Newspaper Page Text
■ ■
National Republican
Official Org'an of the U- S. Government.
9 Yin » Ivancti... $5 00
Six Months, in advance 2 50
T .uo Months, in advance. 1 25
• 4 <y/a/t’4 so n»iy/»ne iicatZ-
G» / a* rt Club of ten *'lbw l iber 8.
/Mb The underpinned, having a completely
furnished hftce, is °nable! to ®>eot>U all orders
fir Book and Job Printing, Book-binding, or
Ruling cheaper than any other office in the
E. li. PEdllE.
Atlanta, Ga., October 8, 1868. J
(twwl Order* Ai>. 27.
Wrhrba?, Dy an act of Congress of the
United States, approved March 2d> 1860, it is
made the duty of iho military authority io pre
serve the peace Rt the polls at any election that
may be held in auy of the States ; and
this duty ba* become the more imperative, from
the existing political excitement in the pubiic
mind, from the recent organiiation of civil gov
ernment, and from the fact that Congress has,
by statute, prohibited tho organization us mili
tary forces in the several States of this Depart
ment, it is therefore. <»r<lcjro<i,
I. That the several District Comiuandor? wifi,
ms soot* a« practicably on the receipt ,of this
order, distribute the troops under their com
mands as follows:
In the District of South Carolina:
One company Sth Infantry, to Chester.
One company Bth Infantry, 0 Unionville.
One company Sth Infantry, to
Oue company Bth Infantry, to Abbeville.
One company Bth Infantry, to Nowberry.
One company Bth Infantry, to Edgefield.
One company 15th Infantry, to Beaufort.
One company 6th Infancy, to Georgetown.
One compiny 6th Infantry, M Florence.
In the District of Georgia:
One company 16th Infantry, to Albany.
One company 16th Infantry, to Colvmbtt*.
One company 16th lulautry, to Macon.
One company 16th Infantry, to Augusta.
One company 16th Infantry to Washfpgfroh
Wilkes county.
One company !6th lufantry, to Americus.
One oompauy 16th Infantry, to Thomasville.
One Company (C) sth cavalry, to Athens.
Toe company a t Savannah to be reinforced,
should occasion require, by such number of men
at Fort PulaHki a can be spared from the post.
* ■» * * » ♦ ,
fl. Detachments, when nccobsary, may be
made to points in the vicinity of each post; but
in no case, nor on any pretext whatever, *wHl
detachments be sent without a commissioned
officer, who will be fully instructed by his Post
#*a* * * ;
VIII. District Com man tiers will instruct Post
Pomumnders in their duties, and the relative
position of the civiLand military powers. They
will furnish them with copies of the circulars
from these Hcaquuart* rs; of August 25th, and
October Ist ult-, (the latter of which was for
warded September l.ith, to District Command
ers), in which the instructions of the War Do
par linen* are set forth -in full. They will
impress on Post Commaudeis that they »ye to
act in.aid and co operation, and in subordination
to the civil authorities; that they are to exercise
discretion and judgment, unbiased by political
or other prejudices ; that their object should f»e
exclusively to preserve the peace and uphold
law and order, and they must b(5 eirisfiod such
is the object of the civil officer calling Cd them
or aid, that they must in all cases where time
will permit 1 , apply for instruction to Superior
authority, but they must at ail hazards preserve
the peace, and not be restrained by technical
points, when, in their consjjhmCous judgment
under the rules forth, it is their duty to
act. Post Commanders, mi being notified of the
proposed holding of political meeting?, may
send an officer, aud if necessary a detachmerit,
to watch the proceedings and see that the peace
is preserved.
JX. To the people of the several States oom
|H,-eiog the Department, the Major tfene'ral Ot»n
manding appeals that they will co operate with
him and the civil authorities in sustaining law
and order, in preserving tho peace and in avoid
ing those scones of riot and bloodshed, and the
wanton destruction of property and life, which
has already, in some instances, been enacted in
Hie Department, He urges abstinence from all
inflammatory and incendiary appeals tv the
passions ; diseountnancing the keeping open of
liquor shops on days of political meetings and of
election; the abstaining from carrying arms,
and atcortiug the individual right of construing
laws by, force of arms. No' just cause is ever
advanced by resort to violence. Let there bo
charity and forbearance among political oppo
nents, whatever may bo the result ; let each
good citizen determine that all who. under tho
law, have the right to the ballot shall cxeteise it
undisturbed. If thane are disputed points of
law, let- them be referred to the Courts, and lot
not mobs or political cluba, or other irresponsible
bodies, construe and undertake to execute the
law. This appeal is made in the earnest hope
that the Major General Commanding can rely
on the good sense and correct judgment of the
mass of the people, and that he will not be com
pelled to resort to tho exercise of the power with
which ho is intrusted, and which he will most
reluctantly employ. But he thinks ft his duty
to make known, that »o far as tho power under
bis command will admit, he will not permit the
peace to be broken, and that he will not be
restrained in the conscientious discharge of his
duty by technicalities of laws made when the
present anamalous condition of affairs were
neither anticipated or provided for.
By order of Major General Mbadf. :
oc 14—t noy? Assistant Adjutant General.
Assignee's Sale.
House door, tn the town of Sandersville,
Washington cowitv, Gt-, on tho FIRST TUES
DAY IN NOVEMBER ne>xt, between the legal
hours Os sate, four hundred and forty (440; acres
of land, on the east side of Buffalo ereek, adjoining
landii of pr. J. Stone and others—it being a bal
ance of five hundred acres, out of which was sixty
acres set apart as exemption
Sold as the property of the estate of John Tra
wick, an adjudged Bankrupt, free from the en
cumbrance cf bene, etc., for the benefit of the
creditors of said John Trawick. Terms eaali.
October 14th. 18<S.
oc 11—ti Assignee.
•I* Linen, and Cotton Bugs. suitable for Wheat,
Corn, etc., for sale in quantities ts stat.
Bags loaned for the transportation of Grain, bv
Bae Manufacturer,
->c 13—6w[oonj lOand 42 St., N. Y
Richmond County.
fUckmond Cuunly.
Wsunnas, James A. Gray, Administrator on
the estate of Francis O’Connor, applies to mo
for Letters of I/ismissiop.
These are therefore to cite and admo.ish all
and singular, the kindrad and creditors of said
decUn fed, to bo and appear at my offioe on or,
before the first Monday in November next, to
Show cause, if any they have, why said Letters
should not bo gr anted.
