The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, October 24, 1868, Image 4

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Official Organ of the U. S. Government.
■" L 1
In a recent English publication, a lover
propounds the following interesting interro
gations to the “Idol ’of his Soul
Kiss me not, ma cAarmanfe mignonne,
Draw not near, ma jnlie there,
Till you tell mo if your chignon
Is made up of corpse's hair.
Horrid stories now are going,
Touching lovely woman’s tresses;
And, egad! its worth the knowing
What it is a chap caresses. .
Rachel boasts she has the knowledge
To revive the locks when spare;
Some professor of King’s College
Taught her to restore the hair.
Mrs. Borradallic displayed a
Lot of reddish hair in court;
It was her own, though lawyers made a
Joke .1 it in wanton sport.
. Yours in gloss, though superhuman,
May have been, my Dearest Life,
Cut from some poor Indian woman,
With the cruel scalping knife.
Tresses cribbed from living carcass
' Are no worse alternative;
Nurses fileh, both fair and dark, as
Soon as paupers cease to live.
Coiffures that outvie the raven
* From the hospitals proceed;
Auburn hair, and :ajr, is shaven
From the dead—it is, indeed !
After euch like revelation,
Think me not fastidious grown,
If 1 ask, with trepidation,
Darling, tire those locks your own :
. ft'
Whereas, It. is reported by reliable citizens
from many counties of the State, that prepara
tions arc being made to collect onerous taxes levied
under authority of the Constitution of eighteen
hundred and sixty-five (1865), and. failing to
collect, to apply the provisions of the present
Constitution, and thereby exclude many citizens
from "the privilege of voting.
Therefore, I, Rufus B. Bullock, Governor, and
Commander-in-Chief of the Army and Navy of
the State of Georgia, and of the Militia thereof,
by virtue of the authority in me vested by the
Seventieth (70th) section of the Code of Georgia,
do hereby suspend the collection of all poll taxes
until the next regular session of the General
Assembly, of this State, and of this suspension the
Comptroller General will forthwith give notice to
the Tax Collectors of the several counties.
Given under my band and the Great Seal of the
State, at the Capitol in tlie city of Atlanta, this
twentieth dtty of tlAober, in the year of our
Lord, eighteen hundred mid sixty-eight, and of
the Independence of the United States of
America the ninety-third.
By the Governor: Governor.
David G. Cutting,
Socrqtary of State-
Comptroller General's Office, /
Atlanta, Ga , Oct. 27, 1868. \
To the Tax Collectors of the State of Georgia:
In conformity with the above proelvmatitni, by
bis Excellency, the Governor of the State of
Georgia, you are hereby directed to suspend the
collection of all poll taxes, in your respective
counties, until the next regular session of the
General Assembly of this State.
outgo-6 Comptroller General.
. ; FO i
Whereas, on the 3d day of November next,
an election will be held of the various places in
this Slate established bylaw for holding elections
by the people thcraef, for nine Electors of Presi
dent and Vice President of the United States:
And whereas, from the increased number of
qualified voters in this State, additional oppor
tunities must be afforded, that it must be possi
bl ■ cud convenient for all persons, who are en
titled to exercise the elective franchise, to vote
at said election:
Now, therefore, I, Rufus B. Bullock, Governor
and Commander-in-Chiof of the Army and Navy
of the State of Georgia, and of the Militia there
of, do hereby issue this my Proclamation order
ing and requiring that, in addition to the elec
tion in each Militia District, there shall he nt the
■ county site election preeinct, throe ballot boxes
used, and three boards of Superintendents of
election duly qualified and organised to each
ballot box, and the election shall be conducted
by each board of Superintendents, in the same
uiauner, and with the same formalities, as if
there were but one ballot-box and one board of
Sniicnnleiidents. Each Board will mako separate
returns, us required by law.
Given under my hand and the Great Seal of the
Slate, al the Capitol in the city of Atlanta,tius I2HI
day of October, in the year of our Lord, eighteen
hundred and sixty-eiglii. and of the Independence
of the United States of America, the ninety third.
tin- Governor Governor.
Hr David G. Cottinu,
fir Secretary of Blate.
ectll--tde *
By the President of the United States
of America.
yv Proclamation.
In tiie year which is' now drhVring to fts end.
the art, the skill, and the labor of the people of the
United States have been employed with greater
, diligence and vigor, and on broader fields than
ever before, and the fruits of the earth have been
gathered into the granary and storehouse in mar
velous abundance. Our highways have been
lengthened, and new and prolific regions have
been occupied. We are permitted to hope that
long protracted political and sectional dissensions,
at no distant day. will give place to returning
harmony and fraternal affection throughout the
Republic. Many foreign States have entered into
liberal agreements with iu while nations which
are far off, and which heretofore liave been
unsocial and exclusive, have become our friends.
The auuunl period of rest, which we have
readied in health and tranquility, and which is
crowned with so many blessings, is by universal
consent a convenient and suitable pne for culti
voting personal piety and practicing public devo
tion. , •
I, therefore/ recommend that Thursday, the
twcnty..iith day of November next, be set apart
and observed by all the people of the United
States as a day of public praise, thanksgiving and
prayer to the Almighty Creator and Divine Ruler
of the Universe, by whose ever watchful, merciful
and gracious providence alone Stales aud Nations,
no less than families and individual men; do live
and move and have their being.
In witness whereof I have 4ierenr<to set my
hand and caused tlm seal of tin* United States to
be affixed.
Doue«Vtbe vity of W:reiiiuglmi. tlwtwelfth day
of October, intfee year of our Lord,
[sE*l..j one thousand eight, hundred and srixiy
eight.and of the independence of the
United States the ninety thh 1
By the President:
Wm. 11. Se«
Octi? —td tjec'rv of State.
Book and job priNTINo
Executed at this office
At tin* Lowest Terms end in the Best Style
** x
Rail Road Schedules
Western and Atlantic Railroad.
gpaq met* £371
( \N AND AFTER MAY 12th, 1868. PAS
' ’ SENG ER TRAINS will run as follows:
Leave A. tian la.
8.15 A. M.daily (except Sundays) Express Pas
senger.—Arrive at Chattanooga 4.45 p.
m.. connecting With trains of Nashville
and Chattanooga Railroad for Nashville,
Louisville, and the West, and for New
York and other Eastern cities, via Louis
ville; also with trains of Memphis and
Charleston Railroad for Memphis. New
Orleans, etc.
