The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, October 15, 1868, Image 1

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HIE NATIONAL REPUBLICAN. VOL. I. National Heptiblicaii DAILY (MONDAY EXCEPTED) Official Organ of the U- S. Government. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: ~~. Year, in advancess 00 Sls Months, in advance 2 t>o throe Months, in advance 1 25 . paper furnished gratia to any one tenil- ; lt ,i in a Club of ten eubtcribere. The undersigned, having a completely furnished office, is enabled to m ■■'uta all orders for Book and Job Printing, -binding, or Ruling cheaper than any other office in the South, E - >’• riJ<;lil " _ THURSDAY MORNINGOctober 15, 1868 111 w; I II nr peace? LIBERTY. el I JUSTICE. BY THESE WE CONQUER ANO PROSPER. JggT We will furnish copies of the above Badge, neatly printed on white or colored Ribbon, at sls per one thousand ; or on Pa per, at $1 per hundred. Orders respectfully solicited. AN ACT FOR THE RELIEF OF debtors. AN ACT For the Relief of Debtors, and to authorize the adjustment of debts upon the princi ples of equity. Sec. 1. The General Assembly of the State of Georgia enacts, 1 hat in all suits which shall be brought fur the recovery of debts in any of the courts of this State, or upon contracts for the payment of money made prior to the first day of June, ]Bbs, except for the sale or hire of slaves, it shall and may be lawful for the parties in all such cases to give in evidence before the jury empanncled to try the same, the con sideration of the debt or contract which may be the subject of. the suit, the amount and value of the property owned by the debtor at the time the debt was contracted, or the contract entered into to thow upon the faith of what property credit was given to him, and what tender or tenders of pay ment lie made to the creditors at any time, and that the non-payment of the debt or debts was owing to the refusal of the creditor to receive the money tendered or offered to be tendered ; the destruction or loss of the property upon the faith of which the credit was given, and how and in what manner the property was destroyed or lost, and by whose default. And in all such cases, the juries which try the same shall have power to reduce the amount of the debt or debts sued for, ac cording to the equities of eacit case, and render such verdicts as to them shall appear just and equitable. Sec. 2. That in all cases in which ver dicts have been rendered or judgments en tered upon debts contracted prior to the first day of June, 1860, and the judgment remains unsatisfied, it shall be lawtul for the defendant or defendants, by motion in the court in which the judgment whs obtained, to have the same submitted to a jury for trial, upon the same conditions as are con tained in the preceding section, with like powers to the jury to reduce the amount of the judgment according to the equities of each case, and render such verdict as to them shall appear equitable and i'ist; and the judgment rendered in such ease shall su percede the prior judgment: Provided, no judgment shall lapse the priority of its lien by reason of the rendition of a new judg ment ; and provided that in all such cases twenty days notice shall be given to the plaintiff in execution. Cases in the Supe rior Courts, and cases transferred to that Court from the Inferior and Couuly Courts, and in the Justices Courts, ten days notice shall be given ; and in all cases commenced by motion in either the Superior or Justices Courts, the case or cases shall be in order for trial at the term al which the motion may be made, but shall be subject to continu ances as cases upon the appeal. Sec. 3. That in all cases in which the defendant may have in possession the ptop erty for which the debt sued on was con tracted, the jury shall have power to render a verdict returning the property, together with compensation for the use of the same : Provided, that any improvement made by the defendant shall be taken in considera tion, or any part of the purchase money which may have been paid for the same, according to the value of the property at the time of the trial. Sec. 4. That in suits against trustees, ad ministrators, executors or guardians, it shall be lawful for the defendant or defendants to give in evidence the loss or destruction of the trust property which camo into their hands, or its depreciation in value, and the value of the property in their hands at the commencement of the suit, shall be the measure of damages be rendered by the jury against them ; Provided, that no trus tee, administrator, executor, or guardian shall be exempt from liability for the value of any trust which he may have wasted, or which has been lost by his neglect or default. Sec. 5. That in all suits which may be commenced by original action or by motion, under this act, both parties thereto shall be competent witnesses. Sec. 6. That all arbitrations to adjust and settle debts, contracted prior to .June Ist, 1865, the same rules and regulations shall apply, and the same evidence shall be gdmissable as provided in the first section of this act. Sec. 7. In all cases where levies have been made and the property levied upon has not been sold, it shall and may be lawful for the defendant or defendants to file their affidavits, stating that they desire to take the benefit of the remedy provided for io this act, and the sheriffs to whom said affi davits arc presented, shall receive the same and suspend the sale, and return the papers to the court from which the process under which they act may have issued, or to such court as may by law have jurisdiction ; pro vided that the property levied upon shall be returned to the defendant upon his giving bond and security, as in claim cases. Sec. 8. That all laws and parts of laws militating against this act be, and the same arc hereby repealed. Benjamin Conley, President of the Senate. A. E. Marshall, Secretary of the Senate. 