The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, October 14, 1868, Image 1

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HIE NATIONAL REPUBLICAN. I VOL. I. National Republican t-rULISILED DAILY (MONDAY EXCEPTED) o(acini Organ of the US Government. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: itii-! Year, in advance r $5 00 Six Months, in advance 2 50 Throe Months, in advance 1 25 -paper .furnished gratis to any one send i, a* a CM of ten subscribers. The undersigned, having a completely furairhud office, is enabled to c- '"uti all orders for Book, and Job Printing, 1. i-biuding, or Haling Cheaper than any other office in tlie • oath'. ' K. li. Pin; HE. IVKDNKSD\Y MORNING...October 14, 1868 PEACE, i 'liberty, JUSTICE. BY THESE WE CONQUER IND PROSPER, We will furnish copies of the above Badge, neatly printed on White or colored Ribbon, at sls per one thousand ; or on Pa per, atsl per hundred. Orders respectfully solicited. ,t:V ACT fOll THE BELIEF <>F DEBTORS. ■ . AN ACT l or the Relief of Debtors, and to authorize tho adjustment of debts upon the princi ples of equity. Sec. 1. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia enacts,. That in all suits which shall be brought fpr the recovery of debts in any o( the courts of this Slate, or upon contracts for the payment of money tnwle prior to the first day of Juno, 1865, except for the sale or hire of Slaves, it shall and may bo lawful for the parties in all such oases to give ‘in evidence before the jury empanncled to try tbe same, the con sideration of the debt or contract which may bo the .subject o! the suit, the Ampvtnt and value of the property owned by the debtor at the time the debt was contracted, or the contract entered into to show upon the faith ol what property credit was given to him, and what tender or tenders of pay tin nt ho made to the creditors at auy time, and that the non-payment of tlie debt or debts was owing to tho refusal of the creditor to receive tho money tendered or offered to be tendered; the destruction. or loss of the pro]roity upon tlie faith of which the credit was given, and laow and in what manner the property was destroyed or lost, and by whose default. And in all such cases, the juries which try the same shall have ( puwer to reduce lhe amount of the debt or debts sinsi lot', ac •ording to tho cquilic ol e-neli case, and render such vcdicts as to thorn shall appear just and equitable. Skc. 2. That iu all cases iu which ver dicts have been rendered or judgments en tered upon debts contracted prior to the first day of Juno, 1865, and the judgment remains unsatisfied, it shall bo lawful fur tbe defendant or defendants, by motion in the court in which the judgment was obtained, to have the. same submitted to a jury for trial, upon the same conditions as are con tained in the preceding section, with like powers to the jury to reduce tbe amount of the judgment according to the equities of each case, and render such verdict as to them shall appear equitable and just; and the judgment rendered in such case shall su percede the prior judgment: Provided, no judgment shall lapse tbe priority of its lieu by reason of tbe rendition of anew judg ment ; and provided that ia all such cases twenty days notice shall be given to the plaintiff in execution. Cases in lhe Supe rior Courts, and cases transferred to that Court from the Inferior and County Courts, and in the Jqslices Courts, ten days notice shall be given : and in all cases commenced by motion i* either the Superior or Justices Courts, the case or cases shall be in order for trail at the term at which the motion iiay be made, but shall be subject to cimtiliu ances as cases upon tiro appeal. Bkc. 3. That in all eases in which the defendant may have in possession the prop erty for which the dobt sued on wa3 c(>n ' traded, the jury shall have power to reader a verdict retnrnivg the property, together with coni pen ?q linn for the use of the same ; Provided. Hint any improvement made by the defemlaut shall he taken’ in ijunsHef'a tion, or any part of tbe-purchase mbney which may have Iteeit paid for' the same, according to the value of the proper!? St the time of the trial.. Str. I. That in snifo against trustees, ad ministrators, executors or guardians, it shall be lawful for the defendant or defendants to giya in. evidence the lose or destruction of the property which camo into their hands, or its dejtrecintion in value, and the vnlue of the property in their hands at the commencement of the suit, shall te the measure of damages be rendered Ly the jury against them ; Piovided, that no trus tee, administrator, executor, or guardian nhail be exempt from liability for the value of any trust which he may have wasted, or which fans been Jost by his neglect or default. Sec. 5. That in alt suits which may be commenced by original action or by motion, under this act, both parties thereto shall be competent witnesses. Sec. 6. That all arbitrations to adjust and settle debts, contracted prior to June 1 ?t, 1863, the same rules and regulations shall apply, and the same evidence shall be admissible as provided in the find section of this act. Sec. 7. In all cases where levies have been made ntid the property levied upon has not been sold, it shall and may be Lawful for the defendant or defendants to silo their affidavits, stating that they desire to take the benefit of the remedy provided for io this act, and the sheriffs to whom said affi davits are presented, shall receive the same and suspend the sale, and return the papers to the court from which the process under which they act may Lave issued, or to such court as may by law have jurisdiction ; pro vided