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National Republican
Official Organ of the U- S. Government.
Year, in advance $5 00
4 x Months, m advance 2 50
rhre * Mouths, fa advance «.... 1 25
•»'r*A v paper furniahed gratia to any one send-
i :l f nt a Club of ten subscribers.
7&P* The undersigned, having a Completely
furnished office, is enabled to cxecuie nil orders
for Book and Job Printing, Book-binding,, or
Ruling cheaper than any ' other office in the
South. ’ K. ii. i’UlillE.
FRIDAY” MORNI '-u O<tober 2--, 848
7 ■
‘ i?“We will furnish copies of
the above Badge, neatly printed
on white or colored Ribbon, at
Sls per one thousand ; or on Pa
per, at 81 per hundred. Orders
respectfully solicited.
I o the Relief of Debtors, and to authorize
the adjustment of debts upon the princi
ples of equity.
Sec. 1. The General Assembly of the
State of Georgia enacts, That in all suits
which shall be brought for the recovery of
debts in any o( the courts of this State, or
upon contracts for the payment of money
made prior to the first dajof June, 1865,
except for the sale or hire or slaves, it shall
and may be lawful for the parties in all
such cases to give in evidence before the
jury empanneled to try the same, the con
sideration of the debt or contract which
may be the subject of the suit, the amount
and value of the property owned by the
debtor at the time the debt was contracted,
or the contract entered into to show upon
Ihe faith ol what property credit was given
to him, and what tender or tenders - of pay
ment. he made to the creditors at any time,
end that the non-payment of the debt or
debts was owing to the refbsal of tire
creditor to receive the money tendered or
offered to be tendered ; the destruction or
loss of the property upon the faith of whit-h
the credit was given, and Irow and in what
manner the property was destroyed or lost,
ahd by whose default.
And in all such cases, the juries which
try the same shall have power to reduce the
amount of the debt or debts sued for, ae
•ording to the equities of each case, and
render such verdicts as to thorn shall appear
just ami equitable.
Sec. 2. That in all cases in which ver
dicts have been rendered or judgments co
tered upon debts ’contracted prior to the
first day of June, 1865, and the judgment
remains unsatisfied, it shall be lawful for the
defendant or defendants, by motion in the
court in which tho judgment was obtained,
to have the same submitted to a jury for
trial, upon the same conditions as are con
tained in the preceding section, with like
powers to the jury to reduce the amount of
the judgment according to the equities of
each case, and render such verdict as to
them shall appear equitable and just ; and
the judgment rendered in such case shall su
percede the prior judgment: Provided, no
judgment shall lapse the priority of its lien
by reason of the rendition of a new judg
ment ; and provided that in all such cases
twenty ‘days notice shall be given to the
plaintiff in execution. Cases in the Supe
rior Courts, and cases transferred to that
Court from the Inferior and County Courts,
and in tjie Justices Courts, ten days notice
shall be given ; and in all casts commence*!
by motion in-either the Superior or Justices
Courts, the case or cases shall be in order
for trial at the term at which the motion may
be made, but shall be eunje’et to ebutinu
ances ns cases upon the appeal.
Se< .3. That in all cases in which the
defendant may li;tve in possession the prop
erty for which the debt sued on was con
tracted, the jury shall have power to render
a verdict returning the property, t vether
with compensation ibr the use of tin: same :
Provided, that any iipprovcinent made by
the defendant shall I>e taken in considera
tion, or any part of tho purcha <• money
which may have been paid lor the Xante,
according to the value of'the property at the
time of the trial.
Sec. I. That, in suits against Ir.i .tims, ad
ministrators, executors or guardians, it shall
be lawful for the defendant or defendants to
give in evidence tho loss or destruction of
the trust property which camo into thoir
hands, or its depreciation in value, aud the
value of the property in their hands at the
commencement of tho suit, shall be the
measure of damages be rendered by the
jufj* against them ; Provided, that no trus
tee, administrator, executor, or guardian
shall be exempt from liability for the value
of any trust which he may have wasted, or
which has been lost by his neglect or
Sec. 5. That in all suits which may be
commenced by original action or by motion,
under this act, both parties thereto shall be
competent witnesses.
Sec. 6. That all arbitrations to adjust
and settle debts, contracted prior to dune
Ist, 1865, the same rules And regulations
shall apply, and the same evidence shall be
admissable as provided in the first section
of this act-
Sec. L In all cases where levies have
been made and the property levied upon has
not been sold, it shall and may bo lawful
for the defendant or defendants to file their
affidavits, stating tlnlt they desire to take
the benefit of the. remedy provided for in
tins act, and tho sheriffs to whom said affi
davits are presented, shall receive the some
aud suspend the sale, and return the papers
to the court from which the process under
which they act may have issued, or to such
court as may by law have jurisdiction ; pro
vided that flic properly levied upon shall be
returned to the defendant upon his giving
bond and security, as in claim cases.
Sec. 8. Thai all laws anil parts of laws
militating against thjs act be, and the
same arc hereby repealed.
Benjamin Conley,
‘ President of the Senate.
A. E. Marshall,
Secretary of the Senate.
Il L. McWhuiiteis,
Speaker of the House.
L. Carrington,
Clerk of the House.
The Act air passed by the u re,
AN ACT to reorganize the municipal
government ol' the City ol A ugu.-t : :
Whereas, The present Mayor ami City
Council of Augusta were.appointed by mili
tary authority, which authority has ceased to
Section 1. lic it enacted by the Senate and
House of Representatives of the State of
Gcryiu in General' Assembly met, and
it is hereby enacted by the authority of
the same, That an election for Mayor aud
members of Council of said city, be held <>»i
Wednesday, the 2d day of December next, in
the manner established by the laws of this
State and the Ordinances of sai I city,
of force on the first day of April, 1866,
and not hereby modified or repealed.
