The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, October 27, 1868, Image 3

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NfltionalHepublican Official City Paper. lAWKST (>ITT j ~~~ A U<> UH TA. <3-A..'l TUESDAY MORNING October 27, 1868 Miniature Almanac for October, 1868 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25. Sun Rises. ..fl.lS | Sun Befol 5.16 MOON’S PHASES. Full Moon —Oct. Ist, 2.50, evening. Last Quarter—Oct. », 1.05, morning. New Moon —Oct. 15th, 5.53, evening. First Quarter —Oct. 23d, 4.34, morning. Full Moon —Oct. 31st, 5.57, morning. Range of Thermometer. Ar Tbb National RIFUM.ICAIT Orricn, October 26, 1868. if rt.m. I 12 m. I 3 p.m. I 6 p.m. | 9 p.m. I MS I I 63? J 49 A NA'JF FEATUHE. Weekly National Republican. The first number of this new candidate for public favor will be issued from this office on Saturday next, the 3lst instant. The Weekly will contain all the latest News by Mail and Telegraph : full Market Reports ; tbc Editorials and Correspondence of the Daily Rkuublican ; Miscellany, Poetry, etc., etc. It will be furnished to subscribers at the very low price of Two Dollars a year, or to clubs of ten, or more, One Dollar and Fifty Cents each—always in advance. Onr friends are earnestly requested to aid in securing for our Weekly a large circula tion. Wc pledge our best exertions to make it worthy of the patronage of all good Re publicans everywhere. All letters should be addressed to E. 11. I’UGUE, Augusta, Ga. i— I : Registration. Up to the close of the Registration Office yesterday, there were a total of 2,050 voters registered—whites, 697 ; colored 1,368. Alarm of Fire. “Big Steve” sounded the alarm last night fora fire in the Third District, but the Fire men, like the chap who ate the watermelon, “couldn't see it-” Ditto for us. The Grecian Bend. A peep in at the window of No, lift) Broad street will convince any one that the lamed Grecian Bend, being a natural position, will geon be very generally adopted by all "high-, flyers." j New Type ami Sew Ornaments. We have recently added a variety of ht-w , styles of Type, Cuts and ornaments to our Job materials, and are prepared to execute all job work with which we may be favored , in a superior manner, at short notice, and , low prices. , All of Yon l»o It. Do What? Send the Daily or Weekly National Republican to your friends in the country. It tells them the truth. It points them to the path of duty, and the I haven of peace and prosperity. Terms, Two Dollars per annum, in ad- , vance. 1 Lnncli. i Our friends of the Oglethorpe Saloon seut < to our oflicc yesterday, between Hand 12 o’clock, a very acceptable lunch, of which a fair article of Mo k Turtle Soup predomi- ! nated. Friend Stinson, the proprietor, and 1 his gentlemanly waiter will please accept ' our thanks for their kind remembrance. 1 - - -—1 Attempted Burglary. , We learn that an attempt was made by a burglar to enter the house of Mr. Jerry Morris, on Greene street, yesterday morn ing about four o’clock. The burglar was | frustrated by the timely awakening of one | of the family, and made his escape in i double-quick time. 1 — • ♦ • < t utting Affair. We understand that u cutting affair oc curred vcslerday at a warehouse on Reynolds street, between Mr- Matt. llukthr and a Mr. Hickerson. We have not heard any of . die particulars of the affair, but learn that , the latter gentleman was severely injured. He was taken to Dr. Joseph Eve's office, whore his wounds were dressed. ’ Theatre. Concert Hall was well filled last evening to witness the affecting drama of “Camille.’’ We have not time to particularize or criti cise the acting, but suffice it to say that Mr. Templeton and Miss Alice Vane distin guished tliemsfilves by the rendition of their several characters. Tv-night will be pro duced the great local play of *‘l he Fire man,” and the humorous comedy ol “Happy Mau,’’ together with dances, songs, etc. To the lovers of the Drama we would say, don’t fail to attend these performances, for you will indeed miss a rare treat. 1 ♦ ~ The People’s Magazine. This beautiful Magazine is a rcpiiut of the London edition, and contains twelve handsome engravings on wood, besides a magnificent colored engraving, entitled, 11 Looking Seaward for the Boats,” and a choice variety of pleasaut reading matter. The People’s Magazine is published under the auspices of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. Messrs. Pott & Amery, New York, are the American pub lishers. Ex-Uov. J. B. Brown. The Atlanta Intelligencer of Sunday last contains an elaborate and convincing reply, by ex-Governor Brown, to tho charge trumped up, some lime ago, by one Martin, charging him with being the father of a bastard child by the wife of said Martin. Ex-Gov. Brown having procured the letters purporting to have been written by himself lo Mrs. Martin, and submitted them to the inspection of bis friends, a number of the most respectable citizens of Atlanta, after careful scrutiny of the MSS., certify that they are not in the ex-Governor’s hand writing, and acquit him of al improper con duct in the matter. Now that ex-Gov. Brown has spoken and I>een acquitted of the vile charge referred to, we hope those papers which ventilated the scandal with such gusto, will make the amende lywral>lc with equal alacrity. Nab bat h School Matter*. [ A Sabbath School Convocation took place ‘ on Sunday alfornooa last, Wore f a crowded audience, Chureh-W. C. Dbßhy, President"of the Teachers' Union Association, in the Chair. Religious exercises were conducted by Rev. 5 