The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, November 03, 1868, Image 2

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—— i AL’UUSTA, «A. ( TUESDAY MORNING November 3, 13«8 < This is a Republic where the Will of ’ the People is the Law of the Lund. [U.S. Grant. ' . . ( “ H alted over thepreservation of the I nion < wM zealous eye, and indignantly frown upon ( the first dawning of every attempt to alienate any portion of the Country from the rest, or i to enfeeble the sacred tics, which ngw link 1 together the various parts."-e-\\' asuinuton’s . Farewell Address. | THE ELECTORAL TICKET. < In a former number of the Republican t we explained the danger of many Republi- f cans making some fatal error in reference 1 to their vote on the 3d of November. For 1 the convenience of,all itch, we append the 1 ticket as it should lie voted. By cutting 1 this out. in its present form, the voter need 1 not ask information from any source: but cun just pi t it in the ballot-box,.with the assurance that it is all right and will cer tainly be counted. Here is your ticket: s O , «kajit«»‘ ..-tyjWWLx /AMsSKfes Republican Electoral Ticket. FOR THU STATE AT LARGE. HENRY I’. FARROW, of Falta. AMOS T. AKERMAN, of Elbert. FOR TDK DISTRICTS. 1 / District —F. M. SMITH, of Cli-irlton. 2d Dis-rid—JSO. MURPHY, of Dougherty 3d Dish-ict-E. I. HIGBEE, oT Talbot. Dh District—Wu. IT WHITEHEAD, of Butts. sth District—J. E. BRYAN T, of Richmond. sth District— S. C. JOHNSON, of Dawson. Ith Didrict—3. L- DUNNING, of Fulton. SEND US THE .VEH’S. Our friends in all the county Jowls of the State will oblige us by sending us, at as . arly a day as possible, after the election, the vote in their respective counties. Don’t tcruet this. LET US //-' VE DE ACE TO-DAY. That the Ku-Khix editor of this city is determined to create a riot at the polls to day is very clear, from his issue of Sabbath morning. Whilst we desire to see all our . follow citizens at .the polls to-day uiiietly and peaceably exercising the rights of free men, we would.greatly deprecate the as semblage of all the people at the polls at one time, each one pressing find crowding his neighbor; nor can we understand the necessity of the‘presence around and about the polls of a large crowd of persons who have already cast their ballots. Our ad vice to all such would be to vote and re tire to your usual avocations, and let the Ku-Klux editor and his chosen rowdies do the fussing and dirty work. Thercisuo truer saying than “that-the devil will find work for idle hands to do.” Ono word of cau tion to-the hunited rind excited followers of this Ku-Klux editbr : In case of the trouble which, he is endeavoring to foment, be sure and do not go any nearer danger than this valiant warrior, and don't remain any longer in a dangerous position than he re nnins. Leave’when he leaves, and all will be well. He was noted in the war fur taking care'of the enfeass of the General. The duty of the Sheriff is, to-day, of the utmost importance. Let him keep c>ol, ard bi firm- and determined to preserve-order at all hazards. Have the law promptly c.Vecutcd; and, as com manded by the Executive, he should select all the managers from men who will exe cute the samel As directed by the five, opart as many polls as may be neces sary at the City Hall, to give, all an oppor tunity ot voting, and 'allow no independ dent polls to be opened in or at the City • Hall; and, above and beyond all, allow ho violent men to insult or use any violence whatever towards or upon a voter whilst exercising this great right of an American freeman. Now, you will see. Mr. Sheriff', you are boss for one. day. Select firm, cool and determined men for your constab ulary force this day, and not politicians of any stripe. Ask the commandant of the forces in Augusta to keep his men on duty at the City Hall during the entire day. to | assist iu the enforcement of the law, ami " to be near you. Make' no threats, but quietly arrest immediately all disturbers of the peace, and have them entwined in jail, or some other secure place, until the elec tion is over. Make no discriminations as to persons or politics, but arrest all alike. To the Chief of Police we would sug. gest: appoint secret detectives to bunt out draw sellers : also, persons that may be making efforts to get up riots, and re port. Also, get several blank warrants against persons carrying concealed weapons, and have persons who violate this law this day, at least, arrested, and take them be fore some magistrate. , If the officers will only .watch closely they can catch many a one. ■ Going up and down the Court House steps affords a good' opportunity to-detect concealed weapons. Menwf Augusta, let us beseech you this day control your feelings, and let crazy maniacs alone. And women of Augusta, as you love your husbands, children, and peace, this day unite with all Christians, and pray for once in good earnest that we may; have peace and order, ami that no violence or