The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, October 20, 1868, Image 3

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NationalHqmblican Official City Paper. I, A WEST CiTYIIRCULATWN. AUGUSTA. O-A.; TUESDAY MORNING October SO, 1868 fliniature Almanac for October, 1868 V TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20. uu Rises.”..... 6.08 | Bun Hets 5-22 MOON’S PHASES. Full Moon —Oct. Ist, 2.50, evening. Last Quarter—Oct. 9, 1.05, morning. Now Moon —Oct. 15th, 5.53, evening. First Quarter—Oct. 23d, 4.34, morning. Full Moon—Oct. 31st, 5.57, morning. Range of Thermometer. At The National. Repvblican Office, October 19, 1863. , 9 o irt. I 12 m. I 3 p.m. I 6 p.m. i 9 p.m. 67‘ I 60 r L 63 ° J 62 ’ I 60 Have you Registered ? What Republican cannot answer this question in the affirmative ? If you cannot, register at once. Don’t procrastinate. Pro crastination is the thief of time. You may bo sick to-morrow, or next week. Without acertificate of registration, you can neither vote for Mayor or member of Council. You arc a 1 ! vitally interested in the municipal election. A lot of hungry Democratic ex officials ate now greedily waiting to get hold of the city, so that they can crush every Republican in the city, or who has ever expressed any sympathy for our parly. They may wheedle and talk smooth as oil, but that is their ultimate object. You have the power to defeat and destroy their mischievous schemes; but to do that, you must register. Remember, that if you have resided in the State one year and in the city for six months, you are a voter. You know whether or not Augusta is your home. You may have been temporarily away. There are few persons who have not been temporarily absent from the city during the past year, under some pretext or another. Wc do not desire any Republican to attempt to register, who does not feel himself fully entitled to register under the law. But if you feel yourself entitled to vote, the first step necessary is, to register. Crowded Out. Several articles intended for issue of the National Republican are crowded out by the List of Registered Voters. I’oslof flee. We learn that our City Postoffice will be removed, in a few days, to Griffin’s new building, under Odd Fellow’s Hall, on Jackson street. Putnam’s Magazine, Fur November, has been received fiom the publishers. Its contents are varied and interesting, as usua', there being no less than eighteen articles on various subjects in this number. Address Putnam & Son, 661 Broadway, New York. The Concert To-night. We hope that oui citizens will not forget that our Catholic friends will give a grand Coated at their Church to-night, when their magnificent Organ —just received from the manufacturer in New York—will be exhib ited to the public for the first time. Let every citizen go who can, and thus aid the congregation in paying the expenses thus incurred. • Thieve* Around. We would warn the public to be careful . in keeping their houses and premises well ' closed about these times. We have heard of numerous cases of robbery of late, some of which were of the most daring kind. Cows, hogs and thickens alike suffer from the depredations of these villains. It is to be hoped that some of them may be caught and made an example of. I.ct uh have Peace. Can any reader of the telegraphic reports in this day's paper place his hand on his heart and declare himself in favor of the continuance of the bloody, fiendish carnival now progressing in various portions of our much-be'oved “sunny South 1 ’ If so, pronounce him a madman, and fit only to occupy a madman’s cell. Great God I how long, oh how much longer, shall this state of things exist? Akeriuun on Cubiness. We invite particular attention to the re marks by Mr. Akerhan, in to-day’s paper, as kindly reported for us by a friend. We have long regarded Judge Cabiness as one of the most conservative gentlemen in the State, and are inclined to believe he, often times, feels very ill at ease in the camp of the Ku-Klux Democracy. 1 - T 1 ~ QM—' * Kecordcr’* Court. This Court, yesterday, disposed of the fol lowing cases: John Nagle, violating the 18th section — shooting pistol in the street —plead guilty, and was fined $5 and costs. Napoleon B. Jordan, violating the 18th ection—threatening and shooting. Plead guilty. Fined SIOO and costs. Patrick Gibbons, violating the 17th sec tion—firing a gun in the city limits. Plead guilty. Fined $5 and costs. Wade Johnson, violating the 18th sec tion, and using indecent language in the presence of females. After an investigation of this case, the defendant proved an alibi and the case was dismissed. James Hooper, charged with beating a woman, was fined $25 and costs. • l atent Style Hate and Bonnets. Mrs. Pughe, 190 Broad street, has just received an assortment of Hats and Bonnets, including the “ Grecian Bend.” Beautiful Fancy floods, hi great variety, at 190 Broad street. > —“Whom the People will Elect, and Why,” is the title of an article in Putnam’* Magazine for November. The conclusion is 'hat Grant will be elected, and very excel lent reasons are given therefor, the chief of which is that the Democrats, in adopting H'air, adopt his revolutionary scheme. Fifty years ago a mail line that would carry a letter 200 miles in twenty-four hours would have been regarded