Mr. Patillo, and, after singing by the chil . drenj addresses were delivered by Reverend Messrs. La ma nand Key, and Messrs. Divio sox, Law, and others—the meeting being 1 closed by singing and the Benediction. The first anniversary of St. James Metho dist Episcopal Church Aid Society was cele brated at a qimrte# past 7 o’clock on Sunday evening. After religious services by the Pastor, the regular order was taken up— Mr. Joseph T. Derry, President, presiding. Mr. Drury tersely stated the object of the Asso ciation, in the course of which he paid a beautiful tribute to the Society’s deceased Secretary, the late Mr. C M. Cheeshorouuh. Rev. I. S. Hopkins and Rev. C. W. Key were then severally introduced, and made happy addresses. The following gentlemen were elected officers for the ensuing year; Joseph T. D«hry, President; Martin V. Calvin, Vice-President; Robert Adam, Secretary; Milleu Willis, Treasurer. Our Municipal Election. We are glad to perceive that our Demo cratic friends are beginning to manifest soma interest in the coming municipal elec tion; but we can not concur with their organ in this city iu the opinion that a citi zen may vote without paying his taxes. The law requires that all taxes shall be paid, and the voter is obliged to swear that they have been paid. This is a very impor tant matter indeed, and we hope that every citizen will pay his taxes before essaying to vote. Florence Sewing Mucliine*. We beg leave to call the attention of our lady readers, and all others interested, to the card, in another colnmu, of Miss A. C- James, the agent of the manufacturers of lhe above machines. Serious Accident. A gentleman named Moore, a stranger in lhe city from Virginia, was violently thrown from a buggy yesterday forenoon, near the corner of Ellis and Jackson streets, and was picked up in an insensible condition. He was immediately carried into Messrs. Ker naghan & Wise’s office, where his injuries were examined by Dr. Hatton, and tempo rarily' dressed. Tbc frontal bone was broken just over lhe right eye, and an ugly wound of the adjacent parts extended diagonally across the forehead. We have not learned what is the couditipu of lhe injured man at this writing. .Strange to chronicle, a little girl who was in the buggy, though also thrown out, was not hurt, except receiving a slight scratch. - • - The Efleet of "Mump Mpeecheie." A striking illustration ol tho value of stump speeches, remarks the New York Sun, may be found in the election to Con gress of General Strader, the new Demo cratic member from Cincinnati. He made but one speech during the whole cahvass, aud here it is : “Never mind the weather, boys, so the wind don’t blow !’’ His op ponent, Mr. Eggleston, made a hundred speeches, more or less, elaborate and elo quent, but Strader was too much for him.— Savannah News. If Stkadkr was too much for Eggleston, and for the reason you slate, how do you think it will be between Grant and Sey mour, friend Meirs? Grant, you know, is a man of action, while hisopponent is a man of words— eloquent it is true, but mere words, nevertheless. ♦ American Agriculturist. The November number of this sterling publication is already received, and we take great pleasure in commending it to the pat ronage of every person desiring a first rate agricultural and family journal. Price, only $1.50 per annum. Address: Orange Judd <t Co., 245 Broadway, New York. Subscribe for the Weekly National Republican, published at Augusta, Ga., the first number of which will appear on Satur day, the 31st instant. Price, only Two Dollars a-year 1 —♦- —1 | Advertisement.) It. R. H. Every household should keep Radway’s Ready Relief and Pills on hand; their timely use, if suddenly seized with sickness, may save life. As soon as there is the slightest uneasiness in the chest, with diffi culty of breathing, or indication of Cough, take during the day thirty drops of Relief, in a wine-glass of water. Cure, effectual. Pains in the Head, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, a sudden attack of Diptheria or Influenza, apply the Relief to the throat and chest- Persons suffering from Rheumatism, Tic Douloureux, etc., should not hesitiite to apply Radway’s Ready Relief, both externally and internally. Nothing better in the known world. Create a sense of heat and irrita tion, or- burning, you may feel perfectly sat isfied of a cure. For Sprains, Cuts, Wounds, Bruises, nothing like the Relief. Rub the part or parts where the disease or pain is seated is all that is sufficient. Aside from all this, the Relief will be found to be a Splendid tonic when used with water. If you have Lameness, Swelling ot the Knees, Feet, Joints, etc., use nothing else. In case of Asiatic Cholera, the Relief leads all other preventives. So in attacks of Cholera Mor bus, Bilious Cholic, Fevers, Sick or Nervous Headache, Foul Breath, Purging, Dysen tery, painful Diarrhoea, Vomiting, Convul sions, Bad Dreams, and General Debility, Radway’s Ready Relief is a sure cure. Sold by druggists. Price 50 cents per bottle. See Dr. Radway’s Almanac for 1868. La tee I Style Hau and Bonnela. Mrs. Fugue, 190 Broad street, has just received an assortment of Hatsand Bonnets, including the “ Grecian Bend.” Beautiful Fancy Goods, In great variety, at 190 Broad street. ■ ■ ——- ————— —A new locomotive has recently been I tried at Edinburg, Scotland, that threatens to revolutionize public traffic, both for speed ' and power. -In a happy family of father, mother, and ! seventeen children, in East Tennessee, every one chews tobacco. Riot in New Orleans New Orleans, October 25.