(liven under my hand and official signature,
a’ office in Augusta; ffiti 2d day of June, 1868.
jej—6m* Ordinary.
Letters of Dismission.
VJf HicTiniond County,
Caioliiie Dubvt, Administratrix,
with the will annexed pn.the estate of Antoine
Picqnet, deceased, applies to me for Letters of
These are, therefore, to eiie and admonish all
and sibgwlay, tjiq kindred and creditor* of said
deceaaeii. 14- He and appear at? my office on or
before the tirst Monday in October, to show cause,
If any they have, why said Datura should not be
Given undvr my hand and official signature at
Augusta, 1 he 16th day <»f May. 1868.
my! 9-1 awfim* Ordinary.
Letters of Dismission.
Richmond County.
WlimcflA; Josephine Wilson, Administratrix on
theestste of Peter Wilson, deceased, applies to
mu for Letters of Dismission,.
These are, therefore, la cite and admotiisli all
and'Singular, the kindred iind creilito;;, rtf said
deceased, to be ami appear at my office on or be
fore the first Monday in October, to show cause,
if any they h ive, why said Letters should not be
Given tinder my hand and official signature, at
office in Augusta, this 4th day of May. 1868.
my6—6m* Ordinary. .
Letters of Dismission-
llichmoiul County.
Whereas, John i>, Bntt, Administrator on the
estate oi Patrick Ofisuliivan, deceased, applies to
me for Letters of Dismission.
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all
and singular, the kindred and creditors of said
deceased, to l>a and appear al my office on or be
fore the first, Monday in October, to show cause,
if any they- have, why said Letters should not be
Gjvcn under my hattd and oflh ial signature, a
office iii Augusta, this <jt|t day of May, 18li8.
niytr —(mt* Ordinaiy.
O Riclmumd Oowdy.
Wltereas, Rob. Douglass and S 1). Williams.
Executors on the Estateof Ira D. Maliwws. late
of said county, deceased, apply to me for letters
Os dismission :
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all
.mid singular, the kindred apd creditors of said de be and appear at my office on or before
the first Monday in Febrnary next, to sbovt cause,
if any they have, .why said Letters should not be
granted v
Given under my liainj and official signature, al
office in Augusta, this August 15th, 1868.
ad 16-—Lam6Bi Ordinary.
Letters of Dismission.
HicJimond County.
WuKKfcas, John 11. Fea’wy, Admnristrator on
the estate of Harry Hughes, deceased, applies to
me for Letters ol DismissiiHi—
The«se, are, therefore, to cite and admonish all
and singular, tlio kindred und creditors of the .aid
deceased, to be ami appear at my office On or before
tlie first Monday in Marell next, to show cause,
if any they have, why said letters should not
Given utuler my hand and official signature a
office in Augusta, this 28lhilav of September. 1868.
S<:p2y fun Ordinary.
Letters of Dismission.
‘ * K\htnoud County.
Wheheas Timothy C. Murphy, Aduainutrator
on the estate of I’biltip McGee, laUt<»f said coun
ty, deceased, applies tn mo for Letter* of Diw
nvisßion :
Thes* are, therefore, to cite and admonish all,
nnd ?itl*ular, the kindred and creditors of caid
decease*!, to be and appear al »uy on or
before the first Monday iu April next, to show
carise, if any they have, why sai l Letters, should
not be fipranted.
(liven under my hkn.4 and oflicial
at nfllcc in Augusta, thiiJstdky of Ociubor, ISfJS.
oct 2—l»m6m (Ird-UMtry.
Letters of Disnjission.
O Corniy.
Wsssr ts. William J. Farr, Admiulitrator
do bonus non of the cftsVi us Gcdrgc. P..Grr,cu,
deceased, applies to mefor Letters pt T’ismissmn.
These are therefore tn rite and admonish all
and singular, tbo kindred and creditors of .said
deceased, to be aAd appear at ply office on or
before the first Atbnday in' March next, to show
cause, if any they have, why said Letters should
not be granted.
Giecft under my haud ahd official signature
at office in Augttstn, this 7th dtiy of ,8 op (out her,
1868. SAMUEL LtjyY,
Letters of Dismission.
Richw»<d Cou»hi-
Whereas, John 11. Rhodes, Administrator ob
the estate of WRliani F. Makme, deceased, ap
plies to tae for Letters of DismiSsion:
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, al)
and. singular, the kindred and erod itore of said
deceased, to be and appear at my* office cn or be
fore the first Monday in March next, to show
cause, if any they have, why said Letters shetiid
not be. grunted.
Given under my hand and official signature,
at offieoln Augusta, this 25th day of September,
sep 26 -law6m Ordinary.
Letters of Administration.
Ridimmul County.
Whereas, Ellon Down iipplie* te me for Let
ten of Administration oa the estate «f John
Dowe, late of said county, deceased.
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all
and singular, the kindred and creditors of said
deceased, to be and appear at my office on or before
the first Monday In November next, to show cause,
if any they have, why sai l Letters should not be
Given under my hand and official signature at
office in Angnstn. this 29th day of September, 1868,
sep3fl—lm Ordinary.
O Richmond County.
Wkkbbas, Daniel Brogan applies to tue for
Letters of Administration de bonis non, <?n tbe
estate of Martin Brogan, late of said county de
ceased— •
The«ewre therefore to cite aud.*dm<'ui.-<li all and
singular, the kindred and creditors of said de
ceased, to be and appear at my office, ou or before
the fourth Monday in October next, to show
cau*e. if any tlcey why said Jjetters should
not be granted. • - .1
Given under my hand aiid official sigHatuie, at
office in Augusta, this Pith day of September, 1868.
- ■ ’i. Ordinary.
Letters of Dismission.
Richmond Co’iHty.
WasRKAs, James -T> Bothwell, Administrator
of the Estate of Thomas JJ. Smith, deceased,
applies ty me Iwttetr of Ilisnrissioß.
These are therefore to cite and admurush *H
*nd sing»l»r, th» kindred :md cri-dVnre of **W
deceased, to bo and appear at my office on or
before the first Monday in March next, to show
Cause if any they have, why Baid Letters should
not be granted.
Given under my baud and official signature al
office in Augusta, thia 7th day of September,
sepS—!w6m Ordinary.
. UGUSTA, GA.. TUESDAY MOtt NIN G, (> C TOD E R 27, 1868.