11. L. McWhorter, Speaker of the House. L. Carrington, Clerk of the House. AUGUSTA MU RICH'AL ELECTION. The Act as paused by the Legislature. AN ACT to reorganize the municipal government of the City of Augusta: Whereas, The present Mayor and City Council of Ai> .usta were appointed by mili tary authority, whi. h authority has ceased to exist: Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Get.rgia in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the aulkut Uy of the same, That an election for Mayor and members of Council of said city, be held on Wednesday, the 2d day of December next, in the manner established by the laws of this State and the Ordinances of sail city, of force on the first day of April, 1866, and not hereby modified or repealed. Sec. 2. The officers so elected shall hold their oiliees lor one year from the date of their election, and utilil their successors are elected and qualified. Sec. 3. A registry of voters shall be opened at the City Hall, in said city, on the fifth day of October next, and continue open until 2 o’clock p. in., on Tues day, the first of December next, from 9 o’clock a. in., till 2 o'clock p. m.,.0f each day, except Sunday, under the supervision of John C. Snead, Judge of the City Court of said city, William R. McLaws, late Judge of the County Comt of Richmond county,Ellery M.Brayton, Clerk of the Superior Court of said comity, Win. Doyle, Deputy Sheriff of said county, and Robert A. Harper, any two or more of whom may act, and shall require each and every person applying for registry to take the oath provided by this act for voters in said city, except so much thereof as relates to registering the certificates of registry and voting. Sec. 4. The Commissioners of Registry above named, or such of them as may act, shall appoint the Superintendents of the Election in the several wards, and give public notice of lheir appointments ten (10) days before the election in al! the public gazettes of the city. Sec. 5. At said election the polls in each Ward shall be opened at 8 o'clock a. m., and close at 5 o’clock p. m., and each voter shall, on voting, present bis certifi cate of Registry, which shall be received by the managers and scaled up in the office of the Clerk of Council. Sec. 6. In the event of the loss or destruc tion of any certificate of Registry, upon personal application by the party to whom the same whs issued, accompanied by his affidavit of said loss or destruction, subscribed by him, the said commissioners shall issue to such persons a duplicate certificate, which shall serve in lieu of the certificate lost or destroyed : Provided, that no duplicate cer tificate shall be issued after 10 o'clock p. in , of Tuesday, the first of December next. Sec. 7. The Commissioners of Registry shall receive from the City Council a fair compensation for the services rendered by (hem respectively. Sec. 8. All other elections in said city lor Mayor and Members of Council shall be held annually, on the first Wednesday in Decem ber, except as herein modified under exist ing laws : Provided, that, alter the present year, the list for the registration of voters shall be opened on the first Monday in Sep tember in each year, and be kept opened until 5 o’clock p. in., of the fourth Wed nesday in November : and provided further, that iio duplicate certificate shall be issued bv the person or persons who may be ap pointed to register later than 2 o’clock p. in., of Saturday immediately preceding the election, nor until the applicant has complied with all the provisions of the sixth section of his act. Sec- 9. At all elections for Mayor and Members of Council held in said city after the passage of this act, the Managers shall administer the following oath to any person attempting to vote, upon his being chal lenged, or iu case cither of them have doubts as to his right to vote : “ You do solemnly swear that you are a citizen of the United States, that you are twenty-one years of age, that you have resided in this State for the last twelve months, in this city for the last six months, and in this district or ward for the last ten days; that yon have considered this State your home for the last twelve months, that you have paid all taxes, and made all returns required by the Ordi nances of this city that have been in your power to pay or make according to said Ordinances, that you have been duly regis tered within the time prescribed by law, that the certificate of registry you now ofler was delivered to you in person by the Registry Clerk or Commissioners, and that you have not voted this day. So help you, God. ’ Sec. 10. Nothing in this act shall be so construed as to exclude any person from registering or voting on account of race or color. Sec. 11. That the Sheriff of the count-y of Richmond is hereby directed ami required to be present during said election, at the place of voting, with a police force to be furnished by the City Council of said city, AUGUSTA, GA., THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 15, ,1 86 8. and preserve the public peace, and prevent any interference with the managers of said election or voters therein. Sec. 12. So much of an Act in relation to the City Council of Augusta, approved Feb ruary 28th, 1866, as