Sec. 2. The officers so elected shall hold
their offices for one year from the date of
their election; and until their successors are
elected and qualified.
Sec. 3. A registry of voters shall be op ‘lied
at the City Hall, iii said city, on the
fifth day of October next, ami continue
open until 2 o'clock p. in., on Tues
day, the first of December next, from D
o’clock a, m., till 2 o’clock p. in., of each day,
except Sunday,under the supervision of John
C. Snead, Judge of the City Court of said city,
William R. McLaws, late J udge of the County
Com t of Richmond county,Ellery M.Bi'ayton,
Clerk of the Superior Court of said county,
Wm. Doyle, Deputy Sheriff of said county,
aud Robert A. Harper, any two or more ol
whpm may act, gind shall require each and
every person >pplvipg for registry to take
the oath provided by this act for voters in
said city, except t?o much thereof as relates
to registering the certificates of registry aitd
Sec. -1. The of Registry
above named, or such of them as may
act, shall appoint the Superintendents
of the Election in the several wards, and
give public notice of their appointments ten
(10) days before- the election hi all the
public gazettes of the city.
Sec. 5. At said piection the polls in each
Ward shall be opened at 8 o’clock a. hi.,
and close al 5 o’clock p. m , an I each
voter shall, ou voting, present bis certifi
cate of Registry, which shall bo received
by the managers and scaled up in the office
of the Clerk of Council.
Sec. 6. In the event of the Inks oPdestruc
tioti of any certificate of Registry, upon
personal application by the party to whom
the same was issued, accompanied by his
affidavit of said loss or destruction, subscribed
by him, the said commissioners shall issue
to such persons a duplicate certificate, which
shall sert'd in lieu of the icrtilicatc lost, or
destroyed : I’i'iwided, that mi duplicate rel
tifiealc shqll be issued alter 10 o'clock f>. m ,
of Tuesday, tile first of December next.
Sec. 7. The Commissioners of Registry
shall receive from the City Council a fair
oonijtepsatioti for the services rctideivd by
them respectively.
SeC. 8. Ail other elections in said city tor
Mayor and Members of Council shall be held
annually, on the first Wednesday in Decem
ber, except as herein modified under exist
ing laws : Provided, that, after the present
year, the list for the registration iff voters
shall be opened on the first' Monday in Sep
tember in each year, and be kept opened
until 5 o'clock p. m., ol the fourth Wed
nesday in November; and provided further;
that no duplicate certificate shall be issued
by the person or persons who may be ap
pointed to register later than 2 o’clock p. in.,
of Saturday immediately preceding the
election, nor until the applicant has complied
with all the provisions of the sixth section of
his act.
Sec- f*. At all elections for Mayor and
Members of Council held in said city after
the passage of this act, the Managers shall
administer the following oath to any person
attempting to vote, upon his being chal
lenged, or in. case either of them have
doubts as to his right to vote : “ You do
solemnly swear that you are a citizen of tho
United States, that you are twenty-one years
of age, that you have resided in this State
for the last twelve months, in' this city for
tho last six months, ami in this district or
ward for the last ten days; that yon have
considered This State your home for the last
twelve months, that you have paid all taxes,
and made all returns required by the Ordi
nances ’<>! this city that have been in your
power to pay or make according to said
Ordinances, that you have been duly regis
tered within the time prescribed by law, that
the-certificate of registry you now offer was
delivered to you in person bf the Registry
Clerk or Commissioners, aud that you have
not voted this day. So help you, God. ’
Sec. 10. Nothing in this act shall be so
construed as to exclude any person from
registering or voting on account of racp er
color. -
Sec. 11. That the Sheriff of the county ol
Richmond is hereby directed and required
tn be present during said election, at the
place of voting, with a p 'lice force to be
furnished by the City Council of said city,
and preserve the public peace, aud prevent
Any interference with the managers ot said
ehjclion or voters therein.
Sec. 12. So much of an Act in relation to
tho City Council of Augusta, approved Feb
ruary 28lh, 1860, as authorizes the said City
Council “to provide the mode, manner and
time of elections of Mayor and Members of
the City Council,” and all laws, or parts of
laws, militating against this Act, be, and the
same are hereby, repealed.
K. L. McWhorter,
Speaker House of Representatives.
M. A. Harpin,
Clerk House of Representatives.
Benjamin Conley,
President ol the Senate.
A. E. Marshall.
Secretary of the Senate.
Passed over the veto of his Excellency,
the Governor, by a constitutional majority
of ayes 90; nays 45.
September 16, 1868.
• M. A. Hardin,
Clerk House of Representatives.
in senate.
Passed over the veto of his Excellency,
Xbe Governor, by a constitutional majority
of ayes 24; mys 11.
September 23. 1868.
A. E. Marshall.
Secretary of Senate.
' '■■■■■l
Heakters Dei altment ve thb South, |
Atlanta, <la., October 8, 186$. j
Ccotrnt Orders 27.
Wheksas, By an act of Congress of the
United Slates, approved March 2d, 1865, it is
made the duty of the military aubhority to pre
serve the peace at the pelts at any election that
may be bold in any <»t the States; and Wkaraan,
ibis duty has tiecume the more imperative, from
the existing pulftieal excitement in tho public
mind, from the recent organisation of civil gov
crument, and from tho fact that Congress has,
By statute, prohibited the organization of mili
tary forces in the several States of this Depart
ment, it is therefore, ordered,
1. That.the several District Commanders will,
a- soon as practicable, on the receipt of ihis
order, distribute tho troops under their com
mands as follow/:
»«Sr. O " « «
In the District ol tSouth Carolinu:
Ope company Bth infantry, so t'hestef.