bloodshed may, to-day, occur in our midst ( and to-morrow let us say we are a hand Os brothers, dwelling to gether in harmony afld peace. foie early, that v'crthinyr mu .event' your exercising your right. It is alway best to attend to tbs most important duty first. Give a few minutes—if you can not I spare the uhole <b>y—to your country. | SOFT TALK TO COLORED MEN. The Ku-Klux editor, in his Sunday's issue, has a long article of soft talk to the colored people. He revamps the self-evi dent lie, that, the new Constitution denies to colored men the right to-hold office. The Republicans place the right of the , colored men to hold office on the high < ground that they arc citizens of the United States, and of the State -of Georgia, enti tled to all the rights, powers, privileges i and immunities. The Democratic party holds that the negro is something lessthan a citizen, possessing neither the right to hold office nar to vote. The issue is plain. Colored people will decide to-day whether they'desire be citizens of the ln|tcd States, and of Georgia, or tlie mere “hew. ers of wood and drawers of water" of those who may see tit to impose upon them. The Democracy professes to be the friend of the colcred man. “The tree is known by its fruit." How has the Democracy treated tlie colored man t For au answer, look ut the action of the Democratic legislature nt Atlanta; look at the Camilla massacre; look at the murder of young IV alker, iu Baker county ; look at the outrageous mur ders in Elbert, Wilkes and Columbia coun ties—aye, go to the Freedmen’s Hospital, this morning, and see the poor fellow from Lincoln county that was badly shot last week, and was the only one of three that escaped alive. As to the Ku-Klux editor's friendship for the colored man, we have only heard of one instance of its manifestation. It Ims been alleged by persons under his com mand that in Pennsylvania, in IStfo, lie kidnapped a free colored person, brought him South, and sold him into slavery. "ft ♦ > he imllut is mightier Alum the bul let.. One of the former cast to-day for the Republican candidate ■■•■'ill prevent the east ing r>f tlipusaiidsof the latter for the sup pression of th new rebellion that is threatened. - ■ ive this day to the country. One day in four years is not too much for the Re public t > demand. - ®3y*-Votc.thi;; iHomiug. Don’t wait-until the middle or the encl ot the day. ®gg“lt I--rather late to appeal to many of our friends in the country, but if our paper reaches, even an hour before the [mils close, some nun; who Ims not voted, let hiirj do Lis duty al mice. The want of a single vote mice deflated the Whig candidate for Gov ernor of Massachusetts, when hi.> election was regarded ax sure, Let no honest yeoman risk any such r.-spotrsihilily .<<' hi. ili-gfi gem-i- would involve. l.i t all tae units Hum ainist at be tby Country’s, thy God's,and ’I ruth's. Republiwus ! let this excellent sentiment control your'conduct. tu-d-.-y. Be sober! Be quii.t arid good-humored I i»o not too readily he provoked to niigi-r! Bat bn sure to' go early to the polls and help “ put through'' the Ghaxt ami C->i : ax Eleftora! I'tcket-. ♦ «•»- No -CitotviHNfi.—The ■ Democrotie Organ advises all Duma, rat; to. rciu'-iin at the polls after lhey hava -noted. This little trick Io ctowd Ropiffi’rina i i vim Imv-; n.r vot'd from the polls will a-A bo wise, nor will it be tol erated. Fire ami fall back is' •■qmrl And' ju t t:> ai . ami tire )t< i.ublicau- v.el jn-i-.t on the ru|<- Vein ' recognize,l at. th- poll jiext Tuesday- The I.Mt'OUTANCK of One Vote—We a 1 arm tly enlieat evoi-y I{.e|fol-lie if, !■> wi irh vv 'll tin iiuporbmtc of m singfo vote lor >r ngahist their caifotdates, and fail no tn go earlyito fire polls ami. vote the Gbv• t and CotFAX IflCctornl Ticket. I asti not, Hanoi.e not the Unclean TniNt.. -Let every Republican nbstnin, for , this day at least, from th’- irsc ofivll inloxiea , ting beverages, which, at best, only iufl-trne , the brain pud excite tin' mind. Kt ep per fectly cool ; avoid alldisputullouSD i political t rpiea. But be sure to go early to the polls and rent r I his vote fur theGuANT and IfotFix Eteetora. - . ’ - x ♦ ♦-- - I.MruuTANr To Voters.— Lit cvyry Re . publican bear i . mj’nJ' that no man can . legally vote, evmi for I’resi lent and Vice ,- President., except in thg State in which he , resides. We hope no one advocating Rc . publican principles—lmwqvtT tniteh he may desir..- (heir ascendency, or the election of Grant and Oni.FAXr-vtiff attempt to v.ote in violatfoji of tin' plain law. r- ft Bfejr*Nune but viti-zcus of this Stale gnu vote in this State. f -* Look it the Sick. —Lm every Republi , can n’port ro one l<-n<lcrs every sick man, , ,wbo would.vole-out- ticket If able to he out, I an 1 then make ariangemcuU to bring him util. x lt may be their I;.st cimii,-o to s.ivu [' tit country. ♦ ♦ • Will Fail..