authorizes the said City Council “to provide the mode, manner and time of elections of Mayor and Members of the City Council,” and all laws, or parts of laws, militating against this Act, be, and the same are hereby, repealed. R. L. McWhorter, Speaker House of Representatives. M. A. Hardin, Clerk House of Representatives. Benjamin Conley, President of the Senate. A. E. Marshall, Secretary of the Senate. • IN HOUSE. Passed over the veto of his Excellency, the Governor, by a constitutional majority of ayes 90 ; nays 45. September 16, 1868. M. A. Hardix, Clerk House of Representatives. IN SENATE. Passed over the veto of his Excellency, the Governor, by a constitutional majority of ayes 24 ; nays 11. September 23, 1868. A. E. Marshall, Secretary of Senate. Official. Proclamation , A / f - • V W • ■' r W * Bl a-J BY THE GOVERNOR. Executive Department. 1 Atlanta, Ga., Oct. 9, 1868. j Wilt Ktag, John J. Green, Sheriff of Early county, has reported to this Department, under date 6fh October inst., that the dead body of a negro man was found one and a half miles from Blakely, in this State, near the road leading from Blakely to Fort Gaines, and that, from marks on the body, the man must have come to his death by violence at the hands of some person or persons unknown, and that the said body was identified as that of William T. Walker, of Atlanta, Ga. Ano Whekeas, The said Sheriff further reports that the said Walker stopped at the bouse of Charles Fryer, on the Fiiday night previous to the finding of the dead body; that '♦uuie time during the said Friday night., some person or per sons to the said Fryer unknown, came to his house and called for said Walker, stating in his hearing. “ that they had been following him (the said Walker) for several.days, and that they now came up with him.” The said Walker was then taken away by the said unknown person or persons. And Whereas, it is fuither reported to this Department, through other sources, that the said Walker was a public speaker, engaged and cm ployed by the Executive Cvmmiitee of Hie Repub lican party, and that he was sent to Early county by the said Committee for the purpose of holding public meetings and delivering speeches in the interest of the said party. And Whereas, threats has been made against the life of said Walker to intimidate him from engaging in said public ape iking. And Whereas, the said Sheriff reports that he has used every means in his power for the dis co very of live perpetrators of the deed, or of evidence which would lead to their discovery, but without avail. AW, therefore, 1, Ruf its B. Bullock, Governor of this State, and Commander in Chief of the army and navy, and of the militia thereof, do issue this my Proclamation, offering a Reward of Five Thousand Dollars tor the apprehension and con victionof the person or persons engaged in the murder of the said William Walker. Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the State, at the Capitol in the city of Atlanta, this tenth dav of October, eighteen hundred and sixty-eight, and of the independence of the United States the ninety-third. RUFUS B. BULLOCK. By the Governor: Governor. David G. Cutting, Secretary of State. oc 13—3 t wll GRAU BAGS. New and second hand burlap Linen, and Cotton Bags, suitable for Wheat, Corn, etc., for sale in quantities to suit. Bags loaned for the transportation of Grain, bv T 8. ATWATER, Bag Manufacturer. oc!3—6w[con] 40 and 12 Whitehall Bt., N. Y. C oal! Coal! Coal! milE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN 1. appuiuled agent for the CASTLE ROCK COAL MINES, will be receiving, from this time, and during tho Winter, Ono Thousand Tons of the above VEIIY SUPERIOR COAL. This Coal will bo sold FAR BELOW THE PRICE OF WOOD, in proportion to its value as fuel. In the altered condition of our system of labor, its advantages are important, and should be considered by all consumers: Ist It is cheaper. 2<l. One third less labor is required to han dle it. 3d. All temptation to pilfer is in >vo 4t.h. Great security against tho acident its o li res. It will bo sold, at the Coal Yard Georgia Railroad Depot), at r.leven Dollars per Ton ! Or TWELVE DOLLARS, Delivered in any Portion of the City ’ To parties taking a CAR LOAD, prior to Sep tember Ist (when rates of freight are advanced), a deduction of four per Car Load will be made. CHAS. A ROWLAND. iy 16 —ts “Westward the Star of Empire Takes Its Way.” Secure a Homestead IN CALIFORNIA. T II E IIIUMT HOMESTEAD ASSOC’N, OF CALIFORNIA, Incorporated under the Laics of the Slate, November 30(h, 1867, FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING Homes lor its members, and thereby induce immigration. CAPITAL STOCKSI,OOO,OOO Divided into 200,000 shares, at s’> each, payable in United States currency. Certificates of Stock issued to subscribers imme diately upon receipt ot the money. No Pertion Allowed lo Hold More than Five Shares! A circnlar containing a full description of the property to be distributed among shareholders will be sent to any address, upon receipt of stamps to cover ipetage. . Information as to price of land in any portion ot the State, or npon any other subject of interest to parties proposing to immigrate, clneifully fur nished. upon receipt of stamps for postage. All letters sbonld be addressed, •■Secretary Immigrant Homestead Association. Post Office Box No. 8-2, San Francisco, California." au 16—3 m Richmond County. STATE OF GEORGIA— Richmond County. Whereas, James A. Gray, Administrator on the estate of Francis O’Conner, applies to inc fur Letters of Dismission. t hese arc therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in November next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should nut bo granted. Given under my hand and official signature, at office in Augusta, this 2d dav of June, 1868. E. M. BRAYTON, je3—6 m* Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. Georgia- Richmond County. Whereas, . Caioline Dubet, Administratrix, with the wilPannexed on the estate of Antoine Piequet, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to bo and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in October, to sh»w cause, if any they have, why sai l L>-iters should not be granted. Given under my hand and uiiicjal signature at Augusta, the 16th day of May, 1868. E. M. BRAYTON, my 19 lawfim* Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. STATE OF GEORGIA— Richmond County. Whereas, Josephine Wilsou, Administratrix ou the estate of Peter Wilson, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish till and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or be fore the first Monday in October, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under uiy hand ted official signature, at office in Augusta, this 4th day of May, 1868. E. M. BRAYTON, my6—6m* Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. SJTATE OF GEORGIA O Richmond County, Whereas, John D. Butt, Administrator <>n the ' estate of Patrick O’Sullivan, deceased. applies to me for Letters of Dismission. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all ami singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or be fore the first Monday in October, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should nut be granted. Given under my baud and official signature, a office in Augusta, this sth dav of Mav, 1868. EM BRAYTON, my 6—6m* Ordinary. STATE OF GEORGIA— Richmond County. Whereas, Rob. Douglass ami S. D. Williams, Executor* <»u the Estateuf Ira D. Mai hews, late of said county, deceased, apply to me for letters of dismission : These are, t-herefofe, to cite ami admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said de ceased, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in February next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, at office in Augusta, this August 15th. 18' 8. BAMUEL LEVY, au 16—la mom Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. QTATE OF GEORGIA— O Richmond County. Whereas. John 11. Fearey, Administrator on the estate of Harry Hughes, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission— These, are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear al my office on or before the first Monday in March next, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature a office in Augusta, this ‘-’Bth day of September, 1868. SAMUEL LEVY, sep29 6m Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. STATE OF GEORGIA. Richmond County. Wbhi.kas Timothy C. Murphy, Administrator on the estate of Phillip McGee, late of said coun ty, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dis mission : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all, and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and tippear at, my office, on. or before the first Monday in April next, to show cause, if any they hare, why said Letters should not bo granted. Given under my hand and official signature, at office in An rusta, this Istdav of October. 1868. SAMUEL LEVY, oct 2—laniflm . Ordinary. Letters Dismission. STATE OF GEORGIA, hirhmond County. Whereas, William J. Farr, Administrator de bonii. non I the est.ite ot George I*. Greco, deceased, app!i< .> to m? for Letters of Dismission. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, :he kv <lr<-.l and creditors of said deceased, to be and app -1, at. my office on or before the first Monday >u March next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature at office in Augusta, this 7th day ot SepUunl er, 1868. NA MU EL LEVY, sep'-lm«m Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. STATE OF GEORGIA— Riohmond County. Whereas, John IL Rhodes, Administrator on tho estate of William F. Malone, deceased, ap plies to motor Letter: of Dismission: These ate, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, tho kindred aud creditors of said deceased, to bo and appear at my office on or be fore the first Monday in March next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, at office in Augusta, this 25th day of September, 1868. SAMVEL LEVY. sep 26—law6m Ordinary. Letters of Administration. STATE OF GEORGIA- Richmond County. Whereas, Ellen Dowc applies to me for Let tors of Administration on the estate if John Dowc, late of said county, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite ami admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday in November next,to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand and official signature at office in Augusta, this ‘29th day of September, 1868. SAMUEL LEVY, sep3o—lm Ordinary. STATE OF GEORGIA — Rirhmond County. Wherxas, Daniel Brogau applies to me for Letters of Administration de bonit non, on the estate of Martin Brogan, late of said county de ceased — These lire therefore to cite aud admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said de ceased. to be and appear at my office, on or before the fourth Monday in October next, to show cause, if anv they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, at office in Augusta, this 16th dav of September, 1868. SAMUEL LEVY, seplZ—m Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. STATE OF GEORGIA, Richmond County. Whereas Wm. C. Tuder. Administrator of the estate of Sarah Swinney, deceased, applies to me for Letteisof Dismission. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish nll and singular , the kindred aud creditors of said de. ceased, to be and appear at ray office, on or before the first Monday in October,to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. (viven under my hand and official signature, at ■ ffii-e in Augusta, this Hfth day of Apiil, 1868 E. M BRAYTON, apli—lawCm* Ordinary. The American Artisan UNITED STATES AND FOREIGN PATENT AGENCY. 189 Broadway, New York. M essrs. BROWN, COOMBS Ar. CO.. Proprie tors of the AMERICAN ARTISAN, offer their best services to inrentors, as Solicitors of Ameri can and Foreign Patents. Mr. Httitnr T. Brown, of this firm, has had more than tmenty-lwo yearn’ experience in t hat prefession, both in this country and Europe, and his long practice hns ntado liim personally known to thousands of inven tors ami patentees. Tho applications for the patents upon many of the greater and more im portant inventions ol the present century have been prepared by him. Messrs. Brown. Coom ns Co., are thoroughly familiar with all the rules ami re gulations instituted for the rapid tiansaction of bnsiness with the United States Patent Office, and the genetal practice in the Patent. Bureaus of vari ous European countries; aud this knowledge ren ders t hem confident t hat their post experience, with their present uneqnaled facilities, enables them to elaborately and yet speedily prepare all tho docu ments required liy law in applications for patents, and to promise their clients an absolute, certainty ofanceess'in their[etforts to(obtain;LettersjPateiit for inventions that are really new and useful. Parti cular care is given to the execution of the accurate drawing) which must always accompany every application for a patent, and they employ none but themoetefficient draughtsmen. The best evidence of the manner in which Messrs. Brown. Coombs & Co.’s business is performed, is, that the “Amur ican Artisan Patent Agk.ncy, during thethree yeara of its existence, has been the most swrce.<aful institution of the kind ever catablisbcd. The principal offices of Messrs. Brown.Coombs & Co. are situated at 189 Broadway, opposite John street, New York, in the most central part of the city. Tins location is one of very easy access by strangers inasmuch as it is within a stone's throw from the City Hall. All inventors temporal ily so tourning in tho metropolis are invited to visit this establishment. 1 n|the majority of instance no model or drawing of an invention will bo necessary on the first, interview, as a mere urn! description by file visitor will ordinarily suffice to convey such aknowlcdge of bis invention as will enable Mcssr.-. Brown, Coombs & Co. to definitely determine whethern machine or process is new or old—paten table or not.. The office hours are from !)a.m. to 5 I’. M. Messrs. Brown, Coombs & Co. are prepared to furnish to persons residing at a distance from New York—free of charge—tcriWea opinions as t •> whether inventions contain any featuresof paten table novelty, to do this they simply re.iniro a sketch or rough model of the machine or other in vention that is supposed to be new, together with a brief description of the same, and as soon as pos sible thereafter a letter of the best advice is mail ed to the person desiring the information. These opinions arc formed from their own mature expel ienceibut tfauinventor desiresto know, posit.ividy, whether his incipient idea has ever been embodied in a machine or process already patented. his wisest course will be to have a preliminary examination made at the United States Patent office by Meiers. Brown, Coombs & Co., who will make a special search'.among all the records of that institution, and then promptly forward a full and carefully written report as to the patentability of the invention un der examination. For this labor the small fee ot •5 is payable in advance; ami the temittam o shouMoc accompanied by a sketch of tho invention and a few lines of writing describing the ssinm and distinctly stating those points of novelty which the inventor desiresto have protected by Letters- Fa, tent Patents for new and useful inventions are now granted for the term of seven tiF' tears lhe first instalment ot’the Government lee is sl.i, which sum—together with fifty cents revenue stamp tax on the power-of attorney—is payable in advance, on applying for the patent; and s2lt additional are due to the Government when the Letters Patent ar. allowed The Agencv fee is from $25 upward, ac cording to the labor involved; but tn nil cases our charges will be as moderate as possible in the pre I. nation of drawings and all necessary documents. This fee is not payable until after the application Ims been pnjmreil and the case is ready to be sent to VVa. hington. Messrs. BlioWN. Coombs *. Co. have rt branchin Washington ho thatnll appiica tioim made through them can have every necesßitry attention in their piuwiigc through lhe Patent Office Inventors applying for patents must furnish model) of their machines, whenever possible, for the inspection of tho ExmuinerH in the Patent Office; but if the invention is a chemical couipoei lion, samples of all the ingredients will be neces sary. Each of these sbonld be inarked with the in vent.u's name, then carefully boxed, and sent, (by express, prepotd), together with tho first instalmen of the Government fee, to Messrs Brown , Coo.n ns & Co. When the model is small ami light, it can be conveniently and cheaply sentby mail The model must not exceed one foot in any of itsdiniens ions, unless it is of sneh a character that it is im practicable. Patents, except, those for de. igus, are granted ou equal terms to citizens ami all foreigners, except inhabitants of Canada and some others of the British American Provinces. Besides pntr-nts or new and usefit. inventions, there are also granted patents for ceeigns. Design patents are not now. ns formerly, limited strictly to ornamental configuration ; but under Section II of lhe Act of March ‘2. 