The American Artisan
bmhu status and iwmuN
189 Broadway, New York.
McsSra. BROWN. COOMBS & CO., Proprie
tors of Hie AMERICAN ARTISAN, offer their
beet servu es to inventors, as ol Ameri
can and Foreign Patents. Mr. Hknrv T. Brown,
of thia firm, has imd more than tweHlytwo yeare’
eX|W‘iie,>c« in that profession, both in tide country
and Europe, and his long practice lies made
him personally known to thousands off iuvep
tors ami patentees. The appliralioos for the
patents upon imrny of tlie greater and more im
portantinventkiiis'of the present cautnry have been
prepared by him. Messrs. Brown. Cuvmtis A. Co.,
are thoroughly familiar with all the rules and re.
gulationa instituted for the ntpid tiansaction of
business with the United States Patent Office, nud
the geuetal practice in tbo Patent Bureaus of vari
ous European countries; ..nd this knowledge ren
der* them confident t hat tiiel r post experience, willi
their present nneqnaleti facilities, enables them to
elaborately-and yet spei'dily prepare alt the docn
muuts required by law in applications for parenta,
and to promise their clients an absolute certainly
of nicccssxo theirjefforts toobtain,T.etters,Patei>Usr
inventions that aie really new and useful. Parh
cular care is oiveu to the execution of the acenrate
drawings which must always accompany every
application for a patent, and they employ ttoue but
the most efficient <ll aughtsmen. Tlie best cvideuce
of the manner iu which Messrs. Brown, Coombs
& Co.’s business is performed, is, that the “Am kr
ican Autikax Patkmt Agkkct,” during the three
years pf its.exLtcncs, hxa been Ibr. most successful
institution oflhekind.mer established.
Tlie principal offices of Messrs. Brows, Coombs
& Co. are situated at 189 Broadway, opposite John
street, New York, in the most central part of the
city. This location is one of very easy access by
sfrungois inusmneb us it is within a stone s throw
from the Cjty Hall. All in venters temporaiily bo
journing in tbo metropolis are invited to visit itu'x
establishment. In|i ho majority of instancemode
or drawing of an invention will be r.eceasary o>i
the first interview., as a mere ora/ description by
the visitor will ordinarily suffice to convey such
aknowledge of bis invention hr will enable Messrs.
Brown, Coombs & Co. to definitely determine
whether a machine or process is now or old —paten-
table or not., Tlie office hours at e from 9a.m.
tosr. M.
Messrs. Buuwrt, Coomb's A- Co. are prepared to
furnish to persons residing at a distance from New
York—free of i barge— written opinions as to
whether invent ions contain tiny leatiuesol paten
table novelty; td do tliis they simply reunire a
sketch or rough model of the machine or ot’io.r in
vention that is supposed to be new, together vvith
a brief description ofthe same, and as soon as pre
sible thereafter a letter of the best advice is mail
ed to the person desiring the information. These
opinions are formed from their own imiture exper
ience; but Wan inventor desires td kintW, positively,
whether his incipient idea has ever been embodied
in a machine or process already patented, his wisest
course will be to have a preliminary examination
made at the United States Patent office by Messrs.
Bnow.v. Coombs A Co., who will make a special
searclijamong all the records of that institution, and
tjien promptly forward a,full and carefully written
report as to the. patentability ofthe invention un
der examination. For thia'iabor the small fee of
$5 is payable in advance; and the remittance
should be accompanied by a .ketch of the invention
and a few lines of writing describing the sains,
and distinctly stating those points of novelty which
the inventor desires to two,protected by Letters
Patents for new and useful inventions are now
granted fot;,the term of,SEVw»T*.*a ykars The
first insttament ofthe Govcm'fiieni fee is sls, which
auui- tygether with fifty cents revenue stiiuip-l.ix
on tlie power-of attorney— is payable tn advance,
on applying for the patent; mid f’.’l) additional are
due to tbe Government when the Letters Patent are
allowed. The AgqiiQy ice is from s.’s upward, dra
cording to the labor involved; but tli all cases our
charges will be as moderate ns possible in the pre
paration of drawings and all necessary documenta.
This feeisnot payable nutil after tin: application
lias beefi prepared and the cnsals ready to be sent
to Washington. Messrs. Bkown, Coombs & Co.
have « branchin Washington so thatall applies
lions made through them can ha ve every necessary
attention in their passage through the Patent Office
Inventors applying tot patents must furnish
models ot their macbiiU'S, whenever possible, for
the inspection of the Examiners ir. die Patent
Office; but if the invention is a chemical composi
tion, samples of all the ingredients will be neces
sary. Each of these should be marked with the in
ventor's name, then carefully boxed, mid sent (by
express, pre/MnJ), together with the first instaliuen
oftheGovernmentfee/toMessrs Brown, Coomb*
& Co. When the model is small and light, it can
be conveniently and cheaply sifntby mail Thp
model must not. exceed one foot in any of ite dimens
ions, unless it is of such a character that it is im
Patents, except those for designs, are granted
pn equal terms to citizens and all foreigners, except
inhabitants of Canada and some otheiu of the
British American Provinces.
Besides patents or new and nsefui irtvcntions.
there are also granted patents for ciesig its.
Design-patents are not now. as formerly, limited
strictly to ornamental configuration ; but under
Section 11 of the Art Os March 2.1861, any new
/ormofaiiv article, orany impression orJiyure upon
the surface of any article or material, by whatever
means or process produced, call be patented. Un
dec this Act, patentees are entitled to the exten
sion of their respective patents for the term of sereu
years from the day on Which said patents shall ex
pire, upon the same terms turd restrictions as are
now provided for the extensions of Letters Patent.
Among the numerous subjects foi patents of this
class maybe particularly mentioned—castings of
all metals, parts of machine*, household furniture
and Utensils; gfassWure, hardware of all kinds,
cornices, mid ot her interior and exterior decorations
of buildings; also, designs for woven and printed
fabrics, dress aud upholstery trimmings, and har
ness labels ahd trade marks for medicines, per
fumery, and alt preparations, compositions, or
inerchandi-e, put up in bottles, boxes, or other
package* aye statable subjects; also, the forms of
such bottles, boxes, or packages themselves, and
envelopes, likewise all works of art, as statuary,
busts, compositions in alto or basso relievo. The
Government fee on a design patent for 3 J years is
$10; 7 years, sls; 11 years, S3O. No models of
design* are required ; but duplicate drawings or
photographs must be furnished- The specification
to accompany Um drawings or photographs re
quires to he prepared with great care. Messrs
Brown, Coombs & Co. give very particular at
tention to this branch of their business. Theta
charge for preparing applications fordesigii-patenV
is generally about sls. Design patents are only
granted to American citizens or to aliens who have
resided one vear in the United States and. maje
oath of their intention to become citizens thereof.