as a lightning line indeed. The most rapid lines of that day scarcely averaged above one-quarter of that distance. Now, a railroad train that did not take our mails along at the rate of ■’On miles a day would bo regarded as rather a “slow coach. - ’ CITY REGISTRY LIST. List of persons registered from the sth to the 17th of October, 1868,under an act to reorganize the Municipal Government of th j city of Au gusta : first ward. Anderson, Bradley c Austin, Isaac c Appleton, Seaborne c Ardis, Alec c Atkinson, Paul c Allen, William H c Anthony, Lavosier L Ashloy, Robert c Aiken, Win c Atkinson, Robt B Ashby, Lewis P Alexander, Jas 0 Alexander, Win W Atkinson, Wm J Brown, Gabriel G c Blodgett, Foster Brown, Stephen c Bowman, Wash c Bunch, Robert c Burr, Edmund e Brown, Isaac c Brickel, Samuel e Brown, Jini c Brutton, Emanuel c Brown, Israel D c Bruce, Nelson c Butler, Benj F c Bricklayer, Chas c Bryant, Jno C c Baker, John c Banks, Nod c Bunch, John M Brown, Charlie c Brown, John c Barnes, James B c Beverly, Randolph c Brown, John c Beard, James C Bell, Henry D Bower, Harry c Butler, Grandison c Brown, Wm c Bugg, Ben c Butts, Joseph c Burt, Stephen c Banks, Jas E e Bosbourne, Jas J c Braxton, Arthur c Brodie, Alex M Bright, Hector c Brown, Enoch W Brown, Joe 0 Burton, Francis Brooks, Jesse W c Brahe, Henry A Blount, Gustavus A Carr, Wm c Calvin, Martin V Cooper, Jam* c Cummings, Joe c Collins, Henry 6 Clements, Jesse c ChavouS, Toby c Christian, Robt c Cobb, Sim c Coleman, John c Christian, John A Cummings, Robt 0 Cox, John c Chapman, Emanuel 0 Cooper, March c Cunningham, Edw c Castleberry, Thos c Colvert, Jack 0 Colington, Titus c Clarke, Daniel 0 Crosby, Chas c Crumpton, John B Cherry, John c Curry, Titus e Cheoscborough, Wm B Clarke, Jackson Cory, Eagcno A Cummings, Alec c Cohen, Phillip L Collis, Tom c Carr, George c Cook, Jeff c Clarke, Henry E Couturier, Carter Campbell, Samuel W Clay, Henry c Cates, John W Davis, Francis c Doan, Joshua Dent, Thomas Datts, Wm e Dorsey, Dennis c Doughty, E W Davis, Gilbert c Dennis, Wm e Dasher, Tbos c Davis, Nelson c Davis, Wright c Dent, Moses c Duel, Wm c Derry, Joseph T Early, Wm c Edward, Billy e Elsey, Elbert c Elbert, Reuben Easterling, Jas T Edwards, Wm c Emery, Cupid c Emery Ceaser c Fullington, Dennis c Flemings, Geo c Fullington, Hobby T c Fuss, John F Fitts, Falworth W Fountain, Gilbert Fuller, Isaac O Goodwin, Daniel c Green, Smart c Golding, Jerry 0 Glascow, Septimus c Green, Chas c Green, Jas c Gant, Jacob c Gardner, Jim c Givens, Alfred c Glover, Jas It Gibbons, Patrick Gould, Wm T Griffin, John C Grady, Martin George, Thos II Green, Pulaski e Griffin, Wiley B Golphin, Luke c Gadslon, Tony c Green, Linnius c Glover, Wm Gould, Burrell c Godwin, Joseph T Hamlet, Gideon A Halsey, Pompey c Harris, Thos c Hankerson, Tbos 11 c Handy, Edmund c Hampton, Those Harper, 6)has o Howard, Thos L Holmes, Harry c Huger, Malvin c Hankerson, Peter c Hudson, Edmutid c Halsey, Alexander c Hood, Geo M Hudson, Frederick c Howard, Wm II Hollingsworth, Jas 11 Hale, William o Harbin, Wm II Hall, Robt c Hooper, Zed c Holmes, Charlie c Hudson, Edward c Hampton, Willis c Howard, Jas c Harrisoli, Handy e Harris, Ben c Hopkins, David L Holly, Goo W Hart, Duke c Hall, Pickens B Harbig, Geo Ingram, .Sam c Izzard, John o Jennings, Silas c Jackson, John c Jenkins, Anthony c Johnson, Ben c Jeans, Jesse M Johnson, Paul o Jones, Owen c Johnson, I’boceou c- Jones, King e Johnson, David c Jenkins, Andrew c Johnson, David u Jefferson, David e Jackson, Frank c Jones, Peter e Jones, Randall c Johnson, Henry c Joseph, Joseph Johnson, Henry c Johnson, Wm c James, Richard c Johnson, Alfred c Jones, Samuel King, Joshua Key, Peter o Kelly, Geo e Kavanaugh, John Kyle, John c Kipg, Ueo c Kennedy, Daniel c Keith, Frank c Kelly, John c King, Wm W Kirkpatrick, D, jr Leon, Henry L Lee, Scott c Levy, Isaac Lindsey, Geo c Lamar, Dick c Leverman, Wm J Larkin, Richard c Low, Geo c Latvson, Henry c Lamar, Daniel c Lewis, John S c Lanum, Kit c Lee, Moses c Leverman, II B Lyon, Mack c Lallcrstcdt F W o Larkin, Thos c Lark, John c Lowrey, Isaac c Lee, Wm 11 Moseley, Lewis c Manigault, Allen c Mitchell, Primus c Martin, Columbus c Manigault, Jas c Martin, John c Marshall, F V c Milledge, Peter c Moffat, Thos . Madison, Adam c Matthew, Alec c Mitchell, Robt c McKenste, R c McConnell, John Marshall, Stephen c Moore, John c McGar, Daniel c Moses, Pleasant c Maddox, Luke c McGraw, Moses c Mitchell, John E c Millodge, Bob c Moore, Henry, c Mathew, R W c Myers, David Maxwell, Jas R c McKinzie, S W McKinzie, John H Mann, Merry c Martin, Wm c Mitchell, Paul _ e Matthews, Geo c Mosely, Geo c Marsh, Albert H Moore, Lindsey c McCarty, Jeremiah Miller, John Marbcrry, Willis c McDowell, Chas c Matthews, Luke c Miller, Wm H c Norman, Jack c Nally, Cleon Noble, Cyrus o Newby, Jos M Oliver, Rasmus c Oakman, Moses c Oliver, Goo L Oliver, Philip c O'Connell, Patrick Pardue, S S Page, Thos c Philpot, David A Pemble, CliM Preston, Edmund c Pryor, Lewis c Philpot, John M Pardue, Peter Philpot, Henry R Philpot, Thos N Porter, David Pitts, Pournello c Pleasant, Ben c Parr, John Parker, G G 1>a S c > Silas 0 Pleasant, Robt c Painter, Wm Payne, Thos c Paul, Wm A Rhodes, TV M Rouse, Henry C c Radford,Lemuel F Robinson, Doctor c Red, Peter o Redfield, Nelson c Russell, John