— The effort to iiiaffo nit the white people ot Georgia join the Democratic party to-day will fail. People will do their own thinking, and will not whinq rt like, dogs, to wear the collar of riß)bjtious..;roliiiciaim, who have never led, exeept into misfortunes and disasters. TO FfiREIGNEHS. Every male person who has declared his intention to become a citizen -who has been six months resident in the State, and thirty days in the county, and who has paid ail legal taxes which have been required of Lii6, und which he has had tin opportunity of paying, so entitled to vote for President at the ensuing election. Remember this, foreigners ! Go to the <’b rk of the Superior Coyrf, “ declare your intentions,’ and then, on Tuesday next, oast your first vote for Grant and Colfax. Let us have Peace J > — - • ft Star'* ■ vote for the Republican ticket is a vote fpr freedom and progress. A vote for the Demecratic candidates is a vote for reaction, despotism mid social and political profli gacy. Be Sori;. sure that the names of tire Electoral candidates are on the Ticket when you vote for Grant and Colfax. Cut out the Ticket at the head of our I Editorial < ohimns—and you will make sure of it. ' ■ ■ Let Us Have Peace.—Let every law abiding citizen, go back to his regular em ployment just as soon as he deposits his vote. Do not be led into any exciting argument, no matter what your Politics may be. X/faff 'Waterloo changed the destinies of Europe— to lay will determine the fortunes of America for years to come. ft ft StaTDo you vyant another war? A Demo cratic triumph will bring it! If you prefer peace, vote the Republican ticket. S®’ If you put the names of Grant and Colfax in the ballot-box, without the names of the Electors, it will not be counted. Remem her. —Let white and colored Re publicans remember that no Democratic ’ paper in the State has ever denounced the murder of any Republican by the Demo crats. Stir Remember, that if tire names of Grant and Colfax are at the head of the ticket, ami the Democratic Electors are on the ticket, it is a vote for Si.ymouii and Blair. et» Itir'ioa don’t bare to pay taxes be tlx ft you vote for Presidential Electors. Wo have only One Dav to vote for President. Vote Early —Bent- the polls on lues, day mprning before they are opened, and cast your own vote the first thing; then bunt strugglers until the polls are ckaed Foe. Yoon Wives and Children, —Re- member, tliut in supporting Grant on Tuesday next, you are rendering ’ihe grft itest service you possibly could to your wives and dear little children. Wrrk ! WATCH THEM. It is intimated that the Democrats have villniitottsly flooded the State with tickets bearing Gkant and Colfax at the head, but containing all the names of the. Demo cratic candidates for electors. .Beware of these tickets. Every one of tlifm that is voted counts for Seymour and Blaik. If yon cut your ticket out of the lIErvBLK'AN you are sure to be right. - No One Disfranchised.—lt should be borne in mind that no one is prevented iroiu vot’-ng for President by rcasou ol any dis franchisement under the Recou.slriiction laws. Let every white and colored man in the Stale be sure to attend the lection, nrge a friend to go along widi you, and cast your votes for Grant and Cot,fax. Let us have Peace .' A r O REGISTRATION REQUIRED FOR DRESIDENTIA I. ELECTION. No one is required to register in order to vote for President and Vice President. All qualified voters, whether they arc registered or not under the Military Bills, .are entitled to vote in the eleetjon next Tuesday. « -* •• See to it that every Union vote is polled to-day. Stay at hoiue win-riot., were despised during the rebellion, ' They are worse now. * -Mt- <• Only Six Months.—Remember that six niouth’s residence in the State, and thirty days in the county, authorizes you to vote for President, on Tuesday uext. No manager of an election d make you take ' any of the oaths in the code about your I hiving lived in the State two years. We advise Republicans to watch Democratic managers, and confront them with the new Constitution, if any tricks are attempted. Condoling.—The A. F. Tribune thus Sympathises with their Democratic friemls- They have for some time beeir- expecting Gen. Toombs up this way to revive their souls by a few first-rate campaign speeches; but Toombs has decided not to eome, or rather jmijte wise Northeim Democrat has dveid cd for him. Toombs had his carpet ' bng ail packed, fond was ready for a stint, ■ when he received the < hilling word ihdt he I wasn’t wanted, and that it would be better for him to stay at home, anil better for “the ’ cause” as he would be perfectly/’powderless -for good.” Bnt we beg the expectant and disappointed Democracy of the North to . console themselves by rending a.air. Mr, Seymour’s speeches, lit all that de- 1 lights the soul of a Copperhead, we think these productions fully equal to anything which Toombs might lie likety to say. And if Seymour dosen’t answer try Pendleton I Toombs can't beat him 1 T PLCI AL NuTICi S TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF the eORTMBIA .k AVGUSTA lIAILKOAD 00. .