One company Bth Infantry, to t nioiivillc.
One company Bth Infantry, to l aureusvillc.
One company Sth Infantry, to Abbeville.
One company Bth Infantry, to Newberry.
One company Btb Infantry, to Edge-field.
One company 6th Infantry, to Beaufort.
One company lith Infant-y, to Georgetown.
One company 6th Infantry, to Florence.
I.i ti e District of Georgia :
tine company 16th Infantry, to Albany.
Onte company 16th Infantry, to Cuhimbus.
One company DHh Infantry, to Macon.
One company I6tb infantry, to Augusta.
4 Qdc company 16<h Infantry lo Wadfington
Wilkes county.
On© compiuy 16th Infantry, to Americus.
Ono company 16th Infantry, to Thomasville.
Ono company (C) sth cavalry, to Athens.
The eoinpaay a t Savannah to be reinforced,
should occasion require, by such number el men
at L'vrt Pulaski as can be spared from the post.
* e « * * *
11. Detachments, when necessary, way l>e
in tdc to points in the vicinity of each post; but
in do case, nor on any pretext whatever, will
detachments be ?cnt without a commissioned
urffiuer, who will be fully instructed by hia Pint
Commander. * m
* # * * *. *
VJtl. District Commander, will instruct Post
( ommauders in thejr duties, and the relative
position of t lie civil and military ; owers. 'They
will futni.'h them with copies of the circulars
from these lle’aquuart rs, of August 25tb, and
October Ist uh, (life latter-of which was for
warded September loth, to District Command
ers),*fn wbkh the instructions of tho War De
artment are set forth ie full. They will
impress on Pos*i Commanders that they are to
act in aid and co operation, and in subordination
to the civil authorities; that they are to exercise
di-eretion and judgment, unbiased by political
or other prejudices; that their object should bo
exclusively to preserve the peace and uphold
law and order, and they must bo sa isfiod such
is th© vbject of the civil officer calling on them
f < ai l, that they must in all oases where time
will permit, apply for instruction to superior
authority, but they must at all hazards preserve’
flic peace, and not be restrainod by technical
point/, when, in their conscicnt'ous judgment
under the rtih:.< above set forth, it is their duty to
act. Pn>t Commanders, bn bring alotifled of the
proposed holding of political meetings, may
send an officer, and if necewary a detachment,
to watch the proceedings and sec that the peace
is preserved.
IX. To the people of the several States com
posing the Department, the Major General Com
manding appeals that they will cooperate with
him and the civil authorities in sustaining taw
and order, in preserving the peace aud in avoid
ing those scenes of riot and bloodshed, and the
wanton destruction of property and life, which
has already, bi some instances, been enacted in
the Department. lie urges abstinence from all
inflammatory and incendiary appeals to the
passions; discountenancing the keeping’-open of
liquor shops on days of political meetings and of
election; the abstaining from carrying arms,
and asserting the individual light of construing
laws by force of arms No just cause is ever
advanced by resort to violence. Let there be
charity and forbearance among political oppo
nents, whatever may be the result; let each
good citizen determine that all who, under th©
law, have the right to the ballot shall exercise it
undisturbed. If there are disputed points of
law, let them be referred to tbc Courts, and let
not mobs or polil'cal clubs, or other irresponsible
bodies, construe and undertake to execute the
law. This appeal is made in the earnest hope
tha» the Major General Commanding can rely
ou the good sense and correct judgment of the
muss of the people, and that he will not be com
pelled to resort to the exercise of the power with
which be i« intrusted, and which he will most
reluctantly employ. But he thinks it his duty
to make known, that so far as the power under
his command will admk, he will not permit the
peace to be broken, and that he will not be
restrained in the conscientious discharge of bis
duty by technicalities of laws made when toe
present anemalous condition of affairs were
neither anticipated or provided for. •
By order of Major General Mkm>e ;
oe LI t nevX Assistant Ad ntant General.
1N Lint ii, and ‘ auiutble for Wheat,
Corn, ttc . for •nk”i qn uHifms to anir
B,V'* k iiu -l f« r the ira'isportalion ol
Bag Mannfa t un i.
oc |3—6w[<<»n| Wand 12 Whitehall St., N. Y
Richmond County.
yinhinoi' t Snnn'yA.
Whkrk vs, .Lunos A. Gray, AJininUtrator on
the o.’Uto of Franci.-* O’Connor, applies to mo
for Letters of Jfisiuiesion.
These arc therefore lo cite and admoni.b
and singular, the kindred aud creditors us said
deceased, to he and appear at, uiy office on or
before tko first Monday in November next, tq
show cause, if any they have, why said Letters
should not be granted.
Giron under my hand and offioial signature,
nt office in Augusta, thij 21 da, of June, 'B6B.
jc3 -fira* Ordinary.
Letters of Dismission
llickniond County.
Whereas, Caioliiw l)nlM?t, Adniiniatratrix,
with the will annexed on thv estate of Antoiue
Pirquet. deceased, applies to inc for Letters of
I Mtaniu&ion:
Theeo uro, therefore, to cite and admonfali all
and Kiugular, tho kindred aud creditors of said
deceased, to be aud appear at my ifliice ou or
before the first Monday tn October, to w cause,
if any they have, why said Letters slibuld not be
Given under my hand and official signature at
Augusta, the hhhdav of May, 1868.
my TH lawfim* Ordinary.
Letters of Dismisstab
O • Richmond
Whereas, Josephine Wilson, Administratrix on
the estate of Peter Wilson, deeeased.'applies to
me for Letters of Dismission.