—A number oi clubs, both negro aud Democratic, were parading the streets in various parts of lhe city, and a number of negro elubs passed down St. Charles street, out to Canal, very noisy and disorderly. The Picayune states that the negro clubs abused and insulted the white Democratic club marching in their rear, and that the first shut fired came from the eolpred club, slightly wonnditig a white man named Ricburdsou. At ail events, a general fight began on Canal street, between Carondeiet and Baronne, in which a num ber of shots were fired. The fight continued for three blocks, when the negroes fled. Two negroes were killed between Baronue and Dryad streets, on Canal, and one dan gerously wonuded. One negro boy was crushed to death under foot. Another negro was killed corner of Canal and Basin streets, and one or two further out on Canal street. About midnight a scattered firing was heard in all directions. No white men were killed on Canal street, although several were wounded, and taken home by friends. A white man was shot and killed while standing quietly near the Club Room, corner ofCamp and Thalia streets. Another white man was killed, being horribly butchered with an axe or hatchet, on Melpomens street, by negroes. One white man was accidentally killed by his friends on St. Charles street. Coroner Roach, of the Ist District, held eight inquests this morning—three white and five black ; another dead negro was re ported iu the 2d District, making nine fatal casualities Each of the white men killed were over a mile from the scene of disturb ance. The disturbance originated about ten o’clock and at eleven Canal street was crowd ed with excited white men, who dispersed quietly when the squadron of cavalry ap peared. The stores on the corner of Baronne and Canal streets were marked with bullets as if by a skirmish fire. Another Riot in Louisiana New Orleans, October 20.—The city has all day been filled with excited rumors of trouble in St. Bernard parish, adjoining New Orleans, below the city. From infor mation brought to Headquarters by the Sheriff of the parish and others, it appeals that a difficulty occurred yesterday, on the occasion of a public display by a couple of Democratic Clubs, in which one white man was wounded, and two negroes killed—one being a member of the new Metropolitan Police force. At night the negroes congre gated and proceeded to the house of a Spanish baker, killing him, his sou, and sister-in-law, and burning bis bouse. His wife escaped with her child in her arms Two other houses are reported burned, at one of which four children are reported killed. Rumors are various and conflicting as to the extent of the outrages- Many of the white inhabitants of the parish deserted their homes and fled to this city. This morning, upon the first notification of the trouble, General Buchanan ordered a company of infantry to march down the river. Later in the day, he dispatched another company of the Ist Infantry on tbc steamer Ella Morse, instructing the officers in charge to arrest all the ringleaders of the disturbances who could be found It was currently reported this evening that the First Infantry were attacked, but by whom it is not apparent. Staff officers have been dispatched to investigate the matter. When the rumors spread this morning, large numbers of white men congregated on the levee in the lower part of the city, and char tered three steam-tugs to convey them to the scene of action, but were prevented from leaving the city by order of Gen. Rosseau, as the number of troops sent was sufficient to enforce order. The disturbed condition of affairs deterred the internal revenue officials from entering the parish to-day, in the discharge ol their duties. Prominent members of both political par ties had an interview with Gen. Rosseau to day, and mutually ngreed to discountenance and prevent, ns far as possible, any farther public political demonstrations. General Rousseau intends moving all his troops in that, vicinity into the city to pre vent a recurrence of the scenes ol Saturday night. The recent disturbances demon strated the utter helplessness of the civil government. No effort on its part was ap parent until the appearance of soldiers On Saturday night. For two hours after the riot on Canal street not a single policeman was to be seen, though a number were con gregated on St. Charles street, within four blocks of the scene. The Metropolitan Police is now in opera tion, The force, as now organized, com prises a very large proportion of negroes. ——. «•» - All Quiet Along the Line. New Orleans, October 2G. Registration closed on Saturday, and foots up, in thiscity, 43,000. The largest vote ever polled here before was 29,000. Efforts are being made by prominent Re publicans to have martial law declared io. this State, thinking that thus they will pre vent an election. It is most probable, how ever, if the State is placed under martial law, that Gen. Rossean will order the election to proceed. It is rumored tonight that the Republicans contemplate allowing the election to go by default, and have the vote of the Stale thrown out on some ground. Several Clubs' parades were advertised by both parties to-night, but will probably not Come off. Two companies of infantry are stafipued at the Custom House tc-nignt, and a body of cavalry have just passed down town. No room for further trouble to-night. News from Washington. Washington, October 25.—The-Prc.-idcnS has w ritten a long letter to General Ewing covering the history of the public debt, and predicting ruin from a continuance of the present policy. Washington, October 26.