c Rowland, Wm c Robertson, Joseph c Riley, Jacob c Rumley, Elijah Robinson, Frank c Reardon, Thos Russell, Tbos Reynolds, Chas c Riloy, Joo o Ramsey, Jos W Robert, John A Randall, Geo H Rodgers, Henry C Raiford, Elbert c Radford, Smithfield Roberts, Thos c Stewart, Chas E Smith, John Snelling, Jas M Smith, Jackson c Satterwhite, John c Seals, Daniel c Sims, Gso‘ 0 Spellman, R P Shackelford, Sam e Scott, Henry c Sykes, Wm R Simmons, Jas S Samuels, Handy c Seals, Smith o Snipes, Paul c Stokes, RS c Scott, Jordan c Smith, Stafford D c Small, Charlie c Shackelford, Wm H Shannon, Rob c Shackelford, Jas Shaw, George c Smith, Jacob c Skiine, Edwin c Stokes, Miles c Simpkins, Alfred 0 Sheffield, Jesse N Shaw, Albert R Smith, Wm c Spencer, Perry c Swint, Wm c Smith, Henry e Schirmer, Wm K Scott, Jerry c Shackelford, J H • Thomas, Berry c Thompson, Isham Taliaterro, Tom c Turner, Jackson c Turner, Ed c Talbot, John c Thompson, Chas c Tindall, Ned e Thomas, Jas c Thomas, John c Turner, Daniel c Turner, Wade c Turner, Jacob c Tarver, Frank 11 • , Thomas, Charlie 0 Taylor, Goo 0 Tankersley, G V Thomas, Henry c Thompson. Mingo c Thompson, Jas F Ugum, Wm 0 Van Buren, Martin c Walker, Nathan c Williams, Geo 0 Williams, Wm M Watts, Peter 0 Williams, Bradford c Wade, Andrew 0 Williams, Joe c Williams, Henry 0 Wright, Jack c Welsh, John Williams, Jackson c Warren, Wesley 0 Williams, Albert c Wimberly, Hunter c Walker, Elbert 0 Williams, Henry c Williams, Abram 0 Williams, Geo 0 Walker, Edward 0 Williams, Frank c Wright, Wm c Walker, Ben ’ c White, Ned 0 Wimberly, Wright c Wigfall, Cyrus c Watkins, Henry e Williams, Bill 0 Walker, John D Wright, Abel 0 Winburn, Simeon Williams, Henry c Walker, John W Wiggins, Amos P Wheeler, Wm II Weems, Newton c White, T W Walker, Geo II c Wolf, Hilliard E Young, Andrew 0 Young, Itobt c Young, Daniel, c Youngblood, A c SEUOXD WARD. Atwell, Robert W Adams, Doc c Anderson, Mack c Abrams, Charles c 8011, Robert c Bcnnefield, Abram S c Brown, Kelsey c Bolton, John c Bolton, Handy c Branch, Abram c Bruyer, Washington 0 Bird, Nussau c Bailey, Bery c Brooks, Jacob c Bennett, Ben c Bryant, John E Burdell, Nat c Bennett, Elijah T Battey, Robert <* Bostwick, Willis c Bleakly, Isaac c Bridges, Robert D Brinckley, Baker c Barnes, George c Bricquet, James J Beallo, George c Carter, Hiram c Cain, Allen c Culver, Wm c Carter, Joseph c Carroll, Thos c Clayton, Charlie c Cummings,Adolphus c Clayton, J Joseph Clarke,. Isham c Curtis, Robert It Curry, Ceasor c Cox, Jaek c Costello, James Carr, Freeman c Duggins, General c Davis, Sim c Drayton, John c Dwyer, Thomas Dwyer, Geo T Davis, Albert e Dobson, Alexander c Dortlc, WmT Davis, John c Denning,David H Drayton, Andrew c Estes, Richard 0 Emanuel, tinoch c Evans, Mosers c Edwards, Henry 0 Ector, Henry c Edwards, Ben 0 Elbert, Beu 0 Franklin, Benj c Frazier, Henry C Goldborry, Wm H e Greeu, Robert 0 Grant, James e Golphin, Jarnos c Green, Jim c Goings, Edward c Goetchius, Phil c Guilfoylo, John Goudy, Robert c Gardner, John e Graham, David Gordon, Harvey c Green, Alec c Gouedy, Preston 0 Goss, Lucius II c Graham, James Hooper, Isaac c Harris, Jonas c Hull, John c Holloway, Henry c Hardin, Jim c Harley, Stephen c Hampton, Hartwell c Hankinson, Hob’t II c Hamilton, Wm c llouseley, Wm Horton, Moses 0 Hull, Henry c Harris, Tom c Hammonds,Stephen c Hiller, Wm J Ingraham, Sidney c Jenkins, Cbas c Johnson, Moses K 0 Johnson, Ben C Jennings, Asa 0 Johnson, Phillip e Jefferson, Henry e Johnson, Chas C e Johnson, Kob’t e Jones, Joseph c Jackson, John c Jenkins, Jack c King, Abner c Kittrel, Grandison c Kennedy, Frank c King, Robert c Lamar, John c Lamback, Lee 0 Limmons, John c Lewis, John c Low, Jarnos c Lewis, John C c Lewis, Robert c Lawler, James Loe, Henry c Lacy, Wesley c Lamar, Newman c Lampkin, Potor c McGrath, Cato c McLean, Edward c McDuffie, Moses 0 Mcßride, Doc c Monroe, Jesso c McNeil, Adam c McGhee, John e MeKinzie, Thomas c Mitchell, Henry c Mitchell, Wm c Mimms, Moses, c McKinnie, Dick c Matthews, Sam c Monroe, Wm c . Middleton, Jacob c Moore, Henry e Manly, Joseph c McCann, Patrick II Murphy, Edmund T McMahon, Wm H Mann, John H Maddory, Moses M Myers, Simeon M Mitchell, Lewis c Murphy, Daniel G McGhee, Wm c McCarthy, George Murray, Francis Meredith, James W McKenzie, Wm c Moore, J W Morris, Martin M- Nelson, Wm e Neblett, James M Nelson, Robert c Owens, Wm J Oakman, Henry c Osborne, Lewis e Owens, July c Porter, Reuben c Pritchard, Edward Pope, John Pines, Prince c Page, John c Powell, Wm c Pelt>t, Benj S Perry, Oliver c Pritchard, Backus 0 Phinizy, Robert M Phinizy, John jr Parkar, Gustavus A Philer, Jim 0 Preston, Beu c Prager. Julius Penn, John c Robertson, Alfred c Rich, Chas T Ross, Dick c Rivers, Prince c Rooney, James Rhodes, G Crawford Roe, Joseph R c Roberson, Jasper c Rhodes, W Peyton c Rudlor, Anthony F Speed, Grandison e Smith, Henry c Sinquefield, Wm c Stewart, Horton c Stokes, Henry c Smith, Win c Steed, Alfred c Snead, John C Savage, Zedrick c Segee, Isaiah c Shaughnessy, Ed Stevens, Jordan c Smyth, Frank Sarling, Solomon Tilghmaa, Jim c Thompson, Jim c Thomas, Richard c Thomas, Richard c Thomas, Burke c Tweedy,.Ephraim Thomas, Wm c Thomas, Robert c Tustine, George c Thorn, George Tillman, Sim c Whaley, Jacob Williams. Richard c Watts, George c Wilburn, Clarence