that the property levied upon shall be returned to the defendant upon his giving bond and security, as in claim eases. Sec. 8. That all laws and parts of laws militating against this act be, and (lie same are hereby repealed. BeNjamhs Cokley, President of the Senate. A. E. Secretary of the Senate. K. L, McWhorter, Speaker of the House. L. Cabkinoton, Clerk of the House. AUGUSTA MUKiViFAL EDUUTHIN. Ta<: Ai t us paused by Ike Leyislaltue. AN ACT to reorganize the municipal government of the City of Augusta: Whereas, Thy present Mayor and City Council of Augusta were appointed By mill tary nulhorily, which authority h,z erase I -to exist: Section I. licit eiinclrAby lhe Sc.iftkinnd House i>J' RepresenMireS <>J /he .S’ftyft of Ge-ryiu in Gstteral Assembly met, it is hereby enaeled by the uu.lluo Uy of the saute, That mi election for Mayor aud members of Council of said c’lyj be held on Wednesday, the 2d day of December next, in the manner established by the laws of this State and the Ordinances of said city, of force on the first day of April, 1866, and not hereby modified or repealed. Sec. 2. The officers so elected ahull hold their offices lor auu year ll'wa* kius doia • their election, and until their successors are elected and qualified. Sec,3. A registry of voter's shall be opened at the City Hall, iu said city, on tire fifth day of October next, nnd continue open until 2 o’clock p. tn., on Tues day, the first of December next, from 9 o’clock a, m., till 2 o’cjock p. m., of each day, except Sunday, under the supervision of John C. Snead, Judge of the City Court of said city, William H>. MeLaws, late Judge of the County Court of IlichmouJ couuty,Hllery M. Bray ton, Clerk of the Superior Court of said couuty, Wm. Doyle, Deputy Sheriff of said county, and Robert A. Harper, any two or itiorb ol whom may aet, and shall require each and every person applying for registry to take the oath provided by this net for voters in said city, except so much thereof as relates to registering the certificates of registry and voting. Seo. 4. The Commissioners of Registry above named, or such of them as may act, slrall appoint the Superintendents of the Election in the several wards, and give public notice of their appointments ten (10) days before the election in all the public gazettes of the city. Sec. 5. At said election the polls in each Ward shall be opened at 8 o'clock a. m., and close at 5 o’clock p. in., and each voter shall, on voting, present his certifi cate of Registry, which shall tie. received by the managers and scaled up in the office of the Clerk of Council. Sec. G. In the event ol the loss ordcstruc tioti of any certificate of Registry, upon personal appliention by the parly to whom the same was issumh, accompanied by his affidavit ol said loss or desli nclioii, subscribed by him, the said conuniusiouers shall issue t.<> such persons a duplicate certificate, which shall serve in lieu of the certificate Jost or destroyed : Provided, that no duplicate itr tifiCate, shall be issued after 10 o’clock p. in , of Tiiesffav, .the first of Dccetnber next. Sjeo. 7. The Commissioners of Registry shall receive from the City Council a fair . compensation tor the services rendered by them respectively. Seo- ti. All <>ikr ekxitjopa,in said city lor Mayor and Members oi Council shall beheld iuinpally, on the first Wednesday in Decem ber, except as herein modified uniter exist ing laws : Provided, that, after the present year, the list for the registration of voters shall be opened on the first Monday in Sep tember in each year, and be kept opened until u o’clock p. m., of Ute fourth Wed nesday in November; mid provided lurtlier, that no duplicate certificate shall be issued by the person or persons who may be ap* ‘ pointed to register later than 2 o’clock p. m„ of Saturday immediately preceding the eleytioiq nor until tie applicanthas complied with all the provisions of the sixth section of his act. Sec-'J. At all elections for Mayor and Members of Council held in said city after the passage of this aet, the Managers shall administer the following oath to any person attempting to vole, .upon his bciug chal lenged, or in case either of them have doubts as to his right to vote : “ You do solemnly swear that you are a citizen of the United States, that you are twenty-one years. ’of age, that you have resided in this State fbr the last twelve months, in this city for the last six months, and in this district or ward for the last ten days; that, you have considered this Stale your home for the-last twelve months, that you have paid all taxes, and made all returns required by the Ordi nances of, this city that have been iuyour power to pay or make according to said Ordinances, that you have been duly regis tered within the time prescribed by law, that the certificate of registry you rtow offer was delivered to yon iff person by the Registry Clerk or Coiiimisstoners. and that yon have not voted this day. So help you, God.'