- —,A» rho truck of the Columbia A Augusta Kail road will net bo entirely finished from Colum bia iq Gvanitovillv by the slli of “evciaber, the day of the Aanual meeting, iu l uluiubia us tbo StmXlMilders es this Company; it is pro posod to postpone the moiling until 'I liars.lay tbo 26th of November. The trains will bo tun ing from Columbia to G-anitovillo, which will, grea'ly facilitate the conveniefice of the Stock holders and their families in attending ilia moot ing. With tbo concurrenec of the Board of I>i rectors, it is, therefore, rpoummerided' that toe meeting of Stockholders be held in Columbia on tlio 2fith instant instead of the 6th instant. WM. JOHNSTON, I’lesiilent Columbia, S. C., Oct. 31,. 1868. nov3—st ASS’T SUTT.iUN l il.X'DEX'i'.- nl-TRT. ( Georgia K. K., Nov. 2, 1868. y NOTICE.—A TRAIN OF CARS will leave here at 10 o’clock a m , for Bel Air, for voters to vote,-andreturn as soon a.« the pasten gerv on the train have voted. Fare,-both ways, 50 ten's. S. K. JOHNSON, nov3—lt Ass’t Bnperintendent. ASS T sl'l'i-THNTENDENT S OFFICE , Georgia Railroad. Augusta, Ga., October 16th, ISl>B. ) EXCEPT SUNDAY NIGHT, A Train will run on tile Washington Branch, in connection with onr Night Passenger I'miiis, jai and after Monday, tiie iSh instant, leaving Washington' nt ItMM, p. m. Returning, arriving at Washington nt 3:fJW a. rn 3. K. JOHNSON, Assistant Snuerhitendent. Wirsliingtou copy 2®?? — Assistant Si rrtnirtTHirimxT’s Office. ) GBOKtfIA KAILROAD, Augusta, Ga., October 6th, 18f>7. 5 NOIIQE TO MERCHANTS.—ON and after this date, the rate on ROPE is reduced to $1.20 per 100 lbs. from Bt. Louis, Mo., and LouwviHa, Ky., via. uickman, *Ky., and Nash ville, Tenn., to Augusta, Ga. S. K. JOHNSON, octiV-hu Assistant Superintendent. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Will FORTH! “BOSS'' WITH THE BIG SHOW I -A.t .A.ugusta, THURSDAY & FRIDAY, November I2lli iukl 13th. ADMISSION; 75 Cts., Childrenso Ct>. JOHN ROBINSON’S GREAT COMBINATION CUBE 1H MEMK Forming a Grand Stock Enterprise, consolidating TEIST SHOWS THE MAMMOTH ZOOLOGICALDEPARTMENT including Ornithological peloclions of the most beautiful specimens of Foreign Birds, forming the most extensive collection of WILD ANIMALS K '■ ■■ l' 'fi L . Sit In the country, supported by the L .rgest Company of Equestrians IN AMERICA, numbering 150 MEN and 250 HORSES, Including FIFTY PERFORMERS, five Eady equestriennes, THREE POPULAR CLOWNS, Enabling the Management to produce KTAiiTLING ACTS ot HORSEMANSHIP. DAUIXG GYMNASTIC EXERCISES, Spectacles of Oriental Grandeur, With the most dazzling splendor. In THE ZOOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT WILL BE FOUND A Herd of Tapirs, A Flock of Australian Emeus, A Herd of Porcupines, 7 ’ ” I Performing PHANT Introduced by Mr. Johnson, African Lion and Lioness, Ruffed Lemur, Oeelo’, Wild Doc us Tnrtary, Civit, COpy bassa, Ground Coati, Alpine Marmot, Sil- Ver-crusted Cockatoo, Zebra, Cliacma, Man dril, Red Monkey, Chimpanzee, Diana Mon key, Great Flamingo, Lyre Bird, White-nose Monkey. Per ian Lioness, Roso Cockatoo, Alexandrine Pam quets, African Leopard, Tiger Cat, Ceylon Tiger, Ichneuintfn, Amer ican White Bear, Russian Cinnamon Bear, Wormbat of Australia, White-headed Par rot, Australia i Kangaroo, Grizzly Bear, American Bullafo, African Bison, African I’a<">, Golden. Silver and Chinese Pheas ants, Agile Gibbon, Ursine Howler, White Pcaofcks. , JUST ADDED TWO DOUBLE HUMI’ED J3ac trian C anaels ALSO TIIE Valpai 4 from Tartary, AND WHITE l»OI«AR BEAK. » - . Prt'ufifocct among the LttracUve talent of the Arena are such Artiste fts MISS CORDELIA, The Phainpi >n Female Rider of the World. M’lle France9 t ytadmic me C< rfi 0 ie, Mr. John Wilson, Jfr. John Ilolnnion, Mr. J. McDonough, Mr. Geo. Sfomou, IT. //. Ashton d' Sons f Mr. G. X. Ilohin*on t Siff. Adolph Brandisi, MF. JOHN LOWLOW, The X::. ’i'cart. Humorist and polite Local Clown, MU. Fit AX K ROBINSON, t’lbxvn p >r extx’i’-jrrce and modern Grimaldi. MH. AHWHE rAMPDELL, Tiiu>bouored dispenser of Wit and Humor. 77. . Xuiipariel Lewie, Mi. Lewis Willis, Notice.—Find appearance in America in two year of G. M. KELLEY, the Champion Leaner of tha World. Grand Gratuitous Exhibition ! A -rgeouf Ancient Pagcnt—The Grand Chariot of Mars, Obcton and Achilles ; Living Lions in open Dens of <J«dd and P.ronze; Knights and (I!a h'at »rs, in Armour of Ancient Romans, as es cort to the glittering and costly Oriental Equip age This Grand and Imposing Procession will be prncecded by -the Chariat of. Oberon, coti tainirg THOS. GANG A Operatic Silver and String’ Ocheitra Os Twenty First * last Musicians. TWo PERFORMANCES—At 2<t 7 o’clockp. ui n *Tho Proccs-i n will enter the city nt 10 o’ol' ck. on the 12th inst. W. W. DURAND. nov3- th ' Business Manager. I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Rooms to Let. ONE OR TWO GENTLEMEN CAN RENT pleasantrooms, With fire-places, at nov3—2t ' No. 59 GREENE frT. Leave to