These are, therefore, to cite and a'ltnonish all
and singular, tho kindred and creditors of said
deceased, to be an<t appear at. my office on or be
fore the first Monday in October, to show cause,
if any they have, why hjhil Letteis should not lie
Given under my hand and official signature. at
officein Augusta, this lih davot'Miiv, 1668
niy 6—Gm* Ordinary.
Letters of Dismission
k3 Richmond
Whereas, John I). Butt, Administrator <ln the
estate of Patrick O'Sullivan, deceased, applies to
me for Letters of Disminsiou.
T’hese are, therefore, to cite and admenish all
and singular, the kindled and creditors of said
deceased, to be and appear at my office an or be
fore the first Monday in October, to shdw cause,
if any they have, wny said Letters sheuld not be
Given under my hand and official signature, a
office in Augusta,This 5Ui <fay of Mav,
my 6—6m* Owbnary.
Riclanmui Clomn ty.
Whereas, Rob. Douglass and S. D. Williams.
Executors on the E'stateof' Ir i D. Mathews, late
of said county, deceased, apply tone* for letters
of dismission :
Tbese are, therefore, to cite and admonish all
and singular, the kindred and creditors of said de
ceased, to be and appear at my office on er before
the first Monday in February next, to show cause,
it any they have, why said Letters should not l»e
Given niidar my band gud official nt
office in Augusta, this Au •rust 15th, 18'»8.
att 16 —lam 6m ” Ordinary.
Letters of Dismission.
Whereas, John H. Fearey. on
the estate of Harry Hughes, deceased, applies to
me for Letters of Dismission—
These, are, therefore, to ci*e ami admonish all
ami singular, the kindred and creditors of the raid
deceased, to be ami appear at my office on or before
the first Monday in March next, t>» show cause,
if any tliey have, why said letters should not be
Given under my hand ami official signature a
office in Augusta, this 28tlTday of September. 1868.
sep29-*6m Ordinary.
Letters of Dismission.
O Richmond County.
Wherkas Timothy C. Murphy. Administrator
on the estate of Phillip MaGeo, late of said coun
ty, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dis
mission :
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all,
and singular, the kindred and creditors of said
deceased, to be ami appear at my office, on or
before tho first Monday in April next, to show
cause, if any they have, why said Letters should
not be granted. •
Given under my hand and official signature,
at office in Augusta, this Ist day of October. 1 868.
oct 2—Jam6iu Ordinary.
Letters of Dismission.
Richmond County.
Whereas, William J. Farr, Adnirtiistratpr
de bonun non <>f the estate of ilcorgi P. Grcou,
deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission.
These arc therefore to cito and admonish all
and singular, ths kindred ami creditors of s :id
deceased, to bo and app -ar at my office on < r
before the fii r Monday in March next, to show
cause, if any they have, why iid Letters shuuM'
not be granted.
Given under my hand a id official signatur;
at office in Augw-ta, this 7th day of Septcin' cr,
Letters of Dismission.
kl /iickumml Cmiuly.
\Vlicrc»B, John H. Rhodes, Ad<niuUtr;>tvr < n
the estate of William F. Malone, dccoas ii, ap
plies to me for Letter, of Dismission:
Those aie, therefore, to cite aud admonish, all
and singular, the kindred and creditors of said
deceased, to i>e and appear at.toy office on <ir b<x
forc the first Monday in March next, to show
cause, if any they have, why said Letters should
not be granted.
Given under my and official signature,
at office in Augusta, this 25th dtiy of September,
Sep 26 —lawfim Ordinary.
Letters of Administration.
O Richmond CmVUy.
Whereas, Ellen Dowe applies to mo for Let
ters of Administration on tho estate of John
Dowe, late,of said county, deceased.
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all
and singular, the kindred aud creditors of said
deceased, to be and appear at my office on or before
the first Monday in November next, to show cause,
if any they have, why said Lettete should not be
Given under my band and official signature at
office in Augusta, this 29th day of September, 1868.
scp3o—lm Ordinary.
-1O • Richmond County,
Whereas, Daniel IJrogau applies to me for
Letters of Administration de non, on the
estate of Martin Brogan, late of said couwty de
These are therefore to cite mid admonish al! ami
singular, the kindred and creditors of said de
ceased, to be and appear at my office, on or before
the fourth Monday tn October next, to show
cause, if anv they have, why said Letters .-hould i
not be granted.
Given under my latm! and official signature, at
office in Augusta, this 16th day of September. 1868.
sep 17— m Ordinary.
Letters of Dismission
Richmond County?
Whereas, James T. Bothwell, Administrator
of the Estate of Thomas B. Smith, deceased,
applies to me for I-etlers of Dismission.
These arc therefore to cite and UslffioUish .all
and singular, the kindred amt creditors of sa d
deceased, to lie and appear at my office on or
before the first Monday in March next, to how
cause if any they have, why said Letters should
not be granted. .
Given underlay hand and official sigeatitr- >t
office in Angu-ta, this “th day of Septemh-r,
1868. • SAMUEL LEVY.
sepß-ln>6m Ordinary.