* •Sec. Iff. Nothing ir: this act shall be so construed aS to exclude any person froffl registering or voting on account of race er . color. , Sec. 11. Tjjut the Sheriff of the eonnty of Richmond is hereby directed and required to be pre eot Jnrittg said election,• at the place of voting, with a police force to he furnished by the City Council of said city, AUGUSTA. GA., WEDNESDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 14, 1868. and preserve tho public peace, and prevent any interference with the managers* of said election or voters therein. Sec. 12. So much of au Act in relation to the City Council of Augusta, approved Feb ruary 28th, 1866, as authorizes the said City Council “to provide the mode, manner and time of elections of Mayor and Members of the City Council,” and all laws, or parts of laws, militating against thia Act, be, nnd the same are hereby, repealed. R. L. McWhorter, Speaker House of Representatives. M. A. Hardin, Clerk House of Representatives. Benjamin Conley, President of the Senate. A. E. Marshall, Secretary of the Senate. is HOUSE. Passed over the veto of his Excellency, the Governor, by a constitutional majority of ayes 90 ; nays 45. September 16, 18G8. M. A. Hardin, Clerk House of Representatives. IN SENATE. Passed over the veto of his Excellency, tire Governor, by a constitutional majority of ayes 24 ; tiays 11. September 23, 1868. A. E. Marshall, Secretary of Senate. - 1 ■'w Official. Proclamation z / . $ . ’ I BY THE GOVERNOR. Whereas, Official information has been re ceived nt this Department that a murder was committed in the county of Mclntosh, on tlie 3d <>f October, 1868, npon the liody of Timothy Davis, liy Yoiiug G Davis, and that said Davis lias tied from justice. I have tboneht proper, therefore, to issue tins, my I’roclHinalion, hereby offering a i.waot <.f Two Handled Dollar.: for Hie apprehension and delivery of tlie said Young G. Davis to the Sheriff of said county and State. And I do, moreover, charge and n:qniro-all olßceis in this State, civil and military, to be vig ilant in endeavoring to apprehend the said Young G. Davis iu order that he may be brought to trial tor tbe offence with which he stands charged. Given under my JiaTid and tlie Great Seal of the Stale, at the Capitol, iu Atlanta, this sth day of October, in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, and of tlie Independence of the United States of America, the uinetv-third. RUFUS B. BULLOCK, Gevernor. By the Uovernor: David G Cotting, ; . . . Secretary of State, Description.—The Mid y<umg ft. Davis te 44 years of age, 5 feet 9 inches high, fair ixauplexion, of a downcast look, and supposed to have gone to Florida. octi—3t C oal I C oal I C oal! The undersigned having been appointed agent for the CASTLE ROCK COAL MINES, will be receiving, from this time, and during tbe Winter, Ono Thousand Tons of the above VERY SUPERIOR COAL. This .Coal will be sold FAR BELOW THE PRICE OF WOOD, in proportion to its value as fuel. In the altered condition of our system of tabor, its advantages are important, and should be.considered by all consumers: Ist it is cheaper. - * ?d. One third less labor is required to han dle it. 3d. All temptation to pilfer is move . 4th. Great security against the aoident ats o tires. ' 7'i It will be sold, at the Coal Yard Georgia Ra'drogd Depot), at Eleven Dollars per Ton ! Or TWELVE DOLLARS, Delivered in any Portion of the City! To parties taking a CAR LOAD, prior to Sep tember Ist (when rates of freight are advanced), a deduction of Four Hollars per Car Load will be made. CHAS. A. ROWLAND. jy 16—ts IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for tho Southern District ol Georgia. in tho matter of ) JOHN POOLIELLO, j- IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. J To whom it may concern: The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment us As signee of John Pooliello of the county of Fnlton and Stale of Georgia, within said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt imm his own pe tition by tlie District Court of said District. N. K. FOWLER, octl<)-Jaw2w Assignee. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the Southern District of GcArgia. In the matter of ) JOHN T. WIMBERLY, IN BANKRUPTCY Bankrupt. ) No. 26. Tfic said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all tris debts prova ble under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice, is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the 22d day of October, 1868, at 10 o’clock a. m., at chambers of said District Court, before Frank 8. Hetseltinc, Esq., one of the Registers of tire said Court in Bankruptcy, at h’s office, at the Court Ilonsc m Bainbridge, Georgia, and show canse why the prayer of the said petition of tfic Bankrupt should not be granted. Dated at Savannah, Oa., this Ist day of Octo ber, 1868. James McPherson, oc3 —law2w Clerk. “Westward the Star of Empire Takes Its Way.’’ Secure a Homestead IN I tLIrORATt. T H E IM«WRANT HOMESTEAD AWN, OF CALIFORNIA, Incorporated under the Imics oj the Utate, November Abtk, 1867, For the purpose of providing Homes for its members, and thereby induce imtnigntipu, * < , CAPI fA'L fit6CK ...K.t* ..IML.W,wo,««o Divided iuto shares, at f 5 each, payable iu United States currency. Certificates of Stock issued to subeeribew imiue dialely upon receipt of tlie mousy. No Person Allowed to Hold More than Five Share*! A circular containing a full description of tlie property to be distributed among shareholder, will be sent to any address, apon receipt of sumps toeover postage. . . Information as to price of land m any portion of the State, or upon any other subject of interest to parties proposing to immigrate, clreerfoily fur nished. iijxm tveeiplof stamps tor poelage. All loiters stH'lll'l be. addressed, ■ Secretary Immigrant Homestead Association, Post*Office Box No. 82, Ban Francisco, Olifornia." an 16—Sfcn Richmond) County. OTATE OF GEORGX*- l ’ J UMnnond County. Whereas, James A. t?ray, Administrator on the estate of Francis (xConner, applies to mo for Letters of Dismiesiour these are therefore Incite and admonish all and singular, tho kindril and creditors of said deceased, to be end aMear at my office on or before tbe first Monday 4n November next, to show cause, if any tbeyAave, why said Letters should not bo granted. 3 Given under my bancand official signature, at office in Augusta, thi«d day of June. 1868. K. M. BRAYTON, je3 -4m* Uidiuary. Letters of Dismission. Georgia.