c Williams, Richard c Williams, Jerry c Walker, Robert c Wesley, Kit c Williams, Jesse C Wilson, Thomas L 0 Wiley, Orange 0 Worrell, Wm c Walton, William L c Walker, Thomas c Ware, Richard c Williams, Weston c Williams, Robert e Williams, Aiken c Walker, Albert c Williams, Peter c Walton, William A Williams. James c Young, John c THIRD WARD. Adams, David c Affeider, Win U Addison, Butler c Alien, Grief c Brooks, Richard c Brown, Jefferson c Brown, Edward 0 Brown, Howard c Bougs, Henry c Butler, Jarrett c Buchanan, Juber c Bcnnefield, Wm c Boggs, Willie c Bryan, John c Bugg, Achy c Battice, John c Burns, John c Bussey, Daniel c Blalock, Augustus E Barnes, Bill 0 Baldwin, John c Brown, Robert J c Bostwick, Crawford c Brown, Wash e Cotton, Lorenzo D c Cook, Harrison c Curry, Anthony c Conlon, Patrick Cummings, Isaac c Cammell, David c Clements, Buruett c Cole, Joe c Cummings, Julius c Campbell, Aaron c Calhoun, Julius c Cash in, Charles c Dixon, Abner 0 Dent, Sandy c Davis, Jphn J Duke, Wm H c Daniels, Henry Elbert, Joe c Emery, Isaac c Evers, Jack c . Fishburn, Ben c Fullerton, Osborne c Floyd, John • c Fagan, John Fi’bburn, Thomae 0 Ford, Adolphns M Gibson, Hector e Glasscock, Bristow c Gilliard, Joseph c Gardner, Gad S c Graham, Lawson e Golphin. Garland c Gibson, Samuel L Green, Washington c Gant, Thomas c Gallaher, Edward Garrett, Sam e Guernsey, James M Gordon, John e Golphin, Jefferson e Harris, Grandison e Honey, James Hay, Jerry c Hammonds, Albert c Hall, Robert c Hughes, Horace c Hearn, John c Harris, Andrew c Howard, Thomas c Honson, Charles c Hammond, Richard c Jones, Wm 0 Jones, Joe c Johnson, Joseph c Jarnos, Sam c Junior, Charles c Jones, Henry Johnson, Priest 0 Jones, Robert c Johnson, Daniel e Jackson, Dick c Jackson, John c Jones, Albert c Jones, Dempsey c Jones, Felix c Jackson, Ishaiu c Jones, Edgar E Johnson, Isaac 0 Jones, Allen G Johnson, Jordan c King, Edgar 0 Kennally, John Knox, David c King, John It c Kelly, Henry c Kusel, Chas M Lockhart, Isham c Lyons, Thomas Lacy, Edward c Lewis, Henry 0 McKenzie, Wesley 0 Mims, James L McDonald, Martin May, Richard J Madison, Thomas e MoCay, Wm II Moore, Wm c McCarthy, John McNair, Edmund c Malone, Philip Merriweather, Jack c McKinnie, Dick e Morgan, Sam c Mealing, Wm J Miller, Richard e Morris, Peter c Meigs, John 0 Matthews, Jesso c Mitchell, Wm c Messiah, Felix c Narrlcgton, Jacob c Nonington, Jackson c O'Donnell, Edward Osborne, Toby 0 Parker, Robert c Perry, Tom c Parks, Levi c Plumb. Daniol B Page, Sully 0 Pool, Peter c Rone, Morris Robinson, Wm c Reed, Jeremiah c Rhoden, Wm Richardson, Henry c Rone, Wm c Scott, Dennis c Sullivan, Jerry c Sims, Ed e Scott, Nathan c Schaufele, Frederick Small, George c Saddler, Austin c Shear, Wm Snowdon, Geo B c Smith, James c Samuel, Gabe c Scott, Gabriel c Secret, Jacob c Smith, Edward c Sims, Lewis c Smith, John c Sweeney, Randall 0 Scott, Wm C 0 Small, George c Sullivan, Cornelius Solomon, Frank c Stovall, Joseph H Story, James Schneider, Ernest R Tyson, Oliver c Thomas, Henry c Thompson, Philip c Thompson,Ephraim c Thompson, Andrew c Terrell, Emanuel c Telfair, Israel c Thomas, Henry c Vanao, Richard c Wyatt, Wm e Washington, James c Watkins, Sam c Walton, George e Warren, James c Weeks, Hampton c Watkins, Nowman 0 Walker, Milas c Williams, Burgess c Williams, Jack c Waggener, Solomon c Wrenn, Beverly W Wright, Starling c Wigfall, George c fourth ward. Alston, Anthony 0 Ambrose, Frank c Allen, Richmond c Allen, Henry c Archer, Ancel c Armstrong, John c Allen, Henry c Allen, Ned c Atkins, Willis c Anthony, Wm c Anderson, Robert c Ammons, John Avret, William Allen, Newton c Armstrong, William c Anderson, David e Anderson, John e Armstrong, Wm c Allen, Solomon 0 Bass, Richard c Blount, Chas c Booker, Israel c Bryant, Gus c Barnes, Geo T Boyd, Edlow c Brown, Jesse c Brown, Joe c Butler, Henry c Blackburn,Clinton c Butler, Jasper c Brown, Charlie 0 Barnes, Jno A Brown, Alfred c Bailey, Philip c Bell, William e Ballou, Edmund * c Brown, Robt c Bell, David c Butler, Gus c Bacon, Martin c Bannester, Jacob e Beall, Scott c Barrow, Jas Brown, Jno T c Brown, Isaac c Beall, Columbus c Bettis, Elmore c Brown, Sam c Brenner, Angnst Bailey, Marcellus c Bell, Wm c Brunson, Allen c Btown, Andrew c Beall, Frank c Bird, Harrison c Bacon, Robt c Bernard, Frederick Brenner, Peter Drantly, Robt c Boyee, John C Butts, Benj 0 Bugg. Gus c Brown, James Bush, Ben c Boatncr, Aaron c Black, Jas C C Bailey, George 0 Bland, Jas C Butler, Joseph c Broadnax, Henry 6 Brown, Thos J c Brown, January c Boyle, Michael Boatwright, Cupid c Bonson, Jno 0 Brown, Henry 0 Bacon, Ben c Boyd, Daniel c Bailey, Elijah c Berry, Thomas c Bailey, Thos c Brown, Berry 11 Blocker, Heartless c Brown, Jim c Cormick, Wm c Carr, Robt A c Crawford, Jerry c Carter, Henry c Cummings, Elbert c Collier, Charlie 0 Cook, John c Conlan, Dominick Chgvous, Henry c Cage, Sam c Clanton, Lawrence c Cox, Dallas c Cooper, Jim c Cook, Milton c Callien, Randall c Chase, Andrew c Cunningham, S A Cage, Joe c Collier, John 0 Cummings, Robt c Cotter, Nicholas Cook, Arthur 0 Cole, Wm 0 Collins, Timothy Clarke, Nelson c Coffin, Chas E Christian, Wilsan 0 Cobb, Peter c Cooper, Ben c Calvin, Tony c Collier, Lewis c Cage, Charlie c Collier, Peter c Carter, Jas c Curtis, David L Callahan, Patrick Cauly, David