4.15 P. JI. daily (except Sundays) Dalton A.
cominodation.—Arrive at Marietta at
p.m., Cartersville 8.13 p.m., Kingston
9.19 p in., Dalton 12.32 a.m.
7.00 P.M. Daily Great Noilhern-Jlail. —At
rive at Dalton 1.20 , connecting with
trains for Knoxville, Lynchburg, Wash
ington, Baltimore, Philadelphia,and New
York. Arrive at Chattanooga -at 4.00
a.m., connecting with trains ot Nashville
and Chattanooga Railroad tor Nashville,
Louisville, and the West, and for New
York and other Eastern cities, via Louis
ville; also with trains of Memphis and
Charleston Railroad fur Memphis, St.
Louis, and the West.
3.45 A. JI. l.’ui y Great Southern J!ail.--Leav
ing Chattanooga at 7 10 p m., connecting
with trains of Nashville, and Clialla
nooga,and Memphis Rnd Charleston Kail
roads, and Dalton at 9 18 p.m , con
necting with trains of E. T. and Georgia
11.00 A. JI. daily (except Sundays) Dalton Ac
comtnodation.—Leave Dalton at - I- 1 a.
m., Kingston 5.23 a.m., Cartersville 6.18.
a.m., Marietta at 9.27 a m.
1.10 P. Ji. Dmly (except Sundays) Expttss
Passenger.--Leave Chattanooga at _4.39
a.m., connecting with trains of Nash
ville amd Chattanooga, and Meui’-hisand
Charleston Railroads.’s Patent Sleeping Coaches on
Master of Transportation.
Daily Passenger Line
riuLADKi.rniA, Washington.
Kastern Cil i< s,
Via Western and Atlantic
Virgina and Tennessee Railways.
Leave Atlanta at 7 00 p.m.
Leave Dalton 2 30 a.tu.
Leave Knoxville II I7u.m.
Leave Bristol 7 18 p.m.
Leave Lynchburg 9 • 0 a.m.
Leave Washington v 7 00 p in.
Leave Baltimore * 8 55 p.m.
Leave Philadelphia 1 22 a.m.
Arrive at New York i 20 a.m.
Leave New York 7 30 p.m.
Reave Philadelphia 11 00 p.m.
Leave Baltimore 3 50 a.m.
Leave Washington 6 30 a.m.
Leave Lynchburg 5 25 p.m.
J/cavo Bristol 7 10 a.tu.
Leave Knoxville >..? 2 56 p.m.
Leave Dalton 9 4.8 p.m.
Arrive at Atlanta ... 4 45 a.m.
Time between Atlanta and New York, 57 hours.
yHErTho-Git EAT MAIL between Atlanta and
New York is carried exclusively by this Line.
Sleeping Coaches on all Night Tianis-
Through Tickets
Good until used, and Baggage Cheeked Through
to all important points.
MastA of Transportation,
W. * A. R. R.
1 8 6 8.
Summer Arrangement.
Passenger Route
Passengers by this Route have choice of
twenty-five different Routes to
Passengers holding Tickets by this Route to
New York, Philadelphia, or Baltimore, eau visit
Washington without extra charge.
SSU. Fare same as via Knoxville or Augusta.
Trains leave Atlanta DAILY, at 8.15 a. in.,
and 7 p. m., after arrival of all Southern Trains,
and make close connections to above named
Check Baggage to Louisville, and it will be
re checked to destination on Trains of Louis-*
ville and Nashville Railroad before arrival at
Ample time for Meals, and good Hotels.
Tickets by this Route for sale at the General
Ticket Office, Atlanta.
Master of Transportation.
augSQ-rly W. d A. R. R.
& 1
WnuRKAS, Notwithstanding the Executive
Proclamation of September 14th, 186 S, many
lawless acts have occurred in violation thereof,
whereby the lives and property of citizens have
been destroyed, the right of free speech im
paired, the performance of the duties of the
oil! ms to which citizens have been elected, de
nied, the lives of citizens so threatened as to
cause them to abandon their homes and prop
erty ;
And Wiikreas, “The protection of persons
and property is the paramount duty of Gov
ernment, and shall be impartial and com
And Whereas, The Sheriff of each county is,
by law, charged with the preservation of life,
property and peace in each county :
A'oir, Therefore, I, Rufus B. Bullock, Gov
ernor, and Commander-in-Chief of the Army
and Navy of the State of Georgia, and of the
Militia thereof, do hereby issue this my Procla
mation, charging and commanding the said
Sheriffs, and each and every other civil offieer in
every county in this State, to see to it that the
lives and property of nil citizens, and the peace
of the community, ate pr-served; and that all
person.- - are protected in the free exercise of their
civil and political rights and privileges. _ And,
further, to make known that, lor failure in tbo
performance of duty, t lie said Sheriffs and other
civil officers will be held to a strict accountability
under the law. And, to charge upon ev. ry per
son, resident in this State, that they render
prompt and willing obedience to the said Sbcrifis
and other civil officer, under till eirenmetaneee
whatsoever: and that they demand from said
officers protection, when threatened or disturbed
in their person or property, or with denial of
political or civil rights ; a d that, failing to
receive such protection, they report tarts to this
The following extract from General < rders No.
27, dated October 8, 1868, from Headquarters,
Di p irtmont of the South, is published for the
information of Civil Officers and the general pub
lie, by which it will be seen that said Civil I lli
ccrs will, in the performance of their duties, bo
sustained by the military power of-the United
Given under my band and the Great Seal ot the
State, at the Capitol in Atlanta, this ninth
day of October, in the year of our Lord eigh
teen hundred ami sixtyeight, and of the In
dependence of the United States ol America jhc
ninety third.
By the Governor: Governor.
David G. Cottino,
Secretary of State.
Atlanta, Georgia, Oct. 8, 1868. j
general Ordcre, So. 27.
“Whereas, by an act of Congress of the United
States, approved March 2, 1865, it is made the
duty of the military authority to preserve the
peace at the polls tit any election which may bo
held in any of the States ; aud, whereas, this
duty h s become the more imperative, from the
existing political excitement in the public mind,
from the recent organization of civil govern
ment, and from the fact that Congress has, by
statute, prohibited the organization of military
forces in the several States of this Department,
it is therefore ordered,
“That the several Dirtriot eommandors will,
as soon as practicable, on the receipt of Ibis
order, distribute the troops under their commands
as follows :
« » » ■» -:s
In the District of Georgia :
One company 16th Infantry, to Albany.