--’ ■ ftichinond County. Whereas, Caroline Dnbet, Adminfstratrirf, Wkli the will annexed q4(the estate of Antoine Piequel, deceased, appli* to me for Letters of Dismission -. Tliese are, theicfore, ts cite and admonish all and singular, the kindrtai and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or before tlie first Mmulay iiS>ctoben,lo show came, if any they have, why s:tl<l Letters should not be granted. Given under my band rtad official signature at Angnsta, the 16th day of tiny, 1864. B. M. BRAYTON, myl9 law6m* I* Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. STATE OF GEORGIA— r Riahmond Couuty, Whereas, Josephine Wleon, Administratrix on theestato of Peter WilMte, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismiinfti’n. These are, therefore, tfi cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and crcditore of said deceased, to he and appear at my office on or bo fore tbu first Monday IH October, to show i snse, if any they have, why said Ixitters should not be gianted. Given under iny band and official signature, at office in Augusta, this Ith day of May, I KGS. E> M. BRA’YTON, myff—9m* Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. STATE OF GEdRGIU- Rfchni’ind CoHiity, Whereas. John D. Administrator on Uie estate of Patrick O'Suthvun, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismie.-4pn. Thtov arc, tJicrc—re, cite and adiu-nisl: all awl singular, tbe kimireff and creditors of raid deceased, to be arid appoffr at my'offici- on nr Imj. fore the first Monday in ttWober, b> show canse. it any they have, wuy sail l*tters should not be granted. Given aii'ler my band and official signature, a .•Alee in Angnsbr, tiffs stlt 4ay of May. 1868 K M BRAYTON, niyb—lan* . Ordinary. STATE OF GEORGIA— Ri< 'hmmul Couuty. WUettftK. Kob. llonglae# and 8. D. E'.ecUtoi.- on ll’.-i Entaloof Ir.i b. Malh' ws. lule ol HMid county, dot y i<> nu- for Ictiurs of di.-mi-.i-ion : are, therefore, th cits awl admonish aft and singniar, llie kimlrcdaad creditors of said db ceaaeti, t > be and appear# my office orser before the Arid Monday in Feluqary next, to show cause, if any they have, why cii<l Letters should notbe granted. Given under my liaiid official signature, at officekr'Augusta, this Aiiiust 15th. 1868. JM|AMUKI. levy, to 44>' ■ Issnffm ' Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. STATE OF GEORGIA— Richmond County. Wh»Rk*s. John H. Fearey, Administrator on the estate of Harry Hughes, deceased, applies to me for imtlers of Dismission— These, are, therefore, to cite and luimouish all and singular, the kindred :urd creditors of the said deceased. to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in March next, 10 show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be grauied Given under my hand and official signature a office in Augusta, this 28tb day of September, 1868. SAMUEL LEVY, sep29—«m Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. bi-TATE OF GEORGIA. KJ Richmond County. Whkuess Timothy C. Mnrphy. Administrator on the estate of I’hillip McGee, late of said coun ty, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dis-, mission: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all, and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, on or before tho first Monday in April next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. ■ Given under ray hand and official signature, at efiico in Auguste, this IstJsv of October. IS6B. SAMUEI. LEVY, oct 2—lam6ur Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. STATE OF GEORGIA, Ittehmond County. WbbiibAS, William J. Farr<. Ad in mistral or de banui torn of the estate of George P. Green, deceased, applies to me f<*r Leiters of Dismission. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the ItindjcJ and creditors of said deceased, to ba and :ipp-;ar at my office on oi before the first Monday in March next, to Show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given uudcD my baud and official signature at odice in Augusta, ibis day of Septmurer, 1863. SAMI liL LEVY, sep--luiAm Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. OTATE OF GEORGIA - k? Ridtiuund CwMly. Whereas, John H. l-bodcs, Administrator on the estate of William F. Mahme, deceased, ap plies to mo for Letter, of Dismission: These are, therefore, tu cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or be fore the first Monday in March next, to shfiw cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my band and official signature, al office in Augusta, this 25tb day of Septqmbpr, 1844. SAMI BL LEVY. rep 26—law6m Ordinary. Letters of Administration. STATE OF GEORGIA— Richmond County. Whereas, Ellen Down applies to me for Let ters of Administration on the estate of John Dowe, late of said county, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singniar. the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or before the firat Monday iu November next Jo show cause, if auy they have, why said letters should not be granted. - » Given under wy hand and ofnc-MM at office io Augusta, this 29th day of September, 1868. SAMUEL LEVY, sep3o—lm Ordinary. STATE OF GEORGIA— Richmond County. Whkrxas, Daniel Brognu applies to me for Itetlers of Admiriistration de bonis non, on the estate of Martin Brogan, late of said county de ceased— These are therefore to cite aud admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said de ceased, to be and apjwar at. Biy office, on or liefore the fourth Moaduy i« Ocfolmr i»xt, to show cante, if aav they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given nnder lay hand ami official signature, nt office in Augusta,'thw ol 1868, repll—ui ..Ordinary. Letters of Di«nission. State us Georgia, Richmond Coujtiy. Whiweafr Wn C. Tftder, Administrator of ths estate of Sarah Swinney, deceased, applies to roe for Lesters of Disoiirslon. There are. therefore, t«v rite aud’•.klulonish all nod singular, the kindred aad crwlitots of said de. ceased, txPlit- and appear at my office, hi oi lmft>re the first Monday in show cause, if nnv they have, whv said Letters should not he granted. Given under u>y luwid and officiftl signature, nt office iu Angnsta. I his Ulfh day of Apiil 1868 ‘ E. M HRAVTON, apll—law6m" Ordinary. The American Artisan UNITED STATE* AND FOREIGN PATENT AGENCY. 