1861, any new /ormofany article, or any Dn/tres.'/;'« or/ft/.'/ re upon the surface of any article or nmteriul, by whatever means or process produced, can lie patented. Un der this Act. patentees are entitled to the exten sion of th. il respective patents for the term of sei’cn years from the day on which said parents shall ex pire, npon the same terms and restrictions «S are now provided fertile extensions of Letters-Puteiit Among the numerous subjects lot patents of this class may be particularly mentioned—castings of all metals, paits of machines, household furniture and utensils; glassware, hardware of all kinds, cornices, aud other interior aud exterior decorations of Imihlings; also, designs for woven aud printed fabriiH, dre.-s ami upholstery trimmings, and har ness labels and trade marks for medicines, por fumerv. and all preparations, compositions, or mereliaiidi put up in bottles, boxes, or other packages, are suitable subjects; also, the forms of such bottler, lx>xe». or packages tlu msclres, au>! envelopes, likewise all works of art, aS statuary, busts, compositions in alto or basso-relievo. The Government, fee on a design-patent for .ij years is $10; 7 years, sls; 11 years, S3O. No tm.d.-is of designs are required: but duplicate drawings or photographs must be furnished- The epm-ifmiittoti to accompany the drawings or photographs re quires to be prepared with great care. Messrs Brown, Coombs & Co. give very particular at tention to this branch of their business. Their charge for preparing applications for design patents is generally about sls. Design patents are only granted to American citizensor to aliens who have resided one rear in the United States and made oath of their intention to become citizens thereof. The facilities of Messrs. Bsown, Coombs & Co for obtaining patents in the various European countries are equal if not superior to those of any other in the United States. VI ith regard to lheir qualifications for such business, it need only be stated that Mr. Brown has had the prepara tion of more European applications than any othei person in this country. Messrs. Brown. Coombs & Co., besides having a branch office in Washington, have their owu agencies tn the principal capitals of Europe. A circnlar relating to foreign patent business will be furnished free on application personally or by mail. Messrs. Brown, C< -mbs & Co. afo-etteud to::: terferences, the extensions ot expiring Letters Patent, and all proceedings relating to patents la fore the United States Patent Office. All letters, packages, boxes, etc., should bend dressed, prepaid,as follows; — BROWN, COOMBS & CO., Solicitors of Patents. mv u—ly. No. 189 Broadway. New York, TN THE DISTRICT Cttl 111 OF THE I United States for the 8 uthern District ot Georgia. .. , In the matter ol | Is BAXKKI't’TCT. JOHN J. ALLEN, z Bankrupt. ! N®- The said Bankrupt having petitioned tlfe Court for a discharge front all his debts provable under the Bankrupt Act of March ii<l, 1862. notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the 2t*tli dav of October, 1868,at 111 o't lock am . at Chambers of said District Court, before A. G. Murray. Esq., one of the Registers of said Court in Ihinkniptcy.-at his office at Macon, Ga., ami show cause why the prayer of the said petition id the Bankrupt should not be granted Ami further notice is given that the second and third meetings of creditors wilH>c held at the same time and place. Dated at Savannah, (•'a . this 2.1 day of Oeto bvr. ' james McPherson, 4—law‘2w Clerk. MEDICINAL. Asiatic Cholera in China. ALMOST EVERY CASE CURED WITH PAIN KILLER. 0 Read the following letter from Rev. R. Telford. Missionary in China, now visiting his home in Pennsylvania: Washington, Pa., June 25,1866. A/dws. Perry Roh, Providence, It. I.: Dear Sirs—During a residence of some ten years as a Missionary in Siam and C’liina, I found your vegetable Pain Killer a most valuable remedy tor that fearful scourge, lhe Cholera. In admiiiistetiug the medicine, [ found it most effectual to give a teaspoonful of Pain Killer in a gill ot hot wrter sweetened with sugar; then, after about fifteen minutes, begin to give a table spoonful oi the same mixture every minute until relief was obtained. Apply hot applications to the extremities. Bathe the stomach With Pain Killer, clear aud rub lhe limbs briskly. Os those who had the cholera, and took the medicine faith fully in the way stated above, eight out of ten recovered. Yours, tauiv, r Telford. If an attack with Diarrhoea, Dysentery, or Cramp Colic, don’t delay the use of the Pain Killer. Sold by all mediciop dealers. Price, 25 cents, 56 cents, and $1 per bottle. Manhattan, Kansas, April 17, 1866. Gentlemen— * * I want, to say a little more about the Pain Killer. I consider it a very valuable, medicine, and always keen it on liana. I have travelled a good deal since I nave been in Kansas, and never without taking it with me, In my practice 1 used it freely for the Ada|ic Cholera, in 1819, and with better success thanuiiy other medicine , I also used it here for cholera iu 1855, with the same good result. Truly, yours, A. HUNTING, M. D. Swato, China. Cholcicu! * :i x 1 