The facilities of Messrs. Stows, Coombs & Co
for obtaining patents in the various European
countries are equal if not superior to those of any
other in the United States. With regard to their
qualifications for such business, it need only be
stated that Mr. Brown has had the prepara
tion of more European 'applications than any
othei person hi thia country, Messrs. Brown,
Coombs & Co., besides having a branehnfice in
Washington, have their own agencies m tlie
principal capital* of Europe. A circular relating
to foreign patent business willbe furnhdred free
on application personally or by inuN.
Messrs. Brown, C< -mbs&Uo. also Attend to in
terfereuces, the extensions of expiring -Letters
Patent, and all proceedings relating tu patents Ire
fore the United States Patent Office.
All letters, package*, boxes, etc , slionld bead
dressed, prepaid,as follows;
... - BROWN, t
Solicitor* of Pate,ds.
my 11—ly. No. 18'3 Broadway, New York.
Advrrtifcmenle forwarded to a'J Newspapers
No advance charged oh Publisher*’ prices.
All leading newspapers kept on file.
Information as tocost of Advertising furniabeU
All order.-. caosiva caretsatumtioa'.
Inquiries by mail answered promptly.
Complete jAintcd Hate of Newspapersfoßsale.-
Special likte prepared lot customers.
Advertisements written and Notices tpCMred.
' Orders from Business Men especially solicited.
40 JMWff
Asiatic Chohra in Cliina.
< Kun
t Rev. R. Telford. Mirelonan* lii CTiinu. now
visiting his borne in Pennsylvania:
Washinoton, Pa., JuiteFJS, jsiki
Meters. Perry Havlsdc Het. Providence, JI. 1..
Dear Sirs—During a reimjence of some fien
yeareaa a MisMoinirv in Sidm :uul China, I fonnd
yonr vegetable Pain Killer a most valuable
remedy Tor Hurt fiatrfei M<*uge. tile Cholera.
In administering tlie medirjim. 1 found it most
effectual to. giviui teaspoenful of Pain Killer In a'
gill of bnt wr.tfer SWeetenis] with sugar'; tlien,
after about fifteen minntes. "begin to give a table
spoonful ot the same mixture • very minute until
relief was obuined -Airly ho» applicatipus to
the extremities. Bathe tlw nt' much with Fain
Killer, dear and rub t lu'.lii.ffi briskly. Qf them
who luhi the clioler-A/ntu* t. A tljt) medicipo foiUi
fniiy in the *;ty suited ■abt , *e,' eight out Os ten
recovered. ' ' Youra, truly,
Il an attack with Diarriiaja, Dynenteiy, o?
Cramp Colic, don’t delay rite use pl the'Bolus
Killer. Sold by all inedicllie dealers Prito, *5.
cents, 5H cents, and $ i per bottle.
Manhattan. Kansas, April 17,1866.
Geutlcmeii-' * ” 1 want to say little
more about the Pain Killef. I consider it q »«•»
valuable nsedtiine, and always keep it oil baud.
I have travelled a good deal sua e ( Lav\j been in
Kansas,and. ueyer without, taking it with me.
In my praciire I if freely for the Asiatic
Cholera, inTST),mid wnh better suceaas than any
other metlirfne'; Imino nsiAl it here for choliira iu
1855, with the same good result.
Truly, yours. A HUNTING, M. D.
4watu, Chika.
Choi ci a ! * * * t t<> say thid, the
cholera has jwevaile’i of laic to a
extent. For the fast t-ltrio weekn, from ten to
titty or sixty fatal each day has beep fe
ported. F'slmnld add tlie Pain Killer. Soßt
recently from the Mipeii ri House, has usM
with oont*HterftWt‘ kucc< dining this epideink*.
If taken in Brawn is efleetuar in check-
ing the disease*.,
> ,’ 3 . 2 3 Sh'daporc, India.
(tTrom tin- Pojtland Montiily-.|
Summer Complaint and Dysentery.
Bowel cdmplatnhii -#?dc;a jti-t now lo 1»» ? IW
prevailing and HUy medicine that i»*
everywhere acceptable, and that is reliable, in a
very des:rablcaDqHTsiunit From what. have
seen, heard, and experienced, we believe Davis’
Pain Killer is thia (lesideratuni. For the beat
MicUivd of using it, we quote from the directions*
‘ “For uomiuon bowel give one tea- 1
’ •■epnonfrilin rigill of riqw fhilk and in
equal pa ria/stirred well (ttfetber; leMtni the .dose
for cbiJdrea, ageording to the age. If the pain !»<*
severe, bathe the bbwehde.d tack with the nii'di
cine. Thie-rtKxle of trtatfnent iegootfrri cases oi
the cholera morhus. euddin btop| agv», etc. Re
peat vhe dose every nduf.
“-Tbe.qnickeet way I ever law th»i dysentery
cured was by taking one spoonful of the Pniti
Killer iri one’gilt of inilK and molds, cs stirred
welt liogelher and drank'hot. at. the Rime time
bathing the boweU urilh.iiHDiiiiiHi- het
the dor»e be repented every hour until the patient
is relie ve(L’’
If every verson who |igt itudun.-io Lar t.hie
disease would provide themselves with a bo|tle
of this meilicine, and use an occasiou required, we
believe a great amount of suffering arid aickiu.-sq
Wonkl be saved. iel‘Z~2ni
Special Notice.
i- 4 I
■ w lii.'S.'SHK
o 1 #|B
g 1' iw
r* WSl3M''
Spectacles Rendered Useless.
Oeuliats and' tijb'lne* reeummenj the nso
of tho CORNEA RiiSTORERH for Presbyopia
or Far or Long Sightednees, or every person
who wears spectacles from old age ; Dimness el
Vision or Blurring J I’verwornedeyeer Arthnno
pia or Weak Eyes; Epiphoja, or W»lery Eyes;
Para in the Eye baU ; Ainaurosil, or Obscurity
of Vision; 'Photophobia, or lototirance «1
Light; Weakness of the Retina and Optic.
Nerve; Myodesopbia, or Specks of Moving
Bodies bqforo the eyes; Oplrthahniw, or Infl-atn
matron of tire Eye and Eyelids, and Imperfect
Vision from the effect of Inflsmuiation, ote.;
Cataract Eyes; Ilemiopia, ur Partial Blind
ness; and many other Diseases of the Eye.