189 Broadway, New York. Messrs. BROWN, COOMBS Jk. c 6., Propria tors of the AMERICAN ARTISAN., oiler their best services to inventors, as Solicitors otAmeri emi mill Foreign Patents. Mr. llen nr T. Brown, of tilts tii'UJ, baa hud uiorelliau I mcn/y-lvo years' experience in that profession, both in I iris country anil Europe, and bls long practice has made him pvr«ui:4ly known to tuousaud* yt inven tors limb patentees. The applieatioos for the patents- upon many of the greater and more im portant inveirtions vtthe present century Lave lieeit pnqsu-ed by him. Messrs. Bkowng Chumi« A4J<i 1( are Ihoronghly funiiliar with all Hie rules nndrth' giilatious instituted for tlie rapid tnuifoclion. of business with the United States Patent Office, and the general practice in the Patent- Bureaus of van ous European countries; aud this knowledge rcu, ders tlteiu-coiifidenl that fh»irpost experience, with their present uuequaled facilities, enables them 11) elaborately and yet speedily prepare all tho docu menta required by law iu applications for patents,- and to promise their ellent# an absoltde certainty of successin tUcirjcfi'orts tolobtamTetterslTatviitfjr inventions that ate realty new andusefnl. Parti cnlar care is given to the execution of the accurate drau inys which must always accompany every application for a patent, and they employ none but the most efficient Tlie best evidence of the manner ia Messrs. Brown, Coombs & Co.te business is perforated,is, that the "Ami. ii leas Artisan Patsßt AfiE.vcr,” during the three years of its existence, iiaa been Uu> mod suaessfitl ins/iluliott of the hind ester established. The principal offices of Messrs. Brown. .Cook as &. Co. are situated at ISV Broadway, opposite John street, New York, in the most contra! part of tiro city. This locution is one of very easy ai-eoss by strangers inasmuch as it is within a stone's throw from the City JlidL All ui ven tore tempfinuily so jountiug in the metropolis are invited to visit this establish meat. I n[l lie majority of histanceno model or drafting of Au inveuiiou will be'necessary on tire first interview, ns a mero oral description by lhe visitor will onfinarily suffice lo convey sncl; akiiowlwlge of his luveutiouas wiltcirobU: .neasrs. Brown, Coombs &. Co. to definnely detqrmino whi'tliei a imicliine or process is new or <>l<l -pnteti table or not. Tlie office hours inc from 3A. M. to 5 r. M. Messrs. Brown, CooMiis .t I o. are prepared tn furnish to persons residing at a distance Horn New York—-Tree <4 oymiimi as to whether inveutLms contain any features ol paten table iroveliyi to do thia they simply reipiire a skoteltor rough model of the machine or other in vention tin* Is suppteml to be new, together with a brief dcaeripliou of theffiune, anilsp* **>» aB l’" s sible thereafter a let ter ol'lhe best advied is urnib ed to the person deuiiitujjlie iuformaiion. Thcvr opinions are formed from their own mature rxpei ienec'.but if aninventor desires to know, positively, whether his incipient idea has ever beeu embodied in a machine or process already patented, his wisest course will be to have ajrerifotsiMUteejamjrta/roa made at the United States Patent office by Messrs. Brown, Coombs & Co., who will make a special searebjumong alt the records of that institution, and then promptly forward a full and carefully written report as to the patentability of the invention un - der examiuatioii. For tftis’labor the small tee st |5 is payable in advance; aud the lemltlnuee should bo'accompanied by a sketch of the Invention and a few lines of writing ttesiaibing tbb'sgme. and distinctly stating those points of novelty which rhe iuventor’desires to have protected by Letter.s- Patent. Patents for new aud useful inventions are now granted for the term of sZvenTki* ykaiu The firstiustalmeut ofthe Governuiein loeis sls, whieh sum—together witli fifty cents revenite* stamp tax on the power-of attorney— is payable in advance. ou applying for the patent; aud S2O additional ar® due to I be Government when the Letters'-Patentare allowed. The Agency fee is from s'2s apward, ac cording to the labor involved,- but in all cases our charges will he ns moderate as possible in the pre pnration Os dniw iugsnnd »D necessary document*. Tliis lee is not payable until after the apphoatren has been prepared and the case is ready to bo sent to Washington. Messrs. Brown. Coombs te. Co. have « brunch in Washincton so that all applica tions made through them can haveevsry n'eereiwry atteiitimbin their passage through the Patent Office luvciitoi's applying for patents iuiwt furnish models of their maclimes. whenever possible, for th® niwertiou of His Examiners in thf Patent Office; but if the invention is aclieintcal compori tiren samples of all the ingredients will l>e neces sary. Each of these should be marfbd with the in ventors name, then carefully boxed, and sent (by express, prepaid), together with tbe first instnlmen oftheGovernment fee,to Messrs. Brown, Coombs &. Co. When the model is small