Tlie American Artisan
189 Broadway, New York.
Al sos*. BROWN, COOUBs'fc CO.. I‘roprie
tors ot the AMERICAN ARTISAN, oiler their
best services to iuventoi's, as Solicitors of Ameri
can and Foreign Patents. Mr. HeSryT. Bticnvx,
of this firm, has bad more than ImentyhrQ years’
expeiietice iu that profession, both in this country
and Europe, mid his long piactice has made
lutn personally kiiowiitu thousands of inven
tors and patentees. Ttlc applications for tdie
patent Is upon ftiKiiV of the greyrter and more im
portant inventions ot the present evntury have been
prepared by liim. Messrs. Brown, Coombs & Co.,
are thoroughly familiar with all the xulps aud re
gulations instituted for the rapid transaction of
business with the United States Patent Office, and
the gcneial practice in the Patent Bnreans oT vari
ous European countries; :.nd this knowledge ren
ders them conliilent that their post experience, with
their present nnequaled facilities, enables them to
elaborately and yet spbedily prepare all the dqcu
nients required by law in applications fftr patents,
and to promise.their clients an absolute, certainly
oftucceseiu tlmiriellbi t* to.obiain,Letti i »;Patent for
inventions that ate really new and useful. Parti
chlur care is given to the execution of the accurate
dratrinyt winch must always accompany every
application for a patent, and they employ none but
lhe tnoht efficient draughtsmen. The best evidence
‘ol the manner iir-whieh Messwu Brown, Coombs
& Co.’s buslm.-s is performed, is, that the “Amvr
ican Artissn Patent Agency,"during the three
venrs of its existence, has been the most miceenful
’inxlUution- of the kiiuleeer estahlislied.
TTte principal offices ot Messrs. Brown. Coom bs
At Co are situated at 189 Broadway,opposite John
street. New York, in the most central pact of the
city. This location is one of very easy iu cess by
strangers inasmuch as it is withiu a stoue's throw
from the City Hall. All iuventors temporarily so
totirnitig in the metropolis are invited to visit this
'establishment. Injthe majority of instance no model
or drawing of au invention will be necessary on
the first interview, an a ineiv oral description by
the visitor will ordinarily suffice to convey such
of his invention as wilt enable Messrs.
Brows, CeoMßs &. Co. to definitely detariaine
whether it machine or process is new or old—naten-
Uiblo or not. The office Lours are from DA. u.
to 5 I’. M. a
Messrs. Brown, Coombs &. Co. are prepared to
furnish to persons residing at » distance trow New
York—free of charge— irrittca opininus ns to
whether inreiiHolts contain an? leatfires of paten
table novelty-, to do tliiw they simply require ii
sketch or rough model of the machine or other in
vention that is supposed to be new, together with
a brief description of the same, and as soon, its qtqs-'
sible thereafter a letter of the best advice is jjiail
ed’to the person desiring the information. These
opinions are fornted from their own mature expec
ieiiceibut if an inventor desires to know, positively,
whether his incipient idea Ims ever been embodied
in a machine or process already patented, bis wisest
course will be to have dprelimiaiury examination
made at the United States Patent office by Messrs.
Brown, Coombs & Co., who vtill make a special
eearchjanioug all the records of that institution, and
then promptly forward a full and carefully written
report as V> the patentability of the invention un
der examination. For this labor tjie small fey of
Jo is payable'in advance; and the lemittincoi
should be accompanied by a sketch of the invention
and a few lines of writing describing tliesame.
ami distiiu tly stating those points of novelty which
the iliveiitor desires to’have protected by Lctters-
■ Patent
Patents for new and useful inventions tire now
granted for the terte of stjvents kn yrars The
first instalment olMie Government lee is sls, wliieb
sum—together with fifty cents revenue stuuip-tsx
on the p'ower-of attorney—is payable in advance,
on applying for the patent ; and S2U additional are
due to the Goverilincnt When the Letters-Patent are
allowed. The Aguncy fee is from s'.'s upward, ac
cording to tile labor involved; but ui all cases our
charges will tie ns moderate as possible in the pre
paration of drawing’and all necessary documents.
This tee is not ysValde until after the application
lu;s lx:< u prepured and the case is ready to be sent
to t.Va Imigton. Messrs. Brown, Coombs dt Co.
have a branchin Washington so that all applica
tious made through them can have every necessary
attention intheir passage through the Patent Office
Inventors applying for patents nuts' furnish
models of their machines, whenever possible, for
th.' inspection of the Examiners ia the Patent
Office; Lilt if the invention is a cheuiical composi
tion. Simples of all the ingredients will be neces
sary. Elicit of these should be marked with the in
ventor’s name, then carefully boxed, and-sent (by
express, prepaid}, togethc r w it Ii tin - first i natal men
oftlieGovernnient fee,to Messrs Brown, Coombs
&. Co. When the model is small and light, it can
be convenientlv and cheaply sentby moil The
model must not exceed one toot in any of itsdiniens
ions. unless it is of such a character that it is im
Patents, except those for designs, are granted
on equal termslo citizens mid all foreigners,except
inhabitants iff Canada and s'mje others of the
British American-Provinces.
Besidys patents or new and iim-lit, iuvautiotis.
there nre also granted patents for , esigus.
Design-patents are not now, a .'m-morly, limited
strictly to oruiimrnlal <-onfiemittion ; but under
Section I lol'the Act of March -J. 1861, any now
form ol any article or any imprcrrion orJiyurr. upon
the surfaceol apy nrticle or material, by wliatever
means or process prodifeed, call be patented. Uu
del- this Act, patentees urc emilled to the exten
sion of thi ir respective patents for theterm of seven
years from the day on wbiclkeahi patents shall ex
pire, iqum the same terms and restrictions as are
iioav’ provided forthe extensions of Letters-Patent.