regret to say that the cholera has prevailed here of late to a feaifnl extent. For the la. t, throe weeks, from ten lo fifty or sixty fatal cases each day has been re ported. I should add that tho Pain Killer sent recently from the Mission House, has been used with considerable success during this epidemic. If taken in season i: generally effectual iu check ing the disease. Kr v. CHARLES lIAKDINIG, Sholapong India. [From the Portland Monthly.l Summer Complaint p.nd Dysentery. Bowel complaints seem just now to be tho prevailing • lenient, and any mediciik; that is everywhere a< ceptablo, and that is reliable, is a very desiiabb acquisition. From what we have seen, heard, and experienced, ww believe Davis* Pain Killer is this desideratum. For the besA method of using it, we notqfrom tho directions: “For common bowel complaints, give one tea spoonful in a gill of new milk and molasses, in equal parts, stirred well together; lessen the doee lor children, according to the age. If the pain be severe, bathe the bowels and back with the ne di cine. This mode of treatment is good :n of the cholera morbus, sudden stoppages, etc, Re peat the dose every hour “The quickest way I ever saw the dysentery cured was by taking one spoonful of the Pain Killer in one giil of milk and molasse* stirred well together and drank hot, at tlie same time bathing the bowel* frcelv with medicine Let the dose be repeated every hour until the patient is relieved.” If every person who has reason to fear this disease would provide thciuael ws with a bottle of this medicine, and use as occasion required, we believe a great amount of stillering and sickness would besaved. je!2—2ni Special Notice. § iHII 5 I I ■ ■ft I I V • y: r ■ I Spectacles Rendered Useless. pll K MOST EMINENT PHYSICIANS JL Oculists and Divines recommend the nso of the CORNEA RESTORERS for Presbyopia or Far or Long Sightedness, or every person who wears spectacles from old age ; Dimness of Vision or Blurring; Overworked eyes; Astheno pia or Weak Eyes ; Epiphora, or Watery Eyes ; Pain in the Eye ball; Amaurosis, or Obscurity of Vision ;> Photophobia, or Intolerance of Light; Weakness of the Retina and Optic Nerve: Myodesophia, or Specks of Moving Bodies before the eyes; Ophthalmia, or Inflam mation of the Eye and Eyelids, and Imperfect Vision from the effect of Inflammation, etc.; Cataract Eyes; liemiopia, or Partial Blind ness ; and many other Diseases of the Eye. Cure Guaranteed or Money Refunded. OiVLY <J OR AIEA RESTORER IN THE WORLD, AMD 'the Rest Restorer of the Eyesiyht Known. SO SAY ALL PHYSICIANS. They can be used by any one with a ccr tainrv of success, and wiil receive immediate beneficial results, without the least fear of injury to the eye Circulars sent free. NEAR SIGHTEDNESS CURED />y the Patent * Myopia, or Cornea Flattenert Orly known Remedy in the World— has pi »vcd a Great Success. Ear further information, price, and certificates of cure?, address Dr. J. Stephens & Co,, p. o. box, »2«, Ogtee, 840 Broadway, NEW YORK riTEI’HEN'.S MA<H<AL EGYPTIAN ORIENTAL EYE OINTMENT will core in flamed eye lids, sty', and prevent stys. Travelling Agents Wanted. GOOP COMMISSION I’A D •oiling of the Rcatorer* is a pleasant and honorable employment, desirable for all Ladies Clergymen, Teachers, Ftudenta. and Farmer a •nd for all who desire to make an honest living bj an easy employment. All person *»kir.g f.,r t .rois i > Agents must enclose tweaty real 1 paj postage and eosl of printing iftatef rials containing information for Agents. Tows Agents Wanted. novJI d*wly United States Marshal’s Sale. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT of fieri facias, issued out of the Honorable the Fifth Circuit Court of the United States for the Southern District of Georgia, in favor of the plaintiffs, Harn & Cushing, in the following case, to wit: Harn & Cashing versus John N. Webb and John M. Stark. 1 have levied upon, as the property of John M. Stark, one lot of laud, eon mining ten (10) acres, more or less, together with the improvements thereon, situate, lying, and being in Wyiiutou, couaty of Muscogee, and State of Georgia, about two miles east of Colum bus, and bounded on the north, east and west by the lota belonging to James M. Chambers, and on tile south by tho lot belonging to the estate of Moses Hutts, deceased, and known as the resi dence of John M. Stark; and will sell the same at public auction, at the Court House, in the city of Macon, conntv of Hibb, and State of Georgia, on th.) FIRST TUESDAY IN NOVEMBER next, between the lawful hours of sale. Terms—Cash. Property pointed out by plain tin’s attorney. Dated al Savannah, Georgia, October 2, 1868. VVM. G. DICKSON. octi—law Iw United States Marsing FN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE L United States for tho Northern Dis'-lct of Georgia In the mat ter of j JEREMIAH CLEVELAND, lln Baukhuitcy. Bankrupt. ) To whom it may concern ; The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of Jeremiah Cleveland, of the county Franklin, and State of Georgia, within said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said District. Dated the 22d day of August A. D., 18G8. ALBERT G. BAGWELL, ocl2- law3w* Assignee. JN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TIIE United States for the Northern District of Georgia. In tho matter of I E. M. CAMP, J-IN BANKRUPTCY Bankrupt. To whom it may concern : The undendgned , hereby gives notice of Ids appointment as As signee ot E. M. Camp, of the county of Franklin, and State of Georgia, within said District., who lias been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court, ot said district. Dated this 2uth day of August. A. D., 1868. THOM AS T. DOROUGH, oct’.'