and light, it cun be conveniently and elißaply sentby mail The model must not exceed one foot in any of itsdimeus ious, unless it is of such a character that .ft is im practicable. Patents, except those for d< signs, are granted on equal terms to citixcus aPdaft lyreigiiers, except inhabitauts of Canada' and sftae others of tire British American Provinces. Besides patent* or new and Hsr tn, iavetltiuus there are also grouted iroteiila for <iei;igns. Design-patents tuerooLirew, as formerly, limited strictly to ornamiMal configuration ; but undei Section 11 of the Act of March 2, 1861. any ifew for.aofanvnrticle.drany impression orjiyttre a|wu the surface of any article or material, by whatever nle.uiß or processpi oduced, caU be patented. Un der this Act. patentees uro entitled to the exfon si on of tfteir rcspeet i ve patents for the term of srnen years from tire day on which said patent# shaft ex pire; apoa Bro same'terms and restricuoas as aro now provided for tlie extenrious of letters Ihrtout. Ainoux the numefoue subjects fol patents of this class may be particuhirly mentioned—CH'stingß of all Hietals. parts of machines, houseliebf fuinitnre. and utensils, glassware, hardware of all kinds, cm, rn ires, and ether interior and exterior' rlecomlioua of Inidrfoig®, also, derigus for w oven and printed fabrics, tirero and upholstery triniiuingii, and liar ness labels and trademarks for niodicines, |ier 7 ftimery, and ait preparations, compositions, or merehaudi-e, put i»p in bottles, boxes, or ether packages, are suitable subjects; also, tlie tecum ol such wd'JH,.boxes, or package- themselves, and envelopes, likewise all works of art, ns statiiary, busts, coruiioeiltohs in alto ov bassixeljevo. The Government, fee ou a design-patent for years is $|II;-Y yenre.ffli; It vears, S3O. No models of designs are required; but diqdiuate drawings or photogtaplis must b<* fGruiHhcu- The specification to. accompany tho drawings or- photographs re quires to Iro prepared wrth great care. Messrs Brown, Coombs te. Co. give very particular at teutiou IO this branch of their business. Their charge for preparing applications for design-patents is generally about sls. Design patents are only granted to American oitiz.ensor to aliens who have resided one year in tbe United States luid made oath of their intention to become citizens thereof. The facilities of Messrs. Bvown, Coombs & Co for obtaining patents in the various European countries are enroll if not superior to those ol any other in the United Slate*. With regard to their qtmVficaliuM for such if need ouly be stated that Mr. Brown Iras bad the prepara tion es more European applications than any othei person in this conntij, Messrs. Hkown. Coomb* & Co., besides having a branch ojpee tn Washington, have their own agencies )u the principal capitals of Europe. A circular reUliug to foreign patent business w ill l<c furuisnea tree on application personally or I'V mail Messrs. Brown, C< , mbr fir. Co- ultoatiimd to hi, Toe extensions of expiring Letter* Patent, and all proceedings relating to patents be fore tlie United States Patent Office- , All letters, packages, boxes, etc, sb.mln bead dressed, prepaid, a* follows:- ' BROWN, COOMBS A 00., - ' Solicitoi* of Balents. my u_ly. No. 182 Broadway, IN THE I)itiTßl<M r COURT OF THE 1 United States for the Souvbera District of Georgia. , ~ Inftlie matter of ( Is BANKart-rer. JOHN J. ALLEN. ( M Bankrupt. J. No. n,e raid Bankrupt havhig pvtrt..>m>d Court f,.r a diseharge from aft bia debts provable under the Bankrupt Act of Maivlp 2d, J 867., itplJce is hereby given to nil persons relevesled to appear on the 20Hi dav of October, Pfoß,atftl oVfodfc, at Chambers <rf ®sd TftrtrictCoftt,-bftfert ,VG. MniTiiV. Esq . om' of the Registers of said Court in Raiikreptey, nt Id® <<tli<« at Macon. (>»., :uul sjww ran* whyi tlie prayer as the said petition of the Banktujit slioidit not be granted Add further notice 'is given that the second and third meetings of creditors willbe heKi at the same time and place. Hnleiial Savannah, t'a., this M tkiy of Goto her. 1868. JAMI S MiTIH RS'ib. 4—law2w Clerk. MEDICUTAL. Asiatic Chofara in China. ♦ ALMOST EVERY CASE CURED WITH PAIN KILLER. Read the following leltru from Rev. R. Telford. Missionary in China, ndw visiting his home in Pennsylvania; WisHtNOTos. Pi., Junota, 1866. Messrs. Perry Davis <fc Son, Providence, R. 1. ■■ . Dear Btr» -During u residence of some ten •years as a Missionary in Siam and China, I found yonr vegetable Pain Killer a most valuable wraeily for that fearful scourgh, the Ciioiern. In nduitniaterfog the medicine, I found it most effectual to give a teiitqroonful of I’aiu Killer in a gill of hot water sweetened with rnigar; then, aftW about fifteen in mutes, begin, to give atable-, spootffnl of tire same niixtnre every minute until relief was obrnuied. Apply, hot applieaf ions to' the extremities. Bathe the stomach with I’aiu Killer, clear and rub the limbs briskly. Os those wire had the cholera, and took the luodiciuafaith fully in the why statctl above, eight <nlt of ten recovered. Yours, truly, K TELFORD. If an attack with Ilia;rlußa, Dysentery, or Cramp Colic, d<m,'t delay thet use of flu-, rain Killer. Sold by all Mwdiciue rttmlers Prise, 25 cents, 50cents, and $1 pel bottle. Manhattan, K i N«As r April 17; 1866. Genllcincn— » * • I waijt to say a little more aboutthe Pain Killer. I consider it a very valuable uiedieinc, and always keen it on hand. 1 have travelled a good deal aitiee 1 have been in Kansas, aud uevar without taking it me. In my practice I need it freely for the Asiatic CbiJcra, in 181!*, and with belter sueceiri than any other iiiedicine; 1 :il.