Cure Ctiarutntce !or Jlonq/ ii 'fundi' t ■
IN the World,
, « As,>
the Heit Heatorfr'f- fhl Kyeni'jhl Knouu.
They can be pfad by aby one with a evra
tainty nF success, and will rrecive immediate
benoiieisl result", without the 1 .•»»( fear of injury
to the eyo. Circulars sent Free.
Ry the J'atcnt V; ")<ia, or Come" Flatfinrr*
i Otjy known jtemtidy in tbe< World - 1 has
proved :» Great ees.
For further, information, puce, and ecrtifl*«les
of cures,’sddre-i.".,' ’., .
Dr. J. Stephens & Co.,
P. U. I>OX,V2»,
Qgice, 340 Broadway, NEW YORK.
. «Hfr r'H'PHl''.'r'S ’ MAGICAL EGYPTIAN
flamed «y* ljd», tys. " nil prevent sty*.
Travelling Agents Wanted.
Sa'di*of the Restorers is a pl ajaol and
‘hoonrablt: wmplavment. desirable t«r oil Uadibs
Clergyviou, .leaehers.' Students, un,f Tarniers
andforall who desire to make an honest living,
by an easy employment. All person ■ asking
for term* to Agents mu-t enclose twenty five
cent-- to pay postage and c,.- t of printing mate
rials containing information for A.'.nts Town
Agents Wanted. nov27 dawly
United States Marshal's Sale.
ul Ji ri lacnis. rained out of Hie Hoaorable,
tlie Fiftli Circuit Court of the United Bt*tes for
the gimthern District of Georgia, in favor of the
pliuntlffs. Harn & Cmjlyng, in the following ewe,
to wit: Harn <t Cpshing yersns John N. Webb
pud John fit. Stark. I liato levied upon, as the
property of John JI. Stark, ono lot of laud, con
titimngten (Io) ni'fek, tdori’ or less, t'ogctlier with
ibe improvements thereon, Bitnate, lying, and
bqhui m Wymilon, cOtnrty of Muscogee, mid
Slate of Georgia, alwul tWv miles east of C'olutn
bus, arid bounded on the north, emit Ri.d west by
tlie lots belonging to Jatnes M. Chambers, and on
the sentli by tne tot belonging to the estate of
Motes Butia, deceased, and known ne the real
ilyeoe of John M,6taek; jnrd will sell the same
at uiiblii aimtiou s ;a the. Court-House, in the city
iff Mueon, county of Bibb, awl State of Georgia,
next,between the lawful hotiwof stile.
. Terme—Caeir. Property pointed out by plain-
LII "a attorney. ■ - til
Dated ftt Sitvaunah, Georgia, October 2,1868.
octi—lnwlw United States Marth.ti
Assignee's Sale- 1
By virtue of orders of' alihirt «.
FOSTER, Esq., Register in,
wjll bc.rold before the Court House door, in the
I own of Crawfordsville, county of Taliaferro, and
■State of Georgia, at public outcry', for oasli, bo
liwpeii the- h’gal lionvs of snlo. on the ' FIRST
TUESDAY IN NOVEMBER n.fxi, -free- from
the pfjtujis, the following projrOrtv,
tO-Wit: ■ .
One tract of laud in tlie aforesaid §|ate and
county, cortutiniag two InmJred and twenty
-fJ/,51) aer' l s-awre or lose.
Also, a lot of land in Cherokee county, Georgia,
-deireribid as,lot ,i)umber 695, iu tile llitb DiKtrict,
'hhd ffd sberten, fontainiug forty (10) acre*'more
or le'w.
. Solfiaa tlre prbpovty of fho yefifte of David E.
Dar<ten,4>djci4gt:ti a Bankrupt.
Alep, a< tltpwune time aud pime, a lot of laud
iii TaligftTi’o county, and afiiresaid Sutx, contain
ing one IrittidH d Unit nt,Ven (107) 'ucrus more or
less Sold as the estate of Littleton It. Taylor.
, Bgiikru,>t.;
Also, at tlie same time and placo, twft lpte of
laud, containing in the aggregate, two hundred
and niuetffTiiue'VF.B) acres more or teas, iu Tulia
> forrOrunnty, and said State. The property ot the
estate of John Rhodes, a Bankrupt.
Also, al the aamu tune and place, u lot of land
in the afgrtsaiu Slate aud county, < outaitiiug lw>
biiirtitred and' tlihty .i-ix (236) ai res more or lese,
idle pw,party ofi'the erirtfeof Absidom G. Evans,
Sbaroti, Gm, IJth October. 1868.
oc 15 tit, . . Assigueo.
Assignee’s Sale.
1 A. (i, I'Artcf, in Bunkrbiffcy for the
Neithcni fliotriil us. Georgia, will, roe nuld, at
pniillc <‘iit<fy\bc.fwe the (joint Houte in
Lexfrigtbh, Ojli'tliorpe county, Georgia, on the
; t wpen Hk> Ii gal hours of fldle, undivided halves of
Jots of land,«.acl> lot«.-ottftfining in art i#o
friie'lot being .No. »the other
lot, being N<>. 276 In llre Olh diqUicL both lots, in
M itch* H "us i
Tu« whole of b»t No. 3.7, in tbe Dili distrivt of
Milcbclfc<mnij\cpntuini»M acres. |»t No.
“id, in the (I'lririvt ol urigundly Berrien, and
H is lielie,vri! Berrien, cujiitgjiHug 4fM) acreft.'
LvtNo iSU,iuthe I3ih district of Dooly count),
veres, und Lo& No. J!9, in the “d
I .u ly niHii:;, . eontniinmi
ALbO, »
Mortgages du tin* lyjloyfipg lots of lanii,, uxe
ented by Lewis to B V. Wiujugham,
to wii ; (>u 10l No. 31'l, in ilw I<»th di iriel of Ih r
rieu-uoniaitigig -IDO acres. On lot No, iu the
2-1 distrp t< vj. Ivwiu, M’ULaiuing WLucrea. Oil lot.