—law3w' Assignee IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for tho Southern District «f Georgia. , In the matter of 1 Titos. I’baulstin A Sox, S-IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupts. ) No. 25-1. The said Dmikrupls having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all their debts prova ble under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the 23d day of October, 1808, at. HI o’clock a. ill., at chambers ot said District Court, before Alexander G. Murray, Esq., one of the Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy, at his office lit .Macon,Ga.,and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not lie granted. Afid further notice is given that the second and third meetings ot creditors will be held at the same time and place. Dated at Savannah, Ga , this Gth day of Octo her, 1868. JAMES McPHERSON. ocß law2w Clerk. IN THE DISTRICT COURT oh THE United States for the Northern District of Georgia. In the matter of j THOMAS B WILSON I IN BANKRUPTCY JACK I. WILSON. J- of the firm of WILSON & SON, I No. 336. Bankrupts. ) The aaiil Bankrupts having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all their debts provable under the Bankrupt Act of Match 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given in all persons interested to appear on the 9th day of November,*lß6B. at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, at chambers of the said District Court, before Albei t G. Foster, one .of the Registers of saiJ Court in Bankruptcy, at the Register’s office, in the city of Madison, Ga., and show can e .why the prayer of tlw said petition of the Bank rupts should not be granted. And further notice is given flint, the second and third meetings of creditors will be held at the same time and place. Witness the Honorable John Erskine, 'isi'.At.,j Judge of the said District Court, mid the seal thereof, this sth dav of October, 1868. W. B. SMITH' o;7—lart’.w Clerk TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TIIE I United States for tho Southern District of Georgia. In the matter o! | WILLIAM 11. SMITH, | IN BANKRUPTCY. of tho firm of [• SHIELDS A SMITH, i No. 96. Bankrupt. J The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court fora discharge from all his debts prova ble under the Bankrupt Act of March 3d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested toappearon the tith day of November, 1868, at Hl o’clock a. in., aiehambers ol sai® District Court before Albert G Foster, Esq., one of the Reg- t iaters of the said Court in Bankruptcy, at Ids J office at the city of Madison, Morgan county , Ga., and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted. And further notice is hereby given that the third meeting of creditors will be held nt the same time and place. Dated at Savannah, Ga., this 2<l day of Octo ber, 1868. james McPherson, oel—lawihv Clerk. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE 1 United States for the Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of i MICHAEL G EHRLICH >IN BANKRUPTCY Bankrupt. I No. 190. The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all his debts provable under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the 2!st day of October, 1868, at 10 o'clock, in the forenoon, at chambers of the said Dis trict Court, before Frank S Hesselline, Esq., one of the Registers of the said Court in Bank ruptcy at the Court House., in Quitman. Georgia, and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not- be granted. Dated at Savannah, Ga, this 29th day of Sep tember, 1868. JAMES McPHERSON, oel—lawltw _Clerk. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the Southern District of Georgia. In the mutter of ] abran a Erlich amt | in bankruptcy BENO 11 KAUL, t of the firm of ' ERLICH A KAUL, | No. 202. Bankrupts. J The said Bankrupts having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all their debts prova ble under the Bankrupt Act of March Sd, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons inteiested toappearon the 21st day of October, 1868, at 9 o'clock a. in. at chambers of said District Court , before Frank S Hesselline, Esq., one of the Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy, at the Court House In Quitman, in said District, ami show cause why the prayer of the said pe tition of the Bankrupts should not be granted. Dated at Savannah. Ga.. this 28th dav of Sep tember, 1868. JAMES McPHERSON, ocl-law'iw Clerk. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED 1 Stales for the Southern 1 istrict of Georgia. lu the matter of ] IN BANKRUPTCY THOS. SWEARINGEN,; Bankrupt. I No. 24. The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all his debts prova ble under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, ltk>7, notice is hereby given toall persons interested to appear on ‘the 22d day of October. 1868, at 8 o’clock a. m., at chambers of said District Court before Frank S Hesseitwe, Esq., one of tho Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy, at tu- office at the Court House, in Bambridge, Ga.. and show cause why the prayer of Uw said peti tion of the Bankrupt should not be granted. Dated atSavaotialf, Ga., this Ist day of Octo ] ber, 1868. JAMES McPHERSON, I <c3--law2w Clerk. s WLATEST AND BEST IMPROVEMENT ON ALL OTHER. INVENTIONS RESTORB YOUR SIGHT— USE ONLY Dr. J. STEPHEN’S 4 'CO.’S Patent Cornea Restorers, or Restorers of the EVESIOHT. iTill restore impartial sight and preserve it to the latest period of life — _— NO 376