Sell Real Estate. QTATE OF GEORGIA, lO Hichmond County: By permission of the Court of Ordinary of Richmond, County, notice is hereby given, that sixty days after date, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for ioavo to soil the Real Estate of Charles Dwcllo, deceased. JULIA M. DWELLS, Augusta. Nov. 2, 1868. Administratrix. nov3—2m . Richmond Sheriff’s Sale- WILL BE SOLD ON THE FIRST TUES DAY in December next, between the legal hours of sale, at the Lower Market House, in the city of Augusta, the following property, viz : One House and Lot, No, 357 Broad street, Angus ta, Georgiy, bounded on the north by lot of Jerry O'Brien, on the east by lot of D. L. Curtis, on tbo south by Broad street, and on the west by lot <rf Jerry O’Brien, as the property of the said Jerry O’Brien, and pointed out by Plaintiff, this 29th day of October, 1868, Levied on and re turned to mu by John 11. Keibling, county con stable. \YM. DOYLE, nov3 td Dpt’y Sheriff H. Richmond Sheriff’s Sale. Vl/ILL BE SOLD, ON THE FIRST TUES vv DAY IN DECEMBER next, between the legal hours of sale, at the Market House, in the city of Augusta, the following property, viz: One Tract of Land and improvements thereon, situate in said county on the east side of East Boundary street, of the city of Augusta, containing sixteen and a half acres, mure or less, and bounded West by said East Boundary street, North by road leading to Sand Bar Furry, East by land now (or formerly) owned by Dr. Mc- Whorter, and South by land of , except such portion of land as is claimed by defendant as exempt from levy and sale—levied on a- the property of Robert C. Easterling, to satisfy a Common Law fi. fa. issued from the Superior Court of Richmond county, in favor of John Phinizy against Robert C. Easterling ; said land being now in possession of Robert C. Easterling, and notice this day served on him according to law, 2d Nov., 1863. WILLIAM DOYLE, nov3—td Deputy Sheriff Richmond Co. Richmond County Sheriff’s Sale. VITH-L BE SOLD, ON THE FIRST TUES Vv DAY IN DECEMBER next, at the Lower Market House, in the city of Augusta, between the legal hours of sale, the following property, viz; One Tract of Land and improvements, sit uate in said county, on the oast side of East Boundary street of the city of Augusta, contain ing sixteen and a half acres, more or less: and bounded west by said East Boundary street, north by road leading to Saud Bar Ferry, east by land now or formerly owned by Dr. McWhorter, and south by lands of , except such portions of land as is claimed by defendant as exempt from levy and sale. Levied ou as the property of Robert C. Easterling, to satisfy a common law 11. fa. issued from the Superior Court of Richmond comity in favor of Daniel T. Sumner against Robert C. Easterling, principal, and Foster Blodgett, jr., security on the appeal; said land being now in possession of Robert C. Easterling. And I hereby serve this notice according to law. this 2d day of November, 1868. WM. DOYLE, uov3—td Deputy Sheriff Richmond co. Richmond Sheriff’s Sale, WILL BE SOLD, AT THE LOWER Market House, in the city of Augusta, ou the FIRST TUESDAY IN DECEMBER next, within the legal hours of sale, the following prop erty, to-wit: Tenement Building, north side of Telfair street, fronting 60 feet on same street, running back to Greene street 132 feet, more or less; bounded on the north by the Methodist Church lot, east by lot of Mrs. Tisdale, south by Telfair street, and'west by lot of the City Council Augusta. The property of Mr?. Julia Tisdale, to satisfy two fi. fas., issued from the- 120th District, G. M., in favor of Eli Muslin, vs. Mrs. Tisdale. Robert A Harper vs. Mrs. Julia Tisdale, levied on and returned to me by L. L. Anthony, County Constable, 2d November, 1868. Also, Lot No. 2*l, Block 1, fronting on the Sa vannah Koad, Sharp’s survey,recorded on Book 1, Folio 535, in the office of tbo Ordinary ot the county. Said lot lying and being in tlie county of Richmond. Levied on as the property of Mrs. Cathcrene E. Picquet, to satisfy a ii. fa. issued from the 120th District, G. M., in favor of Alex ander Brodie vs. Catherene E. Picquet. Executrix of the estate of Augustus Picquet, this sth day June, 1868. Levy made and returned to mo by L. L. Anthony, County Constable. Also, ou lots known as Nos. 1,5 and 8 on Block No. 1, fronting on Turknett Road, and on lots 1, 9,10,17,18, Block No. 2, according to E P. Shani’s survey, recorded in Ordinary’s office, Book 1, Folio 535. Said lots situate, lying ami being in the county of Richmond, State aforesaid. Said lots levied on to satisfy two distress warrants, issued from the Justice's Court, 120th District, G. M., in favor of George McKinue vs. Catherine E. Picquet, principal, and Frederick M, Nicholas, security, the stl< day of August, 1868. Levied on and returned to mo by L. L. Anthony. Comity Constable. Also, one Tract of Lind, situate, lying and being in the county of Richmond, containing 14 I acres, more or less, adjoining lands of the estate of James McLaws, James Cawley, ami William Rachels. Levied on us the property of Wm. K. Thompson, to satisfy a li. fa., issuing from the Justice’s Court of 120th District, G. M.. in fav-r of Frank H. MiUer vs. Wm. Anderson, principal, and Wm. K. Thompson, security, this 2d day of , April, 1868. Levy made and returned to me' by . L. L. Antlnmv, Cm i ; Constable. WILLIAM DOYLE. itov3—td Dep. Sheriff li. C. TTNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT— LJ Northern District cf Georgia.