—McCulloch and Rollins had another interview regard ing Supervisors, with no result. Seward and Thornton both think the Alabama claims will soon be settled. Approximations to official majorities: Indiana, 1,020 ; Ohio, 17,460. Revenue to-day. $620,000. General Longstreet is here. Mr. Laird, Supervisor of Revenue for Virginia and West Virginia, left this morn ing to investigate revenue matters in this District. West Virginia Election. Wheeling, October 26.—The InteUi geneer. Republican, claims the whole State ticket by 3,500 majority, and the Legislature, and beyond a doubt the First and Second Congressional Districts. The Register, Democratic, says tolerably complete returns from eighteen counties out of fifty-three show net gains of 2,500. The same ratio nf gains throughout the State, which ratio certainly exists, will give ns West Virginia by a handsome majority. Murder of a Government Detective. St. Louis, October 25.—Henry D. Chris tian, a Governmejit detective who was active in ferreting out tobacco frauds, was found in an alley with bis head badly beaten, from which he died in a few hours. Cablegrams. Havana, October 26. AU the available troops in and around Havana have been sent against the insurgents. The Captain General'a palace is guarded by volunteers. Florence, October 26.—A line of steam ers between some port in Italy and the United States is projected, to accommodate the increasing fruit trade. Paris, October 26.—The latest Rio Janeiro ndvicos state that Federal Minister Wash burno bad arrived at Montevideo. Ho pro tests against the violation id the American Legation at Ascension, tatty persons pro tected by the American flag having been seized there. London, October 26.—England, France, Prussia, Italy ami Portugal have recognized the Provisional Government of Spain. Marine News SAVANNAH, October 26.—Arrived: Ship Munn, Bouton. COMM ER CI Alu AUGUSTA MARKETS. Orrrcs National Bsrvxi.icAx, I Monday, Oct. 26—I’.M. | FINANCIAL.—GoId : Buying at; selling at 1.37*1.38. Silver: Buying 1.25al t 3O; coiling COTTON—In good demand, at 23J to 23J, and would be active if money was plenty. CORN.—OId Crop J1.10a1.15, Wli EAT.—Primo Red, 2.25; White, 2.50. FLOUIL —City Ground 10.00 to 14.00 per bar rel. BACON.—A better feeling in the market . We quote ; Clear Ribbed Sides, 18; Clear bidet, 18al8J ; Shoulders, t5a151; Dry Salt Shoulders, 14J; Dry Salt Sides, 17a17J. LARD—Prime, 22e.; Pressed, 18e. TELEGRAPH MARKETS. Financial. LONDON, October 26, Noon.- -Consols 04J. Bonds at 735. FRANKFORT, October 26, —Bonds excited, Large business, prices higher—7Bja7BJ. NEW YORK, October 26, Noon.- Ge1d.1.34}. Money active at 7. ’62 coupons 13} ; North Car olina’s, 67; uew, 66}. Virginia’s, ex-coupons, 56; ney, 50. Teimessee’s, 66J ; new, 68}. Exchange 9j NEW YORK, October 26, Evening.— Gold f.3J}al.34i. Government’s weak—’62’s 12}. Tennessee’s, new, 66. North Carolina’s, new, 65. Virginia’s 55} ; new, 56. Money continues in demand, and stringent at 7 —discounts an best names 12. Sterling advanced to »}. I’roilucu and Ollier Alurkele. LIVERPOOL, Oct. J 6, Noon.— Cotton buoy ant and higher. Uplands 10}ail ; Orleans 11 ja 14. Skies 1’6,660 bales. LIVERPOOL, October 26, Ajtei noon, —Colton firm. Uplands 11. Orleans Ilf. LIVERPOOL, October 26, Evenitty.- Uplands 11; Orleans 11}—afloat 10}. HAVRE, October 26.—Colton, Trieste, on tbu spot 140 ; Low Middlings, afloat, 127. NEW YORK, October 26, Noon — Cotton firmer at 25J• NEW YORK, October 26, Evening.— Cotton a shade firmer. Sales 2,100 bales at 25}. Flour—Superfine 6.16a6.G0. Extra 6.85*7.16. Wheat heavy. Corii —Mixed Weitetu 1.15. Pork 27.38, Lard —kettle lijc. Rice qniot - Carolina 9}. Groceries firm. Turpentine 44}, Rosin 2.47. Freights firmer cotton ja}. SAVANNAH, October 26—Cotton opened firm—holders 100 high for buyers; closed stiff. Middlings 21}. Sales 327 bales; receipts 4,670 bales. CHARLESTON, October 26.—Cutton active, at. }e. advimce. Middlings 21c. Receipts 1,070 ba’es. bales-557 hales. MOBILE, October 26.—Cotton—Market firm. Sales 1,700 bales. Middlings 23}c. Receipts 1,771 bales. No exports. WILMINGTON, October 26.—CeUon firmer— sales were made at 23 to 23}c for Middlings ; 23e for Low Middlings; and 22}c for from Good to Ordinary. Spirits of Turpentine J 2.65. Rosin quiet — No. 2 1.80; Crude Turpentine at 2.65. Tar at 2.35. NEW ORLEANS, October 26. -Cotton active, excited, and advanced jc. Middlings 23}c. Sales 8,200. Receipt:, 5,526 bales. Exports 3,444 bales. Sugar in good demand—Louisiana, fair, 13c; yellow clarified 15Jc. MoUsses—common, 80c ; prime sl. ST. LOUIS, October 26 - Corn JI.OB. Flour- Superfine 5.56,6.00. Pork3l.OO. Bacon quiet— shoulders 13}»13|; clear sides 17} ; sugar-cured Hams, canvassed, 17}a19. CINCINNATI, October 26 Whiskey heavy, at 1.12. Xies Pork —stock entirely exhausted. Shoulders 13*13}c; clear sides 17al7}c. Letters of Dismission. STATE OF GEORGIA, Richmond Connty. Whereas, William J. Farr, Administrator de bon uh non of the estate of George P. Green, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to bo and appear at my office oa or before the first Monday in March next, to show causr, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my bund and official signature at office in Augusta, this frth day of September, 1868 c SAMUEL LEVY, sepS-lmftm Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. QTATE OF GEORGIA kJ RidtMondConnlg, Whereas, John 11. Rhodes, Administrator on the estate of William F. Malone, dressed, ap plies to me