One company 16th Infantry, to Columbus.
One company 1611, Infantry, to .Macon.
Ono company 16th Infantry, to Augusta.
One company 16th Infantry, to Washington,
Wilkes county.
One company 16th Infantry, to Americas.
One company (C), sth Cavalry, to Athens.
The company at Savannah to be reinforced,
should occasion require, by such men t Fort
I’ulaski as can bo spared from the post.
» a■» » •
“ Detachments, wheti-neecssi ~ be made
to points in the vicinity of each post; but in no
case, nor on any pretext whatever, will detach
ments be seat without contmi&ioncd officer, who
will be fully insuuctcd by his post com
“Tbo troops will bo considered as in the livid
and supplied with the necessary camp equipage
tnc men to bo furnished with common tents i
practicable, and if not practicable, with shelter
tents. Commanding officers arc permitted to
hire quarters, temporarily, when, it can be done
for reasonable rates ; but this- will not preclude
the neceesity of carry ing tents, as ho command.-:,
in all cases, must be in readiness to move at the
shortest notice, with ail supptic; required for
their efficiency.
“District Commanders will instruct. Post Coin their.duties, aud the r iative position
of the civil and military powers. They will
impress on Post. Commanders that, they arc to
act in aid and co operation, nnd in subordination
to the civil authorities; that they aro to exercise
discretion and -judgment, unbiased by pslitical
or other prejudices; that their object should be
exclusively to preserve the peace and uphold law
and order, and they must ba satisfied such is the
object of the civil officer calling on them for aid ;
that they must in all cases, where tire - will
permit, apply for instruction to superior . .i
--tburity, but they must at all hazards pr
the peace, and. not bo restrained by teebnieaL
points, when, in their conseieatieus judgment,
under the rules above set forth, it is their duty
to act. Post Commander.; on being notifiedjp
the proposed holding of political meetings, may
I send an officer, and it necessary a detach
ment, to watch the prow ling and see that tbo
peace is preserved.
“To the people of the several States compos
ing the Department, the. Major General Corn
mauding appeals that they will co operate with
him and tbo civil authorities in sustaining law
and order, iu preserving the leave, and iunvuid
it:g those scenes of riot an i Liooiisbed, and the
wanton destructiou ot property a:.l life which
has already, in seine instances, been em-.cUd in
this Department, lie urzes nbrtinence from nil
inflammatory and incendiary appeals to the
passions ; diecounteuanciug tbo keeping upon of
liquor shops on days of political meetings and of
election; the abstaining from carrying arms,
and asserting the individual right of construing
laws by force of arms. No just can eis ever ad
vanced by resort to violence. Let there be
charity and forbearance among political oppo
nents, whatever may be tbe result. Let each
good citizen determine that all who, under tbo
aw, have the right to the ballot shall exorcise it
undisturbed. It there aro disputed points of
law, let them bo referred to the Courts, and let
not mobs or political clubs, or other irresponsi
ble bodies, construe and undertake to
execute the law. This appeal is made in the
earnest hope that the Major General Command
ing can rely on the g >o.l sense and correct
judgment ol the mass of the people, and that ho
will not be compelled to resort to the exercise of
the power with whicb’he is entrusted, and which
he will most reluctantly employ. But he thinks
it bis duty to make known, that so far as the
power under his command will admit, he will
not permit the peace to he broken, and that be
will not be restrained i: the conseiefitiouß dis
charge of his duty by technicalities of laws made
when the present anomalous condition of affairs
were neither anticipated or provided for.”
By order of Major General Mkadk :
11. C. DRUM, A. A. G.
All Newspapers within the State of Geor
gia, will please insert daily and weekly until 3.1
of Noyeuiher, proximo, and send bill to Execu
tive Department, Atlanta.
Hand-Book of Politics for S6S
kS DKNTIAL Campaign. Contains all the
matter in the Political Manuals of 1566, 1867,
aqd 1868. Compiled from official sources. Give?
the whole Political action of the Government,
including Impeachment, Reconstruction, Gene
ral Politics, Platforms, Acceptance of Candi
dates, etc., from April, 1865, to July. IS6B.
Tables on Debt and Taxation, t eveuue and Ex
penditures, Hanks, Southern Registration and
Votes. Election Tables from 1860 to date. 400
pages, Bv<»., doth, $*2.50, post paid
The Political .Manual for* TB6B, separately,
cloth. $1 paper cover, 75 cents, post paid.
C|< rk of the 1 Lmko of Representatives,
sepl tXovB Washington, D.C.
List of persons registered from the sth to the