c Cook, Geo c Chisolm, Plato c Darlington, 1> c Davis, A J Davis, John c Doris, Bernard Dorsoy, Chas c Dudley, Ephraim c Dent, Alfred c Davis, J A c Davis, Adam c Darby, Henry c Duval, Rufus D nn, Solomon, Sr c Dobson, Wm c Dent, Philip c Daggett, Thos c Davis, Jas M Dunn, Solomon, Jr 0 Elmore, Richard c Evans, Henry c Elbert, David 0 Elliot, Stephen c Evans, Amos e Kpps, Edward c Enjery, Jack 0 Frederick, Theodore c Farrow, Dsl Fuller, Sam c Fletcher, Anderson Fleming, Wm c French, Marcus c Fryer, Hamilton c Fields, York c Fleming. Steve c Farrow, Ambrose c Fields, Bristow c Ford, Gordon J Foreman, Willis c fields, Samuel 0 Gilbert, Willis c Gardner, Peter c Gordon, Alec c Green, D P c Gardner, Sandy c Graves, Chas c Goodwin, Jno c Gassett, Min Griffin, Cohbin c Gilpin, Brutus c George, John c GoUghtly,Henry c George, Alec e Green, Jno c Green, Wm c Gaunt, John c Graves, Chas c Gallaher, E F Glenn, Glascow c Gibbs, Aberdeen c Grimes, Ben C Green, Isaac c Gorton, Jno c Green, Tom • c Golphin, Jeff c Green, Aaron c Gannon, Thos Greer, John 0 Gardner, Wm 0 Grimes, Anderson c Gan’s, J»oob . c Gardner, Melman c Harris, David c Hicks, Lloyd c Hammonds, Ed’wrd c Hicks, Elijah Houston, Henry 0 Hampton, Daniel c Harris, Wm 0 Howard, Jno c Hewitt, Jno, Sr Hill, Alfred c Harris, Robert c Hill, Jeffry Hill, Preston, c Hatcher, David Harris, Geo H c Hicks, Oscar c Harris, Wm c llensly, Solomon Holmes, Robt c Hatter, Wm c Hill, Benjamin c Heyward, Neal c Hammond, Jno Henson, E W c Haisey, August c Harris, J H c Hughes, Patrick Hall, Wm c Hawkins, Henry C Harter, W J Ivins, Pave c Iverson, Anton Ingals, L L Jackson, Albert 0 Jones, Wm c Jones, Wm e Jackson, Randall ’ 0 Johnson, Wm c Jones, G W Jackson, Abram c Jenkins, Ihos c Johnson. Edward c Jefferson, Isaac c Jones, Mingo c Jackson, Samuel c Johnson, John c Jackson, John c Jefferson, L W c Jones, Jesse c Johnson, Sam e Jones, Daniel c Jackson, Andrew c Jackson, J A c Jones, Ned c Johnson, V S Johnson, Evans c Jackson, Henry c Johnson, Allen c Jones, Robt c Johnson, Aaron e Jones, Daniel e Johnson, Frederick 0 Jones, Chas c James, Bon 0 Jones, Jas A Johnson, Daniel 0 Jones, Thomas c Joshua, Johu e Jones, Wm II c Jefferson, Burton c Jackson, Riohard c Jackson, H J y Jones, Wm c King, S L . King, J M c Keener, J E Key, Daniel 0 King, Madison c Kendall, Jesso c Kennedy, Robt c Kennedy, Henry Kotchon, Boh c King, T B V Langford, George Lewis, Adam . c Liddle, Win c Lawson, An<|orsen c Lacy, Thos c Lamkin, Willis c Low, Andrew c Linn, Harrison c Lamar, Edward c Lamar, Boston c Lumpkin, Moses c Landers, John Lawson, Capers c Locke, Bryant c Lewis, Joo 0 Lewis, David c Locket, Isaac c Lewis, Carlo c Low, Jefferson c Lamkin, Palmer 0 Ladson, Hector 0 Lemon, Robt c Leckie, Thhs Lamar, Ceasor c Lewis, Jack 0 Let, Wm c Lewis, Alfred c Locket, Harry c Lukes, Jas,jr e Levcritt, George McNeil, Sandy c McCrae, Barry 0 Marshall, Edmund c Medium, Francis L McLovott, Mandoss c Murphy, Thomas McArdle, John McKinley, Jacob c McGrath, Bony c Myers, David c McGrath, Bony jr c Marion, Haidy c Mitchell, Thos McKinnie, James c Mclvoy, Alien c Mitchell, John 0 Moore, Wiley c Yallory, Charles c Mims-, Peter c Miller, George e Mosely, Harvey c Mulherin, John McKee, Burrell C Morel, Gabriel c Miller, Frank c McKinnie, John Mallory, Sandy c Mosely,Rodolphus J Minor. Joe c Mahoney, Patrick 0 Murrah, Geo W Murrah, Wm E Miles, John E McDuffie, George c Mayam, Mortimer 0 Mason, Cuff c Miller, Anthony c Mitchell, Newton c Milton, John c Miller, Edward T Mustin, Eli Martin, Tom c McCay, William c Mills, Wm S Moore, John c Miller, George c McMurphy, Tom 0 Miller, Felix c Maek, Peter c Mitchell, Solomon c Nash, John c Wm J North, Richard Norris, Adam 0 Neese, Abram Ncyland, George 0 Nagle, John P . Olivo, Abel Oliver, David c O'Connor, Timothy O’Connor,ftancis Owen, Amos E • Oliphant, Alfred e Osborne,Abram c Olive, Thomas W Oliver, Philip c Parker, William 0 Paris, Isaac c Porter, Tom c Patrick, Capers c Pago, Phil c Phillips, Wm M c Price, John W c Prather, Augustus M Polk, Josiah c Pollard, Charlie c Potcgru, Daniel c Palmer, Thomas J Paris, Sam c Pemberton, Henry c Parker, Charles c Parker, Lewis c Patterson, Philip c Payne, Tom c Page, Georgo W Roberts, John c Roily, Wm II Reynolds, John Ross, Albert H c Roberts, Robert c Ramsey, John P Ruffin, Albert G Roberts. John W Robinson, Joe c Rigby, Jacob c llioe, Tom c Rooney, Patrick Rivers, Alee 0 Robinson, John c Roberts. Charles M Robinson, Manuel c Reynolds, Joseph W Reese, Enoch D Rahner, Joseph Robinson, Richard c Ratcliff’, Samuel W Kobbe, Chas A Robertson, Robert c Ramsey, Richard e Sapp, Frank c Shackelford, John c Smith, Charlie 0 Smith, Adam c Sherman, Monroe 0 Schneider, Jack c Searls, Lewis ' c Simpkins, Wiley c Smith, Albert c Stewart, James A c Smith, Josiah c Spink, W W Smith, Anderson 0 Simmons, March c Stratton, Henry c Stewart, Richard c Smith, George c Scott, Lewis c S mpkins, Tom c Simpkins, Jesso c Smith, John L c Stokes, Henry c Summerfield, Henry 0 Simmon.’, Sam c Simmons, Robert 0 Shephard, Dennis 0 Sullivan, Wm c .Smith, Mallory c Stoy, Walter P Smith, fetephon c Scott, Ed c Snyder, Harry c Searles, V> m c Summers, Andrew c - Smith, Zion Sex, Amos c Smalley, Burton c Shelton, Ahram c Sweet, Henry c Stickney, Honry c Sullivan, Moses c Singleton, Wm c Scott, John II c Smith, Thomas J Scott, Toby 0 Stallings, James II Sullivan, Win 11 e Swan, Henry c Summeifield, Taylor 0 Smith, Arthur c Smith, Tom c Taylor, Cyrus c Thomas, Jim c Tobler, Abram c Tillman, Jack 0 Thomas, Jerome c Thomas, Edward c Turner, Willis c Tinnon, Vlueout H Taylor, Virgin c Taylor, Grand!