for Letter? of Dismission t These are, therefore, to cito and admonish, all and singular, tlie kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at uiy office on or '■ o-:i fore tho first Monday in March next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not bo granted. Given under my hand and official signature, at office in Augusta, this 2oth day of September, 1868. SAMUEL LEVY. sep 26law6m Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. STATE OF GEORGIA. Kieltnumd Crrnniy. Wubbras Timothy C. Murphy, Administrator on the estate of Phillip McGee, late of said coun ty, deceased, applies to me for Letters ot Dis mission ; These are, therefore, to cito and admonish all, and singular, tho kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office, ftp or before the first Monday in April next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters shußld not be granted. Given under ray hand and official signature, at office in Augusta, this Istday of October. IS6B. SAMUEL LEVY, ■ oct 2—lamfira Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. STATE OF GEORGIA— Wh KUKAS. John IL Ferney, Administrator on the estate of Harrv Hughes, drceMed. appliesto me for Letters of Dismission These, are, therefore, to cin- and admonish all and singula/ the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to be and appear at niy office ou or before she first Monday in March next, lo show enuse, if any they have, why said letters should not lie granted. Given under tnV hand aud official signature a office in Aiigusiu. this'Jßthday of September, 1868. SAMUEL LEVY, sep2»-«m Ordtosry. Letters of Dismiwion. Georgia- Etteh-rlvnil County. Whereas, Qaiotlne Debet, Administratrix, with the will annexed on the estate of Antoine Picquet, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission: . , ~ These are, therefore, to c.Oe and admonish, ad and singular, the kindred and creditors of said to be and appear at my office ou or before the first Monday is October, io sh >W cause, if anv they have, why said Letters should not. be granted. Given under ruy hand and official signature at Augusta, the 16th day of May, 18»>S. K. M. BRAYTON, mylß-lawfim* Ordinary. Similia Similibus Curantur. II U M P II R E P'S HOMEOPATIC’ SPECIFICS. A I AVE PROVED, FROM THE MOST ampfc li experience, an entire success; Simple- Prompt—Eflieiont ana reliable. They are the only Medicines perfectly adapted to popular use—-so simple that mistakes cannot be made in living them; so harmless as to be tree from danger, and so efficient as to bo always reliable. They hate raised the highest commendation from al), aud will always reqdor satisfaction. N<>s. Cures. Cents 1, !■<:» era. Congestion. Infiiunmation*.. zr, 3, Wormu. Worm-Fever, Worm-Colic.. 26 3, <'ryliiX'i'otic, oi teething of Inlmita , 26 4, llhirriiwit of children or adults as 5, Dysentery, Griping Bilious Colic 46 0, Cholera Ylorbu*. Vomiting . . .25 7, Cougiia. Colds. Bronchitis 25 8, Neuralgia. Tpotaehe. Fanaache 25 9,, Hick-Headache, Vertigo. . 25 10. byspepefa, Billions stomach 25 11, Stippreaaed, or painful Periods 25 IX WRilee, too profuae Periods 25 13, Croup, Cough, difficult Breathing 25 14, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions M 16, It heumatium, Rheumatic Pains 25 16, Fevor A: Ague, Chill Fever, Agues 50 17, I’ilee.blind or bleeding ... 50 18, Opllthalmy, and sore or weak Eyes 5Q ISL tlaturrh, sen sor chronic, Influenza .’io »0, Whooplngadongh, violent Coughs 50 »1, A.ihuia, oppressed Breathing 50 22. Ear IMacbargea. impaired Hearing 50 23, Scrofula, enlarged . lands, Swellings 50 2*. General Debility, Physical Weakness 50 », Dropsy, and scanty Secretions M 26, Seu»sickness, sickness from riding 50 27, Kidney-IHscuec, Gravel 50 28, Nervous Debility, Item Ina I Einia- Hione, involuntary Discharges 1.00 26, Sore .Vlouth, Canker 50 30, Hriuary Weakness, wetting bed 50 31, Painful Periods, with Spasms 50 32, Sufferings at change of life 1.00 33, Epilepsy,Sparma, St Vitus’ Dance... 1.00 34, Diphtiietia,, ulcerated Sore Throat 50 FAMILY CASES Ol 35 large vials, morocco case, conialniugn specific tor uvery ordinary disease a tamlo ■■ subject to, and n book of direc tions, »1O OO Smaller Family and Traveling cases, with 20 to 28 vials, from *5 to *8 Specifics for Private biseases, both for Curing and for Preventive treatment in vials and poeket cases.. .#2to S 5 Theso Remedies, by the ease or single box, aroaent to any part of the country by Mai or Express, frre of charge, on receipt of the price. Address, HUMPHREYS’ SPECIFIC, HGMEOPATIIIC MEDICINE COMPANY, Ofiieo agd Tiopot, No. 582 Broadway, N. Y. Agents ; PLUMB & LEITNER, STEVENSON <t SHELTON W. 11. TUTT, Augusts, Ga. Ur,- lliipipbroys is consulted daily at his office porsunqlly or by letter, asabovc, for all forms of disease. *6—l2m dAw City Sheriff 's Sale- WILL BE SOLD ON THE FIRST TUES. DAY IN NOVEMBER next, at the Lowpr Market House in the city of Augusta, between the usual hours of sale, one House and Lot, No 20 Wglkcr street, in the-cityhf Augusta, nud bounded <>n the north by Walker street, by lot yf tbs estate of George Morris, south iiy lot of Quinn, and west by lot of Stepheu F'atighiian. le vied upon as the property of Stephen F'aughuaU, to satisfy one tax li. fa. issued by the City Council of Augusta versus the said Steuben for his eity taxes for tile vear 1867. W. P, CIIEESBOROUGH, <«U td Deputy Sheriff Gitv of Augusta. Letters of Administration. STATE OF GEOBGIA—. 