17th of October, MBS, under an act to reorganize
the .Municipal Government of the city ot Au
Anderson, Bradley c Austin, Isaac c
Appleton, Seaborne c Ardis, Alee c
Atkinson, i’aul c -Allen, 1V illiam II c
Anthony, Lavosier 1* Ashley, Robert c
Aiken, Wm c Atkinson, Robt B
Ashby, Lewis P Alexander, Jas c
Alexander, Wm W Atkinson, Wm J
Brown, Gabriel U c Blodgett, Foster
Brown, Stephen c Bowman, Wash c
Bunch, Robert c Burr, Edmund c
Urown, Jim c Brutton, Emanuel e
Brown, Israel D c Bruco, Nelson c
Butler, Bcnj F c Bricklayer, Chas c
Bryant, .JnoC c Baker, John c
Banks, Ned c Banclt, John M
Brown, Charlie c Brown, John c
Barnes, Jarnos B c Beverly, Randolph c
Brown, John c Beard, James C
Bell, Henry D Bower, Harry c
Butler* Grundison o Brown, Wm • c
Bugg, Ben c Butts, Joseph c
Burt, Stephen e Banks, Jas E c
Bosbourne, Jas J c Braxton, Arthur c
Brodie, Alfc.x M BrighyHector o
Brown, Enoch W ErowiK Joe c
Burton, Francis Brooks, Jesse W c
Brahe, Henry A Blount, Gustavus A
Win c Calvin, Martin V
Co: per, James c Cummings, Joe o
Collins, Henry c Clements, Jesse c
Cifavous, Toby e Christian, Robt c
Cobb, Sam c Coleman, John c
Christian, John A Cummings, Robt c
Cox, John c Chapman, Emanuel o
Cooper, Jlarch e Cunningham, Edw c
Castleberry, Thos c Culvert, Jack c
Colington, 1 itus c Clarke, Daniel c
Crosby, Chas c Crumpton, John B
Cherry, John c Curry, Titus c
Cheeeoborou-b, Wm B Clarke, Jackson
Cory, Eugene A Cummings, Alec c
Cohen, Phillip L Collis, Tom e
Carr, George c Cook, Jeff c
Clarke, Henry E Cout rier, Carter
Campbell, Bafintel W Clay, Henry c
Cates, John W
Davis, Francis c Dean, Joshua
Dent, Thomas Datts, Wm e
Dorsey, Dennis e Doughty, E IV'
Da . is, Gilbert c Dennis, Wm e
Dasher, Thos c Davis, Nelson e
Davis, Wright. c Dent, Moses c
Duel, » m c Derry, Joseph T
Early, 'i m c Edward, Billy c
Eisey, Elbert u Elbert, Reuben
Easterling, Jas T Edwards, Wm c
Emery, Cupid c Emery Coascr c
Fnllington, Dennis c Flemings, Geo c
Fullington, Hobby T c Fuss, John F
Fitts, Falworth W Fountain, Gilbert
Fuller, Isaac c
Goodwin, Daniel c Green, Smart e
Golding, Jerry c Glascow, Septimus c
Green, Chas e Green, Jas c
Gant, Jacob c Gardner, Jim o
Givens, Alfred c Glover, Jas R
Gibbons, Patrick Gould, Wm T
Gr'fHn, John C Grady, Martin
George, Thos H Green, I’ulaski c
Griffin, Wiley B Golpbin, Luke c
Gadsden, Tony c Green, Linnius c
Glover, Wm Gould, Burrell o
Godwin, Joseph T
Hamlet, Gideon A Halsey, Pompey c
Harris, Thos c Hankerson, Thos II c
Handy, Edmund c Hampton, Thos c
Harper, Chas c Howard, Thos L
Holme., Harry c Huger, Malvin c
Hankerson, Peter c Hudson, Edmund c *
Halsey, Alexander c Hood, Geo M
Hudson, Frederick c Howard, Wm II
Hollingsworth, Jas II Hale, William c
Harbin, Wm II Hall, Robt c
Hooper, Zed c Holmes, Charlie c
Hud on, Edward c Hampton, Willis c
Howard, Jas c Harrison, Handy c
Harris, lien c Hopkins, David L
Holly, Goo W Hart, Duke c
ilaib Pickens B Harbig, Goo
Ingram, Sam c Izzard, John c
Jennings, Silas c Jackson, John c
Jenkins, Anthony e Johnson, Ben c
Jeans, Jesse M Johnson, Paul c
Jones, Owen - c Johnson, Phoccon c
Junes, King e Johnson, David c
Jenkins, Andrew c Johnson, David o
Jefferson, David o Jackson, Frank e
Jones, Peter c Jones, Randall e c
e Joseph, Joseph
Johnson, Henry c Johnson, Wm o
James, Richard c Johnson, Alfred c
Jones, Carnuel
King, Joshua Key, Peter c
Kelly, Goo u Kavanaugh, John
Kyle, John u King, Geo c >
Kennedy, Daniel e Keith, Frank c
Kelly, John c King, Wm W
Kirkpatrick, D, jr
Leon, Henry L Lee. Scutl e
Levy, Isaac Lindsey, Geo c
Lamar, Dick. e I overman, Wm J
Larki t, Richard c Low, Geo , c
Lawson, Henry e Lamar, Daniel c
Lewis, John S c Lanum, Kit c
Lee, Moses c Leverman, H B
Lyon, Mack c Lallerstcdt F W c
Larkin, Thos c Lark, John c
Lowrey, Isaac e Lee, Wm II
Moseley, Lew c Manigault, Allen c
.Mitchell, Primus > Martin, Columbus o
.Manigault, Jas c Martin, John ' c
Marshall, f V c Milledge, Peter c
■, Thu.- Madison, Adam c
Matthew, Alee - Mitchell, Robt c
MeKensie, It e McConnell, John
Marshall,, btephen o .Moore, John c
McGar, i'aniol c .Moses, Pleasant c
Maddox, Litho e McGraw, Moses e
Mitchell, John E c Milledgc, Bob c
Moore, Henry, c Mathew, 11 IV c
Myers, David Maxwell, Jas R c
McKinzie, 8 W McKinzie, John 11
Mann. ".Terry c ,'l.irtin, Wm c
Mitchel! Paul > Matthews, Geo c
Mosely, G ■ e Marsh, Albert H
Moore. I h c R C.irty, Jeremiah
Mi l-.r, J. t.u . larberry, Willis e
McDowell, Ch- c Matthews, Lttko c
.Miller, Win II c
NortU.r. ,Ja 'k c Nally, Cleon
Noble, i yrns c Newby, Jos M
Oliver, Rasmus e : >akuqni, Moses c
Oliver, Geo 1* Olifftr, Philip e
O’Connell, Patrick
Parluc, S 8 Page, Thos c
Phil put, David A Putnble, Chas
Preston, Edmund c Pryor, Lewis c
Philpot,John M Pardue, Peter
Philpot, Henry K Philpot, Thus N
Porter, David Pitts, Poumollu c
Pleasant, Ben c Farr, John
Parkfcr, tj G Page, Silas c
Pleasant, Kobt c Paint r, Win
Payne, Thos c Paul, Wm A