Among tile numerous subjects for patents of this
elass may be particularly 'mentioned—castings of
all Hietats, pints of machines, household ftiiniwiie
ami uli-nsilf; glut ! w«re. Ipudware of all kinds,
corniees.-and other interior amt exterior decor >t ions
<>f baihling:■ als >, de.Jgus for woven and printed
fabrics, dress and upholstery trinndnigs, atul har
ness labels and trade murks for medicines, per
fumery, and all preparations, couipositions, or
merclfimdi e, put tip in bottles, boxes, or other
packages, are suitable sulq< cts; also, the forms of
such bottles, boxes, or packages tin inselves, anil
envelopes, likewise all works of art, us statuary,
bast ; . compositions in allo os basso rcii'-vo. Ute
Govet ament.fee on a design-patent for -I, ycai-s is
$10; 7 years, sls; Il years, S3O. No models of
designs are required; but duplicate drawings or
photographs must bo furnisher!- Tlie specification
to accompany the drawings or pliptogianhs re
quires to lie prepared with great care. Messrs
Brown, Coombs & Co. give very particular at
tention to this I,ranch of their business. Their
clmi ' efor preparittg applications for dcsign pateuts
is generally it sls Design ‘patents are only
granted to Atm luau citizens or to aliens who have
rtiided one v. ar in the United States aud made
oath o' tla-ir iiitcjiliou to become citizens thereof.
The f, icil.tics of Messrs. B'.own, Coombs & Co
for obtaining patents in the various European
countries are equal if not superior to those of any
.other in the United State-}. Willi regard to their
qualifications for such business, it need only be
stated that Mr. Brown lias had the prepara
tion of more European applicotions than any
otlici person in tins country, Messrs. BSown,
Coombs & Co., besides haying « branch office in
Washington, have their own agencies in the
principal capitals of Europe. A circular relating
to foreign patent business will be furnished fres
on application personally or by mail.
Messrs. Brown, C< . mbs & Co. also attend to in
terfereniies, fie extensions of expiring Isitters
Patent, and all proceedings rc-latin;: to patents l><
fore the Uurted States Patent Office. '
All letters, packages, boxes, etc., sliomd bead
dressed, prepsi' follows: —
Solicitors of Patents,
!U y II ly. No. 1811 Broa.lway. New York.
Advertisements fsrwardod so all Newspapers
No advance charged on Publishers price#.
All leading newspapers kept on file.
Information as tocost of Advertising furnished
AH orders receive careful irttention.
Inquiries by mail imsw'-r I promptly.
Complete printed lists ■ : N ew.-p.qwrs fur sale.
• Special lists prepared for customers.
A ’.ver' ■ .uwente written an-l Notices - eeuri-I. '
Orders from Bu. insss Mon especially solicited.
Asiatic Cholera in China.
I K Bev. R. Telford. Missionary in Cjiimq now
kisittug Itisfioine in Penmty lvainii:
Washington, Pa,, Jmh»2s, 1866.
Messrs. Perry Davis <k Son, J'rm. idence,K.l.:
Dear Sirs—During, a residence of .soaue ton
yearn as a in Brim and ClitimJ faaml
yolir vegetable Pain Killer a most valuable'
remedy for tliat fearful scourge, the Cholera.
In administering th# mettteiuc, I found it most
effectual to give a teaspooufui of Pain Killy in a
gill of hot wrier aweeteni d with Jheu,-
after abont fifteen minntes, begin to give a tabla
spoonful of the same ipixtiiro every ifiiuute #nttl
relief was obtained. Apply hot applications te
the extreuiities Bathe the stomach wiUi Pain
Killer, dear and rah the limbs ludskly. Ot those
who had the cholera, and took the medicine faith
fully in tiie way stated pbpve, eight • out of ten
recovered. Yours, truly,
If an attack with Uiarrhißa, Dyspidery, or
Cramp ’Colic, don’t Uiffay th*, use of the Pain
Killer. Sold by alk nredk-iiio dealers. Price, ilb
cents, 5!) cents, and $1 per bottle. • ♦
Manhattan, Kansas, April 17,1866.
Gentlemen— * • • I want, lo say alittle
more about the Pain Killer. I consider it a very
valuable medicine, and always keen it on baud.
1 have travelled a good dent since I have been in
Kansas, and never without taking it with me,
In my practice 1 used it freely for (he Aeiatia
Cholera, in 1849, and with belter success than asy.
other medicine; J also used it here for cholera hi
1855; with tiie same good result.
Truly, yours, A. BUNTING, M. D.
. JS«3tio, China.
Cholera.' * * •» J regret to miy that Ute
cholera has prevailed here of late to a fearful
extent. For tho last three weeks, from, feu to
fifty or sixty filial eases euch day has heen.rp
porteil. I .-hould add that the Pain KiHv- seat
recently (i'»m the Mission House, has been used
with colisidvrablu qnCcesu duimg this epidemic.
If taken in season is gewiaHy ‘effectual in check
ing the disease, ’ .
Sholapurq, India.
[From the Portland Monthly.]
Summer Complaint aud Dysentery.
Bowel complaints seem just now to be the
prevailing elemeut, anti any medicine that is
every where acceptable, and that M reliable, is a
very desirableticqiiMtion. From whftt wo l;ave
seen, heard, uml expui'iuiice-i. w» believe Davis'
Pain Killer is this desideratum. For the beat
method of tisisgit, w< quote from the directions:
‘'For common bowel eolnplaints, giye one tea
spoonful in A gill of new milk and molasses, in
equal parts, stirred wtel together; lessen tjie dose
for children, according to the age. Iflhepaiu be
severe, loithe tho bowels and back with tiie medt
cine- This mode *J treatment is-good in cases of
•the clipler i minims, sudden stoppages, etc. Re
p Sat the dojMtofer.y hour. •»
"Tire quickest way 1 ever saw tile dysentery
cured was by taking one spoouful of the Pain
Killct- in one gill of milk ninl molasses stirred
well together aud drank hot, at the same time
bathing the bowels freely with modiciue. Let
tiie dose 1-e repeated every hour until tiff patient
is felieved." ...