—No. 282. ALBERT HOWELL, Bankrupt, having petitioned for a discharge from all his debts proVa ble in Bankruptcy, all persons interested uro noti fied to appear ou the It th day of November,lß6B, at 10 o'clock a. ni., before Register Black, at At lanta, Gm, to show cause why the prayer of the Bankrupt should not be granted. The second and third meetings of creditors will be held at the same time and place. W. B. SMITH. October 31,1868. Clerk. n.v3-lt’ j IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United States for the Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of ) ROBERT F. CURRY, > Is BaxkruTtcv. Bankrupt. J No. 201. The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all his debts prova ble under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the first day of December, 1868, at 10 o’clock a. ra, at Chambers of said District Court, before Albert G. Foster, Esq. , one of the Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy, at bis office, at Warren Block. Augusta, Ga, and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bank rupt should not be granted. And further no tice* is given that the second and third meet ings of creditors wHI be held at the same time and place. Dated at Savauuah, Ga-, this 30th day of Octo ber. 1868. james McPherson, nov3—law2w Clerk. TN THE DISTRICT COUItT OF TUiv .1 United States for the Scuthorn District of Georgia. In the matter of )IN BANKRUPTCY. ROB’T R. WIMBERLY 1 Bankrupt. J No. 119. The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court fota discharge from ali bis debts prova ble under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby all persons interested to appear on the 17th day of November, 1868,at 10 o’clock a. m., at Chambers of said District Court, before A. G. Murray, Esq., one of the Registers of the said Court in Bankruptcy, at bis office at Macon, Ga., aud show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted. Dated at Savannah, Ga., this 30th dav of Octo ber, isos. james McPherson, nov3- laW-’w - » gClcrlt. TN THE DISTRICT C>U iff OF THE 1 United t'.tafos, for the Southern District yf Georgia. In the matter of 1 JOSIAH A. PARK. lIN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. • I No. 157. The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court fora discharge from all his debts prova ble mnler the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the 26th day of November, 1868,at 1 It o’clock a. m., at chambers of said District Court, Ixfore F 8 llcsscltinc. Esq., one of the Registers of the said Court in Bankruptcy,at Ms office nt Albany, Ga., and show cause why the ]»rajcy of the said petition of Iließankruptsliv’uld not brtgranted. Dated at Sav.-muili, Ga., tills 29tb day of OcHilier. 1868. XAMES McI’HKBBON, nov3—law2w C'lcA STAMMS & BOfiKSS, 132 Broad Street, A.ugusta, Ga. Q„ , FURNITURE Os Every Description, from the finest to the Cheapest! ! —— l Having enlarged our Establishment, we invite the Public to examine OUR NEW AND EXTENSIVE STOCK!! oct29 —3mos NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. IN THE DISTRICT COUItT OF THE ! United States for the Southern District ot | Georgia. In the matter of ) MOSES H. BALDWIN, i IN BANKRUPTCY, Bankrupt. ) No. 218. The said Bankrupt having petitioned tbo Court I for a discharge from alt hie debts provable under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all jiersons interested to appear on tliet2sth day of November, 1868, at 10 o'clock a. m.. at Chambers of raid District Court, before F 8 Hesscltine, Esq., one of the Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy, at his office at C. B. Wootens in Dawson Ga., and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted. And further notice is given that the second and third meetings of creditors will be held at the same time and ' Dated at Savannah, Ga., this 30th day of Octo ber, 1868- • james McPherson, n»v3—law3w Clerk. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE United Status for the Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of i IRVINC. WARNOCK, 5-IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. ) No. 221. The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all liis debts prova ble under tlie Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the 25tb!day of November, 1868, at 10 o’clock a. m., at chambers oi said District Court, before F: 8. Ilesseltiiie, Esq., one of the Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy, at his office at C. B. Wooten’s, in Dawson Ga., and show cause why the prayer of tlie said petition of the. Bankrupt should not be granted. And further notice is given that the second and third meetings of creditors will be held at the same time and place. Dated at Savannah, Ga .this 30th day of Octo ber, 1868. james McPherson, Hov3 —law3w Clerk. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE i United States for the Southern District of Georgia. in tbo matter of )IN BANKRUPTCY BEERS & BRINSON, !> Bankrupt. ) No. 169 The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all their debts prova ble under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appearon tbo 26th day of November,lß6B,at 10 o’clock a. m., at chambers of said District Court, before F S Ilcsscltine, Esq., one of the Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy, at his office at Albany Ga., and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted. And further notice is given that the second and third meetings of creditors will bo held at the same time and place. Dated nt Savannah, Ga.,this 29th day of Octo ber, isos. james McPherson, nov3 —law2w Clerk. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE A United States for the Southern District of Georgia— In the matter of ) LUCIUS G. EVANS, >IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. ) Ns. 127. The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all his debts prova ble under the Bankrupt Act of Marell 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the 25th day of November, 1868, at 10 o’clock in tlie forenoon, at chambers of the said District Court, before F. S. Ilcsscltine, Esq., one of the Registers of the said Court iu Ban k ruptcy,at his office at C. B. Wooten'a-in Dawson Ga., and show cause why the prayer of the said petition olthe Bankrupt should not be granted. And further notice is given that the second and third meetings of creditors will be held at the same time and place. Dated at Savannah. Ga., this 3 ’th day vs Octo ber, 1868. james .McPherson, nov3 —law2w Clerk, IN TllM DISTRICT COURT <>F THE J- United States for the Southern District o Gorgia. In the matter of | JOHN B. VANOVER, ]-Is Bankkwtcy. Bankrupt. J No. 219. The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court fora discharge from all his debts prova ble under the Bankrupt .Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby give:- to all persons interested to appear on the‘2ith day of November, 1868, at 4 o’clock p. m., at chambers ot said District Court, before F S Hesseltine, Esq., one of the Reg isters of the said Court in Bankruptcy, at his . office at O. B. Wooten’s Dawson Ga., and show . cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted.’ And ■ further notice is hereby given that the second and third meetings of creditors will be held at the same time and phice. Dated at Savannah,Ga.,this 3’ day of Octo ber, 1868. james McPherson, nov3—law2w . Clerk. I N THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED Slate? for the Southern District of Georgia. In tbo matter of i WILLIAM B.DA VIS ON kIN BANKRUPTCY Bankrupt. ) No. 193. The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court for a discharge from all his debts provable under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867. notice ie hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the first day <rf December, 13418, at 10 o’clock a. m.,at Cliambersofsaid District. Court before Albert G. Foster, Esq., oue of the Registers of said Court in Bankruptcy, at his office, at Wa ren Block, Augusta, Ga.. and show cause whv the prayer of tho said petition of the Bauky unt should not be granted. And further notice is given that the second and third meetings of creditors will be held at the same time and place. Dated at Savannah. Ga., tins 30th day of Octo ber, 1868. - JAMES McI’iIERSON, nov—law2w Clerk TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE 1 United States for tlie Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of ) 11. &N. E. SOLOMON, >IN BANKRUPTCY Bankrupt. ) No. 355. Th.'said Bankrupt having petitioned the Cpurt for a discharge from all his debts provable under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby giveu to all persons interested to appear ou the first day of December, 1868, at 10 o’clock a. nt., at chambers of said District Court, before Albert G. Foster, Esq,, one of the Registers nf said Court in Bankruptcy, at his office, at Warren Block, Augusta Ga.. and show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt. - should not be granted. And further notice is. given that the second’ and third meetings of ■ creditors will be held at the same time and place. 