'Richmond, Count#. Whereas, Eliza Rebecca Clarke applies to me Pfor Tetters of Administration, with the Will an nexed, on the Estate of Augusta Cocke, deceased : These are, therefore, to cite aud admonish all and siugnlar. the khidrnd aud croditon of said deccaefd, to' lie and appear at my office on or before the first Monday 111 December next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given uudut my baud am! official signature at office in Augusta, inis 2(lth day of October, 1868. SAMUEL LEVY, oct‘2l—lawtl Ordinaiy. CtTATK OF' GEORGIA— Riihmond Count!/. Wuw-IAS, Edward O'Donnell, Administrator on the estate of Richard tjuiuu, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for Ix-tfers ol Dis mission. . . • , „ These are, therefore, to cite aud admonish all, and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be aud appear at iny office on or before the first Monday in March next, to allow cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my In nd and official signature at office in Augusta, this September 11th. JBt>B. SAMUEL LEVY, repl2-larafiin Ordinary. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE L United States for the Northern District of Georgia. In lhe matter of ) THOMAS L LATIMER, FIN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. J To whom it. may concern: 'Die undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as Assignee of Thcs J Latimer,of Meriwether county, Georgia, within said District, who lias been ad judged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by lhe District Court ol stud District. Dated-231 day of July. 1868, at Newnan, Ga. ISAAC N. SHANNON, oc 16-fawSw Assignee. TN TRE DISTRICT COURT OF THE 1. United States for the Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of } MICHAEL M. LEVY, 4IN BANKRUPTCY Bankrupt, J • I hereby give notice that the second and third general meetlug of the creditors of thy said Bank rupt, Michael M. Levy,will be held at the office of A. G. Foster, Register iu Bankruptcy, 111 the town of Madison, Ga., at 10 o’clock, a. m., on the 12th day of November, 1868. By order of Hon. A. G. Foster. Register in Bankruptcy of the Fifth District of Georgia. This Illth dav of October, 1868. GABRIEL JACOBS, ocl7-law2w Assignee. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE I. United Sfakui for the Southern District of Georgia. • ‘ In the matter of j- .lOIIN Q. SPIRES, VIN BANKRUPTCY. B.ipkrtijt. 1 The uadersiguod hereby" giy&' ttfitfod’of his appointment as Assignee of John Q. Spires, oi the county of Lincohi and State of Georgia, within said District, who lias beeu adjudged a bankrupt u;>on h’s own petition by the District Cotil t of said District. Dated Hie 2iqit Sept, 1868. :. 3. M DILL, <Kt2o—lgwSw Assiglli-C. TS THE DISTRICT COURT OF TEE 1 t nited States for the Northern District o} Georgia. In the matter of ) WM. LEROY BROWN, JN BANKKI PICY Bankrupt. J To whom it may concern : The undersigned hereby gives notice of life apjAjinhueivt as Assignee of William'J-croy Brown, of Athens, in the county oi Clarke, and State of Georgia. Withiu said District, who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon bis own petition by the Dis trict court of said District. A. 4 MITCHELL, oe 11—laW3w* Assignee, etc. ESTABLISHED 1855. THOMAS RUSSELL, 198e Broad St., MBXT DOOR BKI THE ViIJCNCB STORE. 0 WATCHES'CLOCKS, and JEWELRY HF. PAIRED at the shortest notice- All work war rented. All orders will bo thankfully received, aud promptly attended to. j«2S—lawly To Bent. I7ROM THE FIRST DAY OCTOBER JU the Howe N». 7<» South Broad sliwt. at present occupied by Dr. Wilson. It contains eight rooms, has staWW, garden ami all Weeessary OUtbnildingS. U Apply to H- 8 AGNEW. —l2t J 6 ’ oroad si. __ « 1-..,- Book binding ASD BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY, E. 41. PI UHK, 14t Broal StiMb, Augu ia, Ha, Market Notice- THE MEAT AND VEGETABLE STALLS in the Upper and Lower Markets will be rented on the first MONDAY in November next, at the Ixiwer Market House, at 10 o’clock a. m. Persons holding Stalls can retain the same for the next year al Uio aaaessment of last year; pre vided arrearages arc paid before the day of renting. Parties in arrears on that day will not be permitted to retain their Stalls, or to rent any other. The Green Grocer’s Ordinance will fie,rigidly enforced. Terms of renting are—one half iu advance iu United States currency, and notes, with unproved security, for the balance, payable on the Ist. May, 18611. Sums of filly dollars, or less, cnsli. EPHRAIM TWEEDY, oct‘26—td Chairman Mqj-Jtot Committee. Constitutionalist will please copy. __ Magistrate's Office. TALUS LYONS, BEING APPOINTED X-J Notary Public and Ex Officio Justice of tbe Peace for Richmond conuty, has opened his Office, corner Monument and Ellis streets, where lie oilers lus services to the public at large, with lhe ossnrunoe tliat, such will be rendered to the best of bis ability, unbiased and OC 16r-tf NATIONAL MDMAN’K SAVINGS AND TRUST COMPANY. Chartered by Act of 4’oa«r<-e»<. o— Banking House, Pennsylvania Avenue, corner of 19th street, Washington, D. Q. BRANCH ATAUGUSTA, GA., NO 40 JACKSON KT. Open every day—Sundays and Holidays ex cepted—from 9 a. m. to 2 p. m., and Saturday evening, from fl to 8 p. m. DEPOSITS OF ANY AMOUNT FROM FIVE CENTS UPWARDS, RE CEIVED FROM ANY PERSON. Doposits cun always he withdrawn without no tice. Depoßits in specie' arc repaid in specie. All other deposits are repaid in or National Bank Bilk. All the profits belong to lhe depositors. Investments are only made in Secariiios of the United States. (lEO. IL HARRIS, Chairman Advhory Cominiticf. ROBERT T. KeNT, Score Ui ry. DAVID