If every person who has reason to feur this
disease would provide themselves with a bottle
of tins medicine, aud use as occasion required, we
believe-a great amount of suffering and sickuess
would besaved. jell!—2ni
Special N’ot .ce.
■ JWlr h '"■ | • 1
*■" I' iw
/ f Jn
- " O'
Kild' '
Spectacles Rendered Useless.
A Oculists arid Divines recommend the nse*
of flic CORNEA RESfOREKS for Presbyopia
or Far or Long Sigbtcdnc.*s, or every person
who wears spectacles from old ago ; Dimness ol
Vision or Blurring; OvcrworKcdeyes; Astheno
pia or Weak Eyes ; Epiphora, or Watery Eyes ;
Irinin the Eye-ball; Amaurosis, or Obscurity
of Vision; Photophobia, or Intolerance < f
Light; Weakness of the Retina and Optic
Nerve ; Myo iesophia, or Specks of Moving
Bodies before the ey«»j; Ophthalmia, 'or Inflam
mation of the I’yo and Ryelids, and Imperfect
Vifton from the effect of Inflammation, etc.;
Cataract Eyes; Hcmtopia, or Partial JJljnd
ness ; and many other Diseases of the Eye.
Cure Gvutanterior Money Refunded.
7 Zt. Red Heitor er oj the Eyesight Knoicna
can be ustfd by any one with a cer
tainty of success, and will receive immediate
beneficial results, without the least fear of injury
to the cyo. Circulars sent freQ.
/>’./ /Ae Patenl' Myopia, or Cornea Flattener*
?nly known Remedy in the World—has
pr ved a Great Success.
For further information, price, and
of cures, address
Dr. J. Stephens & Co.,
I’. (J. Ii OX, 925,'
Office, 840 Broadway, NEW YORK
flamed eye li lu, .sty?, and prevent ety?-
Travelling Agents Wanted.
GO<) 1) COMMI 38 IO N 1’ D
t-lling of the Restorers a pleasant and
I . j.I.rohlr 1 .rohlr einpl-iymenl. desirable fur all 1 »<fiee
1 Icrgviueu. Teachers, Students, and farmers
and ter all wi»> desire to make an honest living
1,-,- ;,r, c .-v enipl-'ym"i’. All {ersons asking
'■.? term- i laeuts must vnelusn twenty five
~..,i: t, •■ iv pestage nnd cost Lt printing male
iiu.a .■.,mailing information lor Agent Town
Agents Wanted. a«v27 dawly
. United States Marshal’s Sale
’ V of hen facias issued out of the Honorable,
the I’IWU .iH-urt Court of the United States for
i "( in favor of the
plaint ma, Harn <x CuJijiig, in tbe-following case
to wit: Ilarn Cashing versus John N. Webb
aud John As. Stark, I hive levied upon, as the
properly of John JI. Stark, one lot of laud, con
taming ten (10) acres, less, together with
tiie improvements thereon, ’situate, lying, ami
being in Wynnton, county of Muscogee, and
State,Qi ffeorgia, abouUt wo miles,east of Colum
Inis, and bounded on the north, cast and westby
tho lots belonging to Janies M. Chambers, and on
the south by tlie lot .belonging to the estate of
Moses Butts, deceased, and known as the resi
deuce of John M. Stark; and will sell the same
nt-pnblis Auction, al the Ctnjrt House, in the city
of Macon, countv'of,Bibb, and State of Georgia,
next., betweep tho lawful hours of sale.
Terms—Cash. Property pointed out by plain
tiffs attorney.
I);lted at Savannah, Georgia, October ‘J, 1868.
octi—-law+w United States Marshy
Assignee’s Sale.
FOSTER, Esq... Register in Baakruptcy,
will Ihj mJ4 before the. Court House door, in the
town of Crawfordsville, county of Taliaferro, and
State of Georgia,' at public outcry, for cash, be
tween the legal hours of sale, on the FIRST
TUESDAY IN NOVEMBER next, free from
the iricTuubnmce, of liens, the following property,
Owe of land in the aforesaid Slate and
county, conUuuiflg two hundred and twenty
(220) or lefts.
Also, a lot of land in Cherokee county, Georgia,
d«wriUe<J. us lot number 695, in the 18th District,
and 3<i- section, roiftniniug forty (40) acres more
or less.
Sold as the property of the estate of David E.
Darden, adjudged a
Also, at the same time and .place, a lot of land
in Taliaferro county, mid aforesaid State, contain
ing one hundred and seven (107) acres more or
lets. Sold as the estate of Littleton B. Taylor,
Also, at the same time apd place, two lots of
laud, containing in the aggregate, two hundred
and niuviy-ninc (299) acres More or less, ia Talia
ferro county, and eaid State. Tho properly of the
estate of John Rhodes, a Bankrupt.
Also, at the same tune ami place, a lot of land
in the afore said frytate and uonniy, containing I w<
hundred and^thirty six (236) acres more or lew,
the property of the estate of Absolom G. Evans,
Sharon,Ga., 13th October, 1868.
ou 15 —Ui Assignee.
Assignee's Sue.
I A. G. Foster, Register in Bankruptcy for the
.Northern District of G eor K»a, will be sold, at
Itubliu outcry, before the Court House dwr in
jexiugton, Oglethorpe county, Georgia, on the
tween the legal hours of sale, undivided Imlvcsof
Jots of land, each lot euntainiug in all 250 aues,
one lot being No. 269 in the 10th disuict; the. other
lot being N0.*276 in the T>lh dist rict, both lots in
Mitclivjl «ou»\y. .