Rhodes, TV M Rouse, Henry C c
Radford, Lemuel F Robinson, Doctor c
Red. Peter Redfield, Nelson c
Russell, John c Rowland, Wm c
Robertson, Joseph c Kiley, Jacob c
Kumley, Elijah Robinson, Frank e
Reardon, Thos Russell, Thos
Reynolds, Cb i> c Riley, Joe c
Ramsey, Jbs'W Robert, John A
Hand .11, Geo H Rodgers, Henry C
Raiford. Elbert c Radford, Smithfield
Roberts, Thos c
Stewart, Chas E Smith, John c
: nil in t :, Jas M Smith, Jackson c
Satterwhite, John e Seals, Daniel o
Sims, Geo e Bpelhnan, R P
Shackelford, Sam e Scott*, Henry c
Sykes, Wm B Simmons, Jas 8
Samuels, Handy c Seals, Smith c
Snipes, Paul c Stokes, RS c
Scott, Jordan c Smith, Stafford D c
Small, Charlie e Shackelford, Wm H
Shannon, Rob c Shackelford, Jas
ha**’. George c Smith, Jacob c
Ski inc. Edwin c Stokes, Miles e
Simpkins, Alfred c Sheffield, Jesse N
thaw, Albert R Smith, Wm c
Spacer, Perry c Swint, Wm c
rmi’h, Henry c Wm It
Scott, Jerry c Shackelford, J H
Homas, Berry c Thompson, Isham
lalia crro, Tom c Turner, Jackson . c
Turner, Ed c Talbot, John c
Lhompson, Cha? c Tindall, Ned c
Thomas, Jas c Thomas, John c
Turner, Daniel e Turner, M ade c
Turner, Jacob c Tarver, Frank B
Thomas, Charlie o Taylor, Goo 0
Tankersley, G V Thomas, Henry , c
Thompson, Mingo c Thompson, Jas 1
Uguin, Win c
Van Buren, Martin «
Walker, Nathan o Williams, Geo
Williams, Win M Watts, Peter c
Williams, Bradford o Wade, Andrew
Williams, Joo c Williams, Henry c
Wright, Jack c Welsh, John
Williams, Jackson c Warren, Wosley c
Williams, Albert c Wimberly, Hunter c
Walker, Elbert c Williams, Henry c
Williams, Abram c Williams, Geo c
Walker, Edward c Williams, Frank c
Wright, Wm c Walker, Ben e
White, Ned c Wimberly, Wright e
Wigfall, Cyrus c Watkins, Henry c
Williams, Bill c Walker, John D
Wright, Abe! c Winhurn, Simeon
Williams, Henry c Walker, John W
Wiggins, Amos 1* Wheeler, W m II
Weems, Newton c White, TIV
Walker, Geo H c Wolf, Hilliard H
Young, Andrew c Young, Robt e
Young, Daniel, c Youngblood, A c
sECojrp WAiiii
Atwell, Robert W Adams, Doc c
Anderson, Mack c Abrams, Charles c
Beil, Robert c Bcnnefield, Abram S c
Brown, Kelsey o Bolton, John c
Bolton, Handy e Branch, Abram c
Bruyer, Washington c Bird, Nussan c
Bailey, Bery c Brooks, Jacob c
Bennett, Ben e Bryant, John E
Burdell, Nat c Bennett, Elijah T
Battey, Robert c Bostwick, Willis c
Bleakly, Isaac c Bridges, Robert D
Brinckloy, Baker c Barnes, George c
Briequot, James J Boallc, George e
Carter, Hiram c Cain, Allen c
Culver, Wm c Carter, Joseph c
Carroll, Thos c Clayton, Charlie e
Cummings,Adolphus c Clayton, J Joseph
Clarke, Isham c Cortis, Robert R
Curry, Ceaser c Cox, Jack c
Costello, James Carr, Freeman c
Duggins, General c Davis, Sini c
Drayton, John c Dwyer, Thomas
Dwyer, Geo T Davis, Albert o
Dobson, Alexander e Dortic, WmT
Davis, John c Denning,David H
Drayton, Andrew e
Estes, Richard e Emanuel, Enoch c
Evans, Moses c Edwards, Henry c
Ector, Henry c Edwards, Ben c
Elbert, Ben c
Frahklin, Benj c Frazier, Henry e
Goldborry, Wm H c Green, Robert c
Grant, James c Golphin, James c
Green, Jim c Goings, Edward c
Goetchius, Phil c Guilfoyle, John
Goudy, Robert c Gardner, John c
Graham, David Gordon, Harvey' c
Green, Alec c Goucdy, Preston c
Goss, Lucius H c Graham, James
Hooper, Isaac c Harris, Jonas o
Hull, John c Holloway, Henry c
Hardin, Jim c Harley, Stephen c
Hampton, Hartwell c Hankinson, Rob’t H c
Hamilton, Wm c llouseley, Win
Horton, Mdses c Hull, Henry c
Harris, Tom e Hammonds,Stephen c
Hiller, Wm J
lugraham, Sidney c
Jenkins, Chas c Johnson, MoscW K c
Johnson, Bon c Jennings, Asa c
Johnson, Phillip c Jefferson, Henry c
Johnson, Chas C c Johnson, Rob’t c
Jones, Joseph c Jackson, John c
Jenkins, Jack o
King, Abner c Kittrel. Grandison c
Kennedy, Frank c King, Robert c
Lamar, John c Lamback, Lee c
Limmons, John c Lewis, John e
Low, James e Lewis, John C c
Lewis, Robert e Lawler,
Lee, Henry c Lacy, Wesley e
Lamar, Newman c Lampkin, Potcr c
McGrath, Cato o McLean, Edward c
McDuffie, Moses c Mcßride, Doc c
Monroe, Jesse c McNeil, Adam c
McGhee, John e McKinzie, Thoma- c
Mitchell, Henry e Mitchell, Wm c
Mimms, Moses, c McKinnie, Dick c
Matthews, Sam c Monroe, Wm c
Middleton, Jacob c Moore, Henry c
Manly, Joseph c McCann, Patrick 11
Murphy, Edmund T McMahon, Wm II
Mann, John II Maddery, Moses M
Myers, Simeon M Mitchell, Lewis e
Murphy, Daniel G McGhee, Wm c
McCarthy. George Murray, Francis
Meredith, James W McKenzie, Win e
Moore, J W Morris, Martin M
Nelson, Win c N'_b!**tt, James M
Nelson, Hubert c
Owens, Wm J Oakman, Henry c
Osborne, Lewis c Owens, July c
Porter, Reuben c Pritchard, Edward
Pope, John Pines, Prince c
Pago, John c Powell, Win c
Pelot, Bcnj »S Perry, Oliver c
Pritchard, Daehns c Phinmy, Robert M
Phinizy, J>hn jr Parker, Gustavu* A
Pliiler, Jia? c Preston, Ben c
Prager, Julius Penn, John c *
Bobertson, Alfred c Rich, Chas T
Boss, Dick c Rivers, Prince r.