A. RITTER, Acting Cashier an2l- d<twtf ‘Westward the Star of Empire Takes Its Way.” Secure a Homestead IN CALIFORNIA. TH E IMMIGRANT HOMESTBAD ASSIHNi, or CAIIrOBHIA, Incorporated under Ike Latrs of the Slate, November 'Mh, 1867, IjSOH THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING Homes for ite members, aud thereby indaco iinuiigration. ? CAPITAL BTOCK «l,»#n,000 Divided into 2«U,IM)fI shares, al s■’> each, payable in United Blates currency. CertiKcatesof Stock issued to subscribers imine diately upon receipt of the money. No Person Allowed to Hold More than Five Shares I A circular containing a full description of the property to lie distributed among shareholders will be sent to any address, upon receipt of stamps to cover postage. Information as to price of land in any imrtion <>t the State, or upon any other subject of interest, to parties proposing to immigrate, cheerfolly fur nished, upon receipt of stamps for postage. AU letters should be aadreseed, “Secretary Immigrant Homestead Associittiou. Post Office Box No. 82, San Francisco, California.’’ an 16—3 m v ; ■ _ -. ■5 j A Ooaft soali Coal! r pilE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN 1 api>uiutod agent for the CASTLE HOCK COAL MINES, will be receiving, from, this time, during tbe Winter. One Thousand Tons nf the above VERY SUFKRI'tR COAL. This Coal will be FAR BELOW THE PRICE OF WCffiD, io proportion to its value as fuel. In the altered - condition of eur system of labor, Its ailvsntagus ate important, and should bo considered by all consumers: Ist. It is cheaper. ' , • 2d. One third less tabor Is required to han dle it. 3d. All temptation to pil'vr is move 4th. Great security against the seWent its o fires. It will bo sold, at tbe Coat Yard Georgia Railroad Depot), at lilcren fibttllHvk per Ton I Or TWELVE dollau.-, Delivered in any Portion of the City I To parti*" hiking a CAR LOAD, prior to Sep tember Ist. (when rates of freight are advanced), a deduction of Four Mortars per Car Load will be made. CHAS. A ROWLAND." jy 46-ts NEW FALL am -—a IIEJVKY L A. BALK BROAD STREET Tain noir opening a CA KEb U LLi bhLKtThf* STOCK OF SEASON KBLK UOObS —seen AS Dress Goods, Prints, Flannels, CASSIMERES, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, HO OP-SKI ms, CORSETS . Fancy Goods, Etc., Etc. A? these' Goods are bought only for READY MONEY, they, of course, will be soW at- POPULAR PRICES. HCAMY L. A. BAEK, 172 Broad Street »ep 20 Servants Wanted. WANTED, A FIRST-CLASS COOK, Warber ahdlrencr, to serve my foauly ..f three persons. A1450, ,-, A email, but competent. H.niae Girl. Good c< nnnpD<!ations rwpiiiwi. , t WM • t • I■Art I > K, «et2l-tf 221 Broad st j r JTax IST otice. Make Your State Tax Returns. ALL PERSONS TAKE NOTICE THAT, for the purpose of receiving said Returns, I shall attend the following places, from October 26 to December 15, 1868: , At the Upper Market, on every Monday, from 9 a.m. to 1 p m.. and frox 3 to’6 p. m. On Tuesdays at Messrs. Dav Ac Inman's Auc tion Room, on Broad street. On Wednesdays, at the Court House. On Thnrsduys, at the Scale Home. On h ndays, at lhe Court Honse. On Saturdays, at District Cour} Ground*, of which due notice will be given. All citizens, white ana colored, between the ages of twenty one and sixty, are- liable to return abd pfty a roil Tux of One Dollar, and uuch other taxes as may be imposed by tbe County. For failure to make your returns, of all properlv, or to comply with the law, noyv of force, the penalty of the law will be strictly enforced, unbiased and impartial, onall defaulters. N. B. For failure of making returns, the penalty is tt - J. B. VAUGHN, If. T. R., Richmond County. Augusta, Octniter 24,1868. oct’J4—tdeets . —— —. ; —r—- ■ ——■ '■ United States Marshal’s Sale. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OS’ A AVRIT of Fieri Facias, issued ont of the Honorable, the Fifth Circuit Court of the United States for the Southern. District of Georgia, in favor of the Plaintiff, Johu O. Wilson, Survivor, in the fol lowing case, to-wit; John O. Wilson, Survivor, vs. Robert A. Boers and Newton I’. Brinson—l have levied upon, as the property of Newton P. Brinson, a BRICK DWELLING HOUSE and LOT, situate, lying and being <m Pine street, in the city of Albany, ceunty of Dougherty and Slate of Georgia, and known ns lhe residence of Newton P. Brinson, and will soli the .same nt public auction, at the Court Hoose, in the city of Macon, county of Bibb and State of Georgia, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN DECEMBER next, between the lawlul hours of sale. Dated at Savannah, Ga., October 23d, 1868. WILLIAM G. DICKSON, United Stag's Marshal. Terms cash. Property pointed out by Plaintiff's Attorney. • "oct2s—law-lw United States Marshal's Sale. UNDER AND By' VIRTUE OF A WRIT of Jieri faciat, issued out of the Honorable, the Fifth Circuit Court of the United States, for the Southert District of Georgia, in fitvor of the plaintiff, Juuu D. Wilson, survivor, in tbe fol lowing cm e, to wit: John D. Wilson- v*. Robt. A; Beers and Newton P. Brinson, partuera I have levied upon, as the property of Nqwton P. Brinson, all the- household fnrnitnre mid Ifitelicu utensils contained in the residence of Newton P. Brinson oil Pine street, in the eity of Albany, county of Dougherty, and Statu of Georgia—ex cept enib as is exempted by taw—to-wit; One piano, one large looKing-glitns, one wind not., one pair vases, one marble top table and wax-flowers,, oue poirol ice cream stands, two bedsteads, four mattresses, one bnreau, one sofa, one centre