- .1 c Talbot, Saul c Taylor, John J Tyler, David 0 Turner, Robert c Taylor, Cap c Thomas, Michael B c Taylor, Henry c Tice, David Trowbridge, Merritt c Thomas, James e Timmerman, John c Tilman, Henry c Tueker, George <: Trotty, Freeman 0 Thomas, ' auiel 0 Tice, Peter M Tillman, Wm II e Turpin, Wm E Turner, Tom 0 Turner, Henry c Thomas, Berry E c Thompson, Lewis B Vaughn, Thos J Van Pelt, John Williams, Wm c Watts, Cyrus 0 Watts, James M c Waikor, Ceasar 0 Webster, Daniel c Williams, Alfred c Walsh, Thomas Winn, Marcus 0 Wilhigbt, Wm e Willis, Dennis c Williams, Henry c Wooten, John 0 Williams, Henry c Woodson, Willis c Williams. .Richmond c Wade, Peter c Williams, John c Williams, Frank c Webb, Elisha c Wiley, Ned c Woodson, Robert c Ward, Wm 0 Wigfall, Bristow c Williams, Cap c Wingard, Elisha D Washington, George e Williams, James 0 Wilson, Milton c Williams, Isaiah c Walker, Wesley c Williams, Bam c Williams, Spencer 0 Watts, Harrison c West, William 0 Walker, Thomas c Williams, Daniel c William.’, Aaron 0 Warren, James H c Wilson, John c Walker, Andrew c White, Frank c Whittaker,Roland W Williams, Stephen c Ware, John D Williams, Edward c Watson, Wm J Walker, Richard c Wheeler, John E Wingfield, Hubbard c Welsh, John Wat’s, Henry c Welsh, Dennis Wynn, Isaac u Wilson, Martin V B c Wright, Moses c Walker, Alox c Williams, Jo 1 n c Williams, Wm M Williams, Henry c Williams, Allen c Yarborough, Abram c Young, Leroy c Young, Freeman e Young, James e RECAPITULATION. W/iitc. Ulack. Total; First Ward 123 303 426 Second Ward 52 180 232 Third Ward 35 151 186 Fourth Ward 112 458 565 Grand t0ta1,.322 1087 1409 Augusta, Georgia, October 19, 1803. JOHN C. SNEAD, WM. R. McLAWS, E. M. BRAYTON, WILLIAM DOYLE, R. A. HARPER, Commissioners of Registration. Attest: Dsvin Poutkh, Clerk. 1..... . . "T. A New Volume of Music FOR THE Y oung ITplks, ENTITLED THE GOLDEN ROBIN, VONT.IINtNG /. Musical Solation, II- Hounds and Ex efeises adapted to Physical Action. 111. Songs for all Occasions. IV. Sacred Pieces. By W. O. PEHKIKS, Author of “The Nightengale,” “Sabbath School Trumpet,” etc. rpHE WHOLE FORMING A MOST AT I TRACTIVE Music Book for Juvenile glasses, Schools and Seminaries, and ono that • nnot fail to be admired by all Teachers and i holers. Price 50 cents. Sent post paid. OLIVER DITSON A C 0.,. Publishers, 277 Washington st., Boston. CHAS. H. DlTS«©i A CO., oet2—if 711 Broadway, T<ew York. JBY. News from Washington. Washington, October 18.—We have the best authority for saying that the President has neither approved the proposition to withdraw Seymour’s name, nor intimated his wish for another nomination. On the con trary,Mr. Johnson looks upon the proposition to change candidates ns ill-timed and injudi cious. Frank P. Blair made a speech in St. Louis to a largo assembly. He said he camo be fore them neither dismayed nor discouraged. The Democratic party would yet win, and if it tailed the Republic would fail with it. Ho expected to continue to bo candidate for Vico President, but was willing to make any sacrifice his country demanded. Washington, O«tober 19.—Iris known to the military authorities here that the arms destroyed, on the Hcsper, at Cat Island, were purchased by the Governor of Arkansas and Senator McDonald, from that State, on the speculation that the Legislature would buy them. It is not believed tljat armed resistance is contemplated, from the fact that the arms were destroyed, and not re moved for use. There will be no change in candidates, and no third party. Covodo is defeated for Congress, but will contest. Ho claims three hundred fraudu lent votes. Colfax says persons with whom ho is in cvmmunination agree that there is no necessity for a session bn the 10th of No vember. Governor Orr, of South Carolina, is here. Vorheos’ and Julian’s seats in Indiana will bo contested. Dickinson, a Democratic Congressman from the 9th Ohio District, has been arrested, charged with issuing fraudulent naturalization papers. The following has been received hero : Little Rock, Ark., Oct. 17. J. M. Schofield, Secretary of War; The arms purchased for the State were destroyed by an armed band of men on the Mississippi river. The boat was captured and the arms thrown overboard. From facts in my possession, I am satisfied that there is armed resistance to the laws. Powell Clayton, Governor of Arkansas. President Johnson is reported as saying that if it had been presented to him when the parties contemplated resistance, they would not have destroyed the arms and ammunition on the Hesper. North Carolina News- Raleigh, October 19.