1 Dated at Savannah. Ga., this 30th day of Octo- ■ ber, 1868. james McPherson, nov3—law2w Clerk. J N TH EDIS HIIC'T CO URT OF TH IS UNITED I Stales for the Soiithurn District nf Georgia. In the matter of * GOODE BRYAN, '-IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. ) No. 163. The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Cburt for a dkcharge from all hiadebts provable under ■ the Bankrupt Aet of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to all persons interested to appear on the 26th day of November,lß6B,at 10 o clock in the forenoon, at chambers of the eaid District Court, fore F. S. Hcsselline, Esq., oue ot the Registers of the eaid Court in Bankruptcy, at hie office at Albany, Ga , and show cause wlyr the prayer of the said petition < t toe Bankrupt should not be granted. Dated at Savannah, Ga.. this 29th dav of Octo ber,lßiX JAMES McPHERSON, nov3— lawllyv Clerk M'l ss A. C. JAMES, AGENT FOR THE FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE, begs leave to announce that she has removed to No. ' 251, over Mrs. Mi Kinnoa s Millinery Store. Miss JAMES is amply prepared t» liltmiy ortierr with tlw latent. Paiti rna to make Ladies' ami Children’s Dresses. Mantles, etc. new— Imo jVII 13ai* liODins AND OTHER PLACES WHERE SPIRITUOUS LIQUORS ARE SOLD MUST BE Clcsed on Election Day. MAYOR’S OFFICE, f Augusta, Ga., Oct. 31, 1868. j Iu accordance with the Laws of Georgia the proprietors of all Bar Rooms and all other places where Spirituous Liquors are sold, are notified to keep such Bar Rooms and other places closed on TUESDAY’ next, the 3d of November, and until 6 o’clock a. m. of the Ith of November. Wm C. Dillon, Chief of Police, will sec that the above order io rigidly enforced. FOSTER tSLODO’ETT. nol —2t Mayor. To the Voters OF Richmond County, Georgia SHERIFF’S OFFICE, AUGUSTA, ) ’Richmond Co., Ou., Oct. 31,1868. \ You are hereby informed that in pursuance of the Proclamation of his Excellency, Rufus B. Bullook, Governor of the State of Georgia,three ballot boxes will be opened dit the Court House in the City of Augusta, onTUESDAY, 3d of Novem ber next, where all legal voters can deposit their ballots for Electors of President and Vice Presi dent of the United States. I will have a sufficient force to preserve order and see that every citui-.i entitled is allowed to vote as he pleases. ALBERT G. RUFFIN, Sheriff of Richmond County, Ga Augusta, Oct. 31,1868. aovl—2t HAUL, BARBER & CO , Insurance Ileoms, 221 Bread St,, AUGUSTA, GA. A KE PREPARED TO EFFECT 'INSURANCE xX on Roni Estate. Cotton, ami Mcrcliaudiso of every description, and to any amount iu all the reliable Insurance Companies iu the country. Tho following Companies arc espo i Jly repre sented by them vis QUEEN, of Liverpool and Loudon. LORILLARD, of New York. NORTH AMERICAN, of Hartford, i’oun. NORWICH, of Norwich, Conn. UNION, of Baltimore, Md. UNITED STATES, Fire aud Matit'O, of Balti more, Md. GEORGIA HOME INSURANT co., of Columbus, Ila. VIRGINIA FIRE INSURANCE CO., of Staunton, Va. FAMES RIVER INSU '.NCE Cd’, of ffiou teral, Va. SOUTHERN INSURANCE CO, of Nash*ille, Tenn. ALSO, MARINE and INLAND INSU v AN• ’K. LIFE and ACCIDENT. Manhattan life iNeur .kce co., of New Y'orli. A.-oets, January 1.-l. IS6B, $1,391,773. PASSENGER RAILWAY INSURANCE W, of Hartford, Conti. j<23 -l.y IVSIRVMi: PIRK, MARINO INLIIW THE SUBSCRIBER IS THE AG KN I'OF the following well known responsible Com panies, representing a paidqtpcapital and surplus of more than 11(1,0110,090 viz; Insurance Company, Harljurd, Conn. Phoenix Insurance Company, Hartford, Cvitn. Howard Insurance Company, Hao York’ Manhattan Insurance Company, Neto York, Standard Insurance Company, Hew York, Astor Insurance Company, Aew York. Commerce Insurance Company, A'cio York, Fireman’s Insurance Company, A’t'te 1 ork. Lamar Insurance Company, rVeto York Commercial Insurance Company, Aetv York, Mercantile Insurance Company, • A?ip York. Phenix Insurance Company, iCcto York | The .ETNA, of Hartford, the HOWARD, i MANHATTAN aud FIREMAN’S, of New York, were chartered near a half century since, and are | known as among the best and most substantial I Companies in the United States, as are the other j Companies named with them. ; I can insure SIOO,OOO on Cotton, in anyone of ■ our Warehouaer, and $70,900 on Cotton inti good Steamer, from Savauuah or Cl’arlerton to New York, or other Northern Ports. Losses equitably adjustedaud promptly paid. The patronage of the public is respectfully so licited. oct‘22—3m Wm. SHEAR, Agent, Augu-ta, October 22,1868. Letters of Dismission STATE OF GEORGIA, Richmond Caunli/> Wheabas, Jamci I. Bothwell, Administrator of the Estate of B. Smith, deceatcu* applies to me for of Dismission. These are therefore! to cite and admonish all and singular, tho kindred aud creditors of deceased, to be and appear at iny vltioe on or before the first Monday in March next, to she* cause if any they have, why naid Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand aud official signature at office in Augusta, thia 7th day of September, 1868. SAMUEL LEVY, sepß—tin Gm Ordinary- surgical Operations \l/ILL BE lEKFOKMED GRATUITOUSLY \ > at the Medic al College, during the SeasioiS !•> the mumbers <4 the Faculty. 7 L. A. DUDAS, jiovl— law4w Dean.