80. in the’ Bth' district, ol Karly, eouiakring
30*2$ acfe.A. On lot No.‘PIG, in tjic. 6t h district, of
Dooly county, enntairoriir 2021 Acres; and <»n lot
No Ub in tbo 26th tlistrict of Deaatnr county,
fbi ined, Ila re Imkh duly recorded and 4'orcdvM*d-
Vt’lmtnver right belonged (<• i)r. B. V. Willing
ham al ihctiine. he bocamo u bankrupt hi ami u»
said inoilgugL-s. anti the land mentioned therein,
and B": judgim-Hls of foreclosure on the sante, if
Brichjudgmepre will he buimlit by (he r, and lie Wifl ba placed in the room of
said Willingham in relation thWaid
All-ihc-.-Hforcijaid property and righh- ’•*(< as the
pio|Kjiiy o* B. V'-VVilbugiMtiH, bankrupt,Nur the
benefit, of Ids crvditoia. Jree of iuuuiubrauce of
judgment :tj>d mortgage lien's.
'ftHmSßißii. B. F HARDEMAN.
u<;i iu—td Assignee-
Pistponed V. S. Marshal’s Sale.
V. (pits us Be. I faCf'is, issued Out of Hie Ifcm
orabll. lifeFifthCirenit Court of kJ>e Ljiiti dStares
for the Southern Di-lr irt»»f Georgia, jn fnt-oY. pf
tlut vlnifAiffe. iu tlu> fdllowitig wires'to Wfi :
ADJMS, . , , • J .
A. T. St™ OVt A COMl’gkNY vs.BENJAMIN ■
P. ADAMS. J • :
IVII4.IAM C. BinWNINO, Sunivur. <;lc , v|.
J Imivu Ii viodiip&n;.i<MU»‘prop(.rl v .if Benjamin F.
Ad,iuis,u i’ljirUwtiuiijxroiiiiantre'twentyaix him
dr.-d (.A 11 *) acres, mur.- m u lu».i, kiltiafo, lyinx
nhff ht'iog bi the' cortiiw''of. Raiidoljili, and State
Os Cr rrii.-i. nnnibcrs of lot s unknown, liut ut
aud innnivlintelv itnniud Whrtl s .Slation, on tire
RuuluWest.-rii raUroasl. *• ♦
'Th:- lot ol lmmlr.'4 (100)
acres, more nr lesn. with a dwrlliiig lioiire, eut
.imil'tuiga, hh.l oflirtr tfnpr’.vemeotiC heing the
HiJifermii, F. ;.damn, mid ndt.'iriing
tires ri.‘t!ci:>.vl Mfo-I Wfo»;lleld>A-W.Mostey,
M,” E A'dam . li, and otliera. in the
town ' I EMontn<i ronutfii of Rffinam, and Statu
afeiesrou. •lastexio
Pateat Cornea Refitferer*, or RoNtoroiw of the EYE9WKX'.
‘ reatore impartial sight and preserte ii to the Igtesl ported of life
Tvvv bt 'in-U'Mis< :r nant lasts at>' the Conrt
lieu o square, know ii a Hudsen-and Thonutk cor
nef, now oicupual by B.h'.Jvlnistuii A 00, add
Heap F. Adatusi ' . ... •
Om-Stoic. House ami Lot, ocvupFd lij" Ethridge
Ac. Davis, •. -.1 >■,-3
j ALSO '
Ope Mori- Ilousi awl lest, ou Main street, occti
pted i.i'3 M. Batla*£ Jr. ,
On. T'oW if Lot neur Itie Dqiot. now
vacafit. ' . ’ t,
■All tlm s-fiij Town Lots aitnale, iyang and be
ing in 4hii tmOi of Eatonton, county of I’uluuiu.
and Sial nfoi' ini.
Arti wiil-tvli too s;tni. ..; public auction, al the
Cyihi Ifoijec iu U«.< Ay ot Mi.oon ttml vumitv of
WM; Itffn State pl G*aggia, oB>lh«<Fl RbT TUBS'
DAV 4N NtIVEMBIjR uexf, help c*u tlu-.tew.
ini hctlrs of sule. ' ~
Dated ift Savannah. G*u thl* 3d dak of flepfeni
Itar.lSß, WM. G. DH'KSttN,
oetg-law-jw U. .8. Marshal Dirt, ot <j*
rttatrn for the Nofftiortl I’tslrtct of Goeagiiu
It, tbe matter of fIN BANRRUrTeY
Bankrupt. I No. 71).
The said Bankrupt baling petitioned the
(.Xutt for a discharge from all his debts pi'ova
blc under tlie Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 18*17.
notice is horvbyyiven to all pereons Interested
to appear un the tith clay of November. IR6H, at
IQ o’clock, a. *u., ut t tiaiirl'crt of «aid District
Court, before Alex. G; Murray. Esq.. «t» of
th? Registers 6f skid tonrt in Bankruptcy, at
the Regtster’s'bllicc, in the city of Griffin, Ga. ,
aud-rhew can** why the prayer ofthe saMpeu
tiun of thp.lfoiiLrupt shoubt not lx* granted
And fqrtlrei uotieetegiven th** thcsecomlsnd
■hint meetings ot credilprs will be idbi at
the same lluij fluff pbuxt. ,
vqtee** D" t|ro<.table John V*.Trine,
IcteAO.). Jiidgo el -Old Dhtrlet tb ert.'till* 15th'
» day cf-Ott'-bcr, Itete. *
W. 8.6M1W
ocjj-iawiw’’ ,■. ••- s. _
Letters of Administration.
1 Rirlrmond Cnunln
WhaiAaa. Janie* C. C. Blank applies to nte for
Letters of Administration, with the alii minexed.,
on the estate of Jane Odom, else. a.pd.
These ate. tlrercfore, to cito.auil adinou'reb alt
mid Mo"»l*r. the kindred ami crcd'Hora of said
deecmtefi. Io bi" i in/ * appear at my cfJb h. -on or
1* .ere tiietiiet Monday in Decvml'or uext.toMiow
<Biire, if liny'they have, why said leitets should
not l>e granted.
Given under my hand and olli< ial signature, al
..ffice in tun. tii.tlii-'-.’1.l dav of OHolrei. 18G8.
oet—-4t Ordinary.