Rooney, James Rhodes, G ('rawford
Roc, Joseph 11 c Roberson, J;i -p r c
Rhodes, W Peyton Rudlcr, Anthony F
Speed, GrandiSon c Smith, Henry c
Sinquetield, Win c Stewart, Horton c
Stokes, Henry c Smith, Win c
Steed, Alfred c Snead, John C
Savage, Zodriok c Scgec, Isaiah c
ShaughueMy, Ed Stevens, Jordan c
Smytli, Frank Sftrling, Solomon
Tilghman. Jim c Thompson, Jim c
Thum;)?. Richard c Thomas, Richard c
Thomas, Burke c Tweedy, Ephraim
Thomas, Win c Thomas, Robert c
Tustin e, George <? Thorn, George
Tillman, Sim c
Whaley, Jacob Williams, Richard c
Watts, George c Wilburn, Clarence c
Williams, Richard c William l ?, Jerry c
Walker, Robert c Wesley, Kit c
Williams, Jesse c Wilson, Thomas L c
Wiley. Orange c Worrell, Win c
Walton, William L c Walker, Thomas c
Ware, Richard c Williams, Weston c
Williams, Robert c Williams, Aiken c
Walker, Albert c Williams, Peter c
Walton, William A Williams, James c
Young, John c*
Adams, Drfvid A fielder, Wm If
Addison, Butler c Allen, Grief c
Brooks, Richard c JSrown, Jefferson c
Brown, Edward c TBrown, Howard c
Bongs, Henry c Butler, Jarrett c
Buchanan, Juber c Renneiield, Wm c
Bog.Jb, Willis c Bryan, John c
Bugg, Achy c Battice, John c
Burns. John c Bussey, Daniel c
Blalock, Augustus E Barnes, Bill o
Baldwin, John e Brown, Robert J c
Bostwick, Crawford c Brown, Wash c
Cutton, Lorenzo D c Cook, Harrison c *
•lurry, Anthony c Conlon, Patrick
Cummings, Isaac c Chui moll, David c
Clements, Burnett c Cole, Joe c
Cummings. Julius c Campbell, Aaron c
Calhoun, Julius c Cashin, Charles c
Dixon, Abner c Dent, Sandy c
Davis, John J Duke, Wm 11 c
Daniels, Henry
Elbert, Joe c Emery, Isaac c
Evers, Jack c
Fishburn, Ben c Fullerton, Osborne e
Floyd, John c Fagan, John
Fishburn, Thomas c Ford, Adolphus M
Gibson, Hector c Glasscock, Bristow c
Gilliard, Joseph c Gardner, Gad S c
Graham, Lawson c Golpbin, Garland c
Gibson, Samuel L Green, Washington c
Gant, Thomas c Gallaher, Edward
Garrett, >am c Guernsey, James M
(lord- n, John c Golphin, Jefferson c
Harri?, Grandisot c Henry, James
Hay, Jerry c Hammonds, Albert c
Hall’, Robert c Hughes, Horace c
Hearn, John c Harris, Andrew c
Howard, Thomas Henson, Charles c
Hammond, Richard c
Jones, Wm c Jones, Joo
Johnson, Joseph o James, Sam o
Junior, Charles c Jones, Henry
Johnson, Priest c Jones, Robert
Johnson, Daniel c Jackson, Dick o
Jackson, John c Jones, Albert c
Jones, Dempsey e Jones, Felix o
Jackson, Isham c Jones, Edgar E
Johnson, Isaac e Jones, Allen G
Johnson, Jordan c
King, Edgar c Konnally, John
Knox, David King, John R c
Kelly, Henry c' Kusel, Chas M
Lockhart, Isham e Lyons, Thomas
Lacy, Edward c Lewis, Henry c
McKenzie, Wesley c Mims, James L
McDonald, Martin May, Richard J
Madison, Thomas c McCay, Wm R
Moore, Wm c McCarthy, John
McNair, Edmund c Malone, Philip
Merriweather, Jack c McKinnie, Dick c
Morgan, Sam c Mealing, Wm J
Miller, Richard c Morris, Peter o
Meigs, John o Matthews, Jesse c
Mitchell, Wm c Messiah, Felix c
Narrington, Jacob c Norrington, Jackson o
O’Donnell, Edward Osborne, Toby c
Parker, Robert o Perry, Tom c
Parks, Levi c Plumb, Daniil B
Page; Sully e Pool, Peter c
Rone, Morris Robinson, Wm c
Reed, Jeremiah c Rhoden, Wm
Richardson, Henry c Rone, Wm c
Scott, Dennis c Sullivan, Jerry c
Sims, Ed e Scott, Nathan c
Schaufele, Frederick Small, George c
Saddler, Austin c Shear, Wm
Snowdon, GeO B c Smith, James c
Samuel, Gabo c Scott, Gabriel e
Secret, Jacob c Smith, Edward c
Sims, Lewis c Smith, John c
Sweeney, Randall c Scott, Wm C c
Small, George c Sullivan, Cornelius
Solomon, Frank c Stovall, Joseph II
Story, James Schneider, Ernest R
Tyson, Oliver c Thomas, Henry c
Thompson, Philip c Thompson,Ephraim c
Thompson, Andrew c Terrell, Emanuel e
Telfair, Israel c Thomas, Henry c
Vance, Richard c
Wyatt, Wm c Washington, James c
Watkins, Sam c Walton, George c
Warren, James c Weeks, Hampton c
Watkins, Newman c Wa’kcr, Milas c
Williams, Burgess c Williams, Jack c
Waggoner, Solomon c Wrenn, Beverly W
Wright, Starling c Wigfall, Goorge o
roviiTii wxnn.