—Botli parties are vigorously in the canvass. The Republicans jubilant over the Northern elections. The Democrats are disappointed, but deter rnined, confident o! carrying this State. Both parlies have full Electoral and Congressional ts in the field. The Republican ticket has Byron Laflin, of New York, and A. H. Galloway, negro, or mulatto, on it p the rest are all native whites. The Democratic ticket is all natives, and all enfranchised. The Republican Congressional ticket- has all natives, except David Heaton, of Wisconsin, and J. T. Dewees, ot Indiana, and Mr. Boyden, who runs on the Republican ticket, independent, but opposes Radicalism, yet votes for Grunt—Mr. Lourgo, of Ohio, and Mr. French, of Washington .City, having been ruled elf. The Democratic ticket is all natives. The two tickets verv nearly repre sent the two parties in many respects. Both parties claim success. Governor Holden has suspended the order organizing the detailed militia. General Miles bus distributed the Fortieth United Slates Regiment, negro troops. There have been several robberies of money, etc., by armed disguised squads, re cently, in this State. In the Superior Court here, last week, a colored man was tried for attempted rape on a colored girl. He chose his jury from the whitesand former slaveholders, aud was ac quitted on evidence. A colored soldier, Alexander Willis, a member of lhe Fortieth United States Regi ment, tried and convicted here six months ago lor the murder of colored citizens, was sentenced by Watts to be hung here on the 6th of November -the execution to take place in lhe prison. Ku Klux in Louisiana New Orleans, Oct. 18.—The Sheriff and Parish Judge of St. Mary's Parish were as sassinated at Franklin, La., last night by parties who escaped without being reco"- nized. The Sheriff was killed in his hotel. I’he body of the Parish Judge was found on the street by the patrol which was or ganized immediately after the discovery of the Sheriff’s assassination. The coroner’s inquest, which is progressing, has elicited nothing toward the discovery of the perpe trators. Several men engaged in tlie assassination; they were mounted, and es caped in the darkness. Still Another Victim. CIIABLESTOX, October IS.—B. F. Ran dolph, a negro preacher from the North, anil a member of the South Carolina State Senate, was murdered nt sCokesbury, in Abbeville county, in this State, on Friday. He had been on an electioneering tour, and on Thursday delivervl a speech at Abbe ville Court House. Ou Friday, he look the cars for Anderson, mid, on his arrival at Cokesbury, put his baggage in the ladies’ car, and went 011 the platform. Three white men then rode up, dismounted, and fired on Randolph, mortally wounding him in three places. Though it was broad daylight, tho murderers were not recognized, and made their escape. The body of Randolph was taken to Columbia. —.— . Sacking a Printing Office. New Orleans, Oct, 19.—A dispatch re ceived to-day from Franklin, La., states that the office of the Register, published at Franklin, was sacked last night, press des troyed and material scattered ; the editors and printers left for New Orleans this morning. The citizens of Franklin aud surrounding country are doing all in their power to preserve the peace. The negroes are making very bold threats, but have not made any attempt to carry them in execu tion. Piracy. Memphis, October 18. —The arms and ammunition on the steamer Hesper, en route for Arkansas, was destroyed by disguised parlies, who boarded the Hesper front a tug at Cat Island. Conference with Seymour. Utica, N. Y., Oct. 19.—There was a con ference between Seymour and several mem bers of the National Committee last Satur day. Seymour said that any change in the ticket must result in the withdrawal of his name He was an unwilling candidate and would gladly be relieved of the responsibility. His visitors replied that no change was con templated. Collision. Richmond, October 19.—0 n the North Carolina R idroad, on Saturday night, near Hitirisburg. tw’o trains, ono having McGin ley’s circus on board, collided. Five persons were seriously wounded. The Weather. Fortress Monroe, October 18.—A North wester prevails. Slight fiOst here this morning. Cablegrams. / Madrid, October 18.—Prim has been made Marshal of Spain, and Gou. Dulce Duke of Madrid. A deputation of Cubans has arrived. They stipulated with the Junta fora gradual eman cipation of slavery. Barcelona Republicans protest against the acts of Prim and Serrano. . Madrid, October 19,-Thc Junta has issued an order regarding a future govern ment. Cortez must decide whether it shall be republican or monarchial. Otasago, Serrano and Topete declare fora monarchy, but favor a submission of the question to universal suffrage. A Train Blowing. New York, October 19.—George Francis Train has accepted the Congressional nomi nation. He thinks his election would se cure his own and other Irish-Americans’ re lease from British bastiles. Marine NEW YORK, October 19. —Arrived —Knight and Cljde. SAVANNAH, October 19.—Arrived : Ship Ncctaux, Liverpool. ? CO M ME RCIAL AUGUSTA MARKETS. Orrtcß National Republican, > Monday, Oct. 19—P.M. f FINANCIAL.—GoId: Buying 1.38 a 1.37; selling 1.39a1.40. Silver: Buying 1.30: sell ing 1.35n1.37. STOC !{S. —Georgia Railroad stocks in good demand ; .’ales at 90. Other stocks—not mneb doing. COTTON.—Market opened firm at 431, was ac tive and closed with good demand. BACON.