R. R. R.
< OUT OF-- - - r <:
OF DEATHS, that annually
occur, are caused by Prevent
able Diseases,,and tlie greater
portion of those complaints
Wthild, if Radvvay’s Ready Re
lief or Pills, (ae the jcits- if iy
require;) were administers
when pain or uneasiness or
rdifht sickness iy eYferieneed,
t<- cxfei’inhiated from the sys
tem in a few h airs. PAIN, no
■<r from t. cause, is
nfm<. i instancy cured by the', ileiivi. lii cases of Cho
lera. !)iariJt(D;i, Cramps, Spasms
JV'Toiis Cholic, in fact all Pains,
Achi's un i'y’mities either ip
the Stumaeh, Rowels, Bladder,
K 'du j>:, or the Joints, Muscles, ’
I. ;.s, ?trm6,‘Rheumatism, Neu
i’ ! Fever and Ague, Head*
i he. Toothache, &C-, will in a
} E’A MINUTES yield to the
.Titiliiug iitlluence of the Ready
lU’iiol. ■ ■
Sh Ide /' Coils, bopgtis, IninKnxa, D?p
--::;1 11etwscu'A', f ’>re Thioat, Chills, Fever
t i J Mercurial Pains, Scarlet Fever,
Ac; ve. take from fear to six of Railway’!
fills, end qlpo t.ikp a'teaspeOiißil of uhe ’
i; ILdii-fin aglaiw of warm water -oweet
ri.'-d nAb .-.'igar or honey; bathe the tlirn»V
h • tl mid Hi'tt with Ready Relief, (if Ague >
Ir.’i-i mifteut, Fever, bathe the spine aUo,}
. o>u nursing you wiU be cured.
Haw the Ready Relief Acts 1 .
I-i a few minutes the patient will feel t>
. bl liietling irritalioa, and the skin l»e
--redd. xned; if there is muoh distress iu
t'lmeeh the Relief will assist nature in
tb- "(Ibirling catreprea*general
■ >.• fell Hiie ißlemt the Satire body,
n t its difitisive stirnuhting properties
~i tly trout sea through even- vein and tissue
(Tv Imp, .arousing the slothful and.
, ii pjiaivx'd glands and-organs to re
, rtoil he'-dthy dx-tlon, perspirtitiriQ fol
in 1 the sc-tteo of the bpdy feels in
■4h at. Thu aickhess at stomach, colds,
. ,b Jre.-d-aebe, oppressed-breathing, the
■re- 4 of the thtoat, and .tH pains, either
-,i lly or externally, rapidly subside, and
' 1 j ul cut fullb into a tranquil rieop, awakes
■ire.Mbrd.-ißVigoratext; eereJ-H
It w.II be foupd thaj ip .using. Ihe.Bertki
- 1.-. iiafl) , either ou the spine or across the
itseyti, or over tlie etotoacli and bi'Wots, that
r-- -al days after a pleasing warfeth will
diowmg the length of time it con-
. cx'ii Hiilueuce over the diseased parts.
x t ," Price of R. R. 11. RELIEF. 60 eenfe
h; lie Hold by Druggists and Country
'• -. h.intx, OrjwWi d l,B -
& CO.,
67 I’ 1 Jon Lane, New York.
Jim dis ftsf Is not only cured by
0;- liailwiiy’slli'lit'ftnulPiUß, bntpre
vi niod. If exposed to it, ptyi one tea
spijonful of Relief in a tumbler oi
w .ter. Drmk this, before going out in
iliti morning, and several times during
the day Take one of Radway’s Pills
one hour bn-v dinner, and one on
ing hi 11 ’
It'stii'/.' J with Fever, take 4 to C oi
re Pill, ivory oixhourH, until copious
ibohateen from the bowels take place;
itiiuk the dilntixi with
water, and bafhe tho entire surface ol
Ihy both jvith Belief. Soon a power
ful jwrspiration will take place, and
you will feel a pica- inf heat through
otrf the systorn. K<- ;p on taking Relief
rejietUedly, every fbur hours, also the
Pills. A euro will he sure to follow
Ihe relief it* strengthening;, stimulating.
Bootirih’g, .-fiid qn' fit’g;' it is sure ta
broah uf»tti»' I "v"r :>.nd to neutralizf
the pui<on. le t thia treatment be fol
lowed, and i,houAands will be saved.
The same trout.ur ed in Fevop and Ague,
Yellow Fever, Ship Fever, Biliout
Fever, wilf efl'ra i a cure in 24 .hoprs
When the patient feels the Relief irnlo.
ting or heating the skin, a euro is po.-i
tive. In all cases -where pain is felt
the Relief should be used.
Relief 5 ' cte.; Pills 25 eta. Polt
by all Druggists
bee Dr. Railway a Almanac lor LX'--
mn*—ly. Augusta, G*.
—tT—, r - -rgraw ■
OftlcAAl. . «
A Proclamatioji
By the President of the United States
of America.
In theyoor whtah fa now drawing io ita mid
the art, the skill, and the labor of the people of the
United States have been employed with greater
diligence and vlgdr, and on broader fields ttrap
evee before, and the fraits of the earth have been
gathered into the granary mid storehouse in mar
. velour abundance. Our highways have been
letigtlreneJ’, lind new and prolific regions hav»
been iicogipied- We are permitted to trope that
long.prolraeted political and sectional dissonsiuns,
at no distant day, will give place to returning
haruiony and fraternal affection throughout Ute
KepnhHe. Many foreign States have entered into
Jlbtaaliagreemorrts with'ns, -while nations which
ar.- far off, and rvlucli heretofore have beeu
iumocml and exehteive, have become our friend*.
4'hr annual pelted of rest, wbicli'We have
teached in health and truuqriitity, and which ta;
c rowned with so ninny blessings, is by universal
enlisted a convenient and suitable one for eulti
vatiug personal piety uud practicing pubb' de Vo .
f, therefeue. recofimßUd that Thnnatay, the
Iwenty-sixtli day of November next, be set apart
uud observed by all the people of the TTmte.l
Stales as a day pf public praise, thankygiving u#d
prayer to the Almighty Creator and Diviite Kujer
of tlie Univer**,by wlsoee evm watehfdl, merciful
and gracious providence clone States and Natron*,
sole** than fsßiiltcssyd icdtetdßalßssm, ~ BW
»nd rflnve and have their being.
1b witness whereof I have hereunto s*t uiy
hand, and caneed tbe seal of 'he United Stales U>
IK»ue gt rlw of WafWog**, tW Wrelhb
of October, in tbe year of uur Lord,
r*EAT..] one thousand eight hundred and sixty*
* eight, and of the independence of the
United States the niue'v third.
Bv tliePresident:
Wm 11. Sr.v. sun
oetl7 —til Sec’ry of State.
NO 386
P roc lam'atioii
’r* »; ■.< Iff fra f' ' •*.’ S’.
' ■ -
WnxiiEXs IL It i. rejierted by reliable citizens
from many counties of th. Bnrte, that prepara
tions are being made to collect onerouajtaxeß levied
under authority of the t.’onttilotion of eighteen
hundred ayd sixty-live (*S65)f land, fatlwg to
soiled, to apply the provisions -of tlie. present
Constitution, mid thrweby exclude .many eitizene
from the privilege of voting.