Alston, Anthony e Ambrose, Frank c
Allen, Richmond c Allen, Henry C
Archer, Aneel c Armstrong,John e
Allen, Henry c Allen, Ned c
Atkins, Willis c Anthony, Wm c
Anderson, Robert o Ammons,John
Avret, William Allen, Newton c
Armstrong, William c Anderson, David c
Anderson, John c Armstrong, Wm c
Allen, Solomon c
Bass, Richard c Blount, Chas c
Booker, Israel c Bryant, Gus c
Barnos, Geo T Boyd, EHlow c
Brown, Jesse c Brown, Joe c
Butler, Henry c’-Blackburn,Clinton c
Butler, Jasper c Brown, Charlie c
Barnes, Jno.A Brown, Alfred c
Bailey, Philip c Bell, William c
Ballou, Edmund e Brown, Robt c
Bell, David c Buller, Gus c
Bacon, Martin c Bannester, Jacob c
Beall, Scott c Barrow, Jas
Brown, Jno T c Brown, Isaac c
Beall, Columbus c Bettis, Elmujrc c
Brown, Sam c Brenner, August
Bailey, Marcellus e Bell, Wm c
Brunson, Allen e Brown. Andrew c
Beall, Frank c Bird, Harrison c
Bacon, Robt c Bernard, Frederick
Brenner, Peter Brautly, Robt c
Boyce, John e Butts, Benj e
Bugg, Gus c Brown, James
Bush, Bon o Boatner, Aaron o
Black, Jas C C Bailey, George c
Bland, Jas’C Butler, Joseph c
Broadnax, Henry c Brown, Thos J c
Brown, January c Boyle, Michael
Boatwright, Cupid c Benson, Jno
Brown, Henry c Bacon, Ben c
Beyd, Daniel c Bailey, Elijah c
Berry, Thomas c Baijoy, Thos c
Brown,Berry II Blocker, Heartless c
Brown, Jim e
Cormick, Wm c Carr, Robt A c
Crawford, Jerry c Carter, Henry e
Cummings, Elbert c Collier, Charlie c
Cook, John c i. on! m, Dominick
Chavous, Henry c Cage, Sam c
Clanton, Lawrence e C< x, Dallas c
Cooper, Jim c Cook, Milton c
Gallion. Randal! c Chase, Andrew c
Cunningham, >S A Cage, Joe e
Collier, John c Cummings, Robt c
Cotter, Nicholas Cook, Arthur c
Cole, Wm c Collins, Timothy
Clarke, Nelson c Coffin, Chas E
Christian, Wilsan c Cobb, Peter c
Cooper, Ben c Calvin, Tony e
Collier, Lewis c Cage, Charlie e
Collier, Peter e' Carter, Jas c
Cu’ tis, David L Callahan, Patrick
Cauly, David c Cook, Geo c
I hisolm, Plato o
Darlington, B e Davis, A J
Davis, John c Doris, Bernard
Dorsey, Chas e Dudley, Ephraim c
Dent, Allred e Davis, J A c
Davis, Adam c Darby, Henry c
Duval, Rufus D nn, Solomon, Sr c
Dobson, Wm c Dent, Philip c
Daggett, Thos c Davis, Jas M
Dunn, Solomon, Jr c
Elmore, Richard c Evans, Henry c
Elbert, David c Elliot, Stephen e
Evans, Amos c Epps, Edward c
Emery, Jack c
Frederick, Theodore c Farrow, D M
Fuller, Sam c Fletcher, Anderson
Fleming, Wm c French, Marcus c
Fryer, Hamilton c Fields, York c
Fleming, Steve c Farrow, Ambrose c
Fields, Bristow c Ford, Gordon J
Foreman, Willis e J-iclds, Samuel c
Gilbert, Willis c Gardner, Potcr c
Gordon, Alec e Green, D P c
Gardner, Sandy c Graves, Chas c
Goodwin, Jno e Gassett, Wm
Griffin, Cobliin c Gilpin, Brutus c
George, John e Golightly, Henry c
Goorge, Alec c G reen, Jno c
Green, Wm e Gaunt, John c
Graves, Chas c Gallaher, E F
Glonn, Glascow e Gibbs, Aberdeen c
Grimes, Ben c Green, Isaac c
Gorton, Jno c Green, Tom c
Golphin, Jeff c Green, Aaron c
Gannon, Thos Greer, John c
Gardner, Wm c Grimes, Anderson c
Gants, Jacob c Gardner, Melman c
Harris, David e Hicks, Lloyd c
Hammonds, Ed’wr I c Hicks, Elijah
Houston, Henry c Hampton, Daniel c
Harris, Wm c Howard, Jno c
Hewitt, Jno, Sr Hill, Alfred c
Harris, Robert c Hill, Jeffry c
Hill, Preston, e Hatcher, David
Harris, Geo 11 c Hicks, Oscar c
Harris, Wm e Hensiy, Solomon
Holmes, Robt c Hatter, Wm c
Hill, Benjamin e Hey ward, Neal c
Hammond, Jno Henson, E W c
llaisey, August c Harris, J H c
Hughes, Patrick Hall, Wm e
Hawkins, Henry c Harter, W J
Ivins, Dave c Iverson, Anton
Ingals, L L
Jackson, Albert e Jones. Wm c
Jones, Wm c Jackson, Randall e
Jobnsor, Wm 0 Jones, G W
Jackson, Abram e Jenkins, Thos c
Johnson, Edward c Jefferson, Isaac c
Jones, Mingo c Jackson, Samuel e
Johnson, John o Jackson, John c
Jeffersen, L W c Jones, Jesse c
Johnson, Sam c Jones, Daniel c
Jackson, Andrew c Jackson, J A c
Jones, Ned c Johnson, C S
Johnson, Evans c Jackson, Henry c
Johnson, Allen c Jones, Robt c
Johnson, Aaron c Jones, Daniel e
Johnson, Frederick o Jones, Chas '
James, Ben c Jones, Jas A °
Johnson, Daniel c Jones, Thomas
Joshua, John c Jones, Wm 11"
Jefferson, Burton c Jackson, Richard °
Jackson, H J c Jones, Wm £
King, S L King, J M
Keener, J E Key, Daniel
King, Madison c Kendall, Jesse
Kennedy, Robt c Kennedy, Henry
Ketchen, Bob c King, T B 1
Keener, Wm V
Langford, George Lewis, Adam
Liddle, Win c Laws Anderson B
Lacy, Thos c Lamkin, Willis
Low, Andrew c Linn, Harrison
Lamar, Edward c Lamar, Boston 2
Lumpkin, Moses o Landers, John
Lawson, Capers c Locke, Bryant
Lewis, Joe c Lewis, David
Loeket, Isaac c Lewis, Carlo
Low, Jefferson e Lamkin, Palmer
Ladson, Hector c Lemon, Robt
Lockie, Thos Lamar, Ceaser
Lewis, Jack e Let, Wm
Lee is, Alfred c Locket, Harry
Lukes, Jas,jr c Levoritt, George
McNeil, Sandy c McCrae, Berry c
Marshall, Edmund e Medium, Francis L
McLovett, Mandoss c Murphy, Thomas
McArdle, John McKinley,’ Jacob e
McGrath, Bony c Myers, David 0
McGrath, Bony jr c Marion, Haidy
Mitchell, Thos McKinnie, James c
Mclvoy, Allen c Mitcheli, John
Moore, Wiley c Yallory, Charles c