-o used it here for chobna in 1855. with the same goddresult.’’ Truly, yourij, A. HUNTING, M. D. SwaTo, China,: Cifelcxa! * ‘ *..1 rvgict to say I hat tk»- ciretara hhs pfcvaikd here of lahj to a fcarfnl eXUuU For the last Ibree weeks, from t<*n to fifty or sixty faiai caaes each day iuis been re-, ported Isi i'hi Li add ihat the Pain Killer, aent recently from the Houne, has hben netwl witli ooiwHdtraMtf feuooM-during this epidemic. If taken in aeaaon i* gtn<-r<|tty effectmd 1n cffock ing the disease Kkx, CltyßtES JUKI>INifiL BhaAupure, ludia- [From the Pi-rthni’’ aM'-jithlyJ . Summer Complaint and Dysentery, Bowel ctiißplaiiits seem jnst how to he the preyuiling ricutart, and any xßodicine that fit every and that’jgble, U n; very desirable acquitjitluu. Fiom wliai we have seen, heard, and experieuced, we believe Davis' Pain Killer is this desideratum. -For the best method of usingH, we. quote from lire directions: “Foroomtndn bowel complaints, give one tea spoonful in a gift of new miftt nnd mßlasseiL in equal parts, si if rod V. JI tpgetfier; lessen fee dose fop chi liii'eu, noyo! i.iugto too age. If the pain be severe, bathe fee I <>wcls:u:d back wife tire medi cine. This mode of tioatmeivt is gosd iO eutes of fee cholera martins sudden stoppages, etr. R e -, peat the dow every hour. . ' ' J *T!re quicJjejl way I eyA 'saWTJid dj-KiitSi-y; cull’d wu« liy taking one spooutul of fee Pain Killer iu one gill of tailk nnd molasses stirred’ well togethei .Hid drank hot, at the same time bathing the bowels freely with modieiue Let the dose be repeated, every hour until- Hie patient is relieved.”'' If every pursoji who bus reason Us fear this disease would provide then:selves .with a buttle of this me<imine,.and uro as occasion regained,-we .believe a great am< uiu <rf snH'ering and sicknew would be saved. jel2—2m ' Special Notice, S'.- n? jjf • g i ... |»% s. K’’’ - Bj S' '* pre g B 10-? 2 - ! S. i S S 1 > IHiW 1 ”fc x ?:h to hsM st “ re E' ■' S? 3 | ® i u a-. Spectacle* Rendered Useless. Til K MOST EMINENT PIIYSiCIA> T S ■ Oculists and Divines recommend the nse of the CORNEA RESTORERS for I’revbyopia or Far or Long Bighlcdness, or every person who wears spectacles from old age ; Dimness of Virion or Blurring; overworxedeyes; Astheno piaur Weak Eyes; Epiphora, or Watery Eyes; I‘afu in tho Eye ball; Amaurosis, or Obscurity of Vision; Photophobia, or Intolerance of Light; Weakness of the . Retina and Optic Nerve : Myodesupbia, or Specks of Moving Bodies before the eyes; Ophthalmia, or Inflam mation of tho Eye end Eyelids, and Imperfect Vision fruin the effect es Inflammation, etc.; Cataract Eyes; Hcmtopia, or Partial Blind ness ; end many other Diseases of tho Eye. Cure <rttanudecd or Money Re/tinded. OMA KlihtORLR . .IN THE WORLD, AXB , . . ~ 'lhe Reslttr<.r <>f th# Eyesiyhl Known. SO SAY ALL PHYSICIANS. They can bo used by any one with a cer tainty of success, and will receive immediate beneficial results', without the toast fear of injury to fee eye- Circulars Sent free. NEAR SIGHTEDNEBB CURED By the Patent Myopia, or Cornea flattenon • jiuly. known ttemedy ip the World has • I a Great Success. For. further information', price, nnd certificates of cures, address. Dr. J. Stephens & Co., , . . . P. O. ROA, H 2«, Oyioe, 840 Broadway, NEW YORK. /AS' STJCPHEN’a MAGICAL K«YPNAi| , OHIKNTAL EYE GINTMEJIT Will cure lUj fl.pi:M eyo lids, stys, affiTprevent stys. '* 1 < Travelling Agents Waiite*. good commission PA D ?Sellin” cf the Rcstwert* is * fJe&eaut aud b..:.u.-a‘.ile cmploymtuk durable tor all Ladies Cle’-gyintpff teachers, Students, and Fanners and fo’-ait who desire to irnke an hAaei-tthing by au e.i.-y eiupl»iytueut. AU asking f.r terms to Agents must enclose twrui* .fi'e jvnts b» w an»l <sml of printrng rnnte rials r infornurtinii for Agents. Ti.wi l I Agent? Wanted. n«v27 d*wly »■•!«■■■ ■!«•!■■ • • Ml United States Marshal’s Said. UNDER AND BY VnrrUE OF A WRIT of fieri facias, i&Hietl out-<4“ the Honorable, the hillb Circuit Court of the Gated States for the Southern District of Qporglii, in tavor of the plaiutiffs. Harn A Ciishlng,'ih the following cose, M wit i Harn &'(Budling 'versus' John N. Webb and John M. .Stark, I have levied upon, a*. the property of John M. Stark, ope lot of land, eon twining ten, (19) acres. more ok lew, tofntljar with the iuipreveuieuts' Ibefeen, Situate, lying, and being in Wyunton, county,,of Muscogee,.and Sfiite of Georgia, about twonpiley east of (Mam bus, and bounded nd tire north, east and west- try the lots belonging to James M. Chambers, and on the south by tbo lot belonging to the estate of Mhses Butts, deceased, and known as the resi dence of John W. Stark p and will fell' the same at public auction, at the Court HOtme. in the eity of Macon; rouulv of Bibb, and Blate of fiteurgia; •on the FIRST TUESDAY IN NOVEMBER nest, befweott the MwfoThoufti of suin'. Terms—Cash. Property pointer! Ont'by pflijn till s attorney. Dated at Savannah, (I'c-i.igia. (h-tolw oetl-law’lw ' United Sf.tftri> IN THE ‘ DISTRICT ”osdrl’ Of’tWE t United Stales foe the Nortbvfo District ol Georgia. • ' -. ... lu the lUilttCT of i JKREMfAIJ CLEVELAND, Baasirevscr. Bankrupt. - J . To whom - it may ooflc*Hi ■ The nnderslJ;ne<l Ireieby gives police of. Mas appointment' a Aeoiguce of Juieiaiah Utevyhuid, of tbo comity Franklin, and Slate of Georgia/ vyjrbin taN District, who has been adjudged a Baiikrtifd u)hmi> hie own peritfon by tlte Itistric* (,'onrt of said District. ■ Dalod the XU day ol August A. D., 18tS ALBERT G. BAGNELL, . oct2-law3w* ■ Asshpitw. ' |S THE DlSnitifT t’ttVRT 'OF t.HK 1 United Spates sot the 'Norlfibnt D Uriel of •’ . Georgia. I**'* * ' ' Iu Viic mallei of 1 E. M. CAMP, IjJi BANKRUPTCY Bankrupt, J To whom it. may ebricein : The-oindeivigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as' As .signet; ot E. M. Camp, of thobowity el'Frmiklm. and Statu of GoOrght, within ijaid'Digtrh k "who han been adjudged a bankrupt iipoti-liie own 'petitiotiby the District Court Os said district'. Dated tilts 25th day of Angnut. AD.,tßiiß.' , TIfOMAB T. DQRQUGfi, ’ST-’—JaWttw' Asajgqee ; - |N W> WMTMWEyeoURr «* THE A United States ftr lire Southern District. t>{ Georgia. ; ’ Jj. In lite matter of 1- ■ 'Tnes. WMblstin * Hoy.yiN BANKRUPTCY. 