Tireiefere, I, Rufus B. Bnlbiek. Governor, and
Commander iu-Chief of the .Winy and Navy of
the State of Georgia, and of the Militia thereof,
by virtue of tlie imtliority in me Vested Vy th®
Seventieth (Tilth) eectlon of the Code of Georgia,
do hereby nuapeud th. coUecti<flt-ot nil -poll ttuceu.
autjl the next regular neseion- of the General
Assembly of thia State, atid of Hiiß bUspeueion the
Comptroller General will forthwith give.qottce to
the Tax Cultcctore eCtbeeeVetili eouutiw.
Given under my baud and the Great Seal of tlie
State, nt the Capitol, in lite city of Atlanta, tbie
twentieth day off Oetdber, in the year of ou
Lord, eighteenhntidred and sixty-eiglit, apdfef
tlie inuuiMMtilance of, the United States of
America the niuety-tbird.
By the Governor: Gofernor.
Dtyrn G. Ofi ritH;.
SesrgUtry of.Slate. .
■ CoMpriiot i.Kti GXnkkal's Vrricx. ?
A tlanfa; Gu , Del. k 7,1868. (
Y’o Collectors(>y the.Stab;(jeotijia:
Iu Conformity .with Ilia above proelamatiou, by
iris Excellency, the Governor of Ilia Slata of
GeOrgin.-yitn are herMiy directed to. Ufpi ii'i tbo
collection of 'all poll faxes, in'yOur respective
counties, imfii, the next regular session of the
General AssOliilijy of*tin's State.
RespeH.fnlly. »
jrol2o—6 e Comptroller General.
♦ Oiticinl.
P reclamation.
Wxkuexb, ou th* 3d day of November next,
an election will fie lield of the various plaeos iu
this StaGi established by law for holdinaelcctious
hy the jirople-hheroof, for nine Metiers of Presi- .
i doitlaud. Vico Proistent of t 1 a' Unrfed States ;
Aud 'wlioieae, trout the increased' number* of
quajil'teil volzrs in this .State,.suUili.'tfai oppor-’
tunlties must bo afforded, that it mast be possi
ble and Convenient for all portions, who are en
titled tb exercise the elective franchise, to vote
at said election:
Novftherel'uiti, I," Hutus B. Bulloek, Governor
tjnd ('awmanJer-iihphKd of tbo-Army and Navy
of tbc Btate,of.Georgiy, and di’ the Militia there
of, do hereby issue this my rroeiawmlion order
ing and requiring that, in addition to the etec*.
Uo» in oauli Militia DistrfeGthfireshaU bo nt the
site glection pretipct, three ballot, boxes
used, and ibroo ’boards of Superiutondeate of
election duly nunlifioa . and orgiuiisbd to each
ballot box, and fho oleclioff shall bp conducted
by iMCb board Os fbiporiiUendents, in the same
lunniiOT, aad with 'ire same fenaaMties, as if
Ibero were but oue bglioi-box and onc hoar'i of
Supcrinfeudnuts. Each Board will make separate
returns, as required by law. -
Given imd’ r my haud aiid the Great Seal of tlie
State, at the Capitol in th* cHV of Atlanta,tins 12th
day us Octuimr, in the year of our lend, eighteen
linudred and sixty-eight, and of tlie-hideyiuideuca
of tlie United States of A’merica, tlie ninety third.
Uy the G(Wrtn«s .. '* v Governor,
luwtti G OjT'tfho, I ’ >
Sei retary of State. - '
bet 14—tde • 2b
, or . »i
CjjMBR'ANCEB, iutlietaty of Atlanta, on
tin-' THIRD TUESDAY in NpVembar nfext, at
II o’clock K m.,the foltiwlng priqicriy.'to wit;
City Lol Number Eleven,
Ou uaM of F<j»cluree. eucet, being part of
laud lot 78,1 Illi district of originally -Henry, Bow
Fulton comity, fronting OU jraqabtnv rtreet 31 j
feet, hnd extending back 90 feet, ■ n
Ou this lot is a
Betaden a dry biwcinent, 34 J feet front by 78 back,-
and cvnridcrtid one of tbe beet budding* in the
city. , -r -
iLSM >
at die aame limg<»iid place, a lot of .
Choice Wines and Liquors,
Censieling ol -
f bbl., 0T A Rd BRANDY,
I bbl. St, C. RUM,
■ ; I punchequ UIN,
2 bbls. SHERRY tyiNE,
1 bbl.'.VaßJ WJNE, ’
6 ca*ka PORTER, • x >
, > ti
' AI.SQ, ,
Hi) ope gallon J age,'ami sundry Note* and open
Ac«<>rfut.». ’
' ImptMlM' ly aBCT which, 1 will *6ll ou thy
premise*-- ’ ■
House topfaiuing Ipiu .riMuna 3ud baficmeut,
t*itnsted ofi $ inde of Pea< bfrejJ gtfuet, on city
let No. 31. o.hiAiftrDg Ahe half a<Tt, more or less.
A UK>»
udfoinifre above lot. No. 31, andfr.niiiug 100 feet
<>■ ivy rtreei, n ntalß* Vrfrt tIMT atns, more or
lee*. ' ’ -*"• ' . 7 J
Allaubl 44.3ta* iVoperty of John H. Ixivejoy,
bankrupt, .- . ’■ • . .
TSsifcsri”* given immpdgitetY, Jorum cash.
- N. R. FtIwLSK.
nCtSf-i-ffw ___ Assignee.
BY virtue of *n ord*r of th* Hob. A. fl. Foster,
llegister in Bankruptcy , I will vellatpublio
outqfy, at the Court bouse .deni in Saudeiaville,
Ha., witbin the Irk** *"***'* i-f salr 4»«k.
Tuesday in Kevcmber the following prop
erty, re-wit: , .
AU that tr*cl or pared <’f l»od, situated five
mites north of S»nder*»iHe, known' as the
Carter’* Mill * tract, *ontaißing ninety-s*veu
aerei, with a greft mill and other improve
ments thereon.
Also, a large number i f notes and accounts
due t . Warihen * Carter and W. W. Carter, sold
f< r the hi-n- lit t rrediiors. Terms Cash.
M. NEWM AN, Assignee.
-»Ddrrsviile Ga , Get. «, 18« S. I*w3t