Mims, Peter c Miller, George
Mosely, Harvey o Mulherin, John
McKee, Burrell c Morel, Gabriel c
Miller, Frank c McKinnie, John
Mallory, Sandy c Mosely,Rodolphus J
Minor, Joo c Mahoney, Patrick 0
Murrah, Geo W Mtirrah, Wm E
Miles, John E McDuffie, George c
Mayatn, Mortimer c Mason, Cuff c
Miller, Anthony c Mitchell, Newton c
Milton, John c Miller, Edward T
Mustin, Eli Martin, Tom c
McCay, William c Mills, Wm S
Moore, John c Miller, George c
McMurphy, Tom c Miller, Felix c
Mack, Peter c Mitchell, Solomon c
Nash, Johu e Napier, Wm J
North, Richard Norris, Adam c
Neese, Abram Noyland, George c
Nagle, John P
Olive, Abel Oliver, David c
O'Connor, Timothy O’Connor, Francis
Owen, Amos E Oliphant, Allied c
Osborne,Abram c Olive, Thomas W
Oliver, Philip c
Parker, William c Paris, Isaac c
Porter, Tom c Patrick, Capers c
Pa»ge, Phil o Phillips, Wm M c
Price, John W c Prather, Augustus JI
Polk, Josiah e Pollard, Charlie c
Petegru, Daniel c Palmer, Thomas J
Paris, Sam c Pemberton, Henry c
Parker, Charles c Parker, Lewis <•
Patterson, Philip c Payne, Tom e
Page, George W
Roberts, John c Kelly, Wm H
Reynolds, John Ross, Albert II e
Roberts, Robert c Ramsey, John P
Ruffin, Albert <> Roberts, John W
Robinson, Joe c Rigby, Jacob c
Rice, Tom c Roonoy, Patrick
Rivers, Alec c Robinson, John c
Roberts, Charles M Robinson, Manuel e
Reynolds, Joseph W Reese, Enoch D
Rahner, Joseph Robinson, Richard c
Ratcliff, Samuel W Robbe, Chas A
Robertson, Robert c Ramsey, Richard c
Sapp,.Frank c Shackelford, John c
Smith, Charlie c Smith, Adam c
Sherman, Monroe c Schneider, Jack c
Snarls, Lewis o Simpkins, Wiley c
Smith, Albert c Stewart, James A c
Smith, Josiah c Spink, W W
Smith, Anderson e Simmons, March c
Stratton, Henry c Stewart, Richard c
Smith, George c Scott, Lewis c
8 mpkins, Tom c Simpkins, Jesse c
Smith, John L e Stokes, Henry c
Summcrlield, Henry e Simmons, Sam c ’
Simmons, Robert o Shephard, Dennis c
Sullivan, Wm . c Smith, Mallory c
Stoy, Walter I' Smith, Stephen c
Seott, Ed e Snyder, Harry c
Searles, Wm c Summers, Andrew c
Smith, Zion > Sex, Amos e
Smalley, Burton <i Shelton, Abram c
Sweet, Henry c Stickney, Henry c
Sullivan, Moses c Singleton, Win e
Seott, John 11 c Smith, Thomas -1
Seott, Tobv c Stallings, Jmue.; II
Sullivan, Wm 11 c Swan, Henry c
Summerfield, Taylor c Smith, Arthur c
Smith, Tom c
Taylor, Cyrus c Thomas, Jim e
Tobler, Abram c Tillman, Jack e
Thomas, Jerome c Thomas, Edwai I c
Turner, Willis c Tiunon, Vincent U
Taylor, Virgin e Taylor, Gtandison e
Talbot, Saul c Tfcylor. John J
Tyler, David o Turner; Robert c
Taylor, Cap c Thvmas, Michael B c
Taylor, Henry c Tice, David
Trowbridge, Merritt c Thomas, James c
Timmerman, John c Tilman, Henry c
Tucker, George c Trotty, Freeman c
Thomas, i.'auiel c Tice, Peter M
Tillman, Wm il c Turpin, Wm E
Turner, Tom c Turner, Henry c
Thomas, Berry E c Thompson, Luwis B
Vaughn, Thos J Van Pelt, John
Wiliiams, Wm c Watts, Cyrus c
Watts, James M c Walker, Coasar c
Webster,Jpanicl c Williams, Alfred c
Walsh, Thomas Winn, Marcus c
Wilhight, Wm c Willis, Dennis c
Williams, Henry c Wooten, John c
Williams, Henry c Woodson, Widis c
Williams Richmond c Wade, Peter c
Williams, John c Williams, Frank c
Webb, Elisha c Wiley, Ned c
Woodson, Hubert c Ward, Wm c
Wigfall, Bristow c Williams, Cap o
Wingard, Elisha D Washington, Georgec
Williams, James c Wilson, Milton c
Williams, Isaiah c Walker, Wesley <*
Williams, Sam c Williams, Spencer c
Watts, Harrison c West, William c
Walker, Thomn.; r Williams, Daniel c
Williams, Aaron c Warren, James H c
W’ilson, John 'c Walker, Andrew c
White, Frank c Whittaker,Roland W
William’, Stephen c Ware, John D
Williams, Edward c Watson, Wm J
Wa’kvr, P»ichard c Wheeler, John I.
Wingfield, Hubbard c Welsh, John
Watts, Henry c Welsh, Dennis
Wynn, Isaac c Wilson, Martin V B c
Wright, Moses c Walker, Alex c
Williams, Jo hi c Williams, Win M
Williams, Henry c Williams, Allen c
Yarborough, Abram c Young, I/oroy ?
Young, Freeman c Young, James o
White. ni«ek. Total.
First War J 123 303 ««
Second Ward 52 180 232
Third Ward 35 151
Fourth Wardll2 458 565
Grand t0tai..322 1087 UO?
Augusta, Georgia, October 19, 1868.
li. A. HARPER,
Commissioners of Registration.
Breakfast, Pinner, and Supper House.
either morning or evening Par. linger Trains,
or Atlanta by morning Pasrongcr Train, or by
any of the Freight Trains, can always get a
GOOD MEAL at BERZELIA, twenty miles
from Augusta, on tbo Georgia Railroad.
mh3l—tf Troprieton__
Assignee’s Sale.
V v House door, tu the town of Sandersville-
Washington county, Ga-, on the FIRST TLES'
DAY IN NOVEMBER next, between the legal
hours of sale, four hundred and forty (4W> acre,
of land, on the east side of Bntfalo creek, adjoining
lands of Dr. J. Stone and others—it being a bal
ance of live hundred acres, out of which was sixty
acres set apart as exemption
Sold as the property of the estate of John ira
wick, an adjudged Bankrupt, free from the en
cnmbranco of liens, etc., for the benefit of the
creditors of said John Trawick. Terms cash
October 14th, 1868.
cell—-t I Assignee.