'Bankrupts. ) No. 251‘. - The said Bankrupt., having petitioned the Court for a discharge frutu all their debts provti Ide under the Bankrupt Act of, March 2d, tsiff, notice Is hereby given to all persons Interested to appear on the W!d Tiny of October,‘!W, at H< o’clock n. tn., nt chumfrere of said District Court, before Aleiurtdcr.G, Murray, Esq., one Os the. Kogfttcrs df sail) Court lußankJtfntgy, of his olliee at Macon,(la., and show cause why Hie prayer of the said petition of the Bankrtipt, should not bo granted. And further notietris givcu that the second and third meetings .ut creditors will be held at the su<ge time and place. ‘ ' Dated at Savannah, Ga? this f.tli day ofUotb ber, 18118. ‘ JAMES McPMhUISON. 008—law3w ■ .©fork. ‘ ’ TN THE DISTRICT CtHUrt’ OF THE J. United Slates for the - Northern District of Georgia. In the matter of ' j THOMAS B WILSON j’lK BANKRUPTCY and * 1- JACK L WILSON, j . of the Uriu of . • ' WILSON * SON, NvriSW. • B.mkrapta. The said Bant ns pt a laiving |M-hlrdiwdtke Court for g ’dißcbargk from all their delitaprovkbla under the Bankrupt Act ol Maicli 2d, 18t>Z, notice is hereby given to all pqryeiw interested to appear on thpMidny of’Novidribßf, 1868, at 10 o'clock iu the forenoon, nt chambers t>f the said District Court, before Albeit G. Foster, one of the ■Regmteru of said (,’aurt iu Buukiuptuy, at the Register’s . oflicQ, in jhe city pf Maaisdu. GW, andjihow anise Why tire prayer of the said petition of the Bank rupts should not be granted. Andfhi ther notice is given that Hn: 1 and Mdrd meetings rd creditors will buAtcld at, the some time ana - Wttneitalhe Hunqiablt- John Efskiue. IbeAlJ "Jmigebf the said Ift frlvt Court, aRr 1 • the seat thereof, thte tab dkv of October, iAiS. W, R. SMITH’, oof —law3w* ' *■ . • Clerk, j- ; *- ’ T l *- ' TN THK DISTRIVT COURT <fF THE A United States for the DUtekt of. Georgia. - . • , Iu the niatlor pf | WILLIAM 11. SMITH, lltf BANKRIIPI’.-'Y. of die firm of \ . tsIHELDS 4 SMITH, i ' Tfe. SK Bankrupt. ] • '' The said Bankrupt iiavipg petitioned the Court fota discharge froyi all hia debts prova btc"under the Bankrupt..Ait of March 2d, 1867, noticcU' hereby gtveft t? all persons Interested tn appear on the Oth day of November-, 1868, at 10 o’clock ruiu., at chambers ot said DistrictGourt before Albert G Foster, Esq., ,une of isters of tile said Court in Bankruptcy, ath.m oflloe’ht the olty M M*flson, Mofgsh county; Ga., and show ctuisc' why the pruyer- of the said petition of the Bobknipt BhonJd not 6e rnrated. And further notice i» hereby given tbit the .third meeting of rredrtor* wijl lio hi-ld at tin-same lihie and p&cv. Dated at Savannah, G*.< this 2d day-of .Octo ber, MKS& < ' i JAM&S oel-UwJw . Clerk. ao.| TAiit. o W 01, .... w..- TN THlt DTSTRICT ChtHIT OF YffK , I -Bnitod States -for Hie Southern District of -- In tire matter of r . MICHAEL G EUIILICH >IN BANKRUPTCY Bankrupt. ' I ' Tt... Wild Bankrupt having iietittoned the Court •lor w’liin-harge from «I1 Kia debta'pruvnMe under Hie Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notfce is hereby given to ail persons interested to appear bn ' the 21st day of October, PW. it 10 o'clock, in the foredoom,'an>bers trf the stdd Di«- h-ic*Court, lietnre VrankM Ueswolliite, Easp. oOa of H«- Register* of the mud Court in Bunk- ’ roctih’ al the Court House, is ■’tjuitfoua,' Georgia, and show cause why the praver of the said petition of the Bankrupt sfoiuW not -be granted. ■ • '<• Uatedat daviuinuh, Ga-, this 2Hth dny Os Sep lumber, 1868. . J-kMES MgBUERSON, ocl--faw3w. Cley. t IN THIS DISTRICT COURT 'fW YHK United .States 'for Hie Soialmni Pikliirt id Georgia. • , - - I '' In the matter of j ABItAN A URlilOli.and JIN BANKHVPTCY BRNO H RAUL, ( ; '■ ■■■ ■ tef tbo briii of 4 - ' ' EilLlCll 4 KAUL, I Nu. m. ' . . J The sard Bankrupts having petitioned the • fcoirrt for a discharge fromall their debts prova ble under tho Bankrapt Act of March 'hl, )867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on Hw 21 u -day-or October, is6B, at 9 o*»oeka. in.. at chambers otstud District Court, before,Frank S Heesglthjo, Esq., lincpf the Registers Os saidCpttrt iu Bankruptcy •at the Court House in Quitman, in said tetetrli-t, and show cMse way the prayer of the said pa Ution of tjie Bankrupts should uotbngibuted. Dated at Savannah. Ga..thi» 28th day of Sep tembef,.lß6B. JAMES McPH'FIRjSON, od-iawitw C ' Clerk. —.V I IN THE DISTRICT COURT (>F THB UNITBD Statos.&ir the Southern Biatrict of Georgia. In the matter of, -1 IN BANKRUI’Td Tfiiffi. sw,eakingen;,' Bankrupt. , I , No. 24. Tlie-sairt Bsrikrrtpt having petitioned the Court-for-a discharge from »H hjs bie uihlw the Bankrupt Act oi March ~d, 18»7, notice is hereby given to alkpensons mierested to appear on the 22<l day of October, a. 8 o’clock a >n., nt chambers of said District Court before Fnntk 8 Hewwßwe, Esq., one of the. KegWera of said Court in Bankruptcy, at liis oflltw at the Court House, iu Bainbridge, Ga,, and Alow cause why the prayer of the said peti tion of the Bankrupt should not be granted. Dated at Siivaiinali, Ga., this Ist day or Octo her, 1868. JAMES MCPHERSON, oefta-lawSw Clerk NO 375