table, one side table,one rocking chair, two sinall chairs, six ;>arlor chairs, two otteniatis, One large look ing glass, one carpet, one rncf, oue picture, ' oue pair brass andirons, one bra« lenifcr, Offu pair shovel aud tongs, one pair common shovel aid tonga, one what not, two spiltoous l one large lamp, eno pair vaees, one pair china eandleefie.ks, one mulch safe, one wusb stand, three pair bhuikeD, three quilts, four lace curtains, one clock, six chairs, one rocking-clmir, eno sewing cludr, one wash-liowl and pitoiieiq On. chamber, uad two small lamps, and will sell tbesame at public auction, at the Court House; in tbc city of Albany, county of Dougherty, and State of Geor gia, on the third Tuesday in November next, between the lawful hours of sale. Terms cash. Propertypointed out by plaiiMiii’s attorney. Dated at .Savannah, Georgia, Oct.*Jf. 1863. WILLIAM G. DICKSON. oct23— law Iw U. 8. Marshal. Assignee's Sale. By VIRTUE OF A DECREE IN BANK RUPI’CY, iu the ease of William U. Dozier. Bankruifl, 1 will sell al auction, to thy biehest bidder, m»TUESDAY, the Ist. day of DECEM HER next, at the Court House doer, in Columbia county, State of Georgia, three hundred und six (3U6) acres of land, more or less situated in Co lumbia county, State of Georgia, adjoining lands of Tin Haas M. Haiuiltau, Patrick Dougherty, Green J. Dozier, wait particularly described in plat of Surveyor, reevrded January 13tli, 18-12, tn Book LL, Clerk's office, Columbia county. Ga. Sold subject to k Homestead of sixty acres, including the dwellings, bnt otherwise free from all thereon, for the benefit of his creditors. Terms cusli WILLIAM th HILLS, oc 16— Ihw3w Assignee Assignee's Sale- WILL BE SOLD BEFORE THE COURT House do<?r in Milledgeville, - Baldwin county, Georgia, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN NOVEMBER next, between the legal hours of of sale, the following real estate, to wit: One Hundred and Ten Acres of lamd, more or less, part of Ipt. No. 181. in the First District of Baldwin county. Ga. Also, Nine Hundred and Eighty-Afrys. more or lees, of Wild Ladd, in Emannel county, Ga., Dis tiict ami number not known. Also, an undivided half of Oue Thogrtiruf Acres, more or lere, of Land, in Emanuel eoaiffy, <Js s District ntul nntnbers not known. Titles fest. Also, uu undivided fourth of Ono Hundred and Sixty Acres of Land, more or less, in Cherokee District, and numbers not known. Also, one half Section (320 acres) of Lnud, 1u Pontotoc connty, Mississippi, range and township not known. '■ Sold, under a decree iu Bankn.ptdy, as the property of Thomas Humphries, Bankrupt, .of Baldwin comity, Ga., free from the incumbrance of Liens. Terms Cash. October 9th. 1868. . . ARCHIBALD C McKINLEY, ocll—lawow Assignee. Assignee's Sale. WILL BE SOLD BEFORE THE COVET House door, rh the town of Sandersville, Washington county. Gu., oh the FIRST TUES DAY IN NOVEMBER next, between the hearts of 10 o’clock, a. m., and 3 o'clock, p, in., seven hundred (7'00; acres of land, on east side of Buf falo creek, adjoining lands of Stephen Mills and others, known as part of the Leo Rdeves’ tract. Sold as the property of the cstateof WU'ram L. adjudged Bankrupt, free from Ute en cumbrance of liens, etc., for the benefit of the creditors of said W. L. Reeves. Terms cash. October I4tli, 1868. CLEMENT C. BRQWN. oc!4—td Assignee. B'chmond Sheriff’s Sale. WILL BE SOLD ON THE FIRST TUES DAY IN DECEMBER next, between the legal hours of safe, M tbe Lower Market Honse in the city of Augusta, the f-jllowiug property, sitiuited in the county of Rivbuioud: Oue Tract of land, about three miles from the city of Augurta, on the Augusta and Savannah Railroad (excepting the right of wav of said railroad through said true} of land), containing three hun dred and nine acres, more or, bounded south by tends of John Phinizy and Rocky. Creek, on the west by lands now or formerly owned by Dc- Uiigle, on the north by tend now or formerly owned by DeLaigle and-a teue of John Phiuizy, east by hind of John Phiuizy. Levied on under a mortgage li. fi». on foreclosure, issued from the Ibe Superior Court of Richmond conuty, in favor of John Fbiiuzr against Robert C.’Easterlitig, to satisfy said debt and costa, as (he property of Robert C. Easleiling. being for the purchape money of said tract of laud, except spch-portiou of said land as claimed by' defendath as exempt from levy :tnd safe; wddland beingfnow' in pos- Sfflsdon-jf John U. Spinfea. And notice ibis day rei vedonliim according to law. The above prop erty pointed out. by John Phiuizy. r Octobers, 1868. " . WILLIAM DOYLE, v<:U-U| . Deputy Sheriff Richmond eo. IN THE DISTRICT COURT O/ TUR L UTbltcd States for tlic Northern District oR Georgia In the matter of I ELIJAH BOSWELL, >IN BANKRUPTCY Bankrupt. ) No. 165 The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all his debts prova ble under the Ban*upt Act of March 3d, 1867. notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the I‘ith day of Novembet, 1868, at I? o’clock at noon, at chambers of said District Court, before Albert G Foster, Esq.,one of the Registers of the said Court in Bank ruptcy,at the Registers office in the city qf Mad- « ieon.&i., and cause why the prayer of the the said petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted, Aud further notice ia hereby gjven tiiai the second and third mevuuga of eiCultoia will be held at.the same time aud place. Witness, ihe Hoiarrable Jehu Erakme, I seat, t Judge of said District Couit, and the «hI thereof, thia flat day of October, IS(,s. W B. SMITH, oc'.’S—ta»2w* Clerk.