—A bettor feeling in the market. We quote: Clear Ribbed Sides, 18; Clear Sides, 18al8J; Shoulders, 15a15j ; Dry Salt Shoulders, Hl; Dry Salt Sides, 17a171. CORN. Primo White, $1.15; Mixed, $1.05a 1.10. Trade iu general was quiet on Saturday and to day. ' Phillips’ Provivion Kxcliuuge. Cincinnati, October 16, 1868. Editor Republican: The trade in provisions has been uiuisiially small, aud the little done has been ertirely con sumptive and for small amounts. There is no speculative demand whatever. The stocks of all articles under this head are lieing steadily reduced in the West, yet, with no greater demand than now exists, there will be plenty to carry us through to the new season which is ou the eve of commencement. Thomarket has been quiet during tho week with but little" change in prices since my last, though it closes easier at quotations below, with sonic disposition to close out the remnants of stock at current, rates. HOGS.—But little talked of for the future; traders and grocers expect higher prices than they will probably realize, while packers prefer to wait till the time comes and then pay current rates rather than contract, ahead. Some sales have been made nt 18. gross, by elanghters. MESS PORK.—The stock is very light and de mand small; s3l has been the asking price, but sales can not be made at over $30.50 LARD—-In view ot new coming into the mar ket soon, is very dull, and difficult to sell at 19c., some new Prime Steam lias bedh sold at 17J, de livered this mouth. BULK ME ATS—Quiet and but little inquired for, except at reduced prices. I quote nominally —Shoulders 10, Sides 11, C. R. Sides 15, Clear Sides 15Jc., all loose. BACON —Is also easier and the demand light— Shoulders, Sides. C. 11. and Clear Sides are held at 13J, 16, 10J and 17|, nacked, for fresh smoked, and 1 less for old packed ; but buyers contend for concessions. S.C. Hams are very dull at. 18al8L and Plain I lalhc. PLATE BEEF—DuII nt 17.50n18.00. EXPOFS—Of the week were, 614 barrels and 1113 kegs Lnrd, 053 hhds. and 33 tierces Bulk and Bacon, and 506 barrels Pork. IMPORTS—IO9 barrels and 111 kegs Lard and 70 barrels Pork. Very respectfully, Guo. W. Philmi s, Jr., Provision and Produce Broker. TELEGRAPH MARKETS. Financial. LONDON, October 19, Afternoon — Consols 91J Bonds 725. NEW ORLEANS, October 19.—Sterling-47Ja 49|. Gold 1.37 J. Now York sight exchange, par. BALTIMORE, Ocl.obcr 19.—Virginia's, old, inscribed 484 bid, 49 asked. ’66’s 48 bid. PARIS, October 19.—Rentes 70 and 20. LONDON, Ootobe 19.— Ereniny.— American securities firmer- Bonds 738. FRANKFORT, October 19.—Bonds 75|. NEW YORK, October 19, Evening.— Gold 1.371. Money steady. Sterling firmer at 9i. Governments not sosSrong. ’62s 14}. Tennesp see 92; new 72}. North Carolina's 68. Vir ginian’s 68. I’roilnco and. Oilier Jlarket*. HAVRE, October 19.—Cotton—On the spot, 137; afloat, 132 BALTIMORE, October 19.—Cotton steady at 25a25Jc. Groceries and provisions active. NEW ORLEANS, October 19.-—Cotton in fair demand, and firm. Middling 23J. Sales 3,600 bales ; receipts 3,671. ~ Sugar and Molasses—fair jobbing trade, but rates unchanged. LOUISVILLE, October 19.—Flour 7.25a7.50. Mess Pork s3l. Lard !9}a2o. Shoulders 1.31a a!3} ; clear sides 17}al7}. Whiskey 1.35. LIVERPOOL, October 19, Evening.— Cotton firm. Sales 12,000 bales. HAVRE, October 19.—Cotton firm. CINCINNATI, October 19 —Whiskey irregu lar at 1.20. Mere Pork $30.95. Bacon dull— shoulders 13, clear sides 17c. Lard dull at 18Jc. SAVANNAH, October 91—Cotton closed quiet but steady. Middlings 24a24Jc. Sales 696 bales. Receipts, 1,528 bales. NEW YORK, October 19, Evening.— Cotton, steady. Sales 1,21)0 bales at 25}a25j|. Flour 10120 c. lower. Wheat drooping—white 2.38a2.ii1). Corn, 1.30a 1.32. Mess Pork dull and 10wer—28.75, Freights droopiug—cotton steam 6<iJ. WILMINGTON, October 19. Cotton sales 23 bales at 21J to 23Je. Spirits Turpentine at 49a40j. Rusin in good demand for low grades, at 1.70. Turpentine at 2.65. Tar 2.30. CHARLESTON, October 10J—Cotton active and advanced s»}. Sales 1,050 bales; Mid dlings 23jc. Receipts 811 bales. MOBILE, October 19.—Cotton—Market closed quiet. Sales 150 bales. Middling 23}. Receipts 8} bales ; exports none. Assignee’s Sale. A VTILL BE SOLD BEFORE THE COURT Vv House door, m the town of Sandersville. Washington county, Ga-, on the FIRST TUIfiJ DAY IN NOVEMBER uext, between the legal hours of sale, four hundred and forty (440) acres ot hind, ou tie east aide of Buffalo creek,adjoining lauds of Dr. J. Stone and others—it being a bal ance of live buudred acres, out of which was sixty acres set apart as exemption Sold as the property of the estate of John Tra wick, an adjudged Bankrupt, free front the en cumbrance of liens, etc., for toe benefit of the creditors of said John Trawick. Terms cash. October 14 th, 1868. CLEMENT C. BROWN. oc 14—11 Assignee. A GREAT CAMPAIGN DOCUMENT. Ifnnd-Book of Politics for 186 S. S SERIALLY ADAPTED FOR THE PRESI DENTIAL Campaign. Contains all the matter in tho Political Manuals of 1866, 1867, and 1868. Compiled from official sources. Gives tho whole Political action of tho Government, including Impeachment, Reconstruction, Gene ral Politics, Platform.’, Acceptance of Candi dates, etc., from April, 1865, to July, 1868. Tabh s on Debt and Taxation, Itcvenue aud Ex penditures, Banks, Southern Registration and Votes. Election Tables from 1860 to date, 4U(t pages, Bvo., cloth, $2.50, post paid The Pol it anil Manual for 1868, separately, , cloth, $l paper cover, 75 ceuls, post paid. Address EDWARD MpPHKVSON, Ckrk el the House «f Represehiativee, sopl—<Nov3 Washington, D.C.