The whole of lot No. 327, in the 9th district of
MiicheU county, containing 250 acres. Lot No.
276, in rhe 7lh district of originally Berrien, and
it its believed now Berrien, containing 490 acres.
Lot No 180, in the 13th district of Dooly county .
CoutdiiHiig 202 5 aerer, and Lot No. 89, in the 2d
dujlriot of Early county, containing2so acres.
Mortgages on the following lots of land, exe
uuted by Lewis Ethridge to B V. WHlingham,
to wit; (In lot No. 3J4), in the 10th di trict of Ber
rieiiy containing 490 acres. On lot No, 155, in the
2d district of Irwin, containing 49C acres. On lot
No. 231, in the Btlr district of Early, containing
•M)2| acres. On lot No. Kl 6, in the 6th district of
Dpuiy county, coiUaiiaug ‘2021 acres; and on lot
No CO, in the 26th distinct es Deoatur county,
containing 250 acres-
These mortgages, the Assignee lias been in
formed, have been duly recorded and foreclosed.
Whatever right belonged to Dr. B. V. Willing -
ham at the tinie he became a bankrupt in and )
said mortgages, andrthe land mentioned therein,
and tlie judgments of foreclosure on the same, if
there be such judgments. will be bought by the
purchaser, and he will be .placed in the room of
i «)d Willingham in relation to said mortgitgcs.
Ajl th* aforesant property and rights solij as t he
property oi B. V. p’iUtngnam, bankrupt’, for the
of his creditors, free of incumbrance of
judgment and mortgage liens.
Terms cash. B F. HARDEMAN,
oviLO —td , *• Assignee.
Postponed U. S. Marshal’s Sale.
vJ writs, ot. fieri /tfciax, issued out of the Hon
orable the Firth Circuit Voqrt of the United States
fortlie Southern Did rict of Georgia, in favor of
the plaintiffs, in the following cases to wit:
WILLJAM C. lIEOWNLNQj Survivor, etc., vs.
I have levied upon, asthe property of Benjamin F.
AdaiHs, a PlantiUiop, vontainiug twenty six hun
dred (2,609} acres, more op less, ajtuate, lying
and being-in tho county of Randolph, Hud Slate
of Georgia, numbers ofjota u titan )wn,but lying at
alid-imniediatcly around. Wards Slat iop,' ou the
3qnlhwestern railroad.
Due lot of Land, containing one hundred (100)
acres, more or less, with a dwelling-house, oat
buildings, and other Improveibents, being the
residence of Benjamin F. Adams, and adjoining
the property of Col. J. A. Wingfield, A.O. Mosley,
W. E. Adams, R. C. Jenkins, ami others, in the
town of Eatonton, county of Putnam, and State
Tw*o Store'Houses and Lota on the Court .
House B'piare, known ar Hudson and Thomas cor
ner, now occupied by B. F. Johnston & Co., and
Benj. F. Adams. *
< >re Store House and Lot, occupied by Ellnidge
•Sc Davis, druggists.
One Store House uud Ijut on Main xlfree*., occu
pied by J M. Ballard, Jr.
One Town Lot near the Railroad Depot, now
Ali the said Town Lots situate, lying mi-J be
ing in. the town of Eatonton, uoutity of Putbam,
ami State ajuresaid.
And will su’d the eame at public auction, at the
Court House in the city of Macon and county of
Bibb, and Suje of Georgia, ou the FIRST TUES
DAY IN NOVEMBER next, between the law
ful hours of sale. e
Dated at. Savannah, Gt., this 3d day of Septem
ber, IX6B/ WM. G. DICKSON,
ocUMaw4w IJ. S. Marshal Diet, of Ga.
1 Ftato> for the Northern ! istrict of Georgia.
In the matter of ) IN BANKRUPTCY
Bankrupt. I No. 79.
The said Bankrupt having petitioned the
Court for a discharge from all his debts prova
ble under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 18<>7,
notice is hereby given to all persons interested
to appear on the 6th day of November, 1868, at
10 o’clock a. m., at-cbambers of skid District
Court, before Alex. G. Murray, Esq., one of
the Registers of said Cent in Bankruptcy, at
the Register's office, in the city of Griflln, Ga.,
and show e»usc why the prayer .of the said peti
tion of the Bankrupt should not be granted
And further notice is given that the second and
'bird meetings of creditors will be held at
tlie same time and place.
V, itucss. tho Honorable John Erskine,
[sr.At.J Jmlgf of s.ndßista-iet Court, this 15th
day of October, 1868.
ocl'—law.'a’ Clerk.
L .filed tny final accounts as Assignee of the
esta'e of John J_. Daniel, Bankrupt, in the office
of Albert G Foster, one of the Registers of the
said Cmirt. st Madison Ga.. and that o<"tbe lOth
d:fy of November. A. D. 1868, I shall apply tb tlie
said Register for the settlement of my said ar
counts, and for irdiecharge from all liability as
Assignee of said estate, in accordance with the
provisions <4 the 21rh section of the Act of Con
cress. ei.lilted an Act to establish a nuiform ays
tennof Bankruptcy thronghont the United States,
approved March 2d. 1867.
Ociobei Ihh. I'6B.
Asiiunte .4 'he h' ; "ito of Jno. J. Dauiel, Bank't,
<H-i. —2t
’■■STORE y<H’R - IGHT— USE ohtY Dr. J. STEt>HEN'3 4 CO.’S .
Patens Cternen Res»nrer«. or KeMorerH of the eYesIOHT.
' 'Till resfore-impMial sight and preserve it to the latest period of life
NO 383