fifth Circuit Court, of the United States for the Southern District of Georgia, in favor of the plaintiffs, Harn & Curbing, w th® following case, to wit; Harn & Cushing versus John N. Webb r id John M. Stork, I have levied upon, as (he property of John M. Stark, one lot. of laud, con Utininutei* (10} acres, more or less, together with the hiiprovemetits thereon, situate, lying, and living In Wynnton, county of Muscogee, and State of Georai*. about two miles cast of Ckilum bus, aiu[b<Miuded on the north, east and west fay the lots belohging to James Sf. Chambers, and on the south by the lot belonging to the estate of Moses Butts, decegsyd, and known as the resi deuce of Johu 51. ota k; and will sell the same at public auction, at the Conrt flopse, in the city of Macon'. county of Bibb, and State of Georgia, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN NOVEMBER next, between die lawful hoaruot sale. Terms—Cash. Property pointed out by plain tiff’s attorney. Dated at Savmnadi, Georgia, October 2, 1868. W|t. G. DICKSON, oct i-biwlw United States Marshy IN JUi: DISIItJUT COURT* OF THE United Status fur the Northern Dist-lct ot Georgia In the matter <>f j JEREMIAH CLEVELAN D, j. Tn lIAMKRI’PTcr. Bankrupt. ) To whom it may concern! The undersigned hereby gives notice of bis appointment as Assignee, of Jeremiah Cleveland, of the comity Franklui, mid State of Georgia, within said District, wlio lias been adjudged a Baukrupl upon his own petition by the District Court of said District. Dated tlte22Jda» of August A. D-, 18<ri. ALBERTG BAGWELL, oct2-law3w* Assignee. IN tße district C ? 6urT of the United States for' thro Northern District of Georgia. •' In tile matter of • 1 Ik M. CAMP, [IK BANKRUPTCY Bankrupt. i ’ To whom it ma/ cottvetn : The undec, igaed hWeby gives.potice of his appointment, ns As signee of E, M. Camp, of the county of Franklin, and Blate of Georgia. within said District! who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon bis own pelitinu by tiro District Court ot said district. Dated thia 2&th day <tf August, A. D., ISt is. THOMAS T. DOROUGH, oc42— Inwllw* Assignee. IN JIIE DIbfRKT COURT OF TIJE United Stales for the Southern District ot Gccrgia. In tho matter of i linos. PeAiii.»Tia 4 So;<, I IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupts. ) No. 254. Thy said Bankrupts having petitioned the Court for a dfikharge from al! (heir debts prova I>l< Under the Bsnkrtipt Act of March 3d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear onlhu23d day of October, 1868, at U> o’clock a. ni., at chambers of said District Court, before Alexander G. Murray, Esq., one of the Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy, at his olUee at Maeon,Ga., and show cause why tlie prayer of the snid petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted. And further nolice is given that the second and third meetings of creditors will be held at the same tinuiaud place. Dated at Satannali, Ga , this 6th day of Octo ber, 1868. JAAIEH McPHERSON. o«8 —lgw2w Clerk. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States lor the Northern District ol Georgia. In the matter of j . THOMAS B WILSON 1 IN BANKRUPTCY and I " JACK L WILSON. ) oflhe firm of WILSON & SON, | No. 336. Bankrupts. J Tho said Bankiopts liaving petitioned tlie Court for a discharge from nil theii'-debts provable under tho Bankrupt Act vs March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear ou the 3th day of November. 1868, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, at chambers ot tlie said District Court. Wore Albert G. Foster, ojre of the Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy, at the Register's office in tire city of Madison, Ga.. and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bank rupts should not be grunted. And further notice is given that the second and third meetings of creditors will be Bel 4 at the same time and plnce. ' . , . Witness the Ilonmable John Erskine, Ibeai.J Judge of tire said District Court, and the seal thereof, this' Sth "dav of October, 1868. VV. B. SMITH, oc< —Hw-’.w’ Clerk. ..-iS-LATEST AND BEST IMPROVEMENT ON ALL OTHER, INVENTIONS RESJORE YOUR SIGHT-USE ONLY Dit. J. STEPHEN’S & CO.’S Patent Cornea Restorers, or RtMoi era of the EYESICiIIT. 11 ‘ettore impartial sight and preserve U la the ’atesl period of life IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE L Utiitad States for thu Southern District of Georgia. In tlismattar ci | WILLIAM H. SMUH,-| JN BANKRUPTCY, es the r • • , clilEbUß * SMITH, i Ko. 9«. Bankrupt J The said Bankrupt Imvitig petitioned the Court for a discharge from all his debts prova ble muter the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby glveujo all persons interested to appear on the etb-day of November, 1868,at Hl o'clock a. in., at chambers of said District Court before Albert G Foster, Esq., one of the Reg-■ Liters of the said Court in Bankruptcy, at-hfe office at the city Jl Madison, Morgan county, Qn., aud show eause why the prayer- of the said petition oftho Bankrupt should not be granted. And further notice is -hereby given that the third meeting o! medilors will be held at tins same tiirte'aud place. Dated at Savannah, Ga., this 2d day of Octo ber, 1668. JAMES MCPHERSON, oel—lawJw Clerk. TN IHE DISTRICT BOUKT OF THE I United States for the Southern District of Georgia- In the matter of 1 MICHAEL G EHRLICH >IN BANKRUPTCY Bankrupt. I No. 190. The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from >4l his debt® provable under the Bankrupt Ast of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all poisons interested to appear ob the "list dav at October, 1868, at 10 o’clock, ill the forenoon, at chambers .of the said Dis trict Court, before Furnk-S Heaseltine, Esq., one of the Registers of' tlte said Cqttrt in Bank ruptcy Mt the Conrt House, in Qnitmaa, GeorgU, mid-shave cawe why the prayer of the said petition of Hie Bankrupt alumld not be Dated at Savannah. Ga, thia 29th day of Sep t ember, 1868. JAMES McPHERSON, oel— lawSw Clerk. - - , ———soi— •■■‘s —— IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United Slates- for the Southern District of- Georgia. ■ Iu the matter of 1 ABK Afi A RMUtrW and ( IN B ANKRUPTCY BENO H KAVLi > . of the lifoi of | KHLICH 4 KAUL, I . No. 202. Bankrupts. J . , Tlie said Bankrupts having petitioned the Conrt for a discharge front alt tbetrdebts prova ble under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d,.1867, notice is hereby given to ail persons interested to appear on tap 21st day of October, 1868, at 9 o’dock a. in. at chambers of said District Court before Frank S Esq., one of the Registers oi said Court in Bankruptcy, at the Court- House iu Quitmpn, in said District, and show cause why the prayer of the said pe tition of the Bankrupts snofild not be granted. Dated as Savannah. Ga., this 28th day of Sep tember, 1868. JAMES McPHERSON, | ocl -lawSw Clerk. " TNTHE DISTRICT COI'RTOF THE UNITED 1 Stater f..r the Southern District »f Georgia. j In the matter of ) IN BANKRUPTCY THDS. SWEARINGEN, v Bankrupt. • a The said Bankrupt having petitioned tac Court for a discharge from all his debts proya ble under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d. 18t>7. notice is hereby gi'C»t<l,all pereons interested to anuear on the 2J!d day ot October. 1868, at 8 o'clock a. m., at chambers of said District I Court before Frank S Hcsseitipe, Esq., oue of I the Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy, at j his office at the Court Ilonse, iu Bainbridge, Ga., I and show cause why the prayer of the said peti- I Hou of the-Bankrupt should not be granted. I Dated at Savannah, Ga.. this l«t nay of Octo